View Full Version : Mara Jade, your presence is requested.
Jedah Lynch
Jul 28th, 2000, 08:49:30 PM
*On a frozen wasteland cold and harsh a cloaked figure trudges through the snow to a huge dome in the distance, putting his hand to the control panel the door opens and he enters it proceeding down a corridor arriving at another door that opens revealing a lush tropical area within with tall green trees, green grass, and even a miniture waterfall. Staring at his relection in the water he turns around and waits*
Gav Mortis
Jul 28th, 2000, 08:52:56 PM
What your actually gonna attack a Jedi for a change???
My, my....that's quite a revelation!
Jedah Lynch
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:03:54 PM
OOC: I attack Jedis and lesser Sith such as TSC. If you had left RSO to deal with it's buisnees it may not have happened. Next time, know better. Or else.
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:18:53 PM
Why would he attack his wife?
Jedah Lynch
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:22:45 PM
Difference in philosophy.
She is light, I'am darkness beyond darkness.
Thus I do what I do.
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:23:57 PM
OK. Well, I guess I'll hang around for the fight then.
Gav Mortis
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:41:40 PM
Note: Lynch, I am not saying this for the sake of an arguement but I'm afraid your not a Sith. By defenition, a Sith abides by the Sith Code, last night you prevented the death of Yoghurt at the hands of TSC, I'm no lesser Sith and would take you out in an instant.
You prevented the death of one of the mightiest Jedi at the hands of fellow Sith, why?
Don't blame it on inerference in RSO's business because Yog was fighting me and accepted it, so why did you attack TSC?
Yog would have been dead by now!
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:48:39 PM
Jedah Lynch
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:50:24 PM
OOC: Some people just don't learn. If you wanted to discuss this then you could have brought it to the bar at RSO.
I find it humerous TSC preaches unity yet when it comes down to it they attack anyways, only when things do not go their way they begin with their common whining and complaining then leave. You even lost to the Gugans and yet porclaimed victory where none was. As for you, you were left alone, your presence was tolerated until the others came. No one not any Sith tolerate Itala. It is your choice to do so but don't think others will. He has tried to take other Sith groups and manipulate them before, this is his punishment. Exile and hate by all. Not even other Sith respect him. As long as he is here there will never be an united group with him in it.
As for your claim to take me out I find your words funny, my repuatation speaks for itself. Don't get in my way, groups like TSE, RSO and ROS are leagues and shoulders above TSC. That will never change. So stop your pitiful whining. What are you? A gungan?
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:59:10 PM
:lol: GUNGAN!!!:lol:
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:10:08 PM
I'm here Lynch...
Mara Jade1
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:10:22 PM
Yes Jedah?
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:12:57 PM
Hmmm .......
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:15:09 PM
Double hmm...
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:18:42 PM
Mara Jade1's personal pic looks the best IMHO - a woman of authority.
Darth Haze
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:18:55 PM
Triple hmmmm...
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:19:26 PM
Only 2 people:lol:
Jedah Lynch
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:29:33 PM
*Stares at the both of them and curses under his breath for not being specific. Looking at one that is an abomination of his former master and the other the clone that was produced from her Lynch stares at both his hand resting on his lightsaber*
*Turns to MaraJade1*
You, stay out of my way and...
*Turns to Lady Mara Jade*
You are going to come with me, I've let you waste your time with those screwball monks long enough.
*Starts to walk towards her with his hand on the lightsaber*
The dark side is calling.
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:39:18 PM
::Ignites her LS::
I'm not going anywhere Lynch.
Mara Jade1
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:39:21 PM
*Mara's eyes narrow*
I take orders from no one... least of all you. I came here at your request, is this how you treat your former teacher?
Jedah Lynch
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:47:08 PM
*Turns his face with some clear anger in his expression*
I do not remember my teacher having two pointy teeth that could be used to carve statues.
*Looking back at Lady Mara Jade slightly annoyed his eyes stare at her for a minute then walks closer to her and ignites his own lightsaber striking at hers making an audioable crackle sound as both connect*
You are going to come with me, one way or another.
Mara Jade1
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:54:48 PM
*Mara1 leaps at Jedah suddenly and slashes him across the chest with her long sharp claws, causing him to lunge backward and successfully freeing Lady Mara*
Don't touch her. If anyone is going to kill her it will be me and only at the proper time.
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:55:07 PM
::Lady Mara grabs Mara1 by the hair the tosses her backward::
I can take care of myself.
Gav Mortis
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:56:05 PM
OOC: Sorry to drag this on but as far as my fighting skills are concerned, don't stereotype me as a loud mouth TSCer who can't back up what he says because I can!
You dodged the subject anyway, how can you explain your attacking us whilst we were killing Yoghurt, imagine if he had been killed....what it would've meant for all Sith and you prevented it.
BTW I haven't left that thread...I'm still there!
Mara Jade1
Jul 28th, 2000, 11:58:49 PM
Oh for crying out loud.
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:07:33 AM
I hate to interject and ruin this thread of Lynch and Mara x 2's,
but Gav me and Ogre were attacked by a TSC member fighting the self-same yoghurt in a battle thread a ways back (a rather cheap and pathetic attempt i might add).(I forget his name, but will look back and edit it to this post)
EDIT: It was DarthBane2 in "The Return of DT" thread.
We took it as.. the other sith took an opportunity to attack
a hated enemy when we crossed his path....
my advice: get over it and lets get the hell out of this thread of L & Ms.
Jedah Lynch
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:11:58 AM
OOC: Gav you couldn't have killed him so the point is moot. BTW if you wish to debate this another time feel free to drop by the RSO bar, don't worry you'll be treated fairly.
*Rage builds up in him at this annoying intervention by the vampyre.*
You will not.
*Lunging towards her he duck her hand bringing up his elbow under her chin and spins to her side bringing his leg against her back. Staring up at a light fixture he force pulls it down crashing upon MaraJade, using this time Lynch grabs her by the wirst as he brings his knee to her stomach and flips her over onto her back against the ground*
*Turns back to Lady Mara jade*
Now where was I....
Gav Mortis
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:15:43 AM
OOC: Thanx Lynch, will do.
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:16:01 AM
:: Atreyu ponders ::
Mara Jade1
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:24:38 AM
*Gritting her teeth Mara stumbles forward*
You idiot!
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:24:40 AM
UGH! ::Lady Mara groans and falls to her stomach as the pain shoots up her back::
Mara Jade1
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:24:52 AM
*Mara1 spins around quickly then sweeps Jedah's legs out from under him. As he falls she drives her palm into his face sending him flying backward*
Perhaps I should remind you what you're doing...
*Mara1 ignites a small lightdagger and shoves it into her leg, sending herself and Lady Mara to the ground. Slowly her leg begins to heal itself*
Jedah Lynch
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:33:21 AM
*Taking a look at Lady Mara Jade then back to MaraJade he flashes a grin at her*
Do you really think I forget so easily?
*Kneeling down to her he grabs the light dagger from her as he holds her wrist and then drives it down into her other leg*
Because I don't.
*Bringing up his foot across her face he holds onto her wrist pulling her foward again kicking her directly in the face. Reaching down he picks her up by the throat with one hand and tosses her into the wall and force pulls the metal off pinning her arms to her sides as they encircle MaraJade in metal*
Don't worry, she's tough.
*Grinning her stands over Lady Mara Jade*
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:43:45 AM
::Mara shuts her eyes trying to block the pain as it is only temporary and reaches up with her leg, kicking the Sith in the spine. He soars forward in Mara1's direction::
Mara Jade1
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:43:50 AM
*Mara looks up in time to see Lynch flying toward her rapidly and leaps into the air. She plows into him with both fists and sends him to the ground*
We don't want to kill you Jedah but we will if we are forced. Leave this place.
Jedah Lynch
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:54:14 AM
There is a we now?
*Rolling up to his feet he jumps towards MaraJade spearing her in the stomach.*
Since when did what a person wanted was important?
*Grabbing her arm he yanks it outward then ducks under it while twisting, snapping the arm almost breaking it. As MaraJade falls to her knees in pain he smashes his knee into her back then force pushes her face first into the ground*
Death has yet to claim me.
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:12:52 AM
::Shutting her eyes Lady Mara uses the force to calm herself as the pain shoots through her body. Concentrating, she lifts Lynch high into the air, forcing distance between him and Mara1. As he hangs suspended Lady Mara charges her fist with electricity and pulls him toward her like a magnet. Suddenly he is blasted in the spine and sent crashing to the ground... the many volts of electricity cursing through his body::
Mara Jade1
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:13:05 AM
*Mara rises to her feet slowly and tosses a forcefield around her former student.
Turns to Lady Mara*
You realize that we're at a sever disadvantage.
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:15:11 AM
::Catching her breath Mara looks up toward Mara1::
I noticed.
Jedah Lynch
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:32:37 AM
*Clutching some grass in his hand he does his best to block his mind from the pain shooting through him, but then gets another idea, letting the pain course through him, he channels it into anger over it being inflicted upon him in the first place. Releashing that anger he shatters the forcefield and brings his boot to Lady Mara Jades knee. Force pulling both of them towards each other, their skulls smash into each other*
*Kicking MaraJade in the ribs knocking her to the side Lynch uses the dark side to summon the dark force web ensaring Lady Mara Jade in it which begins to sap her strength. Seeing MaraJade being drained of her strength as well he takes out a small dagger noticing her trying to stand and throws it into her knee*
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:36:06 AM
::Mara stumbles backward slowly then falls to the ground, losing consciousness::
Jedah Lynch
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:43:02 AM
*Noticing Lady Mara Jade falter he realizes he must act quick before MaraJades healing ability fully kicks in. Feeling the darkside through him he creates a funnel of water from the pond to rise entrapping MaraJade battering her before it slams her against a large branch of a tree cracking it in two sending her crashing to the ground on the back of her neck*
*Quickly arriving at her position he brings his fist down upon her face as she tries to stand up sending her head down to the ground. Stepping back he looks at both of them, realizing MaraJades healing ability can kick in healing them he he tosses his lightsaber up at a cord running against the wall cutting it free, holding out his hand the cord flys down into his palm, turning back to her he moves her hands behind her back tieing them up and then ties her to the tree before running back to the body of Lady Mara Jade, picking her up he hoist her over his shoulder and begins to exit the building.*
*Opening a panel on his gauntlet he activates a beacon that sends a small craft down in front of him. The ramp opens as the Sith carries LMJ in and sets her down on a side bed before strapping her down. Going to the controls he hits a button that takes the ship out into space before entering hyper space*
We're going home.
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:54:43 PM
As Saurron goes to free the bound Mara he sees the bright lights of Lynch's ship fade into the cold night as it leaves for space...
_With one swipe of his nails the cord loosens around her and he helps Mara to her feet. Seeing the anger in her eyes ... Lynch will show her the Dark Side once again and you may experience some pain from that. As they walk to the shuttle Your ties with life will sever as you grow stronger and as such will your ties with the clone be severed too.
_The two creatures of the night board the craft followed by Saurron's dark troopers. Gracefully lifting off they enter space and jump into hyper space on a different heading than that of Lynch's.
Lady Mara Jade
Jul 29th, 2000, 04:05:51 PM
::Mara wakes slowly and looks down at the straps that bind her. Shaking her head slightly she shuts her eyes and uses the force to unbind herself. Standing slowly she walks into the c0ckpit where Lynch is sitting. Extending her hand she force pushes him into the front console, smashing his face into the panel. Moving up behind him she grabs him by the hair and smashes his face several more times into the panel then slides her hand down to his neck and lifts him out of his seat::
What exactly do you think you're going to accomplish by bring me back to your RSO? Are you actually so delusional that you think you'll somehow turn me?
::Mara then tosses him forward into the wall. As he turns she spins around and kicks him in stomach. As he begins to fall forward she grabs him by the shirt, pulling him forward as she falls to her back and places her foot on his chest, then throws him over her head. He flies forward several feet and lands on his back.
Mara walks toward him slowly and glances down at the ring on her finger::
Look at yourself. You attack me, bring me here to your ship and plan to take me to your insane cult of Sith all so that you can turn me. Where did the "love" go? I wonder if it were ever present. You are a Sith, you don't know what love is. Hatred is all you see and I was just as blind when I made the decision to become one with you.
::Mara strips the ring off her finger and tosses it down at Lynch::
I declare this union annulled on the basis that I was suffering from temporary insanity when I married you.
Jedah Lynch
Jul 30th, 2000, 02:47:46 PM
*Staring down at the ring a look of anger builds upons his face twisting it into a silent rage, slowly standing he looks up at her as the ring drops to the floor. Standing for a long while not moving or speaking he simply stares at her, looking down at the ground with the ring he looks up again then slowly places one foot forward before the other slowly walking in front of her stopping only a short distance without his lightsaber ignited, his face looking directly at hers*
Why do you think I came after you?
*Moving his hand up to the side of her face he holds it there*
I wanted you to be by my side, and it was not just for the aspect of turning you. Do you know the battle I went through wondering if I should have came after you long before this when you first joined them...
*His mind drifts away remembering before he again looks at her as the thought passes*
I use the darkside to aid me in battle and the hate. But is that all there is? No. Unlike the Jedi who take children from their parents to make them into emotionless beast of burden for the republic Sith use their emotions. We use them to our advantage, the Jedi have to worry about giving in to their emotions for it makes them lean towards the darkside.
*Slowly he rises his other hand to the side of her face and holds it there*
Why do you think I came after you? To just turn you?
You were not blind, you knew what you were doing and so did I.
*Leaning forward he kisses her on the lips for a tender second then moves back. Turning around he takes several steps before reaching over to pick up the ring, holding it up he simply stares at it*
Lance Casey
Jul 30th, 2000, 02:53:17 PM
(This message was left blank)
Jedah Lynch
Jul 30th, 2000, 03:00:25 PM
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:09:49 PM
:: In high orbit, the Imperial Star Destroyer Nefarious waits, a pinnacle of space superiority power. On the bridge, a rough-looking man with salt and pepper hair stands with his hands clasped behind his back ::
Commander, prepare my ship. I will be making the transfer soon.
:: A bronze-toned man in an imperial uniform salutes him and walks down the bridge gangplank. The commanding officer then turns to a communications specialist. He hands him a datapad ::
Lieutenant, signal Lynch on his ship, and transmit this message in Cyan-4 format. I don't want anybody listening in.
Lieutenant Yans: Yes Sir.
:: Satisfied, the Lounge Lizard leaves the bridge. Several minutes later, his personal craft, the Oozaru II, launches from the main hangar bay, accompanied by an escort squadron of TIE Interceptors. Onboard Lynch's ship, Lynch's communications device beeps with a message. After uncoding it, he reads it ::
(Operation Amethyst is underway. Proceed to the rendesvous point for cargo transfer)
Jedah Lynch
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:26:52 PM
*Hearing the beeping his hand holding he ring goes down to his side. Walking to the com, he reads the message then looks up at nothing before turning back to Lady Mara Jade.*
You couldn't listen...
*Taking out a small gun he shots a small needle in her stomach making her collapse. Picking her up gently he puts her in a seat*
One day..maybe you will forgive me for what I do.
*Turning the engines on the ship heads for the rendesvous point provided, shooting through hyperspace the ship exits, Lynch looks up at the Oozaru II and it's escort of TIE fighters coming in view. The Sith punches in a coded signal*
This is Lynch the target has been subdued, requesting link up for the transfer immediately.
*The shuttle begins to slow down beside the Oozaru II connecting the door bays. Lynch stands waiting for the commander to arrive and take possession of the precious cargo*
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:31:35 PM
:: The airlock doors open and LL enters the shuttle, flanked on either side by two of his personal soldiers. With a small hand gesture, the soldiers pick up Mara and proceed to carry her aboard the Oozaru II. ::
Next destination, Lynch?
Jedah Lynch
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:43:55 PM
A small dust ball planet, we have a facility there.
We will deal with her there in the proper way.
*Behind the shuttle coming out of hyperspace the Calisto (ASD) Accuser2 (SD) and Border(SD)arrive with an escort of TIE fighters.*
The coordinates have been given to your ship.
*LL leaves aboard his ship while another comes down hooking up with the shuttle, moving onto the new ship and taken to the Calisto he takes the command chair and leans back. Placing his hand on the arm of the chair he lifts it up and looks down at the ring*
Ensign: Sir. Orders Sir?
Follow the plan. Go to the meeting point, call in all TIEs and lets leave this area.
Ensign: Yes sir.
*Breaking out of formation the ships spread out to cover the vessel holding the Jedi captive.*
Open transmissions.
Where you are ready LL, lets go.
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:49:49 PM
:: The Oozaru II docks aboard the ISD Nefarious. Down the gangplank walks LL, and his personal guard carrying Mara's unconcious body. ::
Guard 1: Captain LL, what should we do with the prisoner?
LL: Confine her to the special guest quarters, and prepare the processing equipment. Treat her civil, but not too civil. She is far more dangerous than she appears.
Guard 1: Yes sir.
:: The guards once again continue to move Mara, as LL makes his way to the Nefarious' bridge. Once there, he opens communications with the Accuser ::
Lynch, this is LL, I am proceeding with the transfer.
:: LL turns toward his navigator ::
Engage light speed.
:: The ISD Nefarious glides into the stars as its lightspeed drive kicks in ::
Jedah Lynch
Jul 31st, 2000, 02:02:10 PM
That's an affirmative.
Follow the Nefarious to the destination.
Ensign: As you command sir.
*Lynch puts his hand to his chin silently thinking as the ships massive engines propel the ships through space on their course to the choosen planet.*
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