View Full Version : STONE...
Jul 16th, 2000, 04:47:30 PM
I want your @#%$y behind here.
Darth Stone
Jul 16th, 2000, 04:54:34 PM
:: Stone ignites his LS ::
You rang? I always wanted to fight you Boricua or is this something else?
Jul 16th, 2000, 05:11:15 PM
OCC: Nah, just a battle. Damn I cannot even write @#%$y, damn EZBoard. BTW I don't know for how long I'll be online, and I don't know when I will be back. So if this thread falls down, don't worry I will reply.
IC: Since you think you are all that. Give your best shot.
Darth Stone
Jul 16th, 2000, 05:42:45 PM
Your Faite will be the same as Sage's !
Setting: A Arena
:: Stone runs to Boricua with a Force Tackle knocking him to the Arenas wall. As Stone jumps back he sizzor Kicks Boricua in the Face, Stone lands on his Feet. Stone inhances his Punchs and Kicks with Force Speed and Stregth, Then with amazing speed punchs and kicks Boricua all over his Body bruising him bad. Stone connects a Round House kick to Boricuas Face with a Punch to his Arm dislocating it, Stone then jumps back with his LS at hand, Standing in defense position ::
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:04:10 PM
:: A small stream of blood flowed from Boricua's nose, all the way to his chin. The red drops continued their journey, pulled by gravity, running down Boricua's neck, and finally dying on his jedi robes. JB stood up and clean up the blood with the back of his right hand. The jedi looked up and gave Stone the coldest stare the young warrior had ever experienced. Boricua could feel the fear in him, the confussion, the quest for the power that he craved. Stone was powerful, no denying that, but he lacked that spark that all true warriors have. Perhaps with time he will gain it ::
"I asked for your best shot. How hypocrite of you to use FORCE SPEED and FORCE STRENGTH, moves you learn at THE JEDI TEMPLE, some even taught by me. I will show you the mistake you have commited, you would have made a great jedi but your c o c k yness and EGO made it impossible. It's a pity I will have to defeat you to show you what you have given up, for the only true power is the power of the FORCE"
Spadix From HPC
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:12:34 PM
his faite?
Fire Hazzard
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:31:49 PM
His FATE???? My brother's still alive, and he's a Jedi Knight. What certain fate did he meet that I don't know about? You two seem to get along, so what all this about now? :: Unclips her LS from her belt and gets ready to kill Stone, if she has to ::
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:43:51 PM
No Fire, no sense in getting you in danger. Let Stone to me.
Darth Stone
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:45:06 PM
:: Stone looks JB in the eyes ::
Thats not even my worst shot im just playing!!!
I will give you one free shot come on GREAT Jedi!
Fire Hazzard
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:49:42 PM
Hey Stone, lose the tough guy crap and answer the question
Sage Hazzard
Jul 16th, 2000, 10:54:40 PM
OOC:He defeated me in battle Fire, not killed me. He buried me under a bunch of rubble and I was already bruised and battered, so me, being the fair RPer I am, admited defeat. That is what he means. :)
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:16:33 PM
"You will regret this"
:: Ah the intensity of battle, Boricua couldn't get enough of that. Feeling every part of his body Boricua prepared the assault. Calming his mind, touching his soul Boricua grabbed his LS. The hiss made by the weapon brought the famous quote to JB's mind: "an elegant weapon for a more civilized time". Spining his weapon Boricua approached Stone. Bringing it to a 90 degree angle the jedi lunged foward. Both bladed collided. JB then rolled to the left and brought with his right elbow hitted Stone in the back of the neck. He leaned foward as Boricua finished his roll. JB finished the attack hitting Stone on the back with the hilt of his LS ::
Fire Hazzard
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:18:05 PM
Well he's not very nice is he.
Thanks for clearing that up, I'll leave y'all alone now.
Darth Stone
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:36:54 PM
:: Stone feals his anger rising and uses it against JB, Then the LS battle comes into place, Both fighters blocking each others hits one after another. Stone then kicks JB down and knocks his LS away. Stone holds his Right to the Jedi Masters Neck. Stone then Force Recalls JB's LS and clips it to his belt ::
Nice LS JB I think I will hold it for a while.
Jul 16th, 2000, 11:52:40 PM
:: while Stone busied himself stealing what is not yours Boricua gave him a knee to the groing. Flashes of pain ran through Stone's nerves, his face turned red. Using both hands Boricua grabs Stone's right hand and inflicted pressure on the wrist. This forced DS to loose his grip, then with one hand Boricua grabbed Stone's fingers (all of them, except the thumb) and yanked hard. With his other hand JB turned Stone's arm in an akward angle, forcing him to get on his knees. JB released the hold on the fingers and with that hand repeatedly punched the newly turned sith on the neck, in a 90 degree angle. The blows reduced the flow of blood to the brain as the sith began to snooze ::
Darth Stone
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:04:36 AM
:: Stone gains his power and gets the flow of blood running. Stone grabs his LS and choaks JB lifying him 5 inchs in the air. Stoen kicks JB in his balls. JB screams for air, But Stone only choaks harder, The Jedi Master passes out on the ground from no air, Stone kicks JB hard in his Balls and Ribs breaking 3 more ::
Jul 17th, 2000, 12:43:55 AM
:: Good thing Boricua wears a cup for his battles, sith love hitting the groin and the jedi wanted a family in the distant future. But the ribs, broken innumerable times, and it always hurted like hell. Now breathing was going to hurt. But the sith made a mistake on his attack. Thinking an opponent is down is a mistake only wreckless fighters do. Using some jedi techniques Boricua slipped into a trance, hence faking loss of concience, he set pain as the wake up signal (if you don't know, once a jedi slips into a trance he/she has to set a word or an emotion as his wake up signal, so the moment I feel pain I will wake up). Now in the floor Stone's kick does some damage, it also wakes up Boricua. This time he wont get what he wants. He loaded another kick and before it hit, Boricua grabbed the ankle, twisted it sending the sith to the floor. In one jump Boricua stood up and put his right boot into his opponent's back, inflicting pressure and neutralizing him. Boricua grabbes stone's belt, removed his red saber and used the belt as a whip on Stone's back. The shinly junk that was attached to the belt cut Stone's back and the belt burned his flesh ::
Darth Stone
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:56:44 AM
:: Boricua did not see one thing on the belt and that is the self destruct. Stone force recalls his LS away and the Belt blows up in Boricuas face. Stone grabs Boricua's ankle and does a drop toe hold knocking Borica Down to the groud busting his Jaw. Stone jumps up quick he blocks the cuts pain from his Back. Stone then ignites his LS and slashs down on Boricua cutting his chest. Stone then drops a knee on Boricuas throat bruising it, Stone presses Harder and jumps back in defense position LS in his hand ::
Jul 17th, 2000, 11:48:18 PM
"A sith blocking pain, you have much of the jedi inside of you. That makes you weak"
:: Finishing his sentence Boricua stood up. The self destruct of the sith's belt left some first and second degree burn on his face and upper body, nothing a little bacta couldn't fix. Now this was a true duel. No hidden weapons, shields, bombs, only two combatants with a lihgtsaber. Kids start the barbecue coz there will be fireworks TONIGHT! With a faint smile on his face Boricua approached Stone. Using Force Speed he began to orbit around Stone. With each circle he got a bit closer. 10 feet, 5 feet, 3 feet...POW!...Stone got hit once in the chest and once in the back, almost simultaneously. Boricua ignited his LS, hitting Stone once more. Now all the sith could see was a red blur. Cutting time...JB started slashing the confused sith all over the place. Blood began to stain his black robe. Suddenly JB stopped dead cold right in front of DS, with both hands hit each side of Stone head, took a step backward and using force enhanced muscle kicked him right in the middle of the chest sending him against the far wall of the arena. JB threw his LS and guiding it with the Force cut the upper part of the wall sending debris on top of his opponent ::
Darth Stone
Jul 18th, 2000, 12:26:38 AM
:: A small voice is herd ::
:: Stone blasts out of the rubble, now enraged with Anger flowing through him, He runs to Boricua and fly kicks him in his face sending him back Stone Force Recalls his LS to his hand an slams the butt end of the LS in Boricua's eye making it black, Stone Slashs the blinded Jedi in the chest making a X as blood comes down the Jedi's Robe, Stone Force Tele. to choak Boricua, Boricua turns purble Stone only choaks harder, Stone hits Boricua in the Stomach making him bleed through his mouth that is shut almost completly, Stone makes a Force Punch to the ribs of Boricua breaking a few more, As Stone jumps back he kicks Boricua in the Jaw breaking it, Stone lands on his feet LS in hand standing Defense ::
Jul 18th, 2000, 12:52:45 AM
:: Calmly, trying to ignore the pain Boricua stood up. Clipping his LS on his belt he began to walk, very slow for his ribs hurt, toward Stone. The sith looked doubtfoul for he did understand what Boricua's strategy, surely approaching a sith like this was foolish. JB kept on walking. For some reason Stone did not react, he just couldn't stop looking. Once he was close Boricua open his mouth and spat the blood that was in his mouth all over Stone face and cloth ::
"That is the blood of a true jedi, one that does not seek power, one that is faithful and loyal to his friends, it's the blood of what you could have been. That is the blood of the one who will bring your end"
:: Boricua eyes turned white as he let out a scream that filled the arena. AHHHHHHH!!!!! He loaded his right hand and in one swift stroke JB hitted with his open palm at Stone's heart. The blow was charged with pure energy. It penetrated Stone, it bind him. The Force reminded him of his happy moments at the jedi academy, of his promotion ceremony, of his teaching and the training of his padawan. The pain, emotional and physical was tremendous. He falled on his knees. Boricua lookeed down and with no pity, for traitors deserve none, kicked him in the face ::
Darth Stone
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:11:02 AM
:: Stone gets up ::
Save you pity for the Pitfull!!!
:: Stone uses Force Tele. choaking Boricua again, But Boricua keeps on telling Stone about the Jedi Times that he had ::
:: Stone silences Boricua with a Punch to the Stomach. Boricua land lands on his Knees ::
Your blood! Heres real blood!
:: Stone spits out his blood infront of Boricua ::
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:26:18 AM
:: Stone's blood evaporate as it touches JB's calm aura. Light is stronger that darkness, light a match in a cave and it iluminates a 20 feet radius ::
"I can feel your pain. You are scared, you know you are doomed. The DArk Side will lead to your destruction.
:: Still in his knees, Boricua raises his right arm and with his forearm hits the sith in the Nuts. Now standing up Boricua gave him a nasty punch to the ribs, followed by a one two combination on the jaw. Finishing the move with a small jump, turning half the body and kicking the sith with his right leg on the chest. JB landed, ignited his LS, crouched and rolled to the side. He cut Stone's right knee ::
Darth Stone
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:32:39 AM
:: Stone gets up ::
Shut up! Boricua!!!
:: Stone now fully loaded with anger Slams down on Boricua knocking him out, Stone fires two Force Blasts knocking Boricua around, Stone jumps back LS in hand standing Defense ::
Jul 18th, 2000, 01:59:54 AM
"Don't toy with me Fool. I know how you feel, young and confused. You think you have power, you believe you have made it, that you are in control, that you are UNBEATABLE. A thousand times Fool, you can hurt my body with your Dark Side, but my soul will remain intact for I have been reborn. I now fully understand what a jedi is, what a jedi needs to do. To bad you never did, you would have been great. Go celebrate your small victories with those you see as "friends" but don't turn your back on them. They will betray you once you become an obstacle in their quest for power. The Dark Side has begun it's work, you will loose your SOUL"
:: Severely hurt, Boricua will not use his hands for this assaul. He simply sits down and meditates. Suddenly a small green plant comes out of the sand. Stone looks at it. The plant begins to grow and...thousands of vines come out of it, they tie Stone motionless, in such a way that he cannot move his LS. JB then cuts a 300 pound piece of wall with his LS and Force throws it at Stone. The Crack sound the impact made came from no cereal ::
Darth Stone
Jul 18th, 2000, 02:29:54 AM
:: Stone stays under the wall hours pass, a blast is herd and Stone comes out ::
"I knew what it ment to be a Jedi" OK I will enjoy watching you fall to your knees beging for Mercy!!!
:: Stone has a couple Vines on his Legs but he cuts them off. Stone charges for the Jedi and Force Tackles him to a wall stning his Back. Stone lets go and ignites his LS, a nose is herd like a ahh! Stone just cut Boricua's Stomach. Boricua falls on the ground as he fades away from blood loss. Stone kicks him in the Ribs again just before he jumps back, LS in hand standing in defense ::
That will teach you to shut your mouth! I always knew what it ment to be a Jedi! But did any of you care?!?!?!?
Jul 18th, 2000, 09:00:08 PM
:: Now on the floor Boricua looks up at the sith ::
"yes no turning back now. Trying to avoid your pain. Telling me to shut up. Too afraid to look inside of you, to know the truth. You know very well that if you do everything that the sith stand for will be crumbled, destroyed. And so will be you. Listen to what I'm saying, it would be a pity to destroy you. You had and have great potential, you are wasting your power. ::saying this JB begins to stand up:: I do not want your soul to be lost. You were born a jedi and deniying it will only destroy you"
:: Boricua extended his arms. Birds begin to sing, Trees grow green and healthy, Peace fills the Arena. A white aura surrounds JB. His wounds begin to heal, the blood in his clothes and flesh evaporates. He levitates. He opens his eyes. In a fraction of a second Stone is on the other side of Arena, bleeding, battered, bruised. The ray of Light Side thrown by Boricua was too much ::
"And one more thing, YOU CAN'T SHUT ME UP"
OCC: I'm am no fully healed. My ribs are still broken and the internal damage is there, I just began the process and I wont be fully heal until the battle ends.
Darth Stone
Jul 18th, 2000, 09:28:20 PM
:: Stone looks around ::
I told you to be quite old man!!!
:: Stone gets ready to fire a Force Bomb ::
Jul 19th, 2000, 12:30:53 AM
Go ahead. Do the best you can.
Darth Stone
Jul 19th, 2000, 12:36:41 AM
Its your shot take it old man!
Jul 19th, 2000, 01:25:30 AM
:: As DS prepares his energy attack Boricua begins a frenzy of punches, kicks, elbows and LS slashes at the defenseless sith. Bones break, teeth get loose, blood pours, flesh is burn. Boricua ends it all by hitting him straight in the right knee, busting the cap ::
Darth Stone
Jul 19th, 2000, 02:27:44 AM
:: Stone pops his Knee cap into place ::
hmhmhmh weak minded Jedi!!!
:: Stone grabs his Dagger and impales Boricua's hand with it disabling it, Stone gets his Dagger out only to Stab Boricua's other hand, Now that he cannot use his hands he cannot use his LS he is left almost helpless. Stone fires 3 Force Blast at Boricua they hit sending Boricua flying back to a wall stuning his Back. Stone grabs his LS and stabs throgh Boricua's stomach as he falls to the ground, Stone jumps back LS in hand standing in defense ::
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:32:34 PM
"Now hands eh? No problem. PUnches, kicks, energy, they are nothing compared to the power of THE FORCE"
:: Boricua stares at Stone. His cold eyes struck fear in his sould. He thought that fear made him powerful, he thought that fear will give him power. How mistaken he was. It was that fear that made him weak, it was that fear that made him vulnerable, it was that fear that was eating him alive! Yoda's words cam to mind: "once you start the path of the darkside, there is NO turning back". Poor, poor Stone, he left all that made him happy, he was going to meet his destiny, I am his destiny!!! Still staring Boricua raised his arms. Blood ran freely, some stained his clothes, but most of it stained the dirt, giving the arena the resemblance of a Roman coliseum after a gladiator match. But Boricua remained inmutable. The intesity oh his face was enough to scare a wookie ::
:: A huge tremble filled the arena, it felt like a small earthqake had hit. Every rock and pebble in the stadium was lifted. With the simple move of his arms the jedi send them all flying at the sith "warrior". A thousand projectiles had as a target Stone's existence. The biggert and heavier ones impacted the sith's head, leaving craneal injuries. The smaller one hit the arms and legs, cuasing hundreds of small injuries, some of them penetrated the flesh causing internal bleeding. The sharp ones were aimed at the chest and belly. Many penetrated the stocmach and came out through the back, breaking bones, ribs and piercing vital organs. Stone's battered body fell to the ground as a puddle of blood grew around him. On th eother side Boricua fell exhausted::
Darth Stone
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:42:20 PM
:: Stone weak by the Jedi's attack slowly gets up on his feet with bruises and cuts ::
You were right about one thing...I will be great!!!
:: Stone grabs his LS and strikes down the Jedi with great force it hits the Jedi Masters Stomach as it bleeds down The Jedi Falls and Stone falls down as well as both Warriors are on the ground with a pudlle of blood on the bottom of each of them, as they are exhasted on the ground ::
Jul 19th, 2000, 10:52:38 PM
OCC: I'm bleeding, but not because of the LS cut, remember that with a LS cut your bleeding rate is only minimal. The blood coming from me it's because of the daggers.
:: As Boricua layed on the ground he enter a trance. He saw all happy visions, his family, his training, his homeworld. He saw beautiful landscapes. He saw many of the now gone jedi masters. There were Yoda, Obiwan, Qui-Gon (Boricua's favorite), Anakin and Atreyu. None said a word. They were only looking at him, smiling ::
:: Boricua came out of the trance, not fully healed but with enought strenght to stand up, grab his LS and...::
OCC: It's your call now.
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:02:59 PM
Dude this ain't going nowhere. How about you do this move and we get this judged?
Darth Stone
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:06:12 PM
:: Stone is strck by the LS on his Back, Enraged with A-N-G-E-R he grabs his LS and gets up striking the Jedi Master hard, Stone slams the Jedi's LS away and holds his LS to the Jedo's neck... ::
OOC: Your call!
Jul 19th, 2000, 11:50:29 PM
:: JB knees Stone on the nuts, he falls to the grouhd and next to JB. They cannot go longer ::
OCC: I will ask Vengeance to judge this fight, for he is part of no group. 'k?
Darth Stone
Jul 20th, 2000, 01:13:10 AM
OOC: NO because me and him had a FIGHT, I say lets ask a BountyHunter or a Leader like DT, Rama, or......Itala! what so do you think?
Jul 20th, 2000, 07:37:57 PM
Itala...that's good.
Second choice DT coz I think Rama is gone for a while.
Itala Marzullo
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:05:49 PM
LOL< sorry Boricua, he kicked your ass. My humble opinion.
Jul 20th, 2000, 08:10:23 PM
well you win some you loose some. I'm not going to agree with you, for I think my storytelling was better but you are the judge.
Great fight Stone. Now where isthat bacta tank...
Garik Loran
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:49:33 AM
No freaking way. Stop smoking weed and read a bit better there your empororship.
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:49:43 AM
I disagree with Itala, but what ever
Darth Stone
Jul 21st, 2000, 03:36:07 AM
:: Shakes Boricua's Hand ::
Great fight! I hope we can fight again some day :)
:: Stone jumps to the Rafters and leaves ::
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