View Full Version : The Swamps of ................ (RPG)
Jul 12th, 2000, 07:06:47 PM
The mists of the swamp part as the ship lands in the rainforest, the mists swirling.
The gangplank drops, I come out, and with my helmet scanners working overtime to help see through the darkness, walk out, the mud squelching under my boots.
Others come out of ship, spreading out.
(Note - turn off signatures after first post, declare all weapons when joining in and special capabilities. All weapons to be Star Wars)
I am - Venom
I carry - 1 lightsabre, 1 blaster, 5 charges, one Force Pike. I am armoured in black Royal Guard armour. I am a Rogue Sith.
The target will be told shortly when the rest of the Rogues are in position
Master Yoghurt
Jul 12th, 2000, 08:00:12 PM
::The landing platform of the YT-1300 Corellian Freighter lowers.. a group of Jedi steps out. A tiny little green creature dressed in some old robes looks over the area.. "A disturbance in the Force, I feel could. Somewhere in this vicinity. The presence of evil strong is. Carefull we all must be.. senses alert must be kept". Yog calms his mind and lets the Force flow around his body and the surroundings to sense location of evil..::
DT: Yog, I think you finally lost it. We left Coruscant just for this mudhole?
Yog: The Force called me here did. Grave danger to happen is. Search your inner self.. deep inside, sense it you do too.
I wear some old Jedi robes and a cape. A walking cane. Two lightsabers. A backback with: Medical supplies. Root stew. Water. A flash light and some flares. Explosives. Comlink. A couple of smoke grenades.
(OOC: Might be good idea turning of sig allready from first post on. Lets keep this thing loading fast)
Darth Havok
Jul 12th, 2000, 08:44:42 PM
(OOC- Good idea, ether one or none)
I exit the transport quickly, wielding a small-spectrum transceiver in hand, I make my way about three hundred metres from the ship through the murky haze, I come to a thickly tangled branched tree, and plant the small satellite unlink into the cracks of the dense tree.
I fold out a small control panel and begin compiling data, detecting all sorts of objects, energies, and fields within a certain perimeter of the dish.
I carry on myself, comlink, two duel sabers one clipped at my side the other concealed beneath my robes. Also carry a pair of daggers, one steal, the other crystal. I wear a stealth Heavy-grade dura-armor, have some carbon rope, with attachable fusion disk. I also have a pair of flame carpet warhead charges (highly flammable) flash goggles, a Fusion cutter in a pouch at my side, Electro binoculars, a small medkit with hydro extractor, some injectors, bacta bandages, and some insta-meal rations..
Open com to all Rogues. “perimeter readout in place…”
Gav Mortis
Jul 12th, 2000, 08:56:19 PM
*Gav emerges from out of the mist as though he had been waiting for the arrival of the Rogues and Jedi, not looking up, wearing his Sith robing and his face concealed by his hood he eventually grinds to a halt in the center of the swap, waiting...*
OOC: OK, this looks like it'll be a good'n.
I have a black-bladed saber.
A titanium bo.
A pair of sai daggers.
A syntherope.
The Dark Side.
Jul 12th, 2000, 09:08:57 PM
:: Hera moves stealithy from her craft, crouches and covers herself in the black mud of the swamp for camouflage. Opens her comlink to Havok and Venom and makes one precise clicking sound to notify them of her arrival.
She moves forward with great caution, and much anticipation of the night ahead... ::
Carry single-blade LS, 3 daggers, one blaster, whip coiled at my hip, small pack containing detonators (4), medi-kit,feild-rations/water. Master of the dark-force.
Dark Lord Eve
Jul 12th, 2000, 10:02:54 PM
:::Eve walks in, with no special entrance, just joining the frenzy that is about to occur. She shows no emotion in her face, and nods to HERA who is in her sight alerting her of her presence, turns to Havok, then Venom, and does the same:::
:::Carries one DB saber, ten stared daggers (chinese stars), one thermal detonater, two blasters, four disease carrying Yuuzhan Vong beetles, one amphstaff.::
Jul 12th, 2000, 11:16:04 PM
Good..... there is enough of us gathered....
We are on Dagobah and the target is the Jedi's they are supposed to have here. Move out, find the hut and report to the others. Engage the Jedi at will
Spadix From HPC
Jul 13th, 2000, 12:23:28 AM
Spadix shifted uneasily, from foot to foot. She didn't like this place. She gota bad feeling from it. She wondered if her powers worked here. She tried to form a chi blast & faied.
Spa: K'so! SHimmatta! Kisamma! Baka! My powers don't work. ARG!
She stomped over to DT & Yog
Spa: Yo, whats the deal?
OOC: I've got a lightsaber, back pack(contains Med pack, change of clothes, a hat(lol, my WUVS hats) & a spare power core for her LS), & can I have my sythe? it's a thermal sythe, blue & it can shoot one attack from it. If not thats OK. & it's not OVERLY powerful ^^ It can cut down a large tree in about 10 swings, but it takes about an hour. Thats 'cause of the damb air... affects the performance ^^ lol.
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 13th, 2000, 03:15:35 AM
:: The trees shake violently as LL's ship, the Oozaru II touches down. LL wastes no time, walking quickly down the ramp and eyeing all the Rogues around him ::
So, we are to attack the Jedi.
I have with me:
The Shenlong's Fang lightsaber, with naginato attachment.
Orange and white expandable polymer armor fitted over a shiny black synthetic body glove.
Jedi Alpha
Jul 13th, 2000, 08:47:58 AM
::Alpha appears behind Spadix::
Hello what are we standing around for? I sense the Sith close by so can we just go and attack 'em?
{OOC:I have no weapons on my black jumpsuit. I have an ability that won't come into play until later, and you'll see what it is then... I carry no med packs, or demolitions, or anything like that...I'm deadly enough as it is...}
Jul 13th, 2000, 12:48:32 PM
An Interdictor Cruiser emergeses from hyper space and quickly assumes position in the planet area....
As the heavy cruiser moves into position a tall figure stands on the command deck gazing out the observation window. If one could see under the hood of his cloak they would see an evil smirk grow across an other wise serious face.
Speaking to himself:: Finally after months I have two of the Young Ones ...
Commander:: Lord Saurron we have taken position and are ready.
Saurron :: Good...engage the gravity-wells we dont wany any ship making the jump into hyperspace.
_Upon this command the ship is filled with a low frequency hum. The ship vibrates as the four huge wells charge up to produce what is to be a simmulation of a stellar body in space preventing any ship from making the jump into hyperspace. The wells come to a full charge and what seems to be a blurry image races forth from the ship.
Commander:: Gravity wells at full power sir
Saurron :: Prepare me a shuttle...
Saurron wears the typical black robes of a Sith with his uvcombat suit underneath it is armed with all the goodies
sith dagger
4 thermal detonators,
4 plasma grenades,
two pairs of stun cuffs,
double bladed LS.
ON suit is a wrist mounted light blaster.
Helmet has a small red force field that covers the lens to repel saber strikes.
Due to his age Saurron can take the partial sun light like that of a dense swamp but it does drain energy from him. So he is wearing the suit for good measure.
__Saurron is accompanied by his remaining 4 dark troopers and Lord Soth
Lord Soth carries: stun cuffs, double lightsaber,dagger
____NPC characters; Troopers-med. blasters and LS
they have very minamal force powers enough to block blaster shots and the like.
Darth Havok
Jul 13th, 2000, 06:10:31 PM
*Nods for Eve, and Hera to take a look at this*
“Ok, what you see here is the main power instillation, these area’s here represent their sensor sweeping area’s and restrictions, that are currently active I would suspect, and these here are other various censored area’s that seem to be for the auto defenses, and other various power sources..”
*Continues examining the readout carefully, noticing something as he pulls out a small data pad, typing a message up and relaying it back to the shuttle..*
*message says*
CW ~ “I’m getting your transmission……slightly delayed, but it is still coming…
Hav ~ “Good, what do you think?
::short pause::
CW ~ “Lets see…..Have you seen grid thirteen…?
Hav ~ “Yes, my thoughts exactly…
CW ~ “What would you like me to do sir…?
Hav ~ “Well, get out here and keep an eye on these real time readouts for me….. And bring a small trench shovel, I may need to do some digging…
CW ~ “I’m on my way….
(Cw=Crazywillie, is a Jawa that is loyal to the Rogues, he is very handy at technical things he is currently on board the shuttle, he carries a blaster rifle and that’s about it, if you seek further explanation, I’d be happy to oblige)
*Rises propping himself up on a branch from the tree, and looks into the direction of his objective with his binoculars. Scanning the area..*
“humm…*regains his cover, and speaks to Hera, and Eve softly*…”I wouldn’t go past that tree line there ::pointing it out :: where that swamp begins.. Our positions will be revealed…. One of you should stay here, to keep an eye on things, and the other come with me to be my eyes while I work…. Whose it gonna be”?
Jedi Alpha
Jul 13th, 2000, 06:16:58 PM
::Alpha senses a deep darkness coming down to the planet, and begins to get slightly afraid::
Does anyone else feel Saurron's presence around here?
::alpha hands glow lightly with plasma energy::
Dark Lord Eve
Jul 13th, 2000, 08:21:26 PM
*Eve nods to Havok.."I will go with you..." her face remains expressionless. She treads along close to Hav as he scouts for targets. She scans the areas around her, turning her head silently, parallel to the wind to pick up sounds. She draws one blaster and holds it out covering herself and Havok while they tread, her other hand rests upon a small pack attached to her hip, the pack full of the beetles...
Jul 13th, 2000, 08:36:58 PM
Looking left then right to see the Rogues spreading out, I move forward, scaning the area with a helmet mounted scanners, looking for the biggest heat spot that would signal where the Jedi are based. It pings a likely target and I smile
"Rogues.... probable target 450 meters. Hard to tell in this dense forest, but the scanner says several humanoid creatures in a group. That's likely to be them. Spread out and check it out"
Jul 13th, 2000, 08:55:42 PM
:: Hera turns her eyes on the target below and hears the faint noises as Havok and Eve vanish into the mist. She brings her blaster from its holder and filters every sound and sensation for enemy prescence ::
Dark Lord Eve
Jul 13th, 2000, 09:56:09 PM
*Eve silently hits Hav lightly on his shoulder, telling him shes stopping for something, she holds her blaster to her mouth to suggest that he should be quiet and not ask her what she is about to do. She motions with her blaster to lay low.
Eve crawls silently, weary of branches and leaves, along the ground until she is in sight of the target Venom specified. She grabs the beetle's pouch from her waist, and releases one beetle towards the Jedi.
She then motions Hav to fall back and they crawl back to their course keeping sights on the Jedi. She smiles at his obvious wonderment of why she went to the trouble. She gets on her comm and whispers to all Rogues...."well if we miss a few now, they will get theirs later..." all knowing she just released a Yuuzhan Vong beetle, likely to disease a Jedi or two within the next few minutes...
Darth Havok
Jul 13th, 2000, 10:07:37 PM
*Willie arrives at there position*
CW ~ as you requested…*hands him the shovel*
Hav~ good, now keep an eye on these readouts, if there is trouble, let me know right away, and I will contact you further if necessary… When I reach that exact point in grid thirteen, let me know.::hands him an spare comlink..::
Cw ~ Will do…:: settles down leaning his rifle next to the trunk he leans against, and observes the panel.
*Hav and Eve slyly and cautiously move through some thick entangling wood, minding to keep out of plain sight, and moving with great stealth through the lurking shadows and dim haze. A small trickle of rain falls lightly from the dark and murky overcast sky. The only sound being the rustle of creatures in the distance, and swaying branches chattering from the light breeze of this moonlight night….
…As he gets the signal from Willie he stops in mid step extending his arm with shovel in hand, as Eve also seizes her movement, he speaks to her with that of the Dark Side…::”this is it”::… She gets into a strategically placed position able to see all flanks from her present location. He sinks the shovel into the ground, and digs steadily for a few moments going a few metres (light saber length) below ground level, he comes to something solid…
…He digs around it being discreet with the metal box, also minding the conduates entering and exiting the unit…”Ah, finally!”…Eve still keeping her watchful senses high, and on the look out for anything… He reaches to his side pouch taking the fusion cutter from it, and into his hand cutting hand, he lowers the setting to a minimal strength, as he examines the box. Sliding his goggles over his eyes. With much forethought of not wanting to set of any alarms and such, he cuts a suitable place, knowing this model of security type technology…
…He slices a layer of panel off, unveiling the variety of vital components and confusingly looking wiring. Wires his data pad to the security line, and the frequency starts to display on the screen….”Jack pot” he begins to record the sensory analysis at this time makes a recording of the present things that the main sensors are sensing. After between ten to fifteen minutes he is satisfied, and examines the data….”this may actually work”.. He begins to set it up to play the recording continuously, which in theory would allow them to enter into there sensors undetected, at least for a short time…Starts the recording…
opening a com to all rogues.. “Venom, they are about to be in for the surprise of there lives.. I believe I’ve got the main sensors taken care of, as for the auto defenses, can’t promise that… Hav out“
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 14th, 2000, 12:10:13 AM
:: LL quickly climbs a tree, and uses its higher vantage point to detect the enemy ::
Jul 14th, 2000, 04:35:50 AM
As the shuttle leaves the Heavy cruiser Despondent an escort of TIE Fighters come in close for the trip to the planets atmosphere then peel off and continue to patrol the sector. As the shuttle heads down to the planet surface the com opens :: Transferring landing coordinates of the RSO to you now...
OOC: This is actually a reg star destroyer as you know but the two look very similar except for the four huge spheres that protrude through the top and bottom of the ship.
Jedi Alpha
Jul 14th, 2000, 11:19:35 AM
::Alpha funnels his plasma powers and forms a sword looking weapon::
Spadix From HPC
Jul 14th, 2000, 12:09:02 PM
Spadix stands quietly beside Alpha.
Spa: LL is here. I can sense him.
Spadix lapses back into silence.
Jul 16th, 2000, 12:54:30 AM
The shuttle lands near the RSO landing area Saurron and the others file out and set out to catch up to the Rogue Siths. Sloshing through the swamp Saurron reaches out with the darkside to locate his brethren Sith.
Jedi Alpha
Jul 16th, 2000, 02:42:36 PM
::Whispers to Spadix::
I can sense him as well...
::Alpha walks away from the group of Jedi, and goes looking for the Sith groups::
General Scorpion
Jul 16th, 2000, 03:28:46 PM
*Slipping behind a tree, Scorpion checks his gear again.. He swats at a very large insect that flies to close to him and listens in on the comlink, slowly moving from tree to tree..*
Jedi Alpha
Jul 16th, 2000, 03:30:57 PM
::Alpha absorbs his energy sword and continues walking, letting the darkness hide him::
Spadix From HPC
Jul 16th, 2000, 05:35:33 PM
*Spadix Follows Alpha, moving quitely & stelthily, not bothering to hide her presence. She knew it wouldn't matter in the end*
Spa: I'm coming w/you Alpha. We gotta stick together...
Darth Ogre
Jul 16th, 2000, 08:19:09 PM
:: catches up with the rest of the Rogues after stopping to relieve himself after disembarking from the landing craft. Ogre moves silently and low through the swamps coming up on Hera's position. Ogre looks at her with a questioning look on his face and she nods, letting him know that the time is almost at hand. She motions towards him with her hands signaling that the others have spread out and gone on ahead. ::
Carries 1 LS, 2 steel daggers, 1 crystal dagger, 1 old weapon style battleaxe, and 1 pouch, containing a few med supplies, field rations, 3 thermal detonators and a small med kit.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:02:54 PM
::Thrawns flag ship the NSD Nebula Cloud Drops out of hyper space then moves into a close orbit of the planet..::
::Thrawn boards his shuttle then it exits the NSD::
::The shuttle heads down to the rogues location::
Carries: 1 Saber, 1 flash grenade, 1 plasma grenade, 1 com link, 1 blaster, thin armour under his imperial suit
Jul 16th, 2000, 09:25:02 PM
I climb over a fallen tree and I see ahead the Jedi' current base. I sense the presence of several Jedi, I unhook a sabre and advance further.
"Rogues.... report when in position"
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:28:32 AM
LL here. I am in position in the forest canopy, and have a vantage point over our salient of advance. I have detected the Force power of the Jedi known as Spadix. She is attempting to probe our positions, I believe. However, I cannot seem to locate any other Jedi in the near vicinity.
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:49:31 AM
Good. Keep her quiet - eliminate her if necessary
Spadix From HPC
Jul 17th, 2000, 01:58:56 AM
*Spadix was chilled. She didn't know why, but she was... she glanced over at Alpha, he didn't seem to have noticed anything. Then she relized it. LL. He knew she was here. She shuddered quiely & kept walking, huring to catch up to Alpha*
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:34:45 AM
:: LL shadows Spadix...keeping distance and observing from the trees ::
Darth Havok
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:38:00 AM
*A keen sense overcomes him as he finishes covering the hole he dug with some scattered brush, and branches. He feels an already noted source stir in the Dark side from a short distance away, he speaks to the nearby Eve telepathically… ”We are not alone, I can sense him near.”.. They begin to move slowly toward the Jedi’s hidden main generator emplacement he discovered in his sensory analysis....
As they moves through the inky blackness of the swamps, listening to the trickle of the rain patter against the ground, and the occasional rustling of insects in the murky distances.*
Comlink- "Hav here, we're coming up on a target, I can sense only light defenses for now. We'll be moving into position very soon, I'll report if altercations are to arise.."
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 17th, 2000, 02:43:55 AM
:: LL leapt from tree to tree, following Spadix as she patrolled the area. Gradually, he got closer, until he was in visual range. LL saw Spadix, and unexpectadly saw Alpha ::
This is strange. I did not detect him.
:: Spadix looks up in the trees and spots LL. She reaches to her belt for her lightsaber ::
Dammit...she's spotted me.
:: LL cups his left palm, generating a small white energy sphere. LL throws it at Spadix, who twirls her lightsaber at the tree LL's standing in. The saber cuts through the tree, and LL loses his balance, falling to the ground. ::
:: The energy sphere LL threw missed its mark slightly, but hit the ground near Spadix, causing an explosion that sends the Jedi airborne ::
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:00:55 AM
My attention snaps to the sound of a distant explosion.
In the comlink I swear and ask what was the cause of the explosion
Spadix From HPC
Jul 17th, 2000, 03:09:15 AM
"K'so" Spadix muttered, as she twisted mid-air to get her balance back. "shimatta," she cursed again, as she landed on the group in a crouch. She called her LS to her. re-ignighting it w/a snap hiss. She fliped & landed b/side LL. She took a defensive stance. "what do you want Lizard?" she growled, glaring, "why did you attack us?" she questioned, shifting her wieght, redy to defend herself if nesecary.
OOC; lol, it's 3am, not my fault if my post makes no sence. BLAM THE COKE. I've had 30 cans now... hehe. urp.
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 17th, 2000, 08:48:28 AM
:: LL taps the communicator on his scouter ::
Venom...I've engaged the Jedi. Sector 23-b.
:: Looks at Spadix ::
Why? Because it will further my goals in the end.
:: Spadix prepares for the fight and charges herself with Force energy. LL steps back...not expecting Spadix to have learned so much since their last encounter. Just then, a flash of motion blurs from the bushes as Alpha bursts forward, hammering LL across the face with a charging cross. LL is sent to the ground by the attack...his scouter flying off the side of his head and clattering on a rock ::
Damn...forgot about him again. Two times. That is inexcusable.
Jedi Alpha
Jul 17th, 2000, 10:25:59 AM
::alpha fires a plasma burst into L's scouter, destroying it and then gives LL a crescent kick kick to the jaw, fazing him for a second::
Spadix! Get out of here, warn the Jed!
::alpha gets blasted back by a ki blast from LL, and jumps up again, firing a plasma blast, and catching LL in the chest::
Spadix From HPC
Jul 17th, 2000, 11:31:13 AM
Fine. But I'm coming back as soon as I can!
::Spadix concentrats & silently prays that this works. She opens a portal::
Alpha, be careful.
::Spadix steps into the portal(these thigs are still allowed, ne?) & disapeared from veiw. The portal closed p after her.::
************************************************** **********
Spadix landed with a splash on a spongy chunk of land.
"ack! nani? WTF?! WHERE AM I?!" She yelped, suprised not to be where she had aimed to go. "ARG! Stupid portals... I shoulda known they wouldn't work. Spadix no baka," Spadix muttered. "why'd LL have to follow us... this sucks..." shecontinued to curse as she survied her surrondings. She saw a big shape moving towards her. "Uh oh. I DON'T like the looks of that..." she cursed again. "K'so." She ignighted her LS, & took a defensive stance.
************************************************** **********
OOC; lol, I didn't sleep till 5:30 & now I'm up... not my fault it my posts make no sense.
Darth Havok
Jul 18th, 2000, 06:38:57 PM
(I don’t believe they are, could be wrong spadix, have you ever seen a Jedi us a portal?)
*They move through the shadowy darkness towards there objective, but all of the sudden Havok grabs Eve by the collar and pulls her down next to him. They lay low and crawl into a small hollow trunk, averting themselves behind some shrubs, and heavy thicket shielding there Dark senses, as a squad of rebel defenders march by, heading toward the sound of the explosion.*
*He speaks to her softly as the squad moves off into the distance.."They've just weakened there defenses some in this area, we should strike soon."
Jul 18th, 2000, 09:40:47 PM
:: Hera nods to Ogre to take a closer look at the compound below. Ogre responds in a low voice "there is increase in the activity all of a sudden.....they must know we are here"
Hera doesnt take her eyes from the Jedi base and opens her comlink to Havok and Eve again.."they are alerted"
She turns to Ogre.."lets hope Havok and Eve put all in place, for the big show" and grins wickedly ::
Jedi Alpha
Jul 19th, 2000, 09:21:58 AM
::alpha snlams LL with a double hammer strike to both of LL's temples, knocking him out cold, and then reaches out with the force for the first time today, and also in the process revealing his location, senses for the Sith::
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