View Full Version : building fleets and the rest
Darth Bane 2
Jun 27th, 2000, 04:40:09 PM
there has been lately a disagreement with fleets, here I have drafted some rules which we could later dicuss:
- You get to keep your flagship and personal fihters, toehr than that, every groups fleet must be built from scratch.
- EU is legal, but only within tolerable limites, no fleets of suncrushers, crazy stuff, ect.
- Ship length limit : 25km
- build time of ships: Fighters 3 days, medium vessels 1 week (i.e. reg. star destroyer), large vessels 2 weeks (SSD's)
- An exception will be the death star, this you can build only one at a time, and they take 3 months to build, same goes for world devastator.
- You must have a forum/board where you announce and catalogue all ship construction (not that anyone would want to cheat, but better safe than sorry)
- Build limit: you can only build 10 figters at one time, 5 medium vessels at one time, and 1 SSD at one time.
- Ship yards cannot be attacked/destroyed (we want to keep the action in here)
- Ships come equiped with crew.
For the EU, I would rather stick just to pure SW, but some EU is good. But no fleets of DS's, no undetectabvle ships, no crazy weapons, no huge cannons, nothing that is considered
too extreme, this included shields and armor.
Any additions/recommendations/comments should go here.
Lord Gue
Jun 27th, 2000, 05:22:37 PM
Great Idea, but a few things. Ship yards should be able to be attacked, not destroyed of course. That way, groups can be able to build more ships than other groups and things wont be equal. Also, there should only be allowed certain ship yards, for instance make all ship yards curently existing be allowed, and the creation of anymore be frowned upon, follow?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 27th, 2000, 05:32:35 PM
of course, that would be pretty bad if someone created 20 ship yards and churned out an entire fleet in a week. There should be a limit of only one ship yard per group.
OK, we could attack other hsipyards, you mean maybe like destroy other's ship while they are being built, its interesting, but I wouldn;t want this to boil down to a war of attrition where everytime youu start a new ship, you get attacked, that would ust get hectic, we could put a limit, like 1 attack per 3 months, so you would have to strategically think if you want to attack now and destroy a SSD and maybe risk having a Star Destroyer be built, it would add a big thinking aspect to the battling.
Lord Gue
Jun 27th, 2000, 05:40:58 PM
see, its a good idea. TCB already has its ship yard of Former Echo base. Now, if we could get this idea of yours a little bit more realized and known....
Darth Bane 2
Jun 27th, 2000, 06:33:47 PM
well that is why this is here so we can all decide on a solution which will make battleing a bit less argumentative.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 27th, 2000, 06:51:51 PM
ship yards should be atacked and maybe destroyed...
for ESD's ands NSD's up it should take 4 to 5 weeks
for deathstars and world devestaTORS you must make a roleplaying thread at to build them
to build a shipyard there must be a roleplaying thread at (TSC say they hafve a shipyard now but it was destroyed in the jedi council wars they were building the deathcannon there is no way rthey could have the resorres to also build a new shipyard)
there should be a limit to your fleet size, i have been building mine for over 10 months and i have 50 or so capital ships i stoped building ships a few months ago
i agree to everything bane said i just added my own ption to thses rules before they are set i tihnk it would be better if we made it a these the board rules for the navys
Darth Bane 2
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:00:41 PM
no building shipyards as threads, you juist have them b/c it woudl just be a big hassle. Just put add a board to your personal forum, and all you do is announce building there. Making threads here would just clog up the forum if every group (think about it 4 groups) would have threads.
but yeah, the time should be extended on SSD's and I like the Rpiong idea for the DS and World D's.
Also, in a Rping clarification, GSC Drive Yards couldn't have been destroyed namely because they aren't on Coruscnt, and since I am the founder/manager of GSC D.Y., I am the only person who knows where they are (since I am the only employee), but soon you will know what planet they are at.
Lord Gue
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:13:28 PM
So, 1 flagship per group, 1 Shipyard per group, and No destroying but attacking of shipyards is allowed, and having set ship building times. Thats what we agree to so far, right?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:17:18 PM
yep, but you can keep your original flag ship if you wish.
Do we agree on the 25 km ship limit length? (excludes Death Stars and World D's)
Lord Gue
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:24:21 PM
I cant agree to that, TCB builds only two ship types. OF, the Omni Frigate, The workhorse of the fleet, is pretty small, and cubish in shape. but the TCBD, TCB Dreadnought, is the flagship of the TCB fleet and is always being upgraded, updated, made larger (If you read up on how a TCBD is made, then you would know what I mean by made larger) already The Faith is 18 KM long, and if memory serves about 3-6 KM thick....
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:25:36 PM
my empire has a flag ship per each fleet, thats four fleet four flag ships, but the flag ships are not all the same type
the first fleet is a ESD i think
2nd is an NSD
3rd is an NSD
4th is an ISD
as for the ship yards we have 4 ship yards
and we are close allies with the imperial brother hood witch has a large ship yard...
and i think flag ship should be damaged but noy destroyed enless it is done very well...
limit 4 shipyards
flag ship depend on class type and i can make the empire only use one flag ship but make it so the fleets just have a command ship
Lord Gue
Jun 27th, 2000, 07:46:26 PM
that works too
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 27th, 2000, 08:07:37 PM
Great idea!
Jun 27th, 2000, 08:48:33 PM
heyyy ive already earned my dev!! and made the rest. . . but im willing to drop all but one and keep the one as a personal ship.
Gav Mortis
Jun 27th, 2000, 09:03:34 PM
No we do NOT agree on the ship length...wait there!!!
Gav Mortis
Jun 27th, 2000, 09:09:36 PM
I might be wrong here but I am sure the Nebula class SSD is about 35km long and as long as enough time goes into building it I believe the limit should be much greater, but not rediculously!
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 27th, 2000, 09:30:04 PM
there are two NSD's and it took about 3 months to build them
started before arounf jan and it was finished durring the start of deathstar part 2
Darth Dyzm
Jun 27th, 2000, 10:09:07 PM
Should Have Resources to, Does Anyone have the game Rebellion? If so, use that as a Template. and then go from there
Gav Mortis
Jun 27th, 2000, 10:11:35 PM if you take long enough you could make a NSSD even if it does take 1 1/2 months.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 27th, 2000, 10:25:13 PM
yeah but an NSD can only be built by the imperial empire!
(we copyrighted it!)
ya thats right
Darth Bane 2
Jun 28th, 2000, 12:01:03 AM
OK, so this is what we have decided on so far:
fighter : 3 days
medium vessel (reg SD) : 1 week
large vessels (big SD's or Gravity Well Ships) : 2 weeks
SSD's : 4 weeks
Death Stars/World Devastators : 3 months
Shipyards can be attacked but not destroyed
Flagships can be attacked but can't be destroyed (unless very creative - we will have to elaborate on that)
1 flagship per group
You can carry over any personal ships and 1 flagship from your current fleet.
currently being debated:
number of shipyards - this si tough, since you imperials won't confront Jedi/Sith on land in combat, so it it kinda unfair that you can get a huge fleet amassed 4 times as fast! We could compromise that Jedi/Sith can attack and sabotage your ships and you will have 3 shipyards.
NSD's - we could have it set at 1 1/2 months, but allowing just one group to build them is a bit tilting the odds in your favor... The build time would be longer the bigger the ship is.
Ship length limit - I guess we could settle on 35 km, but I think that it is waaay huge, could we settle on 30 km perhaps?
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 28th, 2000, 01:02:48 AM
the imperials fight on land and in space
if TSC didnt blow up coruscant so soon we would of had ground battles
the fleets come in the knock out enemy fleets and transport troops, then the ground fights begin
for example: In the jedi council wars we fought on land and space
Lord Gue
Jun 28th, 2000, 01:49:38 AM
TCB uses its own ship clases, TCBD and OF's......what about those?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 28th, 2000, 02:06:46 AM
so bottom line, how many ship yards. I say 3 each group, a good number, not too small, not too big.
Also, for the sake of fairness (sorry GA Thrawn) but I say that all fleets start from scratch, I know the Imperials especially have been doing this for quite some time, but it would be a bit unfair if you had a 4 fleet advantage over your closest rival.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 28th, 2000, 04:04:38 AM
I dont think i is fair for the imperial fleets just to be wiped out and we start over.
just because other groups didnt start fleets a year ago dosent mean the ones that did wipe out there fleets
when TSC had 50 members and the sith empire had 7 did they say hey ow about you get rid of all your members and we starts over? no thats not fair to TSC and this isnt fair to the imperial empire
from the movies the imperials has fleets and the rebels had what a few fighters in the ep,4, but in the ep6 they built up there fleets to match the imperials, now what your saying means that the rebels sould have said hey wait we dont have fleets get rid of all yours and lets both start from nothing
no my group will not wipe out our fleets and start over
Gav Mortis
Jun 28th, 2000, 04:09:32 AM
I agree with grand Admiral Thrawn on this one, the Imperials had the initiative to begin constructing fleets LONG AGO and it would be incomprehendable to ask them to put all their efforts to waste so that their enemies have a better chance of beating them, what you suggested, Darth Bane 2, isn't fairness I'm afraid.
Jun 28th, 2000, 04:09:47 AM
I think the Imperials should start with a set amount, because of who they are. Nothing big, but something
Does anyone the Rebellion stats put up?
Jun 28th, 2000, 04:13:32 AM
Well I don't know. The few times I have battled using fleets has been with my other character Ackbar and since your imperial group is set after ROTJ well I thought that I'll use what the New Republic has some years after ROTJ which is a pretty big fleet. The jedi themselves don't have any capital ships, we simply use the New Republic for our space battles. Since there is no official new republic group there is no official fleet. What should we do in this case? Start from scratch or go with an estimate?
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 28th, 2000, 04:30:12 AM
I think the alliance should go with an estimate
you did first just pull fleet out of no where, but it dose make sence that there should be an alliance fleet on this board, well they didnt pull it out of no where they pulled it from the books and movies so i think the jedi should maek a forum for alliance stuff on there board a alliance shipyard a section for rebels and what not that would make them more prepared for the next imperial attack
now for TSC to estimate a fleet i dont think they should do that, being an roleplaying group and has no past to follow from the books or moveis just from what they have done and gone though at and, from the roleplating right now TSC is on the run from the empire there 3 big ships were just destroyed and coruscant is gone there home, TSC should start from scratch they should have some small craft but no huge ships as of yet..
and to build hge ship you have to have the resorces make a roleplaying thread takeing out a world to rule over, like the imperials make roleplaying threads for finding world dev, and building the deathstar, we also took out mon cal and some other things, to be able to make something like a deathstar or NSD you need to have the power on this battle ground by makeing roleplaying threads takeing over worlds and what not..
the jedi beat TSE in a roleplaying thread so they have good power and recorses right now
the imperials just beat TSC and in the past had no loses so we are in a state of power right now
the gungans they realy cant build fleets but they have a grand army
TSE they are hurting i dont think they can build a fleet with out makeing some RPG threads to reclaim some power
TSC they just lost there home and are on the run from the empire so they cant just build huge ships with out wining some RPG threads
RSO, they are being helped by the in the fleet area by the imperials they will be building there ships at my shipyards i think, and BTW you can buy ships from my shipyards so groups like TSC and TSE who right now dont have the reorses you might have the money to buy a ship or two
Darth Bane 2
Jun 28th, 2000, 04:36:07 PM
well if you are speaking in RP sense, then TSC can build big ships because GSC Drive Yards sin't based at coruscant, nor is any other company. The resorces that we have is from the commercial empire I started a while back. With a few assassinations of heads of state my company is in control of many top resource centers (all undisclosed for obvious reasons).
I don't agree with this "you are weaker" this just takes away from the fun of Rping, with this it is just starting to get to serious, it is more like a competetion than a game. I mean the point of this is to have fun, not to be all serious about it. Bercause if it is like this, then once someone gets ahead they stay ahead since they can crush a navy that is being rebuilt very easily. There must be a line where you stop before we start to have to take logistics and salaries into account!
But anyways the improtant stuff:
3 shipyards per group? I say yes.
Since there are building times for ships, there are also ship values, of course you could build a bunch of smaller ships instead of building a SSD. So you wouldn't have to build them one by one, you can build a few at once (i.e. 1 SSD= 6 SD's)
Death Star:: Time- 3 months = 1 NSD T- 1 1/2 months = 2 ESSD T - 4 weaks = 2 SSD T - 3 weeks = 6 SD's T - 1-2 weeks = 12 smaller vessels T - 1 week = 36 fighters T - 3 days
Lord Gue
Jun 28th, 2000, 05:18:01 PM
OF T - 1 1/2 weeks
Darth Bane 2
Jun 28th, 2000, 06:02:39 PM
Ok, so do we agree on 3 shipyards per group?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 29th, 2000, 12:41:47 AM
Grand Adm Thrawn
Jun 29th, 2000, 12:52:11 AM
my group needs four shipyards because it not only builds ships for my groups but others
Jun 29th, 2000, 04:10:33 PM
back at the attack on mon cal, my dev ate mon cal and made 2 more wdevs. here is the current status of my personal fleet
Building: 1 NSD, 2 ESD, 5 SOSD
Have: 3 World Devs (stats in return to coruscant thread)
Darth Bane 2
Jun 29th, 2000, 04:57:07 PM
yeah, thats fine, but you can't use that 4th shipyard for personal fleet building, only for constumers, and no ship laundering stuff either
Lord Gue
Jun 29th, 2000, 07:58:29 PM
Current TCB fleet:
OF- Glory
TCBD- The Faith
4 OF's almost finished
Jun 29th, 2000, 10:46:17 PM
Ok I like all this. When Yoghurt returns he and me will make the shipyards and do the estimates on the size of the fleet. For now we will run the New Republic also.
One more thing, since our ships are different from those of the imps we should establish some scale to equal your building time.
And can one group capture another ship, say the imperials get a calamari cruiser, can we use that ship in a future battle?
Darth Bane 2
Jun 30th, 2000, 09:09:00 PM
Yeah that would be fine with me JB.
And Lord Gue, could you translate those acronyms for me?
Lord Gue
Jun 30th, 2000, 11:44:53 PM
OF = Omni Frigate
Lord Gue
Jul 1st, 2000, 12:05:40 AM
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