View Full Version : Exodus
Rama Sha
Jul 24th, 2000, 04:42:02 AM
:: The Star Phoniex Comes outta hyperspace over a large planet. ::
Rama: R6, send out the probe.
:: From under the ship a small canster is launched and heads towards the planet. ::
Christine Gue
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:40:05 AM
Rama cool pic.
Darth Ogre
Jul 24th, 2000, 04:53:54 PM
:: from somewhere in the vastness of space, but not all that near the Phoenix, Ogre pilots the Dauntless(YT-2400), looking at his Nav displays. He opens a communication channel to Rama ::
Ogre here. How does it look? Should I send the signal?
Jul 24th, 2000, 05:50:56 PM
I like that song!
Exodus, movement of ya' people.
Rama Sha
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:52:59 PM
Thanks Mrs Gue...........that sounds werid. :lol:
:: Rama's voice crack over Ogre's comm link. ::
Hold on, just now printing off the data.
:: Rama looks over the print out. ::
M class, lots of nautral resources.
Looks good Ogre, just one problem. This shows a small, but peacefull race already on this planet.
Christine Gue
Jul 25th, 2000, 08:44:04 AM
Wonders to herself why rama said that her name sounds weird that is who she is. The wife of Lord_gue.
Rama Sha
Jul 25th, 2000, 06:39:19 PM
I know that. I think it werid calling my Wife Mrs Sha, let alone calling someone else by another ones last name.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 25th, 2000, 06:41:09 PM
::SIts in old,sleek yet junky looking space ship, with smoking coming out of it.::
"I swear after we finda way to land this sumbitch...we're gonna fix this thing up right even if we have to STEAL OGRE AND RAMA"S SHIP PARTS RIGHT OUT FROM UNDER THEM!!!
::this is heard through the commlinks.::
Kero:...Uhm...The Commlink was on...
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 25th, 2000, 09:56:47 PM
::Commlinks snas on again.;:
"Ogrew...Ramam...QUick...tell me where I can land this sunuva bitch, this piece of @#%$ing @#%$ is Screwing aorun more Than anything......"
Kero: Besides Rama and Nuriko like you said..
Kero: Your just mad That YOU have a junked up @#%$!
Rama Sha
Jul 26th, 2000, 01:23:21 AM
:: Rama voice cracks over Ogre's com. ::
Im gonna set down on the outskirts of one of the larger cities......see it they are devolped enough to pose a threat to us.
Darth Ogre
Jul 26th, 2000, 02:28:28 AM
:: Ogre responds to Rama, knowing this signal can be intercepted ::
I hope they can put up at least a bit of a struggle, as we commit genocide. I'll send out an encrypted comuniquee for the others to all be ready to make landfall on your signal.
:: Ogre turns to his console, flips a few switches and sends out an encrypted broadcast message ::
The bird is in position, execute staging positions, and hold.
:: Prepares for the hyperspace jump ::
Rama Sha
Jul 26th, 2000, 02:51:19 AM
There doesn't seem to be any kind of a fleet around this planet or any kind of of landbased space defenses from my scan. I think it would be safe to bring the rest of the ships through.
I'll contact you once I reach the surface.
Darth Cell
Jul 26th, 2000, 02:58:13 AM
*circling in high orbit of the planet, darth cell shadows rama, ogre, and the others. the cyborg's body maintains its functions in the cold expanse of space by using various protective energy fields. hoping to get a better look, darth cell dives into the atmosphere, streaking straight for the settlement*
Darth Ogre
Jul 26th, 2000, 03:01:10 AM
:: sends out another encrypted broadcast message ::
Clear for strike positions. But hold when there.
:: Ogre's craft enters hyperspace with a flash of light, and he watches the stars streak by outside with a grin on his face ::
Almost time for a bloodbath.
Rama Sha
Jul 26th, 2000, 03:05:06 AM
:: Rama straps himself into his chair and turns to the controls. He takes a hold of the flight controls and the ship dives towars the palnet. ::
Jul 26th, 2000, 03:08:29 AM
::The M.-Liebe streaks through space, heading towards a comfortable position in orbit of this mysterious planet...::
Darth Cell
Jul 26th, 2000, 03:17:28 AM
*darth cell plummets through the atmosphere in a full freefall. at the last 100 feet, he generates an immensely powerful antigravity field, drastically slowing his downward trajectory. nevertheless, he lands on the ground flat footed, causing a small crater from the impact. on the hill, a patrol of native inhabitants spot him and begin to fire. darth cell turns in their direction*
DARTH CELL: an error has been made. I have inserted too close to the population, and they have now been alerted.
*the patrollers fire again, energy blasts streaking past darth cell*
DARTH CELL: (thinking) they must be silenced, quickly.
*in a flash, darth cell sprints up the hill towards the two patrolling warriors. suprised by the close quarters, one soldier clubs darth cell across the face with his rifle. the cyborg moves with the force of the attack, and the patroller smirks, thinking he has bested this strange person, but darth cell quickly straightens back up. terrified, the soldier raises his weapon and fires. cell leisurely extends a hand, allowing the energy to dissipate from his force block technique, and at the same time rams an outstretched hand into the soldier's chest, the fingertips ripping through his back. darth cell withdraws his fingertips and looks at the second patroller, who is now running away in horror. cell smiles, and extends his right hand. his palm opens up and a whiplike metal tube shoots out with amazing speed, spearing the fleeing man like a fish in a river. as cell sucks the soldier's pitiful force aura out of his body, the dying man jerks and convulses in violent spasms, eventually dropping to the ground. cell withraws his energy tube, and it returns to his hand. quickly, he hides the bodies and lays low, hoping to remain unnoticed by the rest of the population and the approaching sith empire forces*
Jul 26th, 2000, 09:48:33 AM
::The Devourer drops out of orbit, Zasz sits in the captain's chair, Dalethria is in the 2nd command's chair...::
::Zasz opens up a channel to Rama.."We are here Rama, tell us what you need us to do"::
Christine Gue
Jul 26th, 2000, 10:34:23 AM
its ok rama and you can call me Christine many others do.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 26th, 2000, 10:43:12 AM
:::comes into orbit, the ship makign loud clunking noises and lots of smoke::
::Turns on commlink, really scratchy and crackly.::
"Uhh I'm here for what ti's worth...but remind me to *chhhrrzt* ero For buying this piece of @#%$! I officially christen this hunk o' junk the JUNKYARD!!!!"
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 26th, 2000, 12:38:54 PM
::The Engiens start burning up, smoke pourign from them.::
"Well @#%$! Stupid Sum bitch..."
::Has Kero turn on the COmmlink.::
"Ahh....Junkyard to th' fleet...I'm settin' down on this planet, mah engines've had it. This piece of @#%$'s gonna fall apart here if I don't set ya when the sun hits the map room as Rama might say...or when you land on this planet."
::Proceeds to descend throgh the atmosphere, spinnign at an odd angkle:;
Kero: The Stabilizers fell out of the ceiling five mimnutes ago!!
::ends crashing on the outskirts of an island town,, imbedded underneath a large overhang.:;
::Pops off the hatch, which falls to the ground.;;
::Comes out covered in black soot and smoke billowing out of the ship.::
".....FRESH AIR!!....uhg...." Takes a deep breath, then watches as a now black furred kero flutters out.::
"You know..your not a real big help at times you know..."
Kero: Oh shut last minute last wiring saved our asses didn't it?
"Yeah...but now we can't lift off this rock until we get some PARTS!!@ Plus we wouldn't have Been in this mess if you hadn't BOUGHT THIS HUNK O' @#%$!"
::Kero lays on the hull of the rusty, junky looking ship::
Kero: oh just shut up and enjoy the fresh air.
Jul 26th, 2000, 12:52:50 PM
:: Dalethria sits in the co-pilots chair and checks all the instruments as Zasz opens up the channel. she makes sure everything is a go as she takes readings of the planet..."
"Been a long time since I was last here...." she mummbles to herself...
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 26th, 2000, 01:32:15 PM
::Pops over a hill, lookinga t a town with kero through a pair of Infra scopes.::
"Hmmm they LOOK peaceful...should be easy pickin's.....OOOO! THYE GOT SOME SORT OF HISTORICAL RECORDS BUILDING!"
Kero: you mean a library?
"....Yeah....a library....Let's go raid it!"
::hops over the hill, running towards the town as Kero follows via the air.::
:;He sneaks behind buildings, grabbing a man loaded with bags off the street and snapping his neck, dumping the body inside a trash container and stealing the man's robes adn bags, disguising himself.::
::Kero hides under the hood with him as they walk to the library, snapping the neck of the librarian and making his way over to the Mythology section.:;
"Lovely!!! Quick! Start stuffing all the books in the bags!!"
::Quickly they fill half the bags, walking out of the library.::
Kero: why you want only the Mythology books?
"I find mythology a spicy reading. Betrayal, Demons, everything!! OOO! some sort of museum!"
Kero: and why we going THERE?"
::walks inside the museumn, looking at the exhibits until he gets to ancient jewelry and such, looking at a guard.::
"You will allow me to take the artifacts..."
::tries usign the force again.::
"You WILL allow me to TAKE the artifacts."
Guard: Move along..
::snaps the guards neck, dumping his body in an ancient casket.::
::quickly snatches the stuff, sutffing them in the rest of the bags and quickly reatreating back to his ship.::
::ends up sitting outside the ship in a type of chair, reading the books with an ordanent necklace around his neck while Kero tries on various rings.::
"Make sure to report to The Fleet that we survived the crash please Kero, and ask for directions on what to do now."
::Kero flies into the ship, wearing a golden crown as he flies over to the vid screen, turning on communications to Dale, Rama, and Ogre's ships.::
Kero: AH...scuse this thing on?
::He taps on the screen,appearing on everyone elses screen.::
Kero: Me and Matthias survived th' crash...much to you guys chagrin I' we foudn a village on an island...wat you want us to do now?
Ayanami Rai
Jul 26th, 2000, 01:55:09 PM
*she hears the comlink from the back of the Pallas Athena and runs to the front, jumping over the chair, and landing, strapping her self, she hits a button and releases it from auto pilot and takes controls. She flips a switch as she positions to Pallas over the planet*
In position Rama, Ogre. Waiting for your call.
Rama Sha
Jul 26th, 2000, 06:23:32 PM
:: The Phoenix sets down outside the city. The boarding ramp lowers and Rama, R6, and TC emerge. ::
TC: Master Rama, I think it would have been better if I would have stayed behind. This Planet seem rather dangerous.
Rama: I need you to translate for me. So shut up.
TC: Oh.........I see.
Rama: R6, which way?
TC: I really have a bad feeling about all of this.
:: R6 lets out a few beeps and begins to roll off toward the city. Rama follows. ::
TC: Maybe I should........
Rama: COME ON TC!!!!!!!!
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 26th, 2000, 07:39:18 PM
:::spies the Pheonix in the distance, but shurgs it off as he continues treading, his back to the ocean.::
"Hey Kero! Listen to this! 'All those who disturb The island of Kersicas shall awake the water demon Musaka, and destruction shall rein supreme to thy interlopers'....AHHAHAHAHA!"
::p oth kero and Matthias something really frigging big starts coming form the ocean.::
"Demons my ass....just ancient superstition!"
Kero: Yeah! Whod' believe any of that Crap?
:::Big ass what looks like a reaaaallllyyy big frigging seap serpent comes out behind Matthias and KEro, with biiiig snapping jaws and long...point TEEETH!!!::
"You'd have to be stupid!"
::It clambers on land with biiiiigggg webbed feet, scales glistening behind Matthias and Kero as it eyes them hungrily, emitting a loud growl.::
"Say hungry?" was that rumbl....
:::p otht heir eyes widen as they slowly look up, seeing the biiiiggg serpent thing look down at them, opening it's jaws.::
::p oth scream, scramblign around like chickens with their heads cut off before ducking into the Junkyard, slamming the hatch shut.:;
Kero: A CHEAP PIECE O' @#%$!!!
::it eyes them through the view screen, a big eye showing.::
:;both Kero and Matthias faint as the Water serpent shakes it's head and walks back into the ocean.::
Rama Sha
Jul 26th, 2000, 07:48:29 PM
:: Rama countines walking toward the city, with R6 in front and TC in tow. Rama pulls out his commlink. ::
Ogre, this is Rama. I made it to the surface. Doesn't seem to be any sigh of hostals.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 26th, 2000, 09:09:18 PM
:::sits up, seeing the thing is gone.::
"Kero! Get the sensors!"
::Kero flies over to a radar like screen, which is crackling. He bangs it once, it coming into focus.::
Kero: Nos ign of that thing...but I got Rama and a Droid heading towards a city.
::Leans back in a junky looking captains chair.::
"Keep a lock on'em..if they run into touble....well....doubtful that'll happen...but ya never know..."
::chair falls over backwards, breaking off it's seat.::
Jul 27th, 2000, 12:46:08 AM
The Interdictor Heavy Cruiser Despondent leaps forth from hyper-space like a shot and takes position...
Saurron lands on the coordinates of the Sith Master Rama Sha's LZ. Making his to the way to the city Saurron contacts Rama
This is Saurron appologies for being late would you like me to catch up to you or circle around and come in from the other side?
Darth Ogre
Jul 27th, 2000, 04:24:33 AM
:: turns his ship on an approach course for the surface, as he sends out a final communiquee. ::
All cleared to touch down. Lets get to work, we have much to do.
:: begins entry into the atmosphere, thinking about the possibilities awaiting on the planet now getting closer and closer. ::
Rama Sha
Jul 27th, 2000, 04:52:48 AM
Go around and enter the city form the other end. I don't want to draw to much attention.
Jul 27th, 2000, 05:18:45 AM
::A faint reddish streak can be seen entering the atmosphere of the planet... Nuriko lands her ship a short distance off from the city. She checks for the other ships, and is pleased she didn't land too far off from the Star Phoenix's location. Nuriko makes her way off of the ship and looks out as her feet touch the soil... She can see the city...::
::grins:: There you are, beautiful...
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 27th, 2000, 10:54:44 AM
::stands out of the hatch, watching everyone through binoculars.::
"A-ight they run into trouble what we gonna do Kero?!?"
Kero: Run like chickens with our heads cut off?
"....NO we go help.."
Jul 27th, 2000, 06:31:13 PM
::She closes in on the city and wonders whether or not to open a communication to her fellow Sith.::
::She decides against it and moves on::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 27th, 2000, 06:59:15 PM
::Kicks at the Music player in the craft.::
::Kero flutters over to a button and pushes it, immediately the Player starts playing 'over my head' by Lit.::
Duo Maxwell
Jul 27th, 2000, 07:01:00 PM
Sees a message heavely coded and pushes a button in front of him.
Hmm...looks like TSE coding. What are they planning?
The computer finishes decoding the message and Duo reads it.
Interesting. I think I'll go check it out. After all, I could get payed for this...
Pushes another button and the Sp streaks through space. Once he has gotten to the coordinates in the message, he mashes the button again. The ship shakes and stops dead. Duo starts his descend to the planet below.[/i]
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 27th, 2000, 08:08:29 PM
*Rage arrives at the scene inside his Swordbreaker*
hmm.. ok, here
*looks at the other ships around him and notices one ship knocking up and down*
ugh.. must be matt..
Rama Sha
Jul 28th, 2000, 01:07:52 AM
:: Rama enters the city and look around. He see a local eater. Rama enters with TC and R6 close behind. He makes his way over and takes a table. ::
Jul 28th, 2000, 04:17:51 AM
Saurron heads to the other side of the city as ordered...
As he approaches the outskirts of the city Saurron's custom enviro suit helmet begins the long awaited countdown to sunset
Heads up display reading:: <font color=red> time remaining 1.51 minutes and counting...................................
sun now eclipsed
safe window 11.53 hrs</font>
Saurron depresses a few buttons and pulls his helm off...
Cursed star He mutters to himself as he makes his way into the city as it starts becoming alive with local night life. Saurron glances stoically and thinks of how easy it would be to take one down an alley and drain them of their life force in a few minutes. Realizing that is not the reason he is here Saurron reaches out with the Force searching for another Sith in area speaking to any that would hear I am here...
Darth Ogre
Jul 28th, 2000, 04:22:54 AM
:: Ogre land his craft several kilometers from the rest of the Empire group. He remains in the command chair, thinking that he should wait for a signal to move in. He looks down at his scanner readouts and tracks all the craft entering and exiting the surface of the mysterious world ::
Jul 28th, 2000, 05:03:29 AM
::Nuriko enters the very outskirts of the city. She can sense the presence of at least one other Sith, though it is definetely not Rama. She looks around, amazed at the pacifistic nature these people display; they looked very...::
::laughs:: Innocent...
Rama Sha
Jul 28th, 2000, 06:36:00 AM
:: Rama sets in deep thought. The others have arrived he can feel it. He is disturbed by the words of an alien waiter. The waiter says serval words in a language Rama had never heard before. ::
Rama: TC, what did he say?
TC: He asked what you would like.
Rama: Ask him if he accepts new rebpulic credits.
:: TC spits out a few lines. The waiter answers ::
TC: He says the honor repbulic creidts.
Rama: Tell him I want Ord Mantell Vodka, and any info he can give me on the military strenght of this planet. Tell him his tip will be rather large.
:: TC turns back to the waiter and relays the message. The Waiter looks a little stunned, but bows and returns to the bar. ::
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:41:50 AM
*Rage lands his vessel on the outskirts not exactly knowing where he is. he looks around sensing Sith inside the city. he makes his way toward the city going wherever is senses tells him to go*
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 28th, 2000, 01:06:52 PM
"a-ight Kero...let's go..."
;;Hops out of the Junkyard, Kero on his shoulder as he runs on over towards the city, looking at a information store.:::
"What kinda store is this?"
Kero: a BOOK store.
::Walks in, looking for books on their military powers.:;
Darth Phantom
Jul 28th, 2000, 01:28:54 PM
:: with his ship in orbit DP takes a small fighter ship and sets it down next to rages :: hey rage wait up.
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 28th, 2000, 02:14:54 PM
::flutters aroudn the shop, lookign at the titles of the books.::
Rama Sha
Jul 28th, 2000, 07:20:04 PM
:: The waiter returns and set the drink down on the table. and lean over and whispers something to TC and returns to the bar. ::
Rama: What did he say?
TC: He said that......
Rama: Shhhhhhh....keep it down.
TC: I will lower my voccoder volume.
Rama: Thanks, now what did he say.
TC: He said that this planet only has a minumal defense force and is solely relaint on the New Repbluic and the Jedi for defense.
Rama: Perfect. :: Rama grins evily. ::
Darth Ogre
Jul 28th, 2000, 07:55:04 PM
:: continues to wait in his ship, keeping an eye on his scanner readouts, checking all his weapons and gear. He calls out to his astromech driod. ::
Bring me something to eat R27. Looks like I could be here a little longer and I'd best be feed before it begins.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 28th, 2000, 08:44:55 PM
::reads up on the defenses.::
".......this is gonna be WAY too @#%$ING easy...."
::Kero stuffs his furry tail in his mouth.::
Kero: SHUSH!!!
:;walks him out of the shop.::
Kero: Dude ya gotta SHUT UP....Best wait for Rama or Ogre's SIGNAL!
::tells an alien to @#%$ off in it's language, Kero does.:::
"What'd you tell the alien?"
Kero: To basically @#%$ off we're talking here.....DAMN I've hung around you too much...
Jul 28th, 2000, 09:03:41 PM
Saurron, sensing Rama's presence follows the Force like a trail to an eatery. He examins the outside carefully first then steps in through the doorway. Good a somewhat dimly lit establishment so it will not be so noticeable that we are out of place.Saurron spots Rama and heads to his table. Pulling out a chair and sitting down. Saurron reads Rama's grin ... I take it you have found out what we need to know...
Rama Sha
Jul 29th, 2000, 01:50:03 AM
That I have.
Seems the planet is complelty dependante on outside forces for defense.
Jul 29th, 2000, 08:49:10 AM
::Nuriko walks through an open market. She continues looking around, somewhat baffled about something.::
Strange, everywhere I looked and everyone I talked to... and so far no signs of bases, troops, an embassy... No major military forces seem to exist here. This is a gold mine. These idiots are basically defenseless, aren't they?
::senses other Sith in very close proximity, she stops walking... She turns one way...::
Emerid and that rat...
::turns the other way:: Saurron... and Rama.
Darth Ogre
Jul 29th, 2000, 09:39:23 AM
:: Ogre finishes his preparations and exits his ship, wearing a long brown cloak, which hides his assortment of weapons underneath. He carries his custom single bladed saber on his belt, a double bladed one in a small sheath on his leg, a pair of blasters also on his belt, and his axe strapped to his back upside down. He also carries several small bladed weapons spread out in strategic places all over his person, and a pouch hanging from the front of his belt, containing several small items within. Ogre begins heading towards the landing zone of the other members of his team, keeping an alert ear open for any comuniquees sent regarding the next course of action ::
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 29th, 2000, 09:51:16 AM
*turns around and sees DP*
hey! well, i forgot something
*walks back to his ship and grabs a small oval translating droid, B-LT*
alright, i'm ready
*Rage and DP walk toward the city following exactly where his senses tell him to go*
*both of them enter the city and confront an alien*
What's he saying 'bee elltee'?
B-LT: i do beleive he's asking if you'd like to buy some fruits.
Rage: ahh.. tell him no thx
B-LT: fine by me
*DP and Rage walk into the city looking for their group. finally, the see Kero and Matt*
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 29th, 2000, 10:28:35 AM
See I don't Care that we're gonna kill everyone HERE.....Just that we should saqve somne o' the major buildings.....
::spots Rage.:;
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 29th, 2000, 11:11:55 AM
*meets up with Matt and Kero*
heh :evil:
not now.. we're on a mission.. so, you life is spared little vermine
Jul 29th, 2000, 11:50:24 AM
Saurron looks around the establishment. Have they forgoten about this place? I sense no Jedi presence here, the light is usually easily seen or felt, but there was nothing,no Jedi, no New Republic force to speak of. In their hurry to spread through the galaxy the New Republic must have put this place on the last of their to do list. These thoughts run through Saurron's mind as Rama hears them loud and clear.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 29th, 2000, 06:50:54 PM
"ALright...Rage....where do we start? Do we start by...INSTILLING FEAR INTO THE CIVILIANS?! OR...Oh please tell...please please..>TELL ME WE GO ON A KILLIN' SPREE OH PAHLEEEAAASEE TELL ME THAT"S WHAT WE DO!!!"
::Gets on hands and knee's, the People stare at them like their a contagion.::
Kero: STOP THAT!!!!
::Kero SLaps Matthias in the back of the head,g etting him to his feet::
Kero: We're in public! TRY NOT TO ATTRACT ATTENTION!!!!
"But...That's what I'm good at..."
(Hey Rage do you have AIM?)_
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 29th, 2000, 07:53:58 PM
((ooc: MY aim is HotHead29; yim is xhotheadx))
B-LT: i do beleive we shouldn't attract anymore attention
Rage: yeah.. i agree.. Matt, Kero, let's find out what happened to Ogre, Rama, and Nuri
*the five of them walk more into the city searching for the leaders*
Rama Sha
Jul 29th, 2000, 09:13:19 PM
I would suspect that the Jedi and republic are over confident. They think they have established peace and that this planet is safe. That is very far from the truth. I have a special cargo aborad my ship. That will make sure this whole planet knows of our presence.
Jul 29th, 2000, 10:28:11 PM
Saurron smirks at this knowing full well what is in store for these people. Shall we contact Ogre?
Rama Sha
Jul 29th, 2000, 11:50:47 PM
:: Nods ::
Jul 30th, 2000, 02:46:48 AM
Slowly reaches through his robes into a pouch on his combat suit and pulls forth a small pad with many characters lining half of the lower portion and a display screen on the top. Saurron quickly types in a coded messege to Darth Ogre giving him a situation status outlining what has been learned so far...Saurron pauses and looks up at Rama...
Bring him in?
Rama Sha
Jul 30th, 2000, 03:07:08 AM
:: Rama sips his vodka and then gets a funny look on his face. ::
Gah! I havn't drank that stuff since I got married......don't know why I started now.
Jul 30th, 2000, 04:28:37 AM
Chuckling as he types he sends word to Ogre to come into the city. Ogre sees the read out on his screen. Saurron orders two bottles of rum.
<font color=lightgreen><font size=2>:come into the city :time for fun</font></font>
Darth Ogre
Jul 30th, 2000, 10:15:41 AM
:: as he reads the message on his screen a grin forms on his face. He makes his way through the landing zone of the main group of his comrades and continues on toward the city. Once he arrives he makes his way toward the location of Saurron and Rama, easily able to find them, seeing as how there are only Sith Force auras present on this world. He enters the establishment, barks an order to the driod for a drink and approaches Rama and Saurron, still grinning. ::
Time for these poor fools to feel our wrath! :evil:
:: sets his drink down on the table and has a seat next to his fellow Sith ::
Shall we inform the others?
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 30th, 2000, 07:08:55 PM
::Stops Rage, looking up at Kero.::
"Kero can fly around faster than we can walk....Kero....Go look around..."
::Kero screams obscenities as he starts flying, then returns within five minutes;:
Kero: Found Rama and Sauron in a bar and overheard the cnversation....They sent a message to ogre that Read...Time for fun....
"SO what we do from here?"
Jul 30th, 2000, 09:49:47 PM
Grins as Ogre's huge body stresses the seat he sits on. Saurron looks at Rama again And the others? shall we bring them here or let them keep a watchfull eye on the streets.Saurron glances at Ogre then around the establishment speaking as he looks. You know this might be a nice place for our new bar if it weren't so infestedThen returns a steely gaze back at his two fellow Sith and smirks.
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 30th, 2000, 10:02:25 PM
shouldn't be that hard to figure out what to do.. head for the bar.
*the five of them enter the bar and notice Ogre, Sauuron, and Rama sitting at a table. not to gather any atention, the five split up: Rage, B-LT, and DP;Matt and Kero*
*Rage, B-LT, and DP take a seat beside the 3 Sith Leaders while Matt and Kero take one a few tables near them*
Rama Sha
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:04:05 AM
Won't be much left of this bar in a few hours. Send word to all the others to meet us here......I want them all to enjoy the show.
Jul 31st, 2000, 05:13:28 AM
::Nuriko enters the establishment where Rama, Saurron and Ogre are and walks over to them...::
Ogre, you didn't sense my pressence on this planet. I'm hurt. jk :lol:
::looks over at Rama:: Can I kill something now? These peaceful types sicken me.
Rama Sha
Jul 31st, 2000, 05:28:25 AM
You always did have a problem with patentince. :lol:
But I guess we could have some fun before we vaporize this place.
Jul 31st, 2000, 05:54:06 AM
Yay! :D
::Nuriko looks to the bar, which has an old fashion look to it. It has a couple of huge mirrors and sign hanging over it. The bottles of various drinks can be seen clearly from the table where the Sith are at in a neat arrangement on the shelving against the wall. She grins at her fellow Sith and using the force like a shockwave, shatters all of the glass-- mirrors, bottles, and all-- behind the bar counter. Everyone in close proximity to the bar gets hit by shards. Nuriko jumps up on a table, grabs the edge of it and flips over, throwing the table into a group of patrons. She gets her whip, snaps it around the neck of a waiter, pulls the man towards her, and kicks him into another group of patrons::
TC: Oh dear.
Nuriko: So are you guys just going to stand there and watch? :evil:
Rama Sha
Jul 31st, 2000, 05:58:29 AM
Yeah I was planning on it, you know what it does to me when you get vilonet.;)
:: Rama see the Bar keep reaching under the bar. He pulls out a blaster rifle, and Aims it at Nuri. Rama simply waves his hand and the bar keep flies backwards and is impaled on shard of galss sticking out. Rama then rests back into his chair. ::
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:10:26 AM
::grins at Rama and laughs. She grabs a chair and bats another patron, sending him flying into the bar and the broken glass. A couple of large men try to attack her. She darts to one of them and punches him square in the gut, making him cough up blood. She spins around and kicks the other in the face, subsequently uppercutting him into a table, breaking it. Nuriko follows up by kicking the one still coughing blood in the chest, making him skid on the floor.::
Hahahaha... :lol:
Rama Sha
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:18:33 AM
Try not to use up all your engery here........there are many more places to destroy. :evil:
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:27:32 AM
I won't... besides... ::kicks a body on the floor:: ...these people are already boring me.
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 31st, 2000, 08:54:59 AM
B-LT: oh my, are you sure everything is going alright
Rage: damn straight it is!
*Rage sits back on his chair and rests a foot on the table relaxing while watching Rama and Nuri "play" with everyone*
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 31st, 2000, 11:05:31 AM
"Dammit she stole my gimmick! I HIT PEOPLE WITH FOREIGN OBJECTS!"
::Slams Kero into a CUstomers.::
::thjen slasm a chair over a guys head, snapping his neck.:
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 31st, 2000, 11:35:31 AM
*gets up from his seat and sets B-LT on the table*
is it time yet?
Rama Sha
Jul 31st, 2000, 12:12:55 PM
Well you know this is the capital of this planet. We could pay the Prime Minster a little vist. :evil:
Jul 31st, 2000, 12:39:53 PM
Saurron catches a patron running for the door and with an outstretched arm lifts him off the floor as he runs. His feet flailing in the air behind him. Holding him there three feet off the ground a blaster bolt leaps forth firing from his wrist mounted blaster. The bright red bolt slams into the mans body shooting energy and charred intestine against the wall.
_Another patron jumps in the air to bring Saurron down...catching the man by the throat he holds him there suspended and prone the mans eyes widen as Saurron impales him with his Sith dagger spilling his guts down to the floor...Saurron turns to Nuri... Pretty feisty for peaceful folk
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Jul 31st, 2000, 01:42:53 PM
::Turns to a ptron that hits him in the face witha fryig pan, but just stands there.::
"I've been hit worse."
::Swings a foot into The Guys gut, doubling him over, then turns, hooking his head ot his shoulder and dropping, shattering his chin on his shoulder.::
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 31st, 2000, 02:33:40 PM
::Flutters around, cherring at the violence before getting blasted in the back by a blaster, crumpling to the floor udnerneath the bar.::
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 31st, 2000, 03:30:30 PM
(::Slams his Signature around, trying to get it to work.::)
::Rears up, bringing the bar with him as he flashes his new black claws.::
Ezekiel Rage
Jul 31st, 2000, 04:46:32 PM
*hides his blaster inside his trench coat :evil: *
*he force pushes 5 patrons into a wall knocking them unconcious*
ah.. this is TOO fun
B-LT: i do say master.. KICK ASS!
Darth Havok
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:16:00 PM
*Drops out of hyper space along the outer rim of the sector aboard the War Head, his Abolisher cruiser at the port side*
Commandar: Beginning scans…
Admiral Hav: Good, let me know what you find….. immediately okay?
Co: yes sir..
*hav nods*
Hav: I’ll be in my chambers…
*He enters his chambers and sits in his chair, placing his forefingers against his head, he feels a shift in the Dark Side, and become aware of a presence near to him.. He tears out of his seat and back to main deck.. He looks at the scanners, and see’s that there is a capital ship around a neighboring planet… He thinks to himself, humm, maybe I can get what I need there.. They wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t good. *
Kero The Golden Rat
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:27:21 PM
::Proceeds to go ape @#%$, leaving the bar a bloodied, mangled, mess wiht blood everywhere, body parts everywhere...heads decorating the wall, or through gone to pieces, and se3veral bodies impaled with bottles, chair legs, and such.:;
ALRIGHT!!! With all that...I must've got that bastard that shot me!!
<img src=>
(THAT"S what Kero looks like...for now...with claws and such instead of this PANSY ASS TEDDY BEAR!!!)
Rama Sha
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:33:03 PM
:: Rama puts his feet up one the table. He turns to TC and R6 ::
Rama: You guys go back to the ship. R6 go back to the ship and get it ready. I might need you to bring the ship later.
Darth Havok
Jul 31st, 2000, 06:56:14 PM
*Does some scanning on the outer rimmed planets, sensing little life signs, and almost no sign of technology….the commander says, “move on the next, this one is just a sand trap…*The War Head, moves closer to the planet his fellow Sith are about, the commander speaks again.. “Hope the admiral is right about this one…..”
Darth Havok
Aug 1st, 2000, 02:40:32 AM
OOC- It's late, got bored.
*The commander continues his scans of the surface, and his eyes light up as he sees what the admiral had been looking for a few miles from a main city. He turns to the ensign…. “Contact the admiral right away, tell him the planet his fellow sith are on has what we need on it…” The ensign replies…“yes sir”! And head off in an almost dead heat towards his chamber…..*
Ensign: Pardon me sir, I don’t mean to intrude…
Hav: Get to the point young man..
Ensign: Oh yes, the planet your fellow sith are on has come up positive on our scans..
Hav: Good….*smiles evilly* maybe well see them when we pay a visit to this planet..
Ensign: *shrugs….
Hav: You can go NOW…
*Hav reacher for his com, and gives the orders for the strike team to prepare for anything, he says to the lieutenant… “I will send down the second shuttle as soon as you give the word, so move quick, don’t want anyone, or anything spoiling my plans…he replies…“Yes sir, as soon as the area is contained word will be sent….The Admiral then replies…. “Good, get to work..
*The shuttle launches and enters the planets atmosphere, some time later it touches down along the outskirts of the city, the troops file out grouping together in there respective groups, a few on speed bikes, and the rest regular storm troopers..*
Lieutenant: There is the target, team one move around the south end, and cover our flank, team three, take the rear entrance, and team one, your with me……Move out..
*The troops storm the complex, fending off the slight resistance with ease, as they were only lightly armed and were overrun by brute force, and strength in numbers….. the lieutenant opens a com to the admiral.. “Where in place..”..he replies… “Indeed, the shuttle should be landing almost right on your positing momentarily…”…. Lieutenant says…. “right O, *he barks out a few orders as team two goes to cover the second shuttle…
Aug 1st, 2000, 03:07:07 AM
In the midst of the carnage being dealt in a 360 degree shower of death and destruction Saurron looks down at his left wrist as a red light is blinking feverishly. Picking the comlink pad he sees his coded message
<font color=red><font size=2> : two shuttles landed on the planet surface:all codes current</font></font>
Saurron types in :: open communications with orbiting ship, obtain trans code, and send it to me immediately.
Darth Havok
Aug 1st, 2000, 03:21:17 AM
*The War Head Receives an incoming transmission,*
<font color=gray>Computing*** Trans password, restricted channel *******……..processing…</font>
Commander: Patching you through to the ground Admiral…
Hav: Ah, yes…
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 1st, 2000, 08:55:48 AM
*clears his side of the bar.*
"phew.. though they'd never go out.."
*he then grabs B-LT and attaches him to his belt. he then walks out of the bar and wipes the dust off of his clothes. bored and tired, he takes a seat outside*
Aug 1st, 2000, 10:40:53 AM
::sits up on a table top helping herself to someone's drink. She looks over to Rama and smiles.:: Yes, let's pay the Prime Minister a little visit...
Aug 1st, 2000, 12:53:10 PM
Saurron switches to voice comm link having obtained the code of the other party...
This is Lord Saurron is that you Havok?
Saurron follows the others out. Passing by the door he flips the closed sign and shuts the door (swoosh)( clunk).
Darth Ogre
Aug 1st, 2000, 01:02:23 PM
:: Still sitting at the table, Ogre looks to his own communication device and inputs a coded message, sent to all with Sith Empire coded recieving equipment ::
<Font color=red>All units clear to proceed with carnage on the capital. Kill as you see fit, but remember we need some left to be used as slaves for our purposes here. Prime target is the capital city.</font>
:: Ogre glances around the bar admiring the carnage and rises from his chair striding for the exit, slashing as several of the angered patrons that are foolish enough to get close enough to him as he leaves. He exits the bar with blood dripping from his claws. ::
The Prime Minister should ne quite pleased to see us. <img src=>
Sith Kat
Aug 1st, 2000, 01:28:44 PM
:: Kat stands outside, a fire raging behind her as her fellow Sith exit the bar. Several dead litter the streets. Men, women, and children ::
"Sorry for lingering behind, but I just couldn't help myself."
Darth Grendel
Aug 1st, 2000, 01:51:44 PM
For a moment, space seemed to convulse, and then ripple, until a shi seemingly tore itself from the fabric of space itself. The Nemesis dropped out of hyperspace and into the planet's orbit.
Darth Grendel looked at the sensors and detected the scattered life readins of his fellow Sith on the planet below. He then overlayed those readings onto a map of the capitol city.
So, they're heading towards the Prime Minister's Palace, ey? Not if I get there first!
Grendel put his vessel on auto and activated the automated defenses, and headed for an ejection pod. The pod was fired out of the ship, and headed straight down towards the planets surface. Finally crashing only a short distance away from the Prime Ministers Palace.
And now, Mr. Minister, it's time you and I had a little talk.
Ayanami Rai
Aug 1st, 2000, 02:40:27 PM
*aya hears all and soon enters the planets atmosphere after checking everything out making sure there were no "tag-alongs." She lands the Pallas Athena an eye shot away from the phoenix. She walks to the back and laughs, kicking the leg of the bed that Bowdin was sleeping on, startling him* We're here. Let's go have some fun..
*she pulls down assorted weapons from a secret compartment in the floor of her ship. She latches her shock gun to her hip, then a blaster to the back of her body suit, her lightsaber occupying the hip holster on her right. She tosses Bowdin a blaster and pushes a button, the docking ramp eases down as light protrudes through the opening. She looks out and sees the city, an evil grin on her face*
*she turns and looks at Bowdin* I sense that we aren't alone. *smiles* Nuri, Ogre, Saurron and Rama are all present. Let's go find them..
*she heads down the docking ramp towards the city*
Darth Grendel
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:11:16 PM
Darth Grendel exits the landing pod and makes his way down the main street, towards the Prime Ministers Palace. The natives flee from him, terrified.
Then Darth Grendel stopped. He cast a casual glance about, and then continued walking. Then buildings suddenly began to burst into flames! Every uilding he would walk past would suddenly burst into flames. Grendel wielded his Force Flame power almost casually, as he set the heart of the capitol city alight. Finally, he stood before the gates of the Ministers Palace. Charging the fork-staff "Soulreaver", Grendel split the gates asunder, and entered the Palace.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:12:25 PM
*gets off the chair and turns off B-LT seeing he won't need it's services anymore. he then looks in the bar for a split second, and then leaves. deciding not to waste any energy, he decides just to float. as he was ordered, Rage makes his way for the Prime Minister*
Darth Grendel
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:18:11 PM
A small child, curious as to who the stranger was, had followed him from the moment he landed to where he reached the gates of the Prime Ministers Palace. The child, hesitant to enter, overcame his fear and entered the palace. What he saw would give him nightmares til the day he died.
The palace looked less like the seat of power for a world government and more like a SLAUGHTERHOUSE! Scribes, clerks, lawyers, politicians, plebeians, all lay dead. Butchered beyond all recognition. Their blood splattered against the walls. Their entrails riddled across the floor. Severed heads lying many metres from the bodies they were cut from. The boy looked down from this grisly scene only to see a still beating heart lying next to his feet. He watched morbidly, as if hypnotized, as the heart beat ever and ever more slowly. Until it finally stopped.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:26:13 PM
Darth Grendel
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:31:13 PM
Darth Grendel made his way through the bloodstained corridor, casually murdering any foolish enough to come within striking distance, as he headed towards the Prime Ministers Private Chambers. At last, he reached the doors of the chamber, and pushed them open.
Darth Grendel walked in, and saw the Prime Minister standing opposite him behind his desk. Darth Grendel walked in, moving through the room slowly, yet with a predatory aura about him.
It appears that pacifism wasn't the wisest policy to adopt, wouldn't you say, Mr. Minister? So what now. Will you allow yourself to be struck down as the cowards outside, who hadn't any courage to fight back? Or will you show some courage and fight back?
MINISTER: It takes more courage NOT to fight.
So you say. But that courage has brought you nothing but destruction and death. To your people, and now to you.
MINISTER: I will not allow you or the others of your kind to kill any more of my people.
You can't stop us! Unless you intend to fight! Or surrender. Surrended and I promise you a quick death. Not like him.
Darth Grendel threw a heart onto the Ministers desk. A heart which had seemingly been torn from the chest of its owner! The Minister looked at the heart with horror, and then looked back at Grendel.
MINISTER: I don't intend to fight you at all.
The Minister pushed a button under his desk, and with that, the walls of the Chamber began to slide back, revealing ENORMOUS robots! Combat drones built to HUGH proportions!
MINISTER: I can't say the same for them!
With that, the Minister pressed another button on his desk, and a portal opened in the floor, through which he dived and slid down. The hole then sealed up. Darth Grendel, furious, leapt over the desk, burying the twin blades of Soulreaver into the passageways top.
Grendel pulled back and tore the lid from the tunnel entrance, but the Minister was long gone. Grendel then looked back and saw the Combat Droids advance towards him. Preparing to fire. Darth Grendel charged the blades of Soulreaver to maximum power and prepared himself for a furious battle!
Rama Sha
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:45:37 PM
:: Rama stand outside the bar. ::
We need a ride. Its at least 30 clicks to the capital building and I don't feel like walking.
:: Rama walks over to a near by speeder. The man inside is francicly trying to start the vehical. Rama grabs him by the back of his robe and jerks him outta the speeder. The man trys to escape the Rama's grip. ::
Rama: Hey chill out!!! I just want your speeder.
Rama: Thanks, I think I will. Now run along.
:: Rama sets the man back on the ground and he begins to run. Rama reaches over and tries to start the speeder, but it won't start. ::
Rama: Idiot flooded the ion drive linkage.
:: Rama pulls his blaster from his holster takes aim and shoots the fleeing man in the back. Rama then jumps in the speeder and adjusts a few nobs then tries to start the speeder again. This time it starts up. Rama throws the speeder in reverse and back up in front of the bar doorway. ::
Rama: Anyone need a ride?
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:49:49 PM
*enters the prime minister's private chambers. he sees Grendel taking out drones with his cortoris fork-staff. Rage then pulls out 'StarDust' and ignites both sides of his beam glaive.
after helping Grendel wipe out the drones, Rage looks at Grendel*
"what now?"
Darth Grendel
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:56:50 PM
>>>O.O.C.: So much for writing a post with a magnificent fight scene with the battle-droids. <img src= ALT=":\"> Oh well. :lol: <<<
Darth Grendel looks over at Ezekiel Rage.
Now? Now we hunt that gutless worm of a Prime Minister!
With that, Grendel jumps down the hole the Minister jumped into, sliding down the passageway.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 1st, 2000, 05:26:42 PM
*looks at the hole and a nearby door. Rage decides to take the look and see what's beyond the doorway.
Rage turns the knob and opens the door revealing a bedroom. he notices a bed and a woman in it*
Woman: Poochie? is that you?
*Rage, looking a bit embarresed, uses his best "old man" voice trying to resemble the Prime Minister*
"uh, yea.. it's me.. i'll be right back.."
*Rage closes the door and heads for the hole. he jumps in it hoping he's not too far behind of Grendel*
Aug 1st, 2000, 07:24:01 PM
*After reaching the coordinates of the planet his fellow Sith are currently on, Firebird1 puts his ship in orbit, and awaits further orders.*
Ayanami Rai
Aug 1st, 2000, 08:10:33 PM
*runs up to the bar seeing Rama and the rest of the "gang" all huddled around in front of the now wrecked bar. She laughs at the site* Looks like Nuri was here...*laughs again and turns to see if Bowdin is behind her, but sees nothing* Bowdin?
Darth Havok
Aug 1st, 2000, 08:26:36 PM
*hears the crackle of Lord Saurrons voice through the com*
Yes, it's me, how are things going down there?
*The shuttle lands, it's cargo chambers empty, execpt that of the passangers.. The passangers exit, and head into the complex, rummaging thought some old, slightly out of date things, they enter a large cargo hold area, and come across a variety of............
Aug 1st, 2000, 10:21:08 PM
Saurron responds...
Very well actually, I thought that was you, how about you join us in the carnage. It will be like old times. Meet us at the capital building if you are not to pressed ...Saurron out.
Saurron taps a few buttons on his Sith comm pad ...
<font color=lightgreen><font size=2>:Darth Grendel:Master Rama wants an immediate status update</font></font>
Saurron continues...
<font color=lightgreen><font size=2>Despondent go to alert statusengage gravity wellsbegin scanning for all craft leaving the planet do not let them pass destroy them all unless proper codes are sent.</font></font>
From the belly view of the Despondent several squadrans of tie interceptors roar out in formation then brake up and begin patroling the entire planet waiting for the scared ...the rich ...the doomed...
Aug 1st, 2000, 10:30:15 PM
*Firebird1 sees the Despondent and send a message.*
<Font color=blue>Firebird1 here, awaiting orders. Should I start on a planetary bombardment or just go down and engoy myself. </font>
Ayanami Rai
Aug 1st, 2000, 11:19:46 PM
Hey, I'll meet you guys at the Palace. I've got a secure comlink, so contact me if you need to.
*Aya turns and runs in the opposite direction, taking her blaster from her side, holding it in hand. She runs back behind the bar and a blaster shot and scream is heard, then a mad laugh*
Aug 1st, 2000, 11:34:58 PM
*Firebird1's droid K9 enters the cargo area of his ship, where Firebird1 is working of his hover bike*
K9: Sir we have recived orders from Lord Saurron
*Firebird1 reads the order on the nearest computer screen.*
Firebird1: K9 Power up the Ion Cannon, set it for multable bursts, and also aim any other weapon that we can point planetside...
Darth Grendel
Aug 1st, 2000, 11:44:31 PM
>>>O.O.C.: Guess I should edit this.<<<
Darth Grendel responds to Saurron on his comm-link.
:Everyone in the capitol building is dead.
:The Prime Minister has fled by underground train.
:Ezekiel Rage and I are in pursuit.
:Also, beware. It seems these "pacifists" maintain their pacifism by building giant battle-droids and have them do their dirty work. Be warned.
:D arth Grendel out.
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 12:12:10 AM
:: looks over at Saurron from the drivers seat of the speeder. ::
What did Grendal have to say?
Aug 2nd, 2000, 12:57:34 AM
I'll give a full report
Saurron taps the fsr button..
Saurron reads the report:
Firebird ready to comence the planetary city ion bombardment
Ayanami Rai and Bowdin have landed and are running wild weasel
Grendal and Rage reports that giant droids are being built for defense and the prime minister has fled via under ground train
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 03:38:20 AM
Tell Firebird to wait for the signal, Tell Aya and Bowdin to see if they can track down the prime minster, ask Grendal if he has any clue which way the prime minster was heading and relay that info to Aya and Bowdin. If he is heading this way he can cut him off, if he is going the other way they can grab him. I want this guy captured I want his ppl to see him die. That on top of the vaporizing of thier capital will break their spirt, and bring them to thier knees. Then we can set up camp with no restiance.
Aug 2nd, 2000, 04:06:34 AM
Saurron feverishly types in the data given to him by Master Rama on the Sith comm data link pad for security reasons, and pauses for a sec holding his hand up ...then presses the send button...Done...
The final message reads...
<font color=lightgreen>
: no disentrgration of the Prime Minister</font>
Saurron looks up at Rama and smirks as Rama sits on the speeder revving the engine waiting for Nuri to leap on the back of it..
Aug 2nd, 2000, 04:27:50 AM
::looks up from strangling someone:: Already? ::drops the body:: Let's go then. ::hops on the back::
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 04:29:59 AM
So where do you suggest we go now?
Darth Ogre
Aug 2nd, 2000, 04:48:24 AM
:: Gets into the back of the speeder. tilting it slightly to the side as he does ::
Think I had better sit towards the middle. :evil:
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 04:52:15 AM
Your tilting the whole speeder!!!!
Darth Ogre
Aug 2nd, 2000, 04:53:45 AM
:: scoots to the middle section of the back seat and the speeder levels out ::
That better?
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 05:08:44 AM
A little.
Aug 2nd, 2000, 05:11:20 AM
Pulls out his camera like a tourist and takes a picture of the three mashing the pour little speeders anti grav stabilizers and Rama trying to keep it level.
Rama:: Damit!!
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 05:19:34 AM
:: Keeps adjusting the feilds ::
Stop taking pictures!!! I don't want a record of this!
:: Drives off down the street ::
So where are we going?
Aug 2nd, 2000, 05:32:19 AM
Main underground rail station...we'll shut him down from there :)
<font color=lightgreen>Grendel obtain escape routes of the Prime ministers train from the main computer there.</font>
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 05:35:28 AM
:: Rama turns down an alley and heads toawrd the Capital building. ::
Tell him to hurry. I want to know his escape rout before he has a chance to get off that train.
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 02:13:00 PM
Darth Grendel receives the message from Saurron.
He's heading your way. I'll heard him towards your position.
Grendel looks towards Ezekiel Rage and points to one of the spare trains on the second track.
Make sure to catch up.
EZEKIEL RAGE: Where are you go-
Ezekiel looks to where Grendel was standing, and finds that he's disappeared!
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 02:22:46 PM
Darth Grendel steps out of a shadow 3 kilometers down the tunnel, ahead of the Prime Ministers train. He looks down the tunnel, and can hear the rumbling as the Prime Minsters train approaches.
At the speed you're going, Mr. Minister, you're liable to escape from Lord Rama's grasp before he can take position. I'll have to remedy that.
Darth Grendel jumped down on the tracks, and activating Soulreaver, he slashed the tracks, destroying them utterly! He then jumped off the tracks to the platform and waited for the Ministers train to arrive. He didn't have to wait long.
The Prime Ministers train came streaking down the tunnel at incredible speeds ..... until they hit the tracks which Grendel had cut! Grendel barely dodged out of the way as the train jumped off the tracks and onto the platform. Sliding over the platform, destroying pillars, the train finally stopped.
Grendel watched for a few moments until he saw the Prime Minister cral out of the train. Bloody and bruised but still alive. Then he saw Grendel. The Prime Minister scrambled out of the car and began to run for his life! Grendel watched him run as he activated his Commlink.
: Darth Grendel to Saurron. The prey is on foot and heading in your direction. A gift for Lord Rama.
Aug 2nd, 2000, 03:08:05 PM
**The Dark Viper sails out of Hyperspace... **
**Sums sends out the codes needed so that he doesn't get blasted out of the sky by Firebird1... heads for the planet... R-9 scan for the highest peek near the capital...**
R-9: Scanning.......................................... ................located..
Sums: Lets put her down...
**Sums lands the Viper at the bottom of the slope... he unbuckels, grabs his S-01 rifle and exits the ship... he climbs the hill... apon reaching the to he removes a specially made headset that has the Sith Security pad screen and a voice regognition system in it and puts it on... he also lays down and opens the flaps on the sight... laying down and looking through the sight he can see most of the capital city...**
Sums: open new coded message... send to Saurron...
**a new message apears on the screen**
<FONT color=red>
: Sorry I'm late
: Taken position on hill at edge of the city
: Have clear view of most of city
: Awaiting orders
: Please advise
</FONT color>
send and close...
**Sums sets up and waits for orders... constantly scanning the city for movement...**
Ayanami Rai
Aug 2nd, 2000, 03:26:09 PM
*:Aya runs around the corner and Bowdin leaps out in front of her startling her*
Bowdin: Hey! It's just me. calm down! *he looks around the corner to make sure that no one was following her* shhhh now look what I found *he pushes aside a large bush of some kind and an opening to a tunnel shows under it*
*Aya grins evilly and looks up at Bowdin* Where does it lead to?
Bowdin: I heard a train, I think it was the ministers train. We can follow the tracks and it would lead us right to him. *he smiles evilly* You first..
*she shakes her head then crawls under the brush, jumping down into the tunnel and landing on a platform. She smells smoke and coughs, then looks up to see the wreckage of the train, and an escaping prime minister, and Grendel going after him*
*aya takes off running down the tunnel after Grendel readying her blaster*
*She opens her commlink*
<font color=yellow> :Aya to Saurron
:we're in pursuit of the Minister
:Grendel on his tail
:we're going after him down the tunnel
:Aya out</font>
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 03:38:43 PM
Darth Grendel continues down the tunnel, shadowing the Prime Minsiter. Using the power of the Dark Side to fill the Ministers mind with an unutterable terror as he continues to run. Run right into the arms of Sith Master Rama Sha!
MINISTER: They won't get me! They won't get me!
Grendel sees the Minister press a button on his wristband, and senses what he's done. Grendel dodges out of the way just as 4 more of the giant combat-droids burst through the tunnel ceiling! The battle-droids, locked onto the Ministers signal and summoned by his wrist band control, detect Grendel and immediately attack!
Down the tunnel, Ayanami Rai and Bowdin hear explosions and weapons fire as Grendel battles the combat-droids.
Aug 2nd, 2000, 07:28:46 PM
*Up in his ship, Firebird1 awaits the order to fire by making sure all the weaponry of his ship is ready to go.*
K9: Ion Cannon is charging, and will be able to fire soon.
Firebird1: Good, when I get the signal I want this to be as big as it can be.
*Firebird1 looks up from his station and presses a button, bringing up another panel, wit the designs of the TIE/D that are used on the World Devestator.*
Firebird1: K9, are these fitted for land bombing missions?
K9: Not really sir, the droid craft are scaled down versons, about 1/100 size, they would be good to make sure no unarmed being will survive.
Firebird1: Good, have the 26 we got ready to go as soon as we recieve the order to fire.
OOC: I don't know the size of these TIEs, if they are bigger then 5 m wide/2 m hight, then let me know and I'll change this.
Rama Sha
Aug 2nd, 2000, 07:33:14 PM
:: The speeder pulls up in front of buliding. Rama jumps out and opens a manhole cover and look down. He can hear a fight going on below. ::
Come on guys! This way.
Ayanami Rai
Aug 2nd, 2000, 07:53:37 PM
*she aims her blaster towards one of the droids and fires, blasting it back. She looks at Grendel and smiles* nice to see you.. *she runs up igniting her saber in the other hand , "deassembling" the droids one by one, occasionally blasting them*
Aug 2nd, 2000, 08:07:33 PM
**sees smoke billowing from a hole in the street...**
Hmmm someones having some fun...
**Sums pans his rifle around and sees the hole in the ground... he searches the area around the hole and notices some droids heading for the hole...**
well can't let whoever that is have all the fun...
**he sights the lead drone and fires... the drones head explodes as the bullet impacts and breaks into smaller pieces inside the head...**
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 08:17:55 PM
Nice to...
Darth Grendel leaps up and climbs up the back of one of the giant combat-droids, and buries the twin-blades of Soulreaver into its neck! Then, using his fork-staff as a lever, he severs the gigantic head and sends it crashing down! Grendel then jumps off the droid as its gigantic body falls to the ground.
... see you to, Aya!
Grendel, seeing that the other Sith have the situation well in hand, checks his scanners to see where the rest of the Sith are located, and then contacts Saurron and Rama.
: Darth Grendel to Rama Sha and Saurron.
: According to your coordinates, you're approximately 33.2 metres in front of the Prime Minister. You should see him at any moment.
: Darth Grendel out
Darth Grendel surveys the scene, as Ayanami Rai, Bowdin, and Summoner finish off the last few combat droids. Then he realizes something.
Grendel sits down and concentrates, focusing on the mind of the Prime Minister. He digs deeply into it, until he finds the information that he's looking for.
Ayanami, there is something that you must know.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 2nd, 2000, 08:26:14 PM
*Rage looks around seeing no sight of Grendel. he senses him near, but he can't exactly find his way to him. he continues foward and hear's noises like footsteps*
"Grendel? ah, thank god i found you!! i thou--"
* Rage sees a blaster shot and dodges quickly*
"Damn! the hell is wrong with you Grendel!?"
* Rage moves swiftly closer toward where the shot came and sees a battle droid that must've lost its way. he ducks low and makes sure he doesn't make a noise. he advances toward, and in one quick motion, he ignites Nightmare and cuts the droid throught its torso. seeing a good job done, he de-activates his LS and makes his way further in the darkness.
after awhile, he hears noises again. this time of droids being made into scrap metal. he moves further and finally finds other Sith*
"thank god i found my way through! it was BORING back there"
Aug 2nd, 2000, 08:26:59 PM
**Sums ejects the spent magazine from his rifle and loads a new one...**
5 kills not bad for such a short period of time...
**goes back to scanning the city for movement...**
Ayanami Rai
Aug 2nd, 2000, 08:47:46 PM
*she looks around and smiles seeing the battle droids lying in pieces throughout the tunnel. SHe looks down one end of the tunnel and then swings around looking down the other* uhh..guys...where's the Prime Minister..*she looks at Grendel then takes off running down the tunnel* I'll go this way, you guys see if you can head him off from above!!
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:13:26 PM
Darth Grendel follows Aya and they head down the tunnel. Finally they spot a manhole in the ceiling.
This is the one, Aya.
Darth Grendel, using the Force, lifts the manhole cover off and they both Force-Leap through the hole. Once aboveground, they find themselves outside of a massive building, and begin to work their way inside.
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:26:50 PM
**Sums sees Grendel and Aya exit the manhole... only moments before he saw the Minister being escorted inside the building by 10 battle droids...**
open new message... send to Darth Grendel priority one...
<FONT color=red>
: Proceed with caution...
: Minister inside building...
: Unknown number exceeding 10 battle droids...
: Will continue watch from here...
send and close message...
**pulls back the bolt on his rifle chambering a round...**
Darth Phantom
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:32:59 PM
:: fog covers here sum is standing, he then sees a dark figure as the fog clears he sees that its DP ::
nice shootin tex.
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:37:12 PM
**looks up surprised...**
Damn Phantom, please don't do that... thanks...
**looks back through the sight...**
oh and mind loosing the fog, it messes up my shot...
Ayanami Rai
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:38:05 PM
*she powers up her blaster and walks slowly and stealthily behind Grendel. She kicks open the door of the building and crouches low, aiming her blaster and steadying it. She stands up and proceeds, Grendel now behind her*
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:38:07 PM
*runs through the battle droids and makes his way toward the man-hole above*
"damnit!! why are you guys running from me!?!"
*Rage leaps through the man-hole and winds up back at a street. he senses that Grendel and Aya was where he was not long ago. he uses the force to locate where he is, and goes off to find him*
: Rage here
: i'm behind Grendel and Aya
: i'm also after the prime minister
: Grendel, if you hear this, HOLD UP!
: Rage out.
Darth Phantom
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:43:57 PM
sure thing :: fog slowly disappears :: need help?
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:48:27 PM
i don't... something about .50 caliber hallow point bullets that seem to blow apart a battle droid skull... though they might down in that building... there's an unknown number of battle droids inside...
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 09:54:04 PM
: No offense, Rage, but Aya and I got this covered. Report back to Rama.
: Grendel out.
Ayanami Rai quietly slips into the building, and begins climbing up a flight of stairs to a landing above. Grendel, in the meantime, circles around on the first floor, waiting for Aya's signal to strike
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 2nd, 2000, 10:00:49 PM
: fine, fine.. :p
: Rage out
*Rage takes a rest and looks around. he sees no sight of anyone, nor anything. after catching his breath, he decides to take flight and find Rama and others easily.
: Rage here
: Rama, could you look straight up in the sky?
: you should see me
: Grendel told me to report to you.. so.. there isn't much to report about
: Rage out
*Rage notices Rama and moves toward him*
Aug 2nd, 2000, 10:20:49 PM
*Firebird1 sends a message to Darth Grendal, Aya, Rage, Summoner69, and Darth Phantom.*
Firebird1: I've got an Ion cannon here that is waiting for a target. Just give the the Coordnates, and let me take it from there...
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 10:27:06 PM
Responds to Firebird.
: Aya and I have got this place covered. Grendel out.
Grendel looks up at Aya, as she continues to slowly moves up the steps, while he circles around on the first floor. Seeing a group of the locals, he moves ever closer to them, preparing to pounce!
Aug 2nd, 2000, 10:29:46 PM
**opens a new message to Firebird1...**
<FONT color=red>
: Message recieved...
: No targets at this time...
: Will update...
**sends the message off and continues to watch the area around the building...**
Aug 2nd, 2000, 11:02:47 PM
*Firebird1 recives the messages,*
Firebird1: well they at least have fun.
K9: Sir the mod on the TIE droids are done, are we still going to hold them off.
Firebird1: No K9 I'm going to have some fun. Launch them out of the new tubes that were made for it.
*Out of the sides of "The Falling Star" 6 small probes emirge, looking like TIE-Intersepters, they form up in wings of 3 each. The 12 craft then begin to head for the planet.*
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 2nd, 2000, 11:07:26 PM
*sees Firebird's new "toys" go past him. he then opens comm. to him*
: Rage here
: Firebird, what was that?
: it almost hit me.. hwat ever it was..
: Rage out
Ayanami Rai
Aug 2nd, 2000, 11:11:22 PM
*Aya aims her blaster at the civilians and fires, two of them flying forward from the blast*
&grendel looks up and sees Aya smiling as she continues on. She lurks up the steps and hears voices in a distant room. She leans back against a wall and opens a comm to Grendel*
<font color=yellow> :Grendel
:I think I hear them
:get up here
:aya out</font>
Darth Grendel
Aug 2nd, 2000, 11:28:45 PM
Aya looks around, and then looks back towards Grendel, only to find him gone! She turns out and barely surpresses a surprised shriek as she sees Grendel materialize out of a shadow before her.
Aya and Grendel then circle around the main room in the middle of the second floor platform, looking through the windows at the individuals inside, who are having a heated discussion. Grendel looks at Aya and she motions to him to attack.
Aya fires a blaster shot at the glass, shattering in and leaping in, while Grendel leaps into the room, disregarding the glass. The men look at the 2 Sith startled, and attempt to escape! But the 2 Sith are much faster and quickly cut them down. All but one.
Should I pursue him, Aya?
AYANAMI RAI: No, Grendel. Let him go.
AYANAMI RAI: Trust me. I got a surprise! (Aya grins evilly as she begins flipping switches and pushing buttons on the controls in the room)
Aug 3rd, 2000, 03:07:04 AM
Saurron turns to Rama and exclaimes Back up top back up top
The group runs back up to the streets emerging into the cold night air moving as fast as they can closing on the building the Minister entered. As they approach they notice parts of droids scattered everywhere. Saurron grins the work of Summoner, and enters the building....
<font color=lightgreen> :Firebird 1.destroy all major communication sites
2. destroy all law enforcement buildings
:Summoner you have our back, begin assault on all peace officers and continue on all battle droids wipe them out...all of them.
:Aya/Grendel your position please </font>
Darth Grendel
Aug 3rd, 2000, 03:20:39 AM
Saurron hears a loud explosion as he enters the building and runs out, and sees what appear to be DOZENS of combat-droids appearing! EASILY 20 metres tall! Rama Sha sees them as he climbs out of the sewers and readies himself for combat, as does Saurron, Summoner, and Ezekiel Rage. The enoormous combat-droids level their weapons...
... and begin firing on the civilians! They totally ignore the Sith and begin slaughtering civilians, instead! Killing them in droves and destroying their homes! The Sith stand there, dumbfounded, not understanding this turn of events, when one of the combat-droids comes towards Rama. It kneels down before him and lays it's clasped fists on the ground. It opens its hands to reveal the terrified and shaking Prime Minister! Just then a voice is heard over their communicators.
: Saurron, Master Rama, this is Grendel.
: Ayanami Rai and I have managed to capture the primary control center for the combat-droids. I wanted to destroy it, but Ayanami came up with the brilliant plan of reprogamming them, instead.
: In short, gentlemen, WE now control the sole military force this planet has!
: Oh, and I hope Master Rama enjoyed his gift. Ayanami thought it'd be a nice touch.
: Darth Grendel out.
Rama Sha
Aug 3rd, 2000, 04:11:55 AM
:: Rama Grabs the Prime minster by the collar and pulls him outta the droids hand. ::
Why did you run? That was very naughty.
:: Rama pushes him down to the ground. ::
Grendal does that building have a public annoucment Holo transmitter? I want the ppl of this planet to see something.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 3rd, 2000, 12:42:45 PM
*lands near Rama while he pushes the Prime Minister n the ground*
"uh, Rama, Grendel sent me to you.. so, what now?"
Darth Grendel
Aug 3rd, 2000, 12:49:35 PM
<font color=yellow>: Unfortunately, no. But there is a News Holo-Station building approximately 1.2 kilometers due East of us. THey should have what you need. Grendel out.</font>
Aug 3rd, 2000, 01:21:39 PM
*Firebird1 recives Saurron's message*
Firebird1: Understood. K9 is the Ion Cannon ready.
K9: Ion cannon is at 100% power, ready to fire at the coordnates given by Lord Saurron.
Firebird1: Fire away!!!
*The Ion Cannon on the undercarrage of "The Falling Star" releases it's deadly beam of destruction on the Law enforcement buildings, blasting them to rubble, killing all those inside with a terrible seering heat. The city's police cheif had just walked out of the nearestt donut shop and sees the destruction.*
Police Cheif: Woah, good thing they did not destroy the garage, where all our vechials are stored.
*The Police Cheif has his hand on the door of the for menchened garage when suddenly it is hit by the ion cannon blast. The Police Cheif only hears the screams of his men, but then suddenly smells his own flesh on fire. With in a couple of seconds, the Police Cheif is a crumpled mass on the sidewalk, burning. The ion cannon continues to fire targeting any Law Enforcement instilation on the planet.*
Firebird1: Keep fireing untill all the Law Enforcement buildings on the planet are gone. Meanwhile send in the drones to attack the communication center in the Capital city first, then take out the rest of the Comm on this world.
*A wing of 3 Droid TIE craft, target the Communication center, and blast it to shreads with their lazers. Meanwhile two other wings begin to fan out over the city, destroying any other possible forms of Comm the people may use to call for help, first in the Capital City, then fanning outword to the rest of the palnet.*
*Firebird1 sends a message to Rama, Saurron, and Rage*
All other centers of Communication have been destroied, the airwaves are clear, and Rama you have full control of the Holos. Lord Saurron, the police will not be giving us any trouble. And Rage, sorry about that.
Rama Sha
Aug 3rd, 2000, 05:54:13 PM
:: Rama grabs the Prime Minster and lifts him to his feet. Then tosses him in the speed between Ogre and Nuri. ::
If he tries anything funny..........kill him.
:: Rama turns to Rage. ::
Come with us. You can help run the Holo Trasnmitters.
:: Rama jumps into the Drivers seat. ::
Darth Ogre
Aug 3rd, 2000, 07:57:30 PM
:: Ogre wraps one giant arm around the Minister's shoulder and points a green crystal dagger at his heart with his other hand ::
Make a move and you stop breathing now.
Ayanami Rai
Aug 3rd, 2000, 08:11:58 PM
*AYa runs out into the street seeing the destruction from the ion cannons. She laughs madly and turns to Grendel* Where'd they go?
*she turns her head and sees them racing off in the other direction. She turns back towards grendel, pulling out her blaster and readying it. She turns the other direction and begins running after them*
Darth Grendel
Aug 3rd, 2000, 08:48:42 PM
Aya, hold up.
Aya stops, and walks back towards Grendel.
They left towards a Holo-Station, so that Rama could make an announcement to the planets populace. You'll never catch up to them on foot. But ... we CAN beat them there!
Darth Grendel takes Aya's hands in his.
I can't do it alone. I'm not strong enough. I need you to focus, Aya. Add your strength in the Dark Side to my own.
Darth Grendel senses the influx of energy which Ayanami Rai is sharing with him, drawing it in and adding it to his own. Slowly, he starts taking steps back, still holding Aya's hands, until they're both in the shadow of a near-by building. They then disappear!
Darth Grendel
Aug 3rd, 2000, 08:52:25 PM
Aya opens her eyes, only to see that they're standing in the shadow of a COMPLETELY different building! She sees a massive satellite dish and realizes that they're outside of the Holo-Station. She then looks to Grendel, who's kneeling weakly on the ground.
AYANAMI RAI: Are you alright?
I'll be fine. Just need a couple moments to recover. Rama and the others ought to be pulling up any moment, so keep your eyes peeled. I don't want to miss the show. :evil:
Aug 3rd, 2000, 08:55:27 PM
Smoke plumes begin rising all over the city like dark cloudy pillars reaching far into the sky as the people are awoken with the hard hitting blasts from firebird's ship...
Saurron switches to an encoded Sith comm. audible to only the SE Sith. Sticking the transponder piece on his throat he sends the signal for all Sith to switch over. Surely the Sith could communicate with each other via the force but this was going to be a long insertion and setting up a new home base was no small mission especially on a populated world. The geographical location of all pertinent sites have been obtained prior with the Imperial's help and technology making the operation so far a success.
Firebird this is Saurron I am sending you coordinates of all major space ports on the surface...destroy them.
All Sith invaders report in via Sith audcomm.
Heavy cruiser Despondent remain on full alert.
Well done Grendal be on the look out for stragglers and armed citizens
Summoner I have a feeling that before this is done people will flood the streets ...YOU are crowd control make them feel that inside is a better place to be Saurron grins at Ogre and Aya then turns his icy glare toward the Prime Minister as they intimidate him making him relieve himself in the middle of the street...
Aug 3rd, 2000, 09:01:04 PM
*Firebird1 awaits the announcement Rama is about to make.*
Firebird1: Ahh this should be fun to watch, and think it will be the highest rated show in this planets history.
*The TIE droids conitnue to fly about, blasting any off-world comm system that is not under Sith Empire control, and occanialy returning to "The Falling Star" for refueling and rearming.*
Darth Grendel
Aug 3rd, 2000, 09:20:25 PM
Grendel, having recovered his strengh, stands up and responds to Saurron.
It will be done.
Grendel draws out a device which he had taken from the droid control center, and enters a new command:
Destroy any non-Sith within visible sight.
Grendel then puts the device away and joins his fellow Sith.
Ayanami Rai
Aug 3rd, 2000, 09:29:17 PM
*aya stands, glaring at the Prime Minister, keeping her eyes locked on him, She laughs holds her blaster gun up towards his head, making a shooting gesture, making him wet himself again. She laughs and turns back to her fellow sith*
Aug 3rd, 2000, 10:05:04 PM
Ayanami Rai's eternal youthful laugh fills the streets echoing of the building faces bouncing back and forth then finally fading...
Meanwhile at the renshakla Spaceport private craft of all kinds begin to depart in a hurry...
Onboard the Heavy Cruiser Despondent....
The Bridge Commander's voice is heard in the Captains Quarters...
Bridge commander:: Sir ...there are multiple spacecraft leaving the planet...
Captain Klaar:: Begin operation roundup.
_Captain Klaar quickly puts on a newly pressed Imperial uniform and makes his way towards the Command Deck....
*thinking to himself * I will question them ...then torture them .... and then if I satisfied I will kill them ...if not then I will make them spend the last dying moments of their pitiful New Republic life begging to die...
Dara Shadowtide
Aug 3rd, 2000, 10:38:47 PM
:: Upon receipt of the encrypted transmission from Darth Ogre with the rendezvous coordinates, Dara boards her ship - a CR90 named the Resilience ::
"K-3PO, R2-Q2 and C2-R4 prepare for take off. Secure all hatches and close the ramp."
:: Dara makes her way to the pilot's command chair and initiates takeoff, setting the course with the coordinates she received ::
"C2-R4, ready my satchel with supplies. I am not sure how long the mission will take."
:: Dara watches the household droid whom she affectionately calls "Mom" scurry off to fulfill her command. K-3PO has provided her with a report on military capabilities of the planet as she instructed him to. R2-Q2 continues to monitor deep space and identify all craft in the sector. They have almost reached the orbit of the planet. Dara changes into a pale blue and beige garb in order to blend in with the inhabitants of the planet ::
"I am going to set her down close to the other ships from our group. Prepare for landing."
:: Dara sets the ship down with ease and the experience of many practice sessions with her father ::
K-3PO: "Excuse me my Lady, but we have something for you."
"Oh? Something for me?"
:: The droids present Dara with a small oval device - a language translator with a built in comlink to communicate with the three droids ::
K-3PO: "Your father would not want us to lose contact with you my Lady."
:: A flood of memories of her recently departed father sweeps over her as a smile graces her lips ::
"I thank you for this. I shall be just fine and will return as soon as I can. Meanwhile, you three guard the ship and monitor the planet. Farewell."
:: Dara grabs the satchel and dons a cloak as she decends the ramp to the planet surface. She turns to give the three droids she has known all her life a slight nod and smile, and then embarks toward the last given coordinates from Darth Ogre. She will contact him as she gets closer to his location ::
Aug 3rd, 2000, 11:35:43 PM
*Firebird1 recives the message, and reports back via Sith audcomm.*
Understood, first target: Renshakla Spaceport
*It was a peaceful day at Renshaka, untill many ships of all kinds began to blast off. But then even that great sight was taken over by another, an Ion Cannon blast, destroing the main command center, scattering peices of it everywhere. Then the rain of death kept comming untill the once famous spaceport was destroied. The other spaceports were suddenly suprized to see that telemetry from Renshakla simply vanished. With out the ability to send any Comm, they could not know what awaited them. All they, like the planets populace could only recieve, not send.*
K9: Sir the first target has been destroied, next target coming into range.
Firebird1: Wonderful, and what of the droid patrols?
K9: They are now over the Comm structures and Spaceports that the Ion Cannon can not yet reach.
Firebird1: Good, Have the droids make sure that all Comm is disrupted, and that any other ship detected as being in the air has it's coordnates relayed to Lord Saurron's ship.
K9: Yes Sir...
Aug 4th, 2000, 01:54:47 AM
As the short range scanners pick up the initial emerging spacecraft fleeing from the planets surface Firebirds data only quickens their demise. Before they know it squadrons of TIE Interceptors are on both starboard and port side pushing them with their pin point green laser fire toward the Despondent...
_ The c.ockpit of the fleeing craft is busy with pilots preparing to make the jump to hyperspace....the ship lurches forward as the stars begin to grow long and stretch then fails just as quickly dropping back to normal space. The craft shakes violently and a hopeless look comes across the crews faces... We are lost The ship begins traveling towards the Despondent sideways pulled by it's powerful tractor beam. A view from afar would show the engines of the fleeing craft shut down in admission of defeat ....
Rama Sha
Aug 4th, 2000, 06:28:11 AM
:: Rama enter the building quickly followed by the others. He grabs the Prime Minster and drags him toward a Large Holo pad. ::
Don't worry man.......Im gonna make you famous.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 4th, 2000, 10:34:40 AM
*stands beside Rama. Rage them spots the Prime Minister*
"you should be ashamed prime minister! you left "poochie" all alone at bed. you--"
*Rage notices Rama staring at him. he then backs away and activates B-LT so he can someone to talk to*
Ayanami Rai
Aug 4th, 2000, 12:55:18 PM
*She stands there, glaring at the prime minister. She lifts up her blaster and aims it at him, making sure the good ol' boy doesn't go anywhere. She waits*
Aug 5th, 2000, 12:52:21 PM
Watches as Aya holds the blaster to his head. Searching the Prime Ministers's thoughts he hears no...I won't do it whatever these scum want... Just then the captive reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pill and begins to put it in his mouth as fast as he can!
Rama Sha
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:02:10 PM
:: Rama leans over and whispers in the Prime Minsters ear. ::
Don't worry, you don't have to do anything.
:: Rama hauls him on to the large Holo recorder pad. ::
Get this thing started up!
Darth Grendel
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:32:02 PM
Darth Grendel looks towards the tech crew. The tech crew, needing no more than that, quickly activate the holo-equipment.
TECH: We're ready! You're on in 5 ...4 ... 3 ... 2 ...
Ayanami Rai
Aug 6th, 2000, 12:57:31 AM
*Aya leaps doing a spin kick in the air, kicking the Prime Minister arm, knocking the pill from his hand as the crew counts down. She aims the blaster at his head and grins* Only I will have the pleasure of killing you. *she holds the blaster to his face and stares him down*
TECH Crew: *motions one and points "You're on"*
Rama Sha
Aug 6th, 2000, 05:11:41 AM
:: The Holo pad glows and large images of the Rama and the Prime Minster appear all over the plants many Holo projecters. Rama Reach to his side and takes out his saber and lights it. In a flash of green the prime minsters head flies off his body. People look on in horror. Rama deactivates his saber and places it back on his belt. ::
People of Munto Codru. I am Rama Sha. The Sith Empire is now in control of this planet. Your planets scurity force have either been killed or captured. All communications to this planet have been cut off. The repbulic won't know and the Jedi will not know. there is no hope for you. You belong to us now.
:: Rama steps off the pad and looks down at the body then turns to the others. ::
Ayanami Rai
Aug 6th, 2000, 10:06:24 PM
*Aya aims her blaster at the Ministers head d levels it out, closing one eye, she looks at it, aiming directly. She Jerks her hand up and mouths "bang" as she walks out of the room into the street*
Aug 8th, 2000, 12:13:11 PM
**an very evil grin appears on Sums face from watching the holo show as he thinks**
"Damn what a woman"
**he pops out another empty mag and slides the last one into place pulling back on the bolt... to his left lays 19 empty mags and 285 shell casings... he turns on his comm...**
R-9 any more mags in the ship???
R-9: Yes... only about 200...
Is that all??? bring me out 20...
**R-9 goes and gathers 20 mags and brings them to Sums...**
**Sums opens up a new message to go over the Sith commnet to everyone...**
<FONT color=red>
: Summoner reporting in...
: Crowd control underway...
: Close to 270 dead or wounded...
: If there is any left they are staying inside...
: Summoner out...
**shuts off the comm... and does some mental math...**
95% accuracy... not bad but not great either...
**goes back to scanning the city...
Dara Shadowtide
Aug 8th, 2000, 01:38:12 PM
:: Dara watches the holo transmission which is broadcast all throughout the planet. She sees the mission is progressing right on schedule and a small smile plays upon her lips. She then steps to the shadows and reaches for her comlink ::
"Darth Ogre, Saurron - Dara Shadowtide here awaiting instructions. Please advise. Shadowtide out."
Ayanami Rai
Aug 8th, 2000, 02:26:56 PM
*she walks out into the street with her blaster at her side, and looks at Summoner and the corpses at his feet. A sinister smile spreads across her face as she walks past him. She pats him on the back, and stands looking around, and laughs slightly* Good Job Summoner...*she looks at him and grins, kicking a dead body, aiming her blaster at a passer by, blowing his head off.*
Aug 8th, 2000, 02:37:45 PM
**smiles at Aya's ruthlessness...**
thank you... i do what i can... It's not as much fun as close quarters fighting but you must say, it's a heck of a lot more effective...
Darth Ogre
Aug 8th, 2000, 03:45:12 PM
:: Ogre wanders the streets grinning at the mayhem. He makes his way towards an abandoned speeder and finds that it is still functional. Just as he gets in he receives the comm. From Dara and responds ::
<font color=red>Ogre here, proceed to the capital city’s spaceport and determine the situation there. We need to take control of it and I will be there shortly.</font>
:: Ogre proceeds to drive the speeder, turning it down the street, littered with bodies, and manages to hit a couple fleeing civilians as he drives down the road, laughing as their blood splatters on the front section of the vehicle ::
Dara Shadowtide
Aug 8th, 2000, 06:55:25 PM
"Affirmative Ogre. Meet you there. Shadowtide out."
:: Dara's current location is in close proximity to the spaceport as Ogre had obviously already calculated. As she travels to her assigned destination on foot, she notices no citizens on her way there as they must have been taken care of or have fled the city. She comes upon the relatively small station. Apparently the inhabitants of this planet must have little need for space travel. She steps out of view into the doorway of a nearby shop to take a better look at the spaceport and to assess the situation per orders of Ogre. There are two entrances in front and a small section behind the station with ships docked in a line. Dara sees a few people scurrying around inside yet at this point it does not appear to be heavily populated. Ogre arrives on his blood-ridden speeder and she briefs him on the situation thus far ::
Rama Sha
Aug 9th, 2000, 04:30:01 AM
:: Rama exits the building and sits on the steps and watches the chaos unfold. ::
No we need a few hunderd slaves and some Architects. I know where to get the slaves, but where to get the architects.
:: Turns to the one who remain. ::
This planet have a phone book?
Aug 9th, 2000, 11:52:02 AM
Saurron grins Of sorts Flipping his cloak back over one shoulder he digs into one of his pouches and retrieves a cord plugging it into a wall access terminal and into his data pad he begins searching the public files for all known engineers, scientists, and the like. Another grin comes across Saurron's face as he hears the chaos outside unfold and the familiar sound of Aya...
Aya:: YEAH!! YOU WANT SOME?? AND HOW ABOUT YOU?!?!?! Her blaster going off in between her shouts...
Ayanami Rai
Aug 9th, 2000, 03:39:10 PM
*she walks back, blood splattering her skin she looks at Rama and Saurron* Uhh...*she waves her hand with the blaster in it* I think that I got most of these civilians covered...*snickers* but uh..I need something better to do. OH..and I found this one guy. *she yells for Grendel, and Grendel drags in a slightly overweight man, scared out of his mind* He says he's some kind of contractor. *Grendel drops him and he begins to beg for mercy* *she laughs and aims her blaster at his head* You want him?
Rama Sha
Aug 9th, 2000, 05:14:34 PM
:: Rama turns to look at her. ::
No.......I hate contractors. Kill him.
:: Rama gets up and walks over to where Saurron is looking through the terminal. ::
Got anything?
Darth Grendel
Aug 9th, 2000, 05:48:37 PM
(Severs the head of the contractor with a sweep of his Fork-staff.)
Rama Sha
Aug 9th, 2000, 08:04:36 PM
Hee hee
Aug 9th, 2000, 08:24:56 PM
*Firebird1 lands his ship "The Falling Star" at the blasted Spaceport.*
Ayanami Rai
Aug 9th, 2000, 08:35:20 PM
*shoves Grendel in the shoulder* I wanted to do it..geez you ruin all the fun...*walks off pouting and blows some guys head off with her blaster*
Darth Grendel
Aug 9th, 2000, 08:49:07 PM
My apologies, Aya. If it helps, you can kill the next dozen contractors we run across. :evil:
Aug 9th, 2000, 08:55:36 PM
*Firebird1 yells to Aya.*
Let me have some fun...
*Firebird1 kills the courious onlooker who had come up to his ship to get a closer view by sending his nose into the back of his head.*
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 9th, 2000, 09:24:41 PM
*makes his way down a street blasting people and buildings.
B-LT: good work master!
Rage: yeah.. but it gets boring.. they don't even fight back
*notices someone charge at him probably trying to attack him. he blasts him with a 'ki' blast. Rage watches the patron fall to the ground staring at him. he then hears the creature give it's last words.
Rage: what did it say Bee Elltee?
B-LT: it said: "filthy Sith"
*Rage glares at the dead body. he then blasts the body again, this time destryoing it. he then makes his way down the street again with a slight grin on his face*
Aug 10th, 2000, 08:31:57 PM
Well, we have enough. I have downloaded all locations and residences of the people we need. Shall I send the word and coordinates to start gathering them up before Aya Grendal and Summoner kills everyone? :evil:
Rama Sha
Aug 10th, 2000, 08:35:33 PM
I think that would be advisable.
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 10th, 2000, 08:37:55 PM
*opens comm. to Saurron*
: Rage here
: could i receive some of those coordinates?
: I'd like to have some 'fun' as well :evil:
: Rage out
Aug 10th, 2000, 10:04:17 PM
Saurron kind of chuckles as he sends the coordinates to all Sith then contacts them via audcomm...
This is Saurron round up all cititzens that I have given you coordinates for. Their profiles are included in the transmission. They are located through out the city so be carefull there may be some reminence of a security or local police hiding. Aya, Grendel, Summoner, Ezekial, lets begin rounding them up.
IN ORBIT:: A small ship that would not comply spins out of control as it's life support leaks like a busted damn as three TIE Interceptors race behind it.
Suddenly a New Repulic supply ship drops from hyperspace and veers sharply to avoid the Despondent as it looms above the once peacfull planet. The Despondent immediatly fires several turbo laser batteries knocking out the shields and sub-light engines
Sir they are transmitting an alert and s.o.s
Well jam there transmissions!
Done! I think some of their transmission got through.
A somber look falls across the deck officers face Lord Saurron will not be pleased if the Jedi and the New Republic are alerted of our operations here.
Aug 11th, 2000, 02:09:19 PM
*Firebird1, after reciving his instructions, recieves a message from K9*
K9: Sir, the ship is refuiled and rearmed, as per your instructions, any further orders?
Firebird1: Recall all the drones I sent out, and repair them as well. I'm going to see about some heavy equipment and personal that Lord Saurron want for construction purposes.
Rama Sha
Aug 11th, 2000, 06:18:18 PM
:: Rama downloads a name an address from the list.
" Keen Saball
55801 S. falcon Rd "
I'll get this one.
:: Rama walks towards the steps ::
Aug 11th, 2000, 06:50:17 PM
Watches Master Rama casually stride towards the steps...
Saurron's attention is then diverted by a beeping alert signal on his wrist....
<font color=red> ETA of sunrise t-minus 4hrs 23min.</font>
Saurron moves his hand to his side instictively double checking where his enviro helm hangs...
Then thinks of Aya... now a 100 percent Vampyre unprotected from the cursed star...the sun. Four hours he mumbles to himself ...when busy four hours seems more like twenty minutes
_After four hundred years he needed no computer to tell him when his existance was in danger from the cursed star or for that matter the existance of one of his fledglings...his inability to save his newest fledgling weighed heavy on his mind...
His eyes glowing, almost white in color Saurron declares...
I will not lose another...
Saurron sends a transmission to his personal guards and orders them to bring another enviro suit to him immediatly!
_Within minutes Saurrons personal shuttle swings low wings folding up as they have done so many times before ...
Emerging from the shuttle his dark troopers fully converted now...<IMG SRC=>
bring what he requested..
Rama Sha
Aug 11th, 2000, 07:02:53 PM
:: Rama jumps into the stolen speeder and speeds away toward the address. ::
Ayanami Rai
Aug 11th, 2000, 07:41:58 PM
*she goes to slice off another civilians head but stops, then shoves them in the back down the street. SHe stops as she hears Saurron's voice ringing through her head. SHe goes ahead and decapitates the civilian* I don't have time for you..*she runs down the street towards Saurron and stops in front of him* Yes Saurron?
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 11th, 2000, 10:04:20 PM
*looks at the address:
Homer J. Simpson
Springfeild St.
this better be fun
*takes flight and heads toward his destination*
Aug 12th, 2000, 12:49:09 AM
*After the Ion Cannon attack, many buildings were destroied, many repair crews, welding heavy epuipment. But to think that Firebird1's task was easy, was another thing. The names he was given, he found to be mixed in with many other construction workers. Firebird1, not to alarm the people and lose those he was ordered to find, desgised himself using his Force Illusion ability, to appear as an Inspector, inspecting the buildings for an unnamed government agency. This allowed him too seperate out those names who were on that list, and those who were not. Firebird1 was soon able to "request" that some personal for a personal project. But one foreman would not part with his company.*
Firebird1: I need these people for an important assignment, one that would benfit you and your wallet greatly...
Construction Foreman: No, I can not, I don't know why but something about this seems not quite right.
*Firebird1 thinks to himself Perhaps this small foreman can sense the Force in some manner, if I had time I could introduce him to the Dark Side, but I have none. So a different method.. After talking with those he needs, and placing them in a trance, Firebird1 leaves the compound. A few hours later the Construction Workers took a break to eat a meal.*
Construction Worker 1: Dang that was a hard couple of hours of work Noh, now we can rest.
Noh: Easy for you to say sitting in an office near that manic of a Foreman, Ben.
Ben: So what, who cares, hay why are those three guys not ripping at each others throats.
Noh: I don't know, it has been a firey couple of days. Where is the Foreman at Ben?
Ben: Ah he's in the office looking over some reports...
*As soon as he said that the office complex explodes. The Foreman is later found impailed on his own desk, and those who saw it said that it looked like the entire foundation exploded, setting off some explosives that were found to be stored under there, funny thing was is that noone knew who who placed the explosives there. As the day ended, with the Construction Workers going home to look for new jobs, and the three Firebird1 required, well, they soon found him, holding a case of their old Foreman's Explosives.*
Aug 12th, 2000, 03:16:24 AM
As Aya comes running back to see him and his troopers standing there. He hands her the same kind of eviro suit he wears with helmet.
We have little time put this on
Aya begins undressing right there not afraid of her sexuality. Saurron turns around and lets her finish then notices the troopers gawwking uh hum!!The troopers turn too...
Saurron... Are you done?
Saurron:: you have to make sure the helm is on right
He hits the top of the helm with his fist making it push down further on her head.
Aya: ouch! My ears
Saurron laughs
Rama Sha
Aug 13th, 2000, 12:28:13 AM
:: Rama approachs a door. He glances over at the address and name. ::
" Keen Sabal: Architect."
:: Rama knocks on the door::
Rama Sha
Aug 14th, 2000, 04:17:00 AM
:: A frail voice comes through the speaker next to the door. ::
" Uhhhhhh Im Looking for Keen Sabal."
"I really need to talk to him."
" OH screw this. "
:: Rama pulls out his blaster and blasts the lock. He then kicks in the door. ::
Rama Sha
Aug 18th, 2000, 06:13:59 PM
:: Rama enters the room. Backed into the corner is a frail old man. ::
Rama: Mr. Sabal I persume..........I got a job for you.
Keen Sabal: DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!
Rama: God....
:: Rama walks over and grabs him by the arm and drags him towards the door ::
Rama....Why do you ppl always Yell "Don't kill me."? Don't you know if I wanted you dead you would be?
:: Rama throws the man into the speeder and jumps into the drivers seat, and takes off. ::
:: Rama open the Comm to Saurron ::
I got the are the others coming?
Aug 18th, 2000, 07:06:39 PM
**Sums having left his position and the hundreds of shell casings behind him walks through the city...**
**as he walks he gathers prisoners that are able bodied enough to serve as slaves... he rounds them up and moves them onto the Dark Viper, where he places them in the detention cell...**
1.. 2... 3... 4...
**Sums continues counting as R-9 prepares for take-off...**
... 64...
64 slaves not a bad haul...
R-9 head for the space port...
**The Dark Viper lifts off and streaks through the sky heading for the space port**
Darth Grendel
Aug 18th, 2000, 07:34:42 PM
Rama drives for several city blocks until he comes upon Darth Grendel, leading a unit of combat droids which they had taken control of. He and the droids were herding a group of people in the direction of the capitol building. Rama stopped and got out of the speeder, making sure Keen Sabal was securely fastened to his seat, first.
"What's going on here, Grendel?"
"Following your orders, Master Rama. These are all architecturul teachers from the local architecture university."
Rama and Grendel both looked towards the crowd of prisoners as one of them spoke up.
Architecht: Um ... you don't really need all of us! Jhyron Trebay is the only one you need!
The rest of the men in the crowd began to nod in agreement, and began pointing at Jhyron, who's face began to turn white in fear.
Architect: He's renowned as an architectural genius, and he's designed military installations all over the galaxy!
Rama looked at the architect speaking with an amused look on his face. "Really? So I don't need the rest of you, correct?"
Architect: Yes. You don't need the rest of us!
A look of relaxation came over the architect's face, as he felt he had just escaped any harm.
"I don't need the rest of them, so go ahead and kill them, Grendel."
"As you command, my lord."
The architects face was filled with utter terror, easily visible to all...
... for the brief seconds in which he still lived, before the combat droids incinerated him and the rest of the architects!
Rama walked over to the shaken Jhyron Trebay and threw his arm over his shoulder. Jhyron, who was as pale as a sheet and stood in the middle of craters that used to be his fellow architects, couldn't hold back. A small yellow puddle formed at the base of his feet.
"Jhyron, you don't mind if I call you Jhyron, do you? Jhyron, if you and I are to become good friends you really MUST learn to control your bladder!"
Grendel watched as Rama led Jhyron towards the speeder and, rather abruptly, shoved him into it. Grendel then watched as Rama sped away. Rama sped away, leaving Grendel behind to cause more mayhem. And more mayhem he would cause! :evil:
Rama Sha
Aug 18th, 2000, 10:12:28 PM
Jhyron Keen Sabal.
You two are gonna be working together.
:: In the background screams can be heard as the speed away. ::
Keen.....Master Architect of underground structures and Jhyron Trebay....Military defense Architect.....Now lets use a bit of logic and think about what you will be doing. :evil:
:: Keen and Jhyron reamain silent. ::
Aug 19th, 2000, 02:47:23 AM
Rama hears static as Saurron's voice crackles over the speaker. Sorry had some technical difficulty
Saurron makes his way down the now silent streets towards Rama's location as time passes into the early morning hours.
Rama Sha
Aug 19th, 2000, 04:28:40 AM
:: Rama speeder pulls up. He throws the two architects out of the speeder. ::
Put these two to work on the desgins.
:: Rama looks around the city, at the defensive walls around the city. ::
OK lets get those gates closed and weld them shut. I don't want them bypassing the locks. And we need some robotic Pluse cannon sentritys to hit any in coming ships. That way a land or air assault is almost impossible.
and its almost Sunrise you better get your suit on.
Aug 19th, 2000, 01:06:04 PM
**the Dark Viper lands and offloads all of the prisoners... Sums looks around for any of his fellow Sith...**
Aug 19th, 2000, 04:32:05 PM
Saurron smiles Yes your right and reaches behind him umhooking the eviro helm from his belt. Turning it on he pulls in down over his head as it meets the suit under his robes the eviro connectionection is made, and several other lights begin to shine brightly indicating systems functions are in order...
Despondent, send down auto defense systems and get them put in place immediatley. Also send Sith Trooper occupation force, and work crews
<font color=red>Summoner join me in the capital building</font>
Saurron marches the two up the steps to the capital building an anceint building exqusitly adorned with concrete statues and carvings painstakenly etched into the walls of the great structure.
Keen and Jyhron look at each other as they walk hearing Saurrons foot steps just behind them.
Keen (whispering):: Why does he wear that..that suit?
Jhyron(whipsering):: I'm not sure...must be allergic to..
Saurron's voice booms through the voice amp:: SHUT UP! AND KEEP WALKING...
Aug 19th, 2000, 04:48:02 PM
<FONT color=red>: Message recieved, on my way...</FONT>
**looks around and sees a group of battle droids holding some other prisoners... he herds his prisoners in with the rest...**
**walking towards the capital building he comes across an abandoned speeder... slinging his rifle on his back and a bag of ammo at his side... Sums starts towards the capital building...**
**Sums arrives at the capital building and walks inside... coming up behind SAURRON and company... he bows respectfully...**
you requested my presence M'lord???
Darth Havok
Aug 19th, 2000, 08:06:09 PM
(while the carnage commenced on the ground)
Havok looks closely at the sensor readings, standing on the bridge of the Warhead..
He sends the required codes to all the ships in the outlining area that a few rebel craft are being escorted from the planet, and that they are under complete control of his troops.. Also sending a transmission to Saurron on the surface..
Maybe another time, my comrade, I have a few priority missions to attend to, but I will be in contact soon..
end transmission...
(on the surface)
Incinerator mines are placed in key locations around the buildings that confine the Corellian type craft. The troops kill all guards in the entire building, the com tower is engulfed in flames, as the pilots, and engineers start the engines of the few run down ships, in the hangers, and gather any, and all supplies within the structure.
The mines go and completely wipe out everything near them. The few ships scream from the hangers just as they erupt into flames, they approach the area of the shuttles, as they also disembark from the ground, with all the spare parts and supplies about the shuttles. The transport craft on the ground get into formation with the stolen craft, and return to the Warhead, and the Abolisher Cruiser still in orbit around the planet. Most of the stolen craft dock with the Warhead, and a Y4-2000 docks with the Abolisher Crusier, as they turn and jump into hyperspace..
Ooc-meant to do this a long time ago, but oh well, its done..
Ezekiel Rage
Aug 19th, 2000, 10:46:29 PM
*arrives at his destination. he sees no action other than a creature strollin down the street*
Alien Flanders: well, hi diddly doo there neighbor!
Rage: uh.. you know where Homer J. Simpson is?
Alien Flanders: No sir-rooney
Rage: ooookay.. do you have any idea when he'd be back?
Alien Flanders: sorry.. not a diddly doo doo
Rage: what?
Alien Flanders: ahh.. well, look at the time.. got to go
*the creature begins walking past Rage. Rage decides to cause some havok, and blasts Alien Flanders through the torso killing him*
Rage: idiotic creature..
Rama Sha
Aug 19th, 2000, 10:50:09 PM
:: Rama walks up the steps and then turn back and looks at the sky. He notices a very bright star in the sky. ::
:: Rama takes a pair of Microbinoculars off his belt and scans the sky. ::
Well.......I'll be damned.
:: Rama turns to Saurron. ::
They got a ship yard up there......Must be New Repbulic. It must have been on the other side of the planet when we jumped it.
:: He looks through his binocualrs again. ::
We need to capture. Not only could they alert the rest of the fleet, but we might need a shipyard later.
Aug 19th, 2000, 11:05:56 PM
**Sums is standing behind Rama and the group when he hears what is said... he bows again...**
M'lord... may i offer my services as part of an assault team to go to the ship yards...
**while he is talking, Sums mentally thanks himself for having R-9 keep the Dark Viper ready for take off at the starport...**
Rama Sha
Aug 19th, 2000, 11:36:21 PM
:: Turns to Summoner. ::
Of course.....the task is yours.
Aug 19th, 2000, 11:39:45 PM
thank you m' lord...
**turns quickly and runs out of the capital building and to his stolen speeder...**
Ayanami Rai
Aug 19th, 2000, 11:50:15 PM
*she looks at Sums from inside the suit* ...dude...HEY WAIT FOR ME!! *she runs after him and jumps on the speeder bike behin dhim and holds onto him as they speed off towards the ship yard*
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:01:08 AM
**speeds through the streets heading for the starport and the Dark Viper...**
hope you don't mind if we take my ship up there...
Summoner to R-9: get the ship ready... we are going for a ride...
R-9: acknoledged...
**on board the Dark Viper R-9 starts all the engins and is ready for take off when Sums and Aya race aboard... Sums takes the helm as they all buckle in...**
next stop the republic ship yard in the sky...
a few minutes later
R-9 prepare for assault docking...
R-9: acknoledged...
**The Dark Viper makes a controlled crash with the main part of the ship yard... an explosive ring around the air-lock hatch blows a hole into the ship yard... Sums and Aya race out of the Dark Viper and towards the contol center...**
we have to stop them from making any contact with republic forces...
Ayanami Rai
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:07:32 AM
*she looks around and takes out her blaster* Oh..I think we got it covered...*she runs off down the hall blowing away anything that moves. They reach the control centerand she gets to the main control panel. She smiles evilly as she pushes a few buttons, locking down the station. She turns and looks at Sums* It's all ours..
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:15:47 AM
**Sums sends a message to Rama...**
<FONT color=red>: The ship yards are ours....
: Minimal resistance...
: Minimal damage to the ship yard systems...
: No casualties...
: Starting a sweep for any opposition that we missed...
: Summoner out...
**Sums turns to Aya...**
**pointing** you take that section ... I'll take this one...
**they both run off in seperate directions... Sums takes out his saber but does not egnight it...**
Ayanami Rai
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:19:44 AM
*she runs in the opposite direction checking the energy of her blaster and then takes out her saber with her other hand, not yet igniting it. She runs and finds a trooper..she laughs as she sees him and does a spin kick to his chest, catching him off guard. She points her blaster towards him* goodnight. *she fires and continues down the hall*
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:32:09 AM
**runs down through his section of the yard... there is little resistance... just a trooper here and a civillian there... all of whom fall to Sums now ignighted blade... in the last corridor though he comes across a number of barrickaded troopers...**
oh goody something to play with...
**Sums slowly walks down the corridor... he easily deflects the blaster shots from the troopers... upon reaching the barrickade, Sums flips over the troopers... landing behind them he makes quick work of them... with that he sends Aya a message...
<FONT color=red>: My sides clear...
that was kinda satisfying...
**Sums heads back to the control center to wait for Aya to return from her side of the yard...**
Ayanami Rai
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:46:22 AM
*she walks back dropping a blaster that she collected from one of the troopers. She looks at her blaster and puts it back on her belt. She walks up to Sums and grins* clear on that side.
Aug 20th, 2000, 12:52:01 AM
good... you wanna stay up here or head back down to the surface???
Ayanami Rai
Aug 20th, 2000, 01:04:19 AM
well there's not much for us to do either place except Rama and see what he wants us to do..
Aug 20th, 2000, 01:08:42 AM
sounds like a plan...
**Sums sends a message down to Rama...**
<FONT color=red>
: Situation on Ship yard under control...
: Request further orders...
: Summoner out...
i guess now we wait for our answer...
Rama Sha
Aug 20th, 2000, 05:14:10 AM
:: Rama answers his call ::
Im sending up a few of Grendal's Drouids up to take your place. Once they get there return to the surface.
Go work guys.
Aug 20th, 2000, 11:28:22 AM
**Sums sends a message back down to Rama...**
<FONT color=red>
: Message recieved...
: Thank you sir...</FONT>
**Sums turns to Aya...**
we're heading back down when some battle droids show up...
Rama Sha
Aug 20th, 2000, 05:31:31 PM
::Sends a message to Grendal ::
<font color=green> We need to send up some droids to the shipsyards and we need some heavy ship cover for it </font>
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