View Full Version : Legion Shipyards - Operation: Trojan Horse
General Scorpion
Jul 24th, 2000, 09:50:03 PM
*The moon caught his eye as the Eta Attack Squadron, one of the smaller fleets, leaped from hyperspace.. Barely ten kilometres away was the shipyards, orbiting the planet..
Perfect.. He then turned to the tall, shadowy figure barely three feet away..
"You know what to do.."
After motioning for two of his Sith Troopers to follow him, he walked up the ramp into the XIP Shuttle Devious, currently in the hangar bay of the Victory Star Destroyer Ravager..
As soon as the shuttle was ready, it dropped out from the belly of the starship and swiftly flew towards the planet...
The man standing on the Ravager's bridge watched the shuttle briefly before giving the entire fleet the signal to move into position.. The Dreadnaught Fhun'il was the last to turn towards the moon, but eventually all ships were aligned properly again..
A few seconds later, the fleet jumped into hyperspace.. Destination unknown.. Although the controllers at the shipyards were told it was just going to patrol the area..
After the ramp on his shuttle dropped with a hiss to the shipyard hangar's shining floor, Scorpion briskly made his way to his office, leaving his Sith Troopers behind to guard the shuttle..
Not even acknowledging the Legion guards the flanked him as he stepped through the doorway, he quickly sat at his desk and studied a datapad..
He made a call to the wing commander on duty, "Send sixteen of our twenty squadrons to the other side of the planet for...... practice sessions.. I think they need them.."
Not waiting for a response, he switched over to a lieutenant colonel supervising construction, "Wisluh, I'm coming to inspect that new Imperial III Star Destroyer that was recently finished.. I've been receiving negative reports about you.."
Not waiting for a reply from him either, he shut off his comlink and stared out the viewport.. All those stars, twinkling brightly.. So cheerful looking.. It will all be very bright soon.. Not cheerful though.. Well, not for those still here..
He stood from his chair, continuing to stare for a moment, before spinning on his heel and walking out of his office..
The fleet jumped from hyperspace yet again, this time behind the moon, shielded from sensors..
He craned his neck to look at the gigantic hulk of the Star Destroyer, as if interested.. The explosives had been planted on it, that's all that mattered.. They were all over the shipyard too.. The base seemed to lack security.. Well, it was supposed too.. Scorpion had cut down on security as far as he could without being obvious about it.. At least this way he knew what they were capable of..
He finished stuffing the unconscious lieutenant colonel into the closet, then walked to the communications room..
He stepped through the door and was greeted by an extremely eager ensign..
"M'lord, what a pleasant surprise! We've been working hard to keep up with all these new orders from the High Command. We haven't done something wrong, have we?"
Scorpion, apparently annoyed, replied, "I don't know.. Have you, Ensign..? Return to your duties, I am just doing a routine inspection.."
The minor officer quickly returned to his post, leaning over a large monitor..
Seeing all of them with eyes focused on their screens, Scorpion shut the door and turned back to the ensign, who was currently facing away from him.. In one fluid motion, he ripped his jagged looking Grand Moff insignia from his uniform and threw it viciously at the ensign..
The wide-eyed officer gasped and spun around to face his attacker.. He looked down where his hand covered his chest and saw a bloody stump protruding from it.. The weapon had gone all the way through.. He slumped to the floor and was instantly dead..
Barely a second after the insignia was thrown, the soldiers at their posts stood up in surprise.. Scorpion drew an Imperial Repeater from his side and held the trigger, raking fire all over the room.. The troops on duty didn't even get a chance to bring their weapons up to shoot.. He took care of them first.. The men standing up at their own work stations dumbfounded made for easy targets.. Then he lowered his aim, blowing through the heads of the workers too stunned to move from their seats..
Stepping over a smoldering body, he ignited his lightstaff, cutting through work stations, monitors, and equipment, then typing in a command code at the remaining station that caused the entire communications system to shut down.. He didn't want to take chances.. Satisfied, he sliced the last station in half, then opened the door and stepped out.. He turned, locked it, and walked to his office to finish up.. He had barely five minutes before the explosives went..*
Lord Gue
Jul 24th, 2000, 09:55:34 PM
OOC: Much appluase, MUCH APPLOAUSE!!!!
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 09:57:30 PM
*Fleet appeared from hyperspace..
Master Yoghurt stood on the bridge of General Scorpionsīs SSD Thyranny. He watched as the fleet of ships approached the Legion Ship Yard and started to think back how all this started. Weeks ago, he had received intelligence reports that the Sith Legion was planning to build a Huntress Class Star Destroyer as their flagship. Such ship would be seriously threatening the peace and freedom of the Galaxy and had to be destroyed before it was too late. The best time would be during the actual construction. However, this ship was heavily protected, and the New Republic needed someone on the inside to sabotage. While searching for such, he had received an unexpected from message from RSO, no less than the mighty General Scorpion. He requested help from the New Republic to join in a coordinated surprise attack at Sith Legion. Main target: The very same ship New Republic planned to attack! General Scorpion was going to defect from the Legion, and he was going to give a devestating blow as a spectacular salute finale..
Even though the Jedi Master despised the thought of working with his enemies, he knew this might be the only hope to destroy this monsterous ship which would surely be the cause of many deaths. This was also the excellent opportunity to give the Sith Legion a devastating blow. For all Yog knew, this could be a trap. But then again if that was the case, would the RSO trust him to use part of their fleet? Probably not. In any case, Yog was going to keep his old eyes peeled and be prepared for any surprising eventuality..
His thoughts were broken by an officer running to the bridge..
"We are jumping out of hyperspace now.. we have set course and speed to rendezvous with Legion Convoi"
"Excellent, now the masquerade may start.."
Jul 24th, 2000, 09:59:02 PM
:: On the bridge of The Ravager Ackbar stood, overseeing the Shipyards. He did not like working with the sith, but destroying the Legion's fleet was an oppurtunity he couldn't pass. And he was being greatly paid for this...::
Captain: "Sir, fireworks on the complex"
Ackbar: "That's Scorpion's signal. Put me on the fleet channel" ::grabbin his comlink:: "all units time to rock and roll. Skeleton team be ready, your operation begins in 10 minutes. All men to battle stations"
:: The Eta fleet moved from it's strategic position behind the moon. It's objective, the shipyards ::
General Crix Madine
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:01:32 PM
::New Republic Storm Fleet appears from hyperspace..::
* Storm Fleet:
MC-90 Hurricane
MC-80 Blizzard
MC-80 Blizzard II
Dauntless Cruiser Tornado
Dauntless Cruser Tornado II
Liberator Cruiser Typhoon
CC-9600 Frigate Thunder
CC-7700 Frigate Avalanche
Corellian Corvette Cyclone I
Corellian Corvette Cyclone II
Nebulon-G Class Destroyer Tsunami
Nebulon-B Maelstrome I
Nebulon-B Maelstrome II
Blockade Runner Hail Cloud I
Blockade Runner Hail Cloud II
General Scorpion
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:08:08 PM
*Scorpion reaches his office just in time to see the ships drop out of hyperspace.. An alarm sounds in the shipyards, and the two guards at his door stand up straighter in surprise..
Scorpion walks briskly to the door, and motions his guards to follow.. They position there Force pikes and start to move from their posts.. Scorpion jumps into the air and roundhouse the first guard in the jaw, knocking him to the floor.. The second stops and freezes in surprise, just seconds before a knife slits his throat..
He then attaches a note to the knife and shoves it into the first guard's head.. As he walks away, blood surrounds the words... I haven't forgotten..
Entering the hangar bay, he pulls out his rifle again, and the Sith Troopers do the same, turning to the Legion troops on duty.. All five Sith open fire..*
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:09:42 PM
Iota squad appears from hyperspace.. specs here: (
Master Yog is using the SSD Tyranny as Flagship for the Iota fleet and the ISDīs Furious and Unsoppable as reinforcements..
*Space turned bright as the convoi jumped out of hyperspace. There were bulk freighters and transport units of all sizes. The convoi stetched for miles and miles.. at the end of the row, there were ships substantially larger.. warhips escorting the convoi.*
Hopefully, the codes General Scorpion gave us will work..
"This is section 2A and 2B of convoi with escort fleet. We carry materials for superlaser and starboard section weapons and equipment... our security clearance code is 459271-342-693. Our ID number is AA-347981 and our misson code 86539-6592-395.."
"You are permitted to approach shipyard.."
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:11:49 PM
Oh my.......
Let me just recover form this surprise....
General Crix Madine
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:18:48 PM
::Storm fleet hides behind the moon.. still undetected by Sith Legion sensors..::
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:18:50 PM
>=) This is greatness
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:20:31 PM
:: Now only 2 kilometers away from the shipyards ::
Ackbar: "Put more power on the front foward shields"
Captain: "But sir what about the convoy that just came from hyperspace, they have some big ship there"
Ackbar: "Forget that. They will not attack us. our mission is the shipyards"
:: This said the Eta squadron approached. All ships deploying it's fighters. The fleet opened fire at the unready shipyard ::
Ackbar: "to all ships. Avoid firing near the main reactor and computer" ::Changing his comm to a private frequency::
"Skeleton crew, do your thing"
:: This said a small shuttle left Ravager's docking bay. It landed on the shipyard's main docking bay ::
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:24:39 PM
:: Inside the small shuttle. Boricua and his crew gets ready. A small holoprojector showing some maps of the shipyards ::
JB: "Ok guyz. 30 seconds before we begin. Let us review once again. When we land I will neutralize all possible resistance. Then will head to the main computer where Ghent will hack into the pc and find the position of the two target SD's. We will then divide into two teams and fly those ships away to safety behind the moon. Understood.
:: The shuttle landed on the main hangar ::
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:26:14 PM
::Madine stood on the bridge wondering if it was a good idea cooperating with RSO.. oh, what the heck. "Captain.. approach Shipyards from moon orbit! Prepare for attack!"::
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:30:51 PM
:: The shuttle lands, meeting no resistance ::
"The force tells me there is no one waiting for us...It seems Scorpion kept his promise"
:: The ramp down all of the skeleton crew sprinted accross the docking bay. Boricua in front. The enter a grey painted corridor, no resistance either. They took a left. Now I will see if this deal payed off. To Boricua's satisfaction, the doors to the main computer were wide open. The expert slicer, Ghent, sat down on a terminal and got to work. Boricua and theother covered the doors. After five minutes...::
"Master jedi. I have sent orders, no one will be watching the target SD, the are ours to take."
"Good job Ghent. Team alpha, this way, omega with me. May the force be with us"
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:31:28 PM
::Receives communications from Shipyard..::
"NR fleet is approaching the Shipyard! It is the Storm Fleet! Iota squad, please assist us! Attack Madineīs forces!"
MY: "Um.. we got a bad transmission.. could you please repeat?"
::Iota squad continues course for Shipyard..::
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:38:35 PM
"Repel, Atrocity I and II. Aim all of your weapons at the main target (Hunter class SD). Sinister and Cunning move to coordinates 88.29 North. Destroy those turbolasers."
Bridge officer: "Sir what about those two parked SD"
"Do not attack. We have something special for those. Eta AX-54, Wicked and Lacerate. Cover those two SD."
BO: "But sir"
"Do it!"
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:39:13 PM
Shipyard: "What are you waiting for??"
MY: "Will open fire.."
Shipyard: "Ah, finally!"
::The Iota squad attacks the Shipyard with full firepower!::
Shipyard: "What the hell are you doing!!!!"
MY: "Um... some weapon systems have gone maniac, will fix the problem.. do not worry..::
Shipyard: ????????????????
General Scorpion
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:39:33 PM
*His arms muscles now taut from absorbing the kick of the rifle, Scorpion runs up the ramp of his shuttle behind his Sith Troopers.. Sitting in the pilot's chair, he runs a quick check of the systems and raises the ramp..
The Devious rises slowly, turning towards the magcon field just a few meters behind it.. Scorpion looks out the viewport and sees a squad of troops running down the corridor, their blasters now aimed and firing...
The shots barely cause the Devious's shields to flicker, and Scorpion opens the s-foils, arms the laser cannons, and fires at a control room at the back of the hangar protected by a thin viewport.. The entire room burst into flames, bodies flying out through what was once a viewport onto the floor 10 meters below..
The Devious still turned towards the exit, and Scorpion saw another chance to wreak havoc.. He armed the warhead launcher and fired a torpedo.. The blue warhead streaked down the corridor until it hit one of the walls.. A fireball erupted from the outside of the shipyard, as well as the inside.. Troops were lifted off the floor and thrown helplessly through the magcon field into the vacuum of space.. Fuel tanks exploded and the Devious finished turning a soared away, fire filling the area where it once was..
He swooped down and up away from various explosions, then back at the yards, firing a pair of torpedoes into one of the building "arms".. Finally the explosives on the shipyard went.. Pieces flew everywhere, then were quickly extinguished by the cold vacuum of space.. Another building broke off and slammed into a Strike Cruiser just opposite of the one that was boarded..
Three minutes until the other explosives go.. Do your job, Jedi..
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:48:06 PM
::ISD Furious fires turbolasers at mainframe structure of the stern on the Huntress Class Star Destroyer.. "They will never finish it now.."::
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:49:02 PM
:: JB looks at his chrono...three minutes left....Ah! Finally they reached the ship ::
"Group Alpha, omega here. We have entered the SD. 1 minute until we reach the bridge"
"Copy Omega. We are boarding the turbolifts that will take us to the bridge. Only mechanics here, it seems all troops were assigned to the battle"
"Excellent, Omega out" ::Turns:: "Good job Ghent"
:: Boricua boarded the turbolifts ::
General Crix Madine
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:51:25 PM
::A NR strike team enters the thug ship of the convoi..::
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:55:12 PM
"It's all done. All ships call in their fighters. Meet everyone at the randevouz point behind the moon."
:: Fighter squadrons return to their specific docking bays ::
"Viper cover our exit vectors"
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 10:57:01 PM
::The SSD Tyranny tractor beams a shuttle with Sith Legion officers on board.. MYīs voice is heard across the speakers as the shuttle is locked into bay 52..::
"Welcome.. we would be honored if you could join us.. I will be your host for this exciting flight to nearest NR prison cell.."
General Crix Madine
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:00:33 PM
"The Course for Convoi is set for RSO shipyard, Scorpion.."
::Storm fleet prepares for deaparture, and flies toward rendezvous point behind the moon..::
General Scorpion
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:02:40 PM
*Finally, the last explosives go off.. An Imperial III Star Destroyer splits in half, then explodes.. The bridge collapses and rips through the charred hull.. It slams into the Imperial II Star Destroyer directly below it and turns it into an unrecognizable heap of burning metal..
Hidden by the blast, the Devious nanojumps to the Super Star Destroyer Tyranny, and enters the hangar..............*
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:04:44 PM
::Iota fleet approaches rendezvous point..::
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:06:16 PM
:: The turbolift stops. Next stop the bridge. Boricua and his team head down the main corridor, and enter the bridge. To his suprise the bridge room was filled with officers, the captain sat on his chair ::
"IN the name of hte jedi and the New Republic we are taking this ship. If you cooperate you will be released unharmed"
Captain: "I will never surrender. Troope...ahhhhh...
::Before he could finish his sentence a LS went through his guts::
"Like I said, you cooperate and you will be released unharmed. Throw all your weapons"
:: the remaining crew threw their blasters on the ground. The NR's team began to pick them up, removing their power packs::
"Now in an orderly fashion get onto an escape pod and I suggest you programmed your course to one as far as the shipyards as possible. OK men, do what you know to do"
:: Ah training, it was a beautiful thing. A ship build for a crew of over 6,000 was goingl to be operated by scarcely 15 men. All specially trained by Alliance Security for this sort of operations. Every system will be running except for weapons. But why did you have the fleet here for? ::
"Alpha theam, Omega here. WE have secured the ship. Leaving now"
"Omega, we have seized the ship also. All the crew has been evacuating. See you in teh moon"
"See you in teh moon"
:: This said Borciua sat on the command chair and charted the course that will lead them to safety ::
"Admiral Ackbar, this is NR Star Destroyer Moses reporting to active duty"
Ackbar: "Good to hear you Boricua, your first orders are to head to the moon...NOW!"
General Crix Madine
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:08:28 PM
::With a flash of light, NR fleet entered hyperspace..::
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:08:47 PM
:: A big smile covers Ackbar's face, if such an expression can be made by a mon calamari ::
"Great job everyone. Now to the moon"
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:12:29 PM
:: Behind the moon the two stolen SD meet the ETa fleet. Transports exit from other ships carrying the remaining of what would be the crew of these two new ships. Boricua boards his private ship and sets course for the jedi temple ::
"It has been a good day. Teh force was with us"
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:13:30 PM
"See you at RSO Order Shipyard tomorrow, Scorpion! We will arrive with the ships and you will ready the payment"
::The green little Jedi commanded the crew of SSD Tyranny and the Iota fleet to prepare for jumping to hyperspace..::
"Awaiting for go signal.."
General Scorpion
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:14:35 PM
*Scorpion steps onto the bridge of the Tyranny, just as the great ship leaps into hyperspace..
"I never thought I'd say this, but.. Good job, Jedi.. You know where to pick up your money.. I hope you find your ships useful.... and I hope the Legion's shipyards won't be useful for quite some time..."
He looks out the viewport at the stars streaking by, grinning slightly..*
Master Yoghurt
Jul 24th, 2000, 11:24:49 PM
::The stars turned into beams of light as the YT-1300 Silver Falcon cruised in hyperspace with course for Jedi Temple. Mission accomplished..::
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