View Full Version : On Hoth, the Ice Planet....(fight)
Sage Hazzard
Jul 20th, 2000, 11:59:26 PM
On Hoth, the <font color=lightblue>Ice Planet</font>....
::The Snow is thick today, it's been snowing all day. The Snow is realitively powdery, making mobility fairly easy, as far as walking througb Snow goes. The winds have died down now, so visibilty is reasonable, for no snow is flying around. And just recently, the snowing has stopped. Sage Hazzard can now be seen trudging through the snow. He wears a Jedi Uniform and a Jedi Robe underneath a hugh winter coat. He is still cold but he is blocking out the coldness from his body so it doesn't bother him. He can hardly remember why he is on this planet and in the snow... then he remembers::
Sage Thinking:Oh, yeah, now I remember. I was refueling my ship in the nearest city when word got through that some miners had gotten trapped in a ice cave. Me, knowing that I'd have the best chance of finding them with my Jedi skills volenteered to go for them. So I hopped in my Speeder and head out, leaving Nakka behind to make sure the ship was okay, I couldn't waste time and the ship had to be refueled. I found the miners with realitive ease and got them out pretty quick, they hopped in their Speeders and Ships and head of for the city. I got about 3/4 of the way home when my Speeder ran out of fuel, I had forgotten that it too needed fuel. And now I'm stuck walking to town through this snow.
::Just then Sage felt a shift in the Force. He knew this feeling well, it indicated a <font color=black>Dark Side</font> presense. He quickly drew his Lightsaber and ignited it. He held it with both hands in a defense stance ready for a attack from this presence::
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:14:56 AM
:: slips on some ice and slides right in front of Sage ::
:: looks up at Sage, in a heavy fur cloak and hat she looks very odd ::
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:16:48 AM
Wont interfere, just wanted to say: COOL NAME you have there sith.
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:25:16 AM
:: sneezes ::
I'm sorry...But I have lived on Tatoonie my whole life until now...
:: sneezes again ::
Damn...How could ya tell I was Sith?
Sage Hazzard
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:36:46 AM
OOC:Boricua, go ahead and jump in! Anyon can! Just make sure it fits in. Say you were at the city I'm going to on Hoth, and that you came looking for me.
Dark Desert Rose, are you going to fight me? I sorta wanted a fight. I just have a fnacy way of doing it. :D
IC:Sage looks at the strange Sith::
Sage:How did I know you were a Sith? Well, quite easily actually. I sensed a shift in the Force as a Dark Side user came into my area. You were, as it seems, to weak in the Force to block your presense from me.... Now, tell me. Do you mean to cause me harm? Or are you simply in the area?
OOC:Going to bed soon. I'll reply ASAP.
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 21st, 2000, 12:59:09 AM
Me? I'm here :: sneezes :: to further my training....:: sneezes ::
:: her hat falls off her head ::
:: falls back into the snow ::
Jul 21st, 2000, 04:01:15 AM
*Stands out from behind a snow-covered bush. Now his black coat stands out from all the white. He looks around as if he where searching for something or someone...*
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 21st, 2000, 04:06:51 AM
:: LL trudges through a snow drift, breath visible through a black bearskin parka ::
Jul 21st, 2000, 04:12:05 AM
*Ignites his ls and charges at SH with a swing to his head. SH blocks with his ls, both tring to over power the other. Master kicks SH in the stomach and the in the face as SH slightly bends (more from shock then pain). SH swings at Master's mid section. Master drops to the ground to trip SH. SH does a backflip out of the way and kicks Master in the face. Master uses the force to knock SH into a mound of snow. Maste rubs his eyes (because snow from off SH's shoe fell into his eye's). Both slightly blinded.*
Darth Turbogeek
Jul 21st, 2000, 04:15:16 AM
:: DT lights a Force F*rt to stay warm::
The result.... (
:: DT runs off::
The Lounge Lizard
Jul 21st, 2000, 04:29:26 AM
:: LL approaches the fight scene ::
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 21st, 2000, 10:10:32 AM
:: gets up from the snow and sees Sage getting attacked by Master, finds her hat and quickly moves away from the fight ::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 21st, 2000, 04:38:02 PM
::Sage passes his LS over his face, quite near actually. It doesn't burn him, but instead melts the snow. The water runs off Sage's face, he can see better now. Sage begins running at Master. Sage stops in front of him, he overhead swings at Master but at the same time brings out "Truth". Sage ignites Truth quickly and slashes at Master's middle, Master's too busy with Sage's other LS to notice the new one, it cuts his stomach badly. Master bends over, Sage brings the hilt of Peace, witch is still in the air, down on top of Master's head. Master falls to the ground head first. Sage uses Master's head to leap over him, flipning in the air. This also drives Master's head more into the ground::
Jul 21st, 2000, 09:22:31 PM
*Master feels the wound. Master then looks to SH and puts away his single bladed ls and ignites his double bladed ls. Charges at SH with only 20/40 vision. SH blocks one blade only to be badly cut in his right leg. SH can barely stand. SH swings his ls at Master's face. Master pushes SH back and then kicks him a series of times in the face and stomach. Master uses the force to blow SH into the snow again. Now SH has a bad leg, bad vision (again) and a cold wound. SH swings "Truth" at Master. Master gets his vision back and dodges with flips and cartwheels. Master his swings his blood red ls at SH cutting his right shoulder badly.*
Sage Hazzard
Jul 21st, 2000, 10:27:38 PM
::Sage ducks down, both for reason and for his shoulder pain. Sage with the hilt of Truth hits Master in the stomach. Master tries to swing his double bladed LS at Sage as he is crouching. Sage swings Peace at the LS's hilt and hits it, sparks fly as the blade he was tring to cut Sage with dies. Sage uses this shock to trip Master. As Master falls he tumbles abck and hops up, Sage runs and at him. Master tries to defend Sage with his now single bladed LS, Sage uses Truth to block a overhead swing from Master and pushes up causing Master's LS to fly up a bit. Sage uses Peace to slash Master's stomach(again)and then kicks him in the wound. The kick sends Master flying back and he hits the ground. The pain from Sage's shoulder and leg comes back to him. He blocked the pain out so he could have that sudden burst of movement, but now the pain comes back. He also realises he's done all this without sight, only aided by the Force. He "sensed" all the movements and attacks from Master, and he done it quite well::
OOC:BTW, that LS thing, were I made your double bladed LS a single bladed one. Think Darth Mual in Star Wars, when the same thing happens to his LS.
BTW, nice fighting. Have you been here long?
Jul 21st, 2000, 11:32:46 PM
OOC:I remember Darth Maul i know what you're talking about BTW this is my first real fight. I've been training instead of fighting. Thanks for the comment and the chance.
IC:*Master uses the force to make awsome pain come to SH's and every one in the area's head. Master then hits SH in the face with his hilt of his ls. SH is stunned (think QGJ in star wars). Master does a backflip and a kicks SH in midair. SH flies back into a area of thin ice, he hears the ice crack with little time to act...*
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 21st, 2000, 11:37:24 PM
:: trips from Master's attack, her nose starts to bleed ::
Ow, damn, I gotta learn something like that....
Jul 21st, 2000, 11:57:29 PM
*Hands Dark Desert Rose a small heater device*
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:06:05 AM
Will you stop snezzing now?
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:10:05 AM
<---- Is like, covered in fur so I don't need a heater and my nose is bleeding.
:: pinches her noise to stop the bleeding and watches the fight ::
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:21:08 AM
Sensing life signs out in the Ice Wastes of Hoth, Gue flys a snowspeeder from his Hoth based shipyards of towards them. Upon arriving he finds a battle going on and he pulls up to Desert Rose
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:28:37 AM
:: looks up at Gue ::
I dunno, don't you have a wife to get home to?
:: looks at the blood on her hand and almost faints ::
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:32:24 AM
It's for your own safty miss, either come with me or stay with these two. Beides all I'm gonna do is send ya to my base
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:37:04 AM
I guess...
:: pinches her nose harder so it'll stop bleeding ::
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:39:57 AM
[i]Watches as she jumps int his speeder, and he heads back to his Shipyards on Hoth as she walks the base....
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:42:12 AM
:: looks at the base in awe ::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:56:34 AM
::Sage realises the ice is cracking from underneath him. He uses the Force to keep it together. He quickly rolls off of the ice. He deactivates Truth and clips it to his belt::
Sage:Blade against blade. Seems more fair then 2 against 1 blade.
::Sage has a idea, he reaches to his Com Link attached to his belt::
Sage:Nakka? You there?
Nakka(translated):Yeah. Whatcha need?
Sage:I'm in a fight. My Speeder broke down and I had to walk. Some guy jumped me. I need you out here. NOW!
Nakka:I'm on it.
::Sage charges at Master. He flips over him and spins around. Before Master can turn comepletly Sage kicks him in the side with Force Strength, it bruises 2 ribs. Master swings with his LS but Sage ducks it and hits Master in the balls with the hilt of Peace. Master bends over and Sage uppercuts him with his free hand. Master flies back and hits the ground. Sage stands up and uses Force Push to knock Master farther away from him. He reaches for his Com Link again::
Sage:Nakka, ya coming man?
Nakka:Yeah. Just hold on for a while bud. I'm coming.
::Sage gets in a defensive stance::
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2000, 12:59:57 AM
You like Hoth base? Its the smaller of my 2...
Dark Desert Rose
Jul 22nd, 2000, 01:02:52 AM
:: looks at Gue ::
It's like, the biggest building I've ever seen.....
Lord Gue
Jul 22nd, 2000, 01:07:53 AM
HaHa, you should see my Courascant Base, its sourrounded by a huge red tinted shield
Jul 26th, 2000, 06:24:27 AM
OOC: I thought you were a jedi. Hitting someone in the balls is low. I was trained better then that.
IC: *Master gets up slowly and looks at SH. SH kicks Master in the face. Master uses the force to blow SH away, SH slips on icey snow down a hill he was blow onto. Master runs to SH and attacks with a baflip then a kick in the face in midair. SH falls back and gets up dazed.* Master:So, you like hitting people with the hilt of your ls? Well so do I!!!
*Master hits SH a series of times with the hilt of his ls. SH ducks and discovers he's bleeding. SH swing his ls at Master cutting Masters left arm. Master kicks SH then cuts SH's chest (think Saget off of street fighter). SH then does the same to Master's chest. Master then throws SH into the same lake of ice and watches SH fall threw the ice cold lake*
Sage Hazzard
Jul 26th, 2000, 11:45:50 AM
OOC:Hitting someone in the balls is not "low". It is self defense. I have reason to believe you want to kill me, I should do everything possible to stop you from completing your task. Take the Martial Art "Jeet Kune Do" created by the great Bruce Lee... he teaches hittin below the belt, eye poking, ear pulling, anything that you can do. I am simply defending myself against death, the best way to do that is to disable you as quickly as possible.
IC:Sage falls into the icy cold water. He at first tries to get out but then he simply goes into a Jedi trance. The trance raises his body temperture and he is no longer in danger of freezing to death. Plus, he is using the Force to keep him above water. Sage then has a idea, he uses the Force to hold a small ice patch by the hole to harden, compressing the ice together to make it stronger. Sage puts both his hands on the hard ice and slowly lifts himself up out of the ice. He gets out and stands to his feet. He sees Master slowly approaching. Sage runs at him and swings low, Master blocks it. Sage swings to Master's right, Master blocks it but Sage uses Force Strength to push the LS farther to Master's right. Sage finally finds his opening, Sage kicks Master in the left side, as Master jerks to his left Sage hits Master with a right cross on the left temple. Master falls to his right and hits the ground. Sage stands ready::
Sage Thinking:Where are you Nakka? Hurry....
Jul 28th, 2000, 06:46:23 AM
OOC: "You're ticking me off! I should rip your heart out, then think about your punishment!!!" ~Master0001
IC: *Master gets up dazed. SH backflips behind Master and knees him in the back. Master gets up and blows SH to the edge of the icey cliff they're standing on with the force. SH falls down the cliff but quickly graps the edge before having the risk of falling 10,000ft. Master puts his ls away onto his belt. Master then takes out his mini flamethrower, and points it at the edge of the cliff where SH was "hanging around". SH tries to flip up with Master and continue the fight but the cliff's edge isn't strong enough. Master fires his flame thrower and the icey edge melts. The icey spikes from under the cliff fall too...*
Liam Jinn
Jul 28th, 2000, 08:48:05 AM
::jinn doesn't know why he is on hoth but just wanders around looking at the scarce creatures he sees wondering if he should kill them then sees sage and master fighting. unclips one of his lightsabers from his belt then thinks of overkill...and walks away from the fight but slips and falls on his ass. he gets up makin sure no one saw and continues walking away...::
Sage Hazzard
Jul 28th, 2000, 12:19:30 PM
OOC:Was that little outburst In Charactor or Out of Charactor. Because if it was Out of Charactor, maybe you should learn to "take a chill pill".
IC:Sage has a sudden feeling as he's hanging from the cliff, it's more of a idea, but it's aided by the Force. Sage suddenly lets go of the cliff. The cliff is steep enough so that he falls without hitting the side of the cliff. Then suddenly he spins over. He lands feet first, perfect landing, on The Peace Maker. Sage flips on his Comm Link::
Sage:Thanks Nakka.
Nakka:No problem, man. Hold on!
::The ships speeds of out of sight around the mountain. Sage opens the top hatch and hops in, he closes the hatch behind him. He races to the bridge of the ship and finds Chewnakka there::
Sage:Hey buddy.
Chewnakka:Hey... Who was that guy back there?
::Sage sits in the free pilot seat and straps in::
Sage:Some Sith that jumped me. I'm alright.
Chewnakka:If you want, we can go back and blast him with some Proton Missles.
Sage:No need Nakka. Let's just get the hell out of here.
Chewnakka:Okay, you're the boss.
::The ship speeds off. It exits the gravitational pull of Hoth. They switch to Light Speed 4 and speed off to who knows where...::
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 01:50:17 PM
The Beginning
Duo walks along the ice planet and sees blood on the ground and foot steps everywhere. He then sees speeder tracks (or something like that:D ) and follows them. He ends up at Gue's Hoth base. He sees Gue helpin a girl and runs over to him.
Gue, can I stay here for a while? My speeder blew up. Somebody jumped me and put a bomb on it.I think his name was Master.
Jul 28th, 2000, 07:48:52 PM
*senses a familiar presence and realizes it's Liam Jinn. Master searches the area for Liam and finds him*
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