View Full Version : Dalethria: We shall continue here..........
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 27th, 2000, 10:00:55 PM
**Leia force throws the branch that crushed Dale's arm..into Saurron's gutt sending him back on top of Kat**
Leia yells: "Butt out Sith this is between her and I."
**Leia wipes the blood that is trickling from the corner of her mouth w/her robe and glares at Dale** The Jedi & Sith simultaneously ignite their sabers and go at one another again** **Saber blades are clashing back and forth...until the two blades cross together**
Leia *smirks* at Dale: "If you think you know me at all; you would know that I would have rather died than give Vader and the Imperials the Death Star Plans."
Dale..hisses at Leia: "I wish you did Jedi!"
Leia: " I sense in you something I have never come up against - you have more hatred for the Jedi than I have ever seen before"
Dale hisses back: "True..I hate the Jedi...but YOU...YOU Skywalkers are the real jedi scum, who I hate the most!"
**Both girls eyes glare at each other, not one of them flinches. Leia looks into Dale's eyes and into her dark soul..she sees several visions, fast and unclear..1st: a young innocent girl *flash* the next..a distinguish officer he is wearing a uniform but it is unclear what type *flash* a mob riot***Leia thinks...what does this all mean...but suddenly a vision comes very clear to Leia she see's her brother Luke dueling w/Dale..the fight is furious and fast, moments later..Dale lunges her saber into Luke's chest...Luke falls limp to the ground dying..Dale stands over him w/an evil grin of vengeance** Leia's eyes grew wide, she shakes the images from her mind.... No, No..that cannot be!**
**Leia quickly turns her attention away from Dale's eyes back to her face. The last image disturbed her so much- Leia broke the saber lock the two were in by head butting Dale..dale's stunned! Leia then proceeds to smash the hilt of her saber into the right side of Dale's face. Dale stumbles backward to the ground.**
"What is it about your past sith..that torments your soul and corrupts your mind w/such being the demise of my brother - Luke by your hand!" TELL ME NOW!!! **Leia demanded** Pointing her saber right at Dale**
**Leia starts recalling something...there is something vaguely familiar about her eyes, I can't place it! I know I have seen them before, but where?**
OOC: this battle started at:;index=486 ( FromWeb?topicID=498.topic&index=486)
Ice Fox
Jul 27th, 2000, 10:05:09 PM
*Lightening strikes Dale and a voice is heard...*
"Beware of the Soul of Ice Fox!"
Jul 27th, 2000, 10:08:49 PM
OOC: before I start Ice...thank you so much for messing up the thread before it even started .....truly appreciate it and will be ignored when I do post IC. sorry leia :(
Jul 27th, 2000, 11:12:15 PM
:: Dale feels violated that Leia would dare enter her mind and pull forth her own dreams. Her face contorts in anger as she lifts her body up and spins her legs around to sweep Leia to the ground. Dale presses her hands against the ground and does a front handspring. Her boot comes down hard into Leia's gut and stays planted firmly as Dale now lifts her sabre to point at Leia ::
"You shouldn't worry about how I want to kill your brother when you are the one I want to kill now! If it wasn't for you and your pathetic do gooder brother...I WOULD STILL HAVE A LIFE! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME AND LEFT MY BLACK SOUL!"
:: Dale raises her sabre high and above her head, ready to run the Jedi through with a look of utter rage and satisfaction. Leia sucks in air from the blow and regains her senses by calming her mind. She reaches through the force and lets it flow into her and latches onto Dale's jacket, pulling it down hard as the Sith jerks and falls down. Leia rolls and gets up, her sabre ready in defense ::
"What makes you hate my brother and I so? What did we do to turn your heart black?" Leia asks, not entirely sure she will get much of an answer, but she has to try and understand why this girl hates her, and why she seems so familiar.
:: Dale stands up and takes off her jacket and throws it away :: "You wont be doing that trick again." :: she spins her sabre around and takes a stance, her muscles flex and her neck comes out as she spats in complete and utter disgust and anger ::
:: Dale rushes forward in attack as her blade twirls and spins around her body. The two purple blades meet and the crackling of energy is heard and felt through the grip of the sabres. yet again, the two women's eyes meet ::
"You will die like the traitor you were so long ago...I will finish what was started!" She hisses through her teeth. Dale strains against Leia's blade, but neither budge as they are locked in a struggling match ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 28th, 2000, 03:27:56 PM
**Leia and Dale continue to strain against each others blades*
"A TRAITOR! *mocks Leia* HA! I was NEVER w/the Empire - search your feelings you will know this to be true. The Empire is EVIL - many innocent people have lost their lives due to those slime buckets. Especially the people of my homeplanet Alderaan. How DARE you say "I" took away your life! It's the Empire's fault for every chain of event that ever happened and I will make sure that it will never happen again!"
**This in raged Dale - quickly Dale moves the blades upwards over Leia's head**
Dale: "What you are saying is a pack of lies! I will not listen to your jedi preachings and mind tricks. SO why don't you just shut up..Jedi!"
**Leia pushes backs on the blades back closer over Dale's face - a purple glow shines on Dale's face**
Leia: "Because I can see you are confused and mistaken "
**Leia grins**
Dale screams: "Why don't you just SHUT UP I said! Before I cut your tongue out Leia"
**Dale smacks her saber back at Leia's saber..Leia loses her footing for a moment and regains her stance. Leia takes her left arm and smacks Dale in the face- causing her to lose her sense of control, Leia follows-up with a roundhouse spin kick to the head of Dale..sending her flying on the ground**
Leia stares at Dale: What angers your heart so? Why don't you first start w/how do I know you? I have never seen your face until recently, but yet your eyes tell me otherwise. They are eyes I KNOW I have seen before!
Sith Kat
Jul 28th, 2000, 06:34:19 PM
:: Stands at a distance, watching the fight intently. She makes no move to attack, but Leia can sense the bloodlust coursing through her ::
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:25:01 PM
:: she props herself on the ground and rubs her jaw. Taking her hand away, Dale notices that there is a small trace of blood on it and she chuckles ::
" eyes are death for which you have seen before but had escape. It won't happen again!" :: Dale reaches out with her anger to the tree branch above Leia and bends it backwards, without the Jedi's notice. Once it has been bent as far as it can go, Dale lets go.
"Again you do not answer! What is it that you...." Leia cannot finish her sentence as the branch comes down at her head. Leia brings her arms up instinctivly to block and her attention is distracted. Dale gets up quickly and pulls her knife out and throws it at Leia while her attention is averted.
As the branch pulls back, Leia feels a sharp pain in her gut. She looks down and sees the hilt of a knife stuck in her. Leia looks up to see Dale grinning and falters back a little as her hand covers the wound...blood starting to soak through her robes.
Dale starts to walk forward slowly, and with each step, slashes at the ground with her sabre menacingly. creating lines in the ground where there was once grass ::
"Perhaps I should kill you without telling you who I am." :: slash :: "Never knowing why my hate for you flows ever so strongly." :: slash :: "Wouldn't that" :: Leia stares at Dale and watches the sabre swing back and forth. Now the sith is only a few feet in front of her, as Leia grunts in pain from the knife. Dale grins and with force enhanced speed, takes out her other sabre and spins around in a quick attack ::
Ice Fox
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:28:39 PM
*Shocks Dale again.*
This is fun:lol:
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:31:45 PM
OOC: WTF!!!! didn't you get the hint last time???? stay out of the damn thread! This is between me and Leia...stop messing it up!
Ice Fox
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:35:34 PM
*Shocks Dale again*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:38:59 PM
Ice Fox Please guy...leave this thread alone..Ok!...Thank you! I'm asking nicely!
Ice Fox
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:40:44 PM
OK. But for the record...
*Shocks Dale again*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:43:35 PM
Will you stop before I have to smack you in the head with my saber! j/k really no more!
Ice Fox
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:45:21 PM
That was the last time. 1 more time...plz!??! Well, this is the last time.
*Shocks Dale again!*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:49:55 PM
I'm getting mad now....that's not funny..if you weren't dead...I'd kill you myself!
Duo Maxwell
Jul 28th, 2000, 10:51:36 PM
That was the last time. I got him back in my little jar. He can;t get out now.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 29th, 2000, 12:53:40 AM
**Leia is bent on the ground w/such pain from the knife wound..she calls upon the force and uses pain block techniques. She sees Dale coming at her..Leia summons what little strength she has from the force..and blocks Dale then force throws Dale into a tree 100feet Leia time to take out the knife and apply some bacta patches she has in a pouch. Leia covers her wound and ignites her saber** Leia looks to where Dale laid..but she's gone...Leia hears rustling through the woods* She runs after Dale**
Leia: "You are not getting away from me so fast.. DALETHRIA! *she yells* You are a will not face me and tell me what your issue with me! If you are not a coward come forward...and tell me why you hate me so and what was that comment about "Eyes of Death that have faced me before" You show yourself and explain that you coward!!" **Leia demanded**
Jul 29th, 2000, 04:36:32 AM
:: Dale rushes through the forest as quick as can be. Her body becomes one with the surrounding foliage. Her steps are well placed and she feels Leia's presence coming up behind her. Dale stops in her tracks, rustling a few leaves on the ground and looks around. She finds a sturdy branch in the tree tops and uses the force to leap up there.
Closing her eyes, Dale senses Leia fast approaching and can tell how annoyed and confused she is with her. That causes Dale to smile and will annoy Leia more and thinks I will let you know what you wish in good time Leia Organa... Taking her pouch out, she pulls out a handful of caltrops (they are about a half inch in diameter and have a sharp metal barb sticking out). Dale throws them down to the forest floor and then leaps further ahead to the next tree. She takes out another handful and drops them to the ground as well. Dale melds into the trees and hides, waiting for Leia as she hears the Jedi scream her name.
Leia bursts through the thick bushes and tries to call out Dale by lableling her a coward. Her eyes scan the area for any signs of movement :: "You call me a coward? I think not." Leia looks around to see where the voice is coming from. She cant place it, it's like Dale's voice is everywhere ::
"I only wish to toy with my prey. I owe you much suffering before I kill you!" Leia hears laughing and then hears a big rustle of leaves up ahead. Leia smiles, "Now I have you and will get my answers!"
:: as Leia runs forward, she feels these sharp pains on the bottom of her feet. She stops and the pain is annoying more then anything. She brings her foot up and sees what look like tacks to her, lodged in her foot. "Oh this is cute Dalethria..." :: starts pulling them out :: "I will find you and these pathetic tricks won't stop me. I will get what I want out of you before this is through!"
"You're gonna have to find me and make me answer your questions first woman!" :: Leia feels her robes tug and then wrap around her leg as she is tripped to the ground, the little spikes digging into your side, again annoyingly painful and you hear satisfying chuckling somewhere in the woods ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 29th, 2000, 10:11:45 PM
**Leia untangles herself and tosses her robe off her to the ground. She is angered by Dale...but takes a deep breath and calms her mind. She slowly travels down the path, stops and senses Dale presences. Leia backflips as Dale drops down from a tree with another dagger in her hand.
Dale screams: "Now you shall die."
**Dale lunges at Leia, both women fall back to the ground. Leia struggles w/her hands around Dale's wrists they roll. Leia now having Dale pinned - karate chops Dale in the wrist, Dale drops the blade and Leia flings it away. They continue to struggle. Leia staring at Dale still searching her eyes for answers - *FLASH A VISION* Instead of Leia staring at Dale; Leia sees Grand Moff Tarkin grinning at her (with the same evil grin and eyes as Dale is doing NOW) *Leia thinks this was long ago* the vision showed Leia being torture by Grand Moff Tarkin.**
**Just before the vision breaks, Dale kicks Leia in the gutt sending the jedi backwards. Both women get up quickly and ignite their sabers**
Leia *smirks and grins*: " You're feelings have betrayed you Dale, I now know who you are!
**Leia thinks to herself: the vision of the innocent girl is clearly Dale - and those eyes of her are the same as Grand Moff Tarkin...she must be his Grandaughter! BUT what about those other visions, she wonders!
Jul 30th, 2000, 06:07:20 PM
:: Dale runs forward in unbridle rage. She swings madly at Leia over and over again. Her blows are powerful and Leia is barely able to parry them and staggers with each hit. Her arms begin to hurt under the pressure as she blocks each strike and has to retreat backwards with each hit.
Dale sense that Leia is beginning to tire and yells in rage as she holds her sabre with both hands, swings the blade high, and comes down hard at Leia's head with renewed passion. Leia brings her sabre up in time but drops to one knee under the strain and strength of that blow. Dale looks down at her enemy with and enrage expression, her teeth grinding together in anger ::
"You may know who I am...but do you really know what that means?! DO YOU!" :: Dale kicks Leia in the gut while she is down and Leia doubles over :: "It means I finish what my grandfather started!!!"
:: Dale raises the blade high above Leia's head with a murderous grin :: "Wish your father well for I send you to Hell!" :: Dale starts to bring the blade down to decapitate Leia ::
Jul 31st, 2000, 02:26:04 PM
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 31st, 2000, 11:00:52 PM
**Leia see's Dale blade coming towards her..she swings and blocks Dale's strike. Meanwhile, she reaches behind her and finds a stone and takes a wide crack at Dale's head. Dale's falls back. She lies momentary on the ground with a big gash on her head that is trickling blood from the wound. This enraged her..she tries to stand with all her might. But, she is awkward in doing so.**
Leia: You keep this up Sith and you will be the one doing the visiting .
**Leia proceeds to somersaults to Dale..who's still trying to keep her balance. Leia then wraps her legs around Dale's head and flips her over on her back. Leia proceeds to leap and then jump on Dale's abdomen, knocking the wind out of her** Leia jumps then lands a 10 feet in front of Dale and ignites her saber. She stares at the sith as she lies on the ground taken back from her injuries.
Leia: This will end when I get some more answers from you. Your grandfather's own corruption lead to his demise. Follow the same path, you shall meet yours.
*Leia moves closer to Dale**
Leia: Spare yourself this destiny, I feel you have more issues than just your grandfather's death, you may start with the vision I saw of a Riot.
Jul 31st, 2000, 11:54:31 PM
:: licks some of the blood from off her face as it rolls down ::
"What? Your proclaiming you actually care about what happens to me? You think I walk the wrong path and I belong down the path of light? You honestly expect me to believe that you don't want me dead?" :: Dale stands up with determination and a very unpleasant grin is across her face as she speaks ::
"Come on Leia, kill me, you know you want to," Dale disengages her sabre and walks forward to the tip of Leia's. "My family's legacy was your undoing and the rebels. My grandfather destroyed your whole planet and everyone you ever loved with it! How must it have felt Leia...huh...watching your home being blown apart on Grandfather's orders, right before your very eyes! You could have stopped it but you didn't! You lied and paid the price!" :: It is hard to read Leia's expression, but Dale knows that her words are stinging her. She finally reaches up to where the sabre, in one move, would go through and stab her heart and she would die. Dale shows no fear and stands proud ::
"Kill me. I won't resist...Take vengence for your father. Take vengence...for Alderaan."
Leia locks her eyes to Dale's and her arm begins to shake. She takes a deep breath and feels the anger flowing and the need to kill her. She closes her eyes and focuses to calm herself and help with the conflicting emotions inside her. Dale watches and smiles as she sees Leia fight the urge. "DO IT! You won't have a chance like this again!" Dale moves into the tip slightly and it burns a circle into her chest. "FINISH IT! OR I WILL KILL YOUR BROTHER TOO!"
Leia shakes her head and yells "NO!" :: she turns her sabre off and takes in deep breaths :: "I WILL NEVER TAKE A LIFE LIKE THIS!"
:: as the last words leave her lips, Dale punches her in the face and then kicks her to the ground ::
"You pathetic softhearted Jedi! You're a fool!" :: Dale ignites her sabre and goes to attack ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 1st, 2000, 01:55:22 AM
**Leia starring at Dale shocked and confused by her actions and to what just happened. Leia thinks maybe, perhaps I can find more about her and I can help save her tortured soul.**
**Leia see's Dale coming at her with her saber, as she lies on the ground. She quickly plants her foot on Dale's chin, sending her flying backwards. Leia springs up, ignites her saber, runs towards Dale.**
Leia: You have some serious problems, Dale. You wanting me to kill you for vengence on my homeplanet. I would never strike a person down in utterrage and for vengence. That is not how us Jedi handle matters. You should come to terms with the fact, what has been done in the past..we cannot change. Too many people have lost their lives for what they believed in. Whether they were right or wrong, they believed in what they fought for. This hatred you feel, you must fight it with all your heart. If not, in the end it will end up killing you.
**Leia watches Dale lying on the ground. She senses she is actually getting through to her. Dale's eyes look less tense to Leia, not as vengeful as they did moments ago. Dale slowly starts lowering her lightsaber and looking a little more confused**
Leia: Search your feelings Dale. This hatred must stop. You know it must. You must come to terms with what has caused you such pain. Hatred is not the way to go on with your life.
**Leia looks on at Dale...Dale is trying hard not to look into Leia's eyes, afraid Leia would notice the state of confusement she is in. Dale listens on..but her eyes keeping turning away**
Leia: Dale, let me help you save that once innocent child you were so long ago.
**Leia extends her hand out to help Dale up and end the darkpath she's chosen**
Sith Kat
Aug 1st, 2000, 12:08:56 PM
:: Both feel a dark presence draw up behind them. Kat had been watching the conflict, and moved with it unseen through the shadows. Now she emerged and stood a short distance away ::
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Aug 1st, 2000, 12:30:13 PM
::a sharp metal instrument slams over Kat's head from behind her, knocking her to the ground unconscious.::
"G'Day and G'bye."
::dissapears into the shadows once more, a maniacal laugh filling the area.::
Sith Kat
Aug 1st, 2000, 12:49:29 PM
OOC - You shouldn't have posted in here, Matt. So I'm going to ignore your idiotic post. This is a STORY-DRIVEN thread, not your pathetic wrestling cartoon show. Stay out it. :mad:
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 1st, 2000, 01:41:55 PM
OOC: Thanks Kat!
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:03:20 PM
:: Dale listened to the words that Leia spoke and could feel the conflict in her. She couldn't concentrate anymore and her breaths came quick as she looked away from Leia.
Leia: "Dale, let me help you save that once innocent child you were so long ago."
Memories of her childhood came flooding back as they hit her mind like a brick. Her father, a Captain in the Imperial Navy, is carrying Navaria (Dale at about age 6), on his shoulders as he is walking down the corridors of an Imperial Star Destroyer. She is playing with her father as she covers his eyes and is laughing since he can't see. Her father smiles as he grabs her sides and flips Navaria over his head and onto the floor. Another memory comes back. Navaria is running through the corridors of some big house, chasing after her younger brother. "I am gonna get you Marcus! You can't hide from me you cheater!!!" She sees Marcus make a quick left turn and Navaria smiles and runs after him. When she turns the corner, she bumps into something and takes a step back. Marcus is there, shuffling his feet as Navaria looks into the not too happy face of her grandfather, Grand Moff Tarkin. Tarkin folds his arms and looks sternly at his grandchildren. "Now children, what did I say about running around like some beasts through my home?" Navaria speaks up, "Sorry grandpa but…Marcus started it!" Tarkin smiles and ruffles Marcus' hair….
Dale could feel the tears swelling and cursed at her weakness. <what's wrong with me? I'm letting her get a hold on me. But...I don't know...I…>
Dale looked up at Leia as the Jedi offered her hand in friendship and as a symbol for a new life. Her eyes grew softer as she starred at the hand and then felt her Master's presence in the area. Both sides of what could be for Dale were present, waiting for a decision, or watching.
Dale closed her eyes and Leia watched intently, reading the conflict going through the Sith's heart and spoke, "I feel the struggle in you and sense more of the good you once had! You belong with the light!"
The word started small and grew louder and louder as an echo in Dale's mind, as the hate in her took over and wouldn't let her stray from the path of Dark. <no…No…NO…NO!!!>
Leia's eyes grew wide in shock as she heard the animalistic growl coming from Dale and wasn't prepared for Dale's attack. Dale slashed her sabre in fury at Leia, and cut a gash into her lower leg. Dale stood up as Leia dropped, and then pointed her sabre at the Jedi
"I won't let you trick me! Your words are nothing but lies! You just want me to betray my Master and the Empire! I WON'T ALLOW IT!!!"
Sith Kat
Aug 1st, 2000, 04:57:32 PM
:: Kat sensed the conflict inside her disciple. This would be her most difficult trial, the moment where all her training would be tested. If she faltered now, then she would have to be killed. She smiles as Dalethria's words break the silence, followed by the stroke of her sabre across Leia's leg. Glares coldly into Leia's eyes ::
"You failed. She's too strong for that."
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 1st, 2000, 05:13:36 PM
**Leia lying on the ground, grabs her wound and thinks: what a confuse child, I must get through to her. I feel she is torn between the lightside and darkside of the force** Leia senses a darkness presence...but it is not from Dale**but Leia continues to keep her focus on Dale**
Leia: Don't kid yourself Navaria. Yes...I know this to be your true self, not this name of "Dalethria" who claims to be you, she is the evilside of you that needs help. I am not tricking you. I sense the consequences you are going through. You know it, listen to your inner-child screaming out to you for help. I want to help you but more importantly the child is asking for your help to rid yourself of this tortured life.
Dale: Shut up! You''re trying to confuse me! I must stay Loyal to my Master and TSE!
Leia: Please let me help you, you know the path you're are leading is wrong. Give into what your heart truly wants and come with me to walk the light. I can teach you about the light. Let me help you.
**Leia gets up and stands before Dalethria waiting for a response, Leia cautiously ignites her lightsaber and awaits for a her reaction**
Aug 1st, 2000, 07:05:55 PM
:: Dale is taken aback by the use of her real name but then stands her ground ::
"You may know my real name, but that doesn't mean I have forgotten it. You think that I hide who I was behind the name I take now? :: Dale laughs :: "You're wrong!"
:: Dale starts advancing ::
"I had to take this name you worm! If others knew that the Tarkin line still lived, my mother and I would have been hunted down and killed! It was because of you and your kind that I had to go into hiding! I WAS FORCED TO TAKE THIS NAME!"
:: Dale slashes low and Leia blocks. The Jedi stumbles back because of her leg injury and almost falls. Dale comes forward and lunges. Leia grunts at the pain as she is forced to step back and parry that attack ::
"You might have been forced to take that name Navaria, but you still deny yourself what you want." Then Leia headbutts Dale in the forehead and the Sith falls back.
Dale winces and her eyes roll about in pain. "You don't need her," Leia says pointing in Kat's direction with her sabre. "All she is doing is confusing you and fueling your hatred, not me! You are being manipulated and seduced by the Darkside. You have to see that…"
"All I see…" Dale takes a breath to steady herself, "Is my…enemy in front of me. I hate you and the embodiment of the Jedi that killed my mother because they are short-sided fools!"
:: Dale spins her sabre around in an attack and then quickly ignites her other sabre. Leia blocks the one attack and then her eyes widen as she sees the other sabre coming. She knows she can't bring it up in time and drops to duck it. Dale curses and kicks Leia in the gut ::
"I am through with the games you're playing with me. My turn…" :: Dale grins as she reaches to Leia's mind with hers. She forces Leia to look upon her memories ::
"You wanted to know about the riots correct?"
:: Leia is now looking through Navaria's eyes as she sees Navaria's mother…(Lise…is that her name) Leia thinks to herself. Lise is grabbing her daughter and son and is running through the crazed streets of Coruscant….(NO! It was Imperial Center!) Dale's mind forces her thought to Leia. People are being beaten by Storm Troopers for lighting the fire works and also shot on site, leaned up against the wall. Navaria turns her head as she sees a man get his head blown away by a Storm Troopers rifle.
The troopers are trying to hold the citizens at bay as Lise takes her children to a side alley, but is blocked by a group of people. They start to advance, "We knows whos you are lady…and you're gonna pay." "Momma?" Leia feels herself say. The mother looks down at her with a smile. "Don't be afraid." The group runs forward and then the ground shakes as a bomb goes off at a nearby building. The mob freaks and things get ugly as they stampede towards Navaria and her family. Lise tries to keep her grasp on her children, but the mob swarms the group and looses her grasps on Marcus. His small form falls to the ground and Navaria screams his name and she searches frantically for her brother. He is no where to be seen. Her mother picks her up and starts running when she found a break in the crowd and Navaria hits her mothers shoulder and begs for her to let her down to find him as she is wailing in tears.
The memory breaks and Dale takes a step back, a bit exhausted by that show of using her abilities and turns to look at Leia ::
"Did you find what you wanted to know Leia?"
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 1st, 2000, 07:38:32 PM
Luke sits in a tree high above the action holding the force close to him so he would not be detected.
he sends a force message to leia:
this is your fight leia but i am here if you need me
Aug 2nd, 2000, 12:58:57 PM
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 2nd, 2000, 10:31:42 PM
**Leia hears Luke's thoughts and sends a telepathic message back to him* Thank you Luke for your support, you may look onward but I have to try and help Narvaria myself, that is what the force is telling me to do! Brother, please stay hiddent in the foreground and oversee this situation.**Leia still shocked by the images...glares back at Dale**
Leia: I am sorry for you Navaria, your pain is great! Losing your Grandfather Tarkin and your brother are tragedies, but they are tragedies of war. Your hatred should be with the Empire they are the ones to blame for these chain of events. But hatred causes vengence not a good path to follow in life. I can help you Navaria...if you only give....
*Before Leia could finish her sentence Navaria takes a swing at Leia w/her saber, Leia blocks and takes her other hand karate chopping Navaria in the neck followed up by a force push, sending her a good distance from Leia.
*Leia momentarily senses her surroundings, her brother is at bay and Sith Kat is in the foreground watching Narvaria. Leia struggles to get up w/her bad leg**
Leia: Navaria stop this struggle of your soul and mind, I feel the good in you. This senselessness must stop now. Take a moment and clear your mind of the hate, feel the force. What is it saying to you, what is it will?
**Navaria lays on the ground shaking her head. Listening but becoming very confused w/Leia's words. She stops and sees in the foreground only her master looking on. Confusion has set in*
Aug 3rd, 2000, 02:05:33 PM
:: coughs and looks up and sees her Master and then turns her eyes to the side to gaze upon Leia. Navaria thought she had Leia beaten at this game of trying to convert her to the light, but somewhere inside she felt.....a warmth? She closed her eyes and focused on that feeling, she needed to focus on that feeling....for what reason, she did not know. Calm set in and most of her hate subsided. Leia could see that Navaria had settled and by reading her body posture was relaxed. Her once constrained face showed no lines of hate or rage, it was tranquil. Leia stepped forward and crouched down near Navaria, but no so close that she could be caught off guard by an attack ::
"Yes Navaria, that's it. Let the force flow through you unhindered by the hate and pain of the past. Let it call you to what your true purpose was before all the suffereing you felt. Fight it!" Leia says and turns towards Kat with a pleased smile "It looks like you are going to loose an apprentice Sith, a pity. But now the lies that you filled her hate with and nutured that were already there, are going to be broken. "
:: Navaria heard the words from Leia as if they were coming from somewhere deep in her mind. Navaria opened her eyes and she found herself standing in a field. Her weapon was not drawned anymore and she felt the cool breeze of the spring season. She looked to her surroundings more critically and in the distance she saw a city and a body of water. Navaria felt drawn towards that city and started to make the journey there.
In the back of her mind, she felt the soft comforting voice of...of Leia? Her mother? she couldn't tell, but somewhere along the way she already was walking down the bridge to enter the city of Aldera. The city was beautiful but she looked around in confusion because this world, Alderaan, was destroyed by her grandfather.
She turned as the calling she felt led her to walk down a busy street and looked to the different stores. She heard her name being called over and over and she searched frantically for the source. The crowd seemed to part as, to Navaria's shock, her mother Lise, was standing before her. Time seemed to stopped as all movement slowed and fell still as Lise looked to her daughter with saddened eyes. Mother and daughter locked eyes and the silence was deafening as Navaria didn't know what to say ::
"This was what I hoped you would not become my daughter," Lise spoke, ending the silence. "I had hoped with all the suffering that our family had been through, you wouldn't continue its legacy of evil."
Navaria opened her mouth to try and speak, the words were caught in her throat and she felt...ashamed? Lise walked forward and placed her hands upon Navaria's shoulders as her daughter lowered her head, not able to bear her mother's gaze. "Do not feel that way. You still have time to amend what happened. Feel the calling in your heart..." :: the voice then started to switch over and Navaria looked up and stared into Leia's eyes. "The calling of the Force to the right path. I can help you but you need to accept it. You're almost there," Leia finished with a smile and stepped back and pointed towards Navaria.
She looked down at herself and faltered back in horror. Navaria no longer wore her leathers and weapon belt that contained her sabres and manriki chain. She opened the dark brown cloak and saw herself clothed in the brown and dark tan colors of the Jedi. Her belt only contained a pouch and a new single sabre hung casually at her side, not like the two she normally had for the hilt was entirely different.
Her senses picked up a very bad feeling and looked up at the sky where it was coming from. When she squinted her eyes, she was able to pick up a small moon moving through the sky and then stop ::
"You can't change the past Navaria. You just need to accept what happened."
:: Navaria turned to look at Leia, not entirely sure what she was getting at. She then looked to the ground and stared at her now brown boots. her emotions were jumbled and twisted inside her gut. Navaria ran a hand through her hair as she looked, knowingly, upon the DeathStar in the sky ::
Dale: "This is a pretty picture that you have painted for my eyes Leia. It seems so...perfect."
Leia: "It can be that way if you want it."
Dale: "What makes you think I want it? Oh right...the Force made me have the vision. Right?"
Leia: "The Force did not make anything happen that is not already there."
Dale turns to look at Leia: "Yes this is true. I can't deny that." Leia steps forward feeling that now Navaria had come to terms with what has happened. Navaria puts out a hand and Leia stops in confusion. "In my mind I can hear what you think Leia. Yes, I have come to terms with what happened with my grandfather and father." Leia smiles and tries to say something but Navaria cuts her off and continues. "It was almost perfect Leia. You almost had me believe in you, but you failed when you took the form of my mother! I would never accept a vision like that! You're in my mind and should have known that the Jedi scum tried to save my mother, but the disease that infected her was sensitive to the Force! Their efforts to save her KILLED HER!" The Jedi robes meld away and are replaced with Navaria's real clothes.
Leia looks on and sees that her efforts failed again and then looks to the sky. The DeathStar has stopped and she knows what is to happen. " tasted what is your true calling and still blame the Jedi. When will it end? Your life is an endless circle that has to be severed sometime."
Navaria stands back and grins. " will never end. My undying hatred is my fire, and your Jedi lies are the fuel for it!" Navaria ignites her sabre and goes to attack Leia. Leia quickly ignites her weapon and parrys. At that instint, all becomes bright as a flash of light comes from the sky and engulfs the planet.
The vision shatters like glass and both women come back to the hear and now, exhausted. Their bodies slump to the ground, tired and drained from the mind link. Sweat slides down Navaria's face as she rolls over and props herself onto a tree to sit up and looks at Leia's form, wishing she was not tired so that she can kill Leia now. She turns to look at Kat. Their eyes meet for a brief moment and then Navaria closes her eyes to focus on her hate to gain her strength back ::
Aug 4th, 2000, 11:48:23 AM
Sith Kat
Aug 4th, 2000, 06:13:37 PM
:: Dalethria hears her Master's voice in her mind ::
**** I sense a conflict in you. Was I wrong about you? Do not return to me without her sabre ... and her blood on my blade. ****
:: Dale's eyes snap open and Kat is gone. All she sees is the kris knife sticking in the ground near her feet ::
Aug 4th, 2000, 11:45:17 PM
"Dammit…" It is almost a whisper as she looks down at the kris. She scans the area for signs of Kat, but she is gone…but they do fall upon Leia's form. The Jedi is still on the ground and looks to still be weakened. Fortunately for Dalethria, Leia is not paying attention to her surroundings and her back is turned away from her. Dalethria slowly gets up without any sounds, as she keeps her back pressed up against the tree ,and gets a better grip on her sabre. She slowly moves to the otherside of the tree, away from Leia's line of sight ::
Thinking to herself, (You want blood Kat…you'll have it.) Dalethria stretches out with the Force to the kris knife, remembering her training session with it. She can feel its form in her mind and then removes it from the ground, then sends it straight for Leia as Dalethria ignites her sabre. Leia is forced to look up as she hears the familiar snap-hiss sound of a sabre blade and yells in pain as she feels the kris strike deep into her upper thigh of the same leg Dalethria slashed earlier. Leia grabs her leg and looks around for the Sith and stretches out with the Force to sense where she is.
Leia feels a presence come up behind her and turns…to be met with a crack from Dale's boot to her face and Leia slumps to the ground. "That was for making me doubt myself you lying pig!"
Dalethria then brings her leg up and steps down hard onto the hilt of the knife, digging the blade deeper into her thigh. Leia cries out as the pain overwhelms her pain blocking technique. "And for making my Master doubt me!" Dale doesn't move her foot away and twists the blade back and forth with her heel, causing blood to come forth from the wound and spread over Leia's leg profusely ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 5th, 2000, 01:52:26 AM
**Leia trying desperately to use pain blocking techniques, is faultering. All she can feel is the blade twisting and turning in her leg. *She screams in sheer agony** In desperation reaches for her lightsaber and ignites it and strikes Dale leg that is planted on Leia* The burn burns deep and bright on Dale's leg. Dale screams in utter pain. She is enraged by the fallen Jedi. She takes the hilt of her saber and proceeds to knock her out cold* Leia falls down to the ground limp. Her whole world goes black as she is forced into an unconscious state of mind*
Aug 5th, 2000, 02:36:36 AM
:: after Leia falls unconscious, Dalethria falls to the ground, gripping her leg in agony. She disengages the sabre and clips it to her belt. She grunts in pain as she moves her leg and looks to bandage herself. Dale has nothing on her so decides to rip off some of Leia's inner robe to do the job. She stands up rather gingerly after she is through fixing her leg and looks to Leia, who is still out cold. Dalethria expands her senses to Leia and is convinced that it is not another Jedi trick of hers ::
"I leave you here to die Leia. Pray that your brother saves you before the wild animals come," she laughs as she picks up Leia's sabre and clips it to her belt. She kneels down and grabs ahold of the kris hilt. "Of course, a part of me does want you to live so I can punish you again another time. I owe you a lot for what has happened this day!" :: her last words accentuated by the twisting out of the kris knife from Leia's flesh, leaving a pool of pathetic Jedi blood spilling to the earth where it belongs ::
:: Dale begins to walk off, favoring her injured leg. Deep down inside, she knows that her fight with Leia was only the beginning and this personal war has just only begun... ::
Luke Skywalker Jedi Master
Aug 5th, 2000, 01:10:04 PM
*Luke standing in the woods, senses his sister is in serious trouble and maybe dying* Running thru the woods he comes across the Leia who is unconscious and barely alive.*
Luke: "LEIA!!"
Luke picks up his sister, takes some bacta out and applies it. Takes a piece of cloth and ties it to Leia's wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
Luke: Don't worry sis! I will get you back to the temple and get you some medical help. JUST HANG ON!!
Luke takes out his communicator "R2 get that shuttle down here now, and don't spare any fuel. contact the temple and tell them we have a medical emergency and that we will be coming in <font color= "red"> hot </font> "picks up the unconsious Leia and places her in the shuttle and rushes off for GJO
Aug 5th, 2000, 02:54:16 PM
OOC: Can I just say, this is the best fight thats been around here in a LONG time!
Darth Havok
Aug 5th, 2000, 04:45:05 PM
OOC-What Fett said
Aug 5th, 2000, 08:33:05 PM
OOC: so um...what do guys really think? :lol: :: looks humbled :: Thank you very much Hav and Fett ^_^
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 5th, 2000, 09:57:04 PM
(OOC: you guys really like this...umm...thanks..although I got the worse of it, my brother had to save my life..geez)
Thanks Reaperfett and Havok!
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