View Full Version : Attack on TSC shipyards...
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:31:47 PM
Just another day on Corellia. The system spin around it huge star that gave it's energy. The space around it was a silent as a tomb. Inside the planet stood the huge TSC palace and it's shipyard. TSC made preparation for a major assaul going to be executed the next day. The huge SSD's were all docked, being filled with supplies and weapons of all sorts for the campaign ahead. Suddenly a huge fleet appears and begins orbiting the planet.
"All right All ships form a perimeter, MC-80's A through D cover all possible exit vectors"
:: The new republic fleet orbits the planet, it contains: Flagship:
8 MC-40
4 MC-80
2 MC-90
1 MC-100 cloaked ship piloted by JediBoricua
1 SMC-150 piloted by madine
8 ISD2
10 Corelian Corvetes
15 Escort Frigates (5 of them medical)
Rogue Squadron
* Storm Fleet:
MC-90 Hurricane
MC-80 Blizzard
MC-80 Blizzard II
Dauntless Cruiser Tornado
Dauntless Cruser Tornado II
Liberator Cruiser Typhoon
CC-9600 Frigate Thunder
CC-7700 Frigate Avalanche
Corellian Corvette Cyclone I
Corellian Corvette Cyclone II
Nebulon-G Class Destroyer Tsunami
Nebulon-B Maelstrome I
Nebulon-B Maelstrome II
Blockade Runner Hail Cloud I
Blockade Runner Hail Cloud I
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:39:21 PM
::Readies his supply of EMP grenades and checks to make sure that all his augmentations, weapons and armor are working properly. I double tap a few buttons on my wirst, activating my Chosetec armor, which is now fused with my mechanical body. My rifle is mounted on my back... just in case. I stand, waiting for my master on his ship::
General Scorpion
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:40:48 PM
*With a thunderous roar, the entire Unknown Regions Sith Fleet exits hyperspace near Corellia.. The three Dominator Star Destroyers, and the three Interdictor Cruisers take up perimeter positions while powering up their gravity well projectors..
The Huntress Star Destroyer Scythe leads the charge with a fully prepared superlaser.. It fires straight ahead onto the planet's surface, vaporizing the shield generators and the buildings nearby, not to mention the ground..
Beta Fleet's Victory Star Destroyers come from behind, holding a tight formation and beginning their bombardment of the planet..*
Unknown Regions Sith Fleet (
General Crix Madine
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:44:38 PM
OOC: Hi, this is Master Yog. Since my character is still at one with the Force, I will use this character for this battle. Everyone, disable your signatures!
::Onboard the MCC 150sx "Freedom", General Crix Madine paved across the bridge as the light of stars blazed by while the New Republic fleet traveled to its destination: TSC Headquarters. Bothan spies had reported a gathering of fleet at TSC HQ, possibly preparing for an attack. They New Republic had to prevent this by a swift surprise counter move..::
::Storm Fleet comes out of hyperspace with an awesome roar..::
Release all fighters! Enter planet perimeter and block all exit vector points!
::All fighters are released from the Capital ships. The flight groups compute their attack vectors as they form wings of 5 ships each. Each flight group positions into delta formation, escorting the larger ships into planet perimeter..::
General Madine: All wings report in..
"Green leeder reporting.. S-foils are locked in attack positions"
"This is Blue Leader.. weapons are armed and ready.."
"Yellow leader speaking, we have enemy TIE on our sensors.."
"Fighters coming in!"
General Madine: Protect the larger ships.. intercept enemy fighters..
Rogue leader: Accelerate to attack speed! Draw their fire away from the bombers and the major ships..
Specs for MCC-150sx:
Mon Calamari Cruiser MCC-150sx
Model: Mon Cal MCC-150sx Super Cruiser
Length: 8,000 meters
Crew: 300, 000 capacity
Weapons: 580 turbolasers, 58 turbolasers batteries, 70 ion cannons, 15 tractor beams, 30 proton torpedoe launchers, 200 laser cannon turrets
Top of Form 1
Bottom of Form 1
Shuttle Squadrons 1
E-Wing Squadrons 2
X-Wing Squadrons 15
B-Wing Squadrons 2
A-Wing Squadrons 2
Viper Squadrons 1
YT-2400 Freighters 3
Raptor Transports 10
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:44:58 PM
:: In the droid control ship of the New Republic ::
"Why the @#%$ did Stone gave me command of this....ugh....oh well"
:: The fleet exit hyperspace through the exit vectors protected by the MC-40's. The do a mad rush agains the planet, tubolaser firing like hell ::
"Deploy all droids"
:: From the massive fleet an impressive number of droid transports and fighters are deployed. They land in fron of TSC HQ, were the impressive droid army begins to assemble ::
"Ok now move all Droid Cont. Ships to the back of the fleet, behind the battle scene"
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:45:27 PM
[i]Exits hyperspace with his 2 OF's and TCBD. Immediatly after exiting Hyperspace The Faith Fires its axis-superlaser at the spacedocks. as the beam lashes out tearing apart ship after ship and cuasing explosions that rack the docks, the other 2 OF's tke point to defend the recharging TCBD
General Crix Madine
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:51:47 PM
"Storm Fleet, Section A reporting.. MC-90 Hurricane, and MC-80 Blizzard 1 and 2, Dauntless Cruiser Tornado 1 and 2 and Liberator Cruiser Typhoon standing by.. we are in planet orbit awaiting further ordes.."
General Madine: Hold postitions and guard the planet perimeter.. no ship shall escape.
"This is section B reporting.. target vectors are plotted into navigation computer.. all systems are operational. We are in schedule.."
General Madine: Initiate attack vectors for bombing and heavy artillery fire.
::Blockade Runners Hail Cloud 1 and 2, Nebulon-B Maelstrome 1 and 2, Corellian Corvettes Cyclone 1 and 2 and Frigates Thunder and Avalanche approaches bombing range of TSC base, escorted by X-Wing fighters..::
::From the bridge of the MCC 150sx Freedom, General Madine watches swarms of fighters wizzing by his viewscreen, as they approach the planet..
"The shields are down! Targets are locked commander!"
General Madine: Commence EMP bombing..
"Release payload!"
::Torpedo Missiles launches out of the Nebulon G.. the rockets blaze through atmosphere with a screaming sound as they fly toward TSC defenses.. the carrier rockets drops and opens, releasing clusters of smaller missiles, independently seeking. The swarm of electromagnetic pulse warheads independently seek their target as they fly fast toward their destination: The main sensor arrays of the TSC Main Base. As the bombs hit the sensors arrays with a tremendous explosion.. an electomagnetic shockwave is released, disabling electronic equipment in 1,2 km radius, disrupting communications and radar..::
Now, they will have trouble coordinating and call for reinforcements..
General Ceel
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:53:31 PM
*The Gungan Coucil Star Fleet drops out of hyperspace,after quickly dropping off and entire gungan army on the surface in large troop transports the fleet drops back and takes up position around the droid command ship.A tight defense is set up around the ship*
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:54:39 PM
JSO members activate your sheild field disruptors we are going in.
:: jso shuttle lands and deploys operatives
you guys know what to do now splitup and do it.
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:54:49 PM
"Y-wing squadron Z, Q and A start your bombin run at the sith base. Rogue Squadron destroy as many groudn to air defenses as possible"
Dark Lord Dyzm
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:55:17 PM
**As the Enemy Ships come closer to the ship yards, weird sensor anomolys happen, suddenly all the ships vanish as the enemy passes through a electronic jamming feild, The Holographic Overlays have turned off, and what is left are a bunch of astroids. One Ship is seen leaving the system, one small, fast ship, that suddenly enters hyperspace.
From One of the attacking Vics, a Cry of Fear goes up!
The Sun is Exploding! All Ships Turn To flee, and only a dozen that jumped blindly into hyperspace survied, for the trap was succesful, and with only 1 Torpedo, modeled after the Sun Crushers Renessiance Torpedo, TSC has wiped out most of the enemy fleet**
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:55:22 PM
[i]While The Faith Recharges it launches its special fighter squardron 'Blood Squadron'. Bloods then quickly move into the fray as they weave in and out of all the other ships as they lead the way for TDO fleet. The closer TDO fleet gets to the planet the more wary of there sourrondings the piolits of Blood squadron get....until the shockwave of the sun hits. As it tears across the planet TDO fleet assues position on the oposite side of the planet, shielding itself from the wave
Aug 5th, 2000, 10:57:26 PM
Ignore Dyzm, that is called God Mode.
General Crix Madine
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:00:16 PM
*The Cruisers approach the shipyard..*
General Crix Madine: Lock weapons at the orbiting shipyard..
"Yes sir!"
General Crix Madine: And Release fire at that SSD docked at that Shipyard! Lock on weapon systems with ion cannons..
The Cruisers fire their ion cannons in a combined effort to disable weapon systems..
"Their turbolasers are at 30%.. reaching critical status for weapon system!"
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:00:25 PM
:: Luke makes his way thru the shipyard he attaches some emd bombs to a ssd and moves off to the next ship. luke to jso target alpha neutralized continuing to second primary target
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:02:28 PM
"Ok the droids are ready. Capt any sign of the gungans yet?"
Capt: "Yes sir they have just deployed their army, their capital ships are forming their perimeter around us now."
"Good" ::Grabas a comm::
"Ceel, we will randevouz at point 08:02, the droids will go first forming a metallic barrier for your ppl to do their damage"
Ceel: "Agreesa JB"
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:03:48 PM
[i]As TDO fleet holds position on the oposite side of the planet it luanches troop transports to the surface. about 10,000 black clad Stormtroopers march out of there pods and storm towards the TSC palace. In orbit the Faith almos is fully recharged ad begins to turn to make another shot at the Shipdocks...
General Ceel
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:06:40 PM
*out of the transports the Gungan army forms,now directly protected by a giant domed shield.Each soldiers holds a blaster and a pouch of boobas,as the army begins marching to the rendevous point with the droid army*
Liam Jinn
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:07:42 PM
::jinns team finds a SSD and calls his troops scatter throughout it placing EMD bombs thoughout the ship some in the reactor core as well then exits and they explode crippling that SSD::
jinn: ok JSO Target beta 409 is down moving to next one...
General Crix Madine
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:08:14 PM
"Weapons disabled!"
General Madine: Release shuttles with strike teams!
Shuttles loaded with special forces strike teams flies toward the enormous Super Star Destroyer. Escorted by X-wings, they reach the landing bays.. a horrid fight between TSC troops follows as the team works is way up to the bridge..
"Stop them.. they are going for the bridge!"
"It is too late!"
A bright flash floods the area, and thundering sound is heard as the baricaded door to the bridge explodes.. when the smoke clears, the bridge is swarmed by NR troops.. a quick fight follows, but they are to many..
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:09:29 PM
As the troops make there way towards the palace they encounter the Gungan army, as this happens the commander of the troops hails gue aboard he Faith
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:10:10 PM
Luke approches his second target, ok lets try this...luke ignites his lightsaber and cuts a whole thru the bulkhead and enters, he makes his way to the engine room and using his light saber severs all of the cables he then runs to the central computer room and places a emd bomb into the computer core...bye bye baby.....
Jedi Rebel X
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:11:16 PM
::As the transport carrying the platoon under JSO member Rebel's command lands near the TSC shipyards, each of the members put on their gear and personal shield disruptors.
*The transport lands*
Rebel: Alright guys move out now!
*The platoon makes their way to the shipyard and spots an SSD*
Rebel: Follow me guys!
*The troop takes out the SSD's crew and Rebel takes the controls.
Rebel: Demolitionists go and set up the emd bombs.
*The demolitionists set up EMD bombs around the reactor as Rebel starts the ship up. Suddenly Rebel spots another SSD trying to launch. Rebel sets the controls in the SSD he is in and jams it*
Rebel: Move it! Move it! Move it!
*The troop gets out of the ship and watches as the one SSD starts moving and collides with the other SSD taking off, causing an explosion as the EMDs go off and rendering both ships unable to fly*
Rebel takes out his com.
Rebel: I'm done with SSD alpha 208, moving on.
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:14:36 PM
[i]Stil remainng aloof from all the other fleets TDO fleet engages what little forces that are being sent by TSC to halt there advance on the other half of the planet. As the Faith is fully powerd up it fires on the spacedck racking it once more with explosion after explosion, totally decimating one SSD. After seeing all the glourious fighting going on, Gue sends orders for Blood squadron to help out the forces o the other hlf of the planet. Asthe Sqadron screams through space they open fire on the TSC warships as they pass by...
General Scorpion
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:15:05 PM
*Launching fighters by the squadron, the entire URSF turns, maintaining an arrowhead formation. Scorpion looks closely at the sensor readings, standing on the bridge of the Scythe.
"To the northern shipyards.. We'll find what we want there.."
The Predator, closest to the yards, fires on an enemy Golan II. The weak defense platform crumbles and drifts towards the planet. The Predator is the first to stop. The rest of the fleet forms up with it and transports are deployed down to the planet.
"Captain Gujn, keep those planetary defense ships away from our transports.."
XIP Shuttles, Delta Class Transports, Gamma Class Transports, Imperial Assault Transports, Star Galleons and many other types of craft swoop down through the atmosphere to the base below. The troops deploy with rapid effiency and begin to send stolen supplies back to the orbiting ships.
The Imperial Assault Transports Invader I and Invader II dock on either side of an newly made Super Star Destroyer. With no crew yet onboard, and with the Super Star Destroyer next door currently being attacked by the New Republic, the ship is easy pickings. Docking without any troubles, the large ships send their troops into the mammoth ship. Incinerator mines are placed in key locations around the buildings that confine the ship. The troops kill the guards on duty near the bridge and start the powerful engines. The mines go and completely wipe out everything near them. The big ship lumbers forward, gaining momentum. The transport craft on the ground return with the stolen goods, and the Interdictors turn their gravity wells away from the fleet, to let it escape.
Delta Fleet jumps, followed by Omicron Fleet. The stolen Super Star Destroyer jumps, then Beta Fleet. Next comes the Iota Attack Squadron. The Pulverizer fires a barrage of torpedoes into the hull of another unshielded Super Star Destroyer also finished recently. The ship never stands a chance. The bridge erupts first, then the engines. The hull slowly bends, cracks, then splits in half. Both pieces spiral towards the planet, smoldering and black.
Gamma Attack Squadron jumps into hyperspace.
Master Yoghurt
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:18:57 PM
In space:
"Fighters approaching!"
"Watch out. Squad at 0.6!"
"I'm on it, Gold Leader."
"Good shot, Red Two!"
Inside SSD:
"We will never surrender to you rebel scum!"
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:19:08 PM
[i]The Of THE Glory sets of into low orbit over the planet. as it nears the atmosphere its hull glows bright red until its a deeper crimson. As it nears a shipyard lasers lash out of it as they strike repeatadily at ship after ship in the yards
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:19:40 PM
Luke to all jso members when you hit your final target assemble at target foxtrot, we're taking that one with us...Luke out
Liam Jinn
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:21:43 PM
::jinn and his team go for another SSD but by this time the crew has had warning about sabotuers and the resistance is a little heavier and a fourth of his team is wiped out before the EMD bombs are in place at the reactor core. jinn and his team make it out and set of the EMD then leave the crippled SSD..::
Jinn: jinn to JSO i have eliminated another target..losses in my team are not that bad proceeding to next target...
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:24:11 PM
Captn: "Sir, another major ground force has joined ours"
"Is it hostile?"
"NO sir."
"Good, keep marching as plan. All droids in front, once in range all tanks fire at the main base, not the shipyards. No sense in killing our commandos. Contact Cell and tell him to load the catapults."
"Yes sir"
Jedi Rebel X
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:27:02 PM
::Rebel's troop makes it across the shipyard to another SSD.
Rebel: Guys take this one!
Rebel: Commandoes, go ahead and secure the perimeter inside.
Rebel: Demolitionists, follow behind and set up the EMDs around the reactor.
Rebel: Saboteurs, you follow me and take out the controls.
*The commandoes take out the crew allowing the demolitionists to do their work. Meanwhile, the group with Rebel sabotages the controls leaving them in such bad shape it will takes days to fix*
Rebel: Guys, get out now!
*The platoon makes it out and they watch as the EMD mines go off around the ship's reactor*
Rebel: That takes care of SSD Proxy 148. Moving on.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:27:31 PM
Luke runs down the corridor he feels a tremble in the force, he ducks down and ignites his LS standing there is a guard with blaster pointed at him, luke reaches into his mind I am gav return to your post the guard turns and goes to his post...
luke smiles....he turns and heads off to one of the cruisers docked getting ready liftoff....luke disables the guard and as his group take out the crew...luke to jso target foxtrot is in jso possession awaiting recall
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:29:55 PM
[i]As The glory racks shipyard after shipyard lifepods areseen ejecting from her. As these nmaned pods slam into the main TSC base, they explode with the charges planted inside them, wrecking the bases structure and opening holes all over it
General Ceel
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:30:52 PM
*General Ceel signals his men to load the catapults.With the droids out front the ground force is invincible*
Liam Jinn
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:33:30 PM
::approaches his 3rd target and gets aboard sending his troops to the reactor core and other critical places to set the EMD bombs. but the people on the bridge have plenty of time to react and seal 2/3 of his team in the reactors core as they try to regroup. A voice comes over the ships com::
Captain: You now have 3 minutes to evacuate your crew jedi...wait make that 30 seconds and i blow the reactor myself.....30....29....well the suspence is killing me so...
::the captain blows the reactor with jinns team in there killing them and troops surround whats left of jinn and his team who are standing by the exit::
::jinn and the remaining part of his team manage to fight off the troops but jinn is wounded seriously in his chest and side from the fighting confusion. his troops and him make it to the SSD that is being secured by skywalker.::
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:34:01 PM
luke informs his commandos to sweep the ship...if anyone surrenders lockem in the brig all others neutralize one way or another, if you can drive them off the ship then do it. skywalker out
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:40:08 PM
"To all ground troops, GREAT JOB! Everyone head to SSD Apha 569, Skywalker has secured the ship, it will be your trip home. Set coordinates to Naboo, we'll meet you there"
"All fighter units, come back we are going home now."
General Ceel
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:40:28 PM
*The Gungan force suddenly gets the evac call and changes directions to the SSD where pic up will take place*
*dropping the catapults the army,still under the shield arrives at the pic up point and begins the loading process*
General Crix Madine
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:44:04 PM
::After minutes of struggle, the officers on bridge are captured. Ship engines roar for a second as they ignite sub space engines and the SSD enters hyperspace.. escorted by 5 X-wing squadrons..::
General Madine: "Prepare for jump to lightspeed.."
General Ceel
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:44:15 PM
*once loaded the SSD sets coords. for Naboo and prepares toleav the sith planet behind*
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:45:14 PM
"Sir, the gungans have set off their catapults, the bubbas made some serious damage to the hq. They are retreating now"
"What will we do about the droids"
"Leave them, programm them to fight until we leave our range, they will cause some damage on their HQ. I have received orders from Ackbar, set coordinates fro Naboo. We will exit once the stolen SSD is off"
"yes sir, begining calculations now"
Liam Jinn
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:50:39 PM
::jinn has had his troops place bacta treatments on the wounds and with the aid of his healing ability they are just meere scratches now...::
ok people we should get out of here soon....
Lord Gue
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:52:55 PM
[i]As the now 7,000 troopers head back for the transports The Glory retains its low orbit for faster pick up. The troop transports lift off the planet and quickly make it to the OF. as the OF leaves orbit it drops its waste garbge into the atmosphere of the planet. TDO fleet swiftly jumps into hyperspace..
Jedi Rebel X
Aug 5th, 2000, 11:59:39 PM
::As Rebel's platoon moves on spotting another SSD they encounter a group of guards and engage in a firefight.
Rebel: Men take cover behind those metal crates!
*Rebel's platoon runs behind the crates and shoots out through openings. The guards are left in the open and they soon are disposed of. Rebel's platoon loses some men but not that much*
Rebel: Okay guys, let's take this ship out!
*The platoon gets into the SSD. Rebel takes out his blaster along with the commandoes and take out the guards. After the guards are done with, the demolitionists set up the EMD mines around the reactor while the saboteurs take out the ship's controls. The platoon leaves the ship and hears the reactor explode*
Rebel takes out his com.
Rebel: Ok, we took out the SSD beta 524 and we're coming to target Foxtrot. Rebel out.
*Suddenly as the platoon is going to target foxtrot they are met with a group of dark troopers. Screams are heard as members of Rebel's platoon are hit and some killed*
*Rebel takes out his lightsaber Heritage*
Rebel: This is not happening under my watch!
*A fight ensues between the platoon and the troopers. Rebel slashes through the troopers with his lightsaber and force pushes some troopers into each other. As Rebel slices through one trooper Rebel senses another coming up behind him firing a blaster. Rebel deflects the blaster shot and backflips over the trooper. As the trooper turns Rebel slices through his mid.
*After a while the troopers are taken care of and the platoon makes it the foxtrot target and boards. Rebel sees liam and Luke*
Skywalker: Did you guys make it?
Rebel: Yes, but we had a couple casualties, but the mission was a success.
*Rebel's platoon boards and the ship takes off*
Liam Jinn
Aug 6th, 2000, 12:03:10 AM
hey man rebel if you are gonna talk abou casualties take a look at my crew....
::rebel looks at the 15 members of liams crew::
rebel: sorry bout that...
Aug 6th, 2000, 12:17:21 AM
:: The two stolen ships meet the now ready to leave New Republic fleet. The get into formation, the bigger SSD's in the middle and the two super MC-150 in the head ::
"All units, on my mark...3, 2, 1...
:: stars turn into lines as the huge fleet enters hyperspace, their target the planet of naboo ::
************************************************** *
:: The fleet exit hyperspace 1000 kilometers from Naboo. Ackbar orders a full check on all ships and repairs to be done to the few damaged once. The force was with them this time, they had lost no ship and TSC's fleet capabilities were mortally strucked. A hiss annouced the opening of the bridge door, it was jedi master Boricua ::
Ackbar: "JB, what a pleasure. Very impressed JSO make me. Nice job down there"
JB: "They are jedi, what did you expected. I come here to discuss something with you."
Ackbar: "Something troubles you?"
JB: "Yes, two things in fact. First, our spy reports tell us that Gav Mortis left Corellia with a big fleet before we arrived and started our attack, which means that not all SSD were disabled. The force tells me that they are planning on attacking Naboo once again...we should station the fleet here for a while."
Ackbar: "Hmmm...I will give the order, you said there were two things that troubled you...the second one being?"
JB: "Well you know Itala, I have no doubt in my mind he has some device planted on his ships in case they are stolen. If I were you I would do a scan on the two stolen SSD's and search for explosives, slave circuits and such. I would also format the computer deleting all past information and orders...after your slicers get all the info they want that is..."
Ackbar: "Good thinking Boricua. Captain process this two orders"
Captn: "Yes sir"
:: The orders were carried out inmideatly. All the personell was asigned to the giant ships. The scans were slow but in 8 hrs all was done. A report was brought to Ackbar ::
Sir, after rigorous inspections we found remote explosives near the main reactor, our bomb squad removed them and threw them to space. We also found that the ships were slaved and that they could be remotely guided back to TSC. The slicers did their job and removed the slaving systems, we also formatted the main computers. The New Republic has two new SSD's.
General Ceel
Aug 6th, 2000, 12:17:43 AM
Aug 6th, 2000, 12:25:00 AM
:: Back in his personall ship, The Afrodisiako, Boricua sends a message through the holo directed at Gue ::
"Thank you for your uncalled help, I am not expectin anything from this or from you, this is just an honest thank you message wherever you are right now. The best of lucks to you and your group and May The force be with you"
Jedi Stone
Aug 6th, 2000, 05:01:40 AM
:: Is seen inside his ship "The Black Bird" Stone sends a singnal to all the ships around...
STONE: Great Job! Sorry I was not here to fight :( But never the lass Thank you! Gue thank you also for your help! JB thanks for managing the Trade Federation while I was gone :D ! To all the troppers and fighter pilots THANK YOU! This is a Battle that will be remembered in YOUR name! :D
:: Stone puts his ship into Hyper-drive and sends off to GJO.....
Gav Mortis
Aug 6th, 2000, 01:00:09 PM
OOC: Ok, I must confess, this was an excellently carried out attack, no contradicting posts and the attack flowed in fluid motion, however before I completely agree woth the annihilation of TSC HQ, there are a few points I would like to raise.
1. I would have thought it procedure to wait for the enemy to post replies, giving them a chance to fend for themselves...otherwise if this is not the case, I could take on the best Jedi and kill them without them even knowing about it because they were unable to reply. I don't mind if each individual makes one post each, then awaits for a reply but in this attack that wasn't the case. Evidently the only member of TSC online was Dyzm, who as you knew made a God-mode attack which is invalid anyway. I am not whining by any means, I would just like to ask the moderator, DT and administrator, Atreyu that in an attack as such is it neccessary for the attackers to wait for their opponents replies, giving them a fighting chance?
2. TSC Fleet is tiny, we have no SSD's whatsoever anymore, there were no ships at the Shipyards as they were all in hyperspace as you know, so how did you cripple TSC Fleet by attacking unexisting ships, also, those two SSD's you appparently stole from us are non-existant as well....we have a very small fleet at the moment, not including the Katana Fleet, we have no SSD's.
3. The shipyards you attacked were GSC's fourth line to take care of public orders(as ordered from swfans), now the other three shipyards which supply TSC are located on another planet whose name I will not reveal for obvious reasons...and are part of TSC Industries.
4. Your fleets were HUGE, one attacking fleet, courtesy of Scorpion: (
I have one request to ask of you, would you give me the addresses to the threads in which these Fleets were constructed, they are almost too good to be true....I just need proof, I'm not saying you haven't built them, I just need confirmation that you have by giving me the addresses, not just for those fleets above but for any other attacking fleet, thanks.
Lord Gue
Aug 6th, 2000, 01:15:10 PM
Too big? my fleet was 3 ships and a fighter squadron, The squadron was made by GSC and myships were made at TIE
Gav Mortis
Aug 6th, 2000, 01:24:35 PM
OOC: I never said they were TOO big, just huge and I'm not implying they were just created out of thin air either, I am just doubtful and would like to see the building threads...also, the thing about the fleets wasn't dirceted at everyone, I have no real doubts about yours but would you post the threads in which they were constructed nevertheless?
Aug 6th, 2000, 01:26:34 PM
gav, you seemed to have a fleof 20 SSDs at the attack of the khatana fleet
Gav Mortis
Aug 6th, 2000, 01:34:35 PM
OOC: That had nothig to do with me, Gue might have been Fleet Leader back then so I was aloof to what we did and did not posess, but I am telling you know, as far as I know TSC Fleet has no SSD's, I do remember those though now you come to mention it and if the Fleet does or did have those SSD's, I'll have to have words with some people back at TSC because I knew nothing of them.
Lord Gue
Aug 6th, 2000, 02:36:17 PM
OOC: back when i was fleet leader Bane 2 built 22 SSD's, it was none of my doing or concern, I never got to useany fleet of TSC anyway. And im looking for all the threads, they were built at different times...
Lord Gue
Aug 6th, 2000, 03:07:30 PM
Heres 1: 1.topic
General Scorpion
Aug 6th, 2000, 03:12:37 PM
Everyone of my ships has been either built, bought, stolen/captured, or traded for.. When there's a little "U/C" beside the ship, it means Under Construction..
Aug 6th, 2000, 09:50:04 PM
Ok let me clarify on the New Republic Fleet. Once we all agreed on the building times of ships and all that I posted a question about the New Republic Fleet saying that since the timeline was after ROTJ should the Republic start from scratch or should we have an estimate. We agreed on an estimate.
Two weeks after that I posted the estimate here on the BG and no one complaint so I thought it was ok. Since then we have 10 new ships....2 stolen SSD's from the Legion (a raid two weeks ago), 6 ISD2 bougth at Thrawn's and two MC-150 made at the jedi board.
And I do think that this can be done without TSC replying coz some of you were online in MSN, and it was a hit and fade operation.
And I also remembered checking GSC boards b4 this and Bane clearly stated you have over 30 SSD's.
Gav Mortis
Aug 6th, 2000, 11:04:15 PM
If you could give me the address, to the thread in which Bane states this in GSC, please?
If I find out that we have/had 30 SSD's and I've been building/using Victory SD's, I will be furious. :(
OK, I do remember all that about an estimated New Republic Fleet, thats fine, I was just wondering, the fleets are so much bigger than ours, well, excluding the Katana Fleet and whatever is left of these "ghost" SSD's.
I'm fine with that attack OOC of course, IC, I'm REALLY p*ssed off! :(
Aug 7th, 2000, 12:21:04 AM
I will get that link tomorrow, school starts tomorrow and I really gotta go to bed. @#%$ this sucks.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Aug 8th, 2000, 09:13:01 AM
interesting read till all the ooc bs came into it
can there be just one roleplaying thread where someone doesnt bitch about something sometime?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 8th, 2000, 09:50:19 AM
OOC: Agreed...Lord Gue!
Lord Gue
Aug 9th, 2000, 01:15:39 PM
OOC: What?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 9th, 2000, 02:25:21 PM
(OOC: Sorry Lord Gue...I mean I agreed w/Grand Thrawn)
can there be just one roleplaying thread where someone doesnt bitch about something sometime?
My mistake!
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