View Full Version : The Quest
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 8th, 2000, 06:23:56 PM
{ Interior of a Rented Freighter the "Devotee"}
Luke opens a communications link: "This is Skywalker aboard Freighter "Devotee" requesting clearance".
Luke waited for an answer from Flight control.
Over the communications system: "This is GJO Flight Control to freighter "Devotee", you are cleared to proceed into orbit, hold at station Alpha Alpha one five seven for further clearance" end communications.
Luke activated the transmission switch, "Skywalker to flight control, I copy and am proceeding to Alpha Alpha one five seven" end communications,
Luke activated the maneuvering thrusters and felt the bulky freighter lift off and he proceeded into orbit...
Well this may not be the most comfortable ride, but it was cheap.
Luke had gone to a cantina, looking for a smuggler that would loan him a ship. Though most of the smugglers wanted outrageous amounts, Luke was able to talk one of them down to something he could afford. For a cost of 5,000 credits the smuggler would loan him a freighter as long as it came back in one piece with no additional repairs needed. Luke took the deal since he did not really have much of a choice.... He needed a ship and he needed it fast, the force visions were getting more frequent now and more intense, he had to get to where ever the force wanted him too go and time was of the essence.
Incoming communication: "This is GJO flight control to freighter "Devotee" incoming traffic is clear, you may enter hyperspace anytime...GJO out"
Luke turned to his companion, JediKen, "Now it begins" is all he had to say...
JediKen punched in some coordinates into the nav computer and waited for the computer to compute the course. After only a few minutes the computer beeped and flashed a green light letting the occupants know that it was ready for lightspeed.
JediKen turned to the legendary JediMaster. "Sir the first leg of the course is laid in and ready to go, the Jump will last approximately 45 minutes and at that time we will blind jump into a new heading of your choosing"...
Luke continued to look out the front view screen "Very well, prepare to make the jump to lightspeed, five..... Four.... Three... Two .. one. GO."
The hyperdrive kicked in and in a blink of an eye the freighter was gone on its way for the destination that only the force would lead them too, not even Luke Skywalker knew where they were going...
Luke Skywalker ~ Jedi Master ~
Aug 8th, 2000, 06:54:46 PM
JediKen sat in the co-pilot's seat of the Freighter, he didn't know where they were going or why the JediMaster had picked him to tag along.
Why hadn't he Picked one of the JediKnights to go with him.... JediKen's insides were doing summersaults and he just had to get up and do something. JediMaster Skywalker could sense that his companion was becoming anxious. Luke turned to JediKen and asked him to "go check the hyperdrive and make sure all of the equipment is stored securely." " At once Master Skywalker", JediKen replied, and turned to leave the pilot control room.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 8th, 2000, 06:59:50 PM
As aJediKen was leaving,"Oh and JediKen", Skywalker called back to him, "yes, sir" replied JediKen.
Luke looked into the young Jedi's eyes. "We may be together for awhile, I don't know how long this trip is going to be, and I was never one for titles so lets drop the JediMaster stuff you can call me Luke." The young Jedi's eyes opened in amazement, the great Luke Skywalker said I could just call him Luke like we were long lost pals or something.... JediKen responded "Yes, Sir, err um I mean Luke". JediKen smiled and left the control room on his way back to check the hyperdrive...Luke checked the readout..."five more minutes then it gets tricky", he thought to himself...
Aug 8th, 2000, 07:06:42 PM
JediKen approaches the hyperdrive room; he checked the gauges on the outside of the room. "Hmm, that does not look right", he thought to himself.
JediKen pressed the door release on the side of the bulkhead and the door opened, as JediKen peered in he saw smoke coming out of the hyperdrive motivator. "Now, that is definitely not right" JediKen said.
JediKen activated the intercom button, "Luke, you might want to come back here and take a look at this, the motivator is smoking." Luke responded: " acknowledged, said luke "We are coming out of hyperspace now anyway, I am on my way back." JediKen closed the door to the Hyperdrive room and waited for Luke to make his way down. JediKen did not start looking at other areas of the ship, in the living quarters he found that the refreshers did not work, nor did the food dispensers.
JediKen made his way back to the Hyperdrive room, seeing Luke standing there JediKen advised him on what he had found.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 8th, 2000, 07:14:27 PM
"Well", Luke thought, "The food dispensers we can live with out, we would just have to stop off before re-entering hyperspace and restock our food stores. The refreshers we could probably jury rig something together, but the hyperdrive we must have, so I will get to work on that right away." Luke turned back to JediKen, "Go back to the control room and check the sensors, see if there are any ships around." JediKen left and made his way back to the control room.
Luke turned back to look at the hyperdrive, "now, what can we do about you? I think I may need a little help with this one." Luke left the Hyperdrive room and set out for the cargo bay of the freighter. Luke lifted off one of the hidden deck plates and force lifted a blue and white little object out of the hold and set it down softly on the deck,
Internal ship communica[/i]: Luke, I checked the sensors and we are alone, I checked both short and long range. JediKen ended the announcement. Luke acknowledged the announcement and returned to his work.
Luke replaced the deck plate and activated the little droid. " Ok little fellow it is time to go to work" The dome top on the little droid started spinning around and R2D2 started chirping and whistling at his master. Luke explained what the problem was to the little droid and directed him to jack into the hyperdrive system and see what the problem was. The little droid rocked backwards for a second, a wheel appeared in the front of him and he rolled through the ship heading towards the hyperdrive room, whistling and chirping all the way down the corridor.
R2D2 entered the hyperdrive room and started accessing the computer core to the system. Knowing there was little for him to do, Luke turned and headed back to the control room.
Aug 8th, 2000, 07:20:37 PM
JediKen waited for Luke to return to the control room, while waiting he conducted another sensor sweep of the area, still no contacts. JediKen sat down in the co-pilots seat and waited for Luke. JediKen didn't like there current situation, a ship could come out of hyperspace at anytime and their mission would be over, granted the ship had shields but they would not be able to withstand much pounding, the weapons were minimal and JediKen doubted they would last very long. JediKen decided he would voice his concerns with Luke.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 8th, 2000, 07:26:57 PM
When Luke returned to the control room, he sensed much anxiety from his companion. Luke asked what was troubling the young apprentice. Luke listened intently as JediKen told Luke his thoughts on the situation. Luke nodded "I can see why you would be a little apprehensive about out current situation, but don't worry we won't be detected, at least no right now."
Luke activated the ships internal communications system: "Artoo, how much time do you think you will need to analyze the problem and fix it?" R2D2 acknowledged Luke's inquiry within a few minutes; the little droid gave Luke a series of beeps and whistles and then ended the communications link.
Luke turned back to his companion "well Artoo thinks we can be up and going in about 2 hours, so I am doing to try something to mask our appearance until he is ready to go."
Luke sat down in the pilot's seat and calmed himself through the force. Luke relaxed and dove deeper into the force, past the force and finally into the "circle" (see black feet crisis trilogy)
Using the techniques taught to him when he had gone on a search for his mother, Luke manipulated the circle.
        The ship sat motionless in space, as Luke manipulated the "circle" the ship started to shimmer and then took on a ripple effect and then in a blink of an eye the Devotee was gone...vanished.
Interior of the Devotee
Luke opened his eyes for a moment, there, we will be undetectable for the next couple of hours, but I will need to give this all of my concentration, let me know when Artoo has finished with the repairs. Luke then closed his eyes and returned to his Jedi Meditation state.
Aug 8th, 2000, 07:29:31 PM
JediKen kept himself busy for the next two hours. He ran diagnostic checks on the computer systems, ran sensor sweeps of the system every 10 minutes, he would also run back and forth between the control room and the hyperdrive to see how R2D2 was coming on the repairs.
Finally, he decided the best thing he could do right now is practice his Lightsaber handling.
JediKen walked back to the cargo bay, took a "remote" out of one of the containers and activated it. He then took his Lightsaber off of his belt and ignited it.
JediKen watched the remote carefully as it spun and moved across the room, it shot out a couple of beams, but they were easily blocked, the remote was just about to strike again when he heard R2D2's chirps and whistles over the intercom system, he looked up into the air to see if he could decipher what the little droid was saying and it was at that time that the remote took its shot at him, a beam from the remote hit JediKen in the left leg and as he turned and twisted away the remote then "zapped" him in the lower back. JediKen extinguished his Lightsaber sending the Remote into standby mode.
JediKen left the cargo bay and headed for the hyperdrive room, where R2D2 was working, as JediKen entered the corridor outside of the room R2D2 exited and started whistling and beeping at him..."hey, ok ,ok. I'll go get him already" JediKen really had no idea what the little droid was trying to say, but he figured that it was trying to tell him that he was done and that they could proceed on the trip.
JediKen turned and headed for the control room of the ship, as he entered he watched as Luke started coming out of his meditation trance. As he did so he let go of his hold on the circle and the ship reappeared in space right where it had vanished only hours ago. "Luke, I believe your droid has finished repairing the hyperdrive."
Luke looked at him and nodded his head, "good, then we can get this trip on the road." Luke closed his eyes and touched the force, after only a few minutes he entered some coordinates into the computer and turned back to JediKen. "better strap in and prepare for lightspeed" JediKen sat down and strapped in. Artoo had attached himself to a droid socket right behind the co-pilot's seat.
"three... two.. one. Go" Luke activated the hyperdrive and they were gone again, he had not run the coordinates through the nav computer, he punched in where he wanted to come out of hyperspace and then gone to lightspeed, very risky if you did not know what you are doing. You could fly right into a star if you were not careful.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 8th, 2000, 07:35:32 PM
Luke entered the control room after resting in his quarters, he checked the readout and sat down in the pilot's seat. "Get ready to exit hyperspace."
Luke disengaged the hyperdrive and the ship entered normal space. Luke turned to his partner "Lets get a system scan, I'll need a listing of all habital planets and those capable of sustaining life."
Luke waited as JediKen ran the sensor checks, the wait was almost unbearable, he could still here the voices, and they were getting louder, this was the fifth completed jump and he had a feeling it was the last jump they would need to take to their destination, this system held the key to what has been calling to him.
JediKen turned to access the sensor equipment after a few minutes he turned back to Luke.
"We may have a problem Luke, I am not picking up any planets in the system at all, the only thing in system is an asteroid belt on the far side of the system."
"Luke looked out the viewport, he closed his eyes and was still for a moment.
"Head for the asteroid belt.
30 min. later
As the Devotee edged closer to the asteroid belt Luke could hear the voices that had been calling him. " must come to us.....come Luke.....Luke Skywalker it is your destiny"
Luke reached out with the force to the voices: "I am here."
Just as Luke sent the force message to the voices, the asteroid belt disappeared and was replaced by a shiny, green and blue planet. Luke touched out with the force again. "where are you"
Luke received the reply....
"ok, Prepare for planetary entry, coordinates are 256 mark 7, there will be a clearing, we land there." As the Devotee entered the planets atmosphere the planet and the ship disappeared replaced by an asteroid belt. Had anyone else been in system all they would have seen is the ship enter the asteroid belt and collide with one of the asteroids.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 8th, 2000, 08:51:54 PM
<font color= "navy">in a darkened room voices are heard in the air: </font>
<font color="yellow"> voice 1</i:mad: </font> he has come, the one that the master told us to wait for.
<font color="cyan"[i] voice 2</i:mad: </font>Yes, he has arrived, but we must make sure he is the true knight that we were told to wait for, and that he has not been corrupted.
<font color ="yellow">[i]voice 1:</font> Yes, the master did not know if this Luke Skywalker would be able to with stand the temptations that would be set before him.
<font color ="cyan"> Voice 2: </font>soon we will see if he is the one that shall inherit all that the master has given us. We will know if he is the one to recieve the Gift
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 9th, 2000, 06:09:12 PM
<font color= "navy">Interior of Devotee
Final Approach</font>
<font color= "red">Luke: coming up on the clearing ... engaging breaking thrusters ...lower the landing struts
A small vibration ran through the ship as the landing struts were lowered. </font>
<font color= "yellow">JediKen: Rate of descent is decreasing
JediKen: Landing gear is in position and locked.
The devotee slowly made its way into the clearing and they came to rest right in the middle.
Luke: Shutting down systems; { Luke powered down the ships flight, defense and weapons systems and then climbed out of the pilots seat) well lets go and have a look around. ......
Aug 9th, 2000, 09:14:34 PM
steps out into the warm climate.
JediKen: Luke, I don't understand. I have never heard of any type of technology that could mask a planet the way that this one was. Anything that powerful would leave energy signatures that would register off the chart.
Luke: I don't think the masking was done by technology, somehow I believe it was done thru the force or the cirlce, but it would take hundreds of Jedi to be able to do that. We will learn more once we find the voices that have been communicating with me.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 9th, 2000, 09:36:13 PM
Luke and JediKen go back into the ship, they each grab a backpack full of supplies and exit the ship.
Luke closes the hatch.
Luke walks towards the edge of the clearing
, there is no path and the forest is dense with branches when all of a sudden, the branches part and reveal a path for Luke and JediKen to follow.
They start walking down the path, Luke is leading with JediKen watching behind them.
2 hours later
Luke looks up at the sky "it will be dark soon, we will camp here" they each layout a sleeping bag and Luke starts a fire and prepares their dinner from the rations out of their packs.
Luke and JediKen eat their dinner and sit in front of the fire.
JediKen: Luke, What do you think we will find when we get to where ever we are going.
Luke looks up at the sky as if searching for something.
Luke: I don't know the force is quiet right now, but we will find out tomorrow.
Now lets go get some rest.
tomorrow will be a busy day.
They climb into their sleeping bags and go to sleep.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 9th, 2000, 11:43:50 PM
luke awakens....but it is still dark, so dark that he cannot see his hand in front of his face..."hmm, this is not right" look listens, there is no wind, no sounds of the night there is nothing but silence.
Luke, unable to see his lightsaber that is in his pack, concentrates on it, willing it to his had and in a flash it arrives in his hand, he ignites it. the glow illuminates the area, and Luke now sees that they are no longer out side, they somehow have been brought into a room...Luke makes his way to a wall and follows it around until he finds the control for the room lights.
He turns the lights on and looks around...the room is baren except for him and JediKen.....
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 10th, 2000, 06:57:46 PM
Luke walks back towards what is now their sleeping area
while doing so he notices something missing within the force.
He cannot detect his young friend in the force.
.Luke calls to him several times while walking back to the area.
He approaches his sleeping bag and kicks it,
no movement. Luke throws open the sleeping bag, but it is empty
JediKen is gone.........
Aug 10th, 2000, 07:06:13 PM
JediKen awakens and as he opens his eyes, he is met with great pain,
the lighting is too much to bare and he must keep his eyes closed.
Luke!...Luke! where are you.
Reaches out with the force but he cannot detect anyone else in the room, or surrounding areas.
Jediken searches the floor for his backpack, he searches through it (by feel) and finds his light shields and places them on his head,
though still unable to see more then a few feet in front of him he can now concentrate on exploring the room he found himself in.
JediKen taps his wrist communicator.. Luke are you there? No response , Luke, Do you copy? No Response...damn,.
Seeing no other way out of his present situation, he decides to have a look around in what he has deemed "his cell".
He Rumages through his pack and pulls out his blaster and LS and attaches them to his belt.
Walks until he finds a wall at that point he turns to his right and starts walking the perimeter of the room, to get a feel of how big the room actually is. . . . . . . . .
Approximately an hour later he arrived back at his starting point
wow, this place has to be as big as a star destroyers hanger!
He returned to his "central point" (where he left his back pack and sleeping equipment) and then sat down to think things over,
hmmm he thought. I could try cutting a hole in the wall, but seeing that I do not know what is on the otherside, that would be a little silly, thats all i needed cut a hole in the wall and on the otherside is the i will just sit here and wait for a little while...he got out his data pad and while i am waiting what i will do is map out this room, maybe there is a control station in here or something that you just cannot see until you are right on top of it. He tried once more to contact skywalker but there was no use he was completely cut off from the jedimaster.
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 10th, 2000, 07:24:57 PM
Luke searches the room with the force, but he cannot detect his companion,
he reaches into the force to search outside his current room, he can detect 2 other beings but neither is the one he is searching for.
Luke probes each wall with the force, but it reveals nothing, finally he decides he has to take a chance.. Luke goes back and gathers up his gear and approaches one of the walls, he places his saber against the wall and ignites it,
the energy blade punctures the wall, he then powers off his blade. Luke peers through the hole to the other side and sees a passage way.
Well since it looks safe enough might as well venture out. Luke ignites his saber again and cuts a small door into the wall and then steps through
Luke . come follow the force to us
Luke hears the voices again and sends his message to them
Where is my friend, what have you done with him? [/b]
Your friend is fine and will remain so, but you must come now
Luke hesitates, but knows that in order to find JediKen he will need to find the voices
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 10th, 2000, 07:44:08 PM
Luke walks down the curving hallway for almost an hour,
he senses that he has arrived at his destination. He looks around but sees no door…hmmm, looks like I have to make my own again, hmm unless………
Luke reaches out and touches the force once more…he turns and touches the wall on his right….a portal appears, and luke steps through………
interior of a control room
Luke steps to the other side of the portal and emerges inside what appears to be a huge central control room.
He notices two shimmering forms of energy in the center floating above a huge terminal,
Luke approaches the energy forms…."I bring you greetings from the Greater Jedi Order I am.…." he is cut off as one of the voices speak
[i]Voice 1: You are Luke Skywalker son to
Anakin Skywalker and heir to his legacy, We bring you
greetings young Skywalker….
[c]From your father. </cen
Aug 11th, 2000, 11:49:09 PM
JediKen returned to his encampment and gathered up his gear and placed his pack on his back...
He has completed mapping out the room, he was able to find 3 computer terminals all but one seemed to be innert, so JediKen returned to the active computer terminal..
JediKen checked the display system and saw 3 options
JediKen tapped the screen with his finger where it said map, but the computer brought up a box requesting a security clearance code.
Jediken got back to the main menu and tried accessing the other areas but each one of them wanted a security clearance.
He was getting very frustrated at this point when a phrase appeared on the monitor......
trust in the force
JediKen took a deep breath and concentrated, he watched as the lights dimmed to a normal level.
he removed his light shades and placed them back into his pack, well that was certainly interesting....
hmmm, Jediken tapped the map symbol again and when the security clearance request came up he reached out to the force and heard a beep.
the screen changed and showed a block of rooms with his room highlighted with a yellow dot in the center.
jediken copied the map into his datapad and then studied it. he checked the map and noticed that there should be a corridor on the otherside of the far wall so he made his way acrosse the room to the wall.
he touched the wall and then called out to the force..a portal appeared and he stepped through to the otherside.
Jediken found himself not in a corridor as the map showed but instead in another room, this one was completly dark, he turned around to go back thru the portal but the portal was gone, he touched the wall and tried the force but no portal appeared.
well looks like it was a one way portal.
JediKen made his way straight across the room and summonded a portal. the portal appeared and he stepped thru into a massive central computer room.
JediKen looked across the room and saw 2 shimmering images and the jedimaster, and it appeared he was communicating with them, when all of a sudden jediken felt a cold shiver come over him. some thing was not right he could sense the dark side somewhere in the room, he grabbed his lightsaber off of his belt and looked cautionsly around but could see no danger.
all of a sudden a dark figure appeard behind him swinging down a bright red saber about to cut him down, JediKen had but seconds to react......
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 13th, 2000, 12:28:28 AM
Luke looks across the room and sees Jediken emerge through a portal he is about to call to him as a dark figure steps out of the shadows with a light saber coming down, luke starts to run to help his comrad.
Luke: NO!, …..
Voice 1: No Skywalker, it is not permitted for you to interfere.
At that moment as luke is running a cage appears in front of him, unable to halt his momentum, Luke runs into the cage,
Voice 1: This is a force cage, used to transport jedi and other force users you will be unable to use the force outside of this cage.
Voice 2: Your young campanion must face this obstacle on his own, we cannot let the secrets of master anakin go with you unless all in your party are clear of the darkside.
Voice 1: the warrior he is fighting is a semi powerful dark side user, he would be no match for a true light side jedi, if your friend is able to defeat him, then all will be fine, if not then your friend will die.
Luke pleads with his captors
Luke: he is only an apprentice, he does not full understand his powers, you cannot let him face this threat on his own.
Voice 1: but he must, only then can we be sure of his tendencies…we will watch and see what unfolds…….
Luke watches as the battle insues, JediKen holds his own with the Dark Figure but as he turns to make a winning cut he is surprised when the dark jedi pulls out another saber and ignites it thru his heart…..jediken looks down and see the saber sticking thru his chest, he looks back at luke
JediKen sends a force message to his friend......
Aug 13th, 2000, 12:29:32 AM
"I have failed you, goodbye Master….." and those were the last words he spoke……….
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 13th, 2000, 12:39:51 PM
Luke looks back at the 2 shimmering energy forms
::the force cage opens and luke steps out, he runs over to where his friend has fallen, light saber in hand, but the dark jedi has disappeared. luke takes his young friend in his arms.....
I am so sorry my friend, I should have never brought you along on this trip.....
::luke returns to the shimmering beings....Alright lets put an end to this now...why have you summonded me here and what did you mean when you said "we bring you greetings from your father"?, My father is dead and has been for many better start explaining your self and make it quick!
JediMaster Skywalker
Aug 13th, 2000, 05:23:03 PM
<font color ="seagreen">Voice 1: we have summoned you hear because that is what master Anakin wanted us to do, your father came here many years ago, The dark side had not destroyed him completely yet, but he had already started on that road, but he did know that it was already to late for him to turn away from Palpatine. His visions told him that in time one would come to destroy Palpatine and he also knew that it would be his only son. So when he arrived he gave us instructions to prepare items for you, to help you rebuild the Jedi knights. Among them were:
A Chu'unthor, a mobile Jedi training facility with room for 10,000 Jedi's to train in.
Also we were to prepare for you a transport…we took the liberty to augment the designs for you, the ship is a YT-2400 light freighter modified so that you can attach your x-wing fighter to it. Also it has a slave circuit which will return it to its home coordinates, that you choose, or it will home in on a transmitter that you either carry or place with someone that you want the freighter to go to.
Along with those things are these….</font>
The shimmering figure handed Luke 3 objects, <font color ="seagreen">I am sure you are familiar with these holocrons, these will give you more insight into training Jedi Knights
Voice 2: now it is time for you to leave…but before you go, both ships have also been installed with cloaking devices and level 3 shields, your weapons will need to be upgraded. Now return to your new republic….
Luke turns to leave, but then turns back to the figures, "but how….." the figures have vanished and in their place was a portal, Luke steps through it and finds himself back in the clearing. He opens the hatch on his borrowed freighter….
Voice 1: Luke the ships will be found in clearings to your west
Luke powers up the Devotee and lifts off, he travels to the west and finds one of the ships, the YT-2400
FREIGHTER, Luke lands the devotee next to his new freighter, he enters the ship and sets the controls to
follow him in his borrowed ship, he then powers up its systems and sends the ship to hold in orbit.
Luke then proceeds to the next clearing, where he powers up the ships system and launches that into orbit.
He then returns to the devotee and launches the ship into orbit.
Once in orbit luke enters the hanger bay of the Chu'unthor and then proceeds to the bridge of the cruiser
and signals the yt-2400 to follow him into hyperspace.
Within minutes the two ships disappear into hyperspace leaving the mysterious planet behind.
Luke arrives in orbit at the Greater Jedi Order and enters temple avalon
***end of mission***
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