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Jedah Lynch
Aug 18th, 2000, 12:02:24 AM
Number of days have elapsed…begin designated program


Process engaging.

Error possibility 3.4%

Added genome factor success 94.4%

Mitochondria productivity increased 3 X’s

Engaging……..Calculations of mutation…5.1%

Chance of failure…Calculating…2.9%

Commence program…. All factors and variables factored.

Engage Project Codename: Lazarus

Beginning final procedure……

Lights flash on within a small confined area filled with computers of various shapes and sizes who’s monitors run through calculations, one computer shows a complex DNA chain link while another monitors a low brain wave and steady heart beat. In the far side of the wall connected by wires and a vast curtain to the sides of it lays a huge cylinder filled with a reddish crimson, inside a dark shape is connected by wires to his body, a device attached to his mouth and nose keeps his breathing regulated where there is little activity from his own mind. A computer to one side makes a beeping sound as the liquid in the cylinder is raked with electricity that course through the body which shakes violently from the shocks, almost curling into a fetal position the eyelids of the man begin to flutter then in a second opens wide. Within nano seconds a tight carrier beam is transmitted directly into his brain bringing him up on the recent events*

Warning…. Error detected…. Error detected…Malfunction…Malfunction….

The body floats in the liquid when his breathing apparatus is lifted from his face as several holes in the cylinder open to drain the liquid yet the device detaches too soon causing the man to choke upon the liquid, the liquid itself draining far too slowly. Powerful hands reach out pushing on the glass, upon the mans back a huge pair of obsidian wings spread striking hard against the covering but to no avail. The mans face looks straight up with a look of pain his hands generating dark force power and electricity creating a back lash against the machines, several of them explode in fire debris right away as others short circuit and black out. The glass cylinder begins to shake and vibrate a crack spreading from the front until it shatters spilling the contents out onto the floor, the body falls out wires snapping as he hits hard against the floor. The backlash continues throughout the whole mainframe but is contained by several top safety procedures, it however does not go unnoticed*

“This is Havok, I’m at the central control, we just had a unknown power surge in sector 14-B, is anyone in that area to check it out? I’m running a full diagnostic now but someone should check it out in person.”

“Callista here, I’ll find the problem”

“Roger that, keep me posted”

Havok leans back in his seat still studying the curious energy spike that matches no other yet seemingly familiar or was it a feeling? What the computer readings could not see Havok could sense, this energy spike was of a dark nature. Yet there wasn’t suppose to be anything down there, except Lynch private lab that he had spent hours in not revealing its purpose or contents to anyone. But Lynch was dead, no one had been there since his death to clean up whatever indeed was down there. Havok was left to wonder what had caused the spike.

Far below his feet, many floors down in the planets depth Callista approached the chamber holding the lab, standing before the door merely sliding her eyes over to look at the control panel to get access a beam suddenly comes out connecting with her eye. A computerized voice speaks.

“Designate: Callista”

“Affiliate: RSO”

“Access….. Negative.”

Callistas brow rises slightly*


A blinking light flashes on with the same computerized voice responding.


“Access denied”

With a look of anything but amusement her eye twitches annoyed slightly

“Access this”

Putting a finger up to the panel a surge of electricity flows through, several sparks spout out, the doors give off a creaking sound, they slide open slightly giving her enough sight inside to see a computer in flames, the lighting blinking off and on severely. Putting her hands in front of the doors she motions them outward as she does the doors part fully giving her access to the lab. Slowly almost cautiously she enters, she senses a presence familiar definitely dark yet different, altered. Turning around a corner she sees a man standing back on to her with his arms up in the air, a pair of dark wings sticking from his back wrap around him as two floating droids lower a Sith robe and cloak upon him. Putting his arms down to his side except for one he looks at the hand and moves it’s fingers slightly, a smile coming to his face until a females voice calling his name alerts him to her presence.


The man lets the hand drop to his side his face slightly turns acknowledging her being there.

“Hello Callista, visiting the dead today are we?”

“It is you…. but your different, your wings are back, your very force presence is not what it was….and your suppose to be very much dead!”

“I was….but I’m feeling much better now”

Slowly she approaches him walking up beside him, looking up at his face that is no different…except for his eyes, a darkness shines out that had not been there before.


She does not finish the sentence when she notices the broken cylinder, her eyes coming to the widening realization of the situation that no less surprises her as Lynch actually still living. An worded whisper escape her lips.

“A clone”

Lynch walks towards the cylinder while grabbing the curtain a sneer crossing his face that turns into a vile laugh.

“A clone? Yes a cloned body, new, remade by the power of science and sith sorcery to make it better than that of before but my thoughts is not mere recordings. I’m the same spirit of Lynch, it was all timed perfectly. My death a mere illusion to fool the stupid Jedi after an attempt at one of their own, during the explosion I sent my spirit into this already grown body while my old body died, this new one housed me until the added genome sequences I had studied was implemented.”

“Jedah..What are you raving about?”

Lynch chuckles slightly as he looks at the Lordess

My dear…it really is that simple. I took someone else’s DNA structure and mapped it, studied all the traits that make up a living person from survival to the proverbial killer instinct. But those did not interest me, only certain genes within that person did that gave certain…abilities…


“Yes…. Abilities…From the specimen… I found one gene that keeps my age reduced, for every day that elapses I age but a single minute increasing my life span greatly. Another gives the power to fly…or at least float off the ground slightly..Unfortunately that one did not have the proper effects desired like the one from whom I took it. Such is the field of genetics sometimes. ‘Tis a pity, fortunately I regrew my wings so it’s not an issue much, at least I gained access to the astral plane”

“You actually took someone else’s genes that gave them longer life spans and the ability to fly and basically graffed them until your own DNA build up? You must be mad to attempt such a thing, and how the deuce did you grow a clone that fast? It takes years!”

Lynch turns facing Callista again his eye twinkles the darkness within it, a smile upon his face.

“Correct..But you see I had help!”

Grabbing the curtain with both hands he pulls upon it yanking it down to the ground revealing a hundred cylinders that bear the remains of dead humans in varying states of decomposition.

“I took the very life force of them and put it into this body! The life force of a hundred men, women and children combined with the ancient Sith sorcery of Naga Shadow along with the added gene abilities of one Mara Jade1 that I had captured, those factors all created the perfect body to live in. A force of pure darkness itself captured and made into one single vessel…me”

The revelation hits Callista like a tidal wave, she can only stare at this Sith who has taken the rules of nature, bent them, twisted them all to his own whims and ambitions

“These ability genes you stole from LadyMara1..Surely those do not make you a vampire. You did consider her an abomination.

“She is!….Oh wait….was *grins*. ….Apparently DT along with something else…something familiar yet unknown…was able to save Lady Mara Jade…I sensed that during my spirit being transferred here. She will be taken care of…. My former dark bride has not escaped me yet!

Lynch pauses for a second lost in thought then continues

“To answer your question, I only took the vampire genes that gave the ability to live longer, fly and transgress the astral plane. Vampires are only another race of creatures, a different breed to be certain but hardly a total mystic one. Their bite merely spreads certain cells into another person, those cells act almost like parasites that bond with the hosts body that mutates the body creating a X factor in the process giving them various gifts that all combined they call the dark gift. I blocked out the flawed ones that bond them to each other, I most certainly am not one of them, I only stole from them you could say.”

“Is that all?”

“Besides maximizing the mitochondria so they run at peak performance enabling me to enhance my Sith powers I would say I’ve gone from mildly cynical to extremely sarcastic now” he adds with a grin

Callista takes in all what she heard until she realizes Lynch has left the room, quickly she tries to follow him wondering what in the galaxy is he up too. She patches her com through to Havok.

“Havok, we seem to have a situation”

“Yes…I’ve heard, I connected to your com system and monitored the whole conversation when two lifeforms were detected down there. The others have been contacted and sent transcripts of the conversation… Lynch is heading for the shuttle bay.”

Callista enters the bay only to see Lynch taking off in his new craft recently built by General Scorpion, the craft exits the planets atmosphere and disappears from all radar’s as it’s stealth system kicks in making it vanish into the cold vacuum of space, it’s destination only known to Lynch. Hours later, the craft lands upon an almost barren planet, yet with one important fact. It housed a secret RSO outpost that had been slightly damaged when Lynch had exploded a generator with his blaster seemingly killing him in the process. Navigating the base with ease he comes upon the room that had housed the generator, smiling he looks up at the area from which he had made the fatal shot. Using the force he begins to toss pieces of debris knowing where to exactly look, lifting one huge piece of metal his eye sees it. A tattered robe. Eagerly tossing aside other pieces of debris he looks down upon his old body that is broken, crushed, and missing a hand that he had cut off.

Reaching down into his old cloak he retrieves a small shiny object, holding it up to his face he studies it for a moment then clutches it in his palm a diabolical smile coming to his face. Pulling out a small canister from his robe and tossing it on his former body he leaps backwards to the lower floor as the canister opens in blaze of fire that engulfs the former Lynch body burning it into a crisp. Leaving the RSO outpost an idea comes to him, the generator explosion may have revealed the outpost to any carefully observing races so it was time to get rid of it, it had little purpose really in the first place. Before he leaves he sets off a timer that explodes a device deep in the planets core more powerful than twenty nuclear bombs, the planet is ripped apart until it goes nova exploding in a brillant light of destruction, the best part of the explosion in Lynch mind was that the pieces of planet would collide with a neighboring planet, the resulting impact would send dust into the planets atmosphere blocking off the sun sealing the populations fate who had not yet achieved space travel, he had already killed hundreds, what meant a few more million to a dark warrior reborn.

Darth Turbogeek
Aug 18th, 2000, 07:59:03 AM
OOC - Is it my imagination or is there some decent roleplaying going on here?

General Ceel
Aug 18th, 2000, 10:42:49 AM
nope, its real DT

Ashley Selena
Aug 18th, 2000, 10:46:56 AM
OOC- :: tries to read it all but instead has a brain anurism ::

Jedi Rebel X
Aug 18th, 2000, 05:19:02 PM
OOC: That was actually some pretty good RPGing going on there.

Aug 18th, 2000, 06:17:02 PM
{OOC:Very cool.}

Aug 18th, 2000, 11:18:29 PM
OOC: Good job!!

Aug 18th, 2000, 11:59:59 PM
i just love happy endings

OOC: some good writing btw Lynch.

Aug 19th, 2000, 12:04:57 AM
OOC: ::whistles:: Wow...nice, Lynch.