View Full Version : Assassination: A Romantic Night out.
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 09:56:33 PM
:: The Phoenix'e Landing lights click on, It has landed on a platform deep in the lower levels of Courscant. ::
" Well can't go in any further then this. "
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:00:24 PM
[OOC: lmao @ the title]
::laughs:: Suits me. Can't be too easy can it?
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:09:40 PM
Oh it never is.
I have already made cotact with our man here, an Air Taxi is on the way to pick us up.
:: Rama hits a button and the boarding ramp lowers. Rama walks outta the ship. It was sundown, but he couldn't see the sun it was blocked out by the buildings over head. ::
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:14:26 PM
::Nuriko bows her head slighty and follows him down the ramp. She is covered in a thick dark-red cloak, concealing the weapons on her belt. She looks out at the scenery and grins ferally... eager to shed blood this day. She stands next to her master.::
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:21:42 PM
This isn't exactly the best part of the neighbor hood.
:: An Air Taxi begins to descend from above and pulls up next to the platform. ::
" MR and MRS SHA, I Presume? "
:: Rama glares at the driver. ::
What did I tell you about real names.
" Hey...........their ain't no one around."
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:26:52 PM
::glares the driver:: "Never address my master in such a tone. Next time you do, I slice your throat open."
"................" ::the driver's look becomes somewhat stern and he turns his face back forward::
::Rama and Nuriko enter the taxi. Rama crosses his arms and not looking at the driver says "Let's go."::
::The driver, already informed of the destination, takes off...::
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:33:49 PM
:: The Taxi lifts into the air as the driver adjust his color worriedly. The Taxi Emerges from the city and shoots off. Rama pulls a small Vile from his jacket ::
I hope he doesn't decide to stay out late......I wanna get this over with.
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:40:05 PM
::shifts her eyes to the vile but doesn't make it a point to stare at it so much:: "It seems a little... empty. This method, I mean."
::Rama looks over at her:: "The man isn't actually a fighter like us. It will be a suitable end for him."
"You are right."
::He gives her a slight smile.:: "Besides if you're good, we'll go massacring afterwards. So be patient. Business first."
::She smirks back.:: "Yes, Master."
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:50:45 PM
He was a Pilot.
:: The Air Taxi approachs a building. The Driver turns around ::
" Were here."
Pull up next to the roof. We're getting off.
:: The Taxi pulls up and hover over the roof. Rama Jumps out and lands squarely on the roof. He turns and looks back up at Nuriko. ::
Come on.
Sep 23rd, 2000, 10:53:23 PM
::Nuriko jumps down and lands in a crouch. She rises and looks around.:: "Where are we?"
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:00:55 PM
Casscade Apartments, many of the Senators live here.
Come on......
:: Rama moves over the takes a grat off one of the air vents. Then Hooks a line to a nearby pipe and drops a line down the vent. ::
We are going down.
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:07:43 PM
::her eyes flash over somewhat gleefully:: "Many?"
"Now now, we're just here for one right now. Focus." ::He checks the line and beckons to Nuriko:: "Ladies first."
::Nuriko lowers herself down the line, followed by Rama:: "Just let me know when to stop."
"I will."
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:11:59 PM
:: They make there way down the vent ::
Wait stop!!!
:: Rama pulls out a bullprint of the building. ::
It's here.....
:: Rama rips the grate off next to him and looks Down it.::
This way.....
:: Rama crawls into the vent ::
Darth Phantom
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:16:06 PM
:: a comm comes to live :: master rama this is DP we have finished over
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:17:21 PM
::Nuriko crawls behind him.:: Do you have any idea if he's even home, Master?
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:18:34 PM
:: Rama grabs his comm. ::
SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Were in the vents it does echo! Anyways we are on our way to target. Repost back to homebase. Rama out.
:: Rama turns his comm off. ::
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:21:56 PM
:: Rama looks back at Nuriko ::
Hey should be, he always comes back and goes straight to bed after the senate closes.
:: Rama contiunes to crawl down the vent. ::
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:31:56 PM
::Nuriko's eyes widen as the comm clicks on. She bites her lip.:: "Feh. Hope no one heard that."
::Rama passes Nuriko the blueprint:: "Hang on to that."
::He crawls up ahead as Nuriko studies the blueprint:: "Over there."
::Rama looks through a nearby grate:: "Yeah, this is it."
::She crawls near the grate and peers in::
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:35:13 PM
:: Rama looks down the grate. He see's Senator Wedge Antillis and his wife fast asleep. ::
Oh this is too Perfect......
:: Rama motions for Nuriko to give him the thread. ::
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:45:45 PM
::Nuriko hands him the thread and sits back keeping guard as he works...::
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:50:19 PM
:: Rama carefully lowers the thread down to just above Wedge's lips, he then takes out the poison and unscrews the cap, he lowers an eyedropper down into the poison and then moves it over to the thread and puts a few drops on the thread. The drops of posion make their way down the thread and fall on Wedge's lips. In a natural reaction He lick's his lips. ::
:: Rama pulls the thread up and then checks his watch. ::
Royal Guard
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:52:31 PM
wedges door is kicked in....senator! wake up we have reports of intruders in the building
all the lights turn on and sirens ring inside the building....
attention all security personnel, security breach, defense condition amber
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:53:12 PM
OOC: Didn't see you post guard, just altering my post to include your presence...
::Nuriko smiles down at Wedge:: "Perfect." ::As she looks down, she has to refrain from breaking the grate and crushing his head in.::
::Suddenly the guard bursts in::
"Wh---what the hell?"
Rama Sha
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:55:48 PM
Damn! Guards! Doesn't matter he already took the posion.
and it's deadly in 5 secs which is right now..
:: Rama points to his watch ::
:: Wedge begins to stand, but then sways and falls dead. ::
See......Now lets get outta here.
:: Rama begins to slowly move back down the vent. ::
Royal Guard
Sep 23rd, 2000, 11:59:46 PM
checks the senators pulse it is not there make a comm to medbay..get a unit here on the double, see if they can do anything for him,
the med team arrives with in minutes and rushes wedge to the infirmary..
talks with another security officer
guard 1: what is going on, why all the secrecy?
R guard: because they are cowards, only a coward would assisnate someone with poison
Sep 24th, 2000, 12:03:10 AM
::Nuriko opens a mental link:: Master! They may revive him! Do we retreat like this? We should attack--
::Rama replies back...:: Not here. The two of us against all these people... no can do. Our time will come. Hahahahaha, besides.... they aren't reviving him. He's as good a dead.
::They both make their way out the vent, up the shaft and to the roof::
Royal Guard
Sep 24th, 2000, 12:06:53 AM
in med bay
Doctor: he has been poisoned, we have placed him in a staious chamber and we are supplying his brain and heart with O2 and blood, he will remain there until we are able to find a cure for the poison, we are running tests now to see if we can identify it.
R. Guard: keep me informed I will notify the GJO and New Republic High command
Rama Sha
Sep 24th, 2000, 12:09:39 AM
:: Rama emerges from the Vent and look up to the celing :: By the time we climb up there they will have secured the roof. We don't got time for that. Rama Wrap his arm around Nuriko with one arm and fires his grappling hook with the other. The Hook catches. ::
Hold on!
:: Rama activates the mini- whinch on his belt and they are shoot up and out onto the roof. The Air Taxi is waiting for them. ::
:: The Taxi descendes ::
" What the hell is going on. There are alarms all over."
No time to explain now....
:: Rama helps Nuri into the Taxi, then jumpsin himself.::
:: The Taxi takes off and then drops staright down into the bowels of the city and is lost. ::
Rama Sha
Sep 24th, 2000, 12:15:24 AM
OOC: Ok one we didn't trip any alarmsor anything, you just appeared outta the blue and two that man is dead. I triedto go along with the fact that a guard just appeared but Im not going along with the fact that some how even though I I specifcly typed he was dead.....let me spell it out for you D-E-A-D, that some how is magicly alive and on life support. Why don't you go try to save someoneelsebefore it's to late and hey try to do it a little bit better then you did here buddy.
Royal Guard
Sep 24th, 2000, 12:50:35 AM
i need a beer...... so its ok to kill of one of the main star wars characters? hmmmm, i'll remember that for future reference....
you guys have what 4 of these threads going? there are like what 1 good guy online to see them? so only one could POSSIBLY be saved....
Rama Sha
Sep 24th, 2000, 08:27:24 AM
OOC: Hey they blew up Courscant with less bitching. So this ain't no different. And if you were gonna save one of the Senators you should have saved the presidents of the Senate since I doubt that in the Star Wars universe that would consider Wedge more important then that guy. Way to drop that ball Jack hole.
Darth Grendel
Sep 24th, 2000, 01:13:11 PM
>>>OOC: Well, from my perspective this is how I see it. The Royal Guard came in without any reason. He didn't state at all how he knew Rama and Nuri were in there, or how they got spotted. He just went rushing saying they had a security breach, without explaining first how he FOUND OUT about the security breach.
They accepted that, though. So he oughta accept that Wedge Antilles is dead, since Rama said in his post he was dead. It was a quick-acting poison that killed him in 5 seconds. There was simply no time to get him to a stasis unit of some sort. Sorry, Guard, but Wedge is dead.<<<
Rouge Leader Wedge
Sep 25th, 2000, 03:56:44 PM
::Wedge wakes up with a start, to see his comm-link flashing, a beeping also coming from it. He walks over and picks it up.
"Wedge here"
A cold, almost robotic voice replied
"WA2 has been killed"
"Killed! How?"
"He was assinated in his sleep"
Wedge sighed
"So I presume you want me to go the the lab?"
Wedge sighed, and put on his clothes. As he left the room, he spoke outloud to himself
"I wish I never volunteered for this::
Royal Guard
Sep 25th, 2000, 10:02:23 PM
ooc: your guys whine worse then my kids.....
drop it already....geeez
besides wedge is a hell of a lot better then borsk fey'la...
ask any one
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