View Full Version : To the one formerly known as Dalethria...
Ayana Stormhanger
Sep 13th, 2000, 08:47:33 PM
Why have you done such a thing as joining those sickening jedi?
:: she glares at her former master in anger, clenching her fists ::
I thought you actually cared about my apprenticeship and training at TSE...but you're just like the rest...again, one I thought I could befriend, has left me...
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 13th, 2000, 08:49:42 PM
See the truth that is the Jedi and join us then. She has not aboandoned you, but merely Darkness. Inddeed, such a thing called friendship can not be true if tainted with evil.
See throught the lie that is the Dark Side and jion her in the Jedi
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 08:54:15 PM
:: steps onto the battleground and is surprised to see Ayana here ::
DT speaks truth Ayana. I did not abandon you as you claim and I do care about you. Your anger is a strong as mine once was but I was able to push it aside to fully know what I want.
You claims of friendship do seem out of place though when I remember you saying you couldn't do such a thing, that your heart couldn't accept that. I guess you were wrong, otherwise you wouldn't be here now. I did want to be your friend then, and I want to be yours now. I see that my sister has taking you under her wing, but she will only lie to you like she did to me.
Come with me and see where the true power that you wanted is at...
Ezekiel Rage
Sep 13th, 2000, 09:30:15 PM
lies.. Lies.. LIES!!
*falls on both knees holding both fists in the air*
*starts shaking his fists*
*realizes his actions and walks off muttering about Santa.. being the fraud that he is*
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 13th, 2000, 09:40:12 PM
didnt you know Santa is of the dark Side?
Santa = Satan
Ayana Stormhanger
Sep 13th, 2000, 09:44:27 PM
:: stares at Rage walking out, then faces Dalethria again ::
"This is not what you want, the jedi have only filled your mind with false statements of how the light will release you from your agony and pain...don't you remember what they did to you and your family??? The ways of the sith is the only way there use your anger and hate as a said so yourself when you were training me...
I rather be your friend than your enemy, Navaria, if that is what I must call you...but it seems that it's too late now...
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 09:52:16 PM
I am the one that is repenting for the deeds that occured. My mother's death was not the Jedi's fault, I know that. It was my family that caused the pain and suffering and it is up to me to make the Tarkin name stand for something that is pure and nobel...even if it takes a lifetime to accomplish that.
:: smiles at Ayana ::
Please forgive me that I led you astray when I was training you. I furthered your hatred and anger. I am sorry. If you wish to truly be my friend like you said, I already said how it can be possible. Join me as a Jedi and leave the Sith lies behind...
Jedah Lynch
Sep 13th, 2000, 09:57:05 PM
There go the Jedi speaking their words of so called wisedom again. I do believe they would make good salesmen for vaccums on wayward planets, I'm sure someone would fall for their words.
Poor little Navaria..brainwashed for the slavery of light. You had such potential and now you squander it for what? An existence that will have you hunted. Those that would have fought along you now hunting you like the little diease you are. One that must be cured by the blade.
My world was damned all because of a Jedi, that Jedi told my world to fight. And they died for it. But not before ripping him apart and mounting his head onto a pike. My family died for a stupid stinkin Jedi cause. A cause that is flawed, useless and doomed to failure.
One day you shall come to realize you lack of judgement, but before that you shall pay...and bleed.
The bell tolls for thee.
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:01:30 PM
**stands in shadows listening... he shakes his head...**
It's to bad that you do not see the error of your choice... and for that blindness you shall meet your fate... that TSE can guarantee...
Ayana Stormhanger
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:13:07 PM
I didn't want to see you in danger, my friend, but it seems your decision has lead to that conclusion...
I will not join the jedi, and our paths will remain separate. But I fear the day that our paths will cross again, and I will be the one that is there to kill you...and if that is the way it must go, let it be.
For I know there is truth hidden in the darkness...and I will stay with the Empire, no matter what happens to you.
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:18:29 PM
**a fairly large grin spreads across Sums face...**
Ayana... though i know you would enjoy it... i do believe that you will probably not get that chance... Kat will be hunting her... and after she gets through with her there won't be much left of our new jedi...
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:26:59 PM
There is no Truth in Darkness. Truth is one of the enemies of those enslaved to the falsehood, lies and deceptions the Dark Side uses to blind it's slaves.
I very much doubt Sith Kat will defeat any Jedi... in the end the Light is the only one that will remain.
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:27:18 PM
The Sith Lies shall all be vanquished. The truth is found and has been embraced. Think of me as you wish Jedah, your words have no power over me nor your threats.
Which is the same for you Ayana. It pains me that we couldn't be friends like I wanted but you chose your path, and I mine. You wish to kill me as well, that is your choice, but Summoner is right, my sister will probably end up making the first claim to that.
It matters not though. If I die by any of your blades, or another, my spirit will live on and become one with the Force. My being will find the true power and shall live on forever. I am only flesh and bone. Here is where I prepare for my journey on this battleground and through training. When my time comes, I shall embrace it and know that all that I worked for was worth it as I become part of which gives the Jedi their power.
Liam Jinn
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:32:07 PM
hmmm....i dunno what to say since i didn't read all of this thread.....wait i got it......FIIIIGHHT!!!!!
Ayana Stormhanger
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:36:29 PM
I wish not to kill you, Navaria, even though you have abandoned me for those who will never give you the answer you are looking for.
I am only hoping that you will realize the mistake you have made before you lose your head. This is only fair warning of what is yet to come if you continue to follow those lies.
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:40:43 PM
I am very certain Navaria will have no problem facing whatever challenge you try to present. Navaria has shown wisdom and strength, much beyond I see in many Sith today.
That wisdom will serve her well and give her strength in the Force like you can only dream of
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:42:14 PM
**Walks in stands beside..Navaria and DT**
Hmmm..the sith have taught you well..Ayana, with all their lies and deception. You are blinded in the dark all of you!
A pity you can't see this..for we speak the truth in the light. All the chains of events were do to the Empire's doing! If the Empire never existed..Navaria still have her family and so would the rest of you.
A pity you feel you must threaten her. That's all you all about threats and trying to implant fear. She won't fear me.
I leave you all here..with your pack of sith lies..quarrel amongst are all just wasting your breath!
Liam Jinn
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:44:23 PM
HEY! NO ONE EVER PUT UP THIS BIG OF A FUSS WHEN I TURNED TO THE JEDI! MAN!! only thrawn said something a few months after i turned....damn.....*sniff*....
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:45:14 PM
If you wish us to be enemies Ayana, than that is your choice, not mine. It will be difficult for me to fight you, but I will defend myself if provoked. Your warning is fair, and so is mine.
:: nods to DT ::
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:48:50 PM
Leia... do not speak of something you do not know of... my family was not killed by the empire... they turned against me and my brother and sent us away... and for that we have had our revenge... myself... i chose the dark side freely... the sith did not kidnap me and brainwash me into becoming one of them... I chose that path... and i am proud to say that too...
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 10:56:37 PM
Liam...your petty jealous thoughts are not needed here. The Jedi welcomed me and that i am grateful, I was worried that my past would haunt me and that would not be the case.
Summ, I was not brainwashed. The light was always in me and was buried. Leia and Luke helped me to find my calling. The perversion that is the darkside was not for me. I wish live and live on forever as I said. Not die and be lost. I want to complete the circle of life and play my part within.
:: Bows to DT and Liam ::
I leave to go with my master. Yet again all I get are Sith threats but I thank you for standing with me
:: looks to Ayana ::
I know our paths will cross again, I have forseen it...
:: leaves to follow her Master ::
Ayana Stormhanger
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:00:33 PM
I care about my former Master's outcome, not like you jedi who only care about her allegiance...
I respect her still, even though she has chosen the path of my enemy. I do not wish for her previous allies, including myself, to cause her death.
I despise the jedi, since they were the ones that really caused the death of Dalethria's mother. It is a disgrace for those whom say they are righteous, to speak such falsehoods.
I do not wish to see Dalethria die because of a terrible lie...that is not what she wants, or anyone wants. Dying because of a lie, is not the way of a true warrior.
::she watches her former master leave ::
Yes, our paths will meet once again...
::leaves also, only walking away in the opposite direction to return to TSE training grounds...trying to forget the events that have just happened in this place filled only with fools...::
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:11:17 PM
I was not saying that you had... the way that Leia put it, it sounded like all of us who have chosen the dark side were brainwashed... some of us are born to the dark... others are born to the light... some are thrust into the dark and others thrust into the light... and some just choose in which there destiny lies... be wary of what you say Leia... for in your genes lies the path to the darkness... or have you forgotten who your father was???
**Sums throws his arms up and in an instant he is gone...**
edit:mis-typed... see OOC below...
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:17:52 PM
a Force message is sent to Ayana and Summ
Ayana, your loyalty to me even now after I depart is touching. I thank you for caring about me. It will sadden me when you come for me.
Summ, I know who my father was. He was Captain Andron Tarkin, under the command of Admiral Piett on Vader's flagship, Executor. He died for something he believed in. What he represented was evil for what the Empire did, but to me, he was a loving father that did no wrong and that is the way I shall remember him
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:21:10 PM
OOC: woops that was meant for Leia... see edit...
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:21:10 PM
Hear nothing I say Ayana?
Did you not hear us or are you ears blocked because the Truth hurts you to hear? As the Dark Side spun it's deception so hard that you will not listen to reason....
Or are you scared to look into your soul? What are you running from? What are you hiding in the darkness? Your "Dark Side" is nothing but deceptions and death it's only reward.
Unlike the Sith, who care nothing for anything other than themselves, we Jedi care that we would go and save the least. If you were to join us, you would find out how little you know of the caring the Jedi have for each other and for the galaxy as a whole
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:21:12 PM
**Leia sends a force message to Ayana** don't know Navaria very long to be speaking like you do. I know her longer than you. I also know all about her. Trust me and her on this one. She has never held anything back from me! I actually know more about her than the Sith at TSE do. This is a pure fact my dear! Not a lie! We have spent alot of time together..yes..mostly as enemies! But..all in all..she revealed all of her past and feelings to me. NOTHING was held back! I pity you if you can't see that. are confused. She will not die of a lie. She would have if she remained a Sith..that I can reassure you! are blind by the sith are new there..easily pursauded by the dark. You still have time to save your soul from the darkness.
**mindlink and force msg. is now severed**
Ayana Stormhanger
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:21:50 PM
Take care of yourself 'til then, Navaria Tarkin...
:: she vanishes into the darkness ::
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 13th, 2000, 11:34:45 PM
OOC: that is alright sum. keeping my post just cuz I like it lol
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