View Full Version : Bomb blast on Endor.
Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 3rd, 2000, 01:13:11 AM
A quiet night. The Imperial base on Endor is well lit, the droids and war machines clear against their bunkers.
A lone soldier views the platforms. A finger clicks a trigger.
A massive blast echoes out as a thermal detonator, double A class explodes, the scence going into a blinding light ans the soldier smiles and dissappears unseen, leaving the wreckage still flying.
Imperial Droid
Oct 3rd, 2000, 08:18:38 AM
Having been still stationed on endor, Droid starts to organize search parties to find out who planted and detonate the explosives. Another party is formed to round up some hapless Ewoks for execution for this crime. Droid contacts the Moff of the system, Tourment, and tells him whats up....
Vega Stone
Oct 3rd, 2000, 08:52:46 AM
*Vega's fleet comes out of Hyper Space and Vega's Flag ship (ESD) sends a transnmittion to The Ewok Council*
*TRANSMITTION* underground...were gonna fire down on the ground...
*30 min pass and Vega's ESD fires a Turbo Laser and Ion Cannon at the face of Gue's Base, Vega's ships enter Hyper Space fleeing before they are cought...One of the bases of Gues on Endor is blown to peices and it has lost all communication to the rest of the Planet...*
I am sending a droid Army *from TTF* and soon you will have some help down there...
00C: I told Vinsto I would help him out ;)
Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:16:42 AM
For every Ewok killed, the Imperials will lose 20 times the number. Just making it clear the risks your taking, scumbag Imperials
A missile whistles in, the warhead a FAE device. The bomb explodes over another base, the Fuel Air Explosive blowing aceteline outwards, then when the liquid has had time to mix with the atmosphere, igniters detonate. The air for nearly 300 meters is sucked into the firestorm. Troops find themselves airless, shields cant help, then, the energy of the explosion forces the fireball outwards and the airless area is suddnely filled with 3000 degree superheated air, the EMP pulse accompaying the blast knocking out electricals, the troops burned, droids detonated, weaponry useless. The flames ignites power cells, adding to the growning destruction as in a chain of events, the reactors also detonate as they overheat. The very air is on fire, a true firestorm devouring all in it's path. For nearly 500 meters, destruction reigns.
The soldier viewing the destruction signals to his Ewok friends to order a general scattering, to stop mass capture. Running to obey, the small bears spread the word quickly.
Now is the time Endor will be retaken. Now the time for revenge has started and the Imperials were going to learn wrath had a new name.
Imperial Droid
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:22:20 AM
OOC: To bad Veg, TGE built a shield over endor, read the posts if ya can find'm they were over like 3-4 threads
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:25:32 AM
A waved handsignal and a lightsabre cuts through a powerline.
He hears a sound and freezes. He recognises the person.
DT : How goes it Tohmahawk
T : Nice. That FAE device is wicked. Where did you get the idea?
DT : Not telling. Is everyone getting into position?
T : Yes sir. Be a few days, but we are prgressing nicely
DT : The Ewoks.... out of danger?
T : Not really, but they are scattered and have aboandoned the villages. No droid or trooper is going to find them easily, if at all.
DT : Good. You think they suspect the real trap?
T : (Laughing) Not a chance.
DT : I'ld love to see their faces when we spring it. Serves them right for staying here.
T : Yeah, well, lets get scarce.
The Jedi and the soldier dissappear into the forest, the heavy foilage making tracking impossible.
Imperial Droid
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:33:19 AM
"Fine, they want it, they can have it.....SCHORCHED EARTH POLICY PEOPLE!!"
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:51:35 AM
Watch this...
The moon's clouds seem to twist as the Jedi really ramps up his force powers. The arir shimmers and seems to twist as the Jedi uses the extreme power he mastered not long ago, the control of weather. He bends down and protected by NR troops and Ewoks, he meditates, getting himself ready for nearly one hour. This was not something that could be done quicky and when unleashed, stopped. He had to know this was exactly was what he wanted to do.
The skies swirl and seem to be pregnant, full of black clouds. Thw wind goes silent and then fat drops of rain fall. A storm builds. Thunder cracks. Lighning flashes.
Then the rain begins to crash down, soaking everyithng. Fires go out, exposed electricals get shorted out, flash flooding starts.
Somehwere, 2 hours after he started, the Jedi Master falls to the ground, exhausted. Never he has tried anything this big and for the moment, he is spent.
T : You okay?
DT : Just... need... rest
T : (Eying off the storm) How long will this last?
DT : 12 hours. No more. Not possible to control it for longer.
T : Can it be stopped?
DT : Only by one who knows weather control and has practiced it many times. And only someone as powerful as I has a chance to stop it. Come on, lets get hidden, so I can rest
(Source... SW RPG game, Power, weather control)
Imperial Droid
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:58:42 AM
OOC: Ya know, your really becoming troublesome :P lol
Sniper Tondry
Oct 3rd, 2000, 12:30:14 PM
(ooc) I wonder how this affects my Escape Decisions thread... I am still at Endor... Anyone care to state the hows and whos of what's going on for me so I can figure this out?
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 12:47:09 PM
OOC: TGE conqured Endor before your thread i believe and now the ewok council has a problem with us, so we are fighting over it, the only thig i imagine your character wold see is possibly a droid here and there, and a huge flood
Sniper Tondry
Oct 3rd, 2000, 12:53:23 PM
(ooc) *Grits his teeth.* Actually, if you'll recall, my ship was blown to pieces during the Endor thread and I was stranded. No one ever picked me up since then, so I have to either roleplay my way out of the system or on to the planet to survive.
I still think that was highly unfair of you, but beyond that I won't bother going over it again.
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 01:09:07 PM
[i]As the TGE fleet arives it proves to only be 2 ships of the fleet. 2 ships filled with yaslimari -however ya spell it- as they arrive undetected to the jedi on the planet. Soon the ships start shuttleing down a most dangerous cargo. as the shuttles hit the surface and the doors open a firgure walks out, followed by another, and another and another, and so on. apon examination it can be told these are Dark Troopers, but mos terifying, these are Dark Troopers level 3 equiped with yasilimari....
Droid Malay
Oct 3rd, 2000, 04:53:50 PM
The ahndroid malay has moved outside of the base after the explosion. With his saber in his hand he stalks the Endor soil searching for the people responsible for this. His sensors are at full and move from electrostatic detection to biothermal detectors because of the storm. His sensors detect two entities and he oves towards them, However the disapear after time indicating the may have gone underground. Malay turns on his x-ray scanners along with his biothermals and notices an elaborate cave system underground. He begins tracing them knowing those entities will lie within.......
OOC: If you dont already know I am an ahndroid created by DarthDarkCloak. I have special AI abilities along with an advanced database of all weapons known to the Caracans and a database of military strategies, and military equipment. I am one of DarthDarkCloaks Caracan knights so I have a saber. However I am unable to use the force because I am a droid. duh..........
Danster the Gangster
Oct 3rd, 2000, 05:07:38 PM
ooc: If it was Big Bad Naga who fought us (the ewoks) on Endor then you lost, i'd go check if i was you Lord Gue, TGE lost to TEC and allies
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 05:14:53 PM
OOC: No, in the conquest of endor thread, which coincedentaly is now archived, TGE beat TEC. namly becuase TGE threw in its fleet which had enough troops to conquer many planets.
Oct 3rd, 2000, 06:12:00 PM
OOC: Endor is ours at the moment........
Vega Stone
Oct 3rd, 2000, 07:31:28 PM
[i]* 2 ESD's, 8 Strike Cruisers, and 3 SSD's come out of Hyper Space all from Vega's Fleet after making a stop at Degaboh they are feuled and ready for attack. Vega walks down the halls of his ESD and stops at the Control room where he sends a signal to the front of the Ship to charge the Super Laser and AIM it at the Sheild, Mean while the other ships fire Ion Cannons, Turbo Lasers and all weaponary at the sheild generator, Sheilds start to weaken, and Vega sends a link to Gue's HQ waiting him to answer...
00C: I hope this fight for Endor stops soon!!!
Oct 3rd, 2000, 07:52:55 PM
OOC:p osted 2 times editing
Oct 3rd, 2000, 07:53:27 PM
:: Arives over the planet in command SD ::
Whats the situation Imperial Droid???
Oct 3rd, 2000, 08:02:28 PM
OOC: opps
Oct 3rd, 2000, 08:52:00 PM
From the inky black depths of hyperspace emerges. The fleet consists of an Nebula-Class Star Destroyer, six Eclipse-Class Star destroyers, and seven Advanced Dreadnaughts. Immediately, all nine superlasers are charged and prepared for battle. Thousands of trigger-happy gunners prepare to unleash a wave of turbolasers on the small fleet on Endor. Piett, well knowing the design of the Imperial SD, knows exactly where the troop bays lie. He lifts an arm, and quickly lowers it. A line of Ion cannons goes forth and disables the shields on that section temporarily, then dozens of turbolasers rip into the hull of the SD. In the bridge, Torment shakes and screams at the technichian, asking him what happened.
Technichian: Well, it sees that all troops have been killed. . .
Admiral Urza
Oct 3rd, 2000, 08:55:32 PM
:: The entire Tempest fleet of the URSF exits hyperspace, with the exceptions of Feral I & II and the Flowstone, soar through the system. Small astroids are pummled away as the meet the ships sheilds. The Strike II Cruisers Blaze, Brass Claw, and Anaconda break away from the group. Their bay doors open up releasing hundreds upon hundreds of ion mines. The mines float through space surrounding the sector. ::
Vega Stone
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:15:00 PM
*Vega's 2 ESD's stay behind with 4 Strike Cruisers as they charge there Super Lasers. Vega stands in the control room of his Flag Ship (ESD) and sends a signal to the SSD's to fire Ion Cannons at the SD's Engine room and the weapon station on the SD, the Ion Cannons break open the control room and shuts off the SD's weaponary and engines leaving it open in space with no attack power and no way to move out with its engines destroyed...
[i]The weapons and engines on that SD should be gone I suggest you destroy that thing now...
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:44:43 PM
[i]Reciving a tight beam distres call from Tourments flagship a while before Veg's attack, a flash of light is seen as part of TGE fleet arrives in standard echelon formation.
Oct 3rd, 2000, 10:19:22 PM
Piett's fleet rotates, and aboard the Spectrum, Piett smiles at this childish two dimensional tactic. To say the least, the front ten Star Destroyers were frozen anyway. No one can pass through a dense Ion Field without consequesnses. To think that Gue, a once reknowed military commander, would pilot his ships right through THAT. Oh well: it was of no concern. Even if they hadn't passed through the Ion Field, they were doomed anyways. This just helped. Sheilds down, communications down, weapons. . down. Engines, kaput. It was a wonder life support was still intact. As a precautionary, Piett orders the ships to fire on the KDY Shield Domes, which they all did. Needless to say, it was flawless, and all 20 domes were destroyed. "That so called 'wraith' star destroyer is the only REAL threat . . And a little one, at that. Ha! Like some foolish two dimensional wall hinders anything in space combat. A single ESD, Shadow, is ordered to lift up a kilometer or two, and fire its superlaser at the WCSD. Up it goes, and the superlaser shoots forward. The superlaser archs forward, but it was miscalculated. Too
high. . . At least it cleanly clipped off the bridge.
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 10:37:11 PM
[i]Fortunatly that escape pod was that of Tourments escaping his ship, The Judiciator picks it up as it regains position from the hit suffering minor damage along the ship. Repair teams scurry about in frantic pace to keep up with it. Back on Coruscant the cold calculating mind of Lord Gue is almost in tear with utter luaghter over what Piett thought to be victory. Suddenly an SD springs into lightspeed cold starting its engines, causing an engine breach. which wasnt the main concern or shock to the crew as there course, the NSD was shocked as well to find a SD sized hole in its bow and sensors indicating debries flying off at light speed equaling the mass of an SD. The other ships in the echelon tractor the downed ships into the gravity wake of the planet to hold them in orbit. The superlaser of The Judiciator having recieved minimal damage from the shock fires striaght into the open section of the NSD, the following explosion was spectacular as the beam struck right into a weapons bay, detonating the warheads of the missles aboard, the wave of explosions carried down deck to a TIE fighter fuel supply station which blew a hole out the bottom of the shi. By the time the NSD had regained its shields from the Lightspeed ram of the SD it had lost most use from its foreward section and many dead crew...
Oct 4th, 2000, 01:56:35 PM
:: A gunmetal grey YT 2400 pops out of hyperspace, in what would seem to be frighteningly close to Endor. Stealth systems at full, it goes unoticed by the Imps. The White Rhino Tea sets down at a postion about five KM from DT and Co. ::
General Scorpion
Oct 4th, 2000, 02:16:46 PM
Back on Coruscant the cold calculating mind of Lord Gue is almost in tear with utter luaghter over what Piett thought to be victory.
Destroying the flagship of a fleet is often considered a great victory, you know..
Danster the Gangster
Oct 4th, 2000, 03:10:34 PM
***Down on the surface the ewok soldiers organise the AT-AT's, AT-ST's, Catapults and ships ready***
Get ready ewoks, the Imps may land soon
Oct 4th, 2000, 04:53:33 PM
::With a gesture of his hands a total of 10 pods leave various SD and dock on the 10 damaged ships ::
Tourment:so how long will it take?
Technicians officer:well they have taken heavy fire my lord
Technicians officer:they will be completed as soon as possible my lord
Torment:that's better.......thank are dismissed
Oct 4th, 2000, 05:09:21 PM
OOC: I didn't destroy tourments ship, gue. i destroyed the WCSD. ill post later, busy at the moment
Lord Gue
Oct 4th, 2000, 06:08:27 PM
OOC: No u didnt, the Wraith class is just a bit weaker than an NSD, plus the fact that according to the rules you cannot destroy a flagship unless in a spectacular post. and The Judiciator is the TGE flagship currently
Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 4th, 2000, 06:15:44 PM
Another blast echoes out as another FAE missile explodes over another Imperial base. The flames lick into the shy as the Jedi and the soldier look voer the fire storm with macrobinoculors
DT : Effective devices
T : Yeah, now are you recovered yet?
DT : Yes Lets go wipe these Imperails off this planet
They dissappear into the under growth...
Lord Gue
Oct 4th, 2000, 06:53:05 PM
[i]The dark Troopers LV. 3 start hunting the planet for jedi, main target: DT.
Oct 4th, 2000, 09:41:09 PM
::turns his comm on ::
Tourment: how are we doing
Technicions officer: incredibly well my lord
Tourment: status report please
Technicions officer: well sir 6 are completly finished and
the rest are around 75-80% finished
tourment: exelent!
Tourment: that is all.....thank you
Oct 4th, 2000, 10:11:45 PM
:: Using a pod he gets into a SD and heads for coruscant at light speed ::
Oct 4th, 2000, 10:19:57 PM
:: gets on his comm and informs the pilot of SD 11 to send his command SD into orbit with the other damaged ships and get the technicians from the already repaired ships to transfer to the command and start repairs ::
The Dao
Oct 4th, 2000, 10:47:47 PM
OOC: THis is going to happen outside of the endor attack, so when i say days pass, ignore it against the endor attack, days pass on what we are doing, but the endor attack is still real time, for instance, when he returns it will be a few days ater, but maybe like 6 posts where as the endor could have gone day to day and had 30 posts
Droid Malay
Oct 5th, 2000, 03:49:26 PM
Malay's sensors kick in again and he detects the entities that are strong within the force. he has taken readings on the source of the remote from the last blast and has detected the force aura in that direction. One is significantly weaker than the other. The strongest aura is almost exactly the magnitude of LordDarkCloaks. After coming to the top of a hill he can see a group off in the distance of Ewoks and two full sized figures aiding them. He observes the fact that they are wearing Jedi robes. One of which is the master Turbogeek. Malay has info on Turbogeek in his data banks. Turbogeek is one of LordCloaks most wanted. After processing the scenario the conclusion was for Malay to sit back and observe. He knew that because he has no force power he cannot be detected by them and that it would be very valuable to observe from a distance and learn more of this group. He could possibly provide some info for TGE's forces.................................
Oct 5th, 2000, 05:02:09 PM
*Vinsto stands infront of the ewok soldiers, he is peering through some binoculars, he sees a figure atop of a hill*
Danster, look
*Danster takes the binocluars and looks at the figure*
Danster: It could be anything Vinsto, a tree, a sign, we cannot tell from this distance
Vinsto: Spose so
*Vinsto takes his binoculars back and continues to scan the area, not totally convinced by Dansters words*
Droid Malay
Oct 5th, 2000, 05:08:41 PM
Malay can see the Ewok watching him and moves behind the hill and begins watching with his x-ray and biothermic sensors......................
Oct 5th, 2000, 08:56:09 PM
:: momentaraly wakes up and mones with agony at the site of his opened chest cavaty and 5 or 6 figurs around him implanting matalic modfications all over his body ::
:: completly out of strength his head falls back to the operating table and over to the right........standing there was Dao :: me
Dao lays his hand on Tourments foreheand in a comforting manor then sticks a needle in his neck and injects the fluid.Every thing will be fine very shortly my young aprentice,very shortly.
:: feels concieness begin slip away then completly blacks out again ::
Oct 6th, 2000, 05:54:05 PM
:: begins to regain consciousness and opens his eyes,which are still adjusting and see's a blurred outline of Dao ::
Tourment: Am I finished?
Dao: yes
Tourment: Well whats wrong with my eyes and how come I feel so odd?
Dao: give your new body some time to readjust and your eyes will be fine and as for the odd new feelings,your body has just gone through a massive change from flesh to a much superior mostly alloy modified system.Your power now and the potential of your power in the future is far beyond what you could ever imagine
Oct 6th, 2000, 06:08:10 PM
*Vinsto sees the figure duck behind the hill, he realises it must be a life form. He gets out his long range blaster and fires 3 warning volleys at the peak of the hill, careful not to hit incase he was an innocent, or ally*
Oct 6th, 2000, 08:41:47 PM
Droid Malay
Oct 7th, 2000, 10:14:01 AM
after the warning shots are fired malay knows they surely know he is there. he has no choice now. He ignites his saber and stands on the hill in plain view after getting in contact with DarthCloak...................
Oct 8th, 2000, 12:53:44 PM
:: gets off the operating table & turns to look a Dao and nods as a gesture of gratitude then steps out of the room and heads for his pod.Once in his SD he heads for the Endor system at light speed ::
Danster the Gangster
Oct 8th, 2000, 03:16:00 PM
I apologise Vinsto you were right, allow him to approach us, get your saber ready
***The ewoks move around and in a few seconds all the guns are pointing at the figure on the hill***
On mine or Vinstos call, open fire***
***There are are 2 lines of 100 ewoks standing with guns, blasters, cannons and bows and arrows, they stand in front of a line of 10 Battletanks and 10 AT-AT's and 12 AT-ST's.
DTG ignites his saber***
Oct 8th, 2000, 03:35:25 PM
*Vinsto stands by his master and ignites his saber*
Droid Malay
Oct 8th, 2000, 04:14:54 PM
the silence is broken as 8 TIE bombers fly overhead dropping bombs on the Ewoks a creating a dense smoke cloud amongst them. as the dust clears great destruction is seen as the survivors look up the figure was gone
Oct 8th, 2000, 04:57:28 PM
:: arrives at the Endor system and joins his fleet,
hits a button on the panal of his chair and sends out a transmition ::
Send over my command ship,and return the technicians back to the original ships
:: gets in a pod and heads for his command SD ::
Oct 8th, 2000, 05:17:00 PM
Tourment: send a fleet of 20 tie down to the moon i wish to try something
Officer: yes sir.....but only 20?
Tourment: yes and outfit them with yasilimari
officer: any particular location for these my lord?
Tourment: yes,find the darktroopers and and join them
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 8th, 2000, 05:25:13 PM
The Shadow Fleet jumps out of hyperspace and takes a strong orbit far from the planet..
Shadow Fleet
Commanded by Thrawn
Nebula Cloud - NSD - Thrawn
Falling star - NSD
Insurrection - NSD²
Champion² - NSD²
Dredknbot² - NSD²
Eclipse - ESD
Darkmoon - ESD
Starwolf - ESD
Centery - ESD
Chimaera2 - ESD
Thunder - SOSD
Autarch - SOSD
Cloud - SOSD
Starwolf² - SOSD
Phage SSD³
Siege SSD³
Towwer - SSD
Defeat - SSD
Anthology - SSD³
Fantasy</> - SSD³
[i]Ironfist - SSD
Phyrixia - SSD
Down pulse - SSD
Orlando - SSD
Elixer - ASD²
Imposable - ASD²
Deck - ASD
Kuat - ASD
Andromada - ASD
Falcon - ASD²
Cross - ASD²
Classic - ASD²
Bravo - ASD²
Stearer - ASD²
Alberta - ASD²
Moscross - ASD²
Cringer - ASD²
Deflector - ISD
Traxis - ISD
Courage's Fire - ISD
Victor's Prime - ISD
Capitalizer - ISD
Payback - ISD
Helector - ISD
Revenge - ISD²
Hydra - ISD²
Malarator - ISD²
OdysseysPride - ISD²
Judicator - ISD²
Devestator - ISD²
Bridge - ISD³
Phaze - ISD
Clocker - OF²
Echo - OF²
Diva - OF²
Sideshow - OF²
Spear - OF²
Memory - OF²
Remote - OF²
Frontier - OF²
Charleston - OF²
Pepron - OF²
Las Angels - OF²
Alberta2 - OF
Memory Guard - OF
[i]Star Cross OF
001 - OF
002 - OF
003 - OF
004 - OF
005 - OF
006 - OF
007 - OF
008 - OF
009 - OF
010 - OF
011 - OF
012 - OF
013 - OF
014 - OF
015 - OF
016 - OF
017 - OF
018 - OF
019 - OF
Lister - VSD³
Kryton - VSD²
Iron Fist2 - VSD²
Titus - VSD
Stock - VSD
001 - VSD
002 - VSD
003 - VSD
004 - VSD
005 - VSD
006 - VSD
007 - VSD
008 - VSD
009 - VSD
010 - VSD
011 - VSD
012 - VSD
013 - VSD
014 - VSD
015 - VSD
016 - VSD
017 - VSD
018 - VSD
019 - VSD
020 - VSD
021 - VSD
022 - VSD
023 - VSD
Stomp - IC
Trapper - IC
Oct 8th, 2000, 11:32:59 PM
:: a transmition comes in from the tie squadron ::
sir we picked up a large explosion from an aircraft fleet about 100 Km from our curent location we are on route now...orders??
yes i want recon done then report back do not engage,repeat,do not engage
Oct 8th, 2000, 11:49:26 PM
Fleet leader: sir there are many dead ewoks a few scurying off and these yasilimari are going crazy i suspect a being with the force is nearby......orders??
Tourment: leave the ewoks to there peace for now our problems dont lie with them at the time,and as for the beings scan the area for other life forms they couldn't of gotten far
Fleet leader: yessir
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 8th, 2000, 11:49:27 PM
The Shadow fleet launches all fighters and stands by for the order to bomb TGE bases
Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 8th, 2000, 11:59:42 PM
A trooper is stopped on his speeder bike, viewing a Ewok.
A blast and the trooper dissappears and a grim faced soldier, bearing a portible rocket launcher dissappears into th forests again
The Dao
Oct 9th, 2000, 03:20:58 AM
OOC: Ok, now i want a building thread for each and everyone of those ships Synd. Like you do to us, and if ya cant prove they exist, they will be ignored.
Danster the Gangster
Oct 9th, 2000, 03:08:38 PM
***DTG runs round making sure the ewoks are ok, there are very few deaths***
Ewoks, head for the bunkers.
***The Ewoks run 20 metres back and hide in there bunkers. 50 ewoks station themselves in the trench in front of the bunkers, they point out their blasters and rifles. DTG then gets out his comm link***
DANSTER: Send over the snub fighters
***Minutes later the Forest Squadron hover over the planet, flying low, just above the bunkers. It consists of 6 X-Wings, 4 A-Wings, 3 Y-Wings and a B-Wing***
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 9th, 2000, 03:47:51 PM
OOC: not a prob gue.. unlike most that use fleets i build all my ships ( .topic) ( .topic) ( .topic)
if you want more threads go find them yourself in the archives of TIE)
Danster the Gangster
Oct 12th, 2000, 05:17:48 PM
***DTG gets out his comm link again
DANSTER: Send over the fleet
DANSTER: Yes all of it
***Within minutes the fleet arrive
3 MC-80's
1 MC-40
15 Correlian Corvettes
The ships head up to TGE's ships to assist SMRM's huge fleet***
Lets kick some butt
Oct 12th, 2000, 06:47:00 PM
:: Calls ther retreet and all of TGE jumps into hyperspace ::
........the battle but not the war
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 12th, 2000, 10:05:36 PM
The NewRepublic has a party with the Ewolk over there victory then the next morning begins repairs on all that was damaged
Lord Gue
Oct 12th, 2000, 10:47:03 PM
Message goes through the holonet...
Danster the Gangster
Oct 13th, 2000, 02:44:17 PM
***DTG gets out his comm link and sends a message to every ewok village***
DANSTER: TGE are fleeing, destroy any TGE buildings that are here, we can take Endor away from the imps
***Squads of ewoks run around Endor, burning down TGE's buildings. Within hours, there is no trace of TGE on Endor***
Oct 13th, 2000, 04:47:42 PM
::Tourments previous armada exits hyper space on the opposite side of the moon an thousands of empty transports leave the ships ::
Dark trooper: sir we thought you left us
Tourment:I apologize but in my haste I forgot to send the transports
Dark trooper: well when you left we searched for a place to take cover,but the bases were being destroyed left and right and we met much resistance and lost about 10% of the droids to AT-AT's an EMP waves but we have taken refuge in a large cave and are awaiting the the transports
Tourment:they should be there molmentaraly.By the way, who was attacking you on your retreet?
Dark trooper:It was the ewoks my lord,however we did stop and engage but realizing it would of been at our loss if we stayed and fought,we fleed when the chance presented it self.In the midst of the battle we have taken 4 ewoks hostage what do u wish of them?
Tourment:Bring them with you
Oct 13th, 2000, 05:38:03 PM
engineer::are u sure u want to do this my lord?
Tourment:have the transports returned?
engineer:yes sir
Tourment:then yes,let us begin
engineer:yes sir
::the super lasers begins to charge on many ships ::
Oct 13th, 2000, 07:53:51 PM
*sigh*I realy did not want to have to do this.
Do we have any more peolpe on the moon?
Officer:no my lord
::with a getsture of his hand two super lasers head from the Armada down to the moon of endor ::
what a waste!
::as the moon begin's to glow red he exits into hyper space ::
Officer:all we can do now is hope for the best
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 13th, 2000, 09:21:37 PM
OOC: your last post goes against fleet rules and there for ignored.. you have to allow one day to pass after chargeing your superlaser or allow the enemy react... on that note
The shawdow fleet moves into postiion to ramb Tourment's forces
(OOC: enless you have a few NSD's in your fleet it's gonna get toasted if you dont run.)
Oct 13th, 2000, 09:34:42 PM
OOC:Fare enough I was told contrary,i have already exited
Danster the Gangster
Oct 14th, 2000, 06:50:15 AM
ooc: Yeah, you have to wait for a reply, or wait 24 hours
ic: ***The Ewok Councils small fleet heads out, but they are dissapointed to see the fleet retreating. They land their troops and everyone exits the ships. Theya ll start cheering and shouting. DTG stands up and talks to all the ewoks***
Well done everyone. The Galactic Empire have been driven from our home planet of Endor. You all fought very bravely. We have suffered a big loss of ewoks, I kniw propose a 2 minutes silence, were we can remember the lives of the deceased ewoks.
***There is silence, 2 minutes later DTG starts talking again***
I don't know what happens now. I hope that The Ewok Council are announced the owners of Endor, but they might not be, I shall notify you when I find out
ooc: does this mean TEC can have Endor, or will GJO want it, as they did do some of the work
Danster the Gangster
Oct 14th, 2000, 03:45:34 PM
***DTG and the ewoks load into the ships, and they fly off to the highest point of Endor, they slam the ewok flag on the peak. Everyone starts cheering***
***The cheers grow even louder
ooc: if anyone objects to us taking Endor, ie New Republic or GJO, please say.
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:33:01 PM
OOC: Can't they both share it?
with the side of light you never have to worry about being stabed in the back
Lord Gue
Oct 14th, 2000, 07:39:59 PM
[i]In a manner of pure insideousness, Emporer Gue projects images into all their heads
Danster the Gangster
Oct 15th, 2000, 05:50:56 AM
ooc: ok, Endor is joint owned by TEC and New Republic, sounds fair, the ewoks are happy with that
***DTG wonders what the image meant***
Nah, probably just Gue trying to scare us. Petty attempt
***DTG gets in his X-Wing and flies back to his home on Endor***
Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 17th, 2000, 01:40:16 AM
It would appear the job has been done.
The Captain makes preparations to leaving, knowing he has once again helped the weak against the oppressors.
The Republic soldier flies off, for his next mission....
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