View Full Version : Searching for the [relic] (RPG)
Twin Sun
Aug 25th, 2000, 09:51:47 PM
:: on tatoonie, Twin enters the nearby Canteena and looks around ::
:: sits down at an empty table and keeps on looking over the room ::
(OOC- This is my first RP, so...Uhhh...If it sucks, tell me OOC ok?))
Zerg Lord Dyzm
Aug 25th, 2000, 09:55:43 PM
OOC: Is this A private RPG or can everyone Join in?
Twin Sun
Aug 25th, 2000, 10:03:59 PM
OOC- It's open, because the [relic] is supposed to be an item of great power....So I need others who are after it!
Zerg Lord Dyzm
Aug 25th, 2000, 10:08:45 PM
**Looks Out at the sand, Picks something Up**
I think I found it...
**Looks again**
Hey The Relic is a Gummybear!
**Eats it**
OOC:All Edit this if you want, It is kind of weird, Just watched Ed, Edd and Eddy.
Dav Jarviss
Aug 25th, 2000, 10:10:40 PM
Dav enters the cantina, wiping his bald head and grumbling about the heat. He walks to the crowded bar and orders a water. The bartended looks at him for a moment before finally giving him his order. Dav takes his water, tosses down a credit and heads for a table against the wall.
Twin Sun
Aug 25th, 2000, 11:46:39 PM
:: notices Dav and heads over to him ::
Excuse me sir....
:: gets big eyes and looks like she'll almost cry ::
I lost a very valuble heirloom in the Desert, have you seen it Mister?
Spadix From HPC
Aug 25th, 2000, 11:55:49 PM
::Spadix walks in. She wanders up to the bar & gets a Crystal Pepsi. She then notices Dav & Sun in the corner. She remembers that she has something for Dav. She wanders over there after paying the Bartender:: Oi. Dav. Finished that LS. Here ya go! ::Spadix hands over the LS. She then turns to Sun:: Hi there. Haven't met you befor. I'm Spadix. & you are?
Zerg Lord Dyzm
Aug 25th, 2000, 11:58:02 PM
**Lays out in the Sun, Trying to get a tan, but his Zerg skin stops the Rays**
Damn, Never works.
**Hears above the other sounds about a missing heirloom**
O well, Not My Problem.
Twin Sun
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:56:47 AM
:: starts to cry *even tho I'm faking* and wipes her face on her sleeve ::
Sir, Miss, please help me find my heirloom! If I dun find it they'll hurt my brother Da-ku Sukai....
:: fake cries more ::
Spadix From HPC
Aug 26th, 2000, 01:14:24 AM
::Spadix studies the girl:: well. I gess I'll help you. I have nothing better to do. So, whats your name?
Twin Sun
Aug 26th, 2000, 11:17:46 AM
My name is Twin Sun, miss.
:: looks at Spadix ::
The heirloom is a purple necklace and I have to find it!!
Spadix From HPC
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:05:10 PM
Ok. Who took your brother? we might be able to get him back w/o the Relic. ::Spadix smiles::
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:08:32 PM
::A transport ship lands and a hooded figure steps out looking around notices Twin talking to Spadix and walks over to the 2 looking down at Twin::
Any luck so far in finding either the relic or Da-ku?
Darth Haze
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:12:52 PM
A ship comeso uto f Hyper space and out steps a figure wih a read cloak he takes it off reveraling himself as Red Wulf hello all now what did you say I could hear fake cries from a galaxy away...
Twin Sun
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:13:25 PM
Took ya long enough old man!
And no so far eveyone is being silly!!
I'll just go into the dessert with a shovel and go look for the [relic] myself!!!
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:15:22 PM
::Twin starts to walk off::
I didn't think so little lady. I'm your father and I say we're not going to risk you getting lost as well. We're staying together to look for him.
Darth Haze
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:24:10 PM
::pushes X softly aside,and takes the girl by the collar into the air...hello little lady......The names red not Old Man go that....and if you mean a Relic..hahah thats real funny the only relic I know is one they have in tatoonies shop that is very very valuble....::
"No way you could afford it.....and guess whatI hear....theives run the store....if you want I can get it for will cost you though.......2,000......puts her back down...sorry I just needed to be at eye contact."
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:26:52 PM
::Kicks the feet out from Haze::
I believe she was talking to HER OLD MAN. Me her father. And as far as picking me daughter up like that goes. ::Grabs Haze and pulls him to his feet:: Don't do it.
Darth Haze
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:29:52 PM
::Slaps X across the face with his fist mkaing X put him down,X snarls at him.::
"sorry I thought she meant me.And still I could help you get the do you want or do you not?And what does Drk sky look like..I might have seen him..."
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:31:34 PM
::Looks at Twin:: Good question. What does Sky look like? And I'll accept your help if you promise not to try anything like that again.
Darth Haze
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:36:15 PM
::Yeah I will first give me the money...and make sure you don't do anything like that again.::
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:41:10 PM
I doubt the relic you saw was the one that we're after. What was this relic you saw at the shop?
Darth Haze
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:45:37 PM
Well it wa purple and like an ok size but thats all I can remember I just took a small glance.
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:47:49 PM
Purple? a purple necklace?
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:51:51 PM
Yeah I think why??
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:56:24 PM
::Throws Wulf a bag of Credits::
OK take us to it.
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 01:03:36 PM
**Uh-hm repharase that its not haze..its Wulf....and ok...jumps in his Crono destroyer and heads out waiting for Xantos.
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 01:13:34 PM
::gets back into the transport ship::
You coming Twin?
Twin Sun
Aug 26th, 2000, 01:18:18 PM
:: scratches her head ::
I'm confused...You saw the [relic]???
:: reaches into her pocket ::
And I got a piccy of Dark Sky!!
:: shows Xanatos the picture ::
<img src=>
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 01:20:24 PM
::looks at the picture::
So THAT'S my son. Yes appearantly Wulf says he saw the Relic at a shop in town. We're going to check it out.
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 01:24:23 PM
::Looks out of his ship.And puts on his Comlink.::
"Excuse me sweets but that um boy now this is reall funny...he owns the store...and thats not all......if you remember I told you thieves own the still want to go?
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 02:19:36 PM
I find it hard to believe that my son who has only been alive a short while has allready taken control of that store from thieves. Allright Wulf show us the way.
::X helps Twin into the transport ship::
Gav Mortis
Aug 26th, 2000, 02:42:39 PM
*Inside a small, clammy shop on the outskirts of the town, a dark figure stands amongst a cloud of smoke created by the shop keepers compulsive smoking habbits. A short, old man, whose facial features were distorted by a large quantity of wrinkles and undulations of saggy skin stood close by, his back arched as he leaned on his crooked cane, which suprisingly enough had similar physical features to the of it's owner. Glowing ambers floated out of the opening of a gold rimmed, wooden pipe accompanied by rising clouds of thick, black smoke. The shop keeper eyed the dark figure with curiosity and a hint of suspicion, a white bushy eyebrow raised as he removed the pipe from his bouth.*
Well, wha'ris it you're looken for...?
*As he spoke close to the face of the stranger, smoke billowed from his mouth, almost concealing the other mans face in it's mass oof blackness and foul stench. The stranger stood silent as though he didn't acknowledge the old mans question. His eyes were concealed behind a small pair of black shades, a black bandanna was tied tightly around his head leaving only some of his face visable. The stranger eyed the various items arranged in a seemingly deliberate disorderly fashion. After what seemed like an eternity of silence to the elder, Gav turned to him, looking down he said in a tone an entrepreuner couldn't have put better...*
I'm looking for a necklace...
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 02:47:27 PM
::While flying he talks to X::
"Dude I do not mean he owns the store i am merily saying he might have a new father but really a "step" father...
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 02:49:06 PM
In otherwords you think he was taken in by the theives? ::The Chrono Destroyer and the Transport ship near Tatoonie::
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 02:51:43 PM
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 02:55:45 PM
Hmm it's possible. How much longer till we reach the location wulf?
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 03:00:16 PM
::hmmm from my calaculation 20 or 30 minutes...::
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 03:02:41 PM
Good the sooner we find that [relic] and Dark Sky the sooner we get off this planet.
Red Wulf
Aug 26th, 2000, 03:04:44 PM
::Yes the sooner the better because theres just too much goodness here.:: :lol:
Xanatos Etanial
Aug 26th, 2000, 03:07:16 PM
naah I'm talking about all this baren desert. I can't wait to get back to the lush forests and beauty of Mythos.
Twin Sun
Aug 26th, 2000, 04:50:45 PM
:: stomps her feet a few times ::
Darn it! As soon as we find Dark, I'm gonna whomp him good!!
:: stomps her feet again ::
Spadix From HPC
Aug 26th, 2000, 06:26:23 PM
::Spadix looks confusidly between X, Sun & Wulf:: huh? ok somebody wanna explain WHATS going on? X, you have a kid? nani? I think I'm lost. ::Spadix downs her Crystal Pepsi:: ok. SOMEONE explain.
Gav Mortis
Aug 26th, 2000, 08:04:53 PM
*After a seemingly endless amount of babbling and hesitation, the old man decides to end the stalling and speak with his much larger customer. He leans close, attempting to speak into Gav's ear*
OK, lemme tell you somethan, this neckless ye looken fer, said i'was purple yeah?
*Gav nods*, I'ave an idea I know what ye looken fer...but ye can't find et here...there's a small, old nik-naks store on the other side of town...
*Gav listens intently*
Dark Skye
Aug 26th, 2000, 09:25:41 PM
:: listens in on Gav's conversation with the old man, hears what he needs to know and takes off on foot down the street ::
Gav Mortis
Aug 26th, 2000, 09:35:29 PM
*Turns after realising Dark Skye had left and then turned to face the old man as he does so the door behind them slams shut and locks preventing anyone listening to them talk. Gav smirks, pleased with himself*
So now he's out of the way and headed off on a wild goose chase, where is this store?
*After recieving the details from the shop keeper, Gav hands him a pouch of credits*
For you trouble, take it.
*Turning after the old man had taken the money, Gav walks out of the shop, mounts his speeder and with a roar, dust and sand is thrown up into the old mans face as he stands in the dooorway. Gav speeds off in a direction completely different to that of Dark Skye*
Dark Skye
Aug 26th, 2000, 10:14:36 PM
:: stops, and senses something ::
** I knew I couldn't believe them! The necklace is getting farther away!!! **
:: turns around and runs in the dirction that Gav is going ::
Spadix From HPC
Aug 26th, 2000, 10:52:40 PM
OOC; Ok. I'm off for the night. I won't be back untill Monday. Can you guys do me a fav & not go to far ahead w/this, so I'm not totaly lost again? ^^;
Dark Skye
Aug 26th, 2000, 11:09:38 PM
OOC- Spadix, they already left the Canteena meaning yer sorta not in the RP unless you follow them, so....
Spadix From HPC
Aug 27th, 2000, 09:43:25 AM
OOC: yeah, Spadix followed them, confused as ever ^^; lol. Latters all, I'm off to my cousins... ugh. *rolls her eyes*
Spadix From HPC
Aug 28th, 2000, 11:20:48 AM
OIOC; where'd everyone go?
Gav Mortis
Aug 28th, 2000, 12:22:13 PM
*The dark figure, clad in a large black trench coat roared down sidestreets and alleyways making his way to his destination, throwing thick clouds of sand and dust up into the air behind him. Dark Skye's view obscured from the dust and is unable to see the direction in which Gav went although he began tracing the sound of the speeders engines and went in it's general direction.
Five minutes later and Gav had pulled up outside an old hut, it's entrance lowered into the ground with unsteady steps leading down to it. However, a large area of the entrance had been blocked by huge build ups of sand from past storms. Gav sighs to himself as he begins lifting the sand blocking the entrance with the force then piling it up away from the door...*
Aug 28th, 2000, 01:04:43 PM
*Suddenly Gav hears a message sent to him through the Force... from Banestone, unexpectedly. The cyborg Sith is hidden and disguised somewhere on that same street, and is just letting Gav know his back is being watched by a friend... from this information Lord Mortis immediately can tell which dusty and cloaked figure is Banestone on the wide and long street, but doesn't turn from his task at hand or acknowledge the message in any way other than through the Force*
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