View Full Version : Isard....I owe you a battle.
Rowyn tai
Sep 15th, 2000, 04:05:08 PM
::Rowyn waits with LS in hand.::
Jekaan Oludh
Sep 15th, 2000, 04:16:24 PM
(OOC: again, I have to apologize for Isard's absence. At the moment, she's sitting in the office, leaning over a drawing pad and scribbling circles all over it in six different felt-pen colours. She's been off work for the last three hours and decided to let alcohol take over. Ahh...wait a second - yeah ---- she's just ran out of the office in the general direction of the bathroom.
Just proves once again that mixing Vodka with white wine and coke isn't such a good idea. She won't be going near any computer for a while. You can read my previous apology to SnakIyz about Isard's misbehavior at ( ?topicID=1647.topic) if you wish.
I have an offer here from a Jai Deliete. If you wish to fight him in her stead for the moment, just say so. isard will definately try to fit you into her busy schedule for another day.)
Jai Delete
Sep 15th, 2000, 05:18:49 PM
Out of character - If you want a fight with ImpIntel, I'm here in Isard's stead for today.
Rowyn tai
Sep 15th, 2000, 05:33:26 PM
OOC: sounds good! (BTW is Isard gonna be okay?)
"Very well....we shall battle."
::Rowyn ignites her lightsaber, and awaits Jai's first move::
Jai Delete
Sep 15th, 2000, 05:42:22 PM
Out of character - She should be, don't worry. We all have bad days sometimes....also, make sure to note my equipment (under my signature), as one piece of it affects this fight greatly, and is intended to level the playing field between Force-sensitives and normal humans. Thanks!
In character - *The ysalamiri, safely stowed away in a pack on the Guardsman's back, prevents the witch from being able to sense the Force anywhere around Jai, and will cut her off from using the Force if she gets within about striking distance of him*
Ah, a lightsaber. Sturm und Drang.
*Having no lightsaber himself, Delete pulls out his emergency personal shield, straps it to his left arm, and readies his force pike*
Rowyn tai
Sep 15th, 2000, 06:16:46 PM
::Rowyn senses that something is preventing her from mind-probing her opponent. There could only be one answer.::
"Ah,aha....Ysalamiri. You are much wiser than you appear, Jai Delete."
::The ysalamiri, did not dampen her confidence in the least. Rowyn did not need the force to be an effective threat. Whithout warning ,she dashes forward, reaching out with her LS before he could lift his shield, and burns JD's right shoulder.::
Jai Delete
Sep 15th, 2000, 07:45:21 PM
*Stepping aside just barely in time, the witch's lightsaber scores along his arm and fire blossoms along the nerves it severs. Quiet and slick as death, however, the red-covered Guardsman spins and slams the force pike crossways into her back, sending her sprawling into the ground. Delete backhands the pike downwards at her again, switching it on with a gauntletted hand before it hits. Rowyn rolled aside before it landed, though, and Delete brings it back up into a guarding position*
Rowyn tai
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:04:02 PM
**Almost immediatly after she rolls out of the way, Rowyn is on her feet again. She tries to slice his midsection, but the blow only catches his shield. In one fluid motion, she leaps over him. From behind, Rowyn applies the butt-end of her LS to the base of his neck. He stumbles forward, meeting the ground face first. Rowyn eases into a traditional Dathomir fighting stance, and waits for her opponent to rise.**
Jai Delete
Sep 15th, 2000, 08:36:27 PM
Out of character - I have a full helmet, it covers the neck too. :) S'ok, though.
In character - *From the ground, Delete slashes his force pike upwards at the Dathomir witch, striking one kneecap. The energy contained within the pike immediately strikes out upon the contact, and Rowyn feels like she was hit in the leg by some immensely huge cattle prod.
Delete rolls over and climbs to his feet, watching his opponent's stunned reaction to the pain and electric bite a force pike can give*
Rowyn tai
Sep 15th, 2000, 09:27:50 PM
OOC: Woops, sorry! having a little trouble keeping track of all your weaponry, I will try to remember.:)
::Rowyn gasps as pain shoots though her leg. SHe quickly places a hand on her knee, making it go completly numb. Rowyn turns her attention to JD, LS in hand, she circles him like a predator. She lashes out at random, looking for an opening. Finally, Rowyn fakes to his right, then just as he reacts to her feint, she drops into the splits, and delivers a sharp blow to his crotch.::
(OOC: don't tell me you have armor there....)
Jai Delete
Sep 16th, 2000, 12:14:04 AM
Out of character - Body armour, baby! :) Don't worry though, as long as it's a sharp blow, the cup still won't make it feel exactly comfy. You understand. :)
In character - *The witch still doesn't elicit any vocal response from the tall Guardsman, but she does hear a sharp intake of breath under the red helmet as she lands the blow.
Even as he gets hit in the land down under and reflexively tightens his legs together slightly, Delete clubs the witch in the face with the butt of the piken and knocks her away from him again*
Rowyn tai
Sep 16th, 2000, 03:43:46 AM
::Ignoring the stinging blow, Rowyn springs into the air, catching his neck between her legs, she executes a perfect hudakanrana. JD is sent careening through the air, landing in a heap, and accidentally shocking himself with his own force-pike.::
Sep 16th, 2000, 04:16:26 AM
(OoC: I'm bored ... Jai, I wanna fight you as well, in the aforementioned topic. Pls show up there. Arigatou.)
Jai Delete
Sep 18th, 2000, 08:37:21 PM
Out of character: Sorry Rowyn, was gone for the weekend... I have to get going right now, I'll be back later tonight. SnakIyz, I'll fight you as well if you wish, but PLEASE try to lay off the shape-shifting junk, alright? Take it too far away from the Star Wars Universe and I'll leave. Just so you know. :)
Sep 18th, 2000, 08:42:17 PM
(("Arigato", no "U" on the end. :) Also, be polite. "Arigato Gozayimasu"))
Rowyn tai
Sep 18th, 2000, 08:49:26 PM
(ooc: no problem. I'm having lots of fun with Jane right now...
Jane Black
Sep 18th, 2000, 08:52:40 PM
hhhmmmnn....actually the Japanese usually don't pronounce, "masu", they just say "mas".
Jai Delete
Sep 19th, 2000, 03:20:57 PM
Out of character - What is a "hudakanrana"? Oh yes, and SnakIyz - if you want a fight, you'd better make a new topic. Your old one seems to have been deleted.
In character - *As he lands ungloriously, and accidently touches the active tip of the pike to his shin, Delete lands on his back and turns the fall into a roll, ending on his feet again. He turns to face Rowyn, takes a quick sidestep to avoid further retaliation from the witch, and his right leg falters a bit as the nerves in it finally send their jangled tale of woe to his brain. Lipping a pill from within the confines of his helmet, he swallows it dry and the pain-reliever slowly starts taking effect.
The Guardsman realizes, dryly, that the witch is smarter than most Jedi and detected the loss of the Force around him immediately. She wasn't even trying to use any fancy Force tricks... and he still wasn't doing terribly well.
Shrugging off the effect of the force pike on his lower leg, Delete draws a bit nearer the wary Dathomir witch, and makes a feint with the pike in his left hand. The witch nearly lazily flips her lightsaber over to greet the pike, and slices the emitter tip off of it. However, now the cloaked Guardsman is squeezing off a shot at her with a blaster rifle in his right hand... without her Force reflexes, she is unable to deflect the shot with her lightsaber. A blue stun bolt hisses from the rifle's barrel and strikes her in the shoulder*
Rowyn tai
Sep 19th, 2000, 05:41:44 PM
((ooc: A hudakanrana, is when you jump on the front of your opponent, wrap your legs around their neck, then throw yourself backwards, causing your opponent to flip over you. :) WHen successfully executed in RL, it has been known to actually break peoples neck.))
::Rowyn was unprepared for the sizzling blue bolt, that bore into her ungaurded shoulder. The sharp scent of seared flesh, quickly filled the air. She reached deep within her mind, and caused the pain to cease by sheer force of will.
Rowyn targeted the blaster. With her healthy arm, she expertly hurled her LS at it. The blaster practically melted, as the LS came in contact with it, JD darted out of the way, barley mangaging to keep his hand. As Rowyn finds herself without a weapon, she spin back kicks the Imperial gaurd in the solarplexus...::
Jai Delete
Sep 19th, 2000, 06:51:09 PM
Out of character - A stun bolt doesn't wound, it....well....stuns. It induces a paralysis of the nerves, causing the being it hit to lose control of their body's actions in the affected area (it basically does to the nervous system what an ion cannon does to circuitry). Normally, a stun blast will completely incapacitate an opponent (e.g., Princess Leia in ANH), but the effect is vastly reduced for Force-capable sentients. :) So we'll just say you can't use that arm and it twitches, is that alright?
In character - *Shifting his feet in time, Delete takes the hit to his chest and taking a short hop backwards with it as it knocks his breath out....he lands poised forward, his feet set, and he bull rushes Rowyn, trying to ram her head with his helmet. Already having recovered her position from her jumpkick, she twists sideways and jerks her head to the side and Delete misses....and keeps going forward. She plants a tripping foot, but at the same time as he rushes past, he grabs her completely numb arm with both hands, twists it sharply and pulls even as he falls over her foot to the ground. Rowyn hears a surprisingly loud popping noise, but feels nothing until she is tugged off of her feet also and lands face-first into a gauntleted red fist*
Rowyn tai
Sep 19th, 2000, 08:25:43 PM
ooc: :lol: Oh, a stun bolt! For some reason, I was thinking along the lines of disruptor. Yes, numb arm is fine. :)
::o ther than a small trickle of blood than ran from her nose, the blow was of little consequence. With her good arm, she snaps her usless shoulder back into its socket. (An action that is promptly followed by a brief wave of nausia.) Moving with surprising speed, (given her current condition) Rowyn stomps the heel of her boot into JD's foot. As JD is momentarily distracted by the pain, Rowyn srikes him in the head, with her elbow.::
Jai Delete
Sep 20th, 2000, 12:08:36 AM
*His head snapping back and up from the elbow hit, Delete strikes instinctively back with a right hook where he last saw Rowyn's head. Scoring only a glancing blow that bruises her forehead, he nonetheless prevents her from striking him again while his vision is obstructed... quickly checking his equipment's status on a HUD within his helmet, the Guardsman notices that his personal shield (still strapped to his arm) has retained about 20 seconds of life from not being used much.
Rowyn continues to fight with astonishing ferocity and skill, so Delete gives ground, concentrating on blocking her moves and trying to tire her out... the witch is in prime condition though, and is puzzled at this tactic. Until suddenly Delete jumps backwards to the floor, landing on his side and scooping something up where he knew it had last landed....he allows his momentum to help roll him to his feet, which lets Rowyn land a particularly effective kick in his unprotected left side. His right hand holds her lightsaber, though, and then the shield on his left forearm activates a final time - Rowyn barely recalls another kick in time for it to not hit the energy shield.
With a few deft moves, the Guardsman dismantles the base of the lightsaber hilt and removes it's power pack. The witch is helpless to stop it, from the risk of a serious burn from coming into contact with the personal shield. Delete then touches the blade emitter to the shield, burning away the delicate ancient technology before discarding the now-useless device. Then the shield's power source finally fades away, the shimmering circle dissapears, and Rowyn attacks again*
Rowyn tai
Sep 20th, 2000, 04:22:42 AM
::Rowyn felt a tremor pass through her. Her lightsaber was a part of her, and now a part of her had died. With a piercing battle cry, Rowyn kicks JD in the knee. And sick crunching sound is heard. Rowyn grips her opponent by the neck, and lifts him completly off the ground.::
Jai Delete
Sep 20th, 2000, 02:16:03 PM
*Delete thrusts stiffened fingers into Rowyn's bare throat, as the hand that deftly slipped under his helmet cuts off his air....the grip relaxes only briefly, though, and the Guardsman remains dangling from the witch's good arm. His right leg feels broken....very broken....although he no longer feels what his force pike did to it.
The angle at which he is held makes it nearly impossible to land a decent kick (with his good leg) on his wrathful opponent....nearly. With both hands, he grabs Rowyn's forearm and twists himself to the right as much as he can. As his body shifts in position to hers, he swings his left leg under her left arm (the one holding him) and up brutally into her face.
Her head snaps back, and since the Guardsman just totally unbalanced them both with that move, she lets go of him rather than fall. Delete falls backwards onto his hands and rear, but his right knee still sends a fresh fiery backwash of pain into his skull as he gasps for air*
Rowyn tai
Sep 20th, 2000, 03:38:28 PM
::Rowyn makes no move to attack, but observes the Imperial guard in his terrible pain. SHe knew he could not continue this battle. The warrior goes to him, and kneels down beside him.::
"You have force-bane. Remove it."
*Rowyn wonders if the guard will trust her.*
Jai Delete
Sep 20th, 2000, 04:44:21 PM
*The Guardsman looks up from the ground, eyes and face hidden beneath the proud red helmet. He chokes briefly on something in his mouth, and realizes he's tasting blood....he wonders where it came from, and slows his breathing as he talks to the Dathomir native for the first time. The voice coming through the helmet's voder sounds slightly strained, but smooth and strong*
Well, witch....seeing as how the ysalamiri is the only thing keeping you from being able to outright beat me, too bad. The little furworm stays. It pays, to not underestimate the power of the Force....
*Suddenly, Delete's right hand snaps out from under his robes, and Rowyn is aware of an extremely high-pitched buzzing noise just before his fist touches the side of her neck, holding an activated vibroblade bare centimeters from her throat. One touch of it would mean death....she finds that she reflexively grabbed his arm as it moved, but she deliberates her next action upon realization of what the Imperial's technology was*
You may live, and walk away....or you can die. Do you trust me, witch?
*Delete's arm does not move a centimeter as he awaits the outcome of her decision....his breath is now mostly under control, but the pain from his knee is fierce in this position*
Rowyn tai
Sep 20th, 2000, 07:12:22 PM
::still holding the vibroblade in check, Rowyn replies::
"I do not need the force to beat you outright. It was my intention, to use the force to heal you. But it seems you still have lust for battle in you...."
::Without so much as giving the humming blade a second glance, Rowyn twists the guard's weakening arm, in one strong motion. Jai Delete's grip is briefly loosed, and the blade is cast harmlessly aside. Rowyn abruptly releases her grip on his arm.::
"If you wish it, I will heal you, either way you shall leave with a warrior's honor."
*folds her hands, and waits for his answer*
Jai Delete
Sep 20th, 2000, 07:47:32 PM
*A sigh is heard from within the tall red helmet, and Delete sits back, now utterly ignoring his pain. He drops his arms to his side wearily, and lips another pill from within the confines of his helmet*
Maybe you misunderstand me. I do not lust for battle. I was trained for it. I did not wish to kill you, I wished to beat you. The purpose of this fight was to win, not to be healed like some FUBAR civvie. If I wanted to, I could have killed you right then, although I suppose you entirely missed that. My blaster was set to stun, not kill. My vibroblade would have ended your life with a TWITCH, and it would have taken a Force ability to have prevented that. You're good, witch. But not good enough. I'm here to fight, and fight I shall.
*He bites down on the stim pill*
It is unfortunate that I cannot restore the Force to you without either removing my backpack and either placing it on the other side of the room or destroying it. In case it isn't clear to you, witch, without the Force you actually cannot tell what I am thinking. You cannot tell what I might do next. You cannot heal me, although I wouldn't wish for that anyways. And you cannot beat me.
*Rowyn tenses at these words, but Delete continues to not move. Some of the words bite true, but others ring curiously false....then something begins beeping from with Delete's robes. The witch's eyebrows raise, and she allows him to reach carefully within....and bring back out a cyndrilical device that is emanating a small beeping noise*
Ah, the wonders of remote activation....these helmets really are nice. This happens to be a thermal detonator. It will go off in 5 minutes. You didn't take my last offer, so take this one: You can run, or you can try to disarm it. Or you can play a nice little game of "nerf" with me and we'll see who runs first.
*Delete sets the charge on the floor gently, and smiles from behind the visor of his helmet*
Rowyn tai
Sep 20th, 2000, 08:07:59 PM
::Though Rowyn felt pity at her opponent's despairation, she did not refuse his challenge.::
"As you wish. "
::Rowyn crosses her legs, ajusts her posture, and falls into deep meditation. Slowly, she becomes oblivious to everything, including the steady countdown. One thing was certain. Rowyn would not run away, for it is not in her nature to fear death.::
Jai Delete
Sep 20th, 2000, 08:29:10 PM
"Nerf" it is, then. Fool. You there?
*Waves his hand in front of Rowyn's face and snaps his gloved fingers*
Sithspawn, what an idiot. She wanted a fight, and now she puts herself to sleep because she expects inevitable doom....I almost wish this WAS a real thermal detonator. Narfing Jedi scum.
*Jai stands up, despite his broken right kneecap, and shambles carefully to the various pieces of his gear scattered around the room. First he retrieves his vibroblade and turns it off, keeping it in his hand. Next he reholsters his slagged blaster rifle back under his robes. Lastly he takes the largest remaining piece of his force pike into his left hand, and staggers back to where Rowyn is deep in meditation next to a softly beeping "flashbang", otherwise known as a stun grenade.*
It's been real. See you on the flip, witch.
*C ocks his arm back, then smashes Rowyn over the back of her head with the butt of the broken pike. She slumps to the ground, without any other visible sign that she's not just meditating anymore. Delete decides to leave the stun grenade - often used in supressing violent crowds without harming anyone - activated on it's 20 minute timer. Maybe it would wake her up.
The Guardsman walks out of the building to his transport....nothing wrong with him that bacta and Quill couldn't fix.*
Rowyn tai
Sep 21st, 2000, 01:45:24 AM
::As Jai walks away, Rowyn opens her eyes, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. SHe narrows her eyes at the stun detonater, and disarms it with a thought. She stands up and allows herself a satisfied yawn...::
"Ah,aha, 'the art of fighting, without fighting'. A smart male....that Bruce Lee."
*Uses the force to summon her shorted out LS. Turning it over gently in her hand, she finds that the damage is superficial, and can easily be repaired. In silent victory, the padawan walks home.*
Jai Delete
Sep 21st, 2000, 02:25:09 AM
Out of character - Nice fight. Too bad you didn't seem to notice that I hit you on the way out, leaving you somewhat less than conscious. Also you seemed to ignore the fact that you said you fell "into deep meditation. Slowly, she becomes oblivious to everything, including the steady countdown". I'm not terribly versed on this subject, but it doesn't seem quite right. Furthermore, electronic devices aren't "disarmable", reprogrammable, or any other sort of "mable" through the Force. Check out "Children of the Jedi" for information on that. Please note I'm just trying to advice you. But attention to detail makes more roleplayers happy. :) I hope you don't mind this last post here by me terribly much. I tried not to change anything you said, while still not quite agreeing. Again, it's a nice fight anyways, good job.
In character - *Jai Delete notices a light stop flashing on an HUD in his helmet. He nearly swears, then turns back around and goes back in the room. He silently stoops, with difficulty, and prys a slim holdout blaster from the inside of his right boot. Switching it to stun, he fires a bolt directly into the back of Rowyn's head, who couldn't sense his approach from the ysalamiri pack. The Guardsman limps on towards her, firing another stun bolt into her back at what he guesses is the distance at which the Force bubble ysalamiri create starts affecting Force users. He picks up the disarmed flashbang, and hooks it back onto his utility belt*
Thanks. Here, as a token of my undying gratitude, you may have the "Force bane". Careful now, he's a furry lil' devil.
*Delete unslings the pack from his back, carefully taking it out of his robe through an armslit in the side. He slashes the sealed environment container with his vibroblade, then prys the furry long creature off of the nutrient stick within. The ysalamiri makes no sound, but spreads it's now free long, sharp claws frantically as it searches for sustenence....Delete drops it on the back of Rowyn's neck carelessly*
They're cheap to come by. Have fun getting him off your neck....too bad I can't tell if your conscious or not. With the stun setting, it's about a 50/50 chance. Remember now - techonology can defeat your pathetic and vaunted "Force". The era of the Jedi will end - again - soon enough.
*Pumps a final stun bolt into her head, and holsters the slim blaster in his belt with only 2 shots remaining in it*
*The Guardsman exits the building, and leaves the meeting planet in an unmarked ImpIntel shuttle*
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