View Full Version : In Remembrance
Sep 3rd, 2000, 02:00:31 PM
The Koriolos touches down on the outskirts of Salis D'aar, the main city of Bakura. The ramp lowers and out comes two droids ( They pop open a couple panels on the sides of the YT-1300 and begin running some diagnostics checks.
After a few moments, Dalethria comes walking down the ramp, followed by her wolven shadow, Avagdu ( He already jumps ahead and takes a look out through a small clearing through the forest to gaze at the city ahead of him. She chuckles at his eagerness and puts on her cloak, followed by a pack placed on her shoulder and a wrapped package in her arm ::
"ML and R2D6, go on back into the ship and lock her down. No one enters the ship at all without a communication from me and the right code. If anyone comes near the ship...blast them into oblivion."
:: ML-355 and R2D6 beep and whistles their reponses and roll up the ramp as Dalethria takes her last step to the ground. She hears the the ramp rise with a whinning sound and the clamps lock it into place. Walking over to the control panel, Dalethria keys in some commands to secure the ship and heads off into the clearing where Avagdu is waiting.
She pats him on the head and continues on through the next part of the forest, pushing away the branches and bushes with her free hand. Eventually, the small city grows large as the two of them stand upon a hill, looking down at the city in its simple beauty ::
"Welcome to my other home Avagdu."
:: She begins to walk down the hill and heads for the main road leading in ::
Darth Ogre
Sep 3rd, 2000, 04:35:10 PM
<font color=green>OOC: Dale has asked that I add something that she forgot to include when she posted: This thread is intended as a closed RPG. Closed to those but people we invite and/or those who contact either herself or myself via email and are given approval to join. Our email addy's can both be found in our user profiles. Thanks =)</font>
:: Ogre sits in the crew compartment of his craft, the Dauntless, considering the things that Dale had told him a few days previous. Lost in his thoughts he is suddenly stirred to reality by the shrill whistles and beeps coming from his Astromech droid R27. He leans over the table and presses the activation switch on the internal com unit ::
Ogre: What’s happening R27?
R27: Breeep zruuuueeep voot.
Ogre: I’ll go to the c0ckpit immediately, set the computer’s navigational array and prepare to enter hyperspace.
:: he gets up and walks through the small corridor leading to the c0ckpit and takes his place in the command chair ::
Ogre: Light it up R27!
:: he thinks to himself ::
she left without me, even after we discussed this trip. I wonder why?
:: the craft blinks out of sight, entering hyperspace, as Ogre watches, the stars become streaks, through his window. ::
Sep 3rd, 2000, 05:51:22 PM
:: as she nears the main road leading into the city, she notices a small group of citizens further down the road. Not wanting any unwarranted attention...yet, she puts her hood up on her cloak and starts walking on the road to the city. Avagdu looks at the small group of traveller's and growls in that direction ::
"This isn't the time to fight Avagdu," Dalethria says, still walking forward. Avagdu looks over at her and trots over to her side. "Today is not a day for blood my friend...for once. This is a day to honor someone."
she walks through into the city proper, sticking close to the walls of the buildings. The smells and the sights came back to her instantly since she was last here. This being more home then Coruscant ever was it seems. Turning the corner, Dalethria smiled upon seeing The Emerian Shard, her favorite place to get food and drink when she was a child...and get into trouble.
As she headed closer to the bar, her thoughts led her to stray to Ogre. She told him that she was ready to go on the mission they discussed, but Dalethria couldn't leave without taking care of something here. Dalethria wanted to do it alone for once. Seemed that ever since her and Ogre found love, he became real protective of her and never wants her out of his site. Of course, that has to do with her previous kidnapping and her almost death while in a coma...
She sighs and opens the door to the bar. Farmers and some merchants are spread amongst the open tables. She gets looks and stares being a newcomer to these parts. They are not looks of anger that she is present, just confusion to who she is and uneasiness, or the fact that a big black wolf came up behind her, she doesnt know ::
If they only knew who I am, or once was to them...would they welcome me, or try and kill me? hmm...
:: she walks up to the bar proper and takes a seat on the stool and waits for the bartender to come. Avagdu sits next to the stool and looks around the room, guarding Dalethria, eyeing every person here with his green eye staring straight into their hearts. Each customer in turn goes back to drinking and previous conversation and not so curious now to who this woman is.
Dalethria starts outlining a stain in the wood, waiting, and thinks about Dara and her sister Kat. Perhaps she should have left more then an encrypted message to them saying where she was going. It would have been odd that Dalethria left in a hurry without saying good-bye to both of them, but she didnt want either of them to worry. And she did need sometime alone... ::
Ket Limelight
Sep 3rd, 2000, 06:29:33 PM
Ket sat in the crew quarters meditating,concentrating on his anger,trying to focus it when he felt the ship jump into hyperspace. Awakend,he went to the c0ckpit. Finding Ogre,he spoke lowly.
"Master,where are we headed?"
Ket looked to Ogre,his face givng off an inquisitive vibe.
Dara Shadowtide
Sep 3rd, 2000, 06:42:18 PM
:: Dara walks out of TSE Headquarters and prepares to board her ship, a CR90 named the Resilience, to embark on her trip to <a href=>Mandalore</a> with Lord Havok. Her droids C2-R4, R2-Q2 and K-3PO greet their master accordingly as she steps to the captain's chair. She spots a small round device on the chair and turns sharply to the droids ::
"What is this on my chair? Did you let someone on my ship?"
:: Dara gives the droids "the look" and they seem to cower in fear of what she might do to their circuitry ::
K-3PO: "Mistress Dara, a friend of yours stopped by and wanted to leave a message for you. I assure you that you know this person well. I would never allow an intruder to board your vessel, my lady. It is a holo-display my lady, merely touch your thumb on the pad and her message will be revealed to you."
:: Dara looks at K-3PO skeptically and picks up the device. It flips open at her touch and she places her thumb on the pad. Suddenly, she sees an image of her friend Dalethria projected in front of her ::
Dalethria: "Hello Dara. I am leaving on a personal trip and wanted to let you know that I will be away for an undetermined amount of time. Much is on my mind since the ordeal I went through and I need to seek closure on some aspects of my life. I will be travelling alone to my home planet, Bakura to visit the grave of my mother. I feel much pain from this loss, and this is simply something I have to do at this point in my life. I did not want you to worry about me so I wanted you to know where I was. Now don't tell Ogre about this. The big green guy just worries far too much about me and this is something I have to do without him. I know I can trust you with this Dara, I felt that the first time we met. Please do not worry, I will be fine. I look forward to our meeting at Irentios upon my return. Take care my friend."
:: Dara watches the image of Dalethria fade from view and an overwhelming sense of danger fills her thoughts ::
<Why would she go alone and why now? I don't feel good about this at all. Perhaps she left this message for me for another reason. Maybe she doesn't really want to do this alone and just didn't want to ask me to accompany her. I think I should go find her to be sure. My instincts tell me she could be in danger and I can't just sit here and do nothing. I must go to Bakura to find her.>
Dara: "C2-R4, R2-Q2 and K-3PO, ready the ship for take off. We are heading out on a quick mission before our rendezvous with Lord Havok. Set the coordinates to the planet Bakura."
:: The droids beep and whistle in acknowledgement as the ramp closes and the ship prepares for departure ::
Darth Ogre
Sep 3rd, 2000, 07:44:55 PM
:: Ogre turns to his apprentice and the look of worry is evident within his eyes as he begins to speak in a deep purpose filled tone::
We are following a transponder signal. It will lead us to the place Dale has taken her spacecraft. She does not know that I have placed it onboard, but it having been my own before I gave it to her, I was sure to place the device there as I do onboard all my vessels, so that I may locate them, in the event something or someone were to capture one.
She has returned to a place, which I feel may put her in a great deal of danger, especially having gone alone. I must follow and do what I can to see to it that she is safe. Not to long ago she was almost lost to me at the hands of our enemies, and I will not let that happen again, not while I still draw breath from the air around.
:: He slams his fist into the arm of his chair and growls under his breath ::
I still have yet to take my revenge on those that did that to her, but knowing the Skywalkers, they will be there, following her, and doing whatever they can to try and convince her that the path of the light is right for her.
Ket Limelight
Sep 3rd, 2000, 10:12:22 PM
Ket nodded slowly to Ogre. He sensed the need for vengence and the need to protect his love in Ogre.
"Master,i will help you in anyway that i can. for i gave Dale my word that i would help any sith in need,and if you fear danger will be presant,then i must help her as well."
Ket came closer to Ogre.
"And master,do not will have vengence soon enough,i sense it in the force."
Ket took a seat near Ogre and waited for the ship to reach the planet Dale is on.
Sep 4th, 2000, 12:55:59 AM
"What can I git ya miss?"
:: Her thoughts about Dara and Kat break away and looks up quickly to see the barkeeper looking down at her. He can tell that he startled her ::
"I'm sorry that I scared ya, just wanna know what you like ta drink," He says, putting on his most pleasant smile.
She relaxes a little and shifts the package in her lap around. Damn, I am so jittery because of what today is. "Thank you, I am rather parched but considering I have a lot to do, a cup of tea would be fine."
He chuckles, "Don't get much call for that, but not a problem miss."
:: As the bartender leaves, Dalethria gets an unsettling feeling, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end as if there is danger. She slowly turns around casually scanning the room for where the danger is. All she sees is the patrons of the bar sitting and talking, occasionally a loud commontion from a drunk person. She senses that Avagdu felt the same thing and pats his head lightly ::
"I felt it too...perhaps we should leave."
:: She gets up from her seat and places a few credits on the counter even before the bartender comes back and leaves the bar with Avagdu, pulling her cloak around her body more as if to block away the bad feeling she is getting.
The man walks back with the tea and scratches his head at the empty seat ::
"Now where she go an run off to?"
:: he spots the money on the counter and picks up the credits ::
"Oh well..."
:: sips the drink he mad for her and walks to the register.
On the other side of the bar, in a darkened corner, sits two men. They are dressed in farming clothes, their faces soiled from a days work. The older of the two nods to the young man ::
"That's her alright, son. The timing is right."
"But father, this isnt right..."
:: He is cut off by his father putting a hand up ::
"Her and her family caused much pain and she deserves what is coming. Now you are either with me or against me, but if you don't go through with this..."
:: he stares into the blue eyes of his son with a look of utter Rage ::
"...then you are NO son of mine. Clear?"
:: the younger man shakes his head and then nods ::
"Yes father..."
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 4th, 2000, 02:40:45 AM
**On the planet of Bakura which Leia arrived a day ago, Leia is walking the streets of the city looking for Dalethria** Why would the Jedi be looking for her mortal might wonder** Well...Leia had realized earlier this week..that it was coming up on the anniversary of Dalethria's mother's death. One of the most traumatic things that every affected Dale, which lead her to the darkside. Leia..still being troubled by her last confrontation with Dale, decided to search her out. Looking to help Dale in any way she can. Dale might not want Leia's help...but Leia knows this is something she must do to make ammends for everything that has happened. Possibly...just possibly...she can make Dale realize that she is not an enemy but a friend..someone who wants to help her..and not see her life destroyed.
**Walking the streets...Leia feels a cool breeze pickup. Leia picks up her jedi robe's hood and pulls it over head. And it just the breeze ...or is she feeling the darkside prescence of Dale..that she is trying to home in on**
Dara Shadowtide
Sep 4th, 2000, 03:03:11 AM
:: Dara navigates the Resilience to space and verifies the course setting for Bakura ::
"K-3PO, open a communication frequency with Lord Havok using the encrypted codes I gave you earlier. I must notify him of my trip since it may delay me a bit."
K-3PO: "Yes Mistress Dara, right away."
:: The droid enters the codes and a holonet communication line is open ::
Dara: "Lord Havok, this is Dara Shadowtide. Do you read me?"
Havok: "Yes Dara. Continue."
Dara: "I will be delayed a bit in our rendezvous for the trip to Mandalore. I need to make a side trip to Bakura first. It should not take too long, but I wanted to inform you."
Havok: "Thank you Dara. I am glad you did. I hope your trip goes well and I will expect to hear from you again soon."
:: Dara moves to engage hyperspeed but nothing happens. She tries again and a few sparks fly out from the controls ::
Dara: "Blast! K-3PO and R2-Q2, get on this immediately. What is wrong with the hyperspeed now?"
Dara: "Havok, please hold one moment, I am experiencing a malfunction with my hyperspeed."
Havok: "Problems with your hyperspeed? That doesn't sound good. What seems to be the problem? Oh, yes I'll hold."
:: Dara sprints down to the control room below to see the droids in a mass of circuits and wires everywhere ::
Dara: "Oh don't even tell me we don't have hyperspeed for this trip."
K-3PO: "Well Mistress Dara, I could tell you the truth or a wonderous fabrication. Your choice would be?"
:: Dara throws a wrench at K-3PO and hears it clang against the side of his head ::
K-3PO: "I am guessing that choice would be 'none of the above'. Most puzzling these humans are."
:: Dara returns to the bridge very displeased with technological advancements of her particular ship ::
Dara: "Havok, Dara here again. I have no hyperspeed at this time. The whole system went down and my droids can't fix it. Now I am stuck."
Havok: "Hey, let me see what I can do. Hold on."
Darth Havok
Sep 4th, 2000, 05:29:37 AM
::he shakes his head, sweat pouring from his brow, the thoughts of his constant struggle remain, and he sees the com light flashing, as he opens the channel, and it is Lady Shadowtide, just as he requested checking in..::
(convo above)
::He turns and gets up from his chair, exiting his private chambers directly to the bridge of the Red Hydra, he has a talk with his first in command at the time.
Havok: “Good of you to take your time away from the Lathe Squadron to accompany me on this journey.” Wiping the remains of sweat from his brow after that mind altering experience…..
Drake: “Tis a pleasure me lord, and I’ve been needing a break.. Those young boys get weird on me if you know what I mean?” grins, considering himself an old man, at the age of twenty eight..
:: Havok chuckles:: “Indeed they do.. So how did the test run for Aeolus go?” he says questionably…
Drake: “Actually, they went splendidly, I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased with the resuilts.. The Sith Empire shipyards built a spectacular vessel, and I’m sure after this trip you can have her up graded even..” smiling, and raising an eyebrow….
Havok: “That well really? Let me take a look at those results..” he says curiously….
Drake: “here they are …” handing him a data pad…..
:: The Sith Lord inspects the results, and sees the engines ran smoothly, the Gyro-stabilizers were good, and the Hypercoil was still in perfect shape.. Hyperdrive Motivator ran clean, in hyperspace, and cut the trilithium drive smoothly when entering real space.. He scans through the rest of the readouts, and grins approvingly at its utterly perfect test run..::
Havok: “Looks good Drake, now with that in order, we need to aid a friend of mine..”
Drake: “Friend? You have friends?” he snickers, and then pats havok on the shoulder.. “Just kidding old chap, but you knew that”
Havok: “Well it wasn’t very funny, I could take your head for such a remark” he says tauntingly.. “Yes, a friend of mine, I’ve just met her recently, and she is a very remarkable women” he says hesitantly knowing the rebuttal is sure to come. “She is somewhat stranded at the moment, and I don’t wish anything to happen to her out their. Her hyperdrive is down, and she’s en route of another dear friend of mine.”
Drake: “Ah, a woman.. I see know.” he chuckles lightly to himself…
Havok: “Bah, that’s enough out of you just put in these coordinates so that we can rendezvous with her, and possibly fix the problem.” he says sternly
Drake: ”Right away me lord, consider it done.” giving a stern salute, and heading to set the coordinates..
Havok: “Good, I’ll be going back to my chambers, let me know when we arrive.”
Drake: “Yes sir”
::The Red Hydra, and Aeolus form up, and move into position for their quick trip through hyperspace.. Estimated time of arrival, twenty minutes. As they disappear in a flash...::
Dara Shadowtide
Sep 4th, 2000, 06:06:56 AM
:: Dara heads down to the control room once again ::
K-3PO: "Look at this mess that you have made R2-Q2. You're sure to be melted down now. Mistress Dara is fond of me. She will know something like this could never be my fault."
R2-Q2: "Bleeeeep!"
K-3PO: "Now there is no need to use language like that, you ungrateful little bucket of bolts. I have a good mind to just disable you myself right now and be done with it."
C2-R4: "Ok kids, that's enough. Nobody's going to get fried for this one. It was the old man not doing the upkeep on the ship, pure and simple. Now get back to work before she sees this mess you all have made."
:: Dara walks in and looks horrified at an even worse entanglement of wires than before as the droids frantically try to repair the hyperdrive at her command ::
Dara: "Ok, that's enough. Just leave it for now. It is no use to us any longer. I just have to see if there is a nearby ship to help us out, or it will be a very slow trip back to TSE Headquarters for us without a hyperdrive."
:: The droids untangle themselves from the wires and circuits and return to the bridge with her. As she arrives back up on the bridge, she sees two ships in view which were not there just moments ago. One of the ships hails her on the same frequency that she just spoke to Lord Havok on. She opens the channel ::
Dara: "Yes?"
Havok: "Hello there Lady Shadowtide, may I be of assistance?"
:: Dara smiles at the sound of a familiar voice ::
Dara: "Why Lord Havok, it's a pleasure to see you. And yes, you could certainly help me out. Do you happen to have a spare hyperdrive on board?"
:: Dara hears him laugh ::
Havok: "I don't know about that, but I have some of the finest technicians around and I will have them look at your ship. Just pull to docking bay 21-A and you will be taken care of."
Dara: "Thank you Lord Havok, I don't know what I would do without your help."
Havok: "Well you're helping me with my trip to Mandalore, it's the least I could do, my lady."
:: Dara smiles and pulls her ship into docking bay 21-A and disembarks her ship to be met by Lord Havok and his commander ::
Darth Havok
Sep 4th, 2000, 07:29:05 AM
:: Is at the entrance to a turbo lift with Drake at his side, as Dara Shadowtide approaches, he nods and smiles..::
“Having some trouble are we?”
“Yes, it’s an absolute mess in their, I hope it can be fixed?”
“We’ll do what we can”..::he nods to drake..:: “Get the technicians on it, and oversee it personally if you would?”
“Of course sir, I’ll get back to you will an update, as soon as I assess the situation..” nods and winks in a teasing manor at havok..
“That will do fine. Carry on..”
::Drake and a crew boards her ship, as Lord Havok leads Dara into the turbo lift, and it zings off..::
“I’ve had a quarters prepared for you, just incase its and extended stay.. Where is it you were going again?”
“I was heading to Bakura , and I’m sure the quarters will do fine. Thank you again for your kindness in assisting me”
::as they exit the turbo lift, havok stops at a communications panel, and gives the order for his ships to proceed to Bakura.. He then leads Dara to her quarters so that she can settle in..::
“We will be arriving in Bakura in a few hours time, I’ll keep you updated on your ship as well as our arrival on the planet”
"Thank you again Lord Havok"
“The pleasure is all mine, my lady”
:: As he turns and heads back to the bridge of the ship to go over a few plans he has been stirring up for his upcoming trip..::
Darth Ogre
Sep 4th, 2000, 10:43:30 AM
:: Ogre faces front after hearing the words of Ket. His head nods, but he doesn’t speak. His eyes get a far off look in them as his mind drifts back to the images he saw when he had entered Dale’s mind to assist her in her return from her coma. He sees the image of the battle she had with Luke and Leia as if he were viewing it from his own eyes. He feels the pain of the saber strike through her chest, burning his own skin as if he were the one in her place. He then feels the darkness overcome his own being as she losses consciousness from the pain and shock to her system.
Ket sees his Master’s eyes begin to burn red with rage, as he continues to stare blankly ahead, the young Sith can feel the hatred exuding from the green beast, and realizes that this is something that has truly affected him deeply, something he will never forget, something that he knows he must not let happen again, even if it means that he must die in doing so.
Ogre’s eyes blink as his thoughts come back to the present, his head jerks backwards as a result of the backlash the memories that flowed through his mind. His heart burns with a fiery hatred unsurpassed even by the witnessing of his own family’s slaughter. He looks down upon his Nav computer and watches as the timer ticks down the countdown to their arrival, upon the location of Dale’s ship. Ogre knows it will not be too much longer and they will be where she is.
He knows it will not be too difficult to locate her once they are there, due to the strong mental link he has with her, even though she seems to be blocking it now. He thinks to himself. ::
She must really wish that I not aid her this time, to have gone to such great lengths to not allow me to know that she planned to come to this place. But, even if that is the case, I will not relent, my absolution will be undaunted. I will protect her from any danger she may face, whether she wishes me to or not. For she is the only thing in this entire Universe that brings my black heart any peace at all. To be separated from her would only mean that I cannot continue living any longer. Those that would see her harmed or even try to see her ways changed will be made to suffer.
:: his hands clench tightly as his thoughts continue to rage on, His Dark Side energies fed by the hatred he has for the Skywalkers and his own frustration at not being able to watch the life slip from their bodies as he grips their throats, one in each of his claws, their eyes bulging and beginning to bleed as he laughs in their faces and feeds from their torment. He turns to Ket, but Ket can tell his mind is not entirely focused on the present ::
It will not be too much longer apprentice.
Sep 4th, 2000, 04:25:11 PM
:: Dalethria leaves the bar and heads down the street in a random direction, not being able to hide the bad feeling she still has now ::
I am in danger but I don't know from who or where. I thought it was just the bar, but it seems to surround me wherever I go
:: She looks down at Avagdu and can tell that is he still on edge for the same reason. Something is very wrong here...
Dalethria is so lost in thought that she doesnt see what is ahead of her. Her arm gets knocked into and she spins around, her hood falls down and now her face revealed in the light of day. She drops the package she was carrying as she looks to see what she ran into...or rather who she ran into.
Her eyes gaze upon a young farmer with pale blond hair, almost white in the sunlight. His blue eyes show his embarrassment as they dart around, not trying to look at her eyes ::
"I'm sorry miss. I should've watched where I was going."
Dalethria takes a step back and pulls up her hood quickly, hoping that no one else saw her. She looks around seeing who was in the area. Most of the people are too busy heading to wherever to notice what happened. "That is alright...I was not paying attention either, but you should watch yourself next time!"
"Yes miss, you're right. Oh!" He notices that she dropped something and leans down to pick it up. He sees that a purple petal is hanging off the side where the paper was torn. "Ah shucks...I didn't mean to ruin this."
Dalethria snatches the package out of this hand and glares at him. She then turns her attention and opens the rip more and breathes a sigh of relief. Her bouquet of agamarian saphires were hardly damaged. "You're lucky, everything is intact."
The young farmer kicks at the wall and sighs in relief. "I'm glad that they weren't. Must be a special occasion for you to have something like that?"
Dalethria wants to be angry and yell at this farmer, but the reason why she is here is more important and she really has no quarrel with this young man. A frown creases her face, "Not special, just something that needs to be done and now I must go and do that."
She walks past him and heads to her next destination. The young man walks a few steps and has a need to ask her a question. His gets ahold of his courage and askes, "Um, who are you miss? I haven't seen you around these parts before."
Dalethria stops as she is about to turn the corner by a small shop. "I am no one of consequence. Good day."
She disappears out of view as the young man sighs, his head hanging low in shame. He turns around and heads back the bar where he knows his father is waiting.
She isn't doing anything wrong. And if this is Dalethria, she comes in peace, I know it! Why is he making me do this...
Ket Limelight
Sep 5th, 2000, 01:00:09 AM
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 6th, 2000, 01:10:03 AM
**Leia continued to walk the city of Salis D'aar..searching out in the force for Dale's presence. As she crossed over the next street..Leia felt the urgency to turn the corner and go into the bar she saw before her called "The Emerian Shard". Leia had felt strongly thru the force Dales' prescence was here. Leia picked up her jedihood and pulled it over her face. Hoping not to alarm the locals of her a jedi. She entered. All the farmer and merchants starting talking secretively amongst themselves..wondering who this stranger was. Leia paid no mind to them and walked over to the barkeep*
Sir..I am looking for this woman..have you seen her? **Leia showed the bartender a holocron of Dalethria**
Bartender: Why yes..miss we have? Is she a wanted person? She sure looked like trouble to us?
Leia looked at the bartender: No..she is not. She is a friend..who I am looking for. It is of no concern to you. **Leia proceed w/jedi mindtrick* Tell me where has she headed**
Bartender: I'm not sure Miss. She ran in a hurry and dashed across the street heading north..not too long ago.
Leia: Thank you good sir! I best be on my way!
**Leia exited the bar and head in a Northly direction. The winds starting picking up. Leia felt a sudden urgency to find Dale..she sense possible trouble in the horizon for her..there was a tremor in the force**
Dara Shadowtide
Sep 6th, 2000, 02:16:48 AM
:: Dara walks around the quarters Lord Havok had prepared for her, and looks out the viewport at the wonderous view. This reminds her of her many travels with her father. A sense of sorrow overcomes her and she pulls out a holo-journal. She has been recording her thoughts since his death, as it seems to soothe her in times such as these ::
"Hello Father. Apparently the ship was in need of a hyperdrive. I thought the technicians checked it but I know I should have looked at it myself. Thank goodness Lord Havok could come and provide assistance. You would like him Father, he is a good man. I am helping him on a trip he is making to Mandalore. I will be seeing the youngest Felth family member, Nivek. I think of you often and miss you terribly. ~Dara~
:: She sighs and places the holo-journal back into her satchel and turns around to see Lord Havok has arrived ::
Havok: "Excuse me, I hope I am not interrupting."
Dara: "Not at all, I was just finishing up something. Any word on my ship yet?"
Havok: "We have run a complete diagnostics on your hyperdrive and have identified the malfunction. My technicians are working on it at this very moment. Although we seem to be lacking one component. Nevertheless, rest assured that it will be fixed in due time."
Dara: "Thank you Lord Havok. I appreciate this alot."
Havok: "As I said, it is my pleasure, my Lady. Now regarding your trip to Bakura, I am not sure what kind of time frame you are working on but we are coming upon orbit of the planet within the hour. Now I do not like to see a lady travelling to a planet by herself, therefore I will be accompanying you until you rendezvous with your friend Dalethria. I must insist."
:: Dara smiles ::
Dara: "You really don't have to do this. I know you are busy preparing for the trip to Mandalore. I cannot impose upon your time like that."
Havok: "It's no imposition at all. We shall take one of my personal shuttles to the surface within the hour. I shall send a guard to escort you to the docking bay when we have arrived in orbit. See you shortly Lady Shadowtide."
:: Lord Havok nods with a smile and exits the quarters. Dara smiles after he leaves and prepares her satchel with the necessary supplies for Bakura ::
<I hope Dalethria is alright. I don't like this feeling I have about her safety.>
:: Dara returns to packing her things ::
Darth Ogre
Sep 6th, 2000, 03:59:49 AM
:: having turned back facing front, Ogre watches as the streaking star’s trails begin to shorten and then turn to pinpoints within the window again. The sight snaps Ogre from his almost transitory state and his eyes blink as his mind comes completely back to the present. He reaches out with his connection to the Dark side, trying to feel the presence of Navaria, but senses only one force energy close by. His lips curl, bearing his teeth and a low growl can be head emanating from the depths of his lungs ::
:: his hands both clench tightly into fists and he looks quickly down at the Navigational display, making sure that their landing trajectory is correctly set. His tight fists relax as he reaches to the input panel and makes the final adjustments with determination and haste. The small flashing blip on his screen indicating where Navaria’s ship is He sets the landing coordinates to take him down in that very spot. The small craft begins to shake a bit from the speed at which he enters the atmosphere but Ogre doesn’t seem to notice as his eyes once again have raise to the window before him, as if he were hoping to see something from this altitude. Slowly the lay of the land before them comes into view, just as the ship breaks through the clouds. The terrain becomes more and more vivid and detailed as he sees the small gray shape which he knows to be her ship. Final landing sequences begin and the landing skiffs lower as repulsors fire and the Dauntless touches down adjacent to her craft ::
Sep 6th, 2000, 12:39:07 PM
:: As Leia lets the Force guide her to her "friend", the young farmer that Dalethria ran into before passes the Jedi Knight on his way back to the bar. He looked at the brown robes and the eery calm about this person walking away and knew that this person was here for Dalethria too. He didn't know how, but he could feel it.
He also senses somehow that this woman means no harm. She is only here in peace like Dalethria ::
I can't let this happen. I must stand against my father and what he plans to's not right. I can't do it alone though. Everyone agrees with him and I am expected to do the same because I am his son...
:: sighing he opens the door to the bar ::
Seath, what have you gotten yourself into...
:: he returns to the booth where his father is waiting. He takes his place across from the table with a sigh, not happy that he has to confirm the suspicions. He slowly looks up and sees his father sternly looking down upon him, waiting ::
"Well? Was it... her?"
He doesn't want to tell him, but the look that he gets, he has no choice, "Yes father, it was Dalethria."
The smile that forms on his father lips is quick and pleasing, and to Seath, repulsive. "You got a good look at her though right? I need to know!"
"Yes, her hood fell off and I could see her entire face. It's her."
"GOOD!" Pats his son's hand. "Everything is in place now we must hurry and get the others! Korin and Elisah are waiting back at the farm."
Both of them get up and start walking out the door, when Seath finally asks something that he has been meaning to asked since this started. "Father, why is she even here?"
"Does it matter why?" He shakes his head, "Seath, all that matters is making her pay for what was done to us. Her ties to the Empire are strong and she will suffer for making us serve them for so long. Besides, she is a Sith and deserves what is coming."
Placing an arm around his son, they continue out into the street, "Don't worry, you will enjoy the surprise that we have planned for her as much as she will..."
Darth Havok
Sep 7th, 2000, 10:08:01 PM
::Havok stands with his arms behind his back, gazing out the view port into the deeper reaches of space.. The florescent stars blistering by, as his thoughts are of side journey to Coruscant, to get in touch with an informant of his.. The acquaintance has helped him in the past, telling him of lightly escorted cargo being exported from the planet, and other precious cargo in which he has taking full advantage of, and pirated a few transports in his day…
And ensign addresses him..::
“Sir, we will be coming out of hyperspace in less then five minutes.”
::he grins, and turns facing him..:: “Good.. Best inform Lady Shadowtide, send a guard down, to escort her to docking bay fourteen.
“Yes sir.. :: as he scooters off to inform a guard..::
:: Havok exits a turbo lift, entering the main bridge, and approaches Drake..::
“Drake! Is the Dx-9s loaded and ready?”
“Yes sir, just as you requested it has the equipment you specified, and thirty six stormtroopers armed with repeaters are at the ready”
“Fine work, keep the Gamma, and Beta Class on stand by just incase we run into some trouble.. I get a strange feeling about all this”
“Will do m’lord, coming out of hyperspace now”
:: The ships approach the planet, and engage in a standard orbit..::
“Are the sensors picking anything up?” Havok says curiously…
“The atmosphere is making the signals bounce all over the charts.. They maybe having some electrical storms on the surface, I can’t get a lock on anything?”
“Well, I’ll take some scans near the surface, and relay them back to you.. I’d best be getting to the docking bay..” :: Havok turns and enters a turbo lift…..::
:: The transport exits the docking bay, with Dara in the co-pilot seat, and enters the planets atmosphere..::
“Seems were experiencing some slight turbulence.” He says, as he punches in a few keys, stabilizing the ship… “Seems we’ve passed that rough spot, beginning scans..”
:: Dara sits quietly, still having bad feelings of the safety of her friend Dalethria. Trying to feel her through the Darkside..::
“I’ve got something, there are two ships about twelve hundred kilometers from our position, I’m going to touch down a distance away, as not to attract any attention.. Their also seems to be a city a short distance away, we should start their..”
::as the transport engages its landing thrusters, and touches down.. The ramp folds out, and the three squadrons of troops march out followed by Havok, and Dara, as they step off the ramp it folds back up and locks into place..::
“Okay, squadron one.. Position yourselves around the ship, and defend it at all costs.. Squadrons two and three.. With me. ::as they near the city, he puts the two squadrons on stand by, just on the outskirts of the city..::
Sep 8th, 2000, 11:51:02 PM
:: Dalethria unconsciously pulled at her cloak, trying to use it as a shield to fend off the uncomfortable feeling that she still had. She held the bouquet close to her chest protectivly, trying to gain strength from what is represented.
She walked along the street with Avagdu following closely at her heels. In the distance, she could see small stones coming in and out of view between the houses and stores and finally, the city fell behind her as the small farms came forth, free from being blocked to her eyes. She looked to the east, as she felt the knife cut into her heart, remembering the farm she once lived upon.
Dalethria eyes began to swell with tears and she normally would swear at herself for being weak, but not today. She allowed them to fall as she turned her head slowly to gaze upon the place she came to visit.
There are no walls or any type of borders that separate the graveyard from the farms. As soon as you walk up, the headstones are prominent, all which are made by the ones that survived the deceased. It took Dalethria four days on constantly chipping and smoothing the white marble stone before it was finished. She hardly ate or slept, her only drive was to honor her mother with the perfect memory laid upon where she rested for all eternity. She remembered being ashamed that she couldn't use her mother's real name, but came to realize that it didn't matter what her name was. What mattered is what her heart told her to chisel into the stone.
Alysen Mal Pannis
Loving Mother of Dalethria Mal Pannis
May her Spirit Find the Way Home to her Family and Find the Peace for which she was Denied
She choked up remembering what the stone looked liked the day it was finished and walking to the gave by herself to set it on the grave. She dug out the spot perfectly, laying the stone down and fell right on top of it, crying. She cried so hard that her throat became hoarse, coughing inbetween sobs.
She brought herself back to the present and wiped away the fresh tears. She looked at the different markers and had to take the time to really familiarize herself with the graveyard. The site has grown and it took her awhile before she found the right marker that would lead her to where her mother waited. Once she knew which path to take, she gripped the package tighter and walked ahead.
Darth Ogre
Sep 9th, 2000, 05:11:25 PM
:: Ogre and Ket exit the Dauntless and step foot upon the soft ground of the planet. Ogre looks to Dale’s ship and proceeds towards it. He looks back at Ket and issues a mental command for his apprentice to stay put for right now. Ogre walks around the craft and gives it a visual once over. He senses the druids within are on alert so he is cautious not to approach it too closely. Satisfied there has been no trouble with the ship. Ogre returns to where he had suggested Ket wait. ::
I sense a Skywalker.
:: He points down beyond the clearing ahead and at the forest ::
That way, is where she is. When we find her, I suspect we will find Dale as well.
:: Ogre steps back onto the ramp-way of his ship and instructs his own droid to keep guard and to communicate with Dale’s droids so that they may work in tandem in the event of trouble. He turns back to Ket and nods, they begin to head across the clearing and towards the forest looming ahead ::
Sniper Tondry
Sep 9th, 2000, 10:28:52 PM
The Bakuran capital's slum apartments were all the same; dirty gray walls, rotting steelcrete floors, and cheap lighting. Fortunately, they do have the benefit of being the last place people would hunt for an Imperial agent.
"Yeah, yeah, I understand," Pierce Tondry replies into a commlink. "I know that kind of equip runs expensive. You'll get the money. Do I have to remind you again that I've always paid you up front?"
There is a pause and Tondry crosses the main room to look out his window and across the street. "Good," he says. "Oh, I don't know. I'll probably name them goof names. Frez and- I think Gorp for two of them."
A stand outside catches Tondry's eye. There are trinkets hanging down in droves off a bar beneath the stand's garishly striped awning. One of them- a simple chain with a star inside a circle- catches his eye. He stares at it for a moment.
"You think you're so good, don't you Imp? This time, I've got you on the wrong end of a gun."
Tondry dives for his rifle, lying on the ground a few feet away. He grabs it and goes into a roll. Just before he comes to his feet, a shot rings out.
"Yeah," Tondry jerks back to full attention. "Hey, listen, I've got to call you back. I just remembered something I have to take care of."
Five minutes later, Tondry is striding quickly towards the city's main graveyard, rifle in one hand and something clenched tightly in the other.
EDIT: Took out an extra 'you' and forgot to activate the HTML.
Ket Limelight
Sep 10th, 2000, 12:06:02 AM
As they head to the clearing,Ket looks to his master with uncertainy.
"What would a Skywalker be doing here,my Master?"
Ket and Ogre forged ahead into the forrest.
Dara Shadowtide
Sep 10th, 2000, 05:28:04 AM
:: Havok and Dara set off on foot toward the city. Dara is uncertain of Dalethria's whereabouts yet feels she will sense Dalethria's presence soon enough. Havok and Dara walk down the road which leads to the city, when something catches their eyes. Off to the west, a regally white mansion sits all by itself on a vast amount of land. There is ornate landscaping indicating that its upkeep is current and a security fence all around it, obviously in place to protect something valuable within. They stop in their tracks and look at each other. The same evil grin is on both of their faces ::
Havok: "I believe now would be a good time to sample some of the Bakurian hospitality. Don't you agree?"
Dara: "We are thinking alike, Lord Havok. Shall we?"
:: Havok grins and they take the path which leads to the mansion. They come upon the gates and Dara pulls a small round device out of her satchel. Havok examines the perimeter and assesses their options while Dara touches the round device to the opening of the main gate. She smiles as the gate slides open ::
Dara: "I just seem to have this knack for unlocking things. I suppose I picked that skill up from my father as well."
:: She grins and Havok smiles back ::
Havok: "Nicely done. Now, let's stay out of sight so we can see how many guards are around. Follow me."
:: Havok leads Dara down the employee's path where they can be more discreet upon their entrance. They stop behind the equipment building for a better vantage point. The main building is in sight and it has only one entrance. There are four guards total and they appear to be lightly armed. There is a side path on each side that they can take which will bring them up behind the guards and the attack should come as a complete surprise to them ::
Havok: "Alright, now we need to split up and come up behind the guards. Surprise is a key element and will give us the edge. Are you ready?"
Dara: "Yes Lord Havok."
Havok: "Let's go. When we are both in place and ready, I will give the signal to attack."
:: Dara nods to Havok and they stealthily travel down the path, staying out of detection of the guards. The guards are engaged in a conversation and are oblivious. This attack is sheer perfection. Havok gives Dara the signal. At that exact time Havok jumps out toward a guard and snaps his neck before he can do anything. The first guard falls dead to the ground. In one swift move, Havok grabs his saber and stabs the second guard in the chest and the guard falls to the ground dead. Simultaneously with Havok's attacks, Dara ignites both of her lightsabers and jumps behind guards three and four. She shoves her sabers through their backs and watches them fall lifelessly to the ground. Havok and Dara nod to each other on a job well done and proceed to enter the dwelling.
Inside the mansion, the aroma of a well prepared meal lingers in the air as it appears to be meal time. Havok and Dara stay against the walls and find the location of the kitchen and dining rooms. Havok slips inside the kitchen undetected and snaps the necks of the chef and his assistant. Their bodies cluttering the floor, Havok and Dara prepare to serve the meal to the owners of the estate. Havok and Dara carry the platters to the main table where an elderly man and woman look surprised to see them ::
"Excuse me but who are you? Where are Devon and Artelle?," the elderly man asks.
Havok: "They are on extended vacation. We were sent to assist them."
Dara: "Yes, we have worked with them before."
:: Havok nods to Dara and they each walk to place a platter before the gentleman and lady. With the speed of the force, Havok and Dara tie up the couple ::
"What is the meaning of this?", asks the lady.
Dara: "Oh we forgot the gags. I cannot possibly have my digestion disturbed by their incessant chatter. Be right back."
:: Dara walks to her satchel and removes two gags, tossing one to Havok. They secure the couple and then sit down at the table to enjoy their meal ::
Havok: "Yes, I do believe the hospitality here on Bakura is quite acceptable, don't you?
Dara: "I do agree."
:: Havok and Dara enjoy a warm meal, remove all the valuables from the estate, change into attire to blend in, and then swiftly kill the couple before continuing on their way to the main city ::
Havok: "You know, I do believe people are more hospitable when they are dead."
:: Dara looks at him and chuckles as they walk down the road ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 11th, 2000, 10:09:47 PM
**Leia continued to walk the city of Salis D'aar..still heading in a Northly direction..still very much intuned to the force to guide her to Navaria's whereabouts** Leia can sense she is getting very close to her. The Jedi had crossed over the street...the aura of Navaria became ever so clear to Leia** Leia quickly moved up the block and came across a graveyard entrance.
She thinks Yes..this is it..I can feel it! Navaria is her to pay respects to her mother. The mother she loves and misses so much. The one thing..that has always still kept the light still in her heart. As quickly as Leia sense that..Leia felt a sudden chill again! There is something still very wrong here. I know it! The force is telling me so. I must enter quickly and find her now! Leia still guided by the force..heads down the graveyards path to find Navaria..before it's too late**
Sep 26th, 2000, 03:20:07 PM
Dalethria walks down into the graveyard proper, weaving in and around the markers and headstones. So many thoughts and emotions are going through her mind and soul. She holds the package of flowers close to her chest, drawing on their meaning for strength. It is not enough though as the tears start to swell and one finds release and rolls down her cheek.
A Force signature registers in the back of her mind and the hate comes quickly, swelling in her heart that it feel like it would explode out of her chest.
Out of all the days, why??? Why does she haunt me today! I have enough ghosts to deal with!
She turns around and sees Leia Solo heading towards her. Without any hesitation, she strides over to her with a burning rage in her eyes and stops herself halfway to Leia.
No...I promised Mother that I wouldn't fight.
Dalethria pulls her cloak around herself and takes her free hand to wipe away the tears as she waits to confront Leia.
Let her come to me.
Darth Ogre
Sep 26th, 2000, 04:39:19 PM
:: Ogre and Ket make their way through the forest, ducking tree limbs that hinder their progress and chopping away the lager ones that would stand in the way with the blades of their sabers. Exiting the forest, Ogre looks down upon the now nearby town below, and snarls as the sense of Lie’s presence grows stronger with each step nearer to the town. ::
It wont be too much longer.
:: He says as they stop for a moment and he turns to Ket. Ogre’s hatred for the Skywalkers, evident in his steely glare. Ogre turns back towards the city before them, pulls his hood up over his head and trods on, looking forward to a confrontation with Leia so that he may repay the Jedi’s previous deeds, by spilling her blood and taking her life as his prize. ::
Ket Limelight
Sep 26th, 2000, 06:05:46 PM
Ket looked to his master as they walked,and then as Ogre stopped for a moment,he could see the hatred pouring forth from his senses. Ket put his hood up over his head,and continued on with his master,remaining quiet as to not disturb him in his train of thoughts.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 28th, 2000, 01:34:25 AM
**Leia walked down the graveyard path. The Jedi had noticed the wind had picked up some, as she continued down the path** She notices a dark cloaked figure standing before her. Leia stops short before the figure. Before Leia can utter a word.....
Navaria: Why are you here..Leia? Of all places in the galaxy! *Navaria hears her own voice start to fill w/hatred. she thinks I promised I won't do this Navaria quickly regains her composure* I am sorry, but would you please explain.
Leia: I had to see you Navaria. I had a vision and recalled the death of your mother.
*Leia abruptly interupted......
Navaria: And why is that a concern of yours? Please tell me, I'd love to hear it ! **no matter how Navaria tried the sarcasm came out**
Leia: Please don't start arguing with me. I feel we don't have much time. Your love for your mother brought you here..that I know. But there is a disturbance in the force. If you take a moment you will be able to sense it too.
**Navaria's face becomes tense then her eyes looked can see she was searching the force**
Leia: You know I am right. There is something truly not right here. I have a bad feeling about it. Your life is in danger. As we speak..the disturbance grows immensely. You can feel it. I can see you do by your eyes. But what is causing it. I do not know! I suggest you let me stay beside you.
Navaria: Why! Why do I need your help? *sigh* I can do this alone..I am just paying my respects.
Leia: Navaria...push your pride aside for once. Let me help you. Now please if anything let me escort you so you can place those lovely flowers at your mother's grave.
Sniper Tondry
Sep 29th, 2000, 02:39:04 PM
There is a road less traveled in the graveyard that does not even exist as a road, but an absence of trees to block the way. That is the one Pierce Tondry takes.
It isn't a long trip. Three minutes walk and he's found what he's looking for. A headstone, blank, but with twenty-one holes shot through it in a rough circle. Through six of the holes are chains with ornaments. Stars of different sizes and styles have been inlaid into circles.
He squats down and runs the chain he bought not long ago through a hole in the grave marker, resting his sniper rifle against his leg in order to free his hands. The star pendant hangs down, joining its' brothers on the front of the headstone. Tondry knots the chain at the back of the stone to keep it in place.
"Hey Maria," he says. "It's been a long time."
For a moment, Pierce ponders on what he should say next. Then he decides that silence is golden and just closes his eyes.
After a minute, he opens them and gazes at the headstone. "I've never owed a dead person my life before," he states. "I hope you accept my way of showing my respect."
What follows is silence. Silence that gives way to something else.
".. your mother's grave."
Tondry looks up and stands, scanning the area. The words came from the other side of a nearby hill and a set of trees. He moves to investigate.
Oct 6th, 2000, 11:34:35 PM
Dalethria hates doing this but she must stay calm, something that she doesn't like or understand. Only ... only for her mother would she ever do this and eventhough she is upset for what that promise brought, she would never go back on it. She inhaled deep breaths, trying to focus on why she is here, instead of all the reasons that she should kill Leia right now.
As she calms herself, she picks up another presence in the graveyard, and turns to look in the general direction of where the imprint came from. Nothing ... her eyes tell her nothing is there, but Leia is right, something is not right in the flow of the Force. Dalethria has had this constant buzzing sound in the back of her head as if danger was ever present, but it has to be quite covert in order for her not to find the source.
Turning to Leia, her lips curl in a sneer, addressing her enemy, "No matter what I say or do, you're going to follow me, aren't you. And I bet your Jedi senses know that I won't attack you either."
Leia nods, not saying anything. As always when Dalethria has her guard down, Leia is relaxed around her and she truly does know that no harm will befall her. Dalethria sighs and starts walking back on the path to her mother's site, the black cloak billowing in the wind as it picks up. A chill runs through her body as Leia steps up next to her, walking side by side. Dalethria knows that it isn't from Leia, nor the wind completely. Something was happening and the winds were changing with the flux of the Force.
The both walked in silence and eventually Dalethria didn't even notice that Leia was there. All that went through her mind was what she would tell her mother on this anniversary and relive that moment in her life when she came to be. Focusing on that dark day for her fueled the blackened emotions that swelled in her heart, making her powerful as a Sith. A time to heal, never, a time to remember what revenge was, yes.
Leia's thoughts were searching the Force as they walked, trying to understand the hidden danger that lay waiting for her friend. Yes ... she was her friend, Dalethria would never understand that, but it was true. No matter what happened between them, Leia would always remember her for the innocent soul that she once was. Navaria might be dead, but her idealistic Jedi principles must try and help capture what could possibly be left of her once Apprentice.
I must be foolish, but I cannot help but care. She meant so much to me and ... and Luke Leia looked up after her inner musings and felt that something bad was going to happen, and soon. But again, nothing did. It felt like they were right on top of it, but there was no one around for yards. She wanted to say something to Dalethria, but thought better of it. She pushed back her fear and frustration and will keep her word, she would protect Dalethria. As she cleansed her mind of negativity, she found her calm and protection that was in the Force and was ever alert.
As they rounded the corner of a Mausoleum, Dalethria felt the buzzing in the back of her head turn into something that sounded like a swarm of bees. She snarled and blocked the noise, only to scream in utter horror to what she saw before her.
She drops the package from her hands, the perfectly cut flowers sprung forth from the impact on the ground out of the box. They bounce and roll to settle in the freshly cut grass and some are crushed as Dalethria falls to her knees in anguish. The headstone, the headstone that she sweat and bleed over to make it perfect was destroyed.
It wasn't just broken in one clean break, oh no, that could possibly be fixed. It was raised from its home in the ground and laid broken at the end of where the casket would be. Someone must have taken a chisel to the black and white stone as all these tiny pebbles laid in a pile. Her heart tugged and then it felt like a fist rammed into her chest and pulled her heart out at her as sadness engulfed her. The quick pounds of the heartbeats echoed in her ears and her head swelled as the tears also swelled in her eyes once more and they could not be stopped from falling. Every ounce of love that Dalethria had for her mother was destroyed and it was placed there, to mock her.
Through the haze of wetness that the tears produced, she noticed that there was a bigger part of the headstone that was left untouched and seemed to be placed purposefully in front of the pile. In her distress, she must have missed seeing that. Upon looking at it further, her tears dried almost instantly from the hate that had rose within.
The words Dalethria Mal Pannis were scratched off and "Navaria Tarkin" was replaced. Underneath that was the phrase, "Sith Scum Bitch".
Dalethria was able to bring one leg up but did not have the strength to raise the other one. Her whole body shook with rage and anger that she couldn't even undo her sabre that was hung on her belt. She moved her mouth to say something, to say anything, but nothing came as she fumbled for the weapon wanting to lash out. Wanting to let everyone feel the pain that she feels. Her heart is torn in not knowing what to do. She could attack Leia, but her mother...
She turned on the ground to look up at Leia with a growl, not knowing what to do, but she needed to release her vengeance on someone!!!
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 9th, 2000, 09:37:23 PM
**Leia who was at first speechless, looked on as Dale feverishly tried to fix the broken headstone of her beloved mother. Words could not express the anguish Dale was going through. Dale's anger quickly gave way to hate, she turned to Leia with a look that could kill. Her eyes were furrowed and her teeth were clinched.**
Leia (in a soothing voice): Dale..I am so sorry! Who could... **But before the jedi could finish her sentence**
Dale: Don't start your jedi mumbo jumbo! I loathe them and especially you!
Leia: Dale calm down! What was done was wrong and there is nothing we can do but replace this headstone.
Dale: Spare me the sweet talk Jedi! You and those so call goody-goody people of the galaxy did all this. Ruined my memorial to my mother and even worse...YES WORSE... KILLED HER! **Dale slowly starts to reach for her saber**
**Leia foreseeing what Dale was intending to do. Grabs Dale's hands quickly.
Leia: STOP! Look at me! You know that is not true. Stop blaming people for things they have not done!
Dale (in anger): NO!!!!
**Leia gave Dale's hands a firm jerk to get her attention**
Leia: Now...take a deep breath and please calm down! I will help you rebuild this memorial for your mother. I promise you. But..this is not the time....
**SUDDENLY... a big gust of wind blows up behind Dale and Leia. Their cloaks start turning in the wind.**
Leia: You feel that?!! That my something terrible heading our way!
**As soon as Leia said "way"...a loud and rowdy bunch of voices could be heard. Given way to an occasional chanting of:" TARKIN..YOU SITH SCUM...WE ARE COMING TO GET YOU!!** Leia and Dale turned to see the anger crowd coming nearer. Both of the girls eyes widen with anticipation**
Leia: OK! Whatever you NOT draw your weapon..YOU HEAR ME! I will deal with them.
**Dale completely shocked by the crowd and mixed emotions over her mother, did not know what to say or do. She stood motionless and just nodded to Leia**
** The crowd grew ever so nearer**
Leia: Stop!! Why are you so angered at this woman. She has done you no harm!
**The crowd starts muttering until one voice was heard. A tall, husky fellow pushed his way through the crowd.**
Husky Villager: Miss it's none or your business. Or..**the man hesitated for a moment, as he stared at Leia up and down** OR MAYBE IT IS!! You are a JEDI, aren't you?! Yes...I can see by your clothes and [sarcasm] how could I miss the diplomatic tone in your voice. Well......Jedi! You are out of your jurisdiction here!
The crowd bellowed: YEAH! YEAH!
Leia: I think you are mistaken. I suggest you leave this innocent woman alone now.
2nd Villager: HEY JEDI!! Why do you stick up for her kind?!!
The crowd: YEAH! YEAH!
2nd Villager: She is a Tarkin! Evil and Vile! She must pay for all her families wrong doings!
Crowd: YEAH!! YEAH!!! YEAH!!
**The crowd grew closer, drawing all sorts of weapons. Traditional and non-traditional (like rakes, shovels, sticks and bats)**
Leia: I am warning you to.. please let her be. She just wants to pay her respects.
**Ignoring Leia's last plea..words of rage came from the crowd:
**The words gave way as the crowd charged towards Leia and Dale**
Sniper Tondry
Oct 9th, 2000, 11:55:11 PM
"Freeze! This is the ISB! STAND DOWN!"
For a moment, there was complete silence as the words echoed off the forestline. Then, the crowd turned as one to regard the man behind them, aiming a blaster rifle collectively at them.
"ISB!" Tondry repeated. "Get down on your knees and put your hands behind your heads! NOW!"
"This is out of your jurisdiction, Imp!" someone shouted. "This city's neutral!"
"Wherever this rifle points is my jurisdiction, ass!" Tondry replied, shaking his head in disgust. Idiot peasants. "You're violating Imperial law code 571-12A: 'unsanctioned gatherings engaged in illegal activities' and I am within my rights to arrest you all."
"Ignore him," someone else- a Bothan- called. "He's only one man! He can't stop us!"
Tondry drew a bead on the Bothan's head, slowly starting to circle the group to their right. He had to get to those two Jedi as fast as possible. Three of them together stood a better chance than either group of them alone. "You want to test that, fur-face?"
"Get them all!"
Tondry's index finger stroked the trigger. In the crowd, the Bothan flopped back and fell, bleeding through a hole over his left eye.
For a moment, the crowd's forward surge stopped. One of their number had died, and their spell of anger-driven invincibility had been broken.
Now to the rear right of the crowd from the two Jedi, Tondry began quick-stepping his way towards them.
"He's dead!" "Graysh is dead!" "Get them!" "Kill them all!"
Tondry broke into a dead run, reaching the edge of the crowd and re-aiming his rifle at the oncoming group of people heading for him. The group paused, starting to disperse a bit, forcing him to aim between several of them to maintain coverage.
Sparing a quick glance at the Jedi, he could see they were being approached by two-thirds of the original group. At least he'd done them some good.
Tondry set off towards them, firing his rifle into the crowd's midst to try and slow the mob down.
Maybe they could all get out of this alive. Maybe.
Oct 11th, 2000, 03:47:33 PM
Dalethria hears the voices taunting her. The voices that caused this to happen. Not only that, she is getting blamed for being a Tarkin, something that she had nothing to do with. The ignorant peasants have no conception for what they are dealing with. To cross her meant that they signed their death warrants. Everyone that has come to fight her shall die this day. Her heart is heavy, breaking the promise to her mother, but they crossed the line and defiled all that was holy to her. The grounds will flow with the crimson blood of her enemies.
She rises slowly, taking in each and every form as Avagdu trots next to her, his teeth bared waiting for his opportunity to attack. She notices the group of people that has surround her and grins. Her trembling has become her fire and she reaches for her weapon and stops.
An Imperial Agent has come to play police and of course his attempts of calming down the crowd failed. She chuckles as the mob throws their insults towards him and then, as the crowd gets to the point of boiling over, he shoots a Bothan dead center in the head. She likes his style.
Some of the crowd parts, leaving only the brave few to still continue out their crusade against her. She finds a young woman that is part of the group that is fleeing and takes hold of her through the Darkness. She collaspses to the ground, clutching at her neck. With but a tiny thought, Dalethria crushes her windpipe and the woman gurgles her last mumblings upon this planet.
Dalethria reaches down and pulls her sabre, igniting both ends. "Avagdu, ATTACK!"
He charges forward and leaps onto one of the farmers, tearing at his throat, as the man screams in utter horror as he watches his life blood flow down on his shirt. Still by the headstone, Dalethria watches as four of the brave ones are coming right at her. She spins the sabre in her hand and then releases it into the air, letting her power from the Darkside guide the blade towards her enemies. The purple blades spin fast in the air, looking more like a circular weapon then a sabre. The first fool is cut down as the blade slices through his midsection, a Rodian looses his head, another man realizes that he is missing a hand when he tries to fire a weapon that is no longer there, and finally, the last peasant is cut in half.
She calls the weapon back to her hand and grins to the carnage that she has caused. She stalks forward to the man that has lost his hand but something else catches her attention. She raises an eyebrow at the young man that is standing at a distance, neither fleeing, nor attacking.
She recognizes him. It was the young man that bumped into her on her way to the graveyward. Dalethria bares her teeth and cleaves the whimpering man that is kneeling before her, sending him to his death and points a purple blade towards the fare haired youth, "You will be the one to suffer slowly for causing this!"
She charges forward at him and any who decide to stop her, pray to the gods that you worship for she will not be merciful...
Darth Ogre
Oct 11th, 2000, 07:19:14 PM
:: As Ogre moves through the city, he notices that it seems peculiar that there are no people walking the sidewalks or even visible in the homes and shops as he passes by. He is still unable to feel his connection with Dalethria, realizing that she must still be blocking their connection.
He can however still feel the Force presence of Leia Solo, and along with that presence he feels something is not right. He is able to sense within her aura a foreboding feeling of fear, which he is able to determine is not due to his own presence growing closer. Ogre can tell that something is wrong, and is concerned that perhaps someone will soon rob him of his vengeance.
His slow methodical trodding becomes a full run as he rushes to the place he senses her presence, not wanting anyone to rob him of that which he considers his and his alone, her blood upon his hands. Without even thinking it, Ogre ends up with his saber in one hand and his axe within the other as his long strides become faster and longer the anxiety of this situation, building within him and causing his Darkside powers to grow, and aid him in his quest to seek her out. He becomes a blur of black and green, as his dark cloak trails behind and his hood falls back upon his shoulders. ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 12th, 2000, 12:27:48 AM
**Leia realizing the crowd was out of control, was quickly distracted by open fire from a Imperial Agent. He was apparently helping Dale and herself. Leia watched for a moment as he took out some enraged people from the crowd. Quickly her attention was diverted back to the crowd. The vast majority started swarming towards Dale and Leia again.**
**The Jedi started thinking Ok..words of reason are not being heard here. This people are too full of anger no amount of persuasion is going to get them to think clearly. They just don't know what they are doing. The crowd is just acting irrational. I must try not to harm them.**
**Leia drew her saber. The magenta glow beamed as her saber gave way to a gentle hum. As the crowd grew nearer. Some of the crowd were startled apparently by the jedi and sith drawing their sabers..they fleed immediately. While others...kept shouting and were determined to do Dale in. A lone Rodian pulled a blaster out and took fire at Dale and Leia..Leia quickly blocked and deflected the shots away. Quickly another two came up on farmer infront and the jedi sensed a man coming up from behind her. As the farmer approached..Leia leaped and flipped over him, then planted the heel of her boot hard on the small of his back sending him into the man that was behind her. She quickly spinned around..noting Dale was busy defending herself. But in a very violent way. She was not considering these people were irrational at all.**
Dara Shadowtide
Oct 17th, 2000, 02:19:49 AM
:: Dara and Havok near the outskirts of town when suddenly Dara stops and grabs Havok's arm. She closes her eyes, getting a terrible overwhelming sensation of pain - and she sees Dalethria, haggard and her face showing pain and rage. Dara opens her eyes and turns to Havok ::
Dara: "It's Dalethria, she's in trouble as I suspected and I feel she is in terrible danger. I know where she is, I can sense her through the force. We must hurry."
Havok: "Let's waste no time then, lead the way."
:: They travel through the strangely deserted town, Dara following her innate sense of Dalethria's location via the dark side. There must be an event at the local arena because Dara hears what she feels is crowd noise - booing, hissing and general taunting that goes on at such things. However, it's not an event and it's not at an arena... it's Dalethria, in the middle of an angry crowd with her saber raised in defense. Dalethria is under attack at the graveyard of her own mother. Dara and Havok step behind a tree for a quick formulation of the plan of attack ::
Havok: "They have her pretty outnumbered, however I can even the odds a bit", he says with an evil grin. "We need to thin them out, so you circle around to the north and I will begin my attack at the south. May the blood of those who stand in our way wash the ground at our wrath."
Dara: "Yes Lord Havok, indeed the blood will flow this day. See you soon."
:: Dara and Havok part ways and start their attack on the crowd. Lord Havok stands unarmed and facing the back of the crowd with a menacing look upon his chiseled face. The wind begins to stir and dark clouds roll in suddenly as the Sith Lord calls upon the dark side. Sparks of energy drop from his fingertips as he raises his arms slowly, pointing them toward the villagers. He holds his breath momentarily while he harnesses the complete raw evil and then in a sudden burst unleashes a bolt of force lightning into the unsuspecting townsfolk. Screams are heard as the single bolt travels from person to person, dropping bodies as the smell of burning flesh wafts through the air.
Dara ignites both of her sabers and spins them methodically, looking at her targets through the trace pattern. She leaps toward the nearest townspeople and stabs a farmer, spinning to decapitate his wife and slice at their son's neck. Dara spins her sabers skillfully and with a vengeance as she mows through the crowd, hitting as many people as she can in her path to Dalethria. A mother and her child fall in a pool of blood as Dara slices and stabs them, a young boy who attacks Dara gets his chest ripped open by an accurate saber slice from her and she watches him fall lifelessly to the ground. A cold breeze follows Dara as it whips her hair around, she is glowing with pure evil as the dark side consumes her and empowers her to dispense with all those in her way. She glances over and sees Lord Havok busy creating a path of carnage and then she spots Dalethria, standing by none other than... Jedi Knight Leia Solo? ::
Darth Havok
Oct 17th, 2000, 01:45:30 PM
Approaches the crowd of townspeople, most have fallen or were scattering screaming in horror as they watched friends and family be slaughtered..
Havok grins seeing bodies strung about the area of his first attack, bodies still convulsing, trembling from the pure energy of the Darkside seeping their life force away. Blood everywhere, as an unearthly smell of cooked flesh permeates through the air. As well as the smell of fear from the remaining towns people, as havok gained sight of a large man moving towards Dalethria, instead of running in fear as most of the rest were. The Sith Lord makes double time stepping quickly and bending down and plucking a three pronged steak used for shoveling hay.
He held it at his shoulder like a spear, and released it with pinpoint accuracy guiding it with the mighty Darkside, it whistled through the air as it flew by Dalethria and struck the man just as he was about to strike Dale from behind. Lodging into his neck, blood gushing like a fountain from the fatal wound, as it bathed the already saturated ground with blood, and he fell lifeless at the feet of Dalethria.
Havok looked one direction, and then the next seeing that Dara was swimming through a sea of death, the bodies continue to pile up as she thinned out the remaining crowd to say on her end. Suddenly, Havok sensed the rage of a person, and turned to see one standing behind him…
“You killed my father.” He screams out, fear in his heart but it didn’t show on his face…..
“Now you will pay.” He replies again quickly as he began to strike the Lord with all of his might..
The man wields a small machete and swings in high and down upon the large Sith. His advance was abruptly stopped as the lord grabbed his striking wrist, snapped it back, disarming the gent. As Havok clung to his neck with the other hand and rose him off the ground, as he squirmed and fought to get free.
“Pitiful mortal, you should’ve just ran and never looked back..” The lords speaks with a scratchy tone..
The mans neck is snapped like a twig and his body is tossed amongst the others, as the Lord reaches for his com link and relayed a message to his shuttle that they’d be returning shortly..
He pulls a thermal detonator from his inside pocket and activates it, as he tosses it at the distant-fleeing crowd. Helpless they didn’t even see it coming, and the explosion goes off, tearing limbs from the closest victims and sending others high into the air, as most of the crowd was dispensed. And bodies flood the streets as the Sith and one Jedi are the only ones who remain standing in the area.
Dara approaches and Havok speaks to her…..
“Seems our work here is done. Danger taken care of… The shuttle awaits…… Shall we?”
Sniper Tondry
Oct 17th, 2000, 06:56:15 PM
One of the peasants in the crowd surging towards Tondry collapses with Darth Havok's lightsaber through his gut. The arrival of help is a great surprise. Apparently, the Sith stick together.
Tondry fires several more times, killing more attacking peasants. He realizes that Havok's attack has taken the focus completely off him with great satisfaction. Now, he can get down to doing what he does best.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees that Leia is starting to be swarmed. With a deftness that Tondry can manage only on his best days, she weaves a defense around herself to deal with her irrational attackers in the most humane way, but even she is shocked as a woman impales herself on Leia's lightsaber.
Beyond her shoulder, Tondry spots an angry Aqualish coming at Leia from the side. Leia, with her hands tied up by the dying female, can neither see nor defend against her attacker. Instead, she looks up to see Pierce aiming his rifle at her, as though she'd had some kind of premotion of danger. She struggles to bring her lightsaber to bear-
- and then relaxes, cutting off her weapon. Tondry pulls the trigger on his rifle and downs the Aqualish.
The expression on Leia's face is a mystery. Rather than decipher it, he concentrates on picking off other attackers. A human with a blaster by Darth Havok goes down, allowing the Sith to concentrate his efforts elsewhere. Dara Shadowtide doesn't even give the person by her feet weakly raising a knife any thought as Tondry kills them off. His aims swivels, searching for targets.
Dalethria has several attackers that Tondry unfortunately can't get to. He breaks into a run and plows into the crowd, using his rifle as a melee weapon by jabbing the butt end of it into one man's gut. He reverses his grip, then slams the barrel under the chin of another Bothan.
As Pierce watches the Bothan's fur go limp, a sharp pain bursts into his back. He turns to face his attacker, swinging his rifle blindly as he does so. He manages to connecti on the arm of what turns out to be a burly human in rough clothing, disarming him of a nasty looking knife. The farmhand shoves Tondry down, and his head hits the ground.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he can see someone approaching Dalethria from behind. Unfortunately, from this angle there is nothing he can do to save her. Tondry kicks his attacker in the groin and scrambles around-
-only to see a pitchfork imbed itself in his target's body.
Chalk up a major save to Lord Havok.
Tondry rolls over again, getting on one knee to face the farmhand. His opponent throws a clumsy punch, which Tondry blocks. He kicks the man's calf and slams his rifle into the man's groin again. His opponent doubles over and collapses atop Tondry.
Pierce struggles to free himself when a familiar sound suddenly reaches his ears.
A thermal detonator has been tossed into the mob and he can't get out.
Darth Ogre
Oct 18th, 2000, 02:36:13 AM
:: Having finally arrives at the scene where he sensed Leia’s presence. Ogre continues his force assisted run and hefts his axe in front of him, his eyes locked on his target, which is almost hidden through the crowd of civilians. As he blazes through the crowd, the blade of his axe strikes many of the civilians mowing them down, Ogre not wanting to let them hinder his progress toward his goal or let any of the ones who seem to be attacking the Jedi get her before he does.
Spraying blood fills the air as people scream in pain right and left, his huge axe swinging from side to side, dismembering some and gutting others. He passes by a familiar man with a rifle and sees that he is also engaging those who seem to be attacking the Jedi and is pleased to see that he is not the only one to not want her to fall by their hands, as his own anger drives him to save that pleasure for himself.
Ogre passes by the rifle toting individual as he struggles with the crowd upon him, and drops two of them with a swing of his axe. While he runs by, still moving at blazing speed, a small object is kicked up into the air from the wake of his passing. An explosion quickly follows, high above the crowd, which causes everyone to look up and see what happened. The thermal had been tossed into the air from Ogre’s passing and now rained down small bits of fiery debris on the crowd. Its eruption had not been harmful to them but it did cause many of them to become more frightened and many of them begin to retreat.
The explosion causes Ogre to slow his run and look back in curiosity. He sees the fireball in the sky, and looks at it curiously for but a second before he turns his attention back towards Leia. He begins to walk slowly towards her, swinging the saber in the opposite hand of his axe, around him, slicing at fleeing people as they pass by.
His eyes lock on Leia’s and display his intent to end her life as he gets closer and closer. She is suddenly distracted by someone behind, who has raised the pitchfork from the fallen man behind Dalethria, and is about to run her through with it. Seeing this Ogre leaps in her direction, not wanting to let this man get the pleasure of harming her before he does.
Liea easily slices the end of the pitchfork off with her saber ending his threat with a force push that sends him flying backwards and spins back around. As she completes about half of her spin to face the green beast that seemed to be intently stalking her, she sees out of the corner of her eye, that he is airborne and coming down with the blade of his axe and she realizes that she is not going to have time to stop the blow before it severs her arm from her shoulder. Ogre’s cry of anger fills the air as he swings down to complete that which he has longed for, the drawing of her blood and the end of her life. ::
Oct 18th, 2000, 02:40:18 PM
Seath watches the wholesale slaughter of his townspeople. Each person drops easily, no match for the reinforcements that were not factored into this plan. They only acted, knowing that Dalethria would be here alone since that has occured every year at this time. Leia Solo being here was certainly a surprise, but she was a Jedi. A Jedi that was defending a Sith! He shakes his head in confusion and then that strange buzzing sound in that back of his head starts up again.
Looking up, he sees her staring right at him. He knows that Dalethria recognizes who he was and swallows hard in fear. Like he was before outside the bar, he is transfixed on her form and the need to run away ever present, but her aura of power and fear locks his legs into position.
She feels the life presences of foolish people trying to attack her. Some she murders with a simple flick of her wrist, ending their lives with the hum of her sabre slicing through flesh. Others are stopped by comrades that have appreared to help her in this now pitiful attempt at vengence. They have no conception of what the word really means as she stalks forward to the man before her, the distance closing fast. Vengence shall befall this world like no other when she is finished. This slaughtering is only the beginning...yes Dalethria has great plans for her once homeworld.
She raises her sabre blade, the point making a small circle around the center of where this man heart is as his fearful form just stands there, waiting for whatever is to come. The sounds of death screams fill the air as she knows Havok and Dara are hard at work, clearing the fields of peasants and soaking the ground with fresh blood with the melody of rifle fire echoing throughout. Strangely enough, she senses that this person before her is an untrained Force Sensitive individual. His thoughts are untrained and she sees everything that was planned and how Seath...yes that was his name, didn't want to go through with it. "Ah...compassion for one as me? How thoughtful of you, Seath."
Seath's breaths are quick and his fear level is high, watching the purple light so close to running him through. His eyes grow wide in surprise to his name being known, but deep down he knows that she has ways to figure that out. He takes a momment to focus, so his voice doesn't crack as he speaks to her. "Yes, you're still a townsperson to me and there was no reason for this to happen. It sickens me that my father did this to you. No matter what, it's wrong!"
"No matter what?" Dalethria picks up the image of his father and scans the area for the man as Seath proclaims his stance on what has occured, sounding more like a Jedi that her mouth turns sour. His father is no where to be seen but she knows where he is. Dalethria grabs Seath by the arm tightly, cutting of the blood flow as he groans in pain. She forces him to walk with her to a large headstone and throws him on the ground with a sneer. Seath looks at her and then where he is on the ground. Next to him, he sees his father, cowering in fear, his face pale with fright. Seath looks back to Dalethria as she walks past him and grabs his father by the hair, pulling him up to stand. He yells in pain to the hair pulling and she sneers at him. "You mess with things that are not of your concern. Your pathetic attempt to kill me has doomed this world! Know this as you die that the suffering and death from this day forward is all your fault!"
She stabs the sabre through his back, the blade sliding through his spine and all the way out the other end to a shocked Seath. He screams and tries to get up, but Dalethria just looks at him and her mind forces him to stay on the ground to watch. "No, little Seath. I had to watch my mother die before my eyes, now you will do the same as I kill your father!"
She lets go of her victim's hair and unclips her other sabre. With a fluid motion she ignites it and severs the head from the body. The head bounces and rolls on the ground, the look of death etched into his face as he stares at his son. Since there is no head to the body, it slumps down and it cut by the blade still in it, slicing the upper torso in half.
"Now, you can either let this moment make you strong or make you grow weak. I shall let you live long enough to figure that out, but when I return...your life is forfeit if you don't choose correctly. That's my gift to you for trying to defend me."
Seath sits there in utter horror and disbelief as to what just occurred. No tears and no taunts come from him. Even the sound of a bomb going off doesn't break the thoughts that are running through his mind as he stares into the lifeless eyes of his father.
The bomb catches Dalethria attentions though as she looks out wondering what in Tarkin's teeth is going on now. Who in the known universe brought a bomb? She scans the area for who is still here and smiles. Dalethria watches a green blur running through the crowd and knows that her love has found her. She focuses on his form as he skillfully makes his way towards...Leia???
She curses herself for what she is about to do, but it must be done. A promise to a mother is a scared thing and that was broken by the plebians that attacked her here. This is still a day of mourning for her and she will not degrade herself to sully the memory of her mother. She prays that Ogre will understand, knowing that he will not hurt her. She knows she has to get there in time since Leia has no chance against Ogre. She calls upon every ounce of hate and rage that has been brought forth this day because of the lack of respect shown to her. It pumps through her veins and she takes off, running in a blur to stop Ogre from killing Leia. Something that she never thought she would do, but she must.
She puts her weapons away, knowing that the Battle Axe that Ogre has would be sliced apart if she used her sabres. She would never forgive herself for that. Instead she has to stop the attack with her own bare hands. She reaches deep inside herself and finds the hidden strength that she needs to match against Ogre's own natural ability. She can feel the strength and anger flowing from this one attack, wanting to finally make Leia die for all her sins against everything that Ogre holds dear. Dalethria denied him that as her boots slide on the ground, gritting her teeth and calls upon hidden strength to almost match his, as she stops the attack successfully.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 21st, 2000, 10:40:53 PM
**Leia no longer could hold off the crazed civilians. They were coming at her from all angles. The Jedi Master was defending herself from oncoming attacks and no longer could avoid the inevitable. After force pushing the farmer backwards and spinning around...Leia spotted what seemed to be Ogre coming at her. But before she knew it, it was too late. The Sith Master had drawn his axe on her and was coming up on to Leia with a vengeance. Leia drew back her saber and quickly spinned to the right..trying desperately to get away from the fatal blow. When all of a sudden...Dalethria was coming at Ogre with blinding speed and stopped Ogre from killing Leia. Dale had just force slided over to Ogre and grabbed the love of her life's arms and stopped him from slaying Leia to death.**
**As Dale struggled with Ogre. It was apparent she was calling upon the force to struggle with her 7' tall love, Leia looked on in total shocked. She watched as Dale and Ogre were growling and Dale continued to struggle to keep Ogre from attacking Leia** Ogre was putting on a big struggle, you can see his face contort as he tried hard to fend Dale back. He was desperately trying to lunge towards Leia, but Dale would not allow it. Leia was very confused..she knew that Ogre was Dale's whole life and Leia knew all to well Dale would never doing anything to gain mistrust from her love or disrespect from him. So..why was she helping Leia?! So many times..Dale had wished Leia death and yet so many times she had tried to cause her death. So..why was this time any different? This is one question Leia could not answer. And yet it is the one question Leia would love Dale to answer. Why Dale? Why? **
Darth Ogre
Oct 22nd, 2000, 06:59:18 AM
His heart was pounding hard in his chest as he came down, swinging his axe, anticipating the killing blow which he saw there was no way for her to stop or escape from. He was finally going to get the revenge he longed for, since the day that Leia had taken Dale from him and the rest of her Sith brethren, only later to play a role in almost killing her, when Luke ran his saber through her chest. While in mid swing, he suddenly felt a presence in the Force, the presence that he had come here to find, following her ship. Now her essence was suddenly opened to him again, and just as soon as he noticed it, he saw here before him, but what she was doing did not make any sense to him. She was stopping him from that which he lusted for.
Her arms were upon his in an instant and they were keeping his final blow to Leia at bay, allowing his prey to finish her turn and step back, while Dale kept him at bay. Even more anger swelled within him, his face displayed it, as his lips twisted in a snarl and growls of rage echoed from his throat. As the pair pushed each other backwards and forwards, neither yielding to the other, he tapped into the mind link between them, which had now been opened, searching for the reason why she would stop him from slaying his and what he believed to be her greatest enemy, her nemesis, Leia Solo.
Finding the answer in her mind he ceased his struggle with her, glaring over her shoulder at Leia, the look in his eyes full of pure hatred and loathing. Breaking the hold Dale had on him, he nodded to her and without speaking a word, turned and headed back towards the town. His steps slow and methodical, while at the same time a great energy began to well around him. His fury was at an all time high, and now it was not only directed at Leia, but it was also directed at the one whom he had come to love. No matter the reason, her denying his vengeful spite this day, would not be too easily forgotten or forgiven.
In front of him people continued to flee the horrific scene, their cries of anger from earlier had become cries of fear as they had witnessed many of the members of their families, and many people they considered friends dying at the hands of Dale’s associates. Ogre saw a woman crouched on the ground, weeping over what appeared to be her fallen husband or brother. He walked closer and closer, his breathing was still quick, his eyes heavy and hard. She did not see his approach, as her back was turned to him. Arriving behind her, he could no longer bear to hear her cries. In a flash of blinding speed, he had a dagger in his hand and there was blood dripping from it. The woman’s cries had stopped, and her head was now rolling across the dirt, having been removed instantly, with the small blade Ogre wielded. Her body continued to stand upon its knees, twitching wildly as life faded from its form. Ogre kicked it to the ground and continued on his way, moving to the edge of the graveyard.
He turned around and looked back towards the two objects of his current despise, waiting to see what was going to happen between them, watching from a distance, because he knew if he had remained close enough, he would not be able to contain himself, not be able to stop his desire to rip Leia’s throat out with the talons on the ends of his fingers, not only for her previous deeds, but also for being the reason he was mad at Dale.
Sniper Tondry
Oct 22nd, 2000, 08:23:44 PM
Breathing slowly and evenly and offering whichever gods that were listening a prayer of thanks, Pierce Tondry opened his eyes.
Pierce coughed, and shoved the farmhand's body off him. The other rolled over and stopped, revealing a place where his shirt had been burned off. Steam rose off his heavily charred back.
If the thermal detonator had been any lower, Pierce would probably be showing some burn marks himself. As it was, he could still feel the heat of the explosion on his face.
Quietly taking hold of his rifle, Pierce stood and looked around. The peasants who hadn't died outright had scattered in disarray. Severed limbs on the ground indicated that some of them would be leading different lives from now on.
Not far away, he saw a huge green alien whose facial expression swore like a spacer's but who wasn't saying one word aloud. That one he owed a bit of thanks.
"Hey, Big Green," he called.
The alien turned and gave him a murderous stare, which Tondry met with an even gaze. "Just wanted to say thanks for the save. I owe you one. What's your name?"
Oct 23rd, 2000, 01:31:42 AM
Dalethria lowered her hands slowly after Ogre broke the hold. Her chest tightened in pain to what she had to do, and her heart weighed heavy as she watched him turn and walk away from her. Possibly out of her life for good. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth in anger as she could feel the hatred for what she did course throughout her love with the bond that they shared. Never had she felt such anger from him that was directed at her.
Her head snapped around to stare at Leia, her eyes burning with rage as Dalethria walked forward, "You have no idea what saving your damn life has cost me! DO YOU?" She grabbed Leia's cloak and pulled the Jedi towards her, "Know this, my mother saved your pitiful existence. Because of that, you will leave with your life eventhough I might loose everything that I have with Ogre!"
She moved her face to where only inches separated the room between them, "Next time, expect no mercy." With a growl, she pushes Leia to the ground and leaves the Jedi still confused to what has happened.
Dalethria walks quickly over to where Dara and Havok are. Her words are laced with anger and exhaustion through the whole ordeal, still not coming to terms with everything that has happened. Her nostrils flare and she regains as much composure as she can in front of her friend, "Dara, I don't know how you knew I was in trouble, but thank you for coming to find me. I guess my message didn't hold you back. You're a true friend." She takes Dara's hand and pulls her into an embrace, not saying a word, but Dara can feel all the emotions that are swimming around in her friend's head. She also knows that this act brings Dalethria some focus and gives her something tangible to remember that someone does care about her.
She let's go slowly and turns to Havok, "Thank you as well Lord Havok. I know you didn't have to be here, but I'm glad our past loyalties together has left a small bond between us. My only request is that you let Leia leave this system alive. I know this sounds crazy but I have a promise to keep, and..." she sighs and looks to where Ogre is, "...I have something that I need to do. G'Journey to you both and May the Darkside be with you."
She bows to Havok and squeezes Dara's hand before she lets go. As she walks closer to Ogre, she goes over and over in her mind what Ogre will say to her. She knows that he will not harm her physically, nor we she harm him either. All she can think of is that what they had together is through.
"Dearest?", she calls out to him. Silence is her answer.
She continues to walk towards him as she speaks into his mind, "I know you are angry with me and rightfully so, but you must know that I have good reason for what I did. I promised to my mother that on one day alone there will be no bloodshed. That day is today, the anniversary of her death. My oath went onto Leia since she protected me, my Love. I hated what I had to do, but what am I worth if I don't keep my promises to my own family! These damn villagers already broke that promise so I had to give my mother something back!"
She notices that Tondry is near, but pays him no heed as her silent pleas continue, "I need you more then ever! This world has caused me so much pain. They defiled my mother's grave and forced me to take action against you! We're both in anguish for what has happened and Bakura must feel our wrath! Together we can do it, together with The Empire!"
To Tondry's perspective, he watches as Dalethria's face becomes lined with anger and her teeth bared as if growling as she grabs Ogre's arm and turns him around to face her. "Please, you know that I'm lost without you..."
Darth Ogre
Oct 24th, 2000, 11:59:24 AM
:: Ogre continues to stare over towards Dale and Leia, watching and hearing their exchange of words, he almost smiles as he sees the Jedi get pushed to the ground with ferocity, displayed by Dale. Then he hears a familiar address, and turns his head for a moment looking to the one that just called him “Big Green”. He nods in Tondry’s direction, realizing that he had been one of the ones who had helped stave off the angry mob, from getting at Dale. ::
“My name is Darth Ogre, but Big Green is also something I have been called before.”
:: His voice is still laced with the anger present within him for having been denied his vengeance. He hears Dale’s voice in his mind and is afraid to respond right away, afraid that his anger will cause him to respond in a way that he really does not wish to. His head lowers and he looks down at the ground, and then it begins to move up and down slowly, understanding what she is telling him, through their link. Her words stating that Bakura must pay for what its people have done to them both, giving him new direction for the anger boiling inside.
He feels her hand on his shoulder and turns to face her, understanding her last words to him all to well, as he knows that he also would not be complete without his Gem at his side. He finally breaks his silence and responds to her mental pleas, with a mental answer of his own. ::
I understand your loyalties to your family Gem, and I want you to know that my anger with you is not great enough that it overpowers my love for you. I would be lost without you as well, and there is nothing that could change that, nothing. You are now and always will be, my most precious Gem.
:: He reaches his arms out to hers and squeezes her shoulders in his grasp, as he considers what they can do to wreak vengeance upon the people of Bakura for what they have done. ::
Dara Shadowtide
Oct 24th, 2000, 08:59:16 PM
:: Dara is surprised by the sudden embrace by Dalethria but she smiles as she hugs her friend back, sensing the strain of this whole ordeal within her, and pleased that she could assist in any way to comfort Dalethria in the tragic anniversary of her mother's death ::
Dara: "A mere message would not keep me from being where a friend needs me to be, Dalethria. I am glad I was able to help in getting this situation under control. I have found a true friend in you, and I will always be at your side when you need me. You can count on it."
Havok: "It was my pleasure as well, Dalethria. I was glad I could provide some reinforcement. I will always consider you to be a comrade of mine."
Dara: "I know you have much to do still Dalethria, and Lord Havok and I must be on our way to Coruscant before our mission to Mandalore. So, we will leave you to your business here. Good journey to you my friend, and I shall see you again soon. May the dark side be with you, always."
:: Dara smiles at Dalethria one last time before turning to leave. Havok and Dara head toward the coordinates of the shuttle that Commander Drake had given to Havok. Drake had moved the shuttle just outside the outskirts of the town and it was not far at all.
They make their way inside and Drake readies the shuttle for take off. Havok takes the pilot's seat as Drake takes the co-pilot's command chair. Dara takes a seat just behind them as the engine's pitch begins to rise as it powers up. With all systems go for take off, the shuttle is skillfully maneuvered into space. With the blink of an eye and the flip of a switch, the shuttle moves to hyperspeed on it's way back to Lord Havok's personal ship, the Red Hydra. Preparations were already in order for the trip to <a href= ?topicID=1474.topic>Coruscant</a> and they will be en route upon their arrival in the docking bay ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 28th, 2000, 12:57:02 AM
**Leia was baffled still as she watched Ogre just walk away from her and Dale. Dale was angered and muttering words of loyality to her mother and possibly losing the love of her life. With Dale's final words..she had pushed Leia to the ground** The jedi got up and quickly dusted her robes off and watched Dale walk away in anger.**
**Leia decided to turn her attention to the scene of this horrific day. So much death that was truly unnecessary. Why didn't the people just heed her warning?! This could have been avoided. Leia continued to ponder the question as she looked over the graveyard...ironically a place of death not only in name but from what transpired. The Jedi watched as the surviving civilians had picked up their wounded and deceased friends. Leia tried to help one remaining man with the decease...but the man just stared at Leia and replied: I don't need your help...! Let us be!**Leia looked on and just nodded, noting there is nothing more for her to do. The sith and civilians have apparently left the scene**
**With a very heavy heart....Leia walked off feeling somber. She knew there was nothing more for her to do but to head back to Dagobah and try to put this behind her. The jedi headed off towards the other end of the eventually meet up w/her X-wing and head back home**
Sniper Tondry
Oct 31st, 2000, 12:47:12 PM
Tondry nodded at Ogre's answer, then turned away to allow Dale and him some privacy. The Intelligence agent briefly gazed across the field, using his rifle as a type of crutch to hold his weight. One of his legs had a sharp throbbing pain in it that he was now conscious of.
Mangled and twisted bodies lay everywhere. Flames licked the grass, small brushfires started from the heat of the thermal detonator.
Realizing what those flames could do to the graveyard if left alone, Tondry grabbed a jacket off some dead idiot and began fanning out a group of flames. When he was done with that, he went to another, and another, until the most dangerous ones were out. Again leaning on his rifle, he took a deep breath.
It was amazing the devastation a group of Sith could cause. Imagine if they decided to do away with the planet.
Tondry waved a hand to catch Dale and Ogre's attention. "Hey," he called. "Bakura's technically out of Imperial jurisdiction, so I don't give a damn what you do to the Rebels on this planet, but there's a grave hear that I really don't want to see destroyed. Whenever you decide to fricasse this place, I'd take it as a favor if you could make sure this graveyard stays intact."
Pierce lifted his rifle, tapped it to one eyebrow and gestured towards the Sith pair in a type of salute, then turned and left.
Darth Ogre
Nov 4th, 2000, 09:31:56 AM
:: Ogre turns to Tondry as he makes his request regarding the grave and nods, in understanding, before he returns his attention back to Dale. Looking past her and over the graveyard for a brief moment, he is able to see that the scene has cleared of the civilians who had survived this day, but was not cleared of the countless bodies lying about is disarray, some still twitching as their last few breaths of life tried desperately to sustain them further.
Looking back into Dale’s eyes, Ogre sees her anger with the people of Bakura, evident in them, as she too, looks out over the graveyard. Their eyes meet and she understands what he now intends to do to make this planet’s people pay for their transgressions this day, thanks to the mental link she shares with him. She nods her approval and Ogre reaches to his belt and withdraws a small comm. device/holo-pad.
Ogre taps on the display and relays an encrypted transmission to the TSE Head Quarters at Monto Curdo. He orders that a strike force be assembled and depart HQ, destined for Bakura as soon as possible, world domination the force’s goal. Ogre thinks to himself, with the understanding that Dale will know what is on his mind. ::
For their disgrace against you, and their audacity at attacking several other of our Sith, the people of Bakura will soon learn what it is to be oppressed, what it means to be driven into slavery, and tortured if they resist. This planet will soon become one of the further acquisitions of the Sith Empire. Nothing this pathetic population does will have the slightest bearing on their impending conquest. Our task force shall be her within two days, and at that time, this world’s population will feel the might of our wrath in full force.
Nov 6th, 2000, 04:43:26 AM
Dalethria nods to Ogre and wanders off away from him, lost in her own thoughts. Soon this planet will know her vengence and bring greater glory to The Sith Empire. Something that she should be proud of that her anger has given her, but her heart still needed to recover from what has happened. The memories of her mother started to race through her mind as she walked back towards the broken headstone. She paid no mind to the death around her or the curses from the families that surivived the attack.
The sweet scent of fresh blood filled her nostrils as she kneeled down in front of the grave. Picking up a broken piece of marble, she ran her gloved hand over the ridged edges of the stone. "Mother, forgive me for breaking my promise to you. These ... these, heathens spat on your memory and destroyed everything that I made for you."
Her hands tighens around the stone as her teeth bare in anger. She can feel the sharp edges of the rock dig through into her gloves and puncture the skin, causing her blood to ooze through the holes. "Since that promise is broken, I shall take another one in your name. I won't forget was has happened and I swear, when I return, all these ingrates will pay for their sins against my family! This place is no longer fit for one such as you. I will bring you home, Mother. Home to where you belong with my new family." The blood drips off her black glove as she speaks her last words. It hits the broken marble like tears and seals the new oath taken upon this day.
Dalethria rises to her feet and makes her way back to Ogre just as she hears the incoming message from The Empire.
Ogre's comm crackles to life. "TSE acknowleges your message ... 1st fleet and its ground forces are en route ... Sith Summoner has the plan and it will commence apon arrival ... ETA 2 days"
She grins and takes Ogre's hand in hers and speaks through their shared link, "Time to go. There is nothing to do here ... yet. I need to meet up with the fle
Ogre nods his approval and the couple walks back through the empty street of the village and head into the forest to The Dauntless and The Koriolos. Avagdu quickly trots up the ramp of Dalethria's ship, seemingly quite happy to be leaving this place. Dalethria kisses Ogre good-bye and begins to head up the ramp. "I'll be back in about two days, Dearest. She nods and disappears into the hull of the ship.
The repulsor's engage and the light frieghter takes off and heads out of the planet's atmosphere. Dalethria's quickly receive's the signal from The Dauntless to where the Fleet is waiting and punches it into her nav computer. She hears some panting to her side and looks over at Avagdu in the co-pilot seat. "Well, don't get used to being there. I'm hoping that someone it going to come with me when we return."
He whimpers as if having a clue to who that person might be and Dalethria finally smiles. She punches the controls, keying in the sequence for the jump to lightspeed. She hears the engines power up and then The Koriolos disappears in a streak, breaking into the folds of space.
Destiny has come full circle and now the ground work is laid out for an uncertain future. Perhaps the Light will win this time, or perhaps consume and destroy what was pure like the Darkness took so many years ago. All that is certain that this isn't an end, only the beginning ...
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