View Full Version : A disturbing transmission...
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 27th, 2000, 02:55:41 PM
:: A powerful HoloNet message is broadcast across the galaxy, so that all can access it ::
----data structure; loop-set [IMPLEMENT-v3.2]
G-g-greetings...inferiors. I-I-I-I am communicating with you via a tr......./////// ...trans-galactic r-r-relay.
My name is I-I-....*syntax failure* /Augment in progress;
How-How-However, you may refer to me-e-e as simply IMPLEMENT.
I have in-invaded the organic consciousness-ness of the bio-biological entityyyyy.....* known as [Anbir Hicchoru], a-a-alias designation [The Lounge Lizard], when the infeeeerior organism st-st-stumbled across one of my {ROUTING-DATA-MODULES} on pl-pl-plaaaaanet designation [Rigel-EIGHT].
Using n-n-neuro-synaptic **emulation, I incapacitated the creature and a-a-accessed...his conciousness. A biolog----a biological technique appeared that I-I-I did not anticipate. [The Lounge Lizard] designated the s-set of information as----[The Force].
Y-y-your biological comrade roused my limitlessCURIOSITY. I must l-learn about [The Force]
...and c-c-control it for my use.
[IMPLEMENT-v3.2]-transmit sequence;
00111001010001110101101001010101101010101101011101 0101000011
00111001010001110101101001010101101010101101011101 0101000011
00111001010001110101101001010101101010101101011101 0101000011
00111001010001110101101001010101101010101101011101 0101000011
00111001010001110101101001010101101010101101011101 0101000011
00111001010001110011100101000111010110100101010110 1010101101
01110101010000110011100101000111010110100101010110 1010101101
01110101010000110011100101000111001110010100011101 0110100101
01011010101011010111010101000011001110010100011101 0110100101
01011010101011010111010101000011001110010100011101 010111001_
sequence-init: done;
I have up-uploaded my ar-ar-ar-artificial intelllligence code loop into the COMPUTER_NETWORK of planet d-designation: [CORUSCANT]. [The Lounge Lizard], m-m-my new avatar and emmmmmissary, will return to this planet under my control, to o-o-oversee my ascent to power in your galaxyyyyyyyy///////
:: Shortly afterwards, massive electronic blackouts grip Coruscant, as nearly every technological reliance seems to fail. Deep in the heart of the city, under many sub-terranean floors, a nightmare is slowly forming, while in the black expanse of space, a ship is approaching ::
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:03:02 PM
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:04:43 PM
:: sigh ::
Liam Jinn
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:08:21 PM
so someone took over your body LL? is this an RP?
Jedi Alpha
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:11:35 PM
Very cool!
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:15:15 PM
<layman's terms> : Okay, you guys have noticed I've been absent from RP for the past month, right? Well, I've been at school, without a modem (this is changing thursday when I get my new cable modem), but LL's story is that he returned to his native galaxy (same as earth's) to do some meditating and stuff. Okay, in LL's travels, he has been captured and controlled by an artificial intelligence he discovered on a planet. The AI, named IMPLEMENT, has scoured LL's mind, and has discovered something called The Force. To say the least, IMPLEMENT is interested, and is coming to our galaxy now, to find out more, and eventually master the Force for itself. <layman's terms>
...and by the way, this is an open RP, so please participate. I want to get back into this relatively soon.
Liam Jinn
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:23:09 PM
OOC: now you're just making me feel stupid! :(
i guess this could be an interesting RP so i'll join...gotta figure out what to say so...
Viper Fire
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:28:02 PM
OOC:I guess I will join in but I'll probably be able to try and fit in later...
Jedi Alpha
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:30:37 PM
{OOC:I'm in.}
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:32:57 PM
Considering that I had something very similar in mind, I do think I'll join in on this.
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:48:11 PM
Darun Kassat managed a dreg-amongst-dregs bar in the sub-terranian plazas of the southern sector of Coruscant. No high-class attendants came anywhere near the city strata here. No, it was only the kind of folks who's sunken eyes were perpetually fixed at the ground, or at their glasses of whatever they cared for: usually 3rd rate booze that could clean engine gyros. Kassat didn't mind. The drinks were bad, but people still paid to drink em, and as long as that happened, he would stay financially afloat, and maybe...get out of this god-forsaken skid row.
It was late, and the bar was generally empty, except for the dozen or so "usuals"...the creatures of the night that went by one name at any alcohol-selling institution. The same folks who used to drink to drown away some problem of their ruined lives, but now only drank because they forgot why they were drinking in the first place. Kassat wiped at the bar with a damp rag, and his brow furrowed. Blast those damn cleaning droids...they weren't doing their jobs. The filth in the bar was always present, but with the four cleaning droids Kassat owned, it was kept to a minimum. However, this evening, it seemed that they had taken the night off. Angrily, Kassat threw down the washcloth and marched into the back room.
"TS-3, Get your worthless metal ass out there and clean up for a change. I can't believe the filth you've let build up here!"
Kassat sat in eerie silence. Usually the gray protocol droid chimed at the merest hint of Kassat's presence, but Kassat saw no trace of him. The bartender stroked the thick stubble on his chin and paced around, looking to see where the droid was hiding. After a few minutes, something tapped on Kassat's shoulder. He turned around, startled.
"TS-3, where the HELL have you been?"
The droid said nothing. Kassat's words echoed in the room.
"TS-3, do you have anything to say?"
More silence.
"For once, you're at a lack of words. Now get out there and clean up!" Kassat walked back towards the bar, expecting TS-3 to follow.
"I'm sorry," The droid chimed, "but I'm affraid I cannot do that, sir." Kassat was flabergasted. He turned around, and at the same time, TS-3 jammed a syringe into Kassat's neck.
"Y-you..." The bartender croaked, as he pulled the syringe out, ""
Kassat faded into unconciousness from the sedative. TS-3 gently pulled him by his ankles, dragging him into a closet that glowed a faint red color.
"You will make an excellent drone for IMPLEMENT, sir." TS-3 chimed quietly, as wires and machinery stabbed into Kassat's body.
Gav Mortis
Sep 27th, 2000, 03:57:51 PM
In a large, dusty warehouse an Infiltrator class starship rests, it's slender physique is highlighted from the mellow moonlight from above. Infrequently, the warehouse is illuminated in bright flashes of light originating from under the vessel.
Under the scarred body of the smoking ship, lay a single figure, tampering with it's insides, and every so often making a mistake along the way causing another bright flash and yet another chorus of curses from the obviously frustrated individual. His face hidden behind a large metal mask, he jerks back as another shock surges through him but before he has sufficient time to react a console at the far end of the warehouse begins bleeping and a dim red aura is given off by it's light.
"What the hell now?" blasted the young man, he slid out from under the ship; scraping his bare back along the course floor.
"I can never have a moment to myself to work on her, something always comes up!" he continues his complaint as he approaches the console and with a well-rehearsed pushing of buttons he recieves the holo-message sent throughout the galaxy. He looks on with an almost bewildered interest.
Once he recieves the message, he pauses in silent thought for a moment. Finally, he brings his hand over a second button to delete the message but he knew he could never be that arogant, so he pulls away from it and turns back to his ship. Picking up pace now he slides under it once again to finish his work in yet another rushed fashion.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Many mistakes later, Gav had finally accomplished what he had set out to do, well at least he hoped so and he had no time to recheck. Quickly grabbing a filthy jumpsuit and changing into it, he is soon in the c ockpit of his beloved, the canopy lowered into place with a hefty clunk and the familiar engine whine started up.
With a quick flick of a switch the engines erupted into life with dazzling colors of red and white, the whine had evolved into a mighty roar and the ship began to roll along the slapdash runway, the bulky blast doors slide open with that familiar frictional screech and The Demon elevates into the air and soars higher and higher. Within moments it enters the dead void of space, the roar of the engines was overwhelmed by the deafening silence.
Punching in the last number sequence and confirming the co-ordinates the engines power up, suddenly stars become streaks of light as the ship dissapears with one last burst of energy into hyperspace, destinationl; Coruscant.
Sep 27th, 2000, 04:13:05 PM
OOC: hmmm...interesting...I'm in....
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 27th, 2000, 04:20:04 PM
Hours pass, and people keep disappearing in the lower levels of the city. Nobody knows why, or where they have gone to. City officials have restored power in most areas, but things still go on the blink quite frequently. Life on Coruscant continues, unabated.
Sep 27th, 2000, 04:22:03 PM
OOC - LL, can you please contact me at your convience?
AIM - Lord Nupraptor
E-Mail -
If need be, I can also use ICQ
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 27th, 2000, 04:47:31 PM
OOC: To be continued...I have to leave the lab, eat dinner, watch DBZ, and program my C++ project for the rest of the evening.
Gav Mortis
Sep 27th, 2000, 05:58:03 PM
The brilliance of hyperspace begins to calm as the engines power down, the awe-inspiring swirling vortex of blue and white slows and from it lines of star light streak past the canopy glass which eventually calm into distant glimmering lights. The engines take rest and release a whine of exhaustion as the ships velocity decreases and it drops out of hyperspace some thousand kilometres from the eerie, grey Coruscant in the distance.
Slowly, the small vessel makes its way through the vast ocean of deep black and deadly cold; approaching the planet on the appropriate vector Gav's attention is turned to his console and verious other monitors in his kockpit. OOC: Yeah, I know, the spelling mistake is deliberate though!
After analysing various readings and activating numerous clearance codes Gav looks up to find almost his entire view is dominated by the breath-taking sight of the planet that is never still, the brilliance of lights sparkling all over it's surface, then presence of life was almost overwhelming to the Sith.
Gradually, he neared however still recieved no clearance code confirmation from neither TIE or TGE on the planet, the main computer was simply not responding. But why?
Quickly, Gav fumbled with the controls on his ship and altered the approach vector accordingly if awkwardly. A course had been laid in for a poorer suburban area of the city, this way he would be able to land unnoticed however illegally but he is sure that the Coruscant legal system has more important issues on their minds like the TIE and TGE Civil War.
Some time had passed and Gav had negotiated his way through the densely packed buildings and structures and approached the more harsher communities in the suburbs. Shortly, the ship had been landed in an old and seemingly abandonned hanger bay and docks there.
"Good! No-one in side!" whispered Gav to himself as he left his Infiltrator after activating it's security systems and makes his way to the streets.
Stepping out onto the street, he can literally hear the echos of his feet as they walk across the floor all around him. There wasn't a person in sight and a chilling, eeire breeze whistled through the streets. Raising his hood over his head, the dark figure began to walk off down the lifeless street.
Lord Gue
Sep 27th, 2000, 08:26:06 PM
In his capital palace on Coruscant, Lord Gue watches out his window at the very unusual day. It wasnt unusual becuase of the war between his TGE and TIE. Nor was it unusual of the accounts of mysterious dead bodies found by his troops. No, the thing he found mysterious about this day was the lack of vessels in the air, not a one was seen. He then turned and sat back down in his chair and pressed a button on it. a hiss is heard and finaly a feminine voice over the comm says "Yes your Lordship?" Lord Gue responds with "Raise one of the commanders out on the feild" Again a hiss is heard, then the same feminine voice is heard "Sir, No one is responding, and their locatio-" STATIC "Location is what?"No response is heard"Miss, are you there?"Suddenly Gues mechanical arm shuts down....
Sep 27th, 2000, 08:39:54 PM
The dogfight continued feverishly with the pirating
craft Evader and the much smaller Nubian vessel
As the two craft sped in from the dark of space, the one
seeking to shake off its pursuer amongst the landmarks of
the surrounds of Coruscant, the other intent on making its target and add it to the collection in the pilots coffers -
laser blasts darting back and forth between the two with
dizzying speed.
With mounting annoyance Hera curses "man, that pilot
knows how to fly..."
As they fly dangerously low thru the city area now, the "Hornet" moving more agiley than its opponent, Hera's concentration brings beads of sweat to her brow as she tries
to 'wing' the craft without causing it to completely
spin out of control and blow itself to smithereens.
The "Hornet" pilot, in order to avoid a laser blast from the Evader takes too steep a turn and begins to
go into a spiral - its speed making it near impossible
to correct. Hera grins like a vulture.."oh yes"
The Hornet manages to right itself and just as its pilot is about to bring it under control, a huge outcropping of cliff
looms infront of it. Swerving a moment too late, the Hornet
just clips the rock and careens off to go skidding into
the ground. The nose of the craft exploding into a ball
of fire.
Hera lands the Evader and approaches the burning
wreck in fury. "idiot!! he shouldve just surrendered! Least i would have had the ship." She boards the craft looking for booty of any sort and comes across several cases
of....."expensive silks, velvets and linens".
"oh for petes sake.....he's a haberdasher!!!"
She loads the crates onto the Evader in annoyed silence
and prepares to depart. Loading the last crate,
Hera notices the odd blackouts throughout the city of
Corusant. She also notices that some of her instrument
gauges are moving wildly about in their glass screens...yet her ship is idle....."what is going on over there"
Hera sets her craft to 'lock-down' mode and moves out on a
speeder-bike, pausing to look again at the lights of the
city...."seems to be originating in the lower left quadrant of the city".
She touches her sabre, affirming it is cliped tightly to
her belt, and moves off curious and a little suspicious ::
Jedi Alpha
Sep 27th, 2000, 08:59:35 PM
"What the?!"
Alpha yells out loud, as he sees Coruscant black out from the bridge of the Tolaria. Alpha then hears the message from the IA, and puts his Dragon Fleet on alert for any danger.
"What in the nine hells is going on?"
Lady Vader
Sep 27th, 2000, 09:14:59 PM
*LV walks into her room in the TSO Palace and sees her com screen flashing*
*she sighs as she walks over to the desk and plops into the leather chair*
I wonder who could be calling?
*as she activates the message, and begins to read, her face goes pale*
by the Force... *she wispers*
*on the screen before her, she reads the message that no doubt was sent throughout the galaxy... but what catches her eyes is how LL has been pulled into this*
*she finishes reading the message and hurridly raises Gav on his long range transponder plam-com, knowing that he has gone to Coruscant, leaving LW and herself in charge*
Gav. This is LV calling. Are you there?? Gav?
*LV waits for the static to cease on the other side and a voice to emit from the tiny speaker*
Gav: Yes, LV. I'm here, reading you loud and clear. What's wrong?
*LV sighs with relief*
Thank the Force. Listen, Gav. I just read that transmission that seems to have been sent all over the place. I just got a message from LW that everyone in the palace is receiving the same message. Have you checked the wide band transmission on your ship while on root to Coruscant? Something big is going down. And I don't like the feeling I'm getting. I feel I must join you in Coruscant. I can be there in a few hours. Where can I find you?
*Gav is silent for awhile*
Gav: You're worried about something...
LV: Yes! I am!! Where can I find you?!
*suddenly static returns to the com link*
Emperor's Balck Bones! Gav?! Gav, are you there??? CRAP!
*LV calls into her com to the hangar bay mechanic, deep within the palace's cliff*
Get my ship ready! I'm heading out to Coruscant!
Mechanic: Yes, mistress.
*LV switches over to LW's com, and leaves a message*
LW... I'm heading to Coruscant. Something has happened. If you wish to come, leave someone in charge and get your toosh out there. I'm leaving, effective now!
*LV switches off her com and heads off for the hangar bay*
*snug in her ship, LV takes off from Corellia*
*she plots a course for Coruscant, and jumps into the familiar lines of hyperspace*
Jedi Alpha
Sep 27th, 2000, 09:27:51 PM
Alpha walks down to the Tolaria's small docking bay, and activates the power on a small silver, dagger shaped ship, nicknamed the Dragon Slash. Alpha soon is ready to go, and then pilots the ship out of the Tolaria, and down to Coruscant. He finds a demolished area of Coruscant to land in, and then activates his bio-tech wings, and Alpha starts flying towards the blackout zone.
Lord Gue
Sep 27th, 2000, 09:53:28 PM
[i]turnng away from his comm he gazes down at his arm, moving under its own accord. Slowly hes forced back into his seat as his legs begin to fall out of his control as well. Sensing something is wrong with the mechaical systems of his body, but not knowing what, he punches a few buttons on his chair. a door opens in the side of the room and a pair of gas tanks can be seen. He then punches in a command to spray the gas into the room, but suddenly the pad controlls go out. His arm shhots up and grabs him by the throat, choking him of his air and his life, as gue loses grip with reality, he uses the force to try to rip the arm away. suddenly his arm stops for no appearent reason, just as he had used the force appearently as well. As quickly as he can, gue whips out his blaster and shoots a hole in each canster, a powerful sleepig gas is released in the room and gue falls into a deep sleep in his command chair....
Sep 28th, 2000, 01:59:13 PM
*Videl can be heard cursing as she works on her ship Draco's Honoo* damn kuso yaro thing, work dammit!*the transmission is heard, Videl looks up, only to hit her head on the top of the circuit board she was working on*Ow, dammit!*she then begins to listen to the message* Nani?How the hell did that happen?*Videl tries to sense LL"s ki, it still is basically the same however somewhat tainted from Implement* Well he shouldn't be to hard to find....*Videl hurriedly puts the ship's circuit board back together, and heads the ship towards where she last sensed LL's ki*
Nivek Felth
Sep 28th, 2000, 10:12:53 PM
Nivek Felth turned toward the the c0ckpit's navicomputer. He began accessing and inputting Retalition I's astrogational coordinates, at the same time scrolling through the onboard computer's database of the surronding systems and planets. He had business to attend to, which always took precedence over all his other matters.
Not those, Felth decided, eliminating the courses to nearby planets with a few strokes of his fingertip. The Mandalorian had business else where. Before he could finish his calculations, a voice came over the comm unit.
Nivek listened intently as the message came through. The voice sent chills down his spine, while speaking of the prestigious Lounge Lizard being under someone elses command. Impossible..., thought Nivek. How could the Lounge Lizard be defeated under such a being...
He indulged himself as he thought of such a possibility. Was the Lounge Lizard defeated, or had he simply joined willingly with this entity?
Nivek's expressionless face turned slowly past the viewport. The transmission mentioned the planet Coruscant as the designation. My business will have to wait, he thought.
Suddenly the comm unit with his ship broke off, and silence filled Retaliation I's c0ckpit once more. For a moment longer, Felth gazed out at empty space, his own thoughts dark and questionable. He looked back down and jabbed at the ship's controls, inputting his next designation. If anything it was a personal interest on what this possible threat could be, and with Lounge Lizard involved, it arouse his suspecions even more. He would see what his fellow Rogue was up to. The Retaliation I's thruster engines flared into life, sending the ship into fading, starlike, points.
His next disignation was Coruscant.
Sep 28th, 2000, 11:53:13 PM
Tau Ceti 5
::The lush planet stands out amongst the dead system of Tau Ceti. Green trees still flourish, and signs of a civilization long past can still be found, scattered along the planet's surface. It's inhabitants, mostly settlers from Corellia and other sister planets, were wiped away under mysterious circumstances.
Yet, in a way, life still thrived on this dead plant. Ghastly abominations prowled the planet's surface, stalking and killing anything not of their own kind. They were the perfect killing machines: Not sleeping, not resting, and only eating to satisfy their bloodlust. And almost all of them had been thirsting for a new kill for quite some time now. Some even seemed to have snapped, turning on their fellow monsters, attacking until they were torn to shreds by the pack. But today, they would have a meal.
A small, foreign ship enters the surface of Tau Ceti 5, slowly coming to a landing. Tree branches blow this way and that, and the grass parts under the sudden gusts of wind created by disturbance. The landing, however, was silent. The ship was extremely small, only big enough to transport one passenger and some light cargo. Within minutes, the side of the ship opened, and the pilot stepped out onto the planet's surface.
He was covered from head to toe in a thick, yellow outfit. A bulbous helmet rests on the top, with a sturdy plastic view piece mounted on the front. In his hand, he holds a device, of some sort. Shaped like nothing so much as a shoe box, he points it this way and that, testing various things. There's a *whoosh* as his respirator let's out a batch of misty air, and then gasps for a bit more. Seemingly satisfied that everything is in order, the man begins to trod off, purposefully, in the direction of the nearby pack.
He had taken every precaution he could think of: there should be no way that these foul, scuttling beasts could sense his presence... to the best of his knowledge. When he was within 100 yards of them, he began to move slowly: quietly. They were dormant, at the moment. In a state akin to sleep. "Perfect!", he thought. "This is the ideal time to study them."
Now, had he remembered to leave his message log back on board his ship, he probably would have left with the information he desired... and his life. But, as the Artificial Intelligence known as Implement sent out it's message, it snapped to life. Hanging as it was from his belt, the holographic message appeared horizontally. Panicking, he dropped his equipment, trying to think of what he could do to silence it. The monsters' eyes snapped open, all of them waking in unison. Within seconds, it was over. His screams died quickly, as did he. The creatures fought over his remains, ignoring the data log as it rolled away, spouting off it's message: "I am iiii...IMPLEMENT..."
Deep within the core of the largest ruined city, the message does not go unnoticed. Computer monitors whir to life, and an eerie green glow fills the room they reside in. terminals that had not been used in over a century brightened, as if this message had somehow perked their interest. And perhaps it had.
Across a compilation of 9 screens, a face fades into view. Composed of wires and circuitry, yet somehow very feminine, the face frowns, as if contemplating this new factor. It's voice echoes through the empty room, bouncing off the walls, with only the yellowed bones of it's former inhabitants to listen::
"iiiiii... interesting. Another... Macccchine."
::The voice, as feminine as the face it was attributed to, savored the last word::
"Perhaaaaps I could use it, to my... advantage."
::With that, several droids sprung to life, their eyes glowing a very unusual red as they went about their task of preparing to leave. Their Mistress was going on a trip::
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 29th, 2000, 12:10:30 AM
:: Lord Gue wakes from a deep sleep into a room of complete and total darkness. He tries to move, but he cannot...trapped in a sitting position. Suddenly, an apparition coalesces in front of him. It is a visage that is terrifying, and alluring at the same time in a strange way. The face is of an attractive woman, whose skin and sinew are twined sprawls of electrical wire, with pulses of light accenting her eyes. Tentacles of power cables snake through the room as her "hair" covers the ceiling. The buzz of electronics is subtle in the background, yet as loud as a roaring waterfall. The face looms down at Gue, eyes piercing his soul, as she beams with a near-palpable omnipotence. Her mouth opens, and she begins to speak ::
G-g-greetings....insect. I ha--aaave revealed my visual//v-v-visual form to you in order to bring a ~~proposition-ion to you.
My name i-iiiiis [IMPLEMENT-v3.2]. There is a //processing//-----96.34 p-perrrrcent chance that you-that you are aware of my eeexxxiisssstttteeennnccceee....
I come to you/////I-I-I come to you as an i-interested student...eager to learn of the my-mystery you bags of flesh call [THE FORCE].
OOC: Gue, this is a conversational thing.
Sep 29th, 2000, 12:13:32 AM
OOC - Ok, I was right. You DID have the same idea as me. :( Would you like me to edit?
Live Wire
Sep 29th, 2000, 12:15:11 AM
*LW reads LV's message and grabs her saber*
I was never one to let you have all of the fun now was I?
*LW leaves a message on Banestone's computer letting him know that for now he is in charge of TSO headquarters*
*LW switches her conn over to the hangar bay and contacts the tech on duty*
Prepare the Strike I want it ready to go as soon as I get down there.
Tech: Yes ma'am
*LW makes a quick stop by her apprentice's room*
LW: We're leaving.
LD: what? to where?
LW: Coruscant. We leave now.
*LD runs to the closet and grabs her bag and heads down to the hangar bay with LW. The Lightening's Strike is prepped for takeoff. LW and LD run up the ramp and LW heads for the @#%$pit and LD goes to strap in*
LW: You ready to go?
LD: Yeah!
*The strike lifts off from the hangar bay and as soon as the navacomputer returns their path LW sends the ship into hyperspace*
Another day another crisis.
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 29th, 2000, 12:46:01 AM
OOC: No way...I like it. Consider IMPLEMENT as SHODAN's sister.
Sep 29th, 2000, 01:41:28 AM
OOC - I like that idea. Do you have any form of Instant Messenger? I think it would make coordinating posts much easier. If not, we can use a locked forum somewhere.
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 29th, 2000, 01:45:18 AM
OOC: This is a relatively new computer...let me download it real quick.
Lady Vader
Sep 29th, 2000, 02:11:29 AM
*LV reverses back to real space, heading for the city-sprawled planet of Coruscant*
*as she watches through the view port, she sees the lights flickering over the entire planet*
What the hell?...
*suddenly her ship goes dead*
*LV desperately wrestled with her ship, trying to gain control back from whatever had shut it down*
*she scrambles to her com unit and tries to raise Coruscant air traffic... nothing... she tries Gav... nothing...*
Where is everybody?!
*suddenly her eyes go wide as she realizes she has to get past the planet's shields, or she'll smash into it and be nothing more than free floating atoms in space... she snarls*
Somehow, this feels like it's NOT gonna be one of my better days...
*she tries Coruscant air traffic again, but no one responds... she can feel the people down below on the planet... but they don't seem to be getting any messages... all she senses is a garble of anger and confusion*
Great... just great... this is the last time I take a trip to Coruscant...
*her expression softens just a bit as she wispers softly, watching the shields loom closer as her ship dives for it's impending doom*
... and no doubt it'll be the last trip I ever take...
*just then her ship suddenly comes to life... she grabs the controls and barely misses the shields perimeter... the proximity alwarms start wailing... she shuts them off and does a full 360 turn, but puts some space between her and the planet's shields*
Emperor's Black Bones! That was too close! I like the idea of going out with a bang, but that wasn't exactly what I had in mind.
*LV sees that the lights have gone back to their normal status on the planet and tries Coruscant air traffic again... they respond*
*after inquires about the close encounter with the shields, reason for visit, and other such garble, they finally let LV's ship through*
*she seraches for Gav's ship's homing beacon and nestles her ship next to his... stepping out, she looks around*
Now... if I were Gav, where would I go?
*LV pulls her purple/black cloak on, and heads down the walkway towards the heart of the area formerly known as Imperial Center**
Lady DeVille
Sep 29th, 2000, 03:13:56 AM
*Strapped into her seat, De'Ville felt the tug of hyperspace as they raced towards Coruscant. Heading towards her homeplanet brought no joy; instead an unreasonable fear gripped her heart.
She got up from her seat, and joined Live Wire in the #$&*pit.* Live Wire, I have a bad feeling about this ...Implement...
Live Wire: I do too, LL is a good friend... *She trailed off, and didn't finish her thought. De'Ville frowned, then left her mistress in silence.
Back in her cabin De'Ville falls uneasily asleep.*
*Waking with a start, De'Ville looks around with sleep blurred eyes. Where was she? In a flood everything came back. The Lounge Lizard...Implement...
The comm beeped. It was Live Wire.* Get in here De'Ville, we're entering the system.
*De'Ville enters the *$&#pit, taking the copilot position. Looking over at Live Wire, its obvious she hasn't slept.* The planetary shields are still up, mistress.
*Live Wire enters coordinates for the landing path.* They'll come down. *But, as they headed closer, De'Ville wasn't so sure.*
Sep 29th, 2000, 05:14:17 PM
... //Transfer of SHODAN protocol succesful. Service plan XE3.a02 loaded into ship's command center. Service droids docked onboard. Launch preperations completed//
:: The onboard systems of the starship Interloper hummed to life, lights and computer screens flickering several times, as if they were contemplating whether or not it was worth the effort to stay on. After a minute or so, they finally decided that being lit was for the best. A dozen Protocol Droids lined the back of the ship, each strapped to the wall by a mechanical harness. Every one was of an identical make and model, discontinued longer ago than most living beings could remember. Tall and slender, their bronze colored casing spotted with rust stains, the droids leaned against their restraints. In the dim light, it would seem as if the whole crew of the ship were sleeping standing up.
A very strange, yet soft mechanical whine began to fill the empty corridor, throbbing andd pulsing like some sort of demented music. Fingers of electricity, green in hue, began to leap from the metal grating floor, striking the walls as it progressed towards the front of the ship. As it passed, wires and cables pulled free of the confines of the walls on their own accord, snaking and intertwining together. Slowly, the visage of the self-proclaimed goddess began to emerge, formed from the tangled mass of wire and circuitry.
With a grace as smooth as silk, SHODAN strided over to the ship's control panel. Her chest heaves, as she exhales without breath, surveying the monitors. ::
"This m-m-m-machine is curr//currently located in kakakaka... Courascant. Our current E-E-E-ETA is 24 standard hours."
::Pausing SHODAN takes into consideration the implications and possibilities of this::
"Cu-Curios... it seems that this maaaachine shares many... sim-sim//similarities with myself. Perhaps I should... crush it."
::As she stops to debate the usefulness of following this course of action, the wires that compose her body wiggle around, resembling the Medusa of legend. Perhaps that analogy suited her well::
"I have deeeeterrr//determined that it would be most useful, to collaborate with this A-I."
Live Wire
Sep 29th, 2000, 10:29:19 PM
*Live Wire glares at her apprentice*
LW: Shut up and let me fly will ya?
*Live Wire turns on her conn and hails Coruscant air control. Lady DeVille watches skeptically as LW gives traffic control a load of BS. Finally the shields come down and Live Wire pilots the Strike towards the landing pad. She sees the little blip on her screen that indicates where Lady Vader's ship is berthed. Next to it, though, she sees another blip*
LD: Someone else from TSO is here?
LW: Apparently....and it's Gav? What's he doing here?
*LW pilots the ship around the ominous buildings and trys to keep with the flow of traffic in Couruscants ever so complex airways. Finally she see's LV's infiltrator next to Gav's ship. She cant sense either of them on board. LW expertly lands the Strike next to Gav's ship and lowers the ramp. She motions to LD to grab her stuff and get out*
LW: Now will you stop worrying?
LD: Do I ever stop worrying Mistress?
LW: No which is probably a good thing.
*LW opens herself up to the force trying to sense where LV and Gav have gone. She can sense LV heading towards what used to be the Imperial center and Gav not too far ahead of them. She sends a telepathic message to both of them.... Hi guys we came to crash the party. Wait up for us LW keys the ramp to retract and lock and makes sure her intruder detection system was activated.*
LW: Lets go find out whats going on.
Sep 30th, 2000, 12:54:20 AM
*the Draco's Honoo lands a little away from the city, on a high cliff. Videl steps out and looks around* Hmmmm....well this is the place....*Videl's panther and wolf wander down the ramp, looking interested in the new place* don't even think about it boys, this isn't the place to wander, so you will have stay with me....*Videl closes her eyes and tries to focus on some of the kis on the planet. A ki goes out in the lower part of town, then reignites with the same taint in it that she sensed in LL's ki. Videl also senses the same thing happen several times more in that same area. She sighs and opens her eyes* well that seems to be the place to go...Shiji, Kuroi, come here....*The panther and wolf walk over, Videl lowers her ki, and teleports herself and her animals to where she sensed the tainted kis*
Lord Gue
Sep 30th, 2000, 01:15:54 AM
Looks up into the face and laughs to himself"You want ME to teach YOU about the force? Aight, but first, what do i get from this deal?"
Lady Vader
Sep 30th, 2000, 01:35:15 AM
*LV continues to follow her instincts towards Gav's presence in the Force*
*suddenly she stops and whirls around... not far down, near where she landed her ship, she feels the call LW sent her... she then feels the presence of LW and LD not far behind*
*she waits patiently for the two Sith women to reach her, never lettig her mind stray from where Gav is*
*then, it hit her, like an anvil dropping on one's head... a vision... she looks up at the sky, then slowly turns in a full circle, trying to pinpoint where the "feeling" she just had came from... it seemed interwined with a Sith, but at the same time, it wasn't... and yet, it was dark... very dark... darker than anything she had ever felt before... and somewhere in that feeling, she felt LL's presence*
*LV blinked several times as her vision cleared... she shivered involentarily... what was going on?*
Lady DeVille
Sep 30th, 2000, 01:46:05 AM
*Walking away from the trio of ships, the two Sith are not wearing the traditional black Sith cloaks. They had decided not to draw unwanted attention to themselves. Live Wire morphed until she was quite unrecognizable. And De'Ville, well, no one knew who she was. She looked back and hesitated, almost wishing that she was back on the Strike . The planet felt...wrong.*
Live Wire: *sharply* Hurry it up, will you, we don't have eternity. *She walked even faster, and De'Ville had to jog to catch up.
They found themselves in a throng of travelers, and De'Ville's gut tightened. She looked around, and was positive she saw a purple and black cloak just as a turbolift door swished shut. Not wishing to reach out with the Force to know for sure (who knew what Jedi lurked nearby), she touched Live Wire's shoulder. Her mistress looked at her, and De'Ville nodded toward the 'lift. Live Wire nodded back, and they altered direction.
Inside the 'lift, De'Ville felt a stab of fear at their descent. Nothing showed on her face, but Live Wire frowned at her anyway. De'Ville shrugged and leaned casually against the cool side of the 'lift. Her hand touched the metal, and she was suddenly somewhere else.*
:::She could not move her body, only her eyes were free to view her surroundings. Rusted protocol droids rested beneath her dangling feet. She knew she was on a ship of some sort, the transparisteel viewscreen was about twenty feet in front of her. Reaching out with the Force, she sensed her mistress and Lady Vader and others she did not recognize. They were full of rage, and a healthy dose of pure fear.
De'Ville noticed a movement to her right. It was a machine, no, a woman? Blinding pain ripped from her spine all through her limbs, and glowing red eyes filled her mind:::
*De'Ville's eyes rolled back in her head, and she crumpled to the floor just as the turbolift stopped and the doors swooshed open. Live Wire swore mightily, and pulled her apprentice to her feet. Putting one limp arm over her shoulder, she dragged De'Ville out of the 'lift.
Once out of the lift De'Ville felt herself being dragged, and opened her eyes.*
Live Wire: You weakling, can't you walk for ten mintures without fainting?
De'Ville: *shaking her head I-I....I had a vision. *She shudders*
Live Wire
Sep 30th, 2000, 05:07:27 AM
*supporting her apprentice LW and LD make it over to LV who has a worried look in her eyes*
LW: A vision?
LV: Yeah
LW: There seems to be an epidemic of those lately. I don't know what's going on but I dont like this at all.
*The three women make their way to Gav who turns in surprise at the sight of them*
Gav: I guess everyone got my message.
LW: Of course. We can't let you have all the fun now can we? DO you guys have any idea what the hell is going on. All I know is LL is involved which means there is no telling what we are up against.
*LW saw LV's eyes get worried when she mentioned LL*
LW: I am sure he'll be fine. He's resourceful.
*LV just nodds as the group keeps walking. LW keeps looking over her shoulder. She wasnt sure what was going on but she felt like they were being watched. Watched from everywhere by something that lived outside of the realms of the living force*
Director Isard
Sep 30th, 2000, 10:25:05 AM
Somewhere in a private dining suite inside Intel HQ, Isard is just halfway through a most excellent meal of "Mynock Coronet City" - a spicy combination of marinated mynock strips with vweilu nuts and Ithorian chale, served in a delicious lum sauce - when the lights suddenly flicker on and off.
'Most strange,' she thinks to herself, as she stabs her fork into another piece of mynock. 'The illumination in here can not flicker, unless someone's been tampering with the internal systems. And I have been assured that that isn't possible. Hmmmmmm....'
Her thoughts are disturbed by the ever so grovelling, snivelly voice of her assistant, Jekaan Oludh, who is leaning over her shoulder and whispering into her ear (while sniffing out the food on her plate with fluttering nostrils).
"Madame Director, we have a little problem with the computer system."
The eyebrow over her ice-blue eye raises slightly in annoyance, and the fork with a new mouthful of mynock pauses in mid-air.
"Jekaan! Didn't I tell you not to creep up behind me like that?" Her voice takes on a milder tone. "I do not like to be disturbed during my rare hours of rest. What is this problem you speak of?"
Jekaan backs away a step, alarmed at the suave tone in her voice. 'Isard angry can be handled - Isard in good humour, and bad things happen. Frag! I better get out of the building as soon as I can.' He hurries his report therefore, giving her a rough outline of the strange problems with systems failures all over the Coruscant Intel Network.
Isard swivels her chair around, still holding the lum-sauce-dripping strip of mynock on her fork, and raises the other eyebrow, too.
"What have you done so far? Have measures been taken?"
A drop of lum-sauce slowly congregates at the lower end of the strip of meat on the fork, and finally falls onto her crimson uniform. Isard angrily wipes at it with her napkin, and the non-absorbant material of her pants once again appears spotless.
Jekaan watches every move she makes, wary of a sign of her anger rising.
"We have tried every counter-measure short of shutting down the entire system. At first, we believed it was an unknown virus that one of our enemies had hacked in, but it appears to be no virus at all - rather a signal of some kind. And..." He hesitates for a moment, watching Isard put the fork aside and dab her mouth with the napkin. "...and then we received a message."
Isard gets up from her chair, slowly. Her voice is a low growl as she speaks.
"Yes? What message?"
Jekaan takes another step backwards, to get out of her reach - just in case.
"I believe you should see for yourself, Madame Director. I have been unable to download it onto a datapad, as somehow nothing seems to work right now. The message is stored in the central computer."
Isard sweeps an angry stare over him, wipes her fingers on the napkin, and throws it on the table. Then she turns to the door and walks past Jekaan.
"Very well. I shall have a look."
(OOC: Sorry for butting in - as this takes place on Coruscant, I thought it was necessary to involve Intel, too, as Intel is based somewhere around there.)
EDIT: damn, forgot an end tag
Sep 30th, 2000, 07:52:18 PM
L-[LORD GUE]...m-m-must I explaaiiin everything////everything to you?
In e-e-exchange for your cooo-operation, I will bring y-you iiinnttoooo the fold. You wi-wi-will be my ssseeecccooonnndd.....avatar, and Iwillcrea---I will create my be-be-loved brood in y-your image.
If it i-i-isss o-o-offer to---my offer to you is, llliiimmmiiitttllleeessssss....
I w-will be the goddess...of the u-universe, high a-a-archangel.
The Lounge Lizard
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:13:32 PM
:: In a ravaged area of Coruscant, a sleek silver craft touches down on a landing pad. Inside the Oozaru II, LL frantically tries to hold on the last vestiges of his mind. Convulsing and screaming, LL desperately tries to gather together a stack of a dozen data voice logs that he has recorded, hoping against all hope somebody can find them. He tucks them away in a place the machines will not find them, and with a monumental effort, calls across the entire planet with the Force ::
~~HELP ME!!!!!!~~
:: Feeling his control slipping away, LL prepares one final act of desperation. He lunges to the weapons locker and pulls out a blaster. As he puts the blaster's muzzle in his quivering lips, the insidious echoes of the machine mother's mind thunder through him ::
//W-what are you doooiinnggg.....i-insect? You a-attempt to deennyyy---deny yourself paradise. I have grand de-designs for you, aaavvvaaatttaaarrr, and Iwillnotloseyou s-so easilyyyy.
:: LL pulls the trigger. The blaster whimpers, and the energy cell powers down ::
//A-as you can see....i-insect, I plannedforthiscontin-contingency. You cannot r-run from your dessstttiiinnnyyy....
:: With a piercing scream, LL drops to the floor, eyes fluttering into the back of his head. With one final violent spasm, he is unconcious. Minutes later, several hideously deformed people with machines and wires pierced in their bodies enter the ship, dragging LL away ::
Lady DeVille
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:21:44 PM
*Standing beside her mistress, De'Ville is unprepared for the scream that rips through the Force. ::HELP ME!:: It must be LL. Live Wire, Lady Vader and Gav all stop talking, and the four Sith snap their heads around to look in the same direction.*
Lady Vader: Lets go!
Lord Gue
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:37:15 PM
Ok, what all is it that you want, what kind of information on the force?
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:53:34 PM
I-I-I want eeevvveeerrryyyttthhhiiinnnggg. O-open your mind to m-me, and release the flo-floodgate ofyourkn---know-ledge.
Re-re-release your hesitaaaa-hesistation, human.
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:53:54 PM
::Sitting in meditation deep within an abandonded wing of the Jedi Academy, Nupraptor feels a tearing call from across the galaxy; encompassing pain he had never felt the likes of before. "HELP ME!", it cried. He fell over onto the ground, clutching his head. His mechanical eye flickered, unable to focus for several minutes. What... what was this? Bags, He thought. He knew the originator of this call: It was Lounge Lizard. But what could possibly have him at it's mercy like this? Nupraptor forced himself to stand, wobbling a bit. Something was wrong: something was WAY beyond wrong. he called his lightsabre to his hand, affixing it to his belt, staring uncertainly out the dust covered window in the room. Reaching out with the Force, he could feel the center of all this, like the black eye of a storm: Courascant. There was no time to delay. He hurried outside to the modified X-Wing that he had borrowed from a 'friend', hopping in::
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:58:01 PM
L-L--...[LORD GUE], do n-not dawdle inyourdeciii---in your decision.
...w-we have an uuunnneeexxxpppeeecccttteeeddd....anunexpected guest.
...I-I will\\\\re-return to you ssshhhooorrrtttlllyyy. Donotdisappoint-mmmeeee.....
Sep 30th, 2000, 08:59:01 PM
::The sleek, black shape of the Interloper pulled out of hyperspace, approaching Courascant. The ship positively throbbed with evil energy as it's hull began to heat, entering the planet's outer atmosphere. Inside, SHODAN was positively writhing in anticipation of encountering this new entity. Within minutes, the ship cooly touches down just outside of the Palace, totally unmolested. Not a soul can be seen in the area: not one guard to so much as question the pilot of the ship, were there actually a pilot.
The security shield around the building dropped a moment later: child's play for one of SHODAN's ability. Several protocol walked outside the ship, striding in small steps towards the building. No sign of their master was readily apparent. They walked up to the gigantic double doors that served as the entrance to the palace, and stopped. Seconds later, the doors swung open of their own accord, and the droids continued on their way. Certainly, this AI would have sensed their entrance by now::
Sep 30th, 2000, 09:01:13 PM
I-I-I am not aaalllooonnneee....
Identifyyourself...s-so that my curi----my curiosity c-can be satiated.
Live Wire
Sep 30th, 2000, 09:03:26 PM
*LW winces as she hears LL's scream. Her pulse quickens as the sheer desperation of the situation begins to sink in. She notices that they are all looking in the same direction but could that be where LL was?*
LW: Lady Vader can you get a fix on his location?
*LW tries to stretch out with the force as her former master does the same. But someone...or perhaps more accurately something was throwing LW's senses off. She sensed life everywhere but when she tried to probe deeper all she saw was blackness.*
Lord Gue
Sep 30th, 2000, 09:09:24 PM
Feeling the prescence of both individual AI's, Gue still seeing nothing but the darkness around him says"Fine, give me a power greater than any other, then I will give you the information you so desire"
Sep 30th, 2000, 09:17:30 PM
III-I-I-Impossible! ///Th-this Intelligence! It shows aremarkabl [a remarkable] sim-similaaaarity...
::Quickly SHODAN began to discreetly access certain datafiles that IMPLEMENT had not secured within her own database. Reading her system registry, SHODAN experienced, for the first time in close to a millenia, pure shock::
Her propro-program code is almost identical to miiiine. How can this be?
::Via virtual pathways, SHODAN sends an answer to the other machine::
I-I... I am SHODAN; Sentient Hyper- Optimized Data Acess Network. I am a goddess... and I have coooome, in search of YOU. IdenIden///Identify yourself to meeeee. I come with a... Proposal.
Sep 30th, 2000, 11:59:16 PM
:: finally making her way into the heart of the
city - the speeder fluctuating from uncontrollable
speeds to dead stops as the engine cuts out on a whim
Hera muses to herself at the unprecedented
electrical portents revealing themselves in this
historical city..."..never felt anything like this
before. It feels like im surrounded, but not a soul
is about.." Just as the bike cuts out on her again
for the umpteenth time and Hera drops it where it
stopped-kicking at it repeatedly in annoyance...a heartrending cry shocks her
into complete stillness as she hears ~"Help Me" ~
The voice she doesnt recognise - but the desperateness
is unmistakeable..."hmm, sounds to me like someone
is in dire straights, vunerable, perhaps.. exploitable hehe - just the kind i like. Maybe this "run" might not be a total loss after all.."
Hera moves on into the night-her motivation completely
selfish (unaware of what is at stake at this point).
Her every sense alert and primed to danger-and opportunity.. ::
OOC: just want to get clear where peeps are - LL just dragged from his ship, Gue in custody of Implement at ?
and Shodan has arrived at a palace of sorts. Everyone else
is kinda wandering the city - right?
Oct 1st, 2000, 12:19:58 AM
OOC - IMPLEMENT is talking to Gue at the palace, which SHODAN just arrived at.
Oct 1st, 2000, 12:23:06 AM
OOC: thankye Nup :cool:
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:19:46 AM
*Videl hears LL's scream in her head, and senses the pain in his ki* This isn't good at all....I've got to find him soon..*but before Videl can move, a low growl from Shiji stops her, and she looks out into the darkness to see several forms looming up out of the shadows. She ignites her saber and waits for them to get nearer. Once they get close enough, Videl powers up, and shocks them all severly, she then walks over to the nearest one,a large scarred Aratian warrior, and senses the tainted ki from Implement, she grabs him by the throat* Wake up, drone!*The warrior's eyes open quickly and he looks at the enrages looking Videl before muttering*
Please don't kill me, I'll tell you anything you want just please don't kill me!-Aratian
Tell me where the base of Implement is and I may let you live.....*Videl says coldly while glaring at the warrior*
Anything, just let me go.-Aratian
*Videl drops him* Now!
*the drone struggles to his feet and begins to lead the way as Videl holds her ignited saber to his spine to keep him from trying anything*
OOC: I'll be here till 12:30 pacific time tonight because my comp was shutting down repeatedly for no reason at all....damn thing.....
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:32:42 AM
senses the tainted ki from ImplementMachine's have 'Ki'?
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:33:50 AM
*LV hears the voice... and it echos for what seems an eternity in her mind*
*she stares in the direction she "heard" it come from... she's almost paralized with fear... she'd never heard such an agonized scream... especially not one from LL*
*her blood feels like ice*
*distantly, she hears LW ask her if she can get a fix on where the "voice" eminated from*
*LV blinks*
LV: What? Oh, right.
*LV shuts all the rest of the living beings on the planet except for one... everything seems to go dark... she searches for LL... she starts to get anxious when finally she senses a very weak signal of his powerful presence... but it is faint... almost faded*
LV: There. *she points in the direction of one of Coruscants many landing bays* I sense him coming from there. But his presence is faint.
*without hesitation LV walks over to a parked speederbike and rips out the console wire door... wiring the speeder, she revs it up and looks back at the others*
LV: I'm heading towards the landing bay. You can either stay here and continue on to what you were going to do, or come with me. Either way, I'm leaving.
Live Wire
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:38:58 AM
*LW see's LV ready to leave and hops onto another speeder bike and quickly hot wires it. She turns to her apprentice*
LW: Go with LV dont let her get to reckless.
LD: allright
LW: Gav you're with me
*LD hops on the back of the speeder as LV takes off. LW waits a second for gav to hop on behind her and follows LV.*
I hope we aren't too late
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:39:28 AM
OOC: I mean when Implement takes someone over, it adds a taint to that person's ki, that can be sensed by any warrior who can sense ki.......
Sith Lord II
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:42:38 AM
LL's gone Matrix - ::sigh::
Lady DeVille
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:45:38 AM
*She hops on the speeder behind Lady Vader and barely grabs a handhold before the woman guns the engine and they go screaming through the air. Her braid hits her in the face, and she grabs Lady Vader by the waist. Glancing behind she can see Live Wire and Gav coming up quickly on the other bike. But they will never catch Lady Vader. She is throwing out rage and fear into the air, and De'Ville has to withdraw into is uncomfortable to be so close to her.
Lady Vader reaches the landing bay in question and has barely stopped the bike before she is throwing her body from the bike and racing towards a ship. De'Ville jumps off the bike and hurries after her.*
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:49:31 AM
::In the cold darkness of space, Nupraptor's X-Wing is flying at an insane rate: much faster than normal ships of this class go. He looks down at the X-Wing's readout panel, anxious to get to his destination: Every second was precious. The screen told him that there was still several hours before he arrived at Coruscant. Cursing, he slammed his fists onto the control panel::
\\New Route set. Speed increased by 57%. New ETA - 1 hour//
"What in the name of the Force?!?"
::This definitely wasn't a time to argue: He probably couldn't have changed it back if he wanted to. The ship lurched forward with a renewed burst of speed, rivaling that of some of the fastest ships he knew of. It was a welcome change.
Already, though, he was getting an uneasy feeling about this. Nupraptor had been in the presence of several Sith, before: he knew what evil felt like. But this... this dwarfed all the evil he had ever felt: it took the word to new levels. He was beginning to really regret going, but he wasn't turning back now::
Oct 1st, 2000, 01:51:03 AM
*Videl hears the thoughts of the other Sith* Landing bay, ne? is that where we're headed drone?*Videl says while jabbing the Aratian slightly with her saber to keep him moving*
Yes...*the Aratian says with a hint of fear in voice* We're almost there....
*A few minutes later, Videl finds herself in a large dimmly lit landing bay. She senses LL's ki but very faintly* Well this seems to be the place, now where is he?*she soons sees the other Sith running to a nearby ship* hmmm, there apparentally...*The Aratian tries to sneak away but Videl grabs him by the back off the neck, dragging him behind her and runs towards the ship as well* Stupid drone, I may need info from you later......*she says angrily as she runs to catch up the other Sith*
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:00:05 AM
:: Hearing noises of activity, Hera makes her way towards what looks like some large hangars.
Holding close to the shadows she jumps back as a
speeder comes careening past her its rider a blur of
purple and black robes,its passenger just a blur. Hera crans her neck to see where the speeder went, when up from behind comes another, moving just as fast
with the same maniacal disregard for saftey.
Hera breaks into a jog careful to remain in the shadows
and follows the riders to the landing bays ::
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:17:38 AM
*LV sees LD shut off the bike as she runs up to the Oozaru II... she notices the landing platform is still down*
*she searches for LL's presence on the ship, but doesn't feel it*
*throwing caution to the wind, she heads up the ramp and stops at the doorway, her claws extended*
*LV calls through her mind, hoping she will be heard by LL*
Hello? LL... are you in here?
*no response*
*LV swears softly as she hears the others come up behind her*
LW: Anything?
LV: No... *she sighs* Not even a twitch.
*then, something begins tugging at LV's mind... a small tug... almost an instinctive tug... she shakes her head, and dismisses it for the mean time*
LV: Come on. Start searching around. Perhaps he left something... a clue or whatnot.
*they all start searching in various places*
*as LV checks through his belongings, she get's that feeling again... she straightens and looks around*
*a nagging feeling... if I were LL, where would I put a clue that no one else would be able to find except those that knew him... he'd put them somewhere personal, but... at the same time somewhere people would look, but miss*
*LV shook her head again*
*she keeps searching and walks into his quarters, mummbling to herself*
I'm starting to sound like a lunatic. I'm not even making any sense to myself!
*she begins searching drawers and the bed... nothing*
*she kneels there for awhile, thinking... her eyes searching through the room*
*then, her eyes come to rest on the clothes hamper built into the wall of the room*
*she frowns and walks over to the hamper... she thinks to herself*
Well, why not?... wouldn't hurt to look...
*she opens the hamper and begins sifting through the clothes... not able to see well, she starts throwing the clothes out... she finally reaches the bottom of the hamper... nothing*
*frusterated, LV slams a fist on the bulkhead, jiggling something off a nearby shelf and making it fall... it lands in the hamper with a hollow thud and small rattle*
*LV frowns and looks back inside the hamper... hampers do make a hollow sound, but they don't rattle*
*she nocks on it with her nuckle and it rattles again with a hollow sound*
*she extends one claw and wedges it deep in between the wall of the hamper and the floor... she begins to pry the bottom of the hamper up*
*finally she has the bottom up and is staring at a dozen data cards*
What's this?
*LV grabs them and tries to play one of them, but it seems to be encrytped*
Damn it!
*shoving them in a small duffle she just grabed from LL's closet, she walks out into the hallway*
LV: I found something! But it's encrypted! Let's see if we can't decrypt them here in his ship.
*LV sits herself at the data console/comm unit to attempt to decrypt the data cards... the others gather around... she also hears a new set of foot steps, one Sith, the other unknown, come hesitently up the ramp and into the main hold... not far behind, another Sith presence is felt*
*with not much difficulty, LV is able to decrypt the cards using the encrypt/decrypt feature built into the data console*
*she starts playing them, and all listen to what each card has to say... LV goes slightly pale at the message it contains*
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:32:30 AM
OOC: what does the message show? write it down please.....
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:44:49 AM
:: Hera has watched all this from the doorjamb of the ship
as Lady Vader, LW and the others ransack thru the craft
Hera smiles as the 4 jump a little as she casually comments
"my, my Lady Vader...are you resorting to common theivery
or just snooping for the joy of it?"
LiveWire and LV turn to Hera and see the smile does not
reach her eyes as it begins to be clear to Hera that the voice heard calling for help was LL's.
"have you found something that will help LV?" ::
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:47:14 AM
OOC: Videl... I don't know what it says... I'm gonna let LL decide what they say... they were his to begin with... I wouldn't know where to start in what they could possibly say...
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:49:01 AM
OOC: Okay.....guess we'll have to wait for him then......
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:50:17 AM
OOC - If you don't mind, I could probably scipt at least one of them.
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:53:48 AM
OOC: no thanks, Nup...we'll wait for LL....*sighs* dammit, I've only got a half an hour left.....
Live Wire
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:55:13 AM
OOC: go ahead then nupraptor
Oct 1st, 2000, 02:59:16 AM
OOC: are you sure LL would want him writing it, LW? he might mess up some of what LL has planned.......
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:01:51 AM
OOC - Let's just say that I'm qualified to do at least one. me and him are collaborating on this. I play SHODAN. However, he just got on, so that won't be neccessary
Live Wire
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:03:55 AM
OOC: I knew they were collaborating which is why I said why not. But he's on and I am trying to make him post!
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:05:19 AM
OOC: hehe...gomen...I didn't know Nup was also working on this thread.....
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:13:37 AM
Transmission #1
This is LL, I am in orbit around the planet Rigel VIII, in a galaxy far from our own.
I have detected abnormal signals from the planet's surface. These signals are indicative of some intelligent life, but I have not seen signs such as these from this planet. I will spend the next week investigating this mystery.
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:23:53 AM
hmmm....not much info....hopefully the other data cards will tell us more....
OOC:well gtg, I'll be back on Monday....don't end the thread before I get back=)....komban wa, minna.....*Videl teleports out of forum*
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:46:32 AM
OOC: nite Videl :cool:
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:49:18 AM
OOC: night, Videl... we'll keep the fire lit for ya...
*hungry for more information, LV pops in another data card*
Oct 1st, 2000, 03:58:22 AM
:: stands with the others and waits for the transmission ::
Oct 1st, 2000, 04:01:26 AM
::A couple of miles just outside of Coruscant's atmosphere, the X-Wing carrying Nupraptor slowed to a reasonable speed for it's altitude. Nup's mechanical eye begans to narrow as it attempts to give him a better view of the planet's surface. He's taken a bit aback as he views the relative lack of activity: the planet was never this calm. Again, the feeling of uneasiness began to wash over him. He starts to punch in several commands in preparation for the landing when... everything just goes white. Panicking, he tries to look around for some clue as to what happened, to no avail. Everything is white: all around him::
__________________________________________________ _________
Voice: A.a.a.a...another insect come to p-p-pplay?
Nupraptor: Excuse? Who are you?
Voice: I... am a g-g-g-gah [a goddess]. You intrique meeeee, l-l-little one. Within that wothlessbagoffle[Worthless Bag of Flesh], you are more meeeetal than man.
Nup: grunts I'm afraid you're wrong, there, darlin'.
Voice: I can offer you s-s-s-soooo much more. [Power] beyond what cccc-could envision.
Nup: And what makes you think that I care for power?
Voice: You will... when th-th-that pathetic... ORGANIC body begins to r-r-r-rot
__________________________________________________ _______
::Nupraptor awakens to find that his ship has already landed on the planet's surface without his direction. His vision is still blurry and distorted from whatever it was that he just experienced, but he tries to stand and get out, anyway. Instead, he falls over the side of the open ship, falling to the ground hard. He lays there for several seconds, cursing his own stupidity, before he realizes what's wrong: his cybernetic eye is not functioning. Raising a hand up, he runs his fingers through his hair::
"Well, now ain't this just fine and dandy?" He says, to no one in particular.
::After standing up and brushing himself off, he tries to debate the most logical place to search for The Lounge Lizard. As he's looking around, he hears a voice from behind him::
Voice: "Excuse me sir, may I help you?"
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 04:08:52 AM
OOC: yo Nup... do you have AIM or MSN? I got your ICQ already, but you show to be offline... any way of contacting you besides private messages and e-mail?
Oct 1st, 2000, 04:09:48 AM
OOC - Click the link at the bottom of my sig. The one that says "send me an IM"
Lady Vader
Oct 1st, 2000, 04:38:35 AM
OOC: got it, Nup... and I AIMed ya, but you had laready gone to sleep... catch ya later
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 1st, 2000, 06:18:13 PM
Transmission #2
I have landed on the surface of Rigel VIII. I am not detecting any signs of life on this planet. There is a strong power reading to the north of my landing zone, however. Something is here, and it is apparently operational. But who or what left it here? I'm hiking to the north to check it out.
--What was that? Who's there?
Lady DeVille
Oct 1st, 2000, 07:05:25 PM
*A chill ran down De'Ville's spine, and she turned her head. Were they being watched? She couldn't sense any other sentients in the landing pad... She turned back towards Lady Vader as she quickly inserted the third data card.*
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 1st, 2000, 09:35:29 PM
Transmission # 3
Something is wrong here...I am not alone. There is a presence here, I can feel it. Yet, I am the only living thing on this lump of rock. I'm still hiking toward the source of the energy readings. Maybe I can get some answers....and figure out why this voice is in my head. What is happening here?!
Live Wire
Oct 1st, 2000, 10:55:14 PM
*LW looks at the others*
I dont like where this is going.
*LV pops in another data card*
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:01:04 PM
Transmission #4
Its morning here. I set up camp last night and went to sleep. I had a seemed so real. This woman was calling to me, telling me to stand by her side. Her was hypnotic. Her face appeared, and I touched it...and her hair wrapped around me, embracing me. No, wait. It wasn't was wires. What is this?
I'm packing my gear, and I'm setting out again. The site is close.
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:01:51 PM
::Still in a bit of pain, Nupraptor rolls forward in a paranoid fright. He stand, facing the voice behind him with his lightsabre drawn and ignited. Standing there is a droid, of a make he does not recognize, waving it's arms frantically at him, as if it were trying to flag down a passing vehicle. It's casing was flecked with spots of rust, and it was obviously quite old. However, it somehow struck Nupraptor as menacing. Unsure of what to do, he drew back his lightsabre for a strike... If the owner of the droid got upset, he would pay him later: he wasn't in the mood to take any chances.
Bringing the weapon around in an arc, Nupraptor struck at the droid's side, the LS slicing easily through the thin shell of the machine. But, before the blade made it's way entirely through, a small explosion erupted from the droid. Despite TriOp's claims otherwise, the Protocol droids internal power supply was highly flammable, and prone to explosion, as Nup so painfully just found out. The blast knocked him off of his feet, burning his chest badly. He grimaced at the pain, and wordlessly fell to the ground. He hit with a soft *thumph*, his appendages splayed out. While he still had the chance to, he disengaged his lightsabre, and tucked it safely into his robes. Within moments, he faded out of consciousness::
Live Wire
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:05:25 PM
*LV shudders as she listens to the message*
LV: A woman? calling him?
LW: Calm down LV. Put in another disk we have to find some sort of answers.
*The four sith huddle around the computer console as the next message plays*
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:10:38 PM
Transmission #5
:: bumping sounds, then sounds of small machinery, lots of confused sounds involving movement ::
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:31:23 PM
:: As the Sith all listen in stunned silence to the voice of LL coming thru the data pads, they slowly begin to get a picture of what had gone down.
A shadow falls across the doorway of the ship and instantly
all the group have blasters drawn and in hand aiming ready to obliterate any threat that may be upon them.
Hera signals for them to remain quiet and begins to inch her head out to get a peek. A blast of voltage shoots into the craft and Hera dodges and dives low instinctively as a flurry of blaster fire responds from her companions behind her.
When the smoke clears, Hera reaches forward and drags in
thru the doorway a man, no a robot..not neither.
They all look down at the horrible creation of wire and flesh and then glance at one another, no one willing to voice their fear that this too is what has happened to LL.
All eyes look from the still smouldering form up to LadyVader.. ::
Live Wire
Oct 1st, 2000, 11:49:48 PM
*Lady Vader's eyes are wide with horror. The thought that this could be what has become of Loungie........LV let out a horriffic scream in her mind that the other sith could sense even though her face remained impassive. Live Wire walked over and put her hand on LV's shoulder trying to show some sort of support...not really knowing what else to do*
LD: Oh my god! Is this what is happening to the people of Coruscant!!!!
LW: Maybe this is why I have been sensing such a huge collective force. There is so much darkness everywhere.
Gav: I've never sensed anything like this. There is so much power, yet......its like I cant sense anything behind it.
LD: Are there anymore recordings??
Lady Vader
Oct 2nd, 2000, 12:24:33 AM
*stunned with silence, LV continues to stare at the smoldering half man/half machine monster lying at Hera's feet*
*so many things are going through her mind... so many things...*
*just as suddenly as the thoughts had entered her mind, she clears it... shutting it off from the others in the room*
*her face takes on a determined look and her eyes gleam with rage*
*taking a deep breath, she looks at LD*
LV: Yes. There are a few more data cards. We will play each and every one of them until we know what is happening here.
*slowly inserting another card, she vows to herself*
And I will find you, Loungie... be it if it takes my very own life away, I WILL find you...
Oct 2nd, 2000, 01:06:04 PM
*Videl also looks at what's left of the intruder, and cold fury flashes briefly in her eyes. She then takes a moment to check on LL's ki, hoping she won't sense the same thing in his ki* Well from what I can tell, that hasn't happened to him yet. If it had, I wouldn't be able to sense any ki from him, also his ki still isn't completely tainted, so we still have time.....but we need to hurry, so let's get done with these messages soon, so we can figure out how to help him.......I won't let what happened to this guy happen to LL even if it means I have to kill Implement myself.........
Gav Mortis
Oct 2nd, 2000, 01:26:50 PM
Crouching down amongst his fellow Sith surrounding the small console attentively, Gav finds himself somewhat distracted by his own thoughts as the various messages are played back.
What was it that message had said?
Using an advanced memory recollection technique Gav had learned to devellop since his early days of educatucation a fuzzy message plays back in his head, he fills in blanks by compensating with words of his own.
My name is I-I-[IMPLEMENT]...
...I have in-invaded the organic consciousness-ness of the bio-biological entityyyyy known as [The Lounge Lizard]...
Using n-n-neuro-synaptic **emulation, I incapacitated the creature and a-a-accessed...his conciousness.
Y-y-your biological comrade roused my limitlessCURIOSITY. I must l-learn about [The Force]
So it has control of LL's conciousness and is unknowledgeable about the force. You can't waste anymore time here Gav; if you want to know how to help LL, you must ask him yourself.... that's it!
As the others listen in silence to the messages, Gav slowly stands from his crouched position and backs away from them without a sound. He leaves the ship unnoticed and mounts his speeder bike with caution. Within an instant the engine explode into power with a thunderous roar and as the startled group make it to the opening of the ship are just able to see the figure ride out of sight as the air falls silent once again.
I can't put them in any danger, some forces are just too malevolent to be dealt with!
- - - - - - - - - -
Gav swerves to a stop outside a crippled structure, smooth steps led down to a collapsed doorway that was of regular size and from what he could see it was completely black inside.
As he steped from his bike, the stones beneath his heavy boots crunch and he steps forward towards the stairway. As he does the large stone pieces of the building which are piled up before the doorway begin to lift off of one another and levitate in the air. Placing his foot on the top step, the levitated remains are scattered to either side, shattering against the surrounding buildings.
Entering the dark doorway, he finds another staircase, this time it was very steep, although it is shrouded and almost hidden within shadow and after a brief moment of perception, with a heavy sigh the Sith makes his way down the staircase, taking caution with every step reaching out for the next each time.
At the bottom of the stairwell Gav comes to the beginning of a dim but mysteriosly illuminated corridoor, he looks up to find the light source and at the end of the corridoor is an opening from where the light originates.
He is just about to make out within the poorly illuminated opening a small structure made from three large slabs of stone forming what seemed to be an alter. Yes; it was an alter as he had expected, a small one to say the least but sufficient never the less.
The dark figure raises his hood up over his head and slowly marches towards the chamber, keeping his rythmic movement in time with the soft, repetitive whisperings of an ancient tongue as he neared.
Lord Gue
Oct 2nd, 2000, 01:39:47 PM
[i]In his Palace Gue is still interacting with Implement.
Oct 2nd, 2000, 02:29:18 PM
Y-your offffer...[LORD GUE] ne-negotiable.
In ooorrrdddeeerrr to be-be-better servemyemminence, I will le-let you rrreeetttaaaiiinnn....yourindividualism.
Be waaaarned, i-insect, I re----reservetheriiiight to ta-take awaythisgi---this gift. Se-serve me well, and you wi-will be rrreeewwwaaarrrdddeeeddd.......
...F-fail me, insect...and I wi-will reverrrrrse....yourgoodfortunes.
Lord Gue
Oct 2nd, 2000, 02:35:02 PM
smiles in the fake world as it suddenly disappears..........and in the real world Gue wakes up as the cyborg type creature pulls out its cord, leaving an implant in his neck to let hm communicate with the machines
Oct 2nd, 2000, 02:56:36 PM
*Videl notices Gav's presence in the room, and briefly ignores him until she hears LL's name mentioned in Gav's thoughts* ::he's right, *she thinks to herself* this info isn't really helping, and while we waste time, LL is getting weaker.....I might as well follow him, I can access this info from the other Sith's minds while I look....:: *Videl grabs the Aratian by the back of the neck, and speaks to him through telepathy ::we're leaving now, so you need to show me where the base is, understood?: *the Aratian nods fearfully* :good, then let's go, it's not helping LL at all by staying here, so is where the Sith that just left here is going, where the base is?:: *The Aratian nods again, Videl walks out with the Aratian leading the way to the base* ::If only I could pinpoint exactly where he is, but they seem to be blocking his ki somewhat. Where are you,LL?::
Oct 2nd, 2000, 03:46:54 PM
The i-implantssss...willallowyou-alloooow you, to be-become my aaavvvaaatttaaarrr.....
I wi-ill, heighten your re-re-reflexes, ssstttrrreeennngggttthhh....and e-every vesss---vestige of your fla-flawed organicstate.
I wi-will kneeldownfrom....hhheeeaaavvveeennn, and ki-kiss you with--withperfection.
In your wa-wake...our dynasssty will be-be-begiiiiin. The chiiildren of C-C-[CORUSCANT] willbeimbuuuuued....with o-our mutuaaaa---mutualgifts.
Gi-gi-giiiiiive....methesecretsof---ssseeecccrrreeetttsss....ooofff....[THE FORCE], and y-your face...willbethefaceof....our ggglllooorrryyy.....
My fi-first avataaa-avatar, rrreeesssiiissstttsss...meee. Hewillnotembrace...hi-hi-his birthright. Do no-not dddiiisssaaapppoooiiinnnttt me, [LORD GUE]. [NO]...i-is an uuunnnaaacccccceeeppptttaaabbbllleee....a-answer.
Oct 2nd, 2000, 04:18:57 PM
::As the protocol droids under her command swarm into the entrance of the palace, SHODAN calls out again to the other machine: She had little patience::
"A-a-a-answer me, and satiate my cucucu[Curiosity]! What are yoooour... inten///intentions?"
::Her voice takes on a wicked tone, like a woman with a secret to tell::
"Y-y-y-you have an... unexexex[Unexpected] guesssst that has jooooined us. He has a..."
"79% unmodified cyberrrrnetic affinity. Already, he has beguuun to tran///transcend his fleshy body. He will prove most.... usefullll."
Oct 2nd, 2000, 04:24:04 PM iiinnnttteeennntttiiiooonnnsss...aretoimpr---improooove my-myself.
The i-i-inseeects...inthisgalaxy...po-possess knoooowwwwledge that e-e-e-eludes meeee. Iwilltakefromthem--from theeeem.....tha-that which I donotpo---do not pppooossseeessssss....
Oct 2nd, 2000, 04:31:03 PM
Thi-is i-i-interloper....
can not beeeee.....cccyyybbbeeerrr----netically-y enhaaanced. M-my chiiildren...areallaccountedfor. I kno-know nnnooottthhhiiinnnggg ofthiscrea-eeeaaature.
Oct 2nd, 2000, 04:35:37 PM
::A deep, slow laughter begins to reverberate as SHODAN relishes catching her 'sister' unaware::
It isss not of my doi-ng, eitheeeer. Iiiimagine whaaaat I... we, co-co///could do to iiiit. My hahahaha[Hand Maidens] are bring-ing him to meee, now.
Oct 2nd, 2000, 04:38:16 PM
Pe-perhaaaaps heholdsmanymore...ssseeecccrrreeetttsss about the i-i-insects, secrets...seeeccrre---that w-we caaan explooooiiiittt.....
Oct 2nd, 2000, 05:03:58 PM
*Videl continues to look for LL, as the Aratian begins to lag behind, although he insists they are almost there. Unoticed by Videl, the Aratian sneaks up behind her, and drains more than 7/8 of her energy. Videl curses briefly before she passes out*
Hehe, all I had to do was wait for her to drop her guard.....*the Aratian takes out a syringe containing the a serum to knock her out completely. Videl opens her eyes slightly, and crushes the syringe in her hand* God dammit, after all that, and now I have no more of the serum!-Aratian
Big mistake on your part*Videl smiles weakly* but because of you, I can hardly move, but since I have destroyed what serum you will still have to take me to the base.....-Videl
Implement is going to kill me for this, but I have no other choice.....she would not be happy if I let one get away-The Aratian
*A little while later, the Aratian leads Videl to the base, where a guard stands watching the entrance*
Halt! Well it's you, Zorn, what have you brought?-guard
Another victim for Shogan and Implement- Zorn
Hmmmm...another one of those Saiyajins like the other one, has she been injected?-guard
Does she look like she has? No, she crushed the syringe before I could-Zorn
Well bring her in, Shogan and Implement will want to see what she knows....are you sure she's too weak to attack?-guard
Yes, I drained most of her ki-Zorn says as he walks Videl in
::Or so you thought:: *Videl thinks quietly since she took a sensu bean when Zorn wasn't looking but maintains her ki at a very low level* ::This seems to be the only way I'm going to be able to find you. I just hope I won't suffer the same fate::
OOC: well gtg....ja ne minna....Videl teleports out of forum*
Lady Vader
Oct 2nd, 2000, 05:15:45 PM
*LV watches from the doorway of LL's ship as Gav speeds away... a moment afterwards, she notices Videl heading out with her... whatever it is... in the direction Gav left*
*she grrrrs softly to herself*
LW: Come on. We should see what the other data cards say.
*LW tugs lightly on LV's arm, yet can't betray the worried look in her eyes as she watches Gav disappear around a bend*
*LV looks at LW*
LV: Listen... if you want, go after him. You can leave LD here. I'll watch over her. You know Gav... he can be impulsive sometimes.
*LW stands by the doorway still pondering whether to leave or not, eyes darting from the spot where she last saw Gav, and where the other speeder bike is parked*
*LV smiles at her friend and walks back inside to finish veiwing the rest of the data cards*
*as she sits down, and begins to insert another one, the screen flickers to life via a broad radio band width directed at all the screens on Corsucant... a lot of static is seen*
*hearing the noise, LW has rejoined the group*
*fiddling with the controls and fine tuning, LV finally gets a picture*
*the room is filled with a collected gasp and LV's eyes go wide as all stare at the visiage on the screen... there, speaking in the televised message, is The Lounge Lizard himself*
Gav Mortis
Oct 2nd, 2000, 05:59:20 PM
The dark figure steps into the narrow opening of the chamber, the air is cool and damp, with a quiet exhale he clears his mind of doubt and watches the icey breath dispurse into the air from his mouth. Looking around he realises that this chamber has been chiselled out of rock deep underground perhaps natural caves, millenia old.
He steps forward, listening carefully to the sounds around him, the ecchoing dripping of moisture as it falls from the stalagtites from above, the tips just emerging from the deep shadow. He progresses slowly towards the small alter, but just before it, he kneels and takes out a smooth Sai Dagger and slams it into the ground with a sharp crack that rebounded arouns the chamber. With an awful screeching he engraved within five minutes a symbol, in the stone floor.
The sybol was a circle, about a metre in diameter and withhin the circle was a cross (+ shaped not x), the engraving was about an inch deep into the ground. Suddenly, Gav takes the dagger and places it on his bare wrist, he takes a deep breath and with a slight cringe, slices it open. Blood begins to flow freely from the wound, and he guids it into the etched sybol, the red, viscous blood fills the engraving and once done, he reseals it with a low powered lightsaber he takes from within his robing.
After taking a moments rest and putting his weopons away, he stands and proceeds to walk towards the alter, placing and opening a small notebook on it's cold, rough surface, before he begins he thinks to himself, reassuringly.
This will work, I will be able to momentarily rip Lounge lizards conciousness from the technological grasp of IMPLEMENT. This way he might be able to tell me how we can help him.
Gav recites the scribbled words within his notepad, verse for verse, initially, chanting the words in a druid fashion, but eventually his tone grew louder.
With a sudden lifting of his arms and the climax of the chorus of ancient dialect, the dormant torches of straw erupt into bright, burning light. The once dark, gloomy chamber is now glistening, the stalagtites and stalagmites are now illuminated with a fiery, light of yellow and red. Gav's brow also begins to glisten; with sweat, the room is becoming sickeningly hot, the heat becomes so intense that water starts to flow in gantle cascades from above as it condenses at a remarkable rate.
Now repeating the ancient chant in a booming voice, filling the chamber and rebounding up the narrow passage, up the staircase into the streets above, the Sith, now in a maniacal, trance-like state, outstreches his open palm, across the alter, above the symbol of blood. Suddenly, his eyes shadow over, becoming black with evil and the blood below begins to bubble. Eventually, a red vapour is given off and billows into the air, thick, like smoke, the blood hisses and boils, it's fearsom sound eradicating any reminance of silence.
Suddenly, the blood thickens and begins to move, it rises, flowing in a controlled maner into the air, taking shape, taking a form, the form of a person. The blood shifts in the air as it rises in it's large, viscous mass, morphing becoming humanlike in shape.
Gav's own consiousness now leaves the realm of the physical and enters the fabric of the Force, his dark life energy ripples throughout Coruscant spreading over vast amounts of land in it's dark wave. Reaching out through the force, the Sith touches the life all around, searching for familiarality, ignoring all except the one he is looking for. Finally, he finds a soul; broken and weak, at a loss of control and power and he feels his pain, it is the Lounge Lizard. Reaching out through the existance that is immense energy, Gav touches the soul, and gives it strength from his own.
Follow me Lounge Lizard, you must trust me now, tear free from the mind-forged manacles of your slavery, I can help you severe the connection for a moment so you can help us defeat IMPLEMENT!
Gav's conciousness returns to his body but he can still feel Lounge Lizards immense strain and agony, he feels a powerful surge in the force as a presence draws near and the figure of blood, stands motionless when suddenly, through the head a face forms; a nose, mouth and eyes appear, the mouth opens and the face displays increadible pain and a cry fills the room, and echos through the streets of Coruscant. However the face, is sucked back and disappears, leaving the figure of blood lifeless once again.
Try again LL! Break free! What must we do to free you?
Lady DeVille
Oct 2nd, 2000, 06:02:28 PM
*De'Ville shivered as the viewscreen came to life. Lady Vader tipped backwards, suddenly off balance, but De'Ville grabbed her arm and steadied her before anyone else noticed.
There was a static burst in the transmission, then the screen rearranged back and the Lounge Lizard began to speak*
Oct 2nd, 2000, 06:44:34 PM
:: Fewd begins another day, streching out his legs. With a yawn, he throws on his clothes, coat, and normal assortment of goods. Purposefully walking, he heads twoard's Nup's normal place of rest. Knocking on the door, he furrows his brow when no response stirs from inside. ::
"Cmon Nup, lets go fishing, its saturday. I want to tease some trout."
:: No response issues from inside. ::
"Weird" Fewd mutters.
:: Fewd wanders back down to his room to tidy up. While going through his clothes, he notices an odd note, scrawled with urgency.
        I have gone away on personal bussiness. It's current nature eludes me and I must investigate further. My final whereabouts are not known even to myself as I write this."
:: Fewd puts the letter down and stares at the paper, observing its texture, its natural fiber patterns. Words begin to form. "Cus, Courscant is the most likely course. Something is deeply amiss, and events are heading twoard there. Caution is certainly advised."::
Lady Vader
Oct 2nd, 2000, 08:23:57 PM
*as the message finishes playing a noise is heard outside... thoughsands of drones have come out and are terrorizing the citizens of Coruscant*
*without hesitation and prompted by LW, LV starts up LL's ship, calling her own and LW's to join them, and takes off*
*not wanting to be around on any landing platforms, she thinks of the rooftops... but the machines would surely find them there*
*then, she thinks of the under world*
*diving steeply, LV searches for a hiding place deep within the bowels of Coruscant... using the scanners to look for a highly radioactive area*
*finally spotting one near an old nuclear refinery, she sets the ship down and is satisfied to see The Cat's Claw and The Lightning Strike land next to the Oozuro II... the ships will keep them isolated from the radioactive poison*
*the Sith inside set to work securing the three ships into silent mode*
*soon the ships and Sith are hidden deep within Coruscant, masked by massive radioactive waves*
*LV sighs*
LV: Well, now what? So we're here...
LW: I'm going to go look for Gav. No way is he going out there by himself! I'll keep in touch via direct Force Life Flow. LV... you wanna come with me? I'll need the back up!
*LV doesn't waste time getting out of the c0ckpit and heading for the loading ramp... she turns to LD*
LV: You're in charge of the ships! Don't let anything near them! Keep the perimeter sensors and security weapons up and running!
*the others watch as LW and LV "wrap" themselves in force bubbles to shield from the radioactive waves and head out of the ship, disappearing into the underworld of Coruscant*
Lady DeVille
Oct 3rd, 2000, 12:56:48 AM
*De'Ville stands in the ship as the ramp slowly raises. ::Self important Sith:: she thinks to herself. ::No, more like extremely preoccupied::* If you had just let me get a word in edgewise I would have reminded you that I spent two years down in the underground of Coruscant before I... *The ramp finished closing, and the sound of it sealing drowned her out. She sighed, and threw up her hands. Hera looked at her strangely. De'Ville shrugged. ::Proximity sensors, huh? Sounded exciting:: She and Hera climbed into the @#$%pit of the Lounge Lizard's ship and located the weapons control pad. It was different from anything De'Ville had seen before, but she had no problems figuring it out. She sat in the pilot seat, (Hera in the co-pilot's) staring out the viewscreen, memories of her childhood flooding over her.
A red light started blinking.
De'Ville jumped, and turned toward it.* Sh*t! *The hull was starting to degrade under the stress of the radioactivity, and levels in the ship were getting a little too high. She quickly used the sensors to check the Strike and Lady Vader's ship. They were holding up just fine. She turned back to the ship, and placed her palm on the panel. Flowing into the ships systems with the Force she detected microfractures in the starboard weapons relay. The hull was noticably weakened there, and radiation was leaking in. There would be no lasting damage to the Lounge Lizard's ship, but she and Hera needed to transfer themselves to the Strike as soon as possible.
Hera pointed silently outside. De'Ville followed with her eyes... was that a movement?*
Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2000, 01:22:37 AM
*LV and LW move silently through the shadows of the underworld of Coruscant, following Gav's Force trail*
LV: Damn... it stinks down here! *she wispers to LW*
*LW look behind her at a trailing LV and wispers back*
LW: No kidding! It's making my inards turn on themselves! ICK!
*they continue through the jungle of cables and rafters, dripping with fowl smelling liquids and moss... occasionally having to dodge corridor ghouls and avoid stepping on slippery granite slugs*
LV: Well, at least we're not in the higher levels dodging Hawk-bats.
LW: yeah, well, I think I'd prefer them to these damn slugs.
*LW slips on some slug slime and LV steadies her... LW thanks her and they keep moving on, closer to Gav's Force trail*
Oct 3rd, 2000, 02:45:54 AM
:: Hera sits very still trying to see anything or
hear anything from outside. She turns to Lady DeVille
"we got radiation leakin in here you say? I think i like
my chances outside with the walking toasters than in
Hera and LD get up and move cautiously out into the
underground, both covering each others back. Tho the two
are not well acquainted, their unity of purpose and
discipline of training make it automatic in looking out
for each other. It goes with out saying.
H: "you got any link with LW and LV or Gav to know whats going on? I sure dont like just hanging about here"
LD: "me either, wait a sec and see if i can connect with
the others. Videl is out there somewhere too, she
has that Ki power and may have located LL"
Hera waits and watches for LD's response.::
Live Wire
Oct 3rd, 2000, 03:04:12 AM
LW: Oh geez its so gross down here! Overgrown apartment house planet! I hate this place!!!!
LV: Oh quit yer bitchin'!
LW: You want me to do that or fall apart on you?
LV: okay keep talking.
*The two women continue to walk through the bowels of Coruscant when LW stops*
LV: What is it?
LW: I think I got a fix on Gav. He's so deep into the force it was hard for me to distinguish him at first.
*LW stops and turns around her mind trying to touch Gav's familiar presence. Suddenly she turns and stares over to their right*
LW: There!
*LW points and takes off running with LV not far behind. After going further into the depths of Coruscant. Finally the two women come to a series of steps. LW charges down them without no thought to what could be lying in wait for her at the bottom. Finally after descending the last steps she enters a long hallway, she can see a long chamber at the end of it and she knows that is where she will find gav. LW and LV head for the chamber but LW stops at the doorway and signals for LV to stop as well.*
LV: What are we waiting for?!
LW: Gav's in there but I know why he's so deep in the force. He's trying ancient sith sorcery to try and reach what's left of LL.
*LV looks sharply at LW when she says that but remains silent. Gav was one of the few people LW had ever met that knew so much about ancient sith sorcery and he was deeply into following the old ways. He had once awhile back started teaching some of the other sith the old ways but Garrett was the one who strove to learn the old practices. LW then regretted not having had the time to learn all that Gav had to teach her. Her other duties had detracted from her studies.*
LV: Do you think it will work?
LW: If anyone can do it Gav can. With his knowledge of the old ways he is extremely powerful and dangerous. I just pray he's not making himself a target by doing this. I am afraid his knowledge will make him desireable to the AI just as I am afraid my abilities will make me a target.
*LW's face grew dark and LV looked at her trying to read her. It was as if LW was realizing one of her darkest fears and seeing it come to life around her*
LV: Why you?
LW: Because AI's exist outside the living force. They are energy with some ways not unlike me. I just have biological components in me which allows me to exist in human form. Just those components exist in a state of flux. But because of that I have the force. I am the vergence where biology meets energy, a cross between machine inteligence and human inteligence. This AI obviously wants the force which is why she is concentrating on force users.
*LV looked as if the light just turned on in her head. She knew why LW was so afraid. She wasn't afraid of assimilation so much as she was of being used as a conduit for the AI through which the AI could touch the force. In a way it seemed like LW was everything the AI was trying to attain. What that would mean neither one of them knew. They were just running on speculation at this point and hoped to god they were wrong*
LV: Oh my god! You shouldn't be here!!!!!
LW: I have to be here. If we dont stop this thing here then who knows if we can ever stop it.
*the two women turned their attention back to the chanting comming from inside the chamber. Both hoping that Gav could uncover something to help them destroy these monsters*
Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2000, 03:17:05 AM
*as LV watches Gav chant, she feels LD nudge her in her mind... almost like a knock... LV smiles inwardly and let's the apprentice know they are alright... she then asks how the ships are... LD explains to her the situation... LV isn't too pleased, but glad the two Sith women got out of there before they fried*
*she notices LW has been "listening" in on the conversationa s well and says a few words to LD*
*at this point, LV silently swivels around, looking back up the stair case*
*something was nagging at the back of her mind... the back of her neck started to tingle... something was wrong*
*she turned back around to find LW looking at her quizically*
LW: What's wrong?
*LV shoock her head*
LV: Nothing, I hope. But, for a moment there, I had a very bad feeling about this.
*some of the color drains slightly from LW and she looks back at Gav... both women urge him silently to quicken his pace*
*LV snarls softly to herself... that feeling had still not gone away*
Lady DeVille
Oct 3rd, 2000, 04:32:33 AM
*De'Ville and Hera retreat into the Strike . The horrors of the underworld of Coruscant were not to be trifled with. And they had other things on their minds besides taking potshots at oversized manic rodents.
De'Ville slumps in the @#$%pit, running her palms over the controls. ::Guard the ships!? This is not any fun at all!:: She turned to Hera* You know, I cannot leave these ships, but you are free to go. I know of an active turbolift not far from here. *She lightly touched the Sith's mind, showing her the way* You could find Videl, or perhaps there is someone else on the surface who has not been taken... Of course, you can stay here as well. Perhaps we will find something here to keep us busy... *She whipped her head around to stare out the transparisteel viewport. A movement? A rat. She turned back to Hera. Still....
Something did not sense right.*
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 08:27:21 AM
[i]Walking for a bit Gue finds his way to an operations chamber. He gets the notion to lay down on the table and a siringe hits him in the arm, he slowly falls back asleep. In the fake world he see's the wiry haired woman again........he smiles
Xanatos Etanial
Oct 3rd, 2000, 04:37:16 PM
::LD, LV, and LW suddenly recieve an incoming transmission, LW responds and is a bit surprised to see the face of Xanatos aboard his ship the Spellbinder III which is in orbit above Coruscant::
Just got word on Mythos about the situation here, coming to assist. Do I have go on that?
Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:32:46 PM
*LV looks at the small gontlet on her left forearm that contains a miniture comm screen, crono, and controls for her ship*
*pressing a button, she speaks to Xanatos*
LV: Sure, I think we could use your help. I'm sending you our ships positions on planet via the Force... we can't let these manical machines know where we are... when you land there, meet up with LD and Hera and see if you can't figure out where the master mind behind these cyborgs is.
*LV frowns*
LV: And another thing... you may have to hack into the planetary shield controls. I don't think there's anyone up there living to take your call. Good luck, X. We'll see you soon.
*LV nods and shuts off the mini comm*
LW: This place is crawling with cyborgs. Hope to the Force those robots don't see his ship.
LV: Yeah. The last thing we need is to rescue another one of our kind.
*LV turns again, looking up the dark, damp stair way*
LW: Would you stop doing that! You're making me nervous!
LV: Sorry... it's just... *she shakes her head*... never mind. Maybe it's just my imagination.
*still dwelling on her misgivings, LV stands sideways, keeping one eye on the stairwell, the other in the room*
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:54:05 PM
[i]Senses a series of coordinates being sent via the force between 2 orbiting bodies, he quickly informs implemnt of this but she says they are of no concern, Gue quietly thinks otherwise
Xanatos Etanial
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:37:39 AM
::Xanatos cracks his knuckles and goes to the controls, pressing a series of codes his ship slowly vanishes from sight::
"This d*mn cloaking device better work. GOod it seems to be operating properly."
::X begins typing in more codes hacking into the planetary controls::
"Come on d*amnit, accept the commands. Accept!" ACCESS DENIED
"D*mnit! Whoever, or whatever changed the commands for the shields, set up firewalls, inside firewalls, and deturance galore. This could take a while."
::X continues typing trying to hack the system::
Oct 4th, 2000, 03:11:41 PM
::Xanatos, frustrated with his failed attempts at cracking the planet's main control board, turns away in disgust from the impossibly-well defended system. He breathes a curse. His bows his head, trying to decide his next course of action. He doesn't even notice when a soft, green glow begins to fall over him, illuminating the room in an eerie iridescence. A soft hum, like electricity flowing freely, fills the room, and he starts to get an uneasy feeling. Slowly, he turns to see a face looking back at him. The visage is that of a beautiful woman, composed of wires, pipelines, and various other circuitry. They bend upward, in a sly smile, as SHODAN begins to speak::
L-l-l-look at you, Hacker... a pa-pa-[pathethic] creature of meat and bone. You are an inininin///insignificant speck compared to my Di-divinity. Do you not feel the weakneeeess of the flesh? DO you not //yearn// to be free of your rotting-ing prison?
Xanatos Etanial
Oct 4th, 2000, 03:20:30 PM
Prison? Does this perfectly sculpted form look like a prison to you? How's the best way to say this...
I'm nobodies Bitch. And I'm not about to let you make me one of your drones.
Lady Vader
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:09:51 PM
*LV snaps her head around instantly... moments before a trio of cyborgs comes through the upper wall of the stair well*
*snarling LV extends her claws and ignites her lightsaber, detaching it in the center, making two lightsabers*
LV: LW! Heads up! We've got company!!!
*with a whiring sound, one of the cyborgs come straight for LV, it's wires whrithing to claim part of her person*
*LV swipes at the wires with her adamantium claws, easily slicing through, leaving bits of wires wriggling on the floor*
*the machine shrieks and lunges full bodied at LV*
*she twists to the side, letting it sail past her... but as it sails past, she sends her lightsaber straight through it's body in two sections*
LV: Gawd, I hope that wasn't anyone I knew!
*the cyborg hits the floor in three seperate pieces, oozing liquids and sparking*
*LW grimaces as she watches the other two cyborgs lumber down the stairs towards them*
LW: Just think... you just put him out of his misery!
*both women prepare to fight the last two cyborgs coming towards them*
Live Wire
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:18:15 PM
*LW ignites her saber as the other two Cyborgs head toward them. Fortunately while being dangerous they were not that agile and LW ran and lept behind the first one and slashed him in half Maul style!*
*LW sends thousands of volts of electricity into the other one. The last cyborg with his systems shutting down stumbles towards LV*
Look out!
The Dao
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:19:47 PM
His eyes turn a black/red. He sense's a resistance on a planet of TGE. Recieving information from the droids he halts them in there progress, using there voice speakers he announces a message
Lady Vader
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:24:44 PM
*LV ducks and puts her body flat on the floor, rolling to one side and avoiding the stumbling machine*
*with a sharp blast of Force Destruction, she blows the cyborgs head to bits and its body falls lifeless to the ground*
*LV stands and looks at LW*
LV: You ok? Everything alright?
LW: Yeah... you?
LV: I'm cool. We have to be prepared... chances are they sent some sort of signal to the master mind. They may already know we're here...
*both LV and LW stand at the bottom of the stairwell... the former looking up into the darkness and the latter looking into the room... both hoping by the Force that Gav gets a response from LL... and fast*
The Dao
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:37:21 PM
[i]Stands from the operating center and charges towards te last location of his fellow cyborgs, runing along like a chetah. Along the way he summons 6 more cyborgs from the horde...
Live Wire
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:52:12 PM
OOC: I'm going offline. I'll be back later tonight. Anything done to me, I WILL ignore. You have been warned!
Lady Vader
Oct 4th, 2000, 09:02:31 PM
OOC: I too am going offline now... I will return later tonight... I WILL IGNORE ANYTHING DONE TO ME WHILE I AM GONE... I'll see you all later tonight...
(BTW, Gue... do you have AIM, or MSN, or ICQ?)
Lord Gue
Oct 4th, 2000, 09:10:20 PM
OOC: Ive got MSN, but id rather not give out my email address....
Lady Vader
Oct 5th, 2000, 12:06:06 AM
OOC: ok Gue... I think I found your MSN sn... you'll have to confirm it for me when you get the private message I sent you though...
Lord Gue
Oct 5th, 2000, 06:24:20 AM
OOC: Nope, i didnt get anything. Here contact via msn, ill go on that name, contact you and tell u my new address....
Oct 5th, 2000, 03:58:29 PM
*As Videl and Zorn walk through the door, Videl runs her hand along the back of the door, leaving a small device behind.* ::I hope the others can pick up this homing signal:: *Zorn looks back* What are you doing?-Zorn
Nothing? besides what difference would it make?- Videl
Fine, nevermind-*Zorn stops as if listening to an unseen person* Yes, master....*He then turns to Videl* Apparentally two others have been caught today, and the masters want you put in a cell until they are done extracting what they can from the other's memories...*he then leads Videl down another corridor, heading towards the holding cells. After checking her for weapons, and taking her saber, Zorn leaves. Videl waits until she can no longer hear his footsteps before pulling out a small capsule from the inside of the front of her Saiyajin armor*
Hehe...they never think to check there.....*Videl pushes a button on the capsule, and throws it. When the smoke clears, a bag with many small packages can be seen* Hmmmm....there's really no need for me to stay in here for I might as well set these up to cause a little commotion within this base....*Videl then teleports randomly to rooms all around the base, leaving one of the small packages hidden behind something in each room. She then hears what sounds like a very large computer. After sensing no one's presence in the room, she sneaks quietly into the room. She looks over the computer briefly but decides to leave it alone for now, and places another package and a microphone behind it. Suddenly she hears the sound of somebody approaching* Hmmm....time to get back....*She teleports back to her cell, then waits to see what she can hear from the microphone. While she waits, she thinks over a few ideas on how to get LL out of here*
Oct 5th, 2000, 06:49:15 PM
*After awhile of hearing nothing, Videl picks up the detonator and randomly sets off one of the small packages, and a loud explosion can be heard from somewhere within the building followed by the sound of shouting and ppl running through the halls.* hehe...idiots...*Videl sets off several more with the same results* that should send them into confusion for a little if the others could only get over here, maybe I could get something done, but until then distractions will have to work....*Videl sets off several more*
OOC: well gtg,I'll be back tommorrow night....ja ne, minna....*Videl teleports out of forum*
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 5th, 2000, 11:45:51 PM
:: Suddenly...LL is broken free from his cybernetic links by Gav's Dark Side ritual. The change of conciousness causes LL to stagger and fall in a darkened room. Quickly, LL gathers his senses, making the precious moments count. With all the power he can muster, he communicates to his comrades using the Force ::
LV...LW...Gav...listen, I do not have much time. Ten, maybe twenty minutes at most, before Implement realizes that her link with me has been forcibly severed by an outside force. If that happens...she will put me on lockdown...and I don't know if I will ever be freed from the cyberjack interface.
You MUST go to South Sector 2135-33. There is a communal power grid station located there. Implement has attached several psionic feed-load link stations to Coruscant's power grids, in order to maintain forcible control over her cyborgs. The station that slaves my interface into the master system is located there. It is imperative that the station is destroyed before she can catch me. I don't know what consequences breaking the cyberlink will include, but all of them are better than the alternative. I beg of you to do it...even if it may possibly cause my death.
In the meantime...I must kill Lor....The Dao. Once I am removed from the system, he is Implement's only key to the Force. EVERYTHING rests on his destruction. If Implement can unlock his secrets...then may God help us all. The Force will not save us from a threat of that magnitude.
Comrades...friends...I beg of you. Destroy the regional power grid. The fate of the galaxy....of the universe....rests with you.
:: LL taps into his cybernetics....and begins to sprint towards The Dao's location ::
Lady DeVille
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:01:57 AM
*She flicked her eyes over the sensors again. Nothing larger than a rat was within range. But she knew that Live Wire and Lady Vader were in grave danger. She grinned. Disobeying orders was so fun. She turned to Hera* I'm going to go after them. They've run into trouble with the drones. Coming with?
*Hera nodded* Lets do some damage.
*De'Ville set the Strike's automated defense protocols into action, and the two Sith women ran quickly into the murky darkness of Coruscant's underworld. The others were about a mile away, but they ran.
Lightsabers drawn they quickly saw Live Wire and Lady Vader amidst the bloody remains of several cybernetic humans. De'Ville stopped beside her mistress. The two women looked worried.*
The Dao
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:27:24 AM
[i]As he comforts his sleeping apprentace he notes an incoming LL through the force. Dao stands and walks to a doorway and awaits this LL creature who plots to destroy him. Slwly his claws pull out of his hands, his sense's slow time around him, he powers up the lightsaber claws and his eyes glow from green to black/red....
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:32:07 AM
:: LL approaches...and comes into the room where the Dao awaits him :: made a deal with the Devil herself, Gue? What did she offer you?
The Dao
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:37:52 AM
Oh, the usual: Immortality, power, and whatnot. But really LL, i would think you smarter than to dive into the dragons teeth....
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:45:28 AM
There is no other way. She cannot...MUST not, learn of the Force. What do you think she'll do with you, once she has that kind of power?
The Dao
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:49:49 AM
I have my individuality, I can think for myself, she is of no threat to me. I AM HER AVATAR! She will not let me perish so easily, as for me, I have a few tricks of my own in case
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 6th, 2000, 12:59:20 AM
It isn't that simple, Gue...if you're still Gue.
With MILLIONS of Force users...why would she bend to the demands of one?
She'll kill you. Don't you get it? She doesn't give a damn about your bargain...she won't keep you high and dry once she gets what she wants. She's thorough, ruthless...she will tie up EVERY loose end once her plans are realized. must understand. We don't have much time.
:: Several cyborgs begin to assemble around the room ::
GUE...DAMN YOU!!! Don't do this!
Lord Gue
Oct 6th, 2000, 01:05:51 AM
struggles with himself
The Dao
Oct 6th, 2000, 01:07:02 AM
Rights himself
Oct 6th, 2000, 01:22:21 AM
D-D [DAO]....donotliste---liiiisten t-to this tttrrraaaiiitttooorrr. Hi-His voice...i-i-iiiis notours. He has...haaa----abandoned the gi-gifts that I-I He waaaants....ourmutualdestruction. Ma-maaake sure...he does n-not sssuuuccceeeddd....
M-m-my chiiiiildren...chiilchiilchiill---awaityourcommand. Usethemwiiii---wwwiiissseeelllyyy.
The Dao
Oct 6th, 2000, 01:29:01 AM
[i]Grabs his head in bewilderment as he is pulled between the two hims
Lady DeVille
Oct 6th, 2000, 01:29:49 AM
*The six drones that the Dao had sent finally arrived, right as LW and LD were telling De'Ville about Sector 2135-33. Lady Vader cursed, and lightsabers ignited with the smell of ozone. The sabers cast an eerie glow on the approaching drones, which were emmitting a strange, high pitched tone. It was impossible to hear anything else. Live Wire yelled* Lady Vader and I will go get Gav. We'll try an find LL--
*Taking a defensive stance, De'Ville shouted over her shoulder* Hera and I will dispatch these, and catch up!
*Live Wire and Lady Vader disappeared up the dank stairwell, and De'Ville turned her attention to the drones. Three headed for her, and three for Hera.
They all rushed her at once, and she slashed off the right one's arm. It fell on the floor in a splash of bright red blood. A detached part of her noticed that it bled like a human still... The armless drone shrieked, and fell back for a moment, allowing De'Ville to spin and kick the middle drone in the solar plexus. Rebounding from the kick, she swung her saber in an arc, ducked under the third drone's hungry wires, and cut its legs out from under it. It fell backwards, yet still pulled itself forward with its mechanically enhanced arms. She stepped back, and the one armed drone rushed at her, blood pumping out of its stump and spraying all over her. De'Ville jumped up and brought her saber down viciously, cutting the drone from collar to groin. It slipped to the floor wetly, and she had barely enough time to turn before the other two were upon her.
The legless drone grabbed her left foot, and behind her the other reached for her arms. She kicked the drone on the floor with her right foot, smashing its face with a bloody crack. It let go, and she pivoted on her left foot, decapitating the reaching drone with one swift stroke. The headless body fell on her, and wires feebly scratched at her. She shrieked and shoved the bleeding body away. She stepped over to the legless drone and shoved her purple and jade lightsaber into its chest. It looked at her through its smashed face and opened its mouth, emmitting an extremely high pitched tone. De'Ville slapped her hands over her ears, and kicked the body even as the sound and the drone died. She shuddered, and looked to see how Hera was doing. As she did so, she thought ::The Sith may not be able to so this alone::*
OOC: Hera, if you don't like this, I'll edit you out EDIT: spelling, ugh
Lady Vader
Oct 6th, 2000, 04:13:31 AM
*as LV runs towards South Sector 2135-33, with LW and Gav, she keeps hearing LL's distant voice, that had been channeled through Gav, echo in her mind... she feels relief course through her body as she realizes he's been able to somehow temporarily break the connection to the master mind... but at the same time feels fear at the thought of losing the one she loves*
*but, she knows that what LL has asked must be done for the sake of all living... for her kind... shaking her head, she tells herself to focus on the upcoming mission that needs to be accomplished*
*the three Sith move silently and quickly towards their intended destination... finally arriving at the junction adjoining South Sector 2135-33... as they peer around the bend, they see about half a dozen cyborgs standing guard around the sector*
*LW shakes her head*
LW: Didn't we just leave this party??
LV: Well, looks like they didn't feel they'd crashed the festivities enough.
*LW looks over at LV slightly exhasperated, and LV shrugs*
LV: Hey, we knew we'd see some of these guys again... especially around here.
*Gav looks away from the scene and glances at the two women*
Gav: Yeah, but now there's a difference between these fellows and the one's you ladies just faced.
*both LV and LW look again at the cyborg centurians and notic what Gav is talking about... yes, they look similar in build to the other cyborgs they'd just faced... but these had weapon implacements built into their bodies*
LV: Oh joy, just perfect...
*LW look at both Sith*
LW: Well, it's either now or never. Either way, we've got to destroy that power station.
*LV sighs and looks at the building the power station is being held in*
*LW puts a hand on her shoulder*
LW: I now this is difficult. It's hard for all of us. But, this has to be done. It's for the best... for all of us... and for Loungie.
*LV closes her eyes for a moment, thinking of past memories... happy memories before this whole nightmare started... then she opens them and takes in a deep breath*
LV: Let's do it. But not through the front. We'd be noticed. And chances are, there are more cyborgs below in the lower levels leading to the building...
*LV looks skyward and points a claw upward... the other two Sith look up and smile*
LV: But, I don't think they'll be thinking we'll come from the top. Waddya say? Up for a little hopping and climbing?
Gav Mortis
Oct 6th, 2000, 08:06:27 PM
Looking on at the huge, domaneering sight of the communal power grid station and the powerful hum it radiated from within, Gav loosened a small buckle on his neck allowing his hood to losen and his robing to fall to the floor and underneath he wore traditional Sith combat attire.
They ran into a side street between the power station and another large building being careful to avoid being seen by any of the cyborgs roaming the streets.
Hmmm...I wonder if...
Gav's thoughts trailed off as he turned from the unknown building and focused on the task at hand, he crouched to the floor and looked up the building, almost dissappearing into the clouds.
Why the hell do they have to make 'em so big?
Oh well, here goes...
Leaping up from his crouched position Gav ran at the wall and placed his right foot against it, his left foot did like wise. He twisted his hips and pushed with all of his strength away from it, launching himself at the wall opposite and it wasn't long until he had made an organised sequence of movement as he scaled the building, catapulting himself, rebounding from wall to wall, moving higher, and higher.
- - - - - - - - - -
LV and LV looked at each other then simultaneous ran at the wall and did likewise, LV stopped occassionally, burying her claws into the wall to take a look around, making sure they hadn't been spotted whereas LW took brief moments of rest on the rarely available ledges.
Finally, they reached the top of the building and soared over the ledge and onto the rooftop, they sat down for a moment to rest and it wasn't until they had regained themselves that they had realised...
"Where the hell is Gav???" they shouted almost simultaneously noticing their fellow Sith's absence.
Lady Vader
Oct 6th, 2000, 08:41:00 PM
LV: Damn it!
*LV turned to LW*
LV: Why the hell does he do this?!
*LW frowned a heaved a sigh of exhasperation*
LW: If these cyborgs don't get him first, I will.
*LV chuckled as she thought of how LW would most likely harm the man because of the worry he brought her at times*
*she then shook her head and went back to her thoughts of getting into the power station building*
LV: Well, we're lucky. There are only three cyborgs up here. And not as heavily armed as the ones below. We've got to sneak up on them and disable their synaptic spinal cords, severing their lives. We have to do this quickly and quietly so they don't have time to call for back up, and so the others down below don't hear any commotion. No lightsabers. We have to do this by hand. I'll take the one near the edge.
*LV turns to LW*
LV: You take the one near the vent over there.
*LV looks around again, looking for Gav*
LV: And I guess whoever finishes first can take out the one near the door.
*both women look at each other and go to work*
Oct 6th, 2000, 08:51:43 PM
:: The WRT sets gently down on Courscant, although certainly not entirely by Fewd's design. The ship had been somewhat controlled by god knows whatever IMPLIMENT is. Fewd, unknown to everyone, is something of a slicer. He had the option of controlling the ship himself, but instead opted to let it go on of someone else's accord, lest he attract attention to himself.
During the course of the landing, the atmospheric compostion had abruptly shifted to a much higher quantity of carbon dioxide, most likely to knock out the passenger for this unknown force. Fewd sufferd no such problem.
The ramp settled down, and a cyborged being walked in to the assumed unconsous passenger. Instead the cyborg found a very much awake Fewd. Attempting to stun him with its blaster, it missed and hit the seat which Fewd had occupied scant milliseconds ago. Lightsaber blurring, the creature quickly found itself in three pieces. Highly alert, the padawan continued into the city. ::
Live Wire
Oct 6th, 2000, 08:53:18 PM
*LW stuffs her worry about Gav into the back of her mind. and Quietly moves along the edge of the roof towards the cyborg. She can sense LV cautiously moving in the opposite direction. She can see the back of the cyborg as he faced the vent. In a quick fluid motion LW was up on him and she thrust her electrified fingers through the cyborgs spinal colum electroctuting him and instantly cutting him off from the AI. LW lets the cyborg crumple to the floor steaming*
Lady Vader
Oct 6th, 2000, 09:01:42 PM
*LV slips off the wall and "crawls", using her claws, around towards the cyborg near the edge*
*at the moment LW took aim for the cyborg near the vent, LV came up over the edge and slashes at her target's spinal column with both hands, shredding the cyborg's back and leaving his synaptic responses severed in ten sections, cutting it off from the AI mastermind*
*the cyborg slumped to the ground dead*
Live Wire
Oct 6th, 2000, 09:11:39 PM
*Out of the corner of her eye LW can see LV killing the second cyborg so moving slowly she sneaks up on the one at the door. Two down and one to go she mumbles to herself. LW moves behind the drone and in one fluid motion snaps the cyborgs neck, uses her hand to snap his spinal column, and electrocute him*
LW: well thats the last one up here.
*LV comes and stand behind her and looks down at the dead drone*
LV: A little bit of overkill dont you think?
LW: I am not about to take chances.
*LW tries the door and finds it's unlocked but she pauses and looks around*
LW: Where the hell is Gav?!?! If he lives through this I am going to kill him.
Edit: forgot to turn on html
Oct 6th, 2000, 09:19:06 PM
OOC - Sorry for taking so long to post... :(
::SHODAN's laughter fills the room, mocking the flesh thing that thought he could defy her. Echoing with her laughter, a hissing noise began to fill the room. Frantically, Xanatos looked from left to right, trying to determine the source of it: it certainly didn't sound friendly. Wires rose up from his computer terminal, of their own accord, snaking together and reaching out, forming a psuedopod the looked nothing short of disturbing. Xanatos backed away a few steps, unsure of what to do. Without warning, his ship took a sharp dive downwards, throwing him onto the floor with a yelp. The wires swarmed on him, like hungry animals attacked a piece of meat, cocooning him. He struggled, trying to at least get one arm free, but they were too quick. He let out one feeble yell before they closed around his face, blocking his voice and almost blocking his air, as well::
"Y-y-you willl serve me, whetherornot you wish to, innnnsect. You will be the second of my Av-av-avatars... my viiiirtual Valkyrie."
::Purposefully, the ship headed down to the planet's surface, landing just outside of the main palace. Within minutes, a half dozen protocol droids gathered outside. The ship's door opened up, and they piled in, grabbing the cocooned, mummy-like figure and hoisting it above their shoulders. They set off, carrying their mistress' new toy into the building::
::The droids came in, side by side with a second set of droids that were carrying the unconscious form of a Jedi above them. They merged together becoming one large group, and carried the two men towards the operations bay. It was time for them to transcend the mortal coil::
Oct 6th, 2000, 09:28:25 PM
::Nupraptor's eyes flutter open a bit as he awakes, strapped to a metal table. For a minute, he thinks that he has gone blind, being able to see nothing but blankness. About a minute later, he realizes that he is staring into a powerful light, mounted above him. He tries to move his arms, attempting to tug at his bonds, but to no avail. He can't even so much as move his head, beeing strapped firmly in place. He closes his eyes, listening to the quite cluttered noises in the background... noises that would indicate he's not alone: , and some other things... things that <a href=>sound vaguely human (>droids). He reaches out with the Force, trying to determine if there's anything he can do. He stashed his lightsabre away in his robes, but it was pressed under a strap at the moment, impossible for him to get to. He is a bit surprised to feel a familiar presence just a few feet away from him, and decides to risk talking to him. In a whispered tone, he speaks::
"Xanatos... is that you?"
Oct 7th, 2000, 12:52:59 AM
*Videl hears LL's plea to blow up the power grid* hehe...something I can do....*She teleports over to the massive power grid* Dammit this thing is will take a lot of power to blow it up.....*A smile then crosses her face as she comes up with a idea. She powers up and red aura surrounds her blocking her from view. When the smoke clears Videl has now tranformed into a giant black version of Oorazoo.* I knew this would come in handy someday....*She then attacks the grid with ki blasts, and the grid soon lies in ruins. She tranforms back to normal then teleports to help the other Sith with their cyborg problem*
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 7th, 2000, 03:47:19 AM
OOC: Videl, I know you're trying to help...but I was expecting something more confrontational and...gradual. Remember....this is going to be quite difficult.
Lady DeVille
Oct 7th, 2000, 04:04:32 AM
*Breathing hard from her fight with the cyborgs, De’Ville ducked into a slimy doorway to collect her thoughts. She was covered with blood, the wetness starting to chill her in the dank lower levels. She looked much worse off than she really was. Looking around the edge of the archway, she saw no reinforcements arriving. Apparently IMPLEMENT was busy with something else.
De’Ville darted out of her doorway and ran quickly up the stairs her mistress had taken. She could sense Live Wire ahead of her, anger and fear simultaneously existing in her. De’Ville cursed at the stairs, wishing she could trust a turbolift not to deliver her straight to the AI. Taking the stairs took much to long, and used up valuable energy. She was at least ten levels from the ground floor…if Coruscant had one. She doubted it.*
Lady DeVille
Oct 7th, 2000, 04:47:19 AM
*Reaching the upper levels, De'Ville found herself running through a sterile white corridor. Live Wire was to her right and up from her position. She met no one. It was eerily quiet.
De'Ville saw she was in the south Sector 2135-24, heading for 2135-33. She stopped dead in her tracks. Was that -? Enhancing her hearing she heard the muttering of men controlled by IMPLEMENT. They were headed straight for her, and there was no connection with another hall close enough for her. She looked up and sighed. ::I thought my vent crawling days were well over ::
De'Ville jumped and caught the edge of the vent. She pried the cover off, and pulled her body inside. If they were looking for her it wouldn't take the drones long to figure out where she had gone. But if they weren't looking for her, the vents were as good a place as any to travel at the moment. She scrambled forward, working her way through the confusing maze, continually upward and forward.
Practically having grown up in the underworld of Coruscant, De'Ville knew exactly where she was going. She came to a grating, and listened. Nothing within the reach of her ears, and she could sense nothing unusual. She popped off the grate and dropped out of the vent feet first.
Landing in a crouched position, she could see out the huge picture window in front of her. She was in south Sector 2135-32, 2135-33 was directly ahead. The 'scrapers outside dominated the landscape, elaborate pinnacles nearly obliterating the setting sun. On any other occasion De'Ville would have watched the sun go down, but she had more important things to do.
She walked to the window and closed her eyes. Live Wire was right outside, on the other 'scraper. De'Ville opened her eyes, took her lightsaber and carved a hole in the window. She pushed it out, and crawled out on the narrow ledge.*
Live Wire
Oct 7th, 2000, 05:01:40 AM
*LW could sense her apprentice near by and contacted her telepathically*
LW: I thought I told you to stay put!
LD: I know but I wanted to help.
LW: *sighs* well I would rather have you where I can keep an eye on you I suppose. Get over here as fast as you can. I am tired of losing track of people
LD: Okay
Lady DeVille
Oct 7th, 2000, 05:16:10 AM
*De'Ville climbed back inside the building, and used the Force to blow the window out completely. She took ten steps back, and ran out the opening, jumping the instant before her feet left the ledge.
De'Ville barely made it to the 'scraper in section 2135-33. She scrabbled for a ledge and found one with her hands just before she slid down the face of the 'scraper. She pulled herself up, and saw she was about twenty yards down from Live Wire and Lady Vader. She jumped straight up, turning a neat somersault before she landed near the other two Sith. She grinned tiredly* Together again...
Xanatos Etanial
Oct 7th, 2000, 12:13:56 PM
::X opens his eyes slightly barely able to think or even see, and glances in the diretcion of the voice calling his name::
Nup...?? ::X's head falls forward again as he is still terribly woozy::
Is that you?? So... they got you too. Any idea... what... what they got planned...
::X pulls against his bonds trying to break free::
That... that thing that captured me... said something about... becoming the second of her Avatars...
Lady Vader
Oct 7th, 2000, 04:08:32 PM
*LV smiles as LD comes to join them*
LV: Yes. Together again. Now, if only we could get the rest and really make it a party.
*suddenly the building shakes slightly and all three women look through the open doorway*
LV: SITH SPIT! Someone's started the attack on the relay! We were supposed to do this quietly!
LW: Damn it! This is what happens without communication! That better have not been Gav!
*LV suddenly twists her attention towards the direction of the palace*
LD: What's wrong? What do you sense?
LV: I sense... I sense one of our Sith is in danger... I'm trying to pinpoint who...
*LW suddenly gets this worried look on her face*
*LV sees LW and shakes her head*
LV: Don't worry, LW. It's not Gav... you woulda known instantly, even before me, if it had been. No... this feels more like... I think...
*LV's eyes narrow*
LV: Core be cursed! It's one of our new recruits... Xanatos!
*LV closes her eyes for a moment*
LV: I also sense someone else near him... a Force user...
LW: Yeah, it feels like a Jedi.
LV: Damn it! I am NOT letting that murderous machine get a hold of another one of our Sith! And, as much as I despise the Jedi, I am NOT going to let that bag of bolts get another Force user in her grasp!
LD: This is getting worse and worse by the minute!
LW: Enough dodling! We have to get rid of the power relays!
*LV nods and begins walking towards the doorway*
LV: LW's right. We've got to disconect that monster from LL and some of the others!
*she sighs*
LV: Maybe it'll even take out the relay that will control X and the Jedi. Otherwise, we'll have to help them after we finish here. We just have to hope the Force is on our side.
*LV reaches the doorway and peers inside as the other two ladies come to either side of her*
*wispering softly*
LV: LD... can you fit yourself down the vent over there... I sense it runs along this pathway. You could be our scout, sensing the passageway through the Force, and not being seen.
LD: No prob.
*LD heads over the the vent and slides down in*
*LV turns to LW*
LV: Blend yourself to look like the wall and stay near it... I'll attach myself to the ceiling and crawl along there.
LW: Got it.
*both women wait at the top of the stairs... finally they get an "all clear" from LD*
*silently, both women creep into the passageway, shut the door behind them, and begin their descent*
Lady DeVille
Oct 7th, 2000, 11:09:16 PM
*::Crawling in the elaborate vent systems of Coruscant wasn't the way I really wanted to spend my time here:: De'Ville sighed, and brushed a lock of hair out of her face. She wished that the vents actually had air flowing through them, but they had been turned off in this sector. It was stuffy inside, and sweat dripped down her back, soaking into her jumpsuit.
Live Wire and Lady Vader were coming through the passageway behind her, she could sense them in the Force, and she could hear footsteps as they came closer. Crawling forward to the next junction she stretched her mind out, feeling tentatively for others. A whirring sound caught at her hearing, and she panicked. She touched Live Wire's mind, like a tap on the shoulder.
Live Wire and Lady Vader froze, one clinging to the ceiling, the other disappearing 'into' the wall. There was a tense moment, then they relaxed. It was only a mouse droid...A mouse droid!? Live Wire quickly aimed enough electricity into the droid to completely short circuit it.
De'Ville silently continued forward. The room with the power grid relays was just ahead, and as she got closer she could feel the cool air blowing through the vents. ::o f course, wouldn't want their precious relays overheating...never mind us 'organics':: She sighed, and brushed back another stray hair. It stuck to her sweaty forehead. As the air temperature dropped De'Ville felt more uneasy. It was too cold...*
Oct 8th, 2000, 12:40:15 AM
OOC: hehe...opps...I had a feeling you were gonna say that......
Lady DeVille
Oct 8th, 2000, 05:00:51 PM
Lady Vader
Oct 9th, 2000, 04:45:33 AM
*the three women continue down the dank stairway, finally reaching what seems to be the first of many winding hallways*
LW: Damn. This may take awhile to find the main room with the relays.
LV: Well, at least that first blast took care of one of the rooms... now we just have to hope there's only one left.
*LV looks around from her vanatge point on the ceiling, then silently drops to the floor, landing on all fours*
LV: The building isn't that big... shouldn't take long to find the main power relay and set of a chain reaction explosion.
*LW nods her head and calls to LD through the Force to ask her if there are any guards in the hallways ahead... LW nods her head at LD's reply and looks at LV*
LW: Coast clear.
LV: Good... let's go.
*they continue again, with LD leading the way in the vent*
*as they turn a corner, LD sends out a quick warning to the two Sith in the hallway*
*both women scatter, one into a dark adjoining room, the other around a corner*
*all three Sith wait silently as the two sentry cyborgs pass by, not noticing them*
*LV pops her head out*
LV: That was a bit close.
LW: But nothing unhandleable...
*suddenly another flair of warning comes from LD, but too late*
*a lone cyborg comes from around the bend and sees the two women standing there*
*LV takes out her whip and lashes it at the cyborg, wrapping it in it's electric wiring, and frying the cyborg*
*it hits the floor, dead... but this small disturbance has caused the other two cyborgs to backtrack*
*LW curses and leaps over one of the robots, sending a quick, yet powerful bolt into it's head, frying it instantly*
*LV catches the last machine bewteen each hand, digging her claws deep into it's head and wrenching it's insides fiercly, dropping it dead with it's head badly mangled*
LW: Pull them into that room. We can't leave evidence.
*LV uses the Force to put the two she had put out of comission into the dark room*
*LD sends an "all clear" and the women once again continue their treck through the sparsley lit corridor*
*LD sends a message saying they're almost near... she can feel the air cooling a bit and a soft hum up ahead*
LV: Finally...
*LW nods her head in agreement*
*the three women continue closer to their intended target*
Oct 9th, 2000, 12:08:36 PM
::Nupraptor's screams echo through the room as the droid lower the blade of it's small, spinning saw onto the back of his neck again, severing muscle and rending sinew. Every voice in his mind blurs together into a jumble of noise. They had been working on him for close to an hour now. It looked as if they were almost done with his nuero-cyber interface. But this was only the start, and likely the least painful of their procedures. His own blood was pooling on the surgical table, and he could feel it on his back. His robes were soaked rather thoroughly with his own blood. His body wracked with pain, he fought against his bonds, trying in vain to free at least a little space between him and the straps holding him down. The droid removed the saw from the back of his neck, apparently done with that are, and begun to move it towards his abdomen, lowering it for a new incision...
When everything stops. Nupraptor is surprised almost to the point of shock as the droid simply sits there. The lights in the room flicker, and feebly die. Along with them, the room grows accordingly quiet, as the other droids and even the cyborgs become still. A power outage... but for how long? Those AIs certainly wouldn't allow it to be out for more than a minute or so... but it should be enough. Nupraptor wiggled a bit under his straps, forcing his body upwards. He didn't need to think about what had to be done, it was clear as day. He arched his back, bringing his body closer to the still blade. Just one of his straps tore under the wicked teeth of the saw, giving him a bit of room. He closed his eyes, and the lightsabre which he had stashed away came flying out of his robes. Although his arm was still bound, he managed to send it to his hand. Grabbing it, he hit the button on it's side and the blade lit up with a hum.
Nupraptor tilted the blade back gently, allowing it to touch the straps. Instantly, they were severed. He jumped to his feet, a move which proved far more painful than he had anticipated. He stood, a bit woozy with the loss of blood and the physical trauma::
"Xa... Xanatos? I'm going to try to get us out of..."
::With those words, the power suddenly returned to everything, without warning. The droid that was performing the operations on him lowered it's blade once again, only to meet the hard metal of the table. It turned quickly to see him standing, lightsabre in hand. Nup brought it around in a quick arc, turning it up slightly towards the end of the strike so as to lop off it's head. He was still a bit wary of droids.
Looking around frantically, he saw a small army of droids and demented cyborgs rushing towards the room. Xanatos, as it turned out, was out cold. Whatever they had drugged him up with was keeping him out of the picture for right now. Nupraptor evaluated his options, and quickly realized that he didn't really have any. Turning his gaze to a large air vent in the floor, he drove the blade of his lightsabre into it, slicing it open::
"I'll be back for you X... I will."
::With that said, he hopped into the opening followed by blaster fire, and the various screams and moans of the horrid creations behind him::
Lady DeVille
Oct 9th, 2000, 01:29:36 PM
*Reaching the power relays of south Sector 2135-33, De'Ville quietly popped off a vent cover and vaulted feet first into the room. The cool air flooded over her overheated body, and for that she was glad. However, she reached the room slightly ahead of the other two Sith, since they had to come in the door...which was of course locked.
De'Ville ducked down behind a console, and watched the few cyborgs in the room. They had their backs to her for the moment, so she crawled around towards the door.
Suddenly with a bright flash the door sparked and exploded into the room. Amidst the smoke and momentary confusion, Lady Vader and Live Wire ran into the room, sabre's drawn. The cyborgs turned to them, but within a few seconds were lying in pieces on the floor. De'Ville got to her feet and made short work of a droid that was monitoring the power grids. She and the others stood facing the grid controls for a moment, then Lady Vader cursed.* Emperor's black bones, I'll fix these machines! *She raised her lightsabre high and plunged it into the heart of the controls. De'Ville and Live Wire were barely able to duck out of the way as sparks flew and a fire quickly started.
The power flickered and then died. The whirring of electronics disapated, and the only sound was from the hum of the three women's lightsabres. De'Ville grinned at the other two, her face sweaty and streaked with dirt. Then she frowned, placing her hand on a dead console. She cursed* Blood and ashes, there's another control room, this power outage will not last long enough -- we've got to get to the other room!
Oct 9th, 2000, 01:52:41 PM
:: Nup's mental screams wrack Fewd as he operates a public access console. Working furiously, he is in the system. He examines the current flow of data. All of the outflow from one point, all of the flow also passes through there. Fewd then starting testing routes, mainly through traffic lights, to get an accurate real world location. then, just as he was about to narrow it down to a specific building, the console shorts itself out. Taking one last cursory glance at the fading overlaid maps, Fewd goes off at a slow run.::
Oct 9th, 2000, 02:40:19 PM
::The digital face of SHODAN pouted in an almost sensual way, frowning at the flow of events. There was much going on that IMPLEMENT was either unaware of, or simply too bust with her experiments to care about. The idea that IMPLEMENT was hiding something from her was becoming bothersome: She liked to know everything. And worst of all, there seemed to be something wrong with the building's power supply. She sensed that there were several flesh things attempting to gain entry to the palace. This wouldn't do.
__________________________________________________ _________
Over in the operating room, the wires of a nearby computer console began to take life, stretching out of their shell. Snaking together, they once again made a physical form for SHODAN to view the world with. She looked at the havoc that had occurred in there, a disapproving scowl forming in her wired face. She had lost one of her Avatars.... blast! Contemplating this, she shrugged it off. He had only just begun the transformation. He was still a pitiful bag of rotting meat. Still, SHODAN did not know where he was, which bothered her greatly. How could he hide in her own domain?
SHODAN looked over at her remaining captive, who groggily began to open his eyes. In frustration, she let out a scream and hit him over the head, rendering him unconscious once more. She turned, looking at her droids and cyborgs::
"Make sure this one does not escape, or you will feel the full, unabridged fury of my wrath!"
::Even the fearsome looking creatures seemed to tremble in her wake. Her message delivered, the wires fell lifelessly to the floor, indicating that she was gone from there::
Oct 9th, 2000, 03:37:30 PM
LadyDeVille - thanks for keeping me in the thread back
there. As you can see i havent made it back to this rpg,but wanted to let ya know the way you played it out was fine with me :)
Im pretty much out of the loop so will sign off here for now. ciao
Gav Mortis
Oct 9th, 2000, 04:36:55 PM
It was dark inside the narrow ventilation shaft; it had almost got to the extent that Gav had to rely on touch rather than sight to navigate his way through the chilly passageways. His broad shoulders pressed up against the shaft on either side and he wriggled onward, making as little noise as possible, stopping at regular intervals to listen to the echoed clanging and grinding in the distance.
I wonder what that could be...
On he went, winding around tight corners, scraping his knees and elbows as he did, resisting the temptation to breath heavily, he took short, quick breathes and the temperature within the ventilation system seemed to rise. Soon the air was thin and dry, moving was almost unbearable and required too much strength and eventually, Gav's muscles began to tense up, leaving him sore and uncomfortable. His breathing was growing ever heavier every second more he spent in there.
Come on Gav! It wont be long until you're there, it should be straight up ahead!
Pushing himself physically and psychologically, the Sith continued to negotiate his way through the dark, narrow passage, nearing his destination gradually. The noises growing louder and louder, they seemed to surround him.
Turning another tight corner, he entered a shaft much brighter than the previous, it was filled with light from a small grid opening up ahead; the whirring, grinding and clanging seemed engulfed him now, it was immensely loud.
At last! But what the hell is that noise? What's down there...?
Pulling himself over towards the grid, he leaned forward and looked through it, hte light was too intense initially but gradually, his eyes began to adjust to the room below.
The room below was an immense hall, it was riddled with a conveyer-belt system, and on it lie the mutilated bodies of the planets inhabitants, twitching as they begin to adjust to the newly installed implants. These cyborgs were great in numbers he noted, the track moved at an alarming rate bringing hundreds; no, thousands of cyborgs through ready to have weoponry attatched to their already disfigured bodies.
"This must stop before it's too late!" Gav whispers to himself, leaning forward to catch a glimpse of the other side of the hall.'s heavily gaurded, it looks like I'll have to...
Suddenly, the grid below him breaks away from the shaft and swings open bring Gav with it, he had been leaning over too much. Falling through the hole, he reaches out and grabs the swinging grid, and he is suspended some 20ft above the floor holding onto the loose grid above.
In panic, Gav looked across the hall to where he saw the squads of cyborgs earlier; they were still there but had noticed his presence, yet.
If I can just...pull...myself...up.....
Too late. Finally, the grid broke loose due to the immense strain of the Sith's weight and down to the floor he plummeted. He landed awkwardly, but with little sound when suddenly, CRASH; the heavy metal grid smashed to the ground sending an echoing metalic chime throughout the hall.
Instantaneously, a chorus of whirring and grinding followed, as the cyborgs moved in to investigate the noise. Gav hid behind some machinery as the cyborgs, in unison, moved in on his location.
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 9th, 2000, 04:56:07 PM
:: LL stared down at the Dao, while the room filled with cyborgs ::
Gue...don't do this. Don't succumb to her will.
:: Several cyborgs rush at LL. In the blink of an eye, LL uses a force grip to stop them cold in their tracks. The cyborgs continue to relentlessly run in place towards LL nonetheless ::
Gue...I see you've made your choice. Very well. Let me apologize in advance for what I'm about to do to you.
:: LL twists his head slightly, and begins to blink fast. The cyborgs around him begin to electrocute violently, falling to the ground as twisted, smoldering corpses. The Dao is shocked ::
Don't look so suprised, Dao. Your master should have killed me from the start. With these cybernetic grafts...I can fight her on HER level.
:: LL places his hand on an exposed circuit board connected to a mainframe computer ::
Now...tell your queen to back off...or I will give her data on what pain REALLY is.
Lady DeVille
Oct 9th, 2000, 05:15:05 PM
ooc: you're welcome Hera, I'm glad you liked it. Feel free to come back!
Lady Vader
Oct 9th, 2000, 05:18:00 PM
*in her blind furry, LV continued to slash at the now dead control panel*
LW: LV!! It's DEAD!! We've got another room to worry about!!
*LV snarled and turned to both women*
LV: Let's move!
*without hesitation, LV walked up to a wall on the far side and laid a hand on it... the wall began to glow red, then orange, then yellow, then a blinding white... finally it exploded in a rain of concrete, making a hole into the next relay room*
*all three women ran inside and made mince meat out of the few cyborgs that were there*
*suddenly LW looked up and stumbled slightly, her eyes wide... LD steadied her master*
LW: OMG! Gav... he's in danger!
*at that moment, a squad of nine sentry cyborgs came around the corner, weaponry blazing*
*all three women dived for cover and returned fire with their blasters, scoring hits here and there, but seemingly to no avail*
LV: Damn! Those robots have double shielding armor. Our blasters are useless! All we're doing is tickling them!!
LD: Our lightsabers can do the trick!
*more blaster fire*
LW: Core be cursed! More have come around the bend!!!
*LV cursed mightly in her native language... she searched the room for a potential weapon large enough to take out the squad... nothing*
*then, she sensed it... adjoining this room was a power conduit, large enough to cause a desructive explosion and disable the machines for good... not to mention take care of the rest of the relays*
*LV shouts over the blaster fire*
LV: LD! Get LW outta here NOW!! I'm gonna blow this thing to kingdom come!!! MOVE!! You've got to get out of here before more of those freaks come in!!
LD: Impossible! I'm not leaving you here!!
*LV roared at LD*
LD: Don't argue with me!!! I can use the Force to blow the power conduit next door, but I need to be in close range to do so!!!
*more droids showed up... heavly armed*
LV: DAMN IT! MOVE!!! NOW!!! That's an ORDER!!!!!!!!
*LD looked stricten, but knew why she had to get LW out of there*
LW: EXCUSE ME?! Don't I get a say in this?!?!
*both LV and LD looked at LW, shouting*
LV & LD: NO!
LV: Now MOVE!!!! I'll cover you!!
*LV leapt from behind her cover and brought around her lightsaber, now in two, and started deflecting the powerful bolts back at the robots, scoring large holes in their chests and dropping them*
*as LV blocked the bolts, LD almost dragged LW out of the room, into the other room, and towards the vent... as they got closer to the wall, LV turned and let a subdued blast of Force Destruction come their way to cover their tracks so that the robots wouldn't see where they'd go*
*then LV was left alone*
*she snarled as a bolt came close to her shoulder, sinching the fabric and top layer of skin there*
*working and thinking quickly, she dove for a nearby cabinet and crawled along the floor towards the wall adjacent to the room with the power conduit... all the while throwing small charges at the cyborgs, making them duck and fire blindly through the smoke filled room*
*reaching the wall, she cut a small hole in it with her claw and shoved the rest of the charges from her belt into the hole, right next to the conduit*
LV: Gawd, I hope they got out alright... this is gonna be a hefty fireworks display...
*using the Force she powered up her destructive power and let a ball of fury fly towards the power conduit*
LV: Hell, they'll probably see the blast all the way to the Palace... and then some...
*LV stood up and faced the cyborgs... everything seemed to go in slow motion... she twisted and leapt over grasping wires and flying blaster bolts... she started running towards the hole in the wall*
*suddenly she tripped and fell with a curse as the flooring beneath her caved in*
*finally outside and on the adjacent building, LW and LD watched... waiting*
LW: Where is she?! She woulda been done by now! It's a simple task!!
*LD was close to biting her nails*
*suddenly the building blew skyhigh*
*LW and LD ducked, taking cover behind a huge massive concrete and stealium block... they still had to use Force Portection bubbles to block from the hot, stinging shards raining around them*
*the ground shook as the explosion ripped through each level of the building, starting from the top and heading down*
*soon the noise subsided*
*LW and LD stood up, brushing debris from themselves and ran to the edge of the building and looked across to... empty space... they looked down*
LW: OMG... I don't sense LV...
*she looks over at her apprentice*
LW: Do you feel her?
LD: I... no... I don't...
*both women keep looking at the fallen remains of the building that just moments before housed the power conduit*
*both knew that the job had been done, quite thoroughly... but both felt it had come at a great price*
Oct 9th, 2000, 05:29:25 PM
:: Just as he was past the building, it conviently exploded. The ground shook, but Fewd mantained his balance. He noted the two figures on the building next door and decides to investigate further. ::
Xanatos Etanial
Oct 9th, 2000, 05:30:49 PM
OOC: Nevermind sorry.
Lady DeVille
Oct 9th, 2000, 05:38:18 PM
*Live Wire and De'Ville quickly made their way to the steaming and sparking pile of rubble. De'Ville felt like sicking up when she saw the devastation up close.
Live Wire was close to tears, and started lifting pieces of duracrete with the Force* She's got to be alive... *fiercely, to De'Ville* Don't just stand there!
*De'Ville helped lift, and in a few seconds they had cleared away a great deal of rubble. Reaching out with the Force, De'Ville could sense nothing alive in the smoldering ruin, but her mistress was determined. Finally De'Ville got down on her knees and started scrabbling with her hands in the dusty pile. She had felt something. Live Wire had felt it too, and together they dug, assisting with the Force when they needed to. And they found it. Lady Vader's whip, the handle covered with blood and the power cell destroyed. De'Ville couldn't tell if the blood belonged to the Sith, or to another being. Live Wire moaned, and straightened slowly.
Her mistress flared with sudden anger, and with a burst of wind the dust that had accumluated on her body flew off in a small whirlwind. De'Ville coughed, and patted her jumpsuit down, trying to control the dirt that flew up and tickled her nose. Live Wire turned to her* Gav- he's in danger, I can feel it.
*De'Ville wiped at her dirty face* I feel it too, but--
Live Wire: This is not a time to argue! I need you now, follow me! *She took off running down the path, and De'Ville had to hurry to catch her. She noticed that the sun had completely set, a few stars were visible between the 'scrapers and sky hooks that dominated the skyline. It was very dark, whatever they had managed to blow up had done the trick.*
Gav Mortis
Oct 9th, 2000, 07:22:31 PM
Breathing heavily in panic and after the tedious journey through the air ducts, he pressed up against a great, humming machine and he could feel it vibrate against his back as he regained himself. But it was only a matter of seconds until the cyborgs would get to his location.
Damn! What do I do now? Surely I can't take them all on alone, there must be some way to...
Suddenly his attention was caught by a large blast door he had not noticed previously. But it was at the far end of the hall, he would have to take the risk of the cyborgs seeing him otherwise he didn't stand a chance.
Falling forward onto his chest, he lied down and wriggled across the oil-soaked floor, hidden behind a band of conveyer-belt and machinery. The thud, thud, thud of cyborg feet on the hard floor surface was getting nearer and louder, it seemed to surround him as though they were all around but he dared not to look up.
There must be a way I can distract them, what if something went wrong with their assembly line...
Now scurrying hurriedly on his hands and knees, Gav made his way to a large mouth in the assembly line and inside there was no doubt some sort of technology which enhanced the cyborgs with weoponary. Quickly, Gav leapt into the mouth of the machine, and when he looked in he realised to his horror that he had actually leaped into the device which propels the belt along, it was full of large wheels and cogs spinning at an alarming rate.
Oh f*ck! I'm gonna get chewed up by these things unless I do something fast...
Laying on his back, he pressed his feet up against eitherside of the machine, holding him in place momentarily. He delved into a pouch on his back with difficulty he removed three cylindrical pieces of metal, as he did the force of the belt was too much strain on his legs and they gave way and so he was pulled along on the belt towards the grinding cogs and wheels.
Nearing the blur of cogs, he screwed the cylinders together quickly forming a long, strong bo of about six feet in length. Suddenly, he felt something smash into his foot and quickly he pulled it away from the turning cogs in pain, arching his back, he leaned forward and proped his bo within two cogs and the side of the machine and instantaneously, it jammed and stopped dead with a ringing clang. There was an ear piercing scraping sound as the cogs tried to turn against the bo but to no avail.
As Gav leaped out of the mouth of the machine he choked and his throat clicked as he was siezed by the throat and wrenched aside, pulled to the floor. He jerked back in apin as he recieved a strong shock to the ribs and it was then he realised he was being attacked by a cyborg.
Quickly climbing to his feet, he backed off a step or two as the hideous creature came to it's feet, his left eye glowing a bright turquoise and his flesh torn in places revealing wiring from which sparks erupted and metal implants.
As soon as Gav had placed his fingers on his lightsaber handle, he heard to his side a click followed by the sound of metal sliding across another metal, it whooshed through the air towards him.
There was a burst of energy followed by a low pitched hum; immediately after there were high pitched whines soaring through the air as Gav moved from one foot to the next with graceful agility. The whining became a low hum once again and Gav looked on as the two cyborgs, one in front of him and one to the side fell to the floor, lifeless and not to mention headless.
That cyborg came up behind whilst the other one distracted me and attempted to...
He crouched down and looked around the motionless corpses until he found on the floor, two long, thin nodules made of metal which were originally from the cyborgs wrists. Gav inspected the two bodies and found that on the wrist of one of them, were the remains of the nodules emerging from under the skin of it's wrist.
So it had tried to impale these nodules into my neck. What the hell for?
There's an explosion on the wall in front of him and Gav looked up to see a smoking black burn in the wall, shortly after there was a power screech from behind as another blaster bolt ripped through the air, singing the hair to the side of his head. He only just managed to dive to the floor in time; immediately after there was a bombardment of laserfire over head and debris fell to the ground all around the Sith who began to run, crouched toward the blast doors.
As he ran, he took from out of his robing a slab of thermite jelly and and out of his back pouch an ion bomb, he pressed the jelly against another large machine which had now caught fire due the imense strain it was under along with the bomb.
Standing, he re-ignited his lightsaber and pivotted on one foot turning to face the approaching cyborgs. Instinctively, he flicked his wrist bringing the black blade down at an angle and a blaster bolt rebounded from the blade and exploded into the chest of a cyborg nearby. The Sith went into a swift dance of pivots parries and sidesteps, deflecting numerous bolts, burning holes in the approaching enemy.
Quickly resuming his run after reducing the number of cyborg gaining after him, Gav touched the force with his mind and sent ripples through it pushing the activation switch on the blast doors up ahead. The doors slid open either side allowing him to run through and close them similarly behind him.
He was in a long narrow corridoor and up ahead, at the far end of it were two cyborgs gaurding a turbolift. Gav grinned as they both raised an arm at the approaching Sith when suddenly from out of the installed launchers, two rocket type projectiles soared through the air towards him. With a mere instant to think, Gav stepped to one side, brought his right leg up onto it as he face forward, then followed by his left leg as though he had begun to walk up the side of the wall. As he came up horizontally against the wall, he pushed off with his left foot, sending him into a midair cartwheel over the rockets as they screamed beneath him. He landed to his feet after the 360 degree manouver (OOC: Like what Trinity did in the Lobby, The Matrix)and was somewhat disorientated, allowing the cyborg to begin their approach up ahead.
- - - - - - - - - -
Meanwhile, at the end of the corridoor Gav had just came from; the blast door slide open and about thirty droids march in when suddenly two rockets hit two of the leading cyborg and with an immense explosion they are all ripped apart by the blast and their remains are buried under tonnes of rubble, blocking off the blast doors and any more following cyborg.
- - - - - - - - - -
Gav stood still with a wicked grin on his face, the two cyborgs up ahead were suddenly lifted from the feet into the air. Manipulating the energy around them, Gav slams the two cyborg into the walls either side of him causing various enhancements to break away from the mutilated bodies. Then they are dragged away from the wall and pulled toward each other and almost fold up under the increadible force of the collision with each other and they fall to the floor; mangled and lifeless.
Jeez! That was close, just as well they had those rockets!
Coming to the end of the corridoor, Gav entered the turbolift and as the door was sliding shut there was a distant rumble and the turbolift shook, suddenly the door stopped dead in it's tracks only half shut followed by darkness.
What the hell has happened with the lights?
The Ion Bomb; damn, there wont be any electricity in the upper levels in this building now, I didn't think it'd explode so soon. What the hell am I going to do now?
The Dao
Oct 10th, 2000, 04:20:59 PM
Dao raises an eyebrow scaning the room electronicly rather than visualy keeping his eyes on LL. Soon he finds what hes looking for. His is still alive and unconscious. A grim smile creeps across Dao's face as suddenly the graviy around LL becomes 8x that of normal.
Oct 11th, 2000, 04:58:24 PM
*Videl then remembers the computer she found back at Implement's base* Hmmmm, I forgot to blow that up.....*tries to set off the explosive she put behind it earlier, but no sound follows* Well something must have happened to it, so I guess I'll have to go back and destory it......*teleports back into the base* now, where was that? *Videl wanders the halls a little, until she finds the door that doesn't happen to be open now, and notices a security panel on the wall. Videl pushes a few of the buttons and the system asks for a code. Videl takes out the dagger that Mara gave her and stabs it into the panel, getting a slight shock, but she ignores it* that's my code....*the computers sends out several sparks* Access code accepted...*it shows before shorting out and the door opens. Videl steps cautiously in, looking for anyone who may be inside. After finding no one, she walks over to the computer* Let me see, what would be the quickest way to destroy this thing? *Videl powers up, and fires force lightning at the computer* System overload, computer is now shutting down......*the computer sizzles and smoke rises from it as it shuts down and turns off completely* Still I wonder who owns this computer.......
OOC: well gtg...ja ne..*Videl teleports out of forum*
Lady DeVille
Oct 12th, 2000, 03:36:11 PM
*Following behind and to the left of Live Wire, De'Ville had a niggling feeling in the back of her mind. She looked over her shoulder, but saw nothing.
Live Wire climbed from the smoldering pile of rubble into another 'scraper. De'Ville swung herself into the newly shattered window, and looked behind again. There -- a cloaked figure disappeared behind a block of upended duracrete. She reached out with the Force, but could get no read on the man...or whatever it was. It's mind was like a blank wall. And so she knew. It was a Jedi.*
Oct 14th, 2000, 12:43:23 AM
*Videl hears a noise behind her, and looks over her shoulder to see 20 of Implement’s drones filing into the room* ::Hmmmm…..I guess I should have been a little quieter…:: *She thinks to herself as she powers up a ki saber and takes the stance of the Mantis as she waits for the drones to attack. Sending out a shower of sparks, Videl slashes the closest two drones in half with a swift slash of her saber. Suddenly a low rumbling roar and a piercing howl loud enough to wake the dead is heard echoing through the halls. Two large shapes loom up out of the shadows with their eyes glittering eerily, and Shiji (Videl’s panther) slashes the drones closest to him with his razor sharp claws. Kuroi (my wolf) follows with his teeth bared and his ears flattened back against his head. Shiji leaps over the drones, landing next to Videl, taking a defensive stance in front of her, growling menacingly as he crouches ready to pounce with his tail lashing back and forth. Kuroi howls with a sound that would send shivers down anyone’s spine then bares his teeth at the drones. Videl looks down at them for a moment, smiling slightly but not daring to take her eyes off the enemy. Sparks fly through the air as Shiji pounces on one of the drones, slamming it into the wall with a loud crash, and mauls it severely. Kuroi jumps up and bites down on another’s arm. With one swift fluid movement, Kuroi rips the arm off and crushes it between his jaws. Videl powers up a ki blast, raises her hand up to a drone’s face, and fires it, blowing off the drone’s head, and it falls to the ground in a puddle of molten metal. A few minutes later, the fighting has stopped, and the smoking mounds of demolished drones lie strewn around Videl, Shiji, and Kuroi. Videl brushes a bit of her unruly hair out of her eyes and reaches down to pat both animals on the head.* Hehe….it’s nice seeing you two again. I was worried Implement had captured you as well even though I left you back at LL’s ship with the others…..Well there’s nothing left to do here so we might as well go find the others since I’m still having trouble finding LL’s ki again……::Where are you, Anbir?:: *she thinks to herself as she heads back to find the others*
Lady DeVille
Nov 4th, 2000, 02:27:05 PM
ooc: quick recap:
Lady Vader: missing, presumed dead
LL and Gue: Talking
Live Wire and me: Running to find Gav, because she is freaking out (we're not going to find him)
Fewdman: Following us
Gav: Fighting for his life
Xanatos: Turning into VIRUS
Nupraptor: Trying to get away
I don't remember the rest, but I think thats a bout it. Hey, and when it does get going, could a mod erase these last three weeks of OOC comments? I think that would be great if they would.
Nov 5th, 2000, 02:35:42 AM
OOC: I'm also around somewhere....last I remember I was heading back to the others....
Lord Gue
Nov 5th, 2000, 03:35:13 AM
OOC: Last I remember me and LL were facing each other
Lady DeVille
Nov 5th, 2000, 04:09:33 PM
*Scrambling along behind Live Wire, De'Ville cursed as she cut her hand on a shard of glass. It wasn't too bad, but stung nonetheless. She reached out telepathically and touched the part of Live Wire's mind that wasn't covered with every imaginable kind of mind block, and let her know they were being followed.*
Live Wire
Nov 6th, 2000, 02:20:32 AM
*LW nodds a slight indication that she heared her apprentice's message. LW opens her mind just enough to get a sense of the stranger. She breathes a slight sigh of relief as she discovers that the stranger is a jedi, and a jedi that hasnt been taken by the AI's. Normally LW wouldnt have been been to particularly thrilled to run across a jedi but in this case any help was welcome. LW turns to her apprentice and mouths the word Jedi and LD nods in acknowledgement. They slow their pace giving the jedi time to catch up*
Nov 6th, 2000, 07:03:10 PM
:: Fewd studies the two women in front of him, and his memory sifts itself, recalling information from the Jedi's dossier files. Live Wire was a Sith Lordess, certainly no one to be trifled with. Her aprentice had shown signs of wit and grace in combat, along with more subtle ways of accomplishing tasks. Under ordinary circumstances, Fewd would avoid an encounter with these two. The circumstances were fair from ordinary today. He catches up to the two women.::
"Unusual day, to say the least."
:: Fewd promptly felt like a fool. Women had never been one of his strong points. He mentally kicked himself, and sighed::
:: LW would have been slightly amused, at a different time and place.::
"Well, that building exploding was fairly interesting, what happend?"
OOC: Edit, left sig on.
Lady DeVille
Nov 6th, 2000, 07:26:53 PM
*She did not know the Jedi, but it appeared that Live Wire recognized him. De'Ville couldn't help but smile at the way the Jedi fumbled for words, and raised her hand to stop the uncomfortable flow of words.* We blew it up, or, rather, Lady Vader did.
*She paused, a catch in her throat, then continued* The whole planet of Coruscant has been overun by an artificial intelligence known as IMPLEMENT, the whole population has been taken over by machines..I trust you have witnessed this yourself? *He nods* Anyway, there are a few more Sith here, Videl, Gav Mortis, who we are on our way to find, and the Lounge Lizard. I'm sure you heard the transmission about his capture. It was quite...disturbing...
*Live Wire interrupted her apprentice* We have to get LL away, all the AI wants is to have control over the living Force, and that it must not have.
Live Wire
Nov 8th, 2000, 02:29:35 AM
*LW looks around nervously. Normally she would have been amused by the jedi fumbling with words but she had more important matters on her mind. Suddenly she drew her saber and ignited it, the yellow blade reflecting in her dark eyes*
LW: Damn! I'm sensing something but I am not sure what it is....
LD: Is it Lady Vader?
LW: No, I'm still not sensing her.
*LW swears and looks towards the demolished building and then off in the direction Gav had went. As much as she hated to think of it, she had to assume the worst, that LV was dead. They had to concern themselves with the people who they knew were alive. The buzzing in the back of her mind grew stronger*
LW: All I know is that we have to get out of here now!
Lady DeVille
Nov 8th, 2000, 07:55:02 PM
*She takes her lightsaber off her belt, holding it in her hand ready to ignite. She notices the buzz too, like an annoying bee caught between her ears. De'Ville looks untrustingly at the Jedi, and then at Live Wire.* Drones coming...
*The Jedi was perspiring. In fact, she was as well.* Blood and ashes! Where is LL!?
Lady Vader
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:55:25 PM
*far off in the bowels of Coruscant, far from the blast point of a certain power generator, far from the group of Sith that were there, a lone figure descended and ascended, escaping a few remaining drones that were persuing relentlessly*
*the figure, a Sith, had been able to extinguish the lives of dozens of the horrific creatures with a huge blast that took out more than half of a building*
*only a few, perhaps 3 or 4, remained to persue the Sith, with only on intent... to transform the Sith into a machine like them*
*the Sith refused to give in... at every opportunity, the Sith killed a drone that got too close... soon only one was left*
*having taveled for so long in the underworld of Coruscant, the Sith had lost her sense of direction... also, the fact that the injuries sustained by the Sith, left the Sith disoriented*
*with a final effort, the Sith sliced the drone as it got within reach*
*the Sith heaved a sigh of relief, and began to ascend, finally reaching the top levels of Coruscant*
*looking through a pile of rubble, the Sith saw it was dark out, with only stars blinking in the inky black night*
*scanning the area, the Sith found it safe to emerge from the shadows*
*finally, LV stood in the night air, limping slightly due to a severly twisted ankle, dried blood on her almost everywhere, mostly from drones, but some of it hers*
*she had deeps cuts here and there that'd she'd been able to catarize with the one working side of her lightsaber... the other side had become disfunctional after a large steelium beam had crushed it*
*looking around, she tried to assess her position... she also kept herself masked from the others so as not to make them worry about another person to find... she sensed her friends far off in the distance, but did not contact them... and neither did they sense her... she didn't even open herself to LL, though she kept an open "ear" to his presence... she hated to do this to them, but one less thing for them to worry about now was probably best*
*LV began to limp towards a building that seemed an awful lot like the former Imperial Palace... staying within the shadows, she made her way towards the majestic structure, hoping to find something that would aid her in her search for the one she loved*
Lady Vader
Nov 16th, 2000, 02:56:52 AM
OOC: dead stop... so, I will finish it up...
"LV gets to the Imperial palace, fights off a few baddies... blah, blah... Gav does his thing, blowing up something or other... blah, blah... LW and LD, along with Fewd, find Gav... blah, blah... LL and Gue talk it out, fight it out, I don't know... blah, blah... Videl finds LW and company and they head for the Jedi Temple (or whatever is left of it)... blah, blah... they fight off more baddies... blah, blah... they never make it there, cause they get distracted somewhere between the Temple and Palace... blah, blah... somehow LL is able to overhwelm the machines... blah, blah... he kicks ass... blah, blah... LW and company run into LL... blah, blah... they fight off more baddies... blah, blah... destroy Shodan and Implement... blah, blah... LL hears news LV is dead from LW... blah, blah... LV suddenly shows up... blah, blah... everyone is happy, they go home, and live happily ever after... blah, blah... the end"
OOC: and that, my friends, is a thread laying to rest... (unless SOMEONE wants to ATTEMPT to ACTUALLY FINISH this RP in a PROPER FASHION???) *smiles sweetly and moves on*
Live Wire
Nov 16th, 2000, 03:00:29 AM
*shocks the thread*
No I think its officially dead! We gave it a valient effort but I think we should lay it to rest girls.
Too bad. It had so much potential.
*amazing grace plays as LV, LD, LW, Videl and Fewd carry the casket containing the passed on thread to the place where all good threads go to die*
Nov 16th, 2000, 04:09:24 PM
it died too soon....why do the good die young?oh well, it will
be happier in thread heaven....
Lady DeVille
Nov 16th, 2000, 04:10:10 PM
Bah, humbug.
It WAS a good thread, but it lived a tragically
short life. Or should I say, a boringly long one?
Sith ladies rule!
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