View Full Version : Payback is a B****

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 10th, 2001, 08:27:33 PM
The newly completed Eclipse Class Star Destroyer designated Bromine, speed through a corridor of hyperspace, its destination known to the crew. Troopers numbering in the thousands marched through the hallways of the immense craft, making preparations for what appeared to be either a training exercise or possibly even war.

Flight crews worked diligently on the many varieties of Starfighters and shuttles on board, making sure all was prepared and operating at peak performance. This was the maiden voyage of the Bromine after it had gone through rigorous and intense test flights and inspections, and this voyage was going to be a significant one, for the ship itself and those who had commissioned it.

On the bridge, Ogre looked at the chronometer and smiled. “If all goes according to the plan, our arrival should coincide precisely with our opportunity.” He said to the Dark clad officer at his right.

OOC: This RP is open and welcome for all to join. No more than 3 posts a day from each character involved and all other standard SWFans RP rules apply. Timeline coincides with current events.

Jan 10th, 2001, 08:53:29 PM
***System of Sith Empire HQ planet***

::Yet <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3024.topic>once again</a>, a NR squadron of X-Wing exits hyperspace..::

Blue Leader: "S-Foils in attack position.. report for enemy units"

Sith Summoner
Jan 10th, 2001, 08:53:48 PM
**Sums had been on his way back from taking what he loosly refered to as TSE's fourth fleet (http://www.geocities.com/sith_summoner/fourth.html) on a shake down cruise. Though 4th fleet wasn't officially a fleet of TSE, Sums had wanted to form it and put it through its paces in case they were ever needed. That and he had wanted to see how his new Wraith Class Cruisers (http://pub4.ezboard.com/framashathewedding.showMessage?topicID=285.topic) and TIE Razors (http://pub4.ezboard.com/framashathewedding.showMessage?topicID=286.topic) would fare. As expected they had performed as well if not better than he had hoped. After a week of testing and mock combat Sums had ordered the fleet back into hyperspace for the journey back to TSE HQ. Mid journey Sums had recieved new orders from Ogre to rendez-vous with second fleet (www.geocities.com/sith_summoner/second.html) at a none descript set of co-ordinates.

And that is where he sat now. Having transfered his command flag over to the SoSD The Nuriko, he sat and waited for further orders not really knowing what the hell was going on, and for the fleet commander that was not always a good position to be in.**

Dark Jedi Leia Solo
Jan 10th, 2001, 08:58:04 PM

* The evening wasn’t much unlike any other at the little mud hut on Dagobah, known as Yog’s Bar and Grill. Leia sat in a booth, near the door, sipping from a glass of red wine. She considered a few things in her thoughts as she sat alone, watching the regular patrons and several of the Jedi interact in their many locations throughout the small establishment.

There was something a little unusual about how she was dressed this evening, but none of the Jedi nor the other patrons had paid it any mind as she entered, retrieved her drink, and moved to the empty table near the exit. For the first time, she was dressed in a brown cloak, as opposed to her traditional back. On first sight, most would swear she looked exactly like the great Jedi Master, JK Leia Solo, which wasn’t that surprising as she was a perfect clone, though full of evil and despite, as programmed by her creator.

Darth Ogre Mal Pannis had spawned her from the blood of JK Leia Solo, which his Disciple, Ket Limelight had retrieved from her, in his first battle as a member of the Sith. A battle that granted him a promotion to the rank of Sith Warrior of the Sith Empire, something that Ket deserved for following his Master’s request so well. For Ogre had asked that he battle a Skywalker and bring him a token of that battle. Ogre was very pleased when that token turned out to be an actual DNA sample.*

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:28:57 PM
OOC : Is this happening the same time as the NR assault on RSO?

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:30:03 PM
OOC: Yes..seems Ackbar already figured that out. :p

Steve Dominguez
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:32:49 PM
D ominguez sat at the controls of "The Layla", Sanis Prent's freighter that he had 'liberated' a few weeks before. Currently he was awaiting permission from the Dagobah space port to land. Having only used text communications, and claiming visual and audio malfunctions there was no reason for them to think it was anyone other than Sanis. Soon enough he got permission and headed down towards the ground.

Finally touching down Dominguez moved to the back of the freighter where the rest of the team was waiting. Their commanding officer, Maj. Mark Tarkin began a short briefing where he gave each member their instructions. Michelle Page, a computers expert was to meet the operative already on the ground. Kyle Bailey, a weapons expert was going to be providing a little distraction. Dominguez, Tarkin and Victor Martin, a demolitions expert were going to the secondary target. As the five members left the ship none of them noticed the figure who had been standing in the darkened interior of the ship, their boss was here, and they didn't no it.

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:35:35 PM
OOC : If your over.... here and the Jedi are.... over there... this could be quite amusing cause we could potentially find each other not at home. Hmmm....

Admiral Cureatz
Jan 10th, 2001, 09:51:09 PM
**The ships of Sith Lord Darth Phantom's personal fleet (http://www.geocities.com/sith_summoner/phantom.html) hung above the TSE home planet of Monto Crudo. At the current moment Admiral Cureatz was in command**

Fighters, fighters, fighters... **came the screams from the tac officer aboard the SSD Phantom 1.**

"What? How many and what type?"

X-wings sir, appears to be one squadron.

"That's it? Launch 10 squadrons of TIE advanced to intercept, and an additional 10 squadrons in case there are more unexpected quests"

Yes sir.

**Within minutes the fighters had launched and where heading for the X-wings. At 10-1 odds they didn't have a chance**

Darth Phantom
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:03:53 PM
:: Phantom sits waiting on the Sovereign Class Star Destroyer known as Kashalla's Fist. Phantom receives a message marked argent from his Master. Phantom reads the message and smiles, at that point Phantom orders TSEs <a href=http://www.geocities.com/sith_summoner/third.html> Third Fleet </a> to enter Hyperspace to an unknown destination ::

Dark Jedi Leia Solo
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:16:16 PM
*Dark Leia sat back in her seat and sipped slowly at her glass, when all the sudden a noise, not typical of a usual evening, was heard resounding through the Bar & Grill. It was the sound of munitions fire. It had happened once before that someone had the audacity to fire on the peaceful establishment in sport and this occasion looked as if it would be no different than the last.

The Jedi inside took immediate notice and one called on his communication device, to the nearby Temple, summoning assistance, as they weren’t too sure of the source of the disturbance and they had better be prepared to defend this place and its patrons. It was the duty of all Jedi, to uphold the peace and protect the innocent. The rest of the Jedi motioned for the patrons within the bar to get low and take cover, help would arrive soon.

One of the Jedi turned to look where he had seen Dark Leia sitting earlier and noticed that she was no longer there, just her, still half full glass of wine, the liquid within still moving as if it had just been set down abruptly. Several more shots rang out and the Jedi who noticed her no longer present was jolted from his ponderings of where she may be as one of the patrons in the place was struck with a bullet and screamed in pain.

*Outside, among the marsh and foliage of the swamp, Dark quickly towards the facility, where her creator had instructed her she would find the Planetary Shield Generator. She had a purpose this evening, and according to the chronometer on her wrist, her time to get it done was coming soon, as parts of the Sith Empire Fleet would be exiting Hyperspace, and they were expecting the shield to be down, so that the drop shuttles loaded with weaponry, troops, and members of the Empire would be able to make planet-fall, while the Fleet and all of its fighters drew the attention of the New Republic Fleet and the rest of the Jedi’s planetary defenses.

She arrived near the power generator facility and reached out with the Darkside of the Force, attempting to determine if the distraction at Yog’s, had drawn the Jedi on duty here to that scene. She felt no presence of the light, only several regular beings, most likely guards. Pleased with her findings, she stepped out onto the main path to the front entrance of the facility, and confidently strode to the door.

She was greeted at the entrance by two guards, who addressed her as Jedi Master Leia Solo. They inquired as to why she was there and she responded. Telling them that she was here to replace the Jedi who had left to help with the disturbance at the bar. She told them that their presence was also required at the bar to assist and the guards quickly nodded and responded in the affirmative, handing her the keycard to the facility.

Dark Leia turned and watched with a smile as the two guards ran down the crude pathway towards Yog’s bar. She raised the keycard in her hand up and looked at it with a wicked grin. “That couldn’t have gone any more perfectly.” Beginning to laugh slightly, she moved to the door and swiped the keycard through the lock, placing a hand on the touch pad to confirm her identity. The scan completed and the doors opened before her. With a smug grin she walked in and the door closed behind her.*

Kyle Bailey
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:50:33 PM
** Kyle grins at the sound of the screaming patrons. Kyle fires several more shots into the bar and grill one hitting a patron, he laughs slightly and fires several more. Kyle hears some yelling and sees a group of jedi heading his way, Kyle quickly stands up and puts his rifle over his shoulder, he gathers his things and heads toward the rest of the team **

Note: Edited out big sig

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:57:29 PM
A ship of Corellial design comes out of lightspeed behind the X-Wings. It manuvers and brings it's targeting computers on line, readies it cargo.

Commander : X-Wings, scatter on my mark....NOW!

The first missile volley from the Correllian Missile Boat targets the TIE fighters. The second volley curves away in a spread pattern to target the SoSD the fighters came from - straight for the bridge.
The Missile boat - complete with payload of 3,000 concussion missiles and a broadside capability of 55 high speed launchers continues to fire at fast as it can. ( I think - I'll have to recheck the broadside capabilities)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:02:44 PM
OOC~ Okay, so your a nameless tech but it is still one name. What gives you the right to be in all the threads when other characters cannot do such a thing?

Admiral Cureatz
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:03:59 PM
OOC: 2 things. the biggest ship at the TSE HQ is going to be a SSD. also could you produce the specs on that missile boat please i'm unfamiliar with it

Jackie Chan 1138
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:04:46 PM
A young Jedi Padawan is sipping a drink. Vaguely oriental, tallish, quiet. Doesnt say much as his Basic is thickly accented.

Chaos erupts. He sees someone leaving.

"Hey You there! Stop there!"

He jumps the tables and races off to catch this persons.

Marc Tarkin
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:15:05 PM
Suited up in full swamp camouflage gear, Marc and his team moved stealthily through the marsh. He was able to hear the commotion at the relatively nearby Yog’s B&G and knew things were proceeding according to plan as he checked his chronometer quickly. He heard someone yelling in the distance just as Kyle formed back up with the team. Mac exclaimed. “Looks like you picked up a straggler.”

Kyle stopped and crouched down, leveling his scope with his eye he fired four shots in rapid succession at Jackie Chan 1138 aiming for his head with the first two and his torso with the last two. Kyle stands back up and the team splits up as Marc gives some hand signals to each of them after patting the pack on his back

A Nameless New Republic Tech
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:22:00 PM
OOC : The Correllian Missile Boat is basically a glorified munitions transport,. It has a cargo capacity of 3,000 missile or torpedos. It is a fairly weak ship that can be easily destroyed, slow as well. It has the capacity (and here my memory is hazy as I go tht e specs originally from Yog) to fire 150 missile at one time, with each volley approx 5 seconds apart. Broadside I think it can target 60 odd missiles at one time on the target. If this is unacceptible, I can switch to a ship I do have more knowedge of, the Nebulon-G. This ship was designed by General Scorpion, using a basic Nebulon-B cruiser, fitted out with 300 8 shot launchers in the bow.

Dale : This is a plain generic account, like the Re Shirt Ensign. If you really want, I'll select one of the other accounts I have and name it.

Jan 10th, 2001, 11:27:41 PM
Swamps of Dagobah, 1KM from Planetary Sheild Generators.

The large, sturdy mech was proving itself quite well on the random terrain of Dagobah's swamps. That little bit of software tweaking had helped.

"Ships detected."
"What the... oh. Right, there must still be a lot of X-Wing left in her computer. Wait a second."
I'm getting a direct feed from our air control

"All personel, we have multiple bogeys inbound, and several Star Destroyers just dropped out of hyperspace." bzzt*click*

The Bushwacker turned about in a steady arch, massive feet thumping against the wet, muddy earth, heading in the general direction of the complex.

"Not now CAD. Right now I need you to get the WRT... what do you mean that Leia Solo just accessed the planetary sheild generator?!?! Thats impossible! She isn't here! DNA scanned said its her though? I doubt that. Thanks for the heads up CAD."

He would have to thank the droid later.

Fewd swore something evil about clones as he shoved the throttle lever violently forward. He got there very quickly for something that weighs fifty five tons.

Jackie Chan 1138
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:29:41 PM
hint in the Force is all he had and he dived away, using the warning and his natural speed to avoid the blaster shots. Rolling to his knees and staying low, his lightsabre now out and somewhat scared, He wideeyed looked around. What was he goign to do? Enemy troops with blasters?

He did the only thing he could pointing a hand and concentrating, he sent a wave of the Force back in the direction he was shot atand heard with some satisfaction a yelp as the Force threw that person backwards and hard. Onto his feet he called out through the Force...

"Under attack!! Masters,help!"

Sith Summoner
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:43:41 PM
**The last ships of 4th fleet droped out of hyperspace around Dagobah. Sums had given the command for all of 4th fleet except Dark Omen to jump in and deploy their fighters. Their mission, to destroy the mines that were surrounding the area. The sky was filled with red and yellow laser bolts and flashes of exploding mines and vessels. This mission would cost TSE some ships for sure, even with the advanced fighters and cruisers that were doing the majority of the work.**

Victor Martin
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:49:55 PM
Moving through the swamps the covert agents stop in their tracks suddenly. They hear a loud clanging noise moving steadily through the swamp. It grows louder and louder, seemingly approaching them. The agents look at each other already knowing what is approaching them. Their minds begin thinking at a rapid pace, Dominguez giving commands, using various hand signals. Martin nods in agreement and quickly moves steathly through the swamp circling back. Dominguez runs out of the swamp into clear view, coming face to face with Fewd's mech. Martin starts to come out behind the mech with high explosives already in his hand. But it was to late, the mech must have seen him coming on scaners or something. The Mech swung around and aimed his weapons at Victor. Swearing under his breath Victor turned and started sprininting away from the Mech weaving back and forth hoping to stay out of a weapons lock. He could hear the Mech thumping the ground behind him. Victor quickly ran out of dry land, but that was okay. He doubted that that tin can behind him could swim. Diving into the water he started to swim away just as Fewd reached the edge of the water and let a couple of shots off at him before he disapeared.

Sniper Tondry
Jan 11th, 2001, 12:53:10 AM
' They are gonna owe me a big one for assisting in this op,' Pierce Tondry thought as he took a cautious look outside the frieghter Layla to make sure no one was around. He listened to the sounds outside, then headed out. A few yards from the freighter, he pulled a device out of his pocket and remote-locked the freighter with it.

He was not yet done with the ship, or its owner. Not done with by a long shot.

Mentally cursing whoever it was that had stolen his rifle, Pierce hefted the flechette pistol in his left hand and got a grip on the large black case he carried in his right. There was no pool stick in the case this time; the contents were nothing less than the parts to a grenade launcher, as well as several rounds of microgrenades.

And he would see how well the Jedi inside the temple Avalon could redirect them.

Following the directions he'd gotten from Ogre Mal Pannis, Pierce made his way by stealing a speeder bike from the Bar and Grill and tearing off through the swamps of Dagobah, just waiting for one of the wretched little swamp denizens to try and attack him in his swamp gear so he could vent some of his fury at not having his rifle when he needed it.

Dyne Darkforce
Jan 11th, 2001, 02:17:08 AM
<Dyne was on the Wraith Class Cruiser "Eri" along with Renegade. Both were assigned to help assist Sith Summoner in the testing of the newly built Tie Razor's. As he was in the hangar of the Crusier, he looked out awaiting the fight that was soon about to break out. Dyne looked at himself for a few minutes with his fist locked. He knew that they were looking up to him. The 2 launchers on his Razor were loaded with a total of 16 advanced concussion missles. He turned to Renegade who was beside him>

Dyne: You ready for this Ren?

Renegade: As usual, dont worry it will be all good and you got me by your side. Lets raise some hell shall we?

Dyne: <Nods> yeah, these Razor's need some testing, Summoner wanted me and you to take a run with them. This should be a good oppurtunity.

Renegade: I agree this should be a good time to earn the Empire glory, we will give it our best.

<With that they both went to their fighters, he got near it and ran his hand across the hull.>

"Hmm, me and you gonna be close friends."

<Dyne stepped into the open cockpit and watched as it closed over him. He looked around and all the power was switched on, the engines were engaged. Dyne waited for clearance and as he was given the go ahead from control, he proceeded to leave the hangar. Being deployed from the Eri, Dyne was focusing himself and concentrating on the events coming forth. He went out of the hangar and set the throttle and shields, looking as he got to a good distance from the Eri. Getting a feel for the fighter, he checked all systems and armed his cannons and launchers. Making sure the shields were on full power in the front, he looked out and around the ship also keeping a close eye on the targeting system. Dyne stayed close by the Eri, awaiting his wingman Renegade.>

EDIT - Typos and left out a few words.

Darth Renegade
Jan 11th, 2001, 02:39:14 AM
Renegade climbed the ladder and sat in the cockpit. He noded at the tech outside the ship, thanking him silently for prepping the ship for launch. With a quick flick of a switch, the cockpit began to lower with a soft hum. Renegade sat in the ship, looking over the console, familiarizing himself with the controls. Feeling confident in everything he turned on the radio, opening it up to the frequency of the hangar bay controller.

This is Renegade in Tie Razor, Alpha 2 requesting clearance for take off

He smiles as he awaits the confirmation. The radio comes to life once more, the officer sounding confident, as all loyal TSE members are.

Roger that Renegade, you are go for launch. Have fun

Renegade smiles to himself, as he throttles up and begins the take off procedure. The techs all move out of the way, as he picks up speed and blasts out of the hangar bay into the cold depths of space. He smiles to himself as he clears the area around the Eri. He performs a couple of easy rolls and hard banks getting a feel for the controls, and the ability of the ship.

Not too bad. They boys in the shipyards have done some bang up work

He performs a couple of more complex manoevers as he flies by the bridge, showing a little bit of fighter pilot arrogance. He smiles to himself. He opens the comm again contacting Dyne this time.

Alpha 1, this is Alpha 2, you read? Dyne you there?

A familiar voice crackles over the comm unit, coming through with a sarcastic tone of voice

About time you showed up. I thought I'd have to do this all on my own AGAIN

Dyne laughs at his own joke. Renegade just sighes and smiles, knowing it's all in good fun. Suddenly another ship shoots out of the belly of the Eri. Renegade turns in his seat, trying to get a visual on the ship when the radio hums to life again and Anubis begins to speak

This is Alpha 3 calling Alpha 1. I've been assigned to go with you guys, to cover your a@@es.

Dyne responds quickly and calmly, as a leader should.

[i]Alright Aubis, rendezvous with us at these coordinates

Anubis Lockheart
Jan 11th, 2001, 02:59:53 AM
Anubis speeds up to the maximum speed. Testing out the manouverability of the new tie Razors. He puts his hands on his head and starts to steer with his knee's.

"Hmm, not too bad indeed. Summs you've done it again."

The radio crackles as it comes into frequency.

"Alpha 3, this is Alpha 1.. get your ass up here we haven't got all day."

Anubis speaks.

"Roger that Dyne just having some fun along the way."

Taking the controls with his hands again he takes up position as the left flank, with Ren the right flank and Dyne the lead.

He speaks into the radio.

"I'm here fella's. I've already been breifed on the situation, so let's do this"

EDIT - Error in post

Michelle Page
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:41:20 AM
:: A thin and quiet figure sat at the back of the freighter. She never made eye contact with anyone else on the ship as her time was occupied by studying data in a small notebook computer. Her fingers flew on the keys in a blur as she effortlessly entered complex computations and code. Her task was simple enough. One operating system was just like the next, she mused. She took one final look at the image of her contact displayed on the computer screen, and then quickly embedded that face into her memory.

As the ship touched down, Michelle closed the notebook computer and slipped it into her satchel, along with other crucial tools of the trade. The location of her rendezvous with her contact had been identified and entered into her wrist locator. All things were in place.

She nodded to her comrades and exited the craft down the ramp and stealthily made her way to the Power Generator Facility. Upon initial approach of the facility, she noted that there were no guards in sight. Raising an eyebrow, she confidently strode toward the entrance and took out a small device. It was a modified scomp link access connection which she had revamped and fine tuned for her own personal use. Michelle plugged it into the port located under the keycard swipe.

After a quick and undetected network connection, she did a diagnostics on the security system. The cryptography was to be admired, but it was truly amateurish in design. In no time she was able to disable every hazardous feature on the entrance door. It slid open with a *hiss* and she stepped in, only to come face to face with her contact. Michelle gave a grin and nodded as she saw the dead attendants scattered around the room and their blood splattered all over Dark Jedi Leia Solo's clothing. She knew it was time to get down to business and was ready to wreak some havoc along every circuit, transistor and motherboard she could find ::

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:42:45 AM
:: Phantom and TSEs Third Fleet exit hyperspace near Dagobah, and start to move into position, Phantom opens a somm to Summs ::

" Summs I have exited hyperspace and are moving into position. Phantom out "

Dyne Darkforce
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:44:49 AM
<Dyne looked out of his cockpit to see Ren and Anubis at his side. Then he spoke over the comm on the crackled frequency.>

Dyne: "Ok guys we been briefed and we have to help assist in the sweeping of the mines out there. There are many so keep you shields up and watch out."

Anubis: "Yeah Yeah Dyne, I know the drill, got my targeting system online and shields ready to go."

Renegade: "Im ready to go as well Dyne, lets show them what we got eh?"

Dyne: "Heh, ok guys when you have them targeted, engage and destroy. We have to help the fleets out and give them a open lane to do their job."

<As they approached the area from the side, Dyne kept a close eye on the targeting computer. All three kept a tightened formation like veteran fighers. The holo training they had finally coming into play. He didnt see no activity until suddenly the mines picked up on the system. Dyne quickly locked onto the nearest mine and engaged with Anubis and Ren following. He swiftly let loose a array of blasts from the cannons, blasting a mine as he barrel rolled out of the firing range of the mines. As he saw the place light up from explosions, he noticed Ren and Anubis engage their targets as well from his cockpit picking targets off themselves. The area can be seen luminated from explosions by the approaching Sith fleets as the Razor Squadron began to wreak havoc on the minefield. Circling around, Dyne picked off a few more mines with his rapid firing. He noded at the quick responsiveness of the TIE Razor.>

"This is a very good design, getting a feel for it quick, this is what im talking about. I have to get me one of these!!!!!"

<Dyne quickly switched his shields to give him cover in the front and back. He kept a close eye out on his comrades as they engaged their own targets while picking off mines as well. He glanced down and made sure the missles were ready to go as he continued to work of the mine field with the laser cannons. As he flew with the Tie Razor, Dyne noticed the missle laced mines in the interior of the minefield.>

"Hmm, looks like we got some missle company, better take those out quick with these laser mines."

<He quickly locked on with his targeting computer and engaged the missle mines cautiously from a distance, having his shields at full power and recharge rate at full power as well. Dyne reverted some of his throttle power into the shields to help them hold up longer.>

EDIT - Forgot something...Damn!

Dark Jedi Leia Solo
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:00:24 AM
*Disengaging her Saber as Michelle entered she exchanged smiles with her and directed her towards the console she would need to hook her equipment into, so that the shield could be neutralized as well as any other systems that could be accessed from it. DJLS shoved the dead body of the technician still drooped over the seat, out of it and to the floor a thud.*

“Here you go Michelle. I’m sure this wont be much problem for one with your skills.”

*As Michelle sets up, DJLS moves over to the doorway, having a small amount of technical skill of her own she manipulates the door’s locking mechanism so that only her genetic pattern will allow access in or out. Having taken her a few minutes she turns around to check on Michelle’s progress. Its obvious by the quieting sounds of the generators within the small facility that they are in, the shield generator has been taken offline.*

Darth Renegade
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:20:48 AM
Renegade can't help but help but laugh at the exuberance displayed by Dyne. He flies on to the mine field, and sets his shield recharge power to full, slowing his engines down slightly. He then sets his lasers for dual fire.

Now we really get to test these puppies out

He flies away from the mine field at full speed. He turns the ship about and begins lining up his lasers at the mines. He is just about to engage the first mine, when Dyne's voice is heard across the net

This is Alpha leader. Boys, we got mines armed with missles. Those ones are the priorities. I repeat, take them out first, then engage the others

Renegade smiles, the fighter pilot arrogance beginning to show once more.

Alright, at least now I have a challenge of sorts

He sifts through targets on his radar until finding a missle mine. He sets for full speed and heads for the mine. He risks a quick glance out the side panel, and watches his comrades flying with ease, using the force to guide their actions through the field, picking off targets with dead precision. He turns back to his target and begins to fire the cannons, making sure to stay out of targetting range of the mine. It explodes under the fire.

One down, and lots to go

He sifts through on his radar, finding his next target. This continues on for a few minutes, as Alpha team elminates the targets one by one. The mine field slowly becomes more of a debris field with each passing second. Renegade smile proudly at the team's accomplishment. He moves to his radar again, looking for another missle mine, but finds none.


He reaches over to the comm unit and opens the frequency.

Master, this is Renegade in Alpha 2. All the missle mines have been eliminated as have ion mines. The remaining laser mines are being cleaned up now, but the threat to our capital ships has passed. You may enter the system without danger. Renegade out

He then laughs to himself, as he flies to the next mine. In a matter of seconds his face lights up, as the mine explodes

[i]Just like the old holo sims

Sith Summoner
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:31:12 AM
**Sums sat on the bridge of The Nuriko. He was getting impatient and it was easy to see by anyone that entered the bridge. He was shifting around in his seat and fidgeting. He couldn't help it. He hadn't received word from any of the ships in fourth fleet yet. They should have been getting near to completing their mission. The number of mines was unknown but it shouldn't have been to much of a problem for his ships. Finally he heard it, the familiar beeping signaling an incoming message. Standing from his chair he walked over behind the comm. station and read the message himself. It was from the Renegade, relayed by the Eri. It was done. They had a clear path to Dagobah. It was time.**

Comm. signal the fleet, we're jumping for Dagobah.

**With that The Nuriko and Dark Omen lead second fleet into hyperspace for the relatively short jump to the Dagobah system.

As the stars returned to normal Sums stood up and peered out of the plexi-glass window. The sky was filled with fighters and heavy cruisers. Parts from destroyed mines, fighters and damaged cruisers could be plainly seen.**

Tac, begin charging the super laser and order Dark Omen to do the same.

"Aye sir"

**It was time Sums thought, the Jedi had destroyed the old TSE base. Now it was time to return the favor.**

Michelle Page
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:54:01 AM
:: Michelle smiles as she plugs the scomp link into the port of the mainframe. Her custom software detected the security encryptions and was able to override them almost instantaneously due to the outdated programs the Jedi were using. She then released a series of viruses onto the network and watched as it spread like wildfire. System failure lights illuminated the room and cast an ethereal glow across the Lieutenant's face as she basked in the glow of her own technological terror.

Now for some fun. :evil: Michelle then set an ignition timer on the turbolasers with a trajectory set to impact the Power Generator Facility. Overkill is indeed a waste but it is poetic. She leaned down and pryed off the casing to the computer and examined the motherboard. Thermal detonators fit perfectly next to the power supply. She glanced over at DJLS who saw Michelle start to pull the explosives out of her satchel. The two grinned widely and then planted the explosives quickly all around the facility.

As they exited the building, a symphony of destruction played out, it's echo signifying the beginning of true evil in this land. DJLS and Michelle set out on a path to rendezvous with their comrades ::

Rama Sha
Jan 11th, 2001, 05:29:34 AM
:: Rama sits out in the main command level of TSE HQ. ::

Well lets see what we got here.

:: Rama looks over his screen ::

Hmmmmmmm........Rebulic not doing so good, but just in case.

:: Rama activaties the planetary ground defenses. ::

OOC: Oh don't try to blow up the whole hq viva superlaser. It's burried under a city full of innocent ppl. :evil:

Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:42:35 AM
Thrawn had hoped not to take Shadow Fleets <a href=http://community.webtv.net/GrandAdm-Thrawn/EHSD>flag ship</a> away from Coruscant but the current actions against Dagobah left him no other choice..

A Task Force mobilizes for Dagobah

Jan 11th, 2001, 02:22:32 PM
*On board his Skpiray Blastboat "The Destronger" Firebird1 awaits the lowering of the shield surrounding the planet of Degobah so he might join the frey. While he waits he gives his droid K9 orders.*
Firebird1: As soon as I am away take off and wait for futher orders.
K9: Understood sir.

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:35:09 PM
:: Phantom sits in the command chair awaiting his orders, finally Summs contacts him and Phantom orders the third fleet within bombardment range of Dagobah.He smiles to himself and thinks of all the fun hes going to have. Phantom orders that all lasers be charged including the superlaser.He orders the third fleet to start orbital bombardment, The third fleet starts to target ground lasers and cannon emplacements with its lasers. Phantom opens a comm to summs, Master Ogre and Rama ::

I have started Orbital Bombardment

Jan 11th, 2001, 05:56:38 PM
OOC: I know I'm not a mod and have no authority over this, but I wanted to point out something. At my MOST conservative, I MIGHT be able to justify a capital ship from Coruscant making it all the way out to Dagobah in 12 hours. Okay let's be wacky and say 8. IOW, backup from that far away will arrive way after this is over.

Sith Summoner
Jan 11th, 2001, 07:01:07 PM
**Sums sat in his control chair. He was having a hard time hiding the smile that wanted to creep onto his lips. While he had been waiting for the all clear message, Ogre had sent over the information on why the mission had been pushed up. One of TSE's most reliable intelligence source had reported the NR fleets moving away from Dagobah. That left Dagobah unprotected and ripe for the taking.

Sums had ordered all the ships of 2nd, 3rd and 4th fleets capable of planetary bombardment into position and to commence the operation. The basics of the operation were to bombard the planet and soften it up for a mass troop landing. Within three hours the majority of the planet would be theirs.

As the planetary bombardment started, a large number of tugs started leaving the 3 SoSD's in orbit. Their mission to distribute as many of the 200 space mines that each of the SoSD's were carrying before the enemy fleets returned.**

Time Index:

V-Hour minus 3.

OOC: the time index will be used to show the exact amount of time remaining before TSE troops will begin dropping on Dagobah. This will curve arguments about time. TSE members if you have questions you know who to talk to.

Dyne Darkforce
Jan 11th, 2001, 08:15:13 PM
<As Ren and Anubis cleared out the missle laced mines, Dyne followed up and cleared out the remaining laser mines. He went through the mines and demolished them and he got into the explosions and came out barreling in a 360. They ran through the minefield with quick precision and skill. He set his blasters to dual fire to help clear the mines faster. Ren and Anubis went through the field taking down mines quick as the space lit up every so often from explosions. Dyne looked at his targeting computer to see no more threats in his area. Alpha Squadron left behind large amounts of space debris. Dyne looked to see the Empire's large fleets approach and begin plantary bombardment while they cleared the other mines out. He got onto the comm to Ren and Anubis>

Dyne: "Ok guys, make a tight formation, one on the right and one on the left. Make sure you guys got your shields up, I dont wanna loose a wingman. Anyways Sums might kill me if I damaged the ships.

<All three laughed together over the comm, while coming up to his right and left in formation.>

Renegade: "Dyne have you got any new orders yet?"

Dyne: "Not yet Ren, I think Sums just came in from hyperspace on "The Nuriko", I should here from him soon"

Anubis: "Damn, I think we cleared a few hundred mines, not to mention what the fleets did."

Dyne: "Yeah intelligence reported nearly 200 to 300 mines."

<As they talked a crackle can be heard on the frequency and Sums came on>

Summoner: "Alpha Squadron, Alpha 1 come in"

Dyne: "Im here Commander Summoner, what are the new orders?"

Summoner: "As you can see we have begun the planetary attack on Degobah. I want you to go with Alpha 2 and 3 down to the planet's surface and begin a ground offensive. This should test out the Razor's planet attack performance. Oh yeah and one more thing, they have their defenses up and can pack a heavy punch, watch your backs out there. Summoner out"

Dyne: "Understood sir, we shall begin the attack now. Ok guys you heard the Commander...lets do it"

<The three made their formation and began the descent into Degobah's atmosphere. Dyne, Ren, and Anubis descended onto the planet, a distance away from the main defenses.>

Dyne: "Ok, take out everything, we are gonna make them suffer. Lets split up and work our way into defenses, this way all 3 of us aint caught up in one place. Have everything online, lock and load. Lets rumble men and show them what Alpha Squadrons all about."

Renegade: "Heh, being confident all of a sudden, seems like you got the hang of it Dyne....Lets dance"

Anubis: "Aww yeah, Im ready for this, lets wreak some havoc. Everything is ready to go for me.

Dyne: "Alright, engage when you have a locked target, let nothing go."

Anubis: "Good"

Renegade: "Got it"

<The three split up and headed into the plantary defenses, ready to wreak havoc. He kept some of his throttle into his shields and set it to full recharge. His blaster and ion cannons were armed and ready to go. Dyne maintained a close eye on his targeting computer while he armed the missle launchers.>

"Let see what we can do here."

EDIT - Typos

Jan 11th, 2001, 09:31:53 PM
IC: In front of planetary sheild control.

Fewd's distraction had cost him dearly. The two figures running away from the building and CAD's running damage report gave him enough to piece a picture together of what was going on.

The planetary sheild was down. And the whole place was going to hell in three hours.

*click* "CAD. Prep the 'Tea. I want to take the Bushwacker. See if you can prep our bulk freighter too. We are getting out of this swamp. Yes, I wanted to leave too but you have to agree the parting terms could have been nicer."

Fewd threw the Bushwacker around twoards the hanger bay, and stomped inside. Except for a few articles of clothes, he wouldn't be leaving behind much.

"Slave circuit ready CAD? Good. Fifteen minutes left, I'll see if anyone needs a ride. Its kind of a good thing no one is around."

Anubis Lockheart
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:34:00 PM
Anubis turns left, as Ren turns to his right and Dyne heads straight forward towards the ground laser defences. He begins arming his torpedoes as he ventures into the unknown, dodging bits of floating debri as he makes his way forward. He talks to his Tie Razor.

"Ok baby, just you and me now."

As he says that his scanners detect something. He looks at his panel trying to make sense of it. He conacts Dyne.

"Aplha 1 this is Alpha 3 I'm picking up something... only small. Might be 2 or 3 laser cannons. I'm taking them out."

Dyne:"Roger that Anubis, but watch your ass out there, I want you and the Razor back in one piece!"

"Aww..no fun!" He jokes. "Don't worry Dyne, I'll have her back in no time."

He sets his front shields to max, as he gets a visual on one of the laser cannons.

"Computer get me a lock, I'm going down."

The cannon fires at Anubis, very narrowly missing the hull. He manouvres around in the air, firing his own cannons when he can at every oppurtunity. The computer beeps a familiar beep as his torpedoes are locked on. He launches the torpedoes and pulls away at the last minute, with afterburners on to get away from the blast.

"One down.."

Jan 11th, 2001, 11:31:32 PM
*With the shields down, Firebird1 pilots his ship into the atmosphere. One of the planet's turbolazers attempted to lock on and fire, but before they could they were hit by a concusson missle, fired by Firebird1. After this brief attack Firebird1 opens an encripted comm channel to Darth Renegade and Sith Summoner.*
I am going to attack the hanger bay and stop any ships leaving.

Jan 11th, 2001, 11:57:57 PM
Fewd threw his last bit of belongings into the White Rhino Tea and "lit the fires." He felt like a bit of a bastard, but damned if anyone was going to touch his slicing equipment. Too much important information saved.

No, he was going to get out, and he was going to get out now. The Bushwacker was safe in it's slave circuited frieghter (To the Tea).

The YT-2400 and the bulk freighter left the hangar like cats scared by firecrackers.

Fire Hazzard
Jan 12th, 2001, 12:07:04 AM
*a small X-Wing slips almost un-noticed out of the hangar bay, but is shot at and hit a few times just before entering hyperspace*

Rama Sha
Jan 12th, 2001, 12:34:11 AM
" Over the comm to Ogre, summs and Pahntom"

No need to hurry back guys.......

:: Rama checks the display screen as another x-wing goes down ::

Thing are frosty here.

Drin Kizael
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:02:45 AM
:: In the chaos of the Jedi Temple and Academy buildings, New Republic servicemen and Jedi alike scramble to their stations. Within moments, the ion cannons come on line and open fire. Soon after, the technicians in the command center cheer as the backup sheild generators are activated remotely.

:: As rings form around the hologram of the planet, indicating shield power, one of the troops at a sensor console yells out, "We got a couple ships inside the shield, sir!"

NR Commander: "Launch A-Wing Delta Fight to intercept and engage. Keep those hangars clear at all costs!"

Outside the command center, the Jedi evacuation begins.

Master Yoghurt
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:15:02 AM
OOC: Hi. Before you go landing troops on the planet, I should inform you of the basic defensive systems (I get a lot of questions about this).

Planetary shields. Shield generator control room 2km under the surface. There are also backup generators that can be remote controlled. Planetary ion cannons and turbolasers, air defenses consisting of lasers and varios missile launcher systems. Very dense mine fields orbiting the planet allowing just one entrance point. The thick cloud layer surrounding the planet cannot be penetrated by standard sensors. This makes bombardment very inefective. The swampy terrain makes mass landing of troops suicidal.

And now for some really bad news, DT is due to something that came up IRL unable to post for a very long time now :( , in addition JB has problems with his computer at home, dont know when he will be back either. Computer is not acting nice with me either, just lost an entire post by Ackbar which I will rewrite, but dont worry, I will post.

Oh, another thing, there are large number of ships much closer than you might be thinking, as you will soon find out and there is more to the situation than it seems. :)

Had to say all that not to keep you confused and in the dark. Ok, back to posting..

Jedi Rebel X
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:30:26 AM
::Rebel swiftly moves across the lower temple floors, placing mines on all key points of the superstructure. Meanwhile Liam is going across the other side of the massive building, also placing mines. They set mines to remote and lock them in::

*Rebel pulls out a secured three way comm*

Liam you almost done?

.....Yeah........*Skrssh* Just a few more to *skrrsh* make sure *Bzzzzrsshhh* this will go right......

*click* good good.

Warren, you have my ship ready?

.......*skrrsh* yeah, ready and willing, just waiting to go....

*click* sounds good, but did you download all of JSO's data? Weapon plans, designs, etc...and place mines on the base?

.....*skrrsh* Yes I got all the plans and things but....*skrrsh* I didn't blow up the base yet *skrrsh* in fear of being discovered....it's set on remote though....*skrrsh* so whenever you're ready....

*click* Copy that.

::They continue planting mines on the superstructure, minutes away from finishing::

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:32:10 AM
**At the Defense Control booth Jedi Master Leia Solo and Jedi Knight Hart Kenobi are in charge of evacuation. Getting ready to send a transmission through out the Jedi Order on Dagobah. Leia announced to ground personnel to get all top secret documents, holocrons, weaponery, plans and make sure they are secured for departure**

"This is Jedi Master Leia Solo....I want all Jedi and NR Personnel to head to transports immediately. This is an Evacuation and NOT a Drill. I repeat all Jedi and NR Personnel are to evacuate and board the transports. I want all available Pilots to man their ships and to guard and protect our transports Immediately."

OOC: edited for Leeloo Mina post: I did not have choices. Do as you must Leeloo.

Sith Summoner
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:48:06 AM
**Everything had been going perfectly. No mistakes little opposition. Sums knew it was to good to be true and a couple minutes later he was proven correct. The bridge of The Nuriko flew into chaos as the Dagobah planetary shield came back online, and planetary based Ion and Laser cannons started firing up towards them.**

@#%$, i knew it was too easy. Comm notify the fleets I want everything we have other than the superlasers fireing at that sheild.

**Sums knew that they must be on back up generators now. They couldn't hold up very long under the combined onslaught of the forces he had at his command.

Soon the sky was filled with bright flashes as laser and ion bolts impacted the planetary sheilds. It wouldn't be long now before he could order the beginning of the ground assault.**

Time Index: V-Hour minus 2:30

Figrin D an
Jan 12th, 2001, 01:51:12 AM
Amidst the chaos surrounding him, the ground shaking violently, the scream and crackle of laser fire heard outside of the main complex, the Jedi Master walks calmly down the main corridor towards the hanger bay where is custom star crusier awaits him. Already prepared for flight via remote control, the ship's engines whine with a constrained power. The Jedi strides towards the boarding ramp, only to pause and look out of the hanger bay. Fighters streak across the sky, avoiding the massive laser blasts from the ground defense systems. A sea of brilliant colored weapons fire blankets the sky above the hanger...

A veteran of many deadly battles and conflicts, the Jedi can only shake his head and know all too well the long road ahead...

The ramp closes and the Azure Starfire lifts off and exits the hanger, climbing into the heavens above the planet...

Kat Kariena
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:12:42 AM
Kat ran down the hallway a bag slung over her shoulder, what few belongings she had in it. She always kept her ship on stand-by so there wasn't much prep work to do, put the ship through it's pre-flight check and wait for everyone to get off planet.

Drin Kizael
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:13:13 AM
"Alright sentients ... MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

Within 20 minutes, the transports were loaded and locked down. Every scrap of technology and info that wasn't bolted down -and some that was- shared the cargo hold with scores of NR servicemen, Jedi and padawans.

"The shield's giving!"

The air outside the temple was lit up brighter than Coruscant with blaster fire and concussion missiles as A-Wings weaved among TIE Razors. Half the flight was taken out by the advanced fighters, but they managed to keep the exit path from the hangar clear.

"Sir ... the fastest escape vector is charted. They can make hyperspace if they can clear that ImpStar Duece."

:: The transports blasted out of the temple, as much power to the engines as they could eek out and still keep their shields charged. With a flash from the heavens visible even through the cloud cover, the planetary shield came down under the barrage of turbolaser fire.

:: The ion cannons answered in kind.

:: Azure lightning spat through the upper atmosphere, pelting the Summoner IV and scattering the skirmish line of smaller ships before it. The remaining X and Y-Wings supporting the GJO base broke through soon after, engaging the enemy in the immediate area.

:: The loudspeaker in the base echoed over the heads of the remaining techs as they bolted for their ship. "The first transport is away. The first transport is away!"

:: Over the planet, the second transport carrying Jedi and crew followed in its wake, with the surviving A-Wings flying cover. They slid right through the pocket created by the ion cannon and fighter cover, reaching empty space in minutes.

:: With a flash of pseudo-acceleration, the transports hit hyperspace.

Kaine Darklighter
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:31:38 AM
Kaine and Dlayer rush down the halls of the Living Quarters, taking a little of there personal belongings. They take a quick right, then run out into the hanger. Kaine comes out first, with Dlayer not to far behind. He see's that most of the Jedi's have left, and he runs over to Kat's ship.
"I think we can get outta here now, Nearly everyone's gone." He says to Kat, while walking up the ramp of her ship.

Jedi Rebel X
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:32:53 AM
::Rebel and Liam finished their job minutes after the transports had left::

*meets up with liam in the entrance to the temple*

We have to go, now!

Liam: Let's do this.

::They make their way to the area where Warren was waiting, as explosions blasted through the air above them. The shield was breaking, and ships were falling everywhere. As they went past some trees into a clearing an x wing crashed right by them, exploding on impact, sending debri around::


*they barely dive in time to miss some shrapnel and get back up*

*They make it onto the ship and take off, flying out the same way the transports did. Ion cannon bursts are sent flying around them as they squeeze through burst fire from the enemy*

*Rebel pushes the mines remote button and he looks out the side window to see Temple Avalon's lower levels blow up with a large wave of fire and debri. The temple caves in on itself, leaving nothing but a junkyard left of it. Also, Rebel pushes another button triggering JSO's base to explode*

::A nearby enemy ship explodes as they fly by, and they jump into hyperspace as some nearby ships explode in a brilliance of light::

This has been a bad day, for all of us.

Sith Summoner
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:32:57 AM
**A huge grin covered Sums' face. The shields were back down, and this time it look like they were down for good. He was about to start shouting orders when a young ensign ran up to him with a message from the tactical station.**

"Sir." **Sums turns his head and acknowledges the officer** "As you know the shields are back down. Unfortunately they did not fall soon enough. The Jedi and New Republic forces have escaped the system sir."


"Yes sir, one of their Ion Cannons knocked the ISD2 Summoner 4. Well, they slipped through the hole that it left and escaped into hyperspace"

Damn it. Find out how long till she's operational again.

"Yes sir" **The officer turned on his heals and walked back to his station, as Sums headed for the comm. station**

Comm. send a message to Bromine:

Planet evacuated, permission requested to begin the ground operations 2 hours in advance of schedule.

**The message left The Nuriko headed for Ogre aboard Bromine. All Sums could do was wait. This wasn't his mission, and he needed permission on this one.**

Time Index: V-hour minus 2:10

OOC: Just so noone brings it up. I gave permission for the ImpStar Duce Summoner 4 to be put out of action.

Kat Kariena
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:37:00 AM
Kat nodded as they ran up the ramp. Daniel and Callista had already boarded.

"I'm gone."

Kat's ship started to lift in the air and took off. Once out of the gravity of the planet Kat sent the ship into hyperspace.

Leeloo Mina
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:42:27 AM
::Leeloo watched the rest of the jedi get ready to evac and she simply stood there for a few moments then went to tell her friends good bye. She kewn the didnt understand why she was doing this and she couldnt really explain it to them. she wasnt even sure of her dicision to stay yet she knew Liam whouldnt like it...hed most likly force her on aship so she planed to have someone else tell him:

OOC: Thank you leia.

Jan 12th, 2001, 03:54:04 AM
**Near the asteroid field of Dagobah**

4 long rows with cargo containers glided silently into the void of space.. two tow ship leaded the procession. As the escorting C-wings engaged their hyperdrive, the sight of the bulk cargo blured out, fading into hyperspace with a roar.

An armada of <a href=http://www.fortune-and-glory.com/yog/NR/main.htm>ships</a> formed up in delta wing procession floated in darkness of space. On the bridge of the flagship SMC-150 Freedom, a young officer reported to Admiral Ackbar with a distressed look on his face.

"The cargo is on its way, sire. That was the last one. We have succesfully completed primary task. The cargo will rendezvous with Yog's and DT's strike force. They are escorted by fighters, ordered to maintain complete radio silence."

"Are we detected yet?"

"No, sire. We remain safely undetected from any sensors scanning from vector 3F, cloaked by the screen of asteroids at sector 54. However, the current events at Dagobah demands our attention..."

"Set course for Sith Empire fleet."

"Aye sir.."

The Main Fleet distanced from the asteroids, engaging their subspace engines as they started the approach to Dagobah..

***10 minutes later***

Red *blips* started to appear on radarscreens as Main Fleet tracked TSE targets with active sensors, loading data into attack computers..

[Edited the link]

Boaz Karno
Jan 12th, 2001, 03:56:12 AM
Bo' walked through the halls in his somewhat newly fashioned Jedi Robe looking for Drin or even Mistress Solo but neither were anywhere to be found. Instead what he found was a scurry of NR techs and a few students running around like gundarks with their heads cut off. He paused in the middle of the hangar bay as transport after transport escaped the swamp planet of Dagobah via the cover provided by the planetary turbolasers and pair of X-Wings that accompanied each. He saw a man clad in headphones and an orange flight suit directing the mass of X-Wings, personal starships and transports with a pair of glowsticks which he waved back and forth.

Boaz walked towards the man nonchalantly amidst the air of chaos which loomed over the Jedi Compound. The man who was directing traffic pointed the glowstick in his right directly at Boaz while he directed a couple of starships to proceed with his left.

"You over there" He yelled to compete with the noise of sublight engines revving throughout the hangar bay. "Get on that transport over there, but hurry it's taking off in a couple of minutes" He commanded as he looked over towards a large transport with the words Dagobah Pride emblazoned across the massive hull.

Later Boaz would surely look back on this moment and laugh at the irony but now it was time to double step it to the transport and get off this rock. The Sith had surely caught the Jedi off guard and it was going to cost dearly perhaps even more than some would realize.

He proceeded to the transport at a light jog and ran up the gangway quickly. A woman stood at the door who appeared to be taking orders through a comlink because she looked like she was trying to absorb a large amount of information as she instructed Boaz to go sit in an empty seat over towards the corner.

Boaz walked to where he was instructed to sit and sat there patiently until about a minute later when the gangway retracted and the hatch door slid shut. The woman motioned for everyone to be quiet while the sublight engines fired up and the ship began to rumble as the repulsorlifts were activated and the ship rose from the ground and began to hover towards to the exit of the hangar bay.

"Everyone fasten your safety devices and cover your heads until we make the jump to hyperspace. We may experience heavy turbulence during our initial take off but relax our shields WILL hold up under the limited enemy fire that we will endure."

As soon as she was done with her pre flight instructions she said something into the comlink and ran to her seat near the exit and buckled up quickly.

Boaz turned to an Ithorian who sat next to him. "Looks like we're in for a bumpy ride eh?"

The Ithorian looked at him with a quizzical expression and shrugged. He then barked something out in his native language which Boaz didn't understand but he nodded nonetheless.

"Ya I agree Hammerhead hopefully they'll serve some Corellian Ale with the mid flight meal."

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 12th, 2001, 04:16:22 AM
Watching the stars streak past, Ogre sat in his command chair on board the Bromine. He had received the various transmissions and cursed the miscalculations made by his technicians. This trip had taken longer than intended and they were supposed to have arrived when the shields of Dagobah were first taken down. Fuming from the events Ogre vowed to replace the technicians, after he had them executed for their ineptness.

Every single communiqué to come across to this point had been encouraging, there had been little resistance and the operation was progressing better than expected, which was made most evident by the last transmission, even with out the First Fleet of Tse’s assistance the timetable of the mission was ahead of schedule and the Fleet Commander of TSE was requesting permission to begin the next phase.

Ogre smiled and pressed the activation switch of the communications array on the arm of his chair. “Permission granted. Implement operation ‘Root Stew special’.” Chuckling to himself he leaned back in his chair and continued to watch the bands of light pass before him, knowing he would arrive in time to help complete the operation, personally.

Steve Dominguez
Jan 12th, 2001, 04:27:10 AM
It had taken him almost half an hour to find Victor again after he had decided to take his unexpected swim. They had headed out on their mission to destroy the Jedi's living quarters. They had gotten within 500m when they were both shocked and elated as they watched the building explode in a ball of fire in front of them, the Jedi had destroyed their own building. With nothing left to do they slowly and quietly moved through the darkness back to the "Layla". When they arrived both were extremely surprised to find their special ops commander Pierce Tondry standing beside the freighter. Quickly both snapped to sharp salutes which in turn were returned. They made a rapid report of what had happened and also found out that Tondry had been setting explosives around the spaceport. With nothing left to say the trio stood silently in the cold darkness waiting for the other members of their team to arrive.

Marc Tarkin
Jan 12th, 2001, 04:35:07 AM
Heading for the temple along with Kyle, Marc stops abruptly, looking up to the skies as the roars of fleeing ships fill the air. He runs a hand through his hair and thinks. ”Looks like the targets are making a break for it. According to my briefing that means its time to get off this rock, and scrap objective b.”

He turns to Kyle standing next to him, and points a hand over his shoulder, back towards where the Layla had been landed. Kyle immediately nods his understanding and they reverse direction and head back towards the ship.

As they move through the swamplands as quickly as one can expect in such nasty conditions, they hear someone else in the muck near them, crouching behind a low stump, the two of them wait for a few brief moments and are surprised when the notice that its none other than Dark Jedi Leia Solo and Michelle, also on their way back towards the Layla.

They rise from their position identifying themselves and the four of them continue on their journey, arriving at the Layla only a few minutes later. Finding the rest of the team is already there. Once all of them are aboard the ship, Pierce gets it off the ground, pointing the nose upwards into space and bolting from the planet’s gravity in a flash as the engines kick in fully.

EDIT: Turned on HTML

Grand Adm Thrawn
Jan 12th, 2001, 07:28:06 AM
"In range?" Thrawn directs to the helm officer.

Helm: "Not yet sir"

Thrawn: "Statas on the task force?"

Helm: "Ackbars forces have arrived"

Thrawn: "And General Darkness?"

Helm: "Unknown sir, given the time it takes to get from Endor to Dagobah i would say he is there"

"Good.. i'm going to my quarters, alert me when we are in range" Thrawn stands and exits the bridge

General Prince of Darkness
Jan 12th, 2001, 08:51:53 AM
Helm: Sir we are coming up on the Dagobah System

POD: Good.. signal the Abolishers to drop out of hyperspace and emit their sphiers

Helm: aye

The AC's drops out of hyerspcae outside the system as the Task force heads onward to TSE fleet


The Task Force is:

2 ESD (http://community.webtv.net/GrandAdm-Thrawn/NSD2>NSD²</a>
5 IFC (http://community.webtv.net/GrandAdm-Thrawn/SSD3>SSD³</a>
15 ASD
20 ISD
10 VSD
20 AC
5 OF

Leeloo Mina
Jan 12th, 2001, 11:54:21 AM
::Leeloo walked off to her room knowing she was the only Jedi left on the planet and went through her things taking a few of them that she could use to defend her self and she quickly raced out of the Living Quarters and off into the swaps of Dagobah. She was going to do this guerilla-style::

Hart Kenobi
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:23:48 PM
::Hart Kenobi stands next to Leia examinig the grids of their defenses in the now empty control room. He and the Jedi Master were only of the few remaining, coordinating the escape.

::He turns on the speaker::
"Transport two is away....." *a loud cheer arises* ".. I repeat, Transport Two is away."

::He turns to the control intercom.::
"Transport Three, this is command. Do you read?"
*static* "Copy Command, this is Transport one. Awaiting orders for hyperspace."
"Set coordinates for point oh zero niner four. Ready? Go."

::Hart watched as the transport left his grid::

"Transport Four, this is command. Do you read?"
*static* "Copy Command, this is Transport two. Awaiting orders for hyperspace.
"Set coordinates for point seven six zero. Ready? Go."
"Copy, Command. See you at the rendezous."

::The second transport's reading leaves the grid::

::Hart turns to the intercom::
"Attention, this is Command. I suggest all remaining personal now make their way to the final transport in the West Hanger. Set the decoy tranport to leave in the East. Any remaining pilots are ordered to guard them. Lead any fire away from the transports. Repeat, lead enemy fighters and fire away from the transports. This is Command and will be our final announcement. Over."

::He turns toward her and touches her shoulder::

"Princess, the evacuation is under way. There is nothing else we can do. We must leave NOW or else we might not be able to get out in time. The enemy is closing in. Let me take you to your transport. Or do you wish to fly along with me in your fighter. We've got to lead the last few out of here."

Jan 12th, 2001, 03:19:17 PM
*As Firebird1's ship nears the hanger, he sees ships taking off and the Jedi making a run for it.*
No, you will not get away today..
*The Destronger fires it's ion cannons at a bulk freighter running like a scared cat. The Ion cannons hit the freighter's engines, and the freighter goes down out of the air like a lead balloon. After that Firebird1 turns his ship towards the hanger, fireing the rest of his weapons and a couple of torpedos at the structure. The hanger buckles aginst the turbolaser fire, but when the torpedos hit, the walls fall down, damaging and some of the ships inside, but not completely destroying it.*
Firebird1: We'll make another pass, after that land...
K9: Yes sir

Sith Summoner
Jan 12th, 2001, 03:27:52 PM
OOC: Thrawn: we have been attacking for maybe an hour and a half hours RP time max. According to information from a reliable and therough source, the trip from Endor to Dagobah should take approximately 3 to 4 hours. General Darkness' forces should NOT be here yet.

Ash Longbaugh
Jan 12th, 2001, 04:00:18 PM
::Ash exits hyperspace, and pulls down as he sees the enemy fleet in the distance. Looking round Ash sees that noone is near. Means I still have time....

Checking his scanner, Ash sees a few dots. A few are holed up in the main area. But one seems quite isolated. That desn't sound right. Better go check this out

Ash lands his X-wing, and runs to the forest::

Warren Azalin
Jan 12th, 2001, 04:14:29 PM
:: It had only been a couple minutes since he had left Liam and Rebel X behind, they had planned on going into hyperspace and following the rest but Warren had a different idea for himself. He now found himself heading back to Dagobah on an escape pod off the ships, he knew when he reached the planet the first thing he would have to do is run to his house and get some things. After a couple more minutes and a rough landing Warren was home again, wasting no time he quickly ran to his house to get some stuff and ready his shuttle for launch ::

:: It had been sometime since he got home, he knew attack was imminent and knew he had to leave as soon as possible. As he packed his ship and was ready to launch he felt a familiar presence in the forest, it was Leeloo. Knowing he couldn't leave her behind he quickly grabbed on of his sabers and strapped on a blaster rifle as he went into the Swamps to look for her ::

Darth Phantom
Jan 12th, 2001, 05:26:39 PM
:: Phantom sits in the command chair aboard Kashalla's Fist, when a young ensign talks to him ::


Yes, ensign

"We have just picked up a pod on our scaners, heading back to the planet"

Where is the pod now?

"It has landed on the planet"

Fire on it

"Aye Sir"

:: The young ensign signals another ensign sitting at the weapons station, seconds later several laser bolts are fired from the ships main heavy laser turrets. the bolts race toward the pod. The pod explodes sending pieces everywhere. the ensign walks back to Phantom ::

"Sir, the pod has been destroyed, but there were no life signs aboard it."

Charge the lasers and prepare to fire on all surrounding establishments

"Yes sir"

Darth Phantom
Jan 12th, 2001, 06:02:27 PM
:: Phantom tells a young ensign to open the bay doors to let a small Sith Infiltrator known as Mirage II into the SoSD, Phantom opens a comm to the ship ::

You are clear to land and thanx for coming

Big Bad Naga
Jan 12th, 2001, 06:06:51 PM
The Sith known as Big Bad Naga slowly walks down the ramp of his ship "Mirage II". With him came the chill of the Dark Side. Darth Phantom had come to meet him at the docking bay. Naga bowed down to his master.

"Darth Phantom, I have come to aid you in this excursion. How may I be of help?"

Liam Jinn
Jan 12th, 2001, 07:45:01 PM
*as Warren is heading deeper into the forest, his comm breaks open with a voice*


Warren:"yeah Liam, I am here"

"ok....I am gett...my ship, almost to the..ur.ace.."

Warren:"ok, get your ship and get out of here"

"I copy.."

*Liam looks out of the escape pod window and sighs due to the massive turbulence*

Why for once, cant it be easy?

*An alarm sounds from inside the escape pod as Liam is thrown into the side of the pod. Debris from another ship was colliding with Liams pod.*

Come on almost to the ground...

*Another alarm sounds seconds before the escape pod is slammed into a bigger chunk of debris. The pod crashes into the ground by the nearby ruins of the temple. Liam manages to climb out bleeding severely and with a broken rib or two. He makes his way past the temple ruins and to the hangar of JSO. Seeing that his ship "The Nebulon" is alright he lowers the ramp and sets the auto pilot*

FINALLY! SOME LUCK! My ship is actually still here!!!

*Liam takes the ship out of the hangar as fast as it will let him. Before he leaves the atmosphere he takes one last look at Dagobah. "The Nebulon" screeches out of the atmosphere and makes its random jumps to hyperspace. Successfully, with no one able to track his ship, Liam goes to the medical bay of his ship*

OOC: Edit: I wanted to use spell checker

Dragon dlayer
Jan 12th, 2001, 08:07:33 PM
*back at kat's ship* ok what do we do now? my ship is not to far behind us, I put it on auto pilot when we were waiting for the other ships to leave.

Ash Longbaugh
Jan 12th, 2001, 09:23:59 PM
::Ash runs through the swap, a handheld scanner in one hand, blaster in another. One blip is on screen, around 400m ahead.





Ash hears a sound, and aims his blaster in that direction. Seeing nothing, Ash runs past a tree, to be greeted by a punch, knocking him down. Ash turns over to look at his advirsary, and smiles. He slowly gets up.

"Pleased to see you again too Leeloo"

Leeloo goes to say something, but Ash speaks first.

"We gotta get out of here. There is a clearing around 1000 metres from here, and I think I saw a ship. Come on!"

Ash then starts to run in that direction::

Jan 12th, 2001, 09:30:44 PM
The bulk freighter hits the ground with a sick crunch. Metal is strewn everywhere. After staying peacefully still for a minute, it blows up in a raging inferno, taking whatever cargo may be with it to hell.

Leeloo Mina
Jan 12th, 2001, 09:31:28 PM
::Leeloo stays for a secound wondering if she should go with Ash and decides that she cant do a lot to the sith right now and runs after him:: Hey, sorry about hitting you...
::Ash and Leeloo walked for a while and finally get to the clearing that Ash spoke of. There was a small transport sitting among the trees. Leeloo wondered what it was doing there and hoped it still worked::
::Ash walked up to the ship and Leeloo followed him thinking about how much Liam was gonna yell at her..::

Sith Summoner
Jan 12th, 2001, 09:36:50 PM

Yes, what is it?

"Message received from Master Ogre sir."

**Sums smiled broadly. It was time for him to give the orders**

"Master Ogre's message was 'Begin Operation Root Stew Special'"

**Sums' face dropped** The Special? are you sure?

"Yes sir."

Damn it.

**Sums turned to give some orders**

Comm., radio the fleet. Have them recover all fighters and begin their hyperspace jumps for Point Iota.

**He stepped forward**

Helm, move us into position for serving up the special. Tac, prepare to fire the superlaser.

**Why had Ogre ordered this? They were winning, why just try and destroy the shield generator and then run? He didn't know, but those were his orders and he would carry them out.**

Ash Longbaugh
Jan 12th, 2001, 09:38:58 PM
::Ash dives into the pilots seat, and pulls the Lambda class shuttle into the sky. He feeds some coordinates into the nav computer, and aims the ship into an area of space with no capital ships. Smiling, Ash speaks.

"Thankyou for flying with Ash airways. Please remember to check all trays are in the upright position. And that your belt is tight. Remember, the best rides are Ash rides"

Leeloo smiles, as the ships heads into hyperspace, and away::

Dyne Darkforce
Jan 12th, 2001, 10:03:47 PM
<As Dyne flew around the defenses with ease, he picked off a few more laser cannons with his concussion missles. A message came over the comm as he went to the outside of the defense parameters.>

Eri Control: "Alpha Squadron, Alpha 1 come in."

Dyne: "This is Alpha 1, im here control."

Eri Control: "New orders Alpha 1, from the Commander. We need you and Alpha 2 and 3 to return to the hangar immediately. We are leaving to Point Iota as soon as you return. Make it on a double, no time should be wasted Alpha 1, out."

Dyne: "Roger control, we will return right now"

<Dyne got a perplexed look on his face as he thought to himself>

"Point Iota? Better listen to the Commander"

<Dyne switched frequency and spoke over the comm to Anubis and Ren>

Dyne: "Gentleman, we have new orders...fun for now is over. We have to return to the hangar right now."

Anubis: "I dont get it, why now Dyne?

Renegade: "Hmm, I dont know, but we better listen dont you think?"

Dyne: "Yes Ren is right, I dont know either but lets split now."

Anubis: "Alright ill go right now"

Renegade: "Same here"

<A few blasts can be heard over the comm as Anubis and Ren work on the last of their targets>

Dyne: "Ok guys lets move"

<All three hit their throttle to max and left their locations into their formation. They headed back into the upper atmosphere, then into space. He checked his targeting computer to make sure all is clear. The 3 quickly headed towards the Eri. He approached the ship and spoke into the comm again>

Dyne: "Control, this is Alpha 1, requesting docking for the squadron"

Eri Control: "Welcome Alpha Squadron, you are welcome to dock now"

Dyne: "Ok, Alpha 1 out"

<Dyne headed into the hangar as he was docked into his location along with Anubis and Renegade. The power was disengaged as he got out of the cockpit and looked at Anubis and Ren. He nodded and headed up to the bridge quickly. Eri began to leave their current point, headed for the new destination.>

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 12th, 2001, 10:35:04 PM
The navigation officer on the bridge speaks up, stating they are about to complete their jump. Ogre sits forward in his chair and looks ahead as the stars once again become pinpoints on the view screen. The hazy bluish green world of Dagobah filled the view screen with its image, blue, red and green flashes of light streaking all around, as the battle raged on.

Ogre knew what was to happen and from the time displayed on the ships chronometer above the main view screen, he knew it was about to happen right now. The tactical officer reported NR ships in the area, but they were still a good distance from the bulk of the TSE Fleets, busy dealing with the mines his Fleet Commander had ordered be deployed.

Ogre waved a hand in the air, indicating that he had heard the information and asked his science officer to give a report on the status of the planet’s surface. “No signs of any Jedi or other sentient beings Master.” The report came back quickly. “The Temple has been destroyed.” Came the second retort and all across the bridge the many crew members stopped what they were doing and eagerly listened for Ogre’s reply, wanting to cheer in victory, but also wise enough to know that such displays at a time like this could cost them their lives.

The entire crew watched as the Nuriko engaged its superlaser and fired on the planet’s surface. Its target was the infamous Yog’s Bar & Grill, one of the few structures remaining and the purpose of mission ‘Root Stew special’, further demoralization of the enemy.

“Our mission is a success, our payback dealt. The Jedi have lost their home and headquarters just as they had done to us not so long ago. Vengeance is ours.” Replied the towering green Sith as he rose from his chair. He turned to the right and faced the Navigations officer. “Prepare to re-enter Hyperspace, destination point Iota.”

With a satisfied smile Ogre sat back down in his command chair, brooding what this action would cause the future to hold, as he also contemplated what awaited them at point Iota.

verse dawnstrider
Jan 13th, 2001, 12:05:11 AM
::Verse exits hyperspace too see his home destroyed. Away on Eden with a Padawan He missed the battle.::

Verse- Oh....My......God.....

::Verse flys his V-wing through the Tie's. His V-wing flys with speed not know with many ships of it's class. Even that is not fast enough for the ships of the Sith. Blast after blast catchs his shuttle. All at once it shuts down. Verse starts hitting it and sends out one call on all channels.::

Verse- This is Verse Dawnstrider, jedi Knight. To any ship out there that may be friendly, my ship is cripple, I need help. I can't get away. Someone, anyone....help......

::Verse goes into a jedi trance hoping that the Sith don't find him out in space, and a Jedi can help him out. For the first time sence he joined the jedi, Verse was helpless. He broke the first rule of combat, don't rush head first into battle. He hopes that his mistake will not cost him his life.::

Jedi Rebel X
Jan 13th, 2001, 02:41:50 AM
::Rebel's ship jumps out of hyperspace around the other side of dagobah::

"Dang Liam and Warren...why did they have to go back and make me come and see if they were ok."

*blip* *blip* *blip*

"Ship coming in my direction, I better arm the lasers and torpedoes."

::Rebel puts on his headset but sighs as he notices a V-wing floating by::

"That's strange, shouldn't it be flying in the other direction.....and not floating?"

*Hears Verse's help message*

"Roger that."

*Pulls ship towards the V-Wing*

Darth Phantom
Jan 13th, 2001, 02:43:10 AM
:: Phantom stands at the helm of Kashalla's Fist, when an ensign comes running up ::

"Phantom sir, we have recived new orders from Master Ogre..."

Which are?

"Operation Root Stew Special"

:: Phantom mumbles to himself ::

"Sir your orders?"

Jump us to Point Iota

"Yes sir"

:: several seconds later, Kashalla's Fist and the whole Third Fleet jumps into hyperspace ::

Sith Summoner
Jan 13th, 2001, 02:54:35 AM
**Sums had watched as the powerful superlaser leaped from the bow of The Nuriko. It was done, though he still wondered why it needed to be. But orders were orders, and he had his. Currently they stated that he was to get the rest of the fleet out of Dagobah space and to point Iota. Slowly The Nuriko moved away from Dagobah and towards Bromine they would jump together after all of the other ships had departed the system.

Carefully watching the tactical display board Sums watched as his ships leaped into hyperspace and the NR ships moved ever closer to them. Fighters had gotten past the mines and were coming for them. It was definitely time to go. Finally, Dark Omen jumped followed shortly there after by Kashalla's Fist. That was the last of them, giving the order The Nuriko jumped into hyperspace seconds after Bromine.**

Jan 13th, 2001, 04:40:35 AM
*And following the rest of the fleet, Firebird1 in his ship, wondering what the future will bring.*
Firebird1: K9, lets go back to the Star Destroyer.
K9: You seem depressed sir...Would you like some coffie?
Firebird1: No, I must think and plan.
*Firebird1 gases out into the void of space, he ponders his next move, and wonders about a challenge that he had made recently, and where the battle might be.*

Hart Kenobi
Jan 13th, 2001, 01:58:02 PM
::Hart and Leia quickly make it to the final transport as the ceiling was beginning to cave in. Two remaining Rogue pilots, the bravest of the brave, had stayed behind voluntarily to escort.::

"Are you two gentlemen okay?"
"Think you can get us out of here safely?" *Hart smiles*
*The pilot returns the smile* "HELL YEAH!"
"Thank you pilot."

::Leia turns to the ion cannon gunner.::
"You're leaving with us too. Put the cannons on automatic.::
"Yes ma'm."
"Hurry soldier."

::Hart and Leia make in onto the ship as the engines rev and begins to hover and make it's way towards the exit.
As they strap theirselves in, they look outside the window to see countless NR bodies on the ground and are silenced.::

*Hart clears his throat.* "Let's get out of here quick."
"Tell me once we clear Dagobah's atmosphere."
"We are clear......... now."
"Set coordinates for zero point four point eight point three."
"Almost set."
"Await command for hyperspace."

::Hart looks out the window as both of the transport's escort pilots burst into a ball of flames as a Destroyer comes near.::
*Hart whispers* "May the Force be with you men."

"Princess, Hart, coordinates are set."
"Jump.......... now."

::The stars turned into streaks as the final evacuation transport entered hyperspace.::

Sith Summoner
Jan 13th, 2001, 07:30:45 PM
**The Nuriko slipped out of hyperspace at point Iota following seconds after Bromine. Sums looked out over the scene in front of him in awe. Never had TSE's fleets all been in one place at one time. Over 100 ships filled the area. All of the capital ships were stationary but TIE fighters were conducting patrols around the area. Slowly the two massive ships that had just left hyperspace approached the other two SoSD's of The Sith Empire.**



"Sir, Master Ogre has requested your presence aboard Bromine, Sir. You are to report to him in the main conference room."

Very well, have a shuttle standing by. Admiral, you have the bridge.

"Aye Sir"

**Sums quickly walked through the passages of The Nuriko. As he stepped into the hanger bay the entire room snapped to attention. With a wave of his hand Sums sent them back to work as he boarded his shuttle.

Minutes later the shuttle landed inside Bromine's main hanger. An unusual sight of another shuttle and a TIE Razor surprised him as he stepped of the shuttle. Walking past the TIE on his way out of the bay, Sums ran his hand along the smooth surface of the fighter he had designed, and that had performed so elegantly.

Finally arriving in the conference room, Sums found the reason for the shuttle and TIE. Sitting at the table already were Darth Phantom and Darth Renegade. The 3rd and 4th highest ranking Sith currently with the fleet. Both stood and saluted, which Sums returned in kind. Then he shook both their hands and they talked about what had happened. A few minutes after his arrival, the doors of the room slid open and the large, green body of Sith Master Ogre walked in. The other three Sith bowed to him before rising.

Sitting down, Ogre quickly laid out why he had called them there. It needed to be decided where to go from here. After about an hour of discussion a decision was reached. The remaining mines aboard The Nuriko were to be offloaded to the other two SoSD's. Darth Phantom was to take 3rd fleet to Phi Three. Darth Renegade was to assume command of Dark Omen and head for Delta One. Both were to deploy the 150 mines aboard their ships to defend their designated areas. An encrypted priority message would be sent to Darth Poreon's fleet requesting it move to Sigma Two and protect it. Ogre and Sums would be taking 1st and 2nd fleets to assist the RSO if it was needed at Byss and Bespin. With meeting over the Sith stood and bowed once again to Master Ogre, before heading back to the hanger.

Once their they said their goodbyes and wished each other luck before boarding their ships and heading back to the SoSD's.

An hour later the transfer of mines had been completed and the fleets began hyperspace jumping to their destinations, leaving Bromine, The Nuriko and their respective fleets, sitting at point Iota.**

Jedi Rebel X
Jan 13th, 2001, 08:51:38 PM
::Rebel sends some astromech droids to Verse's ship and watches them repair it::

*He then jets back into hyperspace stopping once, then starting again to hide his location*

verse dawnstrider
Jan 13th, 2001, 10:00:20 PM
::Verse watchs the droids repair his ship as he looks at his former home burn. He watchs the ships leave. Verse makes his vow now.::

"As Gaea is my witness, I vow to hunt you all down. If I must slaughter the guilty to save the innocent, let it be so. I shall be the Grim Reaper once more. Let it be so."

Sith Summoner
Jan 15th, 2001, 03:38:08 PM
**Summoner sat in the padded control chair, as had been the case in the last couple of days he was on his way to something with very little information. Had it been anyone but a Sith Master giving the orders he may have some worries, but it wasn't. Until he recieved orders to jump Sums couldn't do much, and as such was becoming more and more bored as the minutes passed.**


Yes, what is it? **Sums said rather lazily**

"Sir, a message from the main hanger bay. Apparently one of our guests is getting a little impatient."

**Sums shot out of his chair. He had forgotten about The Layla and her passengers.**

I had forgotten about them. Thank you Admiral. You have the bridge.

"Aye Sir."

**Sums quickly walked off of the bridge. Minutes later he passed by a pair of saluting guards on either side of the hanger entrance with a quick salute in return. Walking over to a man wearing dirty fatigues standing with his back to him**

Pierce sorry for the wait. I'm sure how you know it is with command. How was your mission?

Pierce Tondry
Jan 15th, 2001, 03:58:11 PM
As Summoner was speaking, he noticed Pierce was absently fingering a datacard.

Pierce, meanwhile, frowned. "Boring, Summoner. All I did was blow up a spaceport and steal a few files." The Intel agent grinned suddenly, waving the datacard. "Little trick our slicers learned from some rat-bastitch criminals."

"Hey Lead," someone called from a small group at the back of the freighter. "When we gonna see some real action?"

"Cool it, Dominguez," Tondry replied. "Summoner, can I introduce you to, in order of rank, Marc Tarkin, Michelle Page, Steve Dominguez, Victor Martin, and Kyle "Popgun" Bailey."

Summoner eyed them all, and Pierce thought he caught the Sith's eyes lingering briefly on Marc. He sent off a quick salute to the group. "Steve's got a point," Pierce continued. "This op's done, right?"

OOC: Tondry, its Sums if your reading this before your email check your email for an explination

Sith Summoner
Jan 15th, 2001, 03:59:41 PM
Ya for the most part.

**Sums walks over to the group and thanked each member for their envolvement and help. Their role had been crucial and he wanted them to know it. He stopped when he came to Marc.**

Marc Tarkin? Hmmm. That name sounds familiar. Have we met before?

**Tarkin shook his head no.**

Huh. Coulda sworn.

**Sums walked back over to Tondry. Before he spoke a word, Sums flashed a series of hand signals to the gaurds at the doors. Both of them started moving towards the group of Imperials.**

Uh, Pierce. I hate to tell you this but well I'm going to have to be detaining your boy Tarkin. The rest of your people are free to leave unless they have some reason to stay aboard ship.

**Sums watched as the gaurds gave Marc the bad news.**

Marc Tarkin
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:07:43 PM
“Whats going on here?” He exclaimed as he saw the approaching guards. Beginning to back away, he looked over towards Tondry, to get some instruction on the situation. If his superior officer deemed this action as acceptable, he would comply with the Sith’s instructions, if not he was prepared to fight. His hand unclipped the snap over his blaster’s handle as he waited for a response.

Pierce Tondry
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:11:31 PM
"At ease, Marc," Pierce stated calmly. His eyes stared so intently at the Sith he might have been drawing a bead on Summoner's forehead. "And that goes double for you guys," he added with a backward glance at the team. "And triple for you, Dominguez."

"Yes, sir, Sargento," Dominguez's hand lifted itself away from his blaster.

Pierce stared at Summoner for a long moment. "Go with them, Marc," he instructed. "If there's any reason you shouldn't come back to us, I trust either you or Summoner will let us know."

Summoner nodded his thanks and waved a hand at the guards escorting Marc out of the freighter. "Thanks Pierce," he said quietly. "I'll see you later."

Pierce put a hand on Summoner's shoulder to forestall his leaving, and when he spoke, it was in a dangerous tone. "Sums? I don't do things for free. I helped you out with Terris, I helped you out with Dagobah and," Pierce paused and lifted three fingers. "This is three you owe me. If he doesn't come back in one piece, you and me have a serious problem."

Pierce spun with the military precision he was trained to and walked back to his team.

Sith Summoner
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:12:37 PM
**Sums smiled at Tondry.**

Thanks, and ya I know I owe you big. Don't worry about him. Heck if you want you can have one of your team stay here with him if you want. He just has some business over at TSE. As I said, no biggie.

**Sums walks over to Tarkin still smiling.**

Don't worry Mister Tarkin, your not in any trouble. But I think someone back at TSE is going to want to have a word with you.

**Sums looked back as Tondry asked the team if their was a volunteer to stay back with Tarkin.**

Michelle Page
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:15:42 PM
:: Michelle looks at the other guys on the team and knows what they are thinking ::

Steve: "Ok last one to the hangar has to stay with him. Ready... GO!"

:: Before he even said the word go, Steve was at a full run to the hangar, followed by Victor and Kyle who had playfully tripped Michelle, leaving her all sprawled out on the floor. She looked up slowly to see Tondry and Summoner doing all they could do to keep from laughing at her. She peered at them and then stood up stiffly to give a quick salute ::

"Lt. Michelle Page reporting for duty, sir. I will be escorting Marc Tarkin to TSE."

:: The Special Ops computer expert knew that accompanying Marc would certainly be better than listening to Steve, Victor and Kyle tell stories of how they had saved the galaxy once again - which makes for an unbelievably long trip home ::

Steve Dominguez
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:16:17 PM
Steve laughed and high fived Victor and Kyle as the walked back to the freighter.

Okay boss man, the computer geek gets to stay behind as usual, so lets get gone so we can find some real action huh? These Sith are no fun.

Even before Tondry could reply the three men started to load their gear onto the freighter. Within minutes the gear was stored and Dominguez stood at the foot of freighter's ramp, arms crossed tapping his foot on the ground impatiently like it would make Tondry move faster

Sith Summoner
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:19:08 PM
**Sums shook his head as he watched Dominguez.**

Cocky little bugger ain't he? **Tondry nodded in agreement** Anyway, you know where to find me in order to collect on those favors. Talk to you later.

**Sums and Tondry shook hands before Tondry took off for the freighter. Minutes later Sums watched as it lifted off and left The Nuriko. Walking up to Tarking and Page he smiled.**

Again I am sorry for the inconvenience. But I assure you it is necessary and worthwhile. If you'll kindly follow these gentlemen to that shuttle your journey may begin.

**They both nodded and followed the guards to one of the shuttles sitting on the hanger floor. Within minutes they too had departed and headed for the Lancer Class frigate Vidar that would be their transportation to Monto Crudo.

Walking to one of the offices in the hanger Sums called the bridge.**

Admiral, have comm. send out a series of messages.

The first is to Master Ogre. Inform him that the Vidar will be returning to Monto Crudo.

The second is for TSE headquarters. Addressed to Lordess Dalethria. Inform her that she may want to meet the passengers of the Vidar when she arrives.

"Yes sir."

I'll be in my quarters.

**Sums exited the hanger and headed for his quarters smiling. Dale would be happy. Very happy indeed**

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 15th, 2001, 04:37:18 PM
Dalethria stood in front of her husband's trophy case, comtemplating how the demise of Hart Kenobi would be. The Jedi killed her Apprentice and it was her fault. She wasn't the one that delivered the blow but he was her responsiblity and she failed him. Dalethria should have trained him better and his short life was her doing.

While she waited for news of the attack on Dagobah, her eyes fell upon Leia's sabre. She had given it to Ogre as a gift for it held so much significance. Dalethria almost killed herself the night she came back from her first battle with Leia, but it was Ogre that gave her a reason to live.

<Lordess Dalethria. The Empire have driven out the Jedi from Dagobah and the fleets are carrying out their new orders. Lord Summoner also bears a message to you personally, Lordess. He says that meeting the passengers of The Vidar when she arrives will be to your interest.>

"Very well. Inform me of their arrival."

<Yes, Lordess.>

Her eyes narrow at the sabre and she do hopes that who they have will interest her. She could really use some good news about now.

Marc Tarkin
Jan 15th, 2001, 08:49:45 PM
Departing Point Iota

The Guards had taken his weapons and Michelle’s equipment, obviously about as trusting of the two Imperials as Marc and Michelle were of them. Sitting in the modestly furnished room, on a chair next to a small table, both of which seemed to be magnetically attached to the floor, Marc ran his fingers slowly through his hair, wondering why the Sith Fleet Commander had taken such an interest in him after hearing his name.

As the shuttle travelled through hyperspace bound for the Sith Empire HQ, he was unable to come to any real conclusions. He sat up straight in his chair and tossed his feet up on the table, looking over at Michelle. “Do you have any ideas what the Sith find so interesting about me? I’m nothing but a young Imperial officer with very few accomplishments to my name so far. Why the sudden interest in me?”

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 15th, 2001, 09:30:49 PM
Point Iota

Having decided not to depart Point Iota yet, Ogre sat in his quarters, a halo map of a sector of space displayed on the surface of the table before him. He watched the display as small colored specks on its surface moved in varying directions. The probe net, that the Sith Empire had spent many long months deploying around a good number of the sectors of known space, feeding information into the display.

He had sent word to the RSO of his attack plans, at just the same time the Fleets of the Empire left their various positions, to strike at the swampy planet of Dagobah. He wanted his fellow founding members of the Rogues, to know that the tables had turned for the Sith Empire. It was not all that long ago, just before the birth of the RSO, that a similar situation had occurred, yet the aggressors and opponents were on different sides of the battle.

The Jedi had destroyed the original Sith Empire HQ and in doing so helped to create a rift in its members, a rift that even Ogre himself felt. Lynch, Havok, and himself chose to break away from the Sith Order after that HQ was destroyed and shortly thereafter founded the Rogue Sith Order, with the intentions of bring about the destruction of all that opposed them.

Eventually Ogre returned to the Sith Empire, and was reunited with his Master Ayanami Rai, now known as Ayanami Rai Le’Stat. The rift that had been caused by the loss to the Jedi healed with time and he helped the other members of the Sith Empire rebuild and prepare for the day that he knew would come, the day which had just come to pass. Made even easier by a foolish and aggressive move by some of the Jedi, acting of their own volition, without approval from their precious Council.

A wicked grin came over Ogre’s face as he watched on of the blips on the display, moving towards Point Iota. He knew who was aboard the craft and it had been a long time since he had seen either Lynch or Havok and he anticipated their arrival eagerly, so that perhaps they could band together once again, under a united banner, and seek out the Jedi as they fled their lost Temple and extinguish their existence completely, once and for all.

Michelle Page
Jan 16th, 2001, 12:16:35 AM
:: Michelle nervously fidgets in her chair without her computer around but then smiles at the chronometer on her wrist. She flips a switch and a mini computer screen pops up. She inputs data via her voice and is happy once again. Suddenly she hears a non-digital voice and notices that she must leave her pleasant realm of only speaking with machines. She glances up at Marc ::

"Well, it has been my experience that if the Sith have taken an interest in you, you have made an error or two along the way and have done something to make them want you dead. They don't just invite you over for an ale to shoot the breeze. So if I am escorting you to your death, it has been nice serving with you, sir."

:: Michelle gives a quick salute and then returns to her computer screen, furiously analyzing data ::

Rama Sha
Jan 16th, 2001, 02:22:11 AM
:: Rama Rose outta his chair and walked away from the console. He walked down the steps in the control center and grabed his jacket off a nearby chair. As he slide his Jacket on he activated the comm on the near by door. ::

This is Lord Sha. Prepare my shuttle for depature.

:: A voice cracked over the Comm ::

"I'll have your crew standing by my lord"

No...no crew. Just prep the shuttle.

" yes my lord"

:: Rama exits the control center and makes his way to the elevator. ::

Jan 16th, 2001, 02:33:05 AM
*Onboard his Star Destroyer, Firebird1 reads the recent report of NR movement.*
So they are going to Bespin, they will not like what they find there.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 16th, 2001, 04:06:37 AM
The vessel known as Aegis-Fang exits from hyper space, its metallic hull shining off the suns rays sent throughout space to parts untold. Aboard the craft men continue their regular buisness as the ship sails throught he vastness of space as it nears the appointed destination, aboard the craft one Jedah Lynch stands transfixed upon his monitor scanning all reports, his eys moving rapidly reading each word not daring to let anything escape his gaze.

Turning his focus from the monitor he has the visual changed showing the deepness of space. Endless stars dot the distance each an almost seemingly infinity from the next. For a split second he wonders if anyone has ever seen them all....turning his gaze to that of the helm officer he asks a question to which he already knows the answer.

"Is this the spot?"

"Yes sire it is, orders?"

"Maintain position and wait"

Lynch sits back into his chair and waits.

Rama Sha
Jan 16th, 2001, 05:06:09 AM
:: Rama boards the Lamaba Class Shuttle " Raiden". He Sets down behind the controls and begins to activate the ships many systems. He looks over at the Ship he has recently been working. "It would be more suited to the mission, but time isn't on my side." he thinks to himself. The boarding Ramp closes. Rama opens a channel to control. ::

This is the Shuttle Raiden, request deactivation of the Shield Generator.

"Permisson Granted"

Make sure to rasie shieds again as soon as Im clear. I don't want anything getting in.

" Yes my lord."

:: The Shuttle slowly lifts off its landing struts. Above a section of the landing bays roof begins to slide to one side. The Shuttle makes it's way skyward passing through the opening. The Lamaba class Shuttles wings spread wide as the ships streks off world. Rama punches in a few corniates into the Nav Comp and the ship jumps to hyperspace ::

Marc Tarkin
Jan 16th, 2001, 06:00:14 AM
Approaching TSE HQ

He didn’t really respond to what Michelle said, he just sat there in shock, wondering if that really was their intention. He tired to discount the idea by thinking that his Commanding officer would never have let him go if he thought that death for Marc was a possibility, but then he doubted his assessment as he considered his importance among the Imperials.

He hadn’t really done anything of much importance yet, though this latest mission was a notable exception. His steam had performed their task very effectively and gotten out without so much as a scratch, having completed their primary objective which was to help get the planetary shields down.

Lost in thought, his feet slip from the top of the table as the shuttle decelerates, exiting hyperspace. The tip had taken a few hours but seemed to pass by in an instant as thoughts of what may happen raced through his head. The feel of the ship dropping out of hyperspace brought him back to reality in a hurry, as he thought the reason for his being taken to a Sith Head quarters would soon be answered.

Sitting impatiently in his chair the door opens, and he stands, as the Guard tells him that they have arrived and that the two of them should accompany him. Marc looks over at Michelle, who seems to be completely mesmerized by her wristwatch. “Up and at em soldier!” Marc bellowed at Michelle. “We’re here, time for you to escort me to my fate.”

Michael Cline
Jan 16th, 2001, 10:45:51 AM
::Michael had been in the training room when the attacka hit, he had never even had time to know what happened. He slawed his way free from the debris around him desperately trying to make an escape.::

Admiral Cureatz
Jan 16th, 2001, 03:21:41 PM
**Cureatz sat aboard the SSD designated for the moment Phantom I. Nothing much had happened since that missile boat had attacked. It had launched a single salvo of missiles at the fleet, before being destroyed. The missiles had cause moderate damage to a couple of his ships. Repairs were underway and would be completed soon.**


Yes what is it?

"Sir message from Bakura sir. They are having problems with smugglers trying to take advantage of our attacks. They request orders."

Can't those incompetent fools do anything on their own? What's the ETA on the incoming fleet?

"Another hour or so sir"

Close enough. Captain until you are replaced by the CO of that incoming fleet your in command. I'll be heading over to Bakura on the Vidar

"Aye aye sir."

**Cureatz stepped off the command platform and headed for the hanger. A shuttle was waiting for him when he arrived. After a quick shuttle ride and the passengers had been escorted to the planet, the Vidar jumped into hyperspace once again. This time her destination was Bakura.**

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 16th, 2001, 03:33:39 PM
<Lordess Dalethria? A shuttle from The Vidar has just landed.>

Dalethria rose from her seat on the couch and slipped her jacket on. "Very well, I'm on my way."

She stole a quick glance at the trophy case once more and grinned before she left her room. Making her way to the nearest lift, Dalethria decended to the docking bays. In her mind, she cursed and hoped that whoever she was meeting better be important. She was in no mood to be social but if Summoner said that this would interest her, it wouldn't hurt to at least see who it was.

Walking through the bay, she found the correct landing pad where the shuttle was instructed to dock. Dalethria moved passed the guards that saluted her and waited right in front of the shuttle doors, wanting a real good look to who was coming out.

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 05:13:32 PM
Any orders yet?

"No sir. We've received nothing from Bromine"

**Sums sighed. He had returned to the bridge only to find that things hadn't changed much.**

Very well. Let us use this time then. Have one of the Wraiths launch a squadron of Razors. Have one of them ferried over here for me. Time I get out and did some testing on my design personally. Oh and inform Bromine that I'm out there.

"Aye sir"

**Five minutes later Sums found himself strapping into one of his new TIE Razors. Soon he plunged the fighter into the darkness of space.**

Razor squadron Meta this is Meta lead, form up into two groups and charge lasers and shields. Lets have some fun shall we? Kill at 20%, call it out or die.

**Quickly the eleven other fighters checked in and formed up into two separate groups, and prepared for a dogfighting excesses. For this exercise a kill would be classified as when the shields reached 20%.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 07:11:17 PM
**The newly promoted Captain Veitch sat in the command chair of the ISD Mk2 Summoner IV. She was sitting dead in space above Dagobah after taking the ion cannon blast that had let the Jedi escape.**

Damage control, we have anything yet?

"Life support is online, artificial gravity has been restored, and limited sensors are back."

Very well. Tactical status?

"Sir our TIE fighter are patrolling the area within 500 meters of us. So far the NR forces have not engaged them but they are getting closer."

Anything on scanners?

"Yes sir, scanners have just found what looks to be life signs on the planet."

Life signs? **Veitch thought for a moment. Back to the briefing that Summoner had given before they had jumped for Dagobah.** How long till hyperdrive engines are back online?

"About twenty minutes sir"

Good that should be enough time. Send a shuttle down with a squad of troopers. I want whoever that is alive. Tell them if they aren't back in twenty minutes we are leaving without them.

"Aye aye sir."

**Minutes later a shuttle screamed towards the life signs on the planet. Veitch hoped that hey could get whoever that was and that it was a Jedi. He would get a medal for this if he pulled it off.**

Michael Cline
Jan 16th, 2001, 07:20:08 PM
::Michael struggled through the debris, he had suffered a nasty concussion and was barely conscious let-alone alive after what had just happened. His vision was blurred and his thought impared but he thought he saw a shuttle streak through the sky towards him. Rescue, safety, help. Those were the only things on his mind or what little he could use at the moment. He stummbled crawling, clawing and dragging himself along to the area he saw it coming down in. After what seemed an eternity he reached the shuttle, it was a shuttle! He had seen it! He was saved! He gathered his strength and ran towards it, before stopping about 10 feet from the shuttle recognizing the insignia on the side.::


::He was in no condition to fight, he could barely stand. He turned and began to run in the other direction, he heard the sound of the bay doors on the shuttle opening and what sounded like a blaster firing, then everything went black.::

Nice work Leiutenant. The stun blast seems to have rendered him unconscious, notify the captain that we have captured... a Jedi.

::The squadron stood over their fallen prey and praised their fine work before dragging the limp body into the shuttle.::

Michelle Page
Jan 16th, 2001, 08:06:26 PM
:: Michelle simultaneously flips her mini computer screen closed as she snaps to attention with a rigid salute ::

"Sir, yes sir."

:: Marc and Michelle followed the Guard who led them stoicly out of their holding area and down a long hallway. She kept an eye on Marc while surveying her surroundings, making note of all the electronic modifications that had been installed on board ::

Michelle: "Hey um sir? I think it would be best to be prepared for the worst, so I took the liberty of preparing your last will and testament. I have a database set up of all your assets and I have it cross referenced with all your friends and family."

:: She flips open the mini computer screen on her chronometer and holds it near his face ::

"Do you, Marc Tarkin, have any last words before you meet your fate?"

:: Marc looks at her, his lips curled and his face displaying annoyance for this line of thought by her ::

Marc: "Lieutenant, what in the galaxy do you think you are doing? Put that away right now."

:: Michelle shrugs and flips the screen closed ::

Michelle: "I was merely being efficient, sir. It's not like I said 'dead man walking' or anything."

:: Michelle chuckles and then realizes she is the only one appreciating her sense of humor so she tries to cover it up by clearing her throat. As she turns her attention back to the Guard, he brings them to a stop at the closed doors to the shuttle and prepares to lower the ramp ::

Marc Tarkin
Jan 16th, 2001, 09:16:09 PM
Sith Empire HQ Hangar

Now standing in front of the doors to the shuttle, Marc feels his fear of what is to come beginning to build up, inside his chest in the form of a lumpy feeling. He shakes off Michelle’s comments and tries to stand tall, attentive, and straight faced, fully prepared for anything that might happen. Running his hand though the top of his hair, he moves both hands behind his back and clasps them lightly together. He stands proudly as a Major in the Imperial Army would and watches as the door opens.

Much to his surprise the greeting party waiting outside is only compromised of a petite woman, who seems slightly familiar and two guards on either side of her. He had expected much more than this and wondered where the big ugly Sith were hiding. His eyes went back to the woman, and he tried as best he could to understand why she seemed familiar, as the guard in front of him, lead himself and Michelle down the ramp.

As their feet touched the deck of the hangar, Marc saluted the guards and the woman who approached and announced himself. “Major Marcus Tarkin of the Imperial Army, reporting as ordered.”

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 09:28:56 PM
Aboard the ISD Mk2 Summoner IV



"Sir engines are back online. We can move out immediately."

Good good. Where is that shuttle?

"Still on the ground sir. The atmosphere is playing havok with our comm."

And the rebels?

"The first waves are engaging our fighters sir."

Very well. Call in our fighters. Non-hyperdrive equipped first. How long?

"Couple minutes sir."

Very well. Keep an eye out for that shuttle. If that was a Jedi, I'll risk sticking it out here for them.

"Aye sir"

**Meanwhile on the ground the troopers had finally dragged the Jedi into the shuttle and were just lifting off. The arrived back at Summoner IV just as the last of the TIE fighters were.**

Helm get us out of here NOW!

"Aye sir, jumping into hyperspace."

**The ship turned away from the advancing NR forces and sped off, eventually entering hyperspace, heading for point Iota.**

Darth Renegade
Jan 17th, 2001, 01:38:59 AM
Aboard the Dark Omen

The Sith figure stands on the bridge, looking out of the viewscreen. The ship begins
to slow down, and the stars outside of the viewscreen return to their normal look.
Renegade turns around and walks slowly, passing officers who are busy at work at
their terminals. He makes his way to the communication station.

Open a line to Summs.

The tech looks up and nods. Without saying a word, he opens the line of
communiction. With another nod, he signifies that it's ready.

Master, we've just come out of hyper space, and are at Delta 1. Begining to deploy
the mines now.

He smiles, then looks down at the tech, and nods ever so slightly. The tech closes
the frequency. Looking down at the tech, Renegade begins to speak with a dry

I'll be in my quarters. Let me know as soon as we're done deploying the last mine.

The tech nods confidently, knowing any sign of weakness could be his downfall.

The Dark Omen begins moving slowly, leaving a long trail of mines. The ship doubles
back on itself laying out another long row. The ship continues this, for the better
part of an hour, laying the mines out in a huge rectangular pattern.

Sitting in his quarters, Renegade is reading over reports from the recent attack on
Dagobah. Suddenly, a voice coms over the comm.

Sir, all mines have been deployed.

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 02:18:21 AM
"Meta Lead this is command"

**Sums broke out of the fight, if they were calling him out here then it was important.**

Go ahead command.

"Sir Summoner IV just dropped out of hyperspace. They were able to re-establish their systems before the rebels could hit them. Sir, Captain Veitch says he completed the secondary mission."


**The excitement in his voice was apparent.**

"Yes sir, they were successful in capturing a Jedi before they left the system. They are requesting orders on what to do with him."

**Sums thought for a moment. Ogre had given standing orders that if they were successful to move the prisoner to their newly established facility on Bakura.**

Command, relay orders that the prisoner is to be taken by shuttle to the new Bakura facility. Also, have squadron of TIE Defenders launched as escort. Meta Lead out.

**Sums shut off the comm. and dove back into battle so far both sides hadn't lost a fighter which proved the skill of his pilots and the abilities of his fighter. As he targeted one of the "enemy" he watched as 13 dots left his scanners as they entered hyperspace.**

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 17th, 2001, 04:37:28 AM
Dalethria saw the doors open and stood straighter, making herself presentable for the guests she was suppose to meet. She clasped her hands behind her back and moved up to greet them. The young officer was staring at her specifically and she opened her eyes wider in thought. His presence seemed somewhat familiar but Dalethria couldn't place it. She never saw this man before until this moment but it was a gut feeling that she did know him.

She returned her face to being impassive as she stopped to meet the two Imperial Officer's. She glanced at the woman with her cold blue eyes that seemed to burrow into her heart. Dalethria smirked and then turned her attention to the man as he saluted her.

“Major Marcus Tarkin of the Imperial Army, reporting as ordered.”

Her lips curled into a sneer as she yelled out, "Marcus Tarkin?! What kind of sick joke is this?!"

She grabbed Marc's jacket and with strength that surpassed her size, pulled him down to her eye level, "What's the meaning of this? Marc Tarkin is DEAD!"

Marc Tarkin
Jan 17th, 2001, 02:02:15 PM
Sith Empire HQ Hangar

Her strength surprised him and it was that which made him think she was more than an average woman. He knew that Sith possessed attributes such as strength and perceptions granted to them from their religious doctrines involving the Force, and the way she pulled him down to eye level with her with such power convinced him she was one of those religious zealots.

Her words shocked him as she claimed Marc Tarkin was dead, as if she knew him. He thought she looked familiar, but he hadn’t ever met her in any of his travels. Trying hopelessly to pull away from her grasp, he replied to her statement with conviction in his voice.

“I assure you miss, I am Marcus Tarkin. I have no idea why you would think I’m dead, just as I have no idea who you are. My father Andron and my mother Lise, gave me the name Marcus, I bear it with pride. Why would you think I am dead? How is it you know me?”

As he spoke to her, their eyes met and an eerie feeling of familiarity washed through him. It was stronger than the feeling he had when he first saw her. Her eyes reminded him of his father’s, even though it had been seven years he still remembered them as if it had only been yesterday.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 17th, 2001, 03:04:11 PM
Her eyes stayed locked with his and then opened wide in shock as he spoke. He knew her parents name and he spoke with such conviction. Only a few people know who her parents really were not to metion their names. Maybe this wasn't a joke? Dalethria pushed Marc away and looked him over critically. This person claiming to be Marc looked about the right age but it was his eyes that made her think that he might be telling the truth. She extended her senses around Marc and probed his surface thoughts. Gently going through what he was thinking to learn the truth.

"How ... is this possible? You died in the riots. I saw it ..."

Stepping forward, Dalethria placed a hand on over Marc's name on his fatigues as if lost in a dream.

Marc Tarkin
Jan 17th, 2001, 03:17:43 PM
Her reaction startled him, the look of shock in her face when he spoke his parent’s names was one of recognition. How could she be familiar with their names? He felt relieved when she let go of him and pushed him away, thinking that maybe he would live to tell the tale of meeting the infamous beings known as Sith.

His own eyes widened as she said that she saw him die in the riots and it started to come to him, why she seemed so familiar. Could it be? Was it possible that this was his sister Navaria? It had been seven years and he had given up all hope of seeing her or his mother again, thinking they had been killed in the riots. Looking down at her hand on his name tag briefly he looked back up at her with an expression of hope and confusion.

Tentatively he spoke. “N…Na…Navaria?

Michelle Page
Jan 17th, 2001, 09:45:28 PM
:: Michelle stood watching the events unfold and had pretty much concluded that there would be no usual carnage by the ruthless Sith on this particular occasion. Sighing a profound sigh, she glanced around the hangar. Michelle's attention span for human conversation was quickly dwindling and she just longed to hear the melodious sound of a CPU humming. She wondered when she would get to return to her life's work ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 17th, 2001, 10:14:26 PM
Dalethria's hand stopped as she heard her given name. Her heart raced and she had to wet her lips since they went dry from the shock. After all this time and knowing that all hope was lost, here was her brother. He spoke the truth from the mindprobe that she was performing and it caused her to go into a daze. Slowly her head raised so she could look at Marc with new eyes, eyes that knew the truth. A smile creeps along her face, "Your alive."

She jumps up and wraps her arms around her brother's neck, "YOUR ALIVE!"

Marc Tarkin
Jan 18th, 2001, 01:13:52 AM
His face displayed his still lingering state of confusion, but her enthusiasm answered the question he had poised, as well as her actions. As she jumped up and hugged him, he caught her and squeezed her tightly. He was so elated to have found his sister that he momentarily forgot where they were. He felt his eyes becoming wet with happiness and he pulled his head from beside hers and looked at her.

“Its hard to believe this is happening Navaria, I never thought I’d see you or Mom again.”

Darth Havok
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:10:07 AM
Point Iota

After a short trip, the Venomous comes from hyperspace and approaches the nearby Sith Empire capital ships in the area.. To inform his fellow sith that patrols were increased in the outlining sectors near Bespin.. And that not even a whisker could get through the perimeter that is being set up right this very moment. A com channel is opened to the nearest Sith Empire capital ship..

<“This is the venomous; alpha bravo six niner, requesting permission to be cleared for docking…?”>

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:17:31 AM
"Venomous, this is The Nuriko permission granted. Lord Summoner, is out in the squad of TIE Razors and will escort you in."

"Meta Lead, this is The Nuriko. Sir, our guest has arrived. He's been cleared to dock with us. I assume that you will escort him in."

Yes. **Switching to the squad frequency.** This is Meta Lead. Meta squadron form up on me.

**The squadron of TIE Razor's screamed through the sky heading for Venomous.**

Rama Sha
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:25:02 AM
:: The Lamamba Shuttle Raiden Jumps outta hyperspace to point Iota. ::

This is Rama Sha to any ships in the area please respond.

:: Rama checks his scopes. ::

Jedah Lynch
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:35:02 AM
The Aegis-Fang moves towards the vessel Nuriko, Lynch studies the ship wondering where in the universe could they have gotten such a name for it. Grinning, the Sith orders a communications between the two ships.

"Aegis-Fang to Empire ship Nuriko this is Lynch requesting to board"

Darth Havok
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:35:27 AM
The Venomous banks to it’s right and decreases it’s engines to the optimal landing speed as it is escorted into the docking bays of the Nuriko by a group of Tie Razors.. The landing clamp clings to the designated platform as a loud hissing is heard as the lowering walkway descends.. A dark figure with his royal guard moves down the platform to greet his fellow Sith; in which he has not seen in so very long.. The Sith moves along the catwalk slowly; looking to meet someone as to direct him to were his comrades were to meet him..

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:41:02 AM
"Shuttle Raiden, this is The Nuriko. You are cleared to dock."

"Aegis-Fang, this is The Nuriko. Permission granted."

"Meta Lead, two more visitors for escort."

Thank you command. Meta 5-8 take Raiden, 9-12 you have the shuttle from Aegis-Fang. Lead group with me.

**Minutes later Sums climbs out of his Razor, which he had landed in front of the 3 shuttles. Quickly climbing out he tossed a tech his flight helmet before running towards the shuttles. He arrived in time to great Emperor Havok as he stepped off his vessel, and bowed deeply.**

M'Lord it is an honor to have you aboard.

Rama Sha
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:53:41 AM
Damn Sums....Looks like a town meeting around here.

Im coming aboard....

:: The Shuttle Raiden Moves into one of the Nuriko's smaller Docking bays and sets down. The boarding Ramp Lowers and Rama walks down it. He looks around the docking bay. Last time he was on this ship was when it was in the Shipyard. He breaths in the air, before moving forward again ::

Jedah Lynch
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:01:19 AM
"You heard the gentlemen lads, bring the ship in...and make sure you dont dent the lady. I sure as hell dont want to pay for a repaint if we scracth her as...er...just taks us in."

"Aye aye Commander"

Lynch waits as the ship makes a standard docking procedure. Before he leaves the bridge he moves one more chess piece into position. The Sith makes his way out of the halls and lifts of the Aegis Fang until he finally gets a small shuttle to the landing bay where he sees Emperor Havok already standing.

As soon as the shuttle lands Lynch walks to the side of his Emperor.

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:13:15 AM
**Sums stands after bowing to the three Sith.**

M'lords, welcome to The Nuriko. As you can probably guess Master Rama named her personally. If you'd care to follow me I'll show you to a conference room where you can talk in private during our trip.

**Sums led the trio out of the hanger and down the passages towards the large conference room off of the bridge. It hadn't passed his notice that every crew member walking towards them suddenly ducked down another hall or into a room. As they stepped in Sums stood by the door and waited for them to take in their surroundings.**

If you would excuse me I will be heading for the bridge. I believe Master Rama had a bar put in here someplace, though I have yet to uncover it. M'Lords.

**Sums bowed again before heading out of the room, the door sliding shut behind them. A pair of Emperor Havok's royal guards flanked each side of the door and would not allow any unauthorized personnel in. Stepping onto the bridge Sums loosened the collar of his flight suit and began barking out commands.**

Helm, set course for TSE Headquarters.

"Aye Sir"

Comm, inform Bromine that our guests have arrived and that we getting under way. After that inform the fleet to recover all fighters and follow us.

"Aye sir"

**Sums sat back in his leather chair and watched as the stars turned into streaks of light. As much as he knew he shouldn't he couldn't help but wonder why three of the most powerful Sith in the universe had just arrived and were now heading back to TSE.**

Rama Sha
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:39:47 AM
:: Rama pulls out a chair sits down and puts his feet up on the table. ::

So.....Emperor Havok. Wow......You really moved up in the world since last time I saw you. What happened to that Venom Guy?

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 18th, 2001, 03:28:31 PM
Her high in seeing her brother alive again was quickly replaced with sadness and anger. A long frown came to her lips and her eyes flashed with rage that her body started to shake a little.


The guard to her left stepped forward and stood at attention. "See to anything that ..." Since the female Imptel officer didn't say her name, Dalethria looked at the name on her fatigues, "... Lt. Page needs."

But don't leave her unattended though. Understood?

The guard looks startled for a moment but salutes and motions with his hand for Michelle to follow him. Dalethria watched them leave and turned back to her brother, "Marc, there's a lot you don't know. About me ... about mother."

She wraps an arm around Marc's and leads him out of the hangar.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 18th, 2001, 03:44:33 PM
He stood over the holo-display in his quarters on the ESD Bromine, watching as each of the arriving craft entered a hangar of the SoSD Nuriko, the coming together was almost complete, and he listened to the report from the communications officer. He grinned as he heard the news that they would all be heading for TSE HQ, knowing that the time would soon arrive, the time of rebirth, of unrelenting power and strength.

He turned away from the holo-display and opened a channel to the bridge. “Set course for HQ, initiate jump as soon as the coordinates are set.” Sitting down in front of a computer, he read the reports of the captured Jedi and what had been done with him. “I will deal with you soon infidel, for now my scientists will very much enjoy studying you and your unique attributes.”

Pressing a few keys on the computer, he relayed the order to have the doctors sent to Bakura. He spun in his chair and gazed out the transparisteel widow of his quarters and at the very moment he did the stars became streaks of light, as the Bromine entered hyperspace, bound for its destination.

Marc Tarkin
Jan 18th, 2001, 03:50:50 PM
It was obvious to him that something he had said, caused a bad reaction or at least some bad recollections for his sister. He could see it in her eyes, rage and anger that ran deep, its source a mystery to him. Being led out of the hanger with her he responds to her words. “I’m not surprised there is a lot I don’t know. Seven years is a long time.”

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 19th, 2001, 03:25:08 PM
She stayed quiet, listening to Marc but did not wish to discuss their past here. Not in the hangar bay. It was best to head to Rama's in a relaxed setting where they could catch up. There was so much to explain. An emotion creeped into her mind as she led Marc out of the HQ and towards the bar.


An emotion that was foreign to her since coming to terms with Leia and her true place in the Force. Would her brother accept her? She wasn't the Navaria he remembered ... hell, he never knew that "Dalethria" existed for a long time and took it as her Sith name. The other problem was if Marc would be able to handle her new family.

Sighing and resting her head on his arm, Dalethria hoped that her only family of the past would be able to handle the family of the present. All would be answered soon as Marc opened the door to Rama's (http://pub4.ezboard.com/fsithempire76244frm11.showMessage?topicID=492.topi c) and they stepped in.

Jedah Lynch
Jan 21st, 2001, 07:46:23 AM
Staring at a painting of those in the Sith Empire Lynch listens to the converastion between his Emperor and that of Rama. A remark hangs on the tip of his tongue that he keeps in check....for three seconds.

"Venom? His voice says in almost a hush tone.

"Perhaps he dances with the angels and that of his Gods, perhaps he rots in the deepest layers of Hel with all the other damned."

Lynch pauses for a moment looking at the portrait again. I remember them...

Rama Sha
Jan 21st, 2001, 09:01:28 AM
:: Rama shifts his eyes to Lynch. ::

And Jedah. You have regained your wings havn't you.

:: Rama notices him talking about the potrait. ::

Who do you remeber?

Sith Summoner
Jan 27th, 2001, 06:11:15 PM
**Sums watched as the blurs in front of him turned back into stars, as The Nuriko exited hyperspace and started moving towards the TSE home planet of Munto Codru. A couple minutes later Bromine also exited hyperspace and headed for the planet. As the SoSD fell into an orbit above the TSE headquarters Sums gave the bridge to his Executive Officer and headed for the conference room. Stepping in he bowed and waited for the three Sith to acknowledge him.**

M'Lords we have arrived. If you would like to follow me I have a shuttle prepped for immediate launch.

**Sums led Havok, Lynch, Rama and Havok's royal guards towards the hanger bay. When the arrived at the waiting shuttle Sums bowed once more as they boarded the shuttle. As it prepared to leave Sums walked over to a shuttle of his own and prepared it for launch. As his shuttle exited the bay he could see the shuttle from The Nuriko was joined by another that would more than likely be Master Ogre from Bromine. As he piloted his shuttle towards the shipyard Sums couldn't get the idea that something big was going to be happening out of his mind.**