View Full Version : Running Again... (COMPLETED)

Lady DeVille
Nov 20th, 2000, 07:57:14 PM
[Continued from pub23.ezboard.com/fthesit...D=78.topic (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderfrm9.showMessage?topicID=78.topic)]

*Lost amidst the stars, De'Ville slept uneasily in the pilot chair, knees pulled up under her chin.

A red light started blinking from the console. Then a blue light alternated with it, throwing strange colors on De'Ville's face.

She woke up suddenly, terror captivating her bones. The blinking lights greeted her, and she threw herself towards the panel in front of her before she realized what they were.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, De'Ville flicked a switch and read Live Wire's message. She slammed her hand into the console, and too late realized that she should be careful what she hit. With a screech of stressed durasteel, the My Vengence was torn from hyperspace. De'Ville hit her head on the console, opening up a two inch long cut on her forehead.

Blood ran into her right eye, temporarily blinding her.

She cursed, and quickly ripped her sleeve off, binding it around her head in a crude field dressing. Grabbing the controls of the Interceptor, De'Ville checked the engines.

::Hyperdrive Offline::

Blood, and bloody ashes! *De'Ville kicked her chair, and then checked the star charts for the nearest system. She was pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but if need be she could limp her way to Coruscant, the city-planet of her birth.*

Lady Vader
Nov 21st, 2000, 05:00:19 AM
*LV finished tinkering with her ship, and wiping the grease from her hands with a small towel, went off towards her room in the Sith Palace on Corellia... on her way there she passed Garrett's room and glanced in, seeing LW in there confronting him*

*she frowned*

What in blazes was going on?

*she kept walking down the hallway... as she passed LW's room, she noticed the door ajar and a small light blinking inside on LW's comm consule... curious, LV walked in and checked it out*

*it looked like LW had sent a message and LD had recieved it... LV frowned again and punched in a few buttons to get a fix on LD's ship, tracing it through the recieved message... no good, LD had blocked it somehow... why would she be running like this? and from what?*

*slightly exasperated, LV threw the towel on the consule and walked out of the room back towards Garrett's room to speak with LW and see if she knew anything*

Time to get some answers.

Lady DeVille
Nov 21st, 2000, 07:51:59 AM
*De'Ville shivered. She had rerouted climate control to regain some mastery over her blown engines, and it was nearing freezing inside the c0ckpit.

She cursed again, and threw a hydrospanner against the bulkhead. The Interceptor was crawling towards Coruscant, but at this rate it would be at least two days, if not three, before she reached the main shipping lanes.

Sighing, she left the navigational controls on autopilot, and retreated to her cabin.

Lying on her bed, De'Ville bundled her slim body in blankets, and breathed deeply. In and out...

...in and out...

...her eyes fluttered shut as she entered a Force induced trance-like state.

The My Vengence sluggishly continued on its way*

Garrett Blade
Nov 21st, 2000, 09:48:09 AM
*Live Wire had been staring at Garrett for over a minute now, but Garrett had not even turned around to look at her. She shouted at him, and he slowly rotated to meet her enraged face. Once his eyes had targeted hers, Live Wire stepped back in dread is Garrett's eyes had turned completely black.

Live Wire: Garrett!! What have you done??? Whats wrong with you???!!!"

Garrett Blade: It's happening again!! Everything he said would come true!!! It's happening all over again!!!"

Live Wire: "WHat??? What are you talking about??? What is going on???"

*As she said this, a deep, two inch cut suddenly formed on Garrett's forehead. It began to bleed quite badly.*

Live Wire: "Garrett! Your head!! Let me get you something to heal it with!!!"

Garrett Blade: "It doesn't hurt!!! It's nothing compared to what she's going through!!!"

*Garrett wiped some of the blood from his forehead. As he did this, he began to cry. Tears of blood could be seen around his eyes"

Live Wire: "Garrett! I'll get a m edpac!!! Wait there!!"

[i]*As Live Wire turned to leave for the medical bay, Garrett grabbed her by the arm, which caused her to let out a small scream. He held on to her, whilst Fenix leaped up off the bed and guarded the door...*

Garrett Blade: "I lost my faith in science and progress!!!"

Live Wire: "At least let me..."

*He stopped her before she could finish...*

Garrett Blade: "You could say that I lost my faith in the forcely-ways!!!"

*Garrett let go of her, and then he and Fenix left the room and went off to the right...*

Live WIre: "Garrett...where are you gong???"

Garrett Blade: "To the hanger!!! To my ship!!! To find De'Ville!!!"

Live Wire: "Garrett!!! The hanger bay's that way!!!"

*She heard Garrett turn round, and then joined him as he walked in the opposite direction to that he intended to go...*

Garrett Blade: (To himself)"You could also say that I lost my sense of direction..."

*The two sith walk together, in silence, to Garrett's YT-2000...*

Lord Dagger
Nov 21st, 2000, 03:36:12 PM
:: Dagger appears out of the shadows next to LW and Garrett ::
"If i may my Lady, DeVille is my friend, i would like to help you find her, and help her if i can when we do"

Lady DeVille
Nov 21st, 2000, 04:27:25 PM
*The small cabin inside the TIE Interceptor was still. There was no sign of life, except the occasional puff of condensing breath from a lump of humanity on the bunk.

De'Ville was not as peaceful as she appeared. Inside her mind her thoughts were as chaotic as hyperspace. Colors, feelings, nightmares and daydreams all collided in the midst of her brain. She literally had to struggle to maintain the suspended state of animation she had entered.

In front of her lightly closed eyelids a face appeared. It grinned at her, and then melted like wax into a screaming skull.

De'Ville came out of her trance screaming, cold sweat all over her body. She sobbed uncontrollably, hands on her head as if to keep her unconcious thoughts inside.

Fresh blood trickled down the side of her face, staining the collar of her shirt. Her makeshift bandage had come off. The sobs subsided, and she swung her stiff legs out of the bunk as she went in search of a medpac.*

::Proximity Alert::

*An alarm sounded*

Blood and ashes! *De'Ville slapped her hand over the cut on her forehead, and stumbled into the c0ckpit. Once there she could see nothing, so she punched the distress beacon, and grabbed the controls to her ship, slowly bringing it around 90 degrees. There it was...

Through the viewscreen she could see a good sized Correlian freighter. The other vessel hailed her*

:::To the Interceptor My Vengence, this is the frieghter Justified, may we be of assistance?:::

*De'Ville choked on the words* I would be...grateful. My hyperdrive --

*The other captain interrupted.* We are aware of your engines situation, make preparations for docking with us. We'll have you fixed up in no time.

Lady Vader
Nov 21st, 2000, 04:39:36 PM
*LV happened to be standing outside the room when Garrett started to walk out the door... she placed a hand on his chest and stopped him dead in his tracks... from the look of her face, she meant buisness*

LV: Garrett... I just heard what transpired in there. What's this about "it's happening the way he said it would". Who said? What's happening? Do you have some connection to LD leaving? And what's with the gash in your forehead?!

*she was annoyed and slightly angry... nothing Garrett did would really surprise or startle her... but all that was happening was happening too fast and with no explaination... LV hated that, and she was determined to get some answer, or at least understand the actions that were taking place*

*LV looked at Garrett again, narrowing her eyes*

LV: Well, answer me.

*LW came to stand just behind Garrett, listening*

Live Wire
Nov 21st, 2000, 04:51:19 PM
*Live Wire was getting impatient with the whole situation and decided it was time to take matters in her own hand*

LW: Garrett get yourself to the medical bay and thats an order! LV you're comming with me now!

*Without waiting for either of them to say a word LW grabs LV's arm and draggs her towards the waiting ship. The two sith women run up the waiting ramp and LW runs toward the cockpit to start the engines. LV closes the ramp and sits herself down in the Lightning's Strike copilot chair*

LW: *sighs* seems like we are always running somewhere.

LV: Yeah I know

*the strike takes off speeding away from TSO HQ*

Garrett Blade
Nov 21st, 2000, 06:15:25 PM
*Garrett sat on a repulsor-stretcher in the medical bay. The droid lumbered its way over to him with an assortment of medical devices. The droid placed the tray on the bed nect to him. The "astromech apothecary" then turned around and went back into the preparation room...*

Garrett Blade: "I can't take this anymore!!!"

*Garrett looked down at the tray by his side and caught sight of a scalpel. He paused for a moment...then turned away...*

Garrett Blade: "No! Not yet!!! That time will come!!! I have to do it first! I have to right the wrong I have caused...before its too late for her! Before it's too late for me!!!"

*Garrett leaped off the bed and darted for the door. He was outside just in time to see Live Wire's ship zoom overhead and leave the atmosphere of the planet. As he did so...he fell down to one knee as an immense pain shot through his head. Garrett remembered in dread as a voice echoed through his mind...*


*Garrett shook his head, and foced both the pain and the voice back into the void where it had come from. He rushed to the hanger bay only to find his YT-2000 had been sabotaged. There was a sign written in blue paint on the side of the grey hull...*

Garrett! Sorry about this! It's for your own safety! Stay here!!!----Live Wire

*Garrett cursed Live Wire - though completely unintentionally and on behalf of the moment. He then looked arounf the hanger bay. Suddenly his eyes came to rest. An evil, cheecky grin appeared on his lips. Garrett slowly and inconspicuously walked towards Gav's heavily modified advanced sith infiltrator...The Demon. he booted up the primary systems and blasted off. Once he was clear of the planets atmosphere and gravity well...he stopped for a moment. He closed his eyes and searched the void of the force...searching for Lady De'Ville. But to no avail...

He tried again...this time searching his feelings.....but without success.....

He tried a third time. He paused...and instead searched his heart. It had almost been his undoing before...but he was willing to give everything up...just to save her...even if it meant loosing himself in the midst of the chaos which was uprising even as he sat there in the coldness of space......

Suddenly.....his eyes shot open.....revealing that blackness just as before. He powered up the hyperdrive and whispered something to himself...*

Garrett Blade: "Found you! Don't worry! I won't let it happen again! Not this time! Not to you!"

*As Garrett uttered the words he engaged the hyperdrive and disappeared towards Coruscant...*

Lady Vader
Nov 21st, 2000, 06:43:50 PM
*LV sat in he copilot chair watching the streaking stars of hyperspace as both she and LW made their way towards LD's ship's distress signal*

*she sighed... she had helped LW saotage Garrett's ship... in a way, it'd been fun, but also felt wrong... she knew he'd do anything to find a way off planet... there really weren't that many ships in the hangar that housed Garret's ship... not many that would...*

*LV's eyes widened and she sat up*

LV: Emperor's Black Bones!!!

LW: What?

LV: Garrett! Ship!

*LW looked perplexed*

LW: Come again?!

*LV shook her head and pounded her fist against it*

LV: Stupid, stupid stupid!


*LV turned towards LW*

LV: We sabotaged Garrett's ship, and there really weren't many ships in that hangar for him to take.

*LW nodded*

LW: Yeah... your point?

*LV frowned*

LV: What we forot was that Gav's ship was due for a maintanence check this afternoon. The ship probably arrived in the hangar AFTER we left, leaving Garrett plenty of time to hack his way in and take it!

*LW cursed the universe for mainanence checks scheduled at odd times*

LW: I thought it was scheduled for morning.

*LV looked sheepish*

LV: It was, but I postponed it so I could work on my ship.

*LW sighed and cursed again, while LV shook her head*

LW: Well, nevermind that now. What's done is done. We've got a mission to complete.

*both LV and LW waited for the countdown to real space to come*

Lady DeVille
Nov 22nd, 2000, 02:56:09 AM
*De'Ville allowed herself a slight grin as she docked on Coruscant. In the middle of Imperial Center no one would find her, of that she was certain. What she was not so sure of was whether or not she didn't want to be found...

She growled as a grasping technician demanded a bribe in order to give the My Vengence extra security and a long term berth. She wasn't sure how long she would need to stay here.

De'Ville entered a turbolift, and shot down a few levels into a huge crowd of commuters and diplomats. She hailed a repulsorlift taxi and got in, closing the door firmly behind her.

The taxi cab flew into the midst of Coruscant's traffic, and De'Ville was lost -- lost in thought, and perhaps in danger of losing herself...

Back on the My Vengence , the distress beacon still transmitted coordinates.*

Garrett Blade
Nov 22nd, 2000, 02:17:26 PM
*Garrett paced backwards and forwards in Gav's quarters. He was tempted to go rooting through his master's stuff - but resisted the temptation. He walked back to the piolts seat to check on his position. When he got there he sat down and began to fiddle with the sensory equipment in front of him. He was about 3 hours away from wherever the hell it was he was heading for. he tried to load up the master star chart but required an access code...*

Garrett Blade: "SON OF A ....!"

*Garrett suddenly stopped when he heard that same voice in his head. It sent shivers along his spine...*

Can it be that the legendary Garrett Blade is losing control all over again!!!

Garrett Blade: "What do you want? Just leave me alone! Just go somewhere and die!!"

But I can't die! Remember! Just like you! Thanks to her!!!"

Garrett Blade: "Shut up! Leave her out of this! I already feel bad as it is!!"

And so you should! Just think how easy it would be if you would just accept this and let her fulfil her destiny!

Garrett Blade: "Because it's not her destiny! It's MINE!!!!! Bah! You can't even call it a destiny for me anymore! Oh yeah sure...perhaps before I met Gav and De'Ville and Live Wire and all my other...friends... back at TSO...perhaps then it could have been called a destiny. But now...I don't even know what it is now! Hell...I don't even know what I am now! Perhaps it would be better if I left...things would get back to normal and I could end this thing without any risk to them! NO! I have to save her first...THEN I'll finish it!"

*The voice disappeared from whence it came...whiulst Garrett sat down again in the chair. He watched as the ETA counter decreased...and got lost in his thoughts......*

The only question is.....how???

Gav Mortis
Nov 22nd, 2000, 03:00:24 PM
"Certainly Lord Mortis, this way. The team should've finished the maintainence on your ship by now" declared a scruffy looking officer as both him and Gav made their way towards Bay 023.

"Ah here we..." the officer was silenced in shock as they both turned a corner.

"Umm...where's my ship" asked Gav before the man could resume speech.

He walked over toward the spot where his ship should be and as soon as he stepped onto the platform the floodgates of his mind burst open and images came flooding in uncontrollably, resulting in immediate migrane.

"Sir, I can assure you that... Urgh!"

The man fell to the floor unconcious after being leveled by Gav's fist connecting with his jaw.

"Damn it! I'm going to need something heavily shielded to catch up with the others, they must have left hours ago!" he concludes, making his way towards the drive yards.

Lady DeVille
Nov 22nd, 2000, 04:53:46 PM
*Stepping out of the repulsor craft, De'Ville set her feet on the duracrete walkway. The building in front of her was one she had not seen in quite a few years. Built on top of yet another 'scraper, the old Imperial Orphanage look a little worse for wear. The repulsor craft left her standing outside in a sudden updraft of wind.

She shivered. She hadn't remembered to change her outfit, and her thin white blouse was still stained with her blood, and missing the left sleeve. De'Ville stamped her boots on the duracrete, and hugged her arms to her body, rubbing them to restore warmth. She took a deep breath, and walked through the automatic doors into the murky darkness of the orphanage.

At least, that was what it had been. As De'Ville looked around her old home she was not surprised to find it quite empty. She had only sensed a few life forms inside...but still... She had hoped to find someone who could tell her what she wanted to know.

De'Ville walked down a narrow hallway and up three flights of dank, dirty stairs to her old dormitory. She paused outside the door.

The keypad was old, and crusty with mold, but the code was old too. De'Ville scraped the keypad clean, and tapped in the authorization code that she remembered. The door slid into a recess in the frame, screeching awfully. De'Ville sensed-- and ducked quickly as a mynock came flapping out of the room, just barely missing her head. De'Ville pulled her blaster and shot the creature as it flew haphazardly down the hallway.*

Never liked those... *She cautiously entered the room, and fell to her knees just inside the door. Emotions flooded her mind like a tidal wave, and she retched on the floor, hands white knuckled and sweaty. The smell was incredible, a mixture of old cheese and Mon Calamarian military rations. De'Ville struggled to her feet, and walked slowly down the row of tiny bunks, searching for her old bed. It was right by the transparisteel window, covered with filthy blankets.

She looked out the window, and saw the familiar sight of 'scrapers and sky hooks. Traffic whizzed by, never pausing. There was nothing here to stop for.

Turning back to the bed, she sat at the foot and kicked the wall in frustration. She stood up quickly as insects started crawling out of the blankets that were mounded up on the bed. The light was bad, but they looked like maggots. Looking closer, De'Ville caught her breath. It looked almost like...

She lifted the blankets away with the force, and fell back against the wall, hand over her mouth in a silent scream of horror.

A small skeleton lay on the bare mattress, curled up in the fetal position. The skull was facing away from her.

De'Ville recovered her senses. This place, is so creepy... She paused in her thoughts. Why am I here? Turning back to the body on her old bed, De'Ville froze.

It was moving. The skull was turning to face her, looking at her.

She couldn't move. Was she even awake? De'Ville swallowed hard, fear rooting her feet into the crusty carpet. The skeleton was facing her. It pointed at itself, then extended a bone finger to point at De'Ville.

It laughed, a horrible, gurgling laugh. De'Ville screamed.

She found her feet, and ran. Fueled by fear and anger, she ran with force-enhanced speed out the door and down the stairs.

Bursting out of the front doors she gasped for air, sobbing and gulping oxygen. She fell to the ground again, scraping her exposed arm on the rough duracrete.*

Excuse me, miss? Do you --!? *A concerned commuter had pulled his repulsor craft over to her platform, and was leaning out of the door.

De'Ville looked up, and fear was replaced by instant and scalding hate. With a feral yell she lurched to her feet and ran to the man.

Grabbing his arm, she yanked him out of his car, and scrambled inside. He yelled something, and tried to hang onto the door as she pulled the craft up and out into the airways.

She didn't even notice him falling to his death on the levels below.*

Garrett Blade
Nov 22nd, 2000, 06:11:51 PM
*The Demon dropped out of hyperspace in high orbit above Coruscant. Immediately a voice was heard over the comm-tranciever...*

Airtraffic Control: "Please identify yourself and transmit your ID!"

*Garrett did not answer, but instead increased the speed of the sith infiltrator to maximum. Immediately, a squadron of TIE Fighters started an intercept course with the ship. garrett made easy work of the TIE's and entered the atmosphere. Immediately, a city-wide alert was announced of Garrett's illegal entry. Police units were placed on priority alert and ordered to shoot on sight. As Lady De'Ville piloted the craft through the vast traffic of the upper Coruscant highways, she noticed the flaming image of a sith infiltrator soar over head and crash a few miles north of her position...and crash into the Coruscant City morgue.....*

Lady Vader
Nov 22nd, 2000, 06:44:11 PM
*the indicator for the tracking equiptment began to flash... LV reached over and pressed a button, reading what was on the screen*

LV: Looks like LD's ship has changed coordinates again. The distress beacon is now transmitting from the inner core... Coruscant.

*LW grumbled, looking at the indicator for hyperspace... they still had ten minutes to their previous destination and she hated reveresing to real space prematurly*

LW: Damn! Ok. Make sure your crash harness is well fastened and hold onto something!

*she mumbbled*

LW: I hate doing this...

*LV checked her harness and grabed the consule... suddenly the ship reverted to real space, luckily not in any dangerous situation... the still stars greeted them in the inky black void of space*

LW: Alright. Setting a course for Coruscant. Why don't you give Gav a call to let him know where we are.

*LV nodded and raised Gav on his comm*

LV: Gav, it's LV. Listen... LD has made off again with no reason given. Her distress beacon aboard her ship shows to be on Coruscant. We're headed there in LW's ship.

Gav: That's fine. But where's MY ship?

LV: Oh, that. Ummm... it's a long story. You can borrow my ship for now. The code is Authorization GammaBetaDelta22375. Meet us at Coruscant. I fear LD is gonna get into some trouble.

Gav: Alright. Is your ship still berthed in Bay 021?

LV: Yeah, you'll find it there.

Gav: Ok. I'll see you guys later. Where do we meet?

LV: Dock on Coruscant near the Commerse Station. We'll land our ship there and then contact each other and make a search for LD. Oh, and we might have to find Garrett too.

Gav: Garrett?? What the hell is going on??

LV: We'll explain when we meet. We'll see you on Coruscant.

Gav: Alright. Gav out.

*LV cut the transmission and looked at LW*

LV: Message away.

LW: Good. And the navcomp has given coordinates to Coruscant. Let's move.

*the Strike jumped into hyperspace*

Garrett Blade
Nov 22nd, 2000, 07:14:40 PM
*Smoke hissed from the wreakage of the sith infiltrator amidst the ruble of the morgue. Numerous metal lockers were toppled over each other as a result of the impact. Dead bodies lied everywhere - nothing very unusual for a morgue. Then...something started to move. The ramp to the upturned sith infiltrator slowly lowered itself, allowing an extremely angry Garrett to exit the craft. He looked around whilst dusting himself off. As he looked around the morbid room he took note of the corpses surrounding him. He raised his hands above his head with outstretched palms and fingers*

*A red glow emitted from his hands and radiated out from the room. In an instant, Garrett's mind was invaded by memories of old - great wars, political strugles, common strifes and a whole ton of others. But a few seemed to interest him further. Suddenly a number of bodies struggled to their feet amidst the sea of death. Amongst them were a Wookie with a bowcaster in his hand, a man dressed in common spacers gear with a holster around his waist cradling a heavy blaster pistol and a dogtag around his neck which read "Han", but the rest had been scratched off. Also, the body of a black man, with a tattered cloack around him and seemingly noblemens clothing. Garrett smiled as he easily reckognised the men from his past.....*

Garrett Blade: "Ah men! I wonder if you could help me with a small dilemma!!!"

*The three undead beings looked at each other with puzzled looks on their lifeless faces...*

Lord Dagger
Nov 22nd, 2000, 07:24:28 PM
:: Dagger decides to follow the two Sith women how obviously don't want his help anyway and so board the SSD Dominator and lays in a course to intercept the Strike at Courusant. The modified SSD sets of only moments after the small ship, but, thanks to Daggers many modifications beats them there, arriving in orbit he waits for the others to arrive. The hail from control breaks his wait ::
"Unidentified Star Destroyer, please identify yourself"
:: Dagger leans forward and opens the comm ::
"This is the SSD Dominator, requesting persmission to remain in orbit for a time"
"Permission granted Lord Dagger"
:: Dagger smiled, 'oh good' they remebered him ::

Lady DeVille
Nov 22nd, 2000, 08:46:49 PM
*In an instant she felt him, and her blood seemed to turn to ice in her veins.

De'Ville opened the door to the small craft, and simply

Her mind cleared as the wind currents battered her body, and she hurriedly splayed her arms and legs out to slow her descent as she simultaeneously tapped into the Force to contain the fall. She slowed, righting her body in midair, until she was drifting downwards about two hundred and fifty yards off the nearest platform.

A horn blared as a repulsorcraft swerved to miss her, and nearly collided with another. De'Ville's eyes were closed, and her arms were crossed in front of her face, hands gripping the sides of her head. Another gust of wind caught her slim body as a taxi service vehicle barely missed her, spinning her around, and bringing her eyes open.

She screamed at the sight of a huge delivery vehicle barreling straight for her, and dropped, not bothering to slow the descent until she was about twenty feet off the far below platform.

De'Ville grunted when she hit, tried to get up, and then just decided to rest for a minute. She was so far down there was not much chance of anyone disturbing her.

Or, so she thought.* Lilaena? Is that you?

*A rough, masculine voice grated on her tired ears, and she tried to tell the being off, but only managed to squeak out a moan. Two callused hands reached her, and as they touched her exposed skin De'Ville tensed, ready to strike out with no mercy. However, at their touch she relaxed, and her lips softened into a smile.

Her eyes opened, but only saw a blurred image.* Darven?

*She fell into the terrifying void of unconsciousness*

Darven Calmoarn
Nov 22nd, 2000, 09:04:24 PM
Lilaena? *I grab the woman's head as her eyes roll back and her body goes limp.

Looking around I see no one who could help this fallen angel, for indeed she had fallen out of the sky directly in front of me. She had started bleeding from a previous wound on her forehead, the rich red blood trickling down her cheek.

I lift her up in my arms, and find her to be very light. Her arms flop, and I pull her left arm so it rests more comfortably on her body. Her flesh is cool to the touch, yet a sheen of sweat stood out on her forehead. Her blood stains my coveralls, yet something is very familiar about this woman.

She looks like Lilaena, yet I have never seen her looking so thin and pale before. The Lilaena I knew was thin, but robust somehow, and full of life.

I duck behind a trash container as a police unit cruises by my position. The woman/Lilaena moans in her unconsciousness, and I have to get her inside where she can rest.

I turn towards the open maw of a door, and carry the woman through it.*

Lady DeVille
Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:26:07 AM
*She fell screaming into the void of her mind.

Clawing at the edges of sanity, De'Ville fought to come back to consciousness, but to no avail.*

Darven Calmoarn
Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:45:36 AM
*I carry the woman to the turbolift, and lean my back against the back wall as we descend. She moans, and her sleeveless left arm flops from where it was resting and dangles uncomfortably again. At least, it looks uncomfortable to me.

I struggle to reach her arm, but cannot without the danger of dropping her. It looks like she's been through enough without my bumbling.

The 'lift slows, and the doors swish open. A wave of nauseatingly stale air hits my nose, and I wish for the open air again. Still, it is better for her here.

I walk for a while, the woman's body cradled in my arms. She is not difficult to carry, her tallish frame seems to have dropped quite a bit of weight over the last few days. Finally I see the light of our fires ahead, glimmering from around a dripping, moldy wall.

My people are surprised to see me back so soon, yet nothing is said about the woman in my arms. A smudge-faced woman gives up her pallet for the newcomer, and I lay my burden there on her back.

I pull her arms so they rest on her stomach, and catch sight of a smudge on the inside of her left arm, just under the armpit. I look closer.


It was an Imperial Stormtrooper Designation number, tattooed on her arm. I started back, understanding and confusion battling for supremacy in my head.

This woman has to be Lilaena, yet she was, different. Harder, and more vunerable at the same time.

Last time I saw her she was being dragged off to a turbolift by Imps, her long hair shorn off and left in a heap on the duracrete. I look down at the woman lying by me in the firelight. The features are the same, yet her hair is long again, the chestnut waves pillowing her head.

There is no way her hair could have grown that fast, I tell myself. Its only been four years...hair doesn't grow that fast...does it?

Still, hair is no reason to doubt this is the woman I knew... I attend to the gash on her forehead with a stolen medpac.

Lady DeVille
Nov 23rd, 2000, 04:58:07 AM
*Faces taunt her, spinning her 'round and 'round as she cries for help. De'Ville is helpless, unable to close her vision to the images which bombard her.

She struggles for freedom, for light, and for consciousness...

....claws her sanity to shreds....then gives up and rests her spirit in the blackness of the Force which held her tight, unwilling to let her return to the world.


The man watching her was surprised to see tears streaming down her face. He reached over and lightly brushed them away*

Garrett Blade
Nov 23rd, 2000, 02:17:33 PM
*Garrett was sitting on top of one of the fallen metal lockers which he had inadvertadly dusturbed. The three people in front of him had also sat down, the two men on a locker, and the Wookie on the floor*

Garrett Blade: "So Han! t's been a long time now hasn't it! Must be what??? 20 years since I saw you last!! I see Chewbacca kept his word! And by the looks of things it even got him killed! And Lando! Lando, Lando, Lando! Who would have thought that the respectable scum would end up in Coruscant City Morgue!!! You are nothing more than a mere shadow of your former selves!!!"

Han Solo: "What the hell do you want Garrett!!! I thought we killed you long ago along with Zeratul and Jerec and your other friends!!!!!

Garrett Blade: "In a way...you did! It's just that like when I was younger, death itself could not contain me!!!"

Lando: "What happened to the others! Are they alive???"

Garrett Blade: "Sadly no!! Ah...those were the good times! Cities fell under our might!! Peoples perished under our wrath!! Empires rose under our rule!! And then you pitiful rebels showed up and had to spoil it all!!!"

Han: "I guess you guys weren't that powerful afterall - you're the only one left!!"

Garrett Blade: Anyway! Enough of this mindless chatter. Like I said - I need your help!!!"

Lando: "Why in cosmos should WE help YOU???"

Garrett Blade: "Because if you do not...I shall decide not to lay your bodies to rest again and you shall be forced to wonder at least this planet for eternity as a lifeless freak, forced to stick to the shadows you hate so much and miss out on all the good stuff in life. However...if you co-operate, I shall return you back to unlife and allow you to rest in peace and become one with the force!"

*A small smile emerged on Garrett's face, knowing that Han especially did not care for the force that much...*

*The three men then got up and huddled together and began to discuss something secretly - though it was quite immpossible to hide something from the person who just gave you life again...*

Han: "Okay Garrett! I have a feeling that we are going to regret this but...what do you want???!!!"

*Garrett stood up slowly and made his way over to the men. He put an arm around Han and Lando's shoulder whilst Chewbacca followed behind them. The group walked over to a rusted metal hatch on the wall. With a blast of the force the panel crashed to the floor to reveal a ladder. Garrett stepped aside and gestured to the others to climb down. The ladder's destination was unknown due to it being lost in darkness a few metres down. Nevertheless the men clambered their way into the vertical tunnel and began to climb down. After a few minutes of climbing they reached the sub-levels of the morgue. The only light was that of Garrett's lightsaber. As the men walked down the hauntingly quiet tunnels the talked and talked away, like old friends reminiscing on memories long gone...*

Garrett Blade: "Well gentlemen.....it's a long story!!"

Darven Calmoarn
Nov 23rd, 2000, 07:56:03 PM
*As I touch Lilaena's tears with my fingertip, she stirs uneasily. It is as if her body cannot contain her any longer. Her lips are slightly parted, and an unearthly moan escapes from between them.

The people, my people who are surrounding me in our "city" look at me. Some have fear in their eyes. I place my hand lightly over Lilaena's mouth, muffling her cries. She thrashes violently, and then quiets down again.

I take my hand away, and study her face. There are some lines that were not there when I knew her before. Hardship is etching itself onto her skin. I reach over her to adjust the coarse blanket one of my people has given up for her, and Lilaena sits up, wide-eyed and yelling something I do not understand.*

Lilaena! *I take her by the shoulders, intending to push her back down. Her nose is bleeding, and as she stares unrecognizing at me, she licks her lips, tasting her own blood.*

Lady DeVille
Nov 23rd, 2000, 08:17:34 PM
Lilaena! *The voice was deep and insistent* It is Darven, you are among friends!

*She tasted iron on her tongue, and looked down at the two hands gripping her shoulders. De'Ville's eyes traced them back to their source, to two emerald green eyes in a dark face. She blinked.* Darven..? I --

*Shaking her head, she screamed with agony. The pain! As her eyes returned to meet Darven's, he saw terror in their depths. Then the fear was replaced by something, or perhaps someone else.* I do not know you! Unhand me!

*The man did not, so De'Ville brought her hands infront of her body between his arms, and forced him off her. She rises to her feet, and he does as well. He was easily 6'7", dwarfing her 5'8", and she felt tiny next to him. Nonetheless, her anger was unsatisfied, and she kicked him in the shin. He reached for her and hugged her close to him* Don't know Darven? You know me, Lilaena. Listen to my voice, listen to me. You know my voice...

Nooo! *She initiated a Force pressure wave, knocking him away from her, and nearly sending him into the fire. He stumbled to his feet, fear and wonder in his eyes. She advanced on him, and grabbed his arm as he held out his hand towards her (to try and stop her? Who knew...). Twisting it up behind him, she kicked his legs out from under him and let him fall on his face on the grimy floor.

Suddennly there were people all around her, rough hands grabbing her and forcing her down. She shouted at them, warning them, but they did not heed her.

De'Ville closed her eyes and in the black ink that was the Dark side she initiated another pressure wave. People flew off her, and she could hear bodies thumping on the ground some yards away.

Suddenly the sounds of fires crackling and women screaming filled her ears. De'Ville had not even noticed that she had not heard anything before. She opened her eyes and saw men picking themselves off the floor. One man had fallen into a cookfire, and someone was beating the flames out with a blanket.

She blinked.

Darven was in front of her, his dark face frightened, yet concerned.* Are you alright?

*She looked back at him, and fell to her knees, her arms outstretched.* I --I am...sorry! *She fell on her face and wept.*

Garrett Blade
Nov 23rd, 2000, 08:18:18 PM
*Three hours of walking in the dimly lit tunnels later, and the group are sitting on an old waterpipe against a septic wall. Blood drips from Garrett's nose slowly, creating a small red pool directly beneath him on the damp floor of the tunnel*

Han Solo: My my you've been busy! And you think that's the only way to stop it???"

Garrett Blade: "(sniff) Well I'm not entirely sure. This is gonna be really difficult for me and I don't knw if it is gonna work. For all I know its too late for her! I have to try! I would not be here right now if it was not for her!!!"

Lando Calrissian: "What do you need us to do???"

*Garrett turned from Han to Lando, who was cross-legged on the floor next to Chewbacca, who was fiddling around with his useless bowcaster. Garrett tossed him a power cell befor he answered lando...*

Garrett Blade: "This city has changed a lot since. I don't even recognise it anymore! I need somebody who can help me get through this godforsaken city and maybe have a chance at success. I need to somehow get a fix on Lady De'Ville and then get to her as fast as possible..."[/b]

**The conversation is interrupted at a detachment of Stormtroopers are heard close by...*

Garrett Blade: "Come....lets get somewhere safe...I hate Imperials...especially their parents...thats why I used to kill them!!!"

*The men go off into the darkness.....*

Lord Dagger
Nov 24th, 2000, 03:54:19 PM
:: Dagger, sat in the command chair of the SSD Dominator felt the ripples in the Force from DeVille and Garrett, not knowing which was which he ran to his shuttle and departed for the surface and the nearest Force ripple ::

Garrett Blade
Nov 24th, 2000, 04:28:27 PM
*As Garrett and the others walk through the bowels of Coruscant, they walk past many people going about their every-day lives. Robbers, criminals, crime bosses, petty thieves, homeless paupers and the like. A small boy runs past the men, followed by a number of slightly older children. They gang up on the boy and start hitting him. Garrett notices and goes to move on...but stops...*

Garrett Blade: "Little buggers! All of them homeless and probably diseased to the soul, yet they still manage to destroy themselves in this state..."

*Garrett walked slowly over to the bullies and grabbed the two of them by the scruff of their necks. He gave each child a sinister look, which then changed to a passive yet slightly angry face...*

Garrett Blade: "You naughty little children! Why don't you go and pick on somebody your own size!!!"

*Garrett gestures to Chewbacca, who let out a slight raowr! The two boys then ran like the wind, away from Garrett and the crying little boy by his side. Garrett turned to the horrific creature - covered in dirt and with bruises all over. he put a hand on the boys shoulder...could it be that the heartles Blade was showing compassion for the second time in over a century?????*

Garrett Blade: "Poor little guy! Wipe those tears...and the next time they pick on you, show 'em this!!!"

*Garrett took out of his pocket a small dagger with a green tipped blade, as well as a small blaster pistol with a modified stun setting. The boy looked at Garrett, then replied with a thank you mister!!! and then ran off after his attackers. Garrett turned back to the three men, who were staring at him in amazement...*

Han: "What the hell was that!!! Garrett Blade - a newely remade man!!!"

Garrett Blade: "No way...I just felt sorry for the little bugger. He reminded me of Gaaaaaa...........somebody I knew a long time ago, thats all....."

*As the men carried on walking, they entered a turbolift which lead slightly higher up, nearer to the surface. As the three fossils entered, they seemed somewhat refreshed, and had regained a slight amount of colour in their cheeks, rather than their slightly pallid flesh tones of death. It had not been noticable in the dimly lit corridors of the underworld, and thankfully it had gone, since they were now heading back towards the surface*

*And then, unbeknownst to all, a jet of blood began to pump its way around Han, Lando and Chewwie's body.....*

Lord Dagger
Nov 24th, 2000, 06:25:42 PM
:: Daggers Lambda lands on the surface and he stepps out and looks around, the silent figure of his apprentise appears behind him as he sets off in the direction of the Force ripple ::

Lady Vader
Nov 24th, 2000, 10:10:51 PM
*the Strike finally emerged from hyperspace... directly in front of them was Coruscant*

LW: Get us that docing port near the Commerses Station. I'll see if I can raise anyone else from our group here.

*LV nodded and spoke into the comm, raising Coruscant Traffic Control... after a bit of haggling over a certain docing port, LV was able to get the one they desired... she switched off the comm*

LV: Ok. We have clearance for docing port 20043, section 58, landing pad 12. The Commerse Station is directly accross from it.

*LW looked over at LV from her communications to the SSD orbiting the planet and smiled*

LW: Good work. And I've got the SSD Dominator on the com.

LV: Lord Daggars ship?

LW: Yeah. They report he's made planet side already in his shuttle.

LV: Ok then. Let's land this bird and go hunting for LD.

LW: Right.

*the Strike made for the docing port asigned to them*

Lord Dagger
Nov 25th, 2000, 06:22:38 AM
:: Dagger and Chryn arrive at the sight of the Force ripple only to find it deserted, at the moment his comm bleeped and he opened it ::
"Dominator here my Lord, the Strike just arrived and is docking at 20043 15 12,"
"Understood, Dagger out"
:: Dagger snaps off the comm and heads to meet LW and LV ::

Darven Calmoarn
Nov 25th, 2000, 06:34:37 AM
*I stare at the weeping woman at me feet, amazed at the strength of her emotions. Looking over my shoulder I see some of my people treating the burned man. Our medic throws a medpac forcefully to the ground in disgust. I hear his voice* Antiquated and there isn't enough! Bloody hell! *He bends over the victim, and retrieves the medpac. He waves away the mother and wife who are holding each other...holding each other as if the other were a life preserver. I turn back to Lilaena.*

What was that..? *I kneel down on the slimy floor and take ahold of her thin wrists, bringing her face off the ground. I look into her terror stricken eyes, and try not to show fear myself.* I never knew...that --you are, you are. I mean, are you?

*She nodded, her face crumpling up with a fresh burst of tears.* I am! I can control the Force... *She gasps for air.

I allow myself a smile, although fear still flowed through my soul. She is still Lilaena. I touch her face, wiping at a smudge of dirt under her cheekbone.* Then you are a Jedi now?

Lady DeVille
Nov 25th, 2000, 06:49:49 AM
Noooo! *De'Ville's eyes burned into his.* Not a... a Jedi! *She spat the word out with hatred, causing Darven to lean back a little, away from her. She slammed her fist into the ground.* They are weak! I am stonger than they!

*De'Ville suddenly looked up and to the east. There... She turned wild eyes to Darven, who was looking over his shoulder at the man she had injured.* I--!

*He looked back at her.* What? I don't understand Lilaena...you're not a Jedi? Yet, you are trained in the Force? *He stopped, unwilling to say more. She understood his meaning, could read it in his sense, and felt despair squeeze her soul with its bony hand.*

Don't say it. Just don't. *She knew he wouldn't understand, didn't want him to understand. Darven could not know.

They left it unspoken. Unspoken that De'Ville was now a Sith, that she was not the same girl who had been dragged off by the Empire four years earlier to be indoctrinated as a stormtrooper. The moment between the two old friends' spirits ran on...

...and would have run longer, had not the medic tapped Darven's shoulder, warily looking at De'Ville through the corner of his eye.* I need more bacta tablets, we just simply do not have enough. *He waved his hands to emphasize his point.* I told you our supplies were outdated, I told you we were running low. I told you last month! But did we get more? No!

*He ran his hands through his shaggy hair, stretching the skin of his face. De'Ville looked away, looked down at her hands. He went on* This man will die if we don't get more now!

*De'Ville picked a piece of dirt from her right index fingernail, and breathed deeply. Then her head snapped up, looking to the east again. That sense... Her eyes widened. Live Wire! Her former mistress was on the planet, yet very distant.*

Live Wire
Nov 25th, 2000, 10:54:48 PM
*LW's hands run instinctively over the control pannel as the strike docs. She can sense DeVille's presence which means she could probably sense her and Lady Vader. She hoped it wouldn't cause LD to run again.*

*the two sith women descended the ramp and LV walked to meet Dagger who was approaching them while LW secured the ship and left her sentinal droids on gaurd*

Darven Calmoarn
Nov 26th, 2000, 03:14:29 AM
*I call Markoth de'Bith, my lieutenant, over to my side. We walk away from where Lilaena is sitting on the ground. I speak in low tones, so as not to be overheard. Still, Gurtend Talorth, our medic, sees us and comes over.*

Where can we get more med supplies? *I look at Gurtend. He looks back, a questioning look in his good eye. I continue* Obviously we have a man who needs them now.

*Gurtend interrupts* He won't last two days without more bacta and antibiotics.

*Markoth looks at Lilaena, and I clear my throat. He looks in my eyes.* With all due respect Darven, but who is that thing you have brought among us? *He raises his hand to stop my response* Yes, yes, I know. Your old friend. And you are our leader, so she will stay.

*He turned to Gurtend* The Jedi compound is not too far from us. West of here, and high up. They always have a ready supply of bacta. And... *he chuckles* they won't mind us 'borrowing' some.

*Gurtend looked worried* But the Jedi...

*I shake my head, silencing his doubts* We will go in the morning.

Lord Dagger
Nov 26th, 2000, 05:31:48 AM
:: Dagger stands, eyes closed infront of the door where LW and LV will emurge in a few moments, waiting for the two Sith women to appear and give him his orders ::

Garrett Blade
Nov 26th, 2000, 10:02:55 AM
*...and the lift has reached the first sub-level of Coruscant Proper. The men exit the turbolift and begin to make their way towards a ladder several metres in front of them. They climb up out of the sewers and open the hatch of the manhole. As they emerge, Garrett is greeted by a blaster rifle right in his face...*

Garrett Blade: "WHAT THE HELL!!!"

*The stormtroopers grab hold of Garrett and restrain him. Garrett tries his best, but since the troopers are carrying ysalmiri he cannot use the force to aid him against the whit police units. They overpower him with use of superior numbers. A few others grab hold of the others who are just climbing out of the manhole too...*

Sergeant: "Take them to the palace. The Moff wants to see him before he is executed... take the others with him too - they shall share his fate!!!"

*And with that...the stormtroopers lead Garrett, Han, Lando and Chewbacca away to the Imperiasl Fortress Palace high above the city - which even dwarfs the adminstration building itself. As they leave, Garrett is just able to send a very weak message to anyone from TSO near enough to hear it. One word was all that he could manage...a word he had not used in a very long time................*


Lady Vader
Nov 27th, 2000, 12:32:44 AM
*the ramp to the Strike extends and lowers, but even before it is finished lowering, LV is walking down it amidts the exhaust released from the hydrolic mechanisms... she reaches Dagger*

LV: Lord Daggar. So good to have you here. And with the Dominator no less. *she gestures toward the heavens*

Daggar: This planet knows my ship well. I figured it was a good bargaining chip to allow me respect. They haven't forgotten.

*he let the faintest smile appear, but only for a second, reminicsing on some past accomplishment*

LV: Anything is most welcome for this particular mission.

*she looked back as LW came down the ramp... once she stepped on the docing platform, the ramp raised itself and locked, two sentinal droids stood at strategic points around the ship, gaurding it*

LW: I have sensed LD already.

LV: Then by all means, lead the way.

*LV turns to Daggar as they start walking towards the entrance to the docing bay*

LV: I assume you have neccessary equiptment on board to conduct searches of Force sensitive sentients?

*Daggar nodded once and whipped out his com*

LV: Good. I need the Dominator to do a cursery scan of the planet, level by level, hemisphere by hemisphere. It will aid us in seraching for LD. Focus on Force activity, primarily dark powers.

*Daggar was already giving orders into his comlink to those aboard the SSD*

*all three walked towards Daggars transport he had brought down and climbed aboard, along with the half dozen troopers he had brought with him*

*they sped off in the direction LW had last felt LD*

Lady DeVille
Nov 27th, 2000, 12:52:56 AM
*She tried to make herself appear small, sitting quietly by the fire warming her hands. De'Ville had almost forgotten how cold it could get during the night under the city.

Darven was sitting next to her, but not too close. She appreciated his distance. At another fire the man he had called his lieutenant was gathering men around. They were poring over a few old datapads, and muttering about plans. De'Ville could have easily eavesdropped on them, but she did not have the strength to do battle with the dark side. When she used the Force it drained her, and ripped at her sanity. She ran shaky fingers through her tousled hair, and took a deep breath.

Her old friend looked at her* They plan to raid the Jedi in the morning. The man you injured needs more medical attention than we were prepared to give. We have little...but the Jedi *he spread his arms wide* have so much.

*She shot him a concerned look.* The Jedi? *As he nodded she shook her head violently from side to side* Do not go to the Jedi! I will not join them!

*She started to rise, fury staining her sense, but Darven gently took her arm. She shook him off, but sat back down, still simmering.* We aren't going to give you to them. We need med supplies, bacta tablets. *He sighed* You are my friend, and you are safe here with me and my people. Providing, of course, you don't injure anymore of them.

*I am your friend? De'Ville thought to herself. I was your friend. You barely know me, Darven. She turned her face away.* I will sleep now...let me go with them, I can help.

*As he protested, she looked him in his green eyes* I want to help.

Lord Dagger
Nov 27th, 2000, 03:20:55 PM
:: Dagger follows the two Sith woman to the transport, even before they reach the ramp Dagger senses the message from Garrett and smiles to himself ::
"My Ladies, it seems Garrett is in a little trouble, i think one of us should go and asist him a little"

Garrett Blade
Nov 27th, 2000, 06:39:56 PM
*A few hours later and a large number of red clad Imperial Guard are gathered around Garrett whilst the platoon of Stormtroopers are guarding the others. Moff Seerdon walks back and forth in front of Garrett, with a grim look on his face...*

Moff Seerdon: "Well well well! if it isn't Garrett Blade!!! If only you hadn't left when you did! You could have been my most trusted bodyguard! But oh no! ou had to go off with your little friends didn't you...I wonder who came out better off? Me or you???"

Garrett Blade: "Well I'm not the one with the Imperial's halfway up my ass!!!"

*Garrett quickly turned around just to check that nobody of Imperial loyalty was directly behind him...*

Moff Seerdon: "Silence fool! I will take great pleasure in watching you die! Just like when I enjoyed watching <I<>her[/i] die too! Take them away! Oh...first...kill the others here - i do enjoy a good death!"

*Before the stormtroopers can pull the triggers on their blaster rifles, Garrett manages to use grab a blaster pistol out of the Moff's hand. He rolls to the side and eliminates the stormtroopers. He then hurls a chair at the wondow behind the three others there...*

Garrett Blade: "Get out of here! Regroup later! Remember our deal???"

Han Solo: "Yeah?!"

Garrett Blade: "Forget it! Just get the hell outta here!!![/b]

*As the three men take to the window outside, the ImperialGuards turn their attention to Garrett who has grabbed the Moff by the throat. He backs up towards the command chair and console a little behind him. As Garrett begins to squeeze the trigger on the blaster pistol, a stun baton whacks him full-on right across the back of his neck. Garrett's body instantly goes limp as it falls to the floor hard...*

Moff Seerdon: Good work Lucifer! Put him somewhere until he comes round - I want him to be alive when this happens! I want him to witness it all!!!!!"

Lucifer: "Yes Moff Seerdon!!!"

*Lucifer turns to Garrett on the floor, ands drags him into a turbolift by his legs, and descends into the lower levels of the palace fortress...*

Lady DeVille
Nov 27th, 2000, 08:57:25 PM
*She slept fitfully, tormented by nightmares.*

Lady Vader
Nov 29th, 2000, 06:00:50 PM
*LV looks at Daggar as they board the transport*

LV: Very well. I will keep an open com to you and your ship for progress on the search. Would you be willing to go help Garrett? I would also appreciate it if we could borrow your transport and a handfull of troopers.

*she waited for Daggar to respond*

Lord Dagger
Nov 30th, 2000, 03:23:50 PM
:: Dagger bows and calls the Dominator for reinforcements and another transport and motions for Chryn to follow him as he sets off for the Imperial Palace, memories that he though burried forever coming back to haunt him ::

Lady Vader
Nov 30th, 2000, 07:23:29 PM
*LV nods in Daggars direction*

LV: Thank you. We'll keep in touch.

*she turns back to the driver of the transport and motions for him to remove himself and sit with the troops in the back*

LV: Thank you, soldier. LW and I will take the con.

*LV sits herself in the drivers seat while LW takes the passenger side... the transport heads off in the direction LW pointed to LV*

Lord Dagger
Dec 1st, 2000, 03:18:28 PM
:: Dagger turns and, as the transport from the Dominator arrives, he and Chryn board it and head for the Imperial Palace, memories of his last encounter there flooding back, of his fight with Vader as he escaped the emperors rath ::

Lady DeVille
Dec 1st, 2000, 08:20:20 PM
*De'Ville was already awake when Darven and his men started waking up the next morning. She was sitting in a lotus position, meditating.*

Are you sure you still want to come with us? *Darven looked a little worried at the notion that she would even consider going.

De'Ville stretched her upper body, and then uncrossed her legs and stood up slowly.* You need the supplies for a man that I injured. I am responsible for the need, I will assist you in filling it.

*Darven smiled, but she sensed unease in him.* Very well... You ready?

*She nodded*

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 1st, 2000, 08:35:08 PM
*I don't like it a bit, but I have to take Lilaena, this new Lilaena along. She is a Sith, and I'm taking her to the Jedi compound... However, I can't leave her here with my people. She frightens them with her powers. To tell the truth, she frightens me too.

She is looking up expectantly at me, strapping her blaster to her right hip like she used to wear it. The smooth cylinder of her lightsaber is clipped to her belt on the other side. It appears to be made of some sort of bone material, perhaps a tooth of some sort. A large tooth.

Lilaena still looks at me, and I smile again, masking my unease.* Let's go, daylight will be peeking around the 'scrapers soon enough.

*The five other men are ready to go. Only three wear blasters, there isn't enough charged cells to go around. Lilaena finishes lacing her boots, and we head out.*

Garrett Blade
Dec 1st, 2000, 09:35:34 PM
*Lucifer was mere seconds away from activating the lethal injection when the Moff interevend...*

Moff Seerdon: "LUCIFER! WAIT! Remember when you first came here - and I sent you to the Jedi???"

Lucifer: It almost killed me! Yes - why??? Ohhhh!"

Moff Seerdon: "You see what I'm getting at? Yes? Good! Take him the moment the sun rises...it will be poetic justice - except it's not justice! Hahahahahahahahaha!"

*Lucifer laughed sinisterly, before removing the massive syringes from Garrett's arms and neck. The blood ran freely from the open wounds. Lucifer mercilessly tipped the chair forward and Garrett fell to his knees. He looks up at Lucifer with great difficulty. His eyes were not in the best shape at all as blood covered them almost completely. He tried to get to his feet to attack Lucifer - but to no avail...*

Lucifer: "Time to die Garrett!!!" And this time you won't be coming back! I'll make sure of it!!!"

Garrett Blade: "Everybody's gotta die sometime!!!"

Lucifer: "I mean it Garrett! This is the end for you and her! No happiness for you! Not even a peaceful death! I am going to make this last a very long time! I'll keep you alive myself if I have to whilst it happens!!!"

*Garrett spat a mouthful of blood onto Lucifers foot, and looked up weakly at him...*

Garrett Blade: "Been there - done that! You can't scare a person for whom death holds no fear!"

Lucifer: We'll see! They'll see! They'll all see......quite literally!!!"

*Lucifer grabbed hold of a durasteel staff and brought it down hard over Garrett's sweat-drenched head...*


Lord Dagger
Dec 2nd, 2000, 06:01:35 AM
:: Daggers transport brings them to the very stepps of the Imperial Palace before the two Sith disembark ::
"I'd hoped i'd never have to come back here" Dagger mutters
:: The assend the steps of the palace to be met by a single stormtrooper asking for clearance, Dagger gives him his clearance by frying the mans brain with the Force and continues into the palace ::

Lady DeVille
Dec 3rd, 2000, 07:59:20 AM
*The seven people quickly made their way through an intricate maze of turbolifts and halls and abandoned apartments. The underlayers of Coruscant were dank and dark, and the group had only one handlight. Darven had strapped it to his wrist, and was leading the way.

They made it to the section where the Jedi compound was located with only one incident. A large, purple blooded rodent-type had attacked de'Bith, Darven's lieutenant. De'Ville had ignited her saber and had cut it in half before the men had their blasters up. De'Bith thanked her, and they had continued on. Now, under the Jedi compound, she was feeling that horrible, terrifying, drowning feeling. The dark side was threatening to swallow her again.

She resisted the urge to grasp the Force, and looked up at the dripping ceiling. It was there , about twenty floors up. The storage rooms were only accessible through vents. Well, vents or the front door. De'Ville didn't think the Jedi would take too kindly to would-be thieves sauntering in through the front doors.

Darven and the other five men prepared to enter the vent system. She made as though to join them, but Darven stopped her, putting his hand on her shoulder. She smiled at him, but he did not smile back. Then she realized that he did not intend to allow her to continue on with them. She frowned.*


Darven Calmoarn
Dec 3rd, 2000, 08:08:59 AM
*I misunderstood her on purpose.* Why are we entering here? This is the only spot where the vent system that runs through the Jedi comp--

*Lilaena interrupts me, her eyes narrowing* Don't play the fool with me. I know these vents as well as you do. *To herself she mutters* At least, I used to... *She looks up again, squaring her shoulders.* Why are you leaving me here?

*I smile slightly to take the sting out of my words.* You know why. I can't have you up there with us. You will attract too much attention. All that "sensing" stuff that you and the Jedi are so good at...

*She sighs* Now you are talking sense. I -- *she ran her fingers through her unbound hair* I have been unpredictable lately and I would be a danger. I will watch this point so you will not be surprised when you re-emerge.

Garrett Blade
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:13:20 AM
*30 minutes later and Lucifer still has not left with Garrett for the Jedi compound. The sun has now risen to its divine throne. The Moff happens to walk by the execution chamber just as Lucifer is about to leave...*

Moff Seerdon: "Lucifer!!! I told you to go half an hour ago! Since you have been so insulent to obey a simple order...you can go on the mission to the borehole pressure mines this evening. Now hurry up, and pray that I do not add to your debt!"

*As the Moff leaves, Lucifer stands bewildered, staring at the corner he just walked around. Moments later, Lord Dagger walks around the adjacent corner - in the wrong place at the wrong time...*

Lucifer: "Who the hell are you? This is all your fault!!!"

*As he said this, Lucifer raised his hand out in front of him and emitted a wind of corrosive green clouds at Lord Dagger. The wind began eating away at Lord Daggers skin and garments. His clothes are powerless to stop the vile substance from dissolving his body. Lord Dagger was collapsed on the floor and writhing in agony when Lucifer was dragging the unconscious Garrett by hi hair. As he hauled Garretts lifeless body his bloodied feet left a red trail of death behind them...*

*Fifteen minutes later and Lucifer was standing at the entrance of the Jedi compound. He strapped a thermal detonator to Garretts lacerated chest. He set the timer and strength of the blast, before throwing Garretts body with unliving strength towards the main entrance. The main doors opened upon impact. Mere seconds later the entramce area errupted into flames as the walls caved in and the ceiling fell down. The smoke was suffocatingly thick, it smelled more like black than smoke. Lucifer was nowhere to be found by now - probably heading back to his personal laboratory high up in the heights of Coruscant Proper...*

*Several Jedi dust themselves off as they clamber to their feet from out of the rubble. They begin searching through the ruins for any survivors, The group stop in amazement at the sight of Garrett's hand reaching from under the sea of rock and stone. They pull him up and only then realise his true nature, The Jedi are almost blinded by his black-death aura around his person...*

Jedi Student: "A SITH!!! Quickly - take him upstairs to the interrogation chamber...our masters will be most eager to see this! Quickly!"

*As the Jedi carry Garretts weakened body up to the chamber, the egotistical Jedi student blabbers away to his prise...*

Jedi Student: "This could mean a big promotion for me!!!"

*The Jedi turns away, then turns back as he realises...*

Jedi Student: "On the other hand...bad news is severely punished!!!........Ack!"

*The Jedi carried on carting Garrett up into the turbolift, and soon they were standing before the Jedi Elders...and Garrett was beginning to come around...*

Lady DeVille
Dec 3rd, 2000, 06:35:24 PM
*She watched the six men clamber into the intricate vent system, and sighed as the last booted foot disappeared. She walked towards the opening where they had entered looked for a place to sit. The duracrete was covered with a spongy blue mold, so she scraped a spot clean and sat down.

De'Ville looked at her chrono. It was 07:49. They had been walking for two hours to reach this point, and she had been left behind. She growled, and cradled her blaster in her palm as she extended her senses to cover the area. She could feel the men as they made their way through the vents.*

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 3rd, 2000, 07:02:38 PM
*I lead the way through the vents, the light bounces crazily off the metallic walls from my wrist. This far down the vents have only a whisper of air running through them. Which translates to intense heat and excessive sweat for the six of us as we scramble through them.

I chose these five because they know the vents the best, and they are the quickest and quietest among my people. My friend, and fellow leader, de'Bith is directly behind me. I can hear him panting.

The vent continues due east for quite sometime, and then it makes a ninety degree bend straight upwards. The vertical vents are equipped with metal sprockets for maintenence personnel. Of course, no one uses them anymore. Not this far down.

We climb hand over hand up this main vent for about 18 floors. The only surprise is a mynock which must have gotten sucked in from the top levels and hadn't been able to get out. De'Bith knocked it against the side of the vent as it flapped past him, and it fell limply all the way down.

Once we reach the level of the Jedi storage area we go from quiet to silent. Our feet have soft boots on, so they don't bang loudly inside the metal vents.

I creep up on the vent opening, and look carefully out. The area is deserted. I turn to de'Bith* There is no one there...unusual. Usually there is at least one sentry.

*He looks back at me, sweat has run streaks of dirt down his cheeks* Then I suggest we move quickly before they realize this mistake.

Lady DeVille
Dec 3rd, 2000, 08:10:45 PM
*De'Ville looked at her chrono again. It was 08:56, and her posterior was sore from sitting in once place for so long. She got up to stretch her legs, and felt him, sensed Blade above her in the distance.

Her scream startled the creatures of the underworld, echoing off the crusted walls.

De'Ville fell to the ground, hands clapped over her ears. She moaned through her grinding teeth. She could not losen her jaw, and she started bleeding from the inside of her cheek. When her teeth clenched they had caught her own flesh and were cutting into it.

The dark side flared up around her, and her upper body was flung backwards, kneeling on the slime yet extended face up, arms out to the ceiling. Wind rushed around her in a vortex of terror.

She shouted words she did not understand in a language she had never learned. In the back part of her mind De'Ville recognized the old language of the Sith, used only in sorcery and nearly completely fallen from use. She had only ever heard Gav Mortis use it, and she had certainly never learned it.

The words poured unbidden from her bleeding mouth. Her head turned to the side, and she spat on the ground. The chant she pronounced began to form in her mind*

...blood of a virgin spilled on the ground, heart of a man that ceases to pound, winds of fury and lightning of hate, nothing will keep me from my fate!

*She screamed again, a banshee cry that shivered her soul and terrified her. De'Ville felt the rage building up inside her slight frame, and knew it was not her own rage. This anger was unfamiliar, and it was foreign. It was taking over her soul.

She gasped as her body jerked once. Still laying on the ground with her legs folded up underneath her in a kneeling position, De'Ville jerked again, and black lightning shot from her fingertips.

The wall began to smoke, and a granite slug burst into flames.

She was crying and laughing at the same time. The laugh was not her own.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 4th, 2000, 03:23:29 PM
:: The Sith Lord stands moments after Garrett and Lucifer departed and brushes the green stuff from his Force hardened armour and smiles, the smiles fades as he hears the booted feet of stormtroopers so he slips into the shadows and sets off after Garrett ::

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 6th, 2000, 01:08:07 AM
*I pry at the vent cover, and carefully swing it open. Exiting feet first, we land softly on the tiled floor and spread out among the crates and containers. I whisper softly* Make haste, it will not take long for the Jedi to realize that we are here.

*Markoth de'Bith disappeared around another aisle and then raised his arm high, hand gesturing from the top of the stacks.* I think these will do... Come here!

Quiet! *I head around the corner to meet him*

Lady DeVille
Dec 8th, 2000, 07:56:51 PM
*De'Ville continued screaming, a raspy scream which cleared the nearby passages of rodents and other creatures.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 9th, 2000, 06:38:20 AM
:: Dagger stops in mid stride, feeling the anguish of the scream in the Force even at this range, he smiles to himself ::
'They can't help but find her now'
:: He thinks to himself, then realises that so too could the Jedi, his smile fades quickly and he sets off after Garrett again, knowing that he had to find the Sith and get after DeVille quickly ::

Garrett Blade
Dec 9th, 2000, 02:45:48 PM

Lord Dagger
Dec 10th, 2000, 03:22:12 PM
:: Dagger's sabre cuts through the door and the Sith Lord steps through, imediatly he frowns ::
"Oh for crying out loud Garret, stop playing with this idiots and lets get out of here, we have to find DeVille"
:: He looks at the two Jedi Elders, there faces masks of suprise, he steps away from the door and motions with his sabre for them to leave ::
"Your lucky i'm in a hurry"

Garrett Blade
Dec 13th, 2000, 05:59:52 PM

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 13th, 2000, 08:35:48 PM
*Inside the Jedi compound things are going well. De'Bith has located the med packs and the others have found the rest of the supplies on our "list." We head back to the vent opening, and I give the others a leg up into it.

I have just hoisted de'Bith up, and he is reaching his hand down to me when a tremendous commotion causes me to duck down. Markoth quickly pulls the vent cover closed and I hold my breath. The noise is coming from above and below us, but it takes me a minute to realize that. The noises are unusual, and make my heart pound in my chest. The clunking from upstairs and the roaring sound beneath fuel my legs and I vault into the vent as de'Bith reopens it.

As we head back down the ventilation shaft, the roaring sound becomes louder. Then, underneath it I hear a blood curdling scream which becomes louder as we descend.

My heart stops* Lileana!

Lady DeVille
Dec 13th, 2000, 08:59:01 PM
*She was not able to move her body, and so remained stretched out on the filthy floor like a deranged worshipper.

De'Ville's eyes snapped open. She was surprised- she had not even realized they were shut. Staring at the ceiling she could feel everything, see everything. Darven was coming down the vents again, and someone...

She cried out in pain. Blade was falling towards her. He would die, and she would die if he came closer.

De'Ville reached up a hand towards the dank ceiling, summoning the power of the Dark side to her. She reached out to where Blade was and caught him with the Force as he plummeted towards the ground. She screamed as she touched him with the Force, but held him tightly anyway.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 14th, 2000, 03:44:14 PM
:: Dagger sighs and steps out of the window after Garrett, plummeting downwards then catching himself with the Force moments before he hits. Even as he fell Dagger felt DeVille reach out with the Force 'Don't worry he thought, we're coming' ::

Lady DeVille
Dec 16th, 2000, 01:27:42 AM
*De'Ville could not completely control the power of her Force grip on Blade, and it was too tight. She could feel him struggling for a full breath of air as the unseen Force squeezed him, and gasped as she became short of breath as well. The hold she held him in did not get tighter, but it did not get looser either.

An exploding pain erupted between her temples, and she could feel hot tears streaming down her cheeks. Darven was near...coming out of the vent now... De'Ville could feel his heart beating, could hear his thoughts and those of the other men as well.*

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 16th, 2000, 04:28:59 AM
*I scramble down the vertical vent, trying not to lose my grip on the staples as I climb down them as fast as I can. My men are above me, laden with the supplies we have just lifted off the Jedi. My lieutenant, de'Bith, calls down to me* Watch yourself, Calmoarn! What is going on down there?

*I have no breath to answer, and I reach the bottom of the shaft. Stomping on the freshly killed body of a mynock, I jump the last few feet down and enter the horizontal ventilation shaft. De'Bith shouts after me, not caring at the noise, but I cannot hear him. As I crawl through the dusty vent all I can hear is Lilaena's hoarse screaming. My flesh crawls at the sound: I have never heard such suffering before.

Reaching the open duct, I throw myself out feet first, throwing my arms out for balance as I land.

I wobble on my toes, and clap my hands over my ears to block the sound waves.

Lilaena is stretched out on the floor, kneeling with her body and face exposed to the ceiling. Her arms are outstretched and her mouth is open, tears are dripping off her cheeks. Lilaena's screams pause and she takes in another ragged breath, only to start anew.

My five companions climb down out of the duct behind me, and I hold my hand behind me, motioning them to halt and not approach her. I needn't have bothered. Looking back behind me, I see that they have backed against the wall, one clutching his pack in front of him as if to ward off evil spirits with it.

Turning my eyes back to her, I notice that I have unconsciously drawn my blaster. What are you planning on doing with that, I ask myself, and toss it away. I make myself take four steps forward, and I kneel down beside Lilaena. I can see now that her left hand is clenched up, as if it were holding something I cannot see.

Her tears steam as they hit the cold floor, and I clench my fists in front of my body.

I have never felt more powerless.*

Lady DeVille
Dec 16th, 2000, 04:49:04 AM
*She felt Darven draw near, and De'Ville could hear his concern, could feel it in every fiber of his being. She took in another ragged breath --could not stop screaming at the pain and the fire inside her.

Her back popped, and stretched a little more so that the top of her head touched the grime of the floor. She was drenched with her own sweat; her hair was damp from her temples to the end of the long strands.

De'Ville squeezed her eyes shut again. Blade was still caught up in mid air fighting for each breath in her tight hold. Darven was beside her, reaching out, yet afraid to touch her. He reached closer...*

NO! *She shrieked at him* Do not! *Her head hurt. It felt like someone was twisting a knife inside her brainstem. Then she started laughing, a deep, sonorous laugh that she could not control*

The curse! The curse has come on her! *The words came from her mouth, yet she had no control over them. Her senses expanded again, and she was bombarded with sensations like tiny needles in her skin, pricking and pricking.... She screamed again in terror, eyes snapping open again.

Darven had backed away, but he came back in closer again. De'Ville cried as she screamed, and her right hand shot out, faster than a blaster bolt. She grabbed his neck, and pulled him in to her body, clutching his head to her breast. Darven's arms had flown out to catch himself, but was powerless against the woman's greater strength. They lay there on the crusty ground in a bizarre embrace.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 16th, 2000, 05:44:37 AM
:: Dagger hits the ground, landing cat like his green eyes imidiatly train upward at the slowly falling Garrett. A look of bewilderment crosses Daggers face for a moment and then he sensed DeVille near by, his expression changed to one of concentration as he began to move closer to her possition ::

Garrett Blade
Dec 18th, 2000, 07:34:27 AM

Lady DeVille
Dec 19th, 2000, 12:04:13 AM
*She stopped screaming, and shivered violently, Darven still clasped tightly to her body. He had wrapped his left arm around her body, and held his right hand against the ground. He was tense, ready..waiting for something.

De'Ville felt Blade above her, felt his life waning, and shrieked in terror and pain. The ache in her brain expanded until she felt her head would burst. Her right hand, held as it was above her body, relaxed. The claws her fingers had become shook as the muscles unclenched. She still held Blade above the ground, but on an invisible platform he was free to move about on.

Darven shifted his weight a little, trying not to put so much pressure on her spine. De'Ville squeezed her eyes shut, and dropped her right hand abruptly. She could feel Blade falling, and then the Dark side flowed into her again, stronger than ever.

She had never felt such pleasure and pain and power before. The horror of the hate filled her, and she shook uncontrollably. The five men to her right by the vent were moving towards her...

De'Ville pulled her lips back in a grotesque snarl, and her right arm shot out towards them. They shouted as the Force smacked them back into the wall, and kicked the wall as they were held there above the ground with her power.

She writhed in agony, blood vessels bursting in her forehead and at her temples. Darven was trying to get away from her, she was hurting him. De'Ville sensed a turbolift descending towards the level she was on. It stopped four levels above, too decrepit to go any further. It was Dagger.*

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 19th, 2000, 12:19:47 AM
*I am held tightly to Lilaena's body. Under less stressful circumstances I would have enjoyed it, she is a comely woman. However, I cannot get away. Lilaena has the strength of a Wookie. I wrap my left arm around her arched back, and rest my right hand on the ground, ready to catch her when this seizure or Force induced --whatever-- ends. I hope it ends soon...

She is shaking violently, and cannot seem to stop screaming. Her voice pierces my eardrums. I cannot see them, but I know my men are near. I hear their shouts and hear the sound of them hitting the wall. I pray to my gods that they are alive. For that matter, that I survive as well.

Lilaena clutches at my hair, and her body stiffens even more. Unearthly growling is coming from her throat, but even so I hear her voice. Her own voice, quiet and strained, but there nonetheless.*

Dagger... hurry...! *Her fists hit the ground with enough force to dent the duracrete. I wince as a bit of my hair goes with them, and then throw myself backwards, off her slight body. I pant for breath on the ground, resting on my elbows and my jaw drops open.

Lilaena's body levitates upwards. Her legs that had been twisted beneath her body stretch out. She writhes in the air, and I scramble back on my hands and feet as dark lightning sprays from her fingers.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 19th, 2000, 03:15:55 PM
:: Dagger sensed DeVille's cry and snarled as he kicked the decrepid turbolift. Dagger lept up through the top of the lift and looked at the cable, with a smile he cut in and plummeted downwards on the lift, when he reached DeVilles floor he smashed through the door and looked at her, men edging towards her and a man clutched in her arms. Dagger grinned and moved next to her, sabres daring the men to come closer ::
"Well how are you my dear?"
:: Dagger asked in a conversational tone ::

Lady DeVille
Dec 19th, 2000, 05:02:23 PM
*De'Ville heard Dagger, yet did not hear him. The men that she had held against the wall were free and one step away from running for their lives. Darven was getting to his feet...

She flipped in midair and fell to the floor. De'Ville grunted at impact and clawed the duracrete with bloodied fingernails. Looking up at Dagger through bloodshot eyes she screamed hoarsely. Her voice was breaking.

De'Ville was suddenly on her feet, her hair flying back from her face and her eyes wide open.* You cannot help me! I need *She pointed upward* him.

*The tears started up again as De'Ville's body shook like a leaf in autumn* He cannot come nearer! NO! Stop him!

*Her eyes cleared and she looked pleadingly from Darven to Dagger.* He must come, help me! AHH! *She fell to the ground, writhing in pain in the dirt of the under levels.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 20th, 2000, 03:24:58 PM
:: Dagger looks down at DeVille, his brow creased in worry, then he looks at Darven ::
"What does she want?! Does she want Garrett or not?"
OOC/ Seriously DeVille, i didn't get that last post, do you want garrett or not? \IC

Lady DeVille
Dec 21st, 2000, 12:31:25 AM
ooc: yes yes, he must come nearer. The cursed part of her doesn't want him near, the normal bit of her that is still holding on wants him to come and do something!! /ic:

Garrett Blade
Dec 21st, 2000, 05:13:22 AM

Lord Dagger
Dec 21st, 2000, 03:44:01 PM
:: Dagger's eyes fill with saddness as he looks at DeVille then with one fluid motion picks her up and moves towards the shattered lift and leaps up the shaft, taking floors at a time till he nears the ground level, he calls out to Garrett with the Force ::
"Come through the ground, we're right below you"
:: Dagger moves DeVille out of the way and awaits Garrett's arrivel ::

Garrett Blade
Dec 21st, 2000, 06:03:44 PM

Lord Dagger
Dec 22nd, 2000, 03:54:49 PM
:: Dagger smile the smile of the truely arrogant and at that moment his shuttle touches down on the surface above them, ::
"Right now"
:: Dagger comments with a smile and effortlessly picks up DeVille and leaps up to his shuttle ::
"Coming Garrett?"
:: He asks and boards the shuttle ::

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 23rd, 2000, 08:07:37 AM
*I have sent my men and their much needed supplies back to our home, and followed the man carrying Lilaena up to the surface. He carried her effortlessly while she twitched and moaned.

I am worried about her, worried about who these two strangers are, and what they are planning on doing with her. The one carrying her is taking her into a shuttle, and I reach out my arm* No! Don't take her! Where are you going with her?

*The bloodied man turns to me* This is none of your concern. Go about your business, and leave us alone. *He twitched his fingers in my direction, and I realize he is right. This is none of my concern. I will go about my business and leave them alone... I turn and start back down to my underground lair as the two men board the shuttle with Lilaena.*

NO! *Lilaena's hoarse cry rips at my ears, and I turn back to her, my head feels fuzzy. The bleeding man is getting to his feet, leaning heavily on the edge of the shuttle entrance. Lilaena is standing, keeping the other, older looking man at bay with her left hand while she brings her right hand to point at the bloody one.* Do not use mind tricks on him! He will come with us!

*Then her eyes rolled up in her head and she crumpled to the shuttle ramp in a heap. I dart forward to pick her up, but the wounded man stops me with a dark look. He picks her up like she is his own personal burden and carries her into the interior of the shuttle. I follow, and the older man raises the shuttle ramp, sealing us off from Coruscant and everything familiar to me.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 23rd, 2000, 08:57:28 AM
:: Dagger calls out a command and the shuttle lifts off, heading for the Dominator in orbit, which, despite objections from Courusant flight control had moved to intercept the shuttle and withing five minutes the shuttle has docked with the SSD and Dagger has opened the door, motioning Garrett to take DeVille off the shutle and to some quarters located near the hanger bay, Dagger cast a single look at the other man and motions for him to follow as Dagger and Chryn leave the shuttle and follow Garrett ::

Garrett Blade
Dec 23rd, 2000, 03:47:10 PM

Lady DeVille
Dec 23rd, 2000, 10:57:15 PM
ooc: sorry Dagger, thought you were older~ are you not? My bad! /ic:

*Groggy from the sedative, De'Ville only managed a moan as she feels things inside her with the Force. She knew what Blade was trying to do, and tried to help with her weak Healing abilities.

Blade squeezed the sides of her head between his palms, probing with the Force. His face was near her own. De'Ville let her eyes close lightly...

...and then they snapped open in anger.* NO!

*She headbutted Blade as he leaned over her, and he released her head as blood spurted from his nose. De'Ville grabbed the side of the bed and kicked Blade hard in the kidneys. She leaped from the bed, all traces of the sedative dripping from her long fingers as it was flushed out of her system.

De'Ville bound Blade to the ground with the Force as he tried to rise to his feet. She calls his lightsaber to her and ran for the door which swished open before she reached it. Darven stood there, and he tried to jump back as De'Ville rushed towards him.

She thumbedhe switch on the other Sith's saber and swung it toward Darven, but nothing happened. In her fury she chucked the hilt at him and darted around him.

Darven tripped her up as he caught the saber, sending her sprawling in the hall. She growled and lunged at him, tackling him to the ground inside the med bay.*

Dec 24th, 2000, 08:25:18 AM
*Walking around the ship cautiously, the cloaked dark figure homes in slowly but steadily on the only two familiar presences presently on board. Passing officers and deckhands apparently don't even notice the man... who's robes to nothing to disguise the fact that he is tremendously huge, and they have to walk around him. A mouse droid, however, has no mind to fool, and after bumping into the being's leg begins to squeal in alarm - until a black-booted foot crunches it underneath.

Banestone always felt strange, doing things like that to fellow pieces of metal and circuitry*

Dec 24th, 2000, 09:08:55 AM
*Walking towards what he recognizes as a med bay, Banestone suddenly sees a disheveled woman and a man scrabbling around - no, fighting, apparently - on the ground, their backs to him. With a start, the Sith recognizes the female as Lady De'Ville... not much of a showing for being a "lady", by human standards.

Not that she ever had acted like one, he mused wryly.

For some reason furious and practically foaming at the mouth, De'Ville swung a spread hand with fingers apart and hooked like claws at the man's face, gashing it badly even as she continued to pull at her lightsaber and try to turn it on ineffectively. The man's expression turned from worry and fear to one of slight startlement, as De'Ville suddenly was plucked from atop him by a single, large hand. Darven stared at that hand for what seemed an eternity - jet black and three-fingered, although by design or mutilation he couldn't see - before seeing the red-eyed Sith who owned it. De'Ville wriggling and lashing out like a possessed thing the whole time, Banestone - with a studied look of boredom on his face - watches Garrett Blade, bleeding heavily from his proboscis, run to the med bay's door in front of him*

Been a while, eh Blade?

*It takes a few moments for the human Sith to realize that the alien holding De'Ville is, in fact, Banestone... who'd been gone, inexplicably, for some time now. De'Ville keeps thrashing in his grasp, and even starts sending crackling bolts of Lightning at her unseen captor. The huge dark alien doesn't even seem to notice*

You first. What in the freezing plains is going on here?

*De'Ville, still held by the nape of her neck like a kitten, screeches and starts using Force Choke*

Aw... ccck... screw it all with an icicle...

*Banestone, having a good deal of difficulty breathing now, raps her in the back of the head with a durasteel fist. Finally, she falls limp and silent in his hand - for the time being, anyways*

Garrett Blade
Dec 24th, 2000, 11:36:24 AM
*As Garrett sees Lady De'Ville fall limp in Banestones grasp, his heart is filled with hatred and despair as he too feels her pain. His eyes fill up with glowing crimson blood and he moves closer to Banestone. His hand glows dark purple as he clenches his fist. He swings upwards at Banestone as he turns round. Garrett's fist clashes with Banestone chin and uppercuts him - causing him to drop Lady De'Ville and sending him flying back several metres towards the shuttle they recently arrived in...*

Garrett Blade: "Glad to see you again Banestone!"

*Garrett then turns to Lady De'Ville's unconscious body on the floor. He bends down to pick her up but has a slight shock as her eyes flick open and glare into his. He steps back before she can grab his throat*

*Suddenly, as if from nowhere, his pet Tuk'ata Fenix appears behind Lady De'Ville as she stand up again. Before she can activate Garrett's lightsaber, Garrett gestures to Fenix. Fenix then gestures in the direction of Lady De'Ville with his tentacle-like claws on his head. His lips pull back and he lets out a snarl/hiss at her. Purple vapour emanates from Fenix's eyes and coil around the tentacle above them as they whirl in a frenzy. The Dark-Side beast lets out a raowr and sends a blast of energy towards Lady De'Ville*

*Lady De'Ville's body drops yet again, only this time Garrett was there to catch her. And unlike before, she seemed peaceful. No torment could be seen or even sensed within her. The blast of energy from Fenix seemed to have sedated both the curse within her and Lady De'Ville herself. Garrett takes her back into the room, lies her on the bed, then walks back out*

*He walks over to Fenix, who is standing cautiously. After Garrett apparently said something to his beloved pet, Fenix walked over to the closed door of the medical room and stood guarding it. Fenix sent a weaker blast of energy at the door, which subsequently glowed that same colour purple as the vapour from his eyes. Garrett turns back to the main hanger, where he sees Lord Dagger, Darven and Banestone walking over to him. Rather than waiting for them, he turns round again and walks off down the hall...looking for somewhere where he could get something to drink...though Lord Dagger didn't seem like the type of person to drink Socorran Raava...*

Lord Dagger
Dec 24th, 2000, 03:25:39 PM
OOC/ I am older i just don't look it, i look 23 i am infact 576 \IC
:: Dagger sighs and head off after Blade, hopping to reach him before he reached Dagger's stash of expensive drinks, he pauses a moment outside the door, reaching out with the Force to determine if DeVille is okay or not then hurrys on ::

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 25th, 2000, 03:56:01 AM
*I walk straight up to the man called Blade, and stand in front of him. I realize he is tired and very angry and this probably isn't a great idea, but..* What the hell happened in there? I need an explaination, now. I find an old friend, and there is something wrong with her that is causing her to freak out, and you two show up with no explainations?!

*I turn toward the huge black skinned alien cyborg one* Thank you for getting her off me, though.

*Facing Blade again I am really getting steamed* I don't know whats going on, but I need to know!

Lady DeVille
Dec 25th, 2000, 04:11:34 AM
*She opened her eyes and found herself staring at the ceiling of a small, nondescript room. De'Ville groaned, she felt hungover and the dim light was hurting her eyes. She used the Force to put it out.

Swinging her legs off the edge of the bed she slowly stood and staggered in search of water. Trying to remember how she got into the bed just made her head hurt more.

There was no water in the room, and her throat felt like the Dune Sea at sunset. Parched was not the word for it...De'Ville couldn't think of an appropriate phrase. She walked to the door and it didn't open.

Frowning, she tried the manual control, but that didn't work either. De'Ville smacked her hands on the durasteel, and recieved a shock of dark side energy.

She fell back on the bed, not harmed, but startled. The fuzz in her head was clearing, just a little... She remembered meeting Darven on Coruscant, and there was something about Blade in the recesses of her mind. Banestone too, that onery Sith, he was in her memory for some reason.

De'Ville looked around the room, studying the bulkheads and the lack of window. Reaching out with the Force she touched Dagger's mind, just briefly, enough for her to sense his presence, but not enough to be detected by him. I must be on the Dominator... That is strange. De'Ville lay back on the bed frowning at the ceiling and wishing for a drink.

The Force felt strange...it felt upset. The Dark side was darker, full of turmoil. She felt dirty when she used it, which had never happened before. Sure, it was full of darkness and rage, but filth? This was new...*

Dec 25th, 2000, 05:09:37 AM
*Banestone nods at the smaller human male he didn't know in acknowledgement, then slits his eyelids quietly. Banestone continues walking and follows Garrett Blade into a small mess area silently, Lord Dagger somewhere behind. Blade orders a Socorran Raava from the attendant on-duty there, then falls with a sigh into a chair to sip it.

Banestone remains standing, silent and closed, until Blade has the cup up to his mouth... then smashes four durasteel knuckles through the beverage container and into his jaw, sending him flying into the air. The alien Sith does, of course, realize the other's temperament at the moment... but he doesn't really give a damn*

Good to see you again too, Blade.

*Banestone grins and orders two more Socorran Raavas*

Lord Dagger
Dec 25th, 2000, 05:09:19 PM
:: Dagger sighs and shakes his head as the Sith demolish his collection of fine drinks, he almost noticed the touch of DeVilles mind, indeed would have if he hadn't moved over to stop any violence between Blade and the man ::

Lady DeVille
Dec 26th, 2000, 06:54:58 AM
*She banged on the unyielding door, desperate for food and water*

Lord Dagger
Dec 26th, 2000, 04:38:01 PM
:: Dagger senses DeVille's agony and, grabbing a plate of food and a drink of water, Dagger runs back to DeVille's room and with a single gesture opens the door, almost having to catch DeVille as she falls out of the door, Dagger walks in, half carrying DeVille as he goes, he sets the food down on the table and smiles ::
"There you go my dear"

Garrett Blade
Dec 26th, 2000, 11:42:44 PM

Lady DeVille
Dec 27th, 2000, 03:16:57 PM
*She licked her lips, and drained the glass she had in her hand.* I'm parched.

*De'Ville looked quizzically at Blade* Are you all right? You look a little...different... *Her eyes tracked behind him, and widened in surprise* ...Darven?

Darven! *She scrambled to her feet and swayed. Dagger caught her arm so she did not fall, but she leaned forward into the dark skinned man who had come up behind Blade. He had no choice but to catch her in a hug.* What are you doing here? What is going on? I --

*She turned to slowly look at Blade. Her memory was being tickled, and her eyes glazed for a moment.* You...what did you do to me?

Lord Dagger
Dec 27th, 2000, 03:18:14 PM
:: Dagger looks down at DeVille and smiles ::
"I will leave you in Garrett's capable hands my dear"
:: With that Dagger turned and moved towards the door, stopping as he reached Garrett, he wispered quietly ::
"I wouldn't if i were you..."
:: Before Garrett could reply Dagger was already out of the door and near the bar, ordering Banestone anouther drink and a water for himslef ::

Darven Calmoarn
Dec 27th, 2000, 03:22:41 PM
*Caught in Lilaena's arms, I support her as her legs refuse to do the job. I half carry her over to the small bed, and she sits without complaint, yet holds onto my hand. She is still staring at the one she calls Blade. He opens his mouth as if to speak, and the cyborg called Banestone sticks his head around the corner.

He frowns at the sight of so many people crammed in one tiny room.* Blade, your...thing...out here is not letting me in. *Dagger grins, and hides it just as quickly.

I turn my attention back to Blade and Lilaena. Their eyes were locked on each other, and he had yet to utter a syllable.*

Lord Dagger
Dec 28th, 2000, 05:18:10 PM
:: Dagger smiles to himself, more astute in the Force than any of the others in the room Dagger notices the ripples being given off by DeVille and Garrett, he smiles to himself again, 'children' he thinks and smiles once more. Dagger places a single hand on Banestone's shoulder, ::
"Come on, i'll get you another drink, DeVille needs her rest, and I, need another drink"
:: Dagger looks over at Darven, concidering weather to tell him to leave or not, or even to resort to mind control, Dagger catchs the boy's eye and relays his thoughs, letting him make his own dessision ::

Dec 31st, 2000, 10:03:37 AM

*Banestone gazes at Garrett Blade and speaks to him briefly through the Force - "In that case, I owe you another punch, nerf. I was under the wrong impression with the first one... I haven't changed much since I left" - then leaves with Lord Dagger*

Lord Dagger
Jan 1st, 2001, 08:25:19 PM
:: Dagger looks down at DeVille one final time and then leads Banestone back to the bar, calling for a drink ::
"Long time no see Banestone, so what have i missed"

Lady DeVille
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:48:01 PM
*She stands up, and walks to Darven, ignoring the silent Blade who was still sitting on the hard bed* How --? Why are you here, on the Dominator of all places? And where are we going? I -- I don't remember...

Darven Calmoarn
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:50:56 PM
*I put my hand on her shoulder* You asked me to come aboard. And I am not sure where we are going, but when we get there I am going to need a way to communicate back to my people that I am alive. The men I had with me probably fear the worse.

*And I thought to myself, and I do too.. . But I voiced nothing. Lilaena frowned, concentrating, then looked toward Blade.*

Lady DeVille
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:53:22 PM
*Walking over to Blade, she calmly took his commlink away, and contacted Dagger* Dagger, do you have a comm terminal where my friend can contact his people? I still don't know what is going on, but that is the least we can do. *She paused, and then continued* If anyone wants to fill me in, feel free! Where in the name of Exar Kun are we headed, anyway?

Garrett Blade
Jan 2nd, 2001, 06:10:18 AM

*Was the reply from Garrett as he walked over to the access panel on the wall next to the door. He opened it to reveal an intercom system...*

This is Garrett Blade. With permission from Lord Dagger, please set your course for....the Aurora system...

*As Garrett finished, the helmsman turned to his commanding officer, who also waited for confirmation by Lord Dagger...*

Lord Dagger
Jan 2nd, 2001, 08:29:29 AM
:: Dagger opens the comm to DeVille ::
"Ofcourse my dear, there is a comm port inside the door, external access to Couruscant while we are still in orbit"
:: Dagger the changes the comm to the bridge ::
"Captain Sandrax, inform all troops on Couruscant to return to the Dominator then layin a course for the Aurora system, best speed, give the extra engines a work out for once"
"Yes my Lord"
:: Comes the reply and the comm switches off. Dagger orders another water and goes back to talking to Banestone ::

Lady DeVille
Jan 2nd, 2001, 07:48:38 PM
*She turned towards Blade, but moved too fast and overbalanced. Darven caught her in his arms, and helped her to the bed. De'Ville stared at Blade.* Aurora system? What is there?

*Darven coughed and moved to the comm to send a message.*

Lord Dagger
Jan 3rd, 2001, 08:11:53 AM
OOC/ I said the comm was inside the room, he doesn't have to go anywhere \IC
:: Daggers comm opens ::
"All transports will be docked in twenty minutes my Lord, we will depart imideatly from then, Chryn out"

Lady DeVille
Jan 7th, 2001, 06:10:03 AM
*De'Ville looked at Blade, who obviously wasn't planning on filling in any of the details. Darven turned back from the comm* Well, I'm done... should I leave --?

*She smiled at him. It had been so long since they had seen each other, there was so much to talk about. And he looked so lost, and like he didn't belong.* No, you stay here, I want to talk to you Darven!

*She looked at Blade again.* Since Blade isn't going to divulge anything, which is making me angry at him, he will leave...now.

Garrett Blade
Jan 7th, 2001, 12:20:32 PM
*As De'Ville turned back to Blade, she saw that he was no longer there. Her eyes flicked to the floor, only to find a pool of blood where Garrett was standing. The crimson liquid began to close in on itself and disappear through some hole that was not there. Lady De'Ville suddenly looked around the room at an unseen voice...*

As you wish! Come to the bridge when we arrive at the Aurora system...

Lord Dagger
Jan 7th, 2001, 05:28:56 PM
:: The PA system activates ::
"All ships aboard, departing for Aurora system, ETA 3 hours"
:: Banestone looks at Dagger ::
"Thats a little fast isn't it"
:: Dagger smiles ::
"Why do you think there isn't much hanger space, i have two extra engines on this ship, it moves fast and hits hard, the perfect transport for me"
:: Dagger reaches out with the Force touching the minds of everyone on board, as he touches DeVille's and Darven's mind Dagger feels their confusion and sooths it gentle with the Force. Dagger's mind touches that of Garrett Blade and the darkness there causes Dagger to shudder involunterily and move on ::

Lady DeVille
Jan 7th, 2001, 09:48:51 PM
*Three hours later, on the Dominant's bridge, De'Ville leaned against a bulkhead and glared at Blade, who was being grim and silent again.* Now that we're here, do you mind informing me what exactly is going on?

Darven told me what I was going through on Coruscant. And I want answers, now. This is my body, and my life; I don't really care what happens to you, but you will tell me what is going on.

Lord Dagger
Jan 8th, 2001, 01:16:27 PM
:: Dagger sat between them in the captains chair chuckles ::
"Calm down my dear, i'm sure Garrett knows what he is doing. He came to you after all"
:: Dagger looked at Garrett, this time his Force probe penetrated the layer of darkness around the Sith and Dagger did not like what he saw, his expression darkened ::
"But i'm am also intrested to know what you plan to do"

Garrett Blade
Jan 8th, 2001, 03:19:08 PM
*Garrett could not express in words what he was feeling. it was hard to talk about it after such a long, long.....LONG time. He choked on his words, still unable to speak them...*

"Oh sod, it..........I'll just show you!"

*Garrett stood up and walked over to the bridge window, looking out at the immense green and indigo nebula's outside. He paused for a few minutes, then turned back to his comrades...*

"Do you wish to remain in the bridge or wait outside?"

Lady DeVille
Jan 8th, 2001, 04:37:11 PM
*She growled* I'll wait here, but Darven, you should go.

Darven Calmoarn
Jan 8th, 2001, 04:38:22 PM
*I look at the Sith surrounding me, and agree with Lilaena.* I'll be just outside if anyone need me...

Lord Dagger
Jan 9th, 2001, 04:26:49 PM
:: Dagger nodds his head towards the door and a shadow detaches its self as Chryn follows Darven out of the door. Dagger turns back to Garret ::
"We're all ears"

Garrett Blade
Jan 10th, 2001, 06:42:16 PM
*Garrett looked amusingly at Lord Dagger. A smile was just creeping through to his lips...*

Are you indeed!

*As he said this, Garrett stood in the centre of the Bridge, facing the main window. He then looked to both his left and his right. He closed his eyes and looked upwards as he stretched his arms out christ-like and turned his hands palm-upwards with his fingers bent and spread apart to their extremities. He opened his mouth and his eyes simultaneously. They glowed black, and then suddenly emitted an ominous black light which swirled around the Bridge. They reflected off walls and objects, coiled around chair and shattered equipment. Then...black force lightning errupted from Garrett finger tips and shot out to either side of him. Lord Dagger and Lady De'Ville barely avoided being electrocuted...*

*Then, rather unexpectedly - as if this wasn't unexpected enough - the two separate bolts merged into a single powerful chain of electricity. The chain soon became a surge, and that soon magnified it's power into an intense beam of energy which shot forwards from Garrett's casped fists and blasted the windowscreen in front of the sith...*

*The re-inforced glass shattered instantly, and the oxygen was sucked out of the Bridge and into the vacuum of space. Almost everything in the room that was not secured into place was lost - chairs, headphones, blasters, datapads, recording rods, medpacs, even discarded cigarra's went. Lord Dagger and Lady De'Ville held onto the command console for dear life. Garrett, however, did not budge. The sole-rims of his boots glower a bright violet colour as he walked towards the gaping void. He stepped out onto the immense hull of the Super Star Destroyer and walked slowly yet inevitable to the bow of the ship...*

Lord Dagger
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:07:50 PM
:: Dagger gagged for breath then he grabbed his helmet attaching it in place the air flow began imidiatly, Dagger then pressed a button on his armpiece, his armour preceded to fold out, creating a full body suit, encasing him entirly. Dagger snarled something and tapped in a code on the consle and the blast door began to close over the gapping whole ::

Lady DeVille
Jan 12th, 2001, 08:58:01 PM
*De'Ville frowned at his actions, gripping a railing with all her might. She held oxygen inside her lungs with the Force, but the tremendous vacuum of space was trying to rip her to pieces. The blast doors started closing, but Blade was walking closer and closer to the egde...*

Lord Dagger
Jan 13th, 2001, 06:25:24 AM
:: The blast doors close entirly locking the oxygen inside. Dagger types in keys and oxygen begins to fill the room again ::
"Main display, show us Blade"
:: The display screen activates to watch Blade ::

Garrett Blade
Jan 13th, 2001, 01:22:44 PM
*Garrett was now standing at the very front of the ship. The two nebula's on either side of the ship were extremely violent as the winds coiled and the lightning cracked within them. Garrett once again spread his arms out christ-like. As before, two bolts of lightening escaped from his open palms and leapt away from him. Then gained great distances from the ship. They travelled thousands of kilometres every second*

*Within less than a minute, each bolt reached its destination. They penetrated the nebula's with an almighty explosion, instantly igniting the volatile gases within them. As this was happening. Another energy source was emitted, this time from Garrett's eyes. The beam shot forwards about one thousand kilometres or so. As the beam resided, it left a small yet very noticable bright blue, glowing orb in its wake*

*Suddenly...the nebulas began to draw nearer to the ship. They seemed to be making their way towards the blue orb. As they drew nearer, they began to swirl around the orb, making something which could have easily been mistaken for a spiral galaxy. As if things were not bad enough, the ships shields were not up and the Star Destroyer was now being pulled in by the gravitational force of this phenomenon...*

Lord Dagger
Jan 13th, 2001, 01:28:57 PM
OOC/ err Garret i hope you don't intend to break my ship? Because if you do i'm going to shoot you with the turbolasers, all of them and boy do i have turbolasers \IC
:: Dagger calls out to Captain Sandrax ::
"All engines, full back"
:: The Dominator fires it's engines and begins to resist the gravity well ::

Garrett Blade
Jan 13th, 2001, 03:00:16 PM

Lord Dagger
Jan 13th, 2001, 08:26:36 PM
OOC/ :) no problem then i'd hate to have to shoot you :) \IC

Lady DeVille
Jan 14th, 2001, 07:09:22 AM
*De'Ville still grips the railing, knuckles whitened as she tries to figure out what Blade is doing.*

ooc: F, F, F! WTF is going on Blade? Is this the continuation of Dal'Kal'arth, because this RP is done then. I am confused and would apprectiate your communication about the matter. /ic:

Garrett Blade
Jan 14th, 2001, 01:42:39 PM
*The ship's engines were running at maximum efficiency...yet it was still not enough to pull away from the gravitational force. The phenomenon had now become a swirling vortex. Asteroids and debris were being consumed by the vortex's hunger. the forces acting on the ships hull were powerful enough to all but shake it apart. Within another minute or so the ship would be consumed by the temporel vortex*

*Everything would have been alright had it not been for the gunman with the itchy trigger finger manning the forward turbolaser battery number 0042! The green energy blast was quite unexpected since no order had been given to fire. The shot embedded itself into Garrett's back. The hit sent Garrett hurtling towards the vortex at uncharted realspace speeds. There wasn't a chance in hell that the tractor beam was going to lock onto Blade in time. The vortex seemed to open slightly. The bright light inside it was intense, and would have blinded Garrett had he not shielded himself from it's burning rays. As the tractor beam did target Blade...he disappeared into the depths of time...and the vortex sealed shut...leaving the Aurora system as vast and empty as it was 500 years ago...*

Lord Dagger
Jan 14th, 2001, 03:12:02 PM
:: Dagger subconsiously reaches out with the Force and kills the gunner, tapping in keys on his arm piece his armour folds back to normal and he removes his helmet ::
"Would someone like to explain to me what just happened?"

Lord Dagger
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:22:21 PM
:: Dagger looks round, no one offers a reply, then the comm station bleeps and Dagger looks down his expression darkens as he reads the message and replys then he looks to the bridge ::
"Well with Garrett gone i sujest we get out of here, lay in a course for Corillia, max speed, and get Chryn back in here"
:: Crew members rush to obey and shortly they are on their way home ::

Lady DeVille
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:44:12 PM
*She blinked, staring into space, and then turned to look at Dagger. He shrugged, and De'Ville went to find Darven, planning on spending the journey back to Corellia and TSO with him.*

Lord Dagger
Jan 18th, 2001, 05:04:43 PM
:: Dagger closes his eyes sinking into the Force and Chryn comes to stand next to him ::
"Itala contacted me, he as a proposition involving his son..."
:: Chryn nodded ::
"Do you have a choise master?"
:: Dagger sighed and shook his head ::
"No, i don't, i have to meet him but DeVille and TSo don't need to know about it"
:: Chryn nodded ::
"I understand my Lord"
:: Dagger nodded ::
"Watch her, closely, make sure nothing happens to her"
:: Chryn nods and follows DeVille, just out of her senses ::

Lady DeVille
Jan 18th, 2001, 07:50:11 PM
*De'Ville found Darven sitting in the mess hall in a dark corner. Some off-duty NCO's were at a far table, playing sabaac. They paused long enough to visibly appreciate her entrance, but she ignored them, walking over to Darven.* We're headed back to my home. Once we're there I'll see about taking you back to Coruscant.

*He nodded, his sense jittery and a little fearful. Those emotions were carefully concealed on the inside, however, no trace of them appeared on his face.* Good.

*She raised an eyebrow at the monosyllabic answer, but looked toward the sabaac players. De'Ville sudennly grinned.* Remember when we used to hustle the bars on Coruscant? Those were the days.

Darven Calmoarn
Jan 18th, 2001, 08:02:03 PM
*I smile, trying to relax. Being this far off the surface of any planet after living underground for over ten years is more than a little unsettling.* Oh yes, I remember! You didn't forget who was the mastermind behind those schemes, did you Lilaena?

*She laughs at that, the face that on Coruscant had been twisted by evil smoothing out into familiar laugh lines. Familiar to me, at least.* Of course I remember. It was me! You were the one watching my back while I played the cards. *She paused, looking a little thoughtful* I always was lucky...

*I grinned, and spoke before I thought* The luck of the devil, eh Lilaena De'Ville? *Damn, why can't I leave well enough alone? It had been an old joke between us, but it might hit too close to home now.

Lilaena smiles faintly* It seems to have been the case... *Looking up, she changes the subject, asking about a few of our friends from the old days. I only have sad news. Black Sun had cracked down on the small time operation of the Fyrel brothers, and they had never been heard from again. They had been killed, I knew, but I didn't want to talk about it to Lilaena.

She just sat there, nodding as I relay the tiny fragments of information I carry within my brain.*

Lord Dagger
Jan 19th, 2001, 01:37:07 PM
:: Chryn watches closesly from the shadows, remembering all to report to Dagger latter even as the Dominator draws ever closer to its destination ::

Lady DeVille
Jan 27th, 2001, 08:01:49 AM
My Lady, we are arrived at Corellia... *The groveling ensign didn't look like he was dry behind the ears yet.* My Lord Dagger requests that you and master Calmoarn return to the shuttle bay where you will be taken to TSO immediately.

*De'Ville turned towards the boy, and frowned* Dagger will not be joining us?

*He was apologetic* There are pressing matters which, er...ah, press upon him at this moment.

*She disissed the ensign with a nod, and turned to Darven* I believe we have a shuttle to catch.

_______ [ooc: this I believe would be the appropriate time period for the Op. Long Knives to occur, ending in the delivery of Dante and Jade to TSO. Dagger is, of course not there. After those events (some of which are still being written, to be sure) we pick up our story with these next few paragraphs. The closed RP "Guns and Lilies" is taking place directly after this RP] ___________

*Darven and De'Ville were standing in TSO's main hanger a few days later, staring in dismay at the remains of her Interceptor's weapons array. She grabbed a mechanic with the Force, angrily holding him upside down and shaking him violently.* Didn't I say that I needed to leave right away? Didn't I? What is wrong with you people!?

*The mechanic apologized repeatedly* I'm sorry, but I thought that, well, in light of recent events, that you wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon!

*She dropped him in disgust, and motioned for Darven to stay put. He nodded, and watched the techs closely as they carefully continued the weapon's upgrade.

De'Ville walked away a short distance, and contacted another TSO Sith, Dark Lord Dzym.* Dzym, I need a ship, and I need one now.

*He didn't seem perturbed or caught off guard by the statement.* Figured you would, as your TIE is in pieces in the hanger. *There were a few minutes of silence, then* There's a freighter you could take. Its in the secondary hanger, near the front. Call sign Madeline. Its a Corellian make, very reliable. Take it.

*She thanked him, and ended the link. Walking back over to Darven, she pulled him away from the TIE.* All right, we've got a way to get off this rock, and you back to your own.


*In the chaos of hyperspace, De'Ville looked over at her long time friend. Darven was slumped over in the co-pilot's seat, mouth open and drooling slightly in his slumber. She smiled, and turned back to the transparisteel viewport. Going back to Coruscant was not something she wanted to smile at, but at least she wouldn't be staying long.*


ooc: Thanks Dagger for the help! And Garrett too, although you lost me there at the end, and apparently we lost you too. Next time email me.

Everyone else who has read this, what did you think? ;) Thoughts? Comments?

Lord Dagger
Jan 27th, 2001, 07:12:53 PM
It is always a pleasure to roleplay with such exelent roleplayers as yourself my dear, call me anytime :)

Sniper Tondry
Jan 27th, 2001, 08:09:07 PM
I do believe I will have to read this thing the entire way through, when I have more time than I do now.

Yes, I believe I will definitely have to do that. Are there any other RPs that relate to this one?

Lady DeVille
Jan 28th, 2001, 05:21:06 AM
/ooc: er...not that I know of. I guess Garrett was trying to tie this into the Dar'kal'arth: The Resurrection RP that TSO did a while ago, I think that is in the Archives. Other than that, not really. :ic/

Garrett Blade
Jan 28th, 2001, 06:38:27 PM
Actually Lady De'Ville - this had nothing to do with Dar'Kal'arth. But it has spawned another rpg, as well as some further character development for Garrett.

I do hope you guys will take part in this one, as well as Dar'Kal'arth part 2 which will be starting probably in March! It is going to be an open RPG for all of swfans. I will email you about the details since it won't be very good or meaningful without you!

Sniper Tondry
Jan 28th, 2001, 08:29:32 PM
Garrett: You're not talking to me, are you? I mean, that post looks directed at De'Ville, not me, and that's what I'm assuming.

Garrett Blade
Jan 29th, 2001, 08:39:31 AM

Lilaena DeVille
Jan 29th, 2001, 08:18:18 PM
Email!? What is that?! I'm in shock, you DO know how to email people! (intense sarcasm alert!!)