View Full Version : The Jedi Council
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 25th, 2000, 07:02:46 AM
Time to start one of these threads again.....
History - The Jedi Council threads are supposed to be never ending looks at life in the Jedi Council rooms. 4 times a Jedi Council thread has gone beyond 1000 posts, 1 was deleted in a hack attack by a vengeful Sith (because the Jedi git the honour of a 1000 post thread first and he hated that), 1 petered out, another got to 1239 posts and was corrupted and the really big one, the largest thread ever at ezboard got to 1539 posts and turned into a major war and is something of a watershed in memories. We wish we had that one archived....
The halls are burnt and the place is a mess, abandoned after the huge fight in here.
The Jedi looks out the top window, remembering.....
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 09:00:47 AM
::Alpha looks around the the place, from what's left of the rafters::
General Ceel
Sep 25th, 2000, 10:03:20 AM
*General Ceel enters through what was left of the doorway, his face expressing sorrow*
"I will help your rebuild"
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 10:39:59 AM
::alpha lands on the floor::
Same here...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 25th, 2000, 11:23:57 AM
**Leia walks down the hallway..reflexing on what caused the messed**
[thinks]This is going to take sometime to clean up and rebuild.
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 11:29:45 AM
Alpha walks over to where a beam is blocking one of the doors into this room, and vaporizes it with plasma. The beam glows silver for a second before it vaporizes.
Gav Mortis
Sep 25th, 2000, 12:02:57 PM
Inhaling the thick, moist air as he walked alongside the lapping tide allowing it to infrequemtly soak his feet as they were submerged in damp sand under his own weight. Looking out to the dull however somewhat breath-taking sight of a torrential storm approaching across the ocean, every so often, flashes of blue and white erupted from the heavy cloud, illuminating the shore and brightning the shadowed areas of jungle further inland.
He began to think with a clear mind; a rarity to say the least for now he was taking some time off and allowing the formal duties and obligations to slip from his thoughts, the chilling coastal breeze seemed to give him a freedom to think as he had been unable to do in the past.
"This was a much needed break, now you've got time to yourself you can't think of what to do with it, can you?
Heh, it's always the way Gav; you seem to be quite content with just strolling along on the desserted shores of a planet dominated by ocean.
There must be something to do; why are you here?
No wait! I can't start allowing myself to think like this again, no more "Why am I here?" or "What have I achieved so far?" it just causes my mind to turn chaotic like that storm...
But what have I achieved....what is it you're looking for Gav; what is it?"
Slowly trudging to a stop, he looks out onto the sea and before is unable to react is devoured by an enormous wave, throwing him off of his feet and carrying him further inland. He looks up in shock at the retreating water and chuckles to himself as he stands and removes his drenched shirt. The soaked figure just stands motionless in a small opening of jungle, and the rain bgins to pour although he is grateful for the protection provided by the arching palm trees, not that he could get any wetter but still it was comforting.
Gav crouched down and sat in the dry section of sand, took a sharp, jagged rock from nearby and with it drew a circle around him in the sand, he then threw it out into the sea and watched as it caused a burst of water to erupt from the violent waters. Finally, he shut his eyes, he sat cross legged, whispering verses of the ancients into the wind as it whistled through the trees, rustling above as they began to sway. Silent now, Gav meditated in peace and began pondering on the thoughts which plagued him earlier...
OOC: I'm not to familiar with this type of RPG so I kinda started vaguely. Would someone give me an idea about what it's all about and what is expected?
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 12:25:14 PM
{OOC:If I remember correctly it's only a Jedi/Sith bounty hunters or unaligned. But I can't remember the specifics, like If the Sith could attack attack what's left of the temple or stuff like that. Any one else have anything to add?}
General Ceel
Sep 25th, 2000, 02:10:23 PM
*General Ceel squats down and takes a handful of black ash from the floor. He lets it pass through his fingers leaving his hand black...he looks up*
"How did this happen?"
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 02:14:10 PM
{OOC:I'm guessing this is the temple the Sith destroyed...If not let me know and I'll edit my post}
::Alpha's eyes glass over for a moment, and then looks sad::
The Sith-me included-attacked and destroyed the temple. Hopefully I can atone for the sins I did here.
{OOC:I was in the TSe for the first time when this happened}
General Ceel
Sep 25th, 2000, 02:20:21 PM
*Ceel stands and looks to Alpha*
"The Jedi have always been forgiving, i'm sure they will understand that you have changed"
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 02:33:35 PM
General Ceel
Sep 25th, 2000, 02:50:47 PM
*Puts his hand on Alpha's shoulder*
"Don't worry, if they are are welcome to stay with my people until they cool down and come to thier senses"
Jedi Alpha
Sep 25th, 2000, 02:53:52 PM
Thanks for the offer, but It's myself I need to forgive mostly...Most of the Jedi I think have forgiven me for everything but I haven't yet...
::alpha goes back to work on the damage, and destruction::
Lord Gue
Sep 25th, 2000, 04:15:13 PM
OOC: Actually any one can post, last time this place was destroyed by an attack from TIE, ground forces led by yours truly, hehe
Leia Solo
Sep 25th, 2000, 05:27:24 PM
::glares at the imp for a moment:: :p
glad that this place is back. i was beginning to miss it.
::wishes that she had the same internet access she did before so she could have late night convos again.:: -oh well
Sep 25th, 2000, 05:38:02 PM
OOC: The idea is there is no idea! These just get very fun
It's good to be back
Leia Solo
Sep 25th, 2000, 06:15:10 PM
we're just missing augi. whatever happened to him anyway?
Gav Mortis
Sep 25th, 2000, 06:52:20 PM
OOC: Ok would someone explein to me what the hell this thread is about???
I've been told it's a huge thread of general talking. Now is it for RPGing or just dossing coz I haven't a clue???
Leia Solo
Sep 26th, 2000, 08:31:02 PM
what is this doing on the second page?! get back up there to the top!
this is just a collection of randon conversations... posts... whatever you're in the mood for at the time.
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Sep 26th, 2000, 08:58:37 PM
::Stands outside the ruined gates, cigarette in mouth.::
Hmm, someone trashed this place good.
::Shrugs and reaches to open the one gate ona hing, but it falls over inward.;
..kay front door is Optional...
::Takes a step in, seeing some familiar faces.::
...Hiya Alpha...
::Looks around at the wreckage.:
Nice place.....I take it you had a Type of Frat Party here...Explains the mess anyway...
Sep 26th, 2000, 09:06:01 PM
::I walk in, standing next to DT. My Robes bellow out slightly in the wind passing through the destroyed Temple. I turn my head to look at him, and fall to the ground in an apathetic heap::
Ezekiel Rage
Sep 26th, 2000, 09:06:14 PM
(ooc: last time i remember.. Augi left TSE because he got tired of RP'n)
Leia Solo
Sep 26th, 2000, 09:33:28 PM
aah. thanks for the info ezekiel.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 26th, 2000, 09:47:02 PM
**Leia walks down the hallway then up the winding staircase...finds DT staring out the window and Nup on the floor**
Nup you ok? You look pale?
Sep 26th, 2000, 10:10:17 PM
::I simply nod, not getting up::
Liam Jinn
Sep 26th, 2000, 10:19:59 PM
::Liam steps inside for the first time in awile::
hmm....i hope my room is ok..
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 26th, 2000, 10:48:34 PM
OOC - To answer Gav Q, there is no purpose. This is always set inside the Jedi Temple of Coruscant and there is generaly no enemies of the Jedi allowed in except by invitation. Howver, that has been vwaived to only exclude the Imps that blew this palce up.
And if memory serves me, the only reason it fell last time was because of Lord Fire Blade managed to find a way to destroy the defences.
The thread itself is just for convos or plain stupidity or for Jedi meditation, or whatever. Right now, the Jedi are assesing the damage.
IC : The JEdi continues to look over the burnt out council rooms, thinking of what happened here long ago. A small breeze omes through the shattered windows.
Sep 26th, 2000, 10:57:01 PM
OOC - DT, Methinks you should start trying out the spellcheck button. ;)
Lord Gue
Sep 26th, 2000, 11:02:33 PM
OOC: Hey Hey HEy Ill have you remember that I had everything handled but 3 jedi in the temple until fire blade blew it up
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 26th, 2000, 11:10:34 PM
**Leia nods at Nup as he sits on the floor..she thinks..hmmm maybe I should just sit down too or maybe meditate**
**Leia kneels on the floor and closes her eyes...feeling peace and serenity, and starts to meditate**
JediMaster Skywalker
Sep 26th, 2000, 11:32:57 PM
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 27th, 2000, 12:00:55 AM
:: Still looking out the windows, the Jedi says "We must rebuild. It is time for our return"::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 27th, 2000, 12:08:37 AM
**Leia breaks out of her meditation, hearing DT's words** is time!
General Ceel
Sep 27th, 2000, 09:18:03 AM
*General Ceel looks up*
"Word has it that i'm dead"
*shifts his cloak*
"well not quite"
*exits to another area of the council*
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Sep 27th, 2000, 10:03:52 AM
::Kicks a bit of rubble aside, seeing a few valuable things on the ground.::
Hmm...Nthing I like more than Free Profit..
::KNeels down, picking up a small pearlish necklace.::
Nothing at all...
:Stuffs that in his pocket, then picks up a large boulder and heaving it out, then spots an emerald ring udner various pieces of rubble. He reaches in and grabs it, looking it over.::
Lovely, just a few scratches.
::Sticks that in his pocket too.:
Leia Solo
Sep 27th, 2000, 06:44:41 PM
:;leia sees matt black stick the emerald ring in his pocket, and, taking a step closer...::
hey... you found my engagement ring! i lost that here last time i was through, and was never able to find it. thank you so much...
::leia holds out her hand waiting to get her rind back.:: ;)
Sep 27th, 2000, 07:06:21 PM
:: Fewd walks in, noting DT and Leia staring out the window, and his cousin laying on the floor. He shrugs, and walks out. Five minutes later Fewd walks back in, pulling a ferrocrete mixer behind him. ::
"I had some credits laying around, and figured this might be of use..."
Lord Gue
Sep 27th, 2000, 08:04:17 PM
[i]Hearing that the jedi teple is being rebuilt in his lands. At first he seems on the verge of ordering an attack, but hearing news of his wife to be's apperent absence he spins about in his chair to veiw the landscape and orders them to be left to their own devices, that no attack shall be made this day
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Sep 27th, 2000, 09:59:18 PM
NO! Looter's rights!!!
::Sighs and hands'er the ring.::
You better not just be guilting me into giving you this so you cna make a few credits!!
::grumbles a bit and picks up half a broken ruby.::
Leia Solo
Sep 27th, 2000, 11:19:58 PM
:;leia studies the ring closely for a moment, and then holds it out to matt.::
never mind. this one is not it. this one is not a real emerald.
:: as she is saying this, she notices a glint next to her left boot, and stoops down to pick it up.::
here it is! i cant believe it! after all this time! and it's completely unscratched.
::leia quickly slides the ring on her finger, and then walks off to join the other jedi staring out the window. :: :)
Jon Striker
Sep 28th, 2000, 12:04:24 AM
OOC: DT,check the recruitment center for Jedi,topic,"The Sith walked in"
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 28th, 2000, 12:08:57 AM
OOC : Okay
:: DT kicks a bit of debris, somewhat depressed about the job before them::
Sep 28th, 2000, 12:11:01 AM
Can I just... melt it all?
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 28th, 2000, 12:23:16 AM
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Sep 28th, 2000, 11:00:51 AM
::Bends down, coillecting vaqrious Valuables and credits and stuffing them in his pockets.::
Leia Solo
Sep 28th, 2000, 08:42:49 PM
just make up a list of all the materials needed, and i will call it in. aah... sometimes it's great being the chief of state. :rollin:
Matt Black aka Mr Emerid
Sep 28th, 2000, 08:57:07 PM
::whistles as he goes off to another room, pockets starting to bulge.;;
MAN this is good Lootin'!!
Sep 28th, 2000, 09:23:11 PM
Please? I think it'd be much better that way...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 28th, 2000, 09:38:15 PM
**Turns to Nup**
Melt it! Now is that a nice thing to do. We have to rebuild it!
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 29th, 2000, 04:25:02 AM
:: DT turns to face Nupraptor::
DT : No, we can rebuild. Now, I have a visitor coming, by the name of Kizael. Show him up here when he arrives please
Sep 29th, 2000, 06:46:46 AM
::I node soberly::
As you wish...
Darth Horus
Sep 29th, 2000, 01:18:03 PM
*looks around at the destruction* What Sith did this?
Sep 29th, 2000, 06:00:52 PM
OOC: Alright now I'm REALLY confused. At first I wasn't sure what to make of this thread, but after re-reading it a few times to see what it's all about, I'm even more lost.
This is set in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Do you mean THE Jedi Temple that I assumed Palpatine would have destroyed a long time ago ... or another one that the GJO had built in its place at one time?
And who controls Coruscant? I realize that "continuity" is insanely lax here, but is there any consistency? Sorry to be such a pain, but this is hurting my head.
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 29th, 2000, 10:12:45 PM
Coruscant is under NR control and this Temple is a rebuilt one that was built along the lines of the pre Palpatine Temple.
And yes, it is confusing for someone comeing in. Confuses me somethings too.
I think I'll need to send you an email in answer to these questions
Drin Kizael
Sep 30th, 2000, 01:19:02 PM
:: In what was probably the outer reception area of the Jedi Temple, an orange-furred Trianii wearing a brown cloak over green and tan clothes walks among the debris. Waddling behind him in tow, a Bimm with a short trimmed beard and a yellow-themed ensemble characteristic of his people looks around the mess with a confused expression.
Roker: "What are we doin' here, boss?"
:: The tall Trianii looked down, wondering when exactly Roker had taken to calling him that. He looked back at the blast marks on the far wall, sighed.
Kizael: "You are going to put your talents to use in helping the Jedi rebuild here."
:: Drin Kizael reached out with the Force, sensing several Jedi on an upper level. Roker followed after him, his mind working with every turn.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 1st, 2000, 12:36:30 AM
**Leia bends down and picks up some of the rubble** Turns to Nup and DT**
Gosh...this is going to take some time to fix!
Drin Kizael
Oct 1st, 2000, 07:02:01 PM
:: Kizael walked up the last flight of stairs into the central meeting chamber where several other Jedi stood around, inspecting the damage. He stopped a meter from the doorway, expecting his presence to draw some attention, but not wanting to barge in unannounced. Roker caught up a few seconds later, breathing heavily from the long climb and shifting the weight of the satchel on his shoulder.
:: The Trianii regarded everyone present, tracking the room for DT. The Bimm at his side did a double-take at the extensive damage, then dug a datapad out of his bag and began taking notes.
"Hello. Master Turbogeek told me to meet him here?" Kizael addressed the group at large.
Oct 2nd, 2000, 05:12:18 PM
OOC: Wow what a jumpin thread. Doesn't quite live up to the hype, does it?
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 2nd, 2000, 08:52:04 PM
OOC : No, it hasnt, has it? Oh well. It actually pretty quiet everywhere :(
Drin Kizael
Oct 3rd, 2000, 05:42:09 PM
OOC: I wanted this thread to be where my character gets introduced IC to the Jedi and darnit ... it's going to happen.
:: After several introductions, bows, and handshakes, Kizael found his way back to Roker. The Bimm looked up, having just finished entering his list into the datapad.
Roker: "All done. I see they brought a duracrete mixer, but that won't do any good without materials. This job is going to need contractors, too ... lots of them. I'll trust a Jedi to save the galaxy, but I won't lay odds on their ability to install plumbing."
Roker: "I happen to have friends in the Ferrocrete Workers No. 75372 who can combine their collective favors and skip the whole beurocratic nonsense so we can get this place good as new without the usual NR hassles."
:: Roker waved his datapad up in triumph and wheeled around to head out the door ... stopped short, noticing someone in the room for the first time since he was so busy with construction details and datacards.
Roker: "Holy Supernovas!! You're Princess Leia! I've got all your trading cards!"
Grand Adm Thrawn
Oct 6th, 2000, 04:08:15 AM
Time line: 2 years after the Imperials took Coruscant from TSC, one year after thrawn left the Imperials, just before thrawn comes back to the Imperials.
The end of this post will be 3 years after thrawn had come back
<table border=z bgcolor=black><TD>Thrawn crouches on a cliff of Coruscant and stares out to a city being built. Thrawn just stares with a emotionless look on his face. He thinks back to the days when The Imperial Empire was growing. There fleets were conquering, members were loyal and proud to be in The Empire.
<font color=grey>
Then The War That Ended All Wars started. The Attack on the Jedi Temple. It was a plan brought to Thrawn by Lady Mara Jade. She told Thrawn of the plan and made sure he had The Imperials ready. Thrawn and the Imperials prepared quickly however the Sith that Mara lead did not prepare as fast. Many Imperial officers became angered by Mara's tardy-ness and were thinking of attacking the jedi with out sith support. but Thrawn told them to wait, he thought that The Empire might not win with out sith backup. The Imperials waited and waited till Mara infiltrated the Jedi Temple and shut off the shields. Then The Imperials stormed onto jedi held Coruscant. early into the battle The Imperials had a strong hold over the jedi. The Imperials were packing ysalamiri a creature that blocks the force. The jedi with out the force ran and hid through out there temple until JB got to an ancient jedi devise deep with in there temple. The devise when activated destroyed the Ysalamiri making the jedi able to use the force once more but by then, the imperials had already killed and captured several jedi, The sith were hardly to be seen in this war, the plan was made by Mara but carried out by the imperials. A rogue imperial named lord fire blade set off an EMP devise witch knocked out all power. Much later fire blade went deep into the temple and set up a bomb. the bomb was set off after all imperials had left the temple,
The temple was totally destroyed. After the explosion the Empire sent down hundreds of thousands of troops to the surface.. Lord Gue took a few armies off to capital city and claimed it, but the jedi leader Darth Turbogeek organized a few million people from the planet to counter attack the imperials. Thrawn then planed on using bio weapons but then thought it was un-honorable to wipe out so many civilians. Thrawn pulled his fleets out of Coruscant and back to imperial held space..
But this attack on the jedi allowed The Sith Council to take a strong hold over Coruscant, Then the jedi left Coruscant to Master Yoghurts home on Dagobah, This was the first defeat for the jedi and this made them weak, it was there down fall. TSC didn't grow much, they stayed on Coruscant while The Sith Empire grew widely in numbers and power. The jedi were to weak to try to stop TSE so the jedi stayed in hiding, Sith Empire started acting like they ran everything like they could not be beat. a few members talked down to The Imperials and so on. sith started bickering over who is stronger they acted as if the Empire never existed this started an down fall of loyalty in the Empire. Some imperial Officers starting thinking The Sith Empire was stronger and a few Officers joined The Sith. They stayed in The Empire but they had no loyalty for it, they only had loyalty for the sith, Thrawn was angered by this but focused his attention to the Officers that were still loyal and planed The Empires next action..
Thrawn pulled in all his allies and resources to the Chiss home system, there thrawn planed to build a new DeathStar twice the size of the last (size 360 meters diameter) with extra incentive. Thrawn had put in billions of cloning tanks on this new DeathStar to clone an army large enough to go back to Coruscant and re-claim it for the empire also thrawn was cloning two special subjects.. Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader, Thrawn wanted Palpatine to over see the ruling of Coruscant.. Thrawn was coming closer and closer to his dream of bringing back The Empire to what it once was.... after the DeathStar was finished Thrawn took it from Chiss and set a course to Coruscant, there on Coruscant was the newly reformed sith council... Thrawn was once a member of the council but left after several offences made by its honorless leader Itala. Thrawn was now matching his forces against his former leader Itala. Thrawn had wished that all of the imperial Officers would have helped fight for The Empire but they did not, they stayed at there comfy sith empire.. even with out full imperial activeness in the war for Coruscant The Imperial Empire still wiped the sith council off the face of Coruscant, but the sith council did the greatest expression of SPITE they blew up the planet from within. Thrawn was angered by this his dream of reclaiming coruscant was gone......
But before his Anger could increase, an old spirit of a jedi used the power of the force and reformed a new planet in the place of Coruscant, Thrawn was pleased at this sight and started sending troops down to the surface but Lord Gue also did so and claimed a small piece of Coruscant.. Lord Vader was angered by this and almost blew Gue out of the stars Thrawn steped in and let Gue have his piece of Coruscant... Thrawn then looked over what happened........
He won.......
He always wins..
but he had no satisfaction from this victory all he felt was bitter hate for the disloyal members... </font>
Thrawn stands and looks up to the sky, it was night. He had been thinking all day Thrawn starts to walk down the cliff still thinking, He couldn't help but feel anger and rage swelling within him. He Thinks more about all the death he has seen former friends dead... former enemies gone... Thrawn thinks back to Talas...
<font color=grey>
Talas was an Admiral in the Imperial Empire, He had 2 brothers.. Lyle and Wynton.. Talas was one of the key players in the war on the jedi temple.. he helped infiltrate and attack from within while the fleets dropped out of hyper space and took an orbital strong hold......... But Thrawn quickly jumps from the good memories to the bad, Talas being consumed by hate becoming a new being of evil no one being able to talk to him, Talas lost all allies and friends then he was killed by SAURRON of The Sith Empire... Talas had gone crazy for weak reasons of power hunger, his brother Lyle became a loyal and strong member of the Empire, lyles shipyards on traxis helped the Empire greatly. but then lyle wanted to lead his own faction of imperials....... lyle became a distent memory to the empire...</font>
Thrawn reached his speeder then sets a heading toward the City being built... When he reached the city he looked around to see the new start... this was the new Empire.. here on Coruscant. Thrawn passed through the city looking at the new buildings being constructed.
After Thrawn Exited the city he headed toward Capital City..
When Thrawn enters Capital city, A unknown Man approaches him.
"Thrawn, Sir.. finally i found you.. i been looking for you all day," The Man says to Thrawn.
"Looking? For me?" Thrawn replies with intrigue.
"Yes Sir. I have been sent by the Emperor, My name is Gery Ronell, Imperial Rank Commander, 2nd Officer to Central City Defence," Thrawn thought while Gery spoke thinking that he was trying to impress him. "I have orders to take you to Emperor Palpatine, He wishes to speak with you As Soon As Posable," The Officer Say with a deep breath.
"Do you have any idea why Palpatine wishes to see me?" Thrawn says coldly while following the Imperial.
"No sir, all i know is that he wishes to see you as soon as posable" Gery replies with a lump in his throat.
"I see.." The Chiss hisses as he gets in the speeder.
30 minutes later they arrive at the Shuttle bay.
"Please let us get onboard the shuttle right away." Gery Directors towards Thrawn.
Thrawn blinks slowly and enters the shuttle with a bitter look on his face.
The officer follows and motions for Thrawn to take a seat then The officer walks into the c-ockpit raising the shuttle ramp.
"It is a true honor to meet you sir," Gery says suddenly to Thrawn as he powers up the engines.
"Is it now." Thrawn says in boredom.
"Yes it is, your a living legend, your tactics at the battle of Coruscant are amazing" Ronell says as the shuttle lifts off.
Thrawn replies with silence this time and stares out the window of the shuttle.
The Shuttle reached The Imperial Palace and Thrawn stands awaiting the ramp to lower.
"I will be waiting here sir. to take you back to your quarters when your finished," Gery says in a chipper voice while the ramp lowers.
Thrawn nods and steps down the ramp. when he does he sees two Crimson Guards ready to escort him To The Emperors throne Room.
The Guards say nothing, they just slightly nod then turn and start walking, Thrawn is a bit pleased by this after listening to chatter box Gery for a half hour.
As Thrawn enters the palace from the docking bay, he notices the works of art on the walls, Thrawn thinks to him self.. he is in the imperial palace about to meet the Emperor and he would rather stare at art, Thrawn finds this rather odd
The Guards opens the doors to palpatine's throne room and motion for Thrawn to enter.
As Thrawn enters Palpatine feels his presents then speaks, "Ah... I see they found you," The Emperor says in his evil voice. "Please enter, enter"
Thrawn slowly walks forward from the doors then they close behind him, Thrawn pauses for a moment as they close then he continues forward. "You wished to see me my lord?" Thrawn says as he looks onward to the area where the Dark Lord was siting.
"Yes.. Yes, That i did Old friend..." Palpatine replies throwing thrawn a bit off by calling him "old friend" for the Emperor has always hated Aliens.
Thrawn wasn't sure if Palpatine was mocking him or not.
"I see you have fully recovered from the attack on your tower during the Coruscant War," Thrawn notes to Palpatine.
"Yes...." Palpatine replies with a sneer. "But i didn't call you here to speak of that, I have a more important matter at hand" The Emperor said sternly. "Yes my lord?" Thrawn replies with intrigue.
"I want you to take command of the military, now i know you have retired but if you do not obey i will exile you from all Imperial space," Palpatine says as he stands.
"My lord i am the one who created you" Thrawn lets out in shock, "This is how i am repayed? I cloned you so the Empire would have a trun leader, I no longer have my heart in war... and death," Thrawn please with the Emeror trying to see the way Thrawn is seeing things.
"Yes.." Palpatine replies in a soft voice, "I am the emperor.. and i am TELLING you that you will lead The fleets im not asking you to lead the Empire! just our military force, My Battle tactics are lacking as where you have proventhe best in those fields many times over." Palpatine sits back and closes his eyes takeing in a deap breath, "ahhh.. i feel that you want whats best for the Empire, My child.. the best leader for the fleets is you, We have a war comeing .. i know that Gue will defect soon and try to take the fleets with him.. but with a leader like you in command of the officers Gue will have no chance."
Thrawn pondered for a few seconds knowning that the Emperor is right, Thrawn cant stand by and let Gue take all military power from the Empire. But Thrawn doesnt know if Gue will try to defect.. As thrawn is standing there thinking PAlpatine stomps his cane on the floor to get Thrawns attention "Answer now Thrawn.. Glory or exile..."
Thrawn stands tall and looks down at the Dark Lord. "I'm sorry my lord.. but i can not do it..."
Palpatine stares coldly at Thrawn for a few seconds then the Guards open the doors. "So be it... you have 3 days to ready your things and leave Imperial teritory,"
Thrawn bows before he follows the guards back to the docking bay.
On the way back to Thrawn quarters Gery turns to Thrawn and asks "So.. what did the Emperor want?"
Thrawn sends a glance to Gery. "He wanted me to lead the imperial millitary,"
"Whoa,so your my new commander,"
"No" Thrawn says sharple, "I turned him down."
Gery raises an eye brow and turns his atention back to his controls with a grin on his face.. Gery didnt talk much more after Thrawn had told him that.. and from Thrawns trip to the Imperial Palace listening to Gery talk non stop this was a bit strange.
The Shuttle Lands and Thrawn stands to exit, but soon after the shuttle takes off a imperial ensign walks up to Thrawn, "There you are sir. i have been sent to take you to Emperor Palpatine"
Thrawn is a bit thrown off by this. "But.. i just came from the Emperor."
"What? when?" The ensign replies in suprise.
"Just now.. on that shuttle that just took off.. escourted by Gery Ronell, Commander, 2nd Officer to Central City Defence.. or so i was told..." Thrawn feels a bit confused and awaits the ensign to explain what ias going on.
"Gery Ronell, WHAT? why did Lord Gues right hand man escourt you to the Emperor? a man of his rank would never be sent for something this small.."
"Gues right hand man!?" thrawn says in anger
"Yes sir." The Ensign replies with fear.
Thrawn frowns as he glares at the ensign "whats done is done, im going to my qaurters... to pack" Thrawn walks by the ensign and heads towards his Liveing
A few minutes later Thrawn reaches his place and heads to bed.
in the middle of the night Thrawn is awoken by loud roaring noises. He is rather angered by this and heads to his window to see what is going on, he looks out the window and a look of fear falls over Thrawns face, He sees 1000's of 1000's of fighters storming through out the skys endless waves as far as the eye can see. Thrawn quickly gets dressed and walks out onto the streets where Imperal officers and marching down the road, Thrawn aproches of the Officers "What is going on?"
"Who are you?"
"My name is Thrawn. why is the sky full of fighters?"
The Officer stands tall and salutes "Sorry sir, i didnt relise it was you.. Lord Gue has begun a muteie.. he has broken off from the Empire and is trying to get as much of the Military behind him"
Thrawn raises his hand to his chin and thinks, he cant let gue take over the Empire. Thrawn must get to a transiver. "is there a com system around here?" Thrawn asks the officer.
"Not yes sir, we are still installing full marshal law here"
Thrawn nods "alright, who is the commanding officer here?"
"with respect sir.. you are"
Thrawn grins as the officer says this. "no, im just a civilion. but i need to speak with the Emperor.. to change that..."
The out beak of Gue trying to overthrow The Imperial Empire lasted for several weeks and Thrawn was finaly able to get things settled down at Coruscant.
In that time thrawn was able to ook up on other powers in the galexey and it apears that an ld alliance the Thrawn formed had been revived... Dark Axis.
This new Axis had all Sith fctions in it... The Sith Order, The Sith Empire, Rogue Sith Order, and Royal Order Of Sith.
Thrawn realised that the sith had united in a way..
Thrawn had been thinking up a plan on how to wipe out this threat and felt his only hope was to regain old allies. To Create the Imperial Nexus
The first part of setting this plan into order, Thrawn chartered a shuttle to head to the planet, Traxis. There thrawn hopes to find some Imperial allies and maybe a few old ships.
Thrawn had gone on this mission in secret telling no one but the Emperor, thrawn by doing this alone hoped it would increase the chance of no one finding out.
The Chiss left the Coruscant sector, four weeks after all was settled on coruscant and he headed toward Traxis.
Several hours later the shuttle exits hyperspace and comes into a orbit of the planet Traxis... Thrawn opens a com chanell to Shipyard Traxis. "who is in command over there?" Thrawn asked.
"Admiral Lyle sir" the com officer replies.
Thrawn was shocked to her of this. after what happened to lyle he had tought he was dead.
<font color=grey>Lyle was infected with a bio plege. he was exploring the outer rings when an unknown woman over ran his defence sqaud. Thrawn had thought Lyle died.. but it turns out that he just lost contact.</font>
"May i have a meeting with Admiral Lyle?" Thrawn asks.
"Yes sir Lyle is loking forward to meeting with you, he will be awaiting on the surface for when you arive"
Thrawns shuttle is cleared to land then Thrawn sets a heading to land on the surface docking bay.
The shuttle lands and thrawn lowers the ramp to exit, apon exiting thrawn is greeted by Lyle and his officeres. "Iam glad to see your well Lyle" thrawn says as the shuttle ramp lifts.
"Yes, i am well" Lyle replies coldly.
"You still have Traxis in order i hope?" thrawn asks.
"Yes, traxis is runing well.."
It took only a few words for thrawn to know something was wrong here, Lyle is ating very strange. " Well i bet your wondering why i am here, i'm here because.." thrawn is cut off sharple by lyle. "I know why you are here"
Lyles eyes dimed to a faint black as he stares at Thrawn. "Your time is over, ITS MY TIME NOW!" Lyle screams before grabing Thrawns throat lifting him from the ground, Thrawn gasped for air grabing at Lyles arm. Lyle grined before he throws Thrawn to the other size of the docking bay. After smashing into the wall Thrawn quickly came to the conclusion that either Gue had got to Lyle first or... this wasnt Lyle.
Lyle begins to walk towad Thrawn but before he can reach him a blinding light fills the docking bay and Lyle drops to his knees in pain, soon after he passes out.
Thrawn stands and gets ready to leave but before his shutle ramp can lower the docking bay doors open, thrawn turns to see who or what was comeing in but to his shock he sees Talas... He thought Talas was dead aswell. Thrawn was very confused by all this and hoped Talas had some answers.
"Greetings Thrawn" Talas said as he walks up to him. "I take it your puzzled as to what is going on yes?"
"Very" Thrawn replies with anger in his eyes.
"follow me to the command room, i will explain every thing."
Thrawn nods and follows. Talas exiting the docking bay and into the couradoors.
After several minutes Thrawn and talas walk throw the Palace and enter the Command Room. "please take a seat," Talas says to Thrawn.
Thrawn sits across from Talas and awaits for Talas to clear things up
Talas clears his throat and begins. "You see, when i left the Empire i went to your homeworld Chiss, there i sought out for the best cloneing tech. well to cut a long story short i found what i was looking for and took the tech back to Traxis in hopes that Lyle was there but he wasnt.. so i took command of Traxis once more. but i didnt have enough followers left to fully run the Traxis yards and planet, this is where the cloneing tech comes in. everyone had several clones made. but to keeps the mad clones under wraps i had installed in everyone of them a type of shock system. but it only works in short range."
Thrawn interrupts Talas and asks a question. "but what does any of this have to do with you and lyle being alive? i saw you die,"
Talas sighs and answers Thrawns question. "That wasnt me who died.. it was a clone that escaped, he ruined everything. but he did buy me time, if everyone thought i was dead then they wouldnt come looking"
"Ah, i see but what about Lyle? Is he a clone also? was that flash in the docking bay the shock control system you use?" Thrawn inqires.
"yes very correct, i couldnt find lyle so i made some clones from his dead cells.. there all mad with clone sickness" Talas replies well thats the short version of what has been going on, but what brings you here?"
Thrawn grins to Talas. "im here to bring Traxis back into the Empire. you see, i have been rdered by the Emperor to wipe out Gue."
"Wipe out Gue? what?" Talas asks in suprise.
"Yes he tried to over throw the Empire.." Thrawn says coldly. "It is a long story. but i could fully explain it to you on our way back to Coruscant."
Talas raises an eye brow and stands. "im not sure if i want to come back."
"We need commanders and allies.. this could help you bring the Imperial brotherhood back" Thrawn attempts to say anything that might make Talas come back. Thrawn and talas talk for about 30 more minutes and it ends with Talas agreeing. They both head back to coruscant soon after.
(note due to not haveing the time to write more the rest will be crapy)
talas and thrawn get to coruscant find lyle afer he kills the evil lyle clone.. lyle explains what the virus thing did to him and thats why he is now chiss. the empire grows. jedi attack the empire beat it then the cival wars between the empire grow biger then more fations of the empire defect ect.ect.
cutt a long story short thrawn see's that palpatine is not the one to follow and takes as much of the empire as he an to the jedi
blah blah thrawn is now a member of the new republic
(note might edit to make the last section good)
maybe his post will explain things abit better.. this thread is set after the jedi council war thread right? if so then with thrawns defecion it explains how the jedi got back on coruscant after imperial rule)
Alora Simone
Oct 6th, 2000, 11:49:51 AM
Alora entered the Jedi Hall,destruction all around her,this saddened Alora,once the Jedi Knights had been powerful,now the peace was broken.
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 7th, 2000, 06:59:22 AM
:: DT contemplates the damage
"It has been sad, this place was home for so long. It was destroyed, now we have to rebuild. Much we lost.
Now we rebuild and bring the strength of the Jedi back"::
Man, I remember what you said Thrawn... how anyone joining would ask in this thread.... that's one tradiot we will have to bring back
Grand Adm Thrawn
Oct 7th, 2000, 11:18:45 PM
Thrawn turns to Turbogeek,
"Most of my life i have done everything the Empire asked of me..."
Thrawn looks down for a few seconds then looks back up to see ruins.. Thrawn was the main force behind driveing the jedi off Coruscant.. He turns back to Turbogeek.
"No longer.. I will no longer follow The Empire.. One of the first things i did to fit in with The Empire was change my name.. That shall be the first thing i undo.. I will do everything in my power to return peace to the Galexey"
Thrawn turns from Turbogeek and heads towards his temperary quarters. Thrawn while walking looks down at his Imperial uniform and feels disgust...
Syndic Mitth Raw Nuruodo
Oct 7th, 2000, 11:26:00 PM
Thrawn reaches his quarters and changes out of his Imperial uniform, after changeing Thrawn exits his room and goes back to Turbogeek
"My name is Syndic, I will do anything you ask fo me." Syndic bows to Turbogeek in respect
(note to self.. change flamein text name)
High General Shawn
Oct 8th, 2000, 06:05:30 PM
Shawn sits in a bar on the planet Dantilles and sips at a whiskey. He looks down into the glass, and sees his charred face in the reflection. A tear flops down and ripples across the glass. Life had been tough. Once, it had been so great, so meaningful. It wasn't all fun and games. He remembered how he had to put on a mask for training on Carida. . The Empire and it's foolish anti alien antics. . But it was no matter, for he had gotten through. A high general. .He spoke softly to himself. I was once one of the best. But that's all over. Palpatine and his childish traps did him in. . Serves him right, I might add. But reminising about the distant past did no good. But what was left to ponder? The future? There was nothing ahead for the man. Years, possibly decades of wasting away in that bar, doing grunge work on occasions to buy the next quart of moonshine. The present? Pshaw. Nothing ever happened to a fallen demi-god of warfare on a backwater planet in the fringes of the outer rim. So, what was left to ponder? The recent past? Maybe. Maybe, he could plot revenge. There was nothing else, nothing. No point in maintaining his steady breath. No point in eating, no reason to hinder himself from suicide. No one would care, no one would notice if he slipped into the shadows and never returned. No one had noticed, that was just the point. Maybe revenge was the only option in this game of life. But who was to blame? Surely not any of Isard's followers. In his eyes, there were three options. Gormul Hyfe, Isard herself, or his own father, Thrawn. He started his reasoning.
Well, He mumbled, Gormul was the pull of the pin in all of this. It seemed that as soon as he came in, he was offered my position. It's hardly his fault he's an expert in the weapons field. . . but my lord. I didn't even know I had been fired. . . But that's Isard's fault!! She never told me that I was out. Obviously, she could tell Adept, but no need to tell me, eh? DAMN HER!!
That last part had quite possibly been spoken too loudly, considering that everyone was looking at him. He realized that the volume of his voice had been rising the entire time, and looked around a bit shakily. No matter, though; names like Isard meant nothing to these drunks. He grabbed for the glass of whisky, then pulls his hand back. No need for alchohol, I need to think straight. He then continues his deliberation, although not out loud this time.
Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah. . . Isard. It was true, she had actually been the one to dump him off in IIHQ.
Many hours passed, and thoughts continued. Shawn had made his choice, Isard would meet his wrath, and there was no time like the present. He stood, and brushed someaccumulated dust off his now-shabby white uniform. He walks outside, and gets a cab back to the spaceport to pick up his Murrian transport. He gets on, and the black ship lifts off. Above the planet, he begins setting the hyperspace course, and glances quickly at a moniter displaying news from the holonet. He sees a Mon Calamari reporter with quite wide and surprised eyes.
"And on a happier note, the ex-tyrant known to many as Grand Admiral Thrawn has turned to the light and joined with the New Republic and the Greater Jedi Order. He is sai. . . "
Shawn punches right through the moniter, and swivels the ship around, and sets the coruse for Coruscant.
Let's see what you're made of, dad.
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 17th, 2000, 06:59:31 PM
At the top of the Jedi Council Temple.
:: The Jedi Master sits on the window ledge, looking out at over the great mass of steel and ferrocrete that is the planet of Coruscant. The various shuttles and transports fly by, unheeded as the Jedi continues to look out in the mid distance. The sun in the distance slowy turns into a ball of fire as it sets. Stiil the Jedi does not move. Much was on hs mind::
verse dawnstrider
Oct 17th, 2000, 08:06:37 PM
::Verse enters the Temple from behind staying away from the other Jedi. He makes his way to where the Gardens was once at. He finds a burned and decayed wasteland. The Jedi begins to shake.:: God. How could they......
::The normal tough and hard jedi falls to his knees. Always careful showing his feelings around others he trys hard to hold in a emotion he hates so much. Always the joker and flirt. The first to greet a new Jedi Lady and mess around. The Jedi normaly happy mood changes. Verse places his head in his hands and lets loose his sadness.His love for nature hold no bounds. And seeing all of this destroyed brings it on. For the First time in a long time Verse weeps.::
Lord Gue
Dec 11th, 2000, 10:04:31 AM
Cant let this fall back.....
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