View Full Version : ::On Thrawns shuttle::
Liam Jinn
Aug 20th, 2000, 10:41:24 PM
::Thrawn senses doubt in the jedi and has a sudden idea::
Thrawn: Liam, come with me
::thrawn takes the jedi to the c-o-c-kpit and thrawn plots multiple jumps carefully so no one can track them. he then looks at liam and has some thoughts::
Thrawn: Liam do you recall when you were a young boy not much older than 8 on dantooine? do you remember how you were being chased by a dor'ellion beast?
::liam recalls a time he had wondered away from his fathers base on dantooine and he managed to anger a dor'ellion by throwing stones at it. liam remembered how he had manage to lose it for a bit but shortly after dark he ran into it again. it chased him into a rock quarrie and liam had tripped and skinned his knee. he got up but couldn't out run the beast anymore. it cornered him against a wall and just as it looked as if the beast was going to eat him very slowly trawn appeared and cut the beast down with a single swipe from his lightsaber. thrawn then had took him back to the base his father was at and had ended up saving his life that day. Liam dismisses the memory quickly and thinks of a question::
Liam: yes i remember but what is its importance thrawn?
Thrawn: i saved you and brought you back once and now i am trying to do it again
Liam: Thrawn i hardly call taking me back to the Empire saving me
Thrawn: maybe in your view but wouldn't you like to be an Imperial again?
Liam: What like my....
Thrawn: your father was a fine Imperial could be just like him..
::liam hearing thrawn talk about his father brought back past memories but he keeps his jedi stature and replies::
Liam: you have no right to talk about my father thrawn. after all it was you that sent him on his final mission...
::Thrawn about to argue the point further notices that they are almost out of their final jump::
Thrawn: Liam watch as we exit hyperspace, i want you to see this..
::liam watches through the transparisteel and as they exit hyperspace his eyes widen with fear and astonishment::
Grand Adm Thrawn
Aug 20th, 2000, 11:14:10 PM
(thread that started this one <a href= ?topicID=1120.topic>Liam jinn</A>)
<table border=z bgcolor=black><TD>As the shuttle exits hyper space, it drops to far orbit of Coruscant right in front of the deathstar3..
Thrawn turns to Liam with a grin on his face...
"Well What do you think?"
Liam turns to thrwn and says: "Well this is a shock... when did you build a deathstar?"
Thrawn: "just after you father was sent on his mission to the unknown regions....."
Liam's face turns cold ... Thrwn could feel Liams anger..
Liam: "....."
Thrawn: "but we shouldnt talk about that... should we.... im seting a docking course with the deathstar.."
Thrawn sends the access code and the shield grid around docking bay 536 lowers
Imperial Lt:" code comfirmed you may procead to docking bay 536 "
Thrawns shuttle docks then Liam and thrawn both get ready to leave the shuttle and step out to the deathastar docking bay</TD></table>
Lord Gue
Aug 20th, 2000, 11:31:31 PM
OOC: Just a note, That if the DS is over Courascant, I know about it. Something like the DS isnt gonna be missed by my base on courascant
Liam Jinn
Aug 22nd, 2000, 06:22:49 PM
::Thrawn and Liam walk around some levels for a bit and but thrawn triees to bring out Liams Darkside by talking about Liams father....::
Grand Adm Thrawn
Aug 23rd, 2000, 06:38:27 PM
*Thrawn and Liam walks out on to a brige coneting two coradours, then Thrawn turns to Liam.
"Liam answer me this, Why do you stay with the Jedi and not return home?"
Liam Jinn
Aug 23rd, 2000, 09:35:20 PM
Liam: Thrawn the jedi are my home....the empire.....there was nothing there for me...
::with this being said Liam takes out his lightsaber::
Thrawn: so Liam i see you are good at deception...
::thrawn takes out his lightsaber and ignites it::
::liam ignites his lightsaber as well. thrawn charges at liam and roundhouses liam in the face which causes liam to fall to the ground::
Thrawn: you're going to have to do that if you expect to defeat me....liam give in to your hate remember you father....
Liam: no cant turn me...i will not resort to the dark side..
::liam force throws thrawn into the wall and then liam stands up awaiting thrawns attack...::
Admiral Talas
Aug 23rd, 2000, 10:17:46 PM
Admiral talas's shuttle comes out of hyperspace over couracant to find the new deathstar.....
Talas-"oh i can have fun with that"
Talas sets a course for the deathstar...
Docking master-"unknown shuttle identify yourself or be destroyed"
Talas-"This is admiral talas and i request to dock now!!!"
DM-"admiral talas.....I thought you were dead sir...."
Talas-"well i'm not"
DM-"sir i severed under you just before you is an honer to have you back"
Talas-"is that right well officer meet me in the docking bay and escort me to thrawn and you might just get promoted"
DM-"yes sir docking bay 345"
Talas pilots the shuttle in to dock......
Grand Adm Thrawn
Aug 23rd, 2000, 10:34:40 PM
*Thrawn takes a battle stance and swings his ignited saber in a X shape.
Thrawn narrows his Red eyes as he glares at Liam and says: "Time to die........ Jedi."
Thrawn rushes at Liam and slashes at his right side, Liam jumps a bit to the left and brings his saber in a arc down to block.
Thrawn while slashing again at Liams face uses the force to losen a wall bulkhead
Liam blocks Thrawns attacks then is hit hard in the center of his back by the bulkhead at Thrawn force throws it at him.
Thrawn takes this to his advatage and is able to slice Liams right arm badly, Liam crys out and makes distence between him and Thrawn.
Thrawn calls upon the force to enhance his own speed and strength then charges at Liam, The Jedi doges to the left and then ducks a swing, Thrawn after swinging arcs his saber upinto Liams legs but Liam blocks with his saber, thrawn takes his right hand off his saber and force punches Liam in his face makeing him fly back to the ground with a bloody nose
Thrawn looks to the fallen Jedi and says: " You still have a chance... Don't let yourself be destroyed.... "
(OOC: Talas do you have MSN? i have alot to tell you about)
Liam Jinn
Aug 23rd, 2000, 10:44:24 PM
::Liam wipes the blood off of his face and looks at his arm applies bacta treatments and uses the force to slowly heal it...::
thrawn you dont give me enough credit...
::liam loosens a floor panal and makes it fly straight for thrawn. thrawn raises his arm to block but liam force throws his saber right after the plating and it goes straight through the plating and thrawns forearm and shoulder when thrawn tries to block the plating. Liam calls his saber back to him and uses the force to throw thrawn against a wall making him cry out in pain because of his shoulder and arm. Liam flips back and continues to heal his arm::
Admiral Talas
Aug 23rd, 2000, 10:49:27 PM
just type inmy is but i can't msn tonight
Admiral Talas
Aug 23rd, 2000, 10:57:53 PM
Talas meets the officer in the docking bay and they head for the main control center where thrawn is suposed to be....
Talas-"so what ship did you serve on"
Officer-"the defeat sir"
Talas-"really...i still remember how i got that ship"
officer-"yes sir i was there when you got her"
Talas-"tell me how is the defeat?"
officer-"well sir she was badly injured during the battle for couracant,but the grand admiral made the your shipyard ironicaly"
Talas-"good to here"
they continue down the corridor where they gain an escort of 5 stormtroopers
They soon reach the control center where thay find thrawn locked in a battle with another person....talas does not reconize himat all
A few of the troops start to draw thier weapons, but talas orders them to holster them until the time was right....
Talas takes a seat and watches the battle unfold.....
Lord Gue
Aug 23rd, 2000, 11:25:51 PM
[i]Suddenly klaxons flare across the DS as The Faith lifts off the planet and quickly moves to the oppostie side of its cannon, opening fire across its surface, taking out the weapons placements around the area arond The Faith...
Dark Side Adept 327
Aug 24th, 2000, 03:01:09 AM
The Third Fleet of the Interstellar Empire exits hyperspace at Coruscant. It contains six ships:
The Champion-an Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer
The Drednaught-an Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer
The Cool Surface-an Eclipse-Class Star Destroyer
The Sovereign-a Sovereign-Class Star Destroyer
The Umaro-A Super-Class Star Destroyer
The Guardian-A Super-Class Star Destroyer.
The Fleet enters a high orbit of Coruscant. Just Inside the hangar bay of the flagship Sovereign there is an Imperial Star Destroyer, ready to launch.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Aug 24th, 2000, 03:22:10 AM
(OOC: gue be from the looks of it you are trying to start a war.. explain your post.... are you attacking?)
* The troops walk closer to Liam and Liam feels grave disconnection.. The troops are wearing Ysalamiri, Liam lacking the force is easly taken prisoner.. Thrawn is tooken to the Med Bay while Talas follows
Thrawn laying on a gurny look to talas and says: " Good to have you back talas, the jedi still dont expect imperials to use ysalamiri "
Talas smirks at the comment and replys: "I see Gue has gone rengade and lost a few IQ points only a retard would Atack this Ds with one ship.. "
Thrawn trys not to laugh as he says: " i know i has it stuck in his head that his renegade faction split the Empire and he controls half.. the fact is Gue did nothing but start his own death... when i can back to the Empire i was a bit worried but after being in the command seat for a while i see that The Empire is stronger then when i left and now with old legends returning like yourself and your brother Lyle The Empire is stronger then ever.. if gue thinks the Empire is weak and he can beat it then so be it, we will make this trator pay for his lack of loyalty.."
Talas agrees with thrawn then heads to the command deck of the DS
Thrawn rests while his wounds heal
Liam gets striped and locked in the detention center 4-b
Dark Side Adept takes a offenive orbit around Gues ship The Faith and lock weapons *
Dark Side Adept 327
Aug 25th, 2000, 05:28:50 AM
On the Flagship Sovereign, DSA reads his new orders, then begins barking commands to his lieutenants.
"Signal all ships: Prepare Primary Ignition sequence on all Superlasers! Charge Turbolaser Batteries! Shields Up!"
DSA swivels in his chair to face the Commscan officer.
"Signal TIE Command: Make ready to launch all Fleet Starfighters!"
A Life-Size Holo of Grand Admiral Thrawn appears. He appears to be wounded, but gradually recovering.
"Admiral, the Fleet is ready. Attack Vector will commence upon your Order."
Admiral Talas
Aug 25th, 2000, 04:06:51 PM
thrawn i would like to meet up with the ships in this battle about to take place and help out i will call my flagship to meet me there....where are they?
Aug 25th, 2000, 04:12:37 PM
From the depths of space emerges the 1st imperial fleet, and the gravity wells aboard the Eclipse turn on.
The 1st fleet consists of:
Eclipse - ESD
Darkmoon - ESD
Falcon - ASD²
Deflector - ISD
Traxis - ISD
Courage's Fire - ISD
Victor's Prime - ISD
Clocker - OF²
Stomp - IC
In the name of the Interstellar Empire, I order you to retreat, Emperor Gue. If standard retreat is not initiated by yourself, the 1st fleet will open fire.
Piett swivels the commanders' chair aboard the Eclipse around to face the gunnery crew. He orders all turbolasers and lasers charged.
Piett to fighter manager: Launch all onboard fighters!
Tie Interceptor: 30
Tie Bomber: 4
Tie Def.: 0
Tie Advanced: 20
Tie Phantom: 0
Missle Boat: 4
Take offensive stance. Keep the bombers and missile boats near the back. Prepare for evasive action.
* The fighters scream out and take an offensive stance, bu spread out thinly to avoid any major losses from only a few explosives. Onboard the Eclipse, and all other 1st fleet ships, the Ion cannoms and turbolasers warm up and target Gues ships. The lasers all pinpoint strategic locations enemy fighters might go . . .*
Liam Jinn
Aug 25th, 2000, 05:34:33 PM
::Liam sits in his cell and has an idea. He pats his leg and smiles. Liam thanks his JSO traing and he pulls out of his leg a long sharp needle used for lock disabling and his leg starts bleeding but he is all right. Liam starts screaming and yelling out. A gaurd outside finally hears the commotion and runs in but liam instantly stabs the needle through the troopers neck where the armor is just leather and lets the gaurd fall to the ground. Liam grabs his gun and runs out in the hall surprising the gaurds and takes the taken blaster rifle and shoots the remaining gaurds outside of his cell but a gaurd manages to shoot him in his side before he can kill them all. Liam eventually shoots that gaurd and he slowly shoots and kills all of the nearby ysalarimi so he can start a force heal. A matter of minutes later, liam can move alot better since the blaster shot only grazed his side. Liam dresses in the gaurds clothing and armor and runs off down the corridor out of the detention block. Liam uses a mind trick to a gaurd and makes him say into his comm that there is no trouble in the detention block and the jedi is still there. The jedi searches a gaurds mind and finds out where his stuff is. Liam gets his stuff (lightsaber and jedi communicator)then leaves that level of the death star and heads for the ship hanger.::
Admiral Talas
Aug 26th, 2000, 12:14:04 AM
Talas leaves the bridge area of the deathstar and heads for his shuttle....he meets up with the officer that escorted him there and says contact the esd "IceRain" and tell them to meet up on the coradantes i am about to send them...
officer: yes sir
Talas: also i want you to find someone to take your place in 2 days i will be back to put you under my command again
Officer: yes sir
talas: bords his shuttle and heads for the battle.....
Talas:soon hahahahahahahahahhahaa they will feel the great crazyness of talas again.....hahahahahahaha
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