View Full Version : (Avid Fighters) - The Lounge Lizard & Rama Sha
Skye Ruusan
Oct 14th, 2000, 04:16:30 PM
***The Lounge Lizard and Rama Sha. Please reply to this message to confirm your entry.***
Danster the Gangster
Oct 14th, 2000, 05:04:27 PM
This should be a fiersome battle
Skye Ruusan
Oct 14th, 2000, 08:36:55 PM
Still waiting on this one.
Rama Sha
Oct 14th, 2000, 10:02:19 PM
YO! Im here.....
So I can say stuff like.....
:: Rama slams his fist into LL stomach ::
I have to say:
:: Rama swings his fist towards LL's Stoamch fast and hard. ::
I can't finish the move right?
Skye Ruusan
Oct 14th, 2000, 11:36:17 PM
No, you can finish attacks like kicks and punches, but when it comes to sabre hits and devistating attacks (like tearing people's arms off) Then you cant finish.
Rama Sha
Oct 15th, 2000, 01:59:41 AM
Ok Got ya......I don't plan on pulling his arms off.
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 15th, 2000, 04:15:22 AM
I am here.
Skye Ruusan
Oct 15th, 2000, 04:59:28 PM
Well then. Fighting area: Grassy plains, rocks scattered around. Dirt Floor. Trees. 100 square foot fighting area. Out of bounds at perimeter.
I dont think there is anything to prevent the battle from beginning now.
Rama Sha
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:46:18 PM
Post or Time limit?
Skye Ruusan
Oct 15th, 2000, 08:47:30 PM
Whoever can score 3 hits first. No limit.
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 10:05:16 AM
Rama, I defer the first move to you.
Unknown Digit
Oct 16th, 2000, 02:36:17 PM
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 02:40:48 PM
:: LL turns and casts a fiery glare at UD ::
Unknown Digit
Oct 16th, 2000, 02:54:57 PM
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:07:00 PM
:: LL's eyes narrow at UD ::
:: LL raises an open palm in UD's direction, and generates an enormous Force Push. UD is knocked off her feet, and sent flying, head over heels into the air ::
Unknown Digit
Oct 16th, 2000, 03:13:19 PM
Rama Sha
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:00:03 PM
:: Rama removes his jacket and throws it down. He looks down at his boots. ::
I better make sure they are tied. Wouldn't want to trip.
:: Rama bends down and moves towards his boots, but instead grabs a hand full of dirt and throws it in LL's eye. He then quickly grabs his Firesaber lights it and swings for LL's chest. ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:04:45 PM
:: Blinded by the dust, LL instinctively increases the distance between himself and Rama...allowing Rama's saber to narrowly miss as LL gives ground. LL wipes hurriedly at his eyes ::
Rama Sha
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:07:21 PM
:: Rama notices LL moving backwards, he puposely overswings his saber and then twists it around into an overhead swing as he closes the distance. ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 16th, 2000, 07:17:23 PM
:: LL continues to feign blindness after he has long since wiped the dust from his eyes. As Rama advances again, LL drops low, driving a sweeping knee just below Rama's kneecaps. The abrupt low strike causes the advancing Rama to begin to pitch forward...slightly beyond his center of gravity. The contact also causes LL's body to recoil back, and LL uses this momentum to spin once again on his toes, and drives a back-strike elbow into the small of Rama's back. The off-balance strike causes Rama to stumble wildly forward, getting perilously close to the edge of the fighting area. As Rama continues to stumble, LL draws upon the Dark Side, and extends an open hand towards Rama.
Rama Sha
Oct 17th, 2000, 12:32:59 AM
:: As Rama stubbles forward he rolls and flips back to his feet. Rama notices how close he is to the end and Backflips using the force to gain height and distance. Rama drops down to a crouched postion as he lands. He then then vilonetly swings his fist around slamming it into the back of LL's knee taking him off his feet. Rama then jumps into the air again, coming down with both feet on LL's chest and then rolls clear. ::
Skye Ruusan
Oct 17th, 2000, 12:02:15 PM
*nods* Both skilled warriors, indeed.
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 17th, 2000, 02:42:27 PM
:: LL wheezes heavily...gaining his breath back. He lays on the ground for several seconds, then generates a Force pressure wave that shoots him high into the air. Speeding upwards at an impressive speed, LL exacts full control over his dark talents, and instantly decelerates, coming to a full stop, high over the fighting area. Slowly, he unclips his lightsaber, Shenlong's Fang, from his belt. He switches the crackling golden blade on, and lets its ominous and unique sound reverberate through the air for several seconds...while staring down Rama. After some time, Rama also switches his saber on. Smiling, LL gestures to Rama, beckoning him to attack. Rama hesitates. Sensing Rama's suspicion, LL gives his adversary an offer he cannot refuse....he throws his lightsaber high into the air. With LL unarmed, Rama flies into the air to make the coup de'gras....and stops dead in his tracks as LL's lightsaber comes back down. LL spins on his axis, and roundhouses his saber by the butt of the handle, sending the blade hurtling at Rama like a deadly spear. Rama nearly doubles over himself, twisting out of the saber's way as it streaks past him. Sighing at the near miss, Rama turns back around...and is rocked by LL who drops from high above to deliver a double-fisted hammer blow to Rama's temple. The force of the strike sends Rama plummeting back to earth. LL uses force pull to stop his lightsaber on its descent, and then shoots it straight back....rapidly approaching the falling Rama ::
Rama Sha
Oct 17th, 2000, 06:40:45 PM
:: As Rama smashes into the ground he softens the impact viva the force. With Blinding speed Rama flips back to his feet and jumps back into the air to meet LL. Cuaght off guard by how quickly Rama recovers, Rama slams his knee into LL's Gut. Rama then quickly rams his hand around LL's throat, and throws him forwards the ground. ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 17th, 2000, 07:58:52 PM
OOC: Does not acknowledging my approaching saber strike allow me to connect with a hit?...and Rama, please do not edit your post to avoid the attack now.
Skye Ruusan
Oct 17th, 2000, 11:15:23 PM
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 17th, 2000, 11:34:02 PM
:: Rama attacks LL brutally, knocking the wind out of him with a savage knee to the gut. LL collapses like a rag doll, and Rama grabs him by the neck. As Rama is about to throw LL, a glimmer of light can be seen reflecting in LL's eyes. Rama throws LL to the ground with tremendous force, but as he does so, LL's Force-guided lightsaber flies and skewers through his side, missing vital organs but scoring an undisputable hit.
Reeling from Rama's attacks, LL sits up slowly, calling his saber back to him. Rama winces in pain at his injured side ::
Rama Sha
Oct 18th, 2000, 03:09:26 PM
:: Rama grabs his side, and whinces. ::
Damn you!
:: Rama reaches for his saber and lights it, but the pain is to much and Rama falls outta the air and hits the ground ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 18th, 2000, 03:11:34 PM
:: LL tries to stand up, but falls down again, still gasping for air, unable to control his breathing. LL coughs heavily, covering his mouth to muffle the sound. When he pulls his hand away...traces of red are visible. LL looks at Rama, who has fallen to the ground.
At least that might buy him some time. ::
SSJ Anthony
Oct 18th, 2000, 05:47:07 PM
Go Rama Sha
go Rama,go Rama,go Rama,go Rama,
go Rama,go Rama,go Rama,go Rama,
go Rama,go Rama,go Rama,go Rama,
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 18th, 2000, 05:49:54 PM
:: LL raises up at that comment, and extends a hand. A large, white sphere of energy begins to grow, crackling with lightning ::
Comments from the sidelines are not welcome.
Rama Sha
Oct 19th, 2000, 01:57:35 AM
:: Rama pulls himself up best he can. He looks down at the wound. ::
Fused shut from the least I got that going for me.
:: Rama looks around to try to see if he can see LL ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 19th, 2000, 02:05:53 AM
:: LL slowly and gradually gets to his feet. His breathing returns to normal. He stares at SSJ Anthony...confident that the bystander got the message. Subtly and gently...LL reaches out with the force...senses Rama and his position. Swiftly and suddenly, LL spins on his toes, and brings his right hand around...throwing the energy sphere that he had generated to frighten Anthony with at Rama. The white-hot blast hurtles with a howling scream at Rama. ::
Rama Sha
Oct 19th, 2000, 01:56:27 PM
:: Rama sees the Ball of engery heading for him. He qucikly pulls back his hand and forms a sphere of Force Lighting. He throws it at the incoming engery ball. The two spheres hit with a mighty explosion. Rama is knocked back from the blast as dust is kicked up all around. ::
Rama Sha
Oct 22nd, 2000, 05:41:32 PM
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 23rd, 2000, 12:12:44 AM
:: LL sees the mighty explosion and smiles. Rama could not block the blast. He is done for. ::
That is too bad, always knew I was number one!
:: The smoke clears, and LL sees Rama, lying on the ground. ::
What? Thats impossible!
Hmm...perhaps you are stronger than before.
:: As Rama manages to get to his feet, LL takes time to meditate ::
Rama Sha
Oct 23rd, 2000, 01:30:35 AM
:: Rama Looks up still laying on the ground. ::
Don't bother......
:: Rama reaches forward and touchess the ground sending a force wave under the ground at LL. The Wave skips along the ground towards LL ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 23rd, 2000, 02:56:48 AM
:: LL's meditation is broken as he sees the ground lifting in an undulating fashion from Rama's Force Wave. With a sneer, LL presses an open hand toward the ground, throwing himself into the air with a Force Push. Using gravity, LL swan-dives to Earth, at the last second, doing a half tuck, and extending both feet for a double inverted press kick, as he falls toward Rama ::
Rama Sha
Oct 23rd, 2000, 03:15:19 AM
:: Rama Jumps back as LL Comes Down. As LLs Feet hit the ground Rama brings his foot up into a spin kick towards his face ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 23rd, 2000, 03:18:28 AM
:: As LL's feet touch the ground, LL sees Rama start a spin kick, aimed high...maybe at his head. LL sinks low, adding a bend to his knees, then springs backwards into a backflip, the rush of hair blowing hard on his face as Rama's kick misses by the slimmest of margins. LL flips several times before landing in a crouch ::
Rama Sha
Oct 23rd, 2000, 03:23:53 AM
:: Rama feels his kick hit nothing but air. He turns to face LL ::
Well that was kinda counterproductive wasn't it?
:: Rama charges two spheres of Force lighting. Then draws one back and throws it towards LL's legs ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 23rd, 2000, 03:57:01 AM
:: LL pulls out his lightsaber and ignites it, spins, and smashes the lightning sphere in a low golf-style swing. The sphere careens off the saber and flies away. LL brings his saber up high ::
Rama Sha
Oct 23rd, 2000, 02:50:25 PM
:: Rama reaches back and begins to throws the next sphere higher towards LL face, but at the last min pulls it down sending it towards his legs again. ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 23rd, 2000, 07:25:57 PM
:: LL moves to swing at the sphere, but it sinks low, much to his suprise. LL moves quickly to dodge, but the sudden movements cause LL to slip and fall...landing roughly on the ground, as the sphere grazes his right leg ::
Damn it.
Rama Sha
Oct 24th, 2000, 02:16:28 AM
:: Rama sees the opening and Charges in. He lights his saber and Jumps into the air bringing his saber down towards LL with an Over head attack ::
The Lounge Lizard
Oct 24th, 2000, 02:19:03 AM
:: As Rama jumps in the air, LL tucks his legs in and spins on his upper back, like a breakdancer. Just as Rama is closing in on the ground, LL arches his back, tilting on his shoulders and springs out, extending both feet into a press and connecting with authority in the pit of Rama's stomach. LL uses the recoil force of the kick to roll backwards, and up to his feet ::
Rama Sha
Oct 24th, 2000, 02:26:10 AM
:: Rama flies backward, but somehow rights himself into a flip and lands on his feet. He Hold on to his gut ::
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