View Full Version : Twisted Justice -20 years in the Future-(Open RPG)
verse dawnstrider
Feb 1st, 2001, 11:05:16 PM
OOC: I know many of you were Fans of my New Dawn RPG. It was a new style of SW roleplaying based on a alternet future. It was fiction that took a what if turn. It shoulded many things of a would be future. This one will take a look at one of the many different forms the Future may hold........
::Verse walks through the shadows of Imperal City. He had a job to do. A big one. He couldn't afford to be caught now. For 20 years he has faught the Imperals. He, his twin, and his son. Ever sence the Imperial's destroied the New Republic the tried thier hardest to erase the biggest threat they had. Force-sensitive people. Every known Jedi and Sith had been killed or have a bounty on thier head. Not a small sum ether. A very large sum. The stronger the Jedi, the bigger the bounty. Verse had a very large sum of money stamped to his name. Things like what he is about to do got him that. Verse made his way to the prison wards. Many Force trained people were held here. He just had to wait till the security.....
Pivo Nightstriker stood in the middle of the Computer room. Around him were the bodies or dozen of dead guards. The Cyborg Dark Jedi Master made short work of them. His right arm was now one of the many robotic things on him. After the Imperial destroied his body he was left with a robotic spine, eyes, right arm, part of his brain, and heart. This helped his out now. His right arms could shift to a lazer, ion, and flame shooter. It also held his Light Saber. He connected the computer sensers to his socket in his neck. After a few short minutes he crashed the system now it was Chaos turn.....
Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider was one of the few Shadow Jedi Masters. He held his own moral code. He followed no Sith or Jedi code. He looked at the advancing Tanks and smiled. Unlike his father Chaos could call on the Light and Darkside. He was also very strong in TK. He gathered the energy from all around him and launched a Force Waves that destroied two tanks. He had to hold the tanks off so the others could free the prisoners. Choas ignited his LS and charged at the advancing soilders. He ripped them in two with his LS. He faught with all his power. For 15 years his father and Pivo had trained him. He could take out armies of these things. And so few they used on him. No tanks hardly. Then he saw them. Hunters. Trained soilders used to hunt Jedi.....Vong. They could not sence them with the Force. Choas ran and climbed to the top of the nearest building. He had to warn the others. It was a trap. A set-up. He had to tell them. He felt it from behind at the last moment. A staff shot from the shadows and inpaled him in the chest. Another Vong he had not seen. The Vong picked Chaos up and tossed him off the roof. Chaos feel and landed on a spicked fence. Chaos left this world......
Pivo saw Chaos die on the camaras in the Computer. He yelled as Vong stormed into the room. His arms open up to form a beam cannon. He fired killing off a few then his arm returned to normal and it shot out his LS. As he went to grab it a human soilder shot it with a ion cannon. Pivo fell back in horror. The Gaurd open fire. Ion cannons don't hurt normal people. But Pivo was a cyborg. The energy fried his robot circuts and traveled to his heart. His heart stoped beating. Pivo fell to the floor dead.
Verse passed the bombs on the side of the building as the defence system shut down. Pivo did his jobs as always. The same easy jobs. Verse backed up as the bombs went off. They took out the wall to the holding area. As the dust clears Verse planed to see old friends come out. All his saw was death though. Vong came with human soilders. Verse ran. As he started to run a Vong Amphistaff bite his leg. The poison flowed through him crippling him. Verse fell. A soilder came to Verse's nonmoving body...::
Soilder- Verse Dawnstrider. You have been found guilty of crimes against the Imperial Rule. Justice has found you. May the maker have mercy on your soul....
::Verse smiles as the soilder passed the blaster to his forehead. He knew Jedi and Sith were still out there fighting like he was doing. He knew the healer Randd was till out there helping the Jedi. The Jedi will live on for now. He did all he could and was not afraid to die. The Imperial pulled the trigger.
The screens in the Bounty Office showed all of the People who still were alive and had a reward on them. Many hunters came here to see who was still alive and could be caught. The three Garou Knights pictures left the holoscreen never to be seen again. All across the new Imperial Space acts of this Twisted Justice take place. The Battle for Freedom has begun again.::
Phantom Kincaid
Feb 2nd, 2001, 02:57:28 AM
ooc: I'd like to get into this, can you AIM me at SparkoStarscream thx.
Lord Dagger
Feb 2nd, 2001, 06:38:21 AM
OOC/ Yeah wouldn't mind joining this myself, just tell me where you want me \IC
verse dawnstrider
Feb 2nd, 2001, 09:08:49 AM
OOC: E-mail me at and I will get to you on it. Pass the word around about this RP to your friends a s well. We will need more people.
Satine Capashen
Feb 2nd, 2001, 09:50:16 AM
{OOC:I'm willing to join!}
Katarina Kariena
Feb 2nd, 2001, 11:26:33 PM
OOC: I'll join . . . private message me and let me know where I should be.
Liam Jinn
Feb 3rd, 2001, 01:57:40 AM
OOC: Tell me where you want me or are we supposed to do like New Dawn and make up our own stuff?
Anubis Lockheart
Feb 3rd, 2001, 02:12:40 AM
OOC: I am also interested.That's if there is any room for myself.
Feb 3rd, 2001, 03:05:12 AM
OOC: sounds good to me...although Videl would be almost 40 by that
Lady Knyte
Feb 4th, 2001, 12:17:30 AM
(OoC: Ditto ... you can email me at or AIM at Knyte Jinaya. =)
Dragon dlayer
Feb 4th, 2001, 12:29:44 AM
ooc: I want to join, even tho i'll be 40 lol
IM me at my Ic name or email:
Liam Jinn
Feb 4th, 2001, 02:22:09 AM
if this is like New Dawn we just cluttered the first page full of nonsense....<img src= ALT=":\">
verse dawnstrider
Feb 4th, 2001, 02:42:24 AM
Just join in as you see fit. I don't like RPs that are fully planed out. Keeps you on your toes if they are not planned fully.
Darth Phantom
Feb 4th, 2001, 03:54:02 AM
ooc: you should do another post
Lord Dagger
Feb 4th, 2001, 09:35:00 AM
OOC/ over 40? *chuckle* Dagger will be over 600 at that point, but don't think that makes him easy :) and yeah, we need another post \IC
Satine Capashen
Feb 4th, 2001, 01:25:20 PM
{OOC:I agree about the new post thing...And I'm lucky...I'm only gonna be 23 at the time this RPG starts...:) }
Darth Phantom
Feb 11th, 2001, 03:44:05 AM
:: Phantom sits waiting in the shadows, he had followed Verse for sometime now. He too had a job to do, he watched as Pivo died, but he did nothing, he wanted Verse. So now Phantom sits waiting for the perfect moment. Phantom looks to his side and nods to his partner and friend who has just joined him in the shadows. Finally after all this time Phantom saw his chance...
When the Verse was cought. The guard passes his blaster to Verse forhead, Phantom reaches in his cloak and pulls out a long black knife, Phantom gets ready to throw it when they are spoted the vong start to fire at Phantom and his partner, Phantom ducks behind some equipment, he peeks through a small hole just to see the guard shoot Verse in the head ::
NNNNnnnnooooooo, damn it
:: Phantom looks at his partner and nods again, Phantom jumps done to where Verse's body is, three guards start to fire at Phantom, DP grabs his body and throws him onto his shoulder...
Liam Jinn
Feb 11th, 2001, 04:15:05 AM
Liam ignites his saber and flips out from behind the crate he was behind. He deflects the shots away from Phantom and takes out the gaurds. Liam looks around and is kicked in the back by a Vong, knocking him to the ground. Liam rolls to the left avoiding a foot from the Vong. He jumps up and flips over the Vong, landing, and slicing the Vong in half.
"Phantom!! We Gotta go!! Head for the ship!!"
Phantom acknowledges Liam and starts running. Liam takes out a couple of thermal detonators and throws them towards the gaurds and Vong that were outside. He runs as soon as he throws them and when the confirming "BOOM" is heard he slows down trailing a bit from Phantom. Liam walks to the ship making sure that no one is following him.
Darth Phantom
Feb 11th, 2001, 04:33:01 AM
:: Phantom runs to the ship, he opens the rear hatch with a button on hit belt, he places Verse's inside and looks at Liam, he puts his hand on his shoulder ::
Thank you old friend, Kinda brings back some old memorys dosent it?
:: Phantom slightly laughs as he remembers the first time He and Liam joined sides, but the memory quickly fades as shots are fired from behind them ::
Alright, I'll take Verse's bady back to Tatooine, and I'll meet you at the redesvous point, good bye old friend
:: Phantom shakes Liams hand one last time. Phantom runs back into the ship and takes off to Tatooine...
Lady DeVille
Feb 11th, 2001, 04:51:13 AM
ooc: Through the Force, things you will see. The future...always in motion... hope you don't mind me jumping in /ic:
Coughing, De'Ville slid a drink down the bar, wiping down the counter as she did so. The years of hiding from the Imperials had not been easy, but she had found it easiest to hide in plain sight.
Her upperclass bar in the Imperial Center on Coruscant had been started from saved money from her time at The Sith Order. The Captain's Favor had among its clients the best and brightest of the Imperial officers, but none had been clever enough to doubt her. Lily Vide, as she was known now, was forty-three years old and the mother of a thirteen year old girl. Thirteen going on twenty-seven...
Lily stepped out from behind the bar, handing her towel to the regular bartender, a strapping twenty year old human male. He smiled at her, and quickly fell back into the rhythmn of making drinks.
Suddenly the mood of the cigarra smoke filled room altered. Men stood up, pushing their chairs back as they pointed at the vid screens. Looking up, Lily sighed. Bounties had been put on all of the known Jedi or Sith survivors, and it looked like three had been cashed in.
Verse, Chaos, and Pivo, all deceased. Phantom and Liam Jinn had been spotted in the area as well, but were still at large. Anger filled her, and she quickly stalked into her back office. Lily slammed her hands on her desk, scattering papers, and overturning a potted plant. Dirt dusted the floor, and she hastily got down on her hands and knees to clean it up-
-and then stopped herself. What am you doing? A rebellion is starting, and you're picking up dirt from a plant? A tear squeezed out of the outer corner of her eye, trickling down one of the fine lines that creased her face. Absently she picked up the now empty pot, and discovered a card that was stuck to the bottom. Flipping it open, she read silently.
Darling, these stargazer lilies remind me of your eyes. As long as we are together they will bloom to remind you of me. Love -
She snapped the tiny card shut, and ripped it up before reading the undersigned name. The pieces floated down to rest on the soil as she got to her feet. A smile crossed her lips before she quashed the emotions. He was far away, how far she didn't know, but it had been a very long time. When the controversy and the killings of Force sensitives had started he had been reassigned into deep space. Abandoning me, I could have come to understand, but abandoning his unborn daughter... Lily brushed the remaining dirt off her hands, and left the mess on the floor.
Walking to the door, she re-entered the bar, only to find that the majority of the patrons had left. She went through the motions of closing the bar and telling her employees good bye, but they were just motions. Inside she could barely contain herself.
Anger filled her. It was time to act.
Liam Jinn
Feb 11th, 2001, 05:25:49 AM
Liam dodged the laser fire and ran to his ship. When he finally got there, he took off as fast as he could.
"I hope Phantom makes it.."
* * *
Liam looked out of the veiwport. Coruscant, one of the most amazing planets he has ever seen. He had to make it here. Maybe one person could help him here. Liam sends a message out on a private comm channel...
Lady DeVille
Feb 11th, 2001, 05:51:27 AM
Sitting at home, Lily was assisting young Alexia with her homework when her comm beeped. She looked up, and then patted her daughter on the shoulder as she got up. "Don't move, I'll be right back."
She sat down in front of the communication board, and with some surprise opened the channel. It was a private frequency, heavily encrypted, and had not been used for quite some time. "Hello?"
Gasping, she leaned in close, "Don't call me that! Who is this?"
"Sorry, Lily, I forgot. It's Liam, I'm in town, and we need to talk. Your place?" The connection was fuzzy, but the voice was now recognizable.
Lily practically whispered into the comm, "Liam, this is not a good time!"
"For old times sake?" His tone was pleading, almost desperate. Finally she relented.
"All right, I'll meet you, but not at my place. The Ship's Strike, in about three hours?"
Liam agreed, and the connection was broken. She sat back, slightly drained from the conversation, and looked up to find Alexia staring at her. Lily tried to smile, but Alexia spoke first.
"Going out?" There was a challenge in those words. Lily inwardly groaned, remembering herself at thirteen.
"Not until your homework is done. The droids will watch you while I'm gone, you'll be safe." She walked over to her daughter, sitting down beside her, and putting her arm around her.
Lily sat alone in the Ship's Strike, reeking of cigarra smoke, and absently shuffling a sabaac deck. Liam had not arrived yet, and she contemplated leaving.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 11th, 2001, 06:03:19 AM
"Any ships in the area, PLEASE RESPOND! This is Kaine Darklighter, and am in need of help. 12 Coralskippers and a Yuuzhan Vong Capital ship are on my trail. PLEASE RESPOND!"
Putting his distress call on repeat, Kaine turned his H-Wing into a dive, as he avoided a barrage of Plasma blasts. Pulling the stick back, his H-Wing done a snap roll, so he was now facing the Coralskippers. Flying straight at one of the Skips, he lets out a barrage of quadded Laser fire at almost point blank range. Coral flies off from the Skip, and it breaks up into tiny pieces, just before Kaine went flying through the wreckage. Doing another quicky snap-roll, Kaine turned to his original position, trying to out-run the Skips.
"Any ships in the area, PLEASE RESPOND! This is Kaine Darklighter, and am in need of help! 12 Coralskippers and a Yuuzhan Vong Capital ship are on my trail! PLEASE RESPOND!"
His message was still on repeat. Kaine only wondered..
..What fate awaited him?
Lord Dagger
Feb 11th, 2001, 06:16:32 AM
:: Dagger sat in the throne room of his palace on Terran, the Vong still being kept at bay on the system edge by his soldiers. He sighed, it had been like this for too long now, he had to do something or go insane. He looked round the room, the seven dead Vong and his dead wife, Dagger looked down at the Vong blood staining his hands, he had slain them all, but not before they had killed his wife. Without her was life really worth living? he asked himself, and then he rembered the 500 years he had spent without her and realised what he had to do, the Vong must be stopped, and they must be stopped now. Dagger called Chryn to him ::
"Take the Lady Alaria and prepare her for burial, and burn these Vong scum. Then prepare the SSD Dominator for my arrival"
:: Chryn bowed and moved to obey. Dagger smiled grimly, soon his time for revenge would come, and then the Vong would suffer greatly. Dagger touched his comm and sent out a message to all corners of the Galaxy ::
"This is the Dark Lord of the Sith, Lord Dagger. Too long have i sat idle while the Vong rampage through this galaxy. no more, now i will fight, all those who wish to fight with me know where i can be found"
Feb 11th, 2001, 10:31:30 AM
OOC: Does anyone mind if I join? My email is in my sig.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 11th, 2001, 03:08:49 PM
Kat's ship flew safely through hyperspace when she picked up Kaine's distress call. Remembering the name from her time as a Jedi, a returned smugglar as she was now, she tried to remember if she owned Kaine any favors.
"Oh da heck with it!" she exclaimed to herself.
"What's going on, mom?" her oldest son, Kent asked.
"Oh nothing, Kent, I just picked up a distress signal from an old friend," Kat replied.
"Your going to reply to it right?" Cira asked.
Kat looked at her daughter, "Ofcorse I am. Just beacuse I've not seen or assoicated with him in years dosen't mean I'm not going to help him."
"Good," Kent and Cira replied together.
Kat pulled her ship out of the hyperspace travel lane that she was in and redirected it towards where Kaine was, hopeing she would get there in a reasonable amout of time.
Satine Capashen
Feb 11th, 2001, 04:22:48 PM
Meanwhile on the moon of NAr Shadda, Satine ducks and dodges the Vong soldiers assigned to go after him. He has managed to get them into the bedrock level of the moon so far, but was tiring.
I wish for the simpler times... The former Jedi thinks.
Satine is now 23 and a fully trained warrior. He grew up in the Jedi vs. Sith era, and was a fighter, mainly for fun. Now he was using those talents for fighting for his life.
The Jedi stops running and turns around seeing the first of the Vongs, the inexperienced ones he has been dodging for months finally catching up to him. With a snap-hiss Satien ignites two lightsabres, his battered bio-tech wings and armor going into battle form, and the Jedi gets into a fighting stance, wishing his old friend, Fire was here to help him out this time...
Oh well, Satine thinks sadly, I might as well go down in a blaze of glory... With those thoughts, Satine jumps at the Vong with a snarl worthy of a wookie, his lightsabres held in an "X" position.
Feb 11th, 2001, 05:18:14 PM
*Suddenly out of nowhere, Caspian sees a group of solders, in black armor similar to the Stormtrooper armor of old, engage the Vong with unmatched combat ability. The Vong are beaten back at every turn it seems, as the battle lines are drawn, then advanced. It seems to Alpha that at every turn the armored solders are reciving help, but he feels it is from a powerful darkness, one that he reconizes. Caspian is not suprised to see a Sqaud leader motion to him to follow his Squad to his employer. A few minutes later Caspian stands infront of a cloaked figure aboard a AT-AT painted black.*
Lord Dagger
Feb 11th, 2001, 05:55:51 PM
:: Dagger stands aboard the SSD Dominator and looks up at the AI computer ::
"Drake, online"
:: The Dominaotr responsive automatic command engine, or Drake for short came online ::
"Welcome back Lord Dagger, where are we going?"
"Drake, scan all frequencies for any transmisions that may intrest me, and inform Admiral Sandrax that i require his presence"
:: Dagger waits patiently for the AI to comply ::
"One transmision complies with search peramiters"
:: Drake plays the distress call ::
"Scan all data banks for details of the sender"
"File found, Jedi..."
:: Drake reals off all relivent data, Dagger scans it quickly ::
"As soon as Admiral Sandrax is onboard, lay in an intercept course"
Darth Phantom
Feb 11th, 2001, 08:38:02 PM
:: On his way to Tatooine, Phantom picks up a signal, he also picks up the force around this being ::
I must have a look
:: Phantom punches in the location of the signal in his computer and heads toward Kaine Darklighter ::
Jedi Rebel X
Feb 11th, 2001, 10:06:51 PM
::Waves of shots rang overhead. Civilians ran and screamed as a squad of stormtroopers ran around the area::
"Come out of the building, or we will come in after you."
::Rebel looked down at his belt, staring at his saber. He had escaped from the imps a couple years ago, but they had found him again. Sitting against the wall of a 3 story office building on Corellia at night, he had limited options::
"Let's see, my ship's in a docking bay nearby, problem is, I have a squad of troopers in my way."
"This is the last time, come out now or we will be forced to pursue."
::The troopers begin to put together their gear, getting ready to enter the building. Suddenly a piece of the building wall falls down, crushing a transport. Confusion surrounds the troopers as they pull out their guns, searching for a target::
"What happened?"
"I don't know, it just fell."
::A figure appears in the hole of the building, and the troopers fire at it::
"Hey I think we got him!"
"Hold steady."
::The smoke clears, and a blur of a blue light goes by as the troopers are hit to the ground::
::Laser blasts fly out in every direction, as Rebel dodges them. A group of troopers are force pushed into the ground, as Rebel looks towards the rest. The remaining troopers, numbering around ten, continue firing. Rebel jumps off of a transport and kicks one of them into the ground. Using his saber he slices the troopers guns in half. As soon as they recover from their shock Rebel throws them into the ground with another force push::
"Looks like the others are coming to, time to go."
::Rebel disignites his saber and runs to the docking bay across the street. He runs up his ship's entrance and turns on the engines. Two imperial walkers move into the exit, but Stormchaser shoots out their legs::
"Dumb chicken walkers."
::Stormchaser jets out of Corellia's atmosphere and weaves through a line of star destroyers::
"Hyperspace in 3....2......1......"
::Stormchaser enters hyperspace, as a distress call comes in::
Pierce Tondry
Feb 12th, 2001, 01:10:50 AM
The treetops swayed above the warrior, jungle branches caught in the wind. There were other fighters here, he knew. People who had been saved from experiments and processing centers for purges under his direction. Some were truly innocent of the crime of being Force-sensitive, but most were Adepts, being trained in combat daily by the very few Masters that had survived by hiding, and whom he had found.
All things considered, they were lucky. Within the normal galaxy, there were many rumors of things happening- of Imperials and Vongs allied, of Jedi and Sith being hunted to extinction, of a massive blockade of thousands of ships that kept borders patrolled and other species out of the galaxy proper.
The United Blockade was real. The warrior had seen it, and had tested its' weaknesses.
And on this planet where he'd been working for five weeks, the warrior was forty-seven years of age, turning a thousand.
It was a fate he had created, both for himself and the galaxy. And who could have known he, leader of armies, coordinator of navies, and director of intelligences would turn out to be Force sensitive?
Who could have known that he embodied the very thing he had set out to destroy?
' So what's kept me from turning two thousand?' he asked himself, gazing from a distance at hangar bay containing a force of starfighters being prepared for an attack. ' What's kept me from becoming ten thousand, or a hundred thousand? You know the answers, army boy, and rhetorical questions are silly.'
' Gods, Lilaena, I miss you. I pray that the Force will allows me to find you again. Do you still love lilies? Do you still love me? Do you still live?'
Alone and in the jungle, Pierce Alexander Tondry knelt in the dirt and wept. ' I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry, galaxy. I didn't mean to.'
Lady DeVille
Feb 12th, 2001, 01:40:03 AM
Lily touched the randomizer on the corner of a card and it flickered, then morphed into the Queen of Darkness. She gasped, and dropped the card on the ground.
It took her a second to bend down and pick it up, but she did, almost cradling it in her hand as she gazed at the image. It is almost too much, at this point, to have this thrust in my face. After what I have left behind, and what has been taken from me. Touching the randomizer again, the image disappeared, only to be replaced by the same Queen of Darkness. A single tear collected in the corner of her eye, threatening to drip down her cheek. Lily brushed it away, and hastily got to her feet.
Liam was late, over an hour late, and there was no sense in waiting around for him. These days Force users were all hunted, and he could be dead by now. She shuddered, blocking the thought from her mind. I will not lose another friend, as if the Jedi could now be called friend to me.
With the methodical hunting of Force adepts, the Sith and Jedi had been forced into mutual dependence. They fought together, and died together more often than not. Lily walked out of the Ship's Strike and made her way back to her personal apartments.
Outside her door she paused, slim fingers ready to enter her personal code. Pierce? Her heart seemed to freeze in her chest, and her fingers shook momentarily. Then she gave her head a little shake, clearing the thoughts from her mind. Pierce was gone, far away, and he wasn't coming back. After fourteen years she was more than ready to accept the fact, but he kept reappearing in her mind.
My love, I will always remember you, even if you no longer remember me.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 12th, 2001, 02:26:44 AM
"R7, See if you can get that hyperdrive back online!"
"BrEeeEOOoOOT!" Kaine's droid replied.
R7-D5, Kaine's astromech droid, was in the back of his new H-Wing. Kaine had met up with the droid 5 years ago, and the little droid had helped Kaine out. Ever since then, They've flown ships together, snuck into places, etc..
Turning his head around slightly, Kaine stares at the large Capital Ship. Turning back around to the front, he does a quick 360 degree roll, avoiding a barrage of plasma.As he came back to his original position, a ship suddenly dropped out of hyperspace.
"I don't know who you are, but I know you probably got my distress call. Please provide cover while I get my hyperdrive back online! I know we wont stand much of a chance, but atleast we could take out some Skips." Kaine said, now waiting for a reply.
Jedi Rebel X
Feb 12th, 2001, 02:46:25 AM
::Falling out of hyperspace to the source of the distress call Rebel spots a large capitol ship and 12 skippers::
"What a way to come out of hyperspace. Can't sense them with the force, must be vong."
::Rebel recognizes the voice but can't quite remember who it was::
"Yeah sure, but I suggest you hurry."
::Stormchaser dodges some fire as the ships approach::
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 12th, 2001, 03:01:09 AM
Looking confused, Kaine looked from side to side. Finally spotting the ship, He immediatly figures who it was.
"So good to see you Reb.. Thanks for dropping by."
Grinning slightly, Kaine flew straight past the two ships, and done a quick 180 turn, So he was now facing the Vong.
"Now then.. Maybe we have a bit of a chance against these Vong.."
Satine Capashen
Feb 12th, 2001, 10:29:46 AM
Satine looks at the troopers' leader, and says, "My thanks...I owe you one."
The former Jedi disengages his sabres, and puts them onto his belt, where he already has a crystal katana, two daggers, and a couple blasters stashed.
Feb 12th, 2001, 02:50:04 PM
*Walking down the halls of TSO, Videl’s cloak whips around behind her as she moves and a blaster rifle can be seen hanging over her shoulder. Various weapons also hang from her belt, including several daggers, a pair of sais and her saber. She looks about the same as she did 20 years ago although a little tired but the slightly dangerous glint still shines in her eyes as she nods briefly to faces old and new while continuing down the corridor. Shiji and Kuroi have long since passed on, a gray wolf and black panther now trail diligently behind their master just as their predecessors did.*
*She turns her head to the sound of her name being called and looks into the eyes of a young man with features similar to her own and another wolfish looking youth. Silvery gray with the hood of his cloak covering most of his face from view, a scar can be seen running down the side of the wolfish youth’s face and a long scabbard is visible over his shoulder. He looks at Videl, baring his teeth in uneasy grin as though he unsure of how to act around her with his eyes darting around nervously. Videl’s wolf and panther look up at him and the wolf yips in a greeting. But instead of going to the wolf youth, they pounce upon the other youth, knocking him to the ground and licking his face in a warm greeting. He laughs he tries to push them away but to no avail until the wolfish youth manages to pull them off.*
*The young man then stands up to his full height and is a few inches taller than Videl but something about him would be very familiar to anyone who saw him and Videl together. He smiles at her briefly before pulling her close in a crushing hug. His hair is drawn back in a loose ponytail but his face still is half hidden by hair, looking just as unruly as Videl’s and a scabbard is visible over his shoulder. The teen’s eyes are brown like hers and a slightly mischievous glint shines within them.*
Mother, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you last, and how is dad?-the young man
It has been a long time since I’ve seen you, Hiroki, but you were the one who insisted on training with Okami and Namu. As for your father, he’s fine, grumbling about how he’s not as fast as he used to be but I would assume he’s training at the moment-Videl *says while raising an eyebrow to the other youth who is rolling around on the ground wrestling with her pets. Notices her eyes upon him, the other youth smiles timidly before standing up to hug Videl as well. The wolf and panther look up at him, seemingly wondering why their fun was cut short*
Sorry, Videl-sama.-the wolf-like youth
Oh, it’s fine, Kori. How have you been? And I assume Okami and Shimo are doing well, ne?-Videl
Yes, I’m fine, mom and dad are fine too.-Kori *smiles timidly once more*
Good to hear-Videl *looks over at her son briefly before speaking again* I see you’ve been training hard, Hiroki, you look a lot stronger, your father will be proud of how far you’ve progressed. But I can see Okami managed to get you, didn’t he?-Videl *says while eyeing a scar across Hiroki’s arm*
*Hiroki smiles nervously* Yes, he did, he is so fast-Hiroki
That he is but remind me to hurt him the next time I see him-Videl *smirks darkly*
I will, mother-Hiroki *says while flashing an angry glare at Kori who had started laughing*
*Kori stops laughing immediately, smiling timidly again*
Well boys, feel free to make yourselves at home or you can follow me around a bit but it isn’t very interesting-Videl
*Hiroki and Kori both look back and forth from her and each other as they mull it over* We would like to go with you if you don’t mind, mother, besides dad is too busy right now to see me if he’s training like you say-Hiroki
Yes, I would like to see more of this place, Videl-sama-Kori
Well that’s fine with me and you can meet some of the legendary people of this place along the way. I know of several people who would love to see you again, and it looks like we may have some fun soon if those powers I sense are who I think they are.-Videl *says and continues walking down the hall with her son, his friend and her pets following behind her*
Lord Dagger
Feb 12th, 2001, 03:28:02 PM
:: Dagger drops out of hyperspace moments after Rebel. The SSD Dominator is quickly followed by more than a dozen capital ships. Dagger opens a comm channel to the others ::
"Good afternoon my friends, do you require assisstance"
:: Dagger chuckles and orders the TDG fleet to engage the Vong anyway, he turns back to the comm ::
"Please come aboard. We have much to disscuss"
Darth Phantom
Feb 12th, 2001, 05:07:54 PM
:: Phantom drops out of hyperspace near the ships, He arms his weapons and waits, He sits just within Sensor range, Phantom starts to meditate trying to see if they are force sencitive, once the discovers they all are, He turns on the cloaking device and races to the battle. He fires all laser turrets and all torpedos, he swings aroung for another pass ::
Liam Jinn
Feb 12th, 2001, 08:19:21 PM
Before Lily can open her door, Liam staggars out from the shadows.
"Sorry about missing you earlier but, I was being followed by some Imps."
Blood starts trickling down his forehead and arm.
"They got some good shots in before I managed to...subdue them."
Lily: "Why did you want to see me earlier, Liam? What was so important?"
"We have a chance to make this galaxy the way it used to be. We can get rid of the Vong and Imperials, but we need to find force-sensitives. I was hoping you would come with me to meet up with Phantom and start the searching. I know you have a child now but what Verse, Pivo, and Chaos pulled has made the Imps more desperate in finding force-sensitives. You might not be safe here too much longer. Please, De..Lily, come with me.."
Satine Capashen
Feb 12th, 2001, 09:07:30 PM
Satine looks at the black-armored troops' leader, and then shakes his head.
"Look, I appreciate your help, but I really need to go. I don't even have an alias to hide behind, so I don't stay in one place too long..."
Satine begins to stretch his wings, and stops to look at his reflection.
A 23 year old stares back, his hair a mass of black quills, held together with a mixture of tree-sap, and other things, making them harder than most hair. Underneath the hair, is a pair of silver eyes-one of his most recognizable features-and a couple of scars line his face. He's changed more than he cares to admit during his hiding.
The former Jedi takes flight, heading straight towards the main landing field. As he gets to the topmost levels of buildings, he senses danger, dodging a laser blast. Satine turns around, seeing a bunch of silver-clad troopers-the Empire's new Force Hunters-each brandishing a rifle.
"Stop or die! We know you are Satine Capashen, the Jedi known as Alpha," the leader of the Hunters says loud enough fopr Alpha to hear. The Hunter pushes a civilian out of the walkway, and watches her scream.
Satine feels his anger rising, and concentrates, a ball of flame appearing in his hand, as he superheats the air. "How about I kill every one of your Hunters and then leave this planet?" Satine throws the fireball, catching the leader in the vunerable neck piece, and throwing him to the bedrock, far below. As soon as the leader is hit, the rest of the Force Hunters open fire, Alpha dodging some and blocking others with Force shields. As he uses the Force to send a bolt through a trooper's head, Satine grins sardonically, enjoying killing these troopers. The rest of the troops keep firing, but Satine dispatches them with ruthless effeciancy, getting hit once or twice, but making the Hunters pay for it.
After dispatching the Hunters, and levelling half the block he was in, Satine flies to the landing pad, running into his ship, the Dark Web, and takes off. Since the planetary shield went dead long ago, Satien has no problems getting out of system. He closes his eyes, and concentrates feeling a location where Force users are gathering-Coruscant. Alpha sets course and enters hyperspace. While waiting, Satine goes to sleep, trying to recoup, and wonder where the Empire got their weapons to overthrow the New Republic...
Lady DeVille
Feb 12th, 2001, 09:13:51 PM
She looked around surreptitiously as Liam was speaking, and now opened the door. "Come in, it is safer inside."
He walked inside her apartment, and she closed and locked the door behind him. Turning to face him, she held up a hand before he could speak. "I do have a daughter, and I cannot leave her here alone." She looked down, and then into his eyes. Liam was a little taken aback at the naked fear framed inside her own eyes. "She is not a blatent Force user, but if she were tested - Alexia has great potential. I can sense it."
"You can't turn your back on us!" Liam protested, "Your daughter -"
"-will be coming with me." Lily interrupted him with a wave of her hand. "Don't think for a minute I'm leaving her here." I've lost so much already. "Give us tomorrow to pack and take care of our affairs, and then we'll be ready to go."
Satine Capashen
Feb 12th, 2001, 09:27:04 PM
Satine wakes up to the beeping of the hyperspace warning system. He grabs the levers, and takes the Dark Web out of hyperspace, and looks at the Empire's capitol planet.
"Unidentified ship," a voice says. "Identify yourself."
Satine activates one of the sliced in identities he has stored in the records, and says as he sends the identity, "This is Carnal Jents, ambassador of New Carida, and loyal servant of the empire..." The words almost choke Satine but he manages to say it without problem. After all, he used to be in the galatic Empire.
A noticable pause before, "Acknowledged, you are clear to land."
Satine acknowledges that, and sets his vessel down to land, sending a messag through the force that only force sensitive users could hear, saying, This is Alpha. Any rnegade Force users on this planet? Or are they all legitmate ones with false identities? The people hearing Satine's message can tell he is amused. The former Jedi waits for a reply.
Jedi Rebel X
Feb 13th, 2001, 01:11:17 AM
::Rebel looked at his com::
"Are you crazy? I would rather you get that hyperdrive back on before you start talking about taking on capitol ships."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 13th, 2001, 01:14:16 AM
The jungle branches swayed and bowed in the wind, and nothing cause them to move.
Nothing visual. Nothing continued to move through the trees, skillfully, precisely, quickly and quietly. Nothing was hunting something. Something many wished had died.
Nothing contemplated somethings blood, and decided he wasn't out for it. How had nothing survived the rough years? By being nothing, of course. It is hard to kill you when you don't exist. Nothing rememberd his name, but refused to use it until he had something to live for.
NeVyen hit the soft dirt with near silence.
"Tondry." It was a statement, of something's existance. This something had a name, a lable, and was desperately trying to loose it. The great hunter was hunted, in a fashion. Once youthful features now wore lines around the eyes and mouth. Peppered gray hair and beard had come early from years of not existing. NeVyen was a bitter man, but still, somehow, forgiving. Tondry was lucky.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 13th, 2001, 02:38:36 AM
"Reb, Haven't you learnt a single thing about me in 20 years? Of course I'm crazy! And we're gonna take on the Skips first.. I'm not THAT crazy."
Grinning slightly, He started out at the Skips coming there way.
"R5? How long until you get that Hyperdrive online?"
"BReot. BrORT." The droid replied, and Kaine nodded.
"Guys, We gotta hold them off for another 2-3 minutes, Or we could just run.. But then we wouldn't have any fun in destroying the skips that tried to kill me. :) "
Pulling the trigger on his stick, a large barrage of quaded laser fire filled the area between him, and one of the Skips. A space void opened up around the Skip, which literally sucked in all the laser fire. Kaine fired off a Concussion Missle from his H-wing. The Skips void closed, but then was greeted by the missle. Ripping the skip up, the missle exploded, and coral flew off it.
"Okay guys, 2 mintues left.."
Katarina Kariena
Feb 13th, 2001, 02:47:10 AM
Kat came out of hyperspace at a distance to where Kaine was and waited to scan what was going on with both the force and her ships sencors(sp).
"I can't sence anything, Kent," Cira wispered to her older brother Kent.
"I know little sis, there's something going on that we don't know about Mother's past," Kent wispered back.
"I can hear you, you don't need to wisper," Kat called back to them. "You can't sence anything, Cira, beacuse they are Vong."
"What?" Cira asked.
"Vong are a race that we can't sence through the force. They are hard to defeat, everything they use is organic, alive," Kat looked at the control panel as if remembering something she didden't want to remember.
"Mom? Mom what's wrong?" Kent asked, a worried look on his face.
"Nothing you need be concerned about," Kat replied getting her feelings and what she showed her oldest two children. "You can go back to the lounge for now, it will be a few before the scanners give me any info."
Reaching out with the force Kat tried to sence where Kaine was and what was going on with all the other ships.
Feb 13th, 2001, 02:49:06 AM
"Well, well, time to go visit an old friend..."
Ami pushed her hair out of her face. She was just jumping out of hyperdrive to find her old friend Kaine in the middle of a fight. She sighed, then said to him, "Long time, no see... but you're still getting into mischief."
She smiled as he responded, remembering old times as she heard his voice again. "Hey hey, look who it is! Is Damel with you?"
"Actually... she should be coming to help right about... now."
An A-wing nearby pulled out of hyperspace. Yup, that's Damel, she thought, pulling her ship into the fray. "Come on in and join us, Damel. Kaine looks like he needs a little help."
Jedi Rebel X
Feb 13th, 2001, 03:16:43 AM
::Rebel saw the others drop out of space from nowhere::
"HEY WE GOT COMPANY! that...Kat?!....and who are the other two....."
::Rebel was lost in thought as he weaved through the force trying to find their identity::
"Ahh, Damel and Ami...nice time to drop in."
::Returning to the situation at hand, Rebel watched Kaine shoot off the missile at the skip::
Now lets see if my ship's still what it used to be.
::Stormchaser's missile bays opened and two missiles appeared::
"Let's see how you like the taste of this."
::With a flash the two missiles erupted into flight. They sailed like two falling stars making their way to a fiery demise. With a loud boom they hit one of the skips, their electric forcefields tearing open an entry for the explosives::
::The skip's armor tore open, as the missiles reached the inner sides::
::Silence, like a picture frozen in time. The skip remained still, it's armor falling, sucked into space's vacuum. Then suddenly, a large boom, as the reactor of the ship was met by the two missiles. An explosion of flames, and the ship was gone::
"One down, a ton more to go."
Damel Girte
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:53:52 AM
OOC: Sorry, guys- disconnected right before I posted... ain't cutoff grand...Ah well...
A younger voice, eagerness evident even through the static, crackled over the comm.
"Sure- What, all these years and he's still gettin' himself in trouble? Geez, Kaine..."
Wouldn't do for everyone to get vaped before I get a chance to see their faces again... The young woman grinned, almost as if she was a child again. She hadn't been able to reach her old friends for so long, and now it was almost as if all those years had been lifted off of her... Ha. Better stop talking and start shootin'. Let's see how these modifications hold up...
Damel hit a few switches, and shields flickered up around the A-wing. Painted a mottled leafy green except for a bright golden slash that swept up the front towards the cockpit and then split off into twin branches on either side of it, the fighter turned and skidded closer to the other ships, whirling in a barrel roll past the cockpits of the other ships.
"Guys, meet the Slingshot." She zoomed around beside them, laser fire cascading beside her, and tightened her finger on the trigger. A skip went careening off course from the grazing blow. "It's been a long time... Glory, Kaine, what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into now? So... Popcorn boy...what's the plan?"
Edit: Sp.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 13th, 2001, 01:59:11 PM
Pierce jerked his head upward, causing twin tears to fall to the ground. "What is it, Evanar?"
"He's talking to the air," the once-Jedi replied. "Or he must be, because nothing is there."
"NeVyen, fine," Pierce spat. "This is no time for word games."
Morgan/NeVyen remained silent. Pierce closed his eyes and caved. "If there was a message to be delivered to the rest of the encampment," he said aloud, as though talking to the empty air. "It would be that we're moving out the day after tomorrow to break the blockade, and nothing can help it."
Morgan shifted in the silence, until Pierce finally got tired of waiting and stood. "Fine. I'll do it myself."
Brushing away the last of his tears and quieting his mind, Pierce began to walk back to the encampment. His thoughts always cried the name Lilaena De'Ville when he let them, or Lilaena Y'Vide when he was feeling particularly depressed. ' Fourteen years of having nothing will do that to a man,' Pierce thought.
Pierce stepped out of the jungle with Morgan walking quietly behind him. Within the hangar bay was a full wing of military craft- excellently maintained, and with the pilots to fly them, too. The problem was that the craft were of so many different types that it was hard to put together any cohesive secondary battle plan with them. If he lost the three B-Wings he'd managed to acquire, his force's effectiveness against capital ships would decrease drastically.
The main plan, of course, was stealth. All the fighters would be on capital ships with cloaking devices while he fought the Imperial/Vong Navy alone with an experimental weapon.
His sins would finally start to be repayed then.
He rounded on Morgan suddenly, grabbing hold of the other's neck with one hand and lifting him effortlessly into the air. "I didn't mean for this to happen," he snarled. "Humans were being pushed aside as Jedi and Sith numbers grew. Your fight was costing everyone dearly and I wanted to control the damage, and the fighting. Was that so wrong?"
Before Morgan could reply, he threw the other to the floor and began stalking away. Even now, twenty years after it had happened, the effects of giving up his soul briefly were still present. His body would continue at its' supercharged pace until he died.
The warrior stopped suddenly, and stared at his hand. Memories and emotions flooded through him.
Pierce sighed, and turned back around to Morgan, who was just picking himself up off the floor. "I'm sorry Morgan," he said quietly. "Today just isn't a good day- I've been remembering Lilaena too much recently. Leave me alone, all right?"
Morgan nodded, and backed off a little. Pierce sighed again and headed to the grounds outside to get to the seventy-third ship in his ragtag fleet.
It was his personal freighter, equipped with a neural disruption ray that would hopefully cause all of the living Yuuzhan Vong ships to go crazy. Built at great expense, and risk, to fulfill the one hope he had left
Pierce rested a hand on the Heart of the Stargazer Lily, and looked into the sky, seeking salvation.
Lady DeVille
Feb 13th, 2001, 03:07:36 PM
Liam was sleeping on the floor, having scorned the comfort of the couch when so many others had nothing. Lily walked to her room with a mug of chai tea, and sat at her desk.
Setting the mug down carefully, she pulled out the books for The Captain's Favor, and began going through them. Sipping the tea, she allowed the aroma to penetrate her, relaxing every pore. For years it had been too dangerous for her to indulge in any but the slightest Force relaxation technique, but the tea served as best it could.
Then it happened. A message sent through the Force there on Corsucant. Alpha... The name was not familiar to Lily, but she recognized the urgent nature of the message. Alpha was a Force user, and he was here on Coruscant in the center of Imperial activity. No matter the amused tone he had used, he was in great danger, especially if he was planning on running around wielding the Force during his stay planetside. Security on the city-planet was impressive. Lily had lived on Coruscant for much of her life, and had escaped dectection only by keeping a low profile in the Force. In fact, had her memories of manipulating the Force been any less than they were, she could not have remembered the last time she had actively used it. But it was there.
It was always there, surrounding her and running through her. Lily could feel it now, and the temptation to reach out and grab it, to use the Force, was almost too much. It had been so long. Her hands trembled, and she wrapped them around her cup in distress.
"Mother?" Lily jerked, startled at the sudden voice. Tea splashed on to her desk as she turned towards Alexia. The girl was standing sheepishly in the doorway, long white nightgown tickling the tops of her feet.
Lily tried to smile as she scrambled to wipe tea off her open records, "Why are you up? You should be asleep." Her tone was a little shorter than usual, but then, her heart was still settling down. She looked up when her daughter did not answer, and felt a pain in her heart as she looked at her. Those eyes, so much like her father...the true marksman of my heart!
"Are we leaving?" Nearly fourteen years old, Alexia was going through puberty, and when she wasn't crying she was threatening to rip arms and legs off beings. Tall for her age, at 5"6', she seemed to be mostly arms and legs, but Lily knew her daughter would grow into the beauty that was already evident on her young face.
"Yes. Liam has come to take us away. It is time." Lily saw the excitement in her daughter's eyes. So much like I was at that age. Or rather, how I could have been.
Feb 13th, 2001, 03:12:31 PM
Where exactlly are we headed, Mother?-Hiroki
To visit an old friend, De- I mean Lily, I can sense old powers coming together and she's the closest-Videl
I see-Hiroki *he then remains silent until they reach their destination*
Well this seems to be it but we will wait outside for a little bit-Videl
*The youths nod and don't ask questions since they know better from experiences in the past*
*Kori growls*
What is it?-Hiroki
A Jedi is in this building-Kori
I can sense that now as well, why are we near a Jedi?-Hiroki
What exactlly do you mean by that? I'm well aware the Jedi are our enemies but at times we must be allies to our enemies especially with the Vong being everywhere now, besides this one is harmless, so don't worry about it-Videl
OOC: I'll come in when you and Jinn are done speaking, I picked you two since you are the closest.....I gtg back to class....ja ne for now....
Alexia Tondry
Feb 13th, 2001, 03:24:54 PM
Standing in my mother's doorway, I was excited at the thought of seeing Liam again. It had been at least a year and a half since he was last on Coruscant, and much too long in my opinion. I walked softly over to Mother, and pulled another chair up, resting my head on her shoulder. "Where will we go?"
She put a strong arm around me, and squeezed me a little. "I'm not sure yet. You remember my stories, do you not?" I nodded, the imaginative tales of Force users she had spun for me since birth were only rivaled by the one she told me about my father. "Well, we are going to find those who are Forbidden and Hunted. The stories...they are all true."
I sat up, startled. "True? What?" My brown hair got in my eyes, and I brushed it away impatiently. "Are we to find De'Ville? She was always my favorite."
Such a look on my mother's face! It would have been amusing, had it not confused me more. A mixture of relief and trepidation, as if she was glad to have brought something out into the open, and yet afraid to finish her thought. Her voice strained, she nodded, "All in good time. Now, off to bed, I must talk to Liam, and you need your sleep so you can pack tomorrow."
Packing! My feet wanted to skip as I scrambled back to my cozy bed. Finally to see the galaxy I have heard so much about! It was going to be impossible to sleep. Even more impossible, because I couldn't help but overhear Mother and Liam talking in the other room.
"Wake up, Liam! This is no time for sleeping!" I heard rustling, as Mother shook Liam awake.
"Wha- what? What is going on?" Ah, Liam. I smiled.
"I got a message."
There was a pause. I could almost see Liam's face as his sleepy brain tried to process that bit of information. "So?"
Mother was impatient. "Through the Force!" Her voice was a barely controlled hiss. "There is another Force user on this planet. We're going to have to find him and take him with us."
Their conversation moved into the kitchen where I could not hear them anymore, and I lay back on my pillows. Snuggling down, I had just closed my eyes when they popped open, and I sat straight up in bed. Another Force user?
Satine Capashen
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:26:34 PM
Satine walks over to a speeder rental place by his ship, and rents a large flatbed, using his sliced in authorization. The former Jedi, looks around and then drives the speeder into the back end of the Dark Web, loading every weapon he has stashed inside into the bed of the vehicle. Satine sends a Force beacon out, letting the other Force-users on this planet know where he is, hoping the Empire doesn't have any Force-users on their side. The Jedi sits back in the pilot's chair and waits...
Dragon dlayer
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:42:39 PM
A dark blue E-Wing with the code E72-45painted on the side of it jumped out of hyperspace nere kat's ship. "so we meet agen" he says to him self.
*he opens a comm link to her ship* "so is this fate or is the guy upstairs playing a mean joke on me? *he grins and waits for her responce*
Feb 13th, 2001, 05:51:58 PM
Just how long are we going to wait here?-Hiroki
Just a little longer, be patient-Videl *then looks towards the sky* Satine is back....
I can sense him too, he's a Jedi right?-Kori
That he is, I'm not really sure why he's coming here though-Videl
Is he an enemy or another ally?-Hiroki
Actually I'm not sure, we'll have to wait and see what he intends to do-Videl
Feb 13th, 2001, 06:20:34 PM
*As Firebird1 recieves the news of the invitation that the ex-Jedi had refused, he sits back expecting this.*
Pity, but he had always been one to act first.
*The 44 year old Sith, sat there drinking his wine, remembering the years that had gone by. He looked far older then he should of been through his studies on the Dark Side of the Force. They had been both fearful and revealing in the mysteries they had contained. Firebird was so close to ultimate power now he could taste it. Firebird turns to one of his officers there in the hold of the AT-AT. HE orders the officer to send a message to Lord Dagger, a simple message containing a meeting place, and a time. Once that is done the AT-AT walks away, back to it's shuttle and off to darkness.*
Lord Dagger
Feb 13th, 2001, 06:55:42 PM
:: Dagger accnologes Firebird's transmision and, seeing the situation is in hand, diverts half of his ships to follow him to the rendevous point with Firebird. The Dominator contiunes its repeated message to all those who wish to fight the Vong until it drops in system then cease transmitions so as not to allert the Vong to their location yet. Dagger then sits back in his chair and waits for Firebird ::
Liam Jinn
Feb 13th, 2001, 08:51:28 PM
Liam is getting ready to leave with lily when he senses something.
"Uhhh...De..Lily. We might want to take Alexia with us. Alpha is in trouble.."
Lily: "Alexia, get dressed, we might not be comming back here tonight."
Alexia runs back into her room and frantically starts throwing on clothes. She comes out about 5 minutes later and out of breath.
Alexia: "OK!! I'm ready! Lets go!"
"Lily, you might want to take your..." Liam points to his lightsaber hanging at his belt.
Lady DeVille
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:10:50 PM
Alexia looks at her mother in surprise as Lily nods and runs back into her room. Throwing open a wooden chest, Lily digs through to the bottom, displacing Alexia's baby clothes, and other sentimental memorabilia. There... In a long thin metal box lay her old lightsaber.
She pulled it out, igniting it momentarily with a snap-hiss to test it, and then clipped it on her belt under her cloak. Lily looked in the mirror, and tied her shoulder length hair back with a leather strip.
Re-entering the main room, she strapped on a blaster, a newer Imperial model. "Ready?" She looked at Alexia, and the girl nodded, her eyes wide. "Well then, Liam, we should go."
He nodded, and led the way out the door. Lily handed Alexia a sheathed vibroblade, and a small bag. "Don't lose these, and don't use the blade unless you absolutely have to." Alexia nodded again, still speechless.
The trio made their way quickly through the artifical light of the Coruscant evening. Liam leading, Alexia in the middle, and Lily taking up the rear. Alpha's Force beacon was still active, but Lily could sense conflict near his position. Liam paused, momentarily confused in the maze of hallways and 'lifts, so Lily took the lead. Winding their way through the intricate paths of Coruscant, they reached Alpha after about fifteen mintutes.
He was standing amidst the fallen bodies of four or five Imperial stormtroopers, their blasters still smoking from a firefight. Lily stopped advancing, ducking her daughter into a niche in the wall and standing in front of it. Liam advanced towards the young Force user, lightsaber in hand but not ignited.
Satine Capashen
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:14:19 PM
Satine jumps up, then looks around guiltily, realizing he had fallen asleep. He looks out the canopy window, and sees a group of people approaching.
The former Jedi grabs his weapons belt, the same one he carried on Nar Shadda, and takes off a blaster, and his silver-bladed lightsabre's hilt. Satine closes the back door of his ship, and opens the side door, noticing a heavy rain starting around the landing pads. Satine creeps into the shadows, and then aims his blaster at the approaching group, trying to sense who they are through the force. Satine tightens his grip on his sabre hilt, his armor forming around him, and his wings becoming evident.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:36:31 PM
Kat laughed as he heard Dragons voice over the com-link, "The guy up-stairs is playing a joke on you Dragon as usual."
"Who's that mom?" Cira asked.
Kat smiled, "An old friend of mine."
"How many old friends do you have, Mother?" Cira asked agian
"To many," Kat replied simply and went back to reading her instruments.
Kat sudden;y senced a probe with the Force from another Jedi. Laughing, she turned to look back at her oldest son and daughter, "You guys want to get to the quad's or am I going to have to do it myself?"
Kent and Cira bolted back to where the quad lazer turets on Kat's ship were, they tried to contain the excitement that had built up during their wait.
"Hey, Mom, these things are showing gravatation anomalies that shoulden't be there!" Kent yelled over the com.
"Set your lazers for minimum power and fire on them as rapidly as you can . . . trust me," Kat replied as she directed the ship towards where Kaine and the others were. she watched through the view port in front of her as the skip's defences started to lower.
Kent shot and one skip and Cira at another, trying to get as many as possable while also trying to understand what was going on.
This is strange, why didden't Mom tell us anything about this? Kent thought as he opened another skip to the cold emptyness of space.
Kat changed the com trying to get ahold of Reb or Kaine, "Hey guys, what's going on . . . aside from the attack of skips?"
Satine Capashen
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:48:00 PM
Satine sees the group of his, hopefully, allies, and holsters his still smoking blaster, saying, "Liam, good to see you again!"
Satine looks around the dead bodies of the troopers, and then takes his refound sabre, and clips it to his belt, where his other sabre is hanging.
"Look, How many of us are there around this planet Liam? OR are we the only three?"
Satine sees Lily point out the younger child, and says, "Excuse me, are there only the four of us? Look, I need to get these bodies out of sight, but I'll be with you guys in a second.
Within ten minutes, Satine has dumped all the bodies over the edge of the landing pad, his mind going back to when he had dispatched the Hunters on Nar Shadda. After that Alpha says that he has rented a flat bed speeder, and he drives it out, showing the other Force-users the assorted weapons in there.
"I kept them...Ya know, just in case," he explains as he takes out some of his weapons salvaged from the abandoned, and almost destroyed Jedi and Sith bases, which was what had given him one of the biggest bounties of them all. "I figure I might as well try to take down this New Empire, with help if there were any Force-users here. Anyone care to help?"
Satine looks at the four gathered around him, as he covers the flat-bed.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:43:55 AM
"BReeeoT!" The little droid beeped, indicating the Hyperdrive was online. "Okay, Guys, Lets get outta here! I've sent coordinates, Just make the jump.." By seeing the coordinates, they all wondered why he sent them. He did it for the fun of it, and all 6(I think) ships suddenly jumped out into hyperspace.
The Yuuzhan Vong capital ship was left stranded, for they thought Kaine and the others ships weren't going to jump out.
In hyperspace, On the way to Hoth..
Kaine smiled slightly in his H-Wing. Ever since the New Empire took over, Kaine had lost connections with all his friends. He was relieved to see Damel, Ami, Reb, Kat and Dragon alive. All 5 were great friends to him, and he has finally reunited with them. But how long will this last? And what if the Yuuzhan Vong follow us? They could chase us around this whole galaxy. We just had to take this chance..
Jedi Rebel X
Feb 14th, 2001, 03:23:52 AM
::Rebel got a drink from a compartment in his ship's kitchen. Sitting back down he looked at his screen::
"Why is Kaine sending us to Hoth?"
::Figuring he would find the answer to his question when they came out of hyperspace, Rebel sat back farther and waited::
Damel Girte
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:50:24 AM
She shrugged and sat back idly to watch the stars go streaking by. Hoth or not, she was looking forward to seeing her friends again. It had been... what, 13 years since...
Damel grinned, thinking of her younger self. 13 years ago she had set out by herself on a quest of sorts, promising that if she didn't find what she was looking for, she would come back home...
And then the hunt had started, and she couldn't.
Yep, it had been a long time.
She hollered back to her R2 unit. "Munkey, wake me up when we get there.... yeah, I'm taking a nap... no, I'm not tired, just..." The droid's persistent beeping made her crack a small smile. "All right, all right... fine, Munk. I'm tired. Just wake me up, okay?" She settled back and fell asleep.
It seemed as if she had just slipped into dreaming when the music blasted her right out of it again. Damel groaned and rubbed her eyes as the Slingshot dropped out of hyperspace. Around her, she could see the other ships do the same. And below them lay the vast icy sphere that was... Hoth. She flicked on her comm channel.
"You guys want to land first? Age before..." She grinned. It was nice to be younger. Before they could reply, she spoke again. "Hey, Kaine- why Hoth?"
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:15:27 PM
*A Shuttle approches Lord Daggers SSD, the shuttle appears to be an old fashoned Lamba-class. But a closer eye could see that many of the weapons were missing, apparently taken out and their power redirected to another, unknown device. Flanking it was a wing of TIE Advanced, painted in black. The shuttle lands in the hangger bay of the SSD, and the hatch opens, and a cloked Sith walks down the ramp, with the aid of a cane. He seems very old and fragile, yet any Force user would feel such a darkness from him that they would fear him, instantly. Firebird considered that as respect, for over the past 20 years he had been a Sith, his power in the Dark Side of the Force had increased to the point where he does not need a lightsaber to fight, only the Force. But still there was something his heart was longing for, it wasn't power, but something else, from the past. A small beep is heard from under Firebird's cloak. He then pulls out a small communication device, one of the few electronical devices he carries. He activates it and begins to talk into it.*
Firebird1: Report.
Unknown voice: Sir we are finished building the fighters, and the carrier will be complete in a weeks time.
Firebird1: Good, keep me informed.
*Firebird puts the comm away, knowing that the encripted transmission would only be percieved as static to the untrained ear, but in the end, it did not matter after hearing what he had to say, Lord Dagger eould not stop him...*
Dragon dlayer
Feb 14th, 2001, 03:23:17 PM
*After he came out of hyperspace dragon looked out of the cockpit of the E-wing at the frozen planet*
*on a com-link to all the ships that jumped to hoth*
"hey guys, long time no see......Its good to see your not all dead."
*dragon turned his head to see damel's ship*
"so ami finaly let you fly? *he laughs* Well your not very bad at it."
*he then turned back to look at hoth*
"so kaine, whats with us coming to hoth?"
Edit: Sp
Damel Girte
Feb 14th, 2001, 04:25:34 PM
Damel laughed at Dragon's comment.
"I've grown up now, Dragon. Been flying for years." She zipped her A-wing around them, spinning and whirling and whooping over the comm.
"All right, Ami, fine, fine, fine..." She dropped back into line. " Ol' geezer..." she muttered under her breath, grinning. "Kaine, you still haven't told us what we're doing here.."
Lord Dagger
Feb 14th, 2001, 06:01:19 PM
OOC/was that supposed to be could or would\IC
:: Dagger arrives in the hangerbay to meet Firebird. Dagger still looked 23 despite being well inexcess of 600 years old. The Dark Lord strode to where Firebird leaned on his cane and bowed ::
"Welcome aboard Lord Firebird, it has been too long my friend, tell me what news do you have, and will you join me against the Vong?"
:: Dagger looked deep into Firebird's soul as he spoke, looking for signs of deception ::
Jeseth Cloak
Feb 14th, 2001, 08:58:19 PM
A dark robbed figure knelt before the Emperor as his voice echoed through the conference chamber, coming back to the penitent man in the form of silent whispers. “Rise… my friend…”
The Emperor had been growing weary and weak, his ailment becoming graver by the day – The robbed figure that now stood, knew this well. “Have all our plans gone as expected?”
His hair swayed away from his eyes, and his cloak caught the breeze – but no, it wasn’t his cloak; A single black feather dropped slowly from the Dark Jedi’s silhouette and graced the shining black floor, blending into his shadow.
As he raised a brow at his Emperor, the old man took in a deep breath and continued. “Yes… There are rebel uprisings… but nothing that shan’t be quelled within the next… 31 cycles. You’ve done well, my Dark brother… Inform the others to keep good vigil...” He took a deep breath once more, nearly gasping. “You may go…”
The blackened and charred remains of what were once wings hung from Jeseth, tattered and torn, as he quickly made his way towards the docking bay. The Dark Side had taken a toll on him, too – His insanity had only been the beginning of the price he would come to pay – the price they would all come to pay… Though unlike himself, they would never live to reap the benefits of their suffering.
Lady DeVille
Feb 14th, 2001, 09:09:44 PM
She shook her head slowly at the man who was twenty years her junior. "You rented a flatbed speeder to cart around your weapons? You should have left that kind of firepower on your ship. I am assuming you own a ship, of course." Her stance straightened a little, and what had been a Sith knight started to leak out into her tone. "Just to set things straight, we're not going to take orders from you, we came in response to your beacon, and to help you, but we have our own agenda."
Alexia slipped under her mother's arm, and Lily tugged her close. "Alpha, or whoever you are, we're getting off planet now. It will only be a few minutes before that squad is discovered missing, and this place will be crawling with Imps and possibly Vong."
Liam nodded, "She's right, so lets get moving. You can decide if you wish to join us as we walk."
"Well, where are you go-!" As the younger man asked his question, the alleys surrounding them erupted in blaster fire.
"Blood and ashes!" Lily shoved Alexia to the ground and pulled her blaster. The Vong were all around them.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:02:04 PM
"Everyone, engage on Mark!" Pierce called into the comm. Acknowledgements came back from the four Medium Transports in the nearby space.
This was it. This was where sins would be paid for.
Five drive trails flared, and blue swirls of hyperspace flooded into existance outside the port window.
Pierce regarded his galactic map. In ten seconds, the Imperial/Vong's most dangerous piece of joint technology would kick in, and his ship would be routed into a waiting blockade force.
The one good thing to come out of a Vong/Imperial union, and it had to be used against him.
Five... four... three... two... on-
Hyperspace abruptly dropped away, to reveal ten capital ships. Eight of them were of Vong creation, and around them all his instruments showed an eight kilometer long interdiction field.
Pierce powered up his weapons. It all came down to whether or not the neural disruptor rays worked, now.
He immediately set course for the largest Vong vessel. A standard Imperial message was played from one of the inorganic ships, but Pierce ignored it. The enemy was already moving into position, and he had ten minutes to kill before the Medium Transports were past the interdiction field.
Lilaena... Lilaena, I love you...
Angrily brushing away tears, Pierce increased the engine output to its' fullest. Vong plasma globs launched out towards his ship, but the range was still to great for them to be effective.
Bastards. How dare they attack him? How dare they fire at a man who was formerly the most influential being in the galaxy at one point? How dare they?
How dare they keep him from Lilaena?
Hate seized Pierce, and he unconsciously reached out to the waiting Imperial ships. Imperial Star Destroyers they were, and he could feel the ysalamiri protecting their captains and bridge crew. But there weren't enough ysalamiri to cover the entire ship, or the bridge's secondary power conduits-
Abruptly, explosions appeared at the same point on each ship. Both battle bridges were engulfed.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:11:22 PM
Dropping his attention from the Imperials for a moment, Pierce refocussed on the nearing Vong ship. He began to maneuver in a random pattern, firing shots from the neural ray and attempting to stay one step ahead of the high-density gravity fields that the Vong ship used to kill ships that got too close.
Coralskip fighters were being launched from the ship he was attacking. There were only two squadrons worth, but they were dangerous enough. They were starting to close in on him, as he flashed in and out of mini-black holes, stinging the Vong cruiser with shot after shot-
Abruptly, everything went straight to hell. The cruiser Pierce was attacking began to writhe and twitch in agony. His instruments showed some of the dovin basals were going wild with their gravity fields. One of the unaffected Vong ships became the center of a distortion and suddenly disappeared-
The dovin basals on the other Vong finally began working to counteract the flailing Cruiser, but to no avail. Pierce kept stinging it with shots, turning more and more of the ship's dovin basals into enraged things, only capable of lashing out at the danger they recognized the other dovin basals as presenting.
The coralskippers that had been loosed after him turned back to aid their injured Cruiser, and were swallowed up. So were two other Vong capital ships, before they could bring their defenses to bear.
With the remaining small Vong craft tied up, Pierce reached out again to the Imperial ships. Dazzling turbolaser fire leapt out, sizzling into the already straining Vong vessels.
Their defenses were overwhelmed shortly. They then turned their firepower on the Vong cruiser, and Pierce poured his hatred of them all into the task of driving them to their own destruction.
In the end, there was only the wrecked remains of a Vong Cruiser and an Imperial Star Destroyer left to show that anything had happened at Routing Blockade JD-59.
Nothing left but the wreckage of ships, stars, and a laughing Pierce Tondry.
Feb 14th, 2001, 10:43:50 PM
*Firebird turns to face Lord Dagger*
Yes I have, the Vong must be crushed. But we will also need other allies in this. Do you have any idea where we may find them?
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2001, 12:33:28 AM
Satine draws his blaster again, and motions to the other three Force-users, saying, "Go! I'll cover you! Do you have a ship? If not take the one at docking bay AA953, the one marked Dark Web. It is much, much faster than it looks."
Satine grabs a double blaster rifle, filled with specialized bolts, made to penetrate Vong armor. The young Force-user takes aim, and fires, his blasters lighting up the night, and he smiles as he takes out two troopers. A bug bomb, launched from a Vong trooper, explodes beside Satine, making him step backwards slightly. The former Jedi looks at his weapons surplus, and uses the force to take out three blaster rifles, and four blaster pistols, to use, using the Force to guide the flatbed into the Dark Web's cargo bay, and then takes flight, his wings sweeping out, and catching a Hunter in the chest, splitting him in half. Satine puts the new weapons on his belt, or on his back, and then fires dozens of shots at the troopers, making himself a huge target, and getting them to ignore the rest of the Force-users.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 15th, 2001, 01:07:51 AM
"Hoth?" Kat muttered sending the ship into hyperspace, "Why Hoth?"
She shivvered at remembering the frozen planet.
"Mom what's going on? What were those things?" Kent asked.
Kat sighed, she knew this was comeing, it was time she told everything that she knew. she coulden't protect her kids forever, "Kent, Cira, you might want to sit down . . . were going to be talking for a while . . ."
Kat used the time it took to get to Hoth telling her children of what had happened, what she had been, and what was going on now. She didden't think they believed half of it, but it didden't matter, atleast she had told them.
By the time they reached Hoth Kent and Cira knew just about everything about Kat and her past.
Kat returned to the cockpit and brought the ship out of hyperspace, searching for a channel to get into contact with Kaine she fliped the com on, "Ok, Kaine, what's goin' on?"
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 15th, 2001, 02:08:51 AM
Hopping out of Hyperspace, Kaine looked around. Not noticing any other ships, he sighs softly and waits. All of a sudden, 5(I maybe wrong..) ships drop out of hyperspace.
“Hey guys, It's good to see you're all alive.. Now, This Hoth thing.. I told you all to come here because it's one of the few worlds the Yuuzhan Vong seem to be ignoring. Maybe the cold affects the way they grow their organisms. Are we gonna go down there and land... or what?”
Feb 15th, 2001, 02:22:59 AM
"Ugh... Kaine, couldn't you have picked someplace warmer?"
She whined right up to when the ships dropped out of hyperspace. She knew it would probably be safer... She muttered under her breath, "I'll only be happy if there are penguins hanging around..." (ooc: j/k; some people will get it...)
She paused for a moment to look out into space at the other ships. She smiled to herself... Kat, Reb, Dragon, Kaine, Damel... She felt almost like she was back as a padawan, all those years ago...
She snapped herself back to the present and wondered what they were going to do next.
Alexia Tondry
Feb 15th, 2001, 03:06:50 AM
Shrieking, I fell down to the duracrete, my mother holding me down as she shot over my head at our attackers. Everything was a blur, I heard the man we had met shouting something, and then he was gone. I squeezed my eyes shut, but opened them when Mother tugged on my arm.
"C'mon!" She dragged me to my feet and we started running. Liam was at my heels, shooting behind us at the Vong. I bit my lip hard to keep from screaming as a Hunter dropped down in front of us, but with a streak of purplish light the warrior dropped to the ground. Lightsaber-! I had never seen one, but having heard of them, I knew exactly what it was my mother was holding.
She yanked on my arm and my feet propelled me forward; jumping over the fallen Vong I smelled the blood and felt the bile rising. Swallowing hard I kept my wits about me as the three of us darted up another flight of stairs.
"Nearly there!" Mother called over her shoulder, and we erupted from a doorway onto a landing pad. Liam took the lead, pointing out his ship as its lights turned on.
He powered it up remotely, "Get inside!"
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2001, 10:32:24 AM
Satine allows himself a smile as Alexia, and the rest get to their ship, before going back to the vile game of killing.
The Jedi jumps down, his wings folding up, and Satine lands in the middle of a group of Vong, rookies by the look of their scars. Satine fires his blasters, killing some immediately, but the others charge him. Alpha uses a charge of Force levitation, and flips over the group of Vong warriors. He drops his blasters, and ignites his lightsabre, and unsheaths a katana. The lightsabre's silver blade casts an eerie light over the battlefield, and Satine smiles, enjoying this fight.
A Vong warrior steps up, and says, "You are a jeeedai, and I will have the glory of killing you, for the Vong!" The warrior raises his amphistaff, and swings it, Alpha blocking with his katana. Satine follows through with a slash into the armpit of the armor, where the gills are. The armor stiffins, and Alpha smiles as the warrior is crushed.
Then, a blinding agony as another Vong threw a coufee knife into his arm. The Jedi takes out the knife, shattering it with the Force. The Jedi then makes a Force Fireball, throwing it at the Vong, badly burning him.
Satine runs, but gets a coupel blaster bolts in the armor. The Jedi uses force speed, and soon makes it far away from the battlefield, disengaging his sabre, and sheathig his katana. Satine then jumps down from a walkway, using his wings to break his fall, by igniting thrusters. The Jedi soon gets into a hiding place, and as an afterthought, activates the small planetary defense shield he had installed into Dark Web, to protect his weapons, and other things. Then Satine goes into a healing trance, deep in the underworld of Coruscant.
Lord Dagger
Feb 15th, 2001, 06:38:56 PM
:: Dagger reaches out with the Force ::
"There appears to be a large gathering at Hoth of all places"
:: Dagger opens his comm ::
"Set a course for Hoth"
:: He turns to Firebird ::
"I belive you have something to tell me, and i have something to tell you, something that may turn the tide of this war in our favour"
Darth Phantom
Feb 15th, 2001, 07:13:12 PM
:: From within The Hell Raiser, Phantom sends a message to Liam ::
Liam this is Phantom I have found several redesvous, I shall meet you in Hoth.
:: Phantom opens a comm to Kaine ::
Kaine, this is Darth Phantom. I will follow you to Hoth, we need to discuss something
Liam Jinn
Feb 15th, 2001, 07:20:58 PM
Liam, Lily and her daughter make it into his ship when all hell breaks out in the hangar. A woman screams "They're the ones who killed the troopers!! Help! somebody!" An alarm goes off and it seems as though hundreds of troopers come out of nowhere, though, there were just fifty.
"Hold on! I'll be right back!" Liam yells as he makes his way down the ramp, his white-bladed lightsaber coming to life. He runs for the controls to the doors of the hangar, trying to close the main one so no more troopers could come with heavier artillery.
"Blast it!" He yells as he tries to close the doors, but some security codes were needed. He stabs his lightsaber into the controls and the door shuts.
"I got it!" Liam yells but almost immediately another set of doors open with more Stormtroopers and heavier artillery. He curses at himself as he runs back to his ship still deflecting laser fire and, unfortunately, killing a few as he makes a way back to his ship. He runs up the ramp and presses the controls for it to close. Liam deactivates his lightsaber and sees Lily already at the main controls taking off.
"Heh, you never were one to wait." Liam smiles and takes over flying out of the hangar. He finds a few security ships trying to stop him on his way off the planet but outruns them and exits the atmosphere. Alexia comes up behind him and points at a blinking light.
Alexia: "Liam, what's this?" She says, pointing at the comm light.
"Looks like we've got ourselves a message." Liam flips a switch and Phantoms voice starts speaking.
" you on Hoth."
Liam looks at Lily and Alexia and smiles.
"Looks like we're going to Hoth." Liam punches in the coordinates and his ship jumps to hyperspace
Lady DeVille
Feb 15th, 2001, 07:47:53 PM
Lily unbuckled from the co-pilots seat, allowing Alexia to sit and pester Liam with questions. She seemed to have recovered from the incident with the Vong fairly quickly, although Lily knew she would have to face her daughter's questions soon.
Walking out of the cockpit, Lily turned her lightsaber hilt over in her hand. It felt like it belonged there, and she was reluctant to clip it to her belt. Grabbing the bag Alexia had carried and embracing the Force, she manipulated the door to the 'fresher. She turned on the sonic shower.
Her clothes were splattered with blood from the fallen Hunters, so she stripped them off and left them on the floor as she stepped into the relaxing shower.
~She is standing in a forest barefoot, infant grass curling between her toes. Ships are taking off and landing in the distance, but the one thing that catches her attention is the man standing in front of her. His back is to her, but the shape of his shoulders is more than familiar.
As the man turns towards her, Lily tries to cry out, but cannot. Her body is frozen, or she would have reached her arms out to the man. His hair was touched with grey at the temples, and his face had a few lines she did not remember, but the man was Pierce Tondry, her husband.
He was crying as he walked towards her, but even as he was advancing she could tell he did not see her. He walked past her, and then she was turned around, watching him walk away. A breeze ruffled his hair, and he fell to his knees.
The Dark side was coursing through him, which was surprising because as long as Lily had known him he had never been a Force user. But the hate he held was enormous, and uncontrollable. There was a flash of light ~
Lily jerked, hitting her head on the wall of the 'fresher. Pain shot through her temple, and she shakily stepped out of the shower, pulling on a black jumpsuit. She tossed her soiled clothes in the cleaner, and reached for the door just as the entire ship shuddered.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2001, 07:51:20 PM
Hours later, Satine wakes from his healing trance, to come face to face with a ogre type creature. Satine recoils in suprise, and uses his lightsabre to dissect the creature, before regaining his cool.
The Jedi begins climbing to the surface, his armor and wings turning into the loose flowing garbs that civilians seem to enjoy wearing now-a-days in Coruscant, and it seems to do a good job concealing his weapons.
When Satine finally makes it to the surface, it is crawling with Yuuzhan Vong, and Hunters, dragging away the bodies of the troopers he himself killed. Alpha flips up his hood, and hugs the shadows, before being spotted by a Hunter.
"You there!" he says, motioning to Satine's crouching figure, "Get over here, and give me you identicard." Satine complies, giving the Hunter, who wears the rank of Colonel, his sliced ID card, bearing the name of Caman Leoss. The ID bears the testing but the Hunter still stops Alpha as he tries to walk away, motioning to the hood with his plasma carbine. Satine takes a deep breath, and then his wings form, faster then lightning, taking down the Hunter with bladed wings. Satine ignites his sabre, quickly cutting down all the opposing forces with its glowing silver blade.
The Jedi runs to the landing pad where his ship is. As policy, ambassidorial ships were never guarded, and his no different. Satien runs into the ship, and jumps into the pilot's seat, powering up quickly. He asks for clearance and gets it immediately, taking off with repulsors, and then kicking in the great bank of engines on the back. The ship bolts into the sky, and as soon as Satine is out of the system, he closes his eyes, tapping into the Force, and trying to find the biggest gathering of Force-users anywhere, hoping nothing like this recent occurance with the Hunters and Vong happens there too.
Liam Jinn
Feb 15th, 2001, 08:08:11 PM
Liam sighs as his ship is thrown out of hyperspace. He checks the controls and sighs again.
"Looks like the stormtroopers managed to get one good shot off at us. Well, it'll have to wait till morning, its getting late Alexia go ahead and go to a sleeping qaurter and crash out. I'll wake ya in the morning when I get up."
Liam shows Alexia a room and he goes to his himself telling Lily about the ship and how they'll fix it tommorrow. Lily, there was something odd about how she was acting. She seemed far off, like in a totally different place.
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2001, 08:11:35 PM
Satine soon pinpoints where some Force-users are, and others are heading towards-Hoth.
The Jedi sets in a course, and hits the lever, sending his ship into hyperspace, the military hyperdrive will let him make it in half the time.
Lady DeVille
Feb 15th, 2001, 08:21:24 PM
Lily settled Alexia in her room and followed Liam as he walked to his quarters. He was talking about how he was going to fix the hyperdrive, or whatever it was that had malfunctioned. She wasn't paying attention.
Where are you, Pierce? She nodded to Liam as he told her he was going to rest, and then she walked to the room he pointed out to her. But instead of entering it she walked right past it, down into the hanger.
There were three fighters there, two TIEs and an X-Wing. She climbed up into the X-Wing. There was no astromech droid, but she could fly it herself. She'd done it before, in the past. Lily just hoped that her Force skills would be up to par after being dormant for so long.
Powering up the X-wing, Lily strapped in and put on her helmet. She tapped in a few codes, overriding the main computer's command protocols, and exited the hanger.
Starlines stretched as the X-wing catapulted into hyperspace.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 15th, 2001, 08:52:58 PM
"well kaine, we all could take a vote" *he laughed*
*dragon hits a few switches in the E-wing's cockpit and some lights go on*
"well i vote for land....but i'll follow you guys, on your choise"
Katarina Kariena
Feb 15th, 2001, 11:42:58 PM
Kat landed her ship, Cira and Kent waited anxiously near the exit ramp.
"Will you two relax?!" Kat exclaimed laughing.
"Mom, these are people you never told us about and you expect us to relax?!" Kent replied.
"Yes, and if you keep this up we won't leave here untill one of them come knocking on the exit ramp!" Kat replied.
"You woulden't . . ." Cira chalanged.
"Try me," Kat replied.
"You would," Kent answered.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 16th, 2001, 04:11:25 AM
Slowly taking his ship down to the planet, he sighed. I should've lead us somewhere else.. A couple of minutes later, he landed, with all the other ships following slightly after.
Jumping out from the cockpit of his ship, he landed on the cold, white snow. Picking up a handful of snow, he slowly crushed it in his hand, and it seeped out the sides. Suddenly, A vision came to him.. Was it of the future? He saw.. a large battle.. many people dieing.. couldn't make out who was who or what was what.. but he saw it..
Falling backwards into the cold snow, he lay there, staring up at the sky, and was looking.. terrified of the vision he had. So many people.. dead.. But..
.. When would this take place?
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2001, 10:17:44 AM
Satine's ship comes out of hyperspace, his hyperdrive shutting down, and the Jedi looks out the window to Hoth.
Never been here before, he thinks ruefully, as he brings his ship down to land. The Dark Web lands incrediablly smoothly, on a flat snowdrift.
The Jedi gets out of the seat, and opens a cargo bay, and its door. Soon he is rolling out is hover-cycle, and powering it up, trying to decide which direction to go in.
Alexia Tondry
Feb 16th, 2001, 03:53:24 PM
I slept.
"Mother?" I look around, and find myself clothed in what only can be described as a Jedi robe, and standing in the center of a circular ring of seats. They are all empty, save one. My mother sits facing me, her hair is shorter than I have ever seen it, and she is dressed in a similar robe, except it is black.
"My daughter, I have to leave you."
"But why?" I am confused. Is this a dream or not? "Where are you going?"
"To find your father." Mother stands up and hugs me, then returns to her chair and sits. "I do not know how long I will be gone, but you are not to worry about me. I am capable of taking care of myself."
I walk towards her, kneeling and putting my head on her knee. "We've never been apart before."
"I know. But our friend Liam will watch out for you. Just stay by him and obey him as you would me." Her ghostly hand brushes my hair. "I will be back."
We both rise to our feet, and suddenly I am standing outside the circle of seats and Mother is in the middle, kneeling. The seats are now filled with humans and aliens of various sizes and shapes, all clothed in brown robes. She is crying, and I have the distinct feeling I am now intruding on her dream. I turn away and the scene melts...~
I slept on, drifting into other dreams.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 16th, 2001, 05:21:52 PM
*Dragon landed the E-wing, then jumped out of the cockpit and into the snow he knew all to well*
*He then thought to himself, He hadent seen his friends in over 20 years..... Every one probley would look diffrent, He ran his finger down the right side of his face, feeling the long scar he had goten a few months ago. His hands then moved to the back of his head, then he tightend the red bandana he had back from his Gjo days. "Well i know i changed." *with that he begens to walk twords the other ships that are landing*
Lady DeVille
Feb 16th, 2001, 08:43:56 PM
Sitting in the X-wing, Lily tightened the webbing around her slim body. She reached out with the Force, testing the limits to her abilities and touched her daughter's mind. In fourteen years they had never been apart more than the time that Alexia spent in school, so it was not hard to find the bright spot that was her daughter. She was sleeping, and Lily intruded into her dreams to send her a message.
As she did so, she drifted into a meditation trance. Her abilities in the Mind Alter areas of the Force had always been just below average, and she lost control of the link too early. So much I wanted to tell her...
She fell into a familiar nightmare.
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2001, 09:43:42 PM
Satine moves his hover-bike into a new direction, homing in on the Force-users, pushing the speed past the red lines.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 16th, 2001, 11:21:15 PM
Kaine sat up. He felt another force user coming towards them, But couldn't pin-point who it was. The force-user slowly got closer and closer, and Kaine figured out who it was.
He saw the hover-bike in the distance, then stood up, grinning slightly. Looking around, He saw Dragon already out of his ship, but no-one else was out. He turned back to Satine, and waited for him.
Damel Girte
Feb 17th, 2001, 01:21:35 AM
All through the landing, she was itching to hop out of the cockpit. To see them again, after-
But the moment the Slingshot touched down, the new feeling of hesitancy had come over her. She had changed so much- had they? The last time she had seen them, they were all still young, with the brashness and vigor of youth. And now… even she, the youngest, was grown. Now they were adults. And what was even more scary… she was one as well.
Damel started to run her fingers through her hair, but stopped. Her once short and tousled black hair had grown a little longer, pulled back into a short ponytail. She reached back and pulled off the band that held her hair back, letting it fall, rumpled as usual, just past her shoulders. Not as long as I thought… but maybe I should get a haircut anyways… She missed the freedom of having hair cropped close. It let the wind go through it. She sighed and put the ponytail raggedly back on. Later. There were people waiting. She slammed her hand on the cockpit, and the shaded bubble rose with the sssk-rfft of hydraulics pumping. Damel placed a hesitant hand on the edge of the golden band of paint, and then a foot on the chair, and swiftly hopped over the edge of the cockpit, sliding down the side to land squarely on the ground.
She made her way towards them, looking around at the familiar faces- they looked like different people now. Somehow, she couldn’t imagine Kaine this old before. Or Dragon like this. And Kat with kids! She wondered what everyone else would look like after all these years. They had changed, hadn’t they?
Feeling a flicker in the Force, Damel looked out to where Kaine was gazing. “Hey, Kaine.” She gave him a playful slap on the back. “Long time no see, old man..” Wonder what’s keeping the others… Her hand stayed on his shoulder for a second, and then she dropped it and nodded towards the approaching speeder. It was a confirmation, not a question. “Satine?”
Pierce Tondry
Feb 17th, 2001, 01:31:00 AM
"We made it, gentlebeings," Pierce said tiredly over the commlink. "We're back inside known space."
And indeed they were. The four transports were now in orbit over an uninhabited planet in a system a few lightyears from Raithal.
"I do not condone the complete destruction of the blockade force," an aging Calamarian voice replied.
"You know the tactics involved, J'cussi," Pierce said with exasperation. "We're not fighting for ourselves, but for all Force sensitives."
"I know it," the Calamarian Jedi Master replied. "But I do not like it."
"You have two choices," Pierce said coldly. "Don't fight and die, or fight and live. Nothing else will satisfy the odds."
"We see the wisdom in your suggestions, Dark Jedi Tondry," a voice with a slight Corellian accent put in. "And if there's any way we can beat these odds, we'll consider it. The Jedi, however, do not feel that utter destruction of our enemies is the best idea."
"And what do they think is the best idea?" a hissing voice countered. "Bake cookies and convert our enemies' stomachs?"
"Stop it, both of you," Pierce commanded. "We don't have the time or manpower to do anything alone. You know that, Vesk, Esstess. We have to work together."
He drew a sharp, indrawn breath. "I know what's required to start up a military outfit," he said, staring out the cockpit. He saw, not stars, but a pair of eyes that were clear and reflective. "I have things that both the Jedi, Dark Jedi, and Sith can perform that will accomplish what needs to be done. I saved your lives once, and you've followed me because of that. Keep following me, and we can save ourselves and those we care about."
There was some grumbling, but in the end both sides of the Force again reiterated their promise to cooperate. Pierce issued several reconnaisance and information gathering missions for the Dark Jedi. The Sith and Jedi would be working together to establish a hiding place on the atmosphere-less moon below.
While the transports began their descent to the planet, Pierce kept his ship where it was and thought. Even if Lilaena was alive, which wasn't likely, she'd probably forgotten him.
Or had fallen in love with someone else.
That thought made Pierce sick to his stomach. He drew a calming breath and pulled a small, velvet box from his pocket. Opening it revealed a dazzling emerald and diamond ring that he'd planned to give to Lilaena on their anniversary.
After another minute, he slipped it back into his pocket, thinking of Lilaena De'Ville as he did so.
Lady DeVille
Feb 17th, 2001, 05:57:08 AM
Lily's eyes snapped open as the ETA counter beeped. She checked the webbing as real space whirled around the X-wing. The gleaming green emerald planet of Ithor was in front of her.
She swallowed hard, and flicked on the comm. "This is the personal X-wing designation X38-2910, in orbit and requesting permission to land." The floating city of Tafanda Bay was beneath her, its huge repulsor grid keeping it away from the sacred forests of Ithor.
Waiting for Control to get back to her, Lily couldn't help but smile a little. About seventeen years ago she and Pierce had spent their honeymoon on Ithor. She blushed as she remembered the two weeks of-
"This is Tafanda Bay: X38-2910, remain in your current orbit. Commercial traffic is heavy, will advise. Control out."
Lily acknowedged, and settled back a little in the seat. The buzz of the Ithorian's Basic tickled her ears. She reached out with her senses, trying to get some sense of Tondry. As if he were here. He's probably... She couldn't even think it. Pierce had to be alive. She would have felt it had he... No, he is alive. Somewhere.
The comm beeped: "X38-2910, permission granted. Set your course to landing pad 72, enjoy your visit to Ithor." This paticular Ithorian sounded like he'd much rather be cultivating his herb garden than herding ships into berths. Lily sighed as well, and guided the X-wing through the atmosphere.
The skies were clear, and the landing was smooth. It had been a while since she had flown something as small as the X-wing, but with the Force she could fly anything. She popped the clear cockpit open, and climbed down the side, leaving her helmet in the ship. An Ithorian, gentle Hammerhead, was there to greet her.
His eyes looked calmly down on her, and from under the S curve of his head the buzz of his words came from his two mouths. "Welcome to Tafanda Bay, may I help you find lodgings?"
Lily smiled a little, "I believe I know where I will stay, but I'm not sure how to get there. If you would be so kind as to help me find a repulsor cab..?" The Ithorian greeter nodded, and waited for her to tip the pad attendant before leading her to a turbolift and down to street level.
Ithor was very unlike Coruscant. In fact, they were as different as night and day. One was covered from pole to pole by buildings, and the other was covered with plants. Even the cities that were on Ithor were full of plant life, trees and flowers cultivated by the peaceful natives. Lily loved it, Ithor was so relaxing, so invigorating. The concentration of vegetation made the concentration of oxygen in the air very high, and the Ithorians were sticklers about air pollution.
The Ithorian found her transport to her hotel, and again wished her a pleasant stay. She smiled again, and settled back in the cab as she was whisked away.
Satine Capashen
Feb 17th, 2001, 12:35:04 PM
Satine quickly brakes his bike, stopping just short of the group of Force-users, his armored helmet sliding back, revealing his changed features. He was no longer 13, but 23, an adult now...scary thought.
The Force-user looks around the groups before saying, "Hi guys..."
Lady DeVille
Feb 17th, 2001, 07:13:43 PM
ooc: Satine, you'd be 33, its twenty years in the future /ic:
Pierce Tondry
Feb 17th, 2001, 07:30:39 PM
(ooc) "Two weeks of-"? De'Ville, you are so bad. I knew there was a reason I liked you. :)
Pierce once again gazed out at the stars, this time from beneath a transpartisteel viewdome on the surface of the new base moon. All around him were the jaggedly drilled walls of a central commons area.
Each wall had a door in it leading to a different area of the base. The rear, left, and right walls from where Pierce was standing all lead to residential complexes that were still being drilled out. In front of him was a door that lead to the military and security areas of the base, including the hangar.
A small explosion suddenly rocked the area. ' That came from the Sith's residences,' Pierce said, steadying himself on one of the tables scattered about the area. He turned to look through the doorless hole in the right wall and could see a large, glowing red sphere of Dark Side energy.
Growling to himself, Pierce leapt over the table in front of him and sprinted to the area where the Sith were working. Pierce came upon a tall human chanting in a loud tone and swiftly stepped up to where he could grab the other by the neck. The chanting ceased amid a choking fit. "The cieling and walls of the commons and residential areas is unsupported," Pierce said, lifting the other into the air using one arm. "There are to be no unscheduled explosions or dangerous uses of the Force by my orders."
The scene in front of Pierce's eyes suddenly swam with colors, then abruptly normalized as Pierce's hand closed more tightly about the Sith's windpipe. He gazed at the sphere of Dark Side energy and began drawing on it. It shrank and disappeared, and then Pierce tossed the Sith he was holding to the floor. " Never disobey me again."
Pierce stalked out of the Sith residences and back to the commons area. The unfortunate problem was that he couldn't keep on suppressing the natures of each of the three sides of the Force under his command. Eventually, things would reach a boiling point and explode.
And there were many more Jedi than Dark Jedi and Sith combined. There was an advantage to their "hide to avoid confrontation" ideology.
"You are troubled, Commander."
Pierce turned to spot a Ho'Din whom he knew to be one of the Jedi's numbers. "That I am, revered grower," Pierce sighed. His words reminded him of the incident long ago where he'd first met Lilaena De'Ville. "I fear there will not be enough people willing to transcend their petty grievances to defeat the Empire."
"I sense other troubles around you," the Ho'Din smiled.
Lilaena's face flashed into his thoughts. "They're none of your business," Pierce snarled.
"I did not say they were," the Ho'Din's hair waved, and the alien's smile fell. "But if those concerns are strong enough to be sensed, then they are distracting you. If you do not put them to rest-"
Pierce felt cold. "Then they could be occupying my attention at a point when we can't afford it."
The Ho'Din nodded. "There is talk about you, when you are not around."
Pierce's face flushed. "Talk about the old Imperial spy who cannot keep his mind on his mission?"
The Ho'Din said nothing, not that Pierce needed confirmation. "Then I will settle this matter," Pierce said. "I have a ghost I must either return to life, or put to rest."
"Where will you be?" the Ho'Din asked. "People will start to wonder if you are gone for too long and have no way to contact you."
Pierce gazed up out the viewdome. He was always looking to the stars. Always wondering whether Lilaena was among them. For nearly fifteen years, he had stared away to other places where she might be. Sometimes, it had nearly cost him. Other times, it was all that kept him going.
"I'm going back to where she and I started our lives together," Pierce said quietly. "Ithor."
Morgan Evanar
Feb 17th, 2001, 08:50:25 PM
" IiiiIIthoOOrrrRR ToOnddDrrry?"
The voice echoed odly through Pierce's head. Wether vocally stated or through telepathy, the odd echoing effect was always there when Morgan did not wish to be seen. It was part of the nature of his cloaking.
"Not now Evanar. Its none of your bussiness."
Tondry narrowed his eyes and wondered why he kept the insane former Jedi Knight around. Then he tried to count the times the madman had saved his life.
It was too many to conviently number.
Evanar appeared in front of Tondry, 2 meters away, rubbing the scar on the side of his head.
"Sometimes sanity is dancing in front of me, but every time I make a grab, she dances away from me..."
"You are not going with me Evanar."
"Oh, but I am. I am? I am."
"Don't know, have to. Something is going to happen, and then you need a bit of nothing."
Katarina Kariena
Feb 18th, 2001, 12:48:57 AM
Kat hit the button to send the exit ramp down and walked off the ship towards Dragon and Kaine, Cira and Kent right behind her.
"Hey, guys. Long time no see!" Kat exclaimed. And it had been a long time, 20 years and alot had changed. Kent himself was only 18 and Cira only two years younger than that. Kat saw everyone looking at her with surprise at the two teenagers behind her.
"Uh, mom?" Cira asked fidgiting under the curious gazes from the other people. She looked alot like Kat, her black hair blowing around her face in the wind.
Kent just looked around with a blank expression on his face. He didden't look much like Kat except for his dark black hair, his sharp green eyes and calm gentle face looked like his father. He had strong features and was a good .3 meters taller than Kat.
"What? Haven't you seen teenagers before? Or is it such a surrise that their my teenagers?" Kat laughed at the others. "Guys I'd like you to meet me oldest son Kent and my oldest daughter Cira."
Kent bowed slightly respectively and Cira nodded her head in acknolagement.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 18th, 2001, 01:01:21 AM
*he laughs slighty* so kat whos there dad?
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 18th, 2001, 07:12:27 AM
Kaine laughs softly. “I'm surprised it wasn't you, Dragon..”
He looked at the boy, Kent, then back at Kat. “Have you been training them?”**
Liam Jinn
Feb 18th, 2001, 02:39:05 PM
After Liam had woken up he noticed that Lily had just tooken off. He had a pretty good idea why but it didn't really matter. Now he had to look over Alexia, no telling when her mother would return. Liam had worked all that afternoon repairing his ship and managing to get it back to hyperspace, heading towards Hoth.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 18th, 2001, 08:28:49 PM
*he turns to kaine*
"what is that sapost to mean?!"
Alexia Tondry
Feb 18th, 2001, 09:43:24 PM
I woke up and knew Mother was gone. The dream, if thats what it was, tingled in my mind, and I crawled out of bed and tugged on my clothes.
Walking through the ship I made my way to the cockpit. "Liam?"
He poked his head up through a hole in the floor of the passageway. "Yes?" He was smudged with dirt, and fumbling with a hydrospanner. "I'm sorry Alex, but I have to finish this. If you want to be useful, open that conduit over there and flip that red switch."
I did as he asked, and amid sparks and a sudden burst of smoke Liam yelled for me to switch it off. "Frelling hyperdrive!"
I sat down crosslegged by the hole in the floor, and handed him a rag to wipe his face off with. He didn't sweat, but he smelled like he'd taken a bath in coolant. "Mother left."
He looked up, "I know." We said nothing more on the subject, both knowing where and why she had gone, but neither understanding comletely. After the hyperdrive was back online Liam lay in a course for Hoth.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 18th, 2001, 10:44:25 PM
Stargazer Lily gently lowered itself through Ithor's atmosphere.
Pierce took in the sight of the planet, remembering. It felt good to re-experience his past with Lilaena. Just what he would need to be able to focus on the present.
"Hello, Tafanda Bay," he said quietly. "I've missed you. I promised to take Lilaena here again. I promised to show her why she was special to me. I wish I knew how to keep that promise."
A metal thud sounded in the corridor outside the cockpit and Morgan Evanar walked in, rubbing the side of his head. "Watch yourself, Evanar," Pierce told him. "Accidentally running into things is bound to screw you up even worse."
"Oh, it was no accident," the crazy Jedi grinned, giving his head a congratulatory pat. "Knocking a few things into place."
There were days when Pierce regretted saving Morgan's life that first time, but he decided the Jedi had more than payed for it, so he let the comment pass. "Just give me some space," Pierce grunted. "I'm here for a reason, and I don't want you butting in every five seconds."
"Relax," Morgan replied. He abruptly disappeared. "YYyyooouuu woooooonnnn't knnnnnoooowwwwww IiiiIIiii'mmmmmmm hhhheeeeerreeeee."
Pierce blinked and rubbed his temples with a free hand. This had the potential to become seriously annoying. "I'm going to go get some lodging, dinner, and take in some sights," he told the empty air. "Don't bug me."
There was no response.
Shaking his head in exasperation, Pierce got up and left the ship.
Commander Tla
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:17:57 AM
Much had happened in the past twenty years for the Yuuzhan Vong. They had shown the Empire the way. The Empire was no longer full of Infidels like it once had been. The Vong had allied with the Empire. They were helping them to destroy the Jeedai and the other Force Users. Many had been successfully exterminated. Some at the hands of Commander Tla himself.
Tla was a bulky character larger then normal Vongs. His face was mangled with scars and tattooes and he was missing one eye. In that place, a living artificial eye nested itself. It uses were unknown to most humans. He had many muscles and wore a golden sewn cape.
Tla was currently inside his personal Heavy Cruiser somewhere in space. No one except those on his ship knew the location they were in. Beside Tla, his bodyguard Chazrach were situated. They were viscious reptiles, not ones to toy with.
He held his Amphistaff firmly in his right hand standing tall and proud. He motioned for one of his servants.[/b]
Tla: "Set a course for..."
He whispered the planet. The servant nodded and ran a
Lady DeVille
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:32:23 AM
She twisted her hair around her finger as she waited for her dinner to arrive. Not one to order room service, Lily sat under the stars at a candlelit cafe in Tafanda Bay. She enjoyed the quiet murmur of the breeze in the leaves of the plants around her, and the scent of various flowers filled her nostrils.
The Ithorians were similar to the Ho'Din in their fervor for vegetation, and this hole-in-the-wall cafe was liberally sprinkled with plants of every sort. Lily inhaled the aroma of the air, and felt her body relaxing. Just being here makes me feel close to him.
Pierce had not taken her here when they visited last, but had promised to dine with her at this very cafe the next time they were in Ithor. She had pleaded good-naturedly at the time, but the thought of their next visit together brought a single tear to her eye.
She pushed her chair back, leaving a few credits on the table for her chai tea, and wound her way though the tables and chairs. The waiter tried to ask her why she was leaving, but Lily waved her hand silently in a shooing motion as she hurried through the door.
The attatched bell jingled as she pushed the door open, and she hurried down the street. Lily paused.
There are Force users here, here on Ithor. She looked around, seeing the cafe door jingle closed behind some other patrons. Could it- No, that was wishful thinking. Pierce had potential, but he never used the Force.
At least, not when I knew him last. Lily looked back again, but continued walking away from the cafe.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:54:41 AM
"I haven't seen Dragon in twenty years," Kat laughed. "Yes, I have been training them..." -Kat nodded her head towards the lightsabers that hung from each of their belts.- "Their execlent fighters... they didden't know anything abount you or any of the Jedi vs. Sith days untill a few hours ago though."
Kent looked at Dragon, "My father is Jessan McKie, why do you ask?"
Dragon dlayer
Feb 19th, 2001, 01:41:54 AM
"No real reason"
*dragon turns to kat*
"They may prove of some use in out fight. After all you trained them.... but then agen you did train them."
*he laughs*
Lord Dagger
Feb 19th, 2001, 08:10:25 AM
:: Dagger sits in the war room of the Dominator as it sped towards Hoth. Dagger drummed his fingers on the table wondering where Firebird had got to, he said he was going to make a call, not recite the encyclopida galaxtia to the other person. Dagger sighed and went back to waiting ::
Katarina Kariena
Feb 19th, 2001, 09:36:13 AM
Kat laughed, "I'm glad you have so much confidance in my training Dragon. I seem to of beat you a good number of times."
Feb 19th, 2001, 09:55:40 AM
::Fett slowly got off the bed, and looked at himself. A disgrace. Unshaven and overweight, he had really let himself go. Not that Fett cared. Nearly everything he had was gone now. When the Imperials beat the NR, they didnt just regain the Empire. They set out to destroy all those who were strong in the force. Many friends had died. The Jedi were scattered. Fett didn't know where any were. Not that he had ever tried looking. As his world fell apart, Fett had blocked the force. He hadnt felt anything for years. Until now. Something had managed to bypass his mental block. Now, Fett knew he had to hear the call. This had to be important. Opening a hidden compartment in the wall, Fett pulled out a wooden box, and opened it. Inside were his two slugthrowers and his saber. Memories came flooding back. Some good, some bad. Taking them out, Fett slowly headed for the door.
Moments later, Fett was at Docking bay 88. Entering a code into the keypad, the door slowly opened. Inside was The Chainsaw, Fetts personal transport for years. Fett got it, and sat in the control seat. Slowly lifting off for the first time in years. Fett gave asmall smile
All I have, together again...::
Satine Capashen
Feb 19th, 2001, 11:12:23 AM
Satine looks around the group of Force-users and says, "So, what're we doing here? Having a meeting of the Fugitive Force Users of the Galaxy? OR are we just going to recount old times?"
The former Jedi smiles slightly as he gets some strange looks from all of his elders in the group, but looks indignant when one person says, "You haven't changed at all Young One."
Damel Girte
Feb 19th, 2001, 04:24:01 PM
Damel laughs under her breath at Satine's words. "Well... as much as I'd like to sit around telling stories, I think there's something else." She looks around at the familiar faces. "I never thought that we'd do this again, but... somehow, by some... twist of fate, or by the Force, or whatnot...we all got Kaine's call, and now we're here. Maybe there's something that we're supposed to do." She turns to Kaine. "Is there anything... you were doing? Or..." Or maybe this is one of those things that happens, and nobody can explain why... She trailed off, thinking. ..until it's over. Wonder why we're all here...
Dragon dlayer
Feb 19th, 2001, 06:27:04 PM
"yeah well.... that was a long time ago." he says to kat
Commander Tla
Feb 19th, 2001, 08:19:15 PM
A large Yuuzhan Vong taskforce appeared out of nowhere in the Ottega system. Leading that Taskforce, Commander Tla stood firmly inside the Heavy Cruiser Embrace of Pain. 4 More Heavy Cruisers and 6 Light Cruisers followed behind.
Tla chose to bring only these ships because he knew they would be more then efficient. A Heavy Cruiser is equivalent to an Imperial Star Destroyer. All of these cruisers had many Coralskipper squadrons.
The main target was the planet Ithor. Ithor was a paradise. It had rainforests, waterfalls, warm breezes. The perfect spot for a vacation. Tla was sure many of the Infidels would be here. They would make excellent captives working to build coralskippers.
They reached the planet and stayed just outside the atmosphere. Tla commanded that all coralskippers be ready to launch. He had no doubt the planet would be sending up resistance. The Yuuzhan Vong screamed into the villip.
"Deploy the forces! Engage!
Katarina Kariena
Feb 20th, 2001, 02:14:52 AM
Kat laughed, "Uh huh, and I could proably still kick your but."
Cira and Kent gave their mother a strange look, they had never seen their mother like this before.
"I think she's lost it," Cira commented.
"What was your first clue?" Kent replied.
Damel Girte
Feb 20th, 2001, 05:59:50 PM
She grinned and shook her head, listening to Kat and Dragon banter back and forth. It was like old times. Almost as if they had never-
Empty. Masses of emptiness. Moving closer, towards... bringing death...
Her eyes flickered shut for a second, startled by the flash of... thought? No... more like... almost like a vision... Damel looked around. Nobody had noticed. Kat, Dragon, and Satine continued to argue good-naturedly among themselves. But there had been something... she was sure of it.
Turning to Kaine, she tapped him on the shoulder, dropping her voice low so the others couldn't hear." Kaine- I just felt..." She told him what she had glimpsed. "I don't know what it means- it's like it's not here, or there... but both. It was like a place of happiness, and then it..." Damel looked up at the others. Still talking. She turned back to Kaine. "Did you know...?"
Dragon dlayer
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:01:08 PM
you only wish....but.. if you want we could see who is better..*he grins*
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:06:25 PM
"I hope you both realize that I could kick both your butts. Right?"
Satine smiles like he used to, one of those smiles that makes everyone around him want to beat the crap out of him.
Commander Tla
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:20:38 PM
Only a few squadrons of Coralskippers had been released. Tla knew that sending out many would be wasting his forces and time. The Coralskippers' objectives were to guard the Vong Carriers.
Tla was sending many Yuuzhan Vong warriors and Chazrach to the Herdships and the planet of Ithor. What surprised Tla was that no resistance was met. Then he saw them. Unmarked ships appeared from the other side of the planet. Tla had heard of these ships before. They were the renegades who had broken away from the Empire. They were the remnants of what was once known as the New Republic. They were indeed filthy Infidels.
Tla spoke into his villip once again.
"Heavy Cruisers Beta and Omega, release two of your coralskipper squadrons to meet and hold off the renegades."
The Vong commander watched the Coralskippers head for the resistance. It wasn't that big of a resistance, a few Drteadnaughts and Gunships along with two Victory Star Destroyers. The problem was the Ugly and TIE Fighters heading for the Vong carriers. Tla spoke into his villip once more.
"Light Cruisers Once, Twice and Thrice. Release 2/4 of the Coralskippers on your ships. Order them to protect those carriers."
Katarina Kariena
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:23:29 PM
Kat laughed, "Dragon it's been 20 years, you may have improved, but so have I. We both now have 20 more years of expearance of fighting. If you wish to try and find out who's better be my guest, I will take on your chalange, but I have better things to do with my time."
Lady DeVille
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:33:41 PM
Lily ducked instinctively as a loud siren blared into the evening air. She straightened, and saw ships taking off from the spaceport: Uglies and TIEs, as well as a few X-wings burned into space.
Looking over her shoulder she could see a vid screen in a shop window, and running over she read the terrifying words.
<marquee>ITHOR IS UNDER ATTACK FROM THE YUUZHAN VONG. Their fleet has formed on the opposite side of Ithor. All fighters are being scrambled to repel the invaders. Evacuations have been ordered by the government.</marquee>
Lily reached out into space with the Force, drawing on her fear and anger to amplify her reach. It is the Vong... The very fact that they were undetectable to her was like a beacon declaring their presense.
She looked around, and started running to her hotel.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:35:40 PM
"And it was nice to see you agen too....Im not up for fighting another jedi at the moment anyway"
*he then walks to damel and kaine*
"so what are we doing here?"
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:39:19 PM
Satine hears Dragon's question, and walks over, saying, "Yeah. We just here to hang out?"
Katarina Kariena
Feb 20th, 2001, 08:39:48 PM
Kat laughed knowing that she would get that reaction, "That's what I thought."
"What was he talking about, mom?" Cira asked.
"Something that happened a long time ago," Kat replied smileing, "I'll explain it later."
Damel Girte
Feb 20th, 2001, 09:20:00 PM
Damel looked up from the conversation. "I... I don't know. But there was something that..." She trailed off, a little uncertainly, then looked at them. "Did any of you guys happen to... feel... anything? Because...I did..."
Commander Tla
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:20:34 PM
Tla watched a TIE Interceptor blaze by. It's wing had caught on fire. The Interceptor spun and exploded. The Light Cruisers began to fire plasma at the bigger ships. The Commander ordered more Coralskippers join the fray.
His thoughts were distracted for a split second. He noticed one of his servants standing behind him. Tla spun around and looked down at the smaller Vong.
Servant: "Sir, the carriers have entered the atmosphere with some coralskippers. Half of the carriers are heading for Herdships."
"And the other half?"
Servant: "And the other half is heading for what they call "Mother Jungle". That is their planet."
"Order the Vong Warriors to take captives. I want to learn why they leave above their planet and not on it like other species. Once the captives are taken, I want them brought back here immediately!"
Servant: "Yes Commander. Zhaetor-Zae."
Tla nodded respectively and watched the servant run off to complete his duties. He resumed his gaze on the battle.
Phalanx Allger
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:31:17 PM
Once a great Pilot for the Sith Empire and the Dark Sith Fleet of Poreon, the Flight Major had retired after the first waves of the Vong invasion. He had chosen the relatively peaceful planet of Ithor as a safe haven, never expecting the Vong to attack it.
The siren whirred its annoying attack notice alarm over and over.
Shut that thing up!
The Flight major yelled out as he ran towards his private hangar bay in his large beach house. He rushed into his YT-5700 (normal stats in GMA Workshop), and started the engines. His YT-5700 was full of modifications. From the time he had a family, taken captive in the First Vong waves, an extra cabin took up the normal storage area. Now though, after his family had been taken, he added modification upon modification, dreading the day that the Vong would attack Ithor. He had installed multiple turbolaser batteries, 5 Concussion Launchers, 5 Proton Torpedoe Launchers, and extra shields.
[i]With the engines powered up, Phalanx, over 50 years of age way past his prime age for evasive flying, accelerated out of his hangar, his YT-5700 headed up to attack the landing shuttles.
Commander Tla
Feb 20th, 2001, 11:06:55 PM
Tla stared into the vast coldness of space. The Vong warriors had indeed landed and were beginning their assault on Ithor. He had instructed them to capture everyone, but kill those who resisted. Yes, the Vong were ruthless, and Tla was among the most ruthless.
The Commander summoned his servant over. The smaller Vong walked over and bowed.
Servant: "Yes Commander?"
"Have we obtained any Ithorian captives yet?"
Servant: "Yes Commander, they are being sent over immediately with escorts of course."
"That is excellent. Inform me when they arrive. I would like to speak to one of them personally."
Tla smiled evilly. The servant bowed and walked away. The Commander was eager to meet these Ithorian people. He watched as the Heavy Cruiser Beta successfully destroyed a Corellian Gunship. Tla offered a prayer to Yun-Yammka thanking him for the good fortune.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 21st, 2001, 12:38:01 AM
*looks puzzled*
"Feel what?" "damel something wrong?"
Damel Girte
Feb 21st, 2001, 02:57:52 AM
She shakes her head. "Nothing... it's just that... for a moment there, there was something... an emptiness, and then... a clash. And then..." Damel sighed and squinted off into the distance. "I don't know what- if it's here or somewhere else, but I don't think it's safe here. We have to find..."
A lush green planet floated through space. Revelry and tiny idyllic scenes, humans and aliens laughing...
"Ithor," she whispered, not quite sure why.
Edit: Fixed codes.
Lady DeVille
Feb 21st, 2001, 04:31:27 PM
Lily ran back out of her hotel, and sprinted for the landing pad which housed her borrowed X-wing. Its too late! She skidded to a halt as coralskippers flew overhead, and began landing.
Krasst! Lily ran up another street, her blaster drawn.
Satine Capashen
Feb 21st, 2001, 04:42:50 PM
"what about Ithor?"
Commander Tla
Feb 21st, 2001, 09:18:32 PM
OOC: Just to clarify something in case some didn't know, Yuuzhan Vong warriors and Chazrach have landed on the Herdships and the planet. Thanks :)
IC:Tla was pleased when an Ithorian was brought before him. He studied the Hammerhead creature with great interest. Then Tla started to ask questions.
Tla: "Why is it that you and your kind live above your planet?"
Ithorian: "Only the priests and those who have been blessed may step foot in our Mother Jungle."
Tla: "And why is that?"
Ithorian: "Ithor is a blessing to us. Only those who have been purified may step foot on it."
The Ithorian was interrupted by Tla's servant. The Vong Commander glared at his servant.
Tla: "YES?!?!"
The servant started to speak in their own tongue. Tla smiled and turned back to the Ithorian.
Tla: "You must excuse me. I have other business to attend to."
Tla walked away with a grin on his face.
Meanwhile in space, 2/3 of the Gunships had been destroyed along with many fighters. Two Light Cruisers trapped one of the VSDs and mercilessly shot plasma that seeped into the hull.
The VSD was left defenseless when it's shields died out. Some coralskippers joined the fight. One had crashed into a turret and sacrificed himself to destroy it.
The Light Cruisers showed no signs of cutting off their attack. Most of the VSDs defenses had been knocked out. The last fighters were leaving the bay to assist in the fight. Unfortunately, some never made it. A coralskipper went haywire and crashed into the docking bays. That set off a chain reaction, and the whole ship exploded slowly from the inside. The battle was indeed in the Vongs' favor.
Phalanx Allger
Feb 21st, 2001, 10:08:40 PM
Sending volley upon Volley of Concussion Missiles into the Chazrach and Warrior Masses, Phalanx kills a couple thousand of the never ending waves of Vong.
Phalanx corkscrew spins his 5700 and heads up into space for a kamikazee run on the Heavy Cruiser, Embrace of Pain. A total of 20 Turbolaser Beams smack against the Dovin Basals. In spurts of 20, the beams continue a constant pressure on the dovin basal.
Phalanx Flips a switch and fires 21 Concussion Missiles followed two seconds later by a salvo of 21 Proton Torpedoes. 14 of the Concussions break through, along with every Proton Torpedo. He fires another barrage and 42 projectiles slamm into the Coral Hull.
Fires ablaze on the Heavy Cruiser's Hull, Phalanx Feels his ship being tugged by something.
In a last attempt of desperate fury, Phalanx fires his remaining projectiles, a total of 150 Concussion Missiles and 200 Proton Torpedoes, fly towards the Heavy Cruiser
Commander Tla
Feb 21st, 2001, 11:22:42 PM
Tla screamed at the incompetants and used his Amphistaff to bruise their already feeble bones.
Tla: "Patch those hull breaches immediately!! That Infidel caused much trouble, but we have him in our custody."
As he spoke, two Yuuzhan Vong warriors appeared holding the man firmly. Tla looked at the Infidel with sheer hatred. If those Hull breaches weren't patched soon, they would all be dead.
His Amphistaff struck out and chomped at the man's face, almost touching the skin. Tla forced an evil smile and swung the Amphistaff down, hitting him in the shoulder. The Infidel fell on his knees.
Tla: "Who are you? SPEAK INFIDEL!"
Pierce Tondry
Feb 22nd, 2001, 01:33:46 AM
Pierce watched as the Vong coralskips raced through the atmosphere on their initial attack run. Ithor had been one of the few havens of memories for his time with Lilaena that he'd had. Now, it seemed, the Vong were determined to take that away from him.
The warrior bolted outside of the small tapcafe, being very careful not to knock over a small cup filled with Chai tea (Lilaena's favorite) in his haste to leave.
His heart was heavy with what could only be described as a missed opportunity.
Stargazer Lily purred to life, and its' weapons began powering up. The repulsorlifts guided the ship off its' landing pad, narrowly escaping some Vong plasma globs. ' Idiot Vong,' Pierce sneered to himself. ' I've been preparing for this kind of fight for years. I already crushed ten ships by myself. What makes you think that your wretched Force-dark carcasses are any safer?'
Pierce briefly recalled that he'd come here with a companion. ' Morgan, I hope you're okay, wherever you are. I've got business to take care of.'
His tactical holo told him what the particulars of the situation were. Nine of the Vong ships- three Heavy Cruisers and six Light Cruisers- had headed for Ithor itself, no doubt on a program of extermination. The Light Cruisers were straddling the atmosphere, two of them very close by, while the Heavies had remained outside the atmosphere to deal with some of the planetary defenses.
One Heavy Cruiser had remained towards the rear of the battle. It was showing signs of damage, though, despite its' safe position.
' I'll just have to show the Vong what real gravity can do to their artificial black holes.'
Stargazer Lily shot off towards the two nearest Vong Light Cruisers. They sensed his approach long before it would mattered as far as their weapons range, although Pierce had two sets of Long Range Turbolaser cannons reaching out and blazing into their hulls as a distraction. The eight proton torpedos and the neural disruption ray, he would save for the closer combat.
The Force began aligning itself with him, and he gripped it tightly, sensing where the high gravity areas would form seconds before they did so and manuevering to avoid them. In this fashion, he evaded coralskip defenders and Cruiser weaponry alike until he was in among them.
The neural disruption ray flashed once, twice, four times total. Two of the shots never made it to the targeted Cruiser, but the second two did. Two guardian coralskips vanished in a sudden compress of gravity.
Pierce set the neural disruptor to auto-target and proceeded to aim with his proton torpedo launcher. Dipping and juking in among gravity wells that could crush him in an instant, Pierce aligned himself with the rear of the ship, where the most dovin basals were. When he was close enough, he let loose a single torpedo, accompanied by flashing salvos of turbolaser fire.
The lasers were mostly absorbed.
The torpedo wasn't. It crashed into the Vong ship and exploded, sending yorik coral shards everywhere. More turbolaser shots flashed out, heavily damaging the Light Cruiser. The ship began to drift downward, then suddenly plummet, along with its' fellow Light Cruiser. Pierce's intruments told him what was happening.
His ND shots on the first Cruiser had the effect of causing it to ignore its' own propulsion. The dovin basals on the vessel were solely occupied with taking down the closest recognizable threat, which was its' damaged partner. The damaged Cruiser had too few dovin basals to counter the attack from its' fellow and stay aloft.
Pierce watched with satisfaction as both ships and their remaining force of skippers on board were lost in a massive crash among the Mother Jungle's flora.
Two down- eight to go. And the Vong have only just begun to see what a true marksman can do...
Lady DeVille
Feb 22nd, 2001, 02:52:18 AM
Dead end! Lily turned, putting her back against the wall, facing the long alley she had just run down. Vong troops ran by the opening, but four peeled off from the main group and saw her standing there.
They came towards her, taking their time, with their blasters drawn. Lily was nearly frozen in fear, her breath coming in short gasps. Breathe, dammit!
"We have to take her alive, set to stun." The Hunters, blank spots in the Force, set their weapons to the desired setting reluctantly.
Frelling- Lily didn't finish her thought. If she was taken, they would not keep her alive very long. Embracing the Dark Side, Lily opened herself up to the bottomless pit of power that she had been away from too long. Her skin pimpled over as she shot one Hunter with her blaster, dropping him to the ground of the herdship.
The remaining three shot in tandem, concentric blue circles of light racing for Lily's neural pathways. She pulled her lightsaber off her belt in a practiced motion, and absorbed much of the stun blast with it. Some of the blast hit her in the left arm, numbing it a little as she worked with the Force to absorb the energy into her body harmlessly.
The Yuuzhan Vong Hunters charged her, and she fought for her life.
Commander Tla
Feb 22nd, 2001, 06:08:17 PM
Tla left Phalanx with two Vong guards for a second and looked back at the battle. There seemed to be a new ship in the battle. One that had done more then any other out there. Tla recognized it as the Stargazer Lily. He smiled to himself. This ship would need to be exterminated.
The Commander spoke into his villip requesting backup forces for the Space Battle. The Yuuzhan Vong didn't want Ithor, they wanted to devastate it. Tla was sure the forces should arrive momentarily.
He swiftly walked over to his tactician and began conversing with him. In less then five minutes they had a plan. Tla issued this new order into the villip.
The Vong cheered as the last VSD exploded. They all hooted war crys and offered prayers to the Gods. But there was another ship. Suddenly, all the Vong heard Tla's commanding voice over the villip. They had a new order now.
The Heavy Cruisers moved on to finish the resistance forces. All Light Cruisers and other Vong ships were sent to the planet or the Stargazer Lily. 4 Light Cruisers confronted the freighter and began to pound it's shields with plasma. The coralskippers acted as shields and some took shots for the Light Cruisers.
Half of the ships that had been sent to Ithor were entering the atmosphere. The rest stayed in orbit. Most of Mother Jungle was caught on fire or being hacked down by a Vong. It was indeed total chaos...
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 23rd, 2001, 06:34:38 AM
Nodding, Kaine's voice was lower than a whisper. “Ithor..” Raising his head up, he leans it to the side, looking at Kat. Turning his head slowly, He makes eye contact with everyone, stopping at Damel. “We must go there.. Something will happen..” Turning around, Kaine faced everyone's ships. “We leave now.”
Powering up his ship, he blasted off the ground, aiming for space. Looking over his shoulder, He saw the rest of his friends slowly taking off, and following him. The would enter hyperspace soon, but one thing bothered Kaine.
What would happen at Ithor?
Satine Capashen
Feb 23rd, 2001, 10:53:10 AM
As if on cue, Kaine's comm system lights up, with Satine asking, "Kaine, what's going down on Ithor. VOng assault?"
Satine's ship is the last to lift off, but with its enourmous speed, he catches up with the others in no time.
"All ships, prepare to enter hyperspace," Kaine says over the comm. "In 5,4,3,2,1...Enter hyperspace!"
Satine pulls the lever, and watches the starlines elongate...
Morgan Evanar
Feb 23rd, 2001, 05:44:22 PM
And the three of the hunters were abruptly cut down with a single movement. The air shimmered for an instant and revealed Morgan, clad in trencoat weilding that odd sword of his.
"Aye, when the nothing comes, they shall fall at ye feet, cut down." A hunter atempted to take Evanar from behind. There was a flash of metal, and the Hunter found a sword through his brain. He smiled as he reached in his coat and put 4 .50 caliber ceramic slugs through a different Hunter Vong.
"Hello Lady! Sharp eyes misses you much. He says..."
Breaking off, he knew more must be coming.
"Well, come, lets get to sharp eyes. Aye, he will be a happy man."
Phalanx Allger
Feb 23rd, 2001, 06:02:20 PM
Remaining silent through his beating he endured, Phalanx kept his head high as he was passed from enforcer to enforcer.
Leaning his head back, Phalanx pushes hit foward, excreeting a loogie towards the Commander's feet.
Phalanx: I am Retired LT. Colonel Phalanx Allger of The Past Sith Army. I am Retired Head of Starfighter Ops in Lord Poreon's Navy. I am a human. I am your weakness.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 23rd, 2001, 06:03:33 PM
Kat took off in her ship, Cira and Kent also at the controls.
"Over the river and through the woods now off to Ithor we go!" she muttered as her ship entered hyperspace.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 23rd, 2001, 06:07:28 PM
Satine leaves his cockpit, and goes down to his weapons storage lockers. He opens one, and takes out his old and battered bio-tech armor and wings, putting them on. As the armor flows over him, he grabs the shurikens he keeps in there, and puts three on each arm, and the rest inside of a pouch on his belt. He also takes out a heat sword, much like a lightsabre, except it can create a small shield, two lightsabres, a katana, and various other weapons.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 23rd, 2001, 08:14:50 PM
"Im gone"
*he then enters hyperspace*
Lady DeVille
Feb 23rd, 2001, 08:32:41 PM
She was falling back against the wall, her arm numbed and nearly useless. Lily emptied her blaster's power cell into one of the Hunters, but another joined the group and she was again facing three.
Suddenly the three faltered in their attack, surprise painted across their alien faces as they fell to the ground in three separate sprays of blood. Lily flinched back violently, blood splattering her as she fell to the floor. A man materialized in front of her, brandishing a metallic sword. He was familiar to her, a Jedi from the past. Evanar.
Pain abruptly shot through her left arm as sensation returned, and Lily looked down. One of the Vong had reflexively pulled the trigger of his blaster even as he had been cut down, and the bolt had caught her high on her left arm. Her blood poured from the wound, and she clamped her hand around it.
Evenar was talking, and reaching down to help her up. She winced as he took her left arm in his hand to lift her to her feet, but she used to Force to swallow the pain in a blanket of darkness.
"...eyes misses you much. He says...well, come, lets get to sharp eyes. Aye, he will be a happy man." The Jedi was not making sense, but Lily attributed it to her sudden wooziness.
He pulled her along the alley, out to the main road. They ran along in the opposite direction than the Hunters had gone. Lily looked up the the sky and could see the battle going on in space. Smoke rose from the Tafanda Bay herdship, and the shouts and screams on innocents ripped through the air.
Evenar shimmered before her eyes, but he did not do his disappearing trick. Instead he looked back, his eyes becoming clear for a split second as he smiled at Lily.
Commander Nom Anor
Feb 23rd, 2001, 09:55:28 PM
OOC: Damn... Where should I come in at? Any position for me?
Commander Tla
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:37:14 AM
Tla smiles as the status reports are announced by his servant. 60% of Mother Jungle had been destroyed into a barren wasteland. His troops were proceeding and they did not meet any resistance so far.
The Vong warriors cheer as one of the minor Herdships smashes into a mountain. Many explosions fill the air. Though, this was not a time to celebrate. The battle hadn't been won yet. Coralskippers overhead hit the ground with plasma and other Vong weapons.
One Vong warrior, cried an order. He took many beetles out of a container and put them on the ground. The other Vong warriors did the same. Even if they were fended off, Ithor was doomed. The beetles emitted a poison air (Like in Vector Prime). The Vong knew it would take many hours, but surely the poison would fil the air and kill the plantlife. Hundreds of Vong released thousands of bugs. Their work was over. The Vongs filed back to the carriers. It was time to leave.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:00:10 AM
“Coming outta hyper space in 5..4...ready.. steady.. go!” He said to himself, as he dropped out of hyperspace. Moments later, All the others dropped out not far behind him. Staring out at Ithor, he looked at the Yuuzhan Vong fleet.
“Uh.. Guys.. We might have some problems..” Kaine said, watching as atleast 3 dozen Skips came their way.
Firing a concussion missle, Kaine waited for about 10 seconds. When it reached 10 seconds, he blasted off another one. As usual, the Skip opened up a void, which sucked in the concussion missle. As soon as it closed, The other missle came in. The skip had no time to open another void, and was hit directly. The missle penetrated the coral, then exploded, with pieces of the skip blasting off it.
Tla notices one of the newer fighters on the scene. He identified the ship belonging to Kaine Darklighter. A Force User who had caused him trouble in the past twenty years. The Commander issued the ship be captured at once. Immpediately, 4 of the Dovin Basals on the main ship began to pull the fighter toward it.
Kaine could do nothing to avoid the dovin basals. He was slowly getting sucked into the ship. “Guys, Ithor cant be saved. It's probably already gone. Get outta here now, Save yourselves. I'll meet you's back at Hoth. If I don't come in 2-3 days, I'm dead. Now go!” He issued out the order to his friends, and sighed softly.
Looking back at the Capital Ship, he sighed. What would happen on the ship? Hold on a second.. He is pulling me in with Dovin Basals.. So if I do this.. Kaine grinned, then fired every concussion missle he had. The missles homed in on the Capital Ship, and finally reached it. Blowing up 3 of the 4 dovin basals, he spins his ship around, and begins to chase after his friends, who were ready to go into hyperspace.
Commander Tla
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:11:02 AM
Tla is enraged by this new fighter trying to get away. He orders his servant to ready his Heavy Coralskipper. He isn't going to let him get away.
The Commander orders that the new capital ship be Heavy Cruiser Death, while the Embrace of Pain is to leave for repairs. He issues the position of commander until he gets back to his right hand man...Harrar.
Meanwhile the coralskippers escorted the Yuuzhan Vong escorts to the cruisers. A few had already been blown into bits. This did not matter, the fight at Ithor was soon to end. The poison air was spreading fast. In hours the task they set out to complete would be well on it's way. One Herdship had crashed, and another had went into Hyperspace. Two other Herdships still remained. The Vong on the herdships remained to give up their life in battle.
Tla boarded his Heavy Coralskipper and blasted off to follow the fighter. He traced the fighter's direction and began to follow.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:21:37 AM
*dragon had come out of hyperspace to find out that kaine wanted him to go back to hoth*
*over a link to all the other ships*
"so what now? do we head back to hoth or help out kaine?"
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 24th, 2001, 07:58:14 AM
Putting up his throttle to 100%, He sighs softly. Looking at his friends ships, he opened up a com.
“Dragon, Don't ask questions. Just GO! I'm right behind ya's, Now get the hell outta here!”
Commander Tla
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:30:06 PM
Tla raced against time in his heavy coralskipper to catch up to the fighter. The Commander figured he was a Force user, because no other pilot could maneuver like him. he fighter was 11 KM away. Tla would catch up!
Jedi Alpha
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:38:16 PM
Satine shuts down his comm system, and opens fire on the Skippers coming in at him. He vapes one outright, and melts half of another.
The rest of the swarms open voids, but they still get pegged by some laser blasts.
Satine turns on the comm, and says, "I'm going to check the surface for survivors. I'll be back at Hoth soon...."
Satine hits afterburners, and his bank of enourmos engines roar to life, outrunnign all of the Skippers. Soon the former Jedi lands on the main herdship, and pops the hatch open, walking out. Satine ignites his lightsabre, and takes out a shuriken, just in case, as he begins to look for survivors.
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:51:01 PM
OOC: Just to remind everyone, Ithor's ground is mostly obliterated and contaminated. It's being poisoned like Belkadan on Vector Prime...So don't go down there.
IC:Harrar stood upon the ship Death and gazed at the ongoing battle. Their job was almost done. It was time to leave. The last Corellian Gunship exploded and took a coralskipper with it. The Yuuzhan Vong escorts had all latched onto ships. The coralskippers were slowly leaving the battle one by one. Phalanx Allger had been taken to this ship. Harrar would deal with him later.
He knew that the new fighters couldn't go into Hyperspace because of the gravity wells. All ships were now moving in to intercept them. Death used it's plasma and disabled all the weapons of one of the fighters. It began to use it's Dovin basals to pull it in. This one supposedly belonged to Dragon Dlayer.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:55:27 PM
After a throughoh search, Satine goes back into his ship, taking off. He sees Dragon's ship taking a pummeling, and arms his weapons, locking on to the attackers. He fires a full volley of missles, and energy weapons, destroying three fighters by suprise.
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:05:34 PM
Harrar watched as Light Cruiser Twice shot plasma projectiles at the small fighter that belonged to a Jedi named Alpha. At the same time, the Heavy Cruiser Life latched onto it to keep it still.
When coralskippers joined in on the beating, the ship was disabled in a few minutes. The Heavy Cruiser Death began to pull the ship toward it.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:25:36 PM
Satine looks at his readings, and sees the red lights flashing on his control panel, and mutters a curse.
"Damn it!"
The Jedi activates a self destruct and sets it for three minutes. Then, Satine runs to his small hanger bay, and jumps into a small fighter, fuly loaded with weapons and other equipment. The Jedi opens the hanger bay, and shoots out, doing a snap-shot on one Coral Skipper, and destrotying it. He then heads out of the way, as the Dark Web explodes, taking out half of the opposing forces around Dragon.
Feb 24th, 2001, 01:44:32 PM
The Vong laughed at his pitiful attempt to get away. Indeed many Coralskippers had been destroyed, but that was only the beginning. Earlier Tla had called in for reinforcements, well they had just arrived. 4 Heavy Cruisers followed by 4 Light Cruisers. Many coralskippers were unleashed to intercept the Jedi-flown fighters. They would not get away with these much gravity wells.
Harrar ordered two Heavy Cruisers to focus on the fighter belonging to Alpha. The fighter was disabled, but not killed after long. Death once again used it's Dovin Basals to pull the ship in, while the skippers acted as protection.
By now the virus was spreading. Very little life was left on Ithor. By the minute it got larger and larger. More beetles began to breed and emitted the virus. Ithor would never be the same again.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 24th, 2001, 02:15:39 PM
Alpha slams his hands onto the cockpit in frustration, and looks at the dovin basals reeling him in. The Jedi takes out three swords, Sword of Light, Darkness, and Shadow, and his trusty lightsabre, not to mention shurikens and other small weapons. Satine readies himself for a fight.
{OOC: You ARE reeling me into the ship...Right?}
Feb 24th, 2001, 02:27:31 PM
OOC: Yes I am reeling you in.
IC:Harrar laughed while watching the ship being pulled towards them. He knew that the Jedi inside was indeed preparing for a fight. If he wanted a fight, he was foolish. The Jedi wouldn't last long.
Harrar ordered that 10 Vong warriors meet the ship in the docking bay (or whatever Vong call it). Harrar followed them there too.
The watched the ship come in.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 24th, 2001, 04:38:14 PM
Satine pops the canopy, and jumps out, his armor flowing around him, as the Jedi ignites his lightsabre. Alpha jumps out, and as he lands on the deck, he unsheaths his Sword of Darkness.
"Hmm...10-1 odds...Not bad..."
Satine gets into a fighting stance, and prepares for a fight...
Dragon dlayer
Feb 24th, 2001, 10:11:42 PM
ooc: ok im lost, what happend to me?
Feb 25th, 2001, 12:07:55 AM
Harrar and his men had made a quick stop before going to Satine. Dragon Dlayer's ship had just arrived. The Vong warriors had seized him and bounded him(with two Amphistaff clamping onto eachother) with much struggle.
Harrar had put a dagger to his throat and dragged him to the area Satine was in. The Vong laughed to see the Jedi was ready to fight.
Harrar: "If you try to flinch, your friend will be dead. I will personally kill him."
The dagger was still pointed at his throat.
Harrar: "Lay down your weapons and let these warriors bind you. Don't try anything funny. I will not hesitate to kill him."
Harrar waited for an answer from the Jedi.
OOC: DD I believe Tla explained to you what has happened.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 25th, 2001, 12:13:48 AM
i will take your head for this
Damel Girte
Feb 25th, 2001, 03:17:23 AM
Upon hearing Kaine's frantic command, Damel had rapidly punched in the hyperspace coordinates, finger hovering over the console about to stab the final digit, when she saw Satine and Dragon's ships being dragged into the midst of the Vong. Her breath froze, caught and she swore, one hand reaching towards the firing console, the other barely touching the lever that would send the ship into hyperspace. In that split second, she was torn between running to safety and spinning around to shoot-
Damn! Gravity we
A blinding light slammed against her A-wing, sending it lurching sideways. She was jerked forward onto the controls, harness straps digging painfully into her chest. Damel grabbed the controls and cursed under her breath as she swung the Slingshot around under the barrage of fire, sending a volley of missiles and laser fire back at the pursuing ships. Two of the skips exploded, one skittering off to the side to smash into a third. Not that it made that much difference, what with such a massive force...
She slammed the controls to the right, spinning the ship out of the way of a barrage of laser fire. Damel set shields to full strength forward and dove towards the oncoming ships, guns blazing. If she went down, she was going down fighting.
Feb 25th, 2001, 12:40:08 PM
Harrar still stood quietly waiting for Alpha's reply.
A Vong Light Cruiser saw what the ship belonging to a Jedi named Damel did to the coralskippers. The tactician on the Light Cruiser ordered an all out attack on the ship.
The plasma coming from each side pounded the shields. In minutes Damel's shields were out. The plasma continued to pound the hull from all sides, seeping in and destroying the motors.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 25th, 2001, 03:42:41 PM
Satine sighs, and throws his weapons down, and as his armor flows off him, he let's the Vong tie him up.
"You will die for this Harrar..."
Dragon dlayer
Feb 25th, 2001, 03:49:39 PM
sorry alpha
Jedi Alpha
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:09:08 PM
"IT's ok Dragon...I'm the one who got myself into this..."
Satine gets thrown onto the ground, after they finish tying him up with the amphistaffs.
"I'll just enjoy it when I kill every last one of these bastards..."
Dragon dlayer
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:15:49 PM
just save some for me *he laughs*
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:16:16 PM
Harrar: "On the contrary Satine."
Harrar uses the hilt of the knife and knocks Dlayer unconscious. His warriors do the same to Satine. They are stripped of all their weapons, (which were thrown into space) and placed in a bio cell. Not even a Force User could escape those. (Escaping is impossible. In Vector Prime, Jedi Knight Miko Reglia couldn't escape)Many Vong guards had been stationed near the cell to make sure nothing funny was attempted. The Jedi would be placed in the Embrace of Pain very soon.
Harrar was back at his Command Chair. He was awaiting more prisoners. The Vong was contemplating whether to leave, or stay. He was sure Tla would tell him what to do soon.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:27:35 PM
Alpha soon wakes up, his head ringing slightly.
"Ouch...Hey Dragon, you ok?"
Alpha hears Dragon's groan, and smiles slightly.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:37:27 PM
*he stands then sits with his back to the cell wall*
"god someone is going to die for this"
*he rubs where he was hit*
"any ideas how we get out of this one alpha?"
Jedi Alpha
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:44:07 PM
"I have no clue...I've never been inside a Vogn prison before...I've been able to dodge all of the Hunters they sent at me."
Dragon dlayer
Feb 25th, 2001, 05:01:54 PM
*sigh* "I hope the others have better luck then us."
Feb 25th, 2001, 05:09:10 PM
Harrar laughed silently to himself. Ithor had indeed been devastated for good. He silently walked over to his villip and spoke into it.
Harrar: "Commander Tla, Ithor's poisoning is almost complete...What should we do?"
Tla: "Move out, before more ships are destroyed."
Harrar: "Yes Commander."
Harrar spoke into a different villip now. He ordered all ships to begin moving out. He had enough Jedi for now. He probably could capture the rest, but orders were orders. And with that, The Vong armada disappeared into Hyperspace.
Pierce Tondry
Feb 25th, 2001, 11:45:55 PM
The four Light Cruisers had indeed kept Pierce busy. He'd taken two of them out with the same trick that had worked on the previous two, but his ship had also begun to sustain moderate damage.
One could only fly but so well when the odds were as stacked as they were.
Stargazer Lily spit out more turbolaser shots at two coralskippers attacking the Tafanda Bay. The skips went down in flames.
In flames?
Pierce did a double take, then rechecked his readings. The superheated turbolasers did indeed ignite the surrounding atmosphere. His turbolaser shots had become fireballs.
Which was because there was too much free oxygen in the atmosphere, which, in turn, could only be caused by rapid decomposition of carbon-based life forms.
Ithor, the home of his memories of love, was dying as the victim of Vong bioengineering.
' Morgan!' he called out with the Force. He'd never been very good with mental uses of the Force, so he had to hope Evanar heard him. ' I'm landing on the Tafanda Bay at the pad where I docked in a few minutes with Stargazer Lily. If you want off this rock, meet me there. And do it quick, because Ithor is dying.'
Morgan Evanar
Feb 26th, 2001, 12:06:16 AM
Morgans eyes got wider and his strides lenghtend and quickend. He had only seen two more Hunter Vong since offing the last batch, and the place where he had been staying was close by.
'Morgan!' Tondry had called out with the Force. 'I'm landing on the Tafanda Bay at the pad where I docked in a few minutes with Stargazer Lily. If you want off this rock, meet me there. And do it quick, because Ithor is dying.'
Ithor? Dying? this was bad. He had always liked the green planet, but the sadness would be dealt with later. He had more important matters on his hands, litteraly. Morgan shifted DeVille a bit, still unconsious.
Please get better DeVille, for the sake of Tondry's broken heart. He needs you. Hopefully we shall see him soon, the landing pad is closer than the hotel.
The landing pad was ver close. Too close, in a way. Morgan saw a pile of debris from the attack, and wedged him and Deville in a corner, although he could still see the air above the pad, a hundred meters away, and the two of them dissapeared.
Feb 26th, 2001, 12:13:42 AM
(Somewhere in space, location unknown to anything but the Vong)
Harrar watched as the temporary repairs were being made to the ship. He had offered many Ithorian sacrifices to the Gods and praised them many times for the destruction of Ithor.
Harrar had the two Jedi to deal with, but that was saved for later. He spoke into a villip. All ships could hear his booming voice.
Harrar: "That is but one of the worlds that will suffer the fate it did. I have something bigger in store for the Infidels. We will first go to our homeplanet, and restock on ships. Then we will head to a special planet."
Dragon dlayer
Feb 26th, 2001, 12:21:09 AM
*dragon was a little ticked that he was captured*
*he keept yelling things like this for a few hours*
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 26th, 2001, 02:19:24 AM
Kaine had felt Dragons anger. Dragon.. I'll find you and get you out soon, Just keep your cool.. Suddenly, a plasma blast rocked the ship. Looking over his shoulder, He saw Tla's Heavy Skip right on his tail. “Oh, So you want to fight now, Huh? Let's play..”
Pushing his stick forward, Kaine's H-Wing suddenly dived. Doing a quick right turn, he dropped his throttle to 0%, and watched as Tla went straight past him. Thrusting his throttle to 100%, He chased after Tla. “C'mon..c'mon..” Getting just in range, he sends out a barrage of laser fire at Tla's ship. Kaine watched as a void opened up, sucking in all the laser. Sighing softly, he got an Idea. “R7! Change the settings on our Concussion Missles! Make it so that when they detect a void, they explode!” “BrReeeOT!” The droid replied, going off to do the order.
He had a lock on Tla's ship, and was ready to blow it to nothingness. “Hurry up R7!” “BrEEeoT!” “Good! Fire!” Pulling the trigger, the last concussion missle he had blasted from the ship. As expected, Tla's ship opened up a void. The concussion missle exploded not to far away from Tla, ripping apart some of the Vong ship. “Time to die, Vong..” Grinning widely, He changed back to laser fire, and held down the trigger.
Lady DeVille
Feb 26th, 2001, 04:32:52 AM
Lily opened her eyes, and shut them again quickly. She must have passed out, but she didn't remember doing so. Evenar held her tightly, and the sensations she was getting through the Force were different than she had felt before.
Almost as if I were... That must be it. Evenar had disappeared, and he had taken her with him. Lily's body shuddered, and she withdrew within herself, protecting her spirit in a Force induced trance.
Feb 26th, 2001, 03:18:05 PM
After the Vong had restocked on ships, they met in space above their secret base. Harrar grabbed the villip from his tactician and spat the words into it.
<font color=red>Harrar: "Today we will head to the planet chosen by the eldars! We will destroy the monument there! We will emerge victorious. This galaxy will be ours!!!"
<font color=white>Harrar could hear the cheers of his people through the villip. He had roused them. That was a good sign. Since Commander Tla had disappeared, he had been the leader of the Vong space forces. Harrar had to quit his position as a Priest.
Harrar planned he would make it up to the Gods by overtaking this selected planet. There was no more room for failure. The best part about it was that it was a surprise attack. They didn't know the Vong were coming.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:06:49 PM
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Dragon dlayer
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:12:34 PM
ooc: damn..... so can we use the force?
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:16:19 PM
OOC: Alpha, that is god moding and illogical. First of all, you are in the bottom of a ship, if you were to burn the walls, the floor would burn and pierce a hole in the ship. You'd be sucked out and die from lack of oxygen and the coldness of space. Secondly, there are thousands of Vong guards in the ship. If they saw you'd leave, they would not hesitate to kill you in the spot.
The God Moding part is that you are not only in a cell, but the ship is packed with ysalimir. You cannot use the Force. Please edit that out. Escaping is next to impossible unless it is granted. A Heavy Cruiser is equivalent to an Imperial Star Destroyer. No two Jedi could escape from that let alone a Vong ship full of seasoned warriors.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:19:20 PM
{OOC:I'm sorry about that...I didn't know we were at the bottom of the ship, and I didn't know that there was ysalmiri(SP?) I'll edit it}
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:22:29 PM
The Vong armada mappears from Hyperspace just above the chosen planet. The planet was Vortex. The objective was to destroy the cathedral of winds. Most ships began to land while the rest stayed above ground.
Everyone knew their orders. If they failed, they would pay the consequences. After all, there was no room for failure.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:25:24 PM
Satine stops, and sits in a corner, his anger simmering.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:28:26 PM
*dragon stops yelling and sits down*
*he looks down*
Nichos Marr
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:28:49 PM
Nichos Marr had hid on Vortex for the past 20 years. The Vong had driven him into hiding. He was quietly visiting one of his friends, when they appeared. Nichos couldn't believe it.
A lump formed in his throat. Nichos saw the dozens of Vong ships big and small ascend to the ground. The biggest one was in the middle. Nichos knew if he killed the Commander all Vong would be lost and confused.
He ran back to his house and grabbed his lightsaber. The Jedi Master ran off towards the ascending Vong ships.
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:35:19 PM
Harrar smiled at the sound of the ships landing. The coralskippers above would take care of the Cathedral. The thousands of Vong troops and Chazrach exited the ships and marched across the fields. Something told Harrar while the others were busy, he'd deal with the Jedi.
Harrar ran off to their containment area. They were still in there, but they looked mad and deprived. He let out a cold laugh. They couldn't see him. That was until he entered the cell, fully armed with a ysalimiri.
Nichos Marr
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:45:34 PM
[/i]Nichos uses the Force to make himself invisible as he slips through the Vong army. Nichos could sense other Jedi. On the ship. He sent out a message that he was coming.[/i]
The Jedi made it to the ship. He could feel them getting closer. Nichos appeared again, and ignited his saber. With a quick slash, he opened a wall in the side. Nichos was surprised to see Alpha, Dlayer and a Vong inside. Alpha and Dlayer were inprisoned. Nichos eyed the Vong.
"Shall we?"
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:48:05 PM
Harrar smiled evilly and ran at the Jedi. He whipped out his Tsaisi and swung it at Nichos' left side.
Nichos Marr
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:53:57 PM
Nichos' saber swings down and blocks the attack. He kicks the Vong away and throws his saber. It flies and slices off the Jedis' bindings.
Nichos leaps at the Vong and tackles him.
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:02:41 PM
Harrar grabbed the Jedi by the neck and threw him aside. He jumped high and swing down. The Jedi blocked it. Harrar stepped on his leg. Nichos sprang up. The Vong turned around and shoved the pointy end of his Tsaisi through Nichos' heart. The Jedi fell to the ground dead.
Harra got up and looked around for the other two Force users.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:02:59 PM
*dragon runs as far from the cell has he can,useing the force to cloak himself from the vong eyes he starts sneaking around the ship and begens to look for a weapon locker with a few weapons he can use, or at least he can try and find his old ones, once he finds the weapon locker rooms he finds a virbo blade on the floor.
"whats this?" *he picks it up* "hey this is mine...hmm they must hace droped it.... *just then he feels nichos's force reading fade...*
"thanks nichos"
*He begens running for the fallen jedi had come in from*
Nichos Marr
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:05:58 PM
Nichos feels the weapon entering his heart. He drops his lightsaber and slumps back to the ground. He was becoming one with the Force.
"Goodbye Friends..."
And with that, everything faded away, one final time.
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:13:21 PM
Harrar disregarded the Jedi. He would let them escape for now. He had more important matters at hand. Harrar turned to the battlefield. To his delight, the plains of Vortex were burning, or drenched with blood. He looked up to see the first coralskippers make their ascension.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:14:58 PM
OOC: when someone can unconfuse me I'll join back in . . .
Dragon dlayer
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:38:59 PM
*dragon was off the cruiser now all he need was a way off the planet then it hit him nichos had a ship dragon went to his house to find a slighty damaged freighter, he looks at it and saw a scout vong walk by it, dragon eyes filled with anger when he saw the vong and when he remberd what they did to his friend...*
*with that he came out of cloaking and ran at the scout yelling the vong looked at his surpriesed but before he could do anything dragon and switched the virdo blade on and jamed it in the vong's head, blood went every were all over dragon's hands and body. the sound of the blade going threw flesh made him only yell louder and push the blade in deeper.*
*alpha yelled "lets go" at him,then he let go of the blade and the vong fell to the ground, they then got into the ship. "i'll get us out of here alpha" *dragon ran for the cockpit and grasped the controls with his blood stained hands, flipped a few switches, the ship lifted and then enterd hyperspace heading for where they were captured and and left all ther friends*
" I hope there all still there"
edit: spelling
Jedi Alpha
Feb 27th, 2001, 11:06:09 AM
Satine nods, and then fingers the weapons he found in his fighter before they left, and nods.
"Yes, let's hope..."
Pierce Tondry
Feb 27th, 2001, 03:57:10 PM
Pierce set the ship down on the pad and activated the atmospheric filters. The ramp lowered and Pierce sat back to wait.
He felt, rather than saw, Morgan's invisible presence climb the ramp, and he knew that meant Morgan wasn't trying to hide himself, except from physical eyes. As far as picking people out of a crowd went, Pierce had always been far better with his eyes than with the Force.
Morgan's presence stepped onboard and Pierce activated the ramp's closing mechanism. It slid closed, and Pierce brought the ship up. Escape was his primary concern now.
Pierce could suddenly feel a strange sensation, strange enough to cause him to set the controls to autopilot and head to the back, where he could feel Morgan. And somebody else, someone so familiar that their presence had clung to Pierce from the first night they'd slept together. Someone important enough to Pierce to be recognized from a past fifteen years distant. Someone who was injured-
And suddenly, he had a different primary concern. Pierce rushed into the freighter's medbay to see Morgan gently easing Lilaena De'Ville onto one of the medical tables. "Lilaena," he breathed worriedly.
"What happened?" he demanded of Morgan.
"Vong snake-staff," the Jedi pointed to a bite mark. "She's in the best healing trance she could put herself in."
"Poison," Pierce said to himself. He went around hastily grabbing a few Vong-specific anti-toxins that he kept around and administered them using a syringe.
He could only hope they would work. Some Vong bioengineered toxins hadn't been figured out yet, while some had full treatment programs available. It was too bad the amphistaff in question wasn't available.
"Morgan," Pierce said aloud, plopping into a chair. His hands shook as he rested them on the arms of the chair. "Can you pilot us back to the Guitas moon base? I-"
Morgan left and went to the cockpit, leaving Pierce alone with his injured wife and unfinished sentence.
Katarina Kariena
Feb 27th, 2001, 06:00:36 PM
Kat let out an exasperated sigh as she pulled her ship from hyperspace once agian. She had feared that. She haden't had do face anything like that in years.
Cira) What the heck was that?!
Kat) That was my past that I didden't want to put you through. I may have trained you as Jedi, but that is the future you must face.
Kent) But why? Why were they after us? Why did they destroy that planet?
Kat) The Imps fear us. Fear all force users.
Ket Limelight
Feb 27th, 2001, 08:06:43 PM
Ket sat back in his Sith Infiltrator. It took him a long time to finaly refit the monster and get her space worthy again. its been like hell sine the Imperials had began to kill the Sith and Jedi. jedi he didnt care about,Sith he did. He was a Sith Master and had to help his fellow Sith. but he was older now...almost 45. He didnt have the brashness he had so many years earlier. But that didnt really matter now. Carefully,he plotted in the course and engaged the hyperdrive,off to find those with whom he had known so long ago...
Dragon dlayer
Feb 27th, 2001, 08:20:22 PM
*the ship came out of hyperspace over the destroyed planet, dragon looked around and dident see the other ships "damn....wait they must have gone to hoth...were off."
*the ship enterd hyperspace once agen heading they were going to hoth*
Jedi Alpha
Feb 27th, 2001, 09:15:16 PM
Satine sighs, and slumps into a chair, saying, "I wonder if we'll be able to find them again..."
Alexia Tondry
Feb 28th, 2001, 02:46:38 AM
I sighed, and flopped into the co-pilot seat of Liam's ship, fastening and unfastening the crash webbing. I hated to be a pest, but..."If there's no one here, what are we waiting for? What about mother?"
Liam stared out at the icy planet of Hoth for another twenty seconds, and then turned and faced me. "We'll go tomorrow. One more day in orbit won't hurt."
Won't help, either. I got up and walked to the 'fresher, splashing water on my face. Nearly fourteen, but I look so much like Mother already. I smiled into my reflection, imagining how Lily Tondry might have looked at my age. She was probably prettier.
My personal comm beeped. "Alex, come up to the cockpit, we've got company now." I scurried out of the 'fresher, heading up to the 'pit.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:09:35 AM
Satine whoo[ps in delight, and hits the comm system as his and Dragon's ship comes out of hyperspace.
"Hey Liam, it's us! what's going on?"
Kaine Darklighter
Mar 1st, 2001, 07:50:22 AM
OOC: Well, This has suddenly gone dead.. O_o; Come on peoples, This aint finished yet.
Lady DeVille
Mar 2nd, 2001, 02:20:30 AM
ooc: DEAD? Don't say that! /ic:
Lily trembled as her body fought against the poison from the Vong amphistaff. Her abilities in healing had never been quite up to par, even for a Dark Jedi. Her shaking became more intense, and her hold on the meditation trance slipped away from her.
Her eyes opened, tearing up from the sudden light.
Pain... She squeezed her eyes shut against the light, fully aware of the toxins coursing through her veins. Its only a matter of time. Lily lay still. There was another agent in her blood, fighting with her against the poison. Allowing herself to relax a little, she reached out with the Force-
-and felt another presence in the room.
Jedi Alpha
Mar 2nd, 2001, 10:39:15 AM
Satine takes control of the ship, and sets it down on Hoth's suface, and begins scanning for anyone else.
He flicks on the comm and says, "Any other Jedis or Force-users around this planet?"
Alexia Tondry
Mar 2nd, 2001, 08:22:30 PM
I waited as Liam began the landing sequence. He turned to me, "You might want to dress warmly. There are the ruins of an old Rebel base down there, but its not going to be heated."
I nodded, and left to change.
Dragon dlayer
Mar 2nd, 2001, 08:39:24 PM
*gets up and walks up behind alpha*
"any luck?"
Commander Tla
Mar 3rd, 2001, 12:05:15 PM
Commander Tla tries to create a void, but the Dovin Basals are damaged. He frantically looks around, holding the control yolk in his hands. He growls and increases speed. Unfortunately, it was too late. The lasers hit his hull.
Tla emitted one last scream before his ship blew up. Rocks scattered everywhere, and the Commander was no more. Space was silent once again.
Jedi Alpha
Mar 3rd, 2001, 02:00:23 PM
"Not yet...Liam's ship is getting ready to land, but I can't find a lot of the others..."
Dragon dlayer
Mar 3rd, 2001, 03:03:45 PM
*looks down then back up at alpha agen* "k.....At least we found liam right?"
Satine Capashen
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:54:32 PM
"Yeah...But it still is disappointing."
Dragon dlayer
Mar 3rd, 2001, 07:04:25 PM
yeah...i hope there not all dead or captured by the vong....
Satine Capashen
Mar 3rd, 2001, 07:16:19 PM
Alpha shudders at the thought.
"We can only hope..."
Mark Fenix
Mar 4th, 2001, 12:00:52 AM
Might I suggest ending this here and creating a new thread?
Mar 4th, 2001, 01:44:19 PM
OOC: I will create the new thread right now.
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