View Full Version : LL, Rama Sha, Ogre, Venom, Havok, Kat, Aya...

Dec 12th, 2000, 06:01:26 PM
...and anyone else who doesn't have "Marzullo" in thier name:

I wish to fight all of you at once. Come get some.

<table width="500" border="0" height="163" bgcolor="#000000" bordercolor="#000000"><tr bgcolor="#000000"><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>http://nupraptor.clanhappy.com/Garrett.jpg</td><td>http://www.geocities.com/ogressigshop/Nup1.jpg</td></tr></table></td></tr><tr bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle"><td height="26">http://www.geocities.com/ogressigshop/Twilight.gif</td></tr></table><font color="#993300" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">[<font color="#FF6600">Greater Jedi Order</font> (http://pub1.ezboard.com/bthejedilounge)] [<font color="#CC3300"><font color="#FF6600">Send me an IM</font> (aim:GoIM?ScreenName=Lord+Nupraptor)</font><font color="#FF6600"></font>]</font>

Sith Summoner
Dec 12th, 2000, 06:30:27 PM
I'm insulted that my names not there... oh well guess i'll just have to go shoot some more droids... :evil:

**heads to see if Tondry is ready for his rematch**

Sith Kat
Dec 12th, 2000, 06:30:31 PM
:: hears Kat's voice behind him ::

"So eager to die?"

Dec 12th, 2000, 06:31:21 PM
*A voice from the shadows is heard by only one person, Nup.*
If you insist...
*A fist suddenly lands square in Nupraptor's jaw, taking him by suprise. Nupraptor puts a hand to his chin to and feels the area in shock. As he loks up he sees Firebird1 with saber drawn.*

Dec 12th, 2000, 06:34:19 PM
Assured that his jaw is intact, Nupraptor only grins as his hand falls to his lightsabre, yanking it from it's belt hook. He depresses the button on it's side, and with a Snap-Hiss , the purple blade springs to life. He holds it upward in a defensive position, so close that it's hum is almost deafening.

"Not quite... just looking to have a bit of fun."

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 12th, 2000, 06:42:15 PM
:: Hisses in Sith Kat's ear::

Why... are you ready?

Sith Kat
Dec 12th, 2000, 06:55:59 PM
:: DT is blinded by smoke and fire as Kat disappears from sight, reappearing a short distance away ::

"I haven't forgotten about you, old man."

Rama Sha
Dec 12th, 2000, 07:00:29 PM
:: Rama Enters ::

Damn boy......and here I was just about to think you were one of the smarter Jedi and you pull this..

:: Rama looks over and DT. Force lighting jumps from his eyes ::

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 12th, 2000, 07:21:19 PM
Dalethria's comes out of the shadows to survey the situation. She sees that Master Rama and Kat are squared off against DT so her attention is to the Jedi in front of her.

She unclips her sabre and ingites one blade, the purple glow spreading across her face, and takes a running start. Once at the right distance and jumps into the air, kicking Nupraptor in the back, sending him closer to FireBird.

Dec 12th, 2000, 07:46:44 PM
Nupraptor hastily flips to his feet, looking behind him. Spinning around, he spots Dalethria. "Surrounded on both sides, eh?" , he thinks. "Only one way to go then..."

Nupraptor forces himself into the air, propelled by the Force, until he's a good distance upwards. Both Dalethria and Firebird attempt to have thier gaze follow him up, but find it difficult against the harsh glare of the sun. Several yards away, Nup lands with a roll, quickly standing once again

"Didn't know you wanted to join in, DT... I was planning on hogging all the fun for myself."

Words put aside, Nupraptor glares intensely at Dale for several heartbeats before disappearing in a blur of speed, making a mad dash at her. He sweeps his lightsabre upwards in a tight arc, Dale bringing her weapon to guard with equal skill. Purple blade clashes against purple blade, sending a shower of coloured sparks raining into the air.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 12th, 2000, 08:05:01 PM
Her upper lip curls into a snarl as the sabres stayed locked, both of them pushing against each other to win the struggle. Eventually, neither can win so both back off and take a few steps away.

They stare at each other for but a moment before Dalethria begins the attack once again. She strikes high and Nupraptor parrys it as well as the next strike that comes down lower, aiming for the once open spot near his right side.

With a quick flip of another switch on her sabre, the other end of the weapon ignites. The purple blade shoots up and almost takes off his head, but he is able to lean back from the quick attack. He feels his legs get kicked out from under him as Dalethria drops to the ground for a leg grab and spins the sabre in her free hand, turning it so it heads for the fallen Jedi's chest.

Dec 12th, 2000, 08:17:59 PM
It took only a moments struggle for Nupraptor to find that he would not be able to twist free of the Sith woman's snare in time. Grimacing in anticipation, he did his best to twist away from the strike. His expression deepened to a frown as the blade passed by his chest, slicing through his robes and singeing the flesh underneath lightly.

He twisted his legs in an upward manner, kicking like a swimmer to pull them free from Dale's entanglement. Panting lightly, he put one hand on the ground and forced himself to his feet. As he did so, he allowed his fingers to lightly trace the fresh wound. it had been a while since he had truly felt the blade of a lightsabre against his skin.

Once again, the Jedi lowered his cold, barely human gaze upon the Sith. She shivered as he did so, apparently chilled to the core simply by looking into those eyes... But the chill did not stop there. All across her body, a freezing chill was passing through Dale, her body temperature rapidly dropping. Her fingers began to go numb, and she knew that, within moments, she would be suffering from frostbite.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 12th, 2000, 08:31:26 PM
Dalethria lifts her head in a smirk as her blade hit true. She quickly gets up and stands in a defensive posture, waiting for the Jedi's next attack.

Instead he stood there, eyeing her with cold dead eyes. Her teeth began chatter together and her hands were growing numb. So numb that she couldn't hold onto her sabre that it dropped to the ground.

She knew that she was going to freeze to death if she didn't act quick. Digging deep within herself, she focused on the darkside, channeling her anger through her and around her. She felt the warmth begin in her chest and spread throughout her body as the energy swelled within her. Crackles and sparks of light danced in the air around her and her hair seem to stand on end.

Looking up at Nupraptor, her eyes couldn't be seen. Only white glowing pits stared back at him and Dalethria raised her hands. Lightning arced from her finger tips and headed straight for the Jedi Master.

Dec 12th, 2000, 08:49:33 PM
A sinking feeling ran through the Jedi as he saw the energy that began to crackle in the air and surround Dalethria. He knew there was only a few seconds before her counterattack would come, and he did his best to prepare himself mentally and physically for the impending strike. If he didn't want to become a crispy critter, there was only one way he knew of to at least dampen her attack.

As the bluish-black lightning leapt from the Sith's fingertips, Nupraptor only closed his eyes, focusing on a technique to absorb and dissipate energy. The lightning struck him like... well, like a bolt of lightning. It knocked him back a few steps, but he dug his heels into the ground and held fast. The tendrils of energy coalesced and began to snake around his body, as if looking for some opening in his defense.

Eventually, the snake-like tendrils died down, leaving the Jedi panting for breath. He almost winced as smoke began to rise from the fresh gash in his chest, but didn't allow any of it to show on his face. He could feel the raw energy he absorbed still swirling around inside of him, but he was going to have to put it to good use, or else it would rip him apart from the inside. Well, perhaps a Jedi didn't use lightning, but he certainly had a few other things in mind.

Making a standing hop backwards (favoring his right leg as he did so), Nupraptor held his hands skyward, ignited lightsabre still clutched in his right palm. Within moments, the skies began to darken as storm clouds started to gather around the combatants. Light rain slowly began to pelt down on everyone present, until the rain hardened into the consistency of hail, steadily increasing in size. Golf-ball sized rocks of ice fell at a steady pace, pelting away at every person present.

Rama Sha
Dec 12th, 2000, 09:52:29 PM
:: Rama Sits back on a rock and watches. ::

Dec 12th, 2000, 09:56:03 PM
Still concentrating on keeping up the weather control, Nupraptor turns to Rama Sha

"What? You going to sit this one out? I thought you wanted to remove my insides?"

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 12th, 2000, 10:37:33 PM
The pain from the hail was nothing. Dalethria easily was able to block that from her mind. It was the change in the air that invigorated her. The Jedi used her own dark energies to created the storm, but Dalethria thought it ironic. Such a violent storm created by his own hands.

Nupraptor, Jedi Master, foolishly turned his attention away from her. Three quick steps forward and a right hand smack across his cheek and return to backhand him as well.

She called her sabre to her hand, now that the numbness from her body disapeared. Spinning on her heel, the twin blades ignited and quickly came down to try and cut the Master down while he was unprepared.

Rama Sha
Dec 13th, 2000, 12:45:36 AM
:: Rama still reamains seated. ::

I do Nurp.....I never said I wanted to do it. Besides looks like you got your hands full already. Im waiting for someone else.

Darth Renegade
Dec 13th, 2000, 01:01:20 AM
Stands on the side of the battle ground watching momentarily, before walking off

[i] The situation seems under control here, I don't need to help in the destruction of another when the odds are so great.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Dec 13th, 2000, 01:05:18 PM
:: stepping out from the shadows, Ogre walks over next to Rama and LV and looks on in interest. ::

Seems this Jedi known as Nupraptor is feeling self destructive.

Darth Havok
Dec 13th, 2000, 01:33:33 PM
::Emerges from the shadows as well, as a light energy called him forth on this day of reckoning..::

Confidence is one thing, but it seems this Jedi has a death wish….no?

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 13th, 2000, 01:40:54 PM
:: Silently, from above, a dark figure slowly descends, using the force to carefully control his downward motion. As his white boots touch the ground, enough light is cast to see his face, which slowly turns upward to stare at his opponent. As a spear of lightning flashes in the distance, and its diffuse glow is cast as shine off the man's jumpsuit and chest armor, the mysterious attacker brings his arms up into an "X", crossing his chest. As he bares his gritted teeth, he drops both hands down as quickly as he brought them up, just as the energy, which Nupraptor knew instantly was of the Dark Side, superheated the air immediately around the man, blowing a flash of warm gust across the area. The man's hair, which was a greying black, began to shimmer, changing into a golden color as the man turned his neck slightly, staring at the Jedi with a look of raged defiance. The man, who Nupraptor now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt as LL, brought his right hand in front of his body. His wrist twitched, and LL's lightsaber, the Shenlong's Fang, was ejected from a springloaded assasin's sheath, strapped to LL's inner forearm. LL caught the ejecting saber handle, activating the blade at the same time...the shimmering yellow of the blade casting a malevolent glow across his face ::

Ayanami Rai
Dec 13th, 2000, 02:25:54 PM
*she walks up and crosses her arms standing behind Ogre and Havok and grins* well, let's get this party started. *she pulls her saber from the holster on her belt and spins the hitl, then ignites it, the yellow light illuminating her face.*

Dec 13th, 2000, 02:59:31 PM
*watches interestedly but decides to wait a little while before she'll join in*

Sniper Tondry
Dec 13th, 2000, 03:29:21 PM
*As he leaves, Darth Havok trips over a thread in the Storytelling forum called "Assassination: Tides of Change".*

*Cough.* Just a friendly reminder. :)

Dara Shadowtide
Dec 13th, 2000, 03:50:21 PM
:: Dara gracefully emerges and walks to the side of Lord Havok, her hands on her saber hilts as the darkness ripples from her ::

Dec 13th, 2000, 06:22:56 PM
Nupraptor deftly rolls to his right a bit, deftly dodging the the purple blade as it came crashing down beside him. Spinning his whole body around, he twisted 90º, using his momentum to sweep Dale's legs out from underneath her. He didn't expect her to stay down for more than a few moments, but it gave him ample time to stand and attempt a counter-attack.

Quickly taking a few steps backwards, he reached to his belt, his hand grasping the canister of Bacta affixed there and yanking it free. Cracking open the top, he sloppily poured some of it's contents over his chest, flinching as the cold liquid flowed into the wound.

Seeing Dale hop to her feet once more, Nupraptor let the near-empty canister fall to the ground, gripping the hilt of his sabre with both hands. Sweeping it around sharply, the blade sliced through the air until he pointed it in the general direction of the Sith woman, Dalethria. The blade of his weapon began to pulse, growing steadily brighter until it finally climaxed, bursting with a blinding white light and stunning nearly everyone present. As she was temporarily without use of her eyes, Nupraptor charged at Dalethria, swinging Twilight with a short stroke aimed for her exposed side.

Rama Sha
Dec 13th, 2000, 07:15:34 PM
:: Rama leans over to Ogre. ::

Something isn't right about all this.....no one is helping Nup. Either this is a test or a trap........keep on your toes I got a feeling it's the latter one.

Dec 13th, 2000, 07:31:35 PM
::Nuriko appears on the scene, covered in a thick black cloak and watching the conflict.::

A Jedi Master calling out several of the most powerful Sith... including three of the Empire's own masters?

::She stays away from the conflict and wonders why...::

Ogre Mal Pannis
Dec 13th, 2000, 08:45:29 PM
:: he stands with the others, listening and agreeing with Rama. ::

I do believe you are right. Either that or his recent acquisition of Jedi Mastership is going to his head.

:: Ogre snarls at Nup as he watches him fighting his wife and revels in his anger, using it to reach out with the darkside and feel for the presence of any other users of the light. ::

Dec 13th, 2000, 09:09:10 PM
OOC - I thought that this might turn into an interesting free-for-all, but none of the other Jedi decided to hop in. Regardless, I just wanted to have a little fun since I hadn't had a good fight in a while. :)

Dec 13th, 2000, 10:36:25 PM
Ogre feels a vauge sense of another lightside force user, but his location is extremly vauge, as if his presence is a light diffused by a white wall. He looks about but cannot find anyone other than DT or Nup, and finds this unsettling.

Firebird sensed it too. It was an odd sensation, and frustrating. Not being able to pin whatever this was was a bit annoying.

Fewd quickly decided to lable himself a sneaky bastage as he planted his left foot into the small of Firebird's back. The grass had done its job of obscuring the knight from visual identification, and Morgan had been practicing sneaking around for most of his life. Now Fewd had tried to take it to a higher level, and he was fairly certain that it had worked with a degree of success.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Dec 14th, 2000, 01:19:56 AM
OOC: Nup...I thought YOU wanted to call them out alone! Sorry dude..but that is what it looked like?! Want help?

Dec 14th, 2000, 01:35:40 AM
*Fewd's kick in the back suprised Firebird1, staggering him a few steps forward. Firebird1 then looked around for his attacker, and smiled not seeing him.*
Hiding like a coward, typical Jedi....
*Firebird1 then drew his ignighted Lightsaber up to his eyes and shut them. Although Fewd could shut himself out of the perseptions of the five senses, he could not shut himself out of the Force. Firebird1 concentrated on the various beings he was showed by the Force, and as each was identified he moved on, looking for that one thread that was not there. Finally he found the small becon of light that was Fewd. Firebird1 then concentrated on the tip of his Lightsaber as he through it. It landed in front of Fewd, burying it's tip in the ground. Fewd, startled looked at the still glowing lightsaber, when suddenly it became brighter then the Sun that shined down over head, blinding him*

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 14th, 2000, 02:10:59 AM
Only Dalethria's sense of Nupraptor's attack is what saved her from his blow being fatal. Blinded by the flash from the sabre, but never from the Darkness.

She took a step to her right and brought her blade on a downward arc. The two purple blades clashed dangerously close to her side as Dalethria gritted her teeth in concentration. Her opponent was still trying to make the strike connect as their blades were once again locked in a contest of strength.

Planting her foot upon the ground in a better position, Dalethria channeled all her strength into one push, causing Nupraptor to loose his balance. Already poised to attack, Dalethria raised her leg above his with great skill, and brought it crashing down upon his shoulder.

The Jedi Master retreated back as she grinned but her eyes showed pain. Bringing her hand down to her side, Nupraptor's strike hit true. She could feel the heated cut between her ribs. She was lucky to stop that strike when she did.

Her eyes turned and glared at the Jedi. Her pain turned to intense hatred and she charged at him with a loud war cry. Her twin blades spun in front of her, trying to keep the Jedi guessing. As soon as she was ready to strike, a single blade went straight for his already injured shoulder.

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 14th, 2000, 12:43:09 PM
:: A gunshot-like crack echoed as LL charged from behind and delivered a press kick with an intense burst of speed to Nupraptor's middle back. The momentum caused Nup to pitch forward, towards Dalethria's approaching lightsabers ::

Dec 14th, 2000, 06:14:57 PM
Fewds hands start to go to cover his now closed eyes, but he realizes a simpler and more effective solution.

He reaches into his drab green trenchcoat and removes a pair of blue sun-glasses, putting them on with a sure speed.

"I saw some light, and it was too bright."

Footsteps and rustling grass behind him give him a possbile idea of Firebird's possible location. Concentrating, he imagines the grass not there. Slowly, the outline of a moving figure, his agressor, appears to him about ten meters away. Morgan zig-zags through the grass twoard him.

Rama Sha
Dec 14th, 2000, 08:27:19 PM
:: Rama watches as battles spring up all around him. He remains calm and seated on the rock, not even noticing the carnage around him ::

Remy LeBeau
Dec 15th, 2000, 02:40:07 AM
"wat dis? a party witout me?...dat can't be happening" :::grind::: He takes his lightsabre.
(smile) "Let's party...."

Dec 16th, 2000, 12:57:48 AM
OOC: Uhh... Where is the Can when you need it?

Dec 16th, 2000, 02:05:38 AM
*Firebird1, still with his eyes closed and focusing on Fewd, via the Force,sees his movement in the grass. Fewd is crawling around, hoping to get another cheap shot in when suddenly he sees a large boot coming streight for his head. He barly has time to pull away as Firebird1's foot makes contact with Fewd's sunglasses, breaking them as they fall to the ground. As this is happening Firebird1's lightsaber powers down, removing the blinding light from the battlefield.*


Dec 16th, 2000, 03:07:12 AM
*still watches interested, sitting on a nearby rock*

Dec 16th, 2000, 01:09:21 PM
Caught unawares, Nupraptor was barely able to twist his fall in the air, avoiding Dalethria's strike by mere inches. Or, so it seemed. Regaining his composure and balance, he checked his arm only to find a fresh burn mark there, albeit a light one. He turned his attention to the newcomer a bit grudgingly: Lounge Lizard.

"Oh, you want some, too?"

Nupraptor grinned, bringing his sabre up a bit higher.

"The Dogs of War are loose!"

Dec 17th, 2000, 01:31:33 PM
OOC: Edit cleared it up, thanks.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 17th, 2000, 02:56:08 PM
It was the heat of battle and Dalethria had no idea what Nupraptor was ranting about. She thought the Jedi totally mad.

She kept her attention on the Master and let her feelings flow through the Darkness. To her surprise, alot of other Sith were here. She was all too focused on her fight that she never saw or felt them arrive.

She back flipped onto a rock and crouched down on one knee, nodding a acknowledgement to Lounge Lizard. She looked to the Jedi, all alone upon the wet battlefield and smiled.

Her hand raised and again, lightning shot out of her hand. The target was Nupraptor, but also, she forked it so it also hit the ground by his feet. The wet grass magnifying the affects of electricity coursing through the air.

Dec 18th, 2000, 01:59:58 AM
OOC: Fewd, I did not have my eyes open, and was still focused on you via the Force. If my edit did not make it clearer, then I will edit the post out, and rewrite it a different way.

Dec 19th, 2000, 02:32:56 AM
OOC: Fewd, your welcome

IC: *Firebird1 picks up the broken sunglasses with his hand, and places another on Fewd's shoulder as he opens his eyes. Firebird1 then turns to Fewd and speaks in a calm voice.*
Uhoh, you need to get new glasses, these won't work very well since they are broken.
*Firebird1 pivots on his left leg, giving him the leverage he needs. Fewd suddenly finds himself flying head first toward the ground.*

Dec 19th, 2000, 08:54:43 PM
Fewd's ear canal's note that he is now heading twoards the ground." ooookaaay... not so good". His hands hit the ground, and he executes a handspring as best he can.
However, he misses the landing, his feet are too far forward. Morgan is sent into a messy roll, but he comes to his feet with surprising speed, and his eyes have adjusted.

"Here sith siiith sith sith..."

Fewd wistles.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 23rd, 2000, 03:17:11 PM
TTT~ Nupster ... meesa want to continue our fight ... pwease :)

Jan 1st, 2001, 06:48:23 PM
OOC - I just got back, chill out. :p

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jan 1st, 2001, 06:58:22 PM

:: sits on an ice cube and chills :: :lol:

EDIT~ Can only chill for so long :p

EDIT~ Has more fun editing then fighting :rollin:

Jan 21st, 2001, 04:35:18 AM
*Firebird sees The Jedi Formaly known as Fewdman taunt him.*
Very well..
*Firebird grabs his shoulder, sweep kicks him to his knees, and finally thrusts the Jedi into the ground by his shoulder.*
Now lets see, which bone to break first.

Lady Vader
Jan 24th, 2001, 04:50:22 PM
*LV walks onto the scene and regards Nupraptor*

*she thinks to herself, Either he's got guts gallore, or he's the most foolish Jedi to have ever lived.*

*she grins evily, But not for long.*

LV: How I love over-kill fests.

*she unsheathes her claws and stands near some of the other Sith*

Jan 26th, 2001, 07:03:37 PM
OOC - Now, where were we? Ahhhh, yes...
__________________________________________________ __________
IC -

For Nupraptor, time slowed to a crawl. Like a broken Holo, he watched as Dalethria raised her hand, the blackish-blue energy crackling around her fingertips. Don't Sith ever tire of doing that?

As the powerful blast arced off of her hand, the Jedi made a desperate move: that absorbtion trick likely wouldn't work as well a second time. With a quick half-crouch, Nupraptor bent his legs at the knees, quickly pushing off into the air. He twisted his body in mid-air so that he wound up backflipping into a nearby tree. The dark energy coalesced, ravaging the nearby damp ground. It struck the wooden tree, but thankfully could not traverse it.

Jumping back from the tree, Nupraptor brought out his leg sharply, angling a kick at Dale as he came down.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Feb 5th, 2001, 07:24:02 PM
The smell of burnt grass and trees permeated the air. It flooded Dalethria senses and she couldn't smell the sweet aroma of scourched flesh. She let out a growl as the Jedi avoided her attack. Dalethria quickly brought out her sabre for defense, her awareness seeking out the presence of her prey. Then her danger sense warned her that her foe was coming down behind her.

Turning to face Nupraptor, Dalethria received a warm hello with a boot across her face. Her body spun around once before falling to the ground. She landed hard on her back as she could feel the blood dripping down her face and taste blood that came from her nose. The bastard broke it and Dalethria was too stunned to get up for a quick counter.

Feb 5th, 2001, 08:18:30 PM
:: A fain hiss is heard as one of the multiples doors to the area opens. A lone jedi figure stands there, his red saber ignited. The only clear object, aside from the glimmer of the saber, were his deep eyes fueled by the light side ::

"Hmmm...haven't seen this much scum togheter in a while..."