View Full Version : Death Bed (Open RP)

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 07:54:52 PM
(OOC: In case you didn't know...this is going to be the one where LL finally succumbs)

Planet Byss.

:: A ship dropped out of hyperspace, heading toward the most powerful RSO planet. It identified itself as the Snark, Nupraptor's ship. Immediately, the planet's defense systems became active, and fighters began flying in formation around the ship, a transmission reaching the Jedi craft ::

Attention Jedi craft, this is Rogue Sith Order territory. You will lower your defenses and surrender immediately.

Jan 1st, 2001, 08:38:09 PM
Biting his lip, Nupraptor contemplates his answer before punching the comm button on the control panel of his Correlian Gunship.

"This is the Jedi Master Nupraptor, of the Greater Jedi Order. I come carrying an important passenger, on his request. Over."

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 08:40:30 PM
:: The flight controller responds to Nupraptor ::

Proceed along these coordinates and do not deviate your flight plan. An armed escort will meet you there. No tricks, Jedi.

Jan 1st, 2001, 08:43:09 PM
Nupraptor almost has to laugh to himself at that last comment... "No Tricks". Just what do they think of the Jedi, anyway? He punched in the coordinates and set the ship on auto-pilot as he stood, heading for the back of his ship.

"Lounge Lizard... how are you faring?"

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 08:48:16 PM
:: LL looks out the viewport as the blackness of space merges with the blue of the sky, melting away onto the landscape. His breath was coming in low rasps as he looked down at the view, thinking about the past ::

I'm...dying, how are you?

Jan 1st, 2001, 08:51:15 PM
"Nonsense... I'll find a way to keep your sorry hide alive. I'm just... humoring you, for now."

:: He turns, looking out the viewport alongside his passenger. ::

'But ask of me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man', He recited.

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 09:24:42 PM
:: LL heard Nupraptor, and the words of encouragement he tried to give. It didn't matter. For over a month now, LL had known this was coming. He knew the end was rapidly approaching, far before his time. The doctor said nothing could be done, and that was that. LL pressed a hand weakly to the viewport. It would all end too soon. It seemed that fighting had indeed consumed all of his life...and he never had a chance to win the peace he fought for all along. ::

Jan 1st, 2001, 09:27:59 PM
:: Not hearing any word from him, Nup turned to look at LL. He appeared fixated on something, and the Jedi didn't want to disturb him. Unsure of what to do, he was saved from the decision as the comm beeped at him from back on the bridge. He turned without a word and headed back to answer it. ::

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 09:36:33 PM
:: The message came through ::

Jedi ship, you are cleared for landing on landing pad 95. An armed escort will meet you there.

Jan 1st, 2001, 09:42:12 PM
Nupraptor sat back down in his chair, fidgeting a bit to try and get confortable. He turned off the auto-pilot and grasped the steering mechanism, twisting it a bit as he approached the landing pad.

The large number 95 loomed through the transparisteel window as he drew closer, until it was right beneath him. He flicked a few more switches and the landing procedures began. Nupraptor hastily made his way back to the rear of the ship, only to find LL still looking out the window.

"We're here... Can you walk on your own, or do you need assitance?"

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 1st, 2001, 09:47:39 PM
:: LL could not move, his feeble body demanding more oxygen than his crippled lungs could offer. He grasped the chair by the armrests to raise himself up, but nothing came of it. He turned to look up at Nup, his breath heavy...but unable to bring himself to ask. It was humiliating. He couldn't move. ::

Lady Vader
Jan 1st, 2001, 09:48:38 PM
*LV finished watering the last freshly planted Voore Lillies that bordered the small flowering bushes and shrubs that lined the daccha*

*she looked at the small, delicate flower... it's long green stem and tiny leaves... it's drooping shimmery petals... it's dark hue of purple... she loved the flower... it was beautiful and cheerful, and yet it looked so sad*

*she straightened and scratched Iesis who had been lying near her patiently*

*LV put the watering can down and was about to walk into the daccha when she suddenly stopped halfway up the small flight of stairs*

*she turned slowly and looked to the sky, which was now turning a bright orange, ready for the sun set*

*she frowned... she'd sensed an all to familier presence... but she was afraid to give herself false hope that he was finally coming home*

*she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath, relishing in the soft scent of flowers wafting in the warm air... she let it out slowly and opened her eyes again, still facing the sky*

*inside, she heard a chiming coming from the comm console and stepped into the daccha to answer it, shutting the door behind her*

Jan 1st, 2001, 10:26:19 PM
Nupraptor's unchanging stony visage flickered for a moment, a sense of pain and regret tracing his features. A few scars and natural lines on his face creased, making them more visible than usual.

"I think I can manage to scrounge up a replusor-chair, or something of that nature. Hold on, LL... hold on."

He had to dig through some of less frequently visited areas of storage, but Nup proved true to his word as he returned moments later with the promised replusor-chair. With a bit of difficulty, he managed to lift the Sith and place him in the chair, debating for a moment whether or not to strap him in. Leaving him unstrapped simply meant he would have to be a bit more careful, so he opted for that.

"Come on... I get the feeling that you have someone waiting for you. We... I have to deal with some local security. You should be able to clear through them easily enough."

Chris Redfeild S T A R S
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:31:53 PM
:: Chris had been sitting in the back of Nups ship. He stands and walks to were Nup was helping LL::

::Chris sighs::

::Chris wispers to Nup::

Think he really has that long left?

Hart Kenobi
Jan 1st, 2001, 11:42:46 PM
*Hart's X-Wing had been stopped a while back, the RSO not granting his ship permission to enter. The Catch-22 stood silently, dead in the air as Hart watched as Nup's ship flew farther and farther away.
He could feel in that Force LL's condition. He had been an honorable warrior. Slowly, Hart raises his right hand and gave an emotional salute to the ship.*
"Good Luck Lizard."
*The thrusters of the X-Wing sparked as Hart re-started the engine, turning it away and to exit.*

Darth Viscera
Jan 2nd, 2001, 01:38:38 AM
*Viscera sat in the cockpit section of his shuttle, plotting a hyperjump back to GMA space. He was just about finished, when bolts of electricity shot out of the console, just missing DV.*

Number six power relay blew again. This rickety old shuttle needs a good overhaul.

*He opened his mind to the force, scanning the inside of the shuttle to make certain it was number six. It was, but he detected a disturbance while scanning.*

No. It can't be. Not again.

*He plotted the course to Byss, routing power from the passenger section life support. Seconds later, the shuttle plunged into hyperspace.*

It is my curse.

Darth Viscera
Jan 2nd, 2001, 01:56:04 AM
*The shuttle exited hyperspace just outside of the atmosphere of Byss. The planet, at first glance, was such a soothing sight to Viscera. It was the planet of his creation. He had learned from his previous master, Lord Vader, on this very planet. It was home.*

"Unidentified shuttle, this is Byss space traffic control. We have you on our screens now. Please identify."

*Viscera thought on that voice for a few seconds. It sounded so familiar.*

"Davon, is that you?"

"This is Davon Tounne, civilian operator of traffic control section five lambda. Three twenty seven? Is that you?"

*Viscera smiled, remembering his old serial number.*

"Yes, Davon. This is three twenty seven."

*The old shuttle landed 75 meters from where LL's ship had put down, with the help of traffic control operator Davon.*

Darth Viscera
Jan 2nd, 2001, 02:05:45 AM
*DV opened himself to the force. The strength given to him by this planet was amazing, and very reassuring. His home was so strong with the dark side.*

*He could sense his master, but he could not see him. He could sense his feelings, however, and that was good enough.*

Master, what has happened to you? I did not expect the disease to accelerate so suddenly. Was it the Jedi?

*Viscera asked that question, knowing full well the answer. No Jedi was responsible for the death of his master, not before or ever. It was his curse.*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 2nd, 2001, 12:21:13 PM
:: As LL was being moved to his daccha, he felt Viscera's presence, and heard his query. ::

No. The Jedi are not behind this. I never thought it would end this way.

Sniper Tondry
Jan 2nd, 2001, 03:28:36 PM
It was a quiet day on Coruscant.

Too quiet.

Pierce Tondry began to pace around his newly remodeled office. A few of the tricks and traps Isard had put in were just not militarily smart- for an interrogator or torturer, they might be of interest, but an army boy like Pierce saw them as unwieldy and superfluous.

Just now, though, he wasn't thinking about the office's layout. He was wondering why the galaxy was so silent lately.

Abruptly, Pierce left his office and proceeded to a nearby overlook balcony. The overlook itself wasn't thoroughly military, but concessions had to be made for appearances. Glancing out the balcony's panoramic window, Pierce could see the usual Coruscant traffic was not so usual- in fact, very few air cabs and speeders could be seen in this district.

Everything, from the mysterious inaction on the part of the Jedi and the Republic as of late, to the number of rushing, purposeful agents inside Intelligence's Coruscant facility, was less than what it usually was.

Almost as if the universe was hushed and waiting for something of importance to happen.

Jan 2nd, 2001, 04:49:44 PM
Looking out the window of the Sith palace on Byys, Sean Piett sighed.

The sky was dark. That was how Piett liked it. But in the midst Lounge Lizard's condition and apparent fate, the sky was a little brighter.

Pacing back and forth slowly, Piett wondered. How was it that a man so reknowed, so feared, so respected, that a Jedi knight would go out of his way to save him? He had heard the voice of the one and only Jeren Rane, the sole Nupraptor, over the comm chanels.

Yes, it was worth it. Piett would go to see the man on his deathbed.

Darth Viscera
Jan 2nd, 2001, 05:27:47 PM
Who is behind this, my master?

Lord Dagger
Jan 2nd, 2001, 06:30:06 PM
:: Dagger feels a twinge in the Force, and knows LL is passing from it, Dagger shakes his head saddly and orders the Dominator to set a course for where he knows LL will be.
Less than an hour later, much of it having been take up nnegotiating with air control, a single Lambda lands on the surface, the Sith Lord Dagger exits to pay his final respects to LL before the end ::

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 2nd, 2001, 06:47:03 PM
My apprentice...sometimes men just die. My entire life I have spent fighting. It appears that my body will lie down before I will it so.

Jan 2nd, 2001, 07:53:26 PM
With a long face, Nupraptor plodded on, pushing the repulsorchair in front of him. Lounge Lizard had been entirely silent the whole way, as was to be expected for his condition. But there was something else, too: an air of stillness about him. It didn't take any giant leap of logic to assume that he was likely communicating with some of the other Sith present on this world. Nupraptor was, in fact, almost beginning to think that it was a mistake coming here.

Inwardly, he sighed. It was far too late to go back on this decision: he was here, and he'd have to deal with it. He owed LL this much: to be with him when he... when it was time.

Damn... how could this be happening, anyway? Of all the Sith, of all the evil creatures in the galaxy, why the one that teetered so close to the edge?

Why the one - (that could have changed)? Was that what he was thinking? Maybe so, but he doubted it.

Finally , Nupraptor reached the room they had assigned to the dying Sith. It felt like he could hear the Death Toll ringing now, and each step he took was weighted down, making it harder and harder for him to step inside. Reaching down, he scooped up the Lounge Lizard in both his arms, carefully lifting him and setting him back down on the bed.

The pure white sheets were neatly and tightly stretched over the bed, blending in with the pure-white walls. The shocking reality of it all hadn't hit him until he walked into this impossibly clean room, the sunlight filtering in through the thin curtains and streaking his face. This was really it: there were no comforting lies to be told, no more hope left to hold onto. It was reminded Nupraptor of an ancient tale he once heard, about the entrance to a place called 'Inferno'.

<font size=-2>"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"</font>, he whispered.

Chris Redfeild S T A R S
Jan 2nd, 2001, 08:09:18 PM
::Chris walked in behind Nup. He goes to speak but says nothing he just stands and waches the procedings::

Darth Viscera
Jan 2nd, 2001, 09:17:41 PM
Do not worry, my master and friend. You are not lost. My former masters, the Emperor Palpatine and Lord Vader, constructed many cloning chambers underground. When your body dies, your essence will make it to one of these clones. I will know which one is you, because I can sense you. I will release you from the clone vat, and you will be fine. You are not yet lost, master.

Lady Vader
Jan 3rd, 2001, 02:16:26 AM
*LV switched off the comm and sat in the chair for a moment... the message she'd recieved was disturbing*

*a Jedi flying a shuttle had landed, taking a Sith to a small village home used for those Sith passing into the next life*

*her fingers curled tightly into a fist... that sense she'd gotten while outside had been what she had known but feared to be true... it had been so weak*

*she punched a few bottons on the comm and sent a quick message to Live Wire to come with Lady Deville and meet her on Byss*

*finishing with the transmission, she stood and walked to the door, grabbing her whip on the way out... she stopped, her hand poised on the handle of the front door, debating whether she should change out of her lavander summer dress into her more familiar cat suit... she shook her head... now was not the time to be debating about wardrobe*

*she swung the door open and walked briskly to a parked speeder next to the daccha and jumped in, Iesis leaping into the back seat, and took off at a fast speed towards the village home*


*moments later she arrived and parked outside of the village home, and entered the front room... a clerk there raised his head and saw her, recognizing her instantly and pointed down the hallway*

*without so much as skipping a step, she continued walking until she reached the doorway that led into the room that held the one whom she craed deeply about... she laid a hand on the door... Life will go on. And, yet, in continues to get harder and harder to bare.... she looked down at Iesis who had been looking at her mistress keenly, worry in her cat eyes*

*with a final sigh, she knocked softly on the door and entered... Iesis trotted ahead and sat peeking over the edge of the foot rest of the bed*

*inside, she found two Jedi, one she recognized as Nupraptor, and the other she had not seen before... then she saw him lying in the bed*

*she walked over to the side of the bed and took LL's hand and smiled*

LV: Welcome back.

*she looked up at Nup who was looking at her curiously... obviously, he'd never seen her in a dress before*

LV: Thank you for bringing him back. Though I would prefer that he were in his own bed at home.

Jan 3rd, 2001, 06:27:32 PM
*Videl is once again found working on her ship Draco’s Honoo, cursing as usual. Sensing a familiar ki, she looks up only to bang her head on the top of the circuit board. She goes into a tirade of cursing in Saiyajin but controls her anger enough so she can tell whose ki she sensed. She instantly recognizes the ki as LL’s but suddenly feels somewhat sick to her stomach as she notices how low it is*
::Why now? I thought he would have more time left than this. I just don’t understand how this could happen to a warrior as strong as he is. It just doesn’t seem right, Saiyajins are meant to die on the battlefield not of a disease. How can this happen?::
*she slams her fist down on the console*
::Dammit! I hate this! There’s absolutely nothing I can do! I can’t heal it and I can’t fight a disease! I feel so helpless! If only there were something I could do but there isn’t!:: *She tries to work on her ship while she decides what to do, cursing so bad that Shiji and Kuroi hide at the other side of the warehouse*
God damn s***ty a** mother f**king!!!!! *She curses even louder as she cuts a wire she didn’t intend to. Shiji timidly creeps over to Videl, purring as he tries to calm his angry master. Videl looks over at him* Hi, Shiji. Why does this happen to people like him? He seemed so strong, I would have never guessed this would happen. Why did this have to happen? I finally find a few more of us, one is my former master, another is missing and the other is dying. It seems I’m destined to forever remain alone, our numbers keep decreasing. At this rate, I’ll be the only one. I don’t think I can handle another Saiyajin dying.-Videl
*Shiji rubs the side of his face to Videl's, purring the best he can to soothe his master. Videl tries to keep from blowing up the entire place in her anger and sadness. After awhile, she regains enough of her composure and heads down the halls to visit LL one last time*
OOC: well gtg, ja ne, minna...*Videl teleports out of forum*

Lord Dagger
Jan 3rd, 2001, 07:37:51 PM
:: Dagger falls into step beside LL and Nup, staying completely silent the Sith follows them to where ever they go, right until the end ::

Live Wire
Jan 4th, 2001, 03:11:48 AM
*LW gets LVs message and immediately runs to the strike. LD is in the hangar and looks at her curiously*

LW: We're leaving.

LD: What? Where??

LW: LV wants us both on Byss and I have a very bad feeling about all of this.

*the two women quickly boarded LW's ship and headed for byss*

Jan 4th, 2001, 03:28:30 AM
Nupraptor solemnly and soberly nods at Lady Vader's comments. He holds up one hand, gingerly opening and closing his fist in bitter anger, the light sound of metal creaking through the dead silence of the room.

"Yes... I can understand that. I only brought him to where they told me to. After all, I'm in no place to be giving out orders. Just trying to help out a.... a friend. There's nothing they can do for him here. Let's take him back, LV. He deserves to be home."

Lady DeVille
Jan 4th, 2001, 06:14:16 AM
*In hyperspace, De'Ville could feel the concern oozing out of her former mistress. The emotions were strong and turbulent, but unclear. Something was wrong on Byss. Very wrong.

De'Ville reached out with her mind, trying to find Lady Vader amidst the swirl of space. She sighed, unable to pinpoint anything. De'Ville hadn't thought she would be able to. But anything was better than waiting and not knowing.*

Tdahn Kreael
Jan 4th, 2001, 01:18:29 PM
*TD had been 'on watch' in the comm room, when the last transmission had been received from Nup. Something was obviously troubling him, and anyone that had a tenth of a brain could tell that. But what. The force had not been showing me anything, but there was a large sense of... not quite mourning, not quite grieving, but a definate sorrow. Someone was going to pass into the gentle waves of the force, and it wasn't quite clear who. But if Nup was there, then... it must be a very interesting situation.* Force be with you, Nupraptor, and to whomever you see to the Doors of Eternity.

Live Wire
Jan 4th, 2001, 07:48:00 PM
*the strike docked on Byss not far from LL and LV's daacha. The two sith women secured the ship and took of for the mansion. Reaching the doors one of the servants let them in. LW saw LV's face and went to her side and embraced her.*

LW: Its not good is it?

*LV shook her head and LW represed a sigh*

Fire Hazzard
Jan 4th, 2001, 07:56:04 PM
*Fire's X-Wing flies up next to Hart's, hovering. Noticing that they weren't letting him land, she didn't even try to ask permission*

Lady DeVille
Jan 5th, 2001, 03:03:08 AM
*De'Ville stood a little to the side while Live Wire and Lady Vader greeted each other. She extended her senses, and recieved a shock when she lightly brushed Vader. The woman was a roiling mess of emotion, mostly grief but there was a thread of courage in there holding her together.

De'Ville felt a tear trickling out of her own eye from the contact, and she turned to Vader, not knowing what to say. What could she say? Another tear followed the first, and she awkwardly reached out to hug her friend*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 5th, 2001, 06:43:03 PM
:: LL closes his eyes, tired from the small exercion to move. For now, he sleeps, his rasping, shallow breaths can be heard quietly in the room ::

Lord Dagger
Jan 5th, 2001, 07:53:08 PM
:: Dagger moves next to the three Sith women, not saying a word but reaching out with the Force, a great calming sense, he comforts the greiving Sith women ::

Jan 6th, 2001, 02:28:19 AM
*wanders in but stays quiet, not knowing what to say or do as she tries to keep from crying*

Lady Vader
Jan 9th, 2001, 03:01:19 AM
*her two good friends, and whom she considered sisters, walked into the room shortly after LV had had LL moved back to their daccha... she embraced them warmly*

*she had thanked Nup for helping her to move LL back home and into his own bed, and extended an invitation to remain if he so wished*

*now she looked around at the various faces of the various people she knew as they entered the room... she nodded to each in turn, silently thanking them for being there as silent support*

*it was true... she was hurting deeply, yet she knew she must remain strong*

*she turned to Nup*

LV: Nup? Would you be so kind as to contact my son at the GJO, and arrange for his transport to Byss? I would like it if he were here.

*she looked down at LL, watching him silently sleep... he looked calm and peaceful... she smiled... it had been a long time since she'd seen his expression at such peace*

*she looked up through the window in the room, looking at the freshly planted tree, just outside of the window... it was so alive... she looked at it's bright green leaves, it's little white blossoms, and it's round, orange fruit... it gave off a light, sweet fragrance that wafted into the room on a gentle breeze*

*she looked back down at LL and took hold of his hand... a small tear glissened as it rolled off her cheek and fell silently on his hand... she brushed the tear away with a single finger, then began gently stroking his hand absent mindedly... she knew how much he had wanted to plant a small orange grove for her, but he'd never found the time... yet she was not resentful of that... she was happy with the life she had had with him... his being there for her, even when he physically wasn't, was enough for her*

*she would point the tree out to him, that she had planted while he had been away, when he awoke from his nap... whether he awoke in this life or the next*

Live Wire
Jan 9th, 2001, 03:15:07 PM
*LW stood back watching LV next to LL. Her heart broke at the sight of the once strong warrior now reduced to this..... LW blinked back tears and turned away. She couldn't bear to watch the emotional scene. LD placed a hand on her shoulder, she understood just what LW was feeling. To lose a comrade is the worst thing imaginable.*

LW: I can't believe this is happening.

LD: I know. It's so unfair.

*LW fought back the tears. She had never been an emotional person but she'd never had to watch a friend and comrade die in this manner before. She had seen friends die in battle and be killed at the hands of enemies, but to die slowly from the inside out wasn't something she had seen and it felt like someone was tearing her heart out. LW fought to keep the emotion out of her face. LV needed them to be strong for her.*

Lady DeVille
Jan 9th, 2001, 03:27:52 PM
*De'Ville moved beside Lady Vader, kneeling by her side, not touching her, but just sitting there. There was nothing to be said, and all she could do was be there for when she needed her.*

Lord Dagger
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:15:43 PM
:: Dagger looks down saddly at the mighty Sith, reduced to the sleeping man on the bed. He sighed silenty and reeached out with the Force, a gentle comforting effect on the room but as he reaced LL Dagger turned all his power to ease the mans pain but found him at pease, sleeping the pain was not there 'Sleep well Dark one, my you not dream and may you wake without pain' Dagger silently imparted to LL ::

Lady Vader
Jan 12th, 2001, 02:56:26 AM
*LV was greatful for her friends compassion and comradere... them being there meant a great deal to her... and she was more than sure it meant a lot to LL as well*

*something nudged her leg and she looked down... it was Iesis... in all the commotion to bring LL home, she'd forgotten the panther had been following her silently... Iesis sat there, not purring, but the concern in the cat's large eyes told LV she was worried... LV patted the large cat on the head... Iesis remained sitting there, straight and unmoving, watching LL, guarding him until the end*

*LV went back to watching LL sleep... waiting for him to wake...*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 12th, 2001, 05:35:51 PM
:: Slowly, LL's eyes opened ::

Jedi Cadet
Jan 12th, 2001, 06:10:20 PM
::Cadet stands in her room watching the stars out of her window as she feels some one in the force growing weeker by the second. cadet sighs and turns, faceing the rest of her room at the temple.::

Live Wire
Jan 14th, 2001, 05:57:09 AM
*LW saw LL open his eyes and moved forward to stand next to LV and LD*

Lady Vader
Jan 14th, 2001, 06:15:07 AM
*LV looked down to see LL opening his eyes slowly and focusing on the ceiling... then he turned his head slightly to look at those in the room and then at her... she smiled*

LV: Hey there. Sleep well?

*she could sense he was at peace, but his body still gave him slight pangs of physical pain... she felt so helpless... she wanted to comfort him, to make all the pain go away... but all she could do was be there for him, and she hoped that was enough*

*Iesis shifted next to LV and got closer to the bed, lightly resting her large, black head on the edge of the bed near LL's pillow... an almost inaudible purr started and continued from the big cat... LV sensed Iesis also wanted to comfort LL as much as LV herself did*

*LV watched as LL looked at the animal curiously... the corner of his mouth twitch slightly... was that a smile?... LV wasn't sure*

*she saw him take a few breathes in... one of them being deeper than the others, as if he were smelling something... still smiling she realized he had smelled the slight orange scent coming in through the window... she hoped he would notice and ask about it*

*she wanted to say so much to him, but knew she didn't have the time to say it all... all she could do was look at him... look into his deep brown eyes, relaying all she was thinking in a single glance with her own green eyes*

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 14th, 2001, 06:36:55 AM
:: LL looked at LV, his breathing slow and drawn out, as his words came quietly, broken by intermittent breaths ::

LV, I'm dying. I didn't want to believe it, but now its here and its staring me in the face.

:: LL gulps audibly ::

I've faced dying before, when I've fought people, hundreds of times in the past. I knew I could die at any moment, but it never hung over me with such brooding certainty. I felt at peace at least slightly in control of my own destiny.

But, as much as I've denied it in the past few months, the finality of it can't be avoided. I'm about to die.

:: LL blinks, a tear visible in the corner of his eye, as he takes another staggered breath ::

I'm so afraid.

Not for me, but for you...and our son. I thought I would fight for our peace. I thought we would have all the time in eternity.

Its ending too soon for me. I've fought to protect you, but I haven't been the man for you that I should have been.

:: LL's eyes closed, and then opened again ::

LV...I never got to say I love you. Let me say it now.

:: Out of LL's periphery, he can see another person coming into the room...a young man with a shaven head, clad in white robes. ::

Live Wire
Jan 14th, 2001, 06:47:27 AM
*LW looked at the door and was surprised she recognized the newcomer. She stepped back. She felt like this was some kind of ultra private moment she was witnessing but she sensed that LV wanted her closest friends near*

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 14th, 2001, 06:50:39 AM
(Jubei enters the room, being escorted from a transport that landed on Byss a few minutes earlier. He had received an urgent message from his mother, saying to meet her immediately. He walked into the room, and immediately noted the whirl of emotions of his mother's face, from grief, to worry, to a warm caring. Something was happening. Jubei looked again, noticing the body of a man, lying in a bed. The sheets rose and fell with labored breathing. As Jubei looked around the room, he postulated that this man was dying. Slowly, he walked to LV)

Jubei: Mother, I received your message and left my studies as fast as I could.

The Lounge Lizard
Jan 14th, 2001, 06:59:06 AM
:: LL looked at the foot of the bed, at the newcomer. At first, he didn't recognize him. He looked like just some monk or holy man. Then, he called LV "mother". The floodgate of recollection washed over LL, as did the sadness. He closed his eyes, a tear falling down his face and onto the pillow. His dry lips parted, and a low whisper came forth ::

No.....why did you have to bring him here?

Lady Vader
Jan 18th, 2001, 02:09:38 AM
*LV had been silent as LL had been speaking, and had turned her head when Jubei had entered the room*

*she closed her eyes... this was by far not going to be the easiest moment in her life, and it would possibly end up being the hardest*

*she opened her eyes and looked at LL, gently wiping the tear that had cascaded down his cheek... she communicated to him via the Force through a mind-link*

LV: To deny our son to know his father would be wrong. I could not live life knowing I had not given him the chance, and it would have weighed heavily on my soul. He deserves to know the full truth... especially now. I do not wish to hurt him by not having given him the chance to know you... and I know you wouldn't want that either.

*she continued looking at LL in silence, letting her words take shape in his thoughts... he closed his eyes and she could sense the pain and turmoil his emotions were going through, but she also felt the resignation... he opened his eyes again and looked at her, waiting*

*she smiled down at him, sliding her left hand under his and squeezing it gently... she looked up at Jubei and extended her right hand towards him, prompting him to come closer to her*

LV: Thank you for arriving here as quickly as you did.

*she took Jubei's hand... she sensed the confusion roiling off of him, but the obedience and respect he held for his mother was unwavering... she squeezed his hand gently and brought him closer to her*

*she looked down at the spot where her other hand held LL's and then gently placed Jubei's hand atop of his, engulfing both firmly between her own two hands*

*she let out a small sigh and looked at LL*

LV: Loungie... I'd like you to meet your son, Jubei.

*then she looked at Jubei*

LV: Jubei... meet you father, The Lounge Lizard.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 29th, 2001, 12:03:42 AM
(Jubei looked at the bed-ridden man, at his hard and weathered face. The man returned his look, his dark eyes showing a sense of understanding and acknowledgment that validated his mother's words.

Slowly, Jubei sat down on the edge of the bed. All of his life, he had been told that this man that he stared at now, was dead. He had never known his father. All he knew were occasional stories from his mother, and those were very fleeting. As Jubei wrestled with the flood of emotions, Anbira slowly reached across the bed with a weakened hand, and grasped Jubei's hand.

For the first time, father and son had met.)

Jubei: F...Father?

Jan 29th, 2001, 09:54:28 AM
:<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT=":o"> n a far off planet Saphire sits and fiddles with an escape rope. She had heard the news being spread that the great sith, LL was dying. she hadnt known him personally, but bowed her head in respect and wished him a safe and peaceful passage to the next life::

Death is but an old friend you dont want to meet to soon.

::saphire smiles sadly at the old saying her father used to say when he was in his rare good moods and shakes her head::

I hope I can be half as great as you were Lounge Lizard, May you find the answers you have been looking for in your next life.

::Gets up and leaves the room, masking her face from any emotion as she passed along the long thin corridor of the empty house and boards 'Dragon Pride' as she thinks upon those wasted opportunities of maybe getting to know him::

Lady Vader
Jan 30th, 2001, 02:16:34 AM
*a silent tear welled up in LV's eye and she tried to keep it from cascading down her cheek, but to no avail*

*the happiness she felt now was so overwhelming, finally seeing son and father, the two most important ppl in her life, meet... and yet, she was heart stricken at the fact the one she loved dearly was dying... she was sure the conflicting emotions would kill her*

*she smiled and looked to each man in turn*

*finally, the family was one*

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 31st, 2001, 03:16:20 PM
:: Anbira looked upon Jubei. The boy was so different...yet so similar to his father. There was so much he wanted to know. ::

So...tell me of yourself, Jubei. Tell me of your life, my son.