View Full Version : "Invasion of Korbin"

Big Bad Naga
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:21:26 PM
In Space above the planet Korbin, everything was silent. The following ask Force exited Hyperspace. It consisted of:

-Super Class Star Destroyer Mk. II- Tyr Sog
-Imperial Escort Carrier- Noble
-Imperial Assualt Transport- Skyhigh
-Imperial Assualt Transport- Skimmer
-Imperial Assault Transport- Wing 0

From the SSD main hangar, a Sith Infiltrator flew out. It headed straight for the planet.

Upon entering the Atmosphere, the people inside the ship eased a little. They had met no resistance in space. Inside the Infiltrator, three Sith sat, waiting to set foot on the soil. They were Darth Phantom, Hexadragon and Big Bad Naga. All members of the Notorious Red Eye Crime Syndicate.

Korbin's main export was alcohol. It had a few mining colonies. It could be described as a thriving Black Market. This was Naga's kind of planet. Naga walked over to the controls where Darth Phantom was directing the ship for a safe landing.

Naga: "How long until we touch the ground Master?"

Jan 10th, 2001, 10:32:29 PM
*Hex unclips one of his red light-sabres and starts to twirl it around in the fingers of his right hand.*

"Have patience Naga...the planet will be ours soon enough...but I can see why you are so anxious, given the big plans we have for it...based on our rule, of coarse"

"Hex turns his Head to the window that was to the right of his seat. If we prevail...what will be of the possible current citizens Naga?"

Darth Phantom
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:41:19 PM
:: Phantom looks down at his watch ::

Within the hour

Big Bad Naga
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:43:27 PM
"Thank you Master Phantom."

Turns to Hexadragon.

"They of course will resume their lives, but some will become our slaves. Remember the other plans we had? Anyway, they will just be under a new, stronger, but more corrupt Government."

Jan 10th, 2001, 10:46:12 PM
*A small smile comes accross Hex's face*

"Heh, yes...I remember those other plans very well. Who could forget about them?

*Hex's face turns to being straight again*

"Well, will there be enough room on the planet for them? Given our new construction plans..."

Big Bad Naga
Jan 10th, 2001, 10:48:40 PM
"Yes we'll make room."

Naga walks over to the comlink.

"James McKell, this is Naga do you copy? We are about to land on the planet. We will call back and request that you direct those Assualt transports to the planet. Do not wait up, it might take longer than you think."

James McKell
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:00:39 PM
Captain James McKell; Somewhere in his twenties, James Looked like the model Twenty Year Old. Slightly tosseled hair, deep blue eyes, and a neatly trimmed goatee summed up his face. The look upon his face was that of a Three Year old finding a piece of candy, excitement.

Moving down the rest of the body, James was wearing a khaki shirt and khaki pants. Black boots covered the feet and a blaster hung around the belt on James waist.

The 6 foot 3 inch James McKell stood staring out of the main viewport at Korbin.

Repeat that Naga, transmission was staticy

Big Bad Naga
Jan 10th, 2001, 11:09:54 PM
"This is Naga, I repeat, we are about to land on the planet. We will call back and request that you direct those Assualt transports to the planet. Do not wait up, it might take longer than you think. Do you copy?"

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 03:50:15 AM
:: Phantom steers in the infiltrator into the planets atmosphere and goes to the surface ::

Naga, where do you want her?

Jan 11th, 2001, 08:46:13 AM
*watches as DP enters the inner-atmosphere of Korbing.*

"Naga, forget about that for now, he probally heard some of your transmission, try again once we land."

"DP...I can't decide since I'm not Naga, but I'd suggest landing somewhere where we would have some terrain advantage if attacked once we land. What about that small plateu over there Naga?"

*Hex points to a small plateu, north of the infiltrator.*

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 04:37:23 PM
:: Phantoms nods to Hex and steers the ship over the plateu. He sets her down gently and looks back at Naga and Hex ::

You guys ready?

:: Phantom grabs his comm and opens the rear door ::

Lets go

Big Bad Naga
Jan 11th, 2001, 06:34:53 PM
Outside of the ship.

Hexadragon: "So where do we go from here?"

Naga: "Well if this map on my datapad is correct, the crime leader Morraca Fels' palace is 200 miles that way."

Naga points to their left.

Naga: "I have a way which we can get there faster."

Naga walks to the side of his Infiltrator and pulls out 3 Sith Skiffs. The kind that Darth Maul used to reach Qwi Gon. He got on one and hooked his datapad to the main computer on the vehicle.

Naga: "Guys get on those and follow me."

Naga put his foot on the pedal and raced off.

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 07:43:11 PM
:: Phantom jumps on the skiff, stomps on the throttle and zooms off with Naga ::

Jan 11th, 2001, 08:55:16 PM
*He gets up as he twirls his light-sabre for the last time and clips it to his sash. He then turns to the skiff, carefully looking at it. Then Hex just sighs and gets on to the skiff. As he looks for the iginition...he pulls a lever, and pushes down the petal all the way and suddenly speeds off, quickly catching up to Naga and DP. He then turns to Naga and DP to his left, trying to get some words acrossed.*
"How long exactly untill we get there? Also...how will we get our selected...prisoners, to give in?"

Big Bad Naga
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:02:00 PM
Naga barely hears the question from Hex.

"First we must worry about the planet take-over! We should be arriving at a city in twenty minutes. Hold on!"

The three speed off...

Big Bad Naga
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:08:59 PM
23 Minutes later.

The Sith in lead (Darth Phantom) shouted back at the other two.

DP: "Hey guys! I see the city. About 1 mile up ahead."

The three Sith revved up their systems and flew off.

Upon reaching the outskirts, Darth Phantom stopped his Skiff. Naga and Hex did the same. Naga pointed to a large tower at the other end of town.

Naga: "That my friends, is where Morraca Fels resides. That is where we have to go. I will lead the way, look out for anything that looks suspicious. Remember Hex, keep your mind on the mission for now!"

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 09:47:47 PM
:: Phantom walks into the city and looks around. The city is swarming with people. Phantom walks into farther into the city. A thug walks up to the three sith, the thug asked Phantom for his creds, when Phantom laughs the thug pulls out a blaster, Phantom quickly pulls out his saber ignites it and cuts off the thugs hand. Several yards away his buddys are watching when they see Phantom cut off there friends hand they run over. Phantom reaches in his cloak pulls out a knife and throws it at one of the other thugs running towards him, the knife hits the guys throat ::

OOC: all this is happening before the battle of Dagobah

Jan 11th, 2001, 09:54:27 PM
*Hex cracks his neck as he brings down his red hood.*

"Finally, some action!"

*Hex runs up to the thugs, as they throw a punch at him he flips behind them and on his way to the ground takes out their feet*

*Hex than ignites both of his red light-sabres and points them at the 2 thugs' neck.*

Jan 11th, 2001, 10:01:56 PM
"Ahh, too bad you guys aren't in mine position...maybe you'd live a little while longer."

*Hex uses the force to lift them up from the ground, and sends one sweeping blow with his right sabre across their necks decapiating them*

*De-ignites his sabres and turns to DP over the 2 fallen thugs he killed, and Naga.*

"Are we just going to solicite or are we going to hurry it up?"

Big Bad Naga
Jan 11th, 2001, 10:05:32 PM
Naga views all this and laughs. He had always enjoyed a good killing or three. He heard Hex's question.

"We will go now, no one else will interrupt us, the people are wiser than that."

The Sith directed the two across an alleyway, and through a few buildings. They arrived on the otherside of the city. Naga stared up at the tower. It was about 40 stories, not that big...

"That is the complex. Follow me, I will ensure we enter."

Jan 11th, 2001, 10:08:03 PM
"Hah...or 4 kills at that..."

*Hex gazes at the 40 story building*

"Are we taking the elevator up?"

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 10:24:19 PM
:: Phantom wipes the blood from his cloak and pulls the knife from his throat and whips the blood from it on his clothes. Phantom turns around to see Naga and Hex looking up this building, he walks over to them ::

We goin up there?

Jan 11th, 2001, 10:42:34 PM
"Guess so...well, let's get a move on..."

*Hex puts back on his hood and signals the 2 Sith to cover him, if needed, when he enters the building. As he uses his force power to blow open the doors of the building, a group of 5 guards with blaster rifles come out and approach the 3 Sith.*

*Hex then ignites one of his red light-sabres. He then blocks a few shots shot at him. After the shots are blocked, he dashes at the guard on the right, jumping up and coming to the ground with his light sabre, slicing one of the guards in half.*

Darth Phantom
Jan 11th, 2001, 11:03:52 PM
:: Phantom smiles. Phantom force pushes the group of guards into a wall, while still dazzed Phantom force runs to them ignites his saber, decapitates one of the guards, another guard tries to sneek up behind him, Phantom whirls around and kicks the guard in the face, the guard stumbles backward and falls to the floor. Phantom shakes his head and moves his finger side to side as to say bad move, Phantom bends down and picks up the guard by his throat, Phantom tightins his grip and rips his throat out, Phantom throws his throat to the other guards ::

Big Bad Naga
Jan 11th, 2001, 11:40:41 PM
Naga jumps before the guards and ignites both sides of his saber. He does not attack, but just stands there.

Naga: "Remember why we are here! We are not here to fight, we are here to negotiate!"

Secretly in his mind he told the two other Sith to wait, they would get their body count soon enough. He told them for now to act diplomatic.

Naga: "You there....I am sorry for my friends' actions. Where is your Mr. Fels?"

Guard: "I do not know at the moment."

Naga waved his hand across mid air, saying this.

Naga: "You will tell me where he is."

Guard: "I will tell you where he is....He is on the top floor."

Naga: "Are there any turbolifts near here?"

Guard: "There is one just across that hall."

The dazed guard, being controlled by Naga pointed. BBN used the Force and wiped out all their memories, with the help of the other two Sith. They proceeded to the turbolift. Upon entering, each Sith sighed.

Big Bad Naga
Jan 11th, 2001, 11:45:06 PM
Darth Phantom and Naga, stepped out of the turbolifty followed by Hex. Naga sensed the area for life activity. A door at the end of the hall had President Fel on it. Naga smiled and pointed to it.

Hexadragon: "Wait a second guys, this was too easy. This place should be heavily guarded."

Naga: "I know, I have sensed something too. All we can do now is proceed."

Suddenly, out of every side door on the floor, Guards popped out wielding blaster rifles. All three Sith ignited their sabers.

Naga: "I told you we'd get our bloodbath, assuming we make it past these guys!"

Darth Phantom
Jan 12th, 2001, 12:51:01 AM
:: Phantom ignites his saber and runs toward the group, before getting there he jumps into the air and over them, on his way over Phantom slashes a guard in the face, the guard screams in pain. Phantom lands and gets another guard in half, Phantom turns around and stabs a guard through the face ::

Big Bad Naga
Jan 12th, 2001, 12:54:53 AM
Naga looks over at Hex.

Naga: "Look at him go! Let us join in the fray."

Naga ran to the battlescene and ignited both blades, stabbing a guard through the stomach in the process. Naga spun his saber around and took off another Guard's head. A guard shot at Naga, but they were deflected by his saber. Naga jumped at the guard and kicked him down. He drove his saber through the Guard's chest.

Jan 12th, 2001, 08:53:47 AM
"We are just giving our prime target time to escape...since it seems he knows of our arrival..."

*Hex signals the 2 other Sith to hold 'em off, as Hex uses a mighty kick to break open the door to the head office.*

*As he enters, he sees that Fels has escaped...somehow. As Hex looks behind his desk, he sees a staircase down which leads to another turbolift.*

*He then comes back in to the hallway to address Naga and DP.*

"I thought you wanted casulties to a minimum Naga....anyway, Elvis has left the building."

Darth Phantom
Jan 12th, 2001, 03:50:31 PM
:: Phantom closes his eyes and speaks ::

Quickly down to the basement, he is not far, we can still get him

:: Phantom and the other two sith run down stairs and to the basement where the find Fels trying to escape on a speeder bike. Phantom ignites his saber and cuts the front end of the speeder off. Phantom steps to the side to let Naga do the talking ::

Jan 12th, 2001, 04:55:24 PM
*Hex picks up Fels by the neck and throws him against the wall; Fels than falls from the wall to his knees. Hex than backs up next to DP and waits for Naga to speak.*

Big Bad Naga
Jan 12th, 2001, 06:01:13 PM
Naga steps forward and looks at Fels.

Naga: "I will enjoy killing you!"

Suddenly, Fels relieves a remote from his jacket. Before any Sith could react he pressed the button. Above them, the roof collapsed, and the dust filled the room. Fels managed to crawl away, while the Sith regained their composure.

Hexadragon: "Damnit, he got away!"

Naga: "Master Phantom, can you sense him?"

Darth Phantom: "Yeah follow me."

Darth Phantom led them to a docking bay. It was too late, a fleet of ships had just left into orbit.

Naga: "Sh**! Wait a second guys!"

Naga opens the comm channel to James.

Naga: "Commander McKell, shortly a small fleet will enter space. You must scout them out and destroy them! Do you copy?"

James McKell
Jan 12th, 2001, 06:09:56 PM
Ensign: Captain, long range scanners appear to have picked up a small convoy leaving the atmosphere. It seems to be made up of 2 YT-2400s, suspect custimizations on it, 2 Lambda Class Shuttles, also suspected to be customized, and Three Squadrons of Ugly Class Star Fighters.

James thought to himself. A meager convoy of protection for whichever ship this leader was riding on.

James: I want Three Interceptor Squads and 1 Gamma Missile Boat Squad to engage that convoy. All gunners, if they make it past to gravity wells, you are at liberty to destroy it.

Jan 12th, 2001, 08:04:45 PM
"Well, even if James does fail up there...don't think Fels will come back anytime soon anyway."

*The 3 Sith board the turbo elevator and get out back on the 40th floor, back in Fels' main chamber.*

*Hex walks over to Fels' chair, and uses the force to send it through the window*

*Hex then hits the button to the intercom to Fels' secretary, "Can we get 3 lazy-boy recliners in here? And someone to fix this window?" Secretary-"aaaaaalright...it'll be right there sir."*

"Time to sit back and relax guys...we better get these men here to start building our shipyards...and how about we go find the 3 most beautiful ladies around here and bring 'em in to our chamber? Heh..."

Big Bad Naga
Jan 12th, 2001, 08:33:57 PM
"Unfortunately, the trouble is just beggining. We must still seize the Black Market. Just because Fel is gone, doesn't mean we get the planet. Okay, I have divided jobs for each of us."

Naga looks at Hex first.

"I need you to start the construction of the shipyards."

BBN then turns to Phantom.

"Master Phantom, I need you to seize control of the city and inform the people that we rule now."

"I will go to the mines, and seize that operation. We will meet back here in two days."

Naga nodded to the Sith and ran out.

Jan 12th, 2001, 08:49:47 PM
*nods to Naga*

"Alright...I'll pick up some babes along the way"

*Hex runs and jumps out of the window of the building and lands on another building top. He continues to run, jumping on to and off building tops.*

Darth Phantom
Jan 12th, 2001, 09:14:15 PM
:: Phantom hopes on his skiff and jets off toward the center of town. Phantom arrives in the center of town ::

People Of Korbin, We The Red Eye now own this planet, if any of you question us you will be termitated. Any Questions?

:: from the group of people gathered around Phantom ::

"I I do when are we..."

:: Phantom jumps toward him igniting his saber and cutting him in half ::

I said no questions

Big Bad Naga
Jan 12th, 2001, 11:07:18 PM
OOC: DP, the planet belongs to Red Eye, which is allied with The Galactic Shipyards....So you might want to edit your post...

IC: Naga slowly treads to his skiff. He jumps on it and heads for the mines.

Big Bad Naga
Jan 13th, 2001, 12:35:40 AM
The Mines' Presedential Office.

Naga: "I have told you more than once Mr. Graki, President Fels has *cough* gone away. The Red Eye Crime Syndicate is taking up shop here."

Graki: "You will not get a hold of my Mine Frandchise!"

Naga waved his arm in mid-air

Naga: "I am now in control of your Mining Operations. You will leave this planet."

Graki: "Like hell I will! Guards, remove him!"

The two guards advanced on the Sith. This was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Naga ignited his saber and killed both guards with two slashes.

Garki: "No, get away from me! Now!"

Naga raised his saber high, and cut out the man's heart. He stepped on the heart hearing a loud SPLAT."

Naga: "Kiss my Grits."

Naga knew that more guards would be coming to kill him, he was re

James McKell
Jan 13th, 2001, 05:03:16 PM
48 Starfighters Emerge from the small force around Korbin.

Gold Leader (Interceptor): All Squads report in.

Silver Leader (Interceptor): Thrusters are running lets kill.

Copper Leader (Interceptor): We're good Gold.

Opaque Leader (Gamma): Lets go for it!

Big Bad Naga
Jan 13th, 2001, 05:12:25 PM
He decapitated another guard. 10 more Guards had joined the fray. For the last 20 minutes, he had been fighting guards from the main Mining Operation Complex.

Naga's saber was driven through another man's chest. A Guard attempted to come at him from behind, but Naga turned around and kicked him away.

The hall was filled with blood and dead guards. All this was of course familiar to a Sith. He turned around to see another guard advancing. The Sith flipped over him and cut him in half with his lightsaber.

The Alarms went off, which meant more guards were coming. BBN barely had the power to deflect the lasershots coming from his side. He continously slashed at everything around him.

James McKell
Jan 13th, 2001, 05:23:23 PM
Gold Leader: Interceptors, we have to take out the uglies. We must make sure that the Gammas can get through.

The gap between the two groups of fighters grows smaller and smaller with each passing second.

Gold Ledear: Light em up Interceptors!

The Three TIE Interceptor squadrons break off from their squad formation and into a wingmate formation. Laser fire lights up the vaccuum as the Two Sides engage

Gold Leader threw his fighter into a tailspin and his wingmate, Gold 11, copied the move with equal persision. The Leader leveled his fighter out and sent it foward with a burst of speed.

[i]The HUD on the fighter lit up as the first enemy fighter came within laser distance. [b]A Y-Ball... It was an Ugly Starfighter, it had the standard TIE ball for the c.ockpit. Instead of having the Solar Array Pannels though, the two engine pannels from a Y-Wing were there.

Big Bad Naga
Jan 13th, 2001, 06:06:16 PM
The Last guard fell to his knees as Naga choked him to death. He stepped on his face and walked away. The Sith walked into the Mining Office and announced on the Comm Channel that the Red Eye Syndicate owned the planet now.

Naga gathered his belongings and headed off to the Shipyard Building site to see how Hexadragon was doing.

Jan 13th, 2001, 06:19:39 PM
*Hex finally jumps down from the top of a building, right in front of a small hanger on the planet...*

*Hex kicks open the doors, and sees a small group of men with blaster-rifles approaching him
Leader of group of guards: "Get him!"
Hex: *waves hand in front of face*
"Round up all of your beautfull ladies here and send them up on a shuttle to the shipyards, quickly"
Guards: "Yes, whatever you wish"
*Hex gives a smile, boards a small shuttle he finds in the hanger, and takes off up through the atmosphere*

James McKell
Jan 15th, 2001, 01:31:19 AM
Ugly Pilots were known either for their cunning and ruthless tactics, or their great stupidity.

Gold Leader pushed his fighter's maximum speed to the max as the gap between the two fighters narrowed. Gold Leader shot off a quick burst of laser fire to test the Y-Ball's strengths. The Y-Ball stayed in its course without any adjustings.

The Four bolts that hit the Y-Ball did no damage as the Y-Ball's custom shields absorbed the energy.

[i]Gold Leader: Eleven, we've got shields on this one.

Jan 16th, 2001, 10:43:41 PM
*Hex finally gets all the way up to the main shipyard, slowly orbiting around the planet of Korbin. Hex quickly steers up in to the main hanger quickly, sets down, and quickly jumps out in case he had any...hostile reactions from the workers up there. As the workers stare at Hex, Hex pulls down his crimson hood, and prepares himself to speak to the people.*

"Greetings, fair people of Korbin. I am Lord Hexadragon, one of the 2 Sith who has taken this planet. If there are any questions, please kill your self to save me the trouble. Anyway, the main planet is going to be ruled by The Galactic Shipyards and The Red Eye Crime Syndicate...the shipyards will be owned purely by The
Galactic Shipyards, in where I am the leader...or co-leader for that matter. When I-"

*Hex stops, dead in his words, when he sees a huge ESD already being completed outside the shipyards...He quickly askes a nereby worker if it's active-*

"Hey you, is this ship active? If you lie, the consequences will be worse than you imagine."
Worker: Na, na, no sir, we had no intentions to battle with it yet, we just recovered it badly damaged near Zelos, we were lucky to have ships patrolling there
Hex: Good, you will be rewarded for your helpfullness, if you're truthfull, of coarse.

*Hex then turns back to the workers aboard the shipyard, he sees that one has run off....Hex starts to grin..."I told them not to run...and if they did, to kill themselves to save me the trouble..." Hex calmly takes out the blaster pistol in his sash, and shoots the running worker right in the head, with up-most percision.*

"As I stress what I said before, if you even consider running, please kill yourself now to save me the trouble. Now you all, go run along and tell your superior officers and comrades at what happened here, and that insolensce is not tolerated..."

*Hex than watches as the workers run off, and he returns his hood to on top of his head. Hex then turns to see that a shuttle has landed with multiple people in it...he then smiles*

"Heh...I'm supposing that's the shuttle I...privately called for."

*Hex than walks down off of the small platform he was on...to greet the new...femanine guests that have just arrived.*

James McKell
Jan 20th, 2001, 01:00:20 AM
Gold Leader: Cover Me, I am attacking

Gold Leader swung his fighter about and got into the predator spot behind the Y-Ball. The Y-Ball still did not shake its current course. The Y Pilot was obviously confident in his shields.

Gold Leader shot off a continuous stream of laser shots until they broke through the shields and destroyed the Y-Ball.

Similarly, the more skilled TIE Pilots took out the opposing Uglies, until only few were left.

The Gamma's had made it through while the battles were going on. The squad had fired 12 Concussion missiles at each of the Four Ships. The overpowering of the Concussion Missiles shattered the shields and the ships, destroying them with an unmatched intensity.

Gold Leader: Sir, Korbin has been won.

Big Bad Naga
Jan 20th, 2001, 01:09:57 AM
A loud cheer was head through Naga's comlink. He opened all channels.

Naga: "All Red Eye/TGS personel, this is Naga. Korbin has been won! You may stay or leave, do what you wish!"

Naga clicked his comlink off and sped to the nearest city to issue orders.

Emporer Hades
Jan 20th, 2001, 02:02:04 PM
*A shuttle comes out of cloaking above Korbin's atmosphere, and descends towards Korbin. As the shuttle lands, a door opens under the cockpit of the shuttle, and a plank descends to the ground. A few guards file out, followed by Hades. Hades sees Naga looking around the premises, and quickly moves over to him.*

"Good job Naga...Hexadragon, Darth Phantom, and James did an excellent job also. It seems that we have taken the first planet, that is required to begin our campaign. A small taskforce, Iron Fist(5 VSDs), will station themselves outside of Korbin's atmosphere for now, taking out any ships that may slip through our defenses down here. I will personally go in to the tower where Fels had his office and search through any records of battle plans, or locations of ships which will prove to have value to us..."

*Both Naga and Hades give a salute, and Hades departs with his guards to the outlying tower.*