View Full Version : The Hensara III Operation (Semi-Closed)

General Scorpion
Feb 13th, 2001, 08:26:31 PM
"Forty-four fifteen, get up here, damnit! You wanna get shot?"
"Sorry Sergeant, my utility belt got caught in the weeds."
"Well, watch it, we can't afford to botch this in the least."

The sergeant crouched low, along with the rest of his squad, behind the bank. Several hundred meters away stood the majestic homestead of Petr Mogin, a mining tycoon basing his operations on Munto Codru. Of course, he made special deals with the Sith Empire, who occupied the planet. But it had also been discovered that he made the same special deals with pirate groups and enemies of the Sith, not only for mined resources, but for weapons, illegal drugs, and other things that the Sith Empire simply could not allow.

He took out his macrobinoculars and scanned the grounds. Six armed guards, one balcony mounted blaster cannon. Not alot, especially for a squad of ten Sith Empire soldiers with a mobile artillery unit and a pair of AT-STs for backup.

"Forty-four fifteen, forty-four seventeen, you take out that blaster cannon. The rest of us will handle the guards. On my mark," the sergeant held up his hand for a moment, then dropped it to his rifle, "Mark!"

Blaster fire lit up the night sky. The guards were caught by surprise and went down quickly. The pair operating the blaster cannon weren't as easy. A lucky shot took out Trooper 4417, and 4415 went for cover. Fortunately, the rest of the squad had made it to the ground underneath balcony, and were out of the cannon's range. Unfortunately, the only way into the homestead was around the corner, within the cannon's range.

"How the hell are we gonna get in there now?" said a trooper off to the side.

That question was answered with the pulsating roar of mobile artillery fire. Red balls of light arose from behind a line of trees. It ripped through the wall behind the mounted cannon, instantly killed the operators and blew them clear off the balcony. The AT-ST duo marched proudly across the field, firing round after round through the windows of the building at the occupants within.

The squad converged on the front door. The sergeant blew a hole in the center and tossed a concussion grenade inside. A loud bang, a slow groan, and a thump was all that was heard. A trooper kicked the door in and the squad quickly infiltrated the homestead. The dead body of Petr Mogin was found by the rear entrance.

Dawn was approaching, and the squad was sifting through the remains for anything that should be confiscated. Trooper 4418 seemed to be occupied with something interesting, and the sergeant made his way over to him.

"What have we got here, trooper?"
"Seems to be Mogin's holo-diary, Sergeant."
"Let's just have a look at it."

The sergeant took out the key card taken from Petr Mogin's dead body and tried inserting it into a slot on the side. It slid right in. He found the latest entry and a short passage appeared:

Today has been a very profitable day. The tests have come back from Hensara III. Amazingly, this planet seems to be one of the greatest locations for resources and minerals. What makes it even better, is that many of the settlers there wouldn't have any knowledge of this. This planet will be my next great project, my soon-to-be private colony secret from the Sith Empire.

"Well I'll be damned."

* * *

The Super Star Destroyer Tyranny entered the Hensara III system, one month after the Munto Cudro assignment, and launched a small Lambda shuttle, broadcasting a diplomatic signal. The rest of the task force was in the next sector, and consisted of the Super Star Destroyer Annihilator, and the Imperial III Star Destroyers Inhibitor, Repressor, Mammoth, Pernicious, and Audacious, all assigned to the Sith Empire Army for this mission.

President Kyon Ber was just recently notified of the arrival of the "diplomats." Presidency wasn't much to brag about in other systems, considering Hensara III had but one large city on the shoreline of the eastern continent. Some of the remaining space was owned by simple farmers, and a few native warrior tribes. With all this information, the president could not understand what interest the Sith Empire had in the planet. He was convinced his little planet could stay roughly out of the way of the galactic conflict.

He stood on the 8th floor of the Presidential Center, the tallest building on Hensara III, overlooking the main landing pad from behind a sheet of glass. The Presidential Center was a full twelve stories, and the second highest building was nine. The rest of them ranged from eight stories to a small flat. Hensara City, as it became known to be, had a population of around 90,000. Combined with the rest of the planet, Hensara III's population was barely over 100,000.

The landing gears of the shuttle sank into the landing pad. The ramp of the shuttle had not yet lowered. The shuttle simply sat there. It gave Kyon Ber an uneasy feeling.

Dara Shadowtide
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:58:39 PM
:: Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide sat at her desk reviewing planetary spec sheets and general planet information while en route to Hensara III. Sith Lord General Scorpion had asked her to accompany him on this mission to serve in a diplomatic capacity, a role which she had not been accustomed to, nonetheless she would do anything the Empire asked of her. Loyalty and dedication to the glory of the Empire came without question from her.

Dara stood from her desk and walked to the viewport while crossing her hands behind her back. They had just reached orbit of Hensara III and she noted the lush green color of the jungle planet. The mix of light and dark greens stood in stark contrast to the black depths of space which almost seemed to swallow up this tiny planet.

While casting her gaze into the star filled sky, she heard a beeping sound from her computer monitor. She walked back across the room to see that General Scorpion had just transmitted a munitions and personnel report from a TSE Army Lieutenant to her so that she was aprised of the locations of the TSE military forces. Her function was to speak with the President of Hensara III and persuade him of the benefits of having an Empire presence there.

In studying the report, she nodded silently. The General had strategically placed the Sith Empire Army in all of the key entry and exit locations of the city. There were more than enough munitions and the troops were anxious to serve the Empire. The whole mission was depending on her negotiation skills and general manner of presentation. She had always tried to be well spoken and hoped that her natural abilities would aid her at this time. However if the President did not respond to diplomacy, there would be no hesitation whatsoever in using force... and a considerable force it would be.

A smile spread across her lips as she received word that the shuttle was ready for departure. Two guards escorted the Lordess to the shuttle where she was met at the bottom of the ramp by Lord Scorpion. He gave her a rigid nod ::

Scorpion: "Greetings Lordess Shadowtide. We are ready to make our way to the planet at this time. If you will follow me, we shall get on our way."

Dara: "Hello, Lord Scorpion. It is an honor to work along side you in the Empire. I have prepared for the mission and am ready to depart."

:: Dara nodded and followed Scorpion up the ramp and into the Lambda class shuttle. She settled into a seat behind the captains chair and heard the ramp close as the repulsor lifts hummed. The shuttle rose into the air and was on its way to the surface for a rendevous with the President.

It was a smooth ride to the landing pad and as the ramp lowered, she turned to Scorpion and followed him down the ramp and onto the landing pad where they were met by the Secretary to the President ::

Secretary: "Greetings to you and welcome to Hensara III. I trust your trip went well. The President has asked me to escort you to the meeting room. If you will follow me."

:: Scorpion and Dara followed the Secretary to a lift where they stepped inside and were transported to 8th floor. As the doors slid open, Dara noticed the simple, understated decor. Following the Secretary down a long hall, they turned sharply to the right and stepped through a doorway. A long mahogany oval table sat in the middle of the room and to the right were long windows which stretched from ceiling to floor, showcasing the lush grandeur of the thriving lone city on the planet, Hensara City.

A hissing sound was heard as a hidden door rotated open and a small group of men dressed in dark green stepped into the meeting room. Their footsteps echoed in the acoustically live room as they took their place in a well rehearsed protective formation. One of the men gave a one word command and the group of men turned sharply on their heel, giving way to a man dressed in a gray suit. He had silver hair and piercing blue eyes as he looked upon Dara and Scorpion ::

President: "Hello Lordess Shadowtide and Lord Scorpion. Welcome to my planet. I am President Kyon Ber. I understand you wished to speak with me about an arrangement that would prove mutally beneficial."

Scorpion: "Greetings, President. I am pleased you could meet with us. Lordess Shadowtide will be making a proposal to you on behalf of the Sith Empire as our diplomatic spokesperson."

:: Scorpion turned to Dara and gave her a small grin. Quite surprised by actually seeing the Sith Lord smile, she contained her smile and nodded back to him respectfully. She gave her most charming smile to the President as she turned her attention to him ::

Dara: "It is an honor to meet you President Ber. I look forward to discussing the Empire's interest in your planet."

:: The President smiled in surprise to both of them as he had never thought his small planet would ever gain any attention. Perhaps he should not feel so uneasy after all. These two hardly look to fit the stereotypical violent Sith that he had heard and read about since childhood ::

President: "Have either of you visited Hensara III before?"

:: Dara and Scorpion answer "no" at the same time ::

President: "Ah yes, as I had suspected. Well then, you simply must have a look at our illustrious city. I have arranged for a quick tour of the major industrial sector, ending at the best restaurant where we will dine and discuss how my planet will benefit from having the Empire here. Our transport awaits us. Guards, lead the way. I shall meet you there, if you will excuse me."

:: The President takes his leave and exits the room through the rotating hidden door. Dara and Scorpion are escorted to the transport where they step inside and take seats near the viewport for their city tour ::

Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2001, 01:33:31 AM
(ooc) Pardon me for asking, but is this a private party, or can any random onlooker join in?

General Scorpion
Feb 14th, 2001, 01:09:03 PM
OOC: This is semi-private. Do you have AIM? I would like to know what you basically want to do.

General Scorpion
Feb 14th, 2001, 01:49:33 PM
The transport was surprisingly luxurious. It resembled a limousine, but Scorpion noted to himself that this was an obvious modified speeder. This planet was not well financially if they couldn't spare the credits for a limousine to transport their president.

Lordess Shadowtide sat to his left. President Ber sat in a seat to the front, facing them both, while pointing out certain business bureaus, industrial centers, and bragging about the police force he built from scratch. Might as well let him ramble, Scorpion thought. If he doesn't accept our offer we'll have a good idea of what he has for a defense system.

Resisting the urge to cut out this man's tongue, the Sith Lord sat quietly as the president pointed out a large fountain he was particularly proud of. I swear we already passed that, he thought to himself. He's really stretching this out.

He looked out the window as if he were interested in this tour. Really though, he just couldn't stand listening to this man drone on and on about the city's permacrete upkeep. Scorpion studied the people outside. Simple, mostly middle class civilians, dressed in plain clothes. Not much care towards the rest of the galaxy. The original settlers of Hensara City were just farmers, but soon more farmers joined them, then businesses moved in with the intent of being their lone suppliers. More businesses followed their competitors, and soon this chain reaction sparked a population and industrial growth that eventually became the current city. It did it in such a short time that he supposed the president had some bragging privileges, since he must have been doing something right.

Dara Shadowtide focused on the president, commenting on the city, asking questions, giving the man the feeling that she was honestly interested in what he had to say. She had charisma, and that was why Scorpion asked her to come as the diplomat. Charisma and the ability to instill fear was all that was needed to win this planet for the Sith Empire.

He turned his head to the other side. Finally, the restaurant was straight ahead.

Darth Phantom
Feb 14th, 2001, 04:35:01 PM
:: Phantom stands looking out the window, his hands behind his back aboard the SSD known as The Annihilator, A young ensign walks up to Phantom ::

"Lord Phantom Sir, We have reached Hensara III, we are about to go into Orbit around the planet"

Thank you ensign

:: The ensign walks back to his station ::

Ensign send a double deep signal to LY420G6-984RTMA6

"Yes, Sir"

:: Phantom goes back to looking out the window, slowly a grin covers his face, he hope a battle will occur, he waits to receive his orders ::

Pierce Tondry
Feb 14th, 2001, 08:53:23 PM
(ooc) AIM is in sig.

Dara Shadowtide
Feb 17th, 2001, 07:51:59 AM
:: Dara tried to focus on the sights of Hensara City which held about as much excitement to her as the thought of being pulled into Great Pit of Carkoon, where the Sarlacc slowly digested a person over 1000 years. Of course that would be a 1000 years of silence compared to the incessant chatter of the President which is its own agonizing torture.

As they approached the restaurant the President again boasted about it being the finest restaurant in the entire city. Dara and Scorpion glanced at each other and then followed the President and his guards into a private dining hall in the very back of the establishment.

The table was already set with a banquet of the planet's special cuisine. Surprisingly enough, the meal was quite enjoyable and as dessert was brought to each of them, the President turns to Dara Shadowtide ::

President Ber: "Lady Shadowtide, would you care to enlighten me on the benefits of having the Sith Empire's presence on my planet?"

Dara: "President Ber, at this time your planet's mineral production is hindered by the lack of demand for it. With the remote location of Hensara III, the manufacturers have a difficult time selling their product, hence leading to a lower profit ratio for the economy.

Now with the arrival of the Sith Empire, travel to this portion of the sector will increase, also increasing the possibility for the industrial sector to flourish with the additional mineral sales. The economy of the planet will be secure and I project that it will actually triple in a relatively short amount of time. Another benefit of the Sith Empire's presence here is the network of allies, thus making this planet's future safe and secure for all time.

And lastly but certainly not in the least, Hensara III will gain the presence of the Sith Empire Army under the command of General Scorpion. The expertise and precision of this military unit secures this planet from outside attacks and ensures the preservation of it's natural resources and lucrative industrial sector.

The Sith Empire protects Hensara III, propels the economy into a new realm of wealth it has never known and it also brings Hensara III the recognition it richly deserves for being a truly magnificent planet."

:: The President takes all this in, nodding his head in affirmation as Lady Shadowtide makes her well researched points ::

President Ber: "You have indeed given me much to consider, and I do like what I hear about how my planet will benefit from the Empire's presence. I would like to see the projected financial analysis if that is possible. I am just not convinced that we will truly see an increase in productivity merely from having an organization here, and until I can visualize the capital gain, I cannot agree to the negotiation."

Dara: "I have that data out in the transport, President Ber. Shall we review it on our way back to the Presidential Center?"

President Ber: "Certainly. I believe we are pretty much finished here, wouldn't you say General Scorpion?"

Scorpion: "Indeed we are."

:: Dara, Scorpion, the President and his 4 guards all walk out of the restaurant and climb back into the transport. As they get underway, Dara pulls out the holopad with the financial analysis as the President requested and walks over to sit across from him.

Scorpion rises to go look out the front of the transport where suddenly he steps behind one of the guards and gives a quick snap of his neck, killing him instantly. Leaping swiftly, the Sith Lord grabs a knife from his belt and grabs the other guard's hair, slitting his throat. As the driver of the transport slumps to the side clutching his throat, Scorpion slides into the chair and takes command of the vehicle.

Simultaneous with Scorpion's attack Dara feels the darkness well up deep within her and sends a blast of dark side energy to force choke the guard nearest her. As he gags and writhes on the floor of the transport, his trachea collapsed and his precious airflow diminishing she turns her attention to the remaining guard who reaches for his blaster.

The Sith Lordess smiles as she sends another surge of darkness toward the remaining guard and he goes flying backwards, his skull impacting against glass as the blood sprays everywhere. His limp body falls to the ground.

After this chilling display of true evil from the two Sith Lords, the President realizes he is far more alone than he had ever imagined. Dara smiles and walks around behind him as he sits paralyzed with the reality of his own fate. She leans close to whisper to him as her hand moves to her saber hilt ::

Dara: "I hope that you now see that the Empire's presence on this planet is invaluable. Oh yes, I almost forgot... the financial analysis. I bet you're just dying to see it."

:: With that said, Dara ignites her saber from behind. The snap hiss and distinct hum of her amethyst blade is heard as it pierces his back and protrudes out his stomach. Ber screams in anguish as the Sith Lordess rips upward with her saber, spilling his blood to pool on the floor as darkness ripples all around her ::

Dara: "General Scorpion, I declare the negotiation phase now ended. It is time for death and destruction for the glory of the Empire."

Scorpion: "That it is, Lady Shadowtide."

:: Scorpion pilots the transport back to their shuttle where they begin sending out encrypted messages to all members of the Sith Empire in the sector ::

< Attention fellow comrades of TSE, you are cordially invited to participate in the hostile takeover of Hensara III. In the spirit of Sith Kat, "Blood and Souls for the Empire!" Proceed immediately and receive coordinates upon rendezvous. Shadowtide and Scorpion out >

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 17th, 2001, 08:38:20 AM
*Reaching out to the mind of a pilot, on a cargo ship that fortunately was nearby Hensara, MnT focused his thoughts, and in what appeared to be a flash of darkness, dissapeared from what had been dubbed "the light cave". In an instant, he was standing beside the pilot, who, after double-taking, looked up at him and screamed out a pathetic stream of babble and profanities.*

Be quiet...

*MnT stared right into the man's eyes, his own, burrowing deep into the man's soul. The pilot swallowed loud, and, shaking slightly, nodded in obedience. *

We're going to the planet, Hensara city to be precise.

*With that, he switched the ship's com to the appropriate channel, and spoke out to Lord Scorpian, and Lordess Shadowtide.*

"Disciple Miryan no Trunks here, mind if I join the party?"

Vapor Kazuna
Feb 17th, 2001, 02:59:33 PM
Outside the Hensara system, eleven Imperator III Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace, clearly showing hostile intentions. They began to close in on Hensara III, ion drives roaring a bright blue. Vapor paced the command deck of the Maelstrom, robes swirling around his ankles.

He nodded to the communications officer who opened a comm. frequency to General Scorpion and his master, Dara, down on the planet.

Vapor: This is Vapor Kazuna, I have begun a blockade of the planet and am sending down ground troops to reinforce our presence here.

Dara: Nice to see you here, Vapor. Transmitting coordinates for your approach.

Vapor: Thank you, Master.

Vapor nodded and relayed a signal to all his ships, telling their commanders where the troops were to be dropped. Blood and souls for the Empire, indeed.

General Scorpion
Feb 17th, 2001, 03:26:11 PM
Builder shuttles, AT Barges, shuttles, dropships, transports, and support fighters breach the atmosphere over the outskirts of Hensara City. The drop ships settle down for as long as it takes for their soldiers to get off, then they return for more. AT Barges shake the ground as they land, pulling back up and dropping off their cargo. AT-ATs rise from their crouched state, a TR-MB rolls out into the open, AT-PTs run across the open plains into their formations, AT-STs cover the army from all sides, and eighteen AT-WTs take up front line positions. Their concussion missile launchers rise from the armor.

Each one locked onto its group of targets along the western side of the city. The outer civilian buildings were of no use to the Sith Empire Army. Fifty four concussion missiles launch at once, creating a blanket of smoke around the front line. Streaking towards the city mercilessly, they rip through apartment complexs and homesteads and explode. Hundreds of civilians fly from their shattered windows onto the fiery streets below, screaming. A five story complex tilts on its shaky foundation. It's residents scramble for safety in the streets, but are instantaneously crushed when the building collapses on them. Scrapel pierces dozens of people who thought they had made it to safety. Craters form in the ground, and are filled with the bodies of the dead.

Another round of missiles hits, and noone has any place to hide. Dozens of AT-ATs move in, and already, demolition teams are scrambling to destroy the damaged buildings. Soldiers run alongside the All-Terrain vehicles into the center of Hensara City.

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 17th, 2001, 03:33:23 PM
:: Onboard the Maelstrom a loud whirring was heard as the TIE Phantom, Praetor Fenix, rushed past, slowly only when it barely flanked the Maelstrom ::

Maelstrom, this is the Praetor Fenix, Vega here.

:: Vega flicked a switch on the control panel, opening a comm. link to the Maelstrom, and also to his Master and Scorpion ::

I trust I'm welcome on this mission?

Dara Shadowtide
Feb 17th, 2001, 06:04:39 PM
:: Lordess Shadowtide smiles as the comms desk lights up with enthusiastic responses to the upcoming promise of carnage. She replies to each transmission and smiles as she sees her apprentices Vapor Kazuna and Vega Van-Derveld en route ::

"Sith Lord Phantom, Shadowtide here. Good to have you aboard. If you need a starting point, there seems to be a few hidden settlements in the upper eastern sector that could use your attention if you know what I mean. Talk to you soon. Shadowtide out."

"Greetings Sith Disciple Miryan no Trunks. Welcome to Hensara. Find a place to set down and let the killing begin. May the Dark Side be with you. Shadowtide out."

"Welcome to Hensara III, Sith Warrior Vega Van-Derveld. I trust you will find your way to the path of most destruction. May the darkness consume you in your task. Shadowtide out."

:: Dara smiles at the blood about to flow for the glory of the Empire ::

Feb 17th, 2001, 06:09:09 PM
*It didn't take long for Rain to get everything ready to go to Hensara III. She hadn't gotten involved with many missions before, but the general idea behind this one appealed to her, especially the death and destruction part. Her sister, Ame had still been in the area and was more than willing to give her ride to Hensara.
The Makura had landed along the outskirts of one of the larger settlements. Now, Rain was slowly making her around the area, trying to figure out where to start. Her eyes lit up at the potential for such mass destruction, giving her the look of a young child in a candy store.
As she walked, she saw a man who looked to be of some importance due to the way he was dressed. She closed in and then came up behind him, taking out her newly crafted knife (http://www.geocities.com/rainseries/images/sithknife1.gif), and then cut across his throat with it. Apparently her guess about him being important was right because quickly 3 guards came running at her. As the guard on her right drew too close for comfort she pointed at him, the Darkside flowing through her body and from her hand and sent him flying back hard, hitting the ground with a sickening thud. The next was to her left, she stepped forward to meet him and plunged her knife into his stomach while delivering a hard blow to his nose, breaking the cartilage and sending some straight into his brain, killing him instantly. The third was behind her. She quickly kicked him and then jammed her knife into his throat, ripping across and spilling his blood onto the ground.*

"60 seconds...too slow."

*Putting away her knife, she threw a few thermal detonators through the window of the building closest to her and started to walk towards where she saw a group of people running. The sound explosion behind her echoed through the hills and brought a sinister smile to her face.*

Darth Phantom
Feb 17th, 2001, 06:31:30 PM
:: Phantom grins at the news. He gives command back to the Adm. of the ship and walks down a long hall to the turbolifts. He steps inside and presses a button on the control panel, the lift moves downward to where his ship was...

He reaches his ship and climbs in starts her up and heads for the surface, several minutes later Phatnom reachs the surface right outside the settlements. Phantom walks towards the settlement grinning ::

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 17th, 2001, 06:55:41 PM
Approaching hyperspace to Hensara III......

He figured everyone was already showing up in the system, Dyne was approaching the jump point into hyperspace. His "Lionheart" was souped up and ready to go as usual. Wearing his black attire, Dyne remained emotionless while flying. Looking at everything from under his flying mask. Seemed like he was the only one in the whole damn area. Quietly speeding across the vastness of the space plane, he awaited the hyperspace call.


Running his hand across the control panel, he cranked up his custom built-in music player. Dyne nodded his head and received the word that he can jump into hyperspace now. He arched a eyebrow and immediately entered hyperspace. Everything turning into a white blur as he sat there in his cockpit. A whole array of thoughts were in his mind, only concentrating on the objective at hand.

Hensara III system......

Arriving into the system, Dyne was nearly 10 clicks away. He smirked as everyone already was into the midst of the battle. Bringing his finger across the computer panel, Dyne activated a few buttons. He set his throttle and shields. Pressing the speed to 110 percent, reverting some of his shields to the engine power. Setting his volume on the music, Dyne brought the ear pieces around and plugged it in.

Figuring that all the other students of his Master were already there, Dyne blasted his afterburner. The engine roared as he suddenly blasted with speed, streaking across space. While controling the yoke he activated the weapons system and targeting computer. Running his finger across some buttons, showing his mission objective. Dyne was going to do some bombing runs and cause chaos with his new laser weapons system. Seting the lasers to dual power and arming the bomb and proton torpedoes, Dyne approached the other forces already unloading on Hensara's cities.

Having his ship uploaded with the latest weapons and full capacity of payload in missles. He switched to a coded frequency to his Master, Dyne spoke to her about his arrival into the system. His blue hull shined across the light in the system. The cockpit sparkling as if it was ready to get into the battle. Dyne looked at his expression from the shiny computer terminal. He looked back out of the cockpit, arming his lasers.

"I am here Master.......as you requested."

Dyne switched over his frequency to General Scorpion as he guided the ground forces. He figured the ground defense would meet their demise very soon. His eyes turned sinister, not feeling anything but wanting to cause chaos. As the frequency became clean, he spoke to the General. His adrenaline already beginning to surge within himself.

"General Scorpion, Dyne Darkforce speaking. Me and my ship are at your disposal. I shall be helping to clear the way and provide back up."

The afterburners still going, Dyne switched his shields to full hull cover. Sending the throttle to 95 percent and his shields at 105 percent. Approaching the atmosphere, Dyne experienced a period of turbulence while slamming into the upper atmosphere. All was seemingly quite around him, his fighter ready to get some. On the planets cities the dark clouds where towering above. Almost a foreshadowing of Dyne's coming into the playing field.

"Their number is up......."

Dyne finishing his sentence in a cold dark manner, he ran right through a line of clouds. The clouds almost parted, letting him through. Coming in with a 360 and causing explosions on the ground nearby the large city on Hensara III. The large laser blasts shook the whole area, sending a shreaking sound as he flew across the ground. The sound barrier being broken, sending a sonic boom into everyones ear on his dreaded arrival to terminate them.

"This ones for Sith Kat....."

Dyne flipped up the plastic cover on the missle launcher button. Trees were broken off their foundation and sent flying as the fighter sped by. Locking on with the missle system, Dyne launched a missle onto a few turrets. While dodging their laser blasts, moving left and right, he smirked under the mask. Demolishing them into space debris, Dyne kept his dark emotion as he went over some of his own comrades. Noticing the Barges and AT-AT's and what not, he gave them back up fire, shooting down defense forces as they marched into the city.

He also awaited his Master's response, as she would most certainly would respond to his presence. Dyne's, fighter skills in tune as ever as he was fresh off the Dilonexa operation. Being in a certain zone, everything was in blaze as explosions occured all over the planets surface. He flew through the blaze, as his eyes surged from the blaze causing a reflection. Dyne looked onto the city through his Dark Side surged eyes, narrowing them whole feeling the presence of his other comrades below.

Dara Shadowtide
Feb 17th, 2001, 07:40:14 PM
:: As she studied the damage reports coming in, she felt a familiar presence in the darkness and knew it to be her apprentice, Sith Knight Dyne Darkforce. A smile spread across her lips as she reaches out via the Dark Side to talk to her apprentice ::

Greetings, my apprentice. The Dark Side is even stronger with you this day, Dyne. Your presence is prominent and I know the citizens of Hensara III will come to realize your true evil as you dispense it among them generously. Find a path of destruction of your choosing, my apprentice, and let death come forth from your hands for the Empire.

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 18th, 2001, 02:01:41 AM
With his comrades already on or nearing the planet, Anubis had to work fast. He looked at his jump co-ordinates and stared blankly into the air as he thought.

"Computer.....Is there a way we can jump closer to the planet?

Computer: Affirmative. But a warning it may not be safe. I suggest...

"Just do it!" Anubis answered to the computer as it bleeped and immediately began jumpspace. Everything froze as his YT-2400 entered the node.

Warping back into reality Anubis found that his ship was entering Hensara's atmosphere at an unsafe speed. The vessel began to shake as it pummeled into the Forest. The ship trying to burn up in the planet's atmosphere.


He wakes up on the floor of his freighter and stirs as he gets to his feet.

"Damage report.."

Computer: "It can be fixed."

He leans onto the controls and looks at his monitor as a message flicks repeatedly on the screen. It was from his master, Lordess Dara Shadowtide.

Greetings, my apprentice. The Empire needs your skills in securing the planet of Hensara III. Contact me on the secured channel for instructions upon your arrival . May the Dark Side be with You....

He opened a channel to his master to report that he had landed.

Dara Shadowtide
Feb 18th, 2001, 02:51:22 AM
:: Lordess Shadowtide had stepped away from the comms desk to assess the latest damage and casualty reports. With a smile on her face she sees a light flashing on a secure channel and opens it to receive the transmission from her apprentice, Sith Warrior Anubis Lockheart ::

"Hello, Anubis. The Empire grows stronger through the actions of all its members. It is good to have you aboard on this mission, my apprentice. I will be transmitting you the coordinates of the southwestern sector which has a small settlement that has not been introduced properly to the Empire. As they lay dying in their own pool of blood, make sure they know who dealt them their fate. May the darkness guide you in your path of destruction for the Empire. Shadowtide out."

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 18th, 2001, 08:02:35 AM
*As the cargo ship started it's landing proceedures, the bay door opened. A figure stood there, watching out as mist rolled across the landing zone of the 'port. Once the ship had dropped to about 45 feet from the ground, the figure jumped out, his descent taking him right towards two members of the landing crew.*

*With a soft thud, MnT landed. After a moment, he stood up, and faced the two men. They stared at him, shocked in that he hadn't broken his legs. The one on the right stuttered somewhat, perhaps trying to say something. MnT beat him to it. He closed his eyes, and in a quiet, almost meditative tone, spoke.*

.. Forgive me for my actions, but they are neccesary for the betterment of the universe...

*As the man who had been stuttering cocked his head in surprise, MnT crossed his hands over his torso, reached under his trenchcoat, and unhooked his two sabers "Life" and "Death". Bringing the two sabers up, he ignit them both, the simultaneous "snap-hisses" sounding as one. He quickly brought "Death" down. It entered the shoulder of the man on the right, and exited at his hip, on the other side. Almost immediately, he brought the saber back up again, mirroring the fatal wound with the other worker.*

*Before the bodies had hit the ground, MnT dodged past them, and was heading for the terminal.*

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 18th, 2001, 08:47:58 AM
:: The Praetor Fenix grew nearer to the surface of Hensara III, with Vega setting a few weapons on standby just in case. The engines whirred as the ships hull pierced into the planets atmosphere, jerking the ship and tossing the crew into the air a few times.

Hull stability at maximum level.

Pilot, it is not suggested you continue.

Vega flicked the channel which allowed the computer to communicate with him off, he didn't intend to listen to it. Pushing the throttle to it's full ability, the Fenix pushed through the layers of rock and space debris. As the ship penetrated further in a hot mist seemed to sweep over the inside of the bridge.
With the back of his sleeve Vega swept a few droplets of sweat from his brow, letting off a small yawn. Staring down his nose at the planet his ship was approaching he could see small explosions taking place as ships shot across the undergrowth of the planet, barraging the settlements below them with varieties of deadly weapons. He expected no less from his comrades and fellow Sith.

Pilot, please contact gro-

The Sith thrust his fist into the panel in front of him, cutting the voice offline and sending an ear piercing white noise rushing through the heads of the crew for a few seconds. Everything then went serenely quiet ... as the engines cut off. Vega pushed himself out of his seat, leaping backwards over it, his flight jacket flapping violently into the air. As he ran past the view screen he could see the planet drawing ever closer incredibly fast.
He skidded round the corner into the engine room to see 3 droids frantically trying to recalibrate the engine so that it could take the strain the atmosphere was putting on it.

Sir stuttered the largest droid, I'm not sure how long it will ta-

Vegas boot connected hard with its head as he kicked it aside, typing in the codes to push the shields up.

Shield power 50%- Rerouting power from lighting to shields- Shield power 70%

The lights dimmed down as did the red light which had began to whirl around on the head of one droid. Vega let out a heavy sigh of relief as he walked back onto the bridge, taking his seat at the controls. He plotted the course for a settlement he could pick out from above and lay back in his chair, his heart thumping beneath his chest.

...A little later....

The Fenix soared over the grassy marshland beside the settlement, kicking up dirt and shaking trees as its pilot dodged from side to side, showing an array of skills never used before. Crashing through the undergrowth, the adrenaline rushed through Vegas system as he spotted the settlement only 100 yards or so in front of him ::

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 18th, 2001, 04:39:12 PM
*He had deignit his two sabers now, rehooking them to his belt-loops, as he walked into the terminal. All around him, people went about their buisiness. It saddened him slightly to know that they would all be dead soon enough. Their lives forfeit in the wake of the empire. However, he knew that all growth demands sacrifice, and that if the blood of the innocent was the neccesary factor to take, then so be it.*

*He continued into about the middle of the main area, the large sword strapped to his back getting him more than enough weird looks. Although not as many as when he started chanting.*

*It was in the ancient Saiya-jin dialect, that which had been spoken before pretty much the entire race converted their language-of-choice to "common". Basically, it was a prayer for the dead.*

*A moment later, the terminal exploded in a large yellow ball of energy.*

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 18th, 2001, 05:12:02 PM
Anubis grinned sadisticly as he heard the voice of his Dark Master, Lordess Dara Shadowtide over the comm. The message loud and clear, he acknowledge what he had to do and began to walk to the navigation system.

"Ahh, Finally! Some destruction. I barely call it, a challenge though..."

As he reaches the navigation system, the co-ordinates appeared on the console from his master. He patched it into the scanners and waited for a response.

"Hmm, not far from here"

He presses a button on the ceiling, as a wall folds down from it. It reveals a large arsenal of blasters and munitions. He gears up, carrying as much as he can comfortably for the upcoming mission. The munitions wall disappears and Anubis trudges for the door.

The door opens and Anubis stes out into the sunlight, blinding him for a second. The smell of the swamp fills his lungs as he looks around. To his surprise he see's 3 citizens from a nearby settlement. Being in a remote location they may not have heard of the war with TSE.

Citizen: "Are you hurt? Are you ok?

"Maybe you should ask yourself the same question."

Anubis raises his rifle blaster onto his shoulder, shooting one citizen in the chest, one in the forehead and the other in the leg.


He walks over to the remaining citizen who was kneeling. Anubis could smell his fear, and his blood. The citizen was trembling as Anubis put the gun to his head.

"Pathetic really.....Nearly as cowardly as a Jedi."

He pulls the trigger as the civillians head splatters in all directions. Anubis getting blood all over him as he does so. Putting the gun back in his back holster, he looks at his scanner and trudges off to the direction of the settlement.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 18th, 2001, 05:14:44 PM
*As the dust pillowed up around the shattered building, MnT walked out, through the debris. Carefully navigating sharp chunks of rock and durasteel, he reasoned with himself*

... I know I swore never to use Ki against non SJ's, but that was the least painful, and most effective, way I could think of...

*He passed what had once been the entrance to the building, and looked back and forth down the road that stretched off to the left and right, trying to decide which direction to go..*

Darth Phantom
Feb 18th, 2001, 05:52:24 PM
:: Phantom makes his way to the settlement ::

This brings back memorys

:: He mutters to himself. He walks the gate of the settlement and knocks, Two older men show themselves ::

"What do you want?"

:: Phantom motions them closer as to say he can't hear. The two men walk over to him, already having his sbare in his hand Phantom ignites it and stabs one of them through the throat so he can not scream at the same moment Phantom grabs the other one by the throat and rips it out. Phantom cuts the gate into bits. Phantom walks slowly into the center of town, all the towns folks looking at him, He reaches into his cloak and pulls out several Thermal Detinaters and throws them randomly into the surrounding houses. Seconds later BOOM!!!, The settlement panices and starts to run around...

General Scorpion
Feb 18th, 2001, 09:57:25 PM
Dozens of AT-ATs lumbered onward through the streets of the city, often with shuttles and dropships landing in their wake, unloading troops and invading the buildings on secured ground.

General Scorpion stood over a holo-map of the planet in the TR-MB (Tracked Mobile Base) as it drove between two AT-AT Battalions. He gently tapped a section of the western shoreline and the map zoomed in on the city. From the TR-MB he could control all military forces and watch over their progress. Reports were coming in from regiments, confirming their assigned targets had been captured. Every so often, an AT-AT behind or in front of the mobile base would crouch down to let its cargo of forty soldiers off to capture another building.

On the map, the virtual buildings were quickly turning from yellow to red from the west on in. He looked down to the bottom and recognized the Eagle AT-AT Battalion. Major Urza looked to be taking them in from SSW. That would speed up the operation a bit.

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 18th, 2001, 10:38:10 PM
Meanwhile, outside the Hensara city limits......

<Smirking, Dyne slams on the speed, increasing his speed to 120 percent. His shield power was ran down to 80 percent. After getting about 10 clicks away, he sends the ship straight up in a vertical ascension. After climbing nearly a few miles into the sky, Dyne loops around upside down and comes straight at the city. He breaks through a line of low lying clouds. The Sith arms his missles and bombs. Locking onto the outskirts of the city and some civilian buildings, a evil grin appears over his face.>

"This ought to be interesting......"

<Dyne drops 2 bombs from his payload and blasts one of the high rise buildings to pieces. Its remains scattering over the city, the ship flew by with a blaze of speed. He pulls up and manuvers through the city buildings before coming outside again. Dyne circles around behind the AT-AT's then backs up with a round of laser fire. The lasers streak across and slam into a buildings side with a large explosion in flames.. Switching to missles, he launched them and right into the damaged building. The buildings foundation soon turned to rubble and fell over into debris. Using the targeting computer and sensor radar, Dyne attempted to find the location of his comrades. The coordinates etched into his mind as he looked out the cockpit.>

<After blasting the initial line of buildings, Dyne turned the ship to autopilot. He opened the cockpit as the speed slowed down. When the ship landed, he jumped out near the outskirts of the large city. He closed the cockpit as the Lionheart lifted off into the air. Its priorities were already set in autopilot, it would patrol around the city and give back up fire to the ground forces. A million thoughts were running across his head as Dyne tried to maintain his concentration on the mission.>

<Dyne watched the ship take off, as the engines sent his hair and attire fluttering. He had his black tank top and baggy fighter pants as usual. Taking the sabres off his belt, Dyne ignited them before heading towards the city in a sprint. He ran into a few civilians and simply ran them through with his sabres with force enhanced speed before they had a chance to arm their blasters. He looked at a datpad to see the map of teh city as a civilian that was caught between the fighting looked at Dyne. He had a sinister look at the measly weakling while stalking at him.>

"Resistance is futile......give up to us......submit."

<The civilan did not agree and charged at Dyne. He lifted his knee up and slammed it into his gut. The civilian doubled over as Dyne rammed his sabre into his heart. He threw the civilian to the side and smirked as he lay there dead. Dyne looked at the city and headed in to meet his comrades at the coordinates his ship brought up. He took his fusion cutter and put it on his hand, covering his wrist, it activated as a few lights went off. Dyne armed it as he picked off a few armed civilians, the green plasma/fusion energy blasts ripped through their skin. He continued on his path, closing in on his friends and comrades locations within the city.>

Vapor Kazuna
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:31:57 AM
The Hensaran Plains

Miles of hensara wheat rippled as a breeze passed through the area. It was pristine and untouched by the destruction ravaging the rest of the planet like a firestorm. For now. Numerous tribal villages dotted the plains that survived by hunting the wild skyrter gazelle. They were dwarfed by the simple vastness of the plains. Larger farming communities surrounded the perimeter, separated by hundreds of miles.

The blue gem of the sky's perfection was marred only by wispy cirrus clouds. In front of these clouds tiny dots appeared, circling like vultures over an animal on the brink of death. The dots got larger, finally resolving themselves into ships. Builder ships, AT barges, and troop transports landed on the ground with the finality of a judge's gavel. Within minutes the ships had unloaded their troops and returned to the fleet above to replenish forces. Two Imperial Garrison bases finished construction about twenty minutes later.

AT-AT battalions assembled and stormtrooper divisions lined up for inspection. Another fist of the Sith Empire was ready to crush the resistance out of Hensara III. AT-ST patrols were dispatched to recon the area as were squadrons of the feared Shadow Droids, techno-organic terrors. Three hours pass and scouting patrols have sent back locations of tribal villages and farming towns. As each report comes in, a forces are dispatched to destroy them.

Vapor smiles as his shuttle flies down towards the surface, walkers and stormtroopers displayed below in their glory. Several of the lumbering Viper Audomadons wait also, their molecular shielding glittering in the early morning sun. He stands and leaves his ship as it gently touches the ground, repulsorlifts buffering the shock. He strides through the camp purposely, his fuligin robes billowing from behind him.

Even in the glaring sun, the fuligin seems to suck the light out of the very air, darker than black. Beneath his robes the stormtrooper armor seems stark and bleak like a desert, a glaring inferno in a well of darkness. The typical helmet of an Imperial infantryman is absent, leaving Vapor's head bare. His eyes glitter like emeralds as he observes the preparation for death and destruction around him.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 19th, 2001, 12:51:48 AM
*Having decided to go west, MnT had been travelling down the road nearly half an hour without any sign of... anything. There were trees on both sides of the road, thick forests with hardly any life emenating from them. As he came to the top of a hill, however, his luck changed.*

*Looking down at the huge city, MnT frowned at the sight of the AT-AT's. They were honorless machines.. Oh well, they were not for him anyways. Wrapping his hand around the handle of his 500lb deity-crafted Broadsword, the "Damnation's Touch," He leapt, sailing through the air down the hill, heading rapidly towards the city, and the sacrifices that would inevitably be filling the streets in rioting panic.*

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 19th, 2001, 01:20:35 PM
:: The Fenix swept dodged another large clump of trees, dive-bombing up and down whilst picking off a variety of wildlife with it's primary laser fire. Although Vegas flying skills were not his strong point, he still managed to fly with graceful ease.

A little music always helped the destruction thought Vega to himself as he knocked on the laser disc. The adrenaline output of Vegas body seemed to increase two-fold as he dropped almost into the swamps, the underside of the TIE phantom scrapping away at the crust.

Swamp life teemed from the murky water, trying to escape the 'mechaneek' thrashing above it. Vega pushed the engine onto full power as he shot out of the swampy clearing into the settlement he had sighted. The Fenix jerked into the air as he hefted the control stick, rolling the ship on its side as he skidded round to land.

The Sith emerged from the ship, flight gear still on. He ran at force speed towards the gathered villagers. Vega drew his saber and light-rapier both at the same time, holding them in front of him in a cross shape.

Knot-brin-cahln! screamed one young "woman" as Vega rushed past he, driving the blade of Crane into her left leg. She dropped to the floor, her eyes pleading the the people around her for help and to Vega for mercy.

Which way is Hensara city? growled Vega, unknowingly bringing the yellow blade of Seraphim dangerously close to the neck of a bystander.

Gora-shin Knot-cahln.. she hoarsely rasped, still looking for help from her fellow villagers. They would not come near her. Only one reacted, raising a hand and pointing to the north.

Vega nodded to the one who had helped him, turning slowly away.

Thanks for your help.. he sneered, spinning a blaster into his had and firing off 6 shots, each piercing into the neck of a villager. ::

... I'll send ya a postcard from the city.

Darth Phantom
Feb 20th, 2001, 02:14:51 AM
:: Phantom reaches the Chief of the settlements Hut, Phantom throws a thermal detinator into the hut, the hut explodes seconds later followed by a shower of sparkes and burning leaves. Phantom turns his attention back to the settlement, so much of it still stood, people still moving, something had to be done. He walks over to where the people are coming from, He ignites his saber and cuts several people in half...

He throws a granade into the hut and it explodes killing more people. Phantom starts chasing people down and killing them just for the sake of doing it, After about an hour Phantom looks up from the person who he had just disimbaled no one was moving and no building was standing, He wips his face clean of blood, He opens a comm to the Lordess Dara ::

Lordess everything is done down here

General Scorpion
Feb 20th, 2001, 05:04:07 PM
Reports were now coming in from all over the planet. It wouldn't take much more before it was fully controlled. Most of the virtual buildings on the map were red, except for those on the shoreline.

Danger! The Force warned him just before it happened. A fully charged direct hit on the hull. It lifted one side of the TR-MB up into the air. It crashed back down to the ground, still operational. Alot of force, not much damage to go with it though. The pilot backed it up out of harm's way. Scorpion quickly jumped out the hatch to face the attacker. Another blast shot out just a few feet in front of him from the alley. It impacted against the opposite building, blanketing the street in dust and debris. Cautiously, the Sith Lord peered around the corner, and pulled it back quick before it was almost blown off by another blast. A Yutrane-Tackata Hovertank T1-B, good against aircraft and infantry. Not the best choice for attacking a vehicle, unless you wanted to draw out troops. Classy move, wrong vehicle to hit. He walked back to the TR-MB and slung a mobile warhead launcher over his shoulder, then walked back to the alley entrance. Meanwhile, the tank had made a pretty big hole in the building across the street.

He unslung the launcher and held it on his shoulder, packing the concussion missile into it's chamber. He flicked a switch and disarmed the safety lock. With a short warcry, he sidestepped into the alley and fired the missile, then ducked to avoid a counter blast. The missile navigated through the narrow area, tore through the weak shields of the tank and exploded on the hull. It blew the cockpit free and practically incinerated the rest. This was not a well kept machine. The cockpit landed, obviously charred, with an unrecognizable corpse along with it.

Scorpion tossed the launcher to a waiting soldier and jumped aboard a waiting crouched AT-AT, leaving the TR-MB to its repairs.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 20th, 2001, 07:07:08 PM
*As he reached the outer-most buildings of Hensara City, the population began to swarm out of alleys and doorways. Gazing over them, all MnT saw was an ocean of souls, waiting to be freed from their mortal shells, for the glory of the empire. As the first began to near him, he drew the 50" blade from it's sheath, unnoticed by the scared people. Suddenly, he brought it up above his head, and swung it down to the left in an arc, quickly and easily beheading three people who weere somewhat near each other. This caused most of the people behind to stop and stare in horror at him, temporarily oblivious to the destruction and explosions that were audible around the city.*

*A moment passed, and everyone stared and watched as MnT mouthed a prayer for them. Suddenly, he looked back up, his dark eyes freezing everyone in their tracks. He leapt*

*Swinging the 500lb sword around with the speed and grace of an ancient Ninja with it's Katana, he quickly added more heads to the pile, over 9 before he even touched the ground again. As he landed, he brought his hand back, sweeping the blade through the torso of another. He stood up, and brought the blade back around, beheading yet another citizen who had been too close. Everyone started running away, fear driving them to go back into the buildings they had just escaped from.*

*MnT laughed softly at the situation.. easy pickings.. With a bright flash, he launched a ball of pure ki energy just above the doorway of the nearest building, causing debris to collapse, crushing and blocking the doorway. He did the same with each of the other buildings, except the last. As he entered the building, he thought to himself*

"...It's nice how they all decided to trap themselves in their homes, for me to come and take away at my leisure..."

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 20th, 2001, 07:32:01 PM
As he arrived in the midst of the city, Dyne looked around and went down one of the roads. Having his fusion cutter armed, he fired charged shots all over the road. The blasts connected into the high rise buildings and people alike. He felt a presence in the force, noticing it was someone familiar. Dyne went down a bit farther and figured out who it was.


Spotting him just down the road, he ran up to him and nodded quickly. He had just got rid of some more opposers of the Empire. Dyne grew a sinister look on his face before grabbing his Sabre Sword called the "Moonlight".

"How about some tag-team chaos?"

Dyne activated his sabre sword and awaited Miryan's call. He looked around for any ambush, but didnt sense any life forms near them. Dyne circled around, hearing explosions all over the city as the ground forces marched in. He saw the Lionheart fly overhead as well and smirked.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:23:46 PM
*He turned to his friend, just before entering the building, and smiled*

...Absolutely, look behind you, any building with collapsed doorways is packed full of souls, awaiting their dispatch from this mortal coil. You can take your pick, as I've sealed all the exits, and well, non-siths just don't possess the ability or strength to clear out debris like that...

*His face grew serious for a moment..*

...All I ask is that you take their lives honorably, don't make them suffer. Given, it's just my way, and I know you have your own, but I'd feel wrong having not at least requested you consider it, ne?

*Before Dyne had answered, MnT added in*

Oh, and naturally, be on the lookout for locals with firepower. There's no reason to think that at least Some of the citizens aren't packing guns.... cheap weapons really, but still...

Feb 21st, 2001, 02:32:11 AM
*Out of the air a squadren of Howlrunners guard a skipray blastboat as it enters Hensara III's air. The pilot, Lord Firebird contacts General Scorpion.* General, I have arrived, do you need any air cover
*Instantly the Howlrunners begin to attack any moving enemy target.*

Feb 21st, 2001, 02:53:11 AM
*It wasn't long before the city Rain had entered was practically destroyed, it's inhabitants dead in the streets. Pleased with her work she decided it was finally time to radio in, letting those in charge know she was there, and that the destruction of this particular city was complete. As the Sith Knight made her way back to where Ame had dropped her off, she quickly struck down another small group of people that had managed to get out of the town and into the nearby jungle. With that done with she made it towards an area where the brush was the thickest. At that place was a hidden speeder bike, a replica of one from long ago that she had told Ame to leave behind. She smiled at the sight of it and quickly hopped on and headed for where she knew others of the group were, hoping to come to across another small town to obliterate along the way.*

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 21st, 2001, 06:21:32 AM
:: Vega rattled his fingers over the tops of various keys on the control pad, rerouting his course for that of the city had been directed towards by the lovely civilians of Hensara. He had picked up quite a few credits and a variety of blasters from their corpses from leaving, cheap guns, but they’d be worth something.

The darkened interior of the Fenix lit up as the engine kicked in, cyan sparks thrashing into the air as the craft lifted from the ground. It moved quickly off from its position, heading in a westerly direction.

Swooping once again through the swamps, Vega pulled a lever back on the controls in front of him, sending the Fenix vertically upwards, crashing through the trees towards the upper canopies. Birds scattered into the sky as the port side of the TIE sloped out into the open, leaving a seconds break before knocking its engines back on and continuing towards Hensara City.

Vega saw, in the distance, what looked like Miryan and Dynes ships. A grin came to his face as he swerved in and out of the canopy, he would soon reunite with his comrades for some fun ::

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 21st, 2001, 04:48:39 PM
He nods to Miryan in understanding then turns to him to answer his request. Dyne lowers his Fusion Cutter to the side before speaking to his comrade in chaos.

"Not a problem Miryan, I shall dispatch of them quickly. They wont even feel a thing and shall be dead before they know it."

Dyne walks in with Miryan into one of the buildings. He looks around as some elctrical fixtures were broken down. His Fusion Cutter was making a humming noise in the silence only to be broken by a few sounds of explosions outside. He turned to Miryan for a second, noticing this was a building of importance.

"Seems like this is a command building from the looks of it. This place has to be crawling with some high ranking people. Lets see what we can find shall we?"

He also felt another presence in the force of a Sith. Most likely it seemed to be another comrade of theirs heading to Miryan and Dyne as they went in.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 21st, 2001, 04:55:06 PM
*Looking, he turned his head from the building he was in mid-step into, and the one Dyne was at... Considering his options, he thought to himself...*

...Command building... Apartment... Command building... Apartment...

*With a nod, he began drawing on his life energy, as well as that of the planet itself. Fortunately, the planet was a healthy one, so it's energy ran easily into and through him. He seemed to erupt, a blinding yellow light that enveloped the building he was standing at. The flash dissapeared in a large explosion, that completely demolished the building, it's inhabitants dying instantly as they were torn apart by the energy.*

*Walking out of the dust and rubble, MnT walked up to Dyne, and nodded again*

...Let's check it out, shall we?..

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 21st, 2001, 11:48:30 PM
The large shaking stops as Miryan finishes. Dyne looks at the building and nods to Miryan with a smirk on his face. The rubble and dust settled with nothing life wise remaining where the apartment used to be.

"Nice, very nice...heh"

He deactivates his Fusion Cutter and grabs his lightsabre off the weapons belt. Dyne ignites it with a snap-hiss before motioning Miryan to do the same. They step into the building slowly, keeping their caution for the surroundings.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 22nd, 2001, 02:13:25 AM
*Weilding his sword "Damnation's touch" in place of the two sabers that hung hooked to his belt loops, MnT entered the building, his mind open to their surroundings. He closed his eyes and, concentrating on finding the sensations one picks up from life energy, he came to the conclusion that this floor was safe, minus a room on the left, about 15 feet ahead of them, where 2 people were. "Waiting to ambush us" he speculated, and telepathically warned Dyne, who was approaching the kill-zone that anyone inside would have had, through the doorway.*

" ...Forward and to your left, 2 people, more than likely men, more than likely packing, more than likely at least somewhat skilled.."

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 22nd, 2001, 07:51:43 AM
:: The Fenix crashed to a graceful halt some 20 metres from Dyne and MnT, its engines kicking clouds of dust into the air around it. The Pilot, Vega, rose from his seat and straightened out his close a little before taking the power offline.

He approached the exit of the ship, taking his saber and light-rapier from their holders beside the door. He hung them both comfortable on his belt and slid the door aside. On stepping out into the open he inhaled deeply, the smell of death hung like a black cloudy mist around the area and it was coming from inside a building infront of him.

As he paced slowly towards the building Vega took into account how much Hensara city looked just like Figaro Favoura IV. Stunningly like it in fact. In his mind, it just made it all the better to destroy.

Vega ran swiftly, yet silently into the building, his steps masked by those of MnT and Dyne. He stopped at the time they did, and brought his saber into hand, fluidly igniting its ochre blade. ::

...Room for one more?

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 22nd, 2001, 09:58:38 PM
He gave a silent nod to both Miryan and Vega. They went ahead and proceeded into the building as the two men waited there. Dyne took his sabre and in one swift strike, slashed one of the men. The sabre penetrated through him and instantly killed him off. The other tumbled out Miryan quickly disposed of him with his sabre. The two lay there dead, with no movement whatsoever. Smoke rose into the air from their smoking attire as he looked ahead.

Dyne brought his yellow sabre around as they approached some stairs. They swept through the bottom area with stealth and quickness. He looked up and down at Miryan and Vega. Not noticing a presence, he motioned them to go ahead. As the three proceeded up they came to a large corridor which was dark except a few electrical sparks luminating the place from broken light fixtures. He turned to look at his comrades before moving into the corridor.

"Shall we?"

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 22nd, 2001, 10:39:33 PM
*Nodding to Dyne, he began charging energy into his broadsword, which, in turn, began glowing. The light was not enough to fully illuminate the hallway, but still enough to provide a visual of everything for a few meters in front of them. A mere 3 or 4 feet ahead of them were two doorways, one on each side of the hallway. One of the doors was closed, the other one, MnT concluded by the wood fragments lying in the hallway, had been kicked in. He could sense life in both rooms, as well as in many other places ahead of and around them.*

*He opened up his mind, feeling that something was wrong.. Suddenly it clicked, they were in another ambush! Letting the force guide his blade, he brought it up in front of his face, just barely in time to deflect a laser bolt that quite possibly would have taken his head off.. In an instant, the blast had reflected, and gone back the way it came, lighting up the hallway as it did.*

*As they watched, they realized that 20 feet down, the hallway opened into a big room, and in fact, it wasn't walls that continued the hallway, but stacked boxes to give the impression of walls.. It was a trap*

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 23rd, 2001, 06:46:07 AM
:: Quirking one eyebrow, Vega unsheathed Crane from it's scabbard on his belt. The blue and yellow blades moved with a quiet hum through the air as the Warrior took a few paces forward, trying to pick out the exact locations of the lifeforms in the building.

Vega pressed the tip of his light rapier against a crate to the left, charring a small hole into it. *click* ... 4 guns loaded. He then rose his light saber to the right, pressing it into another crate and slashing a small hole into it. *clu-chik*.

I believe we have company here, friends... he whispered, not out of fear, but to bring out atmosphere in his voice.

Lead on, Dyne.. ::

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 23rd, 2001, 07:29:50 AM
After an hour or so of walking through the swamp, he finally came across the small settlement. The fog from the swamp rolled over the few buildings that stood there as crickets chirped in the background. He reached for his gun over hs shoulder but decided not to draw it. He felt a snake crawl over his foot as he flicked it off and headed for the nearest building. Kicking the door open, he made his way in.

His eyes adapting to the darkness he looked around the room. It all seemed empty until he heard a scuffle from across the room. Flipping his extra infra red goggles down he saw a large group of people huddled in the corner. He grinned as he walked over to them.

"Don't worry I won't hurt you...."

he exits the building and turns to face it once again. Pulling some old C4 from his arsenal and straps it to the building.


He walks back to the direction he came from, looking back to the village. The beeping becoming louder and faster as it finally detonates. Anubis' hair blew back with the wind as a fireball shot up into the air.

"Good ol C4... Old but still the best.:

He presses the Sith logo on his chest and speaks into it.

"Computer.... Meet with me on my co-ordinates, and contact Lordess Dara that my mission is accomplished. Also ask her if she has anything else to do, I NEED more killing..."

Computer: "Affirmative"

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 23rd, 2001, 04:21:16 PM
He shakes his head and the measly traps the motions Miryan and Vega to step back a few steps. Dyne takes a thermal detonator out and smirks. He runs his finger across the bomb and looks at them before speaking. Dyne holds the bomb to the side of him.

"Enough games, the place they are is in the opposite direction. We wont need to got that way so this ought to be interesting."

Dyne arms the detonator and throws it at the ambush. The three go down and take cover from the explosion. The bomb goes off, as the men are immediately killed and the place shakes for with a rather large sound. The walls come crashing down in the hallway. The whole area is caved in and shut off from additional problems. He looks at his other comrades as the dust and debris settles. Dyne nods to them as they get up and head down the other way.

General Scorpion
Feb 23rd, 2001, 04:23:01 PM
With Hensara City almost completely occupied by the Sith Empire, builder shuttles and extra transports break through the clouds. Dozens of builder shuttles drop off heavy weapons, including heavy turbolaser turrets, anti-infantry turrets, anti-aircraft turrets, fixed heavy artillery, and other deadly assortments. Transports land in the empty streets, carrying reinforcements, and repair and support teams.

General Scorpion acknowledges the message from Firebird1, "Your offer is welcomed.. We need extra ships to exterminate the Hensaran presence.. There are many settlements left.."

Phalanx Allger
Feb 23rd, 2001, 06:18:12 PM
Lt. Colonel Allger: Superiority group Leaders Report in Status.

Superiority group consisted of Two TIE Advanced Squadrons, Rage and Endurance, and the TIE Advanced of the recently commissioned Sith Army Lt. Colonel Phalanx Allger.

Rage Leader: Rage Squadron coming in Fine, Colonel.

Endurance Lead: Endurance Squadron coming in Fine, Colonel.

Allger: Lord Scorpion, sorry for the delay, but we had some service problems with our fighters back in the Hangars, what are our orders?

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 24th, 2001, 09:14:29 AM
*MnT sighed and shook his head slightly as the dust begins to settle... what fun could have possibly been gotten from that? He had been thinking of a way to dispatch the men and their traps, using his own personal style, but then Dyne had simply blown them up.... " ..Oh well.." he thought to himself.. " Not everyone thinks the same way you do.. just have to accept that.." With that thought, he turned and started heading down the other path..*

*He hadn't gotten two steps when he felt the weak life-forces coming from the debris..*

...Hold on.. *he said to his comrades..*

..I need to go back in there and take care of them. It's not right to leave them suffering like this...

*He then decided to reason that..*

..Besides, one less living opponent now is one less possible problem later, right?

Dara Shadowtide
Feb 24th, 2001, 07:35:27 PM
:: Lordess Dara smiles as the reports keep coming in... more
death and destruction for the glory of the Empire. Indeed a day to live on in history. She then takes the command chair of the shuttle, since Lord Scorpion departed for his own mission, and sets a course for the planet's surface in the northern sector. She relays the latest reports to the members of the Empire present on the mission and advises them on areas not yet secured.

As the shuttle nears the sector, Dara sees people waving to her for assistance. A smile forms quickly on her lips as she readies the laser cannons. As the shuttle descends near the group of people, she unleashes a series of bolts, mowing them down. Those who see what is happening scream and run in panic.

No matter, a moving target had always been the preference of the Sith Lordess as she maneuvered the shuttle to engage each target. A bloody path can be seen as she finishes off the last of her mission targets. Effortlessly she lands the shuttle and sets out on foot to make the Empire's presence known ::

Sumor Rayial
Feb 24th, 2001, 11:35:16 PM
**The barrier between real space and hyper space was ripped open as the Wraith-Class Cruiser Dain entered the Hensara system. Sith Lord Sumor Rayial stood on the command deck beside the Captains chair.**

Take us into orbit Captain, and have my shuttle prepped for launch.

"Aye Sir."

**As the cruiser glided through space Sumor headed for the hanger bay. As soon as the cruiser entered standard orbit with the rest of the ships the shuttle left the hanger floor and headed for the planet. Sumor watched out the front transpara-steel as the shuttle entered the upper atmosphere of the green planet.**

Try and bring us down near the main city, preferably near Lordess Shadowtide or Lord Scorpions positions if you can locate them.

"Scanning sir."

**There was a pause as the pilot scanned the surface.**

"Nothing sir."

Very well, just bring us down near the city someplace.

"Yes sir"

**In another minute the shuttle touched down on the hard concrete streets just on the outskirts of the city. Stepping down the ramp, Sumor was joined by a squad of troopers that had accompanied him.**

Get on the radio, find me someone in command.

"Yes sir" **The radio man replied as they headed into the city.

Holding up his hand he signaled for them to stop and wait. Closing his eyes Sumor tilted his head back slightly and drew a deep breath in through his nose.**

God I love the smell of burnt flesh in the morning.

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 25th, 2001, 04:26:33 PM
Dyne nodded to Miryan and what his thoughts were. He stood there with his friend Vega and looked on for any attacks. As Miryan went to see upon the men, Dyne looked at his sabre pulsate, wondering how his other comrades were doing outside. He looked over at Vega and spoke to him.

"How do you think it is going outside Vega?"

Vega: "Last time I saw, they were already purging the city well. Dont think we should have many problems."

"Yeah, when I left the Lionheart, I saw the same thing.

He looked down the corridor and through the dust, seeking Miryan. Dyne and Vega awaited him to come back so they can proceed on into the building. He kept his Fusion Cutter and sabre handy just incase it was needed to clear out opposition. Narrowing his eyes, he kept a look-out with Vega for any slight movement, they didnt sense any opposition through the force.

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 25th, 2001, 09:07:04 PM
Anubis ship arrived a few moments later, landing directly in front of him. The hatch fell down to the ground and Anubis walk up it, heading towards his controls.

"Computer, take me to the city, you should have those co-ordinates, right?"

Computer: "Affirmative"

With that, the ship began to lift and the hatch closed. Taking Anubis to the city to burn what is still left standing.

Feb 25th, 2001, 10:53:26 PM
*Rain finally arrived at the main city, parking her speeder bike along the outskirts, she'd come back for it later. As she walked through the pretty much ruined city she smiled again, knowing her friends had done the destruction she saw. She decided to see if there were any survivors left in the devastated city.
As she crept through the back streets and alleyways she kept her presence masked in the force. Occasionally she’d come across someone, begging for help. Their home destroyed their family dead. And like any Sith would do, she’d put them out of their misery with a quick removal of their head with her saber. *

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 25th, 2001, 11:54:47 PM
*As MnT walked back, he took a moment to clean the blood off the blade of his Broadsword. After all, if it started to dry, the blade would not cut as cleanly. Coming into the view of his friends again, he nodded.*

.. Sorry for the wait.. 5 were still alive, one still concious. He had his throat blown out, and was breathing through his chest... All cleanly beheaded...

*He lowered his eyes to the ground, and then closed them..*

... If nothing else, this has merely confirmed my distaste for grenades and the likes...

*He opened his eyes and pointed towards the door that would undoubtedly lead into the rest of the floor.*

..Shall we off?

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 26th, 2001, 04:16:28 AM
"Alright Miryan, ill try not to use Thermal Detonators now, ok? Now come on, lets clear this place out and see whats up in here."

Dyne approached the door with the other two as it slid open barely. He shoved it open with both his hands as they walked in. The hallway was almost all pitch black unlike the area before this. He looked over at Vega and Miryan and nodded to them.

"Any ideas on how to get that hallway lit? It seems there are some life sources at the end I believe. The light seems to be out from earlier explosions. If nothing, we might need to find out the back up generator for the light. This has to be the building were they keep a lot of their main operations and plan them, so leaving now is not a option. I have a feeling we need to figure this out quick and get up there."

Dyne, Vega, and Miryan stood behind the door to avoid a ambush while thinking out the next move. Some explosions can be heard outside as the place shaked every so often. Time from time some dust descended from the ceiling as the three were in thought while keeping a look-out.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 26th, 2001, 05:47:45 AM
*With a Sigh, MnT held his hand in front of him, open palm. Drawing again on the energies of himself and the planet, a ball of bluish energy appearing a few inches from his hand, and growing.*

*Almost immediately, the ball was the size of a soccer-ball, and glowing with an intense light that lit up nearly half of the hallway. A quick flick of his finger send the ball down towards the middle, until nearly the entire hallway was lit up*

Vega Van Derveld
Feb 26th, 2001, 03:50:19 PM
:: Vega watched in partial awe as the energy ball formed in MnT's hand. He had never witnessed a Saiya-jin in combat before and this was quite a sight to him.

Good idea..

Vega glanced around the area, running a few scenarios through his head ::

General Scorpion
Feb 26th, 2001, 07:26:04 PM
"Colonel, good to hear from you.. There are still settlements around the globe.. Take your -- Wait.. Belay that order, I've just received word that several hundred Hensarans on the shoreline are attempting to escape in their personal hydrofoils.. The main attack force hasn't reached the eastern part of the city yet, and we need your squadrons to take them out.."

Scorpion switches comlink frequencies, "Firebird1, if it isn't out of your way, I'd like you to offer assistance to Rage and Endurance squadrons.. We don't know if any of the hydrofoils carry weaponry.."

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:37:26 PM
As soon as the light filled the hallway, blaster fire came straight down and hit the side of the door. Miryan barely moved to the side in time as Dyne and Vega took cover. The three brought their sabres around and looked at each other.

"Ok, now since its lit they can see us....but we cant go on with out the light. Now, we want to end them quickly and with mininum pain as Miryan wished earlier. Any suggestions you guys because I doubt there is a way around."

He peeks around the edge down the hall as the three think of something. Dyne notices there are 3 men with blaster rifles and leans back against the wall. They continued to fire as he looked down at his Fusion Cutter then at Miryan and Vega.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 27th, 2001, 06:27:14 AM
*Turning and seeing the look of amazement on Vega's face, MnT smirked, reminding himself that most species hadn't acknowledged the existance of Ki energy, let alone how to use it.*

..Don't be so surprised, friend, anyone can learn how to do this, with patience and practice...

*As if to puctuate his words, a sudden volley of blaster fire proceeded down the corridor at them, giving the three barely enough time to duck into cover.*

*Raising his broadsword while his friends raised their sabers, he charged the blade with energy, giving it the same properties as a saber, but controlling it enough for there not to be a glow. As Dyne spoke, MnT nodded his head with a soft smile.*

.. Should be easy.. think about it. There's three of them. There's three of us. We're trained Sith, with weapons that repel blaster-fire. They're civilians, with blasters...

*MnT smiles slightly again, and lets the energy in his sword flourish for a moment, the purplish hue casting an eerie glow over everything*

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 27th, 2001, 12:36:23 PM
OOC: Miryan, Doh! I was merely trying to show that I wasnt going to use a weapon and let you think of something since your wish was to make their ends quick. My looking down at the weapon meant I was going to put it to the side.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 27th, 2001, 05:18:06 PM
OOC: Lol.. sorry, n/m then, I'll edit it up =)

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 28th, 2001, 01:26:35 AM
He twirls his sabre and nods to Miryan while gripping the sabre tightly. Dyne looks down at the yellow pulsating sabre. The humming noise fills his ear as he looks down the corridor. He quickly flipped into the room and repeled the laser fire backwards while Miryan and Vega came in as well. The three went towards the men, blocking the shots as they came. They took cover in certain areas when they got the chance, to let the sabres cool down. The other three backed slowly as well, trying to gain space. The laser shots hit the wall and ceiling as little puffs of smoke filled the air. Their sabres sparked from laser impact as it was given sometime to cool down before the next shot. One of the shots repeled straight into one of the men's heart. It instantly killed him as the other two continued to fire away at the three Sith.

Phalanx Allger
Feb 28th, 2001, 08:43:24 PM
"Copy that General, we are on our way!"

Phalanx switched his comm unit over to the group frequency.

"All right Superiority Group! From up in Figure Eight Diamond Formation. We are going in fast and we are going in stong."

Behind Phalanx's TIE Advanced, the twenty four other TIE Advanceds formed up in two diamonds of 12 each and aligned themselves into an eight. The TIEs soared off towards the eastern coastline.

"Set speed. 130 MGLTs."

From their cruising speed of 90 MGLTs, the TIEs accelerated to 130 MGLTs, the attack speed. The TIEs came up on the coast from the northern end. From a kilometer out, Phalanx could see about 150 or so Hydrofoils preparing to lift off.

"Let's bomb the ones on the ground still first, then will move to the 'foils in the air. Break Formation-- Flight Groups."

The Twenty Five Starfighters broke into Five groups of Four and one group of five.

[i]"Flight Group Alpha, commence bombing run now--Interval Three!"[i]

One of the flight group of four broke from the main pack and dived towards the ground. The four advanceds pulled up three seconds after each other, setting an Interval of Three. The lead advanced starfighter let loose a round of two concussion missiles. Following the Lead, the Second Advanced passed the leads target by a couple of meters and dropped two concussion missiles of his own.

By the time the third and fourth fighters had passed, 20 of the preparing hydrofoils had been blown to smitherines.

Sumor Rayial
Feb 28th, 2001, 09:53:56 PM

"Just random messages sir. Nothing from one of the commanders."

Very well lets just head for the city center and see what we can find.

**One of the troopers took the point and the group of 13 men headed into the city. Chaos was evident. Those that were still alive were running around looking for any hiding places they could find. Not many of them found shelter as they were quickly cut down by Sums or one of the troopers. Finally reaching what Sums assumed to be the government building, seeings it was the tallest building in the city, Sums looked around for any sign of life. Not finding any he decided to lead the sqaud inside, and towards the top floor hoping to get a look around the city from the highest point available. Reaching the top floor Sums stepped out of the stairwell, just as he did he caught some motion out of the corner of his eye. Moving on reflexes Sums caught the man attacking him and flipped him over sending him into a wall.**

Well that's not a very nice way to welcome a member of you new overlords.

**The man ignored Sums' words and got up and charged at him again. Un-holstering his pistol Sums shot the man in the kneecap, the bullet shattering the bone.**

Tsk Tsk. You Hensarians are slow learners aren't you?

**The man started to struggle to get back to his feet and Sums moved his arm slightly and pulled the trigger, shattering the mans other knee.**

Oh now that has to hurt.

**Sums started to walk around the man.**

You see, you can't stop the inevitable. And it's just plain inevitable that The Sith Empire will rule this planet, whether you like it or not. Now if you want to work with us, these **Sums kicks the man in the knee forcing a scream to escape his lips** can be fixed nicely.

So, are you with us?

**The man stayed on his knees staring straight ahead like he was thinking about it. Just as Sums returned to a spot behind him he shook his head no. Sums shook his head in disappointment and raised the pistol so it rested an inch from the back of the mans head.**

Bad decision.

**Sums pulled the trigger sending the 50 caliber holopoint bullet crashing through the mans scull. Once inside the bullet exploded into thousands of small pieces of shrapnel tearing the mans brain apart and causing part of his cranium to explode outwards followed by a red mist that coated the nearby walls.

As the body slumped to the floor Sums expelled the empty magazine from his gun, with a thud as it hit the ground, and slammed another into its place. Stepping over the body he turned to two of the troopers.**

Clean up this mess.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 28th, 2001, 10:44:44 PM
*Noting with appreciation, the aim that Dyne used when reflecting the one blast, MnT gathered himself, and dashed forwards. Letting the force guide his sword as he neared the two, he seemingly effortlessly repelled each blast away from him, as it came. Mere moments later, MnT noted that the man on the left had stopped firing. Apparantly his energy clip had run dry. MnT smiled at this, as it gave him that extra bit of time to take them out.*

*The moment he was within range, he swept his sword downwards, cleaving off the barrel of the gun of the man who was still able to shoot. Letting the momentum of the blade carry it almost to the floor, he reversed it, and brought it up, around, and through the neck of the one who's blaster he'd disabled.*

*Realizing a moment too late that the other man was out of range of his sword, and had gotten another clip into his blaster, MnT continued running, and quickly dodged into a room that he didn't sense any life in. He grinned as a blaster bolt hit the doorway above his head as he went in, noting to himself that that meant he wasn't paying attention to Dyne or Vega..*

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:08:43 PM
As the other man continued to fire away at Miryan, Dyne used his force enhanced speed and slid to stop behind the man. He was in tune with firing at Miryan and forgot about Dyne and Vega. While stopping, he swung his sabre upwards and across. The sabre immediately sliced through the others neck, killing him within a second. Dyne twirled his sabre and look at the three deceased men. He motioned Vega over into the room with Miryan as the the three regrouped.

"Wonder what else is waiting for else in here eh?"

Dyne nodded to them as they went farther down the doorway. He kept his sabre close by just incase something happened. Using his force enhanced senses to try and detect any life forces within the area, Dyne narrowed his eyes.

Sumor Rayial
Mar 2nd, 2001, 04:01:15 AM
**Sums left the troopers to despose of the dead mans carcas he didn't care what they did with it. In actual fact, they could throw it out a window for all he cared.

Walking over to the large floor to ceiling windows that ran across the office wall Sums looked out over the city. There wasn't one direction that he could look without seeing smoke billowing into the air, and he loved it. It was a sign that there was death and distruction going on everywhere, and that the Sith were doing what they did best. As his gaze followed the line of the horizon the trooper with the radio came up behind him.**

"Sir I have the TR-MB on the line."


**Sums took the hand set and sat down in the high backed leather chair that had once been the property of the President of this backwater planet. Now it was his, at least for the current moment. Turning in the chair Sums looked out the window at the skyline as he spoke into the mic.**

General. From the view I have it seems the mission on its way to being a success. How are your troops doing?

General Scorpion
Mar 2nd, 2001, 07:24:39 PM
Lord Summoner listens to the radio for a response. Static breaks the silence, followed by an adjusting high pitch. The TR-MB pilot comes on the line.

"Lord Summoner, it is an honor to speak with you. I'm sorry, but the General isn't here at the moment. He went aboard one of the assault AT-ATs. I'll get him on the line for you, sir."

Two beeps and a click later, General Scorpion is on the line.

"Good to have you with us, Summoner.. Our troops have taken all but the city shoreline.. It seems some of the Hensarans have decided to use their personal hydrofoils for escape.. Air support should be dealing with that soon.."

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2001, 07:00:12 AM
:: Vega skulked dexteritously along the hallway, his eyes a light with adrenaline and excitement for the kill. He glanced to Dyne, and then forward towards MnT. ::


Miryan no Trunks
Mar 3rd, 2001, 07:38:20 AM
*As the man went down, MnT closed his eyes, and concentrated... A few moments later he looked forward, then towards the door, which he walked through, towards his friends..*

..A few floors up, it seems the majority of the people left in this building are gathering.. When we first got up here, there was life right above us, but it's moved up.. Could be the control center, or a big ambush.. who knows, maybe those poor fools are having a birthday party..

*With that, he narrowed his eyes and looked up to the ceiling, as if looking right through the floors above, at the gathering*

Sumor Rayial
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:47:28 PM
That's excellent news. I have relieved the last diplomate of his duties and have control over the parliment building. When you and the other senior officials are done having fun perhaps you would care to join me and we can discuss the next step. For now though I will leave you to the mission and enjoy the marvelous view I have of a city in ruins.

**Sums handed the handset to the radio officer and looked out over the city, a smile crossing his face as he watched the citizens run through the streets in complete panic and disoray.**

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 5th, 2001, 05:18:00 PM
He looks up along with Vega and Miryan then turns back to Miryan with a grin.

"Well, we have to find out what is going on up there and since they outnumber us, we might have to watch our steps a bit. I dont think it should be much of a problem, maybe one of them can tell us what this building is for. We can then go out to meet the others of our force. Im still thinking to the theory that they have some type of control center here."

He looks up once more then at the stairs, motioning his comrades to go up and follow him.

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 6th, 2001, 04:05:59 PM
:: Vega nodded slowly.

It's most likely that the nexus of their defense it located in such a highly populated area, Dyne. I agree with you there.

He strode forward a few paces then nodded to both Miryan and Dyne, continuing on quickly ::

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 7th, 2001, 09:34:24 PM
Arriving at the last corridor, he scans the area slowly. He sensed life forces in the vacinity and narrowed his eyes. Dyne turns to Miryan and Vega slowly and nods to them. Arming their sabres, the three slowly proceeded into the hallway. He stopped his comrades and looked at them for a momment.

"I think we should split up and take this at an angle. It seems there is another way through the corridor. Ill go that way and you guys enter from here. Ill speak to you via the force once im in position. We can then take the group and see whats going on."

Dyne nodded to them and quickly headed down the corridor, with stealth. He kept his senses and guard up just incase. The humming sound from his sabre continued lightly into his ear. The sabre pulsating lit the hallway around his area somewhat. The light fixtures seemed to have been in order on this floor. Dyne found that odd and suspicious as he headed towards his location. Arriving on the other side he sent the message to his other comrades of his current postion. Dyne readied himself as Miryan and Vega did the same. He awaited their cue to check the place out and see who was in the room.

Phalanx Allger
Mar 7th, 2001, 10:47:59 PM
Allger: Pull Up Five!

Rage Five had taken a hit from a rouge ground battery in the Left Solar Array Pannel. With a hole burning through, Rage Five was sent into a spinning dive, the trademark death of a TIE Pilot.

Allger: Five! Pull up!

Inside the failing TIE, the pilot desperately pulled back on the yoke and kicked the rudders, trying to get his Advanced back into the air. Finally, he succeeded.

Rage Five: Lead, I'm done for, losing altitude.

Allger: Try and make it back to a prelimanary base. Bogey, give Five an Escort.

Rage Six (Bogey): Aye Aye Colonel!

Two of the TIE Advanceds pulled out of the battle and set off for a base.

[i]Endurance Leader: They're lifting off and gaining altitude.

Rage Leader: Don't let them get into Space

Allger: Endurance Squad, take the Forty 'foils off on the western flank. Rage Squad, I'll be accompying you to destroy the '30 Northern Flank.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:32:43 PM
*Standing completely motionless, MnT was using full concentration on the force, trying to shape out what they were getting themselves into.. as he did, he spoke to his friends telepathically, letting his thoughts touch their own..*

" ...There's about 20... all adult, most of them are armed.. Long cylinders.... Rocket launchers, 3 of them have rocket launchers, or something like that.. Can't really place their surroundings, but it's an open room, with a large amount of energy around the outer sides... Could very well be the control room you were hoping for, Dyne.. If it is, we need to do this damn quickly, and try to take out those who are armed before they can get a shot off.. Think we can do it..?"

Dara Shadowtide
Mar 9th, 2001, 03:33:05 AM
:: The Sith Lordess continues on foot through the overgrown vegetation and thick jungle foliage, the winding branches and thick leaves pulling at her cloak as she stealthily made her path. She kept up to date on the latest reports via her communicator and heard that all but one area had been secured. Dara smiled and as she did, a small rock hit her back. She whirled to see a young boy facing her defiantly ::

"Tsk, tsk. Is that any way to show respect to your elders, young man?"

:: Her eyes flash dark crimson and then turn to black as the boy is suddenly airborne backwards and slams into a thick tree trunk, his back snapping upon impact as the body falls lifeless to the ground like a rag doll ::

"The extreme always makes an impression."

:: Dara furrows her brow and thinks she needs to make that impression before she kills them because it's kind of losing it's effect otherwise. No matter, he was dead.. he just died uneducated.

Realizing that where there is one Hensaran, there are probably more... she quiets her approach and scans the area, revelling in the possibility of more bloodshed as a grin spreads across her lips ::

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 9th, 2001, 06:19:56 PM
:: Vega rose his head, as if staring through the ceiling into the room they had established as being the control nexus. He quirked his head to the side then began to speak to his comrades via. the force.

(Thermal dets?... We could do some nice damage with remote weaponary here. The rockets they're armed with might just go off if we plan it carefully.)

The warrior smirked, his patience growing short. ::

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 9th, 2001, 07:04:33 PM
Closing his eyes while in the darkness, he reached Miryans mind via the force.

"Miryan, I think using a large explosion might be the best bet here. We cant go in and individually take them out. We can use a thermal detonator as Vega said and set the rockets off as well. The blast will be very large, so as soon as we throw it in, we might need to bail out the windws and jump down. That should take out everything on that floor."

He cleared his mind and looked around, to make sure he was alone.

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 10th, 2001, 05:35:28 AM
*Sighing silently to himself, he spoke back to both Dyne and Vega*

" ...Think about it... There's a large amount of electrical equipment up there.. If we were right about this being a Command center, what would we rather do, blow up the equipment, or take control of it? We're trying to take over this planet, are we not..? This center could be very useful, but only if it's still operational... I say we go in there, take out the rocket launchers first, chances are they're on the outside anyways, as they wouldn't want the rl's misfiring, or accidentally hitting one of their allies, from the middle of the group.. Use blasters if neccesary, I wont, but I'd rather be alive tommorrow then dead because you two tried to comply with my personal ideas.."

Savin Blackwolf
Mar 10th, 2001, 08:58:09 AM
Savin flies in free huttese space when his ship's chedak frequency agile lights up with dozens of distress signals. The distress signals are originating from the Hensara system via satellite networks.

Savin frowns then opens his chedak to broadcast via cockpit comm-link speakers.

"Help us... please help us..." The voice babbles aimlessly.

He switches to another broadcast.

".. there are stormtroopers raiding the streets... they're everywhere... Tie bombers are roaring from the skies dropping..."

He switches to yet another broadcast.

"... is ground zero... repeat Petr Mogin's fortress is ground zero... major Imperial police action... many ... too many casualties ... we are finished ... we can't hold out much longer... repeat Petr Mogin's fortress is ground zero..."

Savin clicks off communication and looks off into space with deep concern written on his face. He slowly shakes his head. "My god... not Petr Mogin."

Savin ponders what to do next .. hoping Petr escapes with his life. Not that he cares about Petr or his life. But cares for the enterprise with it's network of contacts that Petr oversees.

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 10th, 2001, 11:57:22 AM
:: Vega spoke through the force again to his comrades...::

(Very true, Miryan. Possibly heading up and taking out the rocket launchers, then going for the weaker unarmed humanoids would be the most logical thing to do. Dyne, you think we should do that?)

Mar 10th, 2001, 05:18:47 PM
*Rain continued along the ruins of the city, killing those who had survived. Finally finishing a complete circle of death she returned to her speeder bike and focused on the force to guide her to another settlement. She was sure she would come across one in the jungle environment, after all the Hensarians to her were like insects that were simply an eyesore to this planet. And, like insects she was certain they would pop up again.
She finally came across a small village that seemed to blend into the thick vegetation of the jungle. The citizens seemed to know what was happening to the rest of their planet as they already had made several pathetic attempts at making blockades around their homes. And, unfortunately for the Hensarians, these blockades only served as barriers, ones that held them inside their homes.
As Rain walked through the village, she could sense one thing, fear. A wicked smile came to her lips as she started yet another path of destruction, tossing thermal detonators and other explosives into houses, the explosions only to be echoed by the tortured screams of dying men, women, and children as they frantically tried to escape the deathtraps they had foolishly created.
Within a few minutes the village lay in ruins, yet another casualty of the Hensarians' pathetic attempt at resisting.*

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 11th, 2001, 06:14:46 AM
He sighed and thought to himself for a second before linking to Miryan and Vega.

"Even if we take this place, the Empire will put their control center in anyways. Miryan says to go in and elminate them, I guess it could work. Have to get them all in a precise matter, wont be hard. We can save the thermal detonators for something else. Just got to be quick and not get us all injured or killed. I can probably go ahead and convince the Empire to keep the center, save the hassle for them to come in and do extra work."

He focused onto the force and communicated to Vega and Miryan.

(Hey guys, I can go with that plan. Since im the lone one here, you guys move in first and ill flank them. I am ready when you are, so give me the signal you two. We will take the men out carrying the rocket launchers first.)

Dyne broke off the force link to their minds and stood ready to attack. He had his Fusion Cutter and lightsabre in hand. Keeping his concentration intact, Dyne focused all his force power and fueled himself from the Dark Side. He was ready to move in, using his quickness and strength to swiftly elminate the threats.

Vega Van Derveld
Mar 11th, 2001, 01:26:15 PM
:: Vega nodded in silent agreement with Dyne and Miryans ideas. He did not mind which way the people died, as long as they did. ::

(Let us procede then, Miryan. Dyne, I'll assume you will be flanking just a little behind, watching our backs. Seeing as there's 3 of us we can guard each other from attacks pretty well.... alright then. Let's go.)

Miryan no Trunks
Mar 13th, 2001, 10:54:45 PM
*Nodding, MnT stood there a moment, eyes closed, and waited.. There was no methodical timing to it, he just wanted it to feel right. A moment later, it did.*


*He charged a quick ball of ki energy in front of his left hand, and released it at the door. It erupted noisily, and caused quite a bit of dust and the likes to spread out inside the room. He leapt in, followed immediately by Vega. In mid-jump, he scouted out the positions of those with rocket launchers via the force, and altered his jump just enough to carry him over towards the first. Before he touched the ground, he thrust Damnation's Touch forwards, perfectally aimed to decapitate the man, whose head wasted no time in toppling back into the face of a gunman behind him, blinding him with blood.*

*The moment he landed, MnT ducked down, a quick leg sweep getting the body of the rocket-man and gunman behind him out of Vega's line of sight, and quickly prepared himself for the next target.*

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 16th, 2001, 12:54:52 AM
As soon as Miryan gave the signal, Dyne concentrated onto the force then busted the door open using a Force Blast. As the door fell, the Sith leaped into the room from the opposite side. His eyes met the others, as if he was peering into their fear engulfed souls. The two men stood right in front of where he was as Dyne came down in force enhanced speed. Using the Force Push, he slammed one guy backwards long enough to spin around with his sabre and slice the other one through, decapitating him. The man quickly dropped to the floor along with his weapon. He turned to look at the other man as he was scrambling to get to his feet again. The Sith couldnt let him get an aim with his launcher, so he turned his head switfly to meet his eyes. The Dark Side surged within Dyne as he twirled his sabre around. He slid to the other and did the same as he did to the other man, decapitating him. Both of the men fell within seconds of Dyne's entry into the room. Their heads laid their after rolling to a stop. Dyne quickly hid into the shadows on the other side. He awaited for the other men to rush into the room before striking again.

"Come on, I got this."