View Full Version : Rain of Terror: A Stagepoint (Open)

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 26th, 2001, 01:26:46 AM
Wraith Strike Crusiers Abnoba and Lugh hyperspaced into a location in the Tierfon Sector. They were near a large NR checkpoint, which they received word was being docked by several supply cruisers and corvettes lately. The Strike Cruisers were promptly followed by two Nebulon-B Frigates Satal and Beltane. An array of Tie Razor's and Tie Defenders flooded into space immediately after they situated in their locations. They headed straight for the checkpoint which wasnt too far away from their current position. Intelligence reported fighter patrols and they were guarding the platform. Tie Razor leader Dyne Darkforce of the Omega squadron, got onto the comm to speak with all the other fighters.

"Alright, men this is how it will be done. As you know from briefing, there are many supply corvettes and cruisers here. They are defended by Z-95 Headhunters and Y-Wings with a few X-Wings and A-Wings. I want the Defender squadrons to take care of their fighters and defend our fleet. That should make Alpha, Nu, Zeta, Epsilon, and Theta Squadrons. The Tie Razor's will attack the corvettes and cruisers. This will compose of Omega, Beta, Lambda, Pi, and Gamma squadrons. We shouldnt worry about taking them over, since most of the supplies have been loaded into the NR platform nearby. The platform will be taken over, repeat, the platform will be taken over, so do not destroy it. Once we clear out the area, we shall escort the docking shuttles to the platform. Keep your shields up and stay in close formations. The Tie Advanced are in the hangars ready to go if we need back up and other reinforcements are on standby. Men, lets show them we wont need it. This is for the Empire, bring the Rain of Terror upon them, Darkforce out."

As he got off the comm, Dyne and his Omega Squadron fighters set their shields and throttle to maximum output. Arming his targeting computer and setting his targets, he grinned under his mask. They quickly approached the site of their operation as he was in a tight formation with his squadron. They sped across space and quickly narrowed in on their targets ahead. The NR fighters seemed to be on patrol and guarded the ships and platform. The sqaudrons need to destroy each ship and let no surviors through.

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 26th, 2001, 01:57:04 AM
Anubis listened to Dyne's orders over the commlink. This mission was different to his normal dogfights. Anubis taking his hands off the sticks for a second he relayed the orders to the rest of Beta squadron.

"Ok fella's keep in formation and don't stray. Remember, whatever you do, do NOT damage the platform. Anyone who does will be shot by me or any other leader active. Do I make myself clear?"

Anubis hears 3 affirmative's over the commlink and he gives the all clear. Flicking through target's he spots the closest capital ship and locks onto it.

"Capital ship spotted team. Arm your torpedoes and lasers, we should be there in a few clicks, over."

Skroth da Ripper
Feb 26th, 2001, 01:57:25 AM
*Skroth switches on his comm.. to Dyne's ship.*

"Roger that Omega leader, we'll keep the path clear. Good Luck, Alpha 1 out."

*He switches off his comm. to his 3 wing men.*

"Well you heard Omega leader. Let's show them what we got."

Alpha 2: Roger that Alpha 1.

Alpha 3: Moving in to engage the enemy.

Alpha 4: Let's teach these New Republic scum a lesson.

*Alpha Squadron rocketed ahead of the other squads. They were promptly greeted by a squad of X-wings on patrol. Green shots erupt from the defenders. The flight leader of the X-wings backs off from the onslaught of shots, the three other wings fire upon Alpha 4. He backs off for a while as Alpha 3 draws the fire of the New Republic fighter away from his Skroth's wing man. Skroth flies up behind the X-wing and launches a missile at the X-wing. The NR Fighter explodes in a blaze of crimson fire and debris. By then Alpha 4 had gotten back into the battle. He teamed up with Alpha 2 to attack another X-wing, but it quickly out maneuvered the 2 defenders. Alpha 1 and 3 then double teams what was designated as Red 2. It is blown to pieces from the onslaught of laser fire. Alpha squad continues onward, hunting down the 2 remaining X-wings. *

Feb 26th, 2001, 02:06:15 AM
*Exiting Hyperspace Firebird's StarDestroyer and 2 Strike Crusers take up position near the TSE Fleet. Once in position all 36 TIE Advanced and 24 Howlrunners launch and join the rest of the fighters going to the location. Firebird1 opens up a comm channel onboard his own Skipray Blastboat.
Here is the mission: We must take that location at all costs. Be perpaired for fighter engagements from the enemy. Enemy fighters range from Z-95 Headhunters to Y-wings. The Strike Crusers are to assist in the defense of the Main Fleet, while the Star Destroyer will maintain scanning of the area incase anyother enemies would like to join in the fray. Good Hunting
With that last comments Firebird1's ship launches from the SD and joins the rest of the fighters. The Attack group then powers up their shields and heads into the battle.*

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 26th, 2001, 03:48:47 AM
Dyne finished his commlink with both Skroth and Anubis. He went back on too Lord Firebird, who joined the operation. A grin appeared over his face before speaking over the comm as the static diminished.

"Glad to have you join us Lord Firebird."

Firebird: "Yes Dyne nice to be here, I have sent fighters out that shall accompany the battle soon."

"See you soon Lord Firebird."

As the Omega squadron targeted the outer capitol ships, he got onto the frquency to his wingmen.

"Alright you guys, get the farther ones first, since they are closer to hyperspace jumps."

He switched over to the other squadrons.

"I want the outer capitol ships taken out first, repeat, the outer ones go down first."

He tilted his head and looked out his cockpit at the corvette after getting off the comm. They charged their lasers and flew past a Corvette firing with full speed, as its lasers fired back in retaliation. The Omega Squadron looped around and armed their torpedoes as a few shots hit their shields.

"Two, give me back up fire....Three and four launch your torpedoes at its hull and take it down. Keep your shields up men."

Dyne armed his lasers and unleashed a whole array of fire. The laser shots streaked across space before slamming into the side of the corvette. Two's fire promptly followed Dyne's, lowering its shields even more. Three and four had their locks and lauched the torpedoes, the torpedoes sped at the corvette and rammed into it. A few large explosions occured as the advanced torpedoes connected. They flew past it as it went down in flames, split in two.

"Alright, thats the way we show them."

He looked to the side to see the others engaged in battle as well. Small explosions can be every so often as Dyne's fighters went on to the next capitol ship target while narrowing his eyes. Dyne kept his concentration intact and let the darkness flow within him freely.

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 26th, 2001, 04:29:16 AM
Anubis watched on as Alpha squadron took the lead and took out the small opposing force of fighters that stood in the way. He laughed sinisterly as he watched the enemies fighters burn into nothing. He set his throttle to full and headed towards his target quickly closing in

"Ok boys, keep up. Watch your scanners in case they release fighters, and remember, these capital ship ain't sitting targets."

Anubis lined up the capital ship coming into view. Rolling and twisting he released a barrage of laser fire into the capital ship. His wing was doing the same, green lasers streamed into the ship setting off small explosions along the side of it. He passed the ship and looked behind him. It was badly damaged, but not down. He spoke calmy into the comm to his wing.

"Beta 3 & 4 wait here. 2 and I will make another pass, if we don't destory it, launch your torpedoes and venture clear of the blast.

Beta 3 & 4:"Roger...roger"

Anubis and his first wingman set their lasers to dual fire and made another pass at the ship. Manouvring laser fire from the capital ship, only being hit once or twice along the way. Again the capital ship remained.

While Turning back to meet up with the rest of his wing, 3 of the 4 torpedoes managed to hit the capital ship. It broke into 2 halves as a chain reaction spilt the ship into pieces.

"Ok Beta wing, regroup with me and stay in V-formation, we're heading towards the next ship. Recharge your shields and move in for the kill."

He targeted the closest outer capital ship and headed towards it's position.

Skroth da Ripper
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:59:18 PM
*Skroth briefly notices the arrival of Lord Firebird’s forces, but he keeps his main focus on the fleeing X-wings. The 2 New Republic fighters split up, as the defenders closed in on them. Skroth sends out a signal to his wingmen.*

Skroth: "Alpha's, your main focus should be Red 3, I'll take on the flight leader."

Alpha 2: "Roger that sir, attacking designated target."

*With that Alpha 2, 3, and 4, broke off pursuit of the flight leader, and went after Red 3. Skroth continued on his path. His prey tried every evasive maneuver he could think of, yet it still wasn't enough to lose Skroth. Skroth locked onto the X-wing, and fired a missile. The fighter was sent spinning out of control. The Alpha leader quickly finished Red 1 off with laser fire.*

* As the NR flight leader was destroyed, Skroth's wingmen regrouped and reported in on the destruction of Red 3. As they continued onward, they saw off in the distance, 2 A-wings rapidly closing in on the defenders.*

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 26th, 2001, 11:51:50 PM
As the Omega Squadron came back into formation he looked at his targeting computer to see a capitol ship not to far off. Dyne led the group at the ship as it was nearing its jump point out of the system.

"Alright men, I want you to redirect 10 percent of your throttle into the laser fire. Then blast the ship with one Advanced Torpedo number four while us three concentrate on shooting the hull and lowering its shields.

Omega 4: "Yes sir, proceeding to arm torpedo on the oncoming Cruiser."

Redirecting his throttle power, Dyne and the rest came across in firing range. He smirked as the Tie Advanced fighters came into the playing field. They immediately engaged the fighters and capitol ships. Dyne welcomed the fighters over the commlink as one squadron of Tie Advanced helped Omega Squadron attack the NR cruiser. The three Advanced unleashed laser fire promptly as they got it under their targeting computer. Omega Squadron followed up with their lasers as it blasted pieces of the Cruiser into space. Debris began to fill the area as Omega Four fired its torpedo right onto the hull of the cruiser. The explosion was large as the ship went down in flames. Dyne and his wingmen circled around, getting back into position for another capitol ship target.

"Good job men."

Omega 4: "Glad to get the torpedo to hit sir."

"And that it did, good job 2, 3, and 4. Set throttle back to normal."

He ran his finger across the computer targeting system then looked outside, ready for the next target. They set their throttle and laser power back to normal power. The four sped across as fighters and ships flooded the whole area around the platform. The supply ships laser fire was minimum as it only glazed the fighters hulls.

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 27th, 2001, 04:02:16 AM
Anubis and his wing moved in on the next capital ship. Peering out from his ship he noticed their fighter bay release a series of wings into space.

"I think they've noticed we're here" He spoke into the commlink to his wing. "Hold back men. Stay away from the capital ships fire. I don't want to lose any wing men on this mission. Over and out."

They stayed beyond range of the capital ships weapons and waited for the enemy to approach. It was 2 wings of 3 X-wings each. Finally they arrived, Anubis and his men blasted 2 into debri before they made a pass at them. Turning around to face them again the battle continued as fire was sent back and forth at eachother. Finally all the X-wings were destroyed and they could attack the capital ship.

"Report in."

Beta 2 & 4: "We're here."

"Beta 3 do you copy?"

Static was heard over the comm

"Beta 3 report in..."

Again static was heard.

"SLAG!!!" Anubis yelled as he slammed his fist onto the control panel. He had never lost a wingman before. In this case the pilot was in a razor, he knew he would face the conseqeunces when he arrived back at home. But still he had a mission to complete.

"Ok Beta. We're taking this puppy down you got that?"

He set his throttle to full and headed towards it.

Skroth da Ripper
Feb 27th, 2001, 09:02:42 PM
*Skroth sees a cruiser fall in the distance. He knew that he had to get there soon to draw some of the NR's fighter’s attention away from Dyne and the others. Skroth sent out a signal to his wingmen.

Skroth: "Alphas arm your warheads and use them on those A-wings. If you don't destroy them in one pass, allow them to follow us towards Dyne and the others. We have to get there as soon as possible. 3 you’re with me, fire on Blue 1. Alphas 2 and 4 attack Blue 2.

Alpha 2,3,and 4: "Roger that sir."

*The group of defenders quickly fire upon the A-wings. The explosions are heard in back of them as Alpha squad quickly passes up the destroyed fighters. They make their way towards the dogfight in progress. *

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 28th, 2001, 01:32:27 AM
Dyne and his wingmen approached the other supply ships. He looked out as there was a large fighter battle occuring. Laser shots flew right past them as Omega Squadron kept on their course. He nodded as a few NR fighters were blasted into space debris. Dyne got onto the comm to his wingmen.

"Keep your shields up men, we dont want to loose the Razors."

With that he redirected his throttle into the shields 10 percent. He set it to full ship coverage and armed the torpedoes as they narrowed into the supply ships. Dyne had to take a few more ships out before giving the shuttles the go ahead. They were marked to escort the stormtrooper filled shuttles safely to the platform for take over.

Anubis Lockheart
Feb 28th, 2001, 08:56:41 AM
Anubis got onto the commlink as he speeded towards the next ship, his wingmen finding it hard to keep up with him.

"Omega...This is Beta1. I have a wingman down. Repeat wingman down. I don't think Sumor is going to be very happy."

He then changed the freqeuncy to his men. Reporting about his lost wingman.

"Ok boys, you see what your incompetence can do? If you dont want to be like him, I suggest you keep your shields up and keep on full alert. Show me what you pilots REALLY are. Make the empire proud."

He heard silence over the comm as he approached weapons range with one of the final capital ships. Reducing throttle speed back to normal and setting weapons and shield to full. Anubis concentrated hard as he speeded in for the kill.

Vapor Kazuna
Feb 28th, 2001, 09:31:57 PM
Vapor shifted in his pilot suit, prepping for the assault against the supply cruiser.

Port and starboard shields equalized at 100 percent. Forward shields at 120% and aft shields at 80%.

Vapor switched to tactical frequency at reported into Dyne.

"Closing in on New Republic Supply Frigate. IFF transponders report it as the Bail Organa. Making for the kill."

"Roger that, Vapor," Dyne's voice crackled over the comm. Vapor flipped over to regular comm. channel.

"Squad, this is Gamma Lead. Close in on the Bail Organa. Concentrate fire on the engines, ion cannons preferably."

The TIE Razors swooped in on the Bail Organa like hawks, weapons blazing. Azure lightning played over the aft shields as ion blasts contacted. Sensor reports that the supply ship's shields were dropping steadily.

Mark Fenix
Feb 28th, 2001, 09:48:32 PM
Zeta squadron pulled out of the hangar of the Wraith class carrier. Fenix switched his comm on to open frequency to all TSE ships.

"This is Zeta Leader reporting in. Zeta squadron has left the hanger and proceeding to fall into flight formation, ready to give cover to the Razors."

A comm came in from Zeta 3. "Sir, we have reports of Y-Wings, and coming in fast from both sides."

"Roger that. Zeta group, branch off, don't let those sleepy hutts reach the Razors!"

Dyne Darkforce
Feb 28th, 2001, 10:44:44 PM
Dyne arrives with the others and begins bombardment of a group of capitol ships. The Tie Razors flood the area along with the Tie Advanced. Laser fire streaks every which direction as they attack the supply convoy. Dyne gets onto his commlink to the rest of the Omega Squad.

"Ok guys, unload your torpedoes and lasers whenever you get a clear target."

They begin the convoy destruction by launching multiple torpedoes onto the frigates and cruisers. The ships go critical as parts of them explode into the space. Some ships loose control and ram into the others causing rather large blasts. The Razors zip past the destroyed convoys as the rest are scattered all over the area. He notices the fighters going down as well while helping the attack on the supply convoy. The Omega squad with the others keep their fire concentrated onto the ships as it was almost time for the shuttles to be unloaded. A grin appears over his face under the mask as the NR ships fell quickly with little Empire losses.

Skroth da Ripper
Feb 28th, 2001, 10:53:31 PM
* Skroth looks up ahead into the fight, and spots his target, a group of Y-wings. They haven’t even noticed the defenders quickly advancing upon the slow ships. Before they even knew what hit them their flight leader is pounded with laser fire. The New Republic fighter doesn't last long and explodes, taking out one of his former wingmen. Skroth laughs as he and his flight group passes them up, and continues towards the heart of the battle. *

Vapor Kazuna
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:23:41 PM
Lightning sweeps over the Bail Organa as blasts from the TIE Razors contacted. Vapor had always found that ion blasts were more effective against shields. Definately the ionization resistance of New Republic shields weren't exactly up to par.

As the Razors swept passed, explosions could be seen from the supply cruiser as its shield generators decided to overload and kill the technicians feverishly trying to repair them. Vapor grinned and opened a comm. channel.

"Squadron, this is Gamma Lead. Sweep around the underbelly. Five, nine, ten, and twelve, I want a claw formation making passes starboard, alternating laser fire. Two, six, eight, and eleven, repeat on port."

"Gamma three, four, and seven, arm concussion missiles and follow me. Co-ordinated assault on the engines. Let's move people!"

Gamma Squadron followed his orders and began the attack.

"Three, four, and seven, fire on my signal!"


The concussion missiles contacted the hypnotic glow of the engines. A shock wave rippled through the Bail Organa and it exploded.

Vapor switched to tactical frequency.

"Gamma Squadron here. New Republic supply frigate destroyed. Moving on to next target."

Mark Fenix
Feb 28th, 2001, 11:32:15 PM
"Stupid Republic fighters. They don't even notice us. Stay sharp, guys, those Y-Wings are focusing all their attention on the transports under siege and don't even realize we're behind them. Zeta 3 and 2, you're with me, we'll take out the leader."

The Defenders flew in, 3 and 2 going off to the sides, Mark heading in low."

"Green leader, this is Green 7, we have two Defenders coming in on our port and starboard sides. I repeat, we-" the sound of a dead radio fills the cockpit of the Y-Wing squad leader.

"What the hel----" He, along with four other Y-Wings, burst into space junk, all shots coming from beneath, where Mark had circled around.

"Yee-haa!" Mark called through the comm, rocketing through the clouds of brief flames.

Mar 1st, 2001, 01:06:18 AM
*Theta Squad launched from the bays and began to circle, going for the Republic ships.
Talth, in his personal TIE Ghost, cloaked and flew at the Rep ships, then uncloaked and roared while his Squad flew by...*

Anubis Lockheart
Mar 1st, 2001, 05:15:26 AM
Anubis had only 3 in his wing now. THey would have to make do with the recent loss. That meant using as little missiles as possible.

"Cover me wing, Do not launch torpedoes only lasers, I'll take care of this."

He accelerated until he reached the point that he was behind the capital ship. Remaining well clear from the engine wash but as close as he possibly could to the capital. He launched 2 torpedoes into the engines, pulling away from the explosion. The torpedoes were dead on target, sending a chain reaction of explosion through the ship. Anubis met up with his wing, looking back at his previous target crumble into peices. He grinned as he continues to speed away.

Mark Fenix
Mar 2nd, 2001, 07:55:00 PM
"Zeta Leader, he's on my tail! I can't shake 'em!" came the cry of the TIE Defender Zeta 9. The A-Wing Blue 2 was in hot pursuit of his squad member, and Mark was determined to eliminate all casualties for Zeta Squad.

Mark glanced off to his left. He saw the A-Wing, gradually catching up to the damaged Defender. He took note that his squad wah scattered across the vast emptiness, but all withing eyesight. He switched on his targeting computer.

"Zeta group, check your targeting comps. I want you all to advert your fire to that target."

Zeta 8: Sir, it's just an A-Wing.
Zeta 4: Don't ask questions, he's our leader.
Zeta 7: Guys, quit stalling, Deis is in Zeta 9! I think I know what Zeta 1 has planned.

"That's right, Zeta 7. We're going to give 9 cover fire to get back to a carrier, and take out that A-Wing in a quick fashion." Six of the closest fighters gave cover fire to the damaged fighter, and the A-Wing burst into flames. "Zeta 2 and 3, you guys are coming with me, we're going to try and clear the platform of those nasty little X-Wings on that space platform down there."

The three TIE Defenders weaved their way through friendly fighters, taking out all the opposing ones they crossed on the way. They blazed a path through enemy fighters and cruisers until finally reaching the platform.

"Hey, guys, you see those little pilots scrambling to those X-Wings? The X-Wings are your primary targets, their shields aren't up, so it should be easy. You can then pick off the pilots, whoever gets most the other two have to give twenty credits to!"

"Roger that, Zeta Leader!" Zeta 2 chuckled.
"Yeah, after this I'll be forty credits richer!" replied Zeta Three.

Within minutes, the fighters onboard had been cleared away. Mark opened up a Comm directly to Dyne, Vega, and Vapor, who were busy taking out the bulk frieghters.
"Hey, guys. Mark Fenix here. Any of you guys that have missiles left come over to the battle platform with your flight groups, most of the fighters are down and we'll give you remaining cover from here on.

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 2nd, 2001, 08:37:09 PM
Slamming the throttle to full power, Dyne and the Omega Squadron fly right at a cruiser. They lock on and unload one torpedo each. Each of the 4 torpedoes ram into the hull one by one. Parts of the hull break off as it gets badly damaged. They follow the missles up with constant laser fire. The cruiser fire hit Dyne's hull, sending his shields down. He reverted some throttle power to the shields. One by one lasers from the Razor's streaked across and blasted the hull. The hull reached critical soon after the shields went down. A group of Tie Advanced fighters tailed up Omega Squadron and fired their lasers. The cruiser exploded, sending debris flying every which direction. They flew through the explosion as he got on the commlink.

"Keep working on the capitol ships guys, we dont have many left to take down. We can assist with the fighters once the supply convoy is out."

Looping around, Dyne headed towards one of the last remaining convoys. He got into formation with his wingmen then set his throttle and shield back to normal. Keeping the missles and lasers armed, Dyne kept his eyes peeled for a target lock onto a ship.

Mark Fenix
Mar 2nd, 2001, 09:46:58 PM
"You're shot was a beauty, Double D! Congrats!" Mark flew off toward the convoy, instructing his flight group to follow.

"Gentlemen, we're almost done here. Just take out a few more fighters, and the occasional frieghter. Any fighters left with a call sign higher than 5 will go off and take out the remaining convoys. I'll take 2 through 4 and get rid of those pesky fighters."
"Roger that, Commander Fenix."

The TIE defenders annihalated whatever fighters came close, mostly the remaining Z-95's and A-Wings. The four hadn't even used their torpedoes yet. The battle raged on for another ten minutes when a squad of X-Wings came out of hyperspace and headed straight for the Razors. Within a moment's notice, three Razors had been destroyed.

"Now is when this gets fun. Guys, take the sides and rear of my fighter, I want as much of a diamond position as possible. There are twelve, so we'll each take three. Save your fire until you're close, then break off as fast as possible, firing like mad. Clear on that?"

"You betcha'." replied Zeta 3.
"Now!" The fighters split apart from formation, Mark using torpedoes to take out the first two. The third was the wing leader, however, and was obviously a skilled pilot. He shook the missile off by flying in an upward direction and practically skimming a Defender, unfortunately it was too close and the missile hit Defender, Zeta 9. "Bastard!"

Mark continued to persue this hotshot through space debris and around the ghostly frieghters that were destroyed. He was moving too much to get a lock on. Then he realized it.

"Surrender, Anduin!" The pilot was distracted, hearing this voice in his head. Mark had spoken to his former classmate through the Force. This distracted him long enough for Mark to open fire, wiping out his last target. "How're you boy's doin?" he asked his wingmen. They all reported in that their targets had been wiped out. Then a familiar voice came in through the open frequency on the Comm.

"This is Vapor Kazuna. Most of the carriers are out, but we have New Republic forces coming in from Hyperspace. Look alive, gentlemen."

"Dammit! I thought that this would be over!" Mark pounded on the control panel.

Adm Makarov
Mar 2nd, 2001, 10:34:45 PM
:: His fleet hyperspaced into the system, with fighters unloading from the hanger immediately. The fleet included a MC-80a and 4 Nebulon-B2's Makarov looked out from the bridge on the Lionsbain as his teeth grinded at the Empire forces. ::

"I want you to unload all the fighters we have right now! What do we have?"

Crew member: "Sir, we have 8 Z-95 Headhunter's, 6 X-Wing's, 6 A-Wing's, 4 Y-Wing's, and 4 B-Wing's."

"Good, let them all unload out the hanger. Lets see how the handle that."

Crew member: "Yes sir!"

:: As all the fighters emptied the Lionsbain's hanger, the capitol ships approached the area to engage combat. ::

"We cant let them take that platform, its vital! Tell the other ships to launch their fighters soon."

Crew member: "Yes sir!"

Skroth da Ripper
Mar 3rd, 2001, 02:39:52 AM
*Skroth receives a comm. signal from Alpha 2. *

Alpha 2: Sir there are more fighters coming in, have 8 Z-95's, 6 X-Wing's, 6 A-Wing's, 4 Y-Wing's, and 4 B-wing's.

Skroth: Let's take out the A-wings first. They are the closest threat.

Other Alphas: "Roger sir."

*The tie defenders throttle up to engage the A-wings. They advance quickly and arm their warheads. Alpha squad does the same. As the gap between the groups rapidly closes, Skroth signals Alpha 2, and three to fire. The 2 targets weren't expecting the missiles to be launched so early. They had no time to dodge them. The 2 explosions throw the A-wings out of formation. Skroth orders his wingmen to split up, and take out the squad of A-wings. They do, and Skroth stays on the flight leader. *

Anubis Lockheart
Mar 3rd, 2001, 11:47:53 AM
Anubis listens as he hears the enemiemies squad announced over the comm.

"Ok fella's, dont worry about anything else, engage those Y-wings. We're outnumbered, but we're in razors, they shall be no competition."

He threw his razor into top acceleration, heading around the wing of Y-wings, trying to sneak up on them. Beta 2 & 4 followed him closely, determined not to lose sight of their leader.

"Once you get a lock, fire your lasers, try and save your torpedoes, but if you have to use them, use them."

His face glowed red with the reflection off the targeting screen. He had a Y-WIng in his sight as he readies to fire.

Mark Fenix
Mar 3rd, 2001, 12:33:17 PM
"Heh, well that leaves us with the big guns. Zeta squadron! Look alive, boys, we'll be taking the X-Wings, we have the most pilots left for the job. Also, I want all remaining Defender squadrons on standby, ready to launch at a moment's notice. You heard what Anubis said, use your lasers and save your projectiles for when you'll need them the most, unless you still have plenty."

The Defenders swarmed past the battle-engaged Razors and headed straight for the Republic fighters. The X-Wings, who were fossils compared to the Defenders, weren't quick enough to react. Three of the first wave had already been wiped out by laserfire. Mark picked off the fourth, who was trying to fly around them, and the fifth and sixth soon went after that. Mark switched on his comm link to all flight leaders.

"Alright, Gentlemen, listen up! Anubis, Skroth, and I will intercept whatever waves of craft they send at us. Dyne, there were four B-Wings that snuck past our front line, do you think your boys can take'em?"

"Roger that, Mark," Dyne replied. "We're on it."

"Alright. Vapor, Talth just took a squad of Razors out, you two focus your fire on those convoys we were aiming at earlier. I think there's only four left, each take two. I don't want to sound like I'm taking charge here, but I've been in fighter combat before, and our greatest chances are sticking to what we're best at."

Khendon S
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:13:50 PM
The Dominator Star Destroyer Death Advocate comes out of hyperspace into the melee. “This is Khendon, I’ve brought reinforcements.” Khendon smiles and gives the order to launch three of the four squadrons of TIE Executioners aboard the ship.

As the fighters launch Khendon walks down narrow corridors and takes elevators, moving down the ship. After several minutes Khendon reaches the hangar bay; he then boards his fighter, the Lictor. His personal squadron, a squad of black TIE Executioners, launch with him in the lead.

(If I only could get ridda' typos)

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 3rd, 2001, 08:09:30 PM
Dyne receives a message from Khendon on his arrival. His Tie's already had left from the hangar and were approaching at full speed. He welcomes him over the commlink as they engage the last of the supply ships. He orders one of the Razor squads to take out the remaining convoy ships. Dyne gets on the comm againt to his wingmen.

"Ok guys, lets take this new NR fighters out. The other convoy ships are almost destroyed anyways."

He hit the throttle at full speed, approaching to engage the fighters. Making sure his shields were up, Dyne looked from his mask out the cockpit. The dogfight had already commenced as Omega Squadron went into the battle. Dyne armed his torpedos while checking the targeting computer. They locked onto a group of Headhunters and proceeded to engage in combat with them.............

Adm Makarov
Mar 4th, 2001, 05:52:47 PM
:: Two more MC-80a's enter the area via hyperspace. They are given orders to engage into combat with the Empire capitol ships. ::

"What is our status?"

Crew member: "Sir, we are a few clicks away from engaging combat. It seems they have brought in another fleet of ships for back up."

"Damn, have we unloaded the rest of the fighters?"

Crew member: "Yes sir, the fighters have been launched from our hangars."

"What were the numbers?"

Crew member: "We have 3 more squadrons of X-Wing's and Y-Wing's, 2 more squadrons of A-Wing's and B-Wing's, and 4 squadrons of Z95 Headhunters. All squadrons have 3 ships each within them."

"Good, tell them to engage in combat when they get a clean shot. I am guessing they shall release shuttles soon to dock the Veranese platform. Order some fighters to protect the platform at all costs. Then order the others to attack their fighters and shuttles. Engage our fleet into battle, this ship shall provide back up fire."

Crew member: "Yes sir!"

:: The Lionsbain proceeded on course to head into the midst of battle with the rest of the NR fleet. ::

Skroth da Ripper
Mar 4th, 2001, 08:05:40 PM
* Skroth was still on the tail of the A-wing flight leader. He had pummeled it with laser and ion fire for a while now. It was about to be destroyed, when all of a sudden it pulled a quick 180 spin, and hurdled itself right at Skroth. The Sith had no choice, but to send his fighter downward to prevent toe collision. When Skroth turned to see where the fighter had gone, he saw no trace of it. He quickly checked his radar, and say it was making an attack run on one of his wingmen. Skroth put all available power from shields into his throttle. *

* He rapidly caught up to the wing, and releases an array of laser fire upon it. It exploded in a blaze of glory. Skroth reset his shields, and diverted some cannon fire to them. Alpha 2 reported a kill of his own, and was starting to assist Alpha 3. Skroth say his next target, a group of Y-wings. He throttled up from behind to set up his attack run. *

Khendon S
Mar 5th, 2001, 01:12:34 AM
“This is Black Thorn leader to Black Thorn fighter group. We’ll take out the new bogies, Red Thorn will provide cover fire cleaning up anything that gets through us. First priority goes to the Y wings which may disable the [i]Death Advocate.[i] Over.” Khendon says into his comm.

“Roger that, Black Thorn leader. Black Thorn fighter group engaging bogies.”
“Affirmative, Black Thorn leader. Red Thorn fighter group forming blockade.”

“This is Black Thorn leader to Death Advocate. Move in behind Red Thorn fighter group; provide fire support for them until further notice. Prepare to engage enemy capital ships.” Says Khendon over his comm.

Black Thorn fighter group moves towards its targets, black hulls barely visible in the darkness that is space while Red Thorn hold position, red hulls bright against the black background.

Khendon S
Mar 5th, 2001, 01:40:43 AM
“This is Black Thorn leader to Black Thorn fighter group. Slight change of plans, we’re going after the capitol ships, use afterburners to evade the enemy fighters and engage the enemy. Fire space bombs at will, once in range. Over.”

“Roger that Black Thorn leader. Over.”
“Blue and Purple groups move in on the capitol ships as well. You have the same orders as Black Thorn group. Red group cover the Death Advocate, protect her from anything. Rearm with concussion, reds. Over.”

The fighters speed towards their targets.

Anubis Lockheart
Mar 5th, 2001, 03:42:59 AM
Anubis fired a few short bursts of laserfire at the Y-wings. Each and every one hitting where they intended to land. Anubis laughed as he watched one of the four Y-wings burn up, before they even noticed they were there. Anubis could have kicked himself for using the most boring cliche, but he couldn't stop himself.

"One down, 3 to go"

He moved to target another remaining Y-Wing. He began to fire at it, but one of his wingmen was firing at it too. This Y-wing lasted less than it's predeccesor. Anubis moved onto the last remaining target, Beta 4 had just destroyed the other Y-wing remaining. All 3 of the razors fired upon it at the same time. The Y-wing couldnt even withstand the first round, as it burnt up into space debri.

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 5th, 2001, 07:35:54 PM
"Ok guys, NR fighters ahead. When you have a lock, proceed to terminate their existance. We need to take them all out before the shuttles can be given the clearence to proceed with the next phase of the mission."

He finished the comm transmission with his squad of TIE Razor's before setting his targeting computer on the Y-Wing's. Dyne set the shields to full protection around the hull. His fingers glided across the various buttons, activating weapons systems and what not. Narrowing his eyes, Dyne spotted a group of Y and B-Wing's headed for the Empire fleet.

"If you can, target the Y and B-Wing's first men. They might be a threat to our fleet, plus Khendon and Lord Firebird. Not to mention if we lose any fleet ships, Sums will have my head."

Omega 3: "Sir, dont worry, we are on it and I got lock."

Omega 2: "I do as well, I am going to engage."

Omega 4: "Following 2 and 3 with lock, sir."

"Alright, we may need to break up to get all these fighters. Proceed to attack your individual targets and report back into position. Let the other Empire fighter squads provide you with help if they do so. Im sure they have their hands tied up as well."

Dyne switched frequencies to the other fighter squadrons immediately around him. He noted the other fighters were engaged in their own individual dogfights. The static quickly dicipated as he spoke to his comrades.

"Men, try and take out the Y and B-Wing's first if possible. They are going to go after the fleet ships, im sure they are packing good. Do not, I repeat, do not let them destroy the fleet ships. Their laser fire can be avoided by the NR fighters quite easily. Take them out with extreme prejudice."

He got of the frequency as the four split up, after their individual targets. Dyne immediately sped up, hitting the afterburners and locked onto a B-Wing approaching one of the fleet ships. It had lock and launched a torpedo at a Nebulon-B frigate. His eyes grew wide from under the flight mask before sending a array of laser blasts into the B-Wing. The lasers hit its shields, lowering them slightly. The B-wing split its attack route as Dyne followed close by, trying to get a torpedo lock. The other torpedo hit the Nebulon-B frigate on the side of its hull. Lowering its shields, the Nebulon-B frigate wasnt badly damaged. The crosshairs almost got a lock onto the NR fighter.


Dyne yelled under his mask a array of swear words before looking out the cockpit at the B-Wing. He quickly turned his concentration back to the NR fighter. The anger boiled within him as he wanted to take the fighter out. No one was gonna deprive him of the kill.

"Oh, your going down.....now...."

He flipped up the cap on the torpedo launcher. Dyne ran his thumb across the launcher as he grinned his teeth. Narrowing his eyes, he got a lock onto the B-Wing. The target sensors went off on his trageting computer. He formed a smirk across his face under the mask.


Dyne launched the torpedo as it prepared to do a loop to avoid the missle lock. The torpedo approached the ship and slammed into it, blasting the B-Wing into a pile of space debris. Dyne flew through the middle of the explosions, he slowed down and looped around. Heading back to the battle, Dyne awaited his wingmen to dispose of their targets. He meanwhile, locked onto another Y-Wing and proceeded to engage the target. Dyne looked down to check his shield power and maked sure it was up at full power. He routed 5 percent of his throttle power and 5 percent of his laser power into the shield recharging. The Sith Knight looked out the cockpit and grinned slightly.

"Lets see if we can take you down."

He controlled the yoke and tailed the Y-Wing as they went across several dogfights that already had started. Explosions occured all over the area, as ships went down. Everyone clashed in a huge star battle across the sector. Dyne switched to the torpedos immediately and concentrated on his target lock. Closing one eye, he made a turn to the right then left, following the Y-Wing's pattern. They entered a rather large loop and straightened out again. A laser shot hit Dyne as he noticed another ship was tailing him from behind. He grinned his teeth and stayed on his target as the shields began to recharge again. One of his wingmen, Omega 3, tailed the ship behind Dyne, as it was his original target. They split and proceeded into their on dogfight. Dyne got a lock and fired the advanced torpedo, it entered into space and narrowed into the Y-Wing. In a matter of seconds it hit the Y-Wing from the back. It was knocked out of course and soon exploded into many pieces.

"Thats two down, better get back to the others and help them out."

Dyne spun around and headed back to the battle, as his Omega squadron wingmen formed back into formation. They had eliminated their targets with minimal damage to the Razor fighter ships. They slowly got back into their course and quickly approached the area of destination.

"Good job guys and 3, good job sticking that target."

Omega 3: "Thank you sir!"

They set back their power levels to normal, heading to the other Y and B-Wings. He received word that the other supply convoy ships were elminated. The fighters engaged in that job would join them soon to help take out NR fighters.

Mark Fenix
Mar 6th, 2001, 06:25:17 PM
"Zeta group, I want us to circle around and take out any fighters near our carriers. Clear?"

"Roger that, Zeta leader," replied Zeta 5. "I just need to-" his voice was cut off. He had stopped paying attention to his flight path and was smashed by a piece of space debris from one of the Convoys. Zeta 6 burst into flames right after that, an enemy heavy rocket hit him from the direction of the Wraiths.

"Damn it! Zeta group, evasive manuevers, and full speed ahead! We need to protect those Wraiths."

Khendon S
Mar 6th, 2001, 07:46:30 PM
Khendon’s fighter group and the other three following him approached the first of the MC-80as. “Watch the flak coming from those things, switch to full forward shields, lower laser recharge if needed. Purple stay even and cover out tails, once we launch our bombs we’ll fall back and cover you while you do the same.”

The fighters moved on the craft, dodging blasts from its weapons. “Aim for the generators! Once it’s out of power we can forget it while Death Advocate comes in and takes it out. The assigned groups, 24 fighters strong, launch the first of two bombs at the enemy ship.

Skroth da Ripper
Mar 7th, 2001, 09:55:33 PM
* Skroth lines up his shot and unloaded his cannon fire into the Y-wing squad leader. The New Republic fighter tried to evade the laser fire, but the Sith warrior re aimed too quickly. In moments the Sluggish fighter was destroyed. Skroth quickly sped up to the incoming fire from the rest of the Y-wing squad looking for revenge. Skroth merely laughed as he easily outran the wings. He thought he was home free, until his CMD started to turn yellow. Alpha leader opened a comm. signal to the rest of his squad. *

Skroth: "I could use a little help here guys."

Other Alphas: "Roger that sir we'll be right there."

Skroth: "Hurry up, Alpha leader out."

* The moment he shutoff his comm. His CMD turned red, and a warning was flashed.*

<font color=red>Warning, incoming missile</font color>

* Skroth swore under his breath. He then quickly targeted the warhead. A basic proton torpedo showed up on his screen. Shouldn't be too hard to outrun, but if he messed up, it would be his end. He waited for the torp to get within 5 meters of him. At that moment he sent his ship into a sudden nose dive, the warhead went straight ahead. After a while it turned, and started to follow Skroth again. Out of the corner of his eye, Skroth saw that the rest of his defender squad had engaged the remainder of the Y-wing squad. He saw another NR fighter explode after a laser shot from Alpha 2. *

*Skroth looked back at his CMD, and saw the torp was within 3 meters of him, He quickly sent his craft up, and the warhead exploded, without damaging his ship. The Sith warrior let out a sigh of relief, and started to head back to assist his squad in the destruction of the remaining Y-wings. *

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 7th, 2001, 10:16:58 PM
As the Y and B Wing squads fell he looked around quickly to see the fleets conditions. Dyne didnt see no immediate threat and ordered his Omega squadron to make a quick patrol around the TSE fleet. Dyne finished the comm transmission then switched to laser fire from torpedoes. As they approached the fleet, they kept the weapons system armed just in case.

"Ok men, one round around the fleet and then we engage the remaining fighters the NR has. Need to make sure the fleet ships are ok."

After finishing the quick patrol, the ships broke off into single courses. Omega squad had locked targets and proceeded to attack them. Dyne had his lock on one of the stray Y-Wing fighters from a demolished squadron. He quickly flanked him and locked with his lasers. Firing a array of blasts, the shield was depleted in no time. The laser shots began to damage the hull as he continued to lay on the assault. The Y-Wing attempted to shake Dyne off but its speed was too low. Reaching critical the Y-Wing fighter pilot attempted to eject, but to no avail, since it was blasted into pieces.

"One more down."

His eyes blazed as the fighter went down quickly. Dyne came around and approached the other fighters. He set the throttle again and looked out from his mask, waiting for his wingmen to elminate their targets. A message came through that 2 and 3 were headed back. Omega 4 sent a message to Dyne as he was being tailed by two other A-Wing's while intercepting a B-Wing. He quickly complied and headed to his location with 2 and 3.

"Ok 2, take out one of the A-Wing's, 3 give me back up fire."

Omega 2: "Yes sir, already got lock."

Omega 3: "Following your lead."

Dyne switched to his torpedoes and locked onto the speeding A-Wing. They were hitting Omega 4 with laser fire as he destroyed the B-Wing. He locked onto the A-Wing with 2 doing the same. The fighters did a series of left and right turns before coming to a straight line. The A-Wing's attempted to break the Omega fighters off. Dyne and Omega 2 immediately fired the torpedoes as a clear shot came into view. Omega 4 broke off his route and headed back into formation. The two torpedoes trailed the A-Wings until both connected in a large explosion, resulting in an end for the A-Wing's.

Khendon S
Mar 7th, 2001, 11:57:14 PM
“This is Khendon, give me status on that daft ship we’ve been shooting bombs at!”
“Sir, her hull in the area we’ve been hitting is down to 20%, at this rate we’ll have her destroyed in a couple of minutes.”
“Fall back, cover purple as they do their run, twelve bombs should be more then enough to take them out.”
“Roger that, Black Thorn leader.”

The two squadrons pull out and move into a wall formation, providing cover fire for purple as they speed up and engage the target with space bombs.

Anubis Lockheart
Mar 8th, 2001, 07:18:30 AM
Anubis and his wing sped around space flying in and out of debri. Apart from losing a wingman, he was feeling pretty good. Apart from one thing. He got onto the comm to Dyne.

"We took care of them. Do you require assistance elsewhere? Over."

He re-adjusted his mask as he awaited a reply.

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 8th, 2001, 04:16:42 PM
Dyne approached back to the are of battle quickly. Noticing the Y and B-Wings were eliminated, he got back to the frequency with Anubis, to answer his message.

"Anubis, tail the stray NR fighters then be on standby, but keep your eyes peeled just incase."

As they finished the transmission, Dyne noticed the NR fleet closing in on the Empire's ships. He quickly got onto the commlink again to the rest of the fighters.

"All fighters attacking NR fighters go ahead and elminate your targets. The rest will proceed to engage the NR fleet ships. No Sith capitol ships will go down, repeat, no Sith capitol ships should be damaged. I want one of the Tie Advanced to patrol the platform and take out all opposite forces."

A rather large group of squadrons headed for the NR fleet at full speed, there weapons systems up and ready to go. He ordered Omega Squadron to follow him and attack the NR ships.

Adm Makarov
Mar 8th, 2001, 04:29:35 PM
Crew member: "Sir, we have a large group of Sith fighter planes approaching us on a interception pattern."

"Yes, I can see. Keep the fleet on the same course and fire at will. We will disrupt their operation as much as we can. Tell the rest of the fighter planes to regroup and attack the platform."

Crew member: "Sir, what was that?"

"You heard me. If we cant get the platform back then they wont either."

Crew member: "Sir, even if we wanted to do that, we could not pull it off now. Our fighters are almost all destroyed and they are falling quickly. The rest are being engaged by other Sith fighters. All we can do is slow them down from what we have."

"I see, continue as planned. Let them engage the other ships and us. We can follow the tail end and if need be.....retreat with the fleet."

Crew member: "Retreat sir? Why?"

"If we engage them farther it will be suicide. I rather bring chaos to their operations as much as we can and save our fleet then to be destroyed."

Crew member: "Yes sir! Proceed to fire laser cannons at incoming fighters!"

:: The fleet positioned themselves into a attack form. They just wanted to hold on as long as they could before retreating the sector. The Sith fleet turned their ships and headed to the platform as the attack ships came after the NR fleet. The fighters closed int quickly as well, ready to start another space fight. ::

Anubis Lockheart
Mar 10th, 2001, 12:24:07 AM
He frowned as he heard Dyne's voice over the comm.

"Negative. I'm sick of taking out those puppies, no challenge. With your permission I'd like to provide cover for you while you attack the capital ships."

He waited a few seconds until he heard the comm liven up again.

"Alright Anubis, catch up with me on my co-ordinates."

Anubis relaayed his message over to his wing, as they all set their boosters to the max using afterburners to catch up with Omega squadron.

Skroth da Ripper
Mar 10th, 2001, 01:01:07 AM
*After hearing what Dyne had to say, Skroth sent a signal to Dyne. *

Skroth: "Hey Dyne, if it’s alright with you, I propose that Alpha squad starts disabling the platform. With the Tie Advanced watching our backs it should be pretty easy."

Dyne: "Alright, good luck Skroth"

Skroth: "Yeah, same to you."

*Skroth switches off his comm. to Dyne and opens one to his flight group. *

Skroth: "Alright guys, you know what to do keep your shields charged, and don't get too close. Oh, and remember, were only disabling the platform, not destroying it. So use your ion cannons, got it?"

Other Alphas: "Yes sir."

*Skroth switched off his comm. link. Alpha Squad then proceeded to the platform. *

Khendon S
Mar 10th, 2001, 01:20:56 AM
Khendon and his squadrons waited tensely as the bombs began colliding with the enemy capital ship, hitting the already weakened generator housing area. Massive explosions roared throughout the enemy ship as the armor collapsed allowing space to fill in the area once occupied by oxygen. Two more missiles move through the hole and hit the generator, destroying it and causing a chain reaction that moves throughout the ship disabling all power, including life support.

Over all of the open channels cheering is heard as the squadrons’ kill is acknowledged by the Death Advocate’s more powerful active scanning system. “This is Black Thorn leader, blue, black, and purple group fall back to Death Advocate. Prepare to receive supplies. Red group, move into wedge formation and prepare to move onto enemy capital ships.” The fighter groups return a roger that and the fighters follow their orders.

Mark Fenix
Mar 12th, 2001, 07:33:36 PM
"Alright, screw it, I want all remaining Defender squads launched to take out whatever NR ships are left. Zeta squad, same goes for you. Our ships don't need much support anymore, we've cleaned up the mess. Those Republic fools need to be taken down. Let's do this."

The Zeta squadron went after the another NR ship. Using their ion cannons, along with the help of the other Defender squads, crippled the enemy craft. With just two missile shots to the bridge and some cannon fire to the generator housings, the ship falls to the fighters, bursting into flames.

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 12th, 2001, 07:47:46 PM
"Alright guys, these NR fleet ships got no chance whatsoever. Make short work of them and the rest of the fighters."

Dyne switches frequencies to the fleet ships of the Empire. The crackle quickly decipates as Dyne speaks to them.

"We can commence phase two of the mission, let the shuttles go and dock onto the platform. We will give them cover until the stormtroopers board the platform."

Getting off the commlink, Dyne watches as Fenix's, Anubis's, and the rest of the other squadrons take out the NR capitol ships. They went down quickly as the fleet was swarmed by fighters from all directions.

"Omega Squadron, time to give the shuttles cover."

They head the other way just as the shuttles come out the hangars. Setting the throttle he max's the speed out, quickly reaching the destination. All of the ships head in a straight course for the platform. Explosions occur all over the area as Omega Squadron follows the shuttles close by. He looked around the area, scanning it and keeping an eye on the targeting computer.

"Doesnt seem to be any stray fighters around here."

Sometime later, the shuttles dock to the Veranese as stormtroopers flood into the platform. Soon word was out that it was taken care of as planned. The NR staff quickly submitted to the troopers. He ordered the Defender TIE's to go back to their individual hangars. Dyne watched as the others attempted to retreat from the sector. The platform was in the Empire's hands now. He nodded in satisfaction and watched as everything was cleared out the way. Dyne got onto the commlink to all the fighters.

"Good work men, just clear out the rest of the stubborn fighters and we can go home. We will keep the fleet here for a bit longer to secure the area."

Adm Makarov
Mar 13th, 2001, 04:57:56 PM
:: He looked out the bridge and shakes his head. Slamming his fist into the desk he looked at one of the ensign's. ::

"Order the retreat now ensign."

Crew member: "Yes sir, we have only this ship and one MC-80a's left. I shall order retreat right now."

:: The remaining ships pick speed up as the Empire fighters go to capture the platform. The remaining stray fighters offer cover fire and stall enough for the ships to get to their hyperspace points. The ships were inflicted heavily with damage but had enough juice to leave the sector. The fighters were being destroyed but not before the remaining fleet escaped along with a few fighters. The platform was already taken over by Empire forces and the area was being secured. ::

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 13th, 2001, 05:05:06 PM
"Give me a status report on our fighters."

Bridge: "We have sustained only minimal damage, but the fighters are in bad shape. We will need to run them through repair."

"Alright understood, as long as we have the fighters intact.

Finishing his commlink with the main fleet ship, Dyne watched as the fighters docked into the hangar. A Empire fleet came out of hyperspace and contacted Dyne.

Bridge Captain: "Lord Darkforce, we have arrived to relieve you and look over the sector. You are now clear to go home with the rest."

"Thank you, we are just docking the fighters and shall leave the sector soon."

The fleet moved into position and soon their presence was in the area. He nodded and got onto the commlink again to the whole crew.

"Ok men, we have our relief crew in the area, time to go home. Good job all of you, for the Empire! The individual work put into the mission was successful and all of you did well."

He could hear cheers and Dyne laughed to himself before docking his ship as well. The Wraith Class Strike Cruiser he came in on was ready to exit the sector and entered hyperspace soon after, with the rest of the battle hardened members. The Nebulon-B frigates and Strike Cruisers all left the area, which came for the misson. Dyne thought to himself, how he would have to pay for all their drinks on the mission.

Dyne Darkforce
Mar 13th, 2001, 05:12:24 PM
OOC: Damn it! :mad:

IC: He went to the bridge and met up with all the squadron leaders and other pilots. Dyne nodded to all his friends and comrades.

"That was a great job guys, we have good news to report to the Empire. All of you are the reason for the success and it was good indeed."

They all conversed with each other as the stagepoint was set for the next phase. Dyne was deep in thought to himself about the upcoming events as he went back to headquarters.