View Full Version : Double-time(open)
Vega Van Derveld
Feb 25th, 2001, 02:59:32 PM
OOC - This is me and Anubis onto two Jedi Knights or one Master. The setting is a flatland plain, a few trees dotted around and one large central landmark, a tribal marking stone. The stone is circular (round-about) and 10 metres square. Enjoy.
IC -
:: Vega stood in the shade of one tree, his head lowered so that his hood fell over his eyes. His hand was covertly placed on his saber, ready to spring into action at the slightest of notice.
He gave a small, gruff cough then looked up expectantly at Anubis ::
Anubis Lockheart
Feb 25th, 2001, 08:20:27 PM
Anubis lept from the tree he had been sitting on, landing a short distance away from Vega. His cape over his shoulders, he flicked it back revealing his saber hilt. He bent down on one knee to examine the soil, picking up a handful and standing back up. Sifting the soil through his hands as he did so. Anubis looked over to Vega, giving him a nod. Beginning to stretch as he aawaited his enemy.
Feb 25th, 2001, 08:31:25 PM
OOC: How about a Padawan and a Master? I'm a Padawan (as seen in my title) and I might be able to get my Master in on it...
Anubis Lockheart
Feb 25th, 2001, 09:08:27 PM
OOC: It might be ok, But I will have to discuss this with Vega first.
Feb 27th, 2001, 03:07:07 AM
OOC: Hey, guys, still up for a fight?
Vega Van Derveld
Feb 27th, 2001, 02:13:19 PM
OOC - Get your master to fight too and it's a deal.
Anubis Lockheart
Feb 28th, 2001, 09:02:44 AM
OOC: Have you got AIM? ICQ? MSN? we could discuss this quicker then.
Feb 28th, 2001, 08:52:13 PM
OOC: Yeah, ICQ... 25134493
Feb 28th, 2001, 09:28:19 PM
OOC: I will be on later tonight.
Mar 1st, 2001, 03:33:18 AM
Akrabbim walks into the field, following his Master, AmazonBabe. Akrabbim is clad in all black, almost totally covered in his gi and cloak. He has a traditional katana at his hip, constructed fully of quantum metal. AmazonBabe is dressed in colors that seem to blend perfectly with the natural foliage. She carries a lightsaber on her hip. They survey the field, noting the two Sith.
Master... I sense that those men are not of the Light Side. They should not be here... what should we do?
Mar 1st, 2001, 07:05:12 AM
:: AB smiled as she surveyed the grounds. The wind blew softly and she took in a deep breath, savoring the grass' wet scent. She felt at home on the soil, for she had so many "children" beneath it. She noted the various trees dotting the land, but what intrigued her was the stone pillar in the center. And then she acknowledged the two men standing at the other side with a raised eyebrow. Still smiling, she turned to answer her Padawan. ::
AB: Yes, you are right in saying they are not of the Light Side, for they are Sith.
:: She looked at the two Sith, but continued talking to Akrabbim. ::
AB: We will wait and see who makes the first move.
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 2nd, 2001, 12:41:30 AM
Anubis flipped back his cape, revealing his custom dagger and his saber. He ran his hand over them just to check they were still there. While slipping on his cortosis armguards, he turned to his comrade to speak.
"These 2 are just mere followers of the light. As Sith, it is our duty to show them what true power is."
He crouched down to grab a fistful of soil. He let it run through his fingers and fall back to the ground. Standing back up watched the 2 Jedi watching them.
Mar 2nd, 2001, 01:40:37 AM
Akrabbim studies his opponents with intrest, noting their movements carefully. Both of them are stronger than he, but his Master is stronger still.
Master, should they attack, do you wish me to fight or provide backup? Perhaps my skill with illusions could aid you in the fight.
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 2nd, 2001, 06:30:54 PM
:: Vega strided firmly from beneath the tree whilst regarding the Jedi. He brought his saber infront of him, igniting the blade in a fluid movement before bringing it back to his side, almost gashing his hip. ::
Ah, well, Light-siders... let us see.. I see the force is strong with one. No matter though.
:: Vega looked over his shoulder at Anubis, smirking wryly ::
OOC - Sorry bout the delay, but I'll be back tomorrow (british time zone)
Mar 3rd, 2001, 01:50:41 AM
:: AB looked at the two Sith, noting one feeling the dirt with his hands and the other toying with his saber. Yes, both were becoming ancy, just like she'd suspected they would. ::
:: She again spoke to Akrabbim quietly. ::
AB: We Jedi do not attack. We defend. Attacking would do us no good and end up turning us into what they are.
:: She gestured with her head towards the Sith. ::
AB: If need be, you will fight to defend yourself, and use all the gifts you have to do so.
:: She narrowed her eyes at what seemed to be the elder Sith. ::
AB: They are both fairly strong with the Dark Side, so it would be wise not to underestimate their abilities.
:: She smiled knowingly. ::
AB: Yet, they have not been around as many years as I have. Years brings wisdom, and wisdon can easily prevail over power.
:: She remained standing, unmoving. ::
AB: As I said before, we will wait and see who moves first. If they do not attack, then there be no need for conflict here. Yes, they represent a form of evil, and yes, we are to defend against evil. But to attack first, would be to bring evil into our actions.
:: She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, almost taking on a sense of not fully being there. Then she opened them and spoke again. ::
AB: One of us will move first, but I assure you, it will not be us.
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 3rd, 2001, 04:58:05 AM
Anubis was sick of the mindless banter the Jedi were whispering to eachother. He was itching for battle, but he would make sure that his rage for battle wouldn't make him commit a foolish mistake. He was a warrior, the time had come for him to fight.
Walking over to the Jedi, he ignited his saber and stopped just before the 2. His comrade Vega hadn't moved from his position, but was watching Anubis. He knew the Jedi wouldn't attack first, they were true beleivers in peace. But to Anubis, peace is just foolish.
"Very well cowards, if you shall not face me I will make the first move."
He crouched down slightly, then raised his hand sharply into the air. He created a wall of dust from the grassy plains beneath him Anubis jumped over the wall, landing behind AB, who could not see. But she could still feel via the force. Anubis' plunging saber was met with that of AB's.
A shower of sparks engulfed the two as Anubis tripped AB onto her back.
He stood over her, grinning. But it was a foolish mistake, the Jedi master pushing him back using the force and regaining her feet.
Mar 3rd, 2001, 05:07:48 AM
:: AB did a riple flip, regaining her footing and glanced over to where she'd Force pushed the young Sith. She looked at him, and smiled. ::
AB: Tisk, tisk.
:: She raised her hand, and flicked her wrist. The motion seemed almost too simple to do anything, but it was far from doing nothing. The ground beneath the Sith rumbled and came to life, cracking open and englufing the Sith part way down before closing again. Essentially he was trapped in between two slabs of dirt for the moment. ::
:: She turned her attention back to the elder Sith, but still kept an eye on the younger. ::
Mar 3rd, 2001, 05:09:15 AM
[i]Akrabbim sees the attacker lunge toward his Master and draws his katana. He uses a Force Illusion to make it look like an ordinary lightsaber, so that neither of the Sith have any idea that his weapon is not made of light, but of quantum metal. One of the foremost rules of fighting with illusions is to never let your opponent know what is real and what is not. Perhaps this ruse would work to his advantage. AB's Force Push sends Anubis flying towards Akrabbim. Her next attack holds him in the earth. Akrabbim moves towards his opponent cautiosly, in case he is able to extricate himself any time soon. He raises his disguised sword and prepares for the oncoming attacker.
OOC: To see my weapons (which your characters don't know I have yet), click on the weapons text in my sig.
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2001, 05:16:00 AM
:: Vega seemed not bothered at all by the partial dissapearance of his comrade. Her merely lowered his saber to the durt in front of him slowly, then suddenly, swept the blade across the ground, sending a cloud of hot sindered dust into the air.
He moved quickly, taking full advantage of ABs divided attention. He could tell she was aware of his movements, so needed to get to her and her padawan as hastily as he could.
The dust was just settling as Vega skidded to the side of AB, dragging his saber blade once again along the ground to send debri and sparks into the air. When he then rose the golden blade and thrust it towards her mid-section it was combated with a seemingly subconsious parry using her own saber.
Vega strained all her power towards her, her anger and rage beginning to fuel the darkness within him. She, with a small movement of the hand, send pure light rippling from her every pore, knocking Vega a few feet away from her.
This didn't deter him, only gave him cause for thought on his next attack or defense as the case may be. ::
Mar 3rd, 2001, 05:36:21 AM
:: AB recovered from the elder Sith's attack, and after blinding him, raised both her arms. The wind howled and began to pick up speed. Both Sith began to have trouble keeping their ground. Large clouds began to form overhead and a rumbling thunder echoed through the sky. Her eyes went from their ivy green color to a pearly white, and then to an almost glowing green. ::
AB: If you wish to impress me, you should have chosen a different playing field. As it is, we stand on a field where I control it's elements.
:: She looked at him and smiled. ::
AB: Believe me when I say this will be more painful to you, than it is to me.
:: A large lightning bolt crashed against the stone in the center of the field, cracking it in two and sending both sides crashing in opposite diections of each other. ::
:: Giving the elder Sith all her attention, she lifted one of the stone slabs with the Force and sent it sailing towards the him. She knew he'd avoid it easily and anticipated so. As he side-stepped the flying rock, a small vine grew rapidly from the ground, thickening as it grew, and wrapped itself solidly around the Sith. Then it grew small thorns, impaling him in several places. ::
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 3rd, 2001, 05:42:06 AM
Anubis struggled to escape from the crumbling Earth beneath him. He was unphased by the cowardly attack of the Jedi master. You'd think a Jedi of her calibur would have the courage to take on a Sith warrior in hand to hand combat.
He pulled himself out, flipping into the air and landing flat footed. Only to stare down the throat of the Jedi Padawan. He smirked as he looked at him, still holding onto his saber.
"How about you, jedi? Do you have honor? Because if you do I shall deprive you of it."
He twirls his saber around his head, bringing it down,aiming for Akrabbim's trapezious.
Mar 3rd, 2001, 05:53:09 AM
Akrabbim side-steps the downward strike, lifting his weapon handle upwards with the blade pointing downwards, blocking the strike. He allows the Sith's saber to slide down his from the momentum of the strike. Once the blade nears the ground, Akrabbim steps forward, swinging his blade in an overhead arc straight towards Anubis' head.
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:05:38 AM
:: Vega strained vainly within the thorny grasps of the vines, but to no avail. His lightsaber was beginning to slip from his grasp, and his only real hope was to either think of a plan fast or call for Anubis.
Looking down at himself, then up at the Jedi Master, he felt the pressure on him rise greatly. The darkness oozed freely from him now, dicing itself with Abs natural friends.
His saber slipped from his fingers, burning away a section of a vine holding his right wrist. He jumped at this, straining down and catching the hilt before it was out of reach. As he did, the vines tightened around him again, but this time Vega was able to work quicker on his escapade.
He, with difficulty, twisted the saber around in his hand and cut free his other hand, wondering whether AB was allowing him to do this or not. With a fluid movement then, he brought his saber towards his legs, almost free now ::
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:12:43 AM
Anubis watched as the saber swings towards him. He leant back, then back somersaulted as the blade missed him, Embedding itself into the ground. Anubis sprung back onto his feet, leaping into the air simaltaneously as the Jedi pulled his saber out of the dirt.
Anubis' foot connected to Akrabbim's sternum, pushing off his chest back onto the ground. The Jedi backpedalled a bit, but did not fall over. He grinned from underneath his mask and snickered at the Jedi.
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:16:12 AM
:: AB was well aware the vines wouldn't hold him for long. As it was, he owned a lightsaber, and lightsabers could cut virtually anything, even plants. But it had bought her time. ::
:: She watched him almost free of the writhing vines, when she called another of her "friends" to pop up just below his right foot. The sharp rock mercilessly rammed itself against his foot while he was still semi-trapped by the vines. AB heard the distinct sound of bones cracking as the force of the rock drove the elder Sith's lower leg into the upper, scrunging the knee joint. She sensed through the Force that it wasn't completely broken, but most definitely strained and cracked, smashed in the small soft areas, and extremely painful. No doubt some ligaments had been torn with the strain. The Sith would definitely have trouble standing on his right leg. ::
:: She "ordered" the rest of the vines to fall away, disapearing into the ground, along with the rock. She watch as the Sith attempted to put weight on his right leg, and stagger horribly. Taking advantage of this, she created a small earthquake just beneath him, toppling him over to the ground. ::
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:28:17 AM
:: Vega toppled sideways and hit the ground with a hard thud. He groaned loudly at the pain in his leg, it felt like someone was stabbing him relentlessly with a blunt knife in his joint. With the knee being one of the main pressure points of the body, Vega knew he was going to have some trouble carrying on now.
He leant into a crouch, glaring at AB with dark eyes. As he moved into a kneel, he felt the stabbing again as he tried to create a mental block, or at least draw upon the pain.
I spit on your attacks, Jedi he coughed, straining as he eventually got to his feet. He stood with pride in his wound, his leg trembling still although he was leaning his weight onto his left leg.
This was the point where the dark side came in to its full extent. He was able to use the huge amounts of pain he was in and concentrate it into more power. It ran through his body along side pain and adrenaline, through his veins, through his every muscle, through his mind. He channeled it further so that AB and her padawan could almost physically see the ripples.
He would wince every so often, but that was only a human reaction to pain, and was unavoidable when he had not become one with the darkness yet.
With Seraphim, his light saber, in his right hand, he held his light rapier, Crane, in the other, ready to discharge any attacks whilst he persued his goal of englufing himself in the darkness ::
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:45:34 AM
OOC: I will post again tomorrow. It's late over here, and I can feel myself becoming delerious with lack of sleep. I NEED sleep. Be back later. :)
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 3rd, 2001, 06:56:29 AM
OOC - Ok :)
Mar 3rd, 2001, 11:29:15 PM
Akrabbim places his hand on the front of his chest, as if to rub his chest from the blow. As he does so, he quickly reaches into his gi and draws three of his shuriken. He steps back to throw, and pretends to trip over a rock, thorwing his shuriken wide. They miss Anubis by a large margin, sailing past him. Anubis smirks at the failed attack... or seemingly failed attack. Akrabbim quickly regains his posture and begins calling his shuriken back to him. The first two slice shallow wounds into Anubis' lower triceps, just above the elbow. The third nicks the back of his left knee. None of these wounds are incapacitating, but they all hurt immensely. Akrabbim retrieves the shuriken from the air and replaces them inside his gi. He stands in a defensive position, hoping the pain will begin to weaken his foe.
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 4th, 2001, 12:53:27 AM
Anubis felt the shuriken's dig into his leg and triceps. At first he did not notice the pain, as they were so sharp. But then he felt the blood rolling down the back of his arm.
He lifted his right elbow to inspect the wound, it was deep. But the damage was minimal and it shouldnt hinder his movement. He grinned again as he looked over at Akrabbim, who was just putting back the shurikens.
"Nice trick Jedi. I underestimated those shurikens, but I shall not make the same mistake twice. No."
He leaped towards the Jedi, they both blocked eachothers attacks as a feirce contest began. Both fighters saber strikes were matched by eachother, sparks from the 2 sabers were sprayed everywhere. The fight was flawless until Anubis ducked an unweildly slice by Akrabbim. He pushed of the ground, aiming a swing for Akrabbim's midsection.
Mar 4th, 2001, 01:13:23 AM
Akrabbim's errant swing puts him in a very bad position as Anubis launches an attack at his midsection. There is no time to rotate the saber to block. However, his handle is in place to do so. He snaps his saber upright, using the bottom of his weapon's handle to block the blade. Since the handle was constructed of quantum armor, the handle withstands the strike... but Akrabbim is a bit slow on the block. The blade, though stopped from a fatal attack, bites into his hip, leaving a moderate saber burn. He quickly presses the lightsaber away with his hilt, and delivers a knee to Anubis' head. He quickly backs away before Anubis can strike again.
Heh... tapping his weapon's handle Quantum metal can't be cut.
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 4th, 2001, 01:43:08 AM
Anubis held his head as he lent froward. The knee to his head connected with the hardest part of his cranium, luckily. He stood back up, blinking a few times but otherwise ok. He stared at the ground and smiled, he had a trick up his sleeve and he couldnt wait to use it.
He brushed some dirt off his chest and looked back at Akrabbim. Anubis had underestimated this, lightseeker's fighting ability. But Anubis was determined and destined to destroy all followers of the light.
Anubis thought of his past and his past emotions. His anger pulsed through him as he started to breath heavily. The darkness would guide him this day, increasing his speed and strength. His eyes flickered from white to purple as he remainined focused on the Jedi. He motioned with his hands for the jedi to attack him, Anubis with his darkness summoned inside of him surely had the upperhand against the padawan now.
Mar 4th, 2001, 01:51:57 AM
Akrabbim's eyes widen as Anubis' eyes change color. The Padawan does not have much experience, but he can tell that this does not bode well for him. He had to act... he had to act fast. Akrabbim throws an attack of Force Blindness at Anubis, temporarily blocking his sight. For the few seconds of time he has, he uses Force Speed to run straight at Anubis, elbow extended. He slams his elbow into Anubis' solar plexus in an attempt to distract him... and quickly moves away when the attack has little effect. His situation was quickly going downhill...
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 4th, 2001, 02:29:25 AM
"Ahh I can't see!" Anubis yelled as he covered his eyes with his hands. He expected his enemy would do something as soon as he was vulnerable for attack, but he didnt expect this. Anubis felt an elbow hard into his stomach. Normally the blow would wind him, but he was pumped up. The current adreniline streaming through his veins was enough to block out any oncoming pain.
Using the force to guide him, he made for his opponent. Akrabbim was far away, but Anubis could sense his power. Dropping his shoulder, Anubis made contact with Akrabbim. Knocking him to the floor as Anubis stopped just before a tree, and not realising it. His eyesight slowly returned as he turned back, looking at the Jedi through his Blurred vision.
Mar 4th, 2001, 02:46:33 AM
Akrabbim recovers from the sholder blow and notices that the Blindness has not yet faded. *Blunt trauma will not stop him in this state... I must cut him to cause him any real damage.* Akrabbim rushes his opponent while he is still somewhat blinded, and begins attacking with his sword in a frenzy of attacks. He adds an illusion to himself, blurring his outline, making it harder to get a visual fix on himself and his saber. Perhaps he can score a hit before his oppenet becomes too powerful...
Mar 4th, 2001, 02:50:11 AM
:: AB felt the surge of power growing in the elder Sith. The darkness kept growing. The clouds still covered the heavens and the wind howled. She felt it time for a change. ::
:: Walking towards the elder Sith, AB flipped her hand over her shoulder towards the sky, and the wind picked up even more, blowing the dark clouds away. Suddenly, the field was hit by brilliant sunlight, bright and unabated. Still walking towards the Sith, she raised her hand towards him and flattened it so that her palm faced him. Taking in the sun's radience and life, her hand began to glow a warm, bright orange. The light in her hand grew and grew, finally reaching a blinding white. It began to expand beyond her hand, forming a sphere. ::
:: When she was just a few feet away from the Sith, she stopped, her hand still outstreched, her palm flat and facing the Sith, and the sphere of light against the hand. The Sith looked at her curiously, but continued his darkness growth. She inclined her head slightly to one side and smiled. ::
AB: You seem to be lost in darkness. Here, let me shed some light on the situation.
:: With that last word spoken, the sphere grew and was released from her hand at a fast rate, slamming into the Sith. It was a sphere of not only light, but of life itself, and it assailed the Sith's concentration. The Sith went sailing back several feet, blinded by the light. His flight slowed, the momentum dieing, and he came sliding to a hault just behind his comrade. ::
OOC: That's my post for tonight. I'll be back tomorrow. Carry on. :)
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 4th, 2001, 10:06:52 AM
:: Vega wheezed loudly as he crashed to the floor beside Anubis. He was so angry that he could not have completed his joining with the darkness, and as he leant forward, he slammed his fist into the ground thus showing this.
He then looked up at Anubis, expectantly regarding his utility belt.
Anubis.. you have the..
His voice became a whisper as he spoke to Anubis. ::
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 5th, 2001, 04:14:10 AM
Anubis felt the hot saber brush against his skin several times as he vision became normal once again. He had been trying to dodge them though, his slim torso giving him an advantage not many would normally have. Using the force he pushed Akrabbim back, making him losing his balance and fall, sliding across the ground a few metres before finally coming to a stop. Stepping forward and breathing rather heavily, he looked down towards his stomach. It displayed 2 deep gashes and a few minor cuts. The pain was agonising at first, as it showed with a squirm on Anubis' face. But he was empowered by the darkside currently. It alone played an important factor for now, the wounds numbing themselves in time.
Just as he finished admiring his own wounds, Vega slid next to him. He spoke to Anubis, his voice turning into a whisper as he inquired about the plan.
"Yes. Yes Vega I do have it." Anubis grinned as Vega pointed to his utility belt. Vega was hurt badly, but he would have to wait until Anubis had finished to get assistance. THat's if he needed any at all.
Anubis tugged at his belt and pulled of a round, metal object. The sphere like object had a push panel security system, the language on those panels was foreign to all but himself. Grinning, he held it up into the air.
"Fool's, you should have known better."
Both Jedi were looking at him strangely, as if Anubis had lost his mind. But that was far from reality. He bent down to Vega grabbing his arm firmly, then he dragged him over to where the large stone peice used to reside. For it was the only safe place.
"Before you Jedi arrived in this Plain, we Sith planted a few surprises. You see, AB. Your beloved plain will not assist you anymore, as it will not even, EXIST!!!"
Anubis laughed as he pushed the button on the detonator. The thermal detonators began to hum around him. Each and every tree that dotted this plain had a bomb on it, it would turn this plain into a desert. Without harming the Jedi of course, if it were to destroy them, where would the honor be in that?
Anubis stopped laughing and braced himself from the explosion. The explosion can't harm humans but the flying dbri's certainly can.
Mar 5th, 2001, 04:47:52 AM
:: AB acted quickly dashing to her Padawan's side. She addressed the ignorant young Sith, letting her eyes rest every so often on the wounded elder Sith.::
AB: And you, my friend, are a fool for assuming all life dies when everything is destroyed. Even deserts have life. Life fills this very universe you fight in, so this attempt is feeble.
:: She grinned knowingly and grabbed hold of her Padawan just above the elbow. She sent a single thought to Akrabbim. ::
AB: Trust me.
:: With that, her eyes seemed to team with life, the green in her eyes growing brighter. Suddenly the ground begand to tremble beneath both Jedi's feet. It opened up wide, swallowing them both whole, and then closed, thus protecting them from the eminant blast. ::
:: Then the explosions began. ::
OOC: Can't post anymore tonight, guys. I should technically be in bed. I'm sorry for all these one-posters. My weekend has been long. I'll continue tomorrow. :)
Mar 5th, 2001, 03:35:50 PM
Akrabbim thanks his Master for the timely save. Seeing as he can only control the weaponry he has personally crafted with the Force, he would have been unable to block any of the debris. As soon as the ground stops shaking, he communicates through the Force to AB. *I have a plan. If you would, please separate our foes, so that I can attack Anubis alone.* AB sends a small tremor to the rock Anubis is on. He loses balance for a moment and drops to the ground near the rock, approximately 20 feet from his ally. *Now, on the count of three, please open a hole and launch me out of it... 1... 2... 3!* Akrabbim flies straight up out of the hole he and AB had been in. On the way up, Akrabbim takes two shuriken out of his tunic with one hand, saber in the other. He throws them both at Anubis, guiding them with the Force. He uses a Force Illusion to make the 2 shuriken seem like 8. He shuffles the shuriken and illusions so that Anubis cannot tell which are real. The illusions harmlessly pass through his body, but the two real ones do not. They hit the back of each hand, causing him to drop both his lightsaber and detonator. By this time, Akrabbim is well into the downward portion of his jump. His weapon is held high overhead, readying him for an extreme downward strike. By the time Anubis looks up at Akrabbim, his saber is on the ground and Akrabbim is only about 10 feet from landing on him. With a great shout, Akrabbim begins his swing...
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 6th, 2001, 04:08:31 PM
:: Vega scrambled sideways, a look of partial fear in his eyes. Vegas saber had been knocked a few feet away, so he called it to his hand, reading both it and his light rapier.
His eyes locked onto Akrabbim as he began to hobble forward, drawing on his pain as he picked up a little speed, heading towards Anubis ::
Mar 7th, 2001, 04:07:20 AM
:: The ground at Vega's feet trembled violently and rippled, sending a wave of dirt in his direction. Then there was a horrendous crash as the ground before him broke open in a shower of rocks and dirt, causing him to fall over backwards hard against the ground, dropping his saber. AB stood before him, saber drawn and ignited, blocking him from the younger Sith and her Padawan. She looked at the saber and it disapeared deep into the ground.::
AB: Why interfere with the other boys? Let them play...
:: She raised a hand towards him and sent a strong Force push his way, causing him to slide several meters in the opposite direction where the Sith and Jedi were fighting. His momentum was stopped by his head hitting a large stone. From underneath the stone, tiny branches and roots began to emerge, wrapping around him, pinning him to the ground. ::
AB: I informed your Sith friend that life would still abide on this field.
:: Smiling sweetly, she began to walk towards Vega. ::
Magnus Blinard
Mar 7th, 2001, 06:24:06 AM
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 7th, 2001, 06:29:11 AM
Anubis thought to himself as AB called him a fool. Indeed desert is still a part of nature, but she stated she was near her strongest in a plain. It was that, and the fact that she might show some emotional pain from the death of her 'friends' that Anubis ignored her comment.
As he was thinking that 8 shurikens headed his way. The illusions fooled even his eyes, as he blocked 2 fake shurikens and more passed through his body. The remaining 2 landed precisely into the nerves on his hands. Causing him little damage, but dropping his saber. Anubis had been taken by surprise, he felt like an idiot, but Anubis was not so surprised as he thought he was.
As Akrabbim approached to land, Anubis had just enough time to stand up. Quickly gathering his legs, he looked up. Akrabbim's saber was on his way to peirce Anubis right down the middle of his head. He thought this would be a good time to put his cortosis armguards to use, forming a barracade with his arms.
He moved to the left a bit, just incase his cortosis was useless. That way he wouldnt lose his arms. The saber of Akrabbim's brisked past his guards, but instead of deigniting, it crashed into his arm. His guards prevented the blow from slicing his skin, but it significantly bruised his arm enough to make it numb.
Anubis grimaced when the blade contacted his arm. The pain was great but he was able to still keep an open mind.
That's odd...Any normal saber would have shut off...
Akrabbim was now off balance, and Anubis used this to his advantage. He darted low towards him, uppercutting him into the stomach with his numb left. Then proceeding with an uppercut to his chin with his right.
He then sprinted quickly towards his saber. He would have recalled it, but he wanted a distance between he and the Jedi. He stood on the hilt, sending it spinning into the air and into his hands. He smiled as he rubbed his damaged and numb left arm.
"Anymore damage you'd like to inflict on me before I kill you?"
OOC: I hope this is ok, sorry about the delays and sloppy posts.
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 7th, 2001, 02:04:52 PM
:: Vegas eyes rolled back in his head, a wave of dizzyness striking him as the force waves did. The vines latched quickly onto his wrists, pulling his arms back hard into the rock. As he shot a glare at his lightsaber he felt nature holding him with a stronger force.
Is this what you call fighting the way of the Jedi? Relying on pathetic mother nature and her children.
The Warrior tensed all his muscles, the pain he was currently in causing his body to jerk on occasion ::
Mar 7th, 2001, 03:28:12 PM
OOC: Anubis, look at the last few words of my post. I only mentioned landing on you because I could not think of a better way to explain how far I was off the ground. The point of that attack was a swing with my weapon, not landing on you. If you let that attack land, your head will be split in half.
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 8th, 2001, 06:16:04 AM
OOC: My regards. sorry it was pretty late at the time for me and I got some stuff due in, I'll edit the post in a sec
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 9th, 2001, 03:49:24 PM
Mar 11th, 2001, 01:33:22 AM
Akrabbim doubles over from the first shot to his stomach and staggers backwards from the blow to his chin. Akrabbim resumes his normal posture and drops the illusion he was disguising his sword with. Anubis now sees a long quantum metal katana with a scorpion tail handle, pointed at the end. (Note: to see weapons, click on the weapons text on my sig) *Hmm... perhaps another sort of trick is in order...* Akrabbim addresses Anubis.
No, no more pain is necessary for now. Strike me down if you must, but it would be in your best interest to leave in peace.
With that, Akrabbim pulls his feet together and holds his sword vertically in front of him. He closes his eyes, and his breathing deepens. He assumes the posture of a Jedi totally at peace. But he is anything but submitting. As he closes his eyes, he concentrates on a double Force Illusion. He makes a duplicate of himself, leaving it in the current position. He uses the control he has over his sword to cause it to float where it is, motionless. With the rest of the concentration he can muster, he makes himself invisible. He steps backwards approximately 3 feet. Now, he is out of range if Anubis strikes his image, but the movement is so small that Anubis should not detect how far he has moved with his Force presence. He will not be able to attack without dropping all of his illusions, but this may buy him the time he needs.
EDIT: Sorry about not mentioning the punches. I figured they wouldn't end the fight, and then I sorta got distracted and forgot to react to them.
Mar 11th, 2001, 04:02:37 AM
:: AB laughed softly and watched the elder Sith deal with the pain he was experiencing. ::
AB: If Mother Nature is so pathetic, then why are you in the state you are now?
:: She shook her head. ::
AB: But, Mother Nature doesn't like to see suffering, and frankly, neither do I.
:: With that AB waved her hand once more. A rumbling could be heard coming just beneath the elder Sith's head. He began to struggle at the bonds that held him, but each time he struggled more would come up and hold him down tighter. ::
AB: Don't fight it. Just relax. Soon you'll be dreaming, and quite a ways away from this nightmare you are experiencing.
:: She took a step closer and smiled. ::
AB: I promise.
:: A wooden point came up beside the Sith's head. It continued to come up through the ground, eventually resembling a huge knarl desert tree. With accelerated growth imbedded in it by the Force, it began to sprout it's sharp leaves, and then seed pods. One of the seed pods sprouted on a branch just above the edler Sith's head. The wind started to pick up, and the pod began to sway on it's thin stem. ::
:: AB's smile grew wider, as the wind stopped suddenly, the pod merely being held by a single fiber, ready to fall at a moments notice. As she looked at the other pods on the tree, they were also in the same state. She looked back down at Vega. ::
AB: This is where I say goodbye. Or rather...
:: She gently blew on the pod, and it and it's bretheren began a decent around the Sith. ::
AB: Goodnight.
:: The pods landed squarely around his head. He had made a valient effort it deflecting most with the Force, yet some, guided by AB, made it around his head and body. Once they hit the ground, their soft casing exploded, sending pollen all over his body. The pollen began to harden, it's sweet aroma assailing the edler Sith. Normaly the pollen was lethal, but with the strength he possessed in the Force, it would not kill him. But, it would put him to sleep for at least a day, if that, even for a Force user. ::
:: AB watched as the wounded Sith struggle not to succum to the pollen's sleeping effects, but his many wounds had already taken in some of the pollen, even if he had not breathed it. Soon, he was lulling to sleep, wrapped in a blanket of strong branches and roots, shaded by the knarl desert tree. ::
:: Knowing he would be out of the fight, she turned and started walking towards the younger Sith. She watched as her Padawan laid his weapon down in a state of peace. But she did not worry. She coninued closing the gap between herself and the remaining Sith, and her Padawan. ::
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 11th, 2001, 04:41:01 AM
Anubis knew there was something with that Jedi's saber. He finally found out what it was. He couldn't beleive he had been fooled, but it was something he had to get over for now.
"Come on Jedi, attack me."
He stood watching the Jedi, Akrabbim remained motionless and not speaking. His balde was held out in front of him in a defensive position. He spoke to him again.
"What are you waiting for? ATTACK!"
Still the Jedi did not move. Anubis was frustrated, he pulled out his mini blaster and set the ray to stun.
"So be it."
He fired the blaster at the Jedi, and the lasers passed straight through him. Anubis now realised the Jedi must have created an Illusion of some kind.
"Bah. What is it with Jedi and cheap tricks?"
He put his saber back, noticing something in the corner of his eye as he did so. He turned his head to face, to his surprise, the Jedi Master. A grin spilled across his face as he realised he was outnumbered 2 to 1. He ignited his saber and looked back at the Jedi Illusion.
OOC: Might not be on tomorrow or the next day, so you might have to be patient with me.
Vega Van Derveld
Mar 11th, 2001, 05:45:42 AM
:: Vega dropped into a deep sleep after the pollen took its full effect. His eyes rolled up into his head and his body relaxed, as if his defense systems were shutting down. He slid down fully to the ground so that he would have been looking up at the desert sky. ::
Dyne Darkforce
Mar 11th, 2001, 06:05:58 AM
The Sith Knight watched the fight from the shadows. Watching his comrades in action while narrowing his eyes, following their motions. He quietly continued to look on from his location, not twitching the slightest bit. The hood covering his head and the overcoat his body.
Skroth da Ripper
Mar 11th, 2001, 05:35:43 PM
*Skroth shifts into view several feet away from Vega. He had been there the entire time watching the battle from that spot. He debates whether or not to go after AB for what she did. He decides against it, as Vega may need medical attention due to the pollen. He starts walking towards Vega. A small aura of fire surrounds the Protoss as he walks towards the pollen. The fire burns the pollen before it can effect Skroth. He picks up Vega, throws him onto his shoulder, and starts heading back to his ship.*
Mar 12th, 2001, 02:30:50 AM
OOC: Just a second there... the whole point of my last illusion was to react on your attack. Gimme a second to respond to the blaster bolts. Not to mention, why would you use a blaster on a Jedi who has a sword in his hands and is paying attention to you? Even a Padawan can block a blaster bolt, and two shouldn't be a problem if they come from the same gun. And if you're frustrated, why would you set it to stun? Why would a Sith even want to stun a Jedi in the first place? Wouldn't you try to kill me? And wouldn't you also be worried about me deflecting the bolts back at you, since your saber can't be at the ready while you're using a blaster? Would you not use a saber instead?
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 12th, 2001, 09:52:57 AM
OOC: I wish you would stop criticising my attacks lol
Well. I had been on the attack for most of the battle, That tactic at hand
would be for you to attack me for some variation. Thus I enticed you, and since it
was an illusion, it didnt reply. I was unaware of the illusion, (I should have
mentioned this in my post) and since I didnt want to attack you physically, I decided to shoot you.
The reason I shot you with stun was because, if you couldn't realise by now, that Anubis
is a proud warrior and his honor means very much to him. To shoot you with a blaster
with the intentions of killing the enemy would be the cowards way out. Also if you
DID deflect them back at me it would only stun me. (I was unaware that a steel blade could deflect blaster rounds)
Also With stun it would perhaps stun you so I could attack him. Anubis has been mocking both your attacks
because Anubis feel's a true battle is hand to hand combat, not winning with tricks although it
is strategy (Anubis is stubborn to say the least). YOu have to realise things aren't going to go
your way all the time.(For Example, in a post previous to this I uppercutted you twice
In rather painful area's and you didn't even acknowledge the blow, you just'resumed normal posture')
Either way, Sorry for not making myself clear on the topic at first time so
that you had to confront me about it.
Mar 12th, 2001, 10:49:29 AM
OOC: Sorry about not mentioning the punches. I edited my post and added a not about it... I simply forgot to react to them... oops... :)
Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 12th, 2001, 10:53:01 AM
OOC: I'm gonna have to side with Akrabbim on this one, Anubis. I suppose the whole reasoning on the use of a stun blaster (???) is debatable, so I will not talk on that...but to assume that the illusion is simply an image with no manipulative properties is assumming far too much. A Force Illusion can do whatever its creator wishes, aside from possess actual physical properties. To assume that it wouldn't move or that your shot would simply "pass through" is taking too much liberty with Akrabbim's technique. I suppose while we're on the subject, I can also say I'm less-than-pleased with the interpretation of the use of your cortosis bracers against his sword. You should have no insight to inform you that his "lightsaber" is anything but. The clause you use "in case the cortosis didn't work" implies that you're taking just a few too many liberties with knowledge that shouldn't be yours to have. I don't wanna rant, just pointing out a few things I'm seeing. The rest of it though, is more or less relative.
Party on.
Mar 12th, 2001, 03:35:20 PM
OOC: I'm just gonna play from where we are. No sense wasting any more time on useless debates. :)
IC: Akrabbim drops his illusions and draws his sword back to himself. He concentrates and creates a new illusion... one of dense, overwhelming fog. To add to the confusion, Akrabbim adds in glimpses of cloaks, sabers, and swords... simple illusions not requiring much concentration. Akrabbim masks himself from the Force in an all-or-nothing gambit. Masking himself makes him undetectable to most all Force users while standing still, and very hard to detect while moving slowly. The tradeoff is that he can only use the Force to create illusions while he is masked. The shielding is double-edged. If this works, he'll have a free shot on Anubis. Otherwise, he will not be able to block a strike. He very slowly creeps toward Anubis. Once he is within range of Anubis, Akrabbim alters the illusion slightly. Anubis suddenly notices there are swords resembling Akrabbim's quantum metal katana in the mist. He notices one in front of him, one to the left, one to the right, and one behind him. Instead of the other images in the mist which seem to appear and fade away, these seem to be more... stable. They begin to close in on him, and are very nearly within range to strike...
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 13th, 2001, 08:04:32 AM
OOC: I guess I owe an apology, I'm new to the Illusion side of fighting so I wasn't really aware of what it could do. I think I'm in a few to many thread's for my own good. I have 4 assignments, 2 tests and a practice QCS test (which basically gives 50% of my exit results to go to University) next week and I haven't really taken the time to read your posts thoroughly. But enough excuses for now. I guess I'm going to have to study up more on the illusion and cortosis things, perhaps drop the cortosis entirely. Either way let's continue with the battle. If i may, I'd like to post tomorrow because I have to finish some study. Well lots of study.
Mar 13th, 2001, 11:18:11 AM
OOC: Hey, no big deal. The only reason I know half this stuff is a friend of mine has been on here for a while and he has been telling me stuff like that... the gauntlets aren't a bad idea at all, honestly.
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 14th, 2001, 06:02:31 AM
Anubis watched as the fog surrounded him. He had never been matched up against an opponent who uses illusions, and this was his weakness. He had fallen for all his tricks so far, but this time things may be different.
As he thinks it through, 4 katana's begin to close in on him. Anubis was trying his hardest to detect which one seemed more realistic, but they were disguised very well and Anubis had never used the force to do this before. He thought that one of them must be real, if the Jedi was to gain anything from this attack. There is 2 options for Anubis. He looked upwards to the sky.
"Either up..." he spoke to himself as he looked back at the Katana's again.
"Or stay and fight... The odd's are against me... I like those odds."
He stood his ground, using the force to empower his dark side even further. Trying to feel out which Katana to block, he raised his saber to his closed eyes. Ready to attack the katana he thought was controlled by Akrabbim.
Mar 14th, 2001, 03:10:32 PM
Akrabbim slows his movements even more to remain undetected. He lowers his sword to horizontal to be ready for a fast attack. He moves in slowly until he is just within range of Anubis. His illusionary swords folow suit. He makes ready his attack, knowing that if Anubis picks correctly, Akrabbim will have no chance to block his counter attack. However, if Anubis attacks the wrong sword, he will expose himself to the real attack. Once he is in position, Akrabbim makes his move...
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 15th, 2001, 08:59:30 AM
Thoughts ran through Anubis head like a waterfall as he went through his options. He wanted to jump free from the 4 swords that seemed to taunt him as they hovered. But something in him told him to stay, maybe it was the darkness speaking through him, but Anubis was unsure. The voices in him were good enough. They had convinced him to stay and focus on the task at hand.
He closed his eyes again, trying to feel which illusions were fake, and which one was. Anubis opened his eyes again as he saw the illusions make their move. With no hesitation, Anubis moved his saber into the direction of the sword at his south. Preparing to block if it happened to be the right one...
Mar 15th, 2001, 11:33:36 PM
OOC: I'm assuming that by "south" you mean the one behind you.
IC: Akrabbim holds his ground until Anubis turns his back. Akrabbim knew that a Sith would expect him to come from behind. He would not expect a straight on attack. Akrabbim's gamble had paid off. As soon as Anubis faces the opposite direction, Akrabbim strikes. Anubis hears a small whooshing sound as the blade slices across his back. He doesn't even feel the cut until the blade slices deeply into his back. He reverses his strike and slashes again in the other direction, making a deep X in his back. He then drives his elbow into the base of Anubis' skull to knock him into the ground. He then drops all of his illusions and his Force masking. As Akrabbim walks towards his Master, he tosses a package of Bacta salve over his shoulder for Anubis to use once he regains consciousness. He continues walking until he reaches his Master.
Master AB, it seems that the fight is over. Shall we leave now? I could use some healing after our battle.
EDIT: I changed the end of the post because it just plain didn't sound right.
Mar 16th, 2001, 05:35:25 AM
:: AB smiled at Akrabim. ::
AB: Yes, Padawan, it appears the battle is over. But appearances can always be deceiving.
:: She took another look at the younger Sith, who remained lying down and quite unconcious. ::
AB: But, it appears in this case, appearances speak the truth. Come, Padawan.
:: She began walking off the field back towards their ship. ::
AB: You have proven yourself in battle today before your Master. We shall see what the Council has to say. And we will tend to your wounds and heal them.
:: AB bent down to touch the ground momentarily. Where she had touched it a seedling began to sprout, stopping to grow at a normal rate once it reached a few centimeters high. She smiled. ::
AB: As will this field heal to be once again what it once was.
:: Both she and her Padawan entered their ship and made for home. ::
Anubis Lockheart
Mar 17th, 2001, 09:28:32 PM
Anubis stood back up after being knocked out, stirred a bit and rather sore. He looked around for the Jedi, finally spotting them leaving in the ship.
"Wait, this battle isn't over!"
He took a step forward, the pain shooting through his body like a rocket. He reached around his back, feeling the deep cuts in him. The gashes in his back were the signature of a Jedi, all of them. Attacking from behind as usual.
The Jedi hadn't heard him yell at them, and maybe it was forthe best. Anubis would go home now, and train harder. Not only in fighting, but the mastery of Illusions, if they can be mastered. Anubis was bleeding rather heavily, he fell to his knees. Proceeding to the floor and lied face down in the soil. Landing on top of a few new germinating seeds. He had failed..
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