View Full Version : Coruscant, City of Culture (Open Rpg)

Garrett Blade
Mar 5th, 2001, 07:23:17 PM
OOC: Feel free to participate in any way you wish. Jedi will be most at home since this would concern them in character, unless they don't object to the slaughtering of countless civilians! To briefly outline the rpg, I will slaughter civilians and then use their bodies to make the ultimately evil vessel - an unliving battlecruiser. Everything will come from the bodies, the ship itself powered by my (un)life energy and tainted blood. No technology besides the crude archaic cannons and my lightsaber when I am onboard. Perhaps this will prove interesting, perhaps it will die. Nevertheless, lets see! /OOC

*Garrett Blade sat in the command chair of The Sith Order's Beta Fleet Flagship Super Star Destroyer. He had a look of extreme boredom on his face. He breathed out a long sigh. He'd been waiting for over half an hour now and still no word from engineering. The cargo bays were almost clear as the last few shuttle craft and transports arrived to remove their next loads. Only when the holding bays were empty could one truly see just how large the cargo area of an SSD was. A true marvel of engineering - about to take part in the beginning of yet another marvel of engineering, as well as a true marvel of art.*

How much longer!?!?! was the first thing Blade had said since he sat down half an hour ago.

A muffled answer came from one of the supervisors in the cargo bay...

Almost done now Govenor Blade! Just a few more minutes and we can be on our way!

Good! Let me know when you're done!

*After a few more minutes the SSD was clear to leave. The engines whined as they charged up and in an instant the ship blasted off into hyperspace en route to the Imperial Center - Coruscant.*

Darth Viscera
Mar 5th, 2001, 09:48:13 PM
Klaxons sounded in the Keyhole matrix control center, as capital ship movement was detected in the target sector.

"Captain, the ship in question has engaged in superluminous transport, heading is sector 001," the Lieutenant on duty reported to his commanding officer.

"Alert the Diktat: incoming command cruiser, unknown intentions, suggest code two alert status," the Captain dictated.

***Combined Fleet HQ, Imperial Center***

The transmission went through, and Viscera read the disconcerting report.

"Contact Governor Blade via the hyperradio, perhaps he needs to be taught a lesson in the sovereignty of galactic superpowers."

The hyperradio hail went through, and the full-size holo of Blade appeared on the bridge. Viscera struggled to contain his anger, to little or no success.

"Blade, you are aboard a command ship that is about to enter a warzone and Imperial territory! I want verification of this mission from the Council members of TSO now, or I will destroy your ship, and see to it that all crew found are dismembered, and sent to the glitterstim mines of Sigma Vulcanis to be used as fuel!

Garrett Blade
Mar 8th, 2001, 05:44:40 PM
*Garrett's face was deadly serious - and he didn't like being serious when he didn't have to be. He raised his right arm and held it horizontally about four inches in front of him at chest height. He then thrust his left arm underneath his right one, with his fist clenched, gesturing an uppercut motion to Viscera...*

There's the verification from the Council...and as for destroying my ship...I don't think so!

*Viscera opened his kouth to speak...*

"Garrett Blade! You are in direct violation of..."

*Before Viscera could continue, Garrett deactivated the holo-projector, terminating the transmission in the process. Garrett turned to a communications officer...*

I don't want you to send any transmissions unless ordered to by me personally until further notice from me - personally! As for receiving messages, ignore all incoming transmissions unless they are using the...special frequency!

*Garrett turned away from the officer and left the bridge, leaving one final order to the Captain...*

Proceed as planned Captain!

Emperor Shimi
Mar 10th, 2001, 04:50:44 PM
A cackling laughter was heard towards the back of the bridge of Viscera's flagship. In the darkness, a seated figure could barely be seen.

He seems quite assured of his goals...yet he treads dangerously on the territory of others.

Shimi frowned

Viscera, my loyal servant, please destroy this eyesore. He has hindered our progress enough already.

Darth Viscera
Mar 10th, 2001, 07:34:48 PM
Viscera grinned as he was given this order. He did not like being talked down to by the insolent renegade known as Garrett Blade, and he would see to it that revenge was had.

"Yes, my lord."

Jedi Alpha
Mar 11th, 2001, 12:04:17 AM
Alpha sits in the command chair of Tolaria, watching with a defeated expression in his face.

"Now to close my deal with Death..."

Alpha turns on the comm to Viscera's ship, saying, "Look, here's the ships you wanted. All of what's left of my Dragon Fleet is yours."

As Alpha says this the other ships, all except the Tolaria head to Viscera's ship.

What he doesn't know is that I sliced the ships mainframes, and they have deep programming recognizing him still as commander.

{OOC:If you have a problem about this, Viscera, PM me telling me to change this. Or we could even have a RPG of contest between our forc

Darth Viscera
Mar 11th, 2001, 03:16:32 AM
Flag Captain Vahlias sat in the command chair of the SSD Death's Hand, and looked out at Battle groups two and three. With a flicker of pseudomotion, the surrendering rebel fleet exited hyperspace, and he turned to his sensor officer.

"Status of the rebel fleet?" he asked.

"Right away, sir; Preliminary sensor reports on the rebel fleet indicates that their shields are down, ships are being piloted by skeleton crews. They must mean to comply with the surrender terms."

"Indeed," he replied.

"Just in case, transmit a message to the skeleton crew of the rebel fleet, instructing them to get their emergency zero-gee equipment and rebreathers together, then target the main computers on all ships in their fleet, save the Tolaria, and instruct all ships in our fleet to fire a salvo."

The sixty seven Imperial warships opened fire with their primary turbolaser batteries, burning blast holes into the rebel ships, and detonating their ships' computers; an easy task as the shields were lowered. Almost at once, all systems across the rebel fleet shut down: illumination, engines, life support, everything.

"Send out boarding parties. Secure the ships, evacuate all prisoners, and alert tugs and transports from Quintooine to rendevous with us to evacuate these ships to the nearest repair yard for refurbishing."

The boarding parties did their duties, evacuating the skeleton crews of the ships to the brigs of their boarding shuttles, and reporting back to the two command ships that the rebel ships were secured.

"Excellent. Report this to the Diktat," Commanded the flag captain.

The report went through, and Viscera opened a comm channel to the Tolaria through Keyhole station.

"It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Jedi. You may live, and feel free to be our prisoner again sometime."

Easily circumvented.

Jedi Alpha
Mar 11th, 2001, 09:58:54 PM
Alpha growls slightly over the comm, and says, "If I do ever become your prisoner again, I'll rip out the Diktat's heart for fun. Pass that message along. And tell him that if I see him again...I'll kill him."

Garrett Blade
Mar 15th, 2001, 05:47:50 PM
*Just under an hour passed, and fighters were prepped and ready to launch should it be required. The Captain had been informed of the battle plan and was standing at the helm on the bridge. All personnel had been ordered to stay away from the Admiral suite - Garrett's quarters. The penalty for disturbing him was death according to the Captain. An ominous dark purple aura radiated around the sealed metal doors to the suite. As officers passed the door the stayed well clear of the door, edging along the opposite wall*

"Captain. One minute until we arrive at Coruscant!"

"Good work Ensign! Alert all stations and departments. Notify all department heads to get ready for possible confrontation from Coruscant forces. What is the status on the experimental heavy duty fighter craft?"

"They are operational sir! But as you know they are still under development and this will be their first combat-orientated field test!"

*The Captain did not answer the ensign, and so he assumed that the Captain knew. The minute passed, and the blue vortex of hyperspace dissipated as fast as it had appeared several hours ago. The starlines receeded into stars against the deathly cold canvas of space. The TSO Beta Fleet Flagship SSD sent out a hail to any and all ships in immediate and outer high orbit of Coruscant...and awaited reply...*

Darth Viscera
Mar 15th, 2001, 06:37:51 PM
Viscera's flagship SSD, along with two ISDs, detached from the main battle fleet, and engaged an interdiction course towards the enemy. TIE Devils sprang out from their designated patrol routes at an astonishing speed, and began strafing the SSD in packs. Viscera projected his thoughts outward, and spoke with Garrett Blade through the force:

"Just give me a reason to kill you," he snarled.

Garrett Blade
Mar 22nd, 2001, 05:37:02 PM
*Viscera did not receive an answer from Garrett, which was understandable and yet unlike Garrett not to give a witty or offensive retort. He rarely left the opportunity to disrespect authorative figures and superiors...perhaps he regarded Viscera as neither!*

*On the bridge, the Captian began to shout orders to the various command stations on the bridge...*

Alright then! Target the primary Planetary Shields power grid network as well as auxiliary power to the planetary shields systems. All other targets are considered expendible if hostile or obstructive! Launch all fighters. Repeat, launch all 144 TIE Interceptors. Execute Alpha-Zeta-1008 with the five TIE-Bomber squadrons, and give me an update on the experimental heavy du...

Captain! The Heavy Duty Experimental Fighters have just exited the hanger bay and gone ahead of the main fighter swarm!

No need for alarm officer. Their orders are pre-set and nothing to worry about! Carry on as planned!

*And with that, a large mass of fighters made their way towards Viscera's flagship. Simultaneously, the Ion Cannons were locked onto the shield power systems and ready to fire on the Captains mark. As this was going on, Garretts room was quiet...too quiet...yet that purple aura remained...*

Khendon S
Mar 23rd, 2001, 12:20:54 AM
A slicer sat at Khendon’s comm. system and hacked his way into his opponents systems. “This is Moff Sevon, you have violated restricted air space, prepare to be destroyed.” Khendon grinned wildly as his fingers ran over command keys giving orders for him. 124 warships sat, surrounding the weak enemy force. Each ship had moved in from the small sector to provide a defensive cloak of the planet and made escape impossible. Gravity wells had been activated all over the place, ensuring maximum casualties towards the enemy.

“Lock onto that SSD, fire everything we have, and I mean everything.”
SSD3 Overtake and Omega escorted by twenty ISD<sup>2</sup>’s began closing distance, launching every fighter they had. The remaining ships stayed back to make sure nothing came or left.

“This is your final warning, leave this space or be destroyed, the odds have just shifted against you.”

Darth Viscera
Mar 23rd, 2001, 12:24:53 AM
OOC: I'm out of this thread, as according to the new sector fleet policy of the empire, Moff Sevon is defending Coruscant sector.

Garrett Blade
Mar 23rd, 2001, 02:16:30 PM
*The Captain swallowed hard as he thought of his inevitable punishment...*

As you wish. We...we stand down! We shall leave peacibly. We request that you deactivate your gravity well generators whilst we recall our fighter squadrons!

*The Captain waited for a reply whilst he gave the order for all TIE Fighters and Bombers to return to the hanger bay...*

Khendon S
Mar 23rd, 2001, 09:55:01 PM
Khendon looked on coldly. What was to stop this madman from raising a larger army and trying this again. Khendon shook his head. Action must be taken, he told himself. “Fire all ion cannons, disable that ship, I want all ships equipped with ion cannons to do so.”

The entire fleet opens fire, blue bolts of energy leaping from their ships hitting, with deadly accuracy, into the opponent’s critical systems, aiming for the engines. All fighters equipped with ion cannons assist with equivalent fire. The SSD’s shields are about to fail, Khendon frowns. “Now you know the price of attacking the empire.”

Garrett Blade
Mar 23rd, 2001, 11:43:05 PM
OOC: I like to go out with a bang!


*As the first volleys of Ion fire sprayed across the hull of the SSD, the Captain swallowed hard whilst trying to think clearly. His initial idea was to run from the bridge screaming like a madman, but if he did that then it would be like kneeling down and begging...*

Fire! Repeat, fire all weapons at targeted systems. Fire at will!

In an instant, laser and Ion fire errupted from the ships weapons. In the few seconds before the shields failed, the SSD's Ion cannons had penetrated the planetary shield and disabled the power network to the shields, as well as the turbolasers causing minimal yet noticable damage to civilian property. All TIE Bombers and TIE Fighters were back in the hanger, and air was being sucked out as the magnetic field power had been shutdown. People from the first two sections of the ship just outside the hanger bay were sucked out into space. Those who didn't were crushed by flying equipment and fighters being thrown about the hanger right before they exploded against the hanger walls. Life support was failing fast, and already the oxygen and temperatures in the barracks sector were virtually non-existent. The crew and personnel on board were dying fast due to multiple critical systems being disabled by the ion fire. The only thing that was suprisingly operational was the Heavy Duty Experimental Fighters which had not technically been ordered to return to the ship along with the other fighters...*

Fighter 1: Okay boys. Let's see what these tin cans can do!

Fighter 2: Roger that sir. Lets take it to 'em!

Fighter 3: Come and get it!

*The fighters doubled round to meet the enemy head on. It seemed rather suicidal for three fighters slightly bigger than a YT-1300 to take on an entire fleet, but nevertheless...*

*One of the enemy capital ships opened fire on one of the fighters. The heavy duty modified capital shield protected the ship from the blast, yet the resistance was too much and caused the generators to overheat. The ship errupted into a ballof fire and disintergrated within seconds. The two remaining fightrs seemed to see sense and turned round and headed towards the planet. As they neared the atmosphere threshold, the enemy fleet once again opened fire. The starboard turbolaser cannon was hit on one of the fighters, which caused it to spin out of control and collide with the other one. Although the shields on the other fighter held it together, the other one didn't stand a chance. Yet the other fighter was not out of the asteroids yet, as it was now on fire due to the resultant explosion from the collision. Structural integrity was still in tact, but not holding stably. A few seconds later, the ship emerged out of the Coruscant higher atmosphere and was plummeting towards the soaring metropolis below. Less than thirty seconds later, the fighter smashed into the side of a residential building, and did not emerge on the other side. A huge explosion immediately followed, throwing civilians left right and center out of the building and to their deaths below.*

*The SSD's crew were in a bad state, nobody was left alive on the bridge, nor the hanger bay, and a few barely living crew were scattered about decks thirteen through thirty...*

Khendon S
Mar 24th, 2001, 12:26:31 PM
Khendon looked on with harsh eyes, a small price to pay the death toll on the planet would be for his systems safety. The ion cannons finally battered the enemy SSD in submission, disabling it, all systems.

Zero G troopers emerged from transports near the enemy SSD, they entered the through the docking bay, entering the ship, about 1,000 total. Lines were shot from ships to the enemy SSD; they then began towing it out of system, out of range of the planet.

As the ships stopped towing the SSD each capitol ship launched shuttles, hundred upon thousands of shuttles. Each shuttle attached onto the SSD’s hull and burned their way through or entered from the hangars or air locks.

The teams rushed onto every level, killing survivors, looking for two people, Garrett Blade and the captain of the ship. The teams took control of any escape vestal or pod; they made sure there was no way for him to escape.

Khendon’s personal craft docked with the opponent’s crippled SSD. He boarded the enemy craft in a Zero G suit, walking down the main hall towards Garrett’s personal quarters, light sabers ready if need be and fifty troops following, each armed with stun rifles. They neared the door and two troopers rigged a high explosive to it, blowing it off its hinges.

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 03:51:48 PM
*As the smoke cleared, the troops rushed inside the Admiral suite. Khendon stepped in once his troops had entered. The purple aura in the room was rapidly dissipating into the center of the room, concentrating itself into a dark votrex of darkside energy. Garrett was nowhere to be found. Instead, his two pet Tuk'ata's stood opposite two swirling pools of blood on the floor. As the troopers aimed their rifles to open fire on the abominations of nature, Shiva and Fenix leapt into the pools of blood mere seconds before they closed up like old wounds. The lasers merely dissipated on the metallic floor and partially burned the fur rug in front of the old fashioned fire place. The room was silent for a few moments as the troops stirred at each other in amazement.*

*The wreakage of the Heavy Duty Experimental Fighter which crashed into the building hissed and creaked as metal grinded under its own weight. Several bodies lay about the ship, probably killed from the initial impact and resultant explosion. The room was unrecognisable now that the fighter lay inside it. The door was open, with another body laying in the doorway. The hallway itself was scattered with bodies. They must have been killed by fire and backflash from the explosion. Down the stairs and along the next floor, more bodies lay about. Perhaps they could have been killed when the fighter hit. As was the case for the next three floors. Dead bodies were struin about in doorways and along corridors. Surely they could not have been killed by the impact of the fighter. A cxouple of floors from the ground, screams could be heard, followed by yet more bodies. These screams carried on into the poorer sub-levels of the building. A man stood by a drainpipe next to a relay control station. He was searching furiously for something, a weapon...anything that would help him with his intended mission on Coruscant. Suddenly, the mans head was impaled by a sceptic lead pipe. The pipe penetrated his skull with the greatest of ease, and also dug into the computer readout on the panel in front. Crimson life oozed from his head. A hand grabbed hold of the lifeless head. The thick black glove was instantly covered with the mans blood. Garrett held his soaked glove in front of his face. He licked the blood critically, then let go of the body, allowing it to stand upright thanks to the pipe impaling it on the wall...*

Not pure enough! Not innocent enough! Not young enough!

*Garrett spat the blood out onto the wet dark floor. The basement was lightless, seemingly lit up by the welcoming shadows all around him. He walked further into the darkness, to decide what course of action to take, to find inspiration for his..........masterpiece!*

*Meanwhile, above the plabet, something was stirring. As the SSD was towed away, the mass of fighters and bodies floated aimlessly above the planet. A starfighter graveyard of this scale was something to see! Then, a lone fighter powered its engines. The TIE Defender had not been online and the pilot had been kept alive by his environmental vacuum suit. Within seconds the TIE Defender was clear of the debris and racing away from the planetary gravity well. Before a response team could be ordered to intercept it, the TIE Defender blasted off into hyperspace, back to Corellia to report in personally to Admiral Roebuck, custodian of a complete record of what happened here today...*

Khendon S
Mar 24th, 2001, 04:14:22 PM
(OOC: Gravity wells are still activated in the area, the TIE Defender would not be able to enter hyperspace, further more we have large amounts of fighters in the area currently that would spot it and destroy it, if they didn't see it our high-powered probes would and they'd alert every GMA ship in the area.)

Troops march across the cities, each squad searching through the debris of battle for survivors. Each squad that entered an area had two men armed with repeating blasters; four with stun rifles, one marksman, two demo men, and a unit for scanning for life forms.

As the troops entered the building Garrett was in. Their life form scanners showed only one living creature, in the lower levels. Each trooper activated his all spectrum monitor system, attached into each unit’s helm. Even though the troop wore full body armor, they made no sound. As they moved down they picked up the heat from Garrett’s body and one of the men, the marksman took aim, setting his rifle to stun. Another trooper stayed back and radioed for backup, the scanners had identified the life form as Garrett Blade, wanted for the murder of innocent civilians and penetrating restricted space.

One hundred troops marched on the outside of the building, preparing to enter. Engineers cut off all access ports. Two thousand troops created a parameter defense.


The SSD was towed into the nearest GMA port and began being turned into a GMA war ship; life form scanners and thousands of troops had cleared the ship. All systems were disabled, the reactor shut off, while everything was being rewired. A new prize for the empire. Bomb squads had cleared the ship as well; it was fully under their control. Garrett’s room was ransacked, entirely cleared of all material and refaced with new metal.

Khendon received word of his opponent’s arrival on planet and boarded his craft, flying down to the planet.

Khendon S
Mar 24th, 2001, 04:20:13 PM
Over every standuard broadcast Khendon's following words can be heard: "All ships entering and leaving system will be held, using gravity wells, in the sector, each ship will be searched using life form detectors, military units will then be posted onto the ship until it has arrived at its destination. Fighter escort of two TIE Devils will also be used.

Each ship entering will be turned back, first being pulled out of hyperspace a safe distance away from any planet in the sector.

Any ship that resists will be disabled and boarded.
Any ship found harbouring Garrett Blade will be disabled, boarded, and he will be escorted, sudated, to a Lictor class dungeon ship."

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 04:29:09 PM

The TIE Defender, if you read carefully didn't leave for hyperspace until it had cleared the gravity well(s). Also fighters, capital ships or whatnot would not have intercepted it in time as it had been disguised among the debris, all systems deactivated. It waited until it was a safe distance away from all danger until it activated power and left. Bare in mind Defenders are very fast.

Darth Viscera
Mar 24th, 2001, 07:03:49 PM

The TIE Defender would have to power up its engines to attempt to escape the gravity well field. That would have destroyed the disguise, sending a wing of TIE Devils down on it. TIE Defenders travel a maximum sublight velocity of 144 MGLT. TIE Devils travel approximately 13% faster, 166 MGLT. TIE Defender escape section ignored.

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:10:02 PM

Firstly, why do you want to destroy a roleplay for other people? You can't ignore a post without LOGICAL reason. You are talking unrealistically about this and being EXTREMELY tedious.

I'll explain shall I!

The fleet was moving away from the planet, towing the SSD away. The debris field would naturally move away from the moving fleet due to the axial rotation of the planet, thus increasing the distance between the fighter graveyard and the Imperial Fleet. Now, the pilot is an agent, a TIE Fighter pilot/agent. Thus, he would most definetly have knowledge of ships, and therefore know when to power up his engines so as not to be detected, hence, it is only logical to assume an agent of a Sith faction would be intelligent enough to wait to leave only when there is enough distance between him and Imperial forces.

Please don't spoil an RPG with much potential by nit-picking, otherwise I shall begin to do so at your attempts, this is a community of roleplayers, NOT critics.

Darth Viscera
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:27:36 PM
Perhaps you don't understand the importance of Coruscant, then. We've just spent the last 170 days IRL plotting to take that planet, and then you come in and undermine our defenses unrealistically, both IC and OOC. As if there wouldn't be a planetary shield active to prevent those two ships from crashing into a Coruscant building. As if the patrolling TIE Devils wouldn't have intercepted and vaped that TIE Defender the moment it powered up. Pfftt. The bottom line is that you're trying to scrape together a humiliating RP at our expense, and you're pissed off that we're defending ourselves.

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:24:30 PM
Amidst the chaotic activity occuring above and below Coruscant, a reasonably sized fleet emerges from out of hyperspace on the other side of the planet; it consists of:

2 SSD's
6 ISD's
12 VSD's
18 Imperial Dreadnaughts

To his astonishment and utter dismay, Admiral Roebuck sitting on the bridge of one of the Super Star Destroyers, he saw on a small view screen in front of him, the devastation of countless TSO starfighters and the desamated command ship of his Beta Fleet. Immediatly he turns to a comm console on the arm of his chair, pressing a string of commands he begins speaking:

"This is Admiral Roebuck of TSO Naval Forces. I have a number of questions to ask and I want answers:

1. Who is currently in command of this Imperial operation?
2. Where is Garrett Blade?
3. What the hell happened to those starfighters?
4. Why are there thousands of TSO crewmen floating dead in space?
5. What the hell do you think your doing with my Super Star Destroyer?" the series of questions echoed throughout the Imperial Fleet above Coruscant as Roebuck waited in silence onboard his ship, awaiting answers.

Khendon S
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:55:26 PM
(OOC: maybe you don't understand, the ships hauling the SSD were all that moved, we have probes scattered everywhere that would detect your pilot, in a ship or not, and detect his ship as soon as it moved. Also, you took down our entire planetary defenses in almost no posts with one ship, this is god moding. You then managed to get a ship onto planet w/ out us knowing it was you, even though our probes would pick it up. I have half a mind to ignore this entire thing. Ruin it?!? I don't think so, i'm being realistic while you're outragious!)

A line was opened to Roebuck, "Your fleet is in violation of GMA space, you will be fired upon if you do not stand down and leave this sector. Garrett is under arest for crimes against the empire. Your fighters have been destroyed due to hostile actions by them. Your SSD has been confiscated due to the illegal actions it was used under, this means it's ours."

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 24th, 2001, 10:45:25 PM
Upon hearing the Imperial's response, Roebuck flips a switch to his side and simultaneously turning a key as he pressed a button. He then said, "Authorisation ROEBUCK-THETA-ONE." He then signals to the bridge Commander who answers with a nod of acknowledgement. The Commander turns to an internal comms console and activates a secure frequency with the rest of the task force in orbit of Coruscant.

"This is Commander Lévane, your orders are to initiate defensive formation BETA-ONE in preparation for any possible hostility from the Imperials."

The fleet then begins to reposition itself in an organised pattern. Whilst this occured, a Lambda Class Shuttle carrying Roebuck left the Super Star Destroyer accompanied by three squadrons of TIE Defenders. It wasn't long before they had reached the gravity field threshold and would soon make the jump into hyperspace for Corellia.

"Be cautious Captain" came the transmission from Roebucks shuttle.

Khendon S
Mar 24th, 2001, 11:31:48 PM
Khendon looked annoyed, "A leader who won't do his own dirty work." Khendon scratches his head as his shuttle moves back to his SSD and docks once again.


The marksman aimed, and took his shot, a stun bolt colliding with Garrett knocking him out. The troopers rushed up to him and applied stun cuffs. They then added sedatives to ensure he would not wake up. They dragged him outside and loaded him onto a shuttle. The shuttle took off and transfered the prisoner to an awaiting Lictor class Dungeon ship. An ISD<sup>2</sup> breaks off and escorts it. The gravity wells are brought down and the two ships hyper out to Corellia.

"This is Moff Sevon, as I have said, you are in violation of GMA space, you may leave peacefully, we will not fire upon you unless you move upon our sector any further. We recongnize your formation change as a act of hostility... anymore acts shall cause my fleet to engage you with deadly effect. You will find we have an edge."

Just as those words left Khendon's mouth the planetary shield was fixed, yet it would take another two hours to be activated. All planetary turbolasers and ion cannons were activated again. The defense net was up.

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 24th, 2001, 11:43:46 PM
A single VSD breaks away from the task force and heads towards the fleet, it speeds towards the Imperials perpendicular to it's orbit of the planet, onboard awaits a group of five individuals who make their way to the hanger bay and board a shuttle. A transmission is sent to the imperial fleet:

"This is VSD 025. We hope to send an away team to speak with Moff Khendom, there are important issues here that must be resolved. For example, that SSD which is TSO property must be handed back in order to avoid conflict. You have no claims to that ship whatsoever and as far as the murdering of the crew members is concerned, compensation will be neccessary to; a. compensate the families of their unneccessary losses and b. to fund TSO in it's repairing that SSD once it is returned."

Khendon S
Mar 25th, 2001, 12:10:15 AM
"I will allow you audience to discuss these issues... I assure you not a hair on your teams head shall be harmed, at least not by me or my men."

The Overtaker sends a clearance code to the shuttle allowing it to dock.

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 25th, 2001, 12:14:18 AM
"Odd you didn't give all those crew members that same assureance isn't it?" was the only reply and with that the shuttle docked in the hanger bay and the five representatives made their way down the boarding ramp onto the hanger bay floor.

Khendon S
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:26:41 AM
The representatives met with Moff Sevon in a meeting room. The room was large and had marble floors. The right side had a large view port. At the head of a very long table sat Khendon, looking at the men who sat before him.

Khendon stands up, face cold and emotionless. “Now you shall listen to what I have to say, you will not receive any repayment for your lost troopers, you shall not receive repayment for the SSD or the SSD. The SSD shall be kept as payment for all of the damage done on planet, further more, you are lucky we are not chagrining you, for the loses of the families on the planet and for the three billion credits we’ve lost in productivity due to this attack and having to shut down trade for six hours. As if that weren’t enough; remember, Garrett came here to kill people, he intended for GMA civilians and military personnel to die.” Khendon looked at the representatives and sat down.

“The floor is open.”

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:40:25 AM
"What solid evidence do you have to support your claims of Garrett Blades intentions? He was not under TSO orders and you do not return the ship along with the neccessary compensation for your unneccessary action towards the ship and it's crew then we will take action accordingly." was the representatives reply.

Meanwhile, one of the men who was with him typed what was being said in the talks to Admiral Roebuck who was onboard the Titan Class Star Destroyer not far from the Sesswenna System.


Remember, your character has no way of telling what Garrett's intentions were. He in no way made his intentions clear except OOC so therefore, IC you wouldn't know if he had such hostile intentions. Technically speaking.

Khendon S
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:43:34 AM
"besides the fact that he attacked Viscera's cap ship, our planet, and denied requests to turn around before being fired upon, besides that... he was innocent! The ship is a spoil of war. You're lucky I let you talk with me, I out gun you and have a better position currently then you!" Khendon laughs loudly.

As Khendon stops laughing the entire fleet moves into a wall formation, blocking the enemy fleet from the planet.

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 25th, 2001, 08:14:44 AM
"I agree, in our reports Garrett Blade was entirely unco-operative, but not the command ships captain, he surrendered the ship. You progressed to fire at it, send in your men and mercilessly slaughter the men of an allies ship, that is a war crime! You then proceed to claim our ship for your own?" questions the representative.

Khendon S
Mar 25th, 2001, 12:21:57 PM
"I don't think you understand," Khendon said in a cold voice, eyes filled with wild rage, "bringing an armed ship without our authorization into restricted space, is an act of war! Therefore we have every right to the ship that we legally disabled in an attempt to save our planet! Listen, you do not have an advantage over me, I have more ships, more firepower, and a hell of a lot of more skill!" Khendon's face-hardens as he looks at the men. "I understand where your coming from, I'd probably be doing the same if it were my ship; but, we retain rights to it do to its hostile intent. If I sent a ship over to your home world, attacked it, then said I’d leave peacefully after having caused damage and cut productivity, what the keldar would you do!" Khendon slammed his fist on the table angrily.

"No, you shall not regain this ship, and if you do not leave, as I have requested many times, I will disable and board every ship in your fleet! You don't understand, this is restricted space! NOW GET OFF MY SHIP!"

Khendon S
Mar 25th, 2001, 12:30:22 PM
Khendon curses as he receives new orders, “I am sorry, gentle men, for my outburst. The following is a new offer: We will turn over the SSD, you will pay us for loss of trade, 3.6 billion at this time and going up, and remove the amount needed for the families. But we will not pay for repair of the SSD. This may be negotiated.”

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 25th, 2001, 03:23:27 PM
"Apology accepted Khendon" answered the main representative with an overly smug grin, "TSO will accept this offer and trouble you no more, we can only stomach negotiating with Imperials for so long as I'm sure you can understand!"

The five men stood, all baring grins on their faces. They give each other a quick look of bemusement and holding back their own amusement proceed to leave the room.

Khendon S
Mar 25th, 2001, 08:05:44 PM
Khendon stroked his chin, personally he would have liked to put a blaster to each one of those men’s heads and watch them wet their pants… but orders were orders, and he a soldier.

The TSO members departed back to their ISD. Khendon returned to the bridge, his fleet would go back on patrol of the sector once the TSO fleet left.

Garrett Blade
Mar 26th, 2001, 07:23:48 PM
*Meanwhile...something was stirring in the high-security cell on board the dungeon ship...*

Nobody knows.....the trouble I've seen!Nobody knows...but Gav!!!!!

*Garrett walked over to the energy barrier and made eye contact with the dungeoneer...*

You got a knife or a sharp object I can slit my throat with pal?

*The dungeoneer scoffed slightly, then tossed him a dagger, which seemed to pass through the energy barrier. Actually, it was deactivated for a split-second whilst the blade passed the energy emitters. Instantly the barrier was back up and Garrett could not escape...*

Oh thank the force! You're the saver of my life..........or is it...the bringer of my death.......I don't know dungeoneers!!!

*Garrett unexpectedly thrust the six inch knife into his neck and tore right across his skin. The blood flowed freely from the wound and made a crimson pool on the glistening black floor of the "dungeon". After a few minutes the pool was almost two metres in diameter, and yet the blood kept flowing. The red vitae began to emit a low red glow. The dungeoneer gaped in horror as he suspected what was happening and so ran to get reinforcements. Yet when he returned, Garrett was standing in the middle of a twelve metre long pool of blood up to his ankles. This was because for some strange reason, the blood had not fanned out into the entire of the room, yet built up at the centre where Garrett was standing. The surface seemed to slope downwards from the middle. As the barrier was deactivated, Garrett submerged himself in the two-inch deep pool of death, and disappeared. But before his hand disappeared, it spontaneously combusted and the blood ignited, engulfing the room and its occupants, as well as setting off multiple spontaneous fires down the corridor...*

*Meanwhile, back on Coruscant...*

*The cleanup crews were just about finishing off. All the bodies had been gathered and packed up ready for the sector morgue. The repulsorlift ambulances soared off from the scene whilst the Stormtroopers began the tedious task of questioning civilians who might have seen something, as well as calming down the residents to as great an extent as their limited capabilities could manage. A medic and coroner sat in the lead ambulance which led the way for the other ambulances. They were sitting to the side of several body backs, presumably containing one of the innocent victims of todays earlier escapades. Suddenly, the ambulances all stop at once, not even crashing into one another as if synchronised. The ambulance personnel burst out of the doors screaming at the top of their voices. They were immediately followed by a flood of blood. The blood washed out onto the road, and stained the black tar. When it had stopped flowing, the personnel stepped back inside the repulsorlifts to find nothing more than bloodstained transport hold and a number of empty body bags...and Garrett was nowhere to be found...*

Khendon S
Mar 26th, 2001, 07:49:51 PM
(OOC: Oh sorry, I guess you need to read what I posted, your sedated and can't wake up! On top of that you have stun cuffs on! That basically means, that post has just been ignored by me and anyone of importance, mainly for the reasons of error and, I'd say, god moding.*

Garrett lay on a table, all body parts strapped down. His hands had stun conductors attached to them while a steady drip of sedatives slowly made its way into his arm. A universal energy field blocked the Sith and finally the chamber was blocked off by a high-grade door that could only be opened by the TSO staff Garrett was being sent over to.

Mar 26th, 2001, 10:44:53 PM
Piett stood in the shadows on Shimi's flagship. It had only been recently the man had accepted the former guard into a more recent sect.

Behind the crimson plasteel of his helmet, he was wrapping up a conversation with Sumor Raiyal, his direct surperior in the Sith Empire. "Alright, sir. I'll take care of it."

He bowed, ever so slightly to his charge Shimi, and walked out of the room to his personal quarters. Small and cramped, one was more likely to take it for a cubicle than a bedroom.

Tapping lightly on a button, a holographic keyboard sprung up. tappin the keys blocked rays returning to the transmitter, resolving in a trustworthy and reliable holonet provider.

Scanning down pages of document, he came to what he needed: a Military comm directory, complementary of the Bothan Spynet. Entering a four digit code and sending a sum in th egeneral direction of Kothlis, he scanned for Roebuck, Admiral. A fourteen digit number, plus a four digit VIP verification number, were present.


"Admiral Roebuck, this is Director of TSE Naval Forces, Sean Piett. Thankyou for resolving the situation, and attempt to keep your warlords in place. Future outbreaks could resolve in TSE involvement with the rogue."

Garrett Blade
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:15:03 PM
OOC: Well then, I call your earlier post "god-moding" since you captured Garrett without letting me make a post! Do remember that people can't be online 24/7 to reply instantly you know! You will find with EVERy roleplay I participate in, I never make a post immediately after one of mine if it will affect any other characters directly in any way without their approval first. So I ask you to either accept my previous post or go back to the part where your troops surrounded the building. Either they are both legal, or they are both unfair, either way I am no longer in custody since if they are both legal, then I can try to escape from the building on Coruscant, as was my initial plan, and my previous post will be rendered irrelevant!

Gav Mortis
Mar 27th, 2001, 05:42:18 PM

I must confess, Garrett has been very patient with your method of roleplaying Khendon and I too believe the way you captured him and conveniently had 2000 troops surrounding him within a minute is rather far fetched. You gave him no chance to escape so I suggest either you both nullify the posts in question or they are both legal, nevertheless they are both far, far fetched!

Khendon S
Mar 27th, 2001, 06:24:29 PM
(OOC: I would say you’re right, Grav… but… His getting on the planet was god moding especially without my security systems knowing it. Therefore, too bad. That and you’re a biased source. That, and, troops would already be assembled in that mass in the city, it would take almost no time for them to amass in one small location, don’t start, you’re just being a cry baby because you’re being shipped back without winning, you should be happy, if I had it my way you’d be in a GMA Lictor Class Dungeon ship orbiting the planet, being tortured… but, TSO has intervened and so you’re being sent to them, don’t complain.

As a final note, I’m never rping w/ you again, I’d rather have my hair ripped out, on strand at a time, you are the reason the term "god mod" was coined.)

Gav Mortis
Mar 27th, 2001, 07:03:46 PM

I'm certainly not a biased source. See that "OOC:" sign up there? It means that this is a guy called Andrew Milligan talking, not some Sith/Admiral from TSO. Your capturing him in one post was ridiculous but he didn't whine, who was the first to start the whining? You should think before you call people a cry-baby. With an attitude like that I wouldn't be suprised to think that the guy who plays Garrett Blade wont bother with this roleplay now.

Bottom line, both of you performed ridiculously significant things in one post. The best thing would be to either nullify both posts or just call it quits.

Khendon S
Mar 27th, 2001, 11:50:41 PM
(OOC: Wow, you really need to be taught a lesson in manners and respect. I believe you should leave this post right now and not respond, thank you. I don't find any gravity towards this RP in your posts; I'm even offended, I'd say, by you attacking me and my skills in such a childish manner.

Just as a side note, you are still a biased source; you play both characters, therefore share the same feelings, likes and dislikes. It’s like saying you are not the same person to say you’re not a biased source.

In reply to the bottom line: What did you expect to have me do, let him take over a planet GMA has spent such a long time in getting and alow him to slaughter innocents, I have half a mind to take my SSD and head over to a planet you protect and start acting like Garrett has towards my sector; let's see what you do.

Anything I have brought to light or any attacks I have made upon you as a rper, which I do not believe I have done, unlike you have, wait... that might just have been one... as I was saying, has been brought down upon you by your own actions in complaining about a rp that you weren't even in, as this character at least, and just basically posting, I feel, to annoy the... dare I say it, out of me.)

Garrett Blade
Mar 28th, 2001, 01:00:17 PM
What the hell are you talking about? Andrew Milligan (real-life person) plays Roebuck/Gav Mortis. Peter McCoy (real-life person, and me!) plays Garrett Blade. So you just got your arse/eye wiped then, whatever suits you! And we have not "attacked your skills" in any way - you are putting words into our mouths. You really know how to avoid something and turn it around and aim it at the other person, and were there a need for that you would be unstoppable, I believe smugglers require those types of skills, so perhaps roleplaying an Imperial is not right for you?

The fact of the matter is: No Andrew, I am not going to end this roleplay. I will continue it since it is character development above all else. And anyways Khendon, when the hell did I mention that I was trying to take over Coruscant? I stated my intentions crystal clearly in my opening post as an OOC comment. And in my opinion, it's quite impossible to storm Coruscant with only the resources on board and SSD anyways, but then again Garrett would be the only one to attempt such a suicidal task. But thats not the point is it. The point is that once again you are putting words into other peoples mouth!

I await your criticising/moaning post!

Mar 28th, 2001, 03:16:37 PM
(OOC: Let's not let this thread degrade. I, for one, will take Blade's capture seriously. K7, shall we retake the demon?)


Terminating his conversation with Admiral Roebuck, Piett left the communications chamber. Shortly before, he'd requested a shuttle be redied. Now, the need was obsolete, though he might as well go to the Lictor and visit the prisoner.

Boarding the shuttle, he notified the pilot of the course change. Then, blaring over the comm...

"Blade has escaped his cell! Blade has esc- ARRRGHHH!"

Khendon S
Mar 28th, 2001, 08:42:31 PM
Khendon, onboard his SSD, received the annoying news, Garrett had escaped his cell. “I want the ship stopped, they’re not too far away so a group will intercept and investigate.” Two ISD<sup>2</sup>s break formation and enter hyperspace as Khendon requests a status report from the planet. The shields are back up and weapon systems active, once again, as security on planet is tightened.

Ship begin patrolling the sector.

Khendon mumbles to himself, “This foul creature does not know what he’s giving up.”