View Full Version : Attack on Temple Avalon
Live Wire
Dec 3rd, 2000, 09:58:32 PM
OOC: This is mainly a TSO organized attack but any of our allies who would like to join in a land strike against temple avalon are welcome to assist. Lets have fun people!
*The ships of TSO landed a short distance aways from the jedi stronghold and the sith borded their speeder bikes and sped toward the jedi stronghold. The sith had managed to get past the jedi defenses by using a small unmarked cargo shuttle. They had mananged to sneak through with the usual arival of shipments to dagobah.
(OOC: that better? This is just to have fun and get some life going around here!)
The jedi knew that an attack was imenent and made preparations. The sith were hungry for a battle. It had been awhile since they had made and offensive strike against the jedi and they were ready to do battle. The first wave of speeders headed toward the temple*
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:02:45 PM
*Reaclls Dagobah having planetary shields* :/
Gav Mortis
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:13:55 PM
OOC: Imp don't get picky, this is just for a bit of fun! :rolleyes:
As Gav nears the domaneering sight of the Temple, approaching at increadible speed on his speeder bike he aims a thermal grenade launcher at one of it's larger spires and fires with great force, almost falling from his vehicle as he fires.
Watching the grenade explode in a brilliant display of yellow and red, Gav grinned watching the burning spire fall to the ground killing many temple-goer's beneath it, the screams were soon silenced.
"Ooh, that's gotta hurt!" he said as he neared the temple with his fellow Sith aiming another shot at the main entrance, then firing.
Darth Turbogeek
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:24:47 PM
Dagobah DOES have planetary shields.
And shipyards.
And ground defences.
Is this just an Sith carnage ego boost, or is this supposed to be fair dinkum?
Hart Kenobi
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:38:06 PM
I've been kinda wondering. I've been hearing a lot about Imperials and Imperial Admirals and etc, but I haven't really been hearing about New Republic regular military men. Do we have any or is it basically all Jedi?
Silent Sith
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:47:24 PM
*after making his landing in a small transport he lifted on Corellia the Silent Sith watches from a distance from beneath his wooden mask. he spies TSO forces loading from inside an unmarked ship and several explosions. he jumps onto his swoop bike, removes his saber and speeds away to get closer while holding his saber lifeless, but ready.*
Lord Psychic
Dec 3rd, 2000, 10:50:48 PM
*Lord Psychic speeds in his speeder bike, heading toward the temple.*
The Lounge Lizard
Dec 3rd, 2000, 11:02:25 PM
:: A low rumble can be heard overhead as LL's ship, the Oozaru II flies overhead, Small conical jets of steam shoot from underneath as the ship slows its descent. As the ship approaches the ground, landing struts drop down, supporting the relatively long ship. A gangplank drops down on hydraulics, and a single man with greying hair walks down, wearing combat armor. He gazes through the trees at the horizon, noting the Jedi temple several miles ahead. Slowly, he begins his walk, lightsaber in hand ::
Xarkz Chaos
Dec 3rd, 2000, 11:42:43 PM
*As the bike swoops around the ground, Chaos fires a borrowed thermal detonator launcher and watches it break a wall of a building.*
I see why Gav did this is in the first place... * Charges launcher for another shot*
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 4th, 2000, 12:16:42 AM
Flash Back
----------10-11 Hours Before the Strike----------
**the Morning was cool, with dew drops on the plants. Unknown creatures fly past, taking little or no notice in the man walking across the swamp. Larger Swamp Creatures Eye the man wearily, but they look at the little creature hanging on his shoulder with Hunger. Dyzm Pets the Ysalamari as he makes his way to the temple's back. Where the mantience crew lives. Dyzm Bursts through the Door startling 2 workers playing a sabacc game**
Crew1:Who, Who are You?
**Dyzm brushes back his cloak, exposing his Lightsaber for all to See**
Crew2:Are You A Jedi?
**Dyzm looks at the Man and gives him a nod**
Crew1: I dont recall ever seeing you here before...
Crew2:yeah, how come I Dont recognize you?
Dyzm: I am just visiting the Jedi here. And they asked me to deliver a message here before I Depart...
Crew1: Really? What's the Message?
Crew2:Wait a Second! How Do we know you aren't a Dark Jedi or a Sith?
Dyzm: Simple, If I was Evil, wouldn't the Jedi feel me through the Force and Stop Me?
Crew2: Well You got me there...
Crew1: See I knew it all along, He ain't evil. So what's the message?
Dyzm: Later Today, More supplies will be coming in. We Need you to drop the shields so they can get in.
Crew2:Why Dont you Just contact The Landing Zones, They can turn off the shields too.
Dyzm: Well, it a lot of ships, and wouldn't all fit in the landing Zone.
Crew1: Ok, You Can Count On Me Sir, **His Friend Nudges Him** I mean You Can Count On Us Sir!
Dyzm Nods: Good, Maybe I'll See You later.
With that, Dyzm Walks out to wait for the strike to begin
----------End Flash Back, Present Time----------
Dec 4th, 2000, 01:39:30 AM
*Swooping in and out of the TSO fleet, a small droid probe shaped like a TIE fighter-D observes all movement made by both sides. The movements and battle conditions are sent back encrypted to "The Destronger", and are viewed by Firebird1 and K9.*
K9: Sir, shouldn't we join the battle now as well...
Firebird1: Not yet, lets wait and watch for a moment...
Dec 4th, 2000, 04:53:27 AM
Gengar uses his speeder and travles to the west side of the temple. he takes out his sound gun.
*Hmmm i'll just put this baby on low power so i don't make too much noise*.
He shoots the gun makeing a rumble felt throughout the complex. the wal slwoly crumbles. he goes in and hides behind a wall while two guards walk by.
GAURD: What was that an earthquake
Gaurd2: can't be we don't get those around here.
Gengar walks behind them and slits there throats so as not to make them scream. he opens a comm link to everyone.
*Gengar here i'm in and going on ahead to cause some trouble. gengar out*.
Gengar walks down the hall.
Gav Mortis
Dec 4th, 2000, 06:55:23 AM
OOC: DT, there are times when details aren't important, it's not a Sith Carnage Fest it's merely an excuse to fight, ie. not a roleplay which affects either sides current ststus, y'know...FUN!
Ummm...Jedi response, anyone?
Lady DeVille
Dec 4th, 2000, 07:29:53 AM
ooc: sorry, not a Jedi! I don't have time to get involved right now, but will be watching this with interest... still no Jedi?
Michael Cline
Dec 4th, 2000, 09:35:58 AM
::Behind gengar a figure moves, sensing the presence he turns to look into the face of Michael Cline::
Is this all necessary? The pain the suffering? What could possibly drive you to be part of this? Why?
Grand Adm Thrawn
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:14:19 AM
OOC: this could of been more interesting and fun if you would of made it a RPG. i dont think many jedi are even going to bother with this thread.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:23:46 AM
*As the ship had landed, Tholuem got out second, after Gav, and followed him too. He saw the explosion, and a big smile apeared on his face. Then he turned left after gengar, and saw gengar go inside, and heard him on the comm link. As he got off his bike he saw Cline showing up too, but he thought genagr could handle that anyway... So he took another turn towards the other side of the building, stopped his bike, and jumped off. He entered the building and waited for someone to cross his path inside... There were some speeders going behind him too.*
Gav Mortis
Dec 4th, 2000, 01:37:18 PM
OOC: Fine, then. I take it everything needs to have a storyline and a preplanned plot for people to like it? Well, excuse me for trying to have fun. Next time I'll be sure to tell you guys what to do in the battle.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 01:46:54 PM
OOC: I definately supports Gav's oppinion... Why are you making such a big deal out of it?! Just have fun, however you wish to. If you don't want to participate, then don't. If you do want to, then get us...
Dec 4th, 2000, 02:20:49 PM
Gengar smiles at Cline.
*Well me being a sith for one. and i like destruction it's far more enjoyable then having to save everybody all the time. now either get out of my way or you can join those two gaurds on the floor*.
Gengar ignites his saber and points it at Cline.
Michael Cline
Dec 4th, 2000, 04:15:46 PM
::Crosses his arm and looks at gengar sternly::
Try it.
Garrett Blade
Dec 4th, 2000, 05:52:46 PM
Darth Tholuem
Dec 4th, 2000, 06:02:19 PM
*Tholuem started sneaking further into the building when he heard the eruption, he started laughing and walked on. All the rooms there that had been seen by now had al been empty... Hmmm. Looking further... Then he hears Garret speak, as loud and enthousiastic as he always does. He was close, and he sensed three more Sith, and even a Jedi... Then he made a turn around the corner and noticed Gav, Live Wire, Gengar and Blade standing there.*
DT: "Seen anybody yet?"
GB: "Nope, Gav has toys though" He said, with a smile on his face.
DT: "Hehe! Okay, so... What up next?"
Dec 4th, 2000, 06:04:30 PM
OOC: Fine, then. I take it everything needs to have a storyline and a preplanned plot for people to like it? Well, excuse me for trying to have fun. Next time I'll be sure to tell you guys what to do in the battle.
Not at all. It's just that some people prefer to spend their time on RPGs with storylines, preplanned plots and the like. So what? Let them do what they want and you do what you want.
Just remember that what you consider to be nice and fun isn't what everyone else will think as well.
Lady Vader
Dec 4th, 2000, 06:43:00 PM
*looks at the Jedi*
party poopers... I think they're all better off meditating...
Michael Cline
Dec 4th, 2000, 07:44:28 PM
::A dirt covered hand pops up from the ground as Michael is barely able to pull himself out of the hole, he gasps for breath and looks up staring wide-eyed at the Sith who have gathered around him::
Oh............ Gawds.
Garrett Blade
Dec 4th, 2000, 08:14:53 PM
Michael Cline
Dec 4th, 2000, 08:28:25 PM
::Michael breathes heavily barely conscience as a voice echoes in his mind "Weak pathetic idiotic Jedi. You don't like violence eh? well I love it. Say goodbye to the world Michael your body belongs to me now." ::Michael screams in pain as his mind os overpowered and forced into recession. Michael slowly stands up a twisted grin on his face as he turns towards Garrett an evil gleam in his eye. Garrett snickers slightly::
"Getting back up you pathetic jedi? Good I can throw you around some more."
::Garrett charges Cline who shockingly to all turns quickly away from his attacker catching him with a well placed kick to the back of the neck sending Garrett crashing to the ground. Michael stretches slightly and smiles looking towards the other Sith::
"Its good to be back my friends. To bad I'm forced to make this pathetic Jedi my new body. Yes its a good day to be alive again."
::Looks around at his fellow members of TSO all of them recognizing a familiar change in his voice::
Xanatos Etanial...
Has returned.
::Michael now possessed by the demonic spirit of Etanial laughs wickedly::
OOC: this is an angle I'm playing for THIS RP ONLY it will be dealy with at the end, its a fair well of sorts to Xanatos. Lets just call it...
Lord Psychic
Dec 4th, 2000, 08:59:42 PM
*Psychic hops off his bike and ignites his saber.*
Do you expect us to fall for that?
Liam Jinn
Dec 4th, 2000, 10:06:09 PM
::As soon as the words are out of Tholuems mouth someone from behind grabs his shoulders and twists him around the corner to slam Tholuem into the wall. Tholuem, dazed and surprised, is spun around to be met with a force enhanced punch into his jaw and a kick to his groin.::
*Liam smiles* "awww did i surprise ya?"
::Liam flings the disiorinted sith around the corner back to where he was once standing, and Liam force speeds down the hall into a room::
OOC: sorry would've posted sooner but i was gone for a bit and haven't checked here in awile...
Michael Cline
Dec 4th, 2000, 10:52:37 PM
::Michael/Xanatos grins slightly as he sees Liam raising his hand up as if holding a sword he motions towards Liam as the Jedi watches in disbelief as Xanatos's sword appears in Cline/Etanial's hands::
Long time no see pal.
::looks towards psychic::
Please I figured you'd know me at least that well by now. Lets look at the facts. Cline can't fight worth crap and yet I just droppped Blade on his face. Duh earth to the goodexcuse me BAD... Doctor Psychic. It's me you numbnut.
Hart Kenobi
Dec 4th, 2000, 10:59:07 PM
*bring finger to his chin*
Lord Psychic
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:12:47 PM
Okay that's him alright. Please forgive me Xan, good to see you again.
OOC: It's LORD Psychic please.
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:17:01 PM
Gengar stares on in disbelief.
*Well i love all this family reunion but we have a temple to take over*.
Gengar turns over to hart kenobi and fires his gun sending him through a wall landing in a pond.
*All wet. well you jedi need a bath any way you stink. hey good by guys i'm going on ahead to try to find a guard or something to kill. have fun*.
Gengar runs off and around the corner.
Liam Jinn
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:23:15 PM
::Liam steps out of a room around the corner and Sticks his arm out at the right time hiting gengar in the neck knocking him off of his feet. Liam kicks the downed sith in the jaw and runs back down through the hallway into another room::
Silent Sith
Dec 4th, 2000, 11:46:21 PM
*Liam backs into the room to hear a saber being ignited. he turns to see Silent Sith standing behind him. his saber hums as he twirls the deep violet blades about. his wooden mask was etched with a frown and had a tear etched beneath the left eye. He motions for Liam to come with his left hand while he holds his saber ready with the other.*
Dec 5th, 2000, 12:11:19 AM
Before Laim could do anything, Gengar stormed into the room and looke dstraight at him.
*You stupid jedi don't ever oppose the sith*.
Gengar kicks him in the face and sends him flying into a chair. he then uses the force to pick him up and pin him to the roof. he hold him there and then lets him drop to the floor breaking his nose. he looks at the other sith in the room.
*I can handle him. thanks for the help*.
Gengar ties him up with chains and ties him to a metal pole in the room. gengar walks out of the room and continues to head down the hall.
Darth Tholuem
Dec 5th, 2000, 08:23:46 AM
*Tholuem's dizzy; some @#%$ just spun him around multiple times... He'd get him... Then he heard gengar getting some Jedi, and slowly walked towards the sound of the Sith, cuz he might've fallen over. He then saw Liam stuck in chains and other stuff, and started laughing.
"Was that you, Liam? Was that you, spinning me round like that? Yeah eh? Don't... Ever again."
*He kicks the Jedi in the nuts, but doesn't get any resistance; Liam is tied up. Then he Force Pulls the Jedi towards the other side of the room, but the chains are too short, so his his body gets stretched, and his arms and legs can't move any further... Liam screams as Tholuem gives another hard pull on the chains, stretching Liam's body some more. Then he stops the Force Pull, and Liam falls to the ground again, as he had been lifted up 3 feet in the air... He lays on the ground and breathes heavily, and looking if he's still okay... Then he gets lifted up again, sees Tholuem smiling at him, then gets Force Pushed against the wall he was tied to, with the chains that were a little long... He made the smack with the wall, and fell down.
"Jedi, have a nice day. But stay here will you?"
He laughs evilly, and he walks out after gengar...
Gav Mortis
Dec 5th, 2000, 03:19:19 PM
Just remember that what you consider to be nice and fun isn't what everyone else will think as well.
I didn't imply that, what i mean is if people just want to have some fun, great, post ahead. But why start saying well, we have these defences and these defences, that's unimportant in such a battle. That's why I was complaining-because if they don't want to take part they don't have to complain about the technique used.
Garrett Blade
Dec 5th, 2000, 05:50:15 PM
Michael Cline
Dec 5th, 2000, 05:58:23 PM
::D oes a sharp spinning jump from the hole and dusts himself off::
Oh invigorating. ::Laughs slightly:: Good question...
where are these pathetic heros at anyways?
Silent Sith
Dec 5th, 2000, 06:09:49 PM
*Cline begins to feel something strange, and he feels a force on his body. suddenly he begins sliding backwards slowly pcking up pace until he is lifted from the ground as he is being pulled telepathically. Down the corridor Cline speeds helplessly. He struggles gretly and eventually turns his head and as he does, he sees SS standing at the end of the corridor staring blankly through his mask. As Cline reaches him he takes one step left and with a spining kick cathes Cline in the back of the head with his left heel. The force of the impact throws Cline to the ground face first. Cline rools over and looks up o see SS driving the butt end of his saber towards his face. Cline rolls away just in time and SS ignites is saber.*
Michael Cline
Dec 5th, 2000, 06:15:09 PM
::Flips backwards away from SS::
HEY MORON! I may look like that pathetic Jedi but I am not him! This is Xanatos Etanial you're dealing with. My physical form was destroyed by Itala so I've taken over this pathetic Jedi. I'M A MEMBER OF TSO MYSELF!
Xanatos Etanial
Dec 5th, 2000, 06:19:06 PM
::Concentrating he shifts back to the physical appearance of X briefly:: SEE!?
Sniper Tondry
Dec 5th, 2000, 06:31:15 PM
A droid hovers up the the situation and projects a hologram of Pierce Tondry. "And he was also a member of Intel, but I don't see him returning to either organization," the hologram states to Silent Sith. "Even if it is Xanatos, this form changing thing is probably just a trick to save his hide. If I were you, I'd kill him and be done with it."
The hologram aims the image of rifle at Cline and mock fires. "You just got targeted, Jedi," the hologram says.
The droid shuts off the projector and floats away.
Silent Sith
Dec 5th, 2000, 06:39:28 PM
*SS ignores the comment and picks Cline/Xanatos up using the force and slams him against a wall. As Xan/Cline falls to the ground SS walks over to him and kics him squarly in the temple knocking him out. Xan/Cline comes to to find a wooden mask on his face simila to the one SS was wearing, but SS was nowhere to be found.*
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:25:40 PM
I didn't imply that, what i mean is if people just want to have some fun, great, post ahead. But why start saying well, we have these defences and these defences, that's unimportant in such a battle.
But when this thread was first posted the 'fun' part wasn't made clear. I personally thought this was a serious roleplay attempt as did others, including DT, which is why he made such a post.
If you look at the times in which the posts were made you'll see that Live Wire edited her post 25 minutes after DT made his post in which she emphasised that the thread was for fun.
Live Wire
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:29:33 PM
Next time I'll put fun in the title. Will that make it clear. I edited it cause someone suggested it might get more jedi involved. It didnt change the purpose of the thread which was to have some fun in a big battle which doesnt happen often enough around here. Next time I'll put it in big bold letters for all of you FUN!
if it was an rpg I would have stated that in the beginning that it was either an open or closed rpg. I did neither. Sheesh!
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:38:42 PM
It didnt change the purpose of the thread which was to have some fun in a big battle which doesnt happen often enough around here.
Woah, watch your words. Those that have a great time in the ordinary roleplaying threads may take exception to that comment. :)
if it was an rpg I would have stated that in the beginning that it was either an open or closed rpg.
If you don't mention anything it's considered an Open RPG. That's why people often put 'Closed RPG', 'Just For Fun', 'Challenge' etc, when they want to make clear a thread is not just an Open RPG.
I think some took exceptiion to this thread as well becuase in the past some have tried to launch attacks against temple Avalon which more often than not have been pure God-mode so some perhaps bite the bullet quickly when a thread like this pops up and the intent of fun isn't made clear. They see it as another attempt to screw the Jedi over.
Peace. :)
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:45:23 PM
I'd have to agree. When first I saw this, I thought it was an actual attack on the Temple, and decided it best to ignore it, for the time being.
Live Wire
Dec 5th, 2000, 10:55:19 PM
well I am sorry I didnt make it clearer. This wasnt an attempt to take over the jedi temple or god mode. Just some of us wanted a huge non plot oriented battle. Sometimes its nice just to practice moves without having a storyline behind it or having to do a one on one challenge.
Well now that you know its just for fun any jedi that want are welcome to post.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:07:08 PM
**Walks Back Into the mantience Crew Room to find the 2 crewman hiding. 1 under a bed, and another in the Corner**
Crew2: Have You Come to Save Us?
Dyzm: Yeah Right...
**Dyzm engages his Lightsaber and Slices through the bed that the man was hiding under, the blade slices through his neck, killing him instantly**
**The Mans Cry was cut short as Dyzm Lifts him with the force and slams him into the wall at a angle, snaping his neck**
Dyzm: Fools...
**Dyzm Walks out in search of More Prey...
Xanatos Etanial
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:09:44 PM
::Rips the mask form his face violently and grins slightly::
Amusing. But stupid. Go ahead and kill Cline, it doesn;t matter to me. I'll simply possess someone else! And as for TSO and Intel ::X having sensed the intervention of Tondry::
Oh ye of little faith. Once I have complete and permenant control over this form I have all intentions of going back to my former roles thank you.
OOC: Jeez come on give me this ONE people, all I want to do is give X his proper send-off. if you won't even let me do that say it now and I'm outta this RP alltogether.
Michael Cline
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:14:59 PM
::Shifts suddenly back into Cline::
That was extremely difficult to do.
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:25:52 PM
OOC: I only found out about this attack today, so forgive me, I have a lot of ground to cover. I'm not surprised hardly any Jedi bothered to respond to this. Gav might think that particulars don't matter, but completley ignoring the defenses just isn't right.
First you land and ride your swoops within range without bothering to even wait for a Jedi reaction. One of your first post kills a bunch of people without any opposition accounted for. Then someone kills two more guards in a way that just makes no sense at all. Then everyone piles on the poor padawan (assuming no one knew about this Xanatos thing going in). Then when a Jedi Knight finally gets involved in attempted hit and run attacks, you god-mode all over his ass. This is fun?
It would have helped immensely if the Jedi were at least involved in this a little. No not every thread has to have a storyline or be preplanned, but it should at least make some amount of sense. This is a tamer example of why many of us don't like being out here in the first place. Despite this, I'll give it a chance...
Itala Marzullo
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:26:41 PM
Silent Sith
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:35:34 PM
*As Dyzm walks up a halway a shadow creeps up behind him. It travels down the middle of the floor, then it shifts to the wall, then cieling and back down to the wall staying really close to DYZM. As he reachs a corner and goes to turn right, it feels as though an icy hand taps him on his shoulder. He turns quickly and ignites his saber breathing heavily. He looks and nothing is there. He then turns to round the corner once more and Silent Sith is there waiting for him. He connects with the butt end of his saber to DYZMs forhead and knocks him back. As he stumbles back SS gives him a force enhanced jump kick in his face which sends him into the wall. SS ignites his saber and slashes down at Dyzm who is now up against the wall, but Dyzm rolls left. Sparks fly from the wall in brillioant yellow, and Dyzm follows with a spining heal kick. SS ducks Dyzms right heal alertly stands and counters with a force enhanced left hook, but Dyzm swings his head back as if unaffected. Then with force enhanced speed SS ignites his saber and swingat Dyzm with an onslaught of slashes. DYZm gnites his saber after ducking the firs blow and begins to block the remaining blows.*
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:42:16 PM
Gengar turning the corner sees Dyzm and SS fighting. his face becomes blank a he notices a bottle he had passed while going aroun a corner.
*Awwww man i just went around in circles. i tell ya this place is like a maze, to may rooms and to many corners*.
SS turns to see Gengar. gengar force throws SS into a wall. charging him he gives him a knee to the face. he then punches him in the gut making him fold.
*You know if your really a sith then you should'n be fighting us. you should be helping us fight the jedi*.
Gengar steps back standing by Dyzm.
Drin Kizael
Dec 5th, 2000, 11:53:22 PM
:: Drin Kizael sprinted outside at the first sense of disturbance in the Force. He growled low under his breath as the smell of the attackers carried Sith magic with it. It was not that long ago that he stood before the Council, asking why the Jedi Order even maintained a fleet. These were dangerous times that he still did not fully understand.
:: But as Drin watched the approaching wave of attack swoops and speeders, he found it most ironic how the ships guarding Dagobah above proved so useless.
:: Before the battle could be fully joined, he snapped his head up and around at the sound of a grenade launcher. He shielded his eyes and the billiant yellow and green explosion. A crowd of New Republic servicemen and techs --doubtless that was how they infiltrated the defenses, disguised among the supply freighters -- started screaming as the temple spire hit by the grenade began to fall.
:: The Jedi ran towards them as the shadow of the spire grew larger. He stopped amidst the chaos and closed his eyes, reaching out his hands and his mind to the Force. The popular words of Master Yoda came to him as he channeled the energy through him. "Size matters not."
:: Kizael stood rigid, focusing his entire essence into a telekinetic buildup. Above him, the massive spire continued its descent, but at a wider angle. It raced down ... hitting into the front lines of the approaching speeder bikes, far from the grounds.
:: The Trianii imagined the Sith was quite satisfied with himself, having seen the pillar begin its fall and hearing the screams subside now that they were safe. He ignited his lightsaber and waded into the raging flood of attackers.
:: Orange energy flashed amid the speeder-bikes, cutting down the conventional forces within his reach. Unwelcome memories of too many battles came with every breath, spurring him on. He had had enough of war, but he would not hide from it any longer.
OOC: Please forgive the length. As I said, I had a lot of ground to cover since I only learned of this thread today.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 6th, 2000, 12:36:59 AM
**Looks Over At Gengar**
I got him, Just Focus your Thoughts and sense the right path through the force.
**Dyzm Turns to Face SS. He slowly brings his Lightsaber up in a Guard Position**
Dyzm: You Attack from the Shadows, and your Name Says Sith... You Dishonor yourself.
**Dyzm Charges Forward, SS readys Himself for a LS block, but before Dyzm Reaches, Dyzm hits SS with a force Blast, knocking SS down the hall by a couple of feet. With that Dyzm Catches Up to SS and Lightsabers Clash**
OOC:I do Not like anything More then Short Paragraph moves.
So No More then 1-2 Attacks Each Post. Ok?
Silent Sith
Dec 6th, 2000, 07:57:53 AM
*SS knowing of the people Dyzm has just killed blocks one of his slahes with force enhanced strength knocking his saber down and gives him a strong backhand to the face with his right and then a force enhanced punch to his gut with his left. SS then returns his saber to his belt and force pushes Dyzms down the hallway. He then motions for hand to hand combat.*
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 6th, 2000, 12:13:19 PM
**Dyzm Recovers quickly, and a side slash with the lightsaber. SS ducks low and Dyzm kicks out with his right foot, smashing SS's Jaw with the forced Enhanced Power.**
Gav Mortis
Dec 6th, 2000, 02:06:23 PM
Jabroni: I said FUN! I do not approve of the way in which "assess" anyone of the roleplayers in here-I for one am not a God-moder but I do like having some quick random fun which does not require any in depth thought. It will not affect any groups status, any property damaged is only in this thread and unimportant!
Itala: Get a parrott.
Liam Jinn
Dec 6th, 2000, 06:41:48 PM
OOC: i know this thread is for fun...and i personally like the idea but come on people let me reply before you try and beat my ass....
IC: ::Liam smiles as the sith leave the room. He uses the force to pull the chains off of his body. Luckily, he had used the force to keep from breaking his bones, except his nose. Liam grabs a lightsaber from the closet and walks the halls silently.::
Darth Tholuem
Dec 6th, 2000, 07:02:14 PM
*Tholuem hears the chains break and knows Liam got out. He turns around and grabs his sabre off his belt. He ignited and saw the Jedi come around the corner, sneaking. He immediately ran at him and slahsed wildly making Liam have trouble blocking all the hits in suprise. After the hits with the sabre, Tholuem kicks Liam in the nuts followed by a swing at his feet with his lightsabre, Liam having to jump in a weird way and fly against the wall after Tholuem kicked him in the groin with great strength.*
"So, we meet again Jedi..."
*Then he ran off again, making Liam wonder where the hell the Sith went...*
Dec 7th, 2000, 02:23:51 AM
Gengar was walking along luckily not running into any jedi. he turns the corner and bumps into DT.
*Hey man why are you running. well since i found you, lets try and go this way. i've got to find a gaurd to kill or a room to burn, i'm getting tired of going around in circles*.
Gengar turns around and walks to the left.
Liam Jinn
Dec 7th, 2000, 05:35:04 PM
::Liam pops his neck and laughs::
"I thought by now the sith would have known i wear a cup, too many female feet end up kicking me there"
Darth Tholuem
Dec 7th, 2000, 05:47:37 PM
*Tholuem mumbles he should've remember that from his fight with Liam. Dammit... Then he runs after gengar, not seen by Liam. But he still keeps paying attention as to where Liam would show up...*
Liam Jinn
Dec 8th, 2000, 12:40:12 AM
::Liam twists around the corner to follow gengar and holds back when he notices another sith following him::
HEY!!! pssssst...YOU 2 COME HERE!!
Dec 8th, 2000, 03:01:28 AM
Gengar stops when he hears someone call him and DT.
*Now who could that be. might be a trap stay here DT let me go look, if something happens then you know what to do*.
Gengar pulls out his saber but does not ignite it, and walks to the corner but takes 5 steps back.
*Alright come out who ever you are.
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