View Full Version : Flock of illegitimate Marzullo children....
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 9th, 2000, 10:09:36 PM
...please form up into a neat little line, and walk your little brood up here so I can kill you all.
I've never killed kids, but I'm pretty sure I could manage it a few concience wouldn't mind that much.
Yo mama's so dumb...SHE HAD SEX WITH ITALA!
Kasperr Croose
Nov 9th, 2000, 10:19:45 PM
:lol: @ The momma Joke
Dr Quill
Nov 9th, 2000, 10:34:38 PM
I've killed plenty. Is there any way I could time travel and abort them all?
Mara Marzullo
Nov 9th, 2000, 10:48:27 PM
Wait till Itala hears about this.
Lance Casey
Nov 9th, 2000, 10:49:29 PM
Yeah. Then he'll make another kid that is twice as ugly as the last.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 9th, 2000, 10:51:32 PM
And he'll...what?
Foolish little girl. Don't make me laugh. Your father is a warped, frustrated, petty little weakling, struggling to hang onto his insane delusions for power by sending his bastard offspring to die for him. Every time he has tried to win...he has failed, and I am usually the one there to make sure he does fail.
And what would you do? At best, you are merely a speedbump.
Now be good, be quiet, and take what's coming to you.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:01:44 PM
Hmmm....all my father-less kids are pretty safe and grown up in Talk know who the two official ones this is prety much stupid...
Mara Marzullo
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:09:47 PM
::shudders sarcastically::
Oh I'm really scared. You obviously don't know the power of the Dark Side. Find the Dark Side and you'll learn some real respect. And also something called unity.
Lance Casey
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:16:28 PM
I find it strange that a man that doesn't have any ball's can have children at all.
Kasperr Croose
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:27:52 PM
:lol: tell this whore to shut up! She's not worthy of my words :evil:
Lance Casey
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:31:25 PM
And now with the arrival of Casper the Freindly Ghost, the scene has just gone from ugly to hooker on a cold night in New York Ugly. I'm getting out of here before I puke.
Miryan no Trunks
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:34:57 PM
Your two official kids Itala?
Which two would those be?
Malycia and Mara, Malycia and Lana, or Mara and Lana?
Miryan no Trunks
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:35:50 PM
Ahh, Mara's your neice. Never mind..
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:44:59 PM
Mind your tongue, you insolent wench. Perhaps it is you who should learn something of respect.
Mara Marzullo
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:52:57 PM
*yawn* This isn't even worth a fight for my training.....
Darth Viscera
Nov 9th, 2000, 11:56:04 PM
hmmmm. 'insolent wench'. I shall have to write that down. Lately I had been sticking to 'insipid wench' in my little roster (for lack of a better word) of insulting phrases, but this one sounds good.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:00:09 AM
I will no longer tolerate your disrespect.
:: LL unclips his lightsaber, Shenlong's Fang, and ignites it, the bright yellow blade humming and crackling in a crescendo of sound ::
We're through talking. I will only accept apologies with your blood now. Prove to me that you are an utter failure, just like your uncle.
:: LL walks toward Mara ::
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:10:17 AM
*Moves Mara aside with the force and gets up in Lizard's face..after a cold stare...*
OOC: Itala admitted paternity of DAnte and LAna, only child in TMC is Dante. Mara is Tavington's daughter hence Itala's cousin. Itala has done plenty of jedi women in alk city hence he has a bunch of kids which he takes care of from time to time, would never reveal their names or he'd ruin their lives. :)
Ezekiel Rage
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:15:59 AM
is it me.. or does it seem "odd" and just plainly "not right" that Itala was a pimp..
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:20:23 AM
:: LL casually raises a hand between himself and Itala ::
If you would please leave my personal space...
:: LL generates a powerful Force Push, sending Itala back 20 feet ::
I fight who I want, old fool. If I choose to fight and kill your neice, that is too bad. You should not have brought her here in the first place. It can be dangerous for a Marzullo. You should know that.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:30:20 AM
*gets up slowly and shakes his head*
Mara is my cousin, for the billionth time..and, I deffend who I want as well..Liz.
*Itala takes off one of his gloves and sends a small electric shock to LL's eyes, he raises his right hand to covers his eyes and Itala immediately uses the momentum to force speed and punch the hell out of the unprotected right side of his chest, cracking a couple of ribs, then sweeps him and stomps on the hit spot violently...*
*Itala tells Mara to leave and then turns to LL's direction, seeing he is up already..but coughing up some blood...*
You are NOT touching her.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:39:19 AM
I will obey your words, Itala. I will not touch her.
:: LL slowly rises to his feet, wiping a gloved forearm at his lip. ::
Neice, Cousin, Daughter, it doesn't really matter. Your family tree is a Bamboo Tree. However, since you care so much for her, I will do you a favor, and promise not to touch her.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:42:53 AM
*Stares coldly at LL while rubbing his chest....*
Nobody else will.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:55:57 AM
:: LL raises an open hand in the fleeing Mara's direction ::
But I never said anything about utterly destroying her.
:: The light around LL seems to dim, as a blood-red glow becomes visible from the palm of LL's hand. LL closes his eyes, as a low rumbling sound can be heard. LL's face contorts into a sneer, and he grinds his teeth in hatred, as he channels the Dark Side, siphoning the Force around him into his hand. The Force energy grows quickly, becoming a hellish-looking sphere, with a dark red center. Around the sphere's outer corona, sparks of electricity crackle wildly. ::
Now pay me your proper respect, sniveling child.
:: LL flings the Force Destruction sphere straight at Mara. Itala is too far away to be able to intercept it in time, and Mara tries frantically to run from the Dark Jedi's powerful attack. However, the speed of the blast is too fast, and the sphere hits Mara in the lower back, knocking her off her feet by momentum alone. Just as quickly, the sphere explodes, throwing a flash of ominous red light across the battleground, and a gust of superheated air. Out of the chaos of the explosion's epicenter, a faint figure can be seen. It is Mara's body, being blasted away from ground zero, and spinning wildly through the air. She eventually lands 40 yards away in a crumpled heap...her clothes torn, skin peppered with varying burn marks and small abrasions. She tries desperately to stand, but her legs will not allow it, and her head falls to the ground with a thud as she slips unwillingly into unconciousness from the shock trauma ::
:: Itala is aghast and enraged, and runs quickly to LL. However, the Dark Jedi merely raises his left hand, and calls his lightsaber, which he had dropped, back to him. He ignites the blade, and puts it between himself and Itala, holding the point a mere half inch below Itala's jawline ::
Now now now....remember what I said about personal space.
:: Itala looks back at Mara ::
Don't act so suprised Itala. I didn't touch her. I never laid a hand on her. I did exactly what I said I would do.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 01:08:08 AM
*Itala's saber collides with LL's as he had called it right about the same time...he uses his right robotic hand to squeeze LL's unoccupied hand to the point of bursting out in blood and starts headbutting him violently and repeatedly...the sabers still collide as Itala flips landing behind and forces LL's own saber against his own shoulder, burning him, and quickly grabs the back of his head to pull it down, banging his head aginst Itala's awaiting knee, then retrieves his saber and ruins LL's hair..Itala knows he liz won't be hppy about and flips away to where mara is...he looks at her..noticing she lives but is unconscious..his back totaly facing the fallen LL...*Teach me a lesson will ya? Teach the whole world what coward I am, teach them how I would never even dream of facing you..or dying for my family...go ahead and teach them....
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 01:29:48 AM
OOC: How are you headbutting me (or grabbing my hand that I never said was free) from locked-saber range? Are you Inspector Gadget? Thus, I'm going to ignore the grab and the headbutt.
:: LL stands up, reaching back and feeling the slight heat abrasion across his shoulder ::
Once again, Itala. I will do what you say. I will prove to the world that we are wrong about thinking you would not die for your family...because you will surely die for that sniveling whelp lying at your feet. She should feel honored.
:: LL grabs his saber, and runs straight forward at Itala. Itala angrily turns and swings at LL's chest, but LL anticipates, tossing his saber into the air, and dropping under Itala's attack with a forward roll. Itala's saber swings well over him. LL braces his right leg, and cuts the roll short, stopping at Itala's feet. Using the transition fully, LL brings his right arm up into a dragon strike, taking the full momentum of the roll and delivering it into the pit of Itala's stomach, knocking his breath out and making Itala collapse on top of the back of LL's hand. With LL's left hand, he reaches up, grabbing just behind Itala's jawline, and pressing a thumb into a pressure point, forcing Itala's face down, keeping him from moving. LL's saber falls to the earth, and spears itself to the ground, but not before piercing through Itala's ear. LL smirks at Itala, then drops his upper back to the ground and hammers Itala's stomach again with a double press kick...sending him flying 10 yards away, gasping. LL stands up, pulling his saber out of the ground. ::
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 01:42:04 AM
*Itala looks at the sky...oh so strangely light...slowly he notices it is night as his vision recovers and slowly gets up...twising his neck and rolling his eyes to LL's direction...he puts his hand where one of his ears was and groans as he calls for his saber and looks at LL...*
*Itala immediately force speeds towards Lizards as he very cautiosly stands his ground ready, Itala force leaps and LL follows, in an ironic twist, Itala's own wounds cause him to fall while in the middle trajectory of his jump and he uses this to do a reverse ax kick that connects to LL's jaw, slightly displacing it, Itala groans as he uses that same momentum to twist his body and spin kick Lizard's cheekbone, cracking it hideously..Itala lands on his feet and kneels, he turns around and sees his foe quickly geting up and making his way toward him, Itala blocks a violent roundhouse and notices LL is putting a lot of his energy in their clash, Itala lets himself fall on his back and LL's own strength cause him to trip and fall right on Itala, Itala still blocking the attack holds both his legs up and crushes LL's guts...then groans loudly and kicks him away, his body hiting the dirty battleground...Itala turns around and stands quickly...*
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:00:19 AM
:: LL recovers his breath, and yawns a few times, trying to set his jaw. Slowly, he raises both of his hands towards Itala, small orbs of yellowish light forming in each as LL focuses his hate ::
You are skilled, Itala...but not skilled enough.
:: LL uses the art of Renzouku, and throws the two spheres of energy at Itala. As soon as they are thrown, two others are generating to take their place. LL continues this cycle, throwing dozens and dozens of energy spheres at Itala quite rapidly ::
There is no way you can dodge them, Itala...there are too many.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:12:00 AM
*Itala has no time to dodge them mathematicaly and by isntinct uses his force speed to zigzag his way around the spheres...timing the pattern, in a near suicidal maneuver, Itala reaches LL and hugs him tigher than his dear love as the next two blasts of energy come out and explode right between the two of them...sending both of them in far separate Itala's body flies he tells LL through the force....*You are exactly right...*Itala falls on his chest and groans as most of his body is bruised and burned, lifts his head a bit and with one eye sees LL has been affected as well laying flat on his back..Itala's face hit the dirt and passes out...*
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:26:04 AM
:: LL wearily stands up, holding his side with his right hand. He looks at Itala, who is faring slightly worse. ::
You should have stepped aside and let me kill her, Itala. Now...things will be decidedly worse for you.
:: LL looks several yards away, at Mara's unconcious body. He walks over and picks her up, slinging her over his shoulder. Slowly, he walks back to Itala, and spits in his face. With that, LL walks away and back to his ship...with Mara as his unconcious hostage. ::
This will do nicely...another Marzullo to add to the collection.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:27:01 AM
:: The Oozaru II blasts off in a loud roar...and leaves Itala...lying on the floor motionless ::
Lord Tavington
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:40:27 AM
The Dragoon exis hyperspace right on cue as The Oozaru takes off, Lord Tavington locks on the ship ready to fire...
You are no taking anyone bastard.
The SD blasts the engines of the Oozaru leaving it a seting duck and soon is ready to have some troops board it...LT leads the way...
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:43:44 AM
*slowly regains consciousness due to MAra's cry for help through the force and gets up...somehow refreshed by hope...and boards his regular Sith Infiltrator...and takes off immediately after LL...*
Not in your wildest dreams are you taking her, it ends NOW.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 02:49:37 AM
OOC: Right on cue...indicates preparation....further indicating that you would have to be communicating with an unconcious Itala. Try again, please.
IC: The Oozaru II makes the jump to lightspeed.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 03:26:17 AM
OOC: Right on cue as in waiting for any ship to make its way off the planet, anyway I don't think Nikki (Mara) has agreed for you to kidnap her, I know Audra did when you kidnapped JAde. Or when you maimed her anyway.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 03:32:49 AM
If she wants off the ship...I will agree to it, but there is a lot of deep space between here and home.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 12:32:07 PM
*Itala's ship quikly makes its way to the orbit as he establishes contact with LL*
We're not have some honor and let's end our fight...
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 03:25:24 PM
:: LL responds ::
End? The fight is over, Itala. I have exactly what I want.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 03:43:03 PM
*follows LL closely*
You know I have a pretty darn good shot from where I am right now..of course it would kill her, but...
*fires on the back of the ship, small explosions cause it to slow down...*
I am sure you have bigger plans, bigger fish to fry...
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 10th, 2000, 03:50:52 PM
OOC: I want some stats on that "fast" ship of yours, Itala. There is a loosely-packed snowball's chance in Hell you'd be able to muster enough speed to catch the Oozaru II. It is a specialty speed ship, with no weapons. I have made this abundantly clear on many occasions.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 10th, 2000, 03:57:34 PM
OOC: Alright but at least wait until mara is online to continue...I hate using her character wihtout her having the chance to do anything with it...
Mara Marzullo
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:06:19 PM
::As Mara slowly gains consciousness, she looks coldly at LL and and Force grabs his blaster from his belt. Quickly she shoots the navigation console several feet in front of LL. As LL rises from his seat, Mara points the blaster right at his chest::
I would advise you to sit before you make another mistake.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:07:58 PM
OOC: Wow! I have a blaster? Nice try, though.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:38:47 PM
OOC: hey she let you kidnap her character in 2 straight posts, eye for an eye...
Raveena Marzullo
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:44:57 PM
*2alks in, examining her finger-nails*
"Am I a Marzullo child?
"Oh my, who does your wardrobe?!?"
*looks at Itala, disgusted*
"And I think I'm going to be late for my peticure at this rate."
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:48:55 PM
OOC: actually, she had ample time to make an escape.
Itala Marzullo
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:53:23 PM
OOC: actually, she wasn't able to use the net then, and you do not kidnap someone in two immediate straigh posts...
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:54:21 PM
OOC: I can always let her go, would you like me to jettison her?
Darth Viscera
Nov 13th, 2000, 04:57:31 PM
oh for christ sakes. Just pay LL a lot of money for her, or borrow a fleet and capture that VSD of his. That is the ship he's using to keep Mara in, correct?
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:00:27 PM
OOC: Incorrect. My VSD is nowhere near here. It is on a different mission.
Raveena Marzullo
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:01:22 PM
IC: But it's so much more fun to watch them fight (or Mara try in vain to hold her own, at least).
Hey, wait, am I related to any of these people by any chance?
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:04:35 PM
OOC: Compromise
:: LL takes Mara's unconcious body and shoves it into a small evac pod at the back of his ship. Knowing he has properly riled his arch-enemy, LL jettisons the small pod, watching it hurtle away into space. ::
Oh look...its caught in that planet's orbit. It could go into re-entry soon.
:: LL goes back to the controls ::
Oh well...not my concern.
:: The Oozaru II resumes its travel via hyperspace ::
Darth Viscera
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:05:08 PM
The ship's location does not matter, I'm sure. If Itala has any intelligence, and I'm certain that he does, he can feel at least something of Mara through the force. Or he could have a vision, which somehow magically reveals the location of Mara, then he goes off to borrow a fleet, and boards the VSD and takes her and goes home, and everyone lives happily ever after.
But it probably won't come to that. Lounge Lizard, how much dough is Mara worth to you? Itala says he's rich, and it sounds like you could use a bit of money yourself, if you're sending Vicstars on missions.
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:07:27 PM
OOC: Viscera...I said specifically she WASN'T aboard the VSD. Besides...when it comes to Itala, money is not what I'm after.
Darth Viscera
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:09:45 PM
so then what are you after?
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:12:08 PM
OOC: I want him to feel pain and kill him emotionally. I want what little trust he has left to disappear, to where he can't even trust himself. To this end, he is going to lose everybody who is close to him. Just like he did to me, many years ago.
Darth Viscera
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:19:54 PM
Rolls his eyes
Oh, THAT. Can't you wait until Itala's got Mara back, and THEN kill him emotionally? I dunno, castrate him or something? Put his favorite pet goldfish in a blender? I mean, geez, he's already been violated by Gue. Don't you think he's almost completely emotionally dead?
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:27:44 PM
OOC: For LL, enough is never enough.
Darth Viscera
Nov 13th, 2000, 05:31:23 PM
ah, jeez. You two are intolerable.
Lord Dagger
Nov 13th, 2000, 06:54:23 PM
** Inappropriate sexual remark deleted - mod **
Itala Marzullo
Nov 13th, 2000, 08:46:47 PM
** Inappropriate sexual remark deteted - mod **
*Itala sends Mathias a message*
Pick her up, hurry, she's close to where your ship is.
*Itala doesn't lose time and continues his search*
Nov 14th, 2000, 07:32:51 PM
OOC: Itala asked me to do this since matthias wasn't around.
[i]Piett was taking one of those odd moments, a time when he was out of the big capital ships, meditating in his modified YT-2400. Deep in thought, a spasm of warning came over him, and he suddenly realized that an escape pod lay only a few kilometers ahead. He jumped up from his meditating sit and quikly ran to the bridge, jumping out of hyperspace. They it was, ahead, a kilometer away at the most. He hoped, and pushed with the force himself, trying to slow the momentum, and save whoever was in that pod.
Normally, Piett would never try so hard to save a life. However, this one seemed. . . different. Possibly even force-sensitive. Oh no. . Only a few feet away . . . Then the YT stopped.
Piett sighed happily, and pulled in the escape pod . . .
Itala Marzullo
Nov 14th, 2000, 07:39:16 PM
*Itala sighs in relief as Mara tells him hrough the force that she is ok.and should hurry and pick her up..*I wonder who saved her...
The Lounge Lizard
Nov 14th, 2000, 07:41:01 PM
Hey you have AIM?
Nov 14th, 2000, 07:42:02 PM
Yeah. seanpiett
Mara Marzullo
Nov 14th, 2000, 10:47:48 PM
*Mara regains consciousness as she lays inside the escape pod. Piett is standing above her. The pod opens and she raises up*
Where am I?
*Ribs her forehead*
*Looks at Piett*
Who are you?
Mara Marzullo
Nov 14th, 2000, 10:56:46 PM
OOC: Okay I sense a disturbance in the Force. I will NOT accept if you are thinking about killing me, esp if I"m not here.
Nov 18th, 2000, 12:31:50 AM
OOC: Don't worry.
The cold stature of the former Imperial guard gazed down at the shape of the being below. He roughly grabbed her shoulder, pulling her to her feet. Through the tinted transparasteel viser, he looked into her eyes, a cold glare on his face. Yes, this was a Marzullo alright. The eyes were a dead givaway. A dabble of spit shot out of his mouth as he hatefully and silently murmered this. He glared a few lingering moments more before briskly walking to the bridge of his ship. "COMPUTER! Back into hyperspace. Destination; coordinates .0043-2.3400-.3467, he yelled at the computer. "And full speed!!"
Little did he know that quite nearby those coordinates sat the ship of Matthias Marzullo . . .
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