View Full Version : The Defenses Of Hensara III (Information)

General Scorpion
Mar 25th, 2001, 10:42:19 PM
It had been two months since the occupation of Hensara III by the Sith. The planet had lay in ruins, fallen before the might of the Sith Empire. Cleanup and repair crews had been called in soon after. Craters had been filled in, debris had been cleared, and the buildings that weren't in the middle of the streets were restored almost to their original form. Workers took the liberty of reinforcing the walls and adding defenses. Walls were knocked down to make room for barracks. The twelve story building deep within the city had been converted into the army command center. The dead were cremated and buried as per General Scorpion's request.

Scavenger droids scoured the planet for trivial items. Blasters, speeders, anything to aid the war effort. Supply shuttles came down by the hour, and soon Hensara City was bristling with weaponry. Assisted by the materials found in an ex-Hensaran construction warehouse, a twenty meter high permacrete wall around the entire city was close to being finished, topped off with lookout towers and cannon implacements.

Rumor had it that another major base was being brought down on the shoreline of the opposite eastern continent, codenamed Magcan Base, commanded by the second-in-command of the Sith Empire Army, Brigadier General Phantom. Not only Magcan Base was being brought down however. The Sith Empire Army Space Defense Force had just arrived with a supply convoy of unheard of proportions. Twelve builder shuttles directed pieces of a ex-RSO shipyard recently commissioned into the Sith Empire Army. Container transports, modular conveyors, bulk transports, bulk freighters, shuttles, and star galleons. Every possible transport was being called into service, and one by one they entered the Hensaran atmosphere, carrying vehicles, weapons, supplies, soldiers, personnel. All the things the new army headquarters could ever need were there. Prefabricated forts, garrisons, hospitals, planetary defense shield generators and cannons. Training camps would be located on the outskirts of Hensara City.

Bulk transports carrying materials for dozens of mining colonies were scattered all over the planet, unloading their cargo. Half of the resources acquired from the colonies would be shipped to other Sith Empire planets, while the rest would stay to be used in the construction facilities in Hensara City. The most vital equipment would connect the whole planet together: an intercontinental hovertrain. It wouldn't take long for the entire system to be up and running.

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Diameter: 21,500 KM
Environment: Jungles, plains, and mountains
Landscape: Twin continents joined at southern pole, one ocean circling vertically.
Climate: Western Continent - Mild, average weather -- Eastern Continent - Warm, misty weather
Current Population: 964,640
Defenses: 2 GenCore Level V Planetary Shield Generators, 6 GenCore IV Planetary Shield Generators, 10 VLS Level I Planetary Defense Cannons, 40 LNR II Planetary Defense Cannons, 30 LNR I Planetary Defense Cannons, 12 KDY-250 Ion Cannons
Military Force: 1,000 AT-ATs, 1,000 AT-WTs, 3,000 AT-STs, 3,000 AT-PTs, 1,200 AT-AAs, 500 Juggernauts, 5,000 Chariot Light Assault Vehicles, 600 Mobile Artillery Units

Hensara City

Designation: Major Military Base
Location: Western Continent Shoreline
Size: 16 SQ KM
Current Population: 768,000 (600,000 soldiers, 168,000 support and defense personnel)
Defenses: 200 Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 200 Anti-Infantry Turrets, 150 Anti-Aircraft Turrets, 320 Fixed Heavy Artillery Turrets, 700 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons, 20 Concussion Missile Launchers
Important Structures: Command Center, 5 Construction Facilities, 10 Hospitals, 20 Storage Facilities, 18 Hangar Bays, R&D Center, 20 meter high permacrete wall around city
Air Support: 540 TIE Daggers, 180 TIE Vindicators, 60 TIE Advanced

Magcan Base

Designation: Major Military Base
Location: Eastern Continent Shoreline
Size: 2 SQ KM
Current Population: 36,000 (33,000 soldiers, 3,000 support and defense personnel)
Defenses: 25 Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 25 Anti-Infantry Turrets, 15 Anti-Aircraft Turrets, 10 Fixed Heavy Artillery Turrets, 70 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons, 5 Concussion Missile Launchers
Air Support: 72 TIE Daggers, 24 TIE Vindicators, 12 TIE Advanced


Designation: Medium Military Base
Locations: Various
Number: 10
Names: Fort Merconna, Fort Jakob, Fort Nuhton, Fort Vutox, Fort Dontune, Fort Marc, Fort Jules, Fort Abas, Fort Triro, Fort Cervas
Average Size: 750 SQ M
Average Population: 3,270 (3,000 soldiers, 270 support and defense personnel)
Defenses: 5 Ground Based Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, 5 Anti-Infantry Turrets, 5 Anti-Aircraft Turrets, 12 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons


Designation: Small Military Base
Locations: Various
Number: 48
Average Size: 200 SQ M
Average Population: 220 (180 soldiers, 40 support and defense personnel)
Defenses: 8 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons

Hensa Kappa

Designation: Orbital Shipyard
Location: Planetary Orbit
Size: 40,000 M
Population: 2,240 (240 soldiers, 2,000 workers)


Designation: Mining Colony
Locations: Various
Number: 62
Average Size: 750 SQ M
Average Population: 280 (30 soldiers, 250 workers)
Defenses: 2 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons

Designation: Training Camp
Locations: Western Continent
Number: 4
Average Size: 1 SQ KM
Average Population: 3000 (90 soldiers, 210 training personnel, 2700 soldiers-in-training)
Defenses: 8 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons

Designation: Intercontinental Hovertrain
Locations: Intercontinental
Defenses: 4 Twin Mounted Blaster Cannons, 1 Anti-Aircraft Turret

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