View Full Version : The malicious munchkin (open)
Evil Hobgoblin
Mar 29th, 2001, 01:53:08 PM
(ooc) This RP is going to be a thread where Hob practices using his Force powers on ordinary humans and causes some good old fashioned fear and chaos. I have some "hidden rules" that I'm going to use to see whether or not Hob gains anything from this, but meanwhile anyone is welcome to join in to help or hinder Hob.
And the first person to make a Wizard of Oz joke gets it in the ass. :lol:
Hob climbed the roof of a Tatooine moisture farm with a grimy sack across his back. Malevolence stretched from his presence, but the humans below him wouldn't know that.
Hob sat down on the small dirt/clay structure and concentrated on sensing the things around him. There were three humans inside- one adult male, one adult female, and one ten-year old child.
Obviously, the child would be the easiest to frighten, but they would all prove to be entertaining.
Hob slammed a fist down on the roof, smashing a hole through it. He ambled down the stairs in his simian way, hunting.
Darth Varlon
Mar 29th, 2001, 07:37:25 PM
OOC: Hob strong... HOB SMASH!
:lol: Sorry :)
Satine Capashen
Mar 30th, 2001, 01:48:32 AM
Alpha senses a dark presence like that he had felt once before. Hobgoblin from the Dark Hand. Alpha takes his three swords-ShadowBane, Icebreaker, and Defender, and walks out to see the source of the feeling.
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 1st, 2001, 11:43:23 AM
Hob reaches the bottom of the stairs and leaps upward, digging his fingers into the ceiling. He can feel the presence of another Force user not too far away, but until that one gets closer Hob will take care of business.
Hob builds up leverage and swings across the small living room area towards a set of steps. Hob walks down them and comes to a fork- down one path he can sense the farmer couple, down the other he can sense their child.
Hob takes the right path towards the parents' bedroom, ambling down the stairs. When he reaches it, he stretches forth and touches on the adults minds. He receives the impression that they are both tired and ready for bed.
Hob opens the door and slips into their bedroom, blocking their mental perception of him with the Force. He climbs up overtop the bed and digs his fingers into the weak mud ceiling, then relaxes his hold on the mind of the female.
She spots him and screams in terror.
Satine Capashen
Apr 2nd, 2001, 07:10:16 PM
Alpha hears a scream, and runs the rest of the way tp the house. Drawing Icebreaker, the rogue bursts through to door to the source of the scream. He sees Hobgoblin.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 3rd, 2001, 05:06:07 AM
:Graem is taking a surprisingly relaxing walk, minding her own business when she senses two presences she's had dealings with before along with a great deal of fear eminating from a ordinary female.
Deciding she's got nothing better to do she decides to investigate and runs towards the source of the bloodcurling scream and the almost overwhelming sense of fear and that Hobgoblin:
Satine Capashen
Apr 3rd, 2001, 10:06:49 AM
As Graem runs into the room, Alpha immediately puts a sword pointing to her. Once he recognizes Graem, he points the sword back to Hobgoblin.
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 3rd, 2001, 02:17:51 PM
As Alpha turns the sword back towards Hob, a blaster bolt hits the wall next to him. The farmer has pulled a blaster from out of the nightstand and is staring at the two intruders with slightly defocused eyes that indicate Hob's power over what he can see. "Get out of my house!" he shouts.
The woman screams as Hob lifts her up and slings her over his shoulder. The fear and chaos in the room fuel the Hobgoblin's power, and he shows off a grin full of teeth.
With his free hand, Hob initiates a strong Force push, knocking Alpha into Graem and sending them both to the floor. With a powerful leap, Hob sails over their heads and starts bounding up the stairs.
Satine Capashen
Apr 3rd, 2001, 03:36:27 PM
Alpah blocks another blaster bolt with his sowrd, then runs after Hob, after getting up.
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 3rd, 2001, 04:04:30 PM
:: Sorsha's skills as an assassin made it all too easy to slip into the child's room undetected. She senses a familiar presence and grins. It was Alpha. The goblin was right. This would be fun ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 3rd, 2001, 05:41:41 PM
Alpha stops, and groans as he senses someone in the Force that he rather wouldn't see again. Sorsha, also known as Sith Kat. The Rogue Jedi unsheaths his second sword, ShadowBane, and follows Kat's trail.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 4th, 2001, 11:26:29 AM
:Graem gets to her feet, seeing that everyone else are going off, she decides to follow the Hobgoblin, fully aware that Alpha could take care of himself, as she well remembered.
She made a mental note to challenge him to a rematch sometime soon, as she had completed her training.
She set off cautously after the Hobgoblin wondering what was really going on:
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 4th, 2001, 05:40:19 PM
As Graem rounds a corner into the darkened living room, she suddenly gets socked in the gut with a fist. A pair of feet kick her backwards into the wall and Hob's face grins at her in the darkness.
~ Boo!~ the dwarf projects into her mind. He then turns around and begins bounding towards the door. The woman who was with him is mysteriously absent.
Satine Capashen
Apr 4th, 2001, 10:24:48 PM
Alpha hears a body hit the ground, and runs to the sound, seeing Graem on the floor.
"You ok?" Alpha asks as he helps her up.
What in the Nine Hells? he thinks. This is a Sith I'm helping...Why? Aside from she might be my only ally, as Kat is one I don't want to trust...
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 5th, 2001, 04:49:17 AM
"Thanks, and yes I'm fine. Look I know you do not trust me as I'm Sith but at my soul's core I'm still jedi and I don't see how else we're going to solve this one without working together so let's set to it"
:looks around:
"what is going on here anyhow?"
Satine Capashen
Apr 5th, 2001, 08:13:44 AM
Alpha smiles slightly.
"You're right. And no, I have no clue what's going on. Hobgoblin is here, and so is Sith Kat.Which can't be good..."
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 5th, 2001, 01:13:48 PM
"If you have any ideas as to how we rescue these innocents, create chaos...erm I mean prevent the Hobgoblin and the Sith from creating chaos, I'd love to hear them.
By the way do not tell anyone I even considered helping you, I doubt my fellow Sith would like to hear that but I've always tried to help Jedi where possible"
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 5th, 2001, 01:39:10 PM
:: Sorsha feels movement behind her and lashes out with her leg. The boy yelps in pain as her heel connects with his groin and he falls backwards ::
"No escape for you, little piglet."
:: Her eyes dilate as she turns towards the door and activates her sabre with a snap hiss ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 5th, 2001, 05:26:38 PM
"Don't worry. You have me silence on this matter. I don't want to see you get killed. Which is what would probably happen if they found out you were helping me. I've been quite an annoying pain in the ass to the Sith groups...And you also have my thanks in this matter.."
Alpha hears a yelp of pain from a child, and unsheaths ShadowBane, one of his swords.
"This way!" he shouts as he motions to the source of the sound. Alpha runs to it, and kicks away the door, his sword shining slightly.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 6th, 2001, 05:08:05 AM
:After making sure her second lightsaber is within easy reach Graem has her own lavendar bladed lightsaber ready in hand as she follows Alpha into the room, taking stock of the situation before them. She stands to the left of Alpha upon entering the room.
Seeing the Sith and the child, who was in obvious discomfort, brought conflicting emotions to bear which Graem instantly brushed aside. She knew what she had to do in this matter as she stood facing the other Sith:
"My, isn't this a cosy scene we have here?"
:Graem searches for the Hobgoblin through the Force, hoping he's nowhere nearby:
Satine Capashen
Apr 6th, 2001, 07:59:22 AM
Alpha takes a deep breath, and says, "Graem, if you sense where Hobgoblin is go after him. I'll take care of this one..."
Alpha walks closer to Kat, and brings his sword closer.
"Let the child go, Kat."
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 6th, 2001, 12:54:51 PM
:Unsure as whether to leave Alpha or not Graem nods slightly before leaving in search of the Hobgoblin, but making sure to keep Alpha and the other Sith within her sphere of responsibility.
Graem knew Alpha would ask for her help if he needed it.
Back out in the hall Graem stretches out her senses in search of the Hobgoblin, but catching no sense of him.
He appears to have vanished but she goes off to search the rest of the house nonetheless:
"Alpha, I'm nearby if you need me"
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 6th, 2001, 02:48:34 PM
:: Sorsha slaps Alpha's blade downwards with her sabre and touches his face with her freehand ::
"What does his life matter to a slayer such as you?"
:: Alpha goes into vertigo as <a href= icID=405.topic>a flood of images</a> is forced into his mind like an icepick. The room melts around him as he becomes temporarily trapped inside his own memories. He vaguely feels his body falling as Sorsha speaks to him through a mindlink ::
"What about their lives? You killed them. Peel away the mask and you're just like me. We're the same."
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:02:07 PM
The remainder of the house is curiously silent. When Graem enters the living room, she hears a slight click at the front door. The farmer she saw from the bedroom is just leaving the house.
And then a powerful Force push knocks her to the floor. ~ Looking for someone, lass?~
As Graem starts to get up, a powerful fist slams into her back, sending her to the floor once again.
Satine Capashen
Apr 6th, 2001, 05:45:52 PM
Alpha holds onto the light side of the Force, pulling himself back to reality.
"No..." he mutters. "No! I am not like you! I have changed."
Alpha pulls the Force around him, ready to attack or defend for the sake of the child's life.
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 6th, 2001, 05:55:53 PM
"You'll always be a devil, Alpha. Nothing you do can change that."
:: She lashes out with a kick as he rises up and sends him staggering. A force push knocks Alpha back out of the room ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 6th, 2001, 06:13:49 PM
Alpha jumps back up, wincing at his bruised rib, and charges Sorsha.
"I may be a devil, but I'm one who turned in his horns!"
Alpha sweeps low. Blocked. He then feints a high slash, and as Sorsha blocks it, Alpha side kicks her into a wall, smiling slightly.
"So, why are you helping Hobgoblin, Sith Kat?"
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 6th, 2001, 06:35:45 PM
:: Sorsha bursts into laughter as she hits the wall. Her eyes flash over gold as she spits a weird mist into Alpha's face, blinding him ::
"That's for me to know and you to find out."
:: Alpha's eyes burn as he swings blindly. The boy's scream fills his ears as his sword slices through flesh and bone ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 6th, 2001, 06:42:20 PM
Alpha cries out in suprise, and says, "Damn you Kat. Damn you!"
Alpha goes to his knees, trying not to break down.
The one I was trying to save...the one I killed by mistake...This can't be happening...
Alpha moans miserably, still blinded by the strange stuff.
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 6th, 2001, 06:51:38 PM
"Too bad. Now we'll have to steal another child. He's no use to Hob dead."
:: she slips away, leaving Alpha in the room alone ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 6th, 2001, 06:56:10 PM
Alpha hears Sorsha vaguely, but ignores her mainly, and throws his sword away. The blade burrows itself into the wall with a loud Twang! He sits on the floor, crying.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 7th, 2001, 03:01:01 PM
:after being slammed back into the floor Graem decides to stay put until the Hobgoblin gives her a chance to attack him.
She knows that he is a powerful Darkside user and he could kill her but she isn't daunted by that fact.
Graem blurs into action, diving away from the Hobgoblin, slamming into a wall as she does so.
She gets to her feet, activated lightsaber in hand, facing the Hobgoblin, ready for almost anything he may throw at her.
Graem senses Alpha is in distress somewhere else in the house and she knows the child is dead, probably part of Alpha's distress.
She would go to his aid as soon as she had evaded the Hobgoblin:
ooc:Sorry this my posts are kinda late, I'm in England which means I post at weird times of the day usually
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 7th, 2001, 03:31:07 PM
:: Driving Alpha into madness and despair was far more satisfying than killing him. She pauses to revel in his suffering, then races down the stairs to join Hob ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 7th, 2001, 08:17:05 PM
As Alpha's eyes clear, he make a promise to take vengence on Kat. He sits there, staring into nothingness.
Mathius Soulslayer
Apr 8th, 2001, 07:28:45 AM
:Mathius passes a dazed looking farmer as he ran towards the house, sensing his younger sister and Sith Mistress in imminent danger somewhere close by.
Mathius shook his head sadly at the knowledge that Graem had been helping Jedi in the house, and he knew she was slipping towards the lightside once again, her past as a Jedi Knight was too strong for her to continue resisting for any length of time.
He dreaded the day when they would be enemies once again.
Clearing his mind of such thoughts Mathius activated his lightsaber before knocking the front door off it's hinges before stepping inside.
He froze at what he saw but Graem soon brought him back to reality as he made his way towards her, being mindful of the Hobgoblin in the room, and sensing to see if any other dangers were nearby.
He could sense the pain of someone nearby and he guessed that that Force presence was of the Jedi:
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 8th, 2001, 07:36:22 AM
:As Mat entered the room Graem was hit by a sudden wave of regret and some anger from Mat, and she knew the cause of his intense emotions.
As Mathius made his way towards her Graem continued to stand where she was, unsure of what would happen next.
She was expecting Sith Kat to make an appearance soon and was keeping her senses open for an attack from that avenue as well as an attack from the Hobgoblin.
Mathius and Graem exchanged a mental conversation while they both waited for something to happen.
Graem resisted the urge to reach out and try to comfort Alpha, she doubted he would want help from her at the moment but she hoped he would be safe for the moment and she also hoped that the true purpose of the attack on the farmhouse would be revealed soon:
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 8th, 2001, 11:55:23 AM
The sofa in the living room suddenly lifts itself into the air. Graem brings her lightsaber up to protect herself, but a sudden Force push lifts her into the air as though she was dangling from a rope tied around her hands. The sofa hurtles towards Graem as Hob begins to draw on the pain and suffering of Alpha and increase his powers.
Satine Capashen
Apr 8th, 2001, 12:33:03 PM
Alpha gets to his feet, his eyes losing their usual light, and gaining a coldness that would scare those that knew him best. The Young Jedi takes his sword, and silently sneaks behind Hob, keeping his presence masked. As Hob throws the couch, Alpha slams Hob with his pommel, before going over and helping Graem up.
"Ready to kick this midget's butt?" he asks lightly. Then he realizes something...He was starting to like Graem! Strange for the Young Jedi who normally is repulsed by Sith.
Alpha turns to Hob, his blood-stained sword ready to attack or defend.
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 8th, 2001, 01:08:49 PM
Hob's jaws clack together and he grimaces slightly. ~ Ye shall pay for that, young lad.~
The Hobgoblin lifts a finger. ~ Such a nice sword, covered in blood of innocents. Ye are a natural born killer, lad. Let us see how well yer sword can kill.~
With a pointing motion, the sword in Alpha's hands suddenly jerks at him as Hob attempts to force the sword to cut its wielder in half.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:04:36 AM
:Graem sensed a change in Alpha's attitude towards her and she had to grin, maybe Alpha was was beginning to realise she wasn't a complete monster:
"Alpha, just being near you is having a really bad effect on me, I'm losing my hold on the're going to make me turn Jedi again. I would kill you if I didn't know I was meant to be back on the lightside.
I know you're in immense pain after the death of that child but retribution on Kat will lead you to the darkside and I wouldn't want that to happen to you.....don't ask me why but I like you, sort of as a younger brother".
:Graem moved quickly to stand before Alpha and deftly sliced her lightsaber through his sword, hoping he wouldn't get too mad about it, but at least it stopped him getting skewered by his own sword.
She looks over to Mat who is looking completely shocked at what has transpired since Alpha had entered the room.
"Alpha, let's get this threat over and finished with then we can solve any other problems that may have arisen from this little adventure. I owe you my thanks Alpha, I don't often thank those who are supposed to be my enemies."
:looks Alpha squarely in the eyes and doesn't like what she sees there.
She moves to Alpha's left with her lightsaber raised defensively, waiting..."
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 9th, 2001, 11:40:17 AM
:: Shurikens whistle through the air, and find their mark in Graem's leg. A spark of fire ignites and the room begins to burn. Sorsha is nowhere to be seen ::
Satine Capashen
Apr 9th, 2001, 07:40:32 PM
Alpha smiles, but then cries out in suprise as Graem hits the floor, shurikens embedded in her leg. Alpha bends down, and pulls her up as the house begins to burn. The Young Jedi helps his friend out first, before going back inside to help the innocents.
If I couldn't help the child, I might as well try to help the parents, Alpha thinks desperately as he looks around. He hears a voice cry out, and runs to the room, where some of the worst fires are. The JEdi gets slammed with a burning beam, burning the side of his face badly, but still Alpha keeps going. He sheathes his sword hilt, and breaks down the door, seeing the man and the woman cowering in a corner, fires surrounding them.
Alpha uses the Force to suck the oxygen out of the area directly in front of the couple, making the fire burn out. He runs to them and yells over the roar, "Grab onto me! Hurry!"
As the couple complies, Alpha's bio-tech wings extend, and he blasts a hole through the roof with a well aimed Force blast. Alpha takes flight, slamming one of his arms on his way out. He flies to the place where he left Graem, and sets the couple down gently with the Force. He hits the ground, feeling a bone break, and tumbles into a rock outcropping. Alpha groans as he gets up, and checks on the couple, making sure they were alright.
{OOC:I might not be able to get on much...My server is acting bitchy. Everything is really slow.}
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 10th, 2001, 05:15:22 AM
:Graem winces as she sees Alpha hit the ground.
She finished binding her leg and got up unsteadily to Alpha and the badly dazed and deeply in shock couple.
Graem uses the Force to calm the pain and grief of the parents at least momentarily but she knows that only she does not bear some pain associated with the death of the child.
She then goes over to Alpha to tend to his injuries, first applying a bacta patch to the burn on his face then temporarily taking care of his broken leg.
When she has finished she gazes into the distance for a while before talking:
"I am in your debt once again my young friend, saving my life is becoming a bad habit of yours but one I deeply appreciate.
Alpha if you ever need the aid of a friend contact me and I'll be at your side as soon as humanly possible"
:she pauses momentarily as her comlink bleeps and she recieves a automated signal from her ship, the Shadowdweller stating that Mathius had sent a highly encrypted communique to Darth Roul at TSF HQ on Churba before vanishing.
Graem pales momentarily before closing the commchannel and turning to Alpha once again:
"I know nothing I can do or say will ease your burden of guilt or grief but I'm urging you as a friend to avoid seeking out retribution but if you deem it absolutely necessary I would like to be at your side when you do, as a friend and ally"
:her tone lightens somewhat:
"How am I going to explain this little adventure to my fellow Sith? Makes me glad I am no longer a member of TSO, they would kill me on sight, I'm sure.
Let's get these two away from here, the Hobgobling and Sith Kat may still be nearby, ready to cause more terror and chaos"
:she helps Alpha to his feet before walking with him to the couple, as she opems her senses to any sign of Hob and Sith Kat:
ooc:it's ok, that happens, but it makes me wonder if you have a British ISP....BT sucks bigtime...oh no here I go again :-P
Satine Capashen
Apr 10th, 2001, 08:38:32 AM
Alpha smiles slightly, and says, "I am not planning to get Sorsha...Even for what she had done to me all this time...
"Oh, and if you ever need to hide from the Sith for this little stunt, let me know. I don not want to see you get killed."
Alpha opens up his senses again, using the Force to numb the pain in his body. He feels a dark patch somewhere around, and knows Sorsha is probably watching right now.
"Oh Graem, I heard something we need to watch out for. Kat, or Sorsha now, had said that Hobgoblin needed a child. An alive child. Which thanks to me, he couldn't have today..."
Alpha feels himself going into a depressed state, but quickly claws out of it, and his eeys begin gaining back their ususal light.
Alpha walks over to the couple and has a brief conversaton with them, and they nod their heads, walking to Graem. Alpha unsheaths his broadsword, keeping ready to guard the couple...and Graem if necessary. They begin walking to a small settlement about a mile off.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 10th, 2001, 07:23:49 PM
"You are more Jedi than i'll ever be but I'm glad you're not going out for revenge.
I take it you two have a history together?You and Kat? I'm just more than slightly curious, she has caused you some pain the past, that must I do know.
Thanks for your offer my friend, I think I'll have to take you up on that soon, even though I'm no longer a member of TSO Roul is.
I take it our darkside friends have some evil business in store which we shall have to put a stop to that, as jedi do"
:walks towards the settlement with Alpha and the couple, keeping her senses alert for any sign of the rampaging darksiders, whilst at the same time keeping her senses open for her brother, who would feel that she had betrayed him, not wanting to realise that she was just reclaiming the Jedi heritage that she had known from childhood.
Graem kept a careful eye on both Alpha and the couple as they walked toards the settlement, knowing full well that Roul would go berserk when he found out about this little adventure and also that Mathius was a dead man when she caught up with him again:
Satine Capashen
Apr 11th, 2001, 08:25:00 AM
As they walk, Alpha begins to tell Graem how he knows Kat.
"It started as normal enemies...until she had stolen one of my weapons. I challenged her to a rematch and I lost that one too. We talked at the bounty hunter's moon later, and she tried to get me to join TSE. Once TSC began coming after me in droves, much like GMA now, she saved my life. She convinced me that the Jedi hadn't helped me at all, and that her saving me was the fault of the JEdi nto helping me. I joined TSE for the second time, becomming an apprentice under Sith Kat. Kat had a little suprise for me. She wanted me to slay a pair of young lovers..."
Alpha shudders as he comes to this.
"I did so...In cold blood. Once I had done this, I decided that I wasn't cut out to be a Sith. I left, and porbably pissed her off badly. That's why I was so sad about me killing that child. It could've startd me killing anyone, innocents, jedi, or Sith, and I don't want to do that anymore."
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 11th, 2001, 08:04:58 PM
Before Graem can reply, a ripple in the Force suddenly forms around the farm couple. A wave of pressure slams into Alpha and Graem, tossing them both facefirst into the sand.
The roar of a ship's engines can be heard overhead. Four laser cannon shots lance out. The first one blows a crater in the nearby sand.
The second one vaporizes the couple that has been the focus of the evening's fun.
Two more shots also hit the sand, but to no apparent effect.
A large fire reaches into the sky from the direction of the farmhouse, and the Chimaera begins to fly away.
Hob grunts tiredly in satisfaction from aboard the ship. ~ Ye have quite an adaptation t' creatin' chaos, lass,~ he tells Sorsha.
Satine Capashen
Apr 11th, 2001, 08:33:21 PM
Alpha gets to his feet, channeling the Force. The ship shudders as it stops, but suddenly breaks free of the hold. Alpha tries firing a tracer at it, but it just slides off the hull.
Soon the ship is out of sight, and Alpha slowly sinks to his knees, both exhausted and filled with grief.
He mutters something Graem can't make out, and then says it again. She can hear it this time. He says: "Why is it that everyone I try to protect or make friends with dies?"
Alpha looks at Graem, and fornws. "I don't want you to die...So maybe you should just forget about even knowing me..."
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 12th, 2001, 03:09:39 PM
:kneels before Alpha and takes his chin in her hand, looking deep into his troubled eyes:
"Why would I do that?
I'd end up getting myself in about two minutes without you to save my life.
I know full well the grief you are feeling right now, remember I told you how I accidentally killed my younger brother and those three children?
The guilt and pain of that still stabs at my heart, I got my revenge and look where that got me, I can't bring my family or those innocent children back.
We have to stop Hob and Sith Kat before they cause more grief, we can follow them in the ShadowDweller until I get back to my base and collect the Eternal Hope"
:senses the pain Alpha has and knows that nothing she can do will ease that pain, and that it will plague him for the rest of his life, as the pain of those innocents' deaths still haunts her to this day.
She stands and gazes out into the distance a while:
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 12th, 2001, 03:31:12 PM
"Trust me, I'm not finished yet."
:: Sorsha smiles at Hob, then speaks to Endo in fluent Rodian ::
"I imagine the stricken little lambs will try to follow us. Activate the cloak."
Endo Freedoo
Apr 12th, 2001, 03:42:25 PM
:: Breaking away from the planet’s atmosphere and outer stratosphere, the Chimera enters the vacuum of space, then vanishes from sight into the obscurity of the void, as its cloaking system activates, at its commander’s request, piloted by the lanky Rodian. ::
Darth Roul
Apr 12th, 2001, 06:31:02 PM
OOC: is Graem turned?
::walks in::
If you betray me Graem you will die. I am more powerful than what you have seen. I have very powerful allies that will aid me in slaying you.
Satine Capashen
Apr 12th, 2001, 06:58:04 PM
Alpha hears Roul's threat, and sneers.
"Don't worry about him. From here on in, I'm putting you under my protection. Oh, nd there's a faster way of getting a ship...Hold on."
Alpha hits a button on his wrist comm, and a few seconds later, a firery trail lites the sky. Soon, Alpha's cruiser, the Tolaria hovers, and then lands.
Tolaria bristled from guns and other weapons, recently put on to make a cruiser that could take on an SSD and have a good chance of winning. Alpha takes Graem's hand, and leads her into the ship. Alpha closes the acess hatch, and heads to the bridge, his friend following.
The Young Jedi hops into the pilot's chair, and takes off, the huge bank of sublights exploding in light. Alpha leads the ship out of the atmosphere, and soon is in space, scanning all about for Kat and Hob.
"I'm not getting anything. From either sense...Do you want me to pick up your ship?"
Darth Roul
Apr 12th, 2001, 08:35:12 PM
If you come to Churba you will be shot down. No exceptions
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 13th, 2001, 08:33:24 AM
ooc:Andy, that's a damned good question, the truth is, I'm not actually sure if Graem has fully turned back to the lightside as of yet, you'll be the first to find out if she has or not.
She hasn't betrayed Roul or TSF yet...
Sorry USA civil rights history and Nazi Germany has well and truly fried my brain, and this is supposed to be a HOLIDAY FROM COLLEGE!!!!!
ic:If you wouldn't mind Alpha, I like having my own ship nearby.
I don't know how we're going to find Sith Kat or the Hob and I doubt they're going to lead us straight to them, except as in trapping us with no means of escape.
I see Roul is kind of upset with me, but I can handle that, but he is right.....he does have powerful allies, but they're only good for killing me if they can find and capture me.
:grins slightly:
It's good to be heading back to the lightside..."
:Graem stops talking to Alpha as she communicates with Roul via the Force:
"I have not truly betrayed you yet and I may not do so, I know you are angry but I'm doing what my heart tells me is the right thing to do.
If you feel the need then you can punish me if you ever catch up with me.
If I ever come back to Churba it will be as your prisoner or I will be back on the darkside"
:Graem cuts contact with Roul and smiles at Alpha:
"I told you that being near you had a bad effect on me, but I'm glad I didn't get the chance to kill you during our fight"
Darth Roul
Apr 13th, 2001, 05:59:06 PM
::contacts Graem::
My freinds and I are masters at killing together, we have done it many times
Satine Capashen
Apr 13th, 2001, 07:51:49 PM
Alpha grins and says, "I'm glad too...For one thing, being dead is terribly inconvient for me...For the third time of my life. And as for your ship, I'll go donw and get it..."
As Graem gave Alpha the coordinates, he puts the Tolaria into a dive, adjusting his course to match the coordinates. The armored, silver wings, glow with the plasma generated from the friction, turning the armored hull a bright yellow-gold. He brings the ship to a stop, landing right next to his friend's ship. Tolaria's wings fold up, allowing the warship to land.
Before Graem leaves, Alpha turns his chair around and says, "I hope you don't go back to the darkness...I don't want to fight, or kill, you. I doubt I would even if you did." He smiles and looks at her.
Satine Capashen
Apr 13th, 2001, 07:53:53 PM
Alpha nods, and brings the ship down next to Graem's ship, smiling as she leaves to get her own vessel.
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 14th, 2001, 08:01:16 AM
:Graem feels a shiver run down her spine as she enters the Shadow Dweller, too many bad memories were linked to this ship:
After securing her ship she contacts Alpha and tells him she is ready to leave, and takes her ship up into the void of true space.
She was glad her young friend was nearby:
:she contacts Roul once again:
"You and your allies can only kill me if you can hunt me down, the galaxy is a very big place. I'd watch your back from now on, I don't take threats very well"
Satine Capashen
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:15:23 PM
Alpha sits back in the command chair of the Tolaria, fighting to remain concious. He had let the computer handle all the normal operations, as it was designed to do, and now a wave of exhaustion and hunger slams into him like a brick wall. He hears Graem's message, and adds in one thing.
And I will help you, my friend. I have gotten rather good at hiding lately... Alpha can sense that Graem has felt his tiredness as he talked through the Force. Now the Young Jedi just sits back and drifts off to sleep in the comfortable chair.
First, visions of the two young ones, slightly older than himself, flash through his mind. The ones Kat had made him kill as a test. He relives the slaughter of them, his mind crying out in pain as he does. Next he sees the child he had killed just earlier that day--was it really just today that he did that?--and suddenly his mind rings with the child's scream as his sword had passed through him. Finally the Young Jedi's mind wheeled over to the couple, being vaporized by a blaster from the Chimera, hearing their screams as well...This begins again as he falls into a deeper sleep...
Soon Alpha is confronted with the spectre of a past he had tried to leave behind. Sith Kat. Sorsha. She was smirking, her face semmingly filled with an arrogance that annoys the Young JEdi to no end.
So, you want to renounce the Sith teachings you have learned? the spectre asks, her face suddenly contorting in rage. I doubt you can my apprentice! Your hands are covered in the blood of innocents, from when you first was a member of the TSc even to now, when you are a, she spits the next words, Jedi. You have ried to renounce the teachings before, and you have failed. What makes you think that you can do it this time? Graem, who you think you love? Firends that you think will help you?
Alpha's form stands next to the spectre, wondering if this is a dream of if Sorsha is really talking to him. Yes! he replies, his voice rising. Sorsha, I do think they will help me. And yes I DO think I love Graem...Even though I'm not sure why...And franky, I CAN reject the Sith teachings I have learned...
As quick as that, Sorsha is gone, leaving Alpha alone on a unknown planet. He sees Graem running in the distance, and sees something he can't believe following her. It was him! He radiated black energy, and his armor looked like something out of the Nine Hells. He trips his friend, and Graem whimpers in terror. The Dark Alpha looks to the shadows and suddenly the real alpha snese Kat in the shadows.
"Kill her," She says. "Killer the traitor, my apprentice..."
Alpha watches as his dark self swings a sword glowing black. It cleaves through neck and bone, going out the other side. Graem's head bounds free, and rolls to Kat's feet. Dark Alpha kneeled to Kat, and then used his dark powers to obliterate the body of his friend. The real Alpha watches in horror, trying to wake up, but failing.
And this was how his dreams went...turning into dark prophecies...And Alpha wonders, are they real futures, or just Kat messing with his head...
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 15th, 2001, 03:35:06 PM
:Graem senses the exhaustion threatening to overcome Alpha and she soon senses he has fallen asleep, if only in to a deeply troubled sleep.
As Graem sits in the cockpit, pondering the events of the day she couldn't believe that she had betrayed everything to help Alpha...she kept asking herself why she had helped him but each time she asked the question she gave herself the same response, she had no other reason to help him other than she WANTED to.
Graem settles into a deep meditative state, letting her mind wander....:
Satine Capashen
Apr 15th, 2001, 05:11:13 PM
Alpha slowly comes to, his mind reeling. He looks around the bridge of the Tolaria, noticing the empty room if for the first time. He sighs, and goes back to sleep, his drems slghtly calmer...
Satine Capashen
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:45:15 PM
Alpha wakes up again and checks his sensors.
Nothing. just as he expected. The Young Jedi hits a button on the command console, and dozens of small probes shoot out of different ports on the Tolaria. They begin scanning for disturbances in space, and relay all the information toAlpha.
Satine then taps into the Force sending his thoughts out across them. Sorsha the Kat, where are you? Just remember to run if you evr see me again. you will die if I get my hands on you... Alpha severs the connection and types up a message. It reads:
Hey Graem, this is Alph. I can tel you're trying to meditate so I'll just send this message out normally instead of through the Force. Here's a question for you: Would you like to meet me at Yoghurt's Bar & Grill for dinner maybe? If not, oh well.
Let me know[/i]
Alph sends the message to Graem's ship and then sits back in the chair, taking off his weapons belt, and turning off his shields and weapons syst
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 16th, 2001, 02:57:10 PM
:some time later Graem comes out of her deep meditation and sees that she has a message, she reads the message from Alpha and smilea, the more time she spent with Alpha the more she got to like him.
She sends a reply through the Force:
"That would be great Alpha, whenever you like but at the moment I'd like to get my hands on Hob and Sith Kat, you got anything on their whereabouts my young friend?
Alpha. I would like your help in making a full return to the Jedi but also I'd like a friendly rematch with you, I won't try to kill you, I just want to hone my skills against a very worthy opponent"
:Graem checks her own sensors and instruments before sending a highly coded message to Mathius, more a death threat that a friendly messgae:
Satine Capashen
Apr 17th, 2001, 08:32:12 AM
Alphasmiles at Graem's reply, and looks at his sensors, both the ones he basiclly threw to the currents, and his conventional ones.
I don't seem anything...where ever they are,they're hiding well. I can't even snese them through the Force...
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 17th, 2001, 02:44:11 PM
"Any chance they're going to leave a neon trail to their whereabouts?
I'll have an associate of mine try and trace them.
We might as well forget about finding them anytime soon, they'll make their presence known when they want to"
:Graem sends out a highly encoded message to Jade, hoping that the bounty hunter will be of some help in locating Sith Kat and Hob:
"Ready for dinner then?I need lots of Corellian Brandy after this adventure so lead the way Alpha, and I hope no-one who has a grudge against me turns up and forces me to kill them erm I mean disarm them peacefully"
Satine Capashen
Apr 17th, 2001, 08:31:51 PM
Graem hears Alpha's laughter, and she smiles.
"Don't worry, if anyone has a porblem with you, they have a prob with me." Alpha stops for a moment and asks himself again why he feels this way for Graem. As he has no answer, Alpha just continues. "You'll have to turn in your weapons, but with your Force powers, you should be able to handle yourself if a fight occurs. Follow me to get to the Jedis. Hope you don't mind if I take control of your navicomp...Sorry."
Alpha hits a switch and suddenly, Graem's computer is merged with Alpha's, a set of coordinates going into them. Alpha hits his hyperdrive lever, and the Tolaria's wings fold into the ship as it jumps...They'll have to wait another time to find the two Sith...
{OOC:Hey Graem, here's the addy for the dinner thread: ( }
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 18th, 2001, 06:55:51 PM
:: Sorsha muses over Alpha and his new found ally. She remembers when Kat saved Alpha from Itala, then Gue. For a brief time, they were allies. She risked everything to bring him back from death. Swore a blood oath to protect him. Then he betrayed her. She sighs, her mind filled with memories from a past life. Kat's hatred for his betrayal still burned inside her. She could never forgive him for that. Ever ::
"Take us back to Vjun." she says in Rodian.
Rama Sha
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:22:21 AM
:: The Star Phoenix smashes through the Atmosphere of The Desert planet and mind boggleing speed. It Doves towards the planets surface pulling up at the last minute kiscking up a large pillar of dust. The Wind from the ship nearly knocks a family of Jawas off their feet. The Ship stays low and zips along the surface. Towards the ravaged Farm.The Ship slows and turns 90% as the landing gears extend. They smash into the soft sand and ship sinks a few inches. Steam vents out the buttom as the elevator lowers. Rama clad all in black jumps off the elevator before it hits the ground. He scans the terrain and then enters the Moustire farm. He scans the dwelling ::
Im looking for that little welp, Hobgoblin.
Evil Hobgoblin
Apr 19th, 2001, 02:02:42 PM
(ooc) If you're hunting Hob, he'll be at his place of residence immediately after this, since he got a lift with Sorsha and the Chimaera. Hob has to recover from the energy he spent- he doesn't have a lot of stamina yet.
Anyway- hunt at your leisure. :)
Rama Sha
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:40:49 PM
OOC: I know that.....but Rama doesn't know that hence him coming here and asking where he is.
:: Rama can tell he isn't here, there isn't any force users near by. But Hob was here.......he could sense traces of battle. One was Hob, another was Alpha, and then there was an unknown.......then. ::
"Sorsha......That girl just seems to end up in my path every where I turn."
:: Rama exited the farm and looks around. ::
"There has to be a ship landing site around here somewhere."
Pierce Tondry
Apr 19th, 2001, 11:38:22 PM
(ooc) That's fine, but after my recent mix-up with Saurron, I wanted to make sure things were on the level.
Rama Sha
Apr 20th, 2001, 04:33:34 AM
OOC: Well since I don't know what your talking about, I think I am.
IC: :: Rama exaims the three impressions in the sand. ::
A Infltrator......Sienar Star Courier.
:: Rama runs his hand in the forward most groove ::
.....Deep....Extra weight. Like a cloaking devices. Well it was Sorsha alright.
:: Rama gets up and looks back at his ship. "why would Sorsha be running around with members of the Black Hand?" he thought. "No isn't important." he reminded himself. ::
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