View Full Version : Coruscant Tales: I got the blues soo bad
Sanis Prent
Mar 7th, 2001, 05:40:28 AM
OOC: Continued from "Coruscant Tales: Sanis' new ship"
(The whiskey had begun to do its work. The edge was taken off Sanis' feelings, which had been cut to the quick. In one short moment, Sanis had an inkling of understanding as to how the hundreds of broken hearts he left behind must have felt. It was the worst thing he had ever experienced in his life. As Sanis shuffled down the sidewalk, he searched for some place he could go...some place where he could just forget about it all. He didn't even want to consider going back in his present condition. Maybe he wouldn't go back at all. He didn't have to...did he?
Sanis shook his head....dammit, he could sure use another drink. Looking down the road, he spotted a fairly run-down looking pub. As broken men often do, Sanis sauntered into the bar, hoping that a night of complete debauchery would help clarify the situation with Daleethria, or get rid of it completely. One thing was certain, Sanis needed answers...the kind of answers served at room temperature in a shot glass. Taking a seat at the bar, Sanis grabbed the attention of the bartender.)
(The bartender returned with a small glass filled with a pungent brown liquid. Sanis tilted his head back and took the shot down. His road to recovery was begining.)
Sanis Prent
Mar 7th, 2001, 02:06:49 PM
(Ten minutes and four shots later, Sanis heard a rumble outside as a storm began to form. Rain started falling as a distant thunder rolled far away. Sanis turned to the window slightly, looking at the glum scene through half-opened eyes. Heh, this was almost funny. Didn't it always rain when these things happened?
Sanis watched rainwater spill down the awning in trickles as he tossed back another shot of whiskey...the alcohol now numbing him inside. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't still was just that the hurt was a little farther away. For every drink that Sanis took, it was like he was putting on his rose-tinted glasses again, looking at life how it was, but with a slightly better perspective.
Sanis shook his head as he slammed his shot glass to the bar. wasn't slightly better at all. It was still the same. He couldn't forget about it, but he could damn-sure try. Sanis gestured to the bartender for another shot. The older man simply gave Sanis an empathizing look, and slid another shot across the bar. Sanis picked the glass up, and looked at it. Damn, he could still see Dalee looking at him in the glass' reflection. He wasn't done forgetting yet.
Sanis downed the shot, and placed the glass back on the bar. Reaching into his jacket, Sanis searched for something he was keeping "just in case". Finding what he needed, Sanis pulled out his last pack of stims. For a while, he simply stared at the pack. He hadn't had one in almost three months. Daleethria didn't like them, so he thought that it was a good trade to kick the habit. Now as he sat in the bar, lonely and depressed, Sanis felt like he needed one more than ever.
Slowly, Sanis removed one of the glitterstim cigarettes from the pack, sticking the filter in between his lips. He removed a pack of matches, striking one and lighting the stim. As he inhaled the glitterstim, his eyes dialated slightly, the drug relaxing his nerves, and working towards taking his cares away. As he exhaled, however, Sanis could have sworn he saw Daleethria in the curls of smoke. Sanis simply closed his eyes and took another long drag. Nothing was helping to make this any easier on him...not even his stims.)
Sanis Prent
Mar 8th, 2001, 04:08:00 AM
(As the evening wore on, Sanis kept the liquor coming. By now, he was on his 10th shot of whiskey. As he turned the glass up, he noted that it hardly burned, sliding down his throat with minimal resistance. Of course, this was largely due to the fact that Sanis had become quite inebriated. Leaning back against the bar, Sanis began to look around the room, at all the other patrons. It seemed like the old days again. Another bar to crash, another night to party away, and another moment left completely unsure, life and death hanging by a whisper.
As Sanis reached for his 11th shot, he began to take notice of a couple of rather attractive ladies that had just walked into the bar. They looked like they were there to have a good time. Sanis smiled and gestured in their direction. Funny, half of him wanted to go over to their side of the room and get to know them. Sanis' old tendancies began to reassert themselves. If Daleethria was was the only other thing that Sanis knew. Maybe it wouldn't be the most fulfilling idea he'd ever thought up, but hell...Sanis had lived his life for 25 years without Daleethria, and surely he knew how to keep doing that.
Stewing in his own thoughts and doubts, Sanis simply sat, mulling over his cheap whiskey.)
OOC: This part of the Coruscant Tales is pretty much open. If you wanna participate and come into the bar...feel free to. I don't want to scare anybody off from RPing with me in this.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:22:49 PM
Thunder cracked, and hair stood on end. A dark figure dashed about through the rain. Lightning flashing, showing soaked features of a man. He scrambled about seemingly in a random fashion. Whatever suited him and the storm that instance, was set into an odd ballet. He jumped as lightning hit, he cartwheeled through thick rain, and ran about in general.
The storm intensified as a thunderhead moved closer. High energy crackled through the heavens to the ground, his dance was being cornerd. Trench coat streaming behind, he dashed for the nearest door, and wretched it open.
A massive crash of thunder punctuated its close, and it's deep sound resonated through the bar.
Sanis Prent
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:38:08 PM
(Sanis turned around slowly at the booming sound. He looked at a man who was completely soaked from head to toe. A small puddle formed where the water cascaded off his trenchcoat and onto the floor. For a man in such questionable condition, the newcomer seemed in easy enough spirits. Sanis had to smile at that. Maybe he was here to bring some life to this somber affair. At any rate, Sanis could use a drinking buddy. Flagging the soaked stranger down, Sanis cleared a seat at the bar.)
Damn, my look like you could use some alcohol to balance out that water.
(Sanis gestured to the barkeep, and a pair of shot glasses full of the familiar room-temperature whiskey appeared.)
Its on me.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:43:01 PM
Morgan shook his shoulders a bit, and water came off in the entry way. He did removed his coat, making sure his sword remained hidden. His shoulder holster and it's massive cargo remained evident, but it was almost an afterthought. Morgan's demanor only contrasted the weather further when offered a drink. He slid in a seat next to Sanis and smiled.
"Thank you..."
"Good to meet you, and thanks for the drink. Interesting weather, don't you think?"
Sanis Prent
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:52:03 PM
(Sanis looked out the window, at the seemingly monsoon-like Coruscant thundershower. The stranger was just didn't see storms like this on the city-planet very often. Sanis shrugged slightly...maybe it was a sign. Maybe he wasn't doing the right thing with Dalee, and maybe he needed to go back. Or...maybe it was just one of those restless nights where you just had to make something happen, and leave everything behind. Sanis couldn't really figure it out, and the alcohol was definitely blurring his reasoning on the matter. Sanis killed his shot, of which he had lost the count of, and looked at the newcomer.)
Yeah...its odd enough to see anything more than a sprinkle.
By the way, I didn't catch your name.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 8th, 2001, 11:57:15 PM
"Morgan. Nah, every now and again, comes a mother of a storm like this. Best kind for running about. Well, until the lightning zeros in." The glass rumbled with the boom of thunder again. He sipped a bit of the potent drink. "Normally, the thunderhead will move through pretty quickly, but this one has pitched a tent. Looks like I'm bottled here for awhile, but it certainly could be worse."
He said with a sincere grin.
"So, what chased you here?"
Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:03:52 AM
(Sanis hunched over slightly at the question, running a hand through his hair)
That's a complicated question...but I guess I can summarize and say its just women problems. Maybe I'll recap when and if I know more.
(Sanis raised his glass)
That's what this is for.
(Sanis took down another shot, and leaned back, stretching slightly)
So, just pop around and go barhopping when it rains? Anything else to the story?
Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:19:25 AM
"Actually, I don't drink as a rule. Does rotten stuff to me in large quantities. I can hold it down, but most would prefer I didn't."
His face obtained a sort of ironic grin as he asked the bartender for water.
"Thank you," he said, and turned back to Sanis. "Well, like I said, I'm not much for alchohol, so no barhopping. Actually, I run in the rain.
Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:22:02 AM
(Sanis smiled...well, it was a stupid question anyways.)
Whatever floats your speeder, my friend.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:30:59 AM
Morgan gave the comment a hearty chuckle.
"Normally, it does, but today I would be sunk!"
Sanis laughed. It was true. The rain still came down like a ship carrying ocean had broken up over the city-planet. After the clamour slowed a bit, Morgan resumed the banter.
"Women problems? I've got a bit of a woman problem myself."
"Oh? Whats that?"
"No woman." He said with a slight sigh.
Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:32:43 AM
(Sanis had to laugh at that)
Yeah, you could call that a problem...
(Sanis gestured across the bar at a few scantily-clad ladies)
But I'm sure you could rectify that situation, if the price is right.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 9th, 2001, 12:36:07 AM
"Ah... no... money is not the issue. It's more an issue of my skull's density. I'd have to be hit with a brick and then told very, very slowly that I was a romantic interest. I'm not soley interested in sex. I want love. Maybe thats too much to ask for."
Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2001, 01:09:27 AM
(Something about Morgan's words rattled inside Sanis' head. His brow furrowed as he mulled them over.
I'm not solely interested in sex. I want love.
Is that what it was...with Daleethria? Sanis had to think hard over the matter. Love. He really didn't know what the whole thing was about. It was ironic. He'd been with so many women, and the thought had never crossed his mind. To him, they were always just there for a lot of fun, and a chance to unwind. But love...what love? Sanis often wondered if he was just not meant to figure that riddle it was one of those things that just didn't apply to the equation. But Sanis didn't really know for sure. If Daleethria wasn't just another pretty face, and he was the mess he was now...maybe this love thing was truly biting him in the ass. At any rate, Sanis couldn't really make heads or tails of the situation. If Dalee was one of the others...then why were his knuckles wrapped up from bashing out the mirror in the refresher?
Sanis sighed...he just didn't know anymore. Nothing in his life was as simple as it was before he came to Coruscant. Now...he wasn't even sure about himself. If he was in love, if that's what it was that everybody talked about, he was in a bind...and it scared the hell outta him. Now things with Dalee had changed...and he had no idea how to make things better.)
Love...heh...that's funny.
(Maybe Sanis just needed a little hint)
One person's love is different from the next person's, I guess. I don't really know what you're talkin about on that one.
Jole Zakath
Mar 9th, 2001, 01:11:31 AM
A slightly inebriated Jole sat two seats down the row from where the other two men were sitting, and chuckled to himself as he listened with half an ear to the conversation.
Following Sanis around sure had its good sides.
Of course, the boss would frown on him if she caught him drinking, but hey - a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do; and at the moment, what he had to do was fit in.
So he'd had maybe a few shots too many already to be calling himself sober, but the boss wasn't around to frown - or do anything else to him.
He leaned over the bar towards the bottle of Chandrilan Ragan Whisky, and grabbed it by the neck, pulled it over and refilled his glass before the barman had a chance to look.
Hell, this place practically belonged to the Org anyway, at the exorbitant protection fee they paid... rather considerate of Sanis to bring him to this place.
Hell and damnation, but that was funny!
Jole broke out in loud laughter at that, which resulted in the two men turning their heads around and eyeing him with suspicion.
Ooops... not good. Never attract the attention of the person you spy on. Number one rule in the unwritten book of spying. Gotta do something... but what?
Then he had an idea.
"Hey," he said to them in a conspiratorial whisper that he underlayed with a wink of his eye and a lewd grin that he was sure would make him look like the stereotypical all-nighter at half of Coruscants' strip-clubs; "if it's girls you're looking for, ya know, I know a place that has some cute little Twi'leki that are always up for anything. Those'll take yer minds off yer troubles, trust me!"
Sanis Prent
Mar 9th, 2001, 01:38:12 AM
(Sanis rubbed his chin thoughtfully. On the other hand...that maybe wasn't a bad idea either. Maybe it was the alcohol, but Sanis just felt a little tense in the bones. Maybe if he got some of that tension out, he'd be able to think a little clearer.
Sanis turned to the man.)
That's the best plan I've heard all evening.
(Sanis narrowed his eyes a little)
Hey, don't I know you?
Jole Zakath
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:16:54 AM
FRack! Time to use rule number two in the unwritten book of spying: when rule number one fails, you're on your own.
He decided to take the logical way out.
"Wha??? Uh...," he swung his arm around in a wide arc, in an approximate gesture that should mean that there was a big world outside, and winked again; "Can't say I've seen yer face before, buddie, but whatcha know - we might've bumped into each other in one of the local bars before or so."
As he swung his arm back, he faked loosing his balance on the chair and it tipped dangerously backwards, depositing him rather gracelessly onto the floor, where he sprawled for a moment, shook his head, then laughed uproariously.
He scrambled back up, tipping over a few more chairs in teh process, until he stood swaying and the walked back to the bar, took up his glass, looked at it, and knocked the contents back in one go.
Sanis Prent
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:26:28 AM
(One thing you could always rely on when going to a bar. Somebody else was always a little bit more drunk than you would ever be. Unwittingly the comic relief, they were there to tell you that hey, you may be messed up...but you're not that messed up. Sanis had to laugh at that. Helping the man to his feet, Sanis took down another shot of whiskey as the stranger also took a drink. Grimacing and slamming the glass to the bar, Sanis still laughed)
Oh man...hope you didn't bust anything there!
(Sanis extends a hand)
Name's Prent...Sanis Prent. So, Mr. lead on about these ladies you've been talking about.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:26:54 AM
"Hey, looks like you've had quite a few drinks, you sure you don't want to go easy for a little while?"
Jole smiled in a fakenly drunk sort of way.
"Quite a few? Why, I'm just gettin started!"
Morgan rolled his eyes and gave the man an idiot point as he turned back to Sanis.
"I really don't think a twi'leki is your answer. How about a slow talk, and try to explain your feelings? You tried that yet?"
Aisha Klan Klan
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:42:29 AM
::Aisha sits quietly at a table at the other side of the bar, half listening to Sanis as he talked to two other men she didn't know. Upon hearing about their women problems, Aisha smirked slightly but she prefered not get too attached to most people since everyone she ever cared about was dead. She sipped her drink before wincing:: (Hmm, this bar can't mix drinks either)
Jole Zakath
Mar 10th, 2001, 03:00:49 AM
Jole looked at the other guy out of eyes that were a little mistier than they should have been, and he started to think that knocking down that last shot hadn't been such a good idea.
And there was something he was supposed to do. Something at the edge of his mind was nagging at him, but he just couldn't remember whatever the frackin hell it was.
Anyway, this wasn't the time to start worrying.
Right now, he'd have to stop at least Sanis from leaving this place. He wasn't going to go anywhere in the rain. But Sanis' friend seemed to be more of an outdoor person. He'd have to get rid fo him somehow along the way. Talk? Frack, was that guy depressing, or what?
He slapped him on the back.
"Talkin doesn't getcha anywhere. Jus' makes ya feel bad. Trust me... those girlies will make yer forget that yer've ever been feeling bad."
He leaned forward to whisper conspirationally into Sanis' ear, but missed a little and had to grab his arm to steady himself. Frack... he really shouldn't have had that last one...
"Yer know... we don''t even have ta leave this place. We can just call them up an tell'em to come over here."
Come over here... now why did that ring a bell?
Then it belatedly hit him: Sasseeri! The boss was gonna love this! Now he'd just have to get a chance to get her to come down here.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 10th, 2001, 03:07:34 AM
Morgan smiled lopsidedly and raised an eyebrow.
"Come to us, is that right?"
"Yah, its great!" Jole said, in a druken fashion. Morgan had decided he was the most devious smashed man he had ever met.
"I think I'll stick around and see what happens. This sounds interesting." The lopsided grin turned a bit more sideways, and the other eyebrow went up slightly as well. "How long will it take for them to get here?"
Sanis Prent
Mar 10th, 2001, 03:11:17 AM
(Sanis was also definitely feeling the effects of his debaucherous evening. Sure, he held his liquor a little better than most, but that came from conditioning. Even with that at his side, there is little a man can do in the face of 12 shots of Corellian whiskey, give or take. Grinning slyly and looking through half-closed eyes, Sanis nodded, agreeing with his equally-inebriated counterpart)
Yeah, maan....lets jus' call 'em...heh.
(Sanis shrugged in the direction of Morgan)
Heya..uh, nothin' 'gainst it...but I tried talkin' and all. I jus' need to explore s'mother options, ya know.
(Sanis looked down at the bar. There was another shot sitting there. He looked up slowly to see a winking and smiling bartender. Reluctantly, Sanis picked the glass off the table)
Oh flyin' Frelll...I'm sure gonna be feelin' this in th' mornin'.
(In Sanis' mind, the entire situation as to why he had come here in the first place was pushed away, distant, blurred. He knew he liked Dalee alot...hell, maybe even that other L-word...whatever that was. He just didn't know if that was bankable anymore. Now, he just needed to explore other things...maybe he should just go back to his old ways.
Sanis took the thirteenth shot...or so he estimated.)
Jole Zakath
Mar 10th, 2001, 05:49:28 PM
Jole grinned lop-sidedly. This was going well. And he had an idea what to do to get Sasseeri down here.
He winked in a really obvious way at the barman, who wordlessly got the bottle of whisky and refilled both his and Sanis' glasses.
"Lemme jus' giv'em a call..."
He was making a show of fumbling through all his pockets, searching for something, then finally drew out his datapad. As he did, he hit the edge of the bar, and the pad flipped up into the air, to land with a loud clatter with its edge caught in Sanis' glass.
"Oooops...", he said, sheepishly, then started to laugh again, slapping Morgan's back. "HahahHA... did ya see that? Oh man, this is funny!"
Still laughing, he leaned over and retrieved the now dripping datapad from the glass, and started punching numbers.
Somewhere there was a little cover-op Sasseeri liked to use for some of the fishier business, and it was located in a safe-house run by a bunch of Twi'lek call-girls the boss had brought in from Ryloth. Now he just had to find the right channel, slip in a little encrypted message into the mesage to them, and he'd achieved both things at once.
Once he had found the number, he brought up the pad closer to his face, then held it away a bit again, appearing as if the letters were swimming in front of his drunken eyes and he had to focus first to be able to read.
He let a very uncharacteristical giggle escape him as he did so, and then went on boasting loudly about the things those girls could do, which, to his great amusement, brought up a definate blush on Sanis' friend's face.
Jole began to wonder at that point how he could manage to slip him a drink or two without the guy noticing...
Sanis Prent
Mar 10th, 2001, 06:03:53 PM
(Sanis slurredly cursed as a dabble of whiskey splashed on his shirt. He then slid into a stint of laughter, as Jole had apparently doused his datapad.)
Whoa, man....careful where you're slingin' that thing. We wouldn' wanna party foul, would we?
(Sanis smiled, leaning back. He rubbed his hands across his face slowly, exhaling as he looked up at the ceiling. Oh man he needed this...
Still, in the back of his mind...he was thinking of Daleethria. She'd have to understand. He needed to know something. He'd tried...he'd tried so hard to figure out what to do with her...and now he was back at the beginning. Well, there was only so much Sanis knew to do in the situation. He was going to make the best of it.)
Data Transfer
Mar 10th, 2001, 07:36:49 PM
<font color="green" size="2" face="Arial">
Message pending for Talis'oneesa...
Message initiating transfer....
Message download complete.
<font color="#cccccc">
He%U%y Tali%R%s, thi%G%s is Jol%EN%e Za%T>F.%kat%>SR%h. I'm dow%AT%n here at th%TEN%e Wil%DA%d Banth%NCE%a with a fe%>RE%w friend%QUIR%s. We're miss%ED%ing femal%>SAN%e compan%IS%y tho - can you sen%HE%d som%RE%e of you%>IN%r girl%>BAD%s ov%>STA%er? It'll be f%TE%un!
Message Ended.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 10th, 2001, 08:34:24 PM
When she answered the pinging of the holo comm unit, she as expecting to see Zakath's face appear, but what she got instead made her take a step back. Talis??? What did she want????
In a bored voice, she finally asked the Twi'lek woman she had made overseer over that gaggle of girls over in her safe house, what she wanted.
"What jis jit thjis tjime, Taljis?"
The Twi'lek looked slightly annoyed, come to think of it.
"There's a message from Zakath here I thought you'd want to have. Really, can't you tell your damn people to keep away from my girls? He wants me to send down some of them, to amuse some of his friends. I see no point in do--"
Sasseeri shut her up with a glare. She was in no mood to listen to another round of complaints about what and what not she should do with the girls.
"What jis the message?"
Talis Oneesa glared back for a second, then relented and told her.
"He says it's urgent that you meet him down in a place called the Wild Bantha. Some guy there is in a bad state. Sanis Prent, or something."
Sasseeri's eyes went wide. She'd sent Zakath out to keep an eye on Sanis - now she'd have to wonder what he'd been up to. He'd either fouled up and done something to Sanis, or something else was the matter. No matter what, she had to get down there and see for herself.
A few brief words with Talis, and the annoying Twi'lek was dealt with. Sasseeri shut off the holo projector, slipped into her coat, and went out.
Aisha Klan Klan
Mar 11th, 2001, 02:37:11 AM
::Aisha eyes narrowed as she saw what Jole was doing:: (what's he up to?) ::she thought then checked his mind for the answer:: (Bringing Sasseeri here? WTH?) ::Although she only been on Courasant for a few months, she had heard that name often. Aisha sighs briefly:: (looks like I'll have to keep on eye on Sanis for awhile, nothing good ever goes with that woman and I don't like ppl who mess with my customers, it doesn't make for good business)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 11th, 2001, 03:44:23 AM
Jole was a drunk skunk, and raving like a madman. "Guys! I think the girls will be on there way soon."
After all of his talk about their 'ablilties' Morgan was almost crimson. It was beyond lewd. It was ultra-lewd to the nth degree.
But he needed to stick around. Maybe there was a reason his subconsious wasn't letting on, but he had decided that he wasn't really going anywhere. Jole continued his relentless blabber about those girls, and Morgan continued to scrutinize Sanis and drink water. Sanis, on the other hand, was in fairly deep thought about his "woman problem." Poor guy.
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 12th, 2001, 04:32:53 AM
T'Jienn walked down the dark street, recieving the usual cat calls and whistles. She smiled and winked at the men giving her attention. Inside she mused to herself why she'd been given the assignment of heading off to a bar; today HAD been her day off, after all. But, she didn't complain to Talis. After all, she was getting paid well.
She stopped briefly outside a bar called the Wild Bantha. She smiled. She'd been here several times before, and always found the denizens to be quite... entertaining... even though, technically, she was the entertainer. But, who said you couldn't have fun with your job.
She walked in slowly, letting her blue eyes scan the crowd, occasionally letting them rest on the various males gathered within. Thinking back, she recalled the picture of a man named Jole Zakath. Within a few moments, she'd spotted him at a table with two other men. Smiling she moved at a leizurly pace towards their table, being sure to arrive so that she would be facing Jole. Once there she smiled invitingly at all three men.
Can a lady join in on this little party?
Eluna Thals
Mar 12th, 2001, 05:06:44 AM
(Eluna hadn't been in the bar for long when the blue-skinned Twi'Lek came sauntering in, making herself "available" to Sanis and his friends.
Taking a drink of her Alsanian Sunrise, Eluna couldn't help but be amused. Vice Director Tondry had assigned her to keep an eye on the "Prent Situation". At first, she had protested, and rightly so. After all...she was no field agent. She was a PR spokeswoman, somebody who looked good for the HoloCams, and helped Intel's agenda sound people-friendly. Nevertheless, Tondry had insisted, and Eluna reluctantly took the assignment, with nothing but a small personal blaster and a comm unit. She was only there to observe, so maybe she wouldn't need to do anything else. That suited her just fine, because Eluna's job description was being stretched to the limit as it was.
Leaning back in her seat...Eluna watched Sanis and his colleagues drink.
She raised an eyebrow. Sanis Prent. She didn't know what Tondry wanted with him, only that he wanted him.
And so did Eluna, she had to admit. Mmm....he did look like he would be worth a little fun...maybe more than a little. Her tongue ran ever-so-slightly over her lip as she thought about possibly "incarcerating" him in the name of the Empire, and taking him in for "questioning".
Eluna snapped out of it. Hmm...maybe after the mission, if he was still in one piece. At any rate, he seemed to be having plenty of fun on his own. The Twi'Lek woman, obviously a prostitute, was warming quite well to the three men. As Eluna took another drink, she began to look the call girl up and down. She wasn't bad, either. Nice legs, nice backside....and....
...Eluna shook her head. Later. Always later.
She continued to monitor Sanis, careful to notice anything useful that Tondry might need.)
Jole Zakath
Mar 12th, 2001, 07:44:22 PM
His eyes roamed over the scantily clad body of the girl. Ah yeah, he'd had her before. Not bad, not bad...
He was wondering where Sasseeri was - had she gotten the message? Trying to make eye-contact with the girl to see if she had anything to tell him about that, didn't seem to work - not in front of those other two.
So he just put his arm around her shoulder and showed her off to his two new friends.
"Ain't she a li'le cutie, guys? Wha' say we go over into one of the private rooms, for a li'le demons- demonstration of her ab'lities?"
But when he proceeded to pinch her bum, she pushed him off forcefully, and he staggered backwards, fell over some tables, to come to lie almost 10 meters away from where he had been standing.
And gazed up in the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen on a woman. Blue eyes. The rest of her face didn't look bad either. And when he shook his head and brought his eyes to focus on her body.... HOLY FRACK!
Eluna Thals
Mar 12th, 2001, 08:04:51 PM
(Eluna's concentration was broken as one of the men Sanis was with was pushed in her direction. Losing his balance, the man tumbled towards her, coming to rest beside her table. Eluna couldn't help but laugh at the intoxicated man's antics. As Eluna took another sip of her drink, she also couldn't help looking at him. He wasn't bad, either. Oh...this was where Eluna's willpower was always put to the test. Going out to bars, finding attractive and relatively stuporous men...or women, whatever. A pair of restraining cuffs, a cat-o-nine-tails, and a few hours later, Eluna could always find something fun to do. In her head, Eluna began to plan just what she might do to this inebriated young man. Duct tape, a repulsorsled, and some fruit-flavored body oil sounded up to task...
...Eluna's mind kicked out of demented hobby mode. She'd have time to think about having fun later. Now, she had work to do...even if she still grumbled inside about it. Not letting her attention slip too far from Sanis, Eluna looked down, smiled in a professional manner, and helped the stranger to his feet. She could smell the sweat and alcohol on him, and tried not to let her libido show through in her voice, as she helped him up. Maybe when she wasn't doing an odd job, she could come back to this place and find him. She needed a new face in her fun room, anyways. At any rate, Eluna put on her "public servant" facade.)
Careful there, you almost hurt yourself. Are you okay? Maybe you should sit those drinks off for a little while, and relax.
Jole Zakath
Mar 12th, 2001, 09:14:15 PM
He didn't really hear what she said - he barely noticed himself standing up. All he could think of was...
Those eyes... those incredibly blue eyes....eyes...
Mesmerized by those eyes, and the hand he held on to, he found himself sitting down next to her, for once casting a glance over his shoulder at Sanis and his friend. Sanis had his arm around the vacated spot on the girl's shoulder.
There wasn't much he could do there until Sasseeri arrived, so Jole decided that it would be a much better idea to stay with this stunner of a woman next to him.
"He-hello there... wha's your name, honey?"
Sanis Prent
Mar 12th, 2001, 09:36:44 PM
(Sanis leisurely put an arm around T'Jienn, smiling luridly as he looked her up and down. Damn, what a hot piece of lekku she was...and hell, Sanis had never had a blue one, before. And judging about how she was recommended, Sanis was pretty sure she could do a lot of crazy stuff.
His mind was a mess, that much was certain. The situation with Daleethria was still pulsating in the background. Sanis had to figure out what to do. Was there anything to do? He didn't know. He hadn't gotten a word out of how would he know if things were okay or not. She wouldn't talk to him anymore.
The New Sanis didn't know what to do in this situation...but the Old Sanis did. A little casual female contact was just the thing to take your mind off things. Oh and it made things so much easier when they were working a payroll. Now, don't be mistaken. Sanis didn't exactly collect frequent flyer miles with these kind of girls, but they were helpful in a pinch, and Sanis was definitely in a pinch.
His hand sliding down her back as he held it around her, Sanis arched an eyebrow as he looked her in the face.)
You look like a lot of fun, girl. Whaddya say we take this someplace else, and give you a spin?
Morgan Evanar
Mar 12th, 2001, 09:45:26 PM
"Oh drunken Sanis, this will cause thyself greatest pain and suffering! Thou will only worsen thy situation with thy current engagements!" Sanis looked at Morgan in a most bewhildered manner. Morgan rolled his eyes. Bastage was too inebriated to get the hint.
"In other words, yer ass is grass and your other female friend will be mowing the lawn. Hell hath no wrath like a woman." Well, now that was out into the universe, only Sanis was resposible for his actions. He sincerly hoped he would heed the advice. Few things could frost a woman like being cheated on, and Sanis would be in for a... well, "Biznatch would be pwnd hardc0re", as one of Morgan's slicer friends would put it.
Eluna Thals
Mar 12th, 2001, 09:57:08 PM
(Aww, how cute. The "What's your Name" line. Eluna had to give him brownie points for that. Why not let the man know? Eluna looked at him and broadened her smile.)
My name's Luna.
(While she definitely enjoyed the attention, and would love to put this handsome fella through the ringers, Eluna knew she had work to do. She was still trying to keep track of Sanis, and listen to what he was saying. She had to separate work and play.
In a more businesslike approach, Eluna turned to Jole.)
You need to be more could've broken something.
(Then, it dawned on her...) here with friends?
(Squeeze him for info!)
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 13th, 2001, 02:23:59 AM
T'Jienn laughed lightly as she playfully pushed Jole, watching him slide to a halt near another woman. Oh, he was a bit o fun when he was so lost in the bottle. She giggled a bit more, half turning as one of the other men at the table approached her. Her eyebrow arched slightly and she gave him a playful smile. She let him slide his arm around her and she turned more fully towards him, letting her hand slide softly down his chest.
Oh, he was a handsome one. This should be fun. One of her lekku slid up behind him and rested on his shoulder, the tip softly stroking his ear. She tilted her head slightly.
Say the magic word, sugar, and I'll spin you right out of your pants.
She winked and playfully patted his behind with her free lekku.
Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2001, 02:43:25 AM
(Sanis smiles at that, rubbing a free hand through his hair. He reaches in his pocket, pulling out an aged gold coin. With a cocky and semi-dazed look, Sanis talks to Tjienn)
Call it in the air, babe.
(Sanis flips the coin)
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 13th, 2001, 02:49:43 AM
She watched the coin flip through the air, it's sides catching the light, making it glitter. She smiled and let her lekku run along his leg. She turned back to look at him and licked her lips.
Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2001, 03:18:56 AM
(Sanis smiled the moment she said it. What he knew and she didn't was that the coin Sanis used was his special-purpose, double-sided "Love Coin". Just one of those little novelties that people like Sanis made it a point to carry around. Sanis tried to catch the coin on the way down, but missed by a sizeable margin due to his rather-sloppy condition. However, he picked it up, and showed it to T'Jienn.)
(Sanis took her by the hand, and began to go toward the back part of the bar...the part that served as a "motel" with "hourly rates".)
I win. I'm on top, heh.
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 13th, 2001, 03:39:48 AM
She chuckled softly letting him lead her towards the back of the bar.
Honey, you can be on ANY side of me you want.
She let her lekku play along his back as they walked towards the "motel with hourly rates".
Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2001, 04:19:50 AM
(Sanis tossed a credit chit in the manager's general direction, flung open room 2A's door, and pulled T'Jienn inside, closing the door behind him. Checking himself in a wall-mounted mirror, Sanis kissed T'Jienn deeply, and tossed her onto the bed, her lithe frame bouncing in just the right places ever-so-slightly on the mattress. Watching her bouncing cleavage, Sanis jumped on top of the bed, straddling her at the hips. He leaned down, kissing her, working from her lips, to the nape of her neck, and further down. As he did so, he could feel her at work as well. She was good...definitely quality here.)
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 13th, 2001, 04:55:48 AM
T'Jienn arched her back slightly, enjoying every moment. Oh, but he was more than she'd anticipated. She let her hands work his shirt off, sliding them along the muscles on his back, among other things. Her lekku were at work also, touching him in all the right places. She was one of the best from the safe house; most likely why she'd been taken from her day off. Now, for sure, all annoyance of having been taken away from her day of rest was gone. She was enjoying herself too much, and quite glad she'd come. Oh! He WAS good! The man had had practice.
She arched her back more and then let it slide to the bed, grabbing him and pulling him up. She kissed him full on the lips, letting her mouth move from his towards his ear where she began to play with it with her tongue, nibbling on occasion. As she kissed his ear, her hand began to move through his hair, letting each finger be felt on his head. She played with it a bit, stopping her play on his ear to lean back and look at him. He had nice hair, and she'd always had a fondness for it, even though she herself had none. It just amused her somehow. She ran her fingers along his scalp, twirling the hair in her fingers. She then began to just play with it; parting it, slicking it, ruffling it. She just liked it's feathery feel. She smiled at him, looking at him with her big blue eyes.
Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2001, 05:37:40 AM
(T'Jienn was in constant motion, hands, feet, lips and lekku all working as a team, each caressing Sanis in their own way. It was the sense of being overwhelmed. She was definitely good at her job. She never stayed in one place...always moving on, finding another spot to give attention. Sanis could feel her working through the haze of his stupor. Slowly, she was waking his whole body up. She even worked the ears! OH MAN, she was worth her weight in gold now! A girl who knows how to play with ears is definitely special. However, just when everything was truly getting good, Sanis suddenly stopped. Something about the way T'Jienn was playing with his hair made him suddenly and deeply regret what he was doing. It made him think about when he first met Daleethria, and the way she played with his hair as well...brushing and forming it until it looked neat. Sanis may have been looking for answers, but he suddenly realized that he was looking in the wrong direction. He had to find Daleethria. Whether things would be fixed or not, Sanis at least had to keep trying. He didn't want to run from it anymore, that much was certain.
Gently, Sanis withdrew himself from T'Jienn, sitting up as she leaned back on the bed, curious. Sanis looked in the mirror, and saw what he was so close to doing. It seemed that the New Sanis was winning this round. He turned back to his Twi'Lek entertainment, and shook his head slightly.)
I'm sorry, I can't do this.
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 13th, 2001, 06:08:12 AM
She looked at him curiously. Something about the way he'd gone from one stage to another with no warning. Something in his eyes. She blinked, confused. She'd seen this before in other men. That haunted look in their eyes; the sense that something else was slipping in between them and "no strings attached" pleasure. But, somehow it seemed different in his eyes. He had stopped where other's had merely ignored the feeling and kept going.
She got on all fours and crawled off the bed, slightly annoyed. She was close to inticing him again, but her instincts told her he wouldn't budge. And he had been doing so well too. This made her upset. She shook her head.
Worthless. Completely worthless.
Without another word, she just glared at him and walked out of the room, and back into the bar. There were plenty of other men there. She'd make the best of her "day off".
Sanis Prent
Mar 13th, 2001, 04:05:58 PM
(Sanis doesn't look at T'Jienn, instead turning away as he puts his shirt and coat back on, and grabs his other equipment. She was mad, and had a right to be...but Sanis didn't feel like making any excuses. He just couldn't do it. Maybe in retrospect, coming here was a bad idea. Maybe he should've just stuck it out with Dalee...even if she wouldn't say anything. Whatever the situation was, she was on his mind in a big way, and Sanis couldn't just shrug that off.
Without another word, Sanis left the room, walking slowly back to the bar. At any rate...he was scared. Scared he might lose Dalee because of something he did. He wanted to know that he was alright, and that he wasn't a bad person for thinking the way he did. This was just so new to him.
Settling back at the bar, Sanis ordered more whiskey. Maybe if he just drank until he passed out, he wouldn't have to deal with the situation anymore tonight. Tomorrow, maybe...but Sanis was too confused at this juncture. He'd already come close to making a mistake, and now, all he wanted was to make it through the night.
Taking another shot of whiskey, Sanis lit up a stim, as he let his mind blank out.)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 13th, 2001, 09:07:42 PM
The knight glanced up as Sanis returned to his chair. Too fast, even for a "quckie." He must have had thoughts about his current woman. There was hope for him yet.
"Hey Sanis, are you feeling alright?" Sanis shook his head slowly as he puffed his stim.
"You want a hand getting home? You look pretty smashed."
Sanis Prent
Mar 14th, 2001, 04:22:55 AM
(Sanis polished off another shot. How many was it now? Hell, it didn't matter. Whatever helped him pass the hell out and be done with it...that's all that mattered. Sanis just didn't wanna think anymore that night. Not about what he almost did, and not about Dalee...even though he was starting to see that he somehow needed her in his life. It was infuriating and confusing, and Sanis had just had too much to handle in a day. So there he was, taking another shot of whiskey, and feeling about as completely drunk as he had ever felt in his life. Shakily, he turned to Morgan, who was offering to help him go home. No...he certainly didn't want to go home. He couldn't show his face around Dalee looking like this. No, he would be far better off passing out in the bar, and working on a nice, pleasant hangover. Sanis shook his head, and dismissed Morgan with a wave of his hand)
N..noo, I'mm ohkay...ugh...I'm fiiine.
(Sanis exhaled slowly, focusing his eyes)
I, uh...ughh...jus' gonn' sit o'er here 'n haave 'nother few...thatsall, uggh.
Clive Jerrard
Mar 14th, 2001, 06:46:49 AM
(Clive walked into the bar, squinting his good eye against the haziness in the room. He'd been at his apartment above his shop, and had decided to go out searching for something to do. He'd been bar hopping and this place happened to be on his route. Walking towards the bar, he watched as a blue-skined Twi'lek woman walked by. My, but she looked fine. He smiled. Maybe later. Right now, he wanted a drink.)
(He slid into one of the stools and ordered a beer. Flipping the top, he took a swig straight from the bottle, looking around the establishment. Smoking, laughing, music, women. He was having a relaxing time. He let his gaze wonder over the crowds of various beings, making a full circle. Finally, his gaze came back to the bar and he drank again from his beer.)
(Casually looking over his shoulder, he spotted a head with tousled hair. He frowned. He'd seen that hair before. He leaned forward to spy the man's face leaning over a glass. Clive smiled, realizing it was Sanis Prent. He'd met him only through a package delivery, but somehow felt a comradeship towards him. Both had a common dealing in outlawish business.)
(He hopped off his stool and walked over to Sanis, smiling.)
Hey Sanis! How ya doi--
(He stopped in mid-word as he saw the state Sanis was in.)
Ooo. You don't look so good, pal.
Sanis Prent
Mar 14th, 2001, 06:53:13 AM
(Sanis sort-of shrugged, and smiled weakly as he looked at Clive.)
Yea'...I'll be fiine. Jus' havin' a good tiime.
(Well, that was a lie...but it at least helped Sanis rationalize his drinking.)
Clive Jerrard
Mar 14th, 2001, 07:08:21 AM
(Clive raised the eyebrow over his good eye, and looked at the half empty glass in front of Sanis. He sat down in the stool next to him. )
Yeah, I bet you are.
(He didn't buy it. The man was obviously in some serious trouble, whether it be business or pleasure. Somehow, Sanis didn't strike Clive as the type that would just go out and get drunk for the hell of it. Well, maybe he would, but the way he looked now, it didn't seem like one of those situations. Something else was bothering the man.)
(Clive gestured towards the bar tender and inquired as to how many drinks Sanis had had that evening. The bar tender snorted.)
Bar tender: Too many. But, he keeps paying.
(The bar tender shrugged and walked off to serve more drinks to waiting patrons. Clive looked at Sanis again and shook his head. Whatever it was, he sure as hell was glad he wasn't in his shoes.)
(He looked out into the room again and spotted a nice looking female with beautiful blue eyes. Wait a minute. hadn't he seen her before? His eye widened as he realized it was that Imperial he'd seen earlier.)
Well, I'll be damned.
(He was looking her up and down. She still looked just as good as when he'd first met her. He let his eyes wonder over to the side of her to see who she was talking to. He did a double take.)
Well, I'll be DOUBLE damned!
(The man she was talking to was non-other than the same fellow who'd ordered those items from his shop and had him deliver that rifle to Sanis. One of Sasseeri's henchmen.)
(Clive shook his head, then took another swig of his beer. Such a large city on an even larger planet, and he ended up in a bar with faces he'd just recently met.)
Jole Zakath
Mar 14th, 2001, 08:16:10 PM
Jole was mighty glad he'd sat down, for otherwise his knees would have given away under him when she smiled. Oh man, this was unbelievable - she was definately the hottest thing on two legs he'd come across in a long while!
Almost drooling, he watched her, mesmerized, as she opened her mouth to speak, but he didn't hear anything. All he could take in at the moment were the red moistness of her lips, and the perfect row of white teeth that showed as she smiled.
She was frackin' damn perfect!
Finally he realised that she was trying to ask him something, and he came out of the daze with a shake of his head, just in time to hear her ask something about his friends. What friends???
Then he followed those damned blue eyes of her into the direction she was looking, and saw Morgan and Sanis, the latter just walking off with the Twi'lek girl.
Where the frack is the boss???
He turned back to the stunner next to him, and smiled lop-sidedly. No harm in telling her, was there? Girl like that, there wasn't a chance in hell she'd be some weird chick sent by some other org... nah - no frackin way!
He sent caution to hell.
"'s no frien'sh, really. Jusht shome people ah'm keepin an eye on," - he winked at her - "if you catshh my drift."
Then he pointed at Sanis who was just about to vanish into the other part of the building. Jole was a little worried that maybe Sanis had gone suspicious on him and was now trying on some trick to sneak out, but then again - Sanis didn't look in a fit state enough to even unbutton his pants, so the chance of him actually trying something nasty was pretty small.
"Shhee tha' guy over dere? He'sh shome guy my bosshh ish intereshted in, sho she hash me lookin ov'r 'im."
During the next ten minutes, he tried his best to keep the little blond vixen next to him happy and smiling with his answers, while in his imagination he was was having her undressed and rather roughly tied to a bed ... and then he would slowly start from the bottom of her cute feet, upwards, exploring every centimeter of her with his tongue, and---
His glassy, unfocused eyes fastened on the newcomer who had just stepped through the door. That was- that was- that was the guy from that weapons store!!!
Jole's natural reflexes finaly took over. Shaking off the daze he had let himself fall under, discarding all the dirty little images his mind had managed to dredge up about the woman next to him, his thoughts cleared enough to make him momentarily realise what he had to loose if that shop guy was to recognise him.
He had to be dealt with - and before Sasseeri could arrive.
Eluna Thals
Mar 14th, 2001, 08:41:29 PM
(Oh yes. If anything, this handsome drunkard was proving quite the source of information. She didn't even put on much of a squeeze to get him to talk. In a way, that disappointed her. At least that way, she could write it all off as "business procedure". Oh well. At any rate, he was going to be quite useful to her, maybe in more ways than one.
Smiling curiously, Eluna tilted her head a small degree.)
Oh, you're keeping an eye on him?
(Eluna fought the urge to chuckle.)
That sounds exciting. So, are you an undercover policeman or a gangster or something? Wow, I've never met one before.
(Eluna imagined General Tondry would be most interested in any other parties attempting to track Sanis down. It seemed he was quite the wanted man, indeed.)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 14th, 2001, 09:07:56 PM
It felt... weird. The whole damn thing was starting to feel really weird.
Somone has been watching us. Well, Sanis rather. It hadn't been of concern before. Why was it bothering me now? Something is going to happen, or I'll eat my lightsaber.
This new fellow seemed to be familiar, in some sense, with all the characters involved. Seemed he had some sort of buissiness dealing with Sanis, and had at least talked to the drunkard Jole and that knockout blonde.
"Ale, please." The bartender nodded and poured Morgan a large glass. He sipped quietly, wondering what other insanity the night would bring.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 14th, 2001, 11:42:30 PM
Miserable weather. If there was any place she wanted to be less right now, then it was this soggy planet. Why did it always have to rain? She had thought the monsoon seasons on her own home planet were bad, but this? This was much worse. And dodging lightning bolts all the way from the cab to the door wasn't her kind of thing either.
The things she did for Sanis Prent!
Sasseeri paused in the doorway, shook the rain out of her hair, and took in the tableau before her before anyone had a chance to see her.
Apparently, half of Coruscant's underworld was congregated here, along with a couple of other shady people.
A belligerent drunk at the bar was in the process of falling down his chair, being held up only by a one-eyed tall human who looked as if someone had rammed a broom down his spine and forced him to stay upright all his life. On the other side of the drunk, a rather bedraggled human sat leaning backwards away from the other two, nursing a glass of what might have been ale, but the colour didn't look all too safe a bet on that.
Hold it! That was Sanis!!! The drunk was Sanis Prent!
Now several things started to come together in her mind. She didn't know the guy hugging the ale glass, but One-Eye looked like Clive Jerrard, the weapons dealer the Sector Rangers were so determined to bring under their protection.
What was he doing here???
And where where in kriffing space was Jole Zakath???
It was then that Sasseeri's eyes roamed over the rest of the bar, and they came to rest rather unmercilessly on an employee of hers who possibly looked even drunker than Sanis, and alternately kept a glassy-eyes stare on the group at the bar and the woman at his side.
The woman... I've seen her somewhere before but I can't remember where that was exactly. She's something... something unpleasant.
Anger welled up in her at the sight of her most trusted employee drooling over this woman. There was no telling what the fool might have done - or might still do.
Yet she had no other choice than to let it rest for now. She couldn't possibly compromise hers and Zakath's relationship to one another with Sanis - not that she thought he was in any fit state to notice something like that, but it was better if she didn't give him any additional clues.
She walked in.
Sanis Prent
Mar 15th, 2001, 12:13:20 AM
(Sanis turned to the sound of an opening door. Coming in from the rain was a person whom Sanis recognized, albeit through blurred vision. Blinking slightly, Sanis began to make out the image a little clearer.)
(By now, Sanis had lost all conjecture over his judgment capacity. He wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing that the Sector Rangers businesswoman had come to the bar. Sanis turned his head, it seemed like just about everybody was here to talk to him. Coruscant was a big place, but still it seemed like a small world.
As Sasseeri came through the doorway. Sanis sat, smiled, and tried to look as nearly-sober as he could.)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 15th, 2001, 03:46:01 AM
She risked a grim stare at Zakath, whose expression froze on his face into a panicked mask of fear as he met her eyes. Well, maybe not all was lost with him. There was something written into those eyes of him that spoke of at least a marginal amount of intelligence left in him.
No use worrying about it now.
Sasseeri walked over to where Sanis was sitting, and quickly slid her arm around his back before he could make any attempt at getting away from it. Then she kissed him on the cheek. With that smell of alcohol coming off him, there was no way she was going to kiss him anywhere else, until he had at least freshened himself up a bit.
Her nose twitched.
The stench was unbearable. She had to get out of here. Had to get him out of the grasp of these two - they were probably the reason he was in such a state.
She had often observed that it was a strange human custom for males of the species (for almost any other species as well, actually) that their interpretation of the word "entertainment" usually meant gathering in large rowdy groups drinking enormous quantities of alcohol and generally making fools of themselves.
Well, of course she had observed that - she was making rather good money from it, in actual fact, with some of the establishments in her organisation.
Swallowing her disgust at the smell, she smiled at Sanis with gritted teeth.
"Hello sweethearrrt!"
Clive Jerrard
Mar 15th, 2001, 04:30:24 AM
(Clive nearly spit out the mouthful of beer he had just swallowed as he saw who was walking through the door. Now what was Sasseeri doing here? Was he in trouble for not following up on the meeting with the Sector Rangers? He frowned. That couldn't be it. He'd only just received the notice. While he mulled over this, he watched with an amused smile as Henchman froze on seeing Sasseeri enter. Yup, the man definitely worked for her, no doubt about it now. He remained sitting in his stool next to Sanis, as she approached the bar. He smiled and nodded his head, not saying anything. She didn't look happy being here, but that didn't stop her from coming in and putting an arm around Sanis. The eyebrow over his good eye raised slightly as she kissed Sanis on the cheek. Well, well, well... Sanis did have dealings with this woman; probably more than he was letting on. He drank some beer again, watching Sasseeri and Sanis, and Henchman and Blue-eyes. All these people he could identify. Talk about entertainment in the least of places expected.)
(He looked at his chrono. Speaking of people he could identify, where the frack was Raunkks? He should have been here by now.)
Sanis Prent
Mar 15th, 2001, 05:06:09 AM
(Sanis, having only partial control of his equilibrium, leaned slightly against Sasseeri for support. She in turn, held onto him firmly. For once, Sanis was thankful for her snug embrace. He thought he was going to hit the floor if he didn't have help. Sasseeri kissed Sanis on the cheek, and he offered no resistance...wondering what the frell she was doing at a pub like this. Nevertheless, Sanis was almost glad to see her. Almost.
After her spirited greeting, Sanis smiled weakly.)
Uh...Hello'there, S'sseeri.
Eluna Thals
Mar 15th, 2001, 05:29:00 PM
(Eluna looked past her "admirer" and back at Sanis. It appeared he had company...
...and what company he had, indeed!
Eluna nearly dropped her glass as her eyes panned up the woman's long and well-tanned legs, up to her firm and well-rounded butt, and upward more. When she got to the face, Eluna's memory kicked in. She remembered that face...that sumptuous and inviting face.)
Sasseeri Reeouurra?
(Oh Frell! She blurted it out. Dammit, that dress she was wearing broke her concentration. she was starting to understand. Was Sasseeri the "boss" that her inebriated friend was talking about? If that was the case, what had Mr. Prent done to attract Sector Ranger trouble? Albeit sexy and immensely attractive Sector Rangers, but Sector Rangers nonetheless. Oh Frell, was it getting hot in here?
Eluna undid the top button of her shirt, fanning herself slightly, as she smiled at Jole. She had to remember she was here on a on a on a mission! Dammit, this was so distracting. She wanted to round up the whole lot of 'em and take 'em in for "interrogation".
Eluna slammed back the rest of her drink, trying not to think about matters of flesh. Right now, she was just going to sit and watch.)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 15th, 2001, 08:11:40 PM
Well, Ms. Blue eyes observer seemed to go both ways. She was bleeding lust into the air, practically. The unsual woman in front of Sanis seemed to be rather enamored of him.
Time to sit back, watch the fireworks, and put out any fires that may spring up.
Morgan smiled and continued to sip on his dark ale, filtering the alchohol out carefully. Not that there was much anyway.
This should be an event to remember.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 15th, 2001, 09:15:13 PM
She continued smiling at Sanis, as he leaned heavily into her. Just how much to drink had he had? And why???
Then she noticed something else - the absence of someone. Daleethria was not at his side. Could this mean...? Had something happened between them and now she had left? It was, at least, a possible explanation for his drunken state.
Whatever it was, it meant that at least for now, Sasseeri had her object of affection close-by, and on his own. Or at least after she had gotten rid of the others.
She turned a little in her position, so she could address the tall one-eyed man without letting go of Sanis.
"Mjisterrr... Jerrrrrarrrd, jis jit not?"
She went on before he could reply anything - his name wasn't important anyway, it was enough that she knew what he was.
"jI d not know what you have done to my frrrjiend herrre to get hjim jinto such a state of drrrunkenness. And yourrr delay jin comjing to us about the matterrr of yourrr shop has displeased me, too. But jI wjill let that go forrr now, jif you could prrrovjide me jimmedtjiately wjith a vehjicle jI can brrrjing my frrriend herrre to hjis home wjith."
Jole Zakath
Mar 16th, 2001, 12:03:22 AM
Jole, at this moment, felt more like sinking into the ground. Or be anywhere but here. Anything had to be better than to sit under the observing eyes of his boss while he proved once more that he had botched up.
Suspicion overcame him as he looked at the woman beside him. Now that he was out of the temporary daze she had apparently caused in him, he couldn't remember a word he had said to her. What the frack had they been talking about???
Then he heard her mumble something that sounded suspiciously like his boss' name. Oh by the Emperor's black bones, they knew each other?!?? This was getting worse by the minute.
Jole tried to see what was going on between his boss and Prent, but he couldn't make out the details as that weapons guy was standing in the way.
Then his eyes got distracted as "Luna" next to him started unbuttoning her shirt. She smiled at him in a rather inviting way, and all of Jole's attention was back on her.
Wow - that woman surely was something! He briefly considered holding back as she emptied her glass, then threw caution in the wind - after all, there wasn't anything that hadn't possibly not gone wrong already - clamped his arm around her neck, drew her over and kissed her hungrily.
Eluna Thals
Mar 16th, 2001, 12:45:55 AM
(The drunkard took her completely off guard, moving her glass out of the way and kissing her deeply. His roving tongue mingled with hers, as he embraced her passionately. Eluna was pleasantly suprised by the diversion. If anything else, the man knew how to use his tongue. She allowed herself but a moment to enjoy the pleasure of the kiss, but was quickly jerked back to reality. She was on duty! No matter how much she would like to tie this cute guy up and have some fun, she was here to monitor Sanis Prent. Oh, she wished she was off duty, so she could enjoy this and not have to answer back to Tondry.
Oh the damnable situation...
Eluna forcefully withdrew herself from Jole's mouth, and in turn planted a forceful slap across his face, grabbing the drunk by the collar of his shirt before he could fall down.)
What the frell are you doing?
Clive Jerrard
Mar 16th, 2001, 07:03:03 AM
(Clive put his beer bottle down as Sasseeri spoke to him. He'd just received the damn message yesterday morning and already she was upset?! He was starting to wonder about this meeting he was going to have. Never the less, he smiled at her, bowing slightly. Might as well be polite.)
Clive Jerrard at your service, my lady. My companion should arrive at any moment and he will no doubt be bringing the speeder with him. I will see to it that it is lent to you so that you may assist Sanis home.
(He remained smiling and brought out his comm unit. He spoke into it.)
Raunkks? Where the frack are you?
Mar 16th, 2001, 07:06:21 AM
(Raunkks stepped into the bar and looked around. It was noisy and smelly. He smiled a big, sharp, toothy grin and made his way towards the bar. He spotted Clive next to a very drunk man. And Clive seemed to be talking to quite a beautiful woman. Raunkks chuckled as he came up slowly and quietly behind Clive.)
(He watched as Clive pulled out his comm unit and called him. He smiled that big grin again.)
Right here.
Clive Jerrard
Mar 16th, 2001, 07:08:59 AM
(Clive nearly spilled his beer and slipped off his stool.)
Damn it Raunkks! Don't do that! I coulda shot you!
(Clive replaced the blaster he'd furnished from the insdie pocket of his jacket. One of these days, Raunkks was gonna get it. He chuckled and then became serious again, addressing the big reptile.)
Did you bring the speeder?
(Raunkks nodded once, frowning slightly. With that, Clive turned to Sasseeri.)
My lady, the speeder is at your disposal and awaits. Would you like some assistance in taking Sanis to the speeder?
(He looked at Sanis. Boy, the man was really out of it.)
Mar 16th, 2001, 07:11:29 AM
(Raunkks watched with some amusement as Clive nearly jumped clean off his seat, reaching inside his jacket. He kept smiling as Clive yelled at him, replacing his blaster. Then he asked him about the speeder. Why would he ask him about that now? Raunkks nodded, quite confused. As he continued to listen to what Clive said to the woman, he began to piece the story together. Really drunk man, needs transportation to get home, lady asked, Clive provides. Well, at least Clive was being a gentleman about it.)
(Raunkks stood quietly behind Clive, looking at the drunkard and the woman.)
Jole Zakath
Mar 16th, 2001, 06:15:48 PM
Jole was momentarily stunned by her sudden change in reaction. Then he grinned as he touched one hand to his flaming hot cheek.
Hey, this woman had spirit! This was getting better and better!
He smirked at her, still rubbing his cheek.
"Hey, jus' tryin' to getta know you some better!"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 17th, 2001, 12:45:43 AM
Sasseeri nodded, grimly, when she heard One-Eye agree with her demands. It would be high time she got Sanis out of this drunken piss-hole of a bar, and back to her quarters. There were several things she could do to him there that would put him into a more presentable state... at least presentable for her bed.
Then her eyes widened as she saw a creature step up behind Clive. Tall, dangerous, with claws and fangs that could match her own, and very obviously of an alien race.
For a minute, her resolution about spending the night looking after Sanis alone began to wilt, then sag... then her reasoning took hold over her instincts again.
Krasst, no, leave him for another time.
She belatedly noticed that Clive had said something, and focused her attention back on him. Speeder? Assistance?? Oh... yeah... that.
Sanis began sliding sideways at that moment, and she heard him weakly mumbling something about "Dalee...".
Sasseeri's grip on his shoulders strengthened again, and he stopped sliding to come to rest with his head between her breasts.
She turned a helpless look at Zakath, not caring any longer whether anyone noticed. Sanis was too drunk to notice, and One-Eye already knew about their connection. But Zakath, at that moment, was still gazing dimply at the ImpIntel wo--- IMPINTEL?!!??
That was what she was - that's what Sasseeri remembered her saying during their last meeting.
The little wheels in her head began rotating, spinning the possibilities. Intel had a hand in this? Then this was most likely something to do with that Tondry person who was so keen on Sanis.
Krasst! I've got to get him out of here, before something worse happens!
She turned to Clive, and with a lightheartedness she didn't feel at all, told him to give her a hand in in carrying Sanis out of this place.
Mar 17th, 2001, 04:49:43 AM
(Raunkks tensed slightly feeling the scent coming from the woman change. Something had alerted her. He began scanning the crowd, looking to see where it was she was looking. He spotted a blonde woman slapping a man that appeared to be drunk. He frowned. The woman appeared to be someone he'd passed through on one of his many information checks. Clive had had him do an info check on several people. yes, now he remembered. She was an Imp. The man next to her was the same that had been in the shop yesterday morning. The same that had given Clive the information cylinder and ordered that mass quantity of items. From what Clive had told him, the man might most likely be working for the woman that had contacted him via the information cylinder.)
(Raunkks swiveled his head back to look at the woman and his eyes narrowed slightly. The way Clive was acting, it almost appeared as though this woman might be the one that had contacted him. And something about either the blonde or the drunk man had alerted her in some way. Probably not the man, especially if he worked for her. Then it had to be the blonde.)
(Suddenly the entire night was becoming quite complicated.)
Clive Jerrard
Mar 17th, 2001, 05:24:36 AM
(Clive smiled.)
Very well, my lady.
(He reached over towards Sanis, and placed his left arm around Sanis' waist. Bringing Sanis' right arm around his neck, Clive was able to prop him on his feet. Squeezing through the croud, he began to walk towards the doorway, followed closely by Sasseeri, with Raunkks bringing up the rear. He was halfway to the door when the hardness of a blaster met his ribcage. Clive froze in mid-step, still hanging onto Sanis, and looked to his right. There he met an all too familier face grinning back. Looking down slightly, he saw the blaster was hidden inside the other man's jacket pocket. Looking up, he addressed the man, slightly annoyed at having a blaster pinned to his side.)
What do you want, Jenkins?
Jenkins: Nice to see you too, Clive.
(The man chuckled.)
Jenkins: We're just here to collect a certain shipment that hasn't been sent to my boss yet.
(Clive rolled his eye, searching the crowd for the "we". He looked back at the man.)
You tell your boss that until he pays the FULL amount for the LAST shipment, he ain't getting a new one.
(He began to move again.)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got something else to attend to.
(He felt the blaster press harder against his ribcage, no doubt bruising a few bones. Clive glared at the man and then saw two more stand up in front and to the side of him.)
Jenkins: I don't give a frell about your "something else". We're gonna be taking that shipment, with or without your help.
(Suddenly, there was a black blur in front of Clive.)
Mar 17th, 2001, 05:30:10 AM
(Raunkks wasted no time once he saw the situation at hand.)
(The large reptile moved quickly and quietly, resembling a blackish-blur as was the nature of his species. The man standing to the front of Clive was the first to go down, his neck angled at an unnatural position. The crowd in the area began to stand, making it difficult to see where anyone was going. The blur moved again, this time attacking the man standing to the other side. He too went down, this time though, his back had been broken in the center.)
(With both men down, he moved to stand behind the man holding the blaster to Clive's side.)
Clive Jerrard
Mar 17th, 2001, 05:35:08 AM
(Clive knew the blur had to be Raunkks. Taking advantage of the distraction catching Jenkin's attention, he took the opportunity to lash out at the man with his right arm, still holding Sanis with his left. The man swiveled as he was hit hard on the chin. Before he could regain his balance, Clive had grabbed him by the colar with his right hand and raised him off the ground. This wasn't typical human strength, but Clive's right android arm made it possible for him to pull this off. Not many knew about this hidden secret of his, though. He watched as the black blur came up behind Jenkins and rip out the blaster. Clive breathed a sigh and looked at the man sternly.)
Listen, Jenkins. Take this message back to your boss. You get rid of me, then the supply dies. If the supply dies, then so does your boss' business. If your boss' business dies, then you're out of a job. So, to put everything together, you tell your boss to pay me back what he owes for the last shipment and I'll get him the next shipment. But, because you have disturbed my way of business, I want the payment in FULL next time for the next shipment. Have I made myself clear?
(The man began to start with a string of curses when Raunkks placed a sharp claw against his throat. The man clamped his mouth shut, nodding his head and grinding his teeth.)
Mar 17th, 2001, 05:55:06 AM
(With a snarling grin, Raunkks came and stood behind the man as Clive punched and lifted him off the ground. He tore out the blaster from the man's pocket, tearing the jacket in the process. With no gentlness involved, he tore out the power pack. Raunkks stood there snarling with all teeth bared and crunched down into the blaster, snapping it in two. The large reptile tossed both pieces aside and stood behind Jenkins.)
(As Clive spoke to the Jenkins, the man began to protest. To silence him, Raunkks merely placed his sharp fore-claw against his throat, applying a little preasure. He smiled as the man shut up.)
Clive Jerrard
Mar 17th, 2001, 06:00:08 AM
(Clive smiled at the man as he consented to what he'd said.)
Good. Now get your pathetic hide out of here. And take your comrades with you.
(Clive placed the man back down on the floor rather roughly and watched him move towards one of the serving droids to help him move out his two buddies when an afterthought came to Clive.)
Oh, and one more thing. Tell your boss that with the quality of supplies I'm giving him, he should have a nice income. Therefore, maybe he should think about hiring better goons to do his dirty work.
(The man merely huffed and walked out of the bar, followed by a droid carrying his two buddies.)
(Clive propped Sanis a bit better on him, and turned slightly to Sasseeri.)
Sorry about the delay.
(With that he continued walking towards the door, and out of the bar to the waiting speeder.)
Mar 17th, 2001, 06:03:37 AM
(Raunkks remained standing where he was long enough to look at the woman following Clive and Sanis. He gestured towards her to move before him. She did so, and he fell into step behind her. The four of them made it outside to the speeder parked in one of the holding areas near the bar.)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 17th, 2001, 02:40:42 PM
OOC: Excuse me you two, but a Jedi Knight is just sitting there, and you didn't give anyone an opertunity do do anything.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 18th, 2001, 01:49:49 AM
OOC: Got lost in that sea of posts. Sorry folks
IC: Morgan watched the four of them go out the door. He got up, grabbed his coat, and dissapeared midstep through the door. No one really noticed, of course, through all the noise and rowdiness in the bar
He crept behind them. Morgan didn't know why, but he had to be sure Sanis really made it home to Dalee... whoever that was.
Clive Jerrard
Mar 18th, 2001, 02:20:41 AM
OOC: Forgive me, Morgan. I didn't mean to take up so much space. My friend and I were on last night and no one seemed to be posting, so we kinda ran away with ourselves. And as to your last post, I'm a bit confused.
All appears fixed now.
Coruscant Call Girl
Mar 18th, 2001, 02:52:17 AM
T'Jienn sat at one of the tables, flirting with a few potential men, but kept looking in the direction of a man near the one that had shunned her. He seemed so calm, even through the scuffle that enssued afterwards. She watched him, having forgotten about the other men around her. She wanted to speak to him and was just about to move in his direction when he stood. He began walking towards the door. She watched curiously as he walked out, stopping momentarily outside. She walked towards the doorway as he began walking down the street. Turning to look in his direction, she watched him. Why did she feel so drawn to him? He just seemed... different.
Aisha Klan Klan
Mar 18th, 2001, 03:32:41 AM
::Aisha watches with annoyance::( why did all of these ppl insist on bothering Sanis? Why couldn't they just leave him to drown his sorrows in drinks like he seemed to feel like doing?) ::Silently she slips outside to track these ppl that seemed to be taking Sanis against his will while he was too drunk to notice::
Sanis Prent
Mar 18th, 2001, 09:16:12 PM
(Sanis witnessed events happening in short durations, the alcohol in his system making his thoughts and awareness very incoherent. He could remember talking to Sasseeri about...uh...something? Then she wrapped an arm around him. In retrospect, maybe that was a sign that the pilot wasn't exactly at the helm. A few minutes of blurriness, and the next thing Sanis remembered was having his face wedged down Sasseeri's cleavage. He remembered that clearly. Whether it was on his accord or not was anybody's guess. Mmm. It was warm there. Sanis wanted to sleep...right there, with his head on Sasseeri's dirty pillows. Wait. Sasseeri's dirty pillows...
...okay, that woke him up. Sanis stood, sortof...his head spinning as everybody at the bar seemed to be talking in a blended and incomprehensible tongue, like it was an Ewok worship happy hour or something. Nothing sounded like basic anymore...even when Sanis looked at Sasseeri's mouth as she told him to go lay down in the speeder. He squinted...what did she say? It wasn't until some Barabel began politely hauling Sanis outside that he realized that he was getting a ride. How nice of her...Sasseeri was having somebody take him to a place to stay.
Higher reasoning not functioning, Sanis smiled weakly and thought how he'd have to thank Sasseeri later. The Barabel helped Sanis into the speeder as gently as possible, but Sanis just sortof slumped when he sat...his face streaking down the window slightly. Ah...the window was nice and cool. Ah...he liked that.)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 18th, 2001, 10:28:42 PM
She had to admit that she was impressed by Mr Jerrard's smooth way of dealing with his customers. As they were making their way outside and to the speeder lot, she went over the last few minutes again - yes, definately impressed.
Maybe even more so with the fast action of his friend. Emperor's back bones, but what muscles that male had!!!
She licked her lips appreciatively, and watched as Jerrard and Raunkks pushed Sanis into the back of their speeder, a somewhat old looking thing.
But what now? Sasseeri was determined to bring Sanis with her to her own apartment, but she didn't think she'd be able to lift him out of the speeder on her own once there. That would mean having to ask Jerrard to come along, which was something she didn't really like.
She never took strangers to her apartment after only knowing them a few minutes. At least not all of them.
Well, this would have to be an exemption, then. She turned to Jerrard.
"Mjisterrr Jerrrrrarrrd, jif you would be so kjind and act as my chauffeurrr, maybe? jI thjink I shall need yourrr help again once we arrrrrjive."
Eluna Thals
Mar 18th, 2001, 11:07:22 PM
(Eluna allowed herself to smile. Getting to know her better, huh? Hmm...maybe he would at that. Eluna played the part, still looking miffed at Jole. She stood, and threw her drink in his face. As the reddish concoction dribbled down his chin and hair, Eluna grabbed him by the collar.)
Really! What kind of girl do you think I am?!?
(As she did this, Eluna also casually inserted a small paper card into the man's lapel coat pocket. It was quite innocuous, except that it had a HoloNet communications address written on it, and a pucker mark in red lipstick. Her face still angry, she gave Jole a spirited shaking, winked briefly, and leaned in...licking some of the red drink off his face. As Jole dealt with the suprise of Eluna's actions, her face returned to a look of anger, and she tossed him back, sending him sprawling on his butt.
Noticing that Sanis was being escorted out of the vicinity, Eluna took the opportunity to leave in a flourish of theatrical nerves, grabbing her purse with an indignant sigh. She kept Jole in the corner of her eye as she sauntered off. She hoped that he wasn't too stupid, and that he got the message good enough.)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 18th, 2001, 11:46:52 PM
Morgan looked for Sanis and his new company outside. They were loading him into a speeder in rough but functional contition.
He headed two blocks in the opposite direction, where his speederbike was parked.
There were eyes on him. Morgan could feel it. He turned and found... the call girl? What the frell?
Jole Zakath
Mar 20th, 2001, 01:14:01 AM
Jole didn't quite know if he'd ever felt happier before in his entire life. First she'd tempted him, then returned his kiss, then slapped him... now she was shaking him, but the littel white card he'd seen suddenly appearing in her hand and disappearing inside his coat pocket, plus the fact that she was just now licking at him... made up for anything else she could possibly do to him aft--
Kicked back, he fell over a chair and landed on his butt. Slowly but surely, there wasn't going to be a bone in his body that felt in one piece...
He couldn't wipe the smirk off his face, though - this was just his kinda woman; lots of spirit, good looks, and, from what he could make out, a bit of a sense of adventure. He didn't buy the indignant act she put on as she was leaving for one bit. No, this was finally a woman to his taste, not like...
Jole's quickly looked to the bar, and it was empty and he looked back at that little spirited vixen, and-- back to the bar. It was empty????
Frack!!! How had that happened? Where had Sasseeri gone?? Sanis? What...?!?
As quickly as a man of his alcohol intake and bruised bones could move, he got up, and shambled out of the bar, frantically hoping that he could see one of them somewhere.
There was no one directly outside, but from the speeder lot around the corner he could hear voices. So he slowly crept down along the wall, towards the corner, when he saw something unusual.
There was a shadow pressed against the wall ahead of him, and the shadow belonged to someone who either had a hunched back, or a female with a nice pair of--
The noise of a speeder engine starting up ahead broke of that train of thought. Jole edged closer, his blaster raised in case the shadow had other ideas than to let him pass quietly.
Clive Jerrard
Mar 20th, 2001, 04:34:30 AM
(As Raunkks helped Sanis into the speeder, Clive responded to Sasseeri's request.)
But of course, my lady. Just name the destination and I will gladly take you there.
(He opened the door for Sasseeri just as Sanis's face slid against the opposite window. He frowned slightly and looked at Raunkks who merely shrugged. Oh, well. Soon Sanis could sleep it off. He looked at Sasseeri and smiled as she entered the speeder. Well, HOPEFULLY he'd be able to sleep it off, but with Sasseeri around, even he'd have trouble sleeping.)
(Both he and Raunkks hopped into the front of the speeder. He started the engine and began the treck to where ever it was Sasseeri veered them.)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 20th, 2001, 06:14:29 PM
As she jumped into the back of the speeder, Sanis head rolled to the side and he slumped against the window, mouth hanging open, mumbling something.
She shook her head - how could one person possibly drink so much and make such a fool out of himself??? Of course, she liked the occasional drink herself, but not to such an extent as to deliberately render herself unconscious.
The speeder's engines came on, and she heard Jerrard ask for the destination.
Well, well, well.... let's just not make it all THAT easy for you, shall we?
She leaned forward in her seat, so that she could look over the shoulders of both men and out of the front screen which the rain was splashing against.
Nearby, a lightning bolt set another speeder awash in bright light, white energy running over it in circuits, then the speeder's automatic hover-function ceased to work and it sagged to one side.
Nasty weather. The sort of weather one wouldn't be able to see street signs and place names if they were plastered right across one's nose.
"jI shall gjive you jinstrrructjions as we go along, jif you don't mjind... jif you want to get us out of herrre and take the fjirst on the left two blocks down?"
The speeder lurched into motion.
Eluna Thals
Mar 20th, 2001, 10:37:54 PM
(Eluna took the opportunity to distance herself from her cute guy friend, and keep the pressure on Sanis. Careful to avoid detection, she walked off, keeping ample distance between herself and the trio, as they moved to a speeder.
Eluna stopped several yards away from the speeder. Reaching into her purse, she removed a makeup compact, opening it so that she could use the mirror to glance around the corner. As she did so, she noticed Miss Reeouurra and other unidentified men helping Sanis into the speeder's back seat. Smirking, she glanced at the speeder's license plate, committing it to memory. Once they were away, she could access Coruscant's traffic control system, and determine where the speeder was headed.
Suddenly, something caught Eluna's attention in her mirror.)
Ah frellit!
(It was him again. Well, he certainly was persistant. Dammit, as much as Eluna wanted to stick around and play, she was busy. At any rate, she had to keep her distance...for now, at least. He was cute, but he was also risking the operation, and Eluna wasn't about to blow this job. Frowning slightly, Eluna closed her compact, and walked in the opposite direction in a quickened pace.)
Mar 21st, 2001, 03:49:13 AM
(Raunkks watched Clive as he drove down the street to the corner the woman had told them to turn on. Something was nibbling at the back of his mind, and he couldn't quite pin it. No doubt his reptilian insincts were telling him something, but he couldn't see any danger anywhere in site. He looked at Clive. Clive seemed fine, and Raunkks knew Clive's instincts were quite good and his reflex's quick. He sat back in his seat and looked forward again. Maybe the feeling would just go away on it's own. But, somehow, he doubted it.)
Clive Jerrard
Mar 21st, 2001, 04:11:44 AM
(Clive put the speeder into motion, following Sasseeri's instructions. He brought his hand up to straighten the rear veiw mirror. Glancing into it, he watched as that knock-out blonde with those beautiful blue eyes stepped out of the bar and faced the opposite direction of their departure. She was putting something small back in her purse. At first, Clive thought nothing of it. Then his mind clicked into caution mode.)
(He turned momentarily to look at Raunkks and saw that look on him. Having been with the large reptile for some time now, he'd been able to pick up on subtle facial expressions. The one showing on Raunkks' face now was one of a bad gut feeling.)
(Clive looked back at the road and reached the block Sasseeri had pointed out and turned. The weather was bad, and it was difficult to see much of anything. For a normal human being anyways. Clive was far from normal as was demonstrated by his droid arm. Still frowning, and not knowing why but merely that his gut told him to, he played back what he'd seen Blue-eyes doing. Only Raunkks knew of this secret, but under that eyepatch was not just another dead eye, but one that was enhanced. Clive could see far better through his "bad" eye than a normal human beings. Even better than some species, going so far as to see through different spectrums, even infrared. He could pick up on the variations in beings' body temprature and pulse. he could also zoom in and zoom out with the eye; and also play back scenes. All this was hidden behind a specially made, one-way eyepatch. It appeared to be made of a strong plastic, opaque looking at it, but looking through it was clear as day. And in this weather, he could see just fine with that eye.)
(He watched the replay and noticed the small item she was replacing was a compact of sorts. Gold in color. Very feminine. Now, he knew she was an Imp. And most likely an Imp just having a drink at a bar. But the feeling didn't leave him that somehow this wasn't good. Compacts had mirrors, and in the position she'd been in, she could have been spying. Who knows? Maybe she was following him, or Raunkks, or Sanis, or even Sasseeri. They all had something to keep from Imps, no doubt. Turning slightly to look at Sasseeri, he addressed her.)
Miss Reeouurra? I know this may not seem logical to you, but I'd prefer to go to my shop first. I think it best if we switch speeders there.
(Raunkks turned to look at him.)
Raunkks: You got that feeling too?
(Clive nodded his head, speaking to Sasseeri once more.)
This may be just a fluke, but I've never been let down by my gut feelings. If I'm wrong, I have inconvenienced you, and for that I am deeply regretful. But, if I'm right, this will have saved some skin.
(With that he veered onto a lower level of the city, heading for his shop's private garage just a few miles away.)
Jole Zakath
Mar 21st, 2001, 10:55:39 PM
Ahead of him, just as he was about to clear the distance between himself and the shadow who had to be Luna, a speeder slowly lurched out of the parking lot, and onto the open street.
He had to find a speeder somewhere!
The shadow in front of him detached itself from the wall, and walked off at a fast pace. Was she following them in some way? Frustrated, Jole patted his pocket, where he remembered the little card Luna had left for him. Well, he could always contact her, if that card contained what he thought it did.
At that moment, he also noticed another shadow, bending over a speeder bike not far away. Another shadow that looked vaguely familiar. Well, if that wasn't Sanis' quiet friend?!!
Jole ran over towards him, keeping the vanishing figure of Luna in sight in front of him. When he got near enough to recognise the guy's face in the pouring rain, it was certain that it was indeed Sanis' former drinking buddy, and from what it looked, he was also intent on going after the vanishing speeder.
"Hey! You! Wait a moment!"
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 22nd, 2001, 07:56:21 PM
She was getting a little worried. Side trip? Switching speeders? Was he trying anything fishy? Kidnapping, perhaps?
No, no... he'd know better than that. Nobody would dare to hold Sasseeri Reeouurra for ransom.
Just to make sure, she activated the little button sewn into her handbag latch. That would transmit a small burst of data every 2 minutes, which would then be routed to Zakath's personal datapad. Now she only hoped that her drunken assistant was in any state to do anything about it - he'd be able to trace her location easily with this data.
Her earlier fear of Intel being after Sanis returned. Was it something like that? Had Jerrard picked up on the Intel agent in that bar? That would account why he had been so helpful in getting Sanis out of the bar, but why the sudden caution now?
Was someone following them?
Sasseeri looked out of the rear window. There was nothing there - she could still see the bright flashing holo-lights of the bar through the rain. Nothing on the driveway except for their own speeder.
But caution was wise. Better to be safe than sorry. She smiled at Clive Jerrard, hoping that her brief fear didn't show too clearly on her face.
"Of courrrse not, Mjisterrr Jerrrrrarrrd. As long as we get to my aparrrtment somehow wjithout gettjing jinto any dangerrr, jit is alrrrjight."
Sanis Prent
Mar 22nd, 2001, 08:38:47 PM
(Sanis felt the familiar rumble of a speeder moving. He blearily looked out the window, and saw that they were leaving the bar. Hell...he didn't even remember getting in a speeder to begin with.
Sitting up, and wiping at the corner of his mouth, Sanis leaned back in the seat, exhaling audibly. He felt like krasst run-over, and probably looked it as well.
He turned when he felt something brush against him. Sitting next to him was Sasseeri, looking rather preoccupied. Damn, she smelled good...
...Sanis shook his head. He had to sober up. It seemed like everything around him was happening without him noticing. How the hell did he get here, and where was he going?)
S'sseeri..uh, wher th' frell are we?
Eluna Thals
Mar 22nd, 2001, 08:47:07 PM
(Giving her friend the slip, Eluna quickly made it around the corner, returning to her own speeder. Climbing inside, she reached to the audio playback device, pulling a knob. The face-plating of the device slid back, revealing a secret HoloNet transmitter. Quickly, an uplink was set up between Eluna's speeder and an Intel agent.)
ImpIntel Zeta Omicron, channel 034530-Bravo-Tango.
(Upon authorization, Eluna was routed through)
I need to access Coruscant's traffic network system. Give me a realtime track on a speeder with registry plate: SGY45SC4560-33A
(Eluna smirked in the silence. She wouldn't be eluded that easily. For now, she'd implicated the Sector Rangers and maybe a few other parties in Mr. Prent's affairs. Who knew? Maybe there would be more.
Suddenly, the comm came back to life, as the Agent responded.)
Agent: Commander Thals, I have access to the traffic network. I am now tracking the inquired vehicle. Vehicle is headed North-Northwest on West 345th Avenue, near sector 67543. You are approximately 3 clicks away.
(Eluna smiled as she pulled her speeder out into the skylanes.)
Thank you very much. Keep me informed of course changes and other such events.
(Eluna began the pursuit.)
Morgan Evanar
Mar 22nd, 2001, 09:28:10 PM
Morgan laughed in the rain, observing the sobering man's uncomfort and hurry. It pounded on him, and down his face. He was completely soaked already.
Morgan himself was in no hurry. He looked up into the rain and smiled. The lightning had let up, which had been his biggest concern. He knew exactly where Sanis and the he occupied speeder was.
"Jole the drunk! What can I do for you?"
Jole Zakath
Mar 22nd, 2001, 09:43:26 PM
Damn... what was he to say now? Tell him he had to go after that speeder because he had to follow the boss? No. Not an option. Couldn't give away that he was working for Sasseeri. Tell him he had to go after it because he had to.. had to.. had to do what???
Frack! If only he could think!
Then another speeder flew by, coming from the direction he had last seen "Luna" heading into. Come to think of it, it probably was her. There was something between her and Sasseeri - and whatever it was... they at least knew each other from sight. If "Luna" was in some way entangled in all this, then the only thing he could think of was her following the boss, of all people.
Damn, this was getting way too complicated. Still - he had to say something.
Jole decided to go with his gut feeling. If "luna" was after the boss, then following her would bring him to Sasseeri, too.
Of course, he couldn't tell it like that to this Morgan guy. Better play the drunk for a little while longer. And with the guy's fixation on women trouble, maybe he'd fall for it.
"Uhh.. y'see that speeder there? Tha's the wom'n I was with. She wan's me t'come t'her ap- ap'tment, but I don' have 'ny way t'get there. Y'mind giv'n me a lift?"
Clive Jerrard
Mar 25th, 2001, 06:15:33 AM
(Clive drove the speeder to the garage situated two small levels above his shop. He parked the speeder inside and shut the door. His other speeder, the expensive one, was parked in the speeder slot next to the one they were in. Quikcly getting out of the car, both he and Raunkks proceeded to switch speeders.)
(Clive opened the door for Sasserri.)
Miss Reeouurra? This will be our new transportation for the evening.
(He getsured towards his sporty speeder. He looked over to the other side as Raunkks was hauling Sanis out of the speeder they had just come in. He turned back to look at Sasserri.)
I deeply regret this inconvenience, but I know a certain woman that was in the bar that could potentially be following any one of us. She's an Imp. No telling what she could be up to. And with the ID plates on speeders trackable, well, anything goes.
(He watched as Raunkks began to stuff Sanis into the new speeder.)
Mar 25th, 2001, 06:18:45 AM
(Raunkks was already moving to get Sanis even before Clive had said anything. He was on the same wavelength as Clive, and well aware of how tracking proceedures went.)
(He huffed slightly as he pulled Sanis from one speeder and stuffed him into the other.)
Clive Jerrard
Mar 25th, 2001, 06:35:00 AM
(Clive moved to get into the new speeder. Then it hit him. The plates were trackable. The speeder they'd arrived in could be tracked to his name, then tracked to any other vehicle in his name. He bit his lower lip and waved a hand at Raunkks.)
Raunkks! Hold up! We've got a slight prob.
(Raunkks looked up, confused, holding a half in/half out Sanis.)
Think about it. Tracers track the speeder. It can be tracked to my name. Then tracked to the new speeder.
(He lifted the eyebrow over his good eye, indicating where he was going with this. He saw Raunkks huff a bit and then pull Sanis all the way out again. Clive turned to Sasserri again.)
Change of plans. Ok, everyone back into the old speeder for a moment.
(He saw the confusion register in Sasserri's eyes and hoped to the god's she wouldn't slice him to ribbons for making her do all this. But it was necessary. He turned to Raunkks.)
Ok, Raunkks, take the snap shots with the photography holocubes in the glove compartment.
(Raunkks did as he was told and took a picture of each person with a different holocube. After that, Clive pulled Sanis out of the speeder and began hauling him towards an adjoining garage door.)
Miss Reeouura? If you will follow me please. Raunkks? You know what to do.
(He heard Raunkks acknowledge him with a grunt.)
(With that, Clive led the way to a speeder owned by a friend of his. He placed Sanis in the back and motioned for Sasserri to get in.)
And, now, Miss Reeouurra, we will be on our way to our previous destination.
(With that, he started the speeder and was off, taking a different route from the one he had followed before. No one would see who was inside because the window were heavily tinted. They would be gone and unseen.)
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:44:42 PM
(Raunkks cupped the trio of photography holocubes in his large hands and watched Clive disapear into the adjoining garage. Clive would no doubt borrow Tommy's, their neighbor, speeder. The "special" one that had a number plate with no tracker ID. Tommy tended to be in some shady business that required him to go from place to place unseen. Raunkks shrugged. Every man wanted his privacy. And, right now, so did they.)
(Raunkks stood between the new and old speeder. He began to move back towards the old speeder to place the holocubes in their proper places when he stopped. No. If they were indeed being followed and were traced to here, they'd be expected to change speeders. So, coming out with the same speeder would seem suspicious. He grunted, whirling around, and strode purposefully towards the new speeder. Bending inside, he placed all three cubes in their proper places. He placed "Sanis" behind the passenger seat, and "Sasserri" behind the drivers seat. He himself sat in the passenger seat, with "Clive" in the drivers seat.)
(From his belt he pulled out a small remote, easily hidden in his large hand. With it, he activated each of the holocubes. Now, sitting around him, were three other beings, looking very much alive. "Sasseerri" was leaning slightly forward as if giving directions to "Clive", who had his hands on the wheel. And "Sanis" was just slumped and looking very much the drunk-man's part.)
(Satisfied that all was in good order, Raunkks started the vehicle with the remote and began driving it using the small joystick. The new speeder left the garage and headed in the opposite direction the real Clive had taken. With the holograms looking solid and life-like, with even their eyes blinking and mouths moving, it would be almost impossible to tell if they were fake.)
(Raunkks smiled. If everything worked out, Clive would get Sasserri to her apartment safely, and he would lead the pursuers away from them. That was assuming there were any pursuers. But, better safe than sorry. The new speeder sped off into the night.)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 28th, 2001, 01:32:17 AM
She wasn't just impressed. She was mighty impressed. Not only at the expertise and professionalism Jerrard showed, but also at his behavior. Nothing would have stood in his way, had he tried anything different, and it was surely not completely illogical to kidnap both herself and Sanis and get a handsome sum for their liberty. Yet that thought didn't even seem to have entered the one-eyed man's thoughts.
He'd be rewarded for that, in some way - she'd see to that personally.
This time, in the new speeder, she was sitting in the front, in the passenger seat next to Clive, while Sanis was stretched out in the back. Even if the tinted screens did not work, everyone would be looking for four, or at least three passengers, not just two.
She started giving Clive instructions on how to reach her apartment, while from the back came a low, drunken mumbling from time to time.
Morgan Evanar
Mar 28th, 2001, 03:30:31 PM
He shrugged indifferently at Jole, who seemed to be plying for sympathy. Probably on the "woman trouble" kick. Nah. I'll do it because it'll be interesting. I'd like to see that tall blonde wack him upside the head a few times for a laugh.
"Hop on, and hold on. I take corners fast."
Clive Jerrard
Mar 29th, 2001, 06:33:50 AM
(Clive followed the instructions Sasseeri gave him to the letter. It was still raining heavily outside, and quite dark, but he had no trouble seeing where he was going thanks to his enhanced, mechanical eye hidden beneath the one way eyepatch.)
(He hoped Raunkks was doing alright. He knew the large Barabel was smart and would be just fine. Never the less, he'd feel better when he was back with the ol' brute again.)
(He focused his mind back to his present task. Right now, he had to deliver Sasseeri and Sanis safely to the place Sasseeri directed him.)
Eluna Thals
Mar 29th, 2001, 03:46:20 PM
(The speeder had stopped for a moment, making it easier for Eluna to catch up. However, after only a minute or so, the speeder started up again. Eluna could now see it down the skylanes as it pulled out of an intersection. Keeping her distance, Eluna continued pursuit. She wondered why the speeder made a quick stop a few minutes back, but couldn't be sure. Being cautious, Eluna approached close enough to the speeder to peer through the back window. Inside, she could see all of the original parties. Satisfied, she backed off, continuing pursuit from a distance. Whatever it was, it wasn't important.)
Jole Zakath
Apr 7th, 2001, 03:09:32 PM
He climbed onto the back of the speeder-bike. This wasn't going as bad as he'd expected - Morgan seemed to have fallen for his little lie with no problem. And after all, it wasn't a complete lie - whatever "Luna" was, she was still the hottest thing on two legs he'd met in a long while, and he was damned if he'd just let her go away like that. The thought of the little bit of flimsy in his pocket waiting for him later when he'd have a minute for himself, made him grin. Sasseeri bickering or not, he'd definately follow this one up.
The bike lurched forward, and Jole held on for dear life to the metal. Morgan definately hadn't joked when he'd said that he was taking corners fast. Oh well, as long as they didn't lose the trail...
The speeder with Luna stayed ahead as they were flying through the streets. She stopped, for a second, to watch another speeder and its passengers, then she followed at a slow pace.
Morgan and Jole followed not far behind, the rain soaking them down to their skin.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 8th, 2001, 09:50:32 PM
It wasn't too long before she had directed Clive to her front door. Occasional glances over her shoulder didn't show any suspicious speeders in the traffic behind them, so she assumed that the way was clear.
Sanis was still a drunken wreck in the back seat, his head lolling from side to side, mumbling broken words from time to time.
Somehow, they'd have to get him out of the speeder, up the short flight of steps, and into the elevator. Further, she wouldn't need Clive's assistance, as in her private apartment, there would be one of her security people to lend a hand.
Even without them, transporting Sanis around the place would be no problem. But that was something she didn't want Clive to know just yet - better for him to underestimate her real strength for now, keeping it as an advantage for the future, whatever that might bring.
She told Clive to stop the speeder at the entrance to her apartment block, and he complied, agreeably. Climbing out of her seat, she got out, and critically scrutinized Sanis as he was lying there in the back. Then she flashed a smile at Clive.
"jIf you would be so kjind as to help me brrrjing hjim jinsjide?"
Clive Jerrard
Apr 9th, 2001, 04:38:32 AM
(Clive stopped the speeder outside of the building where Sasseeri had indicated. He'd memorized the route, but as of yet, found no need for it. All he knew now was that he knew where she lived. Good information, but as of yet, not profitable. Of course, she no doubt thought the thick sheet of rain outside had blocked most of his veiw of air way signs and numbers. Also, there was a good bet she was also keeping things from him, but in this kind of line of work from both repective parties, that was to be expected.)
(Clive stopped the engine and climbed out of the speeder. He smiled and nodded slightly as Sasseeri once again requested his help.)
Of course, my lady.
(Clive opened the door and looked at Sanis. The man was smiling in a funny fashion, occasionally mummbling shibberish. He chuckled under his breath. Boy, Sanis looks dumb when he's drunk. He though for a moment. Then again, I'd probably look the same after the amount he drank. Shaking his head, he hoisted Sanis out of the speeder, keeping an eye on everything around him and making sure they weren't being followed. So far so good. He realized his space pirating instincts had kicked in through this entire little parading around. For the umpteenth time, he thanked the gods he had had the experience of being a professional space pirate. Goodness only knew how many times it had saved him and Raunkks.)
(Hefting Sanis with his strong right droid arm, he walked to the door of the building, following behind Sasseeri. He waited there for her to unlock and activate the door.)
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 10th, 2001, 09:14:33 PM
She ran up ahead through the rain, and stepped close to the retinal scanner to open the door mechanism. The door didn't budge.
Krasst! Not now! Damn rain was messing with the systems again! Everytime the humidity in the atmosphere was rising to such levels, the locking systems went mad.
She stood outside the door - well, at least it was one step up from standing in the rain - and snarled. Then she reached for her comlink and alerted her house-staff to open the door from the inside.
The door hissed, then opened. And Sasseeri walked inside, closely followed by Clive carrying the drunken Sanis. Thye got as far as the elevator, where she told Clive to dump Sanis into it. Then she turned around to him.
"Thank you verrry much. jI apprrrecjiate yourrr help, and you can be assurrred that jI wjill pay you back forrr yourrr kjindness, Mjisterrr Jerrrrrrarrrd. Goodnjight."
Wihtout another word, she stepped into the elevator, and the doors closed behind her.
Rrraussorri Meerrassa
Apr 10th, 2001, 11:32:16 PM
Rrraussorri waited patiently, watching the lift make it's way to Sasseeri's main living area. A frown hung low on his face...
Damn jit... Why do jI always get ignorrred?
He couldn't help but keep wondering why his Mistress never paid him enough attention. He tried so hard to be exactly what she could want in any other manservant... He simply just wasn't Cizerack!! Could it repulse her so - wait, he shouldn't have asked himself that question.
Rrraussorri, sometjimes, you should thjink before you thjink - Wajit, but then jif jI... He paused in mid-thought, baffled by the paradox which he had just entered himself into.
The doors to the lift hissed open in front of him, leaving him burried deep in thoughts of the night's dutties. He'd get to help Sass with her bath... her massage... and then perhaps if she felt good, he'd get a before bed treat... though those always resulted in a second bath - not that he would complain. In fact, he loved it. Those were most likely the highlights of his evenings.
His disposition suddenly made a drastically sharp turn as he glanced at the Hyuu-mann laying on the floor of the lift.
Oh... jI see...
He moved towards her, not showing his obvious jealous and immidiate despise for the creature.
"May jI help you, Mistrrress Sasseeri?"
Sanis Prent
Apr 11th, 2001, 02:50:13 AM
(Sanis leaned against the cool metal wall of the lift, letting the heat in his face dissipate. He stared upward at Sasseeri, and another person who he didn't recognize. Ever since he was shoved into the speeder, the night had passed as a blur. He was extremely confused. Where was he? Were they taking him to a place to stay? Sanis winced slightly...damn, shouldn't have had so much to drink.
Sanis stared upwards at the two people, without a clue as to what was happening.)
S'sseeri...what 'sgoin ohnnn?
Clive Jerrard
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:21:55 AM
(Clive followed Sasseerri to the lift and did as she'd asked, dumping Sanis gently to the lift's floor. She seemed greatful enough when she was thanking him, but she also seemed in quite a bit of a hurry. Somehow, Clive had a bad feeling about this... for Sanis, seeing as how the man wasn't exactly able to think straight right now.)
(He watched the lift door close as Sasserri bid him goodnight. He had all of enough time to give her a smile before she disapeared. He stood there for a moment, frowning. Something told him he should warn Sanis's girl, if he could find her. But to do so would be to get on Sasserri's bad side. Oh, the conflicts he placed in his before himself.)
(He sighed and began walking towards the door. As he neared it, he glanced at the panel for the retinal scanner. He stopped. Hmmmm. The scanner had gone wacky no doubt because of the storms humidity outside. Mechanicals did that on occasion if the sealant wasn't high grade. But, better yet, he could find the file that held Sasseerri's retinal imprint. Then he could install it into his mechanical eye and possibly use it for later, if the need arose.)
(He placed his leather gloves on, making it look as though his hands were cold and he was getting ready to go out into the rain. As he did this, he looked around for hidden cameras, using his robotic eye behind the eyepatch. There was only one wide-view camera situated above the front door. When he walked underneath it, he'd be hidden. Good. And the panel was in the area that was hidden, though he'd have little room to work.)
(Making sure no one was around, he removed the panel, and began examining the interior. Simple build. Some high tech stuff, but nothing he hadn't seen before. Glancing around, he found the small drive that held the secured retinal files. He searched the small drive for the port used for deleting and inserting old and new files respectively. Aha. Taking out one of his data pads, he stretched it's retrieval jack. The plug itself was too large for the port, so he removed the plug, and removed the port from the drive using a small multi-tool. Finding the appropriate wires, he conected them. Then he used the data pad as a control retrieval unit. Searching the files, he found the one holding Sasseerri's retinal scans. Copying them, he quickly replaced all the parts as they were, being sure to mke everything look as though it were untouched. He even blew into the interior to stir the dust there so it would settle back on the areas he'd touched to make it look it'd not been touched in a while.)
(Satisfied, he made his way out of the building and into the borrowed speeder, heading home, still pondering on whether he should inform Sanis's girl or not about what had transpired at the bar and afterwards.)
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