View Full Version : The Required Element [open]
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:41:09 AM
Over a year ago...
Nuriko's ship MR-Liebe lands in some remote location... she isn't sure where. After that dream she had and that quick departure, she allowed her subconscious to guide her here, not even paying attention when programing in her destination.
"I need to capture a dragon. I don't even think I've seen a dragon before." She laughed somewhat bitterly at her own short-comings. "I really need to get around some more."
She tested the levels of breathable air, pressure, and such and such before deciding where she landed... WHEREVER this was-- as there was no name in the out-dated information banks on hand, was indeed a "safe" planet. At least it was by the assessments of her ship's computer and her astromech, R4-B4.
R4-B4 beeped.
"Yes, yes, you're always right. You're starting to sound like my husband, you know."
The astromech spun around and whistled somewhat wildly.
"No," she laughed. "That wasn't an insult..." She looked around and sighed. "Never was good enough at this technological crap..."
Part of Nuriko wondered why joining this group was so important to her. Of course, she remembered after running away from home, she had taken refuge with a small band of female mercenaries. They were in no way disciplined enough to keep a unified group or form a competent sisterhood, but there was something about being in the presence of powerful women that was... well, empowering.
They had begun her training in the art of fighting and her journey to the darkside. No, there was nothing like being in safe clutches of a sisterhood. She hoped to find that feeling again.
Another part of her felt she was betraying Rama and the others of the Empire. But considering how many of them kept divided loyalties themselves and how few had responded to her when she "brought up" (so to speak) having stricter rules when it came to having more than one alleigiance... they would not be another TSE or RSO or ROS... they were different.
Nuriko rubbed her stomach. Luckily she wasn't so far along to be severely handicapped should she be confronted by an enemy. She was bitter enough to herself about not missing not just one, but two tournaments. She wasn't going to pass this chance as well.
Nuriko looked through some of her stuff, and was glad that she brought a spear with her. Though it reminded her of that battle with Alpha, and angered her in that she was unable to defeat him, it was also a reminder of her first battles... the ones with her first teachers. The ones she where had won and crushed her enemies... It was tangible hope... in a sense.
She twirled the spear around a bit to get the feel of it. Since having been broken (for it was the same one used in her fight with Alpha), she repaired it with a joint of metal, held in place with a thin internal rod and the ends, sodered tight. It would not be so easy to break this one.
Nuriko looked in her stuff and pondered wearing the mask again. It was a part of that old sisterhood. They all wore masks. For some reason, such things brough more feelings of empowerment. Wearing the mask is like shutting in all of your vunerability. Part of her believes putting that kind of faith in your mask is what made the Seraphim so powerful. She reaches for it... and puts it on.
Nuriko secured the mask and took one look at the repaired voice distorter. She decided against disguising her voice this time.
She quickly twirled the spear and placed in the holder of a backstrap, which she fastened around her shoulder. She put on her heavy cloak and belt with her blasters, sabres and whip... and let her mind clear up for the vision to re-appear.
The dragon appeared to her once more...
It didn't seem like a vicious thing. Only gentle... She didn't usually have visions like this-- let alone ones of gentle beasts.
"....dragons are powerful creatures... and quite magical too... so powerful and magical, in fact, that to master one is quite impossible for meer mortals... but not for such as our caliber..."
She remembered what LV had said. If some kind of magic's at work, it would completely explain why these visions were coming to her. She began to wonder if her just being around LV might have had a hand in them.
"...they should become respectful of you and be willing to be your partner and protector for life... treat him or her with respect, and I guarantee you, they will do the same to you..."
She wasn't sure how the hell she was going to pull it off, but it had to be done. As simple as that. She lowered the ramp and left her ship... but not before something else entered her mind...
Her daughter at what was now Nuriko's current age...
"This will only help empower her," Nuriko said to herself, smiling under that mask. She felt her stomach and engrained it into her head that she would have to be careful fighting while with child...
Nuriko wandered around, not quite knowing where to go... letting what she saw in the vision guide her. It brought her to a small town. It looked almost like a ghost town at first. No one was outside.
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:49:49 AM
She took off her mask and went into a tavern... there were people in there, though they looked very weary. Some of them glared at her, some of them looking at that strange mask in her hand. She went up to the bar and asked for something to drink (non-alcholic, of course)... The barkeep glanced at her curiously. A man sitting a short distance away looked over at her.
"Are you the bounty hunter?"
She didn't look at any of them and continued downing her drink. "The bounty hunter?" She grinned slightly. "I don't even know where the hell I am, let alone about any bounty."
"Is that why you all hide?" she asked amused.
The man looked towards the barkeep almost desperately. "Our hunter never showed!"
"You sound panicked," Nuriko said, laughing.
"Don't laugh!!"
"Who exactly would want to hide out in this town anyway? It looks dead."
"She's right," said the barkeep. "Especially with this being one of the Nachte territories."
Nuriko lifted an eyebrow and shifted her eyes to the other man. "Nacht...e?"
"Stranger, you come into this area not knowing about the dark fires that plague it?"
She could tell they were very secretive about something... It was obvious they didn't want to divulge any more than they already had. She opened their minds with the force...
"The randoms dark fires... The punishment of God. For we are a village of sinners."
"Then you should rejoice," she said smiling.
The men snapped out of her control... realizing they had just said a little too much.
She grinned. "I am quite the sinner."
She payed the barkeep and walked out of the tavern, looking at her barren surroundings.
Territories of Nachte.... Dark fires...
"This place is terrorized by a dragon. Those irritating visions brought me to the right place it seems."
She looked around... this planet was mainly made up of flat desert plains. Over to the east, another village could be seen on the other side of a large ridge. Over to the west, she could see some rocky terrain. "Now that's where I'd go if I were a dragon."
She placed the mask back on her face and the hood back over her head and moved on...
Nuriko approached the cliffs. They were very barren. She could barely sense anything...
"But at least I can sense something...."
It wasn't a force presence but it was similar to feelings she had gotten before... Like the feeling of something weaker than the force but stronger than what was usually ascertained from non-force users.
The dragon's presence?
And then it hit her like ramming into a wall. She jumped back and from a gorge no less than five yards in front of her, a huge dragon flew out almost at an impossible speed. Nuriko wondered how something that large could move so fast.
She crouched down and looked up at it.
It screeched and spat out flames almost at random.
Against her better judgement, she attempted to peruse the dragon's thoughts. It immediately made her dizzy. There was nothing but chaos.
Present day... TSE HQ
Nuriko sat on the floor in the quarters she shared with Rama, near a her black foot locker. It and her black bag were among the few belongings she had managed to scrape up since she had found herself in this part of universe. Slowly, she became aware more of where here was.
Rama was much better at this type of work than she, and she had attempted to locate points of familiarity over any kind of data-- star charts and the like-- that she could get her hands on. Alas she recognized nothing. Even the "experts" she had enlisted couldn't find the constelletions she needed. She wouldn't know how in the world to get home even if she wanted to. She probably could get more help from Rama, but usually that just made him ask more questions. She didn't feel like bringing up the past. She didn't want to deal with it now.
She heard a rattling noise as if items in the ajoining room were being put in disarray and a familiar little cry. "Kali." She got up from her spot on the floor and set down the item she had been looking over. That mask.
"Even IF I wanted to...." Nuriko couldn't say that she did want to. She had Rama and Kali now. She had a position on TSE's leadership council, choosen by Lady Dia...
"It's foolish to cling to silly things." She wrapped the mask back in it's pure white cloth and opened up her locker, setting it back in it's place.
Nuriko grinned and went to see what her daughter had done this time.
Nuriko Hessen Sha, Sith Lordess of the Sith Empire. Wife and Apprentice to Sith Master Rama Sha. Master to Talth, Sukura, Tricken. Pilot of the MR-Liebe. Wields two red sabres, a spear, and a whip. "Bite the one you love."
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:01:35 AM
Present Day... Territories of Nachte....
"I told you everything I know!!" the man said. "God, please!!"
Tomiko ceased choking him and threw him back into a table of card players, disgusted. The table broke and the men looked at the strange cloaked girl in a hostile manner.
"You stupid girl!!"
Tomiko looked at him, her facial expression wondering whether or not to act upon his weak attempt for an insult.
He got up from the pile. "A reward was promised for find that mask!"
"I should give you a reward?"
"You didn't find me squat!!" She grimaced at him, her eyes incredibly cold.
"GRRRRRRRR! I went through a lot of trouble to come back here, just to show you, because a reward was promised!! It was promised to me!!"
"Show me? Show me what exactly?" She motioned to the window of the bustling little town. "To show me ******* John and Jane Everyday buying ******' grain?!" She grabbed him and started choking him.
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:05:09 AM
"hahahaha, Tomiko, I don't believe I've ever seen you so excited."
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:07:52 AM
Tomiko averted her eyes temporarily to the Nerysm Seraphim. "hmmph!" She immediately stopped choking the man and glared distinctly unamused.
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:10:42 AM
"Oh what? Why'd you stop?" Seraphim pulled out a sword and ran the man through. "That isn't what I taught you." Seraphim kept twisting it while the man screamed.
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:12:43 AM
She looked over at the Seraphim and watched the sword twist and the blood flow out of the man into a shiny dark pool. "You're unusually jovial, Seraphim."
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:16:59 AM
"And you as usual are not." She yanked the sword out. "And don't call me by the name of the Seraphim anymore, little girl. The name's Alice."
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:19:28 AM
Tomiko snorted derisively. Nerysm Seraphim wanting to be called such a name. "If you want to be called Alice, you won't call me little girl."
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:21:46 AM
Alice watched as the man clutched his guts and died from the shock. "Why didn't you try to probe his mind?"
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:30:22 AM
"Maybe I would've done that if you hadn't gotten so 'stab-happy'."
Alice looked at Tomiko and grinned. "No, seriously."
"I did."
"She was here. She came here and killed some dragon and left. We got a lead onto the right mask this time."
"So Nuriko WAS here. And with the mask... I would think you'd be more overjoyed."
The patrons of the tavern simply cowered back and stared as the girl and the woman continued to speak casually.
"We've gotten this far in less than fifteen months' time." Alice raised an eyebrow at Tomiko. "That must be worth something."
"Feh. That had nothing to do with us. It was all Fujiko's dumb luck. She got far enough and close enough for the data on that chip of yours to prove somewhat useful."
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:43:01 AM
<a href= 58.topic>"Dumb luck indeed."</a> Alice smirked.
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:48:45 AM
"You DID watch the whole thing, didn't you? My baby's Sith..." Alice laughed. "Though she definetely wasn't acting like one if you know what I mean..."
"Oh who the hell cares." Tomiko growled and prepared to leave the tavern.
"What is it now?" Tomiko said somewhat impatiently, shifting her eyes in Alice's direction.
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 27th, 2001, 04:52:17 AM
Alice's expression became serious. "You know the rules. If they see you for more than five minutes..." She reached into her coat and pulled out a large gun. "...then that's how long they have left to live!" She immediately began opening fire on the various patrons.
Edge Solude
Mar 27th, 2001, 05:00:34 AM
"Just put out a neon sign, why don't you?" she mumbled under her breath. "I don't know which ones I'm looking forward to meeting the least: Jedi or Sith."
"I heard that!!" Alice continued shooting up the bar, hitting the bartender and shattering the glass fixtures. "Force-users have better things to do than deal with the likes of us. I'm sure I taught you that ALSO!!" She grinned and continued firing.
"Yeah...." A man escaped Alice's bullets and went for the door. Tomiko grabbed him by the hair on his head and yanked back abruptly, breaking his neck and letting him fall limp on the floor.
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 28th, 2001, 07:17:16 PM
Alice stopped firing and looked around, satisfied at the body count. "Good enough. Let's go."
Edge Solude
Mar 29th, 2001, 09:55:52 PM
Tomiko shrugged indifferently and walked out of the tavern with Alice following close behind her. She immediately stopped in her tracks.
A huge number of the town's folk were surrounding the entrance to the tavern, many of them brandishing weapons.
"How ridiculous..." Tomiko grimaced, annoyed.
Alice looked over Tomiko's shoulder. "Oh, how was I suppose to know...?" she asked hushly. "Little towns like this are usually not this bold."
Trace Sha
Mar 30th, 2001, 01:06:50 AM
:: It was yet another day at TSE HQ for Trace. He had recently begun training his first apprentice, shortly after having learned of a friend’s death. That friend’s passing had more significance than the loss of a life, the loss of a comrade, it also marked an exciting time for the Sith Knight, older brother to Rama Sha, the excitement of learning and wielding a new and somewhat mysterious weapon.
Mysterious because the friend, who bestowed it upon him at death, mentioned that is held secrets that may possibly be mastered. The gift was an unusual lightsaber, with metal blades protruding from the emitter end of the hilt, a very dangerous and ominous look indeed.
Trace had yet to have need of the weapon in battle and for that matter hadn’t even ignited it yet, not wanting to dishonor its previous bearer by igniting it needlessly. He clipped it back on his belt as he made his way over to his fresher facility within his room, and washed his face, stopping to stare at his reflection briefly. Thinking to himself that he still had a long way to go before he tapped all of the Force potential that he was told he possessed when he was young.
He exited his room, and started to walk through the hallway of HQ, buried deep under the planet’s capital city, and wondered what this day may hold in store for him, curious if this would be the day he finally had need to ignite Disorder. ::
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:05:29 AM
::Nuriko sat in a small room, which she had taken upon herself to decorate to her own unique tastes. Sure, nothing was wrong with the quarters she shared with Rama. This place was a symbol of her room in the old HQ-- a tiny space with a futon, a dresser, and a simple mirror-- that she had chosen as her own when Empire Leader Lady Mara Jade had accepted her into the Empire and when Rama had first taken her on as a disciple. She never expected to be sleeping her Master's room instead, and the room she had never had a chance to spark any life.
::In this new HQ, despite the vague but ever present symbolism to her, this room was similar to the other in size alone. It had a table in the center, an oriental style table in that you sat on the floor to eat from it.
::Nuriko's daughter sat on a pillow and ate rice with meat and a sweet sauce from a bowl, as Nuriko sipped some tea. Kali became ever-distracted by the momentos on the wall.
::Rama's glass case was moved here and Nuriko couldn't help but smile everytime she saw it. He collected every piece of her he could when he was courting her, and saved it all in a glass case. It had been broken because... as a result of a wrong choice she had made to end their relationship, but as soon as things had patched up, the glass had been promptly replaced.
::Various items and trophies saved from the old HQ were on the wall. A couple of sabres presented by Grendel, a sabre presented by Talth and on the other wall, a few sabres and items presented to Rama from his various apprentices.::
Kali Sha
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:18:29 AM
::Kali looked over at the wall, something on there getting her attention far more than it should've. Something new...::
Trace Sha
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:21:31 AM
:: He found himself entering the HQ’s underground spacecraft hangar, where smaller, personal starfighters and other various ships were kept. Approaching a familiar one, deemed Mors Dominae by its owner Mari Lorica. He walked around the circumference of the ship once, before heading up the ramp-way.
On board the small YT-2000 was only the astromech droid, he had given Mari, R2 D564, plugged into its socket keeping her ship in operational condition, always ready to depart at but a moments notice. Mari had been called away to take care of some matters on the other side of the Universe and had asked that he take care of her ship for her.
Sitting down in the pilot’s chair, he slid the hinged holo-display over his lap and began to press colored areas of its smooth surface, doing his part to make sure that R2 was doing his job correctly.
He was very familiar with this ship, having spent nearly two weeks on it, during an endeavor in which his own spacecraft was destroyed, so familiar in fact that he knew more than its owner did, technical details were not one of her specialties, but Trace had been schooled in various tasks being groomed to be King of Ord Mantell, and piloting just happened to be one he excelled at.
The varying colors of the holo-display reflected in his eyes as he diligently went through the systems checks, one by one. ::
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:29:31 AM
::Nuriko casted a look over her shoulder.::
::Kali looked over at her mother, not uttering a sound. The girl never spoke very much, and no one really questioned why. Nuriko was almost grateful they didn't. She'd rather not explain it was a drawback of her species. She wondered how long she could avoiding talking about... things. She didn't want to think about it anymore. Kali would take longer to speak standard at length than what might be accepted as the norm. Nuriko could already tell.::
"That my dear is a dragon's tooth."
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:48:09 AM
Alice stepped in front of Tomiko and grinned at the town's folk. "What? What is it? Do you want something?" she asked, in a laid-back voice-- not really caring what they said or did.
Tomiko growled. "I will not waste anymore time." She jumped up and flipped over a portion of the crowd, landing on a small pile of barrels a short distance off. "Alice! Let's go. We know we're on the right track. We'll re-analyze the data on the chip."
Alice walked forward. Some of the people stepped towards her. She pulled out her gun and charged it. "Come on, babies..." she beckoned with a smirk.
Trace Sha
Mar 30th, 2001, 03:42:07 AM
:: He pushed the holo-display aside after completing the system checks. He began to strap the harness on and turned his head to look back at R2. ::
“Start pre flight prep.”
:: The blue and gold astromech droid whistled a response, as Trace turned back facing front and began flipping switches and pressing buttons. ::
Mar 30th, 2001, 03:57:53 AM
::Nuriko lifted her palm into the air just slightly and force-called the dagger from the wall and into her hand. She was delighted at her daughter's fascination of the weapon.::
My mission was a failure. I was suppose to capture it alive. Forge a bond with it... And it became too much.
::Nuriko observed the relic in her hand. The only thing she could take from the dragon. Nothing could penetrate its scales and its head was all but completely blown off in combat. But lying in the ground near her feet had been a long sharp fang. It made for a dagger not as easily concealed or quick as the others in her collection, but incredibly strong and surprisingly easy to wield.
Nuriko held it out for Kali to touch. "When you're of age, you may have it," she said with a smile::
Trace Sha
Mar 30th, 2001, 05:44:41 PM
:: Activating the comm., Trace signals the technician to open the overhead door, so that the ship can lift off from this underground hangar and be fully tested. ::
“This is Trace Sha aboard the Mors Dominae, open the hangar doors, I’m going for a ride.”
:: The landing struts and ramp-way rise, folding up into their places in the bottom of the ship. ::
Edge Solude
Mar 31st, 2001, 12:07:51 AM
::Tomiko glared back at the crowd.:: "Guh, you think they'd know when to quit."
::She glanced over at Alice, who was just grinning ear to ear:: "If you're going to kill them, hurry up and do it already so we can leave."
Nerysm Seraphim
Mar 31st, 2001, 04:21:51 PM
"You aren't terribly sporting, are you?" she yelled over to Tomiko.
The gathering crowd seemed to be pondering where or not to advance on Tomiko as well. She flipped high up into the air and jumped onto a low beam.
"Show off...." Alice muttered with a smile. She lowered her weapon and prepared to simply walk through the crowd. "You don't want to," she said to them, casting a mischevious smirk towards them.
"Don't move!" one of them yelled.
Alice saw them advancing closer. "Idiots." She grabbed her lowered weapon by the front end and to their surprise, snapped it back. Another tip appeared along with a rectangular off-shoot, which she pulled back to c0ck what appeared to be a weapon within a weapon. It all happened in the span of second and she lowered her mask and squeezed the trigger, spitting flames all over the crowd.
They panicked and screeched and ran here and there. Some of them attemped to attack Alice even as they burnt to death, but the power of her weapon fired at close range shot them back, blowing them apart.
EDIT -- Left out a word, fixed some syntax.
Trace Sha
Mar 31st, 2001, 04:42:05 PM
:: As the repulsors lift the YT-2000 into the air, a doorway above opens and Trace pilots the ship straight up, exiting into the open air through an opening roof in one of the coity’s buildings. ::
“R2, prepare the hyperdrive. Once we have escaped this planets gravity, we’ll test it out. Where we go doesn’t concern me, just choose a route randomly.”
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 1st, 2001, 06:05:08 AM
"GET OUT OF MY WAY! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!" >=D Alice fired off a stream of flames infront of her and, securing her cloak around her, darted through them as the others in the fire's wake burned. She ran through the panicking crowd and ran towards the direction of the area where she had landed the ship.
Suddenly, half a dozen uniformed troops appeared in front of her path.
The troops raised their weapons and aimed at her. "Stop and surrender NOW!!"
She narrowed her eyes at them. "Oh KISS OFF!!" She squeezed the trigger. *CLICK! CLICK!!* She looked at the energy reading on her weapon. The meter was in the red. "@#%$!"
The troops opened fire on Alice. She quickly dove into a nearby inn through the window... a closed window. Glass sprayed everywhere like a shower and she rolled on the floor. She kept down as a spray of bullets whizzed over her head.
Sierra Sha
Apr 1st, 2001, 05:40:19 PM
Sierra found herself walking through the Empire's Headquarters without any sense of direction or place to really go. Being that fate had her come to her past ( ?topicID=2229.topic) to save what was her present, it was already more responsibility then Sierra ever dreamed of having.
Perhaps she wandered around the halls of the Empire because she wasn't sure how to approach anyone here. She really didn't want to form any attachments because the life that she led taught her that loss was a part of life. It was too much a part of her life in reality. The bonds that were forged from family were the most painful to loose and she would make sure that didn't happen. Just like she swore to her father.
She didn't realize that her aimless walk brought her near Nuriko's and Rama's quarters. Her thoughts must have made her come this way and it was a good idea to check in on her sister, Kali. The main purpose as to why she was here was to protect her at all costs. Approaching the door, she could probably enter without knocking but this Rama and Nuriko weren't really her parents and she must act accordingly.
Sierra pressed the chime and waited to be let in.
Apr 2nd, 2001, 04:30:54 AM
Nuriko heard a beeping sound and looked up to a small panel near the entrance of the door. She set her tea cup down and walked over to the panel. A light on the panel gave off a gentle yellow glow.
"Someone is ringing the chime at our quarters...."
Rama had installed a device that alerted her of such things as a council meeting, when the Phoenix (and the Liebe) left and docked, and even of course when there was a presence at their quarters. Nuriko had used this room too much to withdrawl recently and this device helped her become more aware of what occured outside this little isolated world of hers... where even force power seemed to become nil.
At least he had installed it so she could easily disguise it back into the face of the wall-- keeping the aesthetic feel of the room in tact. She was picky about such details.
She opened the door to the small private room and looked out down the hallway towards the door to her and Rama's quarters. "We're over here today," she said to the young woman who had been ringing the chime.
Sierra Sha
Apr 2nd, 2001, 02:24:25 PM
She heard Nuriko's voice and turned around, seeing that her mother was spending time in her private room. Sierra steadily walked down the hall until she came face to face with Nuriko.
"I was just in the area and wanted to make sure that things were alright."
Curious as to what was in the room, she tried looking past Nuriko as much as she could. She tried to not look obvious but she never had the pleasure of being let into the private quarters yet. Sierra was still quite new to the Empire and it was strange being new to something that it has been a part of your whole life, being forced to start over in a way.
Kali Sha
Apr 2nd, 2001, 02:47:04 PM
"Yes, well, things are... fine," Nuriko stated, almost unsure of how to speak to Sierra.
Kali peeked out of the doorway, wrapping her arm around one of Nuriko's legs. She looked intently at Sierra, curiousity in her eyes.
Nuriko looked down and smiled at Kali. She looked towards Sierra and took a step back in the room. "Well, do come in."
Sierra Sha
Apr 2nd, 2001, 11:27:24 PM
Her heart sank as she heard Nuriko's tone but who could blame her. Sierra didn't really know how to act around her family here. Only person that she seemed to be able to connect somehow was Rama when he showed her the Empire's Shipyards.
Looking down, Kali's presence made her smile and she couldn't get over at how it was so odd to see her older sister so tiny. She was about to lean down and say hello to those curious eyes but then Nuriko invited Sierra inside.
"Thank you ..."
She stepped inside, not really knowing what else to say, and the door closed behind her. She looked around the room and what caught her eye immediately was the glass case that held quite a number of sabres.
Apr 3rd, 2001, 01:46:42 AM
Nuriko bit her lip, sensing Sierra's reaction to her. She hadn't got used to facts, as briefly as Rama had gone over them with her... that this girl was a part of her. What was more, her own ill confidence seemed to be inspiring such. She remembered that one must feel as they want those in their presence to feel.
As Sierra entered the room, she looked around at the other items on the wall... the small plagues with various daggers and such, the "Nuriko" case... Nuriko grabbed a cushion and set it down next to Kali's. "Sit down," she said, this time smiling warmly.
Kali sat herself down again and began polishing off her lunch. Sierra looked over to Nuriko and stared for a bit. Nuriko was unsure of why, until she looked down in her hand and noticed the dragon's tooth dagger was still there.
Nuriko walked over and placed the dagger back into the holder on the wall. "Did you want some tea?"
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 3rd, 2001, 01:57:35 AM
Alice lay on the ground. Blood smeared on the floor from various cuts from all...
"...all of this damn glass."
She wanted to get up, but could hear the crunching of dirt and rock under boots. They were advancing towards her position and would be upon her soon.
Edge Solude
Apr 3rd, 2001, 02:09:30 AM
Tomiko growled. "Unbelievable. I will not tolerate this." She launched herself off of the barrels and onto a low roof top. She ran over the roof top and jumped down, just behind the troops approaching Alice.
Tomiko immediately lunged and grabbed one of them by the neck. The others were about to fire at her when she pulled him in front of her like a shield.
Alice, meanwhile, could hear the commotion. She picked her head up slightly and then searched herself for another clip. She snapped the weapon back to it's prior mode, reloaded the it and crouching down, aimed for the one of them. "Clear shot.." She squeezed the trigger.
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 3rd, 2001, 02:11:10 AM
A gush of blood splattered on his companions as the target went down. Alice flattened herself back to the ground.
Tomiko reached forward and plunged her claw into another's chest, twisting it around in his gut. She grabbed her hostage and tore out his throat, shoving him into his remaining comrades. Alice aimed and and finished the lot off.
Edge Solude
Apr 3rd, 2001, 02:13:01 AM
"That was refreshing," said Alice.
"You have the oddest sort of fun. Let's get back to Alice Rock already and leave this dirt ball."
Trace Sha
Apr 4th, 2001, 02:33:29 AM
:: The <Mors Dominae[/i] broke free of the planet’s gravity and entered the vacuum of space smoothly, with no complications. Turning back to the astromech droid, Trace nodded and spoke again. ::
“Engage hyperdrive, on my mark.”
:: The pale faced Sith turned and faced forward again, looking into the vastness of the sea of stars before him, wondering where they would end up on this random ride. ::
:: The stars melted into ribbons of light as the small ship lurched forward. ::
Edge Solude
Apr 4th, 2001, 01:29:21 PM
Alice and Tomiko ran through the remainder of the town, before it would sink into these yokel's heads that their local law had failed them.
The town was reminiscent of one out of an old western. The outside of town was wide open spaces, with cliffs prevelent on the north side. Alice and Tomiko made their way to the cliffs, unaware of a small hover craft approaching them.
Tomiko looked back at the town, the flames consuming it and then turned back.
"You are right, so don't worry. We can pin point frequencies collected on the chip and establish certain craft, bases, satellites, even planets and stars. With that kind of data, a location is only a matter of time."
"Hmph, I'm more concerned about the possibility of facing large numbers of Sith if we just walk into...."
"That shouldn't be a problem. We'll avoid a fight with them at all costs. We only want her mask and I have no doubt about it: She's a weak link. She always has been. I'm sure an agreement can be made."
"You're too confident."
"Sometimes you have to be."
EDIT - Spelling
Sierra Sha
Apr 5th, 2001, 12:11:25 AM
"Yes, thank you Mo-, Nuriko. That sounds good."
She bit her lip and didn't really feel that comfortable calling Nuriko that, nor was sure how Nuriko felt. With the time she spent with Rama, already she was calling her pops and things were pretty much at ease. She just wished that could be the case with her mother. Deep inside, she knew that would take some time.
Sitting down herself, she decided that since things were quiet, it was about time to learn about her mother. She clears her throat.
"If you don't mind, I thought perhaps we could talk. Get to know each other? I've been spending a lot of time with Pops but we only seen each other in passing."
Apr 5th, 2001, 02:01:48 AM
Nuriko took a glass and poured some tea from the kettle. "Yes, that's been unfortunate. I was hoping to see more of you... but..." Her back was turned towards Sierra as she got the tea. Her expression became somewhat regretful. "...but with the work you and your father were doing and with all the events at the Empire. I'm trying to be a much more active member of the council these days." She turned around and placed the tea in front of Sierra. "I'm glad we have this time now though."
Sierra nodded and prepared to take the tea, when she saw Nuriko looking at her, almost in a slight fixation. It made her somewhat uncomfortable. "What... what is it?"
"Oh..." Realizing what she was doing to the girl, Nuriko laughed to herself. "I'm sorry. I was just seeing what physical attributes you got from where. I remember Ram--" She paused. "I remember your father commenting on Kali's"
Kali looked up from her bowl at the mention of her name.
"appearance one time." She imitated Rama. "'Nuri, this kid hardly looks like me.'" Nuriko sat down. "Griping about how she didn't look Nabarie or something.... right down to the ears." She reached over and pulled one of Kali's pointy ears.
Kali batted Nuriko's hand away. Nuriko, in turn, swatted gently at Kali's hand and laughed.
Nuriko looked over to Sierra. "Well... exactly how different am I to your mother? Maybe if we narrow it down, I can talk to you without it sounding like some drawn out re-run."
Nuriko looked over her daughters. Strange... It began to sink in even more so that they were of her flesh. <a href= cID=141.topic&start=114&stop=122>A memory</a> entered her mind briefly. It made her smile.
Sierra Sha
Apr 5th, 2001, 11:33:59 PM
Sierra laughed too, enjoying the scene before her. Her sister and mother together, spending time with each other without a care in the world. Never would she have seen this if her father didn't let her come back to this time.
"Well, in all honesty, I never really got to know my mother's past that well. Just bits and pieces that kind of make sense if you string it together. I thought now."
She leaned her head forward and looked at Nuriko curiously since she had a far away look, not fully paying attention to her. By the smile on her face, it couldn't have been a bad thought and she had to smile herself.
"Your thinking about Pop right?"
Apr 6th, 2001, 02:00:33 AM
"You could say that.... So... what kinds of bits and pieces? Surely, your mo-- I would've told you something."
Sierra's facial expression became somewhat quizzical.
Nuriko maintained her own warm expression... Not that I don't know or anything... Her thoughts became somewhat concerned.
Trace Sha
Apr 6th, 2001, 02:13:19 AM
:: Already twenty minutes into the flight through hyperspace, Trace began to wonder just where their random jump would lead and most importantly, how long it would take. Turning back to R2 behind him, he posed a question, or more specifically two questions. ::
“How long a trip are we in for R2 and where are we going to end up?”
:: The little droid whistled, hummed, and beeped out his reply enthusiastically. Once R2 finished Trace turned back around, a slightly puzzled look on his face, muttering to himself. ::
“The 3-Mask system? Can’t say I’ve ventured there or even read about it.”
:: He sat back in his chair and contemplated the thought of being somewhere new and mysterious knowing that the ride would take about six or seven hours. ::
Edge Solude
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:29:26 AM
Tomiko and Alice had reached their ship after their long walk back through the rocky terrain leading from the town.
Tomiko sat back and let Alice study a few maps. "Did you find any of those constellations....?"
Alice grinned. "Yes, as a matter of fact. I believe I can pin point a close location. We would be on our own from there."
"Good enough."
__________________________________________________ ________
On the en route hover craft....
"Sir," a Krimtz said. "I believe we have a fix on the craft. It's definetely a Universal ship.... from Catergory R."
"R?" asked another soldier. "Three-Mask System...?"
"Cute name for it," said their leader, Kimble, an older gruff-looking man. "Those little rebellion groups really believe they're making their mark. Even offical galaxy wide databases begin to be corrupted."
Another soldier looked over at his comrades, who didn't quite have a grasp of what was being said. "You are new transfers, are you not? 'Three-Mask System' is actually called Trio Liberty San Paulo, existing beyond this region and that troublesome asteroid belt. The Three Mask themselves are numerous rebellious sects taking over numerous portions of that region. Especially against the sl--"
The leader looked at the soldier spouting out facts. "When we want a smart ass, we'll ask for one."
He silenced himself promptly.
"It's beyond that?" asked Krimtz. "The asteroid belt is far too treacherous. How did that ship make it through? Not many pilots are so lucky."
"Don't be a fool. I curse being assigned with such idiots. TLSP isn't that far away. You really should be far more informed. And you realize that being Universal territory, it has a gate. Using the gate jump it could get through ten bleeding belts if it had the coordinates needed."
They all nodded. "Forgive us, sir."
"It could've gone to any Universal port," replied Krimtz. "Why would it come here just be stuck having to travel across god knows where to the next port."
"Quit asking so many questions. Our only task is to reclaim all Universal craft out of jurisdiction. We don't want those scum here. Let us do that and be done with it."
They all saluted. "Yes, Kimble."
__________________________________________________ ________
Alice pointed on the map. "We came from Fymyse... located here in San Paulo."
Tomiko glanced down, barely interested. "I think we both know where Fymyse is at."
"We went through the gate to butt up almost here in this part of the northern quadrant to this planet here." She pointed to their current location.
"Do you know anything about the jurisdictions here?"
"I can't say so. I'd need access to a larger database. I doubt that town would've had one anyway. It's still pretty close to San Paulo's belt though.... What's more, I don't think I see any locations for gate jump-ports. I don't think there are any for quite a way... And I say that without any exagerations intended."
"Don't worry about it. We're going to need to ditch this ship soon anyway. It has all sort of Universal marks on it. You know how they get about their property."
"Agreed. At least we have a far better idea of where we're going though.... so once we score us a new ship, it won't matter if gates do exist here."
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 6th, 2001, 03:38:00 AM
"Honestly. And these Universals call our kind primitive. It's like the rule is if it doesn't belong to them, they refuse to make a good map of it." Alice clicked through the charts. "This data for this system and the ones close to it are too vague. I'm surprised I at least got some of the constellations to even match."
"I'm not."
Alice wondered whether that was a vote of confidence or not. She pressed the button to shut off the maps.
Sierra Sha
Apr 8th, 2001, 06:05:46 PM
"Well, I really don't know much accept that you were always closed off to me somehow. It was hard to talk to you and that's why Pop and I are, well, were so close."
She looked down at Kali and felt a tinge of jealousy. Funny, Sierra thought this wouldn't be a factor here since she her mission was to protect Kali. It was hard to shake those feelings since for whatever reason, Nuriko was closer to Kali. Sierra loved her mother deeply but something was holding both of them back to be close as a mother and daughter should. Then Nuriko died and nothing could be done.
But perhaps now that could be changed.
"What I do know is that something happened to you before I was born. I don't know the details. Safe bet it didn't happen yet since I don't see a miniature me running around."
Apr 8th, 2001, 09:54:36 PM
"Your father has had similar complaints about me... being too closed off. Not trusting him enough." She sighed. "I suppose I never really change then," she said regretfully as she drank from her cup. She looked over at Sierra. "Do you know what exactly have you come back here to change? What event is going to happen that you must prevent... the one that leads to everything else?"
Sierra Sha
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:58:01 AM
She looked over at Kali and smiled for a moment. It was but a moment as the memory of her sister's death came quickly. She remembered crying all night after her father left her room after telling her, making sure that no one saw her moments weakness.
She turned back and looked at Nuriko, wondering how to answer that question. Sierra already told all this to Rama, what Nuriko wanted to know and couldn't deny her right in knowing. It was her daughter and it keep her in the dark would be wrong.
"I'm here to protect Kali. The future that I come from is dependant on her safety."
Kali Sha
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:29:00 PM
::blinks and looks at Sierra as she says that::
Sierra Sha
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:56:24 PM
She gets up and kneels down, smiling at Kali, "That's right little sis. Your very special and important."
Her hand came up and stroked her sister's cheek gently. It was the first physical contact that she had with Kali since coming here and she hope that it didn't frighten her.
Rama Sha
Apr 11th, 2001, 01:37:56 AM
"Actually if what you have told me is true...."
:: Rama enters the room and closes the door behind him ::
"...she is your big sister."
:: Rama looks around Nuriko's old room ::
"Nearly took me an hour to find you here.....I just came to check your old room as an afterthought."
Apr 11th, 2001, 02:54:18 AM
Nuriko begins to feel a bit concerned over this situation. "But are you sure your journey back here affects anything?" asked Nuriko. "Time is still something no one in the known universe really understands. What if by coming here you've started what you meant to prevent? What if some other event happens instead?"
She tried not to sound panicked, and she wasn't panicked, but time had always made her curious. She began to wonder about how things were when Sierra was sent here... and why it was thought she could prevent anything. Had she been there, Nuriko mused, she never would've sent her daughter on mission from which no benefits could be reaped. Of course, being dead obviously limited her say in anything. Time couldn't be manipulated like clay, could it? Even if this time were to be safe, were there consequences to be reaped that they couldn't yet imagine?
Sierra Sha
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:00:18 AM
She looks up at the sound of Rama's voice.
"Well Pop, since she is smaller then me, she is little sis."
With a sigh, she wondered how to answer Nuriko's questions. All her points were valid but there was one thing that she didn't know.
"I wasn't the one to come back. It was suppose to be, Pop."
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:29:33 AM
Nuriko remained silent for a few seconds. "But.. then why did you come back and not him?"
Sierra Sha
Apr 11th, 2001, 02:41:11 PM
"I don't know what Pop has told you of my future. Where I come from a horrible civil war broke out between the Sith. Those that were against the Empire stormed the headquarters and he had to stay. I was with him at the time and he said that I had to go in his place."
She looked down and smiled faintly.
"He would never leave his Empire while it was under attack."
Rama Sha
Apr 11th, 2001, 07:40:59 PM
Hey.......We don't really have to tell her everything.
:: Rama seemed concerned. He knew what the next words outta Sierra's mouth would be, and he knew how Nuriko would react. ::
Apr 12th, 2001, 12:36:23 AM
Nuriko smiles faintly in turn, with some emotional comprehension of what Sierra has said.
Her eyes narrow at Rama somewhat when he speaks. "Why doesn't she have to tell me everything?"
Apr 12th, 2001, 02:56:39 AM
*Firebird walks down the hallway to his room, his mind a swirl of thoughts. As he passes down the hallway. he senses his Master nearby. He also can sense Rama's wife, and one other. This other one is not what he was expecting, usually when he went past this room he could sense Nuri and Rama, but not Kali. For some reason Kali was more powerful then she seemed. As he passes the room his hand rubs the door sensor of the door chime.*
Kali Sha
Apr 12th, 2001, 11:27:26 PM
Kali simply watched her parents and the lady converse. She glances at Sierra, sensing a familiarity-- as if she's known her her entire life. As the chime rings, everyone continues to speak. Kali gets up and simply looks at the door. It opens and she peers out into the hallway.
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:04:57 AM
*Talth wanders through the halls of the HQ and decides to pay a visit to his Master.
He walks up and knocks poilitely on the door*
Apr 13th, 2001, 02:30:20 AM
Nuriko still waits for an answer from either Rama or Sierra, when she notices Kali peering out into the hallway. "Kali, what is it?"
She gets to her feet and goes to the doorway, only to come face to face with Talth. "Yes?"
Rama Sha
Apr 13th, 2001, 06:58:03 PM
:: Rama Raises both Eyebrows as Nuriko goes to check on Kali. ::
Saved by the bell.......
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:24:00 AM
Nuriko immediately senses that thought. She looks over her shoulder. "No you're not."
Rama Sha
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:46:59 AM
:: Rama cringes, and then turns to Sierra ::
We are gonna have a talk later.....
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:57:48 AM
Nuriko observes her husband's expression and simply grins somewhat menacingly.
Nerysm Seraphim
Apr 14th, 2001, 03:16:35 AM
OOC: Tomiko and Alice's actions continued in <a href= ?topicID=3536.topic>On the Unknown Planet</a>
Sierra Sha
Apr 14th, 2001, 07:55:05 PM
Looks at Nuriko and smiles. Eventhough she was older then she should be, it felt like the same family. She wasn't sure who Rama was talking to until she looked over at him. He was looking straight at her and she nodded.
"Sure, Pop."
She had a vague sense that this would have to do with how much information her mother should know about.
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:46:28 PM
She raises an eyebrow at both of them.
Rama Sha
Apr 16th, 2001, 04:28:16 PM
:: Rama looks over at her. ::
Apr 16th, 2001, 05:32:03 PM
Nuriko turns to them both and crosses her arms. "Don't think I won't be keeping my eye on you." :mad:
She smirks. :p "Hmmmmm..."
Sierra Sha
Apr 17th, 2001, 12:15:03 AM
Sierra knew that look from her mother well and then had to snicker.
Rama Sha
Apr 17th, 2001, 05:18:54 AM
Oh and what are you laughing at?
Im still pissed at you.
Apr 18th, 2001, 11:04:13 PM
*clears throat*
"I thought I'd just pop in and say hi.
I just got back from a ... trip."
Apr 19th, 2001, 01:12:32 AM
Nuriko looks back and grins at her family before she turns and looks back to Talth. "Oh, what kind of trip?"
Sierra Sha
Apr 19th, 2001, 01:19:48 AM
Sits and stays silent, since she still doesn't know what she did wrong.
Rama Sha
Apr 19th, 2001, 04:07:20 AM
:: Rama notices his wifes attention redirected attention, and then leans down and talks to Sierra. ::
" Why did you say that thing about me dying in the future?"
Apr 19th, 2001, 10:34:32 PM
Nuriko stops talking to Talth and simply freezes. "..............."
Sierra Sha
Apr 19th, 2001, 10:44:23 PM
"I didn't say that. I said you would never leave the Empire while it was under attack."
She looks at him squarely in the eye.
"Honestly, I don't know if you lived or died
Apr 20th, 2001, 11:17:28 PM
Nuriko looks at her daughter, wondering... "Do you have any idea... I mean, things as you left them... did they look-- unfavoring towards your father?"
Sierra Sha
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:54:55 AM
She looked at Nuriko and then to Rama. There was no getting around her mother's question and she was already in trouble with her father.
What the hell.
"Yes. It looked bad for all of the Empire."
Apr 22nd, 2001, 07:22:13 PM
"I... see...."
Rama Sha
Apr 24th, 2001, 04:27:28 AM
But thats not gonna happen now.......
:: Rama looks over at Sierra ::
Sierra Sha
Apr 26th, 2001, 01:36:43 AM
Sierra nodded to her father, not phased by him trying to force her into giving a reassuring answer.
"This is true. Things are already different then what I was told and remember. Anything could happen now as far as I know."
Apr 26th, 2001, 01:39:45 AM
Nuriko smiled. "But for all you know, you could've made things worse. The only thing for certain is that the future has indeed been altered by your presence now."
Rama Sha
Apr 26th, 2001, 06:40:58 AM
No they won't be.........I know they won't be.
Apr 28th, 2001, 05:14:12 AM
"How can you be so sure?"
Rama Sha
Apr 29th, 2001, 05:08:26 AM
Trust me....
Sierra Sha
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:21:59 PM
Sierra looked back and forth to her mother and father, not knowing what to think. True, she could have made things worse or better by being here. One thing Sierra knew for certain, as long as Kali was safe the future was secure. At least, that is what she kept telling herself to stay sane. If her coming back did mess things up worse, she wasn't sure if she could live with herself.
Apr 29th, 2001, 08:33:24 PM
Nuriko observed Sierra's somewhat worried expression. She closed her eyes and grinned. "I'm sorry. I'm just morbid like this." She looked towards Rama and nodded. "All right. Whatever you say."
Rama Sha
Apr 30th, 2001, 05:29:15 AM
:: Rama nods in agreement. ::
May 1st, 2001, 07:26:18 PM
Nuriko stood silently, her mind quickly wandering off. She could see a corridor (sp?) clearly... herself running down it, staggering around, grabbing the back of her neck. Her eyes widened and she looked around to find herself back in the room.
She wanted to get her mind off of that... those images. She looked over towards Sierra. "Tell me about it."
"About what...?"
"Tell me about 'your world'."
Sierra Sha
May 3rd, 2001, 12:51:51 AM
She twisted her face in a grimace and looked to her father. Sierra already knew that she was in trouble with him and she didn't think that Rama wanted her to talk her world any more around her mother.
May 3rd, 2001, 05:41:05 PM
Nuriko quirks an eyebrow at Sierra, seeing her looking over at Rama. She glances back at Sierra. "I want to know something about it. Just tell me anything you feel like."
Sierra Sha
May 3rd, 2001, 11:35:30 PM
Sierra thought about what to tell her mother and she wasn't sure what to say. Not because of Rama, but because there was so much that she could say. Something that was different here and from her world would be good.
Then her eyes opened a bit wider as she thought of something.
"I know that here, the Rogues came back to the Empire. Where I come from there was a truce, but the two groups remained separate."
May 4th, 2001, 02:36:41 AM
"Really..." She sits back down and looks genuinely interested in this fact. "Why was that?"
Sierra Sha
May 8th, 2001, 02:51:26 PM
"I don't really know the details. They just wanted to be separate still."
Sierra really didn't want to get into how Kali was a factor in that.
Kali Sha
May 10th, 2001, 12:52:13 AM
Kali looked over at her Sierra, sensing thoughts about herself somewhere. She blinked, half wondering if she was in trouble.
Nuriko stood up and smiled at the girls and her husband. "Well you two may have had your fill of training for today, but this one has not." She motioned to herself somewhat playfully. "I must be off."
Kali tugged on her mother's pant leg as she strode past her.
"Now, now... I'll be back later." She gave the little one a kiss on the forehead.
Kali whimpered as her mother left.... ...leaving her all alone with Sierra and Rama. She was comfortable around them... but something had been bothering Nuriko. Somehow, she could tell.
Nuriko touched her pocket, and heading towards <a href=>the training grounds</a>. She didn't have a sparring session, but she simply needed to think.
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