View Full Version : Anbira Hicchoru vs. The Greater Jedi Order
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 07:53:06 PM
:: Anbira stood by himself on a wind-swept mesa. He had dispatched the message to his enemies in the Greater Jedi Order. There would be a fight today. He closed his eyes, breathing the cold air in slowly. As he exhaled, he looked down at his aged hands. He silently prayed he had the strength he once had. He would need it to win today. Somehow, he had to get the Jedi past their rhetoric. He knew they could argue their lies until they were blue in the face. He hoped they were wiser when at the point of destruction. If not a soul had to die today, it would suit Anbira fine...but he noted with much sadness that it never worked that way.
Anbira could no longer wait for them to listen. They would see the truth, or today would be a massacre. ::
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:09:09 PM
*Tujk strode forward, awnsering the... summons of sorts. She had little the way of encounters with this one until very recently, but she came, armed as always with a knife, staff
and above all, above the force.
Her mind*
The living lie... your own words... how do you seek to reviel the truth?
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:10:17 PM
Receiving Anbira's message, Nichos arrived as soon as he could. Now Nichos could be seen, walking toward's Anbira across the mesa. The Jedi had his lightsaber on his belt, not in his hand. Only about 15 feet away from Anbira he stopped.
"Anbira, I thought you wanted peace," Nichos shouted, "Obtaining peace through war does not work Anbira, this MUST stop."
The Jedi walked forward again, still unarmed. He stopped only a few feet away from Anbira. "Go home Anbira, go find peace with yourself."
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:19:22 PM
:: Anbira shook his head, looking at the two Jedi Knights. ::
No, the time for talking is over. Peace will come when you have either joined its cause, or you lay dead.
:: Dropping into a deep stance, Anbira reached out with his feelings, saturating his essence with power. As he eyed both combatants, he muttered a silent prayer under his breath. He closed his eyes, opening them again...and ran towards Nichos Marr, driving a Ram's Head punch towards his chest. ::
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:22:49 PM
**Bel arrived a few moments after Nichos, walking calmly into the field. Her cloak flowed behind her, the wind making it whip erraticly. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail which lashed with the wind. The only weapons she carried stay hooked to her low slung belt -- her saber, and a standard blaster.
**She stopped on the other side of TUJK, lining the three Jedi into a row. Her midnight clue cloak continued to flutter as the wind picked up force,
"Anbira, listen to Nichos. Your eternal struggle is eating you inside, the true center of being is the calm of the Force. Anger and aggression do not solve anything -- if anything it makes it worse. Let go of your hate, Anbira."
**She enveloped herself in the Force, the power surging through her veins. Seeking her calm medium, she watched the powerful Sith Master who had once called himself Jedi. Watched and waited.
**Seconds later he attacked Nichos. Crouching down into a catlike stance, Beldarine calmly watched the scene. She knew Nichos could handle this, his words were spoken truly.
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:23:10 PM
Nichos accepted the punch, reeling over himself. He fell to the floor before Anbira. The Jedi instinctively rolled out of the way and stood up. Surprisingly, that punch had really damaged his chest. He felt the pain form inside.
And the Jedi stood still, not daring to grab for his weapon.
"Fighting isn't the answer Anbira. Join our cause for peace." Nichos said, standing in front of the Sith Master.
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:30:18 PM
*She was perhaps the most versed of the jedi present... and as such, she would have to b the front. She watched Anbita charge Nichos, winceing a bit*
Alright. You got some rocks in your head... you want us to join you... trying to kill us... well... quite frankly, that's an amusing thought. I'll listen to words, but not to battle.
*Tujk smirked, feeling the force flow though her, tieing her to everything... thre was no line where she ended and the force began... she was of the force*
So you can stand down, beat your head against a wall, or be subdued.
Mercy is an offer I make once. You can walk away, and I will let you. You stand, and thi doesn't end so easily.
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:34:51 PM
Ami had sensed something through the Force. A gathering of the Force... One Sith, several Jedi. She had hopped into her A-wing, curious to see what was going on. As she was nearing the area, she felt something new - a sharp pain in her chest. She didn't need to think about who it was.
She landed close to the site of the encounter. Nichos was lying on the ground, and though he didn't show it as he stood, she could tell he was in pain. She ran towards him and the Sith, worried. She stopped beside Nichos, looking at him with concern. He smiled at her, though it didn't really settle her, and she looked at the Sith. "Is there really a necessity for being brute? Nothing can be gained."
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:37:41 PM
:: Anbira's head snapped back as he noticed the approach of the Padawan, Beldarine. Another one to the fray. Recovering his balance, Anbira ran with Force-augmented speed to the Padawan, feinting to the right, but keeping his right foot planted. As Beldarine adjusted her defense to respond to his feint, Anbira snapped his hip to the left, delivering a midsection roundhouse that connected in chamber. Beldarine fell to the side, as her weight shift was used against her. As she did, Anbira returned his chambered left leg to the ground, extending a hand to the padawan. Beldarine was lifted off her feet, and sent flying towards TUJK, the pair colliding with each other. As the did so, Anbira noticed the approach of another. ::
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:41:18 PM
Nichos watched as his friends got hurt by the Sith. He took his lightsaber into hand and ignited it. He stared directly at the Master with emotionless eyes.
"Anbira, stop this now." He sternly said.
Nichos got into a defencive stance if the Sith decided to attack again.
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:41:36 PM
*There was no collision. Tujk was aware of the events around her, Beldarine was embraced in the force, guided gently to the ground by Tujk*
They're Padawans, not projectiles.
*she watched Anbira, simply emersing herself in the force, waiting*
Darth Viscera
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:43:57 PM
Viscera watched from afar as the Jedi began the hopeless attack which would ultimately lead to their demise. He thought it foolish that these young Jedi believed they could best the greatest force user living.
Looking around, Viscera realized that the corpses would need burying once their destruction was complete. He decided to walk back to his shuttle, to get a spade.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:47:35 PM
:: Using the physical mastery of the Force, Anbira began to focus on compressing a column of air, from his hand to a distance of about a meter. A cold breeze formed as air siphoned inwards on itself, compressed and superheated by the Force. A few seconds of concentration, and Anbira formed a shaft of glowing plasma, emanating from his hand. In effect, he had conjured the equivalent of a lightsaber, its faint green hue lighting the air around him.
Advancing on Nichos, Anbira brought his "saber" downwards in a forward slash. The Jedi met the blade with his own, and the two combatants locked their attacks. Anbira braced with his might, and slowly began to levitate his body with the Force, attempting to gain leverage. ::
Don't try to talk yourselves out of this! You will waste your time! Save yourselves, or die!
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 08:53:58 PM
"Anbira, it amazes me how you just keep yapping about saving myself or dieing!" Nichos grunted as he brought his saber upwards to block another hit by Anbira. This one caused him to bend on one knee, calling on the Force to strengthen him.
Nichos blocked a quick side slash, quickly kicking outwards. His foot met Anbira's side. This was a bad mistake for Nichos. Anbira's body felt like a block of iron. The Jedi fell backwards, rolling out of the way, the light beam barely slicing him in two. He stood up behind Anbira and pushed him forward with the Force causing him to stumble, but the Sith kept his balance.
"Do me a favor Anbira, Shut up." Nichos said. He twirled his saber around and lunged forward.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:01:19 PM
:: Anbira looked at Nichos...or more correctly...looked through him. They called the phenomenon the Thousand Yard's Stare...and it was a disturbing side-effect of people who had spent far too much time in war. They saw people not as living, but as already dead, just waiting for their time.
The Sith righted himself, squaring off against Nichos again, and leveling his "saber" at the Jedi. Anbira snapped his wrist, sliding his saber to the side of Nichos' weapon, and allowing himself to close the gap as he pressed the saber back. Stepping into Nichos' guard, Anbira connected a front press kick into his lower abdomen, the slow but powerful strike sending the Jedi off his feet, skidding away. He turned around, pointing his shaped plasma saber at the Padawan Beldarine. ::
I am not playing with you!!!
:: Anbira released his hold on the saber's plasma, crafting a barrier between himself and the compressed and superheated air. The effect was that the contents of the saber blasted out in a cone-shaped explosion. Rapidly expanding superheated gas hit Beldarine in full as the shockwave sent her sprawling. ::
OOC: Bout to be keep the reprisals to a minimum. I will be back soon.
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:06:43 PM
Nichos rested his head on the soil for a few moments. He flipped upwards and deactivated his saber eyeing Anbira who had now targeted the Padawan.
"That psychopath needs to get a hold of himself seriously." Nichos muttered, "And he has to be stopped." The Jedi just sat down and crossed his legs, calling on the Force for extra strength and stamina. His mind was elsewhere, but he still kept his mind's eye on the battle.
Nichos felt the Force flow through him, strengthening his bones. He felt the goodness and the life around him, calling it to him. The Light Side was all around. Even if Anbira's dark presence blocked some of it, it was still there. Nichos could feel himself getting better already.
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:10:01 PM
*to enter battle was to exhaust all other posibilities, and dealing with rock head here, it seemed that posibilities were exhausted.*
*And fighting was wrong... so if you were wrong in the first place. Well, fairness got tossed out the window.*
*without a word, Tujk focused within, gathering the the force with in her. then reaching out with a hand, sending the force rippling though the air, unhindered by distance, sending a stunning blow aimed at Anbira's groin. She saight not to kill, mearly disable at this time.*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:22:30 PM
**Getting Anbira's message somewhat late, the Jedi Master sprinted quickly to the location Anbira had requested a confrontation. Upon her arrival, Leia watched momentarily at the commotion caused by the powerful Sith Master. Cautiously, Leia made her way to where the group of Jedi were facing off with Anbira. The Jedi Master reached below her cloak and unclipped her saber from her belt, chosing not to ignite it. Not just yet**
**Calmly Leia spoke in a confident voice**
Anibra...What is the meaning of all this?!!!
**As she waited for an answer...her eyes stayed fixed on Anibra's every move as she placed herself in a defensive stance**
Jace Darklighter
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:25:56 PM
A small figure stood elevated on the horizon. His fellow Jedi, down below, stood against Anbira's endeavors to destroy what they believe by defending their principles. The Sith Master had made a call for all of the Greater Jedi Order to either follow him or die as martyrs. Removing his cloak, the Jedi Knight ran into the heat of battle. Coming to a hault at his side, he frowned as he regarded Anbira with a fierce gaze.
"Quite confident, aren't you Anbira. You have the nerve to call us to your 'order of truth' when you come to us as a betrayer to the Jedi Order and philosophies?! You have become a misguided soul with a warped sense of justice. If you truly seek to save lives then you'll take up your weapon and fight as a Jedi. You can try and twist your mind all you want, but the truth is that your wrong. You're nothing but a fallen Jedi. Our goals are one in the same but your means in attaining that goal are completely irrational. Its time you realized this."
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 10:24:10 PM
:: The blow dealt to Anbira by TUJK caused him to stagger. As he regained his footing, he looked around. There were now six. He watched as Beldarine fell to the ground, watched as Nichos began to prepare for another assault. The others began to advance, continually preaching. Oh their words, he wished they were true. He wished it were so simple that he could go back. But there was no going back, and he knew it. He couldn't compromise himself when he knew that their way didn't work. Oh God he wanted it to!!! He wanted it to be that simple! To bring Peace with a kind word and a good deed. But people weren't willing to end it so easily. He knew better than anybody. When they took him as a child, forced him to kill everybody he ever knew...kill his people. Forced auto-genocide? People didn't have definitions for the nightmares Anbira had seen.
And they would not end with kind words...
Anbira righted himself, and looked into Leia's eyes. He would have to destroy her first...if this was to work. His body levitating with the Force, he began to push his limits of tolerance, tapping the Dark Side fully. Ripples of blue lighting crackled over Anbira's body, as he propelled himself towards the Jedi Master, swiping at her with a Tiger strike ::
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 10:36:27 PM
Anbira never even got to execute his move. He was so preoccupied with Leia, he didn't see Nichos advance with Force Speed. The Jedi had put all of his might into this move. He leapt and tackled Anbira to the floor, they both went skidding.
"ARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHH," Nichos screamed. The electricity from Anbira's body had shocked his own, causing pain and damage. Nichos blocked the pain and rolled across the mesa, jumping up. He instantly staggered on one knee from his weakness. Anbira's thoughts were blocked to the Knight so he couldn't help but wonder what the psycho was thinking. Nichos inhaled and exhaled loudly, waiting to see what the Master would do.
Apr 21st, 2001, 10:43:36 PM
*Wateches from the shadows quitly, looks at the jedis fighting with the sith....*he shouts* when you have a min Nichols a word in your ear would be good!
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 10:43:45 PM
:: Raising his body to the standing position with the force, Anbira turned his attention back to Nichos. The Knight was still valiantly fighting him. Apparently, he would have to be dealt with first. Anbira looked back at Leia, before returning his eyes to the Jedi Knight.
Reaching towards Nichos, Anbira pulled the Jedi towards him quickly with the force, accelerating his body to a speed of 25 mph. As he did so, Anbira pulled his left fist back into chamber, focusing his talents and channeling the power of the Dark Side into his arm. As Nichos accelerated past Anbira, he struck, driving a Force-augmented left hook across the Jedi's face. The strike caused Nichos to flip end over end, as he tumbled to the ground about 10 yards behind the Sith Master. ::
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 10:52:45 PM
Nichos looked down at the floor and spit blood out of his mouth. Anbira was strong, very strong. Nichos formed a grin on his face and wearily said, "Is that all you have old man? I was expecting more from a psychotic self riteous bravado like yourself."
With the aid of the Force, Nichos rose. He focused on it around him. Then the Knight executed a Force Blind directed at Anbira. A few moments after, several clumps of dirt flew at the Master. He managed to dodge all but one that smacked him in the face. The Force Blind was wearing quickly.
Nichos broke out into a laugh before the Sith Master with the dirty face. He spotted a pack of ant-like creatures near Anbira. Nichos used the Force to manipulate them. They started to crawl up Anbira's leg in packs.
"What's the matter Anbira? Got ants in your pants?" Nichos taunted further, fuelling the Sith Master's anger.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:01:36 PM
:: Anbira brushed the dirt from his face, and the insects from the hem of his pants. As his sight returned to him, he looked at Nichos, his face set in a frown. ::
Your mockery will buy you nothing.
:: Anbira raised an open hand towards the Jedi, as a cool breeze began to be felt on the battleground ::
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:03:19 PM
laughs at the ant creaturs and Nicos laguhing*Maj appaers from the shadows and looks a nicols*...*Maj pulls out a crossbow and keeps it by his side* and sqats by the cirle they almost made and watches the fight
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:08:23 PM
Nichos knew Anbira was doing something. The air was turning into an icy chill all around. Nichos crossed both of his hands on his chest and closed his eyes.
The Jedi was using a technique that heightened the temperature. He was trying his hardest to maintain concentration. Whatever Anbira had saved for him had to be deadly. Nichos felt the air remain as it was. He had to try harder! The Jedi delved deeper into the Force, tapping as much energy as he could. He went into a sort of trance, some dazed state.
Nichos' eyes rolled upwards and his eyelids shut for good. He was now deep in concentration. His mind was in an unconscious state. The warm aura around him, brought hope and joy into his mind. At this point, Nichos believed there was even hope for Anbira Hiccoru.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:25:20 PM
**Leia's eyes narrowed some before shouting...
**With in a blink of an eye her saber became illuminated as she force sped to she came up to Anibra Leia went into a quick leap and executed a jackknife kick to Anibra's head connecting her boot heel with his it sent him flying backwards crashing to the ground. Therefore, releasing his concentration on the force momentarily. Leia gracefully landed between Anbira and Nichos, in a semi crouched position..with her saber in her hand blocking her body**
**The Jedi Master slowly rose to her feet and helped Nichos off the ground..never letting her eyes being taken off Anbira**
You are so foolish Anbira. Taking on a bunch of jedi in vengence. And you consider yourself righteous.
**Leia stated as she eyed the Sith Master lying momentarily on the ground**
Nichos Marr
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:31:07 PM
Nichos was broken out of his concentration. He still felt his pain, but he felt a new sense of hope. He had a reason to go on.
"Thank you Leia. I didn't need your help. Gramps here, is losing his touch."
Nichos grinned again and assumed a defencive stance.
"We're not finished yet Father Time," He said, glaring at Anbira.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:51:13 PM
OOC: That wasn't supposed to be a chilling attack, but oh well.
:: Painfully, Anbira struggled to his feet, a ribbon of crimson flowing from his mouth. He lifted his head so that his eyes met with Leia's. ::
This isn't about vengeance at're only proving that you never understood me to begin with! Let go...let go of everything you thought you knew.
:: Gritting his teeth, Anbira righted himself, standing fully. His left foot digging into the dirt, Anbira took off, charging Leia with a Force-enhanced sprint. At the last moment, Anbira tucked low, catching Leia's ankles in a scissor-leg takedown, causing the Jedi Master to fall on her face. While on the ground, Anbira rotated his hip, and sent a left cross smashing into the Jedi Master's right kidney. ::
This is about saving all of you. If the only way to change your minds is through pain, then that's what I will do. Don't make me destroy you, Leia...please.
Apr 21st, 2001, 11:58:29 PM
pulls up his cross bow to aime at aim at nicos, the turns and fires at the sith hitting his leg inbedding a toxic poission ,walks to the sit hits up with the end of the cross how knocking him sensless looks down at him..then looks to Nichos....*.....walks back to the side of the circle....
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:19:39 AM
OOC: Uh...WTF? What part of ANBIRA HICCHORU VS THE GREATER JEDI ORDER did you not read?
:: Anbira winces, reaching down to his leg and removing the barbed bolt from his leg. Angrily tossing it aside, he begins to concentrate with the Force, literally burning the toxin out of his veins. As he does so, he feels the stock of Majinafa's crossbow smash across the back of his head. Wincing slightly, Anbira continues to burn the poison out of his system, while the upstart continues to try to knock him out with his bludgeoning weapon. At last, Anbira reaches upwards, snatching the man by his forearm. A twitch of the wrist, and Anbira leaves the man's radius and ulna in a grotesque compound fracture...bone shards penetrating his skin. Rising quickly to his feet, Anbira extends a hand towards the man, and suddenly, he begins to clamp his hands over his ears, as he opens his mouth from the pain. Anbira is crafting a pressure bubble around him, and imploding it slowly on itself, greatly increasing the atmospheric pressure inside. Majinafa's ears slowly begin to bleed from the building pressure. ::
Get out of here now.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:22:24 AM
**Trying to get up on her knees, Leia clutched her back with her right hand while wincing from the pain. Managing to get up on one knee the Jedi, quickly spun around on the her right knee while extending her left leg out..swiping Anibira down to the ground as he preached his words to her. Leia quickly lunged forward towards the Sith Master and thrusted her right arm forward, giving Anbira a force enhanced uppercut right back to his already injured jaw. Backing away from Anbira after the punch, Leia slowly rose to her feet while clinching her back once more and regaining her stance**
You honestly think starting a fight is right Anbira. Where is the peace in starting a fight? I will NEVER see your ways as being right..because you are so sadly mistaken.
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:27:49 AM
*clutches his ear*, *Knees up hitting his jaw and exploding his nose* elbows out hitting his eye making it en bes itself in his already brused skull*...the Sith fights back tho punchingout hitting his head and chest...*Maj looks at nicho waiting there...he nods to him and walks of the side lide saying...were next Sith...were next!!!!...*goes to open a topic*
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:46:26 AM
:: Leia's attack causes Anbira to lose control of the pressure sphere around Majinafa. As the atmospheric pressure violently rights itself, it causes the crossbow-wielding attacker to bleed from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, as he spasms freakishly and drops to the ground, in a deep coma from the cephalomatic hemhorrage that repressurization caused.
Further away, Anbira was very slow to stand, wiping away more blood from his mouth. ::
Leia...if Peace means I have to fight one last fight...I will still do it. Best to finish it now, than fight for the rest of my life.
:: Anbira scowled at the Jedi ::
Is the only way to save your life to make you a cripple?
:: With suprising speed, Anbira slipped under Leia's guard, placing an open palm on her abdomen. Within 1/100th of a second, he flexed his body in a wavelike rhythm. Anbira's hand moved perhaps half an inch, but the power delivered blew Leia off her feet, the joints throughout her body popping from the physical trauma inflicted by the powerful strike. Leia tumbled 15 meters away, coming to a rest on her side. ::
Sage Hazzard
Apr 22nd, 2001, 01:09:35 AM
Sage finally revealed himself from the shadow, he had been there from the start, hoping Anbira would come to his senses. The attack on his dear friend, Leia, broke the camel's back. He pulled back his midnight blue Jedi hood, revealing his young face. His eyes closed for a moment. They sprung open with a jolt, reflecting Leia's pain. They came to a stop on Anbira's worn face.
"Anbira Hicchoru, what are you hoping to accomplish? You wish for us to save ourselves? Tell me Anbira. Tell me, what do need to be saved from?"
His faced turned to durasteel it seemed as his jaw locked shut. His face focused it's attention on the Sith Master. What a complicated individual this one was. Sage had come to know there was no fundamentally evil person. One's actions are derived from experiance, and past occurance. What drove this man here today? He said the GJO needed redemption. But perhaps Anbira was the one who needed true saving.
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:11:30 AM
*TUJK quite simply had enough of this. As the darksider toyed with the others, he seemed to ignore her. She had offered mercy, she had proven she could strike him and cause some damange.
It was time for it to be ended.
She reached out with the force, this time focusing on the air around Anbira, concentrating, pushing it inward, putting more and more pressure to it, with Anbira in the center. He would have to struggle against the mounting pressure to resist blacking out, and to resist he would have to mount concentration in and extreamly difficult postion*
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:17:03 AM
::Rebel stood against a tree, watching the events unfolding. He nodded his head in sadness, seeing how Anbira was focused so much on changing the jedi that he would lose his own life trying::
"Why...why so much effort for something so wrong..." Rebel mumbled to himself.
::He decided to stay there, watching, in case he was needed::
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 22nd, 2001, 05:41:36 AM
*MnT kept himself perfectally balanced, as he watched the raging battle below, from 25 feet up. The tree branch swayed slightly under his feet, but this was of little concern.. Below, was Master Anbira Hicchoru, facing off against an ever-growing crowd of the deluded Jedi, whom, on top of their impossible and illogical beliefs, seemed to be gravely underestimating the strength of the man...*
*For a breif moment, MnT considered entering the fray, as he understood and agreed with what he knew of Master Hicchoru's beliefs, and reasoning.. However, he also knew enough about the master, to know that his joining would not be welcome in the least, and merely seen as somewhat of a distraction..*
*For now, he would stay up here, and watch..*
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 22nd, 2001, 06:17:50 AM
:: As Anbira put Leia down, his body braced as the air pressure rose drastically. Through the force, he could sense the origin of the attack...TUJK, the Knight. Anbira dropped low, bracing his body against the attack. He gritted his teeth in defiance to the urge to black out. He knew well enough the concept of attack via atmospheric manipulation. TUJK was imprudent in choosing to assault Anbira in his specialty.
Quickly extending a hand, Anbira crafted a force sphere of his own, battling TUJK in a tug of war, of a mystical sort. The two clashing spheres struggled over each other, the bubble of pressurization fluctuating. Eventually, Anbira's control of the Force began to show, as TUJK's own incarnation was repulsed, restoring pressure to its normal levels.
Anbira quickly manipulated the Force, siphoning air into a small point, about the size of a golf ball. Filled with high pressure gas, the sphere began to distort into superheated plasma.
As the boundaries of TUJK's pressure wave was repulsed back to its creator, Anbira propelled his implosion sphere forward, guiding it home with the Force. The energy attack detonated in TUJK's face, blasting her off her feet with a shockwave and washing of burning gas. This caused the Knight to relinquish her control of the atmospheric compression, freeing Anbira.
Weakened somewhat from the exertion, Anbira stood on shaky legs. He looked to the newest arrivals, and especially at the Hazzard child. The odds were narrowing, not that he expected them to be good odds. ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:03:59 PM
**Her body laid still momentarily from Anbira's attack, the physical trauma was very severe for the Jedi Master. Leaning on her right side, Leia's body ached severely. The damage to her joints were equally matched to her pain. She knew she had to do something quickly, as Anbira was taking his rage out on her fellow Jedi.**
**Seeing as Anbira was distracted with TUJK and Sage..Leia focused all her energy on the force, as her eyes became a intense from her concentration. The temperature outside began to drop several degrees. Slight cool breezes started to churn as leaves and debris started to take flight. Within moments the breezes became intense, turning into gusting gales...Anbira found himself trying to stand upright as the gales were forcing him to resist their loose branches and rocks started to encircle the Sith Master sporadically hitting him as he continued to fight the gales of the wind. Anbira found himself not being able to fight them no longer, as a sudden violent gust picked him up in the air in a cyclonic whirlwind, many meters into the air.**
**The Jedi Master shut her eyes quickly and Anbira found himself plummeting back down to the ground onto huge stone beneath him. A huge thud could be heard and some cracking as the Sith Master's body came to rest on the stone beneath him.**
**A sense of relief came over the weakened Jedi Master, before she collapsed from exhaustion from using what little energy she had at the moment to disable Anbira.**
Apr 22nd, 2001, 12:07:38 PM
*she focused past the pain... for now, nothing could be delt with.*
You tire. How many can be defeated before you yourself go down.
*she didn't look at him, her eyes were swollen shut, but she needed not to look with her eyes*
Are you willing to walk to your death like a nerf to the slaughter for your cause?
*she focused in the force, simply gathering energy for now. She didn't seek to open Abira's eyes, simply to make him stand down...
or distract him to let another fall him.*
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:43:56 PM
:: Anbira lay upon the rock he fell on, his body splayed wide. As the Sith Master attempted to struggle up, he spat a spray of crimson from his mouth, falling back in a painful gasp. Concentrating with the Force, Anbira hefted himself off the rock, and attempted to stand...but only fell to his knees. Hunched over, Anbira looked at the Jedi around him. Unable to stand in his agony, the Sith Master needed to somehow gain time to resume his offensive. Anbira weakly raised an open hand to the sky, using his concentration to craft a barrier that covered him at every angle to a radius of three meters. Still hunched over, Anbira closed his eyes, swaying back and forth as he began to tap his allow the dark side to empower him. He repeadedly saw his sister's dying body fall from his arms, the smell of ozone fresh in his nose from the blaster shot that killed her. That damn fed his hate even now!
Burning tears fell down from Anbira's face, wetting the dry stone beneath him. Fueled by his anger of that damnable day...Anbira began to draw power into himself. He would avenge....he would avenge!! ::
Nichos Marr
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:52:01 PM
Nichos timidly walked towards the Sith Master. His lightsaber was clenched in his hand still, but it was deactivated. He could see Anbira was hurt.
Now he's crying. Nichos thought. The Jedi kept on walking and stopped behind Anbira. The next few moments were met with silence from the Jedi, finally he spoke up.
"Anbira, please come with us, back to the Greater Jedi Order. We can help you. You can find peace with yourself." Nichos quietly said. He outstretched his bare hand. "Please?"
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:33:27 PM
What drives you. What's your madness, what's your power...
and would you prevent it from happening again if you could.
*blinded, in pain, and yet, such a simple probeing question*
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:54:21 PM
**Slowly rising from the ground, Beldarine watched the occurances without reaction. Many Jedi had come, each trying to help the distraught man find the light. Her shoulder was bruised slightly from her collision with her fellow Jedi, but that was of no matter. As tears began to roll down the Sith's face, Bel's heart ached with pity. She began walking forward, calmly closing the distance between herself and the Master. She was enveloped in the Force as she tried to reason with the upset man.
"Listen to us, Anbira. Deep down inside, you know fighting is not the way to solve things. Our words make sense, and you know that. You want peace, something which the Jedi offer to you in many ways. You are mistaken about us. We do things the right way, the only way. We try to help people, not destroy them. We save, we help, we heal, we do not destroy. Your heart wants peace, come and find it."
**She gestured to the surrounding Jedi
"Come and find it with us. We offer peace, and love. You can escape whatever demons haunt you, Anbira. We are not weaklings simply because we fight for justice. Return to the Greater Jedi Order, Anbira. When you find the light, you will know happiness again. You have seen too much of destruction, too much suffering. Return to us, become a Jedi once again, Anbira."
**She closed in to within feet from the Sith, echoing Nichos's words.
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 22nd, 2001, 10:44:39 PM
*MnT's eyes squinted with anger, listening to the Jedi trying to preach their beliefs onto Master Anbira.. They were like religious fanatics.. They followed blind faith, and tried to taint those who were logical, with pretty words... Peace could never be obtained through peace.. That would involve completely rewriting the history of the universe.. Conflict could never end, people would not allow it.. Why could the Jedi not see that? They say that conflict solved no problems.. Such foolishness.. *
*As the Jedi closed in around Master Hicchoru, MnT leapt down from the branch he had been in.. He knew he would be of little help, but he would still help all he could, if the Master requested it.. As he landed, he made sure to do so with enough noise so that Anbira knew he was there, and was ready to help if required..*
*As he waited and watched, MnT thought for a moment about what he would do if he Was asked for assitance.. Heh.. perhaps he could serve as distraction enough for Anbira to gather his strength for an extra few seconds..
Apr 22nd, 2001, 11:16:05 PM
Ami watched the situation. The Jedi valiantly trying to show Anbira the right way... Then she heard MnT land on the ground, and she took careful note of his presence. She wanted to make sure that her fellow Jedi were not bothered while they were busy.
Jedi Rebel X
Apr 22nd, 2001, 11:23:37 PM
::As MnT moved down closer to the group, Rebel moved off of the tree he was leaning on. Throwing his cloak aside, Rebel patted his lightsaber as he moved to where MnT could see him. As Rebel did this, he continued to watch Anbira on the ground, being ever mindful of possible tricks::
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 22nd, 2001, 11:29:41 PM
Miryan...move away!
:: Anbira continued to use his memories and his latent anger to empower him. Around the battleground, rocks, stones, and other debris began to levitate, whirling around Anbira and the others in a maelstrom. As the Sith Master continues to gain his strength from behind the barrier, the debris reaches gale-force speed, occasionally striking the Jedi as Anbira creates his tempestual chaos around him ::
Don't talk to me as if you are telling me something new, Jedi! I will not be swayed!
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 22nd, 2001, 11:42:38 PM
*MnT's leap had gathered more attention than he had expected, but just as he was about to speak, to explain to the Jedi that watched him, that he would not yet fight, Master Anbira's words came loudly to him...
*As soon as the debris began to lift from the ground, MnT backed his shoulder against the thankfully large tree just behind him, and rolled along until he was behind it. He had no wish to become a casualty of an attack meant for the Jedi..*
Sage Hazzard
Apr 23rd, 2001, 12:22:55 AM
Sage still stood unaffected by attacks surrounding him. He looked to the ground, shaking his head.
"Anbira, what are you doing?"
Sage looked back up at the Sith Master. He rubbed his chin as he pondered the question her spoke.
"What do you wish to accomplish? You do not want to be swayed by our words. Yet you hope to accomplish swaying the Jedi by slaying them?"
Apr 23rd, 2001, 01:39:36 AM
:: The ground slowly opened up beside Leia, and AB emerged from it's living depths. She knelt beside the fallen Jedi and placed a hand on Leia's head. Closing her eyes momentarily, she focused inward and gave Leia some of her strength, helping her to heal faster. With the added help of the life around, above, and beneath, AB was able to concentrate on the pain of her fallen friend and ease it to the point of disapearance. ::
:: AB opened her eyes and smiled, seeing Leia's eyes flutter slowly open. ::
Don't move. Give yourself a few moments. The healing will take time, but the life energies I borrowed from the life here will allow you to stand without much pain. Only, do not exert yourself.
:: She patted Leia gently on the shoulder and then stood, looking at Anbira behind his barrier. The maelstorm of debris, various rocks, stones, and dust, swirling everywhere. Yet, all seemed to avoid AB, jumping back, p and around her as though she held an invisible sphere around her. ::
:: She advanced towards where the others stood, looking upon Anbira. She didn't know whether to feel pitty or anger towards the man. In the end, she opted for the gentler emotion. ::
:: Standing next to her fellow Jedi, she let her hands fall to her sides. Her lightsaber dangled at her side, yet she did not touch it. She addressed Anbira through the maelstorm without so much as an effort to overcome the wailing winds. ::
Tell me Anbira, why is it you continue to try to "save" us? From what, I ask, do we need saving from? From where I stand and what I see, it appears you are the one that needs saving... but from yourself.
:: She shook her head. ::
This is madness! One man against so many isn't a battle... it's OVERKILL! Stop this!
:: She eyed him sternly. ::
You say you strive for peace, yet you continue these barrages. From where I come from, peace has a very different definition... and THIS is not it.
:: She stood her ground, alert and strong, the stones and debris still flying around, yet missing her at every turn. ::
Nichos Marr
Apr 23rd, 2001, 05:42:23 PM
A sharp rock, flew across the field and slashed Nichos in the cheek. His blood began to drip from the wound. The Knight slowly felt the Force within him. He let it consume him, protect him.
A barrier of light formed around Nichos' body, otherwise known as a Force Shield. He de-ignited his lightsaber and clipped it back to his belt. The Knight eyed Anbira. He had to do something about this. His Force Shield wouldn't last for ever.
Nichos took a few steps back. He sat on the ground and amplified his Force Shield. At the same time, the Jedi began a healing process. He would have to rest his body and wait to see what events would occur between this maniacal Sith Master and the other Jedi. For now, rest was needed. He might need his strength later to defend the others if Anbira decided to attack individually again.
Apr 25th, 2001, 11:26:04 PM
*Gentle pushings that was all that needs, above, behind, around... the malestorm blew the debris around the blinded Knight. Defence was the need for the moment.*
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