View Full Version : An Apprentice's Test

Lady DeVille
Apr 10th, 2001, 01:36:29 AM
Lady De'Ville stood silently on the quiet battleground. Nothing was happening at the moment, but soon things would happen. One would be grown into a knight. Or perhaps not. Only time would tell. Time...and the apprentice Kahn.

She waited for him to disembark from the ship.


Apr 10th, 2001, 09:12:43 AM
*Kahn got off the ship, wondering what was in store for him.*

Lady DeVille
Apr 10th, 2001, 01:21:28 PM
She turned, hearing his footsteps behind her. Kahn looked uncertain, yet he did not falter as he came to stand beside her.

"I suppose you are wondering why you are here. Well, wonder no more. Your mettle will be tested today, and mine as well, I suppose. Follow me."

She walked quickly into the nearby village, until the pair stood in the town square, a courtyard filled with a farmers market, jostling and busy. Kahn stood there, uncertain again. "Whatever happens, do not hesitate. This isn't going to be like sparring your master, you may actually die as a result of this."

De'Ville turned away from him, and climbed up on the fountain in the middle of the square. The Dark side was strong in her, and she built up a sphere of Force Destruction over her right hand. People stopped and stared at her and the glowing orb, a few hurriedly leaving the area. Those were the lucky ones.

She released the orb, slamming it into a cart of vegetables. Plant matter splattered everywhere, and the wooden cart splintered, the pieces flying about the area. Screams split the air as the shards of wood found homes in the bodies of the townsfolk. De'Ville was already readying another blast, which quickly followed the first.

The square emptied, and the only ones left were the dead, and the Sith. De'Ville turned to Kahn. "Now, we wait. Surely a Jedi or two will be around to protect these innocents."

Apr 10th, 2001, 02:11:04 PM
*Kahn nodded, keeping quiet as he surveyed the destruction. One day he would be the one causing this, he would be the one destroying so many lives. Was it really what he wanted to do? Kahn avoided answering that question, afraid of the answer.*

Edit: ttt

Lady DeVille
Apr 10th, 2001, 02:12:53 PM
ooc: Ok, here's the deal, I need two Jedi to show up, preferably two knights. This is Kahn's test to see if he will make Sith Knight or not.... So just humor me, and show up. I'm going off for now, but after the two show up, please, don't clutter this thread with OOC comments. Thanks!

Kahn! Of course I'm taking one. Unless you'd rather fight them both. And what did I just say about OOC comments?? :lol: /ic:

Apr 10th, 2001, 02:17:55 PM
OOC: Ok, sorry. :)


*Kahn waited for the Jedi to come, drawing his saber.*

Seth TraSven
Apr 10th, 2001, 03:45:27 PM
Suddenly one of the many scattered bodies moved, the speed at which the robed figure moved was far beyond that of an average human. The figure quickly raised his legs and by twisting his hips whilst lying on the floor he was able to wrap his legs around the waist of Kahn.

Kahn, taken by suprise was quickly forced to the floor, his head hit the pebbled Courtyard floor with a sickening crack. The figure was now on top of the fallen Sith, one knee held his right arm down and the foot of his other leg holding the other arm to the ground.

"Lady De'Ville!" the figure cried, pulling back the hood of his robing, revealing the face of a young man, "You don't know me but I know of you. I am a Jedi, that is all you need to know."

As he said this, Seth had taken a small dagger concealed in his boot, "Leave now and live" he demanded as he brought the blade to her apprentices neck, "Your apprentice is already dead!"

Upon saying this, with the dagger he pierced the flesh to the side of Kahn's neck by a mere centimetre, the blood immediatly began to ooze from the wound.

Whilst waiting for De'Villes reply he said to kahn, "My friend, you are still young like myself, please don't make the wrong choice. Join the Jedi, follow the path of the Light. Your Master deceives you, she cares not for your well-being, only her own."

Seth over time and training had become much more confident and level headed thanks to his master. He was not afraid to end the corrupt life of Kahn as he gently applied pressure to the dagger, slowly it dug deeper into the flesh as he waited for De'Villes reply.

Apr 10th, 2001, 04:01:43 PM
*Kahn had never felt so much pain, or felt so helpless. Unfortunately for Seth, those feelings were the two things that made Kahn most angry. He wanted to jump up, but knew that if he did the Jedi would cut his throat. Closing his eyes, Kahn used the Force to send a large rock at the Seth's head. When the Jedi turned, Kahn used the Force again to wrench the dagger out of his hands. Kahn got up and backflipped, putting some distance between him and the Seth.*

First of all, she's not my master. My master is Lord Psychic, but he's away on a mission. Second, I'm not going to join someone who just tried to kill me.

*Kahn was really angry now, and he wanted to hurt the Jedi, to kill him. The Light Side in him was almost nonexistant at the moment. Seth had ruined any chances that Kahn would have been tempted to turn by attacking him. Kahn grimaced and used his own saber (set on low power) to touch the wound on his neck, searing the flesh and stopping the bleeding. Kahn kept didn't say anything while doing this, his experiance with his first master had taught him not to cry out when hurt. Then Kahn turned his anger into energy, using Force Lightning on Seth.*

Seth TraSven
Apr 10th, 2001, 04:08:44 PM
Gradually, Seths' blurred vision began to reallign itself as he crouched on one foot, his head in his hands from the strike from the stone. Just as he began to stand cried out as he felt the powerful blasts of force lightning surge through his body.

Once Kahn ceased his assault Seth began to breath deeply, focusing on the force around him, converting the physical self to the transparent, allowing the force to flow freely. He began to relax and as he did reached out and touched Kahn with the force, at that moment, Kahn was hurled through the air and smacked hard against a stone wall, soon falling to crash into a butchers cart.

Apr 10th, 2001, 04:11:59 PM
Thanks. I don't want to be called a god-moder or anything, but Psy (Lord Psychic) taught me that move, and a few other Force moves in training at TSO. You can check if you don't believe me, the thread should be on the next page in the training grounds at TSO.

Seth TraSven
Apr 10th, 2001, 04:27:22 PM

Ok, no problem. I'll reply now.

Lady DeVille
Apr 10th, 2001, 06:27:54 PM
De'Ville saw Kahn defending himself against the Jedi, and initiated a Force pressure wave that threw the Jedi back into a pile of bleeding bodies.

"I do not decieve him, and I will not allow your insolence to continue!" She stepped down from the fountain, he hem of her robe dipping in the water as her feet found the floor of the courtyard.

"If you wish to fight me, I will not back down. However, I admire your tactics. Not very Jedi of you."

Apr 10th, 2001, 06:39:47 PM
*Kahn followed LD, and stood next to her glaring at the Jedi. He concentrated on healing himself while waiting for LD to tell him what to do.*

Edit: TTT

Seth TraSven
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:12:22 PM
Seth takes a mometns rest in the pile of bloodied bodies, a wretched stench pollutes the air all around, he began to regurgitate and quickly stood up before the sickening smell made him vomit.

Looking on he suddenly realised the severity of the situation; he was facing two Sith, not one and finally his repressed fear began to surface. Their eyes seemed to burn holes in him, and he took a step back, as he did he tripped over a corpse and fell to the floor. The Sith chuckled amongst themselves as they watched the spectacle.

He climbed to his feet unsteadily, looking around frantically only to realise that his only escape was on the other side of the Courtyard, past the Sith.

"Le-leave here...now!" he demanded, his voice quivering, "Y-y-you have cau.....caused enough fatal....ities for one day. Be gone or..."

He hesitated. Damn! I've said it now...there's no turning back Seth. Say it! he thought to himself.

"...or face the consequences!"

Lilaena DeVille
Apr 11th, 2001, 05:55:02 PM
She smiled. The man's fear was palpable in the air around them. It was a good feeling.

De'Ville turned to Kahn. "Kill him. I will wait, if another comes, I will be ready."

Apr 11th, 2001, 07:35:52 PM
*Kahn smiled. Now it was payback time. Any other time he would have hesitated, would have thought about it. But the Jedi had made him mad enough so that the thought of mercy never entered his mind. Kahn used the Force to call his saber to him (it had been knocked away when Seth attacked him) and he ignited it, advancing on the Jedi. He faked a slice at Seth's right shoulder, then went low for his left leg. At the same time Kahn used the Force to call a sharp splinter of wood, sending it straight at the Jedi's unprotected back.*

Edit: TTT

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 12th, 2001, 10:07:18 AM
Kaine watched on as Kahn attacked the padawan to Master Yoghurt, Seth. The Jedi Knight kept his presence hid, as his dark hood kept him hidden in the shadows. He felt another presence here, a dark presence. He wouldn't reveal himself yet, but in time, he would. Or the dark presence would find him. Either way, He would come out.

Lady DeVille
Apr 12th, 2001, 01:11:53 PM
De'Ville stood there, arms folded across her breast as she watched Kahn take the offensive. If he could always remain the way he did when he was filled with rage, he would make a fine knight. However, the fact that he wavered, and often, made her hesitate to promote him to knight.

In fact, if he failed in that way today, either he would be killed by the Jedi, or... Well, she hoped he would not fail.

As Kahn charged at the Padawan, her senses perked up. There is something else here... But she couldn't tell what it was. Her danger sense niggled her in the back of her mind, however. De'Ville still watched in the same position, but was very alert.

Vega Van Derveld
Apr 12th, 2001, 01:21:31 PM
:: Vega skulked closely to Kaine, keeping his physical presence unvisible. He had been following Kaine for quite a while now, and had been led to a battle thus forth.

(Hmmm. A battle, ah well, might as well stay and watch.)

Glancing at Kaine then over at the fight, the brute Sith Knight grinned inwardly. ::

Seth TraSven
Apr 12th, 2001, 07:28:20 PM
Seth's heart pounded against his ribcage, sweat dropplets trickled down his glistening brow as the Sith approached. His attack pattern was, needless to say, unorthadox and momentarily baffled the Padawan however Seth was naturally agile and quick as he was not the strongest of individuals to say the least.

When he sighted the strike aimed at his shoulder, he twisted his hips and resultantly his right shoulder moved out of harms way. Unfortunatly as Seth discovered, the attack was feined and now the Sith's blade was headed for his left thigh, on which he had placed all his weight.

The first thing that came to the young Jedi's mind was to throw his arms back simultaneously he arched his backallowing him to unknowingly avoid the oncoming projectile from the rear. His movement was almost fluidic as he performed the backwards hand-spring over the low swooping lightsaber blade which just missed his thigh as his feet left the ground.

At that moment, the flying splinter of wood embedded itself in the gut of the young Apprentice who winced in pain as it did, not long after, his feet were taken from under him as a result of a harsh leg sweep conducted by the young Jedi, once again his head slammed hard against the stone floor temporarily knocking him unconsious.

Apr 12th, 2001, 07:47:33 PM
*Kahn fought the darkness that soon consumed him. A few minutes later he regained conciousness, and saw Seth watching him. Kahn felt groggy, and his vision was somewhat blurred. Then he felt the pain. The piece of wood was stuck a few inches into him. Crying out with rage and pain, Kahn wrenched it out. Then he used Force Choke, concentrating on squeezing Seth's throat together, cutting off oxygen. Kahn reached out and got his saber, fumbling a moment while he turned it on, keeping up the Force Choke.*

Seth TraSven
Apr 12th, 2001, 09:02:46 PM
Seth coughed and spluttered, staggering about on his feet in some attempt to stop the choking grip that Kahn had upon his throat. The sweat dripped into his eyes and it stung, he crinched and his face was turning a strenuous red colour.

He looked about frantically and saw in the background, Kahn's master, Lady De'Ville who stood watching carefully, the actions of her apprentice. The young Padawan began to panic, his vision began to blur as a result of the lack of oxygen. Suddenly, his eyes caught glimpse of the corpse of a local village gaurd who had indefinately been murdered by Lady De'Ville.

As he stagerred, Seth reached out through the force allowing his consiousness to exit the realm of the physical for a brief moment, and as he did collapsed to his kness. He could no longer feel the effect of the choke but knew it was causing him grave damage, so he knew he had to be quick.

Finally, through the force he touched the soldiers weapon and lifted it; he had found that telekinetic skills were strongly beneficial, especially to Padawan. With a little more concentration he aimed the weapon and then fired it. Immediatly the blaster bolt flew through the air and impacted with the back of Kahn's left thigh.

As Seth released his telekinetic hold over the weapon, he turned his awareness back to the physical realm only to discover that thankfully, Kahn, who was now writhing in agony from a blaster wound, had released his choking grip.

Seth suddenly realised how long he'd been without air for and struggled to remain conciouss as he gasped and gulped in the air with grewat desperation. The grip had significantly tired him for the time being so he remained knealt. Allowing himself to slip into the force and relax, gradually healing his fatigue, not for one moment losing focus of Kahn's actions.

Apr 12th, 2001, 09:31:30 PM
*Kahn had tears in his eyes from the pain, but he refused to let them fall. The leg wound had seriously hampered his being able to move, he would have to depend largely on the Force. Kahn used Saber Throw, tossing his saber at Seth and using the Force to direct it's movement, slashing at his midsection. When Seth jumped up to avoid it, Kahn sent several medium sized rocks hurtling towards him, while he was still in the air.*

Seth TraSven
Apr 12th, 2001, 10:03:26 PM
Whilst in the air, Seth flipped in order to land on his feet, however as a result his vision became distorted and wa sunable to see the rocks hurtling towards him.

"Urgh!" he grunted as one collided with the back of his neck, and he momentarily lost control of his jump. As he regained his direction in the air, one struck his stomach hard, knocking the air out of him and he gasped for breath. As he was landing one struck him in the groin and he collapsed in pain, unable to stand, he began to calm himself, in attempt to block out his pain.

He knew time was of the essence and had to make a quick decision. So as the lightsaber returned to Kahn's hand, Gav hurled one of the small stones at it's grip which through it off course. The blade spun in the air and unknowningly kahn gripped the lightsaber blade which instantly burned his hand and he released it immediatly, however as it fell it made is small stinging cut along his arm.

Slowly, Seth struggled to his feet, his eyes red from watering and his breathing now heavy.

Apr 12th, 2001, 10:16:39 PM
*The smell of burning flesh hung in the air, and Kahn suddenly had a flash of memory. His old master, burning him and yelling at him. Now it seemed he would never feel anything but hate again. Kahn knew the Jedi was weak, but so was he. Kahn took his saber, grimacing as new pain shot through his arm and leg. Kahn remembered the training session w/ LD and had an idea. He concentrated and imagined himself inside of the Jedi, in his head. He saw the brain vessels clearly. He jabbed at it w/ the Force, trying to break it and end the Jedi's life, or severly injure him. Kahn also held his saber in a defensive position, ready to defend against an attack.*

Lord Psychic
Apr 12th, 2001, 11:09:47 PM
*Psy sees the battle through the Force, knowing that Kanh will succeed.*

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 12th, 2001, 11:37:12 PM
I know you are there, Oran..

Kaine said to Vega via the force. Slowly turning around, he faced Vega. He grinned slightly, then turned back to the fight. Seth seemed to be going good for a padawan. Kaine simply smiled.

Lady DeVille
Apr 13th, 2001, 01:25:57 AM
OOC: Ok, I wanted to beat the crap out of a Jedi too, but I guess I won't be able to, because they're all to afraid to face me. /ic:

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 13th, 2001, 04:02:46 AM
OOC: I said I'd come out in time. :p But okay, okay.. We can fight... You have to come and get me. :p

Seth TraSven
Apr 13th, 2001, 04:21:34 PM
Seth writhed about in agony, the veins within his head stung and hummed, he thoughht his brain would explode, the pain was incomprehendable. With one last cry he fell to the ground, silent and motionless.

The Sith, in all his rage blindly continued the aggressive power, unkknowing of the psychokinetic link he had established with the Jedi, Seth had passed out from the pain but was very much conciouss within the force. Focusing he probed the Siths unprotected mind, searching his memories, he fears and desires.

Suddenly, to Kahn's suprise there was a shriek of fright from a familiar, soft voice. He turned his attention to a small figure behind, dressed in Jedi robes, a small female weeping.

"Amnde?" said a puzzled Kahn, "What are you doing here?"

The small individual wiped away the tears streaming down her face, her lip trembled as she looked on at Kahn.

"How can you do this? Seth is my friend!" she stated with a growing fear and doubt.

Kahn was bewildered, unable to answer, she continued, "Kahn, you're changing. Look at yourself, bitter, vengeful and hating! Seth was only trying to protect these innocent people. Look at that childs corpse over there, a baby! Completely innocent, she couldn't even defend herself and you kill her! WHY KAHN? WHY???"

The small Jedi broke down into tears again, weeping in fear of her friends change...

Apr 13th, 2001, 04:35:44 PM
OOC: Nice twist you put in there!

*Kahn starred at Amnde, knowing she was right. But a flash of pain in his leg brought up fresh anger.*

Amnde, I don't interefere with your Jedi business, I'd like for you not to interfere with mine. And besides, it wasn't me who killed them.

*Kahn tried to block out the image of Amnde, and tried to ignore the feeling that she had awakened in him, the feeling that this was all wrong, that he should be helping the Jedi and not fighting him. Kahn walked over to the fallen Jedi and kicked him hard in the ribs. The image of Amnde flickered, and Kahn realized what was going on.*

Nice try Jedi. Now I'm going to make you suffer before I kill you. STAY OUT OF MY MIND!

*Kahn turned his lightsaber to low power, and held it to the Jedi's neck. Slowly it started burning through the flesh, agonizingly slow. Kahn turned up the length of his saber and backed away while keeping the saber at the Jedi's neck, ready to turn it up if he had to and kill the Jedi instantly if he used the Force to attack Kahn. The Light Side fought agains the Dark in Kahn, and he suddenly got hit with an onslaught of the injured and dead's pain. Struggling to ignore it, Kahn kept the ls at the Jedi's neck, but it intensified, and Kahn felt the Dark Side in him loosing. He had to end it now before something happened. Kahn took the saber away for a moment, turning it to full power and moving in for the kill.*


Lady DeVille
Apr 13th, 2001, 08:17:12 PM
De'Ville shouted at him, "You didn't kill them? But you didn't stop me. Decide Kahn! You cannot waffle back and forth anymore! Are you Sith or Jedi! Do not shirk your responsibility to yourself!"

She stepped out into the square, away from the fountain. "And I know that there is another here! Don't make me rout you from your hiding place." De'Ville turned towards Kaine's position, and picked up a rock. Arcing her arm back, she threw it with Force enhanced accuracy and speed, straight into the Jedi.

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 14th, 2001, 02:50:53 AM
The rock bounced off of his stomach, landing with a soft "clang" on the ground. Kaine pulled his hood away from his head, letting his blue hair set out. He simply grinned at De'Ville, while letting his hand slip down to beside his saber.

“Is that a challenge, Sith?”

Lady DeVille
Apr 14th, 2001, 04:51:00 AM
ooc: Force enhanced speed and accuracy...probably would have left a mark ;) /ic:

She waited for the Jedi to step into the daylight, and then she initiated a pressure wave that knocked Darklighter off his feet and back against the building he had been hiding next to. "You might call it that."

De'Ville blurred as she ran with the Force towards him, pulling her vibroblade out as she reached him. The sonically resonating blade sang as it flashed in at his throat.

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:53:41 AM
OOC: -Shrugs- It was 3 am in the morning for me.

..atleast I think it was. o.o;
and I was hiding near a tree, lol.

IC: Kaines danger senses kicked in. Ducking down low, the vibroblade stabbed into the wall behind him. Kaine suddenly thrusted his fist upwards, driving it into her elbow. The power of the hit was enhanced by the force, which made De'Ville let go of the Vibroblade. De'Ville suddenly thrusted her knee up into his face, as he was still in the crouching position. Kaine went crashing into and through the wall, tumbling down into the ground, followed by a large "thud".

“You know, if you wanted me on the ground, you could've just asked.”

Kaine chuckled, then rolled to the left. De'Villes body landed legs first right where he was previously. Quickly rolling backwards, he used the momentum to spring himself into a backflip. Landing several metres away from De'Ville, Kaine grinned at the Sith. With a small flick of his wrist, his saber hilt came up to his hand. Kaine thumbed the saber to life, and the familiar "snap-hiss" was heard. The silver blade extended out, growing to it's full 1 metre length.

Kaine planted his right foot behind him, and let his left arm dangle out infront of him. He held his right arm - the one holding the saber - not to far behind his head. Raising up his left arm, he signaled the sith to come at him.

Lady DeVille
Apr 14th, 2001, 05:01:23 PM
A lightsaber, the Jedi's weapon of choice, was an antiquated light sword which would, given enough time, burn through anything. Human flesh parted easily enough before it. The Sith used lightsabers as well, and the duels between the Jedi and the Sith were punctuated by rods of light in a bizarre dance of death.

Antiquated or not, the elegance of such a weapon was unequaled in the universe.

De'Ville unfastened her cloak with her left hand as she pulled her saber off her belt with the other. Snap-hiss, and the jaded purple blade hummed into existance.

The Jedi was waiting for her to attack, as they always did. They were weak, and a disgrace to the Force. She would start slowly, though, testing the strength of this Jedi. It wouldn't do to show all of her cards at once.

De'Ville closed the distance between them with a few steps, and their saber's clashed, popping and releasing the smell of ozone into the air. She twisted her saber around, forcing his up and away, and kicked him in the inner thigh with her booted foot.

He jumped back, but she followed, slashing visciously at his left shoulder.

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:26:25 AM
Strike, Block. Strike, Block. Strike, Block.

The Sith continued to strike at the same spot, and the strike and blocking motion continued on. A small thought came to Kaine, but he washed it from his head. An attack like he was thinking at this range would also hurt him.

Strike, Block. Strike, Block.

Kaine suddenly went on the offensive, for he wouldn't be able to keep blocking for much longer. After the last block, Kaine leaped up, and forward. Kaine bent his knee, as he ascended into the air, aiming straight for De'Ville's head. Once he got close enough, he thrusted his leg outwards. De'Ville barely ducked his knee, but Kaine had something else coming. He extended his foot right after he missed with his knee, and left boot connected hard with the face of the Sith. His opponent stayed up on her feet, but went sliding back across the concreted floor.

Kaine landed shortly after, and started to walk at the Sith. He had to keep on the offensive for now, he had to wear her down. The Jedi Knight quickly closed the distance between him and the Sith, as he went striking with his saber. He came in with strikes at all sides, but De'Ville kept blocking. His attacks started to get faster and faster, as Kaine began to apply force speed.

Lady DeVille
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:27:33 AM
This Jedi was fast, and becoming faster, as his tactic changed. Kaine forced her into a defensive posture, and De'Ville gave up ground as he advanced on her.

She ducked an impressive swing, and turned quickly on her heels, slashing at his knees with her saber. He jumped over the blade, and she stood as she completed the turn. Just a little push with the Force caused him to land off balance, and she capitalized on his discomfort with a stab at his unprotected side.

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 18th, 2001, 09:36:48 AM
OOC: Erg. I thought I posted last.. heh.. Sorry.

IC: A low, yet strong yell escaped his throat. De'Villes blade had sliced off a small portion of his unprotected left side. From the force push, Kaine had fallen backwards, and landed uneasily. With that, when he landed, he fell back completely, and that's when the blade struck him on the left side. If he hadn't of falled, De'Villes saber would've taken a lot more of his left side, and maybe even a part of his ribs. Kaine hit the ground, which was accompanied by a "thud". He almost instantly rolled backwards, and with the momentum, flipped up onto his feet.

Once he landed on his feet, he raised his left arm to the cut on his side. He touched it, and a sharp pain went up, and through his body. He sighed softly, then turned his attention back to the Sith, who was now running at him. He grinned at her, then threw his saber at the Sith. The saber got closer and closer to De'Ville, and Kaine started chasing after it. De'Ville ducked down, and the saber went over her head, but sliced off a small portion of her hair. As soon as she came back up, She doubled over in pain, as Kaine's fist drove into her stomach. He grinned, then force pushed her backwards. Kaine's saber was still flying, and was De'Ville was stumbling backwards, Kaine thought of an idea. He suddenly used the force to call his saber back to him, except De'Ville was inbetween him and the saber.

Kaine waited and watched, as the saber was aimed for the back of De'Ville's neck.

Lady DeVille
Apr 18th, 2001, 01:16:07 PM
De'Ville stumbled backwards from the Force push Kaine had inflicted on her, and her danger sense was screaming at her. She threw herself down on the ground, and felt the saber pass barely over her.

With Force enhanced reflexes she reached up as she fell down, and plucked the lightsaber out of the air. Backspringing to her feet, De'Ville brandished both sabers, and advanced on the Jedi.

She spun around and slashed in at him with both sabers, one high and one low from opposing sides.

ooc: like sissors /ic:

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 19th, 2001, 12:56:02 AM

Kaine suddenly leapt backwards, lifting both feet in the air. The lower blade past under his feet, and the higher one went over. But the higher one skimmed his stomach, leaving a burn mark, and a shallow cut. Kaine landed uneasily on his right foot. Eventually, Kaine balanced himself, and stared over at the Sith.

Damnit.. I need my saber.. Wait.. Maybe if I ..

Kaine simply grinned. He had recently learned, while training with his master, Warren, that he could use the force to create fireballs. Warren used to slow down the air molecules to create his Force Shards attack, so, if you made the molecules go faster, you could create a fireball. A small, yet strong growl let forth from his throat, as Kaine concentrated deeply on the force. De'Ville simply stared at Kaine in confusion.

The air molecules infront of Kaine started to speed up, and from De'Villes view, Kaines face started to blur a bit. The snow near the Jedi's feet slowly started to melt, as the air infront of him continued to heat up. He slowly raised up both hands, putting them infront, but to the side of his head. Suddenly, two force blasts escaped his hands. The air molecules picked up the pace intensly, and shortly after, a large crack-boom was heard, and the air infront of him exploding into flames.

Kaines blue hair had risen into the air, continously blowing in the wind that was put out by the fireball. His shirt and pants were blowing aswell, just like his hair. He simply smiled.

“Now go ..”

The fireball suddenly bursted out, and away from his body. The large ball of flames melted anything in it's way, as it continued it's path at the Sith. Even if the Sith tried to side-step, the ball looked as if it would land where she was, and when it landed, it would explode, so atleast she would atleast gain some burns.

Kaine got into his unique defensive position, and watched on as the ball of flames continued it's path to the Sith.

Lady DeVille
Apr 19th, 2001, 02:03:36 PM
ooc: a ball of fire? can Jedi really do that? seems too destructive. ;) /ic:

De'Ville saw the ball of flames coming at her, and grinned suddenly. This Jedi wanted to play with fire? Two could play that game.

She clipped his lightsaber to her belt and took a few quick steps backwards as she formed a ball of Force Destruction over her hand. It was small, but would serve her purpose. Sending it out from her, the destruction collided with the fire, causing a tremendous explosion. Both Kaine and De'Ville were thrown to the ground from the blast.

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 19th, 2001, 10:00:30 PM
OOC: -Shrugs- I'm sith now anyways. :D Force Destruction ..
Dark Forces 2 - Jedi Knight. :p


Damned Force Destruction!

Kaine's body hit the ground in a large heap. De'Villes smaller ball of destruction was impressive, as it had taken out the full ball of fire. That kind of suprised Kaine. He slowly sat up, only to see De'Ville already on her feet. Quickly getting up, Kaine stared at the sith. He saw her still holding his saber, and this frustrated him. Without that, He would have some problems actually fighting her.

Kaine brought both hands out to infront of him, and grinned at her. He needed to rely more on strength and speed rather then the force now.

Lady DeVille
Apr 20th, 2001, 02:11:28 PM
De'Ville laughed at the Jedi, and spun the two sabers through the air once more. She darted forward, closing the short distance between them, and swung viciously at the Jedi's legs with one of the sabers. He jumped over it, and did a flip in the air, grabbing for her head as he went over her.

She ducked quickly, but he caught her hair with his hands, and yanked her neck backwards as he completed his flip. As she fell, De'Ville threw her body up and backwards, sabers dropping from her hands and deactivating as she locked her legs around his neck. Standing momentarily on her hands, De'Ville reversed her motion, and threw Kaine back over her, sending him crashing into the cobblestones.

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:20:10 AM
OOC: Sorry that I haven't posted in awhile. Haven't been posting at all lately.


Kaines body crashed down into the ground, landing with a loud "thud" type sound. Rocks and dirt had scattered and risen around him, almost concealing him from De'Villes view. Before long, the dust and dirt had settled, and Kaine had started to get to his feet again. De'Ville quickly called her own saber back to her, and started to drag Kaine's to her aswell. He saw this, and instantly reached out with the force, yanking it out of her pull, and into his hand.

He thumbed the saber to life, the familiar snap-hiss letting out. The silver blade bursted out from the hilt, and grew to it's full size. Kaine smiled, then held the saber out infront of him, waiting for the Sith to attack.

Apr 22nd, 2001, 04:54:37 PM
OOC: Can I just finish him off or something? j/k But can I RP something and say he surrendered or something? This thread is a pretty decisive one for Kahn, I've got some plans for him. *smiles mysteriously.* :)

Kaine Darklighter
Apr 24th, 2001, 04:13:29 AM
TTT ..

OOC: Edit ~ For the post below this.. Sure. Guess we can put this fight on hold until he comes back or something.

Lady DeVille
Apr 25th, 2001, 04:48:23 PM
ooc: Later, I'll edit this into a real post. BUT, I need Seth to continue fighting Kahn, or could someone else help out? This delay is really...well, delaying things. ;) /ic:

De'Ville found her lightsaber in her hand before she even thought about it. She saw Darklighter step back and get on the defensive, and she shouted at him. "Coward!"

The distance between the two Force users closed, and she batted away his saber with her own. Using the Force she levitated and and twisted as the sabers struck each other, kicking him twice with each foot square in the face. De'Ville executed a sort of cartwheel in the air and landed on her feet, blood from the Jedi's broken nose on her boots.

Kaine Darklighter
May 4th, 2001, 06:38:51 AM
OOC: Eep, Didn't see the post. Sowwy. ^_^;;


The pain from his broken nose washed over him like a tidal wave. Kaine wanted to let it all out, use it on De'Ville, but he stopped himself. Breathing in deeply, he let it out in a large breathe. Raising up his hand, he wiped away some blood from the nose, but knew that it would keep bleeding.

Kaine closed the distance between De'Ville and himself with a view steps, and then he went on the offense. Taking a quick sweep with his lightsaber, it was easily deflected by De'Ville. Kaine took another, and another, and both were deflected easily. De'Ville could tell that his body was starting to get tired, but he had to atleast make her get tired.

He leapt into the air, jumping over an strike by De'Ville. Kaine then lashed out with his right foot, hitting her mainly on the temple. This sent De'Ville stumbling to the side, and Kaine landed firmly. Almost instantly after he landed, he thrusted out his right hand, going for a quick punch to where he just kicked in aim to knock her out.

Edit ~ TTT.

Lady DeVille
May 8th, 2001, 02:01:03 AM
De'Ville reeled sideways from the kick to the head, and heard the Jedi land in front of her. Instinctively she brought up her arms in front of her, forearms crossed. A punch intended for her temple caught her on the right forearm.

Blinking to clear her head from the kick, De'Ville kicked up with her right leg, catching Kaine again in mid swing. Her foot connected with his elbow, and she heard a satisfying pop.

Kaine Darklighter
May 10th, 2001, 06:59:52 PM
Wave after wave of pain rushed through his body. It was as if every time his heart beat, it sent out waves of nothing but pain. Kaine wouldn't be able to take much more of this. Soon he'd just simply snap, and give into the pain..

Kaine stumbled backwards, the portion of arm from his elbow down dangling around.

Damnit ..

He held his saber in his right hand, his left one still dangling at his side. There was nothing he could do right now to get his arm back in function, and that would probably cost him dearly. Kaine began to laugh.

This better work..

Kaine's laughing slowly tuned down to a small grin. Suddenly, a pile of dirt flashed up, spraying into De'Villes eyes. Then, a small rock behind the Sith slowly began to rise, then sent itself at her. More rocks from all around the two warriors began to rise from the ground, sending themself at De'Ville.

Lady DeVille
May 10th, 2001, 11:10:56 PM
The dirt in her eyes stung, causing her eyes to tear up and squeeze shut. So he wants to play... De'Ville wiped at her eyes, but was not fast enough to forsee the rocks and debris that the Jedi flung at her. One struck her in the back of the head, sending a flash of pain down her neck.

More and more rocks flew at her, and she drew the Dark Side into her body, feeding off her own pain and anger. The Jedi was on the verge of bending to his own anger, and she drew power from him as well. De'Ville no longer felt the rocks, although they bruised her body, and she raised her arms out to the side, and then clapped her hands together over her head.

The Jedi stepped back as a rush of wind whooshed around him, circling around the Sith. The wind transformed into a localized and relatively small funnel, picking up the rocks that had been used against De'Ville. She clasped her hands together and lowered them in front of her, pointing at Kaine.

The funnel of wind, rocks and debris started towards the Jedi, small rocks already hitting his body. De'Ville laughed as she opened her eyes.