View Full Version : Acquisitions (Finished)

Tirsa Krylana
May 25th, 2001, 01:52:33 PM
:: Tirsa was laying back in the co-pilot's seat of "The Chimera", staring up at the ceiling and lost in her own thoughts. One hand rested behind her head and the other dangled off the side of the seat, playing with the belt strap. It clinked against the metal base and she let out of breath of air, forcing some strands of hair to rise up and out of her face.

It was very quiet after the skirmish (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=2920.topic) recently against a rather … strange group of beings. One vessel was piloted by an Ewok, of all things. How the little furball manage to evolve, Tirsa probably would never know. The other ship was littered with Gamorreans. Foul, smelly, disgusting aliens that almost killed her once all because someone ratted her out. Now that was a completely frelled (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicthejedicouncil.showMessage?topicID=248 1.topic) up mess to be sure.

The only reason why they were all there was to highjack a Hapian Vessel. It was on a diplomatic mission and the armed escort was not even close to being a match for all three groups. Obviously, the Hapians were not expecting trouble and it was so easy to take them out and the other fools trying to be pirates.

But the damn ship had nothing on it but dignitaries. Just … just people! No goods, no money, except what was on the Hapians, and the ship was too badly damaged to sell. Stupid amateurs messed up the entire thing all because they didn't understand the fine art of ship acquisitions.

The only consolation in the entire endeavor was information that was stored in the computer banks. Thank the gods that slicing was invented and Tirsa was good at it! :D

It was learned that the Hapians were coming through a sector near here and it actually had good stuff on it for snurching. One particular item on board the convoy really caught the Nebari's attention and it was what she was really after. She turned her head to look over at the Rodian next to her ::

"Hey! Endo? You figure out the coordinates yet that I sent ya?"

:: she spoke in his native tongue, since her partner still hadn't yet learned the basic language ::

Endo Freedoo
May 25th, 2001, 02:04:20 PM
:: The Rodian looked over at Tirsa with a bit of a glare, his eyes saying, ‘Oh Please!’ He nodded his head as he gave her the look, then turned back to the astrogen computer, inputting the last of the required data.

This would be a rather short hyperspace jump and they would then be in position to ambush the ship, which Tirsa had found the data on. The last mission they saw fit to take was rather fruitless, and Endo hoped this one would prove different. Tirsa always seemed so eager and exited about the smallest things, perhaps her enthusiasm was justified this time though. ::

Better sit up and strap in. We’ll be jumping soon and the trip wont take long.

:: Endo activated the cloak and waited for her to get into proper flight position before engaging the hyperdrive. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 28th, 2001, 05:41:54 PM
:: she sat up and looked over at Endo, rolling her eyes. Like she was just going to lay back and enjoy a trip through hyperspace ....

Okay so maybe she would, but incase anything happened, Tirsa rather not be in such a rotten position and end up broken in two. She moved the lever on the side of the chair and the back of the seat rose ::

"Now, we should go over the plan! Don't wanna get into too much trouble this time around right?"

:: the seat clicked into position and Endo merely stared at her ::


:: it was almost like she read his mind ::

"It won't be as stupid as the last encounter with the Hapians and you know it."

:: she flashed a grin ::

"A few fighters and one cargo vessel shouldn't be that much trouble. All you gotta do is dodge and I shoot! Be happy it isn't Sorsha doing the shooting!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!

Endo Freedoo
May 28th, 2001, 06:14:23 PM
:: Endo shrugged slightly, but he was laughing on the inside. With a smooth motion, he pulled back the lever that activated the hyperspace jump, and the ship leapt into the corridor with a flash of light. Once accustomed to the surroundings, Endo turned back to Tirsa. ::

[i]You have any details about what kind of fighter craft they will have with them?[i]

:: She hadn’t mentioned fighter craft earlier and it was best to be as prepared as possible. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 28th, 2001, 09:08:10 PM
"Well ... like I said, just a light cargo frieghter. We could do this in our sleep!"

:: it was easy to tell in the tone of her voice how excited she was about this ::

"Hapian design of course. Since they're a rich group, I say missiles and about two to three laser turrets. And ... a few fighters for escort. Kinda like how the frelling Rogue Squadron is to the New Republic."

:: the stars swirled together as "The Chimera" shot off into hyperspace ::

"Now we gotta do this quick, Endo. We have to get back home in time."

Endo Freedoo
May 28th, 2001, 09:26:04 PM
:: Her excitement made him slightly uneasy about how easy this really would be, but he knew better than to argue or even suggest that they take more time planning this. He already knew she was in a hurry, even before she said it. ::

No problem. It’ll be like shooting wampas in a holding pen.

:: He said as he looked over the flight plan data she had provided him earlier. He had planned it so they would arrive in the cargo vessel’s flight path, about five minutes before it would get there. Any escort the ship might have would be the first to arrive at that spot, but with a little strategic positioning, they wouldn’t even notice the Chimera until the attack on the freighter was already underway. ::

We will be dropping out of hyperspace in about two minutes. I will get us in position alongside the cargo vessel and want you to target their shield generator first then we take out their engines once those are down. If done efficiently enough, the fighter escort should arrive back at the freighter just as we disable it. Then we’ll do a little dogfighting.

Tirsa Krylana
May 28th, 2001, 09:34:53 PM
"Not a problem. Those shields are as good as gone!" :D

:: she let her hands move across the controls for the laser cannons ::

"Now, ya gotta make sure to drop the cloak at the right time or else my targeting is frelled."

:: everything was set and ready to go. Just needed to wait for the jump out of hyperspace before she could divert power ::

"Oh, should only be about two fighters flanking either side of the Hapes ship too."

Endo Freedoo
May 28th, 2001, 09:51:24 PM
:: The starscape in front of them transformed from long streaks of light into shorter and shorter lines, quickly becoming pinpoints in their field of vision again. He turned to the starboard side, flying only by site at this point, since their cloak was up.

Just as Tirsa had said, two fighter craft flew overhead, not noticing the Sith Infiltrtator heading for the cargo vessel. ::

Here we go.

:: From the underside, they approached the cargo ship, and Edno slowly brought his ship around so that it was flying the same direction and speed of their target. ::

I’m moving into position now, be ready on my signal.

:: He brought the Chimera up alongside the freighter and deactivated the cloaking device. ::

GO, go go!

Tirsa Krylana
May 28th, 2001, 10:23:53 PM
:: her fingers quickly diverted power from the engines to the laser cannons. They became linked and four out of the six cannons opened fired on the cargo ship. The plan went as smoothly as Tirsa knew it would. They caught the Hapes with their pants down and she scored a direct hit onto the shield generator, rendering them useless ::

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrayeayeayeayeayaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! !!"

Endo Freedoo
May 28th, 2001, 10:31:07 PM
:: Reflexively, Endo’s ears curled down close to his head as he shifted their position so that Tirsa could get a clear shot at the engine power systems with the missiles. Her battle cry was annoying, but he had grown somewhat accustomed to it on occasion, but it usually did at least startle him slightly each time, even after all these years as partners. ::

To the next target, just like clockwork.

:: The Chimera was now in position, towards the rear of the cargo vessel and Endo could see visually that the two escort craft that had been in front of the freighter had turned and were heading back this way. ::

Need to do this fast, or we are in for some serious drak.

Tirsa Krylana
May 28th, 2001, 10:52:34 PM
:: her lips curled into a grin as the two missles launched right after Endo finished speaking. They impacted against the engines and rendered the cargo ship useless ::

"Alright, time for fancy dodging. We got fighters ..."

:: "The Chimera" lurched from side to side as the console flashed with red warning lights ::


:: Tirsa checked the scanners and cringed ::


:: she looked over at Endo with a rather guilty expression ::

"I guess their are two more fighters. Heh."

Endo Freedoo
May 28th, 2001, 11:30:18 PM
:: They were taking fire from two fighters that had approached from behind, two that he wasn’t aware of until now. Just as he thought, Tirsa had gotten just a little carried away with her confidence and enthusiasm and now they had twice the firepower to deal with. At least the freighter was handled for now.

The lights flickered in the cockpit as they took a few hits, sparks were sent flying from a few of the consoles and Endo began evasive maneuvers, while heading straight for the other oncoming fighter craft. He was hoping to lead them into their own fire if he could, or at least make it more difficult for them to get a good target lock on his ship, due to having two of their own in such close quarters, while at the same time lining Tirsa up to take at least one of the ships in front of them out. ::

Do your thing, and do it now.

:: He said, sounding a little annoyed as he spoke. He was prepared to veer off and away as soon as she dispatched the vessel he lined up for her, so that he could pull the trailing fighters into its explosion and line up a shot on the other. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 28th, 2001, 11:44:56 PM
"I'M ON IT!"

:: she completely focused on the sensors in front of her and looked up at the incoming fighter. If there was another thing that she was good at besides hacking and stealing ... it was knowing how to shoot something right out of the sky.

The alarm sounded that the Hapian fighter was locked on and Tirsa hit the forward guns. Two red bolts of laser fire shot out from "The Chimera" and streaked towards the vessel. Endo was the Rodian! He lined it up perfectly so Tirsa wouldn't have to work to hard for the direct hit and it was so beautiful to watch the red smoldering remains of the ship go up in a fireball ::

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 12:12:22 AM
:: The maneuver was a success, as he watched the second of the two blips on the scanner vanish in a flash as it entered the fireball of the ship Tirsa had just destroyed. Now they were down to just two fighter craft, what they had originally expected. One was in pursuit and one was now directly in front of them, lasers blazing straight at them as they looked out the forward view port.

The ships lights were already operating on back up and were red in color, but even those began to flicker on and off as the ship took several more laser hits. ::

Shields are down to 25% now. We need to end this, and end it this frelling second.

:: Tirsa was lined up for the shot on the fighter in front of them and Endo flipped a switch on his flight controls. It was a switch that had not originally been a part of the Sith Infiltrator at the time of construction, but was something added to help in certain situations.

Ion blasts sprayed from the rear of the Chimera at their pursuer, raining down on the lightly shielded ship, rending it frozen in space in a couple seconds. Now it was up to Tirsa to take care of the threat in front. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 12:35:51 AM
:: her teeth gritted in concentration but her body was completely relaxed as she lined up the shot in front of her. Since Endo took care of the fighter behind them, it was much easier to focus on the task at hand. The targeting computer got the lock once again and two volleys of laser fire swarmed across the distance and hit their mark. It was a bit of an overkill but Tirsa didn't care. She just wanted to blow the frelling thing to hell ::

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 12:50:42 AM
:: The fighters were all destroyed, but they had forgotten one thing. The explosion that rocked the entire ship reminded them both of that rather quickly. The cargo ship may have been a motionless rock floating in space, but it still had a crew and they still had four sets of laser turrets, which apparently just now got a bead on the ship Endo and Tirsa were in. ::


:: That ship would have to be disabled and disabled quickly. Missiles and lasers weren’t much in the way of options, since they wanted the craft moderately intact so they could snurch its cargo. A vaped ship wouldn’t leave them anything from this venture, and after the last flop of a mission, that couldn’t be allowed to happen again. ::

The aft ion cannons, of course!!!

:: Endo dodged a few more laser bolts as the red beams ripped through space at them and positioned his ship facing away from the freighter. Once again he activated his custom ion cannons and doused the stationary craft with its fire. It didn’t take too long for it to be rendered almost completely useless, all the onboard electrical systems suffering from the effects of the ion fire.

Endo let out the breath he had sucked in after seeing the shields were gone and slumped down in his seat. ::

We were almost done for that time.

:: He said with his face down on the console in front of him. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 01:10:54 AM
"Endo ... DAAAMN that was some flying, skinny! Now ... with their ship finished we have only two options."

:: she removes the strap across her lap and stands up. Walking on soft heels she goes to the back of the cockpit and grabs her rifle ::

"When we board the ship ... what do we do. Let them live ..."

:: she pats her rifle ::

"... or kill 'em?!"

:: a giggle squeaks out as she grins ::

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 01:29:41 AM
:: He lifts his head up off the console and his ears perk up at the sound of the words ‘kill them’. Beginning to nod, he takes the flight controls back into his hands and turns the Chimers towards the freighter. ::

I say we kill them all. They frelled up my ship, and its not going to exactly be free to do all the repairs. Perhaps they’ll have enough creds on them to pay for the damages and a little killing always sooths my natural Rodian tendencies.

:: They pull up alongside the freighter and Endo extends the docking mechanism. It clamps into place with a loud metal meeting sound. Endo unstraps from his chair, stands, and moves to the rear of the cockpit. ::

Time to see if the any of the drones this ship came with are of any use.

:: He keys a few commands into the holo console in front of him which activates a multi purpose droid/drone, which moves through the docking cylinder and begins cutting through the inoperable docking doors of the freighter. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 02:09:38 AM
:: hefting the blaster in her hands, Tirsa positioned herself right in front of the door. She bit at her lower lip in anticipation for the action that was coming and it was a frelling long time since she did anything like this. One didn't need brains to know that there was opposition waiting on the other side of that door. As soon as those drones finished cutting through, oh was the dren going to hit the fan.

But that was what she loved the most. The rush of taking out the crew and claiming the ship as your own ... as well as anything and everything in it.

She watched in fascination as the drones floated past her and she grinned.

The door fell outward and Tirsa started to spray down the area in blaster fire as a few red blaster bolts came flying past them. Tirsa rolled forward to avoid being hit and to her surprise, found a Hapian crew member right in front of her. She quickly fired and blew him away easily with being in close proximity.

Another falling Hapian was near her and she picked up his pistol ::

"Ooooo ... I like this."

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 01:30:30 PM
:: Cautiously, he leaned through the cut away docking hatch. Tirsa was occupied admiring her new find and he saw two Hapains down the hallway, quickly coming into range and raising their weapons. Endo’s flechette pistol was already in position and he let a shell fly.

The following fragmentary explosion was deafening in volume, but the screams of death that accompanied it were not lost in the sound. ::

Stay alert Tirsa, of you’ll end up being a blue stain on the bulkhead.

:: He stepped through the hatch and surveyed the scene. Five crew members dead, such a small vessel couldn’t have too many more people on board. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 01:39:50 PM
:: Tirsa's eyes opened wide in shock and then narrowed as she fired a bolt passed Endo. The dying scream of the Hapian crewman filled the corridor ::

"Yeah, and you would have been a green one."

:: she stood up, looking left and right ::

"The cockpit is this way."

:: pointing to the left, Tirsa looked back at Endo ::

"Let's go!"

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 01:54:14 PM
:: He looked behind and fired another blaster bolt into the body of the downed crewman, then turned back and nodded to Tirsa. ::

I presume your taking point since you know more about this ship than I do?

:: He scanned both ends of the corridor carefully, his ears perking straight up on his head, listening for any noises that might indicate oncoming threats. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 02:54:48 PM
:: she runs down the length of the cooridor and sighs ::

"Well, yeah. Even though I hardly think you get lost on this ship."

:: after a few mintues running and turning down another corridor, they see the door leading into the cockpit. Tirsa holsters the Hapian blaster and moves to one side of the door. She looks to Endo and makes sure he is ready and whispers ::

"Make sure no one sneaks up on me."

:: she presses the panel and the door slides open. The crack of the blaster rifle across the pilot's head brings a grin to Tirsa's face. It knocks him out easily and she quickly points it at the co-pilot ::

"Don't frelling move."

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 04:05:15 PM
Will do.

:: He remains just outside the doorway to the cockpit. It seemed just a little to easy so far and he was prepared for at least another surprise before this job was done, though what the surprise might be he had no clue.

One of his ears twitches slightly on top of his head as he hears a very subtle sound. It sounds like someone taking fast paced breaths. Someone was either watching or approaching, and by the sound of their breathing, they were frightened.

He crouched low, bending down to a knee and leveled his blaster down the corridor as the sound seemed to be getting closer and closer. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 07:10:19 PM
:: staring down the length of the blaster rifle, the Hapian pilot said nothing ::

"Good, we understand each other."

:: she pulls out the pistol at her side and aims it behind her, pressing it against the side of the knocked out Hapian's head ::

"Now we play a game. It's simple. You tell me where what bay the cargo is in and I don't shoot him. Nod if you understand."

:: he does so ::

"Well? I'm waiting."

:: the pilot brings up the cargo on the monitor and the manifest scrolls by ... ::

"Food? No, no, no. Not that cargo. You know what I'm talking about."

:: a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead and he stayed quiet. Tirsa giggled and charged up the pistol to full power ::

"Alright! Here."

:: her curious eyes lit up as the real purpose of wanting to go after this ship was displayed. Creds and a few lovely items were contained in a hidden container ::

"It's underneath the fourth panel of the hold that the food is in."

:: the barrel of the gun pressed against the pilot's neck ::

"And ... how does one open the case?"

:: he glanced downwards to his pocket ::

"You'll find what you need there. Now that you got what you want, take it and leave."

:: she pulls the gun away and leans over, kissing him on the cheek ::

"Thank you ..."

:: the horror on his face was quite pleasing as the helpful pilot watched Tirsa blow his partner's head off. Blood and guts splattered against the cockpit window ::

"... and goodnight!" :evil:

:: the next blast came from her blaster rifle before the pilot could protest. He died instantly from a point blank shot to the chest ... ever so careful to not blow away the key to the prize ::

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 07:44:28 PM
:: His concentration on listening for the breathing sound was broken by the sounds of blaster fire. Leaning to one side, he looked back over his shoulder, into the cockpit to see what had happened. ::

Eww messy.

:: Seeing that Tirsa had killed the two pilots, and wasn’t in danger herself, he looked forward once again, waiting for her to come out into the corridor before he told her what he had heard.

She stepped out from the cockpit smiling from ear to ear and he proceeded to tell her that he thought someone was there, just not sure where. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 09:55:50 PM
:: she looked around and down the corridor ::

"If there is anyone here, probably the last of the crew."

:: the data card she taken off the dead pilot was placed in her belt pouch ::

"Trust me. Don't need him alive. Got any idea if there really is someone?"

:: the blaster rifle was pointed straight ahead and she kept her ears open as they moved forward ::

Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 10:14:46 PM
:: He didn’t answer her question, just kept listening as the walked down the hallway and came to the corner. One of Endo’s ears twitched just as they went around it. He thrust a hand forward and shoved Tirsa and at the moment he did a blaster bolt erupted from between the air vent slits in the wall just beside them.

The blast hit Endo’s arm and he dropped his flechette pistol. While following Tirsa forward and shooting several blasts from his own blaster into the vent, he took another hit in the same arm’s shoulder.

Endo went down in a heap, but the thud that sounded in the vent, as well as the ceasing of fire coming from it seemed to indicate that the assailant was taken care of. Endo landed on the floor of the corridor with a crunch as he came down on the already injured in two places arm, adding yet another injury as his shoulder separated from the impact.

He was still conscious, but he wasn’t seeing too clearly as he rolled over to his back groaning in agony. He managed to say something, but it came out somewhat distorted and weak. ::

I…su….re…..hoope…that….was the……lllast..of them.

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 01:07:13 AM
"That frelling son of a BITCH!!!!""

:: she spun around and opened fired. The vent was littered with blaster holes as the Nebari spent her rage for what happened to her partner. Sucking in deep breaths, she was able to calm down after the smoke cleared.

Tirsa moved to Endo's side and pulled out some bandages and bacta patches, dressing his wounds ::

"Hey buddy, you can get back to the ship right? After I fix ya up. I can get what we came for by myself now."

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 01:14:52 AM
:: He cringed in pain every time she touched his arm to clean and dress his wounds. Each touch aggravated his separated shoulder even further, the dislocated bone causing his skin to protrude oddly under his tunic. Through gritted teeth he answered. ::

I should be able to walk under my own power.

:: He started to sit up, cringing in pain noticeably as his arm dangled at his side in a very awkward position. ::

Should probably get this set back into the proper position first.

:: He pointed at the protrusion in his tunic with his good arm. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 01:31:03 AM
:: she winced ::

"Ouch." :(

:: Tirsa gently pushed him against the wall and looked at his shoulder with a sigh. Kneeling down, she placed a hand on his shoulder and one to his upper arm ::

"Okay, now ... on the count of three."

:: Endo prepared himself but gave her somewhat of a knowing look to what she said. Tirsa took a deep breath ::

"One ... two ..."

:: she quickly set the arm in one motion ::

".. three! All set." :)

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 01:37:53 AM
:: The popping and crunching sound of the Rodian’s brittle bones was a sickly sound, but not half as sickly as the grunt of pain he let out when it happened. ::


:: His eyes rolled up and he sighed as his body shook, from the pain shooting through him. ::

Well done.

:: He said shakily, already starting to rise to his feet, his back sliding up against the wall for support, collecting his flechette pistol from the floor as he did. He motioned to the side with his head. ::

Go on and collect the spoils. I’ll meet you back at the ship.

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 01:50:19 AM
:: she grabbed her blaster rifle and flicked one of Endo's ears playfully ::

"I promise you get hazzard pay."

:: Standing up, she took off and moved quickly down the corridor. Her destination the cargo bay where the loot was ::

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 01:56:34 AM
:: He managed what passed for a grin on his face and roughly chuckled. ::

Hazard pay…..I thought that was all we ever got, when we do actually get a pay off.

:: She left on her way and Endo slowly started making his way through the corridor, heading back to his ship. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 02:12:27 AM
"Come on ... frelling open up! Urrh!"

:: she found out that the Hapians must have welded the secret compartment shut and blasting it did nothing. No wonder the pilot readily gave her the location to where this was. Tirsa kicked the frame in frustration and mumbled obscenities ::

"Stupid dumb Hapians. Dren ... what the hell." :mad:

:: then she snapped her fingers as an idea came to her. grabbing the comm on her and called "The Chimera's" drones to her location ::

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 02:20:42 AM
:: He was almost there, stopping occasionally to rest and let the throbbing pain in his arm due to the motion subside. He had just made a stop about 3 meters from the docking hatch and he heard the humming noise up ahead. He recognized it immediately as the sound of the ship’s drones, and leaned his back against the wall as he saw them come into sight, turning to go down the corridor he had just come from.

He thought Tirsa had either run into some kind of problem getting what she was here for, or perhaps she needed them to help carry the load back. Having caught his breath and allowed the sensation of pain to fade somewhat he stood straight again and made the remaining walk to the ship, sluggishly. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 03:30:46 PM
:: Tirsa tapped on the floor with her foot impatiently ::

"Frelling droids ... taking too long."

:: she was getting restless because she wanted this done with already. Tirsa was wrong about how many fighters were in the area. The pilots had to have sent an emergency message and they needed to get the frell out of here ASAP.

Then she squeaked in surprised as one of the droids bumped into her ::


"Gah .. go and get that panel open."

:: The three drones moved around Tirsa's head and then followed her orders ::

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 04:25:24 PM
:: He arrived back at his ship and made a check of the scanners, they didn’t have any visitors coming yet, but that was bound to change very soon, and the shield systems were still suffering from the fire they had taken during the skirmish.

A check of the cloaking system revealed that it was still operational, as was the hyperdrive. He began to program the coordinates to leave, so that they would be prepared to do so as soon as Tirsa got back with the goods.

His work was slowed somewhat, only having one hand to work with, but he would get it done, he had to, or else they might very well end up failing in the biggest way possible on this endeavor. ::

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 05:28:29 PM
:: sparks flew from the panel seams as the drones worked as fast as they could in getting it opened. Tirsa covered her eyes with a hand since the brightness was a bit much for her.

A clang later, Tirsa opened her eyes and saw the container. One of the drones beeped in protest as he was grabbed and swung around in Tirsa's excitement ::


:: she causally threw the poor drone to the side :D and went inside the opening. A few grunts and some swearing, Tirsa was able to pull the heavy container out. Once she caught her breath, she pulled out the datacard that the pilot had and slid it into its place. The latches popped opened with a hiss and Tirsa's lips curled into a mischievious grin.

She carefully placed her hands on either side of the container and opened it slowly. Precious gems and a cred stick first stood out but then Tirsa giggled in glee as the main prize that she was after stared back at her. It was perfect!

Tirsa quickly closed the container and ordered the drones to lift it back to the ship ::

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 05:48:02 PM
:: He could hear the humming of the drones returning, just as he completed inputting the last of the data into the astrogen computer. Their hyperspace coordinates were set and they were now ready to go. All that had to be done was to get Tirsa and the acquisitions on board and they could cut and run. The freighter wasn’t worth trying to steal and would probably have a tracking device on it anyway.

Another look at the scanning system revealed that they had some incoming ships, a whole lot of them. Endo quickly activates the ship’s cloak and yelled over his shoulder, wincing some as he turned. ::


Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 06:05:14 PM

:: she ran ahead of the drones and quickly got herself inside the ship. The drones followed suit and once the third one got inside, she slammed the panel on the door, closing it ::

"GO, GO, GO!"

:: yelling into her comm she ran over to one of the cargo compartments and watched the drones put their prizes away ::

Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 06:20:29 PM
:: He disengaged the docking cylinder and retracted it into the ship. Engaging the engines they pulled away from the freighter. Just as they cleared the freighter, three squadrons of fighters came into sight through their front view port. ::

This is going to be close.

:: Laser fire started to fill their view as Endo reached over and pulled back the hyperspace lever. With a quick jolt, they shot into the conduit, the streaks of the laser fire blurring as did the stars before them. With an audible sigh of relief, Endo proclaimed. ::

We’re out of there, just in time.

Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 06:50:41 PM
:: tirsa appeared in the cockpit and gently placed a hand on his shoulder ::

"Sweet flying as always. With a bad arm no less."

:: she grinned as she sat down, strapping herself in. Pressing a button on the console, she estimated that the time to reach Meras would be about twelve hours. Plenty of time for Endo to rest and let the bacta do the work. It also was enough time to get home ::

"Hey, why don't you go and get some rest. Turn on the auto-pilot and I'll keep an eye on things."

:: Endo gave her a look that was hard to interpret, but Tirsa knew that the Rodian had some misgivings. It seemed like he grudgingly engaged the autopilot and went to his quarters.

Tirsa planted her feet on the console carefully, making sure to not make the same mistake, hitting the missile launcher like she did that one time. She settled in her chair and leaned back, excited about getting home ::