View Full Version : Yall know me, still the same ol G

Lord Gue
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:01:05 PM
[i]The club was a strange one for its location. Sure any club on Hoth was a strange one, but for any club this was particularly strange. It had a faint 'Earthlyness' to it. Upon entering Michael immediatly recognized the music as that of a rap artist known as 'Dr. Dre'. Smothing his way to the bar he made his way past two scantly clad women showing just enough clothes to hide there parts that made them women. Placing a hand on the bar Michael leaned foreward, shouting over the music; which must have been a good sight decibles higher than safe for the average ear drum; his request for some good ol Bull malt liquor. Grasping the bottle firmly in his hand as the bar tender handed it to him he slid some credits onto the counter and glanced around the bar, hoping to make some new aquantances among the party goers....

Darth Viscera
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:07:20 PM
OOC: Hoth is an Imperial planet. Don't try anything funny, stormtroopers are known to have itchy trigger fingers.

Lord Gue
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:09:02 PM
OOC: Hoth is also the homeworld of the Gue bloodline, and dont be ruinin my threads with OOC posts please

Darth Viscera
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:15:42 PM
OOC: Same threat applies, it could be Jerusalem for all I care. Try something that an Imperial garrison might find objectionable, you'll be shot.

Lord Gue
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:24:48 PM
OOC: Yeah, cuase ya know every bar in the galaxy has an imperial garrison in it.....

Jun 4th, 2001, 08:44:38 PM
OOC: And every practically lifeless planet produces one F*ed up bloodline.

Was daddy or mommy the wampa?

J/k =D

Lord Gue
Jun 4th, 2001, 08:53:20 PM
OOC: The Gue's were a wealthy but ecentric family, the Gue surname started on Hoth, not the people, lol

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 4th, 2001, 10:43:07 PM
(ooc) Can I kill your character?

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 4th, 2001, 10:51:20 PM
OOC: Onljy jif jI get the corrrpssse :evil:

Jedah Lynch
Jun 5th, 2001, 12:43:44 AM
OOC: So is this the point we place bets on how Gue dies again for the 20340 time?

Lance Casey
Jun 5th, 2001, 12:46:01 AM
Piano dropped onhis head?

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 5th, 2001, 12:50:41 AM
(ooc) Sure I've got no use for Gue's corpse!

Darth Viscera
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:01:45 AM
i'm putting 2 million cred imp on him stumbling into the lamp post ala george dubya's morning jog.

Jun 5th, 2001, 01:02:04 AM
ooc:your going ooc and this is the ooc forum X_X
crap! Im doing it too!

2000 credits on gue dying! :)
I dun have that much credits....

Gav Mortis
Jun 5th, 2001, 07:42:18 PM
I just love the way threads degrade into mindless nothingness!

Darth Viscera
Jun 5th, 2001, 08:04:40 PM
Awww, thanks Gav, I try :)

Lord Gue
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:35:04 PM
well, seeing how Gue's never died b4 and he only rp faked his death once. Gue will never die until im permenantly ready to leave this place, and id only let a select few have that honor