View Full Version : Picture needed

Lord Gue
Jun 14th, 2001, 12:42:01 AM
Anyone know where to get a good picture of the statue 'Justice is Blind'?

Darth Varlon
Jun 14th, 2001, 09:38:07 AM
Try finding the United States supreme court website and see if they have one :p

Lord Gue
Jun 15th, 2001, 06:04:26 PM
Hmmm, well you see what i need is somewhat specific and i cant seem to find, I need her to blur off at the waist and have a black background....

Darth Varlon
Jun 15th, 2001, 06:05:24 PM
It's called find a pic, and edit it :p The chances of you finding that one exactly are slim.

Lord Gue
Jun 15th, 2001, 06:33:51 PM
Well, i cant even find one to start with, i even tried ditto.com, and im not the greatest pic editor....