View Full Version : Question.(Directed at Admins)

Domini Leveresk
Jun 12th, 2001, 07:36:14 PM
TSR is interested in buying ships. One example is a Mandal Motors Star Viper. I know that, by going to any group with shipyards, they'll be licensed to make the ship after I order one.

We don't want to buy the ships we use, at least at this point, through other groups. We could take two shipyards of our own, I beleive, but for a small group of 'mercenaries', would that really be possible?

In the stead of owning our own yards, I wonder if we could use one or two that wouldn't be actually owned by us. It would be the same concept as owning our own yards, except for the fact that we wouldn't own them, and likely not even hold any stock.

So, could I possibly be allowed to go to two separate NPC shipyards at any given time, and spend extra money to order the ships, or must I go through larger groups or somehow come up with funds to make my own?

As there is no 'fleet' moderator, I'll have to charge the admins with judging this. Their descision should go undisputed, though anyone can discuss it.

Edit~ title modified.

Darth Varlon
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:20:39 AM
Although I'm not an administrator, I would think that you would purchase your ships through whichever group you may be liscenced out to at the time, like real mercenaries. Unless you plan to be working for this NPC Group, if that's the case, then going through NPC yards would be just the same. But I personally think that you should utilize your contractors yards for your fleet needs. Hope that helps you :)

Domini Leveresk
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:02:18 PM
I worded that wrong. We're not, necessarily, mercenaries, but a policing force. We are buisiness people, who's main goal is to stop most piracy.

Refer to my first post- I don't wish for the shipyards I go to to have certain technology. I also don't want to constantly go to the shipyards, only to find out that I need to wait in a line.

I read once that shipyards cost ten billion. No, not in some book I'm making up, but here, at Fans. I don't have the money or the fourty days to build even one of these. Well, maybe, but this isn't the field in which I want to direct it.

Darth Varlon
Jun 13th, 2001, 03:04:51 PM
Ah, in that case, consider everything I just said a load of crap posted out of mis-understanding :p

Domini Leveresk
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:02:38 PM
Thanks for the imput anyways :)

Anyone else?

Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 15th, 2001, 11:22:36 PM
I'm not an Admin, but what you propose sounds fine to me.

Just to ensure that I understand, let me put it in my own terms.

You don't want your technology thieved or your intentions guessed, so you don't want to use SWFans groups as a means to build your ships. Instead, you'd rather make up a public construction firm that's non-aligned and use them to create your ships.

As long as you keep in mind that your NPC Construction Yards can be used by other people or turned against you through various means.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 16th, 2001, 08:10:26 AM
Sounds like a good idea to me. I'd be willing to run with this