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View Full Version : Okay, lets try that again (Fleet discussion)....

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:58:30 AM
Okay, lets try the Fleet thread again :/

Here is a convo Ogre and I have had with some ideas that could be worth discussing.

Sith Master Ogre: :: shudder :: okay, lets just start the issue anew and forget what has transpired for now

Darth Turbogeek: Right.

Sith Master Ogre: Talkng to visc. x_x

Darth Turbogeek: Maybe you should. Charley has reason to be on his side. He is obnoxious and pushes the rules to the limit, but he has also documented and done everything to the rules. Plus, he has shown to me willingness to discuss and articulate issues and even come to agreements and moderate if need be.

Sith Master Ogre: Yes I know, and I will make the attempt to be more facilitating towards him as he does know what he does quite well. I think we should check the status of the resource plans being worked on by Carr and Morgan, as well as some of the other requests you made in the other thread

Darth Turbogeek: Yes, as well as work out what is the status of the NR as that also seems to me to be a glaring hole. The two issues I have always had has been we are apparently in a period of the NR, yet it is helpless to do anything. Probbaly due to unwillingness to RP it. Morgan said Carr was due to get back to him tomorrow

Darth Turbogeek: The other issue is logical resource rules.

Sith Master Ogre: we should all bounce ideas for that off of each otehr in OOC to see who can present the most logical and wokable ones

Darth Turbogeek: I also want to include definition of sectors and a definitive territory list as well as who is the governmet.

Sith Master Ogre: To be incorporated into the universal map they were discussing creating, good ideas indeed

Sith Master Ogre: these ideas need to be discussed on the boards as well as IM, so that all players can see they are being worked on and not be left in the darkness of a few private chats in IM

Darth Turbogeek: It's my understanding that in the time period, the NR has in it about 1000 sectors, which seems to be 740,000 inhabited planets.

Sith Master Ogre: O_O

Darth Turbogeek: If people want to be open, that is good and proper. I believe the fleet rules should be equal

Sith Master Ogre: yes they should but people who have busted ass to get what they have should be catered to more so than groups who have done little

Darth Turbogeek: 15 years after ROTJ, right? If we are there, that appears to be the number of sectors and planets

Sith Master Ogre: I'm not positie on the time frame, but I am agreeable to that

Darth Turbogeek: From what I have researched, a sector fleet is about 20 odd capital ships and their supports, leading to the conclusion that the Empire at it's height had 20,000 large ships. They were for patrols and peacekeeping, no more. The war fleet on the other hand was a diferent situation and seperate to the regular fleet

Sith Master Ogre: makes sense

Darth Turbogeek: That seems to have been approx 4 times larger than the Endor fleet in total

Sith Master Ogre: I can believe that

Darth Turbogeek: My thought is that the NR is allowed a defence fleet per sector, which is not allowed to participate in anything else other than sector defence and be of limited size. The war fleet on the other hand, needs to be built

Darth Turbogeek: Nor might I add would a sector fleet be allowed to go into another sector

Sith Master Ogre: This sounds very reasonable and like a good way to help deal with the current fleet superiority of all the other groups, making for some interesting scenarios

Darth Turbogeek: It simply means the unrealistic takeover of planets due to a non NR presence can be mitigated to a small degree. The NR would still have to built a war fleet. I would say that any group that control sectors also gain the sector fleet allowance.

Sith Master Ogre: very fair idea

Darth Turbogeek: Further, shipyards were in fact quite coomon. WAR shipyards however were not. I would say a planet is allowed to have small capacity to build naturally, nothing more than small freighter. A War shipyard was a complex thing and certainly did not spit out a ISD in three weeks. More like a year. Anything above Neb-B was very hard to build and took a lot of time. Besides, 5 ISD's and their supports are more than enough to take a planet

Sith Master Ogre: again i agree

Sith Master Ogre: perhaps this could call for limits on how many ships can utilize hyperlanes at any one time, to help limit the size of attacking fleets

Darth Turbogeek: Which makes the fact goroups have hundreds of ISD with only a handful of planets ridiculous.

Darth Turbogeek: Good idea. AFAIK, attack fleets werel limited to about 50 good sized ships, becuase the jumps get too dangerous. Collisions become common

Sith Master Ogre: Only groups I know with hundreds of ISD's are Thrawns old shadow fleet and visc's

Darth Turbogeek: The shadow fleet went in main the Jedi from what I've found out. Now it seems to be in the NR

Sith Master Ogre: I wasn't sure exactly what had become of it

Darth Turbogeek: It's listed as an NR asset now. I believe it was legal according to old rules, but I believe it escaped the downsizing somehow

Sith Master Ogre: with thrawn's in and out of the RP ways I'm not too surprised to hear that, it was probably kind of in limbo for a while

Darth Turbogeek: Which is why fleet assets should also be listed as a one off, to sweep up things like this and say that if it aint declared this once, it doesnt exist

Sith Master Ogre: Cool by me

Darth Turbogeek: And alos for once everyone come open to ally suspicions of mistrust and cheating on all sides.


Allright, props to the people working on the rules set. It's not real easy. When it comes from sectors and sector fleets, I'm using mainly fansites and I cant really find a definitive answer on that. Nor can I find a definitive answer on the size of the NR in the timeframe we are in.

To summarise some of the points made...

1) Darth Viscera does have a bad rap, but he knows what he's talking about and has to the main have his fleet far better documented than the rest of us, plus also is quite knowledgeable about the issues of fleets and technology. Some of the ideas come from him

2) The galaxy map needs to be completed, that is underway and props to Carr and Morgan

3) We need definition of resource rules

4) We need definition of a secotr and how many secotors we have. I understand there is 1000 inhabited planets on average in a sector, there is about 740 sectors. Anyone able to define this? Some sectors are more valuable, which ones?

5) Establish time period, if required

6) rules be equal, but also give people who bust their ass working on fleets not suffer

7) Is a sector patrol allowance to be granted for thise controlling a sector? If so, what size?

:cool: Splitting of a Sector fleet, planetary defence force and War fleets, as well as the type of yards - civilian, planetary, war.

9) Working out what the NR controls and what it's resources should be for sector fleets. A war fleet must still be RP'ed as standard. A sector fleet has specific mobility and action rules that prevent it being used for attack or planet capture

10) Restrictions on the amount of ships that can use Hyperspace as a group, to stop huge and unrealistic attack fleets.

11) A one off declaration of resources, ships and yards to be open and fair to all, also to clean out orphaned fleets and resources

Allright, did I miss anything? Is there more to add? Are these the issues that we want decided? Is there more?

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:06:57 AM
We decided in the chat above that it would be a good idea to determine what all the current fleet levels and assets/planets(resources) are.

Could all of those with Fleets and or planetary assets, please post what they currently have? Doesn’t necessarily need to clutter this idea and discussion thread, but we do need to know what the groups are working with and set that as a current starting point to help incorporate any changes/additions that will be made to the current fleet rules.

EDIT: A <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm15.showMessage?topicID=674.topic>topic</a> has been started for this requirement.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:47:17 AM
FYI, Current rules set


All shipyards are 40km

Shipyards build 250 meters / day
Example: .25 KM x 4 days = 1 KM.

Number of yards per faction:

New Rep: 5
Greater Jedi Order: 1
New Jedi Council: 1

Galactic Empire: 4
Imperial Intelligence Headquarters: 1
Sovereign Imperial Navy: 3

The Sith Empire: 4
The Sith Order: 3
Other Groups: 2 -- Given at least 4 members.

These shipyards are representative of a group's total shipbuilding capacity. They are non-transferable. Details like planet location and number of yards in orbit is just for story material and do not impact these OOC rules. In addition, every group is allowed one civilian-run 40km shipyard which they can use to sell starships to potential customers. It is illegal to use these customer shipyards for the military gain of your group.

Special Projects / New Technology

No superlaser-wielding ships allowed (i.e. NSD's ASD's etc. are out). If you wish to have a starship with an onboard superlaser, you must RP it, and there will be a 90 day construction period. World Devastators require an RP, and take 90 days for 3 units. No ships bigger than an SSD unless you RP it and wait 90 days. Death Stars take 90 days and you must RP it. Galaxy Guns take 90 days, and you must RP it. Each 90-day project uses 1 shipyard for those 90 days, so you cannot use it that 1 shipyard to build anything else during that time.

All ships under 2000m (I assume the exception to this is SSDs-DV) that are comperable to those that already exist are legally allowed to be developed without having an RP thread. Simply announce the specs to SWFans for review and you should be okay. Just as the major projects listed above, any innovative or radical tech is subject to the scrutiny and approval or disapproval of your fellow fleet RPers, group leaders, and moderators.

Battle Rules

You must allow your enemy 36 hours to reply to your posts.

You must first weaken a ships shields/hull over 4 posts before being able to destroy it.

You can not destroy a starfighter unless agreed by both parties whether it is a dogfight or run against a capital ship. You are allowed to disable over 2 posts if the owner of the starfighter does not respond to save it.

* Note if a fighter is a fighter pilot character it may not be destroyed but only disabled unless both parties agree on the kill.


You can never destroy a planet.

Use your own judgment when role playing. These rules are not set in stone nor are meant to stifle your creative freedom.

Have fun. Winning isn't everything


You must downsize your navy 60%. In order to do this, multiply each type of ship owned by your group by .4. You must do this for all ship types, and then submit it to Swfans.net for approval.

Before Downsizing:
18 ISDs
31 VSDs

After Downsizing:
7 ISDs
12 VSDs


All ships larger than 2,000m will no longer exist. However, for every 10 downsized 1,400-2,000m starships in your group's possession, you will be given an SSD. All SSDs are 12.8km. Exceptions to this rule will be made for those who profess to have a special case in order to maintain fairness.


1) The only existing tech that will be scrapped are the ships which are over 2km, and unlicensed SSDs. The exception is if you built a special project for 90 days, and did so after 1/1/01, like the Titan SD. As for ships which are under 2km, you can use them so long as they aren't too radical, and are realistic, like just advanced or modified forms of existing SW ships.

2) A 10km station should take about 5 weeks to produce using one yard. A 2km station, one week. However, if you believe that these are not actual starships and therefore subject to being built by construction yards rather than shipyards, you can use the construction yards to construct them, within reason, and it won't come out of your shipyards. Too, small ships which are 5 meters and under (tugs, trade federation droid fighters) may be constructed at construction yards rather than shipyards, for they are of negligable size and not worth the worry of having to categorize and arrange craft of their meager size, so long as they are not of radical design. Anything which fits into this category of 5 meters and under should be fodder-like.

3) The 3 shipyards means you have 3 40km shipyards. You can put them wherever you'd like, and it takes 10 days to move a shipyard. During those 10 days, nothing may be constructed by the shipyard that is being moved. You can put all 3 of them at one planet, or you can spread them out.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 19th, 2001, 05:23:31 AM
Well, This is the idea I came up with about resources. Planets can be classified in types. Certain Types would handle certain aspects of resources. For example:
Type A - Commercial, Densely Populated, Low Mineral Resources.This Planet Type could be limited to give a certain number of available units of resources. These Resources would pertain largely to the planets Type Specifications. Other types could include Mining Types, Industrial Type, etc...

Each group would be required to submit a list of their planets and the planets designated type. The admins and/or other groups and RPers could then review the list, and submit anything they consider to be in error. Planets could be converted from "Type X" to "Type Z" through RPs in which they begin colonization, begin mining operations, or industrial construction. Each planet would give a set number of allocation units per 2 weeks, and thus enable you to create that many ships in total. Ships would have to be categorized by unit cost. It's a simple system that wouldn't require an immense amount of work on behalf of the admins, and I'm sure no one here would mind sitting down to classify their planets. Set a deadline for submission. If you like this idea, we can can refine it further. No use in typing up a long list of rules and such if no one likes the initial concept...

Darth Viscera
Jun 19th, 2001, 05:44:50 AM

I calculated that the NR was approximately 800,000 inhabitated planets pre-battle of Coruscant, and that the political backlash following that planet's fall would lead to 6,000 planets seceding immediately into galactic neutrality, followed perhaps later by about 110 planets/day so long as hostilities continue and the public continues to live in fear of attack under the NR.

Shadow Fleet was downsized on March 20th by my Gen. Dodonna character. I talked to thrawn about this on MSN, he really didn't care. Here is the after-downsizing list:

5 SSDs
55 ISDs
50 VSDs
1 IC

The Imperial Brotherhood was claimed by Thrawn as an admin and seceded to the NR at the time that I, as Viscera, tried to claim TIB. Its fleet was then merged into the NR fleet, downsized by my Dodonna character and here is the downsized roster:

SSD-Hailstorm (Flagship)

Jun 19th, 2001, 05:59:10 AM
Umm...like you should put this and the thread dealing with the vote on the forums and let everyone know about this.

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 19th, 2001, 06:07:21 AM
Know about what?

Admiral Lebron
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:15:37 PM
Viscera, I have a question for you, who gets the SIN yards? Or did you buy those as well?

Darth Viscera
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:09:18 PM
Nobody gets them, since SIN as a group has ceased to be.

Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 19th, 2001, 04:02:12 PM
The Yuuzhan Vong, can't we get another shipyard or something? O_o We are a growing government, not just "some other" group.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 04:18:32 PM
Well, witha resource base rule, you can gain more ships. This is where resource rules begin to work for you as it would acknowledge you have better resources, the other side that your fleet doesnt get ridiculously big

Tsaak Vootuh
Jun 19th, 2001, 04:34:14 PM
Another question. Our command ships are larger then 2000km but they are SSD analog and the specs are very, very similar. Would they be null now?

Jun 19th, 2001, 05:02:06 PM
theres the fault. 300,000,000 long cardboard box is illegal. A 500 long laser on engines is legal:)

Sumor Rayial
Jun 19th, 2001, 06:32:30 PM
What you have there makes good sense to me.

I would also like to have construction yards added in some way. Stuff that comes out of there still eats resources, even if at a lesser level for the most part.

I'll try and have the TSE stuff up when I can get all the little peices together.

Darth Viscera
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:10:40 PM
Construction yards are used currently. Mines, planetary defenses, fodderfighters under 5 meters, etc., everything but starships can be built at construction yards. Within reason.

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:21:22 PM
I didn't take the time to read through every little detail, but I'm just here to offer some suggestions.

In my opinion, fleets aren't really getting to be a problem, except for maybe the incredibly larger ones like the New Republic and Galactic Empire. What I think needs to be done is to get everyone to agree on using one galaxy map. From what I know, there are at least 3 different maps, each one varying from sectors, planets, and their locations. Because of this, someone might be looking at one map, the other looking at another, and they get into a disagreement. Having someone make an entire map with thousands of planets would be pointless.

I do think that some sort of resources system has to be made up, but it has to be simple. I don't want to confuse anyone or myself, so I'll just leave that job to you guys.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:25:12 PM
"Another question. Our command ships are larger then 2000km but they are SSD analog and the specs are very, very similar. Would they be null now?"

(How the hell do you do those quote things? I've never been able to work that out)

These are my OPINIONS and not a definitive answer

How many command ships would you possess? One or two? Or dozens? If it's dozens, then I would think there would be a problem becuase your resources couldnt allow that. OTOH, you have 2 or 3, that is acceptible under the ruleset and with the spirit of fairplay. From the fleet list that is up so far, there arent a real lot of big ships anymore, which to my thinking is the right thing. Anything above 2000m should be a rare, almost unique thing. Ships above SSD, which to my knowledge there are 5, (NRSF/ GJO 1, Scorpion 1, TSE 1, TSO 1, GMA 1 with one in build) should be singular even given a groups size, due to technical difficulties and the sheer effort required to run something that big. Personally, The MC-200 of the NRSF / GJO is RP'ed as problem plagued due to it's unique design and in some way will reduce it's effectiveness.

So I personally dont have a problem with the existance of command ships (and as I said, personal opinion only). Just the numbers might rise an eyebrow.

on another thought, how can the NR "capture" territory, when it's specifically non aggresive except when attacked. What exactly does the NR have? How is it supposed to work? Ideas?

Sumor Rayial
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:25:39 PM
I meant in terms of the resources they use Vis. It's easy to say a ship has "x" amount of resource points, but are you going to count every mine and TIE fighter? Just figure it would be easier to put a resource number on the construction yards as well as the ships.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:45:06 PM
Pesonaly im intrested in the reserch side of it, Reserch for a claking device, New torpedos,wepons and such are (From what ive been told) 40 days at a time, now i dont say i dont agree with this but, the point im making is, cant we split the days like, Wepons such as torps that you have newly reaserched in etc that are placed on a star fighter/ missile boat, Cap ship (Basicly New Weapons), should cost less days to reaserch than a hudge new device mabey???..just a thought as a new leader aound here...

Rey- Border World Grand General..

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 07:45:48 PM
I would think that the New Republic would use diplomacy missions to gain neutral territory, or incite uprisings on enemy controlled planets.

Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 19th, 2001, 08:24:00 PM
I would think that to accompany a list of specific resources for different types of planets, a set amount of units would have to be drawn out for every ship.

It would be interesting and add to creativity. Two enemy groups with equal resources collide. Will the one that focused on a few big, tough, and mean ships prevail, or will the one that used numbers, speed, and agility instead of firepower win? I think it would bring about more strategy to fleet battles instead of a back-and-forth shootout.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:23:52 PM
Inciteion of a planet would only be appropriate for certain things. Like say if the NR incited the Wookiees against TSO, that would be appropriate, cause it would be fine the Wookiees would prefer to be free and there are Wookie players.

But say a unaligned sector? It just seems empty diplomacy without opponents and to me seems of Moding. Or maybe no ones tried to work out a diplomacy RP. I dont know.

But, isn't the case that in the time frame that the NR is generally the Galatic government? I really dont have the answer as no one up to know has defined what the NR is or should be.

Jun 19th, 2001, 09:29:32 PM
Feh. We really need rules on Construction Yards. I have to wonder how groups pump out thousands of AT-ATs in a week or two, let alone a month! Noone has been going by set limits for the ground forces- indeed, most people's ground forces appear out of thin air.

For instance, I follow the 250 m/day rule for vehicles. I can build 25 ground support vehicles, ten meters in length, while TSE builds twenty thousand T5-A attack tanks in twelve days. This is something I can hardly fathom! Then, it takes eleven days to build half as many. Not to mention that order is much less heavily laden with huge, bulky, expensive planetary defences.

Let's see. It would take me six hundred days to build twenty thousand Ground Support Vehicles. Another three hundred for the extra ten kilos. Two years and a hearty chunk of the next, versus twenty-three days.

Also, the Yuuzhan Vong ground forces will live under any universal rule put into place by the Admins.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:41:15 PM
Ground forces to the BWE are very important (See the thread hidden evil), and produceing by the rules is hard enough, but when you see another faction produce the more than you in a lesser time, EVEN tho they have the same contruction resorces as you is frankly not fair, smaller groups with the same resorces as the big ones, people seem to think we can produce it due to our size, but in actral fact we are, but in a war, we get critisised for haveing ground troops or fleet ships apear from nowere, when the bigger groups do that themselfs anyhow...


Good point Carr..

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:55:27 PM
I am creating ground forces, but at specific rates and with specific training and armaments. I sure as anything will NOT be pulling a million troops out of my ass as has been done before. Wether or not it's in the rules, Iwill be continuing to train and create at relatively low rates - 5000 troops in 20 days, which I think is resonable. Give 10 days to create equipment, that is one division in 30 days, armed and equipped. This however is NRSF only and not related to the NR. I would think the NR would have a decently large standing army, but would take a while to respond or to counter.

Well, it WOULD have if anyone bothered to play it.

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:06:14 PM
People roleplay out assaults of unaligned planets all the time. I'm sure you could do it in diplomatic ways, you just can't expect it to be as drawn out or interesting.

Jun 19th, 2001, 10:10:05 PM
Well, that's more respectable than I'll ever be. I'm pressured to work faster, what with taking on the galaxy and all.

*Tom Sawyer 'innocent' whistle*

Morgan Evanar
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:46:47 PM
Ground forces should be determined by what moves them. A troop transport, an ISD, should all yeild X forces as their compliment of troups.

That would simplfy things a great deal.

And instead of assinging resource values to specific planets... a huge headache, lets assign resources by system, because this would take into account the asteriods, which I'm going to assume is probably where most of the ore in SW comes from.

For example:
Hoth System:
8 metal
0 personel
1 food

I think those should be our three resource markers. Eight metal would yeild say.... 16 ISDs? But you wouldn't be able to crew them, and if you were, your food wouldn't really be coming from the Hoth System either.

Going planet by planet would be far too much of a headache, IMO.

Also, I'd like Visc's help especially with the map, and perhaps DT as well. We should be able to find some middle ground with a balance of what which system can yeild, partially based on topography, partially on what would be reasonable for the amount of territory held.

I'm sure otherwise empty systems have plenty of resources like metal, and that would be the only reason to maintain a presence there.

Any comments or suggestions? Please be very specific.

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:52:58 PM
Yeah, I thought the same thing too, but think about it. When someone takes control of a planet, you can't expect them to take the rest of the sector that planet is in just to have a clear understanding of what resources they have.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:04:48 PM
Cizerack ground forces are RPed similarly to how the Chinese fought in Korea. They have ample numbers of manpower (The CHF can field 220 million servicemen) but not much hardware. The ground forces are woefully unsupported with armored vehicles, and only a few divisions have such support. In fact, most infantrymen don't even have a firearm.

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:10:35 PM
Border World Forces are more of a gorrila warfare team, sabatage so they cannot have mobile units to tranposrt food, and equiptment...we hit there supplys first with C-19 charges, they run low ong food and resorces thus they retreat or give up...simple but affrective..

Also the BWE Specel Forces, are Elitle and somtimes un-stoppible...they are hardly ever seen there mission..to get in and out wiout couseing to much trouble....there nickname
beaing "The Ninja Strikers" TNS...

Basic Gorrila Warfare

Morgan Evanar
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:38:21 PM
Good point Jyener, but we need to start somewhere, and going planet by planet is harder than going system by system, at first. I think we should get the systems down, and then work on the planets.... sound ok to everyone?

Reysa Sashara
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:45:45 PM
Morgen...dude...explain further for me....

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:46:04 PM
Lets work out what planets should be granted resources. Theres' approx 800,000 inhabited world (or more) in the Known Galaxy.

Hang on, I have an idea....

:: Rummages through software box to get copy of Star Wars Rebellion with all these answers already::

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 01:36:19 AM
I think Morgan's proposal to start with system/sector resourec ratings at first is a good way to tsart getting his going in the right direction. It will be easier and a faster way to get the resource limits into efect.

Working on levels for individual planets can come after that has already been done, as well as a single definitive Map which is broken into sectors and contains each planet, which can then supplement the distribution of resource rating for the individual plaents/asteroid fields of each sector.

Admiral Jyener
Jun 20th, 2001, 06:01:36 PM
Rebellion doesn't even have half of the planets in the galaxy. Plus, the energy and raw materials for each planet is random each game.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 20th, 2001, 06:22:15 PM
Well Ogre you have the so-far fleets and planets in the (Fleets and planet asset thread) make a map for us to start of with..

Rey- BWE Grand General

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 06:43:02 PM
The map is alreday being worked on by several people and if you read things carefully, you would be aware of that. I am willing to help if asked and am offering suprt and ideas where I can.

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 20th, 2001, 08:15:08 PM
Yea sorry Ogre, umm, so the planets that you asked us to note will all be added to the map?

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:04:21 PM
You know what? I've been in fleets longer than anyone here, besides Jynear. He doesn't count =)

I'll help.

Let's run this like Rebellion. Can someone get Fett in here? He was obsessed with that, last I heard.

We'll run on a system of 'days'. A day to one of our hours. Each planet has space for x shipyards, x construction yards, x cities, x mines, and x farms.

Each city can supply x people, around a million, for military needs.

Each farm can yield enough food for 10,000 soldiers/crewers. A farm, however, takes up one one hundredth of any other building.

Each mine produces x metal per game day or real hour, until the mine is depleted when the planet reaches capacity. Each planet will have a given capacity. Usually, it will be enough metal to give time to produce miners, for space. Each asteroid field holds as much metal as the planet four times over. If there are several planets in the system, you increase the vastness of the asteroid field by 1.5. The planet that bears the most metal is the base planet.

Let me explain again- maybe that didn't come out right. Say there are two planets in the system. Planet I has 4 metal, and Planet II has 2 metal. to calculate the asteroid field, you multiply the planet that holds the most metal by four. The asteroid belt now has 16 metal. Still, you need to factor planet II. You multiply 16 by 1.5. The asteroids hold 24 metal. If there was a third planet, the metal would be 36, and so on.

Each shipyard can contribute to help other shipyards in the system. If you have one shipyard, it takes the same number of days, or hours, to build one ship. If you add another shipyard, one half the time, and another- a third. You may only build one ship at a time in any given shipyard. We now need to figure out how many 'days' per ship. It needs to be determined by mass, not length. It would take estimates.

Each construction yard can both train the soldiers of the cities, and build things. NO DROID STAR FIGHTERS, or anything that can operate in space- except ateroid miners. Four miners= 1 mine, and produce metal at the same speed as a mine. The same building rules for shipyards apply, with the exception that only construction yards on the same planet, not system, may share.

Look, this may not look too well thought out. It isn't. But I've spent a good bit of time on it, so at the very least, critisize instead of skipping it. Things can be altered.

EDIT~ for RPs or the average thread, time is kind of put into slow motion.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:12:39 PM
That makes so much sense. Honestly it does. Sort of like Utopia and most Blizzard games. Why put so much thought into it when you are leave though, Piett?

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:20:14 PM
Because I want to randomly pop in and be treated like an elder god =)

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:25:04 PM
I could make you a Gods chariot with the shipyards you are giving me.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:28:57 PM
*Pats you on the head*

That's alright. You need another member first, anyways.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:30:12 PM
Actually I got two new members: Super Rune and Hunter9161 that are their AIMs.

Admiral Jyener
Jun 20th, 2001, 10:38:10 PM
That's a little complicated..

I really don't think making a system out of this will help. I'd rather use my imagination.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:46:34 PM

I think we all know what problems result from that.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:51:44 PM
I wonder what it said originally..

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 10:52:43 PM
Only removed that huge sig. He used it once in this thread and thats more than enough.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:56:54 PM
Sure.. he probably said <cough> Ogres ways suck! </cough>