View Full Version : Piett, dead or retired.

Jun 16th, 2001, 11:52:17 PM
I've been thinking for a long while. I believe I may kill off Piett, or cease playing him, as well as all of my other charactors. For those of you who don't know who I am, I might as well explain.

GuardPiett's first name is Sean. I made him a long while ago, two years in the upcoming August. I played him at TalkCity, and chatting became very important.

The son of the Admiral, he was well versed in the art of Echani and moderately impressive in the Force. I worked hard to get him recruited into the Legion, the most powerful, influential group spanning the chatrooms.

I met someone named Rylin Drake, who had a son, Goku Drake. She was quite anti-legion.

Well, I worked myself into the legion anyways. I regretted it, and became aware of the leader, LVS, and his ways. He didn't really care about us, and only himself and the preservation of his Legion.

After being ordered to kill Goku (which I carried out- an example of our gracious LVS' work. He was quite the motivationalist.), I quit the Legion, and the chats.

Somewhere in the mix, a good friend, Jynear Celchu (then Darth 007), invited me to his own group, the Death Fleet. It was on ezboard- and I didn't understand the concept right off the bat. Still, I enjoyed myself.

Asked by Grand Admiral Thrawn to help protect the Death Star, well over a year ago, I got used to the SWfans forums. I joined up with The Imperial Empire.

After a few interesting roleplays, resulting in the taking of three World Devastators and the destruction of Mon Calamari, I joined the Rogue Sith Order, in which I surprisingly was accepted. TIE fell apart, but I felt at home.

A month or so later, TIE reformed. I joined, and shortly after, so did two friends- Darth Viscera(Then Dark Side Adept 327[a]), and Director Isard.

I decided to commit a coup, and DSA and Isard agreed to be a part of it as well. As my personal ships and the Third Imperial fleet exchanged powerless lasers, the GMA was formed, and the crews of the ships obliterated. We brought the ships to DSA's new group. TIE fell apart, and from the ashes sprang IIHQ and GMA.

I continued training with my Master, Darth Havok, in RSO. I helped Viscera with GMA, and I did some work for IIHQ, too.

Unfortunately for me, RSO merged with TSE after Venom was unmasked. I'd never really wanted to join, even though the two joined would be much, much stronger. I had done so little in such a long time, accomplished so little, that being elite was everything. But Havok asked me to go along, and I did.

I was put in charge of the fleets, though I'm sure better people deserved it more. I grew to like TSE quite a bit. Shortly after Varlon was made my partner, things got a bit old and paled.

When a few people decided to quit TSE, I thought it would be a good time to creep out unnoticed. I made one post in a thread announcing it, which was later deleted. I got my quiet exit.

Meanwhile, I decided to merge my tremendous flop of a group, SIN, with GMA.

That's the bulk of my story. I'm sorry if I left anything out- some stuff just didn't fit, such as my being in the ROS for a short while.

Anyways, back in the real world, I've been getting myself into quite a bit of trouble. I'll miss all of you guys, but things aren't like they used to be. I don't have anything to cling on to, no title. I never even reached my goal of being a Sith Knight, after nine long months.

I've got nothing now. I plan to do one more RP, and do away with him, or retire to a quiet herdship on Ithor.

Thanks to anyone who actually took the time to read this.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 17th, 2001, 12:15:20 AM
Wow...and I remember ALL of this, too.

Your son was annoying, dude...no offense.

Gonna miss you, man. Hope you don't stay a stranger, to be honest.

Lady DeVille
Jun 17th, 2001, 02:02:09 AM
Well, we've talked once or twice. :) I hope things go well for you... Don't get into more trouble in the Real World, although I doubt there will be any Imperial Interrogator droids to tourture you, its still not a good idea. So, good luck getting out of trouble. :)

*makes note to suggest interrogator droids to LAPD*

Darth Viscera
Jun 17th, 2001, 03:37:45 AM

Well, you know your character will always have a place in the Empire as Vice Diktat.

Admiral Lebron
Jun 17th, 2001, 10:35:59 AM
Damnit! Now you make me feel bad. As I have said countless times before, me gonna miss you Piett.

Jun 17th, 2001, 01:46:22 PM
Thanks, guys. I'll pop in from time to time.

And I forgive you for sending Deathsith to stack me, Lei.

By the way, Anbira, what was your charactors (precise) name?

Dyne Darkforce
Jun 18th, 2001, 07:39:01 PM
That sucks dude, but I understand what your saying. Ill be on AIM, if you wish to talk anytime.

Quellin Vos
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:41:07 PM
Goodbye old friend, sad to see see you go.

Akira Pendragon
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:04:27 AM
Never RPed with you *at least not that I remember*, but you'll be missed.....

:: pats Piett on the head ::