View Full Version : Research & Development...

Reysa Sashara
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:13:33 PM
I have been talking to FMH on the AIM, and he and i seem to agree research times for certain items take a little more time that needed, i feel that if you are wanting to reaserch in "Wing Weapons" Torps, new blaster cannons, etc..etc.. should not take as-long as a cloaking device or massive structual buildings...

I perpose a few things as serggested from FMH that i should write down my perposal...

(New)Torps,Blasters, small fighter cloaking devices: should take around 15-20 days providing you have the resorces to do so in that time allowed, "IE" Tech center or ship yards etc..

(New)larger Items: Ion-cannos research and bigger cloaking devices, and mabey even Biggers wing wepons such as larger bombs etc..etc.. for ether cap ships or "Larger" Assult craft such as gun boats or missile boats. should take around 15-20 days, "IE" Bigger weapons and much more capacity to fill...

(New) Capatol Developments: Such as capatal ship weapons, Radiation devices and even Captaol Claok devices for buildings etc..etc..should take the allicated 40 days due to the size..

The bigger the development the more the time, i dont perticuley want to mark down eatch size that can fit into the day markings, like if the size is over 2000 meters in research size it would take 40 days but things 1000 meters would be 15-20 days, that would be to the admins to decide but, i think i make a good point here...

Same as with ships, the bigger the ship the longer the reaserch..you know?

Rey-Border World Grand General..

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:26:19 PM
I personally think it's a good thought.

What do others think?

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:29:09 PM
maybe something like class A, B, and C research...based on size and complexity.

Jun 19th, 2001, 09:31:29 PM
A. B. C. Good, simple, fast, memorable.

Reysa Sashara
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:35:17 PM
yes putting the avarage size of the items people reaserch or just beaing honest with the size of the reaserch, putting into the 3-4 days catagorys (A,B,C) should be a workerble salotion.

I just dont see the point in reaserching in a item that is a Torp for exsapmle and it takes the same time to reaserch as a Capatol ship...

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:01:57 PM

A - Starfighter weapons/equipment

B - Capital ship weapons/equipment

C - Starfighter

D - Capital Ship

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:18:00 PM
I'ld agree to that. Very nice idea indeed.

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:22:25 PM
Well thats what i thought a few weeks ago, but seeing as the BWE was not a offical SWfans.net team till now, ididnt bring it here....mabey i should have done anyway...


Jun 19th, 2001, 10:32:53 PM
No qualms here.

Supreme Commander Sei
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:39:02 PM
FightingChance here, to lazy to log out of my TGC nick.

I think that their should be two classes of Choice D. A 1000 M + and 1000 meter -. I mean, the ISD took like 12 years to desgin, while the Lancer Frigate took 1 year. Think about it.

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 10:48:32 PM
Yeah, or just split it into D and E.

Jun 19th, 2001, 10:56:19 PM
No you bumbling fool, D-A and D-B.


Sieken Kasstra
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:01:38 PM
no no, i think Jyenar's idea was almost perfect and quit simple for younger Rpers to contend with...

Admiral Jyener
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:12:46 PM
Well that's because I probably am the youngest roleplayer.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:20:12 PM
HEY!!! What's this about confusing young players? Wots about us old players?!?! Now stop playing that rocked music so loud and get your old uncle Hunter a cuppa tea you slacker! Young people these days! In my day we had to roleplay using pieces of rock and a chiesl to write our posts! The Great Pyramid was just one thread!

It was better in the old days before you young uns and all this PeeCee and AitchTeeTeePee stuff, which sounds like a product for prostrate problems anyway! And you freaks who type weird and say your all 1337 h4x0r, go back to school and learn like we all did when we knew the rules and we were respectible! I tell you this planet is going to rot and it's all the young people's fault!!!

Jun 19th, 2001, 11:27:29 PM

My dad..musta been role playing on stonehengde then..

Reysa Sashara
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:32:21 PM
baps FMH over the head with his walking stick**

but serously folks the A,B,C,D format sounds good, ando hope to see the admins set that rule up so we dont have to wait 40 days for a blimmining torpedo..

Force Master Hunter
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:43:50 PM
:: Grabs back walkoing stick::

Mine!! Mine!!! Or I will help you not!!!

Reysa Sashara
Jun 20th, 2001, 02:31:35 PM
ok heres the structer as i see it:

A: 0-500 meters (Wing Weapons, Torps, Blasters, some ground unit "Mobile Units" and equipment, small soldeir blasters such as new kinds of guns and such etc..etc..)
"5-10 days"

B: 500-1000 meters ( Biggers units such as, cloaking devices, larger Torpedos "IE" BIO weapons and high densety torps, and more advanced sorts of weapons like cloaking devices, small new kinds of TIE fighter, and other small starfighter driod fighters and other cyborg brain weaponry, stc..etc...
"10-25 days"

C: 1000-2000 meters ( capatol class ships, and the new reaserched weapons to go with that, possible building cloaking devices, bigger buildings such as Droid works, weapon factorys, and other buildings.
"25-40" depending on size of cap ship, Frigate to Cap ship sizes

D: Anything over 2000 meters takes 90 days and has to RPed out anyway...


Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 02:54:19 PM
A – Personnel devices - 10 days

B – smaller class weapons and cloaking devices for anything smaller than 100M – 15 days

C – Cloaking devices and weapon designs for items larger than 100M but smaller than 1001M – 25 days

D – 1001M – 4999M – 30 days

E – Everything else – 90 days or more, depending on complexity.

And of course these are just suggestions for research times, this does not indicate or effect build times.

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:17:58 PM
Well, Ogre, funny thing is that you didn't factor ships of any kind in there.A – Personnel devices - 10 days

A – Personnel devices - 10 days

B – Starship class weapons, planetary turbolasers or ion cannons, or starfighters/frigates under two hundred meters - 15 days.

C – Cloaking devices, planetary shield generators, and cruisers up to nine hundred meters – 25 days

D – Any ship larger than 900 meters, but up to the 2 km part – 30 days

E – Everything else – 90 days or more, depending on complexity. Other equipment, such as large scanners or special computers that shouldn't take long, should be brought up after the rules are set in place.

EDIt: How about we save the sig for the silly threads rather than clutter the serious ones with it? Its huge in pixel size. x_x

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jun 20th, 2001, 10:21:30 PM
Sure I did. I was just trying to simplify. :p

Jun 20th, 2001, 10:26:07 PM
Well, too simple for the likes of me!

Or not simple enough O_o

Jun 25th, 2001, 11:30:33 AM
Have we made a decision here?

Jun 25th, 2001, 12:02:57 PM
...One has a pretty damn big starfighter at 200m.

Other than that, I believe the system is fine and fair.

Khendon S
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:48:47 PM
I think we should leave it up to the developer, I believe we are all competent enough not to put a 100 day research date on a blaster rifle or a 2 day research rate on a fighter, aren't we? Standardization isn’t needed as long as we use our heads.