View Full Version : Discussion : Status of the New Republic

Force Master Hunter
Jun 25th, 2001, 07:57:18 PM
This is an open discussion to sort out fairly what the status of the New Republic is and what it is in control of.

In the time period we are in, most players think of the New Republic as being the main goverment, with large territory and planets.

Here, this is far the the case. Reviewing the New Republic, it more appears like the Rebellion in size and certainly is not a galatic governmet as described in the EU. There appears no room for a senate, YET it appears to me that planetary accusitions take place against the (non existant) Republic.

It's very much out of kilter with SW refernce guides and EU books.

What are the views of the players in relation to this? What should the status of the Republic be? Is it, as some presume, the galatic government? Is it as it appears now, just a small group with low planetary control? It seems to myself to be one of the more glaring problems with planetary control and consistency.

Suggestions? Questions? Anyone?

Admiral Jyener
Jun 25th, 2001, 08:08:01 PM
Maybe with the rise of more enemies, and an increasing threat of peace spread throughout the galaxy, the New Republic is trying to slip out of the main picture and behind the scenes. They figure they can try and build up as much as they can as long as they aren't confronted. Meanwhile it assists its worlds in time of need, otherwise they would lose popular support.

Darth Eve
Jun 25th, 2001, 08:08:48 PM
FMH, if I may put in my two cents, as we have discussed in another forum on another board, I think the NR should have a GREAT presence here. I will post what I said there, here:

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Where the hell are the Imperials and Republic? I know that Imp Intel members have had a hard time getting participation in their group, but people should really pay attention to these groups of people. They are the agents of sith destruction and the tool for jedi's power against them, and always have been. People have to remember that sith and jedi are religion. The Imperials and the Republic are political forces, that without, the Jedi nor the Sith could have these epic battles. They are the funds behind the war on good and evil. The Jedi and the Sith are superior in fighting skills and work FOR these people. The Imperial forces fear the sith power and therefore Palpatine and Vader ruled by fear. The Jedi work with the Republic to instill peace and prosperity. Again this works, and the Jedi are the law enforcement/peace-keepers, because of their superior power. This is where corruption and politics enter, which is the INTERESTING STUFF.

In the new series, the Republic is so corrupt that they start to believe that the Jedi are the bad guys, and thus Luke, Leia, and Han have a hard time fighting the YV because they have no support or resources from the New Republic.

It is SO important no to forget these guys, they are the heart of the Star Wars epic. Many of them are also special and heroic, or particularly evil and corrupt without having force skills.

There should be a live Senate which is very active. The name of the game is which sith corrputs which senators to influence the politics of the Republic? OR which Senators use the feared sith to promote their political agenda? Who uses who for political gain? Things get planned and promoted behing closed doors by people who we THOUGHT were our allies. Then the Jedi discover plans in some way or another and use THEIR influences to put things back in their peaceful place. Meanwhile conflict or war ensues, Imperial forces are harbored to wage battles to keep the corrupt plans going, and on and on. See how important these guys are?!?! I can't believe they are anything LESS than the primary agents in our RP world.

That touches on my opinion, as you have read. :)

Jun 25th, 2001, 08:28:29 PM
First off, on the Jedi and Sith.

They are, at least the Sith, political organizations. It is like any other government, but with religious leaders at the reigns. Think of it as medieval Europe with the Roman Catholic Church wielding more power than the king.

The Imperials are GMA. GMA represents the Empire quite well, if you ask me.

Anyways, this is NOT the books. If it were, the Sith would be nearly non-existant, the New Republic would dominate, the Yuuzhan Vong would hold the galaxy in fear, and the Imperials would be clustered into a tiny portion of space.

People have strived to get to where they are. It would be unfair to take away the fruits of hard work and give them to someone else.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 25th, 2001, 08:41:28 PM
No one said a thing about taking anything from anyone. It's simply wont happen.

All that is being asked is what the status of the NR SHOULD be here as it appears inconsistent with what many people think and how it's been presumed generally.

Darth Viscera
Jun 25th, 2001, 08:50:47 PM
The Republic is as it is at the moment because no one is motivated to RP as them. Someone should go around and draft Jedi into the NR fleet. Stick "1A" labels on the ones with 20/20 vision, give them a week of training, jam them into a cockpit and shoot them off at the enemy.

Khendon S
Jun 25th, 2001, 09:02:13 PM
I agree w/ visc.

Fleet Commander Zell
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:46:04 AM
Do you want to know why noone is RPing the NR?

Viscera, and I'll tell you why. Not to bad mouth Viscera that's not where I'm going with this. Visc has made it his mission to build basically an Empire and the problem for the NR is that he's done a pretty damn good job. Where does that leave us who have some kind of aspirations to restore our brand of order to the Galaxy? At least a year behind as far as building, recruiting, and strategizing. Personally I'd love to start the NR up and try to take back the Galaxy heck I've even started it but everytime I think of building up a group like that I think of how tough it'll be for my group to compete with Visc because let's be honest if I've got a NR or Rebellion group Visc is my main opponent. So in no way am I trying to bad mouth Visc I'm just saying that he's got a monopoly right now and he's invested a ton of time on his group/fleet etc.

Darth Viscera
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:49:36 AM
The phrase "Non-Aggression pact" springs to mind.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jun 26th, 2001, 01:32:01 AM
Oh, and then there's that little planet called Calan over there somewhere :mad:

Sieken Kasstra
Jun 26th, 2001, 06:12:39 AM
untill i joined the Sith, i was a LT-Commander there, and to be honest the baord was very quiet and hardly any activty, i think there was about (About) 6 of us keeping that baord up, and for a short time, a sqaudron of X-wingers, naming, Kyle Horn..me..and some others without the leader was running the baord down there by keeping it active...im my opinon its a nice Baord and a great team to have in SW.fans, and persoanly it should stay, but mabey like Viscera said, should have more characters allicated to the team...

Sieken Kasstra/Reysa Sashara