View Full Version : Why did no one tell me...

Jul 6th, 2001, 11:34:02 AM
That there's an Episode 2 trailer out?? :eek:

Khrast... I can be sort of slow sometimes.

Lord Gue
Jul 6th, 2001, 11:39:05 AM
Damn, that is slow Nup

Jul 6th, 2001, 11:50:09 AM
Wait... this is a fake. :/ :mad:

Darth Varlon
Jul 6th, 2001, 06:23:19 PM
Take off the headset and quit dancing once and awhile Nupt and you'll hear things more often than not when we're screaming at you :p :lol:

Darth Viscera
Jul 6th, 2001, 06:42:27 PM
That animated gif is rather hypnotic....like a lava lamp.

Satine Capashen
Jul 6th, 2001, 07:59:14 PM
I say we kill that dancing cat...

Jul 6th, 2001, 08:38:05 PM
You leave my dancing cat the heck alone! :mad:

Shade Magus
Jul 6th, 2001, 08:52:57 PM