View Full Version : Admins and Others

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:16:30 PM
Yesterday a slight shock....no..let me refrase that...one massive shock hit the Viashino Empire and the Vong, the GMA decides just as the Via turn offical to completely liberate and destroy EVERYTHING we have left, first off vis, i have told you several times but you ignore my talks,we are a Outte-Rim near darn wild space team that have origanted on the outter rim and will stay on the outter rim...BUT NO!! you put us in the inner rim section of your map and right in the center of your invaison corridor,now you can ask ANYONE about the Via in the team and they will tell you we are outter Rimmers, so therefor you have placed us perposely where you want us to be so you can take us over at you plesure...to me that is a form of god-modeing and i dont like it...you ASK ME where my planets are not place them were you like...you have no right to place 3 planets were you like so you can blatenly overun them

in short You have placed our planets at your plesure where YOU wanted them to be and didnt even bother to ask us were they were so you could plesurebaly take them over with ease... like i said placeing a planet were you want them to be so you can take them at you plesure is a form of god-modeing and i will ask the admins about this...

Reysa Sashara-Grand General of the Viashino Empire (or whats left of it)

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:23:55 PM
I have seen no signs of god moding.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:27:09 PM
so he is allowod toplace our planets were HE likes in the middels of his invaison corridor just ti perposly take us over..

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:28:54 PM
Where he places your planets on that map is all "window dressing", to be honest. It doesn't really enter into anything, except aesthetics. It wouldn't matter if you were living in Oompa-Loompa land, he could hyper an assaut force in and attack you. That's not god-moding. Not at all.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 03:30:38 PM

Tsaak Vootuh
Jul 12th, 2001, 04:43:17 PM
Reysa, calm down and just fight! It's only a game dude, and this war might actually be some fun.

Jul 12th, 2001, 04:52:15 PM
Fun, it may be. But talking to Vis, I asked what IC reasons he had to attack. Now, I won't say those, but both of his reasons involved where he placed the Vong and Viashino planets.

If he'd placed them properly, both of those reasons would be void. The Yuuzhan Vong are also confined to the outer rim. Also, in the mapping topic, the Cizerack chose an empty sector and placed themselves there. It is nowhere near where Viscera has placed them, which alters Viscera's perceptions of what their trade routes are. And taking Vong and Via space would in no way affect their trade routes, unless they're shipping goods to some Extra-Galactic government.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 04:59:09 PM
Thankyou Carr on agreeing with me on these matters

Gav Mortis
Jul 12th, 2001, 06:11:05 PM
In any case, I believe it is important for Viscera to place the planets at the correct locations on the map otherwise he can dictate the distances between planets and whatnot to his advantage as displayed here.

Taken into account, do you really think the Empire would stretch right out into the Outer Rim for three measly planets from a small group. Needless to say, these planets have no strategic advantage for the Empire when in their correct locations and as a result, Viscera may have moved them near the center so that it is an easy target and convenient for his Empires positioning.

I am yet to see any admins to ask Viscera to locate the planets at their correct positions on the map, which I believe is the right course of action to take.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 06:19:48 PM
thank you Gav...:)

Darth Varlon
Jul 12th, 2001, 06:54:00 PM
I have to agree on these matters. Moving planets so that they are conveniant to you should be considered a form of god-modding. Planets should be left in their correct spots, and incorrect maps to be ignored when it comes to placement of planets. I personally believe that the Viashino, Vong, and Cizerack all belong where they originally were and shouldn't be shuffled around like mere toys in a toybox.

Despite the fact that this is a game, one still has to be fair, and this is far from it.

Jul 12th, 2001, 07:06:34 PM
It's true Reysa choose an empty sector no where near the places where Viscera put them.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:17:55 PM
Anyone have link to threads or these maps as evidence? As of yet I have seen none, just a heard a lot of hearsay and references to AIM chats, which I do not claim or want to claim responsibility for. I admin these forums, not what happens in IM.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:21:34 PM
well 2 of the 3 planets there we made up out of my own head therefore, i can quite safely confirm they are outter-rim planets, Ambria howerver were i found the infomation had not much detail about it in such a large area....but they can have Ambria, the other 2 planets, Darvin and Vortos are quite frankly my creation therefore i can Confirm they are outter-rim, and since the infomation on Ambria is so sparce noone knows where Ambria REARLY is not even vis i therefor would like to place it in the outter rim

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:27:11 PM
Where is the evidence that they are or were placed somewhere other than that? Is it here at SWFans?

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:30:03 PM
Ogre, you not getting are you, he has simply placed those planets in that area simply to take them over, same as with the Vong, again they are my creation thefore put where i created it, and no id dit think iw ould have to have proof ever to state were i placed the planets...you dont say...."opps do you have proof that the planet mars is realy next to earth" do you?

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:32:09 PM
No, your not getting it. I want to see where he did this, not just hear you say it happened.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:38:43 PM
rightio...hers the map: www16.brinkster.com/wlabi...ap_mod.jpg (http://www16.brinkster.com/wlabiche/Galactic_map_mod.jpg)

theres the map just the proove it, and even if i didnt have the proof he should still ask me where the planet it anyway...not just place it at his own lesure we he wants to (right in the Imperial Invaision Corridor) of all places why would we take planets were the Imperals could easryl take it with all due respect Ogre im more intelegent to not take on the likes of a 900+ ship team...

Nichos Marr
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:40:35 PM
unjoh.com/gallery/map-bp.jpg (http://unjoh.com/gallery/map-bp.jpg)

ALL of the Yuuzhan Vong planets are outer rim, edge of the galaxy type planets. The only planet of value to Viscera is Muunilist, which is located in the Imperial Remnant sector. At the time, the NR owned it. We invaded and took it from them. Viscera said he didn't care.

I don't think that a full scale war would be necessary for five measly planets. These planets don't even have trade route connection or value. Viscera started this war because he was bored. He had NO IC reason to start it.

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:45:08 PM
Okay, I see that he has placed the planets in a central location and don't agree that should be the case by what I have heard, but I don't have any power over his Map(its not a Map that the staff here has created, approved or can modify) and I have seen none of the Admins or Mods here say that it is what is to be used as the standard here.

I also need to hear his side of the story before making any kind of decision.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 12th, 2001, 07:46:17 PM
Thank you Ogre and sorry for my rudeness im just very annoyed right now...my apologise

Force Master Hunter
Jul 12th, 2001, 08:21:14 PM
As to the issue of the maps, I do remeber claims that the ... ummm...(What the hell were they?) were on the Outer rim. If they are not official SW planets, then you can place them where you want. At least in my opinion. Besides, I'm not actually aware of a "official" Star Wars map as per se. See Ogre reply for the rest of what I think on this issue, I agree with him

And as for reasons to start a war.... well, if he wants to start a war, that's up to him. There's no rule saying he needs a logical reason. Maybe he had a bad day at the Sabacc table and wants to take it out on someone.

Nichos Marr
Jul 12th, 2001, 09:27:11 PM
You don't slaughter thousands of beings because you had a bad day at the sabacc table. RPing is fun, until you have to fend off a war of 700+ ships with not even a hundred. This isn't a war, it's a massacre.

'God Moding' - this involves doing something in character which is impossible, or that gives you an unfair advantage

Viscera hasn't done anything impossible. Although, suddenly starting a war against one of the smallest groups (fleetwise) at SWFans is an unfair advantage.

But hey, lets just allow a few months of hard work from both the Via and the Vong to go down the drain because Darth Viscera is bored. Sometimes I wonder if its only the Empire that he dictates.

Darth Viscera
Jul 12th, 2001, 09:53:20 PM
I had to create an illustration to add to the briefing I was giving my people at strategic command, so I gave the planets temporary locations on the map, which I will be happy to change once the conflict is over. Changing the locations at this juncture, however, would merely confuse the situation. I searched for the planets at several Star Wars planet guides, as did Jeseth, but we could find none of them, except for Toprawa, I believe it was, which was already listed on the map. Had anyone from the Yuuzhan Vong or Via groups been on Aol Instant Messenger at the time, I would have consulted them for the locations of the planet. However, I needed to compose a briefing immediately.

The locations of the planets on the map will have no bearing on anything that I or the empire roleplays, save to serve as a visual aid OOC and thus prevent confusion. If I mentioned that the Empire had launched this war to gain planets which are important because of their strategic location according to my temporary map, then you have my apology for this error, and my assurance that the location of the planets in question will be fixed on the GMA Galactic Map as soon as is practicable.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:06:12 PM
Unfair advantage refers to say writing a post that makes your opponent unconcious and denys them the opportunity to reply. Attacking your opponent with overwhelming force (say 5 Sith against 1 Jedi) is not, unless it is with the purpose to not allow the Jedi to respond.

Why? Because the Moding refers to cheating to gain victory. Viscera is not cheating. The forces exist and he can do what he wants if it is within common sense and fair play as far as I am concerned. As far as I see he has only declared war, thence there is no comment if he is playing fair or not as yet.

Darth Viscera
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:15:29 PM
In addition to declaring war a force has been deployed to their planets which outnumbers anything that they are able to field eightfold. The reason for this is that if I were them, I'd concentrate on holding a single planet with all available forces after seeing that my enemy's forces are momentarily scattered and vulnerable to defeat in detail. Thus each of the eight divisions deployed is designed to be able to parry a thrust by the enemy until reinforcements can arrive, surround the enemy forces, and massacre them.

I don't know if this can be considered unfair play or not, IC they are being rapidly subjugated in order to flex a little Imperial muscle and keep the sailors and soldiers on their toes, similar to the U.S. Cavalry against the Indians.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:32:03 PM

Gut feeling is that it is somewhat unfair, but it is not illegal. Does push fair play boundary most likely.

:: Wanders over to the BG to go have a look::

Tsaak Vootuh
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:40:10 PM
I wasn't saying it was illegal. Even I know it's not. But it is highly unfair in my opinion. It should be considered unfair if you have <font size=5>NO CHANCE<font size=2> of winning. That is our status right now, no chance. Even if we combined our forces with the Viashino Empire, we would still be crushed. I fail to see how we'll beat a force seven times bigger then our own.

Darth Viscera
Jul 12th, 2001, 10:51:00 PM
It has been done before. Instead of complaining about it OOC, perhaps you should be strategizing.

Warmaster Vong
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:00:19 AM
Tsaak, we have a chance at Victory and you know that. Fleets aren't the only ways to win wars.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 13th, 2001, 12:38:26 AM
(Moderates Warmaster Vong to +5 insightful)

Reysa Sashara
Jul 13th, 2001, 05:11:47 AM
Vicsera you know exsactly what you have done is wrong unfair and basicly god modeing you know we cant get out of it, i feel that is discusting to say the least....

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 13th, 2001, 08:31:49 AM
Stop complaining about it. If you don't like it...try to work it in your favor. He's within the bounds of the rules, and beating this dead horse is only going to make the wrong people irritated <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\">

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 13th, 2001, 11:57:51 AM
Reysa ... the best thing to do is work with the Vong. Warmaster already has the right attitude about this and if you guys work together ...you never know what can happen, but if you keep complaining about the situation and not trying to RP out in the forums, your just going to get left behind.

Don't do that :p Your energy is better served fighting and planning .. and if something does happen to become a god-mode, it will be looked into if it happens on either side.

About not having a chance to win ... if a Padawan fights a Sith Master, and visa versa, one on one ... there really isn't a chance of winning is there? Well, there is although slim :) Now ... how that fight goes down and what happens is what matters. Open challenges can throw curve balls at you just like this war. I didn't see it coming that's for sure.