View Full Version : ooc-can i join?

Princess Leia 1288
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:30:26 PM
can i join?im an experenced mod/admin.I can rp pretty good,but not awesome.i also have my own board.

Jul 15th, 2001, 10:32:43 PM
Well, I'm sure you'll have no problems joining our little roleplay universe here. First things first, though: We have a forum specifically for OOC posts, so I'm going to move this there now. I hope you see it. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in this thread or contact me privately via E-Mail or Instant Messanger (both of which are in my Public Profile).

Princess Leia 1288
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:44:26 PM
oh im sorry.so what do i start w/?can i be princess leia?like my character says?

Jul 15th, 2001, 11:08:12 PM
Well, I'm sure you'll find many of your questions answered in the <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm14.showMessage?topicID=3.topic>Roleplay FAQ</a>.

A good way to start here is by picking a group that you want to be a part of and applying for membership there. A list of some of the currently active groups can be found <a href=http://pub26.ezboard.com/bgalacticbattlezone>here</a>.

And, as for playing the part of Princess Leia - No one is really going to stop you, but be forewarned: there are at least half a dozen other posters playing the same character, so you might want to think twice about it. ;)

Princess Leia 1288
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:24:31 PM
im sorry but that didn't help at all.it didn't detail what you do here.it was just a bunch of posts.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 16th, 2001, 05:38:56 PM
Leia, feel free to contact me over AIM or MSN if you want me to give you a detailed explanation. I'm sure any other roleplayer with a publicized e-mail or AIM name in their profile would be willing to help out as well.

Jes ~ Siggy too big make sure you don't be using it out in RP land =)

Princess Leia 1288
Jul 16th, 2001, 10:17:14 PM
thanx.i was wondering who is the admin of this board?

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:14:59 AM
Sorry about that Dale. I'll try to reduce it some time this week.

Leia, the admins and moderators for this board are all listed in the FAQ for SWFans.net. :p

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:17:07 AM
It's alright Jes :)

And no we aren't!

:: starts edited out her name and hides under a rock ::

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:19:10 AM
;; Sits on the rock. ;;

Admins and Mods? Where!? :D

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:19:59 AM

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:24:14 AM
;; God-modes while there's no one around to stop him and blows up the OOC forum with his Death Star, which just apeared from thin air. ;; ^_^

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:28:21 AM
hmm ... I guess that would be considered a legal act here ^_^